Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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RAINMAKER DORMAN ON JOB S2? XT" ,urthep-m87 u ono up
New Wonder Arises to Control the
Floodgates of Heaven.
Flood la Kaw Impends Which II
Will Avert for the Inaignlncaat
Ian of t5,O00 la
Ilalnmaker Wrlght'g mantle has 'fallen on
worthy shoulder, and the stovepipe that
famous deflector of natural law ued to
point heavenward In defiance of drouth la
now being manipulated by Allan Dorman
of Kansas City., Mo. In these day ot
deluge, when tha earth Is nightly and
daily soused by the most copious floods, J.
Pluvlu ever loosed. It would seem that tha
rainmaker had better join up with the
dodo, but not so. Rainmaker Dorman
pitches his music to a warning note, and
thus addresses himself to the editor ot The
KANSAS C1TT, Mo., July Honorable
K.lltor of The Bee, Omaha, Neb.: My Dear
tin Tli. conditions here now are favorable
lor a Kaw flood.
At (Hire I will accept $5,000, and there
will be no serious flood. please help atart
tho move at once. Your friend,
While Mr. Dorman Is at present a
at ranger to the editor ot The Bee, and, so
far as can be ascertained by hasty Inquiry,
to the entire staff ot the paper, hla letter
bn-athes a spirit so engaging and charm
Ingly frank that his confidence Is accepted.
It would not be in accord with the humani
tarian principles of The Be were It to
permit this opportunity to prevent disaster
to Omaha's warm friend and ardent rival
In the commercial world, Kansas City, to
pa.s unnoticed. Mr. Dorman haa named
a remarkably low figure for preventing the
flood that at present, according to his aver
ment, hangs Impending over the bottom
lunds adjacent to the Kaw.
Kansas City's Opportunity.
He la equipped, If one may believe his
circulars, to produce rains, and probably
floods, although he explicitly declines to
accept any responsibility In event of the
latter resulting from his experimentation.
This being true, why Is It not aa easy tor
him to prevent a flood T. All he haa to do
!h to revered his machine and run It back
Kurd for a few turna, and the fountains
of the deep will be dried up and the flood
gaus of the heavens wilt be closed. It
would therefore, seem prudent that Kan
sas City should heed bis warning. In ab
ik of other and more Immediate mean
of auccor. It la moved that the sum of be appropriated from the unexpended
balance, if any, of the aunt ralaed for the
purpose of defraying the cost of removal
of the Union Paclllo headquarter from
oiuult to Kansas City, and that the same
K urn! to defray the expenses of Rain
maker and Flood Presenter Dorman In
Ms effort to avert the disaster that threat
ens to overwhelm the region at er near
'.he mouth of the Kaw.
This la about as far a The Be can go
at preaent. Tt hesitate through delicacy
o press upon the people of Kansas City
anything In the way of monetary assist
wee, knowtng them to be proud-spirited
sud somewhat touchy on the point. If It
should be apparent that they are unable
to secure the needed fund to compensate
Prof. Dorman for his efforts In their be
lli Confession Ability.
That Prof. Dorman is not a fake, but a
genuine and undoubted rainmaker. Is easily
established. Indeed, no proof Is needed,
for he admit as cheerfully as Harry
Orchard admit himself to be the champion
dynuniitard of all time. Accompanying
the note quoted, In which Prof. Dorman
sound hi warning, Is a circular letter, in
which he sets himself forth as follows:
KANSAS CITY, June 15. 1907. Honorable
Editor: Please review my herewith en
closed circular, and send me a sample copy
ot your paper containing said notice,
marked. I am preparing a pamphlet of
press comments and will publish OO.OuO
copies, with press notices, for distribution
next summer.
I am building up a useful scientific Cause.
I need your help. Had I lived in the dark
l. Would have been burned at the
stake for doing good. I discovered the
merits of natures electric circle above the
ground current in Its relation with the
electric sun, which passes south In the fall,
helping birds to southern climes. When
the exrth changes its position at equlnoxtml
the electric force returns north In the
spring, bringing life and rains. Without
Its uses we would have rerpetual equlnox-
L...I ""'"' S Jhoot nmty "un inoti at
radiation on July Nature met them with
systems, producing rain on July 4. The
other shots, out of system, were wasted.
Lt us reason together and work together
to conquer next summer s drouth. Speak
your scientific views ably and I will give
your paper due credit. "
Agents with contract 10 per cert Your
trirai- , ,. ALLEN DORMAN,
m,. Gfn.?r"' delvery. Kansas City, Mo.
tllfra'In fa's" tr'de 'r ten ""y. or
Hala Editor Oat of Reach.
It 1 with exceeding regret and some sense
of remissness that The Bee admits that Its
ralnmaklng expert is Just at this critical
Juncture enjoying a protracted vacation,
and his return Is so uncertain It would be
unfair to Prof. Dorman to defer until that
time comment on his plan of action. Many
of the older readers will recall witv,
satisfaction the triangular controversy be
tween tne ralnmaklng expert of The Bee at
one corner, and Rainmaker Wright and the
Kansas genius who proposed to irrigate the
atmosphere instead of the earth, at the
other two. and the glory that gathered
around the head of this paper's expert as
me result or that famous debate. Theae
recollections will only Increase the regret
that he Is not now on the Job to deal with
the problems offered by Prof. Dorman. The
circular of the latter is:
The ralnmaklng season of 1907 1 now
P,1ri..11" '"V last year scientific work
helped the middle west over a billion dollars
In benefit is conceded by many Intelligent
The railroad trains, heavy ladened with
fat hogs and cattle, the new buildings In
many properous cities, the flush of money
over the country, the verdant fields and
pastures, bountiful crops and fine flower
to cheer the toller. This Is an Inventive
age and science is on the march. Price of
m',?.."a!,t "-0' raml .for droht much
more; when I begin work. Large caah
deals, all the time, are reserved lor ac
ceptance at my option.
.k.tJk? " ,oth;r ytm. help nature before
the drought begins; better for you, easier
for me.
When I am employed, business men are
expected to make preparations, select loca
tions and furnish I'lnnon In drought and
offer other assistance when needed. I will
gladly furnish my scientific work, but I will
not ba responsible for any storm, flood, or
any excess of nature whatever. Aaliable
agents wojited to take up subscriptions In
dry sections. With contract in per cent
My address la Allen Dorman, Clinton, Mis
souri Hla aeries Answered.
Following the circular tha professor pro
pound! a number of question connected
with the "science" of which be I undoubt
edly the foremost exponent Thes should
be considered categorically, but, owing to
tbe unfortunate absence of the ralnmaklng
editor, the horse editor will have to answer
such a tie feel competent to deal with
paper that goes to
Fee 0MA1A Evening Bee
A clean and reliable paper for the home
is barred from no self-respecting household
Per Week Delivered
Within everybody's reach reaches everybody
and let the others go. "Doc lightning
sometimes pass from the ground to the
clouds?" asks the professor. The horse
editor admits that it does.
"What would happen to a Chinaman If
oxygen was a good conductor?" This is a
trifle cryptic, but If the Chinaman had
presented an expired transfer to one of the
Omaha trolley conductor the answer
would be easy; St. Joseph's hospital or the
"What would' happen to my two books
and 128 inventions If nitrogen and hy
drogen chemically combined?" This is also
easy, but the horse editor, being a gentle
man at other times, declines to use such
"Can science do more than help nature,
when the cloud is distant?" Science can do
no less, and would forfeit Its claims to
recognition were it so far lost to all sense
of courteous obligations as to refuse to
assist under such conditions.
"Can nitrogen be frozen or oxydlzed by
any known heat?" As to oxydlxation, the
horse editor la willing to leave that to the
electrician who have accomplished some
thing In this line, but he 1 willing to bet
last week' pay and part of next' that
nitrogen cannot be froxen by any heat yet
devised -by man.
Prof. Dorman' other queries will have
to go unanswered so far as The Bee
is at present concerned. Having propounded
them as Impressively as the spirit ques
tioned Job In his dream, the professor hurls
at any possible doubter the following con
crete chunk of wisdom, rhythmically as
well as metrically expressed:
The wisdom of nature exists with desltrn
That structures of system were built by
And laws would be faulty to favor the
And offer no system to systemtze rain.
Having clinched his argument with this
lrrefraglble logic, the professor concludes
his Interesting and illuminating circular
thusly: "Favorable scientific press com
ment solicited, unfavorable not wanted.
Make all drafts, checks, money orders, etc.,
payable to Allen Dorman."
Take Shot at Fleeing; Prisoner and
Ballet Perforate Leg of
Officer Shepherd took two shots at a
fleeing prisoner who had broken away from
htm In the alley south of Ostoff hall on
North Sixteenth street at 11:30 o'clock Sat
urday night Neither of the shot hit the
man they were Intended for, but one of
them passed through the calf of Robert
Burn' left leg.
A Officer Shepherd was passing the
saloon under the hall a man ran out and
he stopped him and took him back to find
out the cause of his haste. He found the
man had hit the bartender with a brick.
While the bartender was telling Officer
Shepherd about It the prtsoner slugged the
officer and darted out the side doom, with
the officer in hot pursuit. Ills two shots
failed to stop the fellow' flight, a at last
account he wa silll running. Burns,
the Innocent bystander, was taken to the
police station, where Dr. Arnout dressed
hi wound. The bullet passed through the
fleshy portion of hi leg and no bone were
On Night Faronte Chicago to
through without changing car over Penn
sylvanla Short Lin via Colurnbu and Nor
folk and N. A W. Ry.. dally after July K
Low fares. For detail writ or call on
Rowland. U. 8. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb
the home brings
McPherson's Election Pleases Hen at
the Stock Tards.
Friends Are Also Patting; II Im For
ward for President of the
Booth Omaha Stock Yards
General satisfaction wa expressed yes
terday among the commission men over the
honor conferred on T. B. MePherson and
the South Omaha market by the National
exchange. "We went to Kansas City with
the Intention ot trying for some of the na
tional office and to bring the next session
of the exchange to South Omaha. We have
accomplished our purpose and naturally feel
pretty good about it," was the general tenor
of the comments ot a dozen different men.
W. B. Cheek said: "T. B. MePherson I a
man who deserves the honor. He Is an all
around business man and one very largely
Interested In the stock business. What we
want still more is to see him made the
president of the I'nlon Stock Yards com
pany of South Omaha, a position made va
cant by the death of W. A. Paxton, sr."
A, J. Caughey said: "Mr. Mcpherson 1 a
big, broad-minded touslness man, who haa
the entire confidence of the exchange. He
Is a stockman, a banker, a commission man
and a natural diplomat. He will bring
honor to the office which ha been con
ferred upon him. He has had a very broad
experience In the business world. I concur
In the belief that he should be president
of the Union Stock Yards company."
Tagg Bros, said: "We are glad to hear
of the success of T. B. MePherson, for It
sneans a higher rank for South Omaha
among the markets of the country. We ex
pected that the flght would be made, but
hardly dared hope that It would be so suc
cessful." The delegates are expected In South
Omaha this morning.
Automobiles for Dairy.
It Is reported that the Chesapeake Milk
and Cream company has purchased a tract
of forty acres of land near the city and
will establish a dairy, fully equipped with
modern convenience for caring for and
separating cream. To assist in prompt
delivery the company will use several auto
mobile. The work of erecting buildings
will begin soon. The location of the tract
Is near Forty-sixth and Q streets.
SI any Aspirant for Ofllee.
Aspirants for offices to be filled this fall
have begun to appear In South Omaha.
The f.rst democrat to file In Douglas county
was Charles Fernland, for the office of
police Judge of South Omaha. His filing
was made on July 14.
Other democratic candidate announced
or talked of by their friend are P. J.
Llnahan and Michael Goggln for sheriff,
A. M. Gallagher for clerk of the district
court, Tom O'Connor for county commis
sioner, and James Callahan, J. M. Fowler,
James Grace, William P. Corrlgan, William
Kouncey, Patrick Broderlck and Jacob
Levy are aald to be in the field fur police
On the part of tbe republican, 3. H.
Brewer la mentioned for coroner and P. J.
Trainor for county commissioner. George
Johnson is mentioned a a possible candi
date for clerk ot the district court. The
police Judgeship haa a Ubereal list of aspir
the returns to advertisers
ant, among them being W. J. Copenharve,
J. D. Ringer and James Austin.
Troablo at All Nations.
Another rough and tumble fight occurred
at the House of All Nations last night. As
a result a man by the name of Webb is
seriously Injured and his assailant. John
Eagan, Is in Jail. There were no features
other than those common to tho melee in
that quarter. It is said that Webb was
about to administer a beating to Eagan,
when the latter got In a stiff punch with
ft pair of brass knuckles which laid Webb
out. It was at first thought he was dead,
but he Is still on thl side of the Styx.
Country Clnb Doing.
Several pleasant club parties were given
during the last week at the pavilion of the
South Omaha Country club. One was ten
dered by T. J. O'Neil, and another by Dr.
C. M. Schlndel and wife. Mr. Wllber
Sears entertained yesterday afternoon.
There were twenty-five guests In the party.
Bruce McCulloch entertained Ave of his
friends early In the week. The regular
weekly dnnce wa well attended, though
the weather wa pretty warm for enjoy
ment. Yesterday, aside from the usual golf
contest of the afternoon, the South Omaha
Country club team defeated the Nonpareil
of Omaha in a fast game of base ball. The
score was 7 to 3. The pitching of Eugene
Rose of the South Omaha team wa a neat
exhibition. A large crowd wa out to see
the game. These games have been drawing
larger and larger crowds and reflect great
credit on the manager. Otto Radzuwelt.
Maalo City Gossip.
Two lots, corner SCth and IT, I'lOO
Glynn Transfer Co. Tel. So. Omaha 361.
tor Sale-Six iota, 39th and Q, I.j00 each
each!" IOt" " near Thlrty-nlnth, SX
week C'ty ,Pent " " Btreet reralr ,a
.eriously'li?. "0" ' Ed' Trap U
t'mZ:Xm cotte n Q. '
R, W. Read ha gone to St. Joseph. Mo.
to spend Sunday. '
Alva Fleharty is In the city, a guest of
his brother, II. B. Fleharty. ,
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. 8.
Miss Dora Melcher of Atlantic. Ia., Is
the guest of her brother, C. A. Melcher.
The bill of lading of the new road ma
clerk M rece'vei y8trday by the city
x,Mr- C.- - Howe entertained at luncheon
rrlday In honor of her coUHln, Miss Ethel
Mcbeth, ot Chicago. el
Mrs. A. C. Tagg and family have gone
for a v sit of a few days at Waco and
York, where they have relatives.
tT,,,r.ep".ri;ry.brkk flat ,n Bou;' omnia,
j.'S.wm. lnls Investment pays, 7 per cent
net. P. C Caldwell, South Omaha.
W. L. Parsley, Twentieth and Missouri
avenue, la 111 with appendicitis and it I
feared an operation will be necessary.
Mrs. J B. Watklns gave a party In honor
of her little daughter, Iiuise, yesterday
afternoon. About twenty-live guests were
Mrs. August Ohlendorf. aged 73. died
Friday afternoon. The funeral will take
place from the residence, 2ut N, Monday
at 2 p. m.
Wanted 25 girls to make overalls snd
Jackets. Steady employment at good pay.
Apply to Byrne A Hammer D. O. Co., f ac
tory, 41J North liUh St., South Omaha.
Charles Karlf4ulst has resigned Ms posi
tion with the Omaha Packing Company
and bought a half interest In the shoe
store of P. A. Johnson on Twentyfourlh
Mrs. R. P. Larkln and family of Sioux
City are visiting her mother, Mrs. D. Raf
ferty. Mrs. Edwin Smith and son, she be
ing a sister of Mrs. Rsfferty, from Chicago
are also here.
W. U Bryant, who ha been several
times arrested on suspicion of conectlon
with burglaries, was sentenced to thirty
days, but a as given the alternative ot get
ting out bf town. He went
All Turn Out for the Annual Kcnlo at
Kruff Park.
Interesting; Proa-ram of "ports Kervro
to Liven Things Vp Sandy Mor.
rlson Waives Weight la tha
Fat Man' Ilace,
The festivities of the Omaha letter car
riers In their annual picnic held yesterday
at Krug park began late, but the postmen
made up for this by crowding a great deal
ot fun and excitement Into the late hour
of the afternoon and evening. Nobody In
the city missed even so much as a circular
from hi mall because the carrier wero
having their picnic. All mall deliveries
were made and then pleasure was Indulged
in after duty had been done.
Practically all the 107 carrier and the
fifteen substitute of the postofflco force
in Omaha were there with their wive and
children and friends, and they made the
pretty park ring with laughter and stirred
up things generally.
The only hitch that even threatened to
occur wa when call was made for entries
to the fat men's race. It seemed for a
time that Sandy Morrison was the only man
on the force who could lay claim to "300
pounds or over." After some effort two
other were admitted to the running. They
weren't near up to Sandy' weight. They
were but sorry fat men compared with him.
Everybody r-wmed delighted when Sandy
won almost in a walk.
Ileaalt of the Race.
The results of the races, with prises, were
a follow:
Fifty-yard women's race, open to all:
First prise, women's parasol. Mis Cllne;
second prise, handsome picture, Mrs.
Forty-yard race, carrier' wive only;
First prise, silver Jewel case, Mrs. Mor
rison; second prise, pair silk gloves, Mrs.
Forty-yard race, girls under It year
First prlxe, bottle cologne, Ituth Newton;
second prise, two souvenir plates, Evelyn
One hundred-vard race, open to all:
First prise, safety raior. Booby Milder;
second prise, box cigars, Gamble.
One hundred yards, carriers only : Virst
prlxe. fishing tackle, George Powers:
second prlxe. 12 60 hat, Handy Morrison
Forty yards, boys' race. II years and
under: First prlxo, hst, Ed Geyer; sec
ond prlxe. pair silk suspenders, donated
by Berg Clothing company, Willis (Mine.
Potato race: First prise, coffee pot,
M"- Camp; second prise, box handker
chiefs. Mrs. Newton.
Fat men's race, 100 yards, weight over
100 pounds: First prise, hat. Handy Mor
rison; second prlre. box cigars, J. Ii.
Potato race: First, suitable prise. Ruth
Newton; eeoond prlxe. pair cuff button.
Anna Maher.
Old men' race, fifty yard, over R0
years: First prise, box clgare. C. E. A.
Johnsm; second prlxe, bottle green river.
D. W. Tlllotsoii.
Pack race, open to all: First prise, pair
slippers. Milder and Gamble; eutotid
prise, quart wine.
Dlsbrow Ready for Winter.
John W. Dlsbrow won the distinction
of being the most popular letter carrier,
though he had a close contest with D.
W. Tlllotson and Timothy Kelly. Vote
In thl contest retailed and wholesaled at
1 cent each. Mr. Dlsbrow had nearly
00 vote. He will get one ton of coal.
"This Is a picnic with a purpose." tald
D. W. Tlllotson of the committee. "Our
object I to raise money to boost for the
great convention of the National Associa
tion of Letter Carrier In 1908. It take
money to get thl plum, but It U a big thing;
and we have the assurance of the co-operation
of the business hien In our effort.
"The convention has more than 1,000 dele
fate. New York City alone sends forty dele
gates and Its famous bras band of seventy
five piece. Boston sends, In addition to
thirty delegates, a bond of sixty . pieces;
St. Louis a band of forty-five pieces, and
Ban Francisco a band of forty pieces. All
these musicians are letter currier and are
working In tho service. They would niako
Omaha ring a It never haa before. It
would mean a gala week for Omaha If w
landed the convention.
"We are going to make a great effort to
get this convention. St. Paul Is
going to make a strong effort to
get the big meeting in 1908, but we feel
that we are entitled to It, and with a llttld
foresight and push we will get It here. It
means about 3,000 visitor In the city for a
week or more, which alone I a big sourc
of profit and advertising."
Clande Irish Has an Experience
with a Perond-IIand
Doe Claude Irish of Sixteenth and Chi
cago, believe In signs? There wa a time
when he did, but It I past now. When
walking by a second-hand store on Six
teenth, near Davenport, Saturday after
noon, lie noticed a trunk out on the aide
walk, and as he needed uch an article
he went In to bargain with tlie store
that the lock could not be opened. Since
keeper. He asked for a key and was told
he would have to buy. a new lock the
dealer let him have tho trunk for $1. Irish
paid an expressman 60 cent to carry tha
purchase to hi home. When he began to
examine It he found that his trunk waa
a sign, a painted box which the second,
hand man had placed on his sidewalk for
an advertisement and which wa com
pletely useless.
Thero ia no other temper
ance beverage jiat i to
healthful, wholesome, nour
ishing' and satisfying- bo
strengthening, invigorating:
and vitalising &
The Deer of Quality
The 81 of alcohol
the beer i simply a mild
timulant that helps the
stomach do it work with
out producing any harmful
Pabet Brewtnf Ooy
1107 Leavenworth SC. OtzsMtls.
Phone Douglaa ff.