Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Offlte, IS oeft
Davis, drugs.
Stockert Willi carpets.
J"umps, J. Znller Mer. Co.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust bwr.
Fine engravings at Leffcrt's.
See Schmidts elegant new photos.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phono 7.
Woodrlng Undertaking; company. Tel. 83.
Picture framing, C. E. Alexander, 333 B'wy.
diamonds a3 an investment.
Talk to lefkert about it.
Mucin rolls protect sheet music; a large
assortment at Hourlclus from 46 cents up
to satchels as hlgn as IZ.75. mb Broadway.
Cooking and heating at Just one-half lh-
cost of coal or gas. tvi, turiiier Use for
flirty coal or wood. Come In and Investi
gate. Petersen & Schocnlng Co.
Dr. A. O. Wyland's "Indians'' of Under
wood, la., are scheduled for a double
header today with the Meal Hustlers at
the ball park on Sixteenth avenue.
Word has lieen received here of the death
at Craig, Colo., of Mrs. A. U. Cooper, a
former resident of Pottnwattumle county.
Deceased was a sister of the late Mrs.
George Marshall of this city.
Oeorge L. Kehle, formerly of this city,
flow route agent for the Wells-Fargo Ex
press company, with headquarters at Col
orado Bprlngs, was In the city for a few
days last week visiting relatives.
S. B. Morrlsey, formerly of Harlan, and
rx-chalrman of the state democratic cen
tral committee, was In the city yesterday
railing nn friends, political and otherwise.
Steve declares he Is now out of politics.
Jle now resides at Audulmn.
Before getting your upholstering, mat
tress making, repairing and reflnishlng
flone get the prices of the Morgan Up
holstering company, 331 Broadway, next
to Alexander's art store. Telephone for
quick orders. Bell, 293; Independent, 270
Ted. Mrs. W. L. Fleming of this city, who
has been In St. Joseph's hospital, Omaha,
lor the last ten weeks, has sufficiently re
covered to be removed to the country home
cf her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon, near
Jvtynster Bprlngs, where she will remain
.during the heated term.
Erl McOlnley, aged 18 years, making
his home with his uncle, E. J. Roarty, 10H
Fourth street, was reported to the police
to have run away from home last even
ing. He drew his wages where he had
teen working and Is thought to have
ttarted for Colorado. The police were
asked to try to head him off.
W. I Moors, charged with being men
tally deranged, was before the commission
ers on Insanity nraln yerterday. He had
been sent to St. Bernard's a few weeks ago
Ind was discharged on his promise to leave
Ihe city. The commissioners yesterday di
rected the sheriff to turn him over to the
Authorities at his home town, which Is
Paris, Tex.
Sabrate Greco, the Italtnn youth charged
with the theft of a watch and II) In cash
from the home of four Greeks named
Kapeclmalls, .at 1122 Avenue C, was ar
raigned yesterday morning before Justice
yreene and his hearing continued to Mon
lay. In default of boll, placed at JVX, he
was committed to the county jail. The
watch and . rair which young Greco
Itole have been recovered, but the money
still missing.
Office "pace for Rent,
Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on
ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone
building, IB Scott street; central location;
nly one-half block from Broadwoy. Ev
irythlng new, electric linht; for $S a month.
Omaha Bee., 15 Scott street.
I Oarden hose from 7c per foot to 221io foot
Petersen & Schpenlng Co.
Petersen & Schoenlng soil matting.
fiunrdi Ordered to Maneuvers.
Captain S. A. Greene of the Podge Light
guards has received marching orders from
Adjutant General Thrift for the company,
Which will leave here at 7: IS n. m., Au
gust 6, for the camp at Des Moines and
return the evening of August 12.
The Dodgo Light guards, which forms
Company I,, Fifty-fifth regiment, Iowa Nn-
,.... 1 . n - .1 la ... .. 1 .1 . I . ..,
1 " ' ,U"
strength forty-nine men and three officers. I
It Is expected It will go to Des Motn"s with
go to t.cs Mnin"i Willi service systems lor ail mil districts when
entire guard of the e"f.r thy pay reasonable return. It
a . tJ1 imi.. . , i wl" compel the company to report all mains
e.d at Des Moines, and K,i an,( thelr co.u io that the clty fan
thls number. Tho
state will bo assembl
the men are looking forward to
week I
of strenuous drills and practice.
Ipliolsf erlna".
Oeorge W. Klein, ID South Main street.
Phones: Ind., 710 Black; Bell, 648.
Ice cream flavored with pure vanilla;
Something that will please you. Purity
Candy Kitchen, 6J Broadway.
Demonstrations The wonder of the twen
tieth century. Cooking at tho cost of 1c
per hour. Fits any cookstove, range or
heating stove. Petersen & Schoenlng Co.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Namo and Residence. Ag
John Low, Mlnneola. Ia 60
Dorothy Heine, 1'ieis, Germany 4j
C H. Furse, Omaha
Alice Stevens, Omuha
Ulysses A. Shirley, Council Bluffs..
Vera A. Whittaker. Council Bluffs..
Thomas Van Hargls, Omaha
Pearl Casatdy, Omaha
Thrls. Petersen, Council Bluffs
Anna Chrisloffersen, Council Bluffs..
Drover Holt, Omaha
tot Hlgglns. VIUlscu, Ia
fRlETERS. Council Bluffs Day at Chautauqua.
President E. H. Merrlam of the Com
mercial club Issued ycsteiday the follow
ing announcement relative to Council Bluffs
lay at the Missouri Valley Chautauqua
Wednesday of this week:
Train will leuce Broadway depot at 11
I 'clock poon: returning, leuve. Missouri
'ulley at 8:5S p. lii. I rate. V6 cents for
tound trip. Governor Hock of Kunns will
H'lure on "The Standard Oil Company
ind Reform." EveryUxly turn out an J let
ihciu know that Council Bluffs is a live
Investigate the A. Hospe company's plan
f selling pianos. It's a system whereby
rou get the beat possible musical value
lor the least money. 2d South Main street,
Council Bluffs, Ia.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250. Night, L (
Real Katate Transfers.
Thes. transfers were reported to Tho Bee
July T. by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract comrany f Council Bluffs:
Herbert B. Wing to J. J. Teal, lot
In block . Hall s add. to Council
Bluffs. Ia.. w d ll.friO
V. 1 Brown to Harry M. Brown, lot
t, Chapman add. to Council Bluffs,
w d ... ., l.VO
Two transfers, total lift!
Let us make your glasses and take care
f your eyes for one year without extra
eharge. Dr. W. W. Magarrell. Optometrist,
10 Pearl stret.
Full line of refrigerators,
Petersen A
City Scavengers
Horaaa and oattla haulad tie of ehrf
.ariiag. ansi manure aaa ail rua
I Olsli, cleaa vaults an oaeapeoU. AJI
I aork dona Is guarantee.
Calls promptly ailauaed to.
Phons Hit Y lMll H4 lltl
. Tel. 4A.
Gives Bcasoni Why He Thinks it
Should Carry at Special Election.
Still Favors Municipal Ownership,
bat Insists Franchise la No Dar
to Accomplishing; This
Reeult. N
As there seems to be a general misunder
standing as to the ordinance granting the
Council Bluffs City Water Works company
a new franchise upon which the people of
the city will be called upon to vote Tues
day, August 6, Mayor Macrae, through
whose efforts mainly the measure as it
now stands was submitted, has deemed H
Incumbent on him to address the following
public communication respecting same to
the voters:
As there seems to be a misunderstanding
with reference to the proposed water works
franchise. I deem It my duty to publicly
call attention to the following facts:
It Is well known that I favor the owner
ship of the water works by the city. We
have been trying' for three years to accom
plish this, but for financial and other rea
sons, we have not yet succeeded, and can
not hope to do so for some time. What
shall we do In the meantime?
The company Is now running Its works
by tolerance only, and we cannot exr -t
It to spend money to extend and enlace
Its plant without any right to keep its old
or new pipes In the streets, even If It could
raise the money to do so. But It must
be clear to every one that It cannot raise
money to put In new mains without the
right to keep them In the ground. If the
franchise does not carry, we must for nn
Indefinite time leave the implement district
Deere, Wells Co., Fuller A Johnson
Shugart Co., and the Union Transfer com
pany have all burned out and have all
been a loss to the city. We can get no
new industries without fire protection, and
we have hern losing great establishments
by fire. From our experience. If there are
more fires, w cannot hope to hold the
houses we have now. To fall to get prompt
relief means ruin to the wholesale and com
mercial Interests.
What Should Be Done.
Under these circumstances, there seems
but one thing to do and that Is to give the
water company such rights that It can
raise money and reinforce the system
where the very existence of our wholesale
district Is at stake, and at other important
points like South Ninth street, West Coun
cil Bluffs and other rapidly growing resi
dential sections, where the people have t
long been taxed without receiving water
service, and at the same time reserve the
rlRht to take the plant Just as soon as the
city can raise the money. This Is all the
proposed franchise does. It does not give
the conrpany a single right except to keep
Its pipes In the street until the city can
get means to buy, and expressly provides
that when It. does So It shall pay nothing
for tho franchise, and that the company
shall receive only the value of Its plant as
fixed by an Inpartlal board, less one-half
the cost of making the appraisement.
While this Is absolutely everything the
company gets the city will secure ample
water supply for the Implement district
and the growing residential seotlona, and
will he able In addition, to get new mains
whenever It will order one hydrant on an
average for each 660 feet, and when the
city does not feel able to order hydrants,
supply pipes can he obtained on unpaved
streets whenever there Is one consumer for
every seventy-five feet. Under the old
ordinance the city had to take a hydrant
for every 400 feet of main ordered laid, and
the company only hod to run fifty feet for
a consumer. Under the proposed franchise
when the company builds fifiO feet for a
hydrant or seventv-flv feet for a con
sumer, the city will have the right at all
times to fix the hydrant rental and con
sumers' rs-te. while under th old ordi
nance, both the hydrant rental and con
sumers' rate were fixed for twenty-five
What Company Mast Do.
At present the old franchise having ex
pired, tfcere Is no way to compel the lay
ing of other mains or sutitiiv nines, even
If the company had any means of raising
llig mono.. In Hrt MA th. ,,..... 1
cliises requires the c'omtianv to build hih
service systems for all hill districts when-
keep track of what the company snends
and where, and gives the city full access
to the company's books for the purpose of
ascertaining what the rates should be, a
right t lie city does not now have. This
rlKht of examination of the books, will
from time to time, be of Immense value
to the city, when the council takes up
the revision of the rates and the passage
of a new rate ordinance. All these things
are obtained by the city for the naked
right to maintain Its works until the el'y
buys, a rifrht which the company Is now
enjoying. Of course, we all want the com
pany to run Its works until the city can
make some other arrangement, either to
buy or build. There Is no contract pro
posed as to rates. There seemr to be an
Impression that there Is some connection
between the proposed franchise and the
revision rate ordinance, and some have
even gone so far as to say that the rates
fixed by the recent ordinance would be In
force during the entire life of the fran
chise If It carries, and that the council
would have no right to change them. This
Is all a mistake. The Iowa statutes give
the city council the right at all times to
revise and reflx the rates, and It Is ex
piesfcly so held In the Creston case. If the
1 franchise carries, the council has the right
! to fix the rates. Whenever and as often
as It sees fit. The people have the right.
at all times, while the franchises lasts, to
el.-ct members of the council who will give
them just tates.
Tli.u I- n rnn.tln,i nhil.,,..
t ho franchise and the question of rates.
I nder the law, no contract could be made
as to rates, and the company can collect
Just the sumo rates whether the franchise
carries or not.
The question simply Is: Shall we enable
the company to save the city from dam
age until we can buy or build? If tho
franchise carries It confers no rights upon
the company It Is not enjoying except as
to time, and large improvements are as
sured. If It fails, those who defeat It
must take the responsibility of stopping
Important improvements costing thousands
of dollars, largely to be expended for labor
here at iiome, and of keeping new Indus
tries out of town, and Jeopardizing those
which are here.
See Ashlock Hydro-Carbon Burner. No
cshes, no Oder, no danger. Absolutely safe.
Fits any stove as readily as a fry-pan.
Iemonstratinna dally. Ladles Invited.
Petersen & Schoenlng Co.
Reliable picture framing. Pictures framed
or unf ranted. The latest colorings and real
works of art. Reasonable prices. Bor
wtck, til South Main street.
Colored Woman. Arrives Homo Just
la Tim.
Tt J. Bpraffard, white, night watchman of
the pile driving crew at the Union Pacific
transfer. Is behind the bar of the city Jail
on a serious charge preferred against him
by Mrs. Victoria Goodwin, a colored woman
living at 1414 West Broadway. She alleges
that during her absence from the house
yesterday afternoon Bpraffard attempted to
assault her 7-year-old daughter, Naomi,
and that her return alone prevented htm
from accomplishing his purpose, flpraffird,
while denying the charge, said he went to
Mrs. Goodwin's house to Inquire If aha
would do some washing tor him.
Mrs. Goodwin's call for tbe police when
she arrived heme and discovered, as she
alleges. Bpraffard mistreating her little
daughter, attracted . jwns oolared man
named Burns, who decided not to await the
arrival of an officer, but escorted SprafTard
to the police headquarters. Spraffard at
first gave the name of Charles 1L Freeman,
but his right name was learned through a
meal ticket found on him, and later
through Inquiries of the boss of the pile
driving gang. It Is said Bpraffard had been
Goings and Cora In as on Vacation
Trips Are Many.
Mr. W. S. Balrd left Tusday for a visit
to Mexico City.
Miss Olive M. Harle has gone to Denver
for a vacation trip.
Miss Eltxaneth Reno left Friday for a
visit to Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Dr. Snyder departed for Colorado
Springs, Colo., Tuesday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Miller left Wednesday for
a trip to Villa Grove, Colo.
Mr. Roy Mitchell left Monday for a
two weeks' trip to Illinois.
Mr. Frank R. Starr has returned home
from a sojourn at Lake ukoboji.
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Steeve, Z1(X West
Broadway, are visiting In Chicago.
Miss Blanche Mc Bride of Hamburg, Ia.,
is the guest of Mrs. S. A. Beason.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenyon of Perry, Ia.,
are the guests of friends In this city.
Miss EtheJ Loper has returned from a
month's vacation trip to St. Paul, Minn.
Miss Carrie Evers has gone to Des
Moines, la., for a short visit with friends.
Miss Laura Banther left Tuesday for a
two weeks' visit with friends In Sioux City.
Miss Eleanor G. Brown, 724 First ave
nue, is the jtuest of relatives In St. Paul.
Mr. Arthur Dempsey left last evening
for Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario, Can
ada. Miss Dorothy Bhepard of Kansas City Is
the guest of relatives and friends In this
Miss Helen Hetrick entertained eighteen
girls at a house party from Friduy until
Monday In honor of Miss Florence Wick
ham and Miss Inslee Bogard of Glenwood,
who are her guests at her home, lllti Grace
Mr. E. E. Mattlngly left Friday for Den
ver, Colo., where he will spend his vaca
tion. Mr. C. E. Hooker and Miss Gertrude
Hooker left Frluay evening fur a trip to
Miss Mabel Scott has gone to Denver,
whore she will spend her vacation with
Mrs. A. J. Jackson and mother, Mrs. O.
T. Rice, left Tuesday for a trip to Cold
water, Kan.
Mrs. K. A. Atkins of Wyoming, Ia,, Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. L. M. Overniyer,
of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rice and son of
Crelghton, Neb., are the guests of friends
in this city.
Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Anthony have gone
to Des Moines, where they Will visit friends
for a few days.
Miss Edith Runyan of Park avenue, left
Monday afternoon for an extended trip to
Los Angeles, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Chenles left Wednes
day for 6t. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn.,
on a vacation trip.
Mrs. M. H. Jacobl and son, Ross, left
Wednesday for a trip to Cedar Haplds,
Clinton and Chicago.
Mrs. William Fenlon of Neola Is the
guest of Mrs. W. H. Kllpack and other rel
atives In this city.
Mrs. B. Stevenson and children of Verdi
gris, Neb., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas McCaffrey,
Dr. and Mrs. Smith Bellinger left Wednes
day for Brockvllle, Ont., where they will
enjoy a vacation trip.
Dr. C. O. Capell of Kansas City Is the
guest of his brother. Attorney F. S.
Capell, of Glen avenue.
Mr. E. H. Jocobl has returned from a
two weeks' vacation trip to Belle Fourche
and Rapid City, S. D.
Miss Prlscllla Bradford of Lake City,
Minn., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
R. Griffith of thla city.
Mrs. Robert Young and daughter, left
Wednesday for Liverpool, Eng., where they
will spend the summer.
Mr. George W. Gorman, who has been
vtfdtlng In Kansas City, Mo., has returned
to his home In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. William True of Sioux
City are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. T.
True, V2b Second avenue.
Miss Maud Latta, 606 South Twenty
fourth street, has as her guest Miss Peurl
Mullls of Plattsmouth, Neb.
Mre. J. E. F. McUee of Independence.
Kan., formerly of Council Bluffs, Is the
guest of Mrs. T. M. Metcalf.
Mrs. H. A. Searle and children and Mrs.
W. B. Cessna have gone to South Dakota,
where they will spend the summer.
Mrs. J. B. MeCorroll, who has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. W. I Hall, has
returned to her home in Ottumwa, Ia.v
Mrs. E. E. Hart will entertain at ft bridge
luncheon Wednesday morning, at 8:30
o'clock at her residence on Third street.
Miss Irma Hunt left last week for an
extended trip through the west, where she
will remain two or three months.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coppock, 810 Fifth
avenue, have returned home from thetr
trip to England and other European points.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett left
Wednesday for Brookvale, Colo., where
they will visit for a time on their ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hall and Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Oaks have left for Chewelah,
Wash., where they will make their home.
Mrs. Edward Reynolds and daughter.
Miss Vera Reynolds, 800 Avenue C, left for
a three months' visit to Denver, Tuesday
Miss Henrietta Sauer was hostess of a 1
o'clock course luncheon Monday afternoon.
In honor of Miss Dorothy Shepard of Kan
sas City.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Parker, 1114 W. Broad
way, have returned from a five weeks'
tour of the west and visiting along the
Pacific coast
Mrs George Shoemaker and daughter,
Miss Laura Shoemaker, left Thursday for
Boise City, Idaho, where they will visit for
a few weeks.
Mrs. Ogden of Chicago was the guest at
an Informal picnic Friday afternoon at
ljiUe Manawa by a number of her friends
from this city.
Mrs. Katherlne Sullivan. 321 Tenth
avenue, has gone to Fairmont, Neb. where
she will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
J. L. Gibbons.
Mrs. Robert Mullls has Issued Invitations
for 6 o'clock teas, to be given Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, at her home, 3n7
Ninth avenue.
Misses little and Netta Meggers and Miss
Enteila Jacobs of Avoca are the guests of
the Misses Martha and Magdalen Emlg, 841
Pcrrlng avenue.
Miss Mary O'Netl and Miss Kate
O'Rourke have gone to Denver and Colo
rado Springs, where they will spend a
month's vacation.
Dr. Bert Mehlhop of Dubuque, Ta., who
has been the guest of his brother, Mr. John
Mehlhop, Jr., during the last week, returned
to his home Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles T. Stewart and daughter
leave for New YorV Monday for three
months, where they will be the guests of
friends and relatives..
Mrs. Charles Brown of Seattle left Sat
urday evening for St. Paul, enroute to her
home, after a visit alth her mother, Mrs.
C. G. Brown, of this city.
Miss Pansle Morehouse and her sister,
Mrs. H. W. Webb and children, have gone
to Colorado Springs to visit their brother,
Dr. Harry L. Morehouse.
Mrs. C. H. Hopkins and daughter of
Minneapolis. Minn., are the guests of Mrs.
Hopkins' sister, Mrs. Hubbard, and brother,
Mr. Thomas Ellis of this city.
Judge O. W. Wright and family, who have
been visiting Mrs. A. G. Tlrton, 746 Wash
ington avenue, left Wednesday morning for
tl:elr home In Crelghton, Neb.
Mrs. W. H. Williams left Wednesday
evening for a month or six weeks' visit
with her nephews, Messrs. Charles and
Thomas Flood of Treynor, Ia.
Mr. W. E. Fltsgerald. who has been the
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. F.
Flixerald. lt South Sixth street, returned
to his home In Chicago last evening.
Mis Mary Wadsworth has returned
home from Barnard college, the women's
department of the Columbia university,
where she has been attending school.
Mr. E. Marcus has departed for an ex
tended eastern trip, during which he will
visit Chicago, Buffalo. New York. Phila
delphia and other points of Interest.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Husbands, who
have been the guest for several weeks of
Mrs. Husbands' mother, returned to tbelr
home In Salt Lake City, Tuesday noon.
Mr. W. C. Unthank left Monday for an
extended trip to Uie cast, visiting- New
313 j njwie xwee
for you.
But be sure it is pure, else harm will
with its healthfulness.
Beer aged insufficiently causes biliousness.
fg why all
cooling rooms.
Beer that's impure not cleanly, not filtered, not
properly sterilized should be avoided.
That is why we spend more to
Ask for the Brewery Botmng. insure absolute purity
Common beer is sometimes substituted for Sehlitz. y
To avoid being imposed uo?i, see that the cork or grown is branded tiian WC Spend
That Made Milway
York, Washington, the Jamestown exposi
tion and ninny other places of Interest.
Mrs. F. J. Thompson, 411 South First
street, leaves this afternoon for Chicago,
where she will visit for a short time, en
route to Michigan and the Great Lakes.
Mrs. C. S. Leffert entertained at an In
formal luncheon Friday at her home, f9
First avenue, In honor of Mrs. Fuller,
who la the guest of Mrs. D. W. Bunhnell.
Mrs. James Weslev and daughter, Miss
Rachel Wesley, left Saturday for Salt
Lake, where they will he tho guests of
reatlves, returning In about three weeks.
The Misses Gertrude, Edith and Helen
Green of High School avenue left Wednes
day for Denver and Colorado Springs, Col.,
where they will remain about two weeks.
Miss Belle Dewey of Omaha entertained
at luncheon Thursday noon at the Country
club, coh'ipllmentary to Mrs. Charles T.
Stewart, who leaves Monday for New York.
Mrs. M. A. Burner of Douglss, Wyo.,
who has been the guest of friends In this
city, has left for Dennlaon, la., whore she
will visit her daughter, Mrs. Albert Huls
ley. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Saunders have as their
guests Mrs. Jennie Fraver, sister of Sen
ator Saunders, and daughter, Miss Ella
Farver, and Mrs. Roscoe Saunders of Ma
nila, Ia.
Mrs. Kate Powes, formerly Miss Kate
Boxlsm, with her daughter. Miss Romona
Powes, and Miss Morris or Chicago, are
the guests of Mrs. George Boxlsm of South
Main street.
Mrs. Robert Mullls entertained at a suc
cession of bridge luncheons during the last
week at her home, tin Ninth avenue,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satur
day mornings.
Mrs. Annie McElrath of Randolph, Minn.,
who has been visiting her father, Rev.
Henry DeLong, has gone to Macedonia,
la., where she will spend a few weeks vis.
ltlng relatives.
Mrs. H. H. Pinney entertained Informally
Thursday after noon In honor or Mrs. J. ti.
V McGee, guest of Mrs. T. M. Metcalf.
Those present were Mrs. McGee, Mrs. Met
calf and Mrs. W. E. Connell.
A most enjoyable picnic party was held
Thursday evening at Fatrmount park, the
evening being spent with games and a pic
nic "spread. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Covalt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C.
Johnson, Miss Lou De Haven, Miss Watson,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hall, IS Stutsman
street, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Martin, Mrs. C E. Amos of Lima
O. ; Mrs. E. C. Amos and children of
Poteau, I. T., and Mrs. J. D. Huntslnger
of Ebson, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Tucker of Red Oak,
wiio have been the guests of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Lyn Balrd, departed Monday for
the Black Hills, where they will spend
a few weeks, from which place they will
go to Portland, Ore., for an extended
Mrs. W. J. Rlgton of this city was guest
at a prettily appointed luncheon and pit
party Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. W. H. Ogden of Omaha, In honor of
Miss Elliott and Mrs. Elliott. The rooms
were prettily decorated with wheat and
dasles, covers being laid for twelve.
Mrs. F. W. Dean entertained a number
of small guests Friday afternoon at her
home, 193 Turley avenue. In celebration
of her son, Master Abbott Dean's seventh
birthday. The afternoon was delightfully
spent at games at a dainty o'clock aup.
per was served in the dlntngroom. Covers
were laid for Miss Victoria Bender, Miss
Clara Hart. Miss Dorothy Woodbury, Miss
Jennett Sheppuid, Mr. James De Vol, Mr.
John Brenenian, Mr. Edward Fitch and
Mr. Abbott Dean.
Mrs. F. T. True, 2G Second avenue, en
tertained at a most delightful children's
lawn rsrty Monday afternoon for her niece,
Miss Marion True. The afternoon was de
lightfully spent at games. At a "Teddy
Bear" contest Miss Gladys Elliott received
the first prize. Miss Hsiel Gorham the
second iriie and Miss Helen Holts the
consolation prise. During t lie afternoon
Mr. E T. Fitch entertained the party at
a "slight-of-hand" performance, which af
forded great amusement to the children. A
dainty luncheon was served on the lawn
on little tables, the first course being
served In dainty llltlo baskets, which the
children received as souvenirs. Unique
raps were given as favors and worn during
the day. The guests were: The Misses
Bessie Annls. Dels May ft vera, Victoria
Bender, Clara Hart, Mildred Fleming.
Gladys Elliott, Fern Clark, Clara Gorham,
Marian Turner, Hssel Gorham. Ines
Lnomts. Isabelle Smith, Lucille McAtee,
Ruth Gorham, Madalene lve, Magdalen
Klngham, Helen Holts. Virginia Stubbs.
Helen McAn.ny, Carrie Whaley. Ruth
Kimball. Helen Walker, Angela Shusart
and Dorothy Baibacli and Clariaaa Brown of
ram Id)
As a food and
component in good beer is good
Schhtz beer is
Silver Coin Stops Bullet Started for a
Vital Part.
Frits Klein of Sioux City Gets Bail
Pending; Appeal from Decision
Extraditing- Him to
I Nebraska.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. July Zl.-(8pec!al Tele
gram.) A sliver dollar in the pocket of
Benjamin Marsh of 1215 Locust street Sat
urday evening saved him from being mur
dered by his son Frank, a boy aged 22. Be
cause of a reprimand at the supper table,
the boy went up stairs. The father went to
the stairs door to call him and the boy
fired as a response. But for the silver dol
lar, which it struck, the bullet would have
proven fatal. It Is believed the boy was
demented by Illness.
Storm Does Much Damage,
A terrific rainstorm broke over Des
Moines shortly after midnight last night
and thousands of dollars of damage was
done In this city, and many more to the
crops of the state. A total of 2 41 Inches
of rain fell between midnight and 9:30 this
morning, when the storm cleared. This was
not as great as the storm of a few days
ago, but the wind that accompanied it
caused It to do more damage, and It fell
In a shorter space of time.
The greatest damage seems to have been
done to the telephone companies In this
city.' The Mutual suffered the worst and
many of its 'phones were damaged. A num
ber of smttil fires were started by lightning
and a number of persons injured by light
ning, though no one was killed. This
morning, during the heaviest part of the
storm. It was necessary for the street car
company to shut down.
Because of the storm the river quickly
rose to a stage of 12 feet and the residents
In the southeast bottoms were again In
danger. It is believed that the heavy rain
here will raise the river at Ottumwa so
that still greater danger Is pending there.
The damage to the crops over the state,
which were In no condition for a rainstorm
of any kind, is very great.
Railroad Employee on Picnic
Over 5,000 employes of the Rock Island
will gather in Des Moines next Wednesday
for a monster picnic, to be held In Redhead
woods. Special trains are to be run over
the system, giving transportation free to
the employes and their families. The De
Moines and Valley Junction employes have
former two base ball teams and will con
tend for athletic honors.
Klein Geta Hall.
Fritx Klein, the Sioux City saloonkeeper
who Is wanted In Nebraska for rohblng the
bonk at Winnebago City, is to be released
on bond. Governor Cummins granted a
requisition for the removal of Klein to
Nebraska. Klein's attorneys stopped the
matter by applying for a writ of habeas
corpus and when this was refused they
appealed to the supreme court. Pending
the appeal to the supreme court Jndg
Mould of Sioux City refused to release
Klein on bond and Klein and his friends
were in fear that the authorities of Ne
braska, with the connivance of the au
thorities at Sioux City, would kidnap Klein
and take him across the river to Nebraska.
They asked the supreme court to order
Judge Mould to release Klein on bond, but
the supreme court refused. Then they ai
piled to the supreme court for an order
to release him on bond and Judge Bishop
granted the motion and fixed tbe bond at
a tonic. Every
aged for months
Phone Douglas 918
Sehlitz Brewing Co. of Neb.
79 So. oth St., Omaha
U 8
kee fa moos.
(4,000. As soon as Klein's friends file the
bond he will be released.
Would Govern Tuberculosis.
The State Board of Health before ad
journment voted to recommend that all
breeding cattlo in the state at once be
tested for tuberculosis, and that city
councils at once pass ordinances for the
Inspection of all herds from which milk is
sold In the city, with stringent regulations.
In this way the board hopes that tubercu
losis can be stamped out. The board elected
a state board of examiners of trained
nurses as follows: Dr. Powers of Waterloo,
Dr. Elker of Leon, Secretary Thomas,
Sister Mechtllda of Des Moines and Miss
Grace Baker of Cedar Rapids. Dr. Thomas
was re-elected secretary, Mies Mabel Con
Ion of Red Oak chief clerk. Miss Eleanor
Hutchinson of Grlnnell assliitant clerk and
Miss Gertrude Kennedy clerk In charge of
the vital statistics.
Fortune for Two.
Two Des Moines people have come Into
the possession of a fortune of I7TAO0O as
a result of the death in Wheeling, W. Va.,
of J. Q. Hoffman, a millionaire tanner.
The fortunate onei here are Mrs. A. H.
Mabls of 1168 Twenty-first street and Peter
Hoffman of 140? Eighth street, children
of the deceased.
Marne, Ia., la Aroused Over Peculiar
Departure of Sire. Fred Hill.
ATLANTIC. Ia.. July 21. tSpeclal.)-The
town of Marne Just west or here, ia excited
over what appears to have been a kidnap
ing or a very mysterious elopement of man
and wife after a separation of some weeks.
A daughter of O. Hill of that place was
married to Fred Hill some years ago, and
the two went to Nebraska to live. A child
was born to them, and they lived In happi
ness, until a fsw weeks after when. Mrs.
Hill, In looking over some old papers of
her husband, discovered that he had been
married be-fore she became his wife and
that the first wife was still living, though
a divorce had been secured. This legal
formality had not been taken until after
he had married Miss Graham and this
made the second Mrs. Hill angry. She at
once filed Information against him for
bigamy and came back to Marne to live
with her parents bringing her child with
her. As soon aa the husband could secure
bonds he followed her to Marne, arriving
there last Sunday. He spent the entire
day at the Graham place, In an apparent
fruitless attempt at reconcllllatlon. About
night, ha came to the house again in a
buggy, got his child beside htm and either
forced or Induced his wife to get In the
huggy with them, when they drove away
and have not been heard of since. A war
rant charging him with kidnaping has been
sworn out, as parties who saw them drive
away, declare that he forced his wife to
get In the buggy with him despite her
Cedar Falls Paper Brfana Auditor
Into tbe Race.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. July 21-The Ce
dar Falls Record in a leading editorial
makes a formal announcement of the
candidacy of Auditor of State B. F. Car
roll for governor of Iowa. Editor Jar
nagln says in part:
Mr. Carroll will make a popular can
didate. He la free from factional align
ment and partisan enmUy. His candidacy
would. In a great measure, restore party
harmony and Inspire party confidence He
would combine a patriotic, Intelligent
leadership with a thorough knowledge of
men and measures and lead the republican
hosts In a solid phalanx to sure and certain
victory. Mr. Carroll would make the state
a great governor, his thorough knowledge
of every department, because of his long
service on the executive council, would be
a great good to the public, and his ability
to grasp perplexing questions and to aulva
be mixed
That is
in our
on anything
else in our
Intricate problems would insure confidence
In his administration.
Rork Island Car Workers Stirred
Over Discharge of Man.
DAVENPORT, Ia., July a.-Three hun
dred car workers at the Rock Island shop
here and at Sllvls, 111., are on strike and
a vote hits been taken authorising a strike
of shopmen on the whole Rock Island sys
tem If a palnttr, discharged at Silvia soma
weeks ago, is not reinstated. The painter
was dismissed because he was reported
to have removed his overalls before the
whistle blew.
Fatal Accident at Clinton.
CLINTON, Ia., July 21. William Mo
Laughlln of Kunsas City was killed and
four others were Injured today when a
pile-driver. In constructing a bridge over
the Mississippi river, plunged from tit
false work luto the river.
Iowa News Notes.
BURLINGTON-Sitting on the edge of a
bed at the home of her parents. Miss
Carrie" Dobbleman this morning fired two
bullets Into her brain. Death was in
stantaneous. Miss Dobbleman was 4 yeara
of age and the daughter of a prosperous
butcher. Unfaithfulness of a lover is said
to have been the cause of the act.
ATLANTIC Deputy Fish and Game War
den Tom Shannon of thla place says that he
Is determined to enforce the fish and game
laws In his territory, and his actions re
cently Indicate he meant what he said. Yea.
terday he was at tlrlswold, where he prose
cuted four men for seining In the Botna
river. Each man was fined $10 and costs.
STORM LAKE Jilted after she had
made the trip from Sweden to Poena Vista
county to marry Chris Snlenson, Carr
Ohbay has gone Insane and has been sent
to the asylum at Cherokee. Snlenson and
the girl were childhood sweethearts and
when the young man left the old country
he made the girl promise to come when she
could and marry him. She arrived iaat
If you have anything to trade advert lee
It In the For Exchange column of Th
Bee Want Ad pages.
Pointed Paragraphs.
The clock gets there hand over hand.
It's unwise to carry a far-fetched JoM
too far. .
you can't always judge a man a pay
the work he does.
It's advice when you give It and a lec
ture when you receive It.
A man doesn't have to wear good clothe
if he can afford not to.
A young widow has a peculiar war m
seeing a man without looking at him.
Put on your thinking cap when any aagj
offers you something for nothing.
If death loved only a shining mark very
few men would tiave cause to fenr It.
If a man doesn't marry his first love he'g
apt to regret tt-likewtee also If he does.
Even the man who makes nothing but
mistakes Is In the manufacturing business.
Many a man has been forced to ask for a
hand-out because he was unable to take
his hand In.
Rome men stand Just Inside the door
ready to grasp opportunity by the back of
the neck when It knocks. Chicago inbws.
Bilious Colic
Quick relief is afforded by
Cbaiuberlaiu'a Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Kerned.
It never falls and is ploasuut and safe
to tako.
Th attack may lie warded off by taking
a double, dote " f this remedy an su as
the first indication of the dlkeaae appears,
ror sale by drugglui every wUuro.
tr" ,1 f ,, Ke aae nervous an
COOO lOr.ho find their power ta
N fxja c work and youthful vlgot
tone aa a result of over
work or mental exertion shoud take
tusks you eat and sleep end be a man again.
tl Seal I keaes U-U ky ataU.
McCOKirXI.1. DKUO 00
Cerae lath aad Dodge Bta.
, Ooi. 14 ta ul Karaejr m tiautka, aTea