8 fllE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1907. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, IB Seett SI. Tel. 43. MINOR MKXTION. Davis, drug. Btockert sells carpets. Tump: J. Znllcr Mer. Co. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Fine engravings at Leffert's. Be Schmidt' elegant new photos. BUT BORWICKB PURE PAINT8. PETERSEN A BCHOENINO SELL, RUGS Lewi Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 7. Woodring Undertaking Company. Tel. 639. Picture framing. C. E. Alexander, 1113 B'wy, DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. Hafer makes tanks to order. We have a large factory and make good tanks. Excelsior Masonic lodge will meet tonight In special communication for work In the ri-cond degree, FALL TERM OF WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE OPENS AUGUST 26. SEND FfiR CATAIXIOE. BUDWEISER BOTTLED BFER IS SERVED ONLT AT FIRST-CLASS BAR) AND CAFES. L. ROSENFELD CO. Agts. WE WILL DELIVER ALL SIZES OF Hard coal during august for $m A TON. WM. WELSH IS N. MAIN ST. 'PHONES 120. Kev. Father Conroy. who has been th guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers of Willow avenne, returned to hla horns In Chicago last evening. N. J. Blorlne. who had the "donkeys" concession at the Lake Manawa resort, died yesterday morning, aged 8ft years. Since i he opening of the season at the lake Mr. Blorlne had been camping In Shady Grove at the lake resort, with his wife and little daughter. He had been sick for five years. The body will be taken to Manson, Calhoun county, this state, for burial. First Lieutenant Alfred M. Peterson of the Dodge Light Guards and Miss Vera Shatiell of South Omaha, surprised their friends by being married Inst Saturday In Lincoln, Neb., the former home of the bride. Lieutenant Peterson Is employed In the In surance department of the Cudahy Packing company In South Omaha, where his bride was also employed as a stenographer. They will make their home In Council Bluffs. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON AT P. C. DE VOL HARDWARE CO. LAWN MOWER8, REFRIGERATORS, OABOL1NE STOVES AND OVENS SFLL INO AT FROM 20 TO 33V4 PER CENT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES THIS WEEK. VIOLIN CASES PROTECT THE IN STRUMENT FROM HARM. BOURICIUS PIANO HOUSE SELLS CASES FOR MAN DOLINS, VIOLINS. GUTARS. FTC. 836 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. Advertising Meeting Falls. The meeting planned for last night of the committee on claims and printing of tha city council and the executive committee of the Commercial club to discuss ways and means for advertising Council Bluffs In the annual report of the municipal of ficer about to be published by means of Illustrations and printed matter descriptive of the city and the opportunities It offers to manufactories and other Industries failed because of the failure of the members of the executive committee to put In an ap pearance. Councllmen Knudsen, Hendrlx and Smith, comprising the committee on claims and printing, together with City Treasurer True and City Auditor Mc Aneney, were on hand, having braved tha elements. CARRIAGES ALWAYS READY, CALL ITO, BOTH 'PHONES, GRAND LIVERY, J. W. AND ELMER E. MINNICK, PROPRIETORS. Hand Cot OS by Engine. , Ellis Ollphant of Atlantic, la., la minus part of his right hand aa the result of sampling too many brands of Council Bluft fire water Monday night and falling sleep In tha Milwaukee yards. He al lowed tha hand to rest on a rail and a witch engine did tha rest. Re was taken to tha Jennie EdmundsoB Memorial hos pital, where Dr. Macrae, Jr., did the best he could to save one finger and part of tha thumb of tha Injured hand. Ollphant la M years of age and has a wife living In Atlantic. He la said to have been working In this city for some time. . Conncll Blsjffs Rett r-tnte Trnf--. These transfers were reported to Th Bee July 30 by the Pottawattamie County atract company of Council Bluffs: John Madsen and wife to Nela C. Jen sen, part ae. 28-77-42, w. d $ 6.C00 Math.w F. Martin and wife to Isaac Glilnaky, part lots I and 6. block 18, Grimes' add., w. d t,276 Henjamln-Fehr Real Estate company to Verne Benjamin, lota 4 and 7, Benjamln-Fehr Park add., w. d 2,000 James N. Hutchinson to D. H. Baliy, undivided half Interest In lot 17, Hanthorn'a add. to Loveland, la., w. d 2,000 Lara Christiansen and wire to Maud Dennett, part of lot SO of Avoca Land and Loan company's aubuiv. of part -77-88, w. d 1,1) Edward A. Elder to A. D. Hough, lot 8, block 1, Judaon's 2d add. to Neola, w. d 600 Wallace Benjamin et al. 4o Benjamln Fehr Real Estate company, lot S and 1 all east of Graham avenue of lot 4, . block 2, Snow & Green's subdlv.. q. ft a........ 800 Augustus P. Lcrlng to Peter S. R'ef. lot t, block 20, Hughes Sk Doniphan's add., s. w. d 240 feenJamln-Fehr Real Estate company to Walter J. McLaughlin, lots 19, 20, IS, 22, 2 and 24. block 14, Benson's 1st add., w. d 180 First National bank of Council Bluff . to Edith J. Btallard, lot 24, block 28, Ferry add., w. d 100 3elca J. Btedentopf and husband and Kllen M. 8. Haaa and husband to J. : W. Squire, part lots 7 snd x. Jark aon's add. to outlot 11. b ock S3. Frrry add., and lot 11. block X and lot 8. ' block 84, Mullln's subdlv., q. c. d.... 1 Eleven transfers, total 114, 19 Petersen A Schoenlng sell matting. Arrest (or Wife Abandonment. Charles Holllns. who was before Justice Cooper yesterday. Is the first person 'to be arrested In Pottawattamie county tinder the bmw law making wife abandonment a crime In Iowa. The Information was filed by Charles McDaniela. father of Mrs. Holllns, who resides on Third street. The hearing was continued to Friday, Holllns being re leased on a bond In the aum nf 2700, fur nished by hla father, who came here from Neola, fa. ON TRAIL OF THE DESPERADO Lait Trace of Him at Farmhouse East of Missouri Valley. BAIN STOPS W0EK OF HOUNDS Funeral of Officer Wilson Is Held Today Officer Richardson Is Improving; and Doctors Hope for Recovery, Although the desperado who shot Police Officers Wilson and Richardson last Sun day night is still at large there was strong hopes last night of some of the posses being able to overtake the fugitive today. Yesterday afternoon word was received that a man answering the description of the fugitive had applied at the farm house of K E. Jones, a few miles east of Mis souri Valley, late Monday night for some thing to eat. The fact that the rural telephone wires ware not working well Monday night and early Tuesday was responsible for the delay In the Information reaching the local authorities. The report was shortly followed by another from De tective Weir, who had been to the place and found that the foptprlnts of the stranger who had been to the Jones place corresponded with those found In and about Crescent and the corn fields where the posses searched Monday. Blooilhonadi Tried Again. At once on receiving the report from De tective Weir, Sheriff Canning decided to go td the place and try the bloodhounds again. Thomas Metcalf placed his automobile again at the disposal of the officers and at 6 o'clock last evening Sheriff Canning, Dep uty Sheriff McAffery and the man In charge of the dogs started for Jones' place near Missouri Valley In Mr. Metcalf's automo bile. Word later showed that they reached there about 7:30 o'clock and that the hounds at once took the trail In fine shape and were going splendidly when the storm broke and caused the party to return to Missouri Valley. The trail, which the officers who are out believe the best struck yet, led east from the Jones farm towards Beebetown, and the members of the posse learned from farmers In that neighborhood that a man answering the description of the desperado had been seen making his way east through cornfields and along ditches, evidently anxious to avoid meeting any one or being seen. Scouring Entire Country, Returning to Missouri Valley last night, members of the posse under Sheriff Can ning scattered to the adjoining towns, Woodbine, Logan and other places from where they, with augmented forces uftor a night's rest which they badly needed, will start early this morning to surround the entire territory, all meeting at a com mon center. If a trail la struck tho hounds will again be brought Into ser vice. Sergeant Jack O'Ncll, who with De tective Richardson Joined the sheriff's party at Missouri Valley last night, tele phoned to police headquarters at 8 p. m. that the trail struck from the Jones place appeared to be tha most promising yet and O'Nell spoke vary confidently of the long-continued search bringing re sults today. The following officers have been out on the hunt for the fugitive ever since early Monday morning: Detective Weir, Detec tive Richardson, Sergeant ' Q'Netl and Pa trolmen Gallagher and Btetnhofel. Deputy Sheriff Woolman has also been out since early Monday morning. Fnneral of Wilson. The funeral service of Detective George Wilson was held this morning at 10 o'clock j at the Broadway Methodist church, the services being conducted by Rev. James I O'May, the' pastor. Burial was In Walnut Hill cemetery. Pallbearers from the mem bers of the police force were selected yes terday. Several relatives of the deceased officer arrived In the city yesterday to at tend tha funeral. Patrolman W. H. Richardson Is much Improved and there ar now strong hopes for his recovery unless complications I ensue. He rested comparatively easy . last night and was ablo for tha j first time since being wounded to take some nourishment. Richardson Is a man 'of splendid physique, and this, coupled with his courage and determination to get well, give the attending physicians great encouragement. shows Rer. Mr. Riggs to be secretary of the Baptist Young People's union of Mis souri, with headquarters at Lexington, Mo.J It Is presumed that the certificate must hava been mislaid by Mr. Rtggs and re cently discovered by htm. The marriage records In the court house show but few Instance In which tha officiating minister or Justice of the peace has failed to file the proper return as required by law. OKT IT STRAIGHT. New Water Rates by Meter Mensnre ment. For any site house, without water closet or bathtub, a rate of not less than $7.26 per year, or 2 cents per day. For any size house, with water closet or bathtub, a rate of not less than SO per year or less than H oents per day. For any size house, with any number of faucets, water closets, horses, cows, lawn sprinklers, a rate of not less than 810 per year or l cents per day. The first rate of $7.25 per year admits the using of 22,000 gallons of water, the recond rate 27,000 pallors and the third rate CO.'XH gallons. Additional water at S8 cents 1,000 'gallons, 2 cents less per 1,000 gallons than old rate. These rates ara In force, franchise or no franchise FLAT RATES. . Rates Per Year. i Five-room house 27.00 ' Each additional room 76 I Water closet I Bathtub Use of hose 00 ! KW - ,a ... You want your money" worth when you buy a piano. You are not sure of this unless you buy It of A. Hospe Co., 26 South Main street. Council Bluffs. Ia. Ice cream flavored with pure vanilla: something that wUl please you. Purity Candy Kitchen, 64 Broadway. Marriage License. Licenses to wed were Issued to the fol- ! lowing: Name and residence. ! Andrew P. Johnson, Livingston, Mont , Maiie Peterson, Council Bluffs ! Ed M. Daly, Chicago : Lilly Banks, Chicago ' Charles Boles, Woodbine, la ; Kate Cunard, Woodbine, Ia Age. ... 24 ... 1H ... 36 ... 30 ... 21 ... 18 Reliable picture framing. Ptcturea framed ; or unframed. The latest colorings and real works of art. Reasonable prlcea. Bor ! wick, 211 South Main street I Office Space for Rent. Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone , building, 16 Scott street; central location; : only one-half block from Broadway. Ev i erythtng new, electric light; for $8 a month. Omaha Bee 16 Scott street N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night, L Eye Glasa Insurance. Buy your glasses of us and we will in- ! sure them against everything but accidents ! T". TTtr XM U.nnall nnllf,.n 1ft PabH flf Upholstering;. George W. Klein, 19 South Main street. 'Phones; Ind., 710 Black; Bell. 648. FATHER AND SOX DIE IN WELL Boy Drops Into Thirty Feet of Water and Father Falls After Him. BOONE, Ia., July SI. (Special Telegram.) Just- as thirty guests were assembling for dinner today at the home of Mrs. George Tlpler a message was brought from south of town that her husband and son had been drowned a short time before In a well which they were sinking. Some thing was wrong with the pipes and the father sent bis son down to examine them. The son slipped, from a rope Intq thirty feet of water. Tha father hurried down the rope to aid him and also slipped Into tha water. Iowa's Aired Pedagroaxne. WEBSTER CITY, Ia., July SO. (Special.) Reports of long tenure of service In the teaching profession have been given by different papers over the country, but it Is believed that Black Hawk county, Iowa, has among Ita citizenship a gentleman who has a record which will stand second to none. He la Benson Crownover of Hud son, who Is now In his 73d year, spent forty-five years continuously In the school room and during that time taught 127 term. He began teaching when he waa twenty years of age, his first term having been taught In Huntington county, ' Pennsyl vania, where he wa born. He received his education at some of the best school In Pennsylvania, Including the normal school In which Dr. Edward Brooks, the famous mathematician, and Dr. Wlckersham, tha renowned pedagogue, were instructors. carries the full military accoutrement. The regiment has two crsck ball teams and have been defeating all the teams on the line of mnrch. APPOINTMENTS OF SCHMITZ San Francisco Now Has Two Board of Sapervlsora and Mere Trouble Is In Sight. SAN FRANCISCO. July Sl.-Eugene E. Schmltz, the convicted mayor, today mid appointments to fill the vacancies created by the forced reslgnatlona of fourteen members of the Board of Supervisors, Schmltz claiming the right of appoint ment on the ground that ha la tha right ful mayor of San Francisco. The appointments are a follows: William Cole, carpenter, building trades council; T. J. Tlerney, cement worker, building trades council; Thomas Maxwell, carpenter. amalgamated carpenters; Henrv Sheehsn, painter, building trades council; P. D. Hawthorne, rigger and stevedore, member city front federation; J. A. Keagh, musician, Inbor council; P. W. Myers, machinist, labor council; J. F. Leonard, electrician, Itihor council; J. Williams, mattter plumber; J. J. Henry, pteam fitter, labor council; John Mc cracken, departemnt store clerk; ChnrKs I Berry, printing pressman, allied print ing trades; Charles Warcourt blacksmith, labor council. All of these fourteen but Mr. Berry have accepted and his acceptance I expected later. In giving out hla appointment Mayor Schmltz made the following comment on the municipal situation: "I am exceedingly sorry to see thl supervisorial tangle, for It 1 likely to causa a deal of litigation for the city and county of San Francisco for years to come. My own course Is clear. Act ing upon the advice of my attorney, which I believe to be absolutely legal, I hold that I, as the mayor of San Franc'sco, have the sole power of appointments to vacancies In municipal offices and that the appointive acta of Edwin B. Taylor are void and incapable of legal sup port." Mr. Schmtts complained that his private mall la being opened by Mayor Taylor. He exhibited several letters addressed to "Hon. Eugene E. Schmltz, San Francisco, personal," which had been slit open and marked In indelible pencil "Opened by Edward R. Taylor." Schmlts said: This Is something that no man will stand for. I shall take It up immediately with the authorities at Washington and press the complaint to the limit against Mr. Taylor." Full line of refrigerator. Petersen Schoenlng. CHOLERA MORBUS Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Cholera Infan turn can b quickly cured by using WAKEFIELD'S Blackberry Balsam Every home should hava a supply of this rtliable remedy on hand. 61 years of cures. All druggist sell it. 85 cants. City Scavengers Horses sad onto hauled free of charge tiaruege. aaoea, manure and all rub bish; cleea vaults and cesspool. All sort oone is guaraateea. Caila promptly attended t. If. Phone lilt Y Bell Red Ufl ! stUJkKLOCK GIBSON. Martens Are Dsskrart. . Following the closing of the new Marten sanitary laundry, Mr. Mary A. Martens, owner of the laundry and tho Hotel Martens, nn South Main street filed yester day In the United State court a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. The liabilities a scheduled aggregate between $22,000 and $23,000, of which t"he secured claims amount to SIS.SOO. These claims are aecured by mortgages given to banks and loan com panies. The value of the assets amount to over $27,000, of which $17,000 represents the hotel property on Main street and $10,000 the laundry and equipment. There la raid to be only $4,200 against the hotel property. Herman M. Martens, husband of Mary A. Martens, also filed a petition In bankruptcy. It being practically a duplicate of that filed by his wife. Following ara some of the liabilities listed In the schedule filed by both parties: Taxes against hotel. J34S.15; labor at the hotel and laundry. $1,094 30; Citizens Trust company (Miller Brewing companvv, $11,000; Charles A. Bailey, chattel mortgage on ma chinery. ISfO; 8. T. Miller, lease. iSO; A. P. Hagan company. Rochester, balnnce of chattel mortgage on laundry machinery, $RS0; W. H. Luts, lease on laundrv ma chinery, I85Gt Hochman ft Welcher, note and nortgage, 3u0; Seaman Wagon company,' notes and chattel mortgage for wagons, S1S0; Theodore N. Peterson, mortgage on hotel,$l,eu); Carl Johnson, borrowed money. 20 Per Cent Dlsconnt Sale on Shoes. W are making a reduction of 20 per oent on everything In our stock. The sale be gins Saturday, July 27, and laats seven day. We want to close out our summer goods, that's the reason. Duncan Shoe company. 23 South Main street. Wllber People Victim. WILBER, Neb., July 30. (Special.) A number of parties In thl vicinity, among them business men of long expo rt e nee, were Induced to take stock In tho Egelra Fuel company on the representa tion of it president. Some 'time ago when they became uneasy about their In vestments they were told that coal from the mine would be orj sale In the local market within a very short time, vhl:h time expired last winter. Since the re cent expoaure they are very reticent aa to their present status with the concern. NEBRASKA MAN COMPLAINS Alleges Discrimination by Union Pacific In Matter of Furnish ing; Grain Cam. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON,, July (Special Tele gram.) The Interstate Commerce commis sion today received a complaint from S. MacMurray, doing business under the name of the Wood River Oraln company of Ne braska against the Union Pacific Railroad company, for failure to supply him with sufficient cara. One of several specific complaints made Is that In November, 190, he made a aale of 3,000 bushel of wheat, to be delivered at Omaha in ten day, but could not get cars, but got an extension of time for delivery and It waa not until the last of December that he wa enabled to make the last shipment. Mr. MacMurray complains bitterly of discrimination agatnat Wood River, Neb., on the part of the Tjnlon Pacific In sup plying a sufficient number of grain car. He assert that during the period he wa subjected to inconvenience and loss be cause of lack of ' cars, the Union Paclflo furnished the ' Hord Elevator company twenty-nine cara, the Omaha Elevator com' pany ten cars, the Conrad Elevator com pany twenty-nine cars, while tha complain ant could only secure five cars, where he needed twenty. The complainant alleges and claims that by reason of being unable to secure cars when applied for he ha been damaged to the extent of $2,000, for which reparation Is asked. The New Jersey Foundry and Machine company of Naw York has secured th contract for all the metal work for two sixty-foot steel span highway bridges for the Shoshone Irrigation project In Wyo ming, at $1,830. The application of J. E. Turner, Albert u. zuplke, J. L. Carey, John H. Munderloh and John Hermelbrosecht to organize th Flrat National bank of Bancroft. Neb., with j $90,000 capital has been approved by the comptroller of the currency. The comptroller ha approved the conver. Ion of the Bopp Brother' State bank of nawkeye. Ia., Into the First National bank of Hawkeye, with $25,000 capital. Postmaster appointed: Nebraska San tee, Knox county, Benjamin J. Young, vice J. E. Tackett, resigned. South Dakota Butfley, Campbell county, Paulina Bucken berger, vice Henry,. Buckenberger. resigned. Delayed Marriage Return. 8. S. Hawley of Modale. Ia., and Nellie McCrcary of this city were mt-rrled In Council Bluffs December 24, 1902, Rev. Mll ford Rlggs, then pastor of the First Bap tist church, being the officiating minister. The law requires that the magistrate or justice of the peace performing a marriage ceremony shall return to th lerk of the district court the certificate duly filled out and signed. Yesterday Clerk Battey re ceived through the mall the certificate of the marriage of Hawley and Mia Vto Creary duly mad out and signed by Pastor Rtggs, nearly four and one-half year sine It occurred. There waa no communication with th certificate and while the envelope bear th It. Lulg fiosUuarfc, the return card Iowa News Nate. PELLA The eleventh reunion of the Thirty-third Iowa Infantry will be held here September 10 te 12. CRESTON George 'nhnson, who was ar rested at Council Blu..s several weeks ago, was arraigned In the district court at Corn ing yesterday on the charge of horse steal ing. He plead guilty to the charge and waa sentenced by Judge Towner to five years In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. STORM LAKE F. F. Favllle, United States district attorney, and A. L. Whit ney, county attorney, today formed a part nership for the practice of law here, to take effect August 6. This sets at rest all spec ulation as to Mr. Fvllle's departure, as he announced that he will remain here. Both attorneys had a large practice. CRE8TON Chicken thlevea are at work in this city, a number of residences having been raided last night and completely cleaned nut. Old chickens and young ones lust hatched were al) taken. Several of the looser were poor people unable to stand tha loss and It la hoped that the thieves will be captured and made a severe ex ample of. TABOR At the home of Mrs. Susie 8a v idge, six miles northeast of Tabor, July 27, Samuel A. Chambers of Anderson, Ia., and Elizabeth O. Savage were married. Rev. Peter Jacobs, pastor of the Methodist Epis copal church at Tabor, officiated. Mr. Chambers Is the Junior member of the firm of Hutchinson ft Chambers. Mra. Chambers has been a very successful .teacher In the Randolph public schools. CRESTON The Doltce of this cltv re- celved a telegram several days ago from inicago auinormes asking tnat a man named Haywood, who waa thought to be a cornetlst with the Innes band, be ar rested and held when the band arrived In the city as he waa wanted at that plaoe on a charge of wife desertion. When the i band came In yesterday to fill It Chau tauqua engagement the omcer went to the grounds and on Inquiring found that th man had been with the organisation, but had left at a point In Ohio. CRESTON Company C of the Twenty, ninth United States cavalry arrived In the city thla morning en rout to De Molne to participate In th army maneuvers at that place. It cams overland from Fort Leavenworth. Kan., and will leave this evening. It Is several day behind their scheduled time on account of th hot weather, having lost several horses from Ita effects and having been delayed at teviai fileee. it fee si cannon a&4 TROOPS MASSING IN BELFAST Deekmen'i Strike Aggravated by Revolt of Police Wko Demand More Pay. BELFAST, July Sl.-That the authority view erlously the local situation arising irom me sinks of th dock laborer for : Increased pay and ahorter hours, which naa oeen aggravated by the revolt of the police, who are demanding mora pay be cause of the extra work the strike entails, is evidenced by the arrival here today of the First battalion of the Cameron High landers, with a Maxim gun and a detach ment of cavalry. In addition the Thir teenth Hussars are now on their way Into Belfast, and the Berkshire and Middlesex regiments have been ordered to hold them elve. in readiness to move at a moment' notice. Special camp accommodation are being provided and it I expected that a total of 6.000 troop, will be in Belfast within a few daya. Th. number of emergency magistrates has been Increased and ad ditional police Inspectors ar arriving to assist the local officers. The striker were very active today and a number of dock carts were overturned. CORK. July SO.-The police of this city rrnBfUU 'ymp'thJr w,th th Belfast force in their demand for Increased pay They have asked the permission of the In.pec .or . general to hold a public meeting to discus, th. grievances of the Belfast men and a circular to thl. effect ha. been nt to all the police station In Munter. BURW00D CHANGES "OWNERS Formal Bale of Theater Made by W. J. Bnrgea to Salllvaa A Con stdlae. Formal transfer of th. Bur wood th.at.r was mad. yesterday by W. J. Burgess to F. Lincoln, manager for Sullivan ft Consldlne! The price named Is $60,000. The sale waa announced some time ago. but th money did not change hand untt! yesterday. Mr. Lincoln says th house will be made a high class vaudeville theater, with bill similar to those of th Orpheum, and with th 10, to and 10-cent schedule. Sullivan ft Consldlne have a circuit of forty-flve house reaching from coast to coaat, Omaha and Kansas City being th latest acquisition. snick Shin Snee relink contain no turpentine or acids, give satla Colon sou sot res eXC ca the nlothlngy. Why Some Advertising" Campaigns Fail Some advertisers think that all there is to advertising is Copy (that is, advertisements) in connection with Media (the publications used) . It is because they think only thh far that many campaigns fall down, and there is report of another advertising failure. THERE is no doubt that Copy and Media ar prim essentials. W prove our recognition of Copy Importance by maintaining a highly skilled staff of advertise ment writers. These men command larga salaries. We ar compelled to pay a high figure for copy service to secure the necessary talent. Wa prove the importance of Media by maintaining our RECORD OF RESULTS. Thla is a record of inquiry, ceA and os results on mail-order advertising and non-mail-order ad vertising (general publicity). This record covers an unbroken record of over sis years, and is maintained at enormous coat in cash, time, and in th detail of its compilation. But to stop with advertisements and publication alon is to disregard entirely the vital factors per sonal sales co-operation, printed matter promotion or inquiry handling, as the class of advertising may require. The General Advertiser's Problem The success of a general advertiser cannot be any greater than his grip on the. retailer and the co operation bis retailer gives his goods. The lost motion resulting from anmpplUJ catfl for advertised products, because the dealer is not stocked, is easy to see. Likewise, it is apparent that a dealer coerced against his will into handling a product by brute-force adver tising to the consumer is a menace as long as this dealer has an opportunity to substitute. Therefore, it becomes evident that permanent suc cess for any generally advertised product depends on thorough Attribution coupled with the whole some and hearty co-operation of the dealer, quite as much as upon good media, good advertising and reasonable profits. Lord & Thomas have had signal success in merging advertising and- sales departments into a smoothly working unit, resulting in the complete utilization of advertising in lining up the retail trade, and in having the entire sales plan progress smoothly. They are so markedly successful in this important respect by reason of their knowledge of trad con ditions snd their grasp of manufacturers' require ments, in having th advertising plan consictenl with the manufacturers' profits, territory, etc. The Mail-Order Advertiser's Problem The success of the mail-order advertiser I In direct proportion to his facility in turning inquiries into cash. Th veriest amateur can explain that the inquiry Is productive or not, according to whether tha catalogue is good and letters efficient. -Failure creeps in through unwieldy office system, criss-crossing of department work, failure to stop literature or follow-up when a prospect becomes a customer, snd in many other similar ways. Failure also becomes mors than a possibility when cost per sale is lost sight of, and the actual pro ductiveness of the individual paper or advertise ment ia not definitely known. Here, again. Lord & Thomas' broad esperlenco, gained in an almost unbroken chain of successes, teaches them to construct the Inquiry bringer, what publication to use, how and when and at what interval to follow the inquiry, what simple plan may be followed to secure the order, and how to eliminate wast in th inquiry-handling method. Every business has its own peculiar and remark able requirements. It is a self-evident fact that no ready-made plan can be formulated at long rang for the handling of any business. Yet so many industries are to a degree similar in their advertising requirements that any advertising problem may be referred to Lord (& Thomas with the customer's absolute assurance that tha advertising plan submitted will not only be highest in efficiency, but most economical in its execution. Free to Advertisers or Prospective Advertisers Writ for " OUR DOINOS." which reproduces the advertise ments of many of America's most successful concerns. 8om of th. advertisements contained within It covers ar. used by large advertisers soma by small. "OUR DOINGS" is Im, and includes specimens of newspaper, magaiina, farm paper, mail-order, billboard and street car ad v.rtlsing. A Lord Bk Thomas repmentatlve, competent to discus, advertising and selling plns, printed matter snd promotion work, will call on sny business hou. considering advertis ing -and without Imposing ths slightMt obligation on the concern auggsstlng aa Interview. Lord & Thomas ambsmoam tslac woo. bums, NEW "YORK. NEWSPAPER - MAGAZINE - FARM PAPER AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING TRVDB ntTILTJIMO CHICAGO I o. 9y J! if II nr .i w i pa'1 hanniMaauniaeaiak To the Lakes of the Vacation States The favorite spots in Wisconsin and Minnesota are reached by The St. Paul Road. The beautiful waters of Delavan, Elkhnrt and Lake Geneva offer rest and enjoyment Star Lake famous for its camping. Isle Royal, Lake Superior with its grand natural scenery, and magnificent Minnetonka with its majestic sweep of 350 miles of shore line, are among the favorite summer re treats of the West Visit the Dells of the Wisconsin at Kilbourn, the most picturesque resort in America. Let us arrange a vacation for you in these ideal vacation states. Booklets describing surroundings, , accommodations, hotels, cottages and farm houses, free on request F. A. Nash, General Western Agent. U24FARNAM STREET. OMAHA. BIG STRIKE IS PROBABLE All Railroads In England and Wales Mar Be Tied l'p Next Month. lONDON. July JL Lord Claud John Hamilton, chairman of tne Great Eastern railway, and Henry Cosmo Bonsor, chair man of the Southwestern railway, speaking at the annual meetings of their respective companlea this afternoon, both emphatic ally refused to recognise the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, the executive committee of which had demanded the right to represent th. railroad employee In an effort to settle their alleged grlev- ances. Thla, It Is feared, may result in momentous labor troubles next month. A conference of delegates representing all grade of employe of every railroad In England and Walea wa held In nirmlng- ham last November and a program drawn up which Included demands for an eight hour day. Increase In wage and the recog nition of the amalgamated aockity by the companlea. Last May there was a series of demonstrations throughout the United Kingdom by railway employes, agitating their demands, and resolutions passed to call a strike In August, If th men should fall In their effort to get concession from th railroad oompanlea concerned. Both th chairman declared today that their di rector always were ready to dlacuas griev ance with th employe themselves, but they absolutely declined to permit th. in terference of a third party. Lord Hamil ton asserted that h. Intended, at all coats, to preserve for the director of hi com pany and th ataff they employed the "right to continue to enjoy the privileges of free clUsens. untrammelled by. tbe coercion or tyranny of an outside. Irresponsible body of men." It Is understood that the management of all the railroad In th United Kingdom have similarly agred to refuse to recognize th. Amalgamated Society of Railway Serv ants as an Intermediary between th. direc tors and th. men. , TWO BIG CHICKEN SHOWS Srhedaled for Jnnnnry In Omaha and Commercial Clab Invited to AsaUt. Th. executive committee of the Com mercial club yesterday received a communi cation from the Nebraska Poultry associa tion relative to the holding of Its annual meeting In Omaha. January 25. Th. Trl City Poultry association also asked th. aa alatanc. of th. club to mak. a success of Its show, which Is to be held th. first week In January. Both communications were re ferred to th convention committee. John A. Tuthtll appeared befor th com mittee on behalf of the Omaha Kugies, who want th 1909 national convention In Omaha. J. O. Blford, Louis Klrschbraun and John P. Poucher were elected to membership in tha club. There wa some talk of adjourning until September, but it wa decided to meet again next Tuesday. ELECTIONS N PHILIPPINES Nationalist Party Will Control First Legislative Assembly af the Islands. MANILA. July tL The Independence faotlons who united in th. campaign un der the name of nationalists appear to have won th general election of dele gates to th first Phlllppin assembly held throughout th. .Islands today. In complete returns from fifty out ef elghly districts show that thirty-one nationalists wer elected, ten progressive, eight In dependence candidate and one Catholic. A In Manila the nationalist won by a'larg. majority In both districts. Domlnandor Domes claim th election In th Flrat dlstrlot In th city, whll Justo Laktan contests th. .lection of both Independent candidate. It probably will b. tea days or two week befor th complete returns are received. Jndg Kebblaa Sten Down. GEORGETOWN. Ky.. July tl.-Speclal Judge Robbln vacated th bench today In th Caleb Powers murder trial following th filing of an affidavit alleging prejudice. Colds on at" disessa. Keep in Ask your doctor the medical nams (or a cold nthscbest. Hs will say, "Bronchitis." Ask him if it Is srer serious. Lastly, ask bin It be prescribes Ayers Cherry Pectoral for this disease. Keep in close touch with your family a ai n ' i ouow di advice carefully. I w iikv jt.o. AvarO., urrtsaftiii, Lwtl. Mm.