( 1 t I CRJ1X AND PRODCCE MARKET Opcninj la Firm ud Some Higher Than Prerioui Day. rOEEIGN SITSOLiST IS BZTTO OSTerlnae at the Start ttrtt Vary Light aa th abort Covered Freely and Ir1e Hal 114 fcstsllr. OMAHA. Neb.. Auf. U, 190?. Tht opening rrarket was fine and soma h'ghet, cttiMd by ths failure of Liverpool ii .LQW. th Ter decltns of yesterday and tha Increased export sales. Ths foreign crop nmmuy has Improved rary llttla aad the condition In the north s'.. co.nta. "till ta be doubtful. . opened tnm and a fraction higher, jwin to higher Minneapnlia curb and tha nrmneaa In Liverpool prices, which haa Increased the ei port sale. Offering at tha atart were light and shorts covered freely, and prtcea rallied cloned mt" Wht opr'r1 l 710 Corn opened firm and ahade higher, on heavy buying and Mattered demand from commission bouse. Jhr was a atrang bull tone to market, r?th No. 1 In particular heading It. ,n tn w1 nd aouth la atlll dry. with ahowera predicted for Nebraska and Kansas. September corn opened at Vc and cloaed at 47Hc Osts continue to be strong, with country houses being the best buyara. Receipts are small and offerings are very light and trade not active September oata opened at ic and closed at 4ie. Primary wheat receipts were I.449.00C bu. and shipments 22,or bu., against recelpta ' ot J,0uO bu. and ahlpmenu of tMJM bu. corn receipts were 64.000 bu. and ship ments O.0O bu., against receipts last year of 14, CM) bu. and ehlpmenta of SM.Oi. Liverpool cloaed d lower on wheat and Ho higher on corn. Seaboard reported ao,ona bu. of wheat and ia.ou hu. of corn. Local ranga of options: ArUclea., Open. I Hlgh. Low. Closa.l Tss y. AufuH. 11. lie; September. 11.4c: Octo ber. 12.04c; November, 11 10c; livoember, 12 17c; Jinurr, 1117c; February, 12ic; March, 11.14c; April. 11.40c; May. 1I.44U. THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14. lf07. Wheat 1 pt.... Cars : Sept... Deo... May... Cats Sept.. lc.... May... TTV 77 1 77Y 7,, 82V K HH 84 V ehi' WSJ 87s, 47J 4"V 4", 4M 4j 48 4!r 47V' 471 47V OA, 44, 41', 43!" CH 42 41M,! 42, 42v, 44S 44 44V.I 44 Osnasus Cash Prices. WHKAT-No. f hard. 7fS'7lc: No. I hard. 73f7e( No. 4 hard. WrJ7:c; No. I spring. rsc; m grade, tegitc. CORN Ko. t. 47647Wc; No. 4. 46H'846Hc; t Td. W43c; No. yellow. 47wG47Vjc; No. whtte, 47H47o. OATS No. I mixed. 4344c; No. I white, H4fcc; No. 4 white. 4fl44Hc; standard, RTE No. 1 tSc; No I. Sf&S7c. Cir Lt Kecetnta. Wheat- Corn. Oats. Chicago 470 in 6 Kanaaa City 5M Omaha ?C (1 I 8 Leu Is i CHICAGO GRAI5 AD rilOVISIOXS Frnturea of tkc- Tra4ia mm Claslag Prices mm RosM of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. U Wheat opened strong because of Improved export demand. Sep tember opened at S4c to e4V,c and sold at Mc. The hough atlll nervous, the can Irk v feellna wnicn aeveiopeo yesterday, entirely ritnap- r tared today. The strength abrcad. the nowledge that a big export buelnees would have been worked had the wire sen-Ice permitted, and tha very thorough cleaning up of long lines, contributed to the restor ing of confidence. It 'a nrobable also that a a bearish factor the strike was dts ,. counted yesterday. The trading was gnod throughout the session. tnd from one T source and another we gather 4hat consid erable export buaineaa has been done in both wheat and flour, of tha last we are poaltlve. It may take a dav or two to re l!ev the market of the cVinseauenreS of the break, and If awptember liquidation la not yet completed thla may art aa a drag, but the worst la over, and oerators from now on ahould bo looking for a place to buy. The market slumped about the middle of the aeaslon. and again became strong: September advanced to M'ic. Tha cle waa strong at the high point. Com waa firm. September opened at 844c and advanced to 647c. firm csbl'S. dry, hot weather west and reports of drouth In Roumanla caused the early spurt. Long corn came out from local holders, precipitating lc break, which waa recovered in part only. Thla eeema to be tha -aftermath of yeaterday a brk In wheat. Tha market weakened with wheat and failed to rally, September closing weak, down c at DJ7o. Oata were strong on active buying. Sep tember aold at 44Hto. There waa only a moderate trade In oata - and aot a very great range in values, final prices showing a alight gain. The reporta In regard to threshing while limited In number are of the same tenor aa hereto fore, skowlng disappointing results every where. We would buy oats on any set back, believing tha crop be ahort and aa exceptional condition existing thla year. Provisions wera firm on a 5c advance In tha price of live hogs. September pork waa TtfLPe higher at ft 14. Lard waa up ! at t.Kj.UV- Ribs were te higher at IS. To. Prtcea In Chicago, furnished by the fp dlka Oral a oompaay. telephone Douglas J47S. lot Be building. Omaha: OMAHA WHOLr.Ttt" MARKET. Caadltlow at Trade ss4 Qsatatteas Staple aai Faaef rn4a . F'Tl-rer ds., lio. bLTTKR Packing slock. HHci cholos to fancy dairy, 3c; creamery, Oc. LiVE POlLTRT-fiprlng chickens, 14c: hens, lie; roomers, c; turkeys. 13c; ducks, geese. 4c. HAT Cho'ce No. 1 upland. r000; medium. VVi, No. 1 bottom, .; o7gradee from K M to I&S0: rye straw, f,M; No. I alfalfa, Ui.oa F-Rl'ITS AND VEI-ON9. APPLE Farly .June aa Astrachan. 74e per half bushel basket BLACKPERRIK8 Case, M quarts, 1150. CALIFORNIA PEACH Eft Per box. II SO. CALIFORNIA FLl" M8 Per Trata, 8 00. BLUEBERR1E3 Per l-quart caae. U 50. TKXAH WATERMELONS Each, 2640c; crated for ahlpmenC I He per lb. CANTELoL'PE Texa, standard crate, BOO: Arlaona standard. ImM; Arkansas standard, 14 00. PEARS California, tXU a box. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS-Llmonlera. tnc six. MOO; IS stxe, n; other branda. wc less. BANANAS Per medl um-atxed bunch. tlli, Jumbos. I10iii460, ORANOEd Valencias, . N and 111 slsea, U Uj4.7S; LU, 144, lit, 300 and tit sisea, 6 3 t6.W. . . DATES Kadawav. ic: Bayers. Sc; Hal lowls, sc; new stuffed walnut dates. -lb. box. $1.00. VEGETABLES. NAVT BEAN3 Per bu.. No. L ST00O tm; No. 1 tl2w; Lima, tSve per lb. POTATOKS-Per bu.. n?w, 7Sc ASPARAGCS 75c per dox. bunches. PEANS-New wax and string. Me per market barkrt. HEET8. Tl'RNIPS and CARROTS Per rr.arket basket. fcfWOc. RADI8HL8--Per dot. bunches, horns groan. 20c. TOMATOES Home grown, market basket n-atc. 1. Cl'Cl MBER3-rer dox.. 40C60C LETTCCE Per dor., 25c. CELERY Kalamaxoo. 3U43&C ONIONS Yelluw, 3': per lb.; red. Ic NEW PEi'PERS-Per market basket. 76., MISCELLANEOt."S. COFFEE Itoasteu, No. . fte per lb.; No. li, 14Hc per lb.; No. 23, lie per lb.; No. 11. LSC per lb. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCITS-Prunea are somewhat unsettled liy freer offfrlngs from second hands, who seem desirous if mi.vlng sui ylies of immediste gTades Qn--Utlona range from tc to sc for CalirornlaJ fruit and from 6ic to ec for Oregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yel lows Quoted at 13Sc. Kaiatna are firm; three-crosn loose Musratds are quoted ft tc; four-crown, 10c; seeded raii.lra. ',ailc FISH Halibut, lie; trout, 13c; pickerel, K-c; .Ik. 14c; p'ke. fresh fr..rrti. t2c: whlte fsh )421flo; huffalo, c: bullheads, skinned, and dressed 13c; catfish, dressed, 17c; white perch. 7c: white bass, lie; black bass, toe; sjnfish. 6S9c; crapnles, efiSc; Urge crap pies, loc: herrlr.g, fresh froxen. c; white fish, froxen. 131wc; pickerel, fresh froxen, c: fipanlah mackerel, 18c: native mackerel, hJiJSc per f.sh; codlsh. fresh froxen, 12c; red snapper, l!c: flounders, fresh froscn, IV; haddock, fresh frcien, lie; atnelts. 13c; shad roe, 46c per lb.: frog tegs, J.V; per dot.: green sea turtle meat, 2ie per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west ern, tec. Tomatoes, fancy 1-pound cans, fl.4f: standard. 1-pound cans. II 26. Pine spnle. grated. I-ponnd. H 'Ttt.Jf; sliced. r..7f J..1. Gallon apples. PV Callforn'a apricots. 12.00. Pears, II Tfc'v-i "A Peaches. I1.7SO2 40: I C. peschrs. $2.004,2.30. Alaska salmon, red. $1.10: fancy Chinook, flat, $2 10; fancy sockeye, flat, $1j. Sardines, quarter oil. $3 ? three-ui'nr'.ers mustard. $3 il. 8-et potatoes. tl Sgl.JS. Sauer kraut, tor. Pumpkins, td-fftlM. Lima beans, t-lb., 7act$1.2. Soaked peas. 3-ib.. 66c; fancy, $114-. HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen salted. No l. $u,c; So, y, TV;: bull Mdea. c; green, rides No. 1. 7r: No. i 6c; horse. jCnf l&O; aneep p!ts. Kx-tl.S. Tallow, No. i. No. J. 1'tc. Vool. VS72c. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib. 13c; No. ! rib. HHc: No. I rib. 7c. No. 1 loin, 19c; No. I loin. 14VN No. 1 lo!n, 12c No. 1 chuck. 6c; No. I chuck, ' tc; No. 2 chuck. 4V,c. No. 1 round, c; No. ' 2 round. fcic; No. 1 round, 7VC. No. 1 plate. 3c; No. 2 plate, 2c; So. 1 c WEATHER IX THE GRAIN BELT, Fair Wednesday and Change la , 1 rstsera t are. OMAHA. Aug. U. UW. Debt ahowera wera scattered throughout Kansas. Colorado and New Mexico within the last twenty-four hours, and were qu'te I general In the lower Mississippi and Ohio valleys and southern states. The pressure ' la much higher over the central valleya j and northwest and generally fair weather j prevails in all sections. Temperatures are , allfrhiiy lower In the Ohio and lower Mia- ; siss'.ppi valleys, but are higher in the upper OMAHA LIVE STOCK MMET Cattle of All Kindi Slow, with Prices .. Euier. HOGS 0PZ5 BZTTZE, CLOSE LOWLE keep aad Laaifca la Oo4 Oeaiaad, . wltk Prices All Klada Gen erally steady Feeders Wanted. BOCTH OMAHA, August IX 1M. Receipts were: Cattle, Hoga. Sheep. Official Monday 1.171 4.M4 U.X-t Estlmatad Tueaday 4" 7,low .0a Two days this week....l4.r$ Sama days laat week I Sams days I weeks ago . 10. 363 Bam days I weeks ago. .10. 74 Sama day a 4 weeks ago.. T'l Bams days last year 1,291 The following table Shows the receipts of cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to data, compared with last year: 1907. lWi. Cattls 64.34 57A.J44 Hogs 1.643.0W 1.734 24 6heep tW.27 K9.1SS Tbs following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for iie last several daya, with coreparlsocs: U.SS 11.3:4 14.211 1&.7T 15.277 li4 10.197 i7.:7 ibsi Inc. U.K0 14.0M tint Data I 1907. ,liC. la., lo4. ;130.11U3. 11301- Aug. I... Aug. 4.. Aug ... Aug 4... Aug. 7... Aug. ... Aug. ... Aug. 10. Aug. 11. Aug. 11. I K ( 42! 4 ' 4 I $ 04' i 02 T $J t 761 1 0l I 04 7 $C 1 on K 1 K I 7S I i v4 T l I M I 111 t 12 T 1 1 E ail c w If IK. I 71 23 a I it, 77 ; 4 ii I 73H n 1 ani! a m 1 M, i vi a n - .( I seVsf 1 1 wl 4 ii i nl 7, $ 74 $3 t 71 t $ t 74 t 7$ M M IK 44 rt M M V ... I s. m ... I w ri M MT 41 ft W 11 I t w tt n m m m r m w M M M IK IM 1 44 t a in 44 i!4 so rt im I n at w im . . 1 Ti n 40 r X" I T TO MS IN ei r as 1 ti T4 m ei tfl TS I TI T4 4 l. rt n l" 4 r m 4t m ... I TT14 S4 M at M M ... I TT T4 Nl IM m ... 1 tth at ti 4 Ti ... 1 at at tf ... 4 a 1 a (i txi ... a tM to 1 to n ... 4t r 110 I St a ... t r?l SO I M 44 U ... S4 St $ St 46 M ; M l 4 I lti r til tn ss ri s 1 r4 ts rn M rvl ... I II H TT tn St i vt ... 1 tin t 1 a si t ... 1 n4) n nt ... It et 14 I ! 4 !44 M 45 rt ... 1 u, 41 ni at M m 44 I SS TI nt 4 47 t ... I K Tl trt ... ti jen m In - n im jn 4 tt M I H tl. IM ... 4 t . I SS 44 113 ... I I I 5 I B I I n I rn I e I is I so I an I I ta I S I Pundav. The official number of cars of stock brought In yesterday by each road was: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'ses. C, M. aV 8t. P I a Missouri Pacific... 8 Cnlon Pacific M 21 K 1 C. & N. W. least).. 6 6 1.. C. N. W. (west). TO S4 4 C, SL P., M. A O.. 4 I C. B. Q. (east).. 4 4 C. B. A Q. west.. W 17 I I C, R. 1. A P. least). 4 I C, R I. A P. (west) 1 1 Illinois Central 1 Chi. Gt. Western.. 16 1.. 106 24 Total recelpta. .248 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 61 1.122 1.26 Swift and Company ? 1.3SS 5.'7 Cudahy Packing Co W7 Armour A Co Ls 8wift. from country.. Vanaant Co....- 14 Carey 4k Benton 42 Lobman & Co 1H McCreary A Carey 217 N. I. Stephen 201 H1U & Son 14S F. P. Lewis IK Huston A Co 127 Hamilton Rothschild.. Zio U.F. Husx 1 J. H. Bulla 108 Sam Werthelmer 12 Mike Haggerty SI Sol Degan II J.P. Root & Co O. McConnaughey 67 T. B. Inghram 6 Sullivan Broa 37 Lehmer Broa. 2 Other buyera 632 2.122 2.2J 1.370 1.23 13 St I ttH I H I M I H I H I S3 I at 4 it 4 1 SHEEP Receipts this morning wera vers moderate and. ss there was st the same time a good active demand, receivers met with m difficulty In disposing of their hold ings. The msrket might be summed up as fairly active at steady prices. The feeling on the msrket is good and the conditions of trade satisfactory to the selling Inter ests. There were hardly enough feeders among the offerings to make a test of the mar ket, but what few there were met with ready sale at steady prices. The demand la such that there would be no difficulty at all In selling ten times aa many feed er" as are coming 'n at the present time. Quotations on killers: Good to cho'c lambs. l7.2Wn.lo; fair to good Ismbs. I TM$ 7 26; good to choice yearling wethera. $,-,.?$ 64.26; good to choice wethers, ti .2Mr 4": fair to good wethers. $6.0oe.2C: good ts choice ewea. $4 Kfft : fair to good ewes. $4 E"94.l: culls snd bucks. 12 00. Quotations on teeners: iamos, ro 30; yearlings, $0 251J6.76; $.15; ewes, $4.004.O. No. 101 rtah lamb feeders , V9 Vtah lamb feeders l'tah lamba..... , 75 l'tah wethers M t'tah yearlings , 2 l'tah bucks , 10 t'tah ewea , 19 l'tah lamb culls , 17 Wyoming ewes, culls... f7 Wyoming ewes nt Wyoming wethers "S71 Wyoming yearlings .... 3t native lamba 3"0 Idaho wethers I?4 Idaho wethers 10 Idaho wethers 100 Idaho wethers I Idaho cull ewes 26 Idaho ewes $ native lambs I native ewes 20 cull ewes 10 cull lambs - ?9 cull ewea j 132 native yearling 100 native yearlings wethers, $4.$&0 Av. : . !7 . 128 . . 13 . ia . .. w? .17 Pr 75 7 7 90 $ 60 00 t 5o $ 23 on 4 10 $ ..lH $ 60 .. an . t A 630 Mlssixslppt and Missouri valleys and throughout the weat. The weather will probably continue fair In thla vicinity to night and Wednesday, with not much ct ange In temperature. Omaha record of ' temperature and precipitation, compared with the corre apondlng day of the last three years: Wft. 1904. 1S0K. 1904 Minimum temperature.... 4T M 70 74 ! Precipitation .00 .11 .00 Normal temperature for today. 71 dogreea. ; l-enciency in precipitation alnca March L 175 inches. Pendency corresponding period In ISO, 173 inches. TVflctcncy corresponding bcr'od In 1106. $. Inches. U A. WELSH. Local Forecatiei Totals 6. 6.S36 5.57 CATTLE! Receipts of cattle were agaia quite liberal, while other market points were also reporting very enable runs for a Tues day. The local receipts consisted almost en tirely of range cattle, wl'h only a small sprinkling of corn feds. The market as a whole waa slow snd there was a noticeable lark of strength. There were plenty of fat cattle on sale this morning to supnly the requirements of all buyers, there being a good showing of range steers besides a number of loads of com feds. The market opened alow and dull with packers generally bidding a little lower than - yesterday. The trade at no time developed any rreat activity, but con tinued dull and weak throughout the day. Among the corn feds were cattle good enough to bring 17.00. Cows and heifers were also rather slow, but without any grest change In prices. Sellers who felt tht- full force of the decline yesterday were qnotlnc today's market as steady, while on the other hand sellers who were fortunate yesterday figured that they had to take off some todav. Good feeders were In demand and Were free sellers st fully steady orlces. rior.ie o' the least desirable cattle did not move off quite no readily, but still the market as a whole was in fair shape, as viewed from the sellers' standpoint. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. ... 78 ...1W ...10 ...If ...110 ... to ... f ... ...120 ...11 ... 67 ...lf4 ... TS ... 76 60 $ 25 5 S 6 15 6 26 $ 00 4 75 7 60 B 00 3 So 6 00 t 00 60 6 60 SEWYORK STOCKS AND BONDS More Confident Feeling Perradei the Wt.ll Street Market. Held, to be some evidence of QUOTATIOXS GENERALLY HIGHER i Great Northern Preferred, rthern Parlar, Vnlen Pnelae Lead Ad Ttsee Besttlts Coaaes l-ater la Day. NEW TORK. Aug. IS More confident feeling pervaded the stock market today. Average gains were half 10 1 per rent at opening. Iater general range exceeded a point, reaching between t and 2 4 in Ui-at Northern preferred. Northern Pacific. Cnlon Pacific, Amalgamated Copper and Smelting Reactions cu'. the sdvance In two. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Aug U. CATTLE Receipts. M.0O0 head. Including 1.S00 south erns; market steady to 10c lower. Choice export and dressed beef steers. W25370": fair to good. $5.fXKa4.28; western steers. $4 00 fe.00; stockers and feeders. $353S.50; southern cows and heifers. $2.00SS; na tive cows snd heifers. $2.0Cgii.OO; bulls, $1 SO 4 00: calves, $3 75046. HOGS Receipts. 14 000 head; msrket fH-'f TWo lower; heaw, $g.00ej.10: packers. $6.10 G2S: pigs and lights, $V1630. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6") head; market steady to weak. Lamba. $7.26 7.75; stockers and feeders, $3.60frt.50. t. Lewis Lira Stock Market. ST. LOriS. Mo., Aug. IS. (Special.) CATTLE Receipts. $.000 head. HOGS Receipts. 7,600 head. SHEEP Receipts. 7.0K) head; market lower. Closing Prleew nf Itocka. The following quotations of active stocks on the New York exchange today are fur nished by Ixgac 4k , Bryan. Ill Board of Trade building: Opening Closing Closing . Prices. Prices. Tes'y. t'nlon Pacific com Missouri Pacific, com.. 6iTt Southern Pacific $2 Rock Island, com... US 4 Rock Island, pfd. St. Paul Atchison, com .... Heading Swot.. Lni'd - Sept..., tct., Klba Sept. Oct. 19 10 11 10 1 11 10 1 1 10 j 14 02 ID IK IM 1 AnfWWI a m s u ; uvia s lucyu s lmjlll 10 I I I TO fi 77eo. re I T2 ,i tt4o: I 71 I I 67 I 76 Chicago Receipts Wheat, 474 cars; corn 171 cars) oats, ts care. Estimated tomor low; Wheat. 22 ears; oorn. CI cars ST. LOl'ia. Aug. U. Special V, HEAT NO. I red, Ili24e; No. I red. T75u.--No-, I hard. tl4sSc: No. I hard. 7Mrv.: September, Cue; December, l7Hc I " iRN-Na $, 63i,trMHc; No. I. 63r; No. 1 white, s4i4So: No. I white, sttfcuMc; Sen tern her. 61 He; December, 4Ve. OATS No. t, 46c; No. I. 4444Hc; No. whits. 4lc; No. I white, 44j61c; Septem ber, 41c; December. 41c. Kanaaa City Grain and Prwvtslnaa. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Aug. IS. (Special.) WHEAT Caah No. I hard. TUtTKlc; No 1 hard, 754S2c: No. 4 hard 74jrTc; No" 2 reduce; No. I red. glS3c; September. Tie; December, ttc; May. sue. CORN Cash No. 1 SeSSIc: No. t 4JH9 lc; No. I yellow. 4c; No. I whlta tSeVic September, sac; December, 4ASc; May, 47Vc. t,I?So- 4c; Na I. 4c. No, I white, EGOS Steajy. lH4yic, HAT Steady; choice timothy, IU.90ffli SO; cho'ce prarte. IS.2&43S.S0. RTE rtc. . Recelpta Shipments. Jhest bu Zit.00 llSCnn Corn, bu 45 4) n o . t - U0u 6,000 Kaaaaa City cash pricaa: Article Whai-, SepL.... Des ?ora- Sept Dee, Liver LIVERPOOL, I Open. I High. Lyw. Closa TTVJ Ilk. 4V 7irul 2W. 4 44l n n 47 ' 1 Grain Maa-ktrt. 71 k.w 44 4H A II V 1 WlIViT o, iua; no. s rso weatera winter. Ud; a; futures steady; September, (4 icember. Ts Id; March, Ts IHd. CORN Srxit- Aasrleu niiiA teady la Vd; futures uta(; September, at lugd. , MlsseaswiU Orals Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. II Spaclal ) W HEAT No. 1 harj, 4wc; No. 1 north f. iwc; No. 1 aorthara, m 0 l We; No. 1 durum, to arrive, TIWc; No. I durum, to arrive. tlOIIc; Septeo-bar. Ifo; DscasQbar, lie: May. I70. Xaw Tnrk Oeaeswl Market. NEW TORK. Aug. IX-Buttar and cheaaa. Stead r . K.V14V-Firm: POLLTRt-lttaady. ftrata, 1V to Mc OattM Market. NEW TORK. Aug. IX COTTON-ru-turea opened ataady; Augast, 11.40c bid; sWotwuWr. UJan. fc'i-ot cloaw qulat; middling upland, Is ttn mi ad ling gulf. II ise. Iwtarsa were very steady. OotrinaT bids; Cam and Wheat Rrxlsa BaUatlau For the twenty-four hours ending st It a . m., 75th meridian time, Tuesday, August 1$, i 1907: I OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Ftstlons. Max. Min. falL Ashland. Neb 64 43 Columbus. Neb. 63 Fairmont. Neb.. 64 Or. Ialand, Neb. 64 Hartlngton, Nob. 85 Hastings. Neb. 86 Oakdale, Neb M Omaha, Neb S3 Tekaruah, Neb... 66 Alta. Ia... S3 Carroll. Ia J Clarlnda. Ia 87 Sibley. Ia . 8J TMoux City, la... 82 62 49 10 . a o 64 M S3 66 12 57 4 X .10 .00 .u .00 .00 .00 .on .f .01 .00 .00 .00 Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Ft. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear t Minimum Not Included In a vera sea temperature for twelve-hour period ending si a a m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Rain. Central. Stations. ,-aIa-x. Mln Inches. Chicago, m 11 82 68 .00 Indianapolis. Ind.. U M 6f .01 Omaha. Neb I M u T Light ahowera occurred In the southern portion of the corn and wheat region within the laat twenty-four hours. The weather la cooler In the eastern portion of the co-& belt and warmer In the north and t portions. On account of Interruption In telegraph acrvlce, district average are gtven only for the Omaha, Chicago And In dianapolis districts. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Skade Lawer Hegs traag 4a Hlgker. CHICAGO, Aug. 1$. CATTLE Estimated recelpta 7.000 head; market ateady to a ahade lower; beeves. $4 fcj7.4v; cost, $1,409 660; Texana. I17M.6 0U; western. $4.4ui).5u; stockers and feedera, $2eit. HO18 Receipts. 14.W0 head: market strong to 6c higher; light. MSO&a.tTH; mixed. $ - 6w; heavy. $6.fe6.3v: rough, r, iM 6; pigs IS TtMjs.40. bulk of sales, $,"4 75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, U.0ut head; market weal: sUeep. $3 66)b; yeai tings. $ti.tMSa76; Un.bs. $i.6ot)7.8u. ' tack la slgkt. Receipts of live stork at the six prin cipal western markets yeeterdav: ame. nogs uneep. Ka. A. Tt No. At. Pt. I K14 4 71 40 11t 4 IB IT 1(41 4 SO J: 1JU I 4 II 9H I 41 T lim 4 4S 14 ir4 I T5 M 1440 T OS ti li't I w a u t 4 .. Rl IS COWS. 4 Hrt I 4 1 1141 I 64 T 4M I 49 HEIFERS. 1 IM IM 1 Ill I HI II t'l I 1 614 4 44 14 441 I 14 BULLS. 1 1 1940 I 84 CALVES. I HI I" 1 154 8 64 I . . 1W I It STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 in im n nt id 4 ITS I K T 744 4 W 1 sat 4 o II 121 4 44 11 iti 4 m in in k m 4 x Pennsylvania R. R.'.'.'.lll- Erie ,. Baltimore 4 Ohio ..... tl New York Central ....hahi I Wabash, pld 11 Great Western 14 Texas A Pacific 2H I Louisville A Nashville lu3H ! Canadian Pacific ...... 15 Cheaapeake A Ohio.... 3Ti V. 8. 8teel com JO4 U. S. Steel, pfd Colorado Fuel ft Iron 23 Rerjbllc oied I1H -m. Smelt A R, com. Am. Smelu R-. pfd. Copper 71i Bo gar Ill Gas 86 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 45 fl4 $36 f 758 sew It calves.. I heifers. IT cews 11 feeders. 1 cows.... 17 fd strs..l0f3 16 heifers.. 470 6 steers... 64 I cows.... Ml T cows.... 167 T cows.... 118 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. 4 60 I 0 1 as 4 20 I 85 4 80 I 00 4 30 1 00 1 25 I 75 n steers II cows. ...ICC 1 buU I 10 SOUTH .IMS 4 40 17 cows.... 160 6 heifers.. 671 6 heifers.. 62 11 cows l"0 . 12 calves... ITS 1 feeders.. 44 2 cows.... tt steers... 671 16 fd strs.. 780 14 steers... 1043 4 cows.... na DAKOTA. 7 heifers.. ST) 26 cows.... SHI 1 m t 76 I 19 I 15 4 3 1 76 I 25 4 00 4 00 4 40 1 76 I 20 I 26 South Omaha . fchoux City .... Kanaaa City ... St. Joseph ... St. Louie Chicago Totals .. .2 600 ...... tllM I.fc I T.tsiO .41100 T.l'W AO 4 4.iv I 12 000 7.StO LSoO 1 01.O T. 14.000 16.0U0 60.400 J0 tana City Live Stack Market. BIOVX CITT. Ia. Aug. ll.-Specla Tele- fram CATTLE Receipts, 600 bead; mar. et ateady to strong; feeders active: beeves, k..iX7.. cows and teifsra. K7if4: stockers and feeders. $1.6j4 0: carves snd arllbgs. $XUa4.S; slock heifers, $!& HOOw-Racelpta. 18M head: market stuady. soiling at $6 tVat-OP: bulk. SLTwaVlo. St. Jnaepk Live Stack Market, iOSEPH. Mo.. Aug U iBDOdal -CATTLE Keoetpta, ISov hoad; market weak ta t"c lower: top, K H'X! 8 Receipts, T.iut) head: market ti ahipptng hogs strohg to 6c higher; others weak to 6c lower; bulk of sales Si.uuua U. Ion t Vi SH EEP ANT T AMB8- Reorlpts, XUtt head; mark. I steady W. II sters. . .1121 T W. A 85 calves... 11 11 steers.. ..1X1 I steers ..J" I steers.... 7 337 T hulls J4 nt-eTt....l'r 7 steers. ..: I 21 cows o SO steers. ...113 steers.. SI feeders. SO f seders.. 14 feeders. B. feeders. .VMS I feeders . .1097 119 lfCl 1130 IMS 47M 7V1 .. .. Ml ..1300 .. ro ..1227 I 09 4 10 460 III $ to I 80 4 00 4 60 400 4 0 4 00 4 ta 4 K 4 06 I 80 4 00 4 26 4 16 I 4 10 4 !6 I 80 WTOMING. 15S heifers. ITS 4 K) I heifers . 1110 I heifers., too I 00 24 feeders.. 801 U cows.... Kl IM J. E. Insley Wyoming. 71 fde.TS. 1311. (16 6 feeders .1116 Kane A Midsen Wyoming. 41 feeders.. 1744 6 A. W. 8a!lx,jur--Wyomtng. SI feedera.lMt 6 16 I feeders.. 1106 I feeders 11W 4 60 Ed ft. r F-olce Wyoming. 141 cows... Wl S k V- rows... I 6S 72 cows... W 11 SO .'1W1... J 142 calves.. Sr 6 Sf IS cvlirea . 364 Sooer Csttle Co. V voming. K4 Steers.. lll 40 in tt-'. era. .IOIO Keen Wyoi-;!ng. 6 00 4 .ivi ITS F. M. Matfiiawa Wyo, 6 00 H -aUes... $ on 7'cowa.... 4 7$ steers. .. I V 4 steers... i 'J! Ttfeeders.. )i 88 cows 4 70 C cows I 26 II cows 4 to tl steers... Will Broa Mont, ft Steers.. ..14 6 36 4 cows IS cows 10W3 6 86 14 steers J. F. Bock Wvo. SI steers.. ..114 4 7$ II cows 144 17$ nig nearer Cattle Co. v yo. 11 1 no H. Banner Wyo. N IB I feeders.. 81 6 4 4 I feeders.. 6ol T. a Bteed-Wyo. ri II Joseph Milne Wyo. II feeders.. 1016 4 40 B. Brooks Wyo. 4 10 1 feeders.. 1W7 4 I feeders . k MONTANA. steers . ..1SJ3 $ id 11 cows.... 1021 I cows ti I 10 . KOCTH DAJCOTA. 14 steers . . 1157 4 74 4 steers.. ..44A 66 steers. ...1143 4 TO M steers.. 1140 . . D- Brayraer Idaho. B feeders.. $47 4 E Uli.r. HOG-Recelpts this mcrnlnr' w.m T large, but the uuallty on an average was poor that Is there were a good many common heavy packing hoes. The market opened with a few of the better loads sell ing at steady to strong prtcea. Before very many salesmen had an opportunity to take advantage of the early blda buyers with drew and the market flattened out. closing very slow and dull with prtoee 6c lower and ta soma eaaea as much as He kower Represents tie salea: Ma . SS r. Na a. an. IV ... is a srr e la U $ 47 fc M 144 1H 123 68 64S 834 814 H 18 40H 42"4 123 V 64 Mi 1 8T4j 117 117 21w 21 12 ton 10444 n i 10 105H 1V 1634 J4 S3-a 3-'4 S3 864 6 3 StrS 23 74 . 71 US 111 M IT'a 46Ts 7 I 76 164 4 10 4 $0 4 4J0 4 TO 4 70 I 60 New York Money Market. NEW TORK, Aug. 11. MONET On call strong. 234 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing, bid i per cent; ofTored at 1 per cent; time loans firm. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER On call, 2 per cent higher. STERLING KXCHANGE Steady: actual bualness In bankers' bills. $4,844$ for demand; $4,821 for sixty-day billa. Commercial bills. $4.81. s SILVER Bar. 67,; Mexican dollars. GOVERNMENT BONDS Easy; railroad bonds Irregular, Advances wera cancelled In the second hour. Bear raid put Amalgamated Copper and St. Paul under yesterday's lowest level; subsequent rally of 1 to I points lifted general market well above yester day's closing. Speculation became rather buoyant after 1 o'clock. Smelting jumped 4 be yond yesterday's closing; Northern Pa cific, ; Union Pacific S4; Raadlng. 2: Amalgamated Copper, SH and the rest between 1 and I points. Market cloaed quiet and strong. Gains were axtended in last hour. Union Pacific rose 4; Great Northern preferred. IS; Amalgamated Copper, IH; Canadian Pa cific. JS; Reading. H . The market yielded a fraction on realising. Beaten Capner Market. These quotations are furnished by Logan At Brysn. members New Tork and Boston Stock exchanges, I Board of Trade: at L s. A Pmsbarg... 14 Atlantic 11 NuHctuau R n,h! K-HMIekisaa U Black Meaatala IsMehawk T Bastes Cohsslltsteg.. 84 StiiAt ConsDllastsa. . 11 Butt. Col lues 1 Ksnk Bint 11, Csluwt A Arltesa. 1lwOI4 Oomuiiaa iik..,.,ih wuisey g .. A Baaaaoa iu 44 T.narsrk .. IH titunii Casper .... U .. 414 rtt4 rrsit 40 .. Irnllr4 lUlM. eft... W .. 1 ftak Cenniiaata4 ... J ..III tuh Oevar T .. 1H Tic torts .. U U-slearlae 1U .. KllaU4 Bank CI earl a as. OMAHA, Aug. U-Bank clearings for to day were ll.643.4M21 and for the cor responding dats last year 11.186. 4a) A Itew Terk Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aug IX M ETA L8 Lead, dull st 6t la6 26. Lake copper, weak at llt.00vll.6u. Silver. 4T5c. CeBtSDBlAl Copper Ress tily Wast ... Bklala tut Baits ... Cress Copper Grassy HeiTStls Isla Rsrsl .... It JOKE LAYS JJP ITS VICTIW Present ar Esplaalaa nf Alarsn C$swk ends Maa ta tka Baa pltal. William Wadson of Council ninft. i. lying at tha Swedish hospital bruised aad sore as the result of a practical oke that was played on him Tueaday morning. Wad son sleeps la a bars la the rear of 180! North Twenty-fourth street, Omaha, and cares for the horses la ths morning. Hs has basa In tha custom of waking promptly on time, but to provide agalcst emergencies has aa alarm clock set a few minutes lata. When tha alarm goaa off bo knows that be Is a few minutes lata. Tuesday morning noma wag set tha clock two hours ahaaa. Whan Wadaoa a woks ha snppassg he was bnhlad time and atlll half asleep ha began ta harry with such rigor and aaargy that ha fell through a boss ta tha floor af the loft and pluaed down to tha floor karlow. He was not seri ously hart, nut has suffered cxmatderably ta sniad alnca aa discovered thai be was iwa hours ahead of lima SUPREME COURT SYLLABI Opinions filed July IX 1W7: 1I7Z7. Fall sgalnat Fall. Appeal from Hamilton. Cm rehearing. Reverel and Remanded, with directions. Let ton, J. Seug wkek, C. J., disaentlng. 1. A court ot cnaiicery haa power In a f)roper case to compel a conveyance of ana ettualed In another county or a ale when tha persons of the lattice Interrs.eJ are within the Jurlt-dtcllon of the court. A If no action Is taken by the (.e.aon ordered so to do, either voluntarily or in voluntarily, to convey the Una as u reel. d. neither the decree nor the order to c ney can In any manner aftect title to lai.di ta another state. A A deciee and order to convey in such a case can act only upon the person and cannot affect the title to the land. It Im poavs a mere personal obllgat.on enforce able by the usual weapons of a court of chancery. 4. The clause of the constitution of the United Sialea requiring full faith aud credit to be given In each stats to tiie fmbllc acts, records and judicial proceed ngs of every other state, does not ire vent the courts of this state from exam ining the records of the courts of a sister state to ascertain whether or not that court had Jurisdiction of the eubject matter. 14122. Cobbey auainst State Journal com pany. Error irom Oage. On rehtarlng former opinion of thla court vacated and Judgment oi district court affirmed, liarnes, J. Separate oplnluu by Letton, J. 1. An action for the malicious prosecu tion of a civil ault cannot be maintained if there waa probable cause for bringing the suit complained of. 2. Both malice and probable cause must exist In order to justify an action ior h.bIi. inn T.i lUir 1,1 In 11 j S. A judgment in a civil suit or a convic tion in a criminal sun Dy a court oi com petent Jurisdiction is prima fscle ev. denes of the existence of probable rsuse. but this is a rule of evidence and Is subject to re buttal by proof that no probable cause in fact existed. 143(4. I Tingle against Modern Woodmen of America. Error from Deuel. On re hearing. Former Judgment adhered to. Barnes, J. Letton, J.. dissenting. 1. A subordinate lodge of a mutual bene fit society and its clerk, who Is designated by the supreme lodge to receive snd for ward dues and assessments from certificate holders, are sgents of the supreme lodge. 1 The collection of dues and asseements from a member of the order, conv cted of a felony, bv the clerk of such subordinate lodge, with full knowledge of thst fact, which are formarded to an retalntd by the supreme lodge until after the d.ath of the member, amounts to a waiver of a for feiture of his benefit certificate on the ground of such conviction. 14314. Central Granariea Company against the County of Lancaster. Appeal from Lancaster. On rehearing former judgment vacated. Judgment district court affirmed. Sedgwick, C. J. Barnos, J dissenting. 1. The classification (Sec. . Revenue Act) of "every person, compsny or cor poration engaged in the business of buy ing and selling grain for profit" as-a "grain broker" for the purposes of as sessment, and nrovldina for the assess- ment of the average capital of grain brokers is not unconstitutional. 2. Ths amount of capital invested in a business ordinarily Is the whole amount of money Invested and used in carry!;' on that buslneas. The average capital of a grain dealer la defined by aection 46 of the revenue law to -be the average mount which the total Investment in the business of the grain dealer exceeds the tangible property which can -be sep arately assessed at the time of .the as sessment. The. assessor, from the ex amination, pointed out In the statute tnust find what capitsijf ths buaineaa th to was, if any, from time to time during the tax year, not Including in the com putation the tangible property on hat.d and capable of asaessment at the time of assessing, and ths average or mean c f the capital so found is to bs assessed as property In addition to the tangible property. 14161. Holcomb against Tlerney. Ap peal from Custer. Reversed and re manded. Jackson. C. Division No. 2. L In an action against an Insolvent banking corporation for the appointmo-it of a receiver to wind up the affairs rf the bank for the benefit of its creditors, notice of the filing and pendency of the action should be given before a rec?l'."3r la appointed. I. Where In such action a receiver Is appointed without notice to the bank, ex cept such aa is Implied from being dls- twiaae&aed rt Ira rirnrtertv an4 tha pa. j celver proceeds by direction of the court. without objection, to convert the assets of the bank into cash and pays the pro ceeds out to the creditors, ths proceeding Is not void to the extent that the status of ths property Involved is open to col lateral attack. 1. A judicial ascertainment of the lia bilities of an Insolvent banking corpora tion, such as Is necessary before an action can be maintained to enforce the lia bility of the stockholders, can only be had in an action where the bank, bolng a party, has been properly served wl:h notice of the pendency of the proceed ing, or where it has voluntarily ap peared and submitted to the Jurisdic tion of the court. 146. First National Bank of Blue Hill against Webster Couaty. Appeal from Webster. On rehearing former Judgment vacated. Reversed, remanded. Jackson, C. Division No. 1 L The assessment of property for the purpose of taxation aa ultimately fixed by the Board of Equalisation la final, except upon appeal to the district court, and should not be disturbed on such appeal unless it appears from clear and convinc ing proof that It IsVrrroneous. 2. An assessor is required to assess the stock of a bank at Us real value, and where a bank owns real estate of a greater value that that st which It is carried on the bank books, such excess of value ahould be taken Into consideration In fix ing the value of the stock. S. National banks are the agents of their Stockholders for the purpose at listing their stock In such banks for taxation and pay ing ths tsx thereon. 146X8 Cathers against Moores et Al. Ap peal from Douglaa. On rehearing former judgment adhered to. Barnes. J. 1 A resident taxpayer of a municipal corporation may maintain an action against Its officers, who have squandered or dis sipated its funds or paid them out for aa unlawful or unauthorised purpose, to re cover such funds for the use and benefit of the corporation where Its proper law offi cer neglects and refuses to proaecuUt such an action. 2. To entitle a taxpayer to a Judgment la such a case It must appear that the mu nicipality could have maintained the. ac tion In ths first Instance. t Where a municipal corporation re ceives and retains substantial benefits un der a contract which it was authorised to make, but which was void because irregu larly executed. It Is liable in an action brought to recover the reasonable value o ths benefit received: snd where it has paid for such benefits It cannot maintain an ac tion to recover back auch payment. A A taxpayer haa full knowledge of tha allowance of a claim by the municipal au thorities, and la afforded an opportunity to appeal from such allowance, and falls to avail himself of that remedy Is not thereafter entitled to maintain an equi table action against the officers of ths municipality to recover the money dis bursed upon such allowance. 14U46. Bell against Rochford at aL Ap peal from Douglaa. Motion for rehearing overruled. Calkins. D. Division No. 2. 1. Defects In scaffolds, forms and tem porary struct ures. not intended to become a part of the completed building, are not di-feda cf ths structure due to Its fur nished state. 2 The proximate cause Is the primary fault, where no Intermediate cause, dis connected taerefrora and self-opera' ing, in tervenes to producs the effect. 14(71. Hanson st al. against Aetna Life Insurance company. Acpeal from Lan caster. On rehearing; former judgment va cated: Judgment district court a (Tinned J&caeoa. C Division No. 1 L In aa actloa on a life insurance policy a witness on behalf of the plaintiff tes tified, ost crties examination, to havtng heard ths Insured state, shortly before bis dcata, that the nrrautr.a oa the polk-y had all he paid. This lestltnoey waa pwBiilied, wuhvui lrcug. ta inuim ia the record, payment. i. In sn action on a life Insurance policy Issued by a hat ia commonly railed an K-tiroe life insurance company. It ia not error to overrule a motion for a new trial na the ground of newly-dtscovered evld. nee. where ti.e claim ct newly-discovered eMdetice la grounded on state ments alleged to have been made by the Insured Uiat ha had not pail the prenilun a on the policy upon which the action was founded. A The .possession by the defendant of an uncanceled receipt for a rremlu.n 1s fore the death of the Insured is not, of i, self, sufficiently controlling to Justify the trlsl court in setting slde the verdict of a Juryipon motion for a new trial. 1:V Richards sgalnat Harlan County. Appeal from Harlan. Revers-d and le manded. Jaikson. C, Division No. 1. The State Board of K-iun l.iaMon Is not authorised to sdopt rules for the govern ment of sssessors whkh requlrve the ss sessment of the property of an Individual la sxcvss of Its value. 14714. Ruckle against TVelty. Appeal from Furnas. On rehearing, former opinion ad hered to. Barnea. J. Where, in an action In ejectment, the plaintiffs chain of paper title does rot reach back to the aoverelgn, or to a co.n mon source from which both parties cIhI ii, he must prove that he. or at least one of the grantors In his chain of title, had at some time teen In possessinn of ths ir.ni Ises before he cen recover. laull. Anthes against Schroeder. Appeal from Jefferson. Affirmed. Calkins. C, Di vision No. 1. 1. Where upon the final hearing of a rase the trial Judge makes an order per mitting the defendant to offer the testi mony taken at a former trial and after wards includes the evidence so taken in the bill of exceptions, the same will not be stricken from the record in this court. 2. The r'ght of a Junior mortgsgee hav ing security upon a single tract of land to require a aenlor mortgagee having se curity upon several tracts to take payment out of those to which he can reaort ex clusively, so thst both may be paid, can not be defeated by a secret oral mrrp. ment between the senior mortgagee and the debtor that the former shall first resort to the security upon which the Junior monsagee has a Hen. less. Ford against State. Error from Cage. Affirmed. Jackson, C, Division No. 2. 1. in constructing a statute It will not be presumed that the legislature Intended any provlaion of an act to be without meaning. 2. A person who Is found - In possession of Intoxicating liquors with the intention of disposing of same without license is a keeper within the meaning of the provisions of section 20. chapter 1, Compiled Statutes. 1. Where several counta are Included In the earns information a conviction on one count may be austalned although the Jury ignore the others, and a Judgment upon one of several counts with no verdict aa to the others operates as an acquittal on the other counta Casey against Stste, 20 Nab., 136, overruled. l&j. State es re!. Rutledge against Eaton.. Original. Writ of mandamus al lowed. ' Barnes, J. The Board of Kduratlnnal I -and and Funds ts vested with s discretionary power In passing on annralsements of school lands under an application of a leasee to pur chase. But such discretion Is a reasonable cne anl must be fairly and reasonably xer cised. and the arbitrary or unreasonable re fusal of the board to approve of a fair ap praisement will not justify the commis sioner of public lands and buildings In re fusing to Issue a certificate of purchase, which the lessee would otherwise be en titled to receive. 1437. Burk sgalnst State. Error from Richardson. Reversed snd remanded. Barnes, J. 1. Where a person on trlsl for a crime tes tifies In his own behalf he becomes as any other witness snd his credibility should he subjected to the same tests ss are legally spplted to other witnesses, and It Is error for the court to give undue prominence to j the fact of defendant's -'rrc-st In the re- t suit of the prosecution py rorws'any ral lng the attention of the jury thereto and I informing them that they must consider that fact In determining rue we-hl ana credibility of his evidence. 14390. Patrick sgalnst Barker. Appeal Toug1as. Reversed and remanded. Barnes, J. 1. An agreement made bv the president of a bank with a proposed purchaser of Its stock that the bank will accept certain notes snd mortgsges held by him. amount ing to the face value of said stock. In pay msrit therefor, snd thst If such purchase Is mad he will hold the purchaser harm less and indemnify him against any action , of the bank to recover any further or 1 other amount either on his endorsement ' of said notes or otherwise. In psyment for 1 said stock. Is not a contract to sniwer for the debt, default or miscarriage of an other. S. Where, by reason of such agreement, the bank stock Is actually purchased and paid for, according to Ita terms, such pur rhase Is a sufficient consideration to sup port the agreement. 14464. Ptull Broa against Beddeo. Ap peal, Harlan. Reversed and remanded. Albert. C Division No. 2. L A surety on an injunction bond, given In a suit brought to restrain the enforce ment of a judgment, is not relessed from liability thereon by the discharge of his principal In bankruptcy. 2. In an. action on auch bond, the extent to which the amount collectible on the Judgment has been reduced In consequence of the Injunction la a proper element of damage. L Whether a debt due from sn agent to his principal for rent collected and con verted to his own use, is one created by fraud, embesslement, miaapproprlatlon or defalcation while acting In a Judiciary ca pacity, within section 17 of the Federal Bankruptcy Act. Quaere. 4. Former opinion modified, and former judgment vacated. 144. Wolcott against State Farmers Mutual Insurance company. Apneal. Mar rick. On motion fnr rehearing, motion overruled. Albert, C. division No. 2. L A by-law which provides "thst assess ments shall be made by order of the di rectors, snd shall be pro-rated according to the time the Insurance has been In force' is not suthorlty for making as sessments at stated Intervals. 2. An asaessment levied by such com psny must he against ths entire member ship, snd r leveled against a part only. Is Invalid. 2. The authority of tha board of direc tors to adopt a by-law authorising them selves to levy assessments, questioned. 14.467. Qrochowekl against Qrnchowskt. Appeal from Cuming. On motion for re hearing, motion overruled. Albert, C. Divi sion No. 1. 1. A contrsct whereby one Interested In defeating the probate of a will srnees to Interpose no rih'ectlon thereto Is not void as sgalnst public policy, unleaa made ool tuslvelv and In fra:id of other parties In terested In the estate. 2 Where nppoeltlo to ths probate of a will Is msde bv such party In good faith a withdrawal of such opposition Is a valid consideration for a promise on the part of one Interested la sustaining the will t. Evidence examined and held sufficient to entitle the plaintiff to a decree. 14.11$. David Bradley A Co. against Brown. Error from Boone. Affirmed. Ames, C. Division No. 1. letton. J . con curring separately. 1. When sn sgent In the possession of goods has contracted to become shsolutelv and unconditionally liable to his princlnal, to ths exter.t of this value for their loss or damage by fire, and procures Insursnre upon them in his own name, such Insur snce Is for his own sxclusivs benefit and sdvantsge snd does not effect or add to his obllgstlon to his principal upon bis contract. 1 In a ease like the foregoing money due from sn insurance company on secourt of a loss under Its policy Is not a trust fund for tha benefit of the principal, but Is sn Indebtedness to the sseni and Is subject to his disposition and liable for his deb's like other money and property belonging to his estata 14. AA. Howell, receiver, against Malm gren. Appeal from Saunders- Affirmed. Oldham. C. Division No. 1. L Cnder section 43 of ths code of dvll procedure It is within the sound discretion of the district court to dismiss a petition without prejudice for disoliedhrnce by the plaintiff of a reasonable order concerning the proceedings In tha action. 1 A court having Jurisdiction of an In solvent corporation for the rurpnse of wind ing up Its affairs has no authority to render a personal Judgment against one of l:s stockholders who Is not a party to ths sctlon by aervke of process or voluntary appearance. Neither has the court In sich case suthorlty to adjudicate the fact of memberahlp in the cirporaton. Common wealth Mutual Ina Co. against Hoyden Bros. H Nebr , 464. followeo and approved. 14.720. Schulenberg sgalnst State Error from Rlrhardaon. Affirmed. Jackson, C. Division .No. 2. L la a prosecution for unlawfully keeping Intoxicating liyuor for aale without r. license It ia not error for the Jury to taste of the liquors seised aad produced in evi dence al the trial for tha purpose of aiding in the determination of the question as to -(nether or not the liquor is Intoxicating. 14 7V4. Hudson arslnst Truman. Appeal from Lancaster. Affirmed. Ames, C Divi sion No. L L A verdict upon eon flic lng evidence will not be disturbed unleaa the evidence is clearly Insufficient to sustain It. 1 A criminal prosecution from malicious motives la aot a cause of action tor dam ages if t bore was a probable cause. A Error cannot be asa rned for the re fusal af aa ltastrucxloaL tka sabotaaee of aTnL I, I, 4 and . Horns tvsnsra Fer SULKY, 6AK8 2nd DISC PLOWS Ask Your Dfairr for "lleiJer" ETener, or Write Vo KEICER RFC. CO., fra of ail kiaS et Eeme.. ladder la Dipt. 8. CARROLL, IOWA. . HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORT? i II m m nw r Hotel Kupper llth aad ltoOee, KANSAS CITY, MO. t ins sTaopplaf Dlsteiete year all tlxs Thsat 00 beautiful mc 100 private bath-. Hot and eeJd water la ad radons Ussy, parlors. Telephone la every room. Beautiful Oafs, rerfeot SI to S2.50 Per Day Buronsaa Vina. kUPrrB-Btsc Gem c. V. A. ICHIOI, Kg-B. Stratford Hotel (Curopaan Pisni Chicago, Illse T l ii sx a, av f loan.. in r Offers yoa refined, qu'et sod elegant so-' commocationi. Located corner of city's two finest boulevard!. It is ccnvaoleat to entire bailnei center SDd close to best theatres and shopping district. 223 rooms. l.privetebetnn; luxurious writ ing snd reception rooms; woodwork mahogany throughout I brass beds and all modern comforts t telephone ia every room, beautlrul dining rooms tbs best oleverythingstmodaratspricas. MlfblgAg snd Jackson BlvdA. fiitef .-m..-V.9J, .it.' n, tiHiilgr RAILWAY TIME CARD 3 I JflOJf BTATIO- IVta AND MARCl. In Inn Pnciaa. Overland Limited a I 6oa in The China and Japan Fast Msll al Mptn a I pra Colo. A Calif. Ex...' a I to pin a : am Callfom'a At Ore. Ex.. .a 4-w) pro a 1:1 n Los Anrel'S Limited. ...el? 58 pra a l.ll pra Colorado Special -..all :S pni a 4 44 ara North Plat's Local a 7 4 am a 4 .15 pra Beatrice Local b 7:42 am o 1:1 pea Wabaaku St Louis Express . Jo psa a IJI am ct. Louts Local (trara Council Fluffs! a 1:10 am all:ll pra Stanberry Local (from Council F.luits) b 1:00 pmbl0:ll an lllssoarl fart As. K. C. BL L. Exp a 1:09 am a l:8B a K. C. At St. L. Exp all :U pro tig Nebraska I weal aT:.rm all:40 tklraii, atllwaabea at at. fast. Chicago Colo. E pedal. 1x2 am . am talir. Oiegun t.p... b.Js pin 4 pra CveriauU Limited :ati pm tJR mm Cblcaga, Kara la.an A r-aotaa. KAaTT. Chicago Limited a 1:43 am Iowa Locai iliitin: t)ea Moines pass A 40 pra ion s Locai all .44 am Chicago K.es(rn Ex.) a 4:44 pra Chicago s'lyer a 1.00 pen WEST. Rocky Mountain LmtA.all e pm Colo. A Cal. Express... La) pa Ckl. tt Texas Exrresa.a 4:40 pm IJncoln sV Fairburv pass a 1:46 amaU:ll an t klcsgo tires t Western. at- Paul A Minneapolis. I -SO pm St. Paul dc Uinncauolis. 7:j am Chicago Limited I (4 pru Chicago Lxprcsa 7: am Chicago Express ....... fj pm Illinois tsauai. Chicago express a T:20 am Minn. A St. Paul Exp...b T: am Chicago Limited a t:ue pm Mioa. bu Paul Lrntd.a I A) pia CA lunge A Barlswilsis. Chicago Daylight a T.-Ot mm bt Paul-M apolla Kx..a TAS am Chicago Local .al:, am Sioux City Psssongsa...a fas am Chicago Pasnengeg a 4 a pm Chicago trpeclal 4.-iA pm SL Psul-M polls Lm:d..a t-.a pm Los Angsle Li'Altea. ...a aas pm Overland Limited ...... air) :U4 ia Fast Mall Sioux city Local. a lAv put Fast Mail .. Twin tty Limited.. . .a I 38 pm Overland LimWad ...a t pm Norfolk-Hor.eotst ... ..a t:e am Llncoln-Chadran ...... a .-4, am Desdwooddnoota ..a 4.t pm Cssper-Avaoanvl .......si hO pm HasUgs-sniv1or I Iw pea r remont-AJoion b I 41 pm Loa Anc-ilss limited... i JUt pea all-M pra a 4 JO p a aU:J0 pea b tM pm a l:S pm a I. ass a I am a 4:40 pta a t:4f pm 7:2 ara U ii pm tJtl ara U J pm 1J0 pm a Itt pm a 8:44 pm W am tM mm all M pra A14.00 pm ia pm l a pm I N am a I to ara 7:s aia all X pra I U am 1:21 am a 1:20 am a I pra T.- am 1:11 am aK:M am mo st am l.iA pia a 14 pm b l: pm sUM pm all BUHLIHGTOH ITA IrTH AV M ABO 21 Bnrltngtnn. -Lea va Denver A California... .a 4 J4 pm Nortawest Spaclal....... 4:11 pm Black Hills ..-.a 400 pm Northwest Eaprsss.... I.pv pm htebraaka points. ... am Nebraska Lxprsas.......a 8A am Lincoln Fast Mali. 1:44 pm Lincoln Local ..,. Lincoln Local ......... Louisville A Piattsm'th-b 1 11 pm Balievna-Plattsmoutb .1 I w pm piaitamoutb-Ioaa b W:M am btllavue-Plattsraouta ... Denver Limited M.all.Alpm Chicago Srcial .. 740 am C hlcago txpreaa a 4:10 pre Chicago Flyer a I I pm Iowa Local sill an EC Louis Express. a I 46 pm Ksasas City A. bu Jos..alO:U pm Kansas City A 8t Joe. .a 1:11 am Kansas CMy St. joe.. a 4 44 pa Ag.vr. a 4:10 pm A 4:10 pal a 4.14 pra m 4.4 am 4.14 pr a 4.14 pt all ot pn, Ilw4 a lis) pr bW f tf a I'lMpm el am ell 44 pm a t it pr AO ar all :M l , aUAO ara a I A) am 1 11 pr WatBITEB ITA. Cnleagw, Us It. Paal. IATM . WSIITKS 1 "InneanalU 4b Leavs. b am -a t .( pm .D 4 :44 pm I -4. am A.rtva. b I 11 pra sils ara b 1:10 am IAo pta Twin City Passenger Sioux "City passenger., f.merson Local Krneraon lecal ..... Mlaaaarl pact. L-cal via Weeping W'tar ... f-w am a I pm Tails CUy Loral a I 40 pm all:a's a Ds'jy. b rally except gauds, d D-afl sxeep'. Saturaay Sunday only, a Ia)iy i.H Mj.da. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFJC "tMPRIII" Lin of th Attantio QDISID TO UTIIIFC&a. I.EXA WW W SOvB SATS AT SXA. Empresses sail Aig. I, 11: tept- I, tl First Cabla 110 up; Fecond Cat. I a i no: Third Clasa I -I 74 Writ, tnr rt l..l. r. atlrh is contained ta instructions glvta fcy I 43. s. Bawjamla, OaaO. Agsat, Tai. UaJTlansi U.S court 4f kia own BMrUur 'Hie. Ill -. Ciark bu sn wp asasaavr;-i.