r 10 HIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUdlTST 1, Want - ads Advertisements tor the want art columns will be taken until 11 m. for the rrntif edition ! until p. a, for the morning ftaaday edltlema. Cash moat accompany all orders for "Mt all aal no adrrrllirmrat will awatf for less Ikaa lO reats for the Brat Insertion. Rates apply to either Tie Dally or Sunday Bee. Always foanl six word) to a line. Combinations of laltlala or a amber a Fount aa 6a a word. cash rates ron waht ads. RRnri.AR (LAMIFICA1I05 Oat Insertion, per line, 10 eeats. Two or more consecutive Insertions, per line, B eeata. Rack Insertion made on odd days, 10 eeata per Ila. fl.RO per line per month. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. ' Death and Funeral Notices, Carda of Thanks aad l.od( Notices, T rents per llaa for oat edition, aioraln or eretilBaji 3 eeata a lino for each ad ditional edition. Bandar, to eenta a line. No ad taken for leaa than SO eenta. 1 SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS If your advertisement la Inaerted nnder any one of the elaaat Mentions given be low, It will be rharsred at the follow ing; rateai Oae laaertlon, 4 eenta per line three to alx consecutive ineer tlona, 8 eenta per line each Inaertloni even or more consecutive Insertions, 8 eenta per lino earn Inaertloni SO vent a per line per month BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE). Except Agents, Sollcltora aad Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. I Com, Blrda, Doga and Peta. Horaea and Vehicles. Poultry and Eggs. Fnraltare. Typewriters and Sewing Maehlnea. Planoa, Organs and Mnalcnl I nstrn menta. OFFERED FOR RENT I Faralahed Rooms. Unfurnished Room. Housekeeping Rooma. Boarding and Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Want ada for The Bee may be left at nay of the following drug stores one la "roar corner druggist" they are all branch offices of The Bee and yoar ad will be Inaerted Juat aa promptly and oJ the aame rates aa at Ihe main Hire In The Bee Bnlldlnflr, Seventeenth and Farnam atreetai Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Reranck. 8. A., 1402 8. 10th St. Becht Pharmacy, "20 8. lfith St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bonds Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumins. -Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K., 6th and Ptorce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. L'213 Military Ave. Conte, J. 11.. Mist Ave. and Farnam. Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emll. 1264-8 8. ISth 6t. Kaatman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 8802 Leavenworth. Foater & Arnoldl, 213 N. 20th St. Freytag. John J., K14 N. 24th St. Florence Drug; Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green 'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A.. 1025 S. 10th St. Greenough, Q. A., 124 S. 10th St. Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St, Hanacom Park Phar.. 1601 8. 29th At. Hoist John, ?4 North 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 29?4 Leavenworth St. King, H. B., 22H8 Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 8304 ftm 4th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th Pt, Lathrop, Chaa. E., 1324 N. 24th 8a. Peyton, I E., 24th and Leavenworffi, Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th. and Chicago. , flohaefer. August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Btn. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha. Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta. Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES p,iiJ!.a)iii i immnmima ATKINSON Mra. Mary H.. aged It Tears, widow of Rev. William Bourke Atkinson, died July 30th, 1B07, at the realdenoe of her daughters, Mlaaea Ruth and Grace Atkin son In the Davldge block, 18th and Far nam streets. Interment and funeral services at Wahoo, Neb., August 1, at 4 p. m. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Emery II. Dunmlre, Mlnden, Neb. ... 26 Clara Petersen, Mlnden, Neb -. 18 Charles W. White, Omaha n Ella May Webster, Omaha 21 Joseph J. Lappa, Omaha ..over $1 Idelette Wlllard. Omaha over 21 Frank V. Arvaugh, Shenandoah, la. 47 Mra. Jennie Kldd. Creston. Ia, 47 January Corso, Omaha ... S3 Rose Barton, Omaha MM 17 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-Alfred Brodegaard, Ifit North Thirty-third street, girl: C. O. Canning ham. 13f North Thtrty-first avenue, boy; Peter Hawklna, 218 Dorcaa street, girl; C. F. Bchwanger, 2&7i Poppleton avenue, girl; Thomas Mlrotcky, li33 South Fourteenth street, boy; Olaf Lundberg, East Brlgga street, girl; Jamea Jensen, 1031 South Twenty-second atreet, girl; Allan Tonson, Sia Bouth Thlrty-aexnlh street, boyl Thomaa Reldy, 4148 Eraktna street, rfrl Deaths Mary H. Atkinson, Eighteenth and Farnam atreeta, aged 78 years; Infant Cutler, ttts) South Twenty-eighth street; Mrs. Ida Ahlqulst, Immanuel hospital, aged 46 years; Francea Hoeachen, 1424 Hnnmct streut, aged 84 yeara; Edward H, rr, 1417 Bouth Fourth atreet, ajred 75 years; Cranes Thompson, 30 North Twelfth street, aged k yeara; Baby Webb, Second street and Poppleton avenue; Enos W. Wheeler, 801 Bouth Nineteenth street, aged 84 yeara, ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. ofBoa 4th and iavenworu ois. Tel. Jjouglas 18K7. o-a BIQI4 PAINTING 6. H. Cola, 1301 Douglas, AUTOMOBILES FOR 8 ALBA Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In - vestment Co., 1SJI Farnam St. (2 J04. BEND for our list of second-hand automo- bi lea, lyairu umtl mig Farnam. m ACRES t miles from SoheU City. Ver non oounty, Mo.; 80 acres under cultlva- tion; gooa Dutldinga. t-lce, iw per acre; Incumbrance. 83.0U0. Will esohanaa for general merchandise. Globe Land and uihluwii v,e., u-s r arnaia bl, umana. (3-s EXCHANGES If vou have city property, atocka of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchanga, write for our com plete llat, We have proportiee and lands in all parts of the oountry to exchange. Our list la free. Bend tor It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co IaU Far nam 8U. Omaha, Neo, 3J 3u4 TWO - STORY and basement Brick store building to exchange for modern Omaha rsaldsuoe. Price, K&Ott. Love 4k Grim, Woodbine, la. (O-44704 A4 GOOD stock of general merchandise In an Iowa town of fawn Will trade for clear, cheap laud. Globe Land and Investment Co.. isa Farnam. ( yi7 BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUT, TRADE OR BELL see "BUSI NUfaa CHANChl Bl'NNsiLis" 83 N. T, Lisa, XL Deu, iltl VO-klM BUSINESS CHANCES IConlinueOJ HALF Interest and help manage townslte and mater works proposition; over 2u0 lots and fins arteaian well; new town on H. R,, 700 population; write for partlcu lara. John K. Hodges, Artesla, N. M. (4 M4.H0 auglCx ROOMING houses for Bale, all alzea. Oangestad, 4"3 Bee Bldg. t4) ail) Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif ference whether you want (lou building jot or a VM.OQ tract of coal or timber land, you should not buy or trade before seeing a copy of the Real Estate World. It contains a large list of property and merchandise storks for sale and exchange, und reaches aeveral thousand readers each Issue, and Is the best sdvertislng medium to reach the real estate hnvers. hnmM)t. era and traders that you can advertlae In. Write your name and address on a postal card, mall it today, and we will send you the Journal lor two months on trial free. Address the Real Estato World, Buit 630 Good Block, Dea Moines, la. (4 80S CASH for hsH rrrMi nta Kills a ""ir-m fla,m"- For particulars addreaa 141 M lUH AX WANTED A party to buy out a first- Plan, itnob rt . . I . . i ... i . . ' '. ' luimiuio in in, oesi lown on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wis her. Neb. (4) 811 "T? BUY or sell any business or real es- j. , i "'i,," or wme t. Oangestad, l(J8 Bee Bldg. (4)-3U HOTEL furniture and lease for sale; ra- j-.... B,-iiin;, owner wishes to quit business; hotel doing fine business In the best town In the Black Hills. For partic ulars, address Box 37. Belle Fourche, B. D. (4) MS08 A8x LIST your property with us, we have buy- YrnirJZvV'piT ror cnange alao. JACOBSON A CO., 935 N. Y. Mfe Bldg. (4)-M142 A16 LIfT your property with us. Graham A vYriBni, n. X. U. Tel. Red UA. (4) M666 Do You Wish to Make a Chancre IF YOU have a farm, home, business or yiuimii; nisi you wisn to aeii or ex cnnnirA wrttn na GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., (4) M6B1 A17 FOR SALE $4,000. Good, clean mercantile biock, raiiroaa aivision town, ranch and stock surroundtnKs, monthly sales over 12,000, can be Increased bv Increasing stock. Reason for selling, other Interests. Addresa Box 114, Lima, Mont. (4)-M733 A5 $600 WILL buy Interest In established manufacturing business, will pay $4,00) per year clear profit. R. E. BRACKETT, Lansing, Mich. (4) M838 A5x GROCERY and meat business for sale; win invoice and give good discount, or will all In a lump. 2227 Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs, la. (4) M731 ABx FOR SALE A good paying hotel. In Tol- lurme, loio.; strictly modern throughout; i9 sleeping rooms; parlor aulte, dining room and kitchen; i hatha on each floor; also one good second class In same town; 14 rooms; bar, dining room and kitchen. Box 93, Tellurlde. Colo. (4) M837 AlOx ONLY harness stock In good town tlilrty- nve miles irom umana. box Zi. malr. Neb. (4) MOSS A FOR SALE Barber shop, confectionery and pool nan comoineo: gooa reasons for sell ing. Address J. Ollrich. Box 66. Halbur. Ia. (4)-M225 A4x -4 ONE of the best pool hall and cigar stores tor saie at Lincoln at once; groa reason for selling. Inquire K St., 1900, Lincoln. (4)-M182 A4x FOR BALE Restaurant andrilne furnished rooms, an in good shape, each room with bed room suite; dining robm and kitchen well furnished, and will be sold at a bar gain If sold soon; reason for Belling, poor health. Call on or address G. C. Elliott, Belle Fourche, 8. D. (4) M631 A6x MILLINERY stock for sale; a bargain If taken soon. Mrs. A. Jennings. West Point, Neb. 4MtS8 AulRx LIST your property and business; quick Duics, luwiiweiier, lut uoctge St. M (4)-M6K AuW FOR SALE First-class bksmlth and wun uiiBineas, wun- tools; 4 to $6 received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting wires. Address Y 129. Bee. (4) 818 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING 8TOCK8 ROBERT C. DRUSEDOW & CO. STOCK BROKERS, 809 New York Life Bid.. Omaha, Neb. (4-S14 HOTEL for sale cheap; 16-room hotel; iiiimeL ana livery In connection; 10 miles from Toledo, In thrlv- In tr vtlln art arnnA mrrrl v. . r if10 1lne.a,2mJe"; Address communlca- lu b. aa.ou.uss, Erie, Mich, (4 MfloO AuSx HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or tradod t5Jiii x?,lB raum, the hustlers, 330 Neville Blk. (4)-62 Auli FOR BALEt-Only drug store In good north west In., tsnM rA , .7 -k.., trU V . i'"iMjiHiion: invoice about 83,600; net proflta $2,300 yearW; good reason for Boiling; only cash considered. Address Y 216, care Omaha Bee (4 MS36 A14 W.AiITP-Man"rM' branch salesroom; re- """V l,ln ni-ciass references fi FMh to mar"e branch sales room for large manufacturing company. To w?2UZtaA rek ol? ,n carload Inu to railroad and other large companies position paya 85.000 per year; highest bank SnlfJ,me,!laLref"nce" 'urnished. Ad dress Box 164, Freeport, III. (0-MS32 lx BIRT,ORDER HUSE and confectionery for sale on account of alckneaa; consider ation about $260. Nels UndscW Pro prletor, Pllger. Neb. (4)Mai . . SOH 8ALB FOR CASH. Best hardware stock in Iowa town of 1 0WV cean. took and a money maker; only twi castana, Ia. (4)-MS23 4 API?NDID chanc 'or a laundry man In Hopklna; none here; I have a hand ltUA.i7r wdyJr u:e- AJd"'" Mr. Dr. A, Allen, Hopkins, Mo., care of bank. (4)-M30 7 A?A m,,ne ,u,t discovered; big body of gold ore in sight; need quick helD tl develop; will sell half Interest cheap Address owner. Box 267. Omaha. Neb t A If LllA W.HE.N J"111"' to dvertlaers It takea but a stroke or two of the pen to sav vou aaw the ad In The Bee. y you FOR BALE Only butcher shop In good en erprlalng town; dally sales, $26 to will aell cheap, good reasons for Belling Address Y 129. care of Bee. """ (4)-M468 A8x DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F V Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, OmahaT 4)lil8 A MANUFACTURING conoern In Omaha wlshea a competent and energetlo man ager, who bas some cash to take stock ? nPny- Will pay good salary to Hghf ml,n- A- Abbott Mfg. Co , 2ol Neville Block. (4V-M782 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M?C AGUE BUILDING. 16TH AND DODGE ST8 (4)-s'lfl BERT A A CO.. 868 N. T. Life Bldg.. sell real estate quick and satisfactory 4 430 AuglS National In v. Co. buya. sells or exchanges every ihlng-land, city property, merchan dise and automobiles. 68 Douglas block (4 240 aug?8 ' FOR BALE launch counter, cheap; good bualneaa; only one In town; on crossing Milwaukee and M. A 81. L. A H Meyera, Bradley, a D. (4 438 tx ' THE .BTEAM LAUNDRY Is the coming business and we have a country town that Is booming. A chance of a lifetime to get Into business on small capital; balance to suit responsible perjjle. J. u Lanta. 28 Broadway, Denver, Colo. (4 MTU Auglx rOR BALE Book, sUtlonery. school supply bualneaa with soda fountain In connection; lnvetoe about 88, MO; a high class proposition; reaaen far selling, fail lng health. J. D. Van olkenburgu, . ha ml Una, Hay No Money in Vacant Rooms Rent thorn Advertise in Tho Dee L 3 lines BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCE Newspaper plant for sale In a town of 400. Address A. C. Homers. Dickens, Iowa. (4 M604 aug3x MEXICO Want parties to g- In with me In the purchase and subdivision of a tract of land In Mexico. 1L E. Gray, P. O. Box 266, Oakland, Cal. (4) 801 A6x TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE Lands, city property, farms, merchandise or chattels. Write Townsend Realty Co., Modale, I a. (4J M60 Aug6x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Anctloneers. BALES made on Mdse.. Jewelry, household goods, live stock, fsrm Implements, eto. Both A Tyrrell, 1218 Douglas Omaha. (6) M581 Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (6-317 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1606 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. Contractors. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, 1003 N. 81st St., South Omaha. (6) 319 Civil Englneere. McEATHRON JAMESON. 808 N. Y. L. (6) 320 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (6321 D re sara a kin at - IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1358. (6)-823 M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School, 162S Far nam St. (6)-MG&6 RBDFERJf DRESSMAKING SCHOOU room 20, Douglas block. - (o)-M2S 31 LADIES learning sewing can have pat terns fit. 619 8. 24th Ave. Red 6074. (5) 728 A18 Dentlats. BAILEY & MACII, Sd fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (B 323 ( Florists. HES8 A 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (5)-324 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (6) Hotela. THE 8CHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney tt; nai Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Block. Tel. D. 4SOT. 6)-327 Insert Exterminator. KEEP your home sanitary with Insect germ exterminator. Room 11, Frenser Block. (6) M710 A28 Lawn Mowers Sharpened. LAWN mowers sharpened. Lawrence, 2703 Leavenworth Bt. . t&l mum aii Locksmiths. KEYB, ate Helphln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. n. 2974. (6)-818 Oateopatby. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1064. (6)-2S Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. D XVllO 4t&0 Office Snppltea. FTLINO cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 1822 Farnam Bt. Tel. Doue-las 5562. (5)-M652 AIT 1 Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL, 116 South 16th St. (6) 329 Plnmblnsjr. WANTED Plumbers. D. W. Dudgeon, Tel. Harney 1966. (5)-M13S Printing;. Before placing your 1908 calendar order, don't fall to aee our elegant imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, prlntera,16 & Cap. Ave. (6) 330 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters SHU JUU 1 1 11 v i i , . iv. ji'i, w ' n' small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Far nam Bt. Tel. Doug. 6662. (5) M966 AuglO JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 6330, (5)-331 Safes, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen. Prop., 102 8. inth St. (51332 School Supplies. OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard. (6) 720 Augl9 Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first - class work. 1618V Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 4. (6) 333 EXPERT shoe repairing. 819 N. S?d St. (5) MS62 81 Tailoring;. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladles' and gents' new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and do ll vered. 708 & 271 li St. Tel. Red 0916. (6)-334 Type writ era. THE Oliver Typewriter Co.. 116 8. 16th St., will rent you an Oliver typewriter, with oak Btand, and keep you in rlbbona for 83 per month; will earn more than $3 per month in time aaved. Get the habit. (6)-822 aug7 Violin Making. VIOLIN repairing. C. L. Heskett. 647 Ramge Blk. !&) MIS Augl2 CLAIRVOYANTS ' MADAME BUDDHA. ' The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 113 8. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. (61-835 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. 70 GIRLS for mailing catalogues; none under 14 years of age. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7)-n VERY desirable position open for young lady stenographer. $75. Call at once. CO-OPEKATIVE REF. CO., 404-t N. Y. Life Bldg. (T)-K4 1 Factors- anal Trades. OIRL8 WANTED Burgess Bhirt Co., SW4 Farnam fat. CD S3 WANTED HAND IRONER8 AT ONCE K 1Mb ALL LAUNDRY, Udl JACKSON bC l7-tf (iswom,) 7 times only. HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Housekeeping and Domestic. GOOD Cook wanted. Apply 8261 Farnam. (7) 142 COMPETENT girl for generftl housework; four In family. 4801 Davenport. Tel. Har ney 2113. (7) 333 WANTED Girl for general housework; wagea $5. 8210 Poppleton Ave. (7)-4j71 WANTED Competent middle aged woman to help with care of two babies under 3 years old; must be Intelligent and neat.; IX wagea. 1802 Blnney Bt, t7) M8S4 A3 WANTED A girl or woman for general housework; references required. Apply mornings or evenings at 7o2 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney 1748. (7) MS33 COMPETENT girl for general liousowork; gooa wages. t'none Marney zms. (7)-M846 7 WANTED Cook, family of two. Tel. Doug. 8109. (7) M837 A3 WANTED Girl for housework, family of two. 1911 8. 28th St. Good wages. Tele phone Harney 689. (71 M749 lx WANTED A housekeeper on a farm at once. G. Von Aspertn. Brlnsmade, N. D. (7) M461 A2x GOOD LADY cook to take charge of small. noaraing nouse. Write ti, l. irioya, North Fork. Wis. (7) M462 A2x FAMILY cook and maid. $40 and $. Can adian Office, loth and Dodge. (7) S3S YOUNG girl for housework. Mrs. A. G. Buchanan, 1330 8. 84th. (7) 722 A4 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family; good wagea. Inquire evenings, 2623 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Douglas 1017. (7) 720 81x GIRL for housework, no cooking, no wash ing. 1829 S. 31st St. (7) 767 Alx WANTED Experienced cook. Call at 8403 Harney St.; take Farnam St. car and get off at 33d St. 'Phone Harney 773. (7)-813 S M lacellaneona. WANTED Young women to enter the Mel bourn Hospital Training School for Nurses, Los Angeles, Cal. For further Information apply to Miss A. E. DuSold, 950 S. Olive St., Los Angeles. Cal. (7)M7ll Alx WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man love Hair Grower; liberal salary to right party. Dr. Minerva Jamea, 2024 Daven port. Tel. Douglas 6588. (7) 340 ANY student desiring employment or any one desiring to enter business honorably and profitably may register free of charge at McCartney Institute, 1S02 Farnam St. (71341 WANTED Sewing woman In Ladles' Suit Dept. Hayden Bros. (7) 761 81 WANTED Hairdresser and manicurist. Apply J. L. Brandeis Sons Halrdressing Dpet. ' (71-812 8 HELP WANTED MALE Aaents, Solicitors and Salesmea. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best aelllng proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan, C08 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (91834 WANTED Two first-class school solici tors. Highest salary and permanent em ployment to the right man. References. Address J. W.t Stelnhart, care of Otoe Co. Nat. Bank, .Nebraska City. Neb. (9) M840 1 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer ' those who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. (91338 Clerical and Office. WANTED A good reliable bookkeeper. Apply 209 S. 16th. (9) M787 6x WANTED Man stenographer; good future for right party. Address N 738, care Be. (9) 815 1 Boys. STRONG young men to learn good trade; $5 per week to start. Apply Champion Iron and Wire Works, 617 8. 16th St. (9)-79 8 Factory and Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. . V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha, () 842 WANTED Two grey Iron floor moulders; only first-class non-union men need apply. Address Rainier Foundry Co., Seattle, Wash. (91-M823 lx FIRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per week; ten hours. Luion Cafe, Billings, Mont. (9) M446 A2x GOOD cornice man and tinners, at once. Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lin coln, Neb. (9) M770 WANTED First class barber, who la a clarinet player; good wagea; must be willing to donate services to band. Ad dress, Jack Sinclair's Original Cowboy Band, Creede. Colo. (9) M761 6x WANTED First-class barber; no student; guarantee of $16 or 60 per cent. Answer at once. John Stack, Huron, S. D. (9) M876 Aug5x STEADY, reliable barber at once, best wagea. C. B. Leach, Atlantic, Ia, (9) 196 Aug3x TWO experienced rug weavers wanted. The Iola Rug Factory, Iola, Kan. (9 M491 A9x WANTED First-class barber at once. No boose fighter need apply. Write to F. E. Arnold, Bloomfleld, Neb. (9) M767 A15x WANTED 2 sober, Industrious tailors; steady work; good wages. Apply 2024 N. 24th St. (9)-7lti 31 Miscellaneous. WANTED Teams. C. B. Havens A Co., yards, 14th and Webster l.; teams now making from $6 to 8S.50 per day. (9)-M510 WANTED Sound young men, aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemen on leading railroads; experience unnecessary. Fire men earn $100 per month, become engi neers, earn $200; brakemen earn $76. be come conductors, earn $150. Call or write at once for particulars. National Railway Training Asa'n., 620 X, Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. (9)-928 A9 BOOKKEEPER. 8100. Itookkeeper, $S6. Stenographer, $100. ' Two stenographera, $60. " Stenographer, $76. Seven retail clerks, gents' furnishing goods, dry goods, shoes, clothing and groceries. Several office clerka. $40 to $. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. If you are In need of a position see ua at once. ' WESTERN REF. AND BOND A8S'N, Inc., 721-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' - (91-MS61 1 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dtst. Bu reau. Chicago. 111. (9) M822 7x FREE employment bureau of Business Men's association, 142 N. Y. Life, assists without charge workmen to obtain posi tions. (-M450 A24 WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod; make $160 to $8 50 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Blink, Nlckeraon. Neb. ( 346 JANITOR wanted. Inquire room 22 Conti nental Bldg. (91-716 31 ANT student desiring employment or sny ons desiring to consult as to best method of entering business honorably and profit ably mav register free of charge at Mc Cartney Institute, ltw2 Farnam Bt. tJ-44 45 cents HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous Cnatlaaed. WANTED An energetic man' with small family ( do general work under man In charge on a cattle feeding ranch In Polk county, Nebraska. The wife must be ca pable and able to board an extra man or two. Good houae furnished and steady work at good wagea. References re, quired. Addresa U. T. Moore. Bllvef JL'reek, Neb. 19)-M777 A4 WANTED Young man with some knowl edge of meal cutting to help In meat mar ket and grocery store. C. W. Bhrsder, 2tth and Blondo. () M490 WANTED Men to handle lumber. Gulott A Ledwlch. 19th and Isard St. (i) S6 WANTED Man for outside work; $2.60 per day and expenses; roference and cash de posit required; experience unneessary Apply 815 Ramge Bldg. (91-M73S A 23 WE WANT a stenographer who can read and write Spanish to accept a position with a Mrst-clasa house In this city at a very good salary; this position offers an excellent opportunity for advancement to the right man; call or write. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N, Inc., 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-Mra) 3 WANTED Laborers and sewer trenchers. Apply 52d and Underwood, Dundee end of Farnam car line. (9) M7SS 2 WANTED Boys and young men between 16 and 22 years of age for general training In accounting and operating features ot railroad affairs; salarv according to tech nical training and ability. Must have finished at least; the eighth grade, or ita equivalent in some other school. Call on. or address General Storekeeper. U. P. R R. company. Omaha. (9) M784 4 WANTED At once, a good all-round tailor: steady work; good pay. P. E. Fugellle, the Tailor, Lander, Wvo. (9) M458 Alx FOUR traveling men; high commission; ex clusive territory; bond and reference; stamp for reply. Address A-778, care Bee. (91 M705 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. GOOD wagons for sale cheap at 1314 N. 24th Bt. (1D-M114 All WE are not selling out at cost, but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, aurries and Btanhopea cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adtfns Co., 714 8. 10th 8t., Omaha. (ll)-340 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A, Btone, 803 Lincoln Ave., Counoil Bluffs. (11) M103 JUST received a carload of drafts, drivers, laundry and grocery horses; among these one 8,2O0-lb. team, right every way; sev eral other lighter work horses; one 4-year-old, extra good single wagon horse. Come and see us. You can't make a mis take If you want a horse for any pur pose, as we give a written guarantee that every horse is as represented. Cash or time. Omaha Horso and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th St. (1D-M166 SHETLAND ponies and Scotch Collie dogs. c-uu iui iiiuniraieu catalogue, uassiay & Thompson, Des Moines, Ia., and Jamaica, (1D-M4S3 A4x FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons, traps, carts and harness, see Johnson Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Bt- (1D-348 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming uuBKit-s, carriages ana harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Jonnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loth and Jones . Sta. (11) 349 ONE bay matched team, weighing 2,800 i.n., ipni worn norses, weigning I.60 lbs., $160; team work horses, weighing t.600 lbs., $110; sorrel horse, weighing 1,100 lbs., $36; one single driver, $K5. 2815 N. 16th Ave. (11) M187 HARNESS, Saddles, Trunks, Traveling Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish A Co., 1210 Farnam St. (ID 347 ONE 8-sprlng wagon, new. and one deliv ery buggy rubber tired. Oscar Harto, 29th and Farnam Sts. (ID 718 FOR SALE Three runabouts, rubber tires; will sell worth the money. Harney St. Stable. (ll)-86 DR. COFFMAN offers for sale his horses and carriages and two buggies. Inquire 2024 Douglas Bt. (11) 17 AS! Poultry and Earars. GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab o., umana. (11) M;6 Sepl ANGORA kittens, $5.00; all colors. Will C. Crawford, Knoxvllle, la. fll) M770 A6x Cows, Blrda, Doara and Peta. FOR BALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies. E. B. Cook, south of Country club grounds, Benson, Neb. 011676 4x FOR SALE-Beautlful. long-haired Angora kittens. Mrs. Charlea Seller, Muscatine. Iowa- OD-M4S9 auglx FW Akfrif f tW0 Week" oM" Kindell. 3UU2 8. 39th Bt. (11 ) 700 Sx LOST AND FOUND LOST-On 26th or Dewey Ave., between St. Mary a Ave. and 28th, a hand bag. Re- ward; return to 2712 Howard St. U2) 766 31 LOST Small diamond between Henshaw hotel and Palace atablea. Return to A Mandelberg and receive reward. (12) M769 Al FOUND A Btray cow, red and white, weight about 1.000 lbs. F. C. Vaad. 4935 Vciflc. (12)-M7SS A2x LOST A thick gold band bracelet. Suit able reward. Return to 14-tf Farnam. C. KLPoll,ant. (121-820 2x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-351 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N 24th Bt.. Omaha, Neb. (12) Mlo DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women 30 years' practice In confinements. Office 614 N. 10th; residence, 2421 Charlea, Omaha OS)-352 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment aurervtsed by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no detention from business. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO.. over 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13) 92 A9 . MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AXD CHATTELS. A BUN FOB YOUB MONEY We will give you a run of one month or twelve on your contract If you borrow money of ua and you pay for only the time you are using our money. We make no charges In sdvance, you get the full amount In cash. We will loan you any amount you may want. Don't forget that we have been here fif teen years. Come to the "Old Reliable." OmaLa Mortaf?e Loan Co., H Board of Trade Bldg. (14) 358 DR. PRIBBENOW S MONEi loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In sny amount; less than half rates, perfect privacy; immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out of work. 814 Karbach Blk.. S. llh 84 (14-tt MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad C Battels fontlaaed. LOANS. LOANS. IAN9. BANKERS TO SALARIED MEN. DO NOT BE WITHOUT MONEY WHEN WE WILL LEND YOU WITHOUT SE CURITY. SEE I S FOR LOANS ON SALARY, FUR NITURE. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. RELIABLE, QUICK TO ACT AND CON FIDENTIAL. CHEAPEST BATES IN THE CITY. Make terms to suit yourself. YOUR EMPLOYER, FAMILY OR FRIENDS KNOW nothing about It. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-308 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor. 'Phone D.14U (14) M843 Bowen, 705 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You got money same dav asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 356 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (14-357 THE UNION LOAN CO. have Increased their capital and during th month will make a special rate on collateral loans, personal property, mort gages and Individual notes without secur ity: terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2S04 of call at 310 Bee Bldg. (141 M420 2 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans, Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam St N (141-868 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modatlng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (141369 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. (14 3rt0 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746. (141361 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Hoonia. BOARD, with or without room. 2208 Harney. (16)-MS90 20 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. v (16) 863 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 364 LARGE front room; modern conveniences, telephone. 2469 Harney. (16) M4S9 A2x DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board; fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 16th St. (ID) 672 3x VERY large, front room; board If desired, other nice south rooms. 614 N. 23d. (161-680 8 STRICTLY modern, furnished rooms; home cooking. 'Phone Red-3668, 2217 Howard. (15)-680 3 ROOMS and board. Hillside, 18th and Dodge St. (15) 691 3x Furnished Rooms. 406 S. 24TH AVE. All new, up to date; gen. tlemen only; references. (15) M430 A2x FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 842 8. 19th. (15)-M5!9 A6x NICELY furnished room, south exposure; references. 117 8. 26th Ave. (15) Mol8 NICE front room, with all modern con veniences: Douglas 3837. 217 8. 2uth St. (1D)-615 REASONABLE furnished rooms, 3d floor. 1506 Farnam. (16) 626 A17 FURNISHED room for gentleman. 816 N. 18th St. (15)-M430 Al SOUTH-FRONT room; new houae; private family; walking distance. Tel. Douglas 3632. (15)-M452 Alx FOR RENT Desirable rooms In all parts of the city. Omaha Rental Co., 9u6 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3881. (16) M952 A20z HANDSOMELY furnished rooms. 324 N. 19th. (15)-198 Alux 7 ROOM8 for rent, upstairs; modern. 2626 Sherman Ave. 'Phone Webster 1403. (16)-M471 FOUR newly furnished rooms close to town on car line, everything modern, rent reasonable. 614 N. 20th St. (16) M746 6x LARGE, airy, pleasant, south room, nicely furnished, strictly modern, close In, reasonable; telephoqe privilege. 1X19 Cass Bt, (15) M746 6x IN PRIVATE family, furnished roms for one or two, with breakfast and supper If desired. 'Phone Harney 3689. 2&io Capi tol Ave. (16) Ml A3x FOR RENT Four housekeeping rooms. 1920 Emmet SL 'Phone Webster 4048. (16) M736 Alx THREE cool modern rooms, parlor floor, nicely furnished, cloae In, 207 N. 23d. Tel. Red 6260. (15) M613 A3x ROOMS In modern house. Roomy porches, large shady lawn. 128 So. 26th St. (16) M612 AS FOR RENT Beautiful rooms, ensulte or single; modern, reasonable. 308 N. 22d St. (16) M670 Sx LARGE south-front room, with alcove; also other rooms. 2702 Farnam St, (16)673 Sx DESIRABLE furnished rooms, with or without board; close In. K 819, care Bee. (15 687 8 ONE or two furnished rooms, new. 2607 Dewey. (16) 697 3x FOR RENT Furnished house In West Farnam district. 'Phone Harney 23S6. (15)-8u6 Alx Unfurnished Rooms. TWO OR FOUR connecting unfurnished rooms; modern. 2666 St. Mary's Ave. (15 M461 Al TWO elegant unfurnished rooms and al cove, modern. Good location. 633 Park Ave. (16) M 668 A3x THREE beautiful ' unfurnished rooms; modern house, teferences. 2408 Cass. (16)-727 Housekeeping Rooms. 218 No. 23d, furnished or unfurritshed rooma. Very reasonable. (16) 294 31 HOUSEKEEPING rooma reasonable; 1712 Jackson. (16 693 3x THREE housekeeping rooms at 4643 Far nam. 811. (16) M4t2 A2x WITH private family; vicinity Hanacom park; 3 or 4 modern unfurnished rooms. 1526 8. 26th Bt. (1511 A2x Apartments and Flata. FOR RENT Flrat floor new brick flat, rooma, modem, newly decorated; 29th Ave. and Harney St.; 842.60. Telephone Maple 6148 (16)-M627 6-ROOM flat, all modern. Mat lis block, 16th and Webster. (15) Mi24 A3x FIR8T-CLA8S 6-room apartment, Majestic; rent, $48; reference required. 'Phone Web Ster 4&& (16) M588 4X Furnished Houses. 8-ROOM cottage, all modern and completely furnished. 214 South 3uth, (56. 'Phone Douglaa 686. Bemla, Paxton block. (16 M488 Houses aad Cottages. OMAHA Van at Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office luuD Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (li)-304 FLAT, full modern, rooms, beside bath .and private hall; newly done up; gas range, etc., entire building being put In perfect order; beat flats In north part of city; walking distance; reference required. Cull, Investigate this: $26. BEMI3. Paxton Block. (16) M 554 80S N. S8TH, 8 rooms, all modern. $10. 110 8. 36th St., 7 rooms, all modern, $77.60. 83d near Charlea, new, 8 rooma, all modern. e. nrw.vw. REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Wdg. 'Plioue Doug-las tISl OFFERED FOR RENT n $30 PER MONTH. 810 8. Hth Bt., -room cottage. $40 per month for 2W3 Pacific St.. S-room modern brick flat; In best of repair. $60 per month for 6U1 l"ark ave.. 9-rootn modern house, large lawn, steam heat. GEORGE & (.X)., 1601 Farnam St. (15) MH I 4-ROOM apartment, 'The Orchard." first floor, 563 S. 2Mth St., $J5; 6-room cottage, modern exc ept heat. 4K4 Cass, $. 'Phone lHmglas 6.N5. Bemls, Paxton block. (161-M8M $40 618U, N. ?TK ST., Bouth Omaha Blx. room apartments In new "Scargo" build ing; all modern conveniences. Including hot wster In kitchen ami bath. 8302517 N. lMh St., 9-rooin modern house, with attic and barn. $451807-9 rarnain St., six-room apartment in viuivpi Diiiiuing, an modern convent, ences. Including hot water in kitchen and bath. Hall Distributer Co., 317 First National Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 74o8. (16) 774 t-ROOM house, modern 8727 Cuming Bt In every respect ' (15)-MT88 HOU8ES, Insurance, Ring-wait, Barker Blk. (15)-a& HOUSEHOLD rofdi packed, forwarded, cheap freight ra'.es. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug las 394. (16 LSI MODERN HOUSES FOR RENT. Brand new, ( rooms, 415 N. 40th St, beautiful house, $60. 8 rooms, and barn, 2301 Grant St., $35. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1N03 FARNAM BT. (16)-M750 8 7-ROOM modern house. 10 8. 36th, neat Dodge; east front, nice yard; this Is a good location. Apply 626 Bee bldg. (161-M793 t FOR RENT 8-room house, fully modern, desirable location on Isard St. between 41st and 42d, Just completed, one block from Walnut Hill and two blocks from Farnam car; rent free until September 1, then $45 per month. Apply S. D. Mercer Co., 222 1'axton block. (15)-M849 t WALNUT HILL, one block from Cuming St. car, one block from new Farnam ex tension, 8 rooms, all modern, paved, atreet. $40. 85th St., one block from Farnam car, paved street, 7 rooma, all modern, $37.50. Near Bemls park, on car line, new, 8 rooma, , V nil modern, $.15. ' Leases If desired on above.' O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2151 . (15)-M847 8 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 162R. Schmoller Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1318 Farnam. (16)-831 HOUSES ln " p1 of tne R. UUUOriO C. Peters. 4 Co.. Bee BUlgt (15 31 1611 N 83D BT. 8-room strictly modem, nrsnfl new ,$35. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15-Ml;t HOUSES !" " ert" of th clt Th UUUOUO 0 F iavj, Co.. Bee Bldg. (16)20 FOR RENT Larse stole room, 16th and Vinton Sts. C. M. Bachmann. 437 pax (on block. (15) M0 WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van aad Btorage Co. Tel. Douglaa 149. Office, 1,11 Webster bt. (1W 834 8-ROOM cottage, all modern, barn. 9S0 N. 87th 8t (151 V471 NEW 6-room cottage, gas, sewer and water ln house, 19th and Vinton, $15. New 7-r.. strictly modern house, 23d and Grace, $27.60. 4-r, modern, on 2d floor, fine shape, 26tl and Davenport, $20. ' 9-r.. modern, barn, etc, 18th and Lake. $32.50. W. G. BHRIVER, 'Phone Douglas 1636. 1023 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M766 Al BRICK house, 6 rooms, furnished comple npletft, 3 weBi r arnam aiatrict. Inquire The H Reed Co., 212 8. 14th 8t. (16) M778 FOR RENT By owner, 8831 No. 22d, new 6- room, modern cottage. Tel. Webster 1856. (16) 726 7-ROOM modern house; barn fruit and shade trees. 4031 Lafayette, 827.50. Inquire 1124 N. 40th St. (15) M158 Bulldlaa-s. TtVX entire building formerly occupied by tho Dally News, 44x30 feet, 8 stories and basement. McCague Investment Co., 1S04 Dodge Bt (1 6U 1813 HARNEY ST. 8 floors and basement, 83x120 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1608 Dodge Bt (151-837 Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-story and basement brick build ing at 916 Farnam St. Apply F. D. Wead. 1624 Douglas St. (lb) at 380 Offices. I DESK room on first floor at 1818 Farnam. (16) 836 ID FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for ofrloa uae. 1212 Farnam. (15)40 FOR RENT-Deak room In Bea office, city hall building, 41V N. 25th St. Souta Omaha. Apply to manager. (161134 CHOICE OFFICES It la very seldom that good outside space in a well appointed offloe building is avail, able. At the present time wt have a beautiful suite of two rooms on the fifth floor, with eaat and eouth light a large vault, which makes this a most desirable apace during either summer or winter. We have a good small office, 16x16, on the sixth floor, facing the court, tor $16. Room No. 619 is 9x16 and a desirable space on the court for $12. Everybody ln Omaha knows the location of the Bee building; K is central, close ts) the rlty hall and oounty court house. There are aeveral hundred people who spend mora time here then In tnoir homes and any one of there will testify aa I the caro they receive here. For further particulars call R. . W. BAKER, BUPT. THE BEE BUILDING 17TH AND FARNAM. 16-4S4 FOR RENT Large store room, with good baaement, 2469 Bo. 16th St., $16. C. M. BACHMANN. 4J Paxton Blk. (1-M71 2210 Farnam St., large store and basement, $40 per month. 1616 Howard St., store room and basvment, , 11x60 feet, Just south ot Thompson 4k Belden's new store, $luo per month. , B GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. (lo M838 t OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing fro prr foot. 8u N. 17th bt TsL Red U4 U-i Furniture. FOR BALE Furniture of 6 rooms; almost new. 2610 St. Mary's Ave. 'Phono Doug laa 4451 (16)-M713 AugVX FUR SALE Opera chairs, good as new, from Bijou theater. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farnam Bt. (18j MWS A8 ALL furniture and household goods must be sold at once; owner moving to Seattle. Inquire 2 Ohio Bt. (16,-M772 A4x FOR BALE Bed and springs, dresser, din. Ing table, chairs, rockers, rugs, parlor tables. Call Wednesday or Thursday this) weuk. 4216 Burdetta Bt (16 714 H I i W I? 'T Ml