Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Oalonel Hatch's Am Sot Effectlra
Against Pm'i Slugs n,
. t
rfcia, wltk Tw nM . Tw
Triln, Aaaiatoel tr fMr Errora,
rrovea rieartr !
Parol U41u&
Omaha. ; PwNo, 1
Colonel Hatoh u not aa effective
against Paa sluggers Tuesday aa he waa
Id tho second came Sunday, which he won
from the Rourk family, and the game waa
added to the win column for Omaha by
the swore of U 1 Hatch pitched rood
ball at times, but he waa entirely too
swift, for tba Rourkea landed on hla awlft
noes with Just praaaure enough to make
two double three triples and a home run.
Those, ooupled with four errora, netted
six runs, which were a plenty.
Pueblo started out like winners, or rather
Mr. Hall started like a loser, for In the
opening Inning there were two men paused
to first and an error, and atlll the Pueba
did not aoore, thanka to aome fast fielding
and aome good ball playing. Shorty Me
Otlvray waa the fl rat man up and he
walked, and when Ryan tried to aaortfloe
him on to aeoond the ball went to Hall,
who threw wild to aeoond and both were
safe, Rlwert worked a good aacrtflce,
patting a man on aeoond and one on third,
with one out. Melcholr waa passed, filling
the baaea, with one out. Captain Franck
executed a aklllful maneuver by pulling the
men back to play for a sure out lnatead
of trying to head off a run. Belden struck,
nut and Bmlth hit a hard one to Captain
Franck, who nailed htm at first
Prasck IIm Flaa-or Broken.
Captain Fran had hla finger broken
while at bat In the first Inning. Le
Brand finished his -'time at bat, then went
to first and Dolan played the game out at
short. After two were out Autrey hit
for a triple. The Hall waa returned to
Elwert, who mlsoed the throw and Autrey
came on home.
Dr. Harry John Welch opened up the
fourth Inning with a home-run drive oyer
Che fence. Just over the sign which offers
A box of cigars for a home run.
Hall opened up the fifth Inning by beating
jut a bunt, and Belden beat out another
on a hit and run combination. LeBrand
banted the ball to Hatch, who threw It so
far that all three had eroased the plata
before the ball was found. Autrey fol
lowed with a two-aaoker, but nothing cams
of It.
In the sixth Inning Oondlng hit for a
double, and after Hall had struck out, Bel
den hit for a single, which drove Oondlng
across the plate for the sixth run of the
game for Omaha.
While thla waa going on Pueblo made
three runs. . The first came In the fourth
Inning on Bmlth'e three-eacker and an out
field out from Fltsgerald'a bat. Two more
were made In the seventh Inning. Fltsgerald
opened up with a single, and Hatch made
a three-aaeker ha waa not looking for,
which drove htm home. Hatch scored on
MoOtlVTay out to Autrey. Ryan followed
with a single, but Elwert hit Into a double,
which ended the Inning.
Denver will oppose the Rourke family thla
The aoore:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Belden, rf 8 110 0 0
Franck, ss 0 0 0 0 1 0
L Brand, lb 4 1 0 10 1 0
Autrey, lf.;...i. ....... 41 I i 0 0
Welch. cf..;.j..,..j.... 4 12 10 0
Dolan, lb-ss 4 0 0 1 1 0
Graham. 2b 4 0 1(11
Austin. 3b 10 10 10
Oondlng. o 4 1 1 6 0 0
Hall, p 1110 11
..Total , S3 i 10 27 13 1
AB. R, H. PO. A. E.
McOlIvray, cf 10 0 10 0
Kyan. lb. I 0 2 1 t 0
Rlwert. 3b 3 0 0 1 1 1
Melcholr. rf I 0 0 1 0 0
Helden, lb 4 0 0 10 0 0
Smith, c 4 116 11
Corhan, aa 2 0 0 0 1 1
OTtsgerald. If S 1 1 0 0 0
iiatch, p 4 110 4 1
Totals , : 29 i B Kt Tl 4
Austin out; attempted third bunt.
Runa ,
Omaha 1 1 0 0 1 8 1 0 0
Puehlo 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 03
Omaha .,..2 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 -10
Hunblo ...... .........0 001 10800 t
Two-base hits: Autrey, Oondlng. Three
base hits: Autrey, Oraham, Smith. Home
run: Welch, bases on balls: OS Hall,
4. Hit by -pitched ball: By Hall, 1; by
Hatch, 1.. Struck out: By Hall, 6; by
Hatch, 4. Luft on basea: Omaha. 6;
Pueblo, 7. Double plays: Hall to Ora
ham to LaBrand; Ryan (unaaalated).
Stolen base: Austin. Sacrifice hlta: Bel
den, Ryan, Elwert. Fltxgerald. Time: 1:46.
Umpire: Brennan. Attendance: 800.
Notea of the bame,
Bandnw was an interested spectator from
tha players' bench.
Ryan made a lucky hit In the fifth In
ning. The ball went etralght at LeBrand.
but before It reached hint took a bound and
Jumped clear over hla head, completely out
of hla reach.
Ryan and Fltsgerald had a lucky mlxup In
'he fifth Inning, aa they came together bard,
but neither waa hurt.
Hatch did not pass a man, but his speedy
'.tails were touched up hard enough to make
up for It.
It waa a day for real slugging, aa tha
home run, three trlplea and two doubles tes
tify. Tha Denver Mountaineers will swoop
down from their helghta thla afternoon to
sea what they can do to the Rourke fara-
Kyan made a fast play, unassisted, In the
eighth Inning, when It bea-an to look like
there might be something further doing.
Captain Franck Is likely to be out of the
Trial Treatment Free
DR. r.lcGREW
is one of the Oldest and Most
Successful Specialists in the
treatment . of all forma of Dis
eases of Men.
"35 years experience.
25 years in Omaha.
Tb best MulpfHrd offic Id tha west
for all forms of modern treatment
!! can cure you a ha haa thousand!
of othara. Treatment by mall. Box
Til, Offlco I1B South 14th 6trat.
Played. Woo. ljet.
Omasa . . . .
113 AT
Lincoln 10 0 41
Des Moines 195 it 47
Ienver 14 SI 61
Puebla JtS 4t t
Ploux City 17 41 44
Western I rename Denver at Omaha,
Pueblo at Bloux City, Lincoln at Deo
National I rogue Pittsburg at Brook
lyo. Cincinnati at New York. Chicago at
Philadelphia, St. Louis at Boston.
American I-oejpje Washington at Bt.
Louis. Philadelphia at Ietrott, New Tork
at Cleveland, Iloeton at Chicago.
American Association Columbus at 8t.
Paul. Toledo at Minneapolis, Indianapolis
at Kansas City, Louisville at Milwaukee.
game for some time b'-c " of his Injured
finger. It was badly Smashed.
Lincoln WIdi Final Gasne.
LINCOLN. Aug 13.-(8pecfal Telegram.)
The last game with Denver on the home
grounds saw Charley Adnms get the worst
bumping he has ever received here. Jones
was hit lurd. but not opportunely. Lin
coln's rrr'ire cost little. White s bad throw
on a pocrly fielded hall practically lost the
s.atre for iMnvr. Four singles in the first
inning Rave Denver three scores. Ketohem
and Fox singled for Lincoln, the text two
flew out, Fenlon was passed. Themes drove
one to the fence and scored three men.
Thomas' hit waa the real feature of the
game. Notwithstanding the errora, the
fielding waa fast. Bcore:
AB. R. H. PO. A. R
Murphy, rf 4 1 1 S 0 0
Wheeler, Sb 4 12 110
Caeeidy, If 4 1 2 0 0 0
iVhite. Id t 11 4 1 1
Mc.Hale. rf 4 0 0 1 0 0
I Auterborn, 2b 10 1110
Klnnealy, aa 1 0 0 0 3 0
Zalusky, a 3 0 0 1
C. Adaina, p 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 30 4 " 21 7 l
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Ketchem, cf 4 1 2 8 0 0
Fox, 2b 4 2 3 8 0 0
Holmes. 8b 4 11110
Oagnler, ss 4 0 2 1 8 1
Fenlon, rf 2 11110
Thomas, lb 8 0 1 t 1
Davidson, If 4 0 110 0
Zlnran, c 3 0 18 3 0
Jones, p 3 0 0 0 1 1
Totala 31 6 13 24 10 3
Denver 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 04
Lincoln 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 08
Stolen bases: Ketchem, Fox (2), Fenlon,
Davidson. Sacrifice hit: Fenlon. Two-base
hit: Thomas. Three-base hit: Oagnler.
Bases on bulls: Off Adams, 1; off Jones, 1.
Struck out: By Adams, 7; by Jones, 2.
Left on bases: Denver, 4; Lincoln, 8, Double
plays: Fenlon and Zlnran; Zlnran, Oagnler
and Thomas; White (unassisted). Wild
pitch: Adams. Hit by pitcher: Thomas.
Time: 1:80. Umpire: Haskell. Attendance:
Old Westerner Una Cinch on Ameri
can Association Batting;.
By steady and consistent wielding of the
bat Josh Clarke of. Toledo haa put himself
In the lead of the American association
hitters, being eleven points ahead of Carr,
the former leader. He haa been killing the
ball for aome time and has secured such
a lead that It will take quite a slump to
dislodge him from his position. There haa
been quite a slump in hitting of late, as
only seven players are now above the .300
Plnjrar. Club.
J. Clark. Toledo.
Carr, Indlananolli
Pet. Player. Club. Pet.
..14 Wnt. Toledo ISO
.04 B(tn, Kail. City 260
.114 Hill. Kan Tit. M
Oeeeler, Columbui
McCarthy. Kan. Clur. .311 Kmmr. Kin. Cltr.. lift
Armbrutter, Toledo .. .Jli Riu, Toledo .t4
Hulrwlu. rolumbut... .Ill Wirier, Columbui ... .Ml
Bmoot, Toledo Ilu llobtn.oo, Ullwauk. .Ml
John Freeman, Minn .m Urlnntone. Indie' lie. .340
ix-raiey, nan. L'lty.. .! Manuka, Minneapolis. .137
Barb., Toledo
.! Koehler, Bt. Paul 2ST
.M7 Rellljr. Columbui IS 5
.W5 Tlemerer, gt. Paul... .&I4
.191 Graham, Minneapolis. .134
.ISO Suthoff, Toledo 1st
Jackfqn, Columbui tiv
.Ml Hooka, tndtanannlla 9a
Kolh. Milwaukee ...
Crlna, gt. Paul
Porkorner, Toledo .
Connora, Mllwauk.
Pairing, Tolrdo
LAttlmnr, Toldo .
Jerry Freeman, Minns .DoCurtla, Milwaukee !2
imnieavy. St. Paul... . Wrlr, Columbui... .S25
Flood. Bt. Paul.
.4 nrerwin, Kan. City... ,m
i Klhm, Columbua ...
O'.Nrll, Minneapolis..
I Oram, Milwaukee ..
m wiinama, Indianapolis .124
t&o L'pp. Colnmbus
2S Cheah. Toledo
771 Ge jrr, Oolumbua . . .
171 Lauahlln. fit Paul
Frlik, Bt. Paul
Ccok, Indlanapolla..
Coulter, Indianapolis .174 Bulllran, Kan. City.
rorura. bl nu rn rime. Ht Paul .
Oremlnser. Mlnnella. .171 DouKhertr, Milwaukee .111
nurae, nan. I'lty ;7) wuilama, Toledo Ill
Drier, Bt. Paul M( Robertallle. Columbua .110
Eella. Toledo is Thomas, Minneapolis. .110
Braahar, LouIitIII.. .aes L Ror. it. Paul 110
rein, lauiitiii SKJ Btanlay, LoulaTlll I0
wooarun, Ujulrnile.. ,m Sullivan, Kan. City..
Cooler. LouIitIII ... ,isi Blue, Columbui
erratlua. Columbus.. .n Eailck, Bt. Paul
Leahy. Kan. Cltr Mo Clark, Milwaukee ...
Hlmei, Indianapolis., tf Dundon, Minneapolis.
uyier, Mlnneapnlli T Kellum, Indlanapolla.
Qulnlan. LouliTllla.
.K7 Franti, LouIitIII ...
.U Brlgga, Indlanapolla..
16a Uoodwln.
Tnwna, Minneapolis..
Kruf, Indlanapolla.
LlndesT. Indlanaoolla . McCann. Ullwauki. ia
Fobl, Columbus ...... .Kl Perrln, Minneapolis. .14.1
RitIII. Milwaukee .. .Ml Kllroy, Mlnneapolle.. .lf.l
MrCormlck. Mllwau.... ,ll Blagle. Indlanapolla.. .160
MThesney, Mllwiu... .1610. Freeman, Mlnneap. .1M
W. Clarke, Tnledo Ml Summers, Indiana' III .IB
Blesl. Indlanapolla... . Rchnelbers. Mllwae.. .114
MrBrlde, Kan. City.. .g Olllsa, Toledo in
SulllTan, Loulrrllle.. S 1 Ford. Minneapolis Otl
Puttman, LoulaTlll.. .isi Townsend. Columbus.. .fi
Land. Toledo .161 Caa. Kaa. City 070
Budn, Bt. Pa a I si
Ex-Glaat Hetarna to Mlnmeapolta for
1 "Father, I've come to eat; I've been a
nan, wayward boy, but, father, I've deter
mined to be good henceforth and forevor
and It la the solace and comfort of your
forgiveness that I seek and one more
chance to show tha world that old Bandow,
the prodlcal son, can play ball."
This may not be what Bandow Mertea
will say to Mike Cantlllon when he geta
to Minneapolis to re.loln the Millers after
several weeks of playing hooky, but It
might be. Mertea didn't Jump; he simply
disappeared a few weeka ago and waa not
heard of by the management. But he la lo
cated now. Yesterday he spent In Omaha.
He sat on the home team'a bench at Vinton
atreet park and aaw the coming cham
plons of the Western league give Pueblo a
few Instructions In the art of ball playing
and at eventide ha took tha train for Mln
neapolla. "I've Just been to visit my home In Ban
Francisco, said the once famous New York
Giant s center fielder; "and am rrew on my
way back I will be ready for work when
1 JTV1 Minneapolis and so far aa I know,
will he put to work."
Meites thought Pa Rourke had a bunch of
the real candy kids and said he'd be sur
prised If they didn't win the ribbon.
Beat tke Eagles and Wallop Ntandarda
la On Day,
The Ideal Outlaws won their third con
secutive victory Sunday by defeating tha
Eagles by a score of 4 to 4. The features
were the pitching of Overman, who allowed
but one hit and no scores in seven Innings
and the catching of J. Edmonson. '
Call started to deliver for the Outlaws
but In the first Inning the Baglea aeeured
three hlta and four runs, jmd he retired
In favor of Overman. The score:
S"tl,"w 4 1 6 1 0 0 0 4
tsglee 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 04
Struck out: By Reade. ; by Johnson. i
by Overman, 7.
The Ideal Outlaws defeated the Stand
ards Sunday morning in a fast aoven-acor-e"
ai" "COr " to t Tha
Outlaws 1 1 a 4 i a a7
Standarda 1 0 0 1 0 0 Si
7; by Magnet I; by Murphy, V""".,IO-
Ceatral City wTT a air.
CENTRA I. CITY. N.',. Aug. 1J -(Special.)
-Central City defeat.-d Aurora today In a
Auio.n.fc'Ute, of th hom held
Aurora to three scattered hlta. Bcore:
J'"'"1 o i o o o o o o i-iHA
A"ro.r 00 1 000000-1 I 1
Aumr1! HLr""" Cl,y- lMt n Owen;
.HT.k,"lhurr and Schlalea.
Central City defeated Clarka yesterday.
aaVa?' "'V ..." I tllllMMU1!
a"k' ; oioooooom t
Batteries: Central City, Ayrea and Hart
Clarka. Zipper and Shauk. , '
Laatder Wlai tha Rssker,
In the vatch came of t.n r,i. w '
a . rr . r,t l 1 1 . i , , ;
ih. l.nH.r .J A"Z Y'" " oara oy
. ... . VL ? - uanaer won.
othera town, and tha third game was
Played on neutral ground her" Several
thousand dollars changed hands as the
MUflr Kami I r.tnr mrnn
oontaajt. Casper used a ntrmfcer of Im
ported player, as did lender. One of the
pitchers of the latter team came from the
Northers leaaoe and anottwr frotn Rook
Oeisspava-tesai ef Battlsug Arersgn 1 sisnt
leu auad Til Is) lasira rllase,
Cincinnati cow leads tha National league
In team battuvr, having five players above
tha .ftVO mark, two close op, and, aa a
consequenoa, haa been winning more games
of lata than formerly. Uoyle, tha new
second baseman of the Olanta, haa tem
porarily taken the lead away frotn Honus
Wagner and la going at a merry clip, but
It la donbtful If he can bold tha advant
age of one point he now haa. Tha com
parative statement of tha batting of In
dividuals last year shows that many have
fallen off considerably In . their hitting,
while but few are batting better than they
did. But three players are now hitting
above the .)M mark In the National league.
Av. Av.
Players-Clubs. AB. H. Now. 1006.
Doyle, New York 1 D .SO
Wagner, Pittsburg. ...340 11 .332 .3?
Clarke, Pittsburg 33 S8 .302 .
Magr-o, Philadelphia.. rj 07 .206 .271
Leach, Pittsburg 830 M .291 .303
pfsumont, Boston R1 111 .2M .190
Hoffmsn. Chicago ....M 82 .2X6 .210
Schl-t. Cincinnati ....2K7 5 .2S5 .tit
Sohulte. Chicago 3"0 67 .:K .189
Shcehan. Pittsburg ....115 32 .TS .2J
Rtclnf.-Idt. Chlrngo ....V3 M .27 .341
Jordin, Rrooklvn ....813 37 .27 .24
Robert. Cincinnati ....34S 96 .277 .293
Bowerman. N. Y 2 1 .277 .81
Lumley, Brooklyn 847 96 .277 .830
Knahe. Philadelphia ..249 M .278
Chance, Chicago 275 79 . 270 .811
Odwell, Cincinnati 229 (!2 .171 ....
Beymour. New York. .829 OT .271 .277
Bates, Boston SKI 95 ,271 .173
Brain. Boston SKI 95 .271 .267
Mitchell. Cincinnati.. 96 .2f7
Oanael, Cincinnati.... S4I 91 .26
T.ush. St. Louis 94 26 .21 .2!
nevlln. New York....l 32 .2ffl .98
MeOann. New York...l2 43 .2 .221
Tenney, Boston 8v6 97 .55 .23
Kllng, Chicago 243 64 ,2R3 " .270
Browne. New York.. 276 72 . 261 .225
Presnnhsn. N. Y 1S5 4 .?) .2S
Strang. New York ... 191 ' B0 .2fi0 .275
MoIein. Cincinnati... 21? B .R9
Howard. Chlc.igo . ...7R1 (55 .2R0 .W
Tew's. Brooklyn ....3T1 M .2fO .243
flheckard, Chicago ..325 94 .2M .KH
Slagle. Chicago 342 W ."S7 .213
Pastorlua. Brooklvn.. 48 11 .?M .nN
Thomas. Philadelphia. 3H6 78 . 249 . 247
Bransflold. Phtra 214 53 .243 .W
Iperman, Brook'n. .. .rW 91 .247 ,2W
Huirrrins. Clnclnnotl. .T73 f2 . 247 .9n5
HostPtter, St. IJOUIS..2S5 F .T47 .213
Mowrev. Cinclnnnti. . .2JM 69 .?!
Phllllppl Pittsburg.... 4 11 ."4T. .278
Bvrne, Bt. Louie 3C9 90 .241
Titus. PhUn1olrhia...8" 7 .244 .2KS
R'tchey. Boston 315 77 .244 .;r2
Ahhv. Pittsmro; 305 74 ."4T
Courtney. Phlli 313 76 .243 .249
Kruaer. Cincinnati.... 196 45 .242
Murray, St. Louis. ...sis 77 . 242
Kvprs, Chicago S"8 79 . 241 .255
Holl v. St. TxmiIs SK M .241
N'enlon. Pittsburg ....979 79' .240 .23
Hummell. Brook 13 40 .216 ,i0
Noonan. St. Tuls ....171 39 .239. .?"
Mnrsn. C'csao 114 27 ."37 ."37
ttrner, Cincinnati... 39 9 .237 .er,
riahlen. Vew York....W 72 .?5 .4j
Storke. Plttshurr 15 86 .!I4 ....
Anderson. Pittsburg. ."71 , .3?
Barrv, St. Trfuls 10 "4 . ,n
"atch. Brooklvn "77 64 ."11 272
Burnett. St. Loots 113 "6 .m
Malonev. Prooklvn ...359 92 .co, jj
Orant. Ph'la 105 24 .t"9
Shannon, St. Louis SW 94 .278 , 2T0
Hallman. Pittsburg. .. .95 42 . 277
O'bson, P'ttsburir 731 52 .2"S .191
Bennett. Bt. Louis 291 63 ,J64
Cssey. Brooklvn 274 93 ,22 .221
THahorty. BrooV'vn 73 16 .219
Too1n. Phlladelnhla...193 41 .219 ,227
Purch. Brooklyn 190 99 ,217 .707
rhelns Piftshura 74 16 . 716 . 250
Hannlfan, N. York.... 94 20 .919
Swponev. Prooklvn.... 62 11 .21 ....
Mo01-nn. St. Touls.... 91 19 .709
S. Brown. Boston 179 "9 .70 ,VH
StrtcVett, Brooklyn PS 17 ' .707 .746
MoTntyre. B'ooklm... 41 9 16
IT' New York 44 9 .105 .100
Jacklttsch. Phlla 137 29 .?04
Tinker, Chicago 236 51 .216 .231
nooitn. Philadelphia.. S07 62 .202 .211
C. Brown. Phlla 55 11 ,Jo0 .lt
Brldwell. Boston 361 72 .19 .rw
Marshall. St. Louis. ...194 96 .109 ' :9
Xedham. Boston 199 97 .196 .13
Bitter, Brooklvn 1T 33 .199 .190
BurVsr. 'RroowlvTi 69 11 ,19s; ....
rtotiltes. Brooklvn 39 T .194
Trine. Cincinnati 176 23 .1!
Kara-er. St. Touls T 1. .179 .143
Bardall. Boston 1e, 26 .1?
T,. Tsylor, N. Yrk.... 79 6 .176 .197
Msthewson. V. Y 63 11 .175 .20
r.indamB". Boston 63 11 .f5 .119
Yoonsr, Boston 68 10 .177 .on
Telfleld. Ptttshurg 71 1 .170 .19
Overall. Chlcuro OA 10 .iff? .179
Persror. BrooWvn 73 1 7 .166 .150
M. Brown. C'-ssro.. 73 17 .169 .1!9
VrOlnnitv V. V 70 11 .17 .106
Worev. St. Louis 149 ."4
Tsson. Cinc'nnstl 79 ."1 .
lesson. P-"s 137 19 .144 .""S
rolhnci Chicago.... '3 6 .140
Tt-tiu. Pittsburt 77 10 .139 .190
twhe. St. Louis 70 .11 .179 .ir
F.wlne. C'nc'nnatl 75 10 .137 .179
rorner. rnon 66 9 .136 .147
T,oT-or. Pittshur 46 6 .130 .19.;
r nederen, Chicsem 41 6 .1 .1"5
Tfister, Cblcago 34 4 .117 .057
THI. Brooklvn 59 9 .107 ....
Shsv. New York....... 50 8 ,1-vt
C-rrtdon. Phl'a 61 6 .009
WIHse, New York 61 6 .09 .23
Moren. PhMsdelnhla. . 6? 4 .C4
Csmnlts, P'ttshnre. ... 35 t. .057 ....
Coakley. Cincinnati... 61 1 ."0
Sparks. Ph'ladelphla. . 48 1 .00 .io
Corcoran. New York.. 272 59 ."fil .200
O'Hara, St. Iuis 169 40 . 237
Promise to Ostasmher Tennis Men
from Any Other State.
From present Indications Iowa will be
the best represented state at the Middle
West Tennis tournament, not counting the
playera from Omaha. But one town haa
sent In entries from Nebraska, which Is
a poor showing aa the time ia nearlng a
close, when the entries should be In. Des
Moines will send a good delegation, Sioux
City another, Toledo, la., another and
several smaller towns, some of their crack
players so it now looks like Iowa would
have the largest delegation. Kansas City
and St. Joseph will also each send a good of playera and the directors
are now hustling for Nebraska players.
Entries should be sent to Conrad Young,
chairman of the tennis committee at the
Field club.
Anaerlraa Leaarwe Reaolta. .
Washington 6 8 8
Bt. . Louis 8 8
Batteries: Washington, Oberlln and
Black; St. Louis, Howell and Spencer.
Philadelphia I 8 1
Detroit 0 I 8
Batteries: Philadelphia, Plank and Pow
ers; Detroit, Mullln and Schmidt.
New Tork .-. 11 5
Cleveland 15 16 2
Batteries: New York. Hogg and Klclnow;
Cleveland, Rhode and Clark.
Boston 0 8 1
Chicago 4 11 2
Bott erics: Boston, Tannehlll and Shaw;
Chicago, Smith and Sullivan.
Bertbner Beats West Polat.
SCRTBNER. Neb,. Aug. 13. (Special.)
West Kolnt came down last Sunday to help
the Scrtbner ball team to open up the new
grounds which Is enclosed with seven-foot
fence. West Point haa a good team of
young playera and will make them all play
to beat them. Following la the score:
Bcrlbner 8 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0-6 I
West Point 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 0-4
Batteries: O. Brine and Dryer, Zacek
and Zacek. Umpire: Cromer.
Sfcesmadoaa Will Play Stdaey.
HAM BURG, Is,, Aug. 18. (Speclal.)-The
fast amateur base ball team of Shenan
doah, which waa defeated by the Sidney
ball team at tha base ball tournament held
at Riverton, la., last wrek, haa challenged
the Sidney aggregation for a match game
to be played anywhere but Bldney, for a
side bat of 8300 and winner to take aJl of the
gate receipts. Sidney haa not accepted the
challenge, but aay they will. The game
will probably be played either hers or at
! t'onaaa Wednesday.
Captain Wheeler and hla Mountaineers
will open a four days' engagement at Vin
ton street park Wednesday afternoon, with
Friday set aside at ladles' day. Should tha
Omaha team be aa fortunate against tha
Dearer bunch aa oo tha last twa rtsita, tha
The ablest eon suiting chemiats In the world hava again and ag;aln demonttrated the incomparable gnperiorlty of T!e
Gund Natural Proceaa of brewing over all others. This celebrated and exclusive process retains tke largest known
percentage of the total creative nutriment contained in the life-cells of the malt and hops. Hence
because of this high percentage of solid food extractives, as well as its marvelous tonic properties (derived
from the hops), has won lasting renown and national popularity. It is a superb thirst-quenching beer, full
of snap, and sparkles in tiie bottle like golden sunshine. lias a most enchanting aroma and gives real
Brewed conscientiously for 50 years from the choicest grade of Northern barley and fine imported hops.
Won Highest Award at Paris 1900 and Gold Medal at St Louis Exposition 1904. Containing but 3
alcohol only, it ia a home beer of commanding superiority. Delivered anywhere. Sold everywhere.
Telephone write or call
Rourke family should have a nice lead by
Saturday night. Zalusky is back In the
?ame since the team was In Omaha and
oll. a new pitcher has been added to the
stair, l he lineup:
,..C. Adams
..R. Adams
Franck. .........
..First hnse...
. .Second base..
..Third base..
.. Shortstop ...
....Iert field....
....Center field..
....Right field..,
.... Catcher
.... Pitcher
Excitement la Europe Over Hack's
Defeat of Terrible Tork.
LONDON, Aug. 10. (Delayed.)-There Is
a flutter In the wrestling world. Since
Hackenschmldt, the "Russlon Lion," de
feated Madrall, the "Terrible Turk," at
Olympia, the British public has heard
little of anyone contesting the claim of the
Russian to be the world's champion wrest
ler. But now aspirants to the position have
arisen, and four of them at least are, It is
stated, the equals If not the superiors of
Hackenschmldt. One of these is l.e Marin,
a Belgian, who, It haa been arranged, will
meet Hackenschmldt In Dublin during the
August horse show week. The match will
be for $1,500 a side, "catch-as-catch-can."
Le Marin publicly challenged Hacken
schmldt In the Theater Royal, Dublin, last
Saturday night.
The other wrestlers whose prowess Is
compared favorably with Hackenschmldt
are I'aboudny, Cyganlewsky and Koch.
Herr Melms, a prominent Gorman wrestling
authority, has thus expressed his opinion
of those men:
"Either I'aboudny or Cyganlewsky or
Constant Le Marin (the weakest of the
three) Is able, In my Judgment, to defeat
Hackenschmldt. Hackenschmldt has long
been considered in Berlin as a fallen giant,
and his challenge to the wrestlers of tha
world is nut taken seriously. Inasmuch as
he, notwithstanding prodigious efforts on
the part of his opponents to get him Into
a match, has not been coaxed Into the
ring. According to a challenge published
by Jacob Koch, the German champlun
wrestler, Koch for a year has been pursu
ing Hackenschmldt In England to Indues
him to enter Into a mtch. Paboudny Is
the champion wrestler of the world, and
without Question the best the world has at
present. He la a Cossack, travels much in
Russia with his own troupe of wrestlers,
and hla remarkable wrestling In
Berlin attracted enormous attention.
Cyganlewsky, the Pole, Is also well known
In eaatern Europe. He aa well aa the less
known Le Marin would, without doubt, da
feat Hackenschmldt."
Both Pahoudny and Cyganlewsky are
coming to England.
Capital, Saya jcaslagi, la Best 1st
Major Leaaaea.
Washington Is the best ball town In either
major league, according to Hugh Jennings,
manager of the Detroit team.
Jennings made his . assertion, backed It
up by stating that the Detroit club'a share
of last Friday's receipts In this city was
within a few dollars of the amount re
ceived for the games played In New York
last week. '
Jennings played for years In the National
league, and is In a position to Judge the
relative merits of the various cities In
both big leagues.
"This is by far the best town In either
circuit," said he. "Our share of tha receipts
of the double header last FTlday was within
Iu0 of the amount we received for all tha
tsamea we played In New York last week.
This Is a most remarkable ahowlng, and
proves what I contend, that Washington Is'
tne pest town, with a team last In the
race, which has failed to make any kind
of ahowlng during the last few weeks,
Washington Is outdrawing New York, and
the club In New York has perhaps S.UO0.0UO
more people to draw from than has the
club In this city. Why. there Is no telling
what they would do hers If they get a
winner, and It Is my opinion that they
are on a fair way to get one. Cantlllon
has added some valuable material to this
team, and If he gets a few more positions
plugged up he will have a winner. Joe
knows what the team needs, and be will
get the players If there Is a chance. Wash
ington deserves a winner.
"The town haa supported a loser better
than would any city In the union. If any
other city In either major league had for
years had a tall-end team It la fair predic
tion that tha playera would have been
chased out of town, but there Is Washing
ton outdrawing New York, a record of
which the olty may justly feel proud."
Washington Examiner.
Lata Week Hardest aa These f tha
Whole Seaoosu
Pa Rourke accounts for the apparent
alump In hla team'a batting by the un
usually hard schedule, which was played
latt week, which was tha hottest and most
humid of tha year. Three double-headers
were played, two of them being with
Lincoln, which waa playing about tha
fasteat ball In tha league at tha time and
three of the game going to extra Innings.
"The boys were about worn out." said
fa. ana inai was all trier waa to it.
ivaral of Umb lust trow Ava to aevea
The Chemistry of Nature."
W. 0. HEYDEN, Manager, 1320-22-24 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb., Telephone Douglas
pounds, when they had no extra weight to
start with and it has tired them out. A
few cooler days like Monday will soon put
them to rights again."
Kangaroo Picked by Jeffries aa Great'
at of FlKliters.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10. (Delayed.)
"Whom do you consider the greatest fish' or
of the ukc?" Jeffries was asked. Jeff didn't
ray that modesty forbade him to answer.
"Old Bob FltZHimmons," he replied
"Old Fitz Is a wonder. His time may have
passed now, but even up to fo ir or five
-ears npo he was a terror. The ftrsf time 1
fought Fits he hit me some terrible Mows.
But the last fight I had with him was the
worst I ever had. I never thought a man
could hit so hard. I . wouldn't have taken
the beating I got before I put him out for
$100,000. If I had known what was coming
to me I never would have fought him.
'Old Fits went around me like a Ilea.
The floor of the ring was too thin and the . rnrt thus made him the property of Mil
boards rave tinder my weight and made me waukee. The fact of the matter is that
slow. But Fits was so light they dldn t
bother him at all. He punched me so fast
and hard I couldn't see where the gloves
were coming from.
"Nobody else ever hurt me much, but
Fits broke my nose down flat and cut me to
ribbons. After the fight I had eight
stitches put in under my rlcht eye and
eight over it. My left eye had to be sewed
up. There were thirty-two stitches taken
in mv face. I was nearly blinded. Every
tooth' in mv head was loosened up. and I
thought for two or three days my Jaw was
broken. I looked like a train had run over
"When old Fltx sunk 'em Into my body I
If the floor had been all right he never
would have beaten me up so hart nut l i
would have had a tough ennue-h lime nnv
how, I sruess. I learned a let In that fight.
What Fits did to me was a shame.
"Fltx was the greatest man of his weleht
that ever lived. If he was as big as I am
he would kill any man he hit."
Results In Iowa Leasroe.
MARSHALLTOWN, la., Aug. 12.-fSre-clal
Telegram.) Following .are the results
In tha Iowa league:
Waterloo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 12
Marshalltown 02001100 04 12 1
Batteries: Bwalm and Ltcette; Kent and
R. H E
Ottumwa 0 1000000 0-1 2 0
Oekaloosa ....0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 02 T 1
Batteries: Sedgwick and Welgart; Schaoft
and Moody.
gkelton Wins Hard Game.
SHELTON, Neb., Aug. 13. (Specials
One of the anapplest games of ball which
has been played here for a long time was
played by the local nine and one from
Ravenna yesterday afternoon. The visiting
team went to bat and from the first to the
ninth inning not a score was made and
but three men reached third baae. Ravenna
In the last inning acored 3 and went out.
Shelton came to bat and by hard hitting
made 4 scores, winning the most exciting
game ever played on the home diamond.
Butteries: Shelton, Bastlan and Owens;
Ravenna, Murphy and O'NcilL
Sportlna" Goaalp,
Connie Mack on top once more!
Shannon la back with Dea Moines.
Oraham ahowed hia speed Monday when
be beat out a bunt, which waa none too
well placed.
The state tournament of the Nebraska
Golf association Is to be played during tho
last week In August.
When Boston beat Chicago Monday and
Cleveland beat New York It left Boston
but twenty-five points behind New York.
Philadelphia has been giving to Chicago
of late. The Athletics skinned the Sox In
the late series and the Phllies split even
with the Cubs.
Although Monta Cross Is not In the game,
Connie Mack declares that hla daily work
on the coaching lines hss a lot to do with
the success of the Athletics.
Bert Blue the Columbus catcher, who la
almost certain to be nicked off by a league
elub for next year, had a run of twenty
six games behind the bat this season with
out a mlsplay.
Dan Daley, who haa been the chief main
stay of the Burlington team In the Iowa
league, haa been sold to the Cincinnati Na
tional league club, and will report to Man
ager Hanlon at the close of ths Iowa
Roy Thomas haa declined an invitation to
take part in a race at Cincinnati to de
termine who la the fasteat ball player.
Some body muat have been kidding Roy.
Hoffman, Bay, Browne, or Oldrlng could
give him five yards and beat him.
"A good umpire doesn't want popularity."
declared Billy Evans of the Amerh an
league during a fanning bee. "It bothers
him. Kid Elberfeld says an umpire la a
hated being who Is forsaken by everybody.
I wish everybody around tha hotels would
refuse to speak to the umpires. Id be
bappy then.
Deacon MeOuire In hla mad rush with his
Beaneaters threatena to devour New York,
too, aa he did St. Louis. The old man
mowed down the White Sox Monday with
ease. They all look alike to Jim these
days. He baa Instructed bis men to win
regardl&aa of tha team and they are deliv
ering the goods.
PhlladelDhla by winning from Detroit
took the first plac in the American league
race. Matiy uli ara wbs have s04
in IS "il 'si saint a,
V V :
H' Mass
along that the PhllloB were the team to
be relied upon to set the White Pox hack
for runnlnK and to take the pennant away
from tbeni The nntisl Inn nnvv to nr),.,tl,.,r
I Philadelphia will be able to hold the lead.
Belden proved by his four hits In four
times up Mondiiy thut a left-hiinder could
hit a southpaw at times and that there was
no need of a left-handed hotter In laving
down Just because h is facing a southpaw.
Guess Omaha did cut much figure In
those two pames at Chicago Sunday which
were won by the Cubs from Philadelphia,
2 to 1. The first fame, which Miner Brown
saved in the ninth Inning, was won by Del
Howard, who knocked a three-bugger and
scored tho run. The second game was won
because Jurk Pfelster only let the Quakers
have four hits.
Jack Doyle, the Milwaukee manager,
pulled off a shrewd trick at Detroit's ex
pense. He announced that Pitcher Sehn-l-berg
wasn't making good, and that he
would turn him back to the Tigers, who
had a claim on the twlrler. JennlnRs took
una ns gosiiei truth, passed up Schnelberg,
oonneinerg is one of the most
iM.u.-in in ,ne .American association, and
Htiy club would be glad to pet him. Hx
Fhrewd trick? Some people have another
name for it.
Worklnav on Intrrnrlian Itoad.
ATLANTIC, la., Aug. 12.-(Pperial.l-The
Atlantic Northern & Southern railroad la
progressing as fast as the weather will
allow. Already a call lias been Issued for
the second assessment of 20 per cent of
hi I t,
' V ,IaaJt ...
i jaw. ,
i '- T aV'i ylt A'- Ai' '
' n-
The Reliable Specialists
that destroy man's mental and physical strength, which unfits theV for work"
a udy or bualnesa depriving them of the duties and pleasures Tof and Tha
s renJ'th wUhdn?en,d.1'tyy ?U, T"1 ,0 "V9d re...ored to ! h X
"lt,1,h; wlth. mental and phyaloal powers complete. Come to the men s true
specialists and learn your true condition. Get the right treatment at tha out
Bet and he cured promptly, safely and thoroughly. Ut
men), rl11'! a thorouKh- aearchlng and scientific examination of your alV
StfE n Zi?h J I ?har'' an examination that will dlaclose your true physical con
ditlon. without a know edge of which you are groping In the dark, and without
v aWrriirnmsn 7C1 VS Ph"-lcln r -Uialtst should treat you!
In JZi ai.. lln mn ,to that they can come to this Institution freely for
aMru,mi aii n.and '.XP an,'on ' '"" condition, without being bound by any
obligation whatever to take treatment unless they ao desire.
will find this Institution thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called In
stitutes, medical concerna and specialists' companies. You are Just aa safe In
dealing with the State Medical Institute as with any at.te or national bank
. ?no Quote misleading price in oar annoanesments. W make no
mialeadlnr stat.ui.nts or deceptive, anbnslness-Uke propositions. We oure
ra:rBd'.u!g.1a:rh..7t zud?"1 w.
We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor
oughly and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH,
CIAL diseases and weaknesses and their complications.
Tree Ccnsulttlieo tol EiimlnitlH-?- Hour.: trlSi
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
We aell a thousand different items made of
Rubber. Write for our catalogue of Kttbbef
Qoods and Patent afedlolnes rkl.
i-qt. Fountain byrlng. tOc, by lna.ll 600
J-qt. Water Bag, 50c; by mall 60o
iood, l.00 and 13.00
Rubber Gloves, 49c to $1.00
riaisui pus on
Coras lata aad Beaare Ita,
the subscribed stock, which was due upon
the completion of the first five miles of
roadbed, and stockholders aro ) rtirg up
promptly. All the right-of-way has been
provided for and a representative of tho
company Is now In the eastern market
purchasing rails, tics and other suppltea
for the road. Specifications for bridges
will be completod today, and bids received.
The last semblance of friction in the board
of directors was removed Friday night by
the resignation of E. E. Marquis as treas
urer and the election of U. H. Messenger
of the Citizens bank as hla successor
Is now certain that the first eighteen mil
from Klmballton and Elk horn to this plac
will be In operation by the first of De
cember, ajid plans m o uji'vady .being . dis
cussed for Its extension north to Manning,
and nuuth to Vlllihi-u.
A whole volume of knowledge won't do a
man much good If he's "broke" and unem
ployed. And capable men often fall to find
employment becuuue they fall to take tha
pro; or course to find it. A Bee want a4
will do more searching for a position for
you In a few hours and nt a cost of a
few pennies than you could ponlbly do la
person In many weeks.
If, you have anything to trade advertlaa
It In the For Exchange columns of Tba
Bee Want Ad pages.
uaen order.
OWL ORUa co.
Oaraar HU aad XajraBa