w i ( PERSONAL OMAHA Btamn.erer' Institute. lUmn o-f EWINO machine rented. Neb. Cycle Co., Utb, and Uaruoy. 'Phone boos. ; am MUSICIANS to Join first-clas attrac tion, Auf. 10, t double band and or chestra; also Juvenile, lady; must play standard mualc Box 637, n-linond, la, (ll M7l A5x MAONETinyt.m",t " th. Mm Smith, 1U N. 1Mb, ?d floor. ItV u ONS- to two dollar saved on every pair NottIs' shoe. Benson Thome, 1M.V1M7 Douglas St. (1S)-M9&3 9 FiRJW bargain rn Jd-hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, 1811 Kamam. (ij My PAINFUL, burns, any aore or BKln nurt quickly healed by Satin akin eroam. J6c. ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton aire. B. J. Bceunell, act., 909 Ware Nik. 1 U9tt THE ELITE operator , LJAJAA-Ci xlvea mwuia bath and al gelldue rut. Room too barker Block, iith and Farnam. New establishment. " (18 919 10X BTRINOEB, rubber rood, by mall: cut price. Send for free catalogue. Mr Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (l- THB SALVATION ARMT eollclte caat-ott clothing: In fart, anything you do not i rieod . We collect, repair and aell, at lit N. 11th St. (or coat of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4125 and wagon will call. 1 all ! TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a atrangera are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian Association room. '1EJ9 Farnam street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlaa asalstod. U8r tf PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra tr. King, 1329 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. $. (1&J-S68 MAGNETIC ?arTnd'ntdut massage. krtnr artri tun DllhL Room 2, 1204 Farnam St., Id floor. ; (18) tsm AX REAL ESTATE RBAL ESTATE! DBALERI. RUSSELL. . M KITRiCK CO.. 432 Ramgn. (19) J W H. TURRELL. 19 Patterson Blk. Dong 1129. , (19) Stttt PATNB INV. CO., let floor N. T. L. Doug. 178L (18- R. C. PETERS aV CO., Bee Bldg. (19) 687 L."W. BtJNNEt.li oV CO., 821 N. T Lir Douglas 6149, (U- V0 ' ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First Natl bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 721 . qr ssa GEORGE ft COMPANY, ten Farnam. Tel. Douglas 75 ' (W-W9 C. It. RICH, 19th ft Locust. Tel. Web. 1471 (191-917 31x CITT PHOPKttTT ron SALE. , ON GEORGIA AVE., NEAR LEAVENWORTH , A flne ten-room modern . ,4 home can be purchased for lege i than cost of Improvements. Large lot, Ann shade, all spe cials paid. Bee us st once and have us show you through the house. " O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., , 1X01 N. Y. Life, .'Phone Doug. 2152. . (19) &2 I WEST FARNAM BARGAINS See theae choice lots, 38th and Farnam 8ts.: One corner, 47x87 ft., $2,700. Inside, 46x87 ft., $2,300. Corner on Harney. 45x87 ft., $2,600. i per coat oft for cash. Bargain. Walks I and, .asphalt paving on both streets paid for.' D. V. SIIOLES COMPANY, 114 Board Of Trade Bldg., Tel. Doug. 49. (19)-M2 6x , A YEAR'S VACATION EVERT YEAR. YOU CAN HaVE IT. when you take your vacation now you take two or thne weeks, perhaps a month, Spend a goodly, sum and your business auflVrs by your absence. You are com- fielled to put In extra time on your return o "catch up." Two weeks of hard work and you're "caught un," but the bene fits of your vacation and money are lost. . Put your vacation money Into the first raymenfof one of the fine 2 to 20-acr raota we are offering in KEYHTONK PARK. ' ButM home and move Into It and every day after business hours you will set the aaoie rest, pure air, quiet, and restful view, you now get only for a short time on your vacation. No more hot nights on a 50-foot lot hemmed In on either side by a house shutting oft the breeze, no more breathing In. during your sleep (when sleep comes after hours of rolling and tossing In a hot bed), of hot sultry dust-ladun air from paved streets and dirty alleys. Prolong life and enjoy health, freah air nd tresh fruits and vogetahles that you can raise yourself, own your own cow and feed your family on pure, unadul terated milk. Go back to nature and make every day a recreation da v. It only takes 16 minutes more to and from your work to live In Keystone Park, a fine ride on a good car line' Just long enough for you to read your daily paper. Let us show ypu Keystone Park, we have autoa for that purpose and will take you out any time. Call us and set a date when you can best go out. U lots of the 90 already sold. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1st Floor N. Y. t.. Bldg. . i ,. . Tel. Doug. 1781. , , '. D. V. SHOLES A CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug.' 49. ' Cl)-977 4 REAL ESTATB TITLH-TRl'ST m CUA& U. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (1 sa ; EASY TERMS. Brand new t-room cottage located at 3Ath and Boyd Sts., large corner l it, south anil east front, lies very sightly, only on block from Ames Ave. car line, elegant gas and electric light hxturos, double - floors, vertical grained surface floors highly finished Interior, large bath, floored attic, bricked up cellar; will be papered attractively to suit; everything In "Hp top" condition; thoroughly well butlt Price only $2,000; lot alone worth $600 Very easy terms to reliable party. r C. G. -Carlberg, ' . IUM.1. Life Building. 19)-M7 U8T your property with Chris Byer, Ud and Cuming Sts. (13) M If loektnr for a, ( or J-room cottage oa your own terms, 'pnone Web. ltt. (! ROOM all modern house; laundry; cor ner lot; also vacant lot, 60x14). Call at 1701 Woolworth avenue.. 119) M2t tx FOR BALB 80x140 on Boulevard, room for four housea. Cheaper than ever offered, H.400... Randall Realty Co.. buw Bee Bldg. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN Brand new l-room house located on cor ner lot near 17th and Spalding; perma nent sidewalks on both aidea; ctuneut cel lar; elegant woodwork; best of plumbing, large reception hall; splendid porch; nice tv) lot. Uwner must raise money, hence aa eut the pjioe to $2,260; property fully wrtb $2,709. This Is an extraordinary bar gain either as a home or investment and you eaanot anora to mlae It. C. G. Carlberg, til N. T. Ufa Bldg. (19)-92 FOR SALE. V1egaat 10-room residence on one of the finest streets In the upper Farnam dis trict; new and moderat V; HICKS, BOARD OF TRAPR fit) Mttt ""OR 8ALB-4V-room cottage, owner leaving city, whl salt at a sacilnce. 19 NoriE xh, South Omaha. TeL 7L ... fin-Ml 4t REAL ESTATE CITY PROPFRTY FOR 9 ALB. (Continued.) FOR SAl.B Five-acre tract of land rn Ben. eon, three blocks from car, suitable for f (anting or for Improvement; an orpor unity for someone. Address Q (J, Bee, (! tun ON HARNEY ST. CAR LINE Eight rooms, brand new, strictly modern, well built, ce mented cellsr, laundry In base ment; 4 rooms on first floor; ' 4 rooms snd bath on second floor; large attic; 'phone us for key. O'KEEFE REAL EHTATB CO., HW1 N. Y. Life Bldg.. 1191 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1162 (19)-9!7 t 6EATTLE lots, cleared and level, for $2l down and $10 per month, near 1109 fall grounds; easy way , to own tenttnl grounds during the fair and then sell at a big profit. Particulars and ban references furnished. Charles Plelmann, 117 Bailey building. Beattle, Wash. (19) M734 ASx $9,000 Will buy two modern housea and two lota at seats went comer fflst and Cass Sts; east front, paved streets, permanent side walks: will sell separately. Thomas Bren nan. Room 1, New York Life bldg. 0)-M87S FIVE-ROOM SNAPS Three 6-room cottages now In process of completion on Blondo St., between 26th and 27th. all thoroughly well built, bricked up cellars, double floors, gaa, elegant plumb ing, strictly modern with the exception of heat. Permanent cement sidewalks will be laid on street and lots brought to grade and nicely sodded. Prices ranging from $2.2f0 to fc,40ft; $.100 cash; balance practi cally same aa rent. An excellent opportu nity to purchase a neat and desirable home at bargain prices and on terms to suit. C. O. CARLBERG, . , 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 09)-MSR2 LIST your property with the Westers Home Builders, rma. 22-21 Nebraska NatL Bar Bldg. (19) 714 FOR QUICK BALE. 7-room house In good condition and lot with city water, cistern, fruit trees, shrubbery, 1018 Homer St., only $1,980. BERKA ft CO., 938 N. Y. Life. . ' (19) 982 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RA.NCll LAM U FOR 9 A LIS Kaaeaev WANTED Agents to represent as tn the ssle of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co, Omaha. Neb. ( 7 Kansas, Solomon Valley, Kansas. lflO acres Improved, $9 per acre. 920 acres. Improved, $75 per acre. 239 acres. Improved, $76 per aore. 720 acres. Improved, $16 per acre. $20 acres, Improved,. $20 per acre. 160 acres. Improved. 26 per acre. If you want to get a good home cheap come and see us J. M. Boyle, Bennington. Kan. (20) M743 A6g Nebrask. TWO RANCHES. S.000 acres deeded at $12.50 per acre, 640 acres school land. kho acres deeded at $16 per acre. 640 acres school land. Both In northeast Neb.; good hard land; well watered with spring and creeks; 4 good farm land. These are snaps; above prices for Immediate sale only. School land will be aalgnod gratis. Address Mo Donald Co., Meadow Grove, Neb. (20) M958 S 30 ACRES two miles west of Florence, on good road, part In grove, some fruit, a fine place for some one; a bargain at $2,flno; easy terms. Beybolt. Telephono Webster 1970. (20) M244' FOR SALE 330 acres, good land, one mile of town, two sets Improvements, fenced. W. A. Flck. Lomax, Neb., (20) M1S8 8x BARGAINS IN FARMS For list of corrt, alfalfa and winter wheat farms write J. T. Campbell, Litchfield. Neb. (3P)-M173 17x FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemls, Omaha. t)-Ma?i Boatk Dakota. TRIPP COUNTY OPENING For full par ticulars write Tripp County Land and Abstract Co. Dallas. 8. D. 0-M751 A29 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved clLy property. W. H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe K. E. Co-, 1001 N. Y. life Bldg (22)-9ui $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property. In Omaha: lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (22) sou WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., U2v Farnam St. lZ2 04 $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS, 1W4 FARNAM. Oi-4H); PRIVATE MONEY F, D. Weed, U20 Doug. (22)-rV MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co- (22) . LOWEST RATES-Bemls. Paxton Block. , OB) 901 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. ; ' i 12) 90S WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $1,000 to enlarge a good paying business with piivelege to reduce loan yearly. Ad dress W 77& Bee. 24 291 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, coon and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, planoa, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furnlturo of your house complete. Via buy antique or mahogany furniture. Tne highest prlcea raid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3S7L (26) M459 AugS WANTED We have two prospective purchasers for Western Iowa farms. Send complete description, price, terms, etc.. In first letter. Globe Land & Invest ment Co. (26) 899 $ CARD CABINET of It te U drawers for card $ by I Inches: state price; must be cheap. Address L tkl Bee. (25) 41 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co lli 8. 14th. Phone Douglas U2L f)-! WANTED To buy a second hand floor show case. 'Phone Douglas iut (25 M897 I WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished house; $30 per month and best of care- for nice I v furnished house; responsible couple. Addreeo M 7ii, Bee. 2-M77 x WANTED To rent, furnished and unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Omaha Rental Co., loi N. Y. Life Bldg. TsL Douglas $SU. (2t)-M96S Aug20x WANTED Board and room in private family by two young men. Must be close In. Address O 737 Bee ( MM1 7x WANTED SITUATION WANTED Work by the day by expert enced dressmaker. Call on or address 4k Capitol Ave. 'Phone Hemey-Iu. CTO-817 A9 GOOD dressmaker would like work In pri vate family -by week, with board; work guaranteed. Address J, 93b, Bee. . (27)-MW Ix EXPERIENCED stenographer. Address 8-, Omaha Bee. It Scott Bu. Co. Ulurta. cro-ii7 WANTED POSITION-1J years' experience general aserchandlse; boat of references; could loan money. Uvt. UL Oakland, Neb. . . , (27)-Mlh THE OMAHA WANTED SITUATIONS (Continue. WANTED POSITION 15 years' experience bookkeeping and office work In real estate, department store, lumber, grain and mill ing. E. R. Pease, Fremont, Neb . (77M1l LEGAL NOTICES BIDS WILL PE RECEIVED ON OR RE fore August 10, 19"7, at the office of Secre tary of atste of Nebraska for remodeling of the building known as the Ortttepedlc hospital; also for the building of an addi tion to the building near hv, known aa the Home of the Friendless. Plans and epecl flcstlons on flle in this office. GEO. C. JUNKIN. 8eeretsry of State. A4dt RAILWAY TIME CARD C.I I ON gTATIO 14HB AMD MARCY. Ualaa Pacta. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:60 am a 9:40 pro The China and Japan Fast Mall a 2:50 pm a 1:99 pm Colo, ft Calif. Ex a $. pm a 'A am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4 no pm a 8:W pm Los Angelee Limited. ...al!:W pin a 9:18 pm Colorado Special all:6t pm a 9.(0 arn North Platte Local a 7 -42 am a '.$ pm Beatrice Local b 7:42 am o :lt pm Wabash. St Louis Express a 9JM pa a 9:89 am St. Louis Locsl (from Council Bluffs) a 9:89 am all:l$ pm Etanberry Iral (from Council Fluffs) b 6:00 pmbl0:ll am MXasoarl Paelaa. , K. C. ft St L. Exp a 9:00 am a 6:68 am K. C. ft St. L. Exp all 15 pm a 1:36 pra Nebraska Local t :tk pm all:49 ant Ckleaae, Mtlveaakee Pa at. Chicago ft Colo. Special. 7.-08 am 12:0f am Calif, ft Oregon h.xj... i:U pm a: m pin Overland Limited 9:68 pra 8:87 am Caleago, Reck lata ad raelSe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 2:48 am all SO pra Iowa Local ,. a 7x0 am a 4:90 pm Pea Moines Pas a 4.TI0 pm a 12 -.80 pm Iowa Local all .40 am b 9:66 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). a 4:60 pm a 1:26 pm Chicago Fiyer a 8:00 pm a 8:26 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd..all'4" pm a 2:86 am Colo, ft Cal. -Express. ..a 1:86 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 2:4 pm Lincoln ft Falrburv Pans. a 8:45 amal0:16 am Chluago ft nortavreatera. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am all $4 pm Et Paul-M'anolla Exn..a 7:60 am I0 00 t.m Chicago Local ili:l im 4 8:28 pin! oioux uy r-assenger-..a i.ou em a :zs pm Chicago Passenger a 4: pin a 9:30 am Chicago fepeclal a 4:0 pm a 9.80 am Ct Paul-M'polls Lmtd..a 8:28 pm a 7:49 am Los AngoUs L!mtteu....A : pm al2:3t pra Overland Limited al0:00 p?. a 8:22 am Past Mail a 8:29 am fcicux City Local a i:69 pm a 9:20 am Fast Mail a t pm Twin t-lty Limited.. .a 1:28 pm a 7:06 am Overland Limited ....a 9 8 pm 9:81 a:n Norfo1k-Hor.stl a 1:40 am B10 36 am Llncoln-Cnadrn ,:40am al0:tt am 1 ead wood-Lincoln a 8:00 pm a 1:06 cm Casper-Shoshont a 8:00 pm a 6:06 pro Hastings-Superior b 80 pm b 6:06 pm Fremont-A luion n :o.' pm dij:0 pin Log Angeles Limited... a 9:60 pm al2.36 pra Cktcaco Great Weatera. St. Paul ft Minneapolis. (.80 pra 7:90 am St. Paul ft Minneapolis. 7:80 am 11:8a pm Chicago Limited 9:06 pm 8:27 am Chicago Express 7:10 am 11:86 pm Chicago Express 8:30 pm 3:30 pm Illinois CeatraL Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 3:43 pm Minn, ft St Paul Exp...h 7:20 am a 8:66 pra Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm a 8:30 a,o Minn, ft St Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm a 9:30 am BURLINGTON 9TA 30TH ft MASON Berlin grtwa. Ar.tve. a 4:10 pra a 4:10 pra a 4:10 pra a 6:46 am a 8:19 pro a 6:10 pra a12:0l ptq b Iffiira a 8:00 pra bl0:20 a:s a 7:46 a b" 1:36 pig a C:4f am sll:46 pra a 3:o6 pra a 8:30 gra all. 30 anj all:.10 am a 8.30 am a 9:19 pra nfiVAr ft California.. ..a 4:10 pm Northwest Special., ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...a 9:30 pm ...a 00 am ....a 9.-03 am ,...o 1:46 pm ttiac mils Northwest Express, Nebraska points Nebraska Express.. Lincoln Fsst Mali.., Lincoln T.ncal Lincoln Local Louisville ft Plattsm'th-b 8:10 pm Bellovne-Plattamottth ..a t:9 pm Plattsmouth-Iowa b 6:10 am Bellevue-Plattamouta Denver Limited all:66 pm Chicago Special..,.; a 7:00 am Chicago Expreas ...a 4:30 pm Chicago Flyer a t.to pm Iowa Local .....a 9:16 am Et Louis Express. a 4:46 pm Ksnsas City ft St. Joe..al0:46 pm Kansas City ft St Joe.. a 9:16 am Kansas City ft St Joe.. a 4:16 pm WiCBSTER gTA 1BTM ft WBBITER Chleaa-o, f. Peak, Mlaaeapolls ft Omaha. Leave. A.Vive. Twin City Passenger... b :30 am b 9:10 pm eioux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm all:20em Fmerson Locsl b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am Emerson local o 8:46 am c t:W prs Missouri PaclSe. Local via Weeping Water a 8rf am a 8:$0 prr. Falls City Local a 1:60 pm all:20'. a Dally, b Dally except Bunday. d Dttfty exoept Saturday c Sunday only, e Pally except Mor.day. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFJC "EMPR IS8" Lin of tha Atlantlo QUEBEC TO LrTEmPOOi. LB SB THAJf TOTJft BATS AT BEA. Empresses sail Aug. 9, 23; Sept. 8, 20. First Cabin $80 up; Second Cabin $46 up; Third Class $28. 71. Write for particulars. C E. Benjamin. OenL Ag-ent, Tel. Harrison 1718. 282 So. Clark St. Chicago NEW YORK GRXERAL MARKET Qaotatlons of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. $.-FLOUR-Reeelpts, 8.303 bbls.: exports. 11.206 bbls- market steady; Minnesota patents, $6.006.36; winter straignts, 4.a4j4.4t; JMinneeoia DaKers, J. .u h-4 2u; winter extraa, $3.101.70; winter pat ents, $4.0u4.90; winter low grades. $3.OM0 160. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $4.0tx4.90; choice to fancy, $5.006 25. CORNM2AL Firm: flne white and yel low, $1.25; coarse, $1.11.1; kiln dried, $3.30 63.40. RYE Dull; No. 1 western, 90c, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 74,800 bu.j exports, 22.8j6 bu.; spot market firm; No. 2 red, Wc, elevator, and DeVic, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, DuluUi, $110, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.00, f. o. b. afloat. There was an advance of lc per bu. In wheat today and considerable activity re flecting bullish northwest crop and weather news, strength In coarse grains and firmer continental markets. Last prices were i'(f tvo net higher; September, tdftgl.OO 6-18. closed at II. 00; December, $l.o 1.04 1-ls. closed at $1.04; May, $l.UtSs&l-U7s. close! at $1.07.' CORN-Recelnts, 81,276 bu.; exports, 6.412 bu. ; spot market firm; No. 2. 62Hc ele vator, and tic, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, 62c. and No. 2 yellow, die, f. o. b. afloat The option msiket was firmer on cold weather talk, closing Ho net higher; Sep tember, 63S34c closed at 6$c; December closed at tie OATS Receipts, 21.000 bu.; exports, 20,366 bu. : spot market strong; mixed oata, H to 82 lbs., 61c; natural white, 9V to 33 lbs , 64H tffxic; clipped white. 86 to 40 lbs., 660c. HAY Steady; shipping, 70fr75o; good to oholos, $1.154r1 20. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. 1M crop. 14lte; ia crop. 4f&c: Pacific roast. liMt crop. 8Uc; 1IK6 crop, BQc. HIDE Quiet; Central American, Cict Bogota, 22tc. LEATHER Acid, SJerTHe. WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, Sl'fcilc. 1150; mess, $9 60U10.00; beef 'hams, iIiYi n. m; pacaei, uu sunyii uo; city extra India mess, $:n.OO21.&0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $10.76613.60; pickled hams, $13.00. Larr. steady; western prime, Ist.lO-rf 9.20; refined, quiet; continent' 9980; South America, $10.58; compound. $9.76fjt.0n. Pont, ateady; family, $18 Vjj1 OP; short clear, $ls7fvfi17.76; mesa, $18.06 18.K). RICE Stesdy; .domestic, fair to extra, HWc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady to Orm: street prices extra creamery, 34VM6c; official, creamery, common to extra. 20iMc; atste dairy, com mon to fancy, lcf24o; western factory, common to firsts, 17'u21c; westsrn Imitation creamery, firsts, 2)0 CHEESE Quiet; state, full creams, col ored and white, small best. 124c; state large colored best. 12c state white, Uc; fair to good, lwenm; Inferior, 1d9c; skims. 7(y9c. EOGS Quiet; Pennsvlvanta and nearby fancy selected white. 86fl-c; state good to choice, O&Jtci atate brown and mixed fancy, 33oY4c; western selected finest, 19 fj2ftc; average beat, 17Ha8c; ofllcUl price. Arms 17V.j Uc. POI7LTRY Live steady; spring chickens, 17c; fowls. 14c; turkeys. 11c: dreesfd steady ; western chlcksoa, liflJOc; turkeys, lojilie; fowls, U " DAILY ' REE; MONDAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET From Etiy Opening- it Becomes One of Mott Sensational. BLACK BUST BEF0BT3 FEED BULLS Prleee G Skyward When He mora mt Disease Spreading In (loath Dakota Come te the Ex change. OMAHA, Aug. 8, 19T7. The market opened easy, hut developed later Into one of the most scnestlonai mar kets for some time. Reports that the black rust Is spreading tn South Dakota and that the crop Is In a critical condition Sent prices skywsrd. Wheat opened easy, with no feature, ami Commission house trade was divided, and the crowd Inclined to wait, but willing to bull.- Prices showed a hardening tendency, mostly In sympathy with coarser grain. Later In the morning a strong bull move ment developed and wheat advanced rap idly. The September option opened at Wc and closed at 8bc. Corn opened strong and higher and ad vanced several fractions. Cooler weather and continued reports of damage with a strong feeling that the growing crop la not advancing as fast as- expected has placed Corn In vory strong position. Sep tember option opened at 48Tc and closed at 48Hc. Oata strong and prices advanced sen sationally. Reports of light crops, which are showing even lighter thnn predicted has started a buying fever and prices sre heading for com prices. September eats opened St 42c and closed at 437c. There was no cables from Liverpool on account of holiday. Clearances were 101,000 bushels of corn and 21.000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 327,000 bushels. Seaboard reported 138.000 bushels of wheat and 640,(00 bushels of corn for export. Local range of options: Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat- l Sept... ffiH . fr R5'4 86H 8614 Iec... t gH 894 MiS f! May... 94S 94 94H H H Corn Sept... 4t 49V 4'e W Iec... 44, 4HI H May... 47H 47, 47H 47 47 42 43', 42 43T4; 41Ts Dpc... 42H 44 42H 44 42 May... 44H 4S U 46Tt H 1 Omaha Caak Prices. WHEAT No: 2 hard, fflfe6c; No. 3 hard, SliiS3c; No. 4 hard, "abOc; No. 3 spring, Hi ftic; no grade, 75$ 78c. CORN-No. 2 49c; No. 3, 4BV; No. 4, 4e',4 5ii4Sc; no grade, 4li13c; No. 3 yellow, 48 49c; No. 8 white, 4stt4!)i4c. OATS No. $ mixed, 43H944c; No. 3 while 4c; No. 4 white, 44'4c; standard, 45c. RYE No. 2, 70c; No. 3. h7W!ic. Carlot Receipts, . Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 222 157 68 Kaneas City 280 Minneapolis 13H Omaha 91 67 14 Duluth S8 St. Louis 180 OMAHA WHOLESALE: MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qaotatlons on Staple and Fancy Prodace. EGGS Per dos., 15c. BI TTER Psckirg stock. 18c: choice to fancy dairy, 21922c; creamery. 23c. LIVE POI LTRY Spring chickens. 15c; hens, loc; roosters, 6c; turkeys, 12u; ducks, 8tio; goese, 6c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland, $10.00; medium, $9.00;No. 1 bottom, $S.ori; offgrades from $u60 to $0.50; rye straw, $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $11.00. FRT'ITS AND MELONS. BLACKUERR1ES Case, 24 qta, $3.00. UOOSEBERRIKS Case, 24 qts. 3. RED C'l'RRANTS Case, 24 qts $2.76. CALIFORNIA PEACH ES Per box, $1.78. PEACH US Texas Elbertas, basket crate. $2.00. 1 CALIP'ORNIA PLVMS-Per crate. $2.00. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Per box of about 8 lbs., black or white. $100. TEXAS WATERME7.0NS Each, 25940c; crated for shipment, IMr.per lb. CANTALOl'PE Texas, ' standard crate, $3.00; Arixona standard. $5.W. TROPICAL FRL'IT9.x LEMONS Uinonlera,' 30c sire, $8.00; 360 slice, $8.26; other brands, 60c less. BANANAS Per medlum-atsed bunch, $2.mkh2.26; Jumbos. $2.00fi3.60. ORANGES Mediterranean Bweets, fancy, laO size, $4.26; 176, 100,. 2 1 A and 260 sizes, $4.60; 9. 126 and 288 siseS, $4.00; extra fancy, 25c more per box; St, Michaels, 174, 200, 216 and 250 sizes, $4.75; 126 and 160 sizes, $4.50; Valenclas, 80, 96 and 112 sizes, $4.60A4.75; 120. 160, 176. 200 and 216 sixes, $4. 766.00. DATES Kadaway. 6 Vic; Sayers, 6c; Hal lo wis, 5c; new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box, $1.00. VEOEfTABLES. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. 1, $2.00 2.10; No. 2, $1.S2.00; Lima. B'Ac per lb. POTATOES Per bu., new, 7Bc. NEW PEPPERS Per 6-basket crate. $2.00; per H bu box, 75c. ASPARAai'8 75o per doa. bunches. BEANS New wax . and string, 90c per market basket. BEETS, TI RNIP8 and CA RROT8 Per doz. hunches, 35c to 40c. . PIEPLANT Per dos. bunches, 20c. RADISHES Per do, bunches, home grown, 2op. TOMATOES Home grown, market basket crate, $1. CUCl'MBERS-Per doi., 40(So0c. LETTl'CE-Per dox., 25c. CELERY Kalamazoo, v?J3Ee. MISCELLANEOUS. ' COFFEE Roasted, No. 85. 2Hc per lb.: No. 20, Uc per lb. ; No. 25, 19o per lb. j No. 21. 13Vfcc per lb. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes sre somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands. Who seem desirous cf moving supplies of Immediate grades. Q -tstlons range from (c to 9c for Callfori lnj fruit and from 6Vic to 60 for Oregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yel lows quoted at 134c. Raisins are firm; three-crown loose Muscatels are quoted at 9c; four-crown, 10c; seeded raisins. 9G'llc. FISH Halibut, lie; trout, 13c; plrkereal 10c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh frozen, lie; white Ash, 12c; buffalo, 6c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, 12c; catfish, dressed, 17c; yel low perch, c; white perch, 7c; white bass, 15c; black bass, 26c; sunflsn, 8c; crapples, 6fi9c; orapples, large. 15c; blueflna, 10c; her ring. 7c; herring, fresh frozen, c; Chinook sslmon, lc; eels. 18c; whtteflsh. frozen, 13 tj'lac; pickerel, fresh frozen, 9c; Spanish mackerel, 10c; native mackereal, 183&c per fish; codfish, fresh frozen, 12c; red snapper 13c; fluunders, fresh frozen, 12c; haddock' fresh frozen, 12c; smelts, l$a; shad roe, 40o per lb.; lobsters, green, 87o per lb.; lob sters, boiled. 80c per lb.; frog legs, 36c per dos.; green sea turtle meat, 860 per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west ern. 65c. Tomatoes, fsncy 3-pound cans $1.46; standard, 8-pound cans. $1.26. Pine spples, grated, 2-pound, $3202.30; sliced $1.7512.93. Gallon apples, $3.25. California apricots, $1-00. Pears. $1.764'2.50. Peaches, $1.76a.40; L. C. peaches, $2 003.60. Alaska salmon, red. $1.20; fancy Chinook, flat, $2 10 fancy sockeye. flat, $1.96. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.26; three-quarters mustard, $3.10. Sweet potatoes. $1.266t35. Bauer kraut. 90c. Pumpkins, WvW.ou. Lima beans, $-lb 75ci&1.26. Soaked peas. 2-lb., 9uo; fancy, $li,B1.45. ' CHEESE New full cream Wisconsin twins. 16c; new full cream brick, 16c; do mestic old Swiss, 2le; new Uraburger. lift 16c; Young Americas, lS1j1c. HIDES AND TALLOWi-Oreen salted. No. 1, c; No. I, 7c; bull hides. 9c; green hides, No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 8c; horse, $1.60 160; sheep pelts, tOcJl 2 Tallow. No. 1. 4Vc; No. , JV4c. Wool. 1622c. St. Loale General Market. ST. LOnS, Aug. $.-WHEAT-Wesk; track, No. I red cash. el8Vator, rlSHtfwc; No. I hard. 87HS90c; September. 89!c; De cember, 9ffe. CORN-Higher; track. No. t cash. 64Vie; No. 1 white, 55c; September, 63Sc; Decem ber. 49c. OATS Higher; track. No. t cash. 47c new; 48c old; September, 41Hc: Decem ber. 41r; cssh. No. $ white, 61 Otitic, old FtX)l R Steady; ired winter patents. $4 26 6440; extrs fancy. Jind straight. $3.704.15; Clear. $3 aS43 96. CORNMKAI-Steady. $2.70. BRAN Firm: aacked. east track 94 97c. SEED Timothy, steady; old, $S25tf4!8; new. $4.60. ' HAY Iull; timothy, $16.0O8'2O 00; prairie, $9.0J'll.OO. .IRON COTTON TIES-tl08W BAOOINO Uc H BMP TWINE Ho. PROVI8ION8 Pork. ateady: Jobbing. $1660. Lard, firm; prime steam, $8 624.. Dry salt meals, steady; boxed extra shorts. 9.2J; clear ribs, $9.26; short clesrs. $8 37U. Bacon steady; boxed extra shorts. tl0.12U; clear rts. tie 1314: short clears. $10.25 POULTRY Weak; chlckena. Mc; springs. 14c; turkeys. 12fec; ducks, tc; geese 6c. mo7.,d;rr34ccr,,n'r'- , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls..... 1 orn a im tts, bu 2,UQt $5,008 AT'OUST 5, 1907 Wheat, bu 10.nfv Corn, bu 6-guo 22 mn 44.000 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROV1SIOXS Keelerea of the Trad Ins; and Cloelast Prlees oa lloarel of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 3 -Oats pracllrally nionopolist-d the attitude of trsdern In the grsln pits today and after being active all day closed strong and 2r higher. Whest was up Sc. ehlerly because of reports of cold weather In the northwest. Corn was "4C higher. Provisions were unchanged to 6c higher. The whest msrket opened higher because of lower prices at Minneapolis. Later came reports of colder west her In the northwest snd houses with northwestern connections commenced to buy moderately. The buy ing liicrpssed and dually reports of frost In Minnesota and the Dakotas caused the msrket to become strong and active. The market closed firm. September wheat opened Sti-V lower at 91'e;9:c. sold be tween 91c and fMVsc and closed st 92Sc. Clearances of whest and flour were enual to 82?,tM bu. Primary receipts were IHil.ouO bu., ss sgstnst l.lll.oiio on the same dsy last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 451 cars, as against 841 Isst week and 65 one yrnr ago. The corn market was active and strong for the greater part of the dsy. chiefly be cause of the bulge In osts. I'ush corn was strong and there was a good demand for all available supplies. The market closed firm. September corn opened at Mft, Sold between 64c and RSMeiolre and closed at 64'c. lxical receipts were 157 cars, with eight of contract grade. The oats market wss exceedingly active throughout the session. The big bulls who have been buying for severs! days wore sgaln In the market and In addition there was frantic buying by shorts who were anxious to cover their lines. The hulls sold at times on the bulges, but failed to weaken the market. Country nouses which had sold against expected purchases from producers were heavy buyers, many of them having reported the conclusion that more oats hsve been sold than can be delivered for September. The principal trading was in September, but the May option also showed much strength. The clone wss strong. September oats opened mc higher at 4&ft427o, sold between 42c and 43V"44c and closed at the latter figure. Local receipts were 68 cars. Provisions were dull. At the close Sep tember pork was unchanged at $16 45, ribs were 6c higher at $8. and lard was 2MrC higher at $.30. Estimated receipts for Mnndav: Whrnt, 277 cars; corn, 135 cars; oats, 61 cars; hogs. 37.(00 head. " The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Aug. Sept. Doc. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Lard Sept. Oct. Ribs Sept. Oct. 90X 91 93W 97H: 1 0i, 90S 90S 9ntj 92S 1 m 1 bi 9014 92' 9tU4 91V-2V 1 OiSin 6IV11S2 1 1 014 MTWeSBlrTAfftii 64 62 42 64 64H 521k4,81&u2 fJ-Mrl 6IV 43fJ44 41 42 S6?e 18 46 9 !7Vi 9 ib t 76 8 67 44 , 42 44rt 44 16 46 9 SO 9 25 8 80 8 72H 46 18 46 9 22V4 1 46 9 20 9 25 g 75 8 65 16 46 9 20 9 25 8 75 8 65 9 27Hi 8 821 8 72V4I No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $4.10 4.40; winter straights, la.taiM.on; spring pat ents, $4.7Oti6.10; spring straights, $4.1wSi4.60; bakers, $3.5oti3.26. WHEAT-No. 2 spring, 9Scifr$1.01; No. 3. 94cutl.nO; No. 2 red, 90X4i91c. CORN-No. 2, 66tigic; No. 2 yellow, 56Httt)lc. OAT8-N0. 2. 49c; No. 3 white, 4Siff61o. RARLEY Oood feeding, 65le; fair to choice malting, 62tj6fic. SEEDS No. 1 northwestern, $1.17. Tim othy, prime, $4.65. Clover, contract grade, $16.00. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loose), $S.50i.76. Mess pork, per hbl., $16.36rT16.40. Lard, per 100 lb., $9.06. Short clear sides (boxed), $8.87Hi.12. Following were the receipts and ahlp ments of flour and grain: . Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bhls 15,000 17,600 Wheat, bu 131.400 20.400 Corn.bu 153.600 295,000 Oats, bu 91.RO0 322,000 Rye. bu..... 2. 000 Barley, bu 6,600 1,100 On the Produce exchange today the but. ter market was steady; creameries, 20 23c; dairies. 18Wa22c. Eggs, steady: at mark, cases Included, 145lbc; firsts. 160; prime firsts, 17Hc. Cheese, steady; 12130. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 8.1-FLOUR-Flrm; first patents, tt.O&'a. 16 ; second patents, $4.90 60.05; first clears. $3.56&3.66; second clears in sacks. $2.75fi2.8o. BRAN In bulk, 915.50iTT15.75. WHEAT No. 1 hard, $1.044; No. 1 north ern, $1.03i; No. 3 northern, 99ciff$1.0Wi No. 3 northern, 95(3te. , Peoria Market. PEORIA, Aug. 3.-CORN-Flrm; No. 3 yellow, 54H5tc; No. 3, 64o; No. 4, 53ic: no grade, 61'(ff2V4c. OATS Higher; No. 8 white. 47c: new 46c; No. 4 white, new, 43Hc. RYE Nominal; No. 1. 8;t485c. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. $. EOQS -Steady; good demand; western choice, free cases, iir'ic. CHEESE-Steady but dull; New Torx. full creams, choice, 13c; fair to good, 12H4D 1240. Holiday In P.aa-laad. IX1NDON. Aua. 2. Todav waa a hoiuiav on the stock exchange. ' l.lVPHPnfll. Amu 9TiuI.v Im . V,ll day In the grain and cotton markets. Kansas City Grala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 8-WHEAT-Sep-tember, 85'4c; December, 89'c; May, 93c. Cash:, No. 2 hard, 8490c; No. S. 82 Site; No. 2 red, 864?6ijc; No. 3, 82jo. CORN September, Wc; December, 46c: May. 47c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 49c: No. I. 4tt)j4ic; No. i white, 6t5oc; No. 3, 4SHO OATS No. 9 white, Sic; No. 2 mixed, 4849 8V4c- HAY-r-FIrm: choice timothy, $10.6011.00; choice prairie, $7.754g8.00. EGOS Steady; extras. 17Hc: firsts. 1c: Cases returned, lc less; southern, lc off. BLTTER-Biip; creamery, packing, 17Vt. Receipts and shipments of grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 3s.cmo ssmw Corn, bu 35,0u0 15,000 oata, . bu -. 7.0U0 9.000 Kansas City future prices as furnished by Logan & Bryan, 11 Board of Trada building: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat September.... December Corn September. . . . December I 85KWWI 81 86 89 V, 46i 4,l 4RV.I 45 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wla. Aug. $. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 41.0242L03; No. I northern. 99c4S$1.02. RYE-Steady; No. 1, 874J87Hc. BARLEY Steady; No. 1, 73c; sample, 62 73c. CORN Higher; No. cash, 65c; Septem ber, MTic bid. Oils and noaln. NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 66c. Petroleum, firm; refined New York, $845; Philadelphia and Baltimore, As.ti; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk, $4.75. Turpentine, steady at tVrtc. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $4.603-4.60. Wsel ttarket. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Aug. 8.-WOOL In active: medium grades, combing and down ing. UUmc; light, fine, 22i'g23c; heavy flne, 17t19c; tub washed. Ufa a. St. Joseph Live Mtock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 3. CATTLE Receipts, 41 head; market nominal; natives. $4.50 7.00: yearling rslves. $3.n4.26. HOOSRecelpts. 2,907 head; stesdy to a shade higher: light mixed. $6.1uti.u: nl $S7fH&00. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelnta til heH- market nominal; lambs, 86.0Uji7.BJ; yearlings. u. v.xiv.i. Rteek la 9lght. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterdsy: r'MiiiA Hogs. Sheep t.'OU 4.01H 2,0 0 2.000 2.W7 MJ ' tuc ' to 9,000 Z.frO r.497 "tu South Omaha 29 Bloux City 3u0 Kansas City a St. Joseph 41 St. Louis no Chicago too OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hardly Enough Cattle to Make Test of Pricet. YARDS ARE BARE OF FEEDERS Average Ilea; Market Meek Rrtter Than oa Friday Prevailing; Prleee oa Sheep Have Been High. BOUTli OMAHA, August 3, 1907. Receipts were: Cattle. Hobs. 8heep. Otliclal Monday 6.1.e 6.M 2.4:2 Ottlcial Tuesday 6.197 .-'! 3.,w Official Wednesday 0-" S.7M l.iM Omcial Thursday 1,339 10.t 4.240 Ofltclal Friday 632 l.tus 4,111 Estimate Saturday 29 Glx days this week. ...15.234 4n,144 lii. Same days Inst week ... .50,015 63,877 l!t.fl Same days t weeks ego.. 14.731 .;. 1.;14 Same-days weeks ano.. 13.241 9..2."J 14,s' Sums days 4 weeks aito.. 8.NS7 60 4u6 I2.H'1 Fsinc days last year 1S.94U 60.743 3i,Kl-' The following table shows the, receipt of rattle, hogs and sheep at. South Oiualin for the year to date, compared with last 'ar; , uo7. im. Inc. Dec. tattle ,5.8!9 649.1U S.7S6 H"KS I.6!HIKUI 1 h.5 i IS M.l0 I khecp 9UJ.153 Ssti.MSI 22..U3 The following table shows tin average price of hogs at South Omaha lor the lust several days, with comparisons: Dats. I 1907. 19e$.19.o. 1904. 1B03.190C.19-1. July 18... July 19.. July jo.,, July 21.., July 22... July .,, July 2&"; July 28.., July 2;.. July 18.. July m.. July $0... July ,11.. Aug. 1..J, Aug. 2... Aug. 2... I9HI ; 6 6?' t Ml 9 51 t 6! 47 6 bW 6 48. 6 611 I 6 4KI 9 621 I 65 t 471 9 62 $ t;, 9 901 6 t 44: 6 5K 9 46 5l51 I S uj 37 I 32 6 6 9 15 6 6 6 11 6 73 6 6 t.2 6 21 6 U t; ikH 6 in 6 22; 711 K I 6 i4 6 t8 D 61 6 71 5 7 5 74 6 (9 6 i 6 47 6 5 5 61 5 117 5 7(i 5 79 1 661 7H 6 221 6 22 6 2t, tk 6 18 6, 4 x; 4 p, 5 tw 6 0s 5 H2' 7 621 7 41) I 32j I 4,1 7 631 8 87K 6 07 94 91H 6 94 6 94 6 W 6 HW 6 11 5 11 1 52 7 5.1 7 55 7 47 7 62 1 41 isivsl I 6 MS,! 8 (WVi 6 OP I 9 9IS 6 91 I 6 It' 6 11 5 06! 4 Bt 4 9H 4 9J 4 94 1 4 911 Sunday. RANGE OF TRICES. Cattle. H )Ks. Omaha $ tn co'dil 2S Chicago 1.47 50 5.61 it j."0 Kansas City 2.0 'i7.2'l 59"iirt20 St. Louis 2.7n!'7.4i S.tKi'SKl .50 Sioux City 2 2ff6.75 6.7.M(i615 The ofhclal numler of cars broutsht In today by.earh road was r Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r s. C. M. A St. P .. Missouri I oclflo 1 Union Pacific svstorTr. .. 14 .. 2 C. A N. V., esst 14 C. A N. W., west 3( C, St. P., M. 0 7 C, B. A Q.. east 3 C, B. & y., west 1 11 3 C, R. I. & P., east 1 .. C. R. I. A P., west 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Q. W I .. Total receipts..'.... 1 90 6 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hoifs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Hm .... Swift and Company 1.47S .... Cudahy Packing Co 25 2,185 Other buyers 1 .... 94 Totals "26 6.057 99 CATTLE Only one car of cattle was re ported In the yards tins I'.iormnjj. '1 he 10 celpts on '1 hui-sday and Friday were ex tremely light, so that there has been hardly enough cattle here since W ednesday to inttke a thorough test uf tho mar-net. The tola! arrlvalb for tho week show a falling off of almost 6,iD head, with a decrease of almost 4,000 rieud, as compared with a year ago. The Hgnt receipts of beef cattle this week are apparently the direct result of the sharp break In prices last week and at the beginning of tne prestut week. Since Wed nesday, under the Influence of the extremely light receipts, prices have firmed up some what and are at the close Just about steady, with the prices prevailing one weok ago. This would apply to corn fed bueves and range beef aa well. It will be remembered that the market on cows and heifers broke very badly last week, with a tendency still lower during tlio first two days of the present week. Since Tuesday, the low day, receipts have been very much smaller and prlcea have rapidly recovered, so at ths close the market tun generally be quoted 10&15c higher than at the close of last week. Th heavy break in stockers nnd feeders last week was followed by a large num ber of buying orders from the country this week, which has resulted in a rapid re covery' of values. Oood heavy or fleshy feeders did not break so very much Just week and henca the advance on thut kind thla week has not been so marked. On the other hand light cattle on tho stocker order, which were quoted fully C0e lower last week have been In exceptionally good demand this week, with the result that at ths close a good share of last week's decline has been recovered. Even at the advance It has been Impossible for com mission men to fill all Uie ordera received from oountry customers. At the close of the week the yards sre practically bare of stockers and feeders of all kinds. IIOOS Hogs were unevenly higher this morning. Some of the rough and heavy packers did not show very much Improvo ment, while on the other hand some of the good light and butcher hogs looked 5c higher, making the average market quite a little better than yesterday. The bulk of the horil aold at 11 Mi',7 K 1Y1 nlth tr. at $f.2fi. The trade was fairly active at the advance, practically everything In aiurht changing hands before 10 o'clock In the morning. The receipts for the week show vorw li. tie change ss compared with, the previous week or a year ago. The market on the other hand has fluctuated hack and forth. The week started hut with a good stiff si prlces today leaves ths msrket )nnt about where It was at the close of last week. , Representative sales: Duns Report on Bank Clearings Bank ciearlnri for July, a reported by R. (i. Don A Co., reflect larger payment la that aumU at aearly all elties In the United 8tatea than in any mid summer month of any pre etlinc year, total bank exchangee for the month at all cities reporting being $12, 322, 56,4G2, as loerease of 5.1 per eent over last year and of IS 4 per cent over the corresponding month of 1909. There Is a small gala at New York City, notwithstanding the smaller volume of stock trading In Wail Street this year, and ths much lower security values, whl eh would reduce ths teluaie et payments oa Wall Street account quite heavily ( en other account pay Kent hare oWrly been muth larger. Much the same condition pre rails at Boston, and Philadelphia whleh report gains. Many manufacturing centers In New England and tha Middle Atlantic States show heavy payments through the banks, and at Pittsburg and other Iron centers there is evldene of continued activity. There Is further improvement at the South, and most of the title report an Increase over both preceding years, with noteworthy gwla at St. Lonie and other eentral point. lu th West exchanges still show a very large velum of business. Chicago reports a heavy increase, at do other Western eltles, notsbly Minneapolis, Kansas City aud many smaller town. There Is evident of aontlamed aetivuy oa th PaelAt Coast. Comparison It made below of bank exchange by sections eov ring three years ; aise, tne averag dally flgures for the year to date 1 - - ' Jcvt. Hew agiaad... k Mills Boulli AUallllo... eoullittru Ceutnii 'Mt.,.. Waa4era l-nc.Oo Total Mew YerkUlty.. Caiiod feiai-... nune daily July. .7........, June ...... iy April Merck Keiri4ury Jsasery... 1907. 917.SS4.47 l'Jl.iU4.f!M JoO.l 1,77(1 64.4,'244.04K l.til 4iB,l,IO 4-U.lll.(..7 )40.ij4;u'j 94 010JS '4 IISS 7.411, 7M.'. 4114 4)1 JiJijiao.toJ 473.94A.OI10 44. 171 IXJO 40,l), tHHI 4&,3-'s (Hn , 6i,"i,4'u.iiiA 640,1411 1 ,IMO 97 7.U41UKIU 10041. 9747.t1.(W4 K.'...i7-2,171 I ,-l J.1,4 1 1 471.114 479 1.8.4. -Mr.lWll l.4,.ln0.i.',4 S21.MM71 9I.9H4.U1X.770 7.20ti2iiti.loa ii,u5i,4.iM,B3 J.4H7,ooO TH.tfJ ,'.l nl 64),-VO,es M.,f,fi J.IXIO 4'41.,l.t,lillll 6'lii. 13 l.iJ M M7.7l)'1.0O0 In th Far West th large increase In bank exchanges at nearly every itr shows eontinued activity in trad in that section. There are noteworthy gales at Kautst City, Minneapolis, St Paul, St Joseph, bloux City, Cedar Rapids, Topeka, Deliver, aud very few elites report a decrease. Th Agpxet. art printed below in detail JCl. 1907. 9"8J4 41174. Ins 114ou,ooii 9.V.H.i.7 S074T 9 74ti 14 IS lj.,6 7ii HI.J.H.J75 44.l:40,79i 1 Soesio 4il-,l(Hl JSilOfSO Ml A in Mb.Vi. M'i S.1U..404 f '4,Oki) Ii om 07i 971444 . 974.507.H6 S14 1U,. mas Cly LaraauKt torn! Hr4ds., kses 01.,. at. Jusep Ouhl l.mi-ia ., WMSiile... Ti VwmVW 04. SprtDgt .., Pmutle, kuii Palls.... 7.41IJf,H 4.1SIU0.4 V.uyj,-4J 101. 1 111,217 1K,'42U.6.H Dd.U.lo.ftol lJUSO.O.'tl 4.7il.l.'27J t.llH M4 S.011.4&S 90.7nd,iul J. Ol. 4 1.4 !.OI.4.H71 ,4J ,4u.l7 9y43.4BO,uj4 At Ftl 1r. .:;! 4,' 5 .1 ' . . !. .T " B rs .."T ... ft 15 !.',5 fO 5 Ki ,.:i ... s 7' ftn lf a : 711 ?: T an ,. ; ; s. n 'i r j ,M7 it I 7V4 M 4 5 7 : i M 6 M4 j M ! 1 I I n4 I 0? 3W" ... If U 2 ln ft FT i :" .. !' ' : ;. i 1 7 Si f I n :.,i , 1 7n M ft J ' ts !i 4 s,' ;.7 o hi 74 n i.i son : ti ... I n 7" 2M 140 I si r ... s M ; ; ... I w Si ... 8 - 74 ?u ... st 43 M sn t i ,u 4 ie 60 .l s I i.'s M 2i; t $ es :;4 ... t 7t it tn v Ml SO t n 7.' !'4 . . I i r-i ... 6 M (.:. ri $n no 14 :j hi) t ;, 74. is ne si jTi ... 1 n ": 4 d .i ts r 6 :'l ... es It !H ... t fl'i m r .2 si 4 n 71 ? 1:0 s ti w ri! t m , 4 ... 7v ;. f.lj 4'l SOU I M 4n 5 : m 2 i . Mi 1 $ t2 14 .tit 4 '2' f? Ti 141' 4 f!' 7S i'l" !' "' , 11 ?---t 4H 5 7i J'7 W 1 t; 2:'i tj 5 vii II 41 OS 47.. 7l 1" A 41' -74. . .....'.07 ... Ill 11 .:73 20 t n;w 7.1 ' 71 ? ... 11 r. s; im Tft W4 ... ' :: li SHEEP --The market wss absolutely of supplies this inonilrur. there hvlng not li I11K of any consequence m phIc. 'the re ceipts for the week show n iiiixlerate f'l" ng oil compared Willi ln"t week, n'ul a hflrtvy falling ill iniiii ii i IUi a .year in .. The market tor the wet k I. as been In a very fair condition Packers have wnnted liberal supplies ' of both sheep ami laniha and prevailing, prices have been IiIkIi throughout the week. The very fnct thne prices hsve been so hlch nunle the triila rntl.er slow on Soine days, buyers sppnr rntly feeling tuit shoep cHpeclnllv wet a rusting too much nionev, but still their wanted the stuff anil they had tu pay the prices. l.amhs hnve been extremely 'nrrc all the wink, still ns hlr?h as $7.50 was paid for the tup. Feeder buyers nre beHlnnlhg to drop In nnd Inquiries from the country as to when feeders run he had nre lucrenelng. So far receipts of that kind have been very light, hut the few niilvsls have met with ready sale and prospect would set m to favor the belief thnt with Increased receipts there will be n good business di1iK, Quotations on killers: Oood to rho'en Inmhs. $7.i:4i7.6"; fair to vood lamhs, tivtViiC 7.'s; cull lambs. $n.mCu6 On; good to clmlc yearling wethers, $Vi.VuHi0; fair to ooil yearling wethers, $5.4015.6:1; good to choice vet hers, f.'i.lfwr.V'; fair to good wethers, $;1.ll! j.25; good to choice ewes, $t5ii5 3i; fuir to good ewes, $l."X(j4.e; culls and bucks. $2 .509rt.fli. juotatlons on feeders: l.amhs, l6.KVini.iii yeaillnus, $R,25iii6.t'i3; wethers, $4.Soitu.li.' ewes, ja.'cfH.. jtlll('AG4 I.IVM STUCK M ARK 1ST j Cattle. Sheep nnd l.nnih Mend) lloits Strung. I CHICAGO, Aug. 3. --CATTLE Receipts, 3"0 head; market steady; beeves. $4.4ot7.5'; cows, $l.4ii4ha.20; heifers, $2.4tH'i.40; calves, ti.0i7.4O; Buod to prims steers, $.". Si I'd 7. 11" 1 poor to medium, $4.50ii5.76; stackers una 1 feeders, t'-'.B-ili 4.ist. 1 IIUC1S lteCflptV 9.000 head; market strong; light, M.i'fini wi; mixed, $6.UU.4u; 1 heavy, $5.5(ii6.3u: rough. $o.W0.W; pigs, $11.7,141 (1.30; good to choice heavy, $S.204r6.3i bulk of sales, $6.CiKjiti.30. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 2.009 iheail; market steuily; natives, $3..iny,.".7.; 'western, $3.5iirn.7!i; yearlings. $ri.00fj6 fc; luiiiDS, fo.Dur4f.30; westerns, f&.oOji i.tw. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Au?. 3.-CATTLE-Ra-celpta, 8ju head, Including 3W southerns. Market steady; choice export dresHed beef steers, $ii.2fi(i7.ai; fair to good, $6.0Ch36.25; western steers, $4.otijii.in; stockers anil feed ers, $3.40(uj.2o; sotitiiern steers, $a.(JO(4.5,'; southern cows, $2.25'(i3. H: native cows, $2.10 tH.50; native hellers, $2.(XKtio.(J0; bulls. $2.50 im.iio; calves. $4.00Dj'.00. Receipts for tha week. 6,1.31)0 head. HOO8 Receipts, 2.000 head. Market strong to 6c higher; top, $6.21); heavy, $.1.95 4jiM0; packets, n6.65fc6.17H; pigs and llplils, $6,104(6.30. Rocelpts for the week, M.auO head. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 200 hend. Market steady; ewes and yearlings, $.-.04i6.8i; rane yearlings, $5.!KKIfi."25; rane sheep, $1.764fi5.75; stockers and feeders, $3.50 St. I.onls Live Stock 'Market PT T"ll"ltf Aiiflr X I'iTTT k rjMnin l 1.60(1 head, Including 1.300 Texans; natives ! steady, Texaps steady to shade lower; nt ; tive shipping and export steers, $5.9fi7.40; I dressed beef snd butcher steers, $5.0or(i4 60; j steers under l.rtiO lbs., 94.uutfi4.7t; stockers and feeders, $2.75r?i4.riO: cows and heifer. t'I.Wiifj'4.26; canners, 81.75$i!.30; bulls. $2.7519 4 50; calves. $4.fKJi( 11.00; Texas and Indian steers. $3.U)&6.(v; cows arid heifers. $1.5ia 4.00. HOGS Receipts, 3.500 head; 6c higher; Pigs and lights. $5.7("'i.5); packers $5,500 6 2o: butchers and best heavy, W.mtfA SO. SHEEP AND LA M BH Receipts. 6410 head market sternly; native muttons, $3.iiO(iiT,.t0: lumhs, t4.(n;t,7.3ii; culls and bucks, $X(nut.ooi stockers, Sb.u04j6.xn. JVew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 3. BEEVES - Re ceipts, 1,461 head; feeling nominally steady dressed beef In fair demand at SH'&h'Vva for common to choice native sides; exports. Kou head cattle and 5,0CO quarters of beef to London. CALV ICS Receipts. IKK head; feeling steady: comon to good Lndlnna calves stild at $4.76ru8.50; no prime veals offered; city dresHeil veals steady at 8413c; country dressed, 74illHc; dressed grassers and but termilks. tVa7'4)0. SHEEP AND LAM BR-Receipts. 3,(791 head; market steady: all sold; sheep. $3.75 to-h.Ui; lambs. $7.tw4.uO; one car, $8.1iV4. H )OS-Reoelpu. 1,S(H) head; feeling steady. Sioux City Live Stock Market. STOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. t.-(Pp..clal Tele, gram.) CATTLE Receljits. X hesd. Mar ket steady; beeves, f5.rtmii6.76: cows and heifers, $3.unrg.40; stockers nnd feeders, $3.40 (&4.40; calves and yearlings, $3.0(Ko4.O0; gtoclc heifers. $2 25&.il0. HOTiS Receipts, 4.900 head. Market stri.ru;, selling at $5.756.15; bulk of sales, $5.W)j;G !0. 194)5. ' 97n.BU.M9 Bt.aiwi.umi vie.i m4 4iii.ia..u l,lil,M4iei .iim.7l6.oll UM.U4) i.vi)i 94s7,:iwisi'i U,Jtl.U122i5ll lU7e,t,IHi4 t4.lft.lXjf.IHio 4io..,6:l.uoo 4ti.27ftlHNI 4ii5,'2i2.uMO 4.H4 lim.lHM) 47.1,'J 1J.00O li "? th -t-919 m .1 1005. 'ii;.i..Hi.d:itf 7.,lii.'Jt lu,7 o I Id 4i.7iM.7o4 .i:2ti7 li.iis In 9e,.'lS.,421 lH..'li..,l 14 8m,M7..'M4 W (4,1-0 4 Jti Nn. T. Sh Pf Nn s:i k,i ( in f . ( . S'i'l i s' f4 . 4 Jte t 11 . Sri J'M HO $ M . hi : . .' ;h 2 4 sis J. : t; 57 ... I It . K f. . . 1 n . .. W . i? 5 ; . .OOM.RI l.-'i'J4 V.il I'.JtiJ 1.2.Mjj 9.1S2.6.1H Lie-, 4 9-wS.7tvU 4-14 l.i t;ii.o A i 24 3 - 5.4 474 T4-li Total receipts. .2.979