Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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rchard & Wjlhelm
Still More Main Announced for the
Viiiting" Women.
Mnsleale and Table d'ltote Dinner
BrlnK Ont One of Lara-rat (Dnther
I ii II of Yeur l.lttle Do
Ina at ( uuntrr t'lalt.
The musical at the Field ciiib this even
ing promises to bring out one of the big
gatherings of the season. There will be
a special table d'hote dinner and the reser
vations are numerous. The program as an
nounced, follows:
Violin solo
(a) Art Maria Bchubert-WllhelmJ
(b) Aimondjak (Hungarian Hhapsody)
Miss Emily Clevsti.
Soprano solo The Return Cara Roma
MIbs Vera Allen.
Whistling solo Hextet from Lucia
Dr. Myrta Wells.
Imitations '
Mr. Warren. Workman.
Piano solo
(a) Oavotte V Albert
lb) March MlK"nne Poldlnl
Mr. Ktnnlslav Letovsky.
(Five Minutes' Intermission.)
Stories, Jokes, Imitations
Mr. Warren Workman.
Messosoprano solo Selected
Mlsa Ellsabuth Ilambling.
Mrs. George W Shields.
Soprano solo Oh, Lovely Night. ...Ronald
Miss Allen.
llano solo Stm-eato Ktudo Rubensteln
Mr. Letovsky.
Mrs. Harold Reynolds, accompanist.
Among the largest dinner parties planned
Is that to be given by Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Hunt for those taking part In the pro
cram. Mr. Will Coad and Mr. Mark Coad
will entertain a party of fourteen for Mrs.
Russell Smith of Kansas City. Others
entertaining parties are: Mr. and Mrs.
William Yetter. ten; Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Buchols, six; Mr. Roberts, six; Mr. Ed
Dmlth, six; Mr. Frank Boyd, four; Mr. II.
F. Preston, four; Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Uarrutt, four; Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. White.
I.anehron Parties.
Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay Is entertaining twi
litoces at her homo. Hlfchbrldge, lr Bens in,
ilia Misses Edith Snydur of Fairfield. la.,
nncl Ruth Evans of Chicago. Friday Mrs.
I. lndsey was hostess of a luncheon at tha
Country club, when her guests were Miss
Evans, Miss Snyder, Miss Alice Kennard,
Miss Margaret Guthrie and Miss Alice Car
tenter. Mrs. Edson Rich entertained At luncheon
Thursday for Mrs. Herbert D. Allee of
Detroit, guest of Mrs. Cl.irke Colt. The
I able was attractive with callyoptls and
the guests Included Mrs. Herbert D. Allee,
Mrs. Clarke Colt. Mrs. Charles Dundey,
Mrs. John W. Griffith and Mrs. Waller
Field Club Dappers.
Mr. Arthur T. Cooley gave a dinner at
the Field club Thursday evening, his guejts
being Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, Mr. and
Mrs. William Poppleton, Mrs. Lydta Mor
rison, Miss Congdon and Mr. Arthur Rogers.
Others having guests at dinner Thursday
evening were Mr, McMahon, four; Arthur
Mets, four; R. E. Rogers, six; Frank Bar
rett, four.
Mrs. George D. Trout was hostess at a
luncheon Thursday for Mrs. Homer Miller
f Mtnonk, 111. The guests Included Mrs.
Mnier. Mrs. C. W. Ogle, Mrs. A. W. Allen,
und Mrs. Euclid Martin. The table was at
tractive with a decoration of galllollas.
Ths Original Bridge club met with Mrs.
Camuol Burns. Jr., Friday afternoon.
Afternoon Bridge.
Mrs. Louis Charles Nash was hostess
Thursday at a bridge party for her guest,
Mrs. Pryor Markel, Miss Wakefield mak
ing the high score and Miss Markel the
recond. Those present were: Mrs. Mar
):cl, Mrs. Edwin T. Swohe, Mrs. Allen
Robinson, Mrs. Frank Smith of Evanston,
111.; -Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Mrs. W. J.
Foye, Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr., Mrs. John
L. Kennedy, Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Mrs.
fc'amuel Caldwell, Mrs. Harry Wllklns, Mrs.
Fred Nash, Miss Jeanne Wakefield, Miss
Ella Mae Brown. Miss Bess Brady, Miss
Mildred Lomax, Miss Claire Helens Wood
ord, Miss Mary Lee McShane, Miss Hor
tense Clurke and Miss Carlta Curtis.
For Mrs. Hnsscll Smith.
Mrs. Russell Smith, guest of Miss Coad,
Is one of the popular visiting women. Mrs.
Smith leaves Saturday evening for her
home In Kansas City, and until then her
calendar Is well Allied with Informal af
fairs planned In her honor. Thursday Mrs.
II. P. Jensen gave a luncheon of six cov
ers, which was followed by an automobile
ride, the party later stopping at Mrs. J.
C. Ktnsler's for an Informal tea, Friday
ch was the guest of Miss Thomas at the
Country club for luncheon, the party In
cluding Mrs. Smith, Mlsss Coad, Mrs.
Mark Coad, Mrs. II. P. Jensen and Miss
Th6mas. Friday evening Mr. Will and Mr.
Mark Coad give a dinner at the Field club,
und Saturday Miss Anna Coad a picnic at
Lake Manawa.
Happy Hollow Opening.
The formal opening Saturday of the
ITappy Hollow club will be one of the large
cuts of the season. About 310 persons
v 111 take dinner at the club. Those giving
3 oners are: Edwin Updike, five; J. E.
O ore, eight; I. A. Medlar, three; Erastus
Young, five; John Jo Ross, live; E. D.
Van Court, six; L. T. Sunderland, four; 8.
8. Curtis, five; J. J. Derlght. four; A. J.
Cooley, four; A. T Austin, three; W. E.
Shafer. three; O. W. Sumner, four; H. K.
Iturket, five; W. F. Milroy, four; 8. A.
Dearie, six; Robert Dempster, three; C. D.
McLaughlin, four; Euclid Martin, three;
Thomas A. Crclgh. four; F. H. Chlckerlng,
four; W. L. Seliiy. three; E. A. Benson,
four; W. L. Wright, four; R. R. Evans,
three; D. V. Miller, four; A. O. Edwards.
As a rule it is a safe practice
not to put into the stomach any
thing tnat is not nourishing and
easy of digestion.
is easily converted by the diges
tive organs and supplies the nu
tritive wants of all parts of the
to cents a package.
four; J. H. Parrotte. five; H. E. Mllllken,
four; T. C. Havens, four; Alfred Darlow,
three; J. R. Webster, four; Rome Miller,
four; L. L. E. Stewart, three; T. C. Calla
han, three; O. H. Payne, four; C. N.
Gates, four; H. O. Meyer, three; H.
S. Byrne, four; Charles Marsh, four;
R. C. Peters, four; T. J. E. Fonda, four;
A. W. Nason. four; W. C. Bullard, eight;
T. H. Matters, five; J. C Chadwlck, four;
H. C. Freeman, four; M. Shirley, three;
E. W. Gunther, five; Joseph Hayden, five;
A. C. Koenlg, three; C. C. George, eight;
Charles E. Johannes, ten; T. J. Hughes,
two; E. A. Nordstrom, two; H. R. Leavitt,
two; John O. Yelser, two; C. 8. Hayward.
two; W. L. Curtis, two; Arthur Crossman,
two; A. O. Fcterson, two; C. E. Herring,
two; C. O. Talmage, two; B. N. Robertson,
two; F. W. Carmlchael, two; T. J. Nolan,
two; M. F. Funkhauser, two; A. A. Mc
Clure, two; T. W. Austen, two; G. W. Mar
shall, two; Samuel Rces, two; Andrew
B. Sommers, two; II. M. Rogers, two; W.
J. Bradbury, two; Dr. Palmer Flndley,
two; Harry E. Burnam, two; D. E. Mc
Culley, two; Dr. W. O. Henry, two; L. M.
Talmage, two; J. A. Sunderland, two; A.
H. Hippie, two; H. D. Reed, two; R. A.
Flnley, two; C. L. Alleman, two; W. J.
Creedon, two; W. A. Saunders, two; H. H.
Neale, two; T. Slbbernsen, two; F. D.
Wead, two; M. D. Cameron, two; J. M.
McKItrlck, two; T. E. Stevens, one; H. C.
Brown, two; J. F. Flack, two; C. O. Trim
ble, two; Dr. E. C. Henry, two; E. V. Hea
ford, two; Howard Kennedy, two.
Mr. Lynn M. Young and Miss Gertrude
White were married at the bride's home,
3332 Parker street, Wednesday evening by
tho Rev. Curry of Calvary Baptist church.
The bride was attended by her sister. Miss
Leonora White, and Mr. Charles Reynolds
was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Young have
gone to Denver for a two weeks' trip.
Mrs. C. N. Dfets gave a family party
Thursday evening In honor of Mr. Dletx's
Personal Gossip.
Miss Hazel Ralph has returned from a
visit to Iowa, where she spent several
Mrs. George W. Johnston has gone to
Chicago, where she will be met next week
by Mr. Johnston, and they will then pro
coed with a party of friends from Chicago
to Buffalo by boat, and from there they
will go to some Canadian points and spend
the month of August.
Miss Nell Carey entertained her wedding
party at dinner Friday evening.
Mrs. Gorton Roth and children have gone
for a visit to Extra, la., where Mrs. Roth
formerly lived.
Misses Marie and Ethelwynne Hodge re
turn from a two weeks' visit In Chicago1 on
Saturday morning. They will be accompa
nied by Miss Isabel Ross, who will be
their guest for a short time before leav
ing for a month's vacation In the moun
tains of Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clarke sailed Thurs
day from New York for Germany for the
Mrs. C. M. Power, Miss Florence Power
and Miss Margaret McPherson have gone
for a three weeks' outing at Lake Okobojl.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton and family
left Thursday for a trip to Europe. They
will probably remain abroad a year, liv
ing most of the time In France and Italy.
Mrs. II. L. Jones and daughter have gone
to Salt Lake City to spend a month or
six weeks. Mr. Jones will Join them some
time In August.
Roles Hesrardlna; When and Where
Net; to Bon or Raise
the Hat.
There are distinct rules tn regard to the
etiquette, of bowing rules ns to when to
bow and when not to bow, and also as to
the manner of bowing. One of the first
rules is that a man must wait for a woman
to recognize him, although between friends
the act of bowing Is almost simultaneous.
When returning a bow a man takes off his
hat and replaces It quickly. When meet
ing or leaving a woman, or when he passes
her on a stairway or in the corridor of a
theater, or when he offers any small cour
tesy In a public conveyance, he raises his
hat. He removes his hat In a hotel eleva
tor when a woman enters. In the elevators
of large business buildings this rule does
not seem to hold.
A man raises his hat when passing a
friend who Is accompanying a woman, al
though she may not be known to him.
When he Is with a woman who bows to an
acquaintance he must raise his hat. When
bowing It Is not customary to mention
the name of the person one Is recognising.
When passing formal acquaintances sev
eral times when driving It is not necessary
to bow more than once.
When a woman receives some trifling
civility from a man who she does not
know she thanks him with a bow and
smile at the moment, and he raises his
hat in acknowledgement; but If she meets
him subsequently and he never has been
introduced It would be Incorrect of her to
bow to him. Knowing a person by sight
does not constitute an acquaintance and
does not give any one the right to bow.
Bows may be described as friendly or cor
dial, ceremonious or deferential, distant or
reluctant, according to the manner tn which
we wish to greet acquaintances, but a
bow must be polite always. No doubt there
are some persons who seem to bow coldly
when they have no Intention of doing so.
Near-sighted persons must have allowances
made for them on this score. Others
may be absent minded, diffident, or awk
ward; but when we meet a friend who
bows cordially, graciously and gracefully,
tie? action shows us that there la an art
In bowing, and It is well worth while to
practice It.
Cream Puffs.
One cup boiling water, one-half cup but
ter, boll water and butter together. While
boiling, stir In rapidly one cup of dry flour,
until all Ingredients are of a smooth paste.
Take from the stove and when lukewarm
stir into tiie mixture, one at a time, three
eggs, not beaten. Stir all this together until
a smooth paste la formed. Tuke at least
ten minutes to mix properly. Butter a
large pan. heated hot, drop In tablespoon
fuls, leaving room between each one. Bake
twenty-live or thirty minutes In a hot oven
as rapidly as possible without burning.
Avoid opening ths oven door. When cool
make a silt In the sides, with a pair of
scissors, and fill with nicely flavored cust
ard or whipped cream. i
Old Embroidery Hevlved.
A revival of the old-fnshloned cross-stitch
embroidery has begun, and lovely decor
ative effects may be evolved by. any one
with the artistic sense. A graceful design
Is the first requisite, and material not too
stiff for the background. With on or two
soft colored cottons, wools or silks. It is
no grsat plcs of work to turn out a charm
l&C curtain, UfcU so'tr, aidabowa acart.
or other bit of household linen. An ef
fective combination Is In dull green with
pale blue flower motives, but everything
depends upon the blended shade and the
simple lines of the pattern. Any child can
do the stitches; and apart, from rather
careful counting to balance the comer and
motifs, cross stitch Is among the easiest
kinds of embroidery. A recent exhibition
In Boston surprised people by the anthjulty
and beauty of samples of this artistic
Ilranty of (inrnirnt Cnnnot Compen
sate for llnlk at the
The chemise Is not so popular as It was a
few seasons ago because Its extra fullness
Is at variance with the prevailing desire for
smooth and clinging lines. It Is, however,
too pretty and becoming a garment to be
given up altogether, and many women not
given to extremes, still wear the chemise.
The French models are so cut with a
seam down the middle of the back that
they really have little extra fullness save In
front and the material used Is so sheer and
soft that even the extra fulness i h.rji.
perceptible under a gown or blouse. The
separate corset cover Is usually softly
fulled into a line of beading at the waist
line. and below that there Is merely a flat,
ntteci. skirt of a few Inches in deDth.
Drawers are fitted amoothtv arming th.
hips by darts and must by no means be
uncnea up on drawstrings. The same
rule applies to nettlcnata.
Ready made garments urn maa hhii,
these strings and fullness In order that thev
may adapt themselves tn mnnv e.,ira.
but the garments should be carefully fitted
and all waistband fullness eliminated after
they are bought. Drawers are very wide
and full, but must be so soft timt thtm
width and fullness will not be clumsy under
a petticoat and frock.
Garter drawers, made so short that the
suspender garters attached to the corset
may be worn over the drawers and at
tached to the hose tops when the corset Is
worn outside the drawers are much liked.
Wearing the' drawers beneath the corset
does away with the slight superfluous ful
nesss outside the corset at the waist and
hips, and Incidentally the garters are more
comfortable outside the drawers than when
worn next to the skin.
Bhlrt waist ruffles which are offered In
very nne and dainty forms as well as In
coarse lawn and lace are the best
bust padding for hot weather, and shield
covers of lingerie stuff and lace are now
made for use In thin summer frocks.
Separate corset covers desUned as bust
sunnorters for women who need aneh unre
port ore made of rather firm and stout
lawn or fingnsn nainsook, nt closely and
SmnOthlV In front with thA annma Intnori
by reining, and have long, tapering ends
wnicn cross in tne dbck ana come dbck
to the waistline In front. These hold the
bust firmly, yet are not uncomfortable
and when prettily trimmed are not un
attractive corset covers.
English Writer Deprecates Institu
tion so General with Ameri
can Women.
According to an English writer, a woman,
the luncheon so popular with the American
woman has not taken well across the
water. She has this to soy of it:
"To the mere man the spectacle of
twenty beauties, peacocking in their best
frills without a single specimen of the
other sex, and pretending to enjoy a long
and costly meal, Is simply amazing. I am
far from denying that a woman's party
can be one of the most sociable and divert
ing of festivities, but It all depends on the
women. Unfortunately, the kind of hostess j
who has to fall buck on the 'ladies' lunch'
as an entertainment has not generally the
art to draw around her the Intellect and
wit of the day. At these women's parties
the conversation Is apt to turn on chliTons,
small scandal without any sauce and
even, low be It spoken, the Iniquities of
maids and chauffeurs. The whole thing
Is too often simply a procession of un
necessary dishes, accompanied by a dress
parade, where the banking book scores and
personal charm Is at a discount. The
ladies' lunch, In short, is an innovation
which should be sternly discountenanced.
It serves no purpose, and Is a waste of
time, nerves and money."
How to Wear the Ant Veil.
The best kind of a veil to wear with the
sailor hat is a large square chiffon one,
which can be bought ready made, but Is
really much less expensive when you make
It yourself. Buy as much 'chiffon as it
(the chiffon) Is wide; say It Is a yard wide,
buy a yaid, thus making a, square, then
featherstitch the ends, and you have a very
smart veil at small cost.
Put la right over the hat. take the two
ends that hang down in front and tie them
around the back of the neck; then take
j the two back ends and bring them around,
tying them In front under the chin. ThU,
besides Keeping tne nat securely, looks neat
and trim.
There Is nothing easier than to make a
regular automobile veil. Buy about a yard
and a quarter of veiling, hem it at one end,
through this run half a yard of hat wire,
j then shape It round and Join the ends and
you have the automobile veil for just about
half the prlre they charge when you buy
i them ready made. A girl who Is not yet
out should not wear face veils with dots,
but Just the simple mesh, which keeps ths
hair from blowing and is most becoming.
Brown Is the fashion now and looks a
ftrsat deaU tool ouiLfui tLaa bUck. It Is
hard to put a veil over the large hats that
are being worn today, but a good way of
doing Is to Join the center of the veil to
the outer of the hat In front, then take
two Invlslbln hairpins and pin the sides of
the veil to the hair low down behind the
ears, then gather the ends that are left
and pin In a knot at the back of tho hat.
This prevents pulling the veil In at the side,
which Is always so ugly. A yard and u
quarter Is plenty for the largest hat Is you
put your veil on this way.
Mnnaavlnn; llnby at Mulil.
Teach the bnliy to sleep tit nl.fht. The
c! lid's habits will be in n great part what
tho mother or pcrs in in ehargj makes thrill.
For the first three months the Infant
should sleep eighteen to twenty hours out
of twenty-four. Have a crib, and do not
take him to bed with one or two others,
where he cannot breathe air that has not
been deprived of Its oxygen.
If the In. ant sleeps alone he will sleep
cool, grov, rapidly, his food digests better,
and therb will be little danger of tubercu
losis. If tie child Is restless at night, im
proper food may very likely be the cause
of It. Again, It may be his clothing. One
of the best methods of managing the baby
at night Is to make a large bag with a
drawstring at the top. Undress the little
fellow, slip hmi Into the bag and draw the
string comfortably about his neck, leaving
no ends to dangle In his face. Use light
weight of gingham In the summer; In win
ter a heavy outing cloth.
Dressing the eck.
Now that collars- are being universally
worn, H gives a chance to use the old
lawn ties that have worn out In the middle,
leaving only the ends good. It they are not
too worn cut them long enough to go
around the neck, under tho collar, and
make a bow In front, Joining the ends you
have cut with a French seam. If the mid
dle of the tie Is entirely gone Just cut the
two ends. Join them, and make a button
hole In the center, on which you attach
them to tho collar button. These collars
are always pretty, and with a tulle bow In
stead of a linen one are particularly dressy.
The girl who has a brother who has out
grown Eton collars Is extremely lucky, as
there 1s nothing nicer for tennis of golf
than a linen waist with one of these collars
finished off with a colored bow of somo
Frnlt Juices.
When putting up small fruits always bot
tle some of the abundant Juice, particularly
If the fruit In question happens to be b:r
rles. It should he tightly corked and se
curely sealed, and placed In a cool cellar.
This Juice, diluted with cold or hot water,
forms a very pleasant and palatable bev
erage for Invalids. It was a sort of a
pudding sauce, however, that It developod
a surprising feature. Dividing some left
over cake portions, place it In a dish, piur
Into the dish a quantity of berry Juice,
covere It to prevent drying and place It
in the oven. The Juice Is drawn up Into
the cake, coloring it a deep pink and
faintly tinging the whipped cream covering
the top. If cream Is not abundant, the
beaten whites of two eggs will answer the
same purpose.
plced IllHckberrte.
Mix together In a preserving kettle four
quarts of large, ripe blackberries and two i
pounds ot brown sugar, adding one-half
pint of Tarragon vinegar and a muslin bag
containing one-half ounce of each of the
following spices (all of the whole varelty):
Cloves, stick cinnamon and allsplre. P!nc
the kettle over a slow Are, heating grad
ually and cook exactly three minutes after
It begins to bubble. Remove tho herrlits
with a skimmer, laying them on a sieve to
drain, and pour the syrup which runs from
them back Into tho kettle. Boll this until
very rich and thick. Arrange the berries
In a wide-mouthed stone crock and pour
over the boiling hot syrup, being sure that
It entlrMy covers the fruit. Cover well and
keep in a cool place.
Folding; Men's Conts.
A useful thing for wives to know when
they are packing up for the summer holl- I
dny Is how to fold a man's coat. There
Is a knack In It, that It will aid domestic
happiness for her to master. Lay the cctt
out perfectly flat, right side up. Spread
the sleeves out smothly, then fold them
hack to the elbow until the bottom of the
cuffs are even with tho collar. Fold the
revers back, and double the coat over, fold
ing It on the center seam. Smooth out
all wrinkles and lay it on a level surface
In tho trunk.
Dealers Warn Housewives that the
Klbertas Are Not Going to
Lust Forever.
Housewives who consider the quality as
well as the price of the fruit they preserve
will do well to look Into the peach
situation at once. Arkansas has begun
shipping Elberta peaches, and according to
the commission men these are the cheapest
of the choice peaches that will be shipped
to the Omaha murket this summer. They
are free stone peaches and the supply will
last only ten days longer. They are sell
ing from $1 to 11.10 a crate, of four baskets
each and each baskets holds about twenty
peaches. Of course Colorado, Utah and
California will ship here as usual, but the
commission men say that the supply from
those sources will sell for from $1 GO to 11.75
a crate.
Cherries are about gone. The home crop
Is nearly exhausted and a few cases only
of the later ones may bo expected after
this week. They sold at 15 cents a basket
Friday morning, but the baskets were not
full and the fruit was not choice. Rasp
berries need not be expected much longer.
They are scarce and high and It will be
well for purchasers to look at the bottom
of the boxes. The red berries sold for t)
cents a pint Friday morning and the black
raspberries for 16 and 20 cents a quart.
Black berries are not plentiful and sell for
IS and 2o cents a box.
The first of the blue berries came In this
week and sell for 20 cents a quart box.
The boxes are not full by the way and the
berries not as nice as they will be later.
Watermelons are more plentiful and de
cidedly cheaper, selling from 35 to 80 cents
for the best.
After having been scarce for a week
tomatoes are In market again and are
very nice. They sell from SO to 40 cents
a basket.
Nothing but the home grown cauliflower
Is to be had now and this Is scarce and
not as nice just now as It has been. It
sells for 15 cents a pound. Sweet corn Is
35 rents a dozen ears, but the ears are
small and not very full.
Eggs range from 15 to 20 rents a dosen
and butter from 20 to 25 cents for the best
table grades. Spring chicken Is S cents a
pound and, Utr tUicksu 16 MUla.
uf select white
Med or golden finish, round
iop, iz mines, sneir in.,
stands 18 Inches high. Reg
ular selling price 90c. Sat
urday only, each 50a
(like cutl
16.00 Ingrain Carpets, 6x11, reduced to $4.25
16.15 Ingrain Carpets, 9x9, reduced to $.1.00
$8.25 Ingrain Carpets, 9x11, reduced to $6.05
$8.50 Ingrain Carpets, 9x10-6, reduced to $0.20
I.M.KA1X 8AMPI.KS 1.000 of them: all colors and tmtterna flnnda ih.l
are one jard square and on sale
Substantially made of hard wood, back and base fin
ished red, the Beat natural hickory finish. This Is a
hiph grade folding settee. Price, 4 ft., $1.60; 5 ft.,
si.ib; (i It
Mrs. Providem Uses One to Get Her
Sunday Dinner.
Apparatus Prepared of Hot and Waal j
Paper Brings Comfort und Well j
Cooked Food in Hot
Weather. j
"I am going to cook a Sunday dinner
entirely In the flreless cooker," said Mrs.
Provlduin, as Bhe filled her basket. "Tho !
whole family have united In the mnnuloc- j
ture and use of a flreless cooker; the boys
have built It; the girls and I have expert- i
inented, and tomorrow we shall have a full I
demonstration of our joint efforts In a
Sunday dinner which will requiro but an
hour to prepare und no time to writch. Wc
are all going to church and coming home
to .find everything ready to take out and
put on the table.
"We did not wish to purchase one of tho
fine ones on the market until assured o(
their pmutibillty, so the boys, who hnve
been tuklng manual training, made a box
of wood that could be nicely finished; it
was about three feet long by twenty Inches
wide, and perhaps two feet high, with a
light-filling cover; was stained and finished
in weathered oak and when placed In the
cooking laboratory had the appearance of
a nice seat and chest combined. Then they
tacked blue dcnlm round the edges at tho
bottom, Inside and up the corners and stuf
fed this pocket full with finely shredded
paper which they got at some Job printing
olllce, making the cushioned sides about
four Inches thick, well stuffed In the cor
ners, then tacked at the top. The shredded
paier was also put In the bottom about six
Inches thick and a strap of tho dentin laid
smoothly over It and tucked In under the
fclde cushions. In the meantime the girls
had been making some pillows of the denim,
three two feet wide by a foot long, and two
a foot wide by two feet long, which were
filled with the shredded paper. I had been
selecting three granite kettles with tight
lids, a mould or two with tight covers, inne
brown bread moulds, and several granite
pans with covers that- would fit Inside the
kettles. Then we were equipped for experi
ments. "Now, I am going to have a rolled roast
of beef, some potatoes, a bunch of roinnlne.
some of those golden string beans, some
eggs and a pound of Kngllsh walunts.
"Our menu will be this:
Roast Ue-f. Steamed t'otatoes.
Uoldcn Benns wllh Cream Hauce.
Itnmfllne and Nut Palad.
Caramel Custard. Sponge Cake. Coffee.
Take Ont the It lbs.
"I do not generally have the ribs removed
and a roast rolled, but In the flreless
cooker I And It tho best way. Tomorrow
morning after breakfast I shall heat a
small dripping pan very hot and put the
roast In It. turning and searing It on
every side; then I shall put It In the oven
for a few minutes to sear and give a
little more of the roasted fluvor, although
that Is not absolutely necessary If ono
does not wish to heat up the oven. Then
I shall set It in a granite bowl that will
be of a slxe that the roost will
not g0
nulte to the bottom, set the bowl In a
kettle and pour boiling water around the
bowl In the kettle almost to the top. Be
fore putting tho roast In the bowl I will
salt and pepper It and sprinkle on each
side a teaspoon of flour. Then I will set
the kettle over the fire and after tho
water begins to boll shall let It boll,
loosely covered, about fifteen minutes to
a four-pound roast. I will then wrap a
newspaper around, the kettle and quickly
set It In the cooker, put a pillow at tho
side of It and one on top. put the cover
clown and my roast will go on cooking
until done. While I am doing this Mar
gery will be scraping the potatoes and
stringing the beans, the latter will have
enough boiling water poured over to rover,
let stand a moment, this water poured off
and covered again with freshly boiling
water, salted slightly. These are put In
a granite basin that will set In a kettle In
whkh boiling water Is poured to coma half
way up the Inside basin. On top of the
basin a perforated cover Is placed and the
potatoes are put on that; the whole Is set
over the fire and brought to the boiling
point and belled ten minutes, then the
kettle wrapped In a new paper and rut In
the cooker beside the meat kettle, but
being careful not to displace the pillows
that were around the meat kettle and get
ting the second dish In as quickly as pos
sible. In the meantime Mildred will be
rpariu a carsausl custard. wtUca will
r J
y 1 ii' -
Pillow Covers Made from imported silk embroidered India goods,
with back and front ready for pillow, regular $1.50 to $1.95; special
Saturday only, each 05c
owiss murrains zyz yards long, w
wide, hemstitched ruffle, four pat- 7J
terns; new, tresh and washable; regular
$1.25 curtains; special Saturday, pair.. 95c
Ingrain Carpets
Short lengths of the best all wool Ingrain,
made up Into room size carpets aod originally
priced at a very low figure. These are now still
further reduced for Saturday' selling. A glance
at the sizes and prices will show rou that they
unusual bargains:
Saturday In the basement, each
5 and 6 ft. lengths.
. $2.00
of cabinets. Price
Couch (Like cut), 31 inches wide, 0 feet 8 inches lonsr,
high grade spring construction, covered in excellent
quality imitation leather, special, each P13.73
The Grocers, nutchers and
Purity Flour, warranted, per sack,
at $1.25
Soda Crackers, per lb 5
Ginger Snaps, per lb 5
Gelatine, per pkg 5
3 lb. can Baked Jieana on sale 5
HID Koast, rolled, per lb. . . . lOc
Shoulder Koast, per lb. from 7c
t0 5
Sirloin Steak, per lb ll
Fresh Bread, per loaf 3
Pies,-10c size, all kinds, each
The Lango
24th and Cuming St.
be put beside the vegetable kettle la the
What Itenlly Happened.
Sirs. Provldem's Monday report:
"Caramel Custard Slie put a cup of sugar
In a frying pan, set It over the fire and
stirred with the tip of a spoon until It was
almost melted, then lifted it from the tire
and continued stirring until It was quite
melted. She then set It back on the Are
and poured slowly Into It four cups of milk,
stirring, and let It cook slowly until the
caramel was all dissolved. She then beat
four eggs until light, poured the mixture
slowly over them, added a rounding table
spoon of sugar and h..'f a table or teaspoon
of vanilla; put this mixture In the upper
part of a double boiler, set it over boiling
water in the lower part, let it come again
to a boiling condition, covered It closely,
and when we put the vegetables In it was
ready to be set in beside them. Kneh
boiling kettle was closely surrounded with
pillows that came to the top of the box
and were pressed cosely down on the ket
tles when the cover was closed. Not more
than two minutes were spent In putting
each kettle In the cooker, and they were
all rapidly boiling when put In.
"Then we all washed and picked over the
romalne," said Mrs. Providem, "put it
in a doubled piece of cheese cloth,
set It on a plate on the Ice, cracked
and picked over the nuts, put four tablet
spoons of olive oil and one or two of lemon
Juice In a wide-mouthed brittle, with a bit
of pepper and some salt, and set It In the
refrigerator to be made when ready to
serve Into a French dressing by a little
vigorous shaking.
Cooked While nt Chnreh.
"Then we went to church, and after com
ing home and resting a while, we all went
out Into the laboratory, opened up the
cooker and took out the three kettles. I
took the meat out of the bowl, set It on a
hot platter where It would keep warm, set
the granite bowl over the fire and added
a tablespoon of flour, wet up with cold
water and cooked until thickened, as we
are all old fashioned enough to like a
cooked gTavy. This was put In the gravy
boat and the meat dish was ready to
serve. Marnery took possession of the
I vegetable kettle and. taking out the pota
toes, scattered a little salt over them In
a hot dish and set them In the hot oven a
moment, while she poured off the water
from the beans, poured over them a little
hot cream, let them stand over hot water
a few minutes, added a tablespoon of but
ter, salt and pepper, and they were ready
for the table. Mildred took her caramel
custard and set It on the Ice to get cold
enough to serve, and then put the romalne
on chilled plates, poured over them a little
of the French dressing well shaken, mixed
It with a fork, sprinkled over some of the
nuts, added a little more of the French
desslng, and her salad was ready for the
"Our salads were always placed on the
table on Sunday that all work possible
might be saved, but the plates were re
moved, and It was eaten as a second course,
with a t risen It finger sprinkled with cheese
and toasted.
"When ready for the custard It was
deftly slipped from the dlsb It was cooked
In and to a dainty glass dish, set on the
table with the pretty yellow sponge cakes,
the coffee was brought In and the Sunday
dinner happily finished, with social chat
and congratulations that our cooker was
a great sui-cess."
Te Prevent Shoes froaa Cracking
use Quick Shins Shos Polish. It oils,
polishes and gives a patent Usthar finish
aod la waUr-prot, Ask your staler for IV
i li hi iihl
If III:. It
Will rOCXTBT (like cut), mads
of solid oak, also mahogany finish,
12 inches deep, IT inches wide
sell regularly at llo. Special
Saturday, each 370
$8.86 Ingrain Carpets, 9x11-6. reduced to $6.88
$11.50 Ingrain Carpets, till, reduced to $9.00
$13.00 Ingrain Carpets, lixl3. reduced to ....$10.80
$18.00 Ingrain Carpets. 12x14, reduced to.,.. $11.00
KITCHKX CABINETS The Hoosier Is the best cab
inet In construction and finish, the best In convenient
appointments. It Is a sanitary kitchen cabinet, con
tains features that are not found In any other make
up from 821.00
Bakers the Low Price Makers
10c bottle Lemon Extract. .. .5
Fancy oil Sardines, per can. .
10c bottle Pickles on sale at. . 5
New Potatoes, per peck .... Si
Hegular 40c Melons on sale 2r
New Beets, per bunch....... 1
Fresh Iamb legs, per lb ll
Fresh Leaf Lard, per lb
Nice medium Picnic Hams, per' 90
ice lean Hacon, per id . . . 14 a f
Fancy 2-layer cake?, each.. lf
Fancy 3-layer Cakes, each.. 21c1
Grocery Co.
Tot. Doug. 13 lQ
TV 1
Ice CreaLin
tSiM.W . ;."S3i You will never
i ' ' iTl'-l 1 ' know how dr.-
iitllMMjliH I'Khtfuland de-
yT . "J Uclous Hi
! Cream reall
can be made
until you hava
tried Balduffs
ae. i-AffL--aaiiri Uttlo barrels of
x.tx'W. rittr- -' 9 Pure J'rsey los
vate dairy station every morning.
Pure fruit flavors. Three flavors In
each barrel.
(jtiart size Sufficient for sis or
eight persons 40o
Pint slse Sufficient for three or
four persons BOo
either In the plain or brick form to
boarding houses, schools, picnic par
ties, lodges, churches, charitable In
stitutions, etc,
1518-20 Farnara. Phone Dong. 711
Licenses Will Re Exacted by City
from Clali -slants and Ps
tune Tellers.
Fortune tellers and clairvoyants, it Is
thought, may decide Omaha Is an "unfair"
town. The city authorities who are vested
with the duty of collecting licenses are In
cluding these persons In their crusade.
They have notified all who advertise In
any manner that It Is oustomary for par
sons doing business In this city to pay
for ths privilege and they propose to en
force this regulation In the case of ths oc
cult scientist hereafter.
Thlrty-slx out of forty-eight wagon ped
dlers who took out city licenses last year
have taken out lloenses for ths current
year, although but about two weeks of
the year have expired. This proportion Is
unusually large and ths license Inspector
thinks receipts from this source wtll be
larger than last year. Bo far In July the
total collections of ths office have boen
somewhat in excess of (3.000.
To Cure
Dysentery, Cholera Morbus or Cholera
Infantum talcs
Blackberry Balsam
You better g-ct a bottlt today. You may
nd it tonight. It it a most reliable rem
edy for all loose conditions of the bowels.
Ail drug;iu sell it, Full sua botUe 1$
RAk,11?L W made from only
:ifcr,i4 the purest and
ryrMA-WJ sweetest cream,
SM fT:TJ7JilT &J fresh from
'ft'i'r'ii Balduffs prt-