Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Term! Sskiect King Lipoid
Takr Vp Eil Defence.
EtrM tt red lie Cossplalueel of
.-eeed of Lark of Clvlltaetieo
4 Eawoerwte ltelxtsn
from CrMsc-assa.
-T "Tl.onrma an nme topic tented,
I'fWT es on side ef tbe peney
enlv with narr end address eppenAek
m request maw vilj cot a pruned,
Vtmeed omtr kgumi will net be re
leiwi Liefer eiceedir.g PJ word
wiii be suhieot to brief cut down at
rb i soreiirrn of the editor Publico
Hon if view of uurTsspiaidont does
"t oommit The Baa ta tnetr ntorw
" inert.
la Defease ef Viae Loop!.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. July E.-To th
fcCMryr of The Bf: Although I an only
eery casual reader of j olt ptprr I protest
net whet 1 nal yeur ever-bigoted
tonnl ao "End of Conga aflarule" in t
veur todays issue. Cry missionaries
toe pi isdy Elr,g1lb merclAnta. with tba
nai-rvu1o-j t.glisli government ta bark
been, are the principal fult finder agamat
Ktny lnold'a Conno d mtr letrat on. lb
I new and Iminnii country rn wbtrti rlv
airatitm, with an IT nntaila. la to or started,
ft H not a surprise that for quit a tim
ret tlit natural lark of rlvHtnetten as 1 ta
lee If In many way, and that art of
iru-Tty IrtiuwJr bu-at oul antonr tba
Wa hm tM thl In our vrf f Atnarlra
afiw ttif Mcrvn lad bp frd from
Uialr br.ndacc And If you puritan fl
n( tn not toa rrorh tiurt. vol wJ not
ao far aa Corro. but you may r p r berc
tha rtittfl Rrnu and rtt(ra new nndnr
ctvUtaed Araerlcan rwemment. j
aador tha form of roomie rj-nch-nra toae
nwa.kntile crlmer r rv"' rated upon de
Tenaelea virtlma."- Of thtme bcarible prac
ii we me1 to aiiift the rrsponaibn:ty
bjb "an unwrtuen law." And In the mean
time tt.ey multiply without aoaroely any
ffianly reT'reaalon from the autborttle
Kobody ootiieno that In the Congo there j
re not horn lxblated cane of crucltr prr-
peir1ed 1y offir'.al of the
rovarr.ment I
upon tiatrre If denen-ad nd made In
e!f-difmia. auc h art, cruel aa they might
p;ier. muin b JuatlfieMe to try falr
mlidid man. But a to tmralled for
3-u-)ty upon lnnocejrt nattvea. aurb art
aould not com but from the low eat and
if debaaod officiala. And aorh a cl
yf criminal the Itovernroent ba
sever icderatt-a. but ha nuntahea whe-
rv-er reliably infnrmea shout their rttili.
iure anoupb, the arch enemie. of the Bel-
ran k'ng t,,ve concortefl manv
fact snd trumped f, f.lae witneM to
those oennocter and the many Englieh
Derrhant and Ta-eacher-li-rturer tht blew
aver Ijere tn Awerl'-s to al) these yum
tid tainted gnod have lieen annn found
rut ty 1he Talr-mtnded Americana.
The wliole truth in ihe matter can b
put In a nutahell. England oorets fear
fu'ly ttiat Tirh court ry. It cannot get it
by fair mran; it want to ret it bv foul
nwjia. lyng and slsrdrlr.g. the old cun
fcmg'fox. The nrearber plsy wonderfully
wtl !Dnr1no"a card. They. too. bsva a
Ir-levartoc aa far. the king of the Congo,
ithough he ha, erven tlm enough lib- i
jijh) ia aeu tneir noatrums.
ba put a limit to their prar.k aa a not
i.-i urr cerTury, Ann. nenoa, their
anger and their ina.gnttion: nothing vran
1 good in the Congo; all breathe crimes
snj desolation of abominution. And Elng
lcnd rd pretichers giv each other the
n or pnac; but out fair-minded presl
0"til doe not want to take tbe chestnuts
out of the fire 0,1 behalf of Englsnd. Po
voj want. Mr. Editor, by your article ta
patronise English rjtr.g and preachers
sli.nd;rlngT T. M. "DElBOVE,
An Offended Belgian.
" Vleieafia tbe Iaafsia4baialiwsi,
EKAPFHAW, Neh Aug. 1 -Ta th
Editor of The Bee: 1 aee by this mornings
Bee that yos have classed the Bradshaw
Republican as belonging to and controllad
y the so called, "Frets bureau."
desire to register a mild protest against
ut h an aocusstkm. The Republican Is not
nder the control of any bureau, no matter
whe cisy lie in ohsrge. let it be Th Omaha
Bee, fltate Journal or any ether Sonne
nr force. It editor speaks for himself
tund from his own ernnvtctions and cannot 1
..t-.p inner papers from euettng or clipping
Trore its column During th Hf of the
Republican Th Be "Press Bureau- has
Tiutte frequently quoted from aur column,
when stm.ething we have said that would
it nicely in lending a llttl mrenrth to
ome candidate or prtnrlple Tb Bes wa
dvocat lug or championing.
J-ow really. Mr. Editor, don t yea hon-
bub about j himself ta th aerrtca of God, or who feeia
Press Bureau" la simply a political I himself calked upon ta Hve without working
wrec-owT JOHN B. PET. EC Iter. at tb expense of tba rascals who work ta
nviVu! rk ' Tba Be ta a recent editorial quoted this
tMAKA, Aug J -Ta th Edit af Tba Colerea clergvmaa aa being ppose te
A abort time amor I read an arucl j th works af Voltaire rnamenting th
JBoae of our Oauaha papers, I beiiee Th shelves at puMtr librarlea. and affords us
Bee. stating a prominent rail road attar u. a amiandid aatasnnie is ris ihninM.i
eaid everything bad advanced exnept rsU
coad ratea. The ret os lumber tram turn
Wear. Out
Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pill r
.liere pein not ordjr onoe, bnt
m raaaj times u it is neoessAr
to Uke them. 3Jmy persons
wLo reffer from ehronic ail
t&ents find in tLera a source of
great relief from the suffering
which they would otherwise be
aompeiied to endure. Their
soothing inflnenee upon the
aervja strengthen rather than
weaken them. For this reason
they seldom lose their effective
ness. years eld sad bar. Buffered
from tiereous troisjea, rbau-
'V ie.-ae ,r breath. eM leairnese,
and pain arr-sad the heart, Tnel-r Ves
to. I duel kuew srhai I ahould o wu
out tbeaa. and tnay ar tb aaly nsntr
1 er veed that either d.a not wear
at ta leas tin than I have us'r
L'.TJ?" the itturios reau.ia
-ai a sji uiQ lets JltaWi
ived V eM
see " Mi .fi.
a. v. RUklKtON.
l3.attajMNga. Teen
SU-PaiS WtOm an ..U V
wae wO r--UM uu
r'-srm, wae wta gem.
tae firs .mgs wUl 1 isi f ii
" (nus.
aM tm Valh.
II3eS KediCAl Fa VTYVsr Tvl
1 " fiieaicai to, timart, IruL
te Ml te point m Nercanka and Kansas
ranyd from t fiti ta II rent per
peunda lees the pr esem ratea from the
north and n. .-.h prior to 1KW tbe rat mi
Iwfcw from Omaha to Oothenburg and
all pomts between Gothenburg and Dewter
and Ootlienburg end Clerenr was 1 cent;
I" ill rat, a cents. Ouly to few points
m NebT.saa ha, th joem rate been r-
u-d to twenty yeara. Th rates an! re-
natwa of f"tn tity-f v yrara ao
wra arlilinffry rtran and rot forrd and U
rata a dar and oonaoitiar rarred Uj
full bai.flt of all rrllf. If tb railroad
wera kndtnudit. aa tty m twenty and
twrty-fire aara an. and ahippera pould
j maka rate flireet witb th rallreaAii. fna-
m mwm wauia or rrotn rra ta lv cant
fier 1 totind leaa. Ixcal ratea in Na
braaVa on lumbar ararar alninat 1W par
pent more than x?iir tit Iowa ratea. Tb
rata on alilngl frotn rortland. Cra.. dnr
tn IDW and 1KT wa U rant: prrarnt rata.
owita. to adranr about Ortohar 1 to 7
oanta I'nder rx latin law thara la no
competition and tba renautner la paving the a 15 ta W per rant on all the lum
ber uaad becauae the railreada are reffu
latd by law. Moat people oelleva the oon
autnea did not recetra tbe benefit of tba re
bate, but they did. Ptr year our firm
did tba larreat lumber bualneaa lb the world
and aa aold delivered,, deductint tba rettaa
in aeilinc. ta tbe retail dealers, and they
baaed their aeilinc price on their coat a
ibey fla today. Give the country in de
pendant ratlroada and permit railroad ta
make ratea witb abtpprra. then would com
redured ra.te. Tteepert fully.
CbIM ftTU( IaatMate.
OMAHA, Au X Ta tbe Editor of Tba
Be: Referring to tba communication f
Rer. A. W. Clark In tbia mominr iaaue
of The Be upon the aubert of tba pre
ent financial atrea of the Child Bartnc
InaUtute. I derm it proper ta aay that
Mr. Clark aa tbe founder of the mtl
tutlon and r rried on Ita.anirk for ro.r. y
v-r until 111 baalth made It neoenaarr
that h aeek anotlier climate. The boarl
of trustee. ha appeal to him to
to tbe aid of the Institute at thl time,
and I dcexra to appeal ta the friend f
tbi irreat and worthy tharlty to ro
ojrate with him In evary way poauihle
to meet the preaent eineiaenrica. A com-
bination of clrrumatanoe beyond contr-il
have Iff: tbe inatltuta temporarily wlth-
an adequate atiff of worker, and
eaparlally without moan to keep the work
up to Ha nvKXtaaary volume.
Cratltada Iaatltata.
OMAHA. Aug. I To th Editor of The
j Bee: I notice ta Tbe Bee the cornmnnira-
tlon from Rer. A. TT. Clark, and wiah t
1 asy It I a pleamire ta donate IT m reaponae
rt- PI1 AUow Mt
u'' Tr ago 1 took from t matttut.
m rtrl fw " ''
time I hsve wsichad the prof en rf tbi
grsnd Institution, and eel sure that pa
nobler work was ever founfled in our rity.
end I earn rally hop a great mary will
render fnancia aid Juat at thi tim of
great distress. Respectfully yours.
Prl af Batlrr.
OMAHA. Aug. 1 To tbe Bflitor of The
Be: I noticed m an taroe of year paper
about ten days ago an article In refcrenoe
ta the proposed Increase ba rates on cream
ta Nebraska. A statement that some one
hifl mformation that on a certain
day the price of butter fat in Council Blufi
sras S wnta miTi4 higher thaa was
- i fmiv ill inn w , lib, in
ever received this Information and grave It
out as a statement was rnlainformefl, T
bay cream ia Council Fluffs and Omaha.
We are the only creamery that cbnrti
butter In Council Bluffs. Th price pstd
out of Council Bluffs is always th same
as we pay nut of Omaha far tbe asms class
of cream. W do make a difference ta
price between sweet cream for lee cream
making and enur cream for butter making.
I and anyone with a knowledge of the cream
ery business will know that there ta
d iff error In value of from t to I cents a
pound between these two grades of cream,
according te the demand for ire cream. If
a prtc of cents per pound was Quoted tn
Council Bluffs mora than th price for
cream ta Omaha It meant for a grade of
cream perfectly sweet, delivered At our
creamery ta Council Bluff, We will pay
this difference ta price for this grade of
cream ta Omaha, at times srhea th demand
for sweet cream will Justify him.
I writ this letter to correct a wrong Im
pression that reader of tba presioua artl-
cl might get. Respeotfurty yours.
By Leroy Cerllaa, Vic President.
stiafcwp Mats M UWulM.
GLE.VWOOD. la.. Aug. 1 To the Editor
ef Th Bee: la Toltalre's pocket theology
appears tb following definition of a clergy
man: "A gwiienc title under which -fa
address erf seeing what good haters th
clergy are and What long me merles tbey
ar possnassd of. asnsctairy If the party
they diallk baa . said anything aaroaatic
about then mt tbekr prof east ob. or wna baa
committed th strfl gTeater uffenae, ta their
eyea, of attempting ta ahear them f aom
of tbetr pjlrasgaa.
Valtakes has galas! tba wreriaaring enmity
af ttie eserkial profseskoa baoauas of his
untiring and rigorous annus-let km af the
methods af essjverssga at that time prac
ticed hy tb pre rtar ass lies mt Biahow Jaatx.
aa for example, tb barntng of human
beings sJtve. tn break iiig of bodies oa
srbeels and otber turturea ta euroertrus t
mention wUkh tbey rnaiii tad ta in tba.
hope of con vert lag th "iriasMS of that
Tortaire. TTk Ber.Jarcra Prank! in, Thomas
Jefferaon and Tboene Paine, was a deist,
and not aa bandei and as a member of tb
Masonic fraternity af tb elrbteent oea
tury thia fart wfU be auAeiant evidence
raa Masons that be did believe In
CM AHA, Aug. 4 -To the Bdltor af The
Bee: Tba Sunday Be oesvtained a n-s
sen entitled "Brothers Settk Dispute.
which, ta a sense, is true, but la thar
ughly snastsskding. Tba amount af Judge
Kennedy 'a decree waa undisputed and was
T an t my brother ana year
Tba settlement, through na fault of mtaa,
u net earned out. and auK waa eosn
nanoad aamst tna for a boat gn.BSA ia
tnaking this ciaun payments by me for x held receipt asnounting ta a ksut
Sla.WX were not taken tote aooouat. ad
tb amount agreed upon far soy as Ilhw
coesrig a period of about twelve eeara.
i a.enoery. n aoocrd-
i BJ ,tk evidence, allowed me
; both af thee ttema, and rendered a decrea
j practicaXy for i isisnrt I eeaceded waa
1 ' Wfck 1 Jays bees ready
- nnd wmmg t jT i k. aoERrs.
rwrarfas M Letter aad HesWa-
lag saas a Oalrtal
Tb modus operand! of the political swsia
censorship ta Russia, which has for scmif
tira past been uauatially active la it
amftlny of prtvat ror i esptrndertce. ha not
materially changed sine th tun whea. the
Nihilist propaganda first aroused it
Th boiling kettle and s-cam vapor p
plloattwa still la vogue, cacept where
th Intercepted letter bears a wa seal r
seaia Ta opea and recloae a aealed letter
without leaving any easily noticeable tra'-ea
of it having been tampered w th i a
process requirti.g am littla delkacy of
manipulation on tbe part of the Inquisitor.
A thin, sharply edged si eel blade. Lted
just ta tb requian degree ta pass under
and remove th seal Intact, la used, but if
thi Is don clumsily, then, unlea the
letter b appropriated or destroj-ed. a new
eesj must be made. This is rfTected by
taking a mould of tb seal with a sub
nanc shoe chief Ingredient i gypsum,
and tbe elahorate appliances of the csbtnet
nolr quickly furnish from the mould a new
seal of the same kind of sit practlr-ally
indistinguishable from the old one. It 1
customary ta thia country to attarb the
pos-ag on letter as a wafer Instead of
a seal Is. the postage Is pis red on
the reverse side of the envelops, covering
the point of th Joining flap.
Thi almtt Invariable custom renders
th application of the steam kettle a com
paratively easy matter, and 1f th pos'Ag
be occasionally destroyed It is readily re
placed by new postage of the same denom
ination, and the obliterating atamp of tbe
place of origin is araln applied A suspect
letter may b opened at the poatoffioe of
It destination, but that Is of ne eonse
eurnn. as every branch cabinet aolr pos
sesses obliterating stamp for every city
and town In the empire, and ahould th In
tercepted epistle of foreign origin tb
expert officials cas very rapidly prepare
a perfect counterfeit of th obliterating
A different process, and a very sin. pie
one. Is employed when th cover of the
arrested letter 1 of jtout tertur. aucb a
the official stationery commonly used in tbe
diplomatic nd other official services, and
1 sealed. The i.pjier or lo-r or on of
the end folds of the letter is carefully cut
witb a narrow and extremely sharp paper
knife and th slit fold is rejoined with s
special kind af very fine and strongly ad
hesive oement. which is of various color
to match the particular ahade of envelop
operated upon. Th natural crease la the
fold of very thick paper greatly assists th
success of this process.
It wa first publicity revealed some
twenty years ago through a curious blunder
on the part of a postal Inquisitor in St
Petersburg A member of th clerical staff
at the Qua! d Cray had written a private
letter on official paper ta a friend ta tbe
FYenrh legation in the Russian captal.
Th envelope bore three seals, and was ap
parently Intact when delivered. "
On opening the letter tbe recipient w-aa
astonished to find enclosed a Russian trans
lation of th same In pencil script. Th
postal inquisitor had Inadvertently enclosed
his Russian transcript! The Indignant
receiver made very strong protest In th
proper quarter, and eta weeks later he w-aa
politely informed that th irring official"'
had been aeverely reprimanded and that
there would be no repetition af tb trrearo
larity. Imndon Standard.
Bteeistaaee t the IswlBUtlas ajwalt.
ttea mt Bass In OsnetaJ
Tb discuss ion or outcry about Vic
President Fairbanks' caterer's cocktail
has gone on toe long te be entertaining,
except aa It recalls some teetotal peculiart
tiea. In Mr. Hayes' administration tem
perance was th rule, for no win was p-r-mttted
at th executive table, and an in
temperate attempt t regulate other peo
ple's appetites governed th country. An
order was Issued forbidding th presence
of distilled liquors on board of warships.
Th result was circumnavigation. One
whea a prominent member cf the adminis
tration visited a wershlp anchored off the
Washington navy yard it was wet through
by the ratn. wbicb fall as It was rowed ta
tb ahip.
"Can't you giv m a drop of whisky,
captain T" said th august potentate.
"I cut air; It's against Order Na i."
replied tbe grave captain; "but I can glee
you soma nary sherry."
When tba wot en tats lasted the brown
stuff h winked,
John Xjong pursued th Idea a little
farther. It bad long been the custom fa
the navy te give the sailors beer at am
of their tneala, John Lxmg forbad It.
Th consequence wa not circumnavigation;
was drunkenness. When tb meat got
shore leave they drank enough ta last
them far a good while, and they dldnt re
turn te tb ahip; tbey wer ret arned to t
ta bundles. A liks result followed tba
abolition of the right ta sell wines and
beer ta th army canteens. Bine then tb
aide of street leading to army posts hav
been lined with rurn-ehope, wh.ll th
snlddl of tbe thoroughfares has been dee
orated with lntoxk-ated Vetted States unl-
60 far as tb Hayea Whit House dinner
parties went, there was much suffering
fresn apolllnaris and heavy food. The tnit
aay Romas punch, lots which nan gen
erally crept, waa called tba l!Te-srlng
station" by secretary Bchura. while Secre
tary Evart anc said that at a state dinner
at the Whit House ""water flowed Ilk
champagne." On evening lata, th wener
abl Judge Keller called on th eeriespund
ent of tbe Philadelphia Times.
"I've been t the Whit House t a
state dinner." said he.
Then yos must be very thirsty," replied
the reprehensible correspondent.
"Ahr signed th Judge, -that s th pity
of K. for I hav on tb to at ma room
that which I ahould hae drunk ea with
me dinner, but arhlch I roust Stink now
if I can persuade some on to share ft
with me. Will yea comer" Harpers
DtaxeTepet ta Pfkr rmm
sty !
Bin CXmr wtaslhae ta K-lsaberly
UTTLE ROCK. Ark, Aug C-Diamemds
t th cumber of 1S and of n cuauty
haea been dieoeveeed te Plk caunry. Ar
kssss Tbey were found ia diamond
bearing Wo Cisy of volcanic grisTta. and
that is said t be tb first discovery t
tbs kind ta America. The geologieal for
mation is Ilk that of Ktauberry, Africa
namely, of pesridiies and breccia and the
crater ar pipe has been located by drilling
The diamonds were found on farm near
MuifiMabora. Actual mining baa been
confined to tb surf so of th ground, yet
let diamonds have bean found, varying
from 1 karats ts karat
tTai msdsns Tie irel Plate nsd.
T Boston and return. gB. August C It,
J and M: September M, , M and BY Urn
thirty days fretn date af sale. Mean ta
dining cars rents ta EL Butpovera
Ticket eAoc. MC Adams street, Crttr-ags
Ptienes Central JTET and C"! La SsQe
street Bt1wv. en elevated raUrond toon.
AU goods See st Hmmtiii Jeweary
steir guaranteed aa U pricea and guality.
Splendid Array ef AttrsrtiTe Artaclct
Offered. V
Writer f e and Ability rarateb
1 watewally Temptlast Meea
far Mldewmmer Days
ad la h ta,
Drees for August is an appeal to tt
artiauc sense of every There i
a page of walsi draan by rtiae that
uggeeu several new idea, and a number
of captivating tailored model in linen.
In the alurle en Midsumuier Dress tt e-
ar many sugrestlon fur comfortable am art
dresses for th warm season. The magaalne
contain a number of tart cresting artlclea.
and of especial miereet is th reiiew of events in Paris, with the illustrations
of the gowr. there dispisyed The depart
ment entitled "The Boudoir" suggests a
rhermlng scheme of summer fum1hinf
and there ar many hints on car of th
hair and complexion in summer. There
Is an lllustrtk of delightf ally rani
method of ceiffurmg the r.alr. this fashion
being th latest. rres is published by tbe
McCready-Beals Co
t1errnr oiShed a ever I tbe list of con
trlbutejr te the Augus"! A'lantic. 7 Rt.
Hen James Brvce lesfl with his Phi Bets
Kappa address. "Whst Tn W Mean By
Progress Most timely 1 Holll Godfrey's
The City and Its Milk Supply.- In view
of the "nsture controversy.' John Bur
reugh's "Kature and Animal Life" ap
pear a a Judicial utterance on th ques
tion of free will ta th lower orders
"Tendencies af American Railway tvelen
tnent." by Ray Mom, ts a comprehena v
report of existing conditions with eugree
tkm af rala for lerwlator and jublir
men. With this number General Morris
Sraff s popuisr ear papers Th Spirit of
Old West Point," come te a conclusion.
"Tb Helpmate," by My Sinclair, in
crease ta interest a it drsw near the
end. A ts fiction, Edt'h riilllpott s sketrh.
"The F.ankruptcy of Bannister." ts an e
traorfllnartly clpver piece of work. A story
by Mary Austin, entitled 'Th Walking
Woman." Is a tale of unique character
appealing te many reader. "The Cruise
of th Quins Mill Vicrree." by Ma-y
Hestoo Torse, add another to her arr e
f delightful yachting papers, and Buja Sharps "A Captain of the Vanlahed
Fleet" deals ta rerolnisoent fsshlon eith
the old time sshalera. Vers of Cist nc
tkm and unusual beauty In also Included.
The midsummer number cf Srrlbnefs
Magssine 1s an exceptionally fine num
ber. C-n of Maxfleld Parrlsb' most beau
tiful picture, entitled. "Old Romance."
1 reproduced In color, and another color
feature 1 a series cf drewinir. "A Ity
at tbe Ctrcetry Club." hy Harrison FVber.
Th August number cf SrrH'i'er's t
primarily a fiction number, and Frank
H Spearman, author of -Whispering
Smith:" Jesse I,ynch Williams author cf
"The Stcjen ftorv:" Nelson Lloyd, su
tbor of "Mm. Radgan." and Hnry B
Fuller are nmcng tbe contributor. The
Installment of Mrs. Wnsrton'e novel.
"Th Fruit of the Tree." will (rrestly e
ier.sify the lntest cf lb readers who
have been fnTlcaing this story month
by month. Ir disclose a new and
etartllr.g development in the plot and
thousand cf people win new be asking.
Wa Justine Brent Justified 1n her
Xstkmal Interests occupy morn of the
space 1n The World Today for August,
and pictures are plentiful as usual. The
editorial deals with tbe choic of a suc
cess rrr to Roosevelt ts th presidential
chair and assert that the man whe is
to win must follow bis policy of en
forcement of law without fear or fsvor.
-Th Rational Pralnaga Problem" i dla
00 seed by Guy Elliott Mitchell. who
shows of bow great vain te th nation
would be the drainage of th swamp lands
f tb rutted States and how under a
system stn-.Uar to that of the reclnmatlai
service for Irrigation th government
ce-uld de K advantageously and at a lower
Th August American Magastn 1 . a
story number from beginning to end.
Even the leading article by Lincoln Stef
fens Is a story. It Is an anoount of the
early life cf Francis 1. Heney, tb man
whs Tnaa proaacuted Abe" Ruef and
Mayor Schmlis In Ran Franrisca and tbs
land thieve In Oregon and elsewhere.
The contributors cf fiction ts this story
number ar: Josephine raakam Bauon.
Alloa Hegan Rio, O. Henry. Jane Xsllel
Waod, Bernio Fearn Toung. Jo H. Rao
om and Neva UUian Wllllama. Lttvid
Gray eon write a character sketch of a
country doctor. Ray Ftannard Baker tells
more atones rf the whit man and tbe
negr in tb black belt of the south. The
Interpreter" tells the lnsid story of th
making ef Reoaevelt.
Th Reader Magaalne publishes a strfk
ing pen picture ef the "ftghtte'eet man ta
the south." The article is by Herbert
Quick and dwribes moat vividly the w
cmnwromislr.g "acrsp" waged by Governor
Smith agamst railroad dnmonesty and cor
rupt pelittoaJ pmctio ta Georgia, Bryan
himself diacuaaes tb Issue af mr national
policy in the Philrprdne Senator Bevertdg
replies to Mr. Bryan ta the same number
and upholds tb administration. Joseph
Conrad, the great literary artist, haa a
brwy paper on the -Rulers of the East
and West." meaning thereby the wind of
Uie sea. An abundance of delightful fic
tion seven short stories, by Henry C. Row
land, John T. Mrlntyre. Isabel tociestone
htarkay, Eliaa Waliac Durum El 'lot l
Flower. IVmald Kennlrott and Wrtliam
Wallace Whitelork, with a swiftly moving
aerial. "The Lion Share," by Oetav
Thanet s th Rreaders affering ta the
recreative hours af August. Th cover de
sign is a Harrison Fiaher girl ta a ham
mock. In th August issue of the National
Magazine the editor. Jo Mitchell Chappie,
publishes a aerie of timely articles an
-The Triumphs af th Canadian West."
giving ta one number a complete encyclo
pedia. up-te-daie. terse, forceful and
akelnhfiy written, of tbe great western
empire. Whlsamg over the Wheat fields
of Manitoba, tnte the heart of Saskatche
wan, ever tb plains and veldts of Alberta,
delving into the mineral and crossing
through th timber resources of British
OalumhiA, there is ne phase uf Canadian
life overlooked, but aQ re touched upoe
ta a masterly manner. Even the statistics
tvflect startling situation and comparison
that ar fascinating. Written without
yielding ana Jot or tittle bf his American
asm. Jo Ctiappkt baa told th story ut the
"Trrumnlis mt tb Canadian West" to a
way which will nut only be appreciated by
rittsens ef Canada, but will awaken the
AnierttsiB peonst ta rrahaat ks that thev
hav aril '' nelgLhora over u. fony
nmth parailel. te full poasiisslan of "f.fty-feur-forty"
tukuf wheat fields hlnaaoni
n the fringe mt tb Arctic csrrla
Ti Aug Even body s Is a midsummer
mm iber. offering short stsriea for vara.: ma
da ye Far those whe wah aumoihitig ao
oea anterta-uua m t 1 tiers ja te fiu to.
stallment af a new aie-iea by Charles Ed-
ward Russell. Vnder tb tits. "Wber V
' Tea Get It. OenUemen"' th author pre
pares ts taveentsret tb aourcee of some
of eur swollen fortunes." benr.nlng fa this
Bun-.ber with an aorount of the ris ef
Thomas F. Ryan Tb fiction feature ef th
August number Is ar. etasts- Japanese
etorr called "Whit lrie." by Mary Feoot-
lesa. Illustrated In color, and there ar nine
J ether abort etortee with theme cf lore.
humor snd adventure In th rand of such
well known writer a O. Henry, rlermas
I Scheffauer. twirolhy Cnr1fl Cemstance
j Smediey. Juliet Wllhot Tampklna. Hugh
, Pendetiee and OfUverneur Morris Booth
Tarnrgion write amnstng,y on "Bom
American Abroad." and at anonymous
bwsjraphy celled "The Huaband of Cel
arrty." 1 delightful reading.
The midsummer number of Ha-pere
Maaraaine ts rtri ft color, and nc In In
terest from end ts end. It opens witb a
, fascinating tale of pirates and colonial
' Americans by Bcward Py Mr. Pyk has
, made twelve strong palrtmg tn solar for
j this story. It is followed by tb principal
Important articl ta the number, aa ac
count by Sven Hedin ef his asdienc with
the Tashl Lama, the holiest pernor of th
whole Buddhistic world, whoa fellaw coun
trymen are seldom permitted ta se hnn
In "Old Times at th Naval Academy"
Captain 54 ah an add a new chapter te the
remtniscences of his early days there. K.
B. Martin writes ta his characteristic vein
cf genial humor of "Meod of a City
Souara." describing Madison Square ta New
Tnrk. for which striking lUuet rations tn
oomr ar by John Kdwla Jarknon. An ar
ticle of aerlou hnport i contributed by
Predertck Peterson. M D., Ph D. oa -The
Kr mnnation of TJreame " Prof. Robert
Kennedy Duncan of th Vnlverstty f
Kauaas a riles of th "Problems ef Indus
trial Alcohol.- In th editor's "Easy
Chair" Mr. Hpwells put some plan ques
tions to preachers, w-hkh they may be at
pair to Th short stones ta this
number arc particularly Una, several being
In humorous vein. The authors ar Mar
garet Dland, Howard Pyie, Margaret
Cameron. Mary E. Wilkin Freeman. Maria
Msnning. William Dean Hnwalla. Justus
Miles Forniau. Madge C. Jerriaeu and
Thoma A. Janvier. Sir Gilbert Parker's
ery. "Th Weavers," move an ta rapid
,PtJon- ,T1 th number 1 a splendid
spectman of th modern magaalna of high
est appeal.
ree He wees Rbb.
Three lft tie lob of house breaking were
reported yesterday. Crime of that kind
ar alarm mgry Tr truer cf late. Moat of
the work la doc by Saylia-bt. Th resi
dence of Joh W. Smith was ri tk K itrt
I o'clock by a negro, who was seen about
th vicinity. Th man avared ta ta cask.
) a revolver, a CM gold pier and som aid
The Burltngtsm railroad reported a boa
car entered front 1 which a barrel of what. y.
a crate of cneese and s let of iob, and
cigar wer taken.
George Stewart, Twelfth and I streets, re
ported that a bos ef tools be tanging to
im was taken from one of th new nous
o Twenty -firth and J streeta Th palioe
ar working on tb case, but a pet bar
made ne arrest.
Dosoavs at to an try dob.
Th South Omaha Country olub season
is at Its height. Three tournament and
a baa ball gam wer tbe attractions Sat
urday afternoon. The Island Park team
of Cot sncil Bluff tried tor Boners with the
locals and were defeated by a score of
11 t 1. There waa enough fettling as make
the game popular with the local faaa and
i th hills re-echoed their cheer. Th visi
tors played good ball and several time
tbe gam was ta flsngnr.
In tba first round of tba tenant tourna
ment only on match was pulled off, Pln-
1 nU won from Kellogg, twa acta ta one.
j Kellogg took th first set. maklhg a scar
; of Ml. and tt looked at that point ilk h
I had an easy win, but Pin sell wk a brae
and played ta much better form, wincing
the second, 1-1 and th third, t-i. Other
matches of th tournament will cudUjiu
Tb enthusiasts for ernqoet played sev
eral excellent games during th afieraoou.
Th finals ta the golf tournament will be
reached by next Saturday.
For Wednesday afternoon ef this week
a baa ball gam has teen scheduled. The
gam will be called at t:SO p. m. The fat
will pity the leans to a finish. Th line-up;
McCutlough .pTtch Hunter
Munsbaa ...
....Pltcn W. B. Camk
....Latch CuHLl
Caik .........
1 rumbie.....
rirst coed
. . Second ,
1... T
- 'jatitMS
.. .. ...... fin eon
- Taylor
. 3liiar
. ! an,
.......... Vfc:k
..fciriit ... .,
.. Right
...ill tit
Loft .......
,. Cbtr......
...Center ....
James Martin C WWhkor
ioim Gribt-a A F. Srkr
On of tb largest crowd of th sea
son took Advantage of th cool weather
and Attended too weekly dsnclng parly
at th South Omaha Country club. Among
tb guest present were: Robert Taylor.
Omaha: Mis Paulson. Omaha, Mr. and
Mrs. C. O. X'eiooB, Mr. and Mrs H ..
Hubsroa. Omaha; B. C Camny, Omaha;
j H- Cockling and. Mine K be lee. Omaha.
oeveral dinner parti a were glvea at
rhe club the last w aek. On Tuesday even
ing Mr. and Mra. C. A, Molcholr, J. M.
Tanner and John Flynn gav ens of the
nicest dinner parties of tba season is
honor cf Mr. and Mrs. T. i. Mertartty of
Mr. James J. Fltageeaid waa bootees
oa Wednesday at a lanchooa and had for
guests; Mra Harry Bar. Mrs. D. En
rlght, Mra. Warrea DavU, Mra. Ja RoU
onaoa and Dick O'NalL Misses Mauds
O'NelL Alice Daria and Anna Robsrtooa,
Mra. L. PlnneU entertalaed at s'clook
dinner Friday for Mr. an d Mrs. A, J.
Caugfcy. Mr. and Mra, D. Arian and Loo
John Flynn had for guest at dinner
Friday evening Ales W aid mas of Now
Terk City and Mlse Flynn.
M arte City tTasatp.
Glrnn Tranafer Co. Tel. So. Omaha sat.
Jettets Gold Too Beer onlrrered t all
,e a of th city, telephon No. I
Mim Ethel Holt has returned from Mtnne-
tpciii. viitn aha ha tsun ro oe-t
Grace Eaatmaa of BeL'wood. la., is tbs
guest ef Vir and Mra. S. L. Sandwirk.
Pat Jordan, a laborer at tt Cudahy
plant, died of pneumonia yvoterday mum-
A lot cf youngsters are on)oyiiig th
nierry-aro-reuiid at Twenty-fourth and M
streets those rveelriga,
Ths WonAB s Christian Totr iperano union
will meet Itfc Miss 1 itn Sciirueder. till
I street, Tuesday afternoon.
Mis Grao Talbot of Crber.a. O. . and
Mia Mildred Pru-k of tie lie fan tain O. ar
the gueai of Mia. Emma L, Saieot
Tlie fnlted Prest-j'torian church win g've
an eniertainment Fndar evemtig. Auasst
1 with Mrs. rboanaa bmitn. 1 Nsrva Ftf
' teeutb street, aa iiusteea
i Jotia RarakA manager of the retail star
of Uie Cueer,. pacctmg cert iny, died aud
deajy ef ho art fa-ur yeoterday mo n ung
T1-1 funeral will be iield Msnday snen mg.
Th following tn t: wore reported yeo
ierday: Hrj-n.aa Bv'taen, Ttlrt y-ftrta aad
i giri; Gu3 . Weidon. Tweuty-Pin aad
D. girl. W. Weis. Forty-firsi and W. boy.
Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Keny roturnod Friday
roon itfA f m aa aa ooed astern trip.
touctug MUwauaea. I bukta, Kia
rkra 'I onset. Msntrwl Ourtwr Ae
i tora. w s huigtoa aad Jsn-an .oa. Ta.
lira, rrrdactd Tnmitt tt Suittia
lUipi cf Prpfpentj. '
(ompeebeoatve totleetioa of roevs
bones tela asltr Her tee te Balog
RTIs prowtrttoas sa Rotblng
j Crop calamity bowler I ar been dealt a
( sever body blew and stork yurg ler hv
sustained a serlou disaster th the re vela -tie
cf th fact that erep a a whole this
auttm is are going ta be abund&rt. Three
t pessbr lists, chronlr an8 professional, hsv
I mad much of their scare talk about "th
I big crop failure," but in th light ef art at!
' farts they wl be fsroefl tc take a bark
: seat and cease their ' unfounded predir
! tlon of hard times or make
j Nebraska and its eisler state af lb mid
: dia north and sotrlbwest and ear, supply
j s nhewlng which refut afl proclamation
I of failure and give etahilrty and asu"nr
I te the peedirtkins of th man wh refusefl
; to believe tliat King Corn. King Cotton and
'their kmartiea, a beau oata. hay and other
I proerurta of the farm, had gun back ok a
' prnoxwrons and he r people.
J C. R. Erwtn. president cf Lord k Them
j of Chicago, is th man who haa made the
collection of data which prove tlx cas
j of tb optimist and knacks th prop fro
I under his arch enemy, tb pees tm lev Mr.
j Erwle's business ts one which depend
I upon piwapei Hy, It tbeiofeie was a naat-
ter of the most vital concern for hire t
j ascertain whether Iber wa truth or not
j ta the report of crop failure and b set
about his task in th most syrterostic aay.
Hs has covered an enensiv ten trot, in
his research and haf brought forth an array
i cf facta which give core Tort to everybody
J Interested In Laving bountiful r j and
I good time. Mr. Era In com vmtrated dl
! recUy with the editors cf farm papers whs
t were upon th ground and knew from per
J aonaJ obser ation Just what eon dltlori
wee and he has core th rmt cheertng
a a resutl of his Investigation.
asm mary of Conditions.
Hers 1 a summary of condition ta ttie
various statu and Canada:
Nebraska me of the largest corn ceon
Nebraska has ever known i confidently
oeeAlelett at ftot It ...A if t , .
w id be abort, but rood, steady we at her
around fh first of July did tbe work, and
new a bumper run I In sight. With an in
ereesed acreage of whest there will be an
sverage crop, and th yield of alfalfa wiU
also le great. The range are reported la
earellent shape.
lews la must sectio s tbe crops are bet
ler than they have been In years. Late
rain did som damage, but not enough to
affect the general outlook. Com. th big
Iowa crop, a 111 he above the evraa-c, and
one espert ha bcid'y declared the yield
within the state will be ever WW.IS.
bushel. There will probably b a norm.!
yield of oats, amounting ta about lsbOKi.tMb
Kansas A wheat crop approximating
Kt.aUfcAifi bushei speTI prosneritv for thi
state beyond Ooul.t. The farm ere ar as
j bsppy as they hsv been in s decade.
I Missouri Despite the disheartening pre
I dirt ions for corn growers, an ettpert says
tne crop ts only seven point behind last
year. The oat crop Is th heel In years,
and wheat ia about the average and tbar
oughty sst factory.
liiinols Something better than an average
crop of wheat, a fine large crop of batn
timothy and clover hay. and plenty of oats
aad rye i th snnry of the fanners. The
corn Is keeping up wen and fruit alone is
ta bad share.
Montans Hay. the great Montana ceo p.
i better thun It has been n fifteen vears
This has had tendency te boom thing aa
around, and tb word ha g n forth that
Montana will market Ks stock early and to
prime condition.
Colorado A per cent tn crease in the
potats crop 1 tb most Interesting feature
of tb outlook. Sugar beets s'tse ar said
te be ta exoeUont shape, while tb crop of
alfalfa win bs a bumper on.
Fsr Northwestern States The outlook for
grain, hay. fruit and poiatoea is reported
better than ever. The bops crop, hew-ever,
will be s small one.
Indians Records of last oeoaon wfll
hardly tie broken, but the crops will fr
exceed the early erpectat lona. Corn and
oat ar lttlw behted the average, bat
the other field crops are shout equal to
ether yvare. Tb frult.c p ia below th
Ohio As a whel th crop ar about th
average. In som aettlntis tne prospects
ar away above th normal, but in others
It Is apparent there wtll be decrease ta the
yield, ail tending to even up matters.
New Tork With a btrrr hsy crop than
It has had ta yeera. New York 1s not worry
ing greatly over th fact that tts whest
output will be hardly mere than per cent
of the average. With tbe hsv and pseture
outlook so excellent, a correspondingly en
eouregtng note ha been a m6ed y th
dairy Interests. Poiatoea wiU bs about on
ttie average
Pennsylranm There win easily be an
average crop of wheat, and while corn Is
lata it a ex pooled to Swish with a beet the
normal yield. Oata are beading weii and
grass, which makes Pennsylvania the sec
ond delrylr.g state ta th country, ts in
excellent ahapa.
Minnesota The farmer apparently
bar completely forgotten there waa such
thing as o late op rmg and are going
ahead with enthueiasm. The proii
for th wheat crop are especially prosuis
feng North and Soutk Dakota Condition
wer uesei ro rpassed, with the possihi
cxeepuoa of the low lands. There ihe
croj hav suffered sl'gntly on scrount
of tbe atnusuaJ ralna. hut e-us her iber
will b at least an average wheat crop.
If nothing better. The yis.d of oats, hor
sey and flax will stand high la omparl
00a with recent years, especially ones th
acreage i taken into conoid itioe,
Connecticut With rye shore tl. avee-
aae and hay la a similar condition, al
though aligntly 1st, farmers hsv noth
ing whatever to oe iplsis aeoar i.
Kentucky Plenty of 1st vegetables
ts the story of the farmers. The early
outlook, waa earthing but satisfactory,
but th situauou haa cle cad to a con.
; You 7ill recognize Ax
bncliles7 e&xiosa Coffee in the
cup, any time, by the taste
That "taste" identifies it as
the straight, pure Brazilian
and distinguishes it from the
make - believe Mocha and
Java, and sundry other mis
branded or misnamed im.
The improvement ia the quality of Ariosa
is the natural consequence of our own com
mercial devdopraent, and promises more for
the future. Sold in a sealed package only,
for your benefit
siAeat.jr e.eii The eorn rrrp 1 fe-p"-ec"
Ir. ei ler,t M.
Virgin. The tohe'-re r-t r t 1st an 5
e U oe off in auaiity and quart iit O t
l iec L te. Kvil 1 Mfn1 -ig I" m eo :
Ttl.1Ti ir the hf w rht r 1 1 n T 1
t"" crr cf hy. and feed far tia e
ssid ts pientuui
7erioeeeA,l ihe t-rp a -e late i--rus
of the cvld wee-her cf the sfini
bi t yreepet point is s crop of n-'at y
ate ige yield.
I4leis pi There wi'l be no cve'-p-o.
diiCtn.a of cotter ihe stai-le c r of Miis
r'l t i Go:id prices in projct
Lo", irlis Rii th print pal crt... i
in rj lenoid liai. e ail proej.e;i
pr'et it.a t- a hi v- .1
1nf With 4 pnii.;('li halt of cotton
snd 1 ka (! cue burhe.t of 001 in etg I t,
the out loo; Ir highly ncot rr. c it c Ranc
rrndtlcn " etcd to be better than tht
tmt e been In t ear ed li.e itui I rrup..
Sut h as peanuts e eet petatnes. rite and
a '.f alia. - : er'let shape.
Kew rjT.ylstid All rr"T' ' kit t
titig ;tii? ihe r-runci but Ith tnt pi i
hle exrer-tlon "f "t.t cc-ti everjiMig
will ur to 1 i,e storage There a 1.1 be
full crop cf fruit an fioist "
Carit Htperl received te cf a
cheerful nstur. with the pikne etoen
tion cf those fro northern Manitoba.
Intended X Irtlm she a Flsbt aad
amber of ti tome to Hie
A netets nee.
A man by the name uf Firher. aba room,
st Twenty-eecood and St Mary avenue,
wa held up at tb point of a gun at mid
night Sturdy night cy two Mfrvaj inoa.
Th holdup took plsre ticlween Twentp.
first and Twenty sit end street or St.
Mary's svenit tn sight cf s nm her cf peo
ple who wer tUtmg rm their porrhea.
The atuld-te rtill"r oommsnded Fin her
lf threw up hi hand v ttistesfl of doing
so hs grabbed the revolver that was thrust
into hi fsre snd .ilefl luudly for help.
His crle sttrscted the attention of S.
Ftobe'tB, J"T? St. niary's aesnae, aad J. C.
Bcrland. T 61. Mary s avenue, and sew.
eral other, who tiLr.Mned to Fislier's as
sistsnr Alarmed st the gathering crowd
th holdup pushed Fisher as ay from them
and ran. Ar no one in the crowd waa
armed, no pursuit of Hie men waa at
tempted. The police elation a notified
and th wagon filled with officer made a
jukk run for the aceiu-, but no trace of
Ui men could tie found. Pihher had Hi
on hi emon and eai lie w a determined
ta hold on to it
Former Residents of trkra ska Tow 1
Disport Tbemaelve at
Over PO memlier of the B.trioe club
cf Dm ha. Council Eluff and South
Omaha held their annual picnic at Lake
Manaw Saturday. There a a a program
of racing contest tn the afternoon, afier
s hicb a supper wa served in th pkenis
grove, During tb evening tb entire parte
patronised the park attractions
Th results of the racing contests were aa
f ollowa :
Women's ex g race, rj lady Allen
Thi" lired race., Theodore Mt'trgar And
Ray Frauaa
Fat mans race, Loui Stringer.
Single women's rsoe. Mary C al and.
Boy race. Leo Norton
Men free-for-all. A. C. Pylo
Girl under 14 year Crane Robinson.
Collar and tie rre M Vetrpar
Married women' raoe, Mra Faua
Tug of war. C. Morgan. D. E Allen, fi.
Warrike, L. Strinrer and F. Robinson.
Betle o Somsnew Asoemblr.
Special trains will leave the BurUngtssj
station, Omaha, at l;Ki p. m. August k
and I; returning will leave Beilrvus about
jejo p. m l
Regular train leave Omaha for BeUerue
at .1D A m. 1:10 p. m. and 1 J6 p. m. Re
turning reave BeUo u at :S a. ta. and 1 i
p. tn.
Aug set t. Pioneer Day Address by Gow
emor Sboldon of Nebraska and at I p. m.
lact r by Hon, J. Frank Hanley, governor
of Indiana.
August d at l:W p. to. 4ecfuT by Hon.
Robert M. LaFollstte, 1" tilted States aenatc
from Wisconsin.
August I st !.' p. m. Lecture, "Savo
tia ''A." by President Frank W. Gunsaulua
cf Hit Armour Institute, Chicago.
Th asti'ii.bly program from August 2
11 is exceptionally attractive.
Never Before
Travel 00 Cbeaa.
Jamestown exposition, S3
Boston and return (oenaic date), tSi-Tk.
Leadwood and return, tlk Tt 1.
St. Paul and return, o.
Toronto and return. I3C tt.
Hun dre ie of other point. Information
(Tb ONLT Double Track Route)
ul-l Famam St
ir Ton tn DM Wber to Spead
1 ear Vaoatloaf
The Grand Trunk Railway System
; 1 double track) offera th choir of many
j delightful reanrts. Special low round-trip
j tares to many of there If yos will advise
j how much you hsve ts spend for railroad
: fare, a publication deacriblng attractive
I route te the sections yos csa reach, ts-
gcLher with tares, til be sent you. Geo.
! W. Vaux, A. G. P. at T. A. IB Adam lit.
. mm m ... m m mmm a w III
I never uues'.ioiieu iiy ar. lotid ooizi.nissioa.
A. B Hubem lann. wi years at southeast
ee Ber ISth and Donglak a year direct e
mend importer, aold at Import pricea.
Mow Tsrk CS