Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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ft tnre potent remedy ta the root
and herb of the field than wm ever
produced from dropa.
Ia the (rood old fashioned day of
our frandmother few drag war
need in Medicine and Lvdia E.
Pinkham. of Lynn. Uiw., la her
study of roots and herb and their
power or diieaae discovered nd
g"ae to the women of the world a
remedy for their peculiar ill nor
pnvent ana emracion than
combination of drug.
LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
uan noaest. tried and true remedy
Darin it record of mort than
cur of Uioae serious ilia peculiar to
Vegetable Compound to th respect
Uan honest, tried and true remedy of
rtnMni lm J . i
cwi u ui un uitn
person and every thinking woman.
When women are troubled with irregular or painful function,
weakness, displacement, ulceration or inflammation, baekaobe,
flatulency, general debility, indigestion or nervons prostration, they
should remember there is one tried and tru remedy, Lydia K. Pink
hams Vegetable ComponnVL
No other remedy in th country ba nch a record of cure of
female ill, and thousands of women residing in erery part of the United
State bear willing testimony to th wonderful virtu of Lydla E. Pimk
hain's Vegetable compound and what it has don for them.
Mr. Finkham In rites all sick women to write her for ad rice. Sh ha
ffnided thousands to health. For twentT-fir year she ha been advising
aick women free of charge 'Sb Is th daoghter-ln-law of Lydla K Pink
Lam and as her assistant for year before her dcee advised under her
immediate airectlen. Addre&a, Lynn.
Robert Smith.
Carl T. Schmidt, 18 step B. of Orph-um.
Songlaa rrlntlng Co, 114-1 8. 19th EC
A. Rlaahart, photographs, removed
to Eighteenth and Farnam streets.
Twin City rye Work removed to 4T B.
16th, Ramge block. Close at 5 p. m.
Who sts a portion of his salary
will find the advantages of th City Rav
ings Bank very much to his convenience.
Rock Spring's Ooal Plac your order
now for prompt delivery. Central Coal and
Coke Co. of Omaha, lath and Harney.
Oar Stock ef Tail and winter woolens
Is complete. An order placed now may
filled at your convenience. Ouckert A
McDonald. S17 8. 15th.
Thirty Bays for th Trick a. W.
Barnr e, who tried a short change trick at
the Beaton Drug store last Esturday snd
was caught by Jack Beaton, one of the
propritors was sentenced to thirty days
In Jail Tueeday morning by Judge Craw
ford. Rang- Cattle Receipt Heavy Receipt
of range cattle at South Omaha this year
ere very heavj and show a marked In
crease over pre ,'lous years. This in spite
of the fsct (hat 4e ranges sre still in fine
condition and there Is no Immediate need
cf disposing of the stock.
TiT9 Day for a Sat Clarence Bar
net', ho, as he explained to the Judge, "t
seen the hat and Just natcliclly tuk It." was
sentenced to psy 15 and costs In police
court Tuesday rimming. Barnett stole the
bead gear from Jack Christopher, a driver
for the Katskee lee company.
X. W. A. rieslo Omaha District Ixg
Rollins association's twtlfth annual picnic
win be held at Bennlr.gtcn, Neb., Thurs
yji'i'. August 15; fOc round trip, Including
admission to the park. . Special trains
leave Union depot $ o'clock a. m. and
returj, JaansBAnnUlgtfln, at 7: p. rru. . ;
Wakes - Whole Solgkborbood Barney
Kln'.merltr.g, filled with c.occlne. got Into
a wagon belonging to the Merchants Ex
press company at Fourteenth and Leaven
worth, Monday night, and howled until the
whole neighborhood got up to see whst
waa wrong, lie was taken to the police
station and the judge gave him thirty days
Tuesday morning.
Rev. R. A. rogelstrom Recovered Rev'.
E. A. Kogelstrom, formerly superintendent
of the Swedish ir.anuel hospital snd well
known Swedish preacher, ia again among
bis friends In Omaha after nearly two
ycsrs' corflneinent in sanitarium and asy
lum." Hu has a discharge from Dr. Kay of
the Lincoln asylum, stating that lie is re
covered and free to go as he pleases. In
stead of merely on parole.
Bamed by aasolin Miss Amanda Kslly
as bumed about th right rm and s'houW
Affected Hands, Arms and Legs
Endured Terrible Itching and was
Unable to Sleep Would Tear
the Bandages to Scratch the Skin
In less than One Week
"I bad ecxema nearly fifteen yea-.
Th scooted part were my bands, arm
ud legs. They were tL worst in the
w inter tune and were
always itchy, and I
could not keep from
scmtchin their.. I
had to t keep both
Lands bandaged all
the t me, and at night
I would bar to
crstcU through the
banUac a the itcb
iiig was so sever, and
at time I would have
to tear everything oil
my hnd to scrs'.ch
th iXin. I could not
rest or Wp. I bad
aevsrai pbvsieiana
treat nMj but they
could not giv me
permanent cur, nor
even co'ili theT atop
the itching, After
using th Cuticura
Soap, one box Cuti
Cura tHntmect and
two boitio Cuticura
-Resolvent for about
lis day the itching bad esased, and now
U srea hav disappeared, and I nevev
eJt Utter in my LJ than I do now.
Fdwerd Woeell. Bsnd SOth, U. & Infan
try. 1 Craok, braU.
Tb stxte torturing and disfijrorfnf;
buntor, ccsemaa, raoea, itching, irri
ttioos, and inflammation of th akin,
scalp, and Uood. with ks of bair ef in
fants, d.ildren. and adult, ar instantly
relieved and speedily cured by tb CuU
eura IUnjedie, when all els fails. ,
Cv.ew KsMrtwT s4 tslnsil TiMlwtirf ssr t Hi f
BJvm, ml IntMtt. It 1Vdr, A A,' mt I
r. rm . C cL hhi. Cvvn (tsnsl
ISw f Bi M Sfct. s4 Oi'WMt r-m if iiims
.. t M,SMi PsM. NrakM ,f
4 n h i Kia Im c r.ia,
11 I rf
' e r,i .
of unquestionable therapentio value
thirty year, iu louf lvst of actna
women. entSUe Lydla E. Finkham
and ooafldeno of rery fair saiadec
nnaneatlonaHIa thmnratlA nlix
i . i , ' . . .
vnirvr year, isa ion f list OI accost
averv fur akin a ad
der by the explosion of a gasoline stove ta
the heme of Cherle Furst. I72S Lake
treet. where she Is servant Th fire
w-as put out, with only f damage to the
house. Miss Kelly's burns are not serious.
Keal Estate Deals Philip Schlelfer has
bought the southeast corner or Twenty
fifth avenue and Harney street. 70x123 feet,
for $&.0CO from William K. Potter, receiver.
A row of brick fists is on the lots. R. 8.
Morris has paid t7X0 for an undivided
three-eights interest In the north half cf
the north half of lots 7 and I. block O,
Omaha. This is at the northwest corner
of Twenty-second and Chicago streets.
rosaral of Mra. plehnrgr The
funeral service of Mrs. N. A. Splesburger
of 10 Mason street, who died Sunday, was
held Tuesdsy morning st 9 o'clock at the
reeldence. The pallbearers were: Harry
B. Zlmman. Ike Meyer of Bloux City,
Adolph Meyer of Chicago. C. E. Bience.
Julius Meyer and Jacob Klein. The serv
ices wer In chsrge of Sam Frank and In
terment was made at Pleasant Hill ceme
tery. Star Torn Off Officer J. C. Knowlton
of Chicago and Frankic Williams of
Omaha, both colored, were navigating un
certainly along Dodpe street Monday even
ing when Sergeant amtielson and Detec
tive Ferris happened along. The officers
undertook to bring the two safe to port
In the city bastlle and a lively tussle en
sued, In which Sergeant Samuelson got his
stsr torn off and his cost ripped. Frank!
William was almost completely demol
ished. Their case was not called Tuesday
Ole Particular About Pood Ole Swan
son, very particular about what he eats,
entered a Japaneae restaurant at Six
teenth and California streets Mondsy even
ing snd ordered a stesk. The Japanese
cooking did not suit Mr. Bwsnson and he
refused to pay for it The Japanese waiters
were starting in to tske payment in pum
melling, when Bwanson snd George Ishl
bar were taken In tow by -an 'offlcef.
Bwanson failed to appear In police court
and lahlhsra was released.
Oar Ooe Xato Draff tor Before a
Jury In Judg Leslie's court ths case of
Charles R. Csughlan against the Omaha A
T'Olinrll Rluff. RtrMt TOaMw-.v Anm n w 1. ,
" . ' ' ' "
oemg inea. i nis esse grows out or sn ac
cident which occurred In the east end of
the Harney street car line last winter, when
a car jumped the track and ran into the
drug store operated by the plaintiff In this
case. Since that time attempts have been
made tc settle the matter out of court.
but tlte damages which the company offered
were not considered sufficient, ss Mr.
Caughlan desired pay for the time he was
unsble to do business sfter the accident.
Plcal for the Brwsboya Prellmlnrry
arrangements for the newsboys' picnic are
in tlte hands of Joe Carroll. Mogy Bern
stein, Tony Costns. Eric Nelson and Harry
Loftus, representing the boys who eell
Omaha and Chicago papera. The picnic
will be held at Krug park August C and
the management cf the park has contrib
uted tickets to the boys, who will aell
them for the cession. Mr. Clara Burbank
has charge of the refreshmnt feature of
the occasion. Bhe will secure the co-operation
cf atX'Ut forty matrons and maid?, who
will act a overseers and welters at the
tablet. Merchant are contributing prises
for the contests and th nrwspspers and
packing housea will donate the provisions
for the feast
bULt-ArdCd I
Beetlom ef Men-lam tt Hol-nqalat
Hoes Palls Oat with Bis;
Pile ef Wheat.
A sect I m of the walls of the Merr'am St
Ilolmc:ulFt elevator "A," at Fev. r.te-nth
and Nicholss streets collapsed at I ii Mon
day afternoon. The southeast corner rf the
buHllnp, from the ground to a relxht ef
about two stories and extending hack about
twenty feet from the corner on each side,
went down w'th an explosive noise, w ch
lesds to the theory thst a dust explosion
caused the collapse. Four thousand busreli
of grain were stored In thst sec'ion or tie
eleveior, lowever. snd it Is bel evea that
I the strstn msr hsve broken d-iwn the a is.
, The fire department was rslled out and t'-ie
.... .v.. i..i.. .ii
i -
cut Immediitely to prevent fires oy more
I serious accidents.
The MerHam A Holmqulst co-rpsny es 4
mstss the loss at no more than the ost
of repairing the bulld'rg, as all cf tb
wheat can be recovered.
Rever error
Travel ee Cieg.
' smMtos-s expeeiticw. gJS.
Boston and return (certain date), gD.71
Deadaood and return. tll-K.
St. P'il and return. tU SO.
Toronto and return, dtt.
Hundreds of other points. Informettoa a
(The OVLT Doubl Track Route)
1J-1P3 Parnss (.
t.w Rates east
Chlcaaw. Mllwawke St. Pwal Ry.
One fsre plus flit) for round trip -dsy
tirfcet, on sale dally to eastern Canadian j
points, aad on August t 11. 50. 24; Sec tern-
her 1. It U end Ss. ta Now Enciaad aolnta
Choice ef route east of Chicago, stop
over at tVtrelt,. Niagara Falls and other
point For rates, routes snd Information,
call City TVkst Office. His Farnam Street,
r writ P. A. Nash, General Wester
Agent. Omaha. Keb
Announcements. weug stationery and
call, r.rds. t,.. b,a aad trsigasto
tlndiac. Phone twua. us. A. t. Root. law.
Sererai Omaha Young Women Leave j
Soon for Europe. j
Kaiertalae Preteatlaae Affair ef Wee j
at Ceaatrr CI Mlaae Clays
aad Fraaeee Geeld Give
jvvreltr awer.
The lsrgest and most pretentious affair
ef Tuesdsy ws the brtdre party given by j
Mr Thomas twob at the Country club. ,
Her gwsts were seated at ten small tables
fr h brlde ram, but for refreshments
two large table were plsred on the porch
and were decorated with large bouquets
of gotten glow. Dainty white pUte cards
marked the places of Mrs. John 8. Brady,
Mrs. C, N. Diets. Mr. E. C. MrShane.
Mr, rrank Colpetser, Mr. Ksthsn Mer
riam, Mrs. Brtnker. Mrs. C. K. Coutant.
Mrs. W. J. Coe-netl. Mra Chsrle Oulou.
Mr. George Squire. Mrs. Vfarren Roger.
Mrs. Fred Nash. Mrs. Tnomas ktt. mrm
O. 8. Hoffman. Mrs. Edwin MfMahon.
Mr. Andrew Roeewater, Mrs. Cbarle
Johannes. Mrs. R. 1 Huntley, Mrs. Phella
McShsns. Mrs. T. J. Roger. Mr. Oement
Chase. Mrs. Harry V. Burkley. Mrs. Ar
thur Brand!, Mrs. Du Bets, Mr. Chrle
Bqulres, Mra Robert Klok. Mrs. Julias
Krasler, Mrs. William Bunderland. Mr. H.
N. Wood. Mrs Cbarle CI a pp. Mrs. Victor
Whit. Mr. E. . Weetbreok. Mr. Loul
Nash. Mr. Ben Cotton. Mrs. John WeltseH,
Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Mrs. Edwin T. ,
Bwobe. Mis Ida Sharp and Miss D Vol of
Council Bluffs.
He well- arms.
A very pretty but quiet summer wedding
wss solemnised Saturdsy afternoon at I
o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Burns. 4 Cas street, when their deugh
ter. Miss Ethel, was married to Mr. Zack
Town send Howell. Rev. Frank L Lovelsnd
officiated. The bride, who was unattended,
was charming In a white embroidered mull
gown, and carried a larg bouquet cf wbKe
ster. combined with sspragus ferna The
ceremony was performed In the parlor,
which was brightened with quentltle of
white ester. In th living room loose bou
quets of golden glow were used, while In
the dining room, where the refreshments
were served, the table had for a center
piece a larg round mirror, surrounded by
electric lights, shaded In green and red.
which harmonised with the garden flowers
used In the other decorations and th hand
some dome light overhead. Owing t a re
cent death ta the family, only the Intimate
friends and relative were present, number
ing bout thirty In all. Mr. and Mrs.
Howell were recipient of many beautiful
present. They hv gon for short wed
ding trip In low and will be at home after
September 1 at KM Can street.
Jtevelty Shower.
Miss Gladys and Miss Frances Gould gave
novelty shower Tuesday aftsrnoen In
honor of Miss Gertrude Patterson, whose
marriage to Mr. William James Miller will
tske place Wednesday evening at I o'clock.
The afternoon was spent In hemming tow
els for the bride and the guests presented
Miss Patterson with a lfbok of their fav
orite receipts, and also many useful and
beautiful pieces of linen and silver. Those
present were: Miss Patterson. Miss Grscs
Miller. Miss Florence Blumer, Ml Mar
guerite Cocke, Miss Katherine Roberta,
Miss Anna Roberts, Miss Corinne Searle,
Miss Jessie Bpence, Miss Hagger, Miss
Frances Gould and Miss Glsdys Gould.
' Clab MeetlH-.
Mr. Arthur Kuhn was hostess Tuesday
afternoon at th meeting of the Bridffe
club. Two tables were plsced for the gam
and those present were: Mrs. W. F. Bel
ter, Mr C. H. T. Relpen, Mr. Leo Orotte.
Mrs. J. L. Richardson. Mrs. J. Mandelberg,
Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Thomas Burcbmore,
Taylor and Mrs. Kuhn. Mrs. J. L.
Richardson will entertain the next meeting
of the club.
The members of the Com Is club gave a
surprise party Monday evening for Mr. and
Mr Grant Kuhn, who are soon to leave
Omaha. The evening was spent at high
five and the prises were won by Mrs. W. B.
Keaton and Mr. B. F. Marti. Those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Heston, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Hyoes, Mr. snd Mrs. Lovejoy,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fisher, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Marti. Mr. and Mra Arthur
Kuhn and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kuhn.
Pleale Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McManls gave a
picnic Tuesday afternoon at Han scorn park
in honor of their niece. Miss Moore of Fort
Worth. Tex. The party met at the park
at 4 o'clock and enjoyed a supper. Their
g-uests included: Miss Moore. Misses Kath
arine, Louise, Busle and Clara Ferrin, Mis
Pullne Frye, Miss Violet Dodge cf Plstts
mouth. Neb.; Mr. Clyde Dsvls. Dr. and
Mrs. Roy A. Dodge, Mr. and Mra. John
frion and Mr. and Mra MrMania
Social Chit-That.
Miss Mildred Lomsx and Miss Mary
- v inenas or sliss
Munchoff from Switzerland, will aall
August SI. from New York on the "Kon
igin Louise" and will land at Genoa and
from there will go to Naples. Mrs. E.
L. Lomax will Join them in the fall. Mis
Lomm expects to devote her time to
musicsl studies, for which she has excep
tional talent
teaalaa; Events.
Mr. and Mr. Jehn Patterson ge
a i ueacay evening for the members
or the
Mlller-Patrerson wedding psrty
w . .
Miss Jflldred Hsgee of 8t. Louis,
na oi nonor, u:ss Msble Allison of
riorence. Neb., bridesmsid: Miss Jessie
Fpenre. who plsyed the wedding march.
Mr. Wfllltm .T,rr.a Irill Ih. -
I ik, r.,, . , ' '
A.,brt P,u'ron- m: Mr- Kelso
i r,itn,4v a m , i- .
Cannady cf 11. Louia,
and Mra Pstterson.
usher, and Mr.
Mr. F. W. Thorn will glvs a luncheon at
her home Wednesday In honor cf Miss
Morvre of Tort Worth, Tex., who is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McManls.
Cwaae mm Ce Cauls.
Mr. and Mra. Grant Kuhn expect to leave
tne latter part of th week for Seattle.
Wash., where they will reside T l-.v.
- , . .
a large circle of friends who will rerrei
their departure.
Mr. snd Mrs E. C. Goodmsn. accom
panied by Mrs. W. T. Norms n and son
Hsrold. left Wednesday for Maoltou. Colo.,
where they will spend several weeka
Mrs. L. C. Peter left Monday evening
for Wahoo to attend the stiver wedding SB
Blversary of her sister. Trom Wshco she
will f-o to Lincoln to visit for a week or
ten days with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Carrie Dawson Soott. Miss Msrguer
Me, Miss Dorothy and Msster L R-v
Ccott hsve returned from a ten days' visit
to the Nebraska Epworth assembly st Lln
soln, Mr. and Mr. W'lllam Karnes sr expected
the esiiy part of September tt be the
ruests ef Mr. snd Mr. R. V. I-1s.
Mrs. W. P. Belter and dsugt-ter. Miss
Martha, who have been spending tw week
st Clear lake returned home Baiordav.
Mrs. B. P. Martin exnects to leave Thurs
day for few weeks visit t th norther
j Tar;;. w ,h.,d of pur,
4fotd laa U was always pur vni!'.
0VER A thousand knights
Xeartaa; the Caveteel basal Wkri
Mere Will Be Admitted
th fi.
A great cheer went up from the thou
sand or more Knights of AkSr-Bn Mon
day night when th announcement was
mad by Grand Mufti E. C. Hodder that
tiia number of paid memberships has
reached 1.010. as against fM August It
Another Mg and enthusiastic attendance
I greeted last night's solemnities. The only
thing to mar the proceedings wss that th
i Marconi telegraph operators hsd gone out
on strike. Sixty recruits from all parts
of the country, Including delegste from
Nebraska, Tsxaa Missouri. Ohio, Illinois,
Indiana. Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming. Philip
pine Islands, Oklahoma and Nevada were
among the recruits obligated. Among the
bustch was Barney Oldfield, the auto
mobillst, who demonstrated his versatility
s an expert cavalryman. j
E. C. Hodder presided as gxand mufti.
The speskers ef the evening were Bsm
B. Campbell of Kansas City, mansger ef
the Hotel Baltimore, who gave out the
hint that the Dearie Bros, had designs on
th resuscitation of the Her Grand; Pete
Elsassef. councilman; Barney Oldfield, who
teld of how th amateur Omaha bicyclist
some years ago undertook to tram up on
vinegar at Sandy Gtlswold s suggestion.
Rabbi Morrltt of Evens-rill. lad., also
spok and paid a high tribute to the energy
and push cf Ak-Bar-Ben 1a th develop
ment of Nebraska and Omaha.
Judge Lee 8. Estell mad a stirring talk
on th work that th Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben
was doing for Omaha. He spoke of
th high moral as well as tb high In
tellectual stsndard of Omaha, and while
be believed that Omaha could effectively
use more policemen than are at present
on th force, yet no city In the country
of It sis bad lea us for great police
force than Omaha. He maintained that
the percentage of crime waa decreasing,
asd and that the moral standard of
Omaha waa constantly advancing.
W. R, Bennett stopped winding his
Wsterbury watch long enough to make the
announcement that next Monday night
would be a sort of a lev feast for
Omahans, and that brief suggestions would
be msda by numerous citlxens for the
good of Omaha, for the good of Ak-Bar-Ben
and the general good of humanity.
He further announced that the member
ship of Ak-Bar-Ben was within M of the
goal, and that when the Ull bad been
secured thst Initiations would cease. He
also advised that all Knight should pro
vide themselves with tickets of admission
fer the future as the membership wss In
creasing so fast that the gat keeper
could not remember th faces of all th
member Tickets wtre also to b Issued
for response from all Knight who would
agree to ride In the parade. These snswers
ar to be sent t Qua Ran or J. D.
Weaver at a early a date as possible.
On the whole last night was en of the
best nights of the season snd the working
fore waa much enthused by the big at
tendance There was almost a complete
change In the working team and all dis
charged their special roles like veterana
Alska MeKlasle ef Bewtea
susd Robbed fcy Hew
Adolphu H. McKlnile. who Is foremen of
the Burlington's bridge gsng on the Al
llsnce division. Is S0 sadder nd wiser for
having mad the acquaintance of a man
who called himself Andy Bryson. snd two
friends of Andy's whose names McKensie
doe not recall. Tb tetter wss testing the
output of the several brewing Industries
of Omaha, and while In a Harney street
saloon confided to the bartender that his
father fought with Lee sgslnat the north.
Andy was stsndlng near by and happened
to overhear the remark and hastened to
make himself acquainted on the grounds
thst his fsther, too, bad fought with Lee,
and they waxed extremely sociable over
the matter, and were finally Joined by two
of Andy's friends.
McKlnsie became so enamored with his
new southern comrade that he offered to
take him to Alliance and give him a Job
en the bridge gang, and the offer was
promptly acoepted. Not wishing to spend
all their money rn one place they started
out Into the night, and when a dark spot
was reached near an alley between Farnam
and Harney and on Ninth street, Mc
Kenxle's friends, with one sccord began
pounding htm on the hesd. They got his
money and he was sewed up by the police
surgeon. He thinks he would know th
men if be should ses them agsin.
Bow to all the people of Omaha through
The Bee want columns. That's the cheap
est, quickest and best way to get at all
the people who will be In a position to fill
your wants. If you want to buy a new
house or rent an old shotgvn, if you want
a three-dollar errand boy or a twenty-flve-dollar
position, try a Be want ad. Th
Bee' want columns dlsslpat ell want
Mrs. Wllllsm A. Lawson has one for
protracted visit in Colorado points.
H. D. Neeley. the local insurance ent,
he gone for his snnual fishing irip to-,
the wilds of Minnesota.
Judge Gustave Anderson. United States
commissioner, accompanied by Mrs. Andcr-
son eft Mcnday for Uuluth.
Virgn Alonso Plnkl.y. soeclsl correspond-
ent of the United Ststes Newspsper tynrii-
cste. is s guest at the faxton.
J. M. Rankin of Cambridge, J. E. Bare-
ner of NorU. plane, and Q. O. Blackstoni
o3 Crslg are at the Merchsnls.
W M Klloatrlck Mr and Mr. R n
KnatS;.kK2nd lM,h' ad m?J R:.
I rtr,c nd daughter. sU of Eeirlte, s
i at t Paxton.
j E Iock of Port amith. H. H. Kraui
Blue Springs and John Reynolds of eteelo
City are at the Henshaw. '
Miss Ttelle Rvln. secrelarv rtf tVi iirM.r.
beV'-tion 'Z$:m?lAftn2
go to Pioux City before returning home.
H. H. Banner of Casper, Mrs. Charles
O'Connor of 6s n Francisco. K. Slraon of
Oakland and M. J. Jones of Randolph.
Utah, are afternoon arrivals s the Paxton.
Fay Davis, a pioneer sou: hem Ne
braska and former sheriff of Gsge county,
w?s an Omaha visitor Monday. He ac
companied his son Hsrry Dsxis. who came
to Omana to undergo an operation tor
append :crt is.
W. S. MacN'.der of Colorado Srtrinss. F.
oll of Cssper, A. V. I'ense of Kalt
I hury, R. L. HkJlett of San Frtuictsco. W.
i H. b
fceeley of Lus Angeles. John Giliutan of 1
raiia Lily and t- Aui'nt oi buyerlor
aie at th Koine.
Mr. and Mrs. X. D. Comer. H J. V.n
Xurmai.d of Tejiemah, V. r. Kortt of
Casper. Mr. and Mia. Prank Dark of
Geaca. F. C. Wr.eeler of Harrison ami Mra
Prank Clii.e cf Aucutn ar noon arnvai
at the Merchania
C. A. Vanderberg of l.cs Angeles, Oeorge
A. Sauers ijt Houston. Tea : W. H Pack
ard of txter, V'. H. Mmmltt of Wymore.
Mr. end Mra L C. Houston, Iick Houston
of Tekamah. O. V Murphy of Ogden and
W. V. Adams of Staufurd university. Cel.,
ar at th Paxton.
T. E. Reagan of Kanaas City. Mr. and
M-. Thaodor Ah!y of Central City, Col.;
W. E. Bpler of t'enver. George A- ilt-ad of
Fremont. J. V. Horton of tJrand lala-cl
Lr. and Mrs. M. A. Miller of Wihm, W.
8. hiroaddu of Fresno, U. H. Willi of
insjion sna A. W mmin o. i-ies'.ru-r- a;t
st the Mllierd.
Jo Keenaa. chief clerk of the Henshaw,
who left f rr virttios visit to li.b!in a
eoupl of weeks sgo. arrived st Liverpool
lsot Saturday and promptly proceexied to
buy up all th plctjr pusta car's h
euld find ard Is li.-irg them back at his
limiU filenil On on of tem 1 write
tuat rtmself aad party would lere Llver
io"4 for Ltiblln wheie Klnr Ed-
a ard Is aalrlra- nr ritm a mi 1 -,r. .n
u.e iriaa x.a.tKa. J
za stntrmisiD at ths TAcn-rrtEi to as rotrac mu
Read these quotations from business men and students who hav vis
ited our school:
"I hsd no Idea you had such elegant rooms."
"I am going to take my shorthand course with you."
"That" th finest method of Book-keeping I ever sew."
Tou have the finest and best lighted rooms of sny college In the city."
"I wish I didn't have a life scholarship in another school. I would
like to finish the course with you."
soft TAxa otrm womo fob it, bvt come aitd tm fob tottb-
S17th and Farnam Streets, rt
- ma sn ii III lain iiT I 'm''''m,mmmiinm a r 1 1 dum i '
rati, TXBM Open:" September fnd Will be the largest enrollment In Its history
GSBXBAXj IfrOMtlTIOS Ncv 1100.000 bulldins; and equipment. Rated smong
the ten largest schools In ths U. S. Has a body of ex-students of over I0.O00. En
rolls over 1.100 every yesr. Courses thorough. Strong faculty of specialists. Free
lecture course, lltersry society snd gymnasium. Can work for board If desired. All
graduates placed In position.
Catalogue sent free. Write todsy. Address Bohrbough Bros., Omaha, Heb.
"I do not hesitate to recommend It." Dr. John Punton, 3001 Lydia Ave..
Kansas City. "The best military achool on earth today." Dr. A. L. Powell.
Hebron. Neb.
Call Captain Marion T. Fonville, Harney 1602, Omaha, or, address. Col.
W. D. Fonville, Mexico, Mo., Box A-J22.
Wentworth RVilitary Academy
Oldest and Larpest ia the MiJJle West. Active U.S. Annyoflioer
detailed by the War Ierertment. Class A. Prepare for Universi
ties, Government. Academies or Business. $1,000 in improve
ments now beln eompXed. Rates ISfiu.OO. Srsarate sai us cat ear
says, tatalofus tree.
Keeeanlxed prertry seaool for Vlssonrt raireratty and all Wdlnc eolls. Army
oAeer from -ut list dnallrd ta s;xl by President. f:ste4 ta blebt rlaw br War
bepertausat. for eaJalosns, sddnas ts. I. A. U1I10I. Sac, !' Su, aM.ui,' Bs.
Captain Jokssos Kara Indiana Are
. CeltlBsi AIobk Nicely In ew
Csptaln C. P. Johnson, formerly of the
Tenth cavalry, but now of the Second
cavalry, is an Omaha visitor. Captain
Johnson hsd charge of the migrating Vte
Indians who left the reservations, the
Uintah and Unoompaghre, a year ago,
and made such a sensational mrch into
Wyoming. Captain Johnson, with his
company of the Tenth cavalry, succeeded
In checking the Indians in their mar-h
on the Little Powder river, and with the
Sixth cavalry, under Colonel Rodgers,
escorted the ftes to Fort Mesde, 8. 13.,
where they have been kept and fed by
the army until a few months ago. whi-n
they were taken to the Cheyenne River
Sioux reservation, where they now are.
Csptaln Johnson said:
"Some of the Indians sre verj well
satisfied to remain with the Cheyenne,
though some of them want to go ba'-k
to their old reservation, now that the
novelty has worn off. The Utes are com
pelled to shift for themselves in th-ir
new location, the annuities and land lesss
J rentals on their old lanas in uian Do
ing arplied to furnishing tnem ineir
-Borne of them are receiving snug sums
from the rentsls of their Uintah res. rra
tion farma. One of them only a short
il.Mi, aro received a check for HI as
M,,i .nd rroo revenue from his
; " Vla, rereived 1e,er
Others have receded lesser
I amounts. I do not know what will ultl-
' mately be done about sending them back
lo lnelr o)a reservstion. if at all.
I lo . ., . K ,v,
"Th" ,n,a" k. 0r 'ire
'all cf one trite of U tea. but of ,hree
or four tribes. They are not a bad lot
! of fellows. They btiame dlssatlsflej
: ..... th. cuttlng up of their allot ments
l,,r . . ..i , . ,,
nd tne l"ruh of 'tler h'n a Kr"st
Part of their reservation was thrown
I open for settlement. 1 uiiocrivsnu n.m
bout 1.000 000 acres cf their
000 0O0 acres cf tt.eir resri-va-
tlon still remains to be taken up, oniy
the choice portions susceptible of Irriga
tion being selected by the settlers."
riad I.eaktaa- Gas aad etles Rev
Between rswsiif aad Aaarry
Gas Commissioner Crowlry has hroutrht
al out pesce between the Omaha Grs com
p?nv and one of its snpry pstrons. The
angrv prtron w:th a bill to the of
fice of the gis commissioner Mondsy. He
hsd been out of town and still his bill for
Julv wss more it hsd be-! for June
or Msy. when he wss at hor-e-twice as
much ss either other month and he wanted
know the reason. A trip was maae
to the houre. snd sfter inspe'tlf" H was
found thst at one p'ace a rutber tube ran
from a gas tap to a gas rlate where rock
ing Is done. In the tut was a hole snd
through the hole came twice as much
gas ss reached the burners of the plaee.
An open window csriied cfT th fumes, bjt
did not reduce the bill.
The commissioner has completed Us first
test of gaa for o-ulpiiur. The ordinance
permits fften grains cf sulphur to each
V'sJ cubic fevt of gas. The test shows th
presen.c ot about sis gra ns to the quan-
i tlty given.
Tske In the whole field. If you.sve a
asnt that you thir.k m men la frmaha
can fill, take in the whole field at -ewe by
Inserting a want ad In The Eee There's
no halfway bus'r.e-ss lout The Bee. I:
sets rlarht out atnw.g all the tKorle who
! ar worth talking to, and tf your run Is in
l town you'll find htru. Tber no doubt
,t tii
ollef G
Pre Catalogue. Address,
H. B. BOYLES, President.
IRE mwt, BmM M. isurmpf ss. sen.
ASM' a
us abouv
We will send you catalogue and
school information of any k iod wh irh
you cannot obtsin so easily in any
other wsv. The service is
No chsrge now or at any other
time. The following classes of
schools are included in this offer:
1. Collrcrs st.S L'nircrtitlrs.
2. Sort' or Girls' Prrssrstorr school.
3. ScSoslt s4 Colleges (or ysog Lis.
4. Mllrtsrr Schools.
5. Rsrintts Coiircrs.
6. Malic hits' An Schools.
7. Normal ScHooit.
t. Mental Schools.
9. Drntal Schooli.
10. Pbarvacai Schools.
11. Law Schools.
12. Trlrrrasti ana Titiri Scbools.
13. Technical Schools.
X. Training. School, (or Kane. Etc
15. Correspondence Schoola.
Educational Information Bureau
Ses Klfiloch Bnlldtmej, St. Lonlv. Mo.
160 M. MsrldJaa St. J-dianapcUs, xrd.
Boarding and lay School. Collet;
Preparatory General Course.
t'oursts In Music, Art, Voice Culture.
Native French and German Teachers.
Gymnasium. J-Tlvate grounds for ath
letics, etudy in all Depart
ments. Household P ience. 140 Kay
Pupils, ii boaidlng p jplls. Certiiicaie
admits to su h colleges ss Vrar.
Wellesley. Fmith. University of Chi
cago and Cornell.
Principal. Cornell Unlv rsitv.
rkv. ncil Mcpherson, a. m.
. won rork,a. Prw,
UlcWt an best aohaol for thnroaia veaehlnf oi
Tfei achool ala,a D.a.iitaina tb bi sheet iab.
sraa of artiatii ei,:i tu cnpi cnlj ei aoi
r:.. Lis imram.rt. (,rlm are well
l,ipr-1 1', ever eenl:.l re'ioirvo.-il o Matin
oxicl iTiaitir Ait. k.iu tor iaterM.i l cmuji
o Sltor. SuSiiorto, OMus, nu
CastSCwyj-aaragM lrjeatjaaw,y, s,yew
has recently moved I no new quart
ets In the heal Estate Exchange
building, ISth and rsriiaiu. It mill
maintain Its character as a select
achool for the tralnit.g of stenc
r.phera CTT tSL-LCOE-Kor ...i.i-- La. I a
btuatnt tova t riaTca. jsurr.ner relet
and unlimited. 2 teacUer. LVparimcn: j
ur.rer specialist. A ppo'ntmenta t- .)
l.lKl.esl uiUtr. r.e. tii:.:.)c i.ut .l ny .t.n.g of tre I.'. 15. Senrt tor (" 'r!l.,i.u- f.. ..
B F. CsbeiL D. D., I'res., towiint Orvu.
Illnslrstfd Mas!cScfcoc!,lfll rsresm
llusic by Uail
L-t lliuji ivc
a day.
fc.-ht ("ifferrnt
. ir'. rst.
tnern at the
j, rt
store of the
SHrfleld Co.. Cialta.
An lutai aHit.ool lot yi ur.t M... , neautt
fjil aitui-tea in th" "hl.l cmntry" f
IllirKiir. Cr. ho'jr from .'hicso. tuih
year Send f-r cur prospecti .
R0RX.E WO.U ms Woelstock, CI.
la t betwitrvl rasfM-tlas Vaiir. Ccont Ira,
to ta Ocarraa ot A h alu. B Cjiii;i.
a.c AS. A mUtMH escallrnl aru:tr. fsuirua a arraa;
14 be 4np mia aoairiu. at II RCAIFS. fm
C, rrea't. M Cetwaa s , '.'aasasersiira. Pa.
imii collcoi ci gstjcofattt.
Drs M.lres. la. The s;-.did imeji'Liiile
Cullrge of Amerlcia. We hat mora caiie for
out graduates than wr ran supply. 'Xaria
ItfU. lulu- Catalogue C
Informstlon concerning the d
vsntsses. rstes. extent of cur
riculum snd other dst shout
the best schools snd colleges
cn be obtslned from the
School and College Iclcrma
tion Carcao of
The Omaha Bee
All Information" absolutely free
and Impartial. Catalogue of
any particular school cheer
fully furnished upon request.
- v r
W l4wwI I.
rTnndreds of opnortimfrle
swait tboa OcniDolent to
s-rsap tbem. The demand
5r joqde nien snd wnmenwbo
eaa d thlos far eioeeOa the
pp'T. T I ortf tf (rrru
sn bonorsMr snd plesssnt am
nloymont. Tuannsef sncoeas
ful gredsste s .J tell yon saas at
Normal Collega
t tea
rise lo da It. eboanla and
eplr a
urae ai
le, Pi
Som of Its course ar
Normal, (Teacher' CrtHest.)
rrrioniiric. Literary, l lassir. tTe
Ierstry, llnalneaa. Horthani,
IrrewrUln. Pen Art. Maslr.ii.le.
enilon, t orrospopcieaee loons
aad Ismmrhasiinl. KnteranTtirno;
IL R. lar repaid t2 itstes the low
est, writ lor Free rtullettn.
L m. SOItn. a-., las . laasasiaak k.
University of
Notre Dime
A CathoUo iMUtff Horn
Evsry Bdnoatloaal Agvantagw
gvry Moral staf-nar
1 Buildings i 5 Prufessurs 10
Course In Ancient end Modern Lan
guages, Er.Kllsh, Uistory and Kcu
nomics. Chemistry, ltlofogy, Phar
macy. Civil, Electrical. Chemical and
Mechanical Engineering, Architecture,
U. r-hortnand. Boon Keeping, lps-
TElMli Board. Tnltlea and Ilia.
dry (400. stpeciaj D apartment fer
Bey TJnar 13 3SO. Address Ths
B.v. Jotus Oavananirn, rrsldnt.
How about the boy
your boy?
What school for 1907-08?
The book called "The right
school for your boy" gives many
help xil suggestions. We send
it and cur catalogue, without
cost, if you ask for it
Racine College Grammar School
Racioe, Wisconsin
$1,000 PER YEAR?
McCartney Institute
180 a r amass treat,
Complete courses In Shorthand. Type
writing. Bookkeeping. Commercial Law,
penmanship snd College preparatory work.
Able professors In each department,
day and evening session.
Call, or Tel. lougia. 1070.
Browne!! Hall
A boarding and dy School for Young
TVo.'ijen and tnls. Studi uts holding cer
tificates cownng in full ti e entrance re
quirements of a standard State Univer
sity, are admitted without examination
to Juti.'T year in stlvunee course. Certi
ficate in college jireparstury course admit
to Yiiftsar, Well(-l-y. Smith, Mt. Holyok.
L'r.iv. of Xebrasua, I'nlv. of Wisconsin
and l iiiv. if Chicago. Exceptional advsn-tfc;-s
in Art and Iw.iurt.uc fcience.
N ril eqni"P-d ftyninnsium snd outdoor,
siii.rt. Miidi-nts iiioHn re.l sympitthetlcally
l.y uc ineii of large praoticaJ experience
iith girls in thai highly Important forma-'
t!- period hetsecu fourteen and ta-enty-o;i-
years cf agv.
etici for illustrated Tear Book. Address
Miss siucrae, l'i lutli-al, Omat.a.
irall Hall
Wetteeh As.
Chicago, IK.
! Conservatory
j1:rcl r. of ".tc!c snd Dramatic Art.
Vt I 1 1 - Ll
CO.NU if ASON. bveniy etnr-
I r .xx iasiru; tot. I n-.urpaased cou-ac oi study.
. t jch.-rs' Tr.ticlnL' reparital. Diplomas and
I Tc-aL.ier s Cert'ticale. IMrttulti -rrv Arl-mM-
' urn TliiitT re ar d cieh j t :red partial scboiar-
I ar,ips swsrdvd annually tu tfcfited students of
,i-r.!icd mere full rem begin eeptviBber
i 1jtJ7, Catalrne tra.led fre.
JOHN J. HATTbTAEDT. President.
Hansen Military
For to and young
nen. Oc.c-d lnstrucnor.;
stcKd lioacrdi good mili
tary drill and athlrt
ira. V are patron-Ir.-d
Ly tlie vry brst
f-liiillfs A. IrL RAR-
BsT, Prstrtr.t, TVI
m u :-. Ada
5ti !..un ; ii r tc-ein Lurfsct
Me.iic-ai refier.ces ind Information
uiKut tl.e a. to ! furnished '0 appil-
I j-Xxa., ca i. accf.J-. k..aai,i s. ai ra,aa.
ec.Ai.aalt a acattile t.'S ackMl sissaca tat
,.!. it .(.j wtarr ca.oa tt
SckatAL MX'Uii.M-JirT a 1.4 a4rass
CtfLjeaa. C n i ; araiiiaal
COKSttvatc.iY lar, i ssssla. iaa '',
loiti, aiCfu'tuD ml art
CHaH ci.srtt.tTI jN riartrw Its a a Barltar
im rs::as. roar ata
ara :4U aa M U
y ?1
AW xtJ
IS tin