10 ; TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. ATJOTTST B. 1007. . llM jglMll" 0(3.3jp j8mmfcim Bl HOME FIHI1nER fRETY RONDS. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. MM Feather your nesf HHlfl-l Donr.iA.5 Ft H1TIHE. If you dsalrs rood of high Quality, low prlo.s and iuf tsrma, It bo hoove you to trad at TOE PEOPLES STORE lath and 711I1H 8TB. PI AXOS. .; PIANOS SUasonabla Tsrms TjMTUt' 'l'ttl MIOCK of Weber, Mehlln, Henry find H. & i. I.lndeman, Foster Co. Krhlller. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. Mfgrs. and Dealers 1813-16 Hamty, Omaha PIAXOS Everything in Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Donates St.. Cmaha PIAIfOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturer a Stat Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS lOfc-8 No. 13th St.. Omaha, Nab. Tel. Red 2641. PIANOS IOKMOLLEB at HUELLIB PIAJf O CO. PIAIfOS ManufAetortrt tod I IMIm Is High Orada Pianos Oyer MB rime la Silk 1311-1813 Farnam tit. Omaha, Neb. MI'SIC nV MAIL Illustrated Music School. 1611 Farnam rv XX JHUR1R ny oiau l OrW-j JWJ-Um than 10c iTrST'l EIht different l fr 1 -gw couraea. lnvestl- LI e;ate tnem at tne store of the TVrfleld Piano Co., Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Columbia Phonograph Co. a iivuvgiapu v. d Moulded Bo- ) OP to fit any Cylin- f ',TI Talking Machine f ClVKJ He You throw 1 Bold crda der l made away money If you pay more. 1681 PAXJfAM ITBB1T Ctumra, Robber Gooda and Draara. TJesoription Aocuraoy Guaranteed. Syringes. Hubber Goods by Mall, out prloea. Send for free catalogue. Send us y ur mall orders for drugs. Freight paid on 110 lots. Cigars at cut prices. 10c cigars. Bo. Myers Dillon Drug Co. DBUOBl FAINTl 18th and rarnam. 1416 Harney. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGARS. BREWERIES Always Ask for MetzBros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEC AND BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. dbxnx FUBE. SPABKLXHO If WATEB BT USING MIB- C. II. IIUBER, Mfgr. 1301 ; Parnam . St.,' Omaha. TELEPHONES Nebraska Telephone Go. PHOTO Kl'PPLlEM. KODAKS. PHOTO SUPPLIES fxbtsbxho fob amateubs Mall Orders Solicited The Robert Dempster Co. ltll Farnam St. Omaha. SJIOH REPAIRING Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 FAHXAM W do the work' right, phone Doug. 1617 and we will call for your work. We sell pull ah, laoea and ahoa special tlea. C'l.KVNtNG A My IIVKIMi. Wi are beudquarters for all olsaalng, dyalag, preaaiiig and rspaUrlns; of la dloa' and gentleman's clothing. TOUB TBADB SOLICITED THE WARDROBE tOlt Farnaro Branch Office, 1713 Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. ITi. LAl'N DRIES "TBI W WAT" W don't Iron ahlrta at all. We preaa them. Thla givea an attractive finish without wearing out the linen. STABS' STBAM LAUXDBT Ket. 17. Allan B. Hamilton, Mgr. 11 B. 11th St. Tel. Douglas BS4. TRI KS AND LEATHER GOODS TRUNKS Salt Casern, Eags as4 riae Pocket Keeki rtnjNC a snxai Tel. Bees. 4sf . IsM Farm at MOVING AND bTOIl WE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Motos, Packs and Stores Household Qeods. Floa Xtouflaa 156B 1BOT ihsii8 TOBACCO QilSI HATB IT. BOOST OMAJLA BT PATmOBXZZBw THE ONLY HOME CO. Surety Bonds Metropolitan Bond and Surety Ca. 43 Bew Tork tlf a BnUdlnr MIXES AND MINING. For Information ooncernlng legiti mate mining In British Columbia, address F. H. KNIGHT Offices Bridge St. Orand Torks, - - B. C II A N KS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK .OMAHA ' Deposits $12,000,000.00 RANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United States Depository 16th and rarnam Sts. RANKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK eVMAflAaa Capital $1,000,000 RANKS J. L. BRANDEIS Q. SONS BANKERS ( CapitaJ $100,000 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID SAVINGS RANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK lath and Da Sts Omaha INCORPORATORS. Ws Incorporate Tons Business and Bepreaen Foreign Corporations The Mercantile Incorporating Co. 425. 421 N. T. Life Bid. Omaha. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY IB THIS OAT OP SPECIALISTS you waste time and money aelectlng your h-lp. WB ABB SPECIALISTS The best ability in the city is Hated with us. Give ua your needs let us aaalat you no charge to employers. WEST. BEP. Si BOND A 88 If . Bnlt 793 W. T. I.lfe. Tel. Dong. 4383 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt Inc. B. B. CXOTBB, Oen. Mgr. Suit 404 Bee Building. OFFICE FURNITURE Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRrVTTVG CO. 1Mb ana Farnam Stt. OFFICE SUPPLIES. L008B LEAF DEVICKB ruts Cabinet a, rttes and Xdgw, Offto rutnres. And Sapplle of All Binds. ANCHOR PtTBXJSOLNO CO. 188B ruum St. TL Donf, 0861 OFFICE SUPPLIES Off fee Supplies STairtblna from a Pin to a Piling Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam Sts TYPEWRITERS. A Fine Smith Premier Type writer all complete with metal cover, practically new, for $35. Central Typewriter Exohang 1607 Parnam Phone Doug. BOS AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES. J. J. DERIGHT & CO. Wholesale and Retail Safe and Automobiles 1814-1818 FARNAM STREET LIFE .1X11 ACCIDENT INSURANCE. TOM S. KELLY Manager Life and Accident Depart. menta for Slat of Nebraska. The Travelers In.urano. Company Hartfort. Conn. 110 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Mall Order, Novelty and Press. Goods WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOXEBS AND DISTBJBUTOBS V holeiuiie 1 testers In BOTELTIE8, PBEMXUM OOODS Mail Order Supplies of All Binds First C'laea Agenta Wanted OMAHA, NEB. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock tn the West J. F. BLOOM a CO. 1813 Famast. St. Omaha PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON fA V Nf) ) m BIDij Omaha as a Jobbing Center The making and merchantlng of articles for Oje needs, comfort and luxury of mankind have expanded at Omaha In the last dozen years In a greater degree than at any other point in the United States. This has not been the result of chance or accident, but the fruition of well defined causes. The city's superb location, in the very heart of the great Transmissls slppl empire, a region of unequalled fruitlblllty, has brought the business men, merchants, Jobbers and manufacturers into direct touch with the population In a territory within a radius of 300 miles in which the greatest development in the history of the country has taken place. In no other like section of the coun try is stored bo great a share of the nation's present and latent wealth and Omaha is proud to be the center of It. It is but a few years ago that the Jobbing business of Omaha was confined to a small area, representing a very limited number of lines. The expansion has been rapid until today the merchant of the west finds no occasion to go or send to Chicago or New York for any article or line of goods demanded by his trade. Omaha contends for supremacy es the chief Jobbing center west of Chicago and St. Louis and is already a vigorous competitor with those cities. In 1890 the Jobbing trade of Omaha amounted to $47,000,000. The success of the houses then located JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS N.F.ST1LUNG. Diamond Expert Watch, Clock and Jewtlry Repairing. Spoclal attention to complicated and intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. Boom a Pazton Block. JEWELEHS AND WATCIIM AKERS. Gustafson 41 Henrickson Snooesaora to P. B. PXOSMAB ft OO. Jewelers (EL Watchmakers 1514 Capitol Arena. PHOTOGRAPHERS. BEW LOCATIOK WEAS BX.DO. lBth and Parnam PHOTOGRAPHERS. 107 SOUTH 16th STREET MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 317 SOUTH 16th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OBIOIBAX PAXWLESS DENTIST Largest and Finest Dsatal OfXlo Wast of Chloa- Suit 4, Bushman Blk.. Hth and Doug. HAIR STORE. SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSIVE XAXB STOBB For Everything- In Hair Goods, Hair Work, Hair Dressing, Switch, wig and Topees. 1411 7 ABB Aid BT., OMAHA, HEB. Telephone Douglas 8333. OPTICIANS The H. J. Penfold Co. WB LB AD. OTKEB8 FOLLOW SCIBBTXPIO OPTICIANS S Out New Toxic Lenaea 1408 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Olive OH, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported OUT. Oil Direct Prom Italy 13.85 per gallon. Special prlcea to dealers. Agents for Huylers fins candles. Fresh dally. Agenta for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Btyers-DUloa Drag Co. 18th and Parnam. Eaarlnerr aad Mia-. Machinist, P. MELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS MABUPACTUBIBO ABB XX PAXBINO OP ALL BINDS - OP MACBINEBT Breotlnf and Consulting XnglnMra N. K. Cor. llth and Howard 8t., Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WILSON STEAM BOILfiM Cu. Mian, el Tssslsr rise saa rir In Bauer n Bll sa water Tank. ,f , I w Slack an Srerchlai . .SVir Air m s a . j - - Factory lth and Pierre 8t.. Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH R. LEHMLR. Xadauartrs for B-vsrythlnf Elsetrlcal Bailway, Steam and Mill Supplies . Prompt Bhipmsat and Satlsaotloa Onarastd. 1218 PARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passeiger and Freight Elevators SVFPLIES and REPAIRING Phons Bomalae BseT. 104 B. 13th St. here led other concerns to seek a share of the advant- ages offered and the business Increased until the total ; wholesale trade In 1900 aggregated $70,000,000, an ' Increase of' almost 100 per cent in a decade. The ' rapid development of the territory tributary to Omaha in the last half-dozen years has been reflected In the growth of the Jobbing trade in this city, which amounted In 1906 to $84,760,000 and which Is rap Idly nearingthe $100,000,000 mark. A hint of the extent of the Jobbing trade of Omah is shown by this official report of sales in 1906: Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, etc $11,300,000 Lumber, Cement, etc 10,500,000 Dry Goods and Millinery..... 9,500,000 Agricultural Implements 9,000,000 Hardware 4,500,000 Liquors, etc 4,000,000 Boots and Shoes 3,500,000 Paper 2,500,000 Drugs and Druggist Supplies 2,500,000 Paints, Oils and Glass 2,000,000 Furniture and Carpets 1,800,000 Fruits and Vegetables 1,850,000 Rubber Goods 1,700,000 Candles , 1,000,000 Every line shows an increase of from 10 to 100 per cent over the business of the previous year. The growth of the business spells more work for everyone connected with the mercantile and transportation in dustries, increased prosperity for prosperous Omaha. SANITARY PLUMBING. T. F. BALFE pi. trauma, hot watis ajtd STEAK HEATIBO as and Eleotrlo Fixtures Bepalr Work m Specialty Trt. Done 743. 1607 Howard St. PLUMBING It t PL A TIN U Gold and Silver Plating Table Ware, Gas Fixtures, Brass Beds and Jewelry Replated as New. OMASA , PLATHIO CO. . Reliable Gold" and Silver Platers. Established T8S8:" 1220 Harney , convicts '. WORKS Comic Eat. 1889. Steel Callings B, X. CABTEB SHEET afSTAL WOBKS rinlals, Ketal Booflng, Tanks, Sky. lights, Sheet Metal, Fir Proof Win dows. Large Stock of Metal Celling 1718-20-22-24 St. Marys Avenue Tel. Doug. 602. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS. 8EB US FOB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TEL. DOUGLAS 1068. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtures Wholesale and Retail BCRCESS-CRA.VDEX CO. TeL Deag. Ml til S. IStk St. GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal rang JuBt to heat water when a Gaa Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath in a few minutea. Wa sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL ENGRAVING. PRINTING. ETC, KOTERA & COMPANY Steel snd Copper Plate En graving, Embossing and Printing 1S0S Jackson SL, Omaha, Neb. ENGRAVING HALF-TONE &. ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING. 7.1 I. ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER Wholesale and Eelall Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS TeL Doualas 1142 801-3-3-7-9-11 N.lbih. Sc. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Whol.sals Hay, Bran, Oats, P4 BEST O RADIX OF COAL, Offto, Coal Tard and Grain Elevator Tel. 1411. 1221 Nicholas Bt. CATTLE POWDERS Farmers He; and Citt.e Powder Co. Manufacturera of PABMEB'S CONDITION POWDEB "DltD SHOT" WOtH KILLBS ZMPOBTED SB BEP aad CATTLE DrP Loca.1 Ageuts Vuli-d. 1117 Farnam ft. ' Omaha CAHItl A4.t: FOR HIRE jf Lynch Dro( Til us "ulT m BUSINESS BROKERS Do you want to aell or buy any busineaa We do the work quick. Also exchange your atore for land, or land for business. We handle Parma, City Baal Batata, Bentala, X,oans and Insurance. Let us have your pn.tronn.pe. HIX.DBETX X.OWaCA&T, E10 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neh. BUSINESS BROKERS. TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL "Any Business Anywhere" See "Business Chance Bunnell" S22 N. V. Life Phono D 5149 BUILDERS. The Western Dome Builders Will Build Tour Bom for Ton and Let Ton Pay for It X.U Bent 81-36 V. 8. NATIONAL BABX BZ.DO. Phone. Don-. 4603 Wholesale and Retail Paint. We are sol agents for Low. Bros. High Standard Faint and 8. ft K. Jap-A-Lao, P. ft S. Nukot and a complst lln. of Tarnish Call or write for color card. Mysrs-Dllloa Drug Co. DBtraSi FAIBTt 16th and Farnam. 1416 Karnsy. SIGN PAINTING. S. II. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Every Description 1309 Douglas St. Tel. Dona'. 8518 FURNACES. American Furnace BUILT LIKE A BOTLEB CLEAN, DUBABLB, ECONOMICAL W. 8. HE A I ON if si. 1301 rarnam St. Thoat Dsf . 1281 COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. PRINTING. "Have Root Print It" 1210-1212 Howard St. Omaha. Nebraska. Telephone Douglas 1604 JMt l.N TING. Geo. S. Snail Albert Simmer S.NELIi PRINTING CX. PABTICULAB PBCSTEBS 10 South lath Sk, Omaha, Bah. Telephone Donglas 6704 OOLOB WOBB -I- -I- BMBOSSIBO PRINTING. Imitation Typewritten Letters. Braetioal Printing, Bo Job Too Largs o Too Small. WOBX BIQKT PBICBB BIOBT ANCHOR PCBLISH1NG CO. lBSS Parnam St. TsL Dong. 8968 !MIITIVti. Continental Print &hop ALL WORK 21-36 V. S. Nat. Bank iildg. Continental Bealty Co., Props. 11-16 U. ti. National Bank illdg. Telephone for estlmatea, ouglaa 4601 I'mimim; Good Printing No Job too small. No Job too large And the aame careful attention to detalla. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth aad Parnam Bta. PH1MTING. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB THB BEST BOOBTEBS rOB IOV1 BUilRENi WB MABB TBB PBBPBCT KIND MANGUM & CO. Telepaoae 1S88 108 So. 19th St. Louis Bsrka Chaa. St.lg.r DERKA & CO. BE AX, BSTATB City Property, Farm Lands, Loans, ZaTestraents and Tire Inanr.no. Office: 918 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 747. HEAL ESTATE. CALL POB OUB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS $1,800 to 81,600 Each Harrison & Morton 813 B. T. Llf T.l. Doug, 814 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $2,000,000 TO LOAN on improved cfty property. If desired Iohiis can be closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 503 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 813 B.w Tork Llf Building Builder of High Class Resldenees Ser.ral Bow Beady at 33rd and Barnay (Farnam 1 1 ill liintrict) Se Them Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE & CO. Real Estate Abstracts of Title Investment Securities 1601 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE. R. C PETERS H CO., Be Building MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Buy and sell BEAL ESTATE. Collect Bents. Bsnt Property. Loan Money on Beal Estats. 1604 7 ABB AM ST. HEAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS Reel Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance and Loans. , Fatra Doug-. 47B4. 483 Be Bids'. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. Beal Sstat and Inyestinents Farm and Banch Lands For Bala or Trad. 1S8S Farnam St. TeL Dong. B968 REAL ESTATE. $900.00 Will buy a fine lot; south front, be tween 25th and 2flth on Woolworth Ave., paved street and paving all paid HUTCHISON-BOLLABD CO 1833 Farnam St. Phono Doug' 418 REAL ESTATE. 2514 INDIANA AVENUE, $1,8A0. eix rooms, cellar, city water and sewer, street paved and paid for. Corns and see us. MoCAGlE INVESTMENT OO. TsL Doug 418 1606 Dodg St. HEAL ESTATE. Notary in Offloe. Phono Doug-. 1853 J. W. RASP CO. BEAL BSTATB, INTEBTME NTS INSURANCE, LOANS, ABSTBAOTS 435 Paxton Block 18th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA REAL ESTATE LI Lfiro-4 fwmvH,LI L REAL ESTATE. 10 Farnam St. TsL Don-. 3Ss7 SKimer 41 Chase Co. BEAL BSTATB, INTEBTME NTS, BE NT ALB, ZNSUBABOB BUTLDEXS OP MODEBB HOUSES Omaha, Babraaka. . Ktt l.si'.tTK. 1. M, Dnmont J. Bt. Dnmont J. H. DUMONT b SON BEAL BSTATB, STOCKS, BONDS, BENT ALB, LOANS, FIBB IN8UBANCB 805- B. T. Llf. Bldf. TeL Dong. 8so HEAL ESTATE Payne Investment Co. CTTT BBAX BSTATB, LOABS ABD BBNTALS, LABDS ABD BLANCHES Th. "Alfalfa Land Men" Main Floor. N. V. U bldg., Omaha. REAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBAX, BSTATB, LOANS, UTS CHANCE, RENTALS BOS First Bational Bank Building, tl Don, raa. omaha, hbb. HEAL ESTATE. NEW 5-R00M COTTAGE Modern cottage with large rooms, near good cur lino 3012 Charles Hi., Pries 12.400. JOHN W. ROBBINS 180S Fsrnsm Tel. Doux. 818 t RgA L EST ITF. D. V. SU0LES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABD OF TBADB TeL Dona-las 48. OMAHA. HOME BUILDER C. P. Traver Have several lots to Select from, walk ing distance, prices right. O. P. Trar.r. rphon B.d 4781. 1884 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE. 80 ACRES i of a mile west of Kim wood park, gently rolling land, every foot ran be cultivated; fine spring. Fine for a country home, dairy farm or garden land. O'KXBFB BEAL BSTATB CO, 1001 N. Y. Life Hldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE 110, fit tIS Monthly raytnrnt. I2J. I7S, IIM Cask Are the terms on which we sell lots, ho ii see, homes and properties of all kin (Ik. Only 6 per cent Interest. Start paying for a home today and Waste no more paying rent. SwiHI 8 Mrkilrlrk Co., 431-M R.mff Blj. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne, 8. P. Bostwlck, E. M. Slater PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CXM1PANY BEAL ESTATE, RENTALS CI XT LOANS, INSURANCE Main Floor H. T. Llfs Bid. Telephone Douaias 1016. REAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1380 FABBAM ST. OMAHA. HEAL ESTATE. Investments, ReeJ Estate, . Rentals, Morttfatfe Loans INSURANCE ' M. J. KENNARO a CO. S09-SIO Brown Block. HEAL ESTATE. Beal Estate Insurance Abstract of Tltls Loan Bvsntals The Byron Reed Company 81 8 South 14th Street Phone B87 OMAHA, NEB. REAL ESTATE. BENSON (Si MYERS 518 N. Y. Llfs Bldg, OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town clients. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor Now York Llfo Bids. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his books. Lmm Meney .1 the Lowest Csrrcnt Bate et Interest REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 ' 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. BENSON ft CARMICHAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans 843 PAXTOB BLOCK, OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. If you want to buy or sell Improved elty proper t y : im proved farm property; unim proved land, see Be Cn Fit Yo Oat! REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on car line, rents at 135.00 Tft per month, for iBdd 4 tfJ National Investment Co. Phon. Douglas 86S1. Douglas Black. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstract ore and Title Examiners New Lseadoa S08 Soatfe 18th SL AIISTH ACT OF TITLES i EALEJVNORTO u ABSTRACTS ri nr suss i.i7T i rru urarssrt Iff OJfjIMJk ABSTRACTORS, Midland Guarantea & Trost Co. Inoorporatsd 1888 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 Farnam St. TL Doug, tat ABSTRACTORS. lEED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Abstract Offioe ' , in N.bra.ks, a. 1711 Faraaa Street, Omaha, Nek, ABSTRACTS OF TITLES REAL ESTATE. I have two cottages located on Itnh and Vinton tits. They are almost new and modern eseept furnace. Vrlce 11.7(0 eat h. Will aell or trad on or both for acreage near th car line, W. S. FRANK 321 Noviil Blk. Tel. Do,. SO0 (