1Y THE OMAHA DAILY BEF.t SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Offtea, IB et MlilOR MKJtTIOS. tavin, drugs. Stockert sells carpets. Pumps, J. Zoller Mt, Co. Kd Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Fine engravings at Lefferf. Bee Schmidt elegant new photo. BI T BORWICK B Pl'RK PAINTS. FETLR8RN A 8CHOENINO SELL JIUG8 licwla Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 7. Woodrln- Undertaking- company. Tel. . Ftrture framing. C E. Aleaander, 331 Bwy. Oarden hns from "c per foot to 22Hc foot. Petersen A Behoenlna; Co. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO l-KFr'KRT ABOUT IT. BIDWEISER BOTTLKD BEER 18 SERVF.n ONLY AT FlRSr-CLAPS BARS AND CAFfc.8. L. ROSKNFELD CO.. AgtS. Oarden hose from "c per foot to tSMfi foot Petersen & echoenlns Co. Bluff City Masonic io1re will meet In special communication thtfc evening for work In the first degree. Vt. M. E. O'Keefe has resigned as In terne at Merry hospital and has beeh suc ceeded by Dr. L. T. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. FUcklnger and aon ar rived horns yesterday morning from an at tended trip to Pacific coast points. The rase against William Watton and Moll Hind, charged with beating their horses with shovels, waa dismissed for want of evidence. J. 8. Hughes of the Standard Manufac turing company haa been railed to Oska lnnaa by the denth of his father, which oc curred Wednesday. Tou get the lowest price, easiest terms and bet guarantee on your piano when you purrlinae of A. Hospe Co., 14 South Main street, Council Bluffs. The Podge Light guard, forming Com pany L, Fifty-fifth regiment. Iowa National guard, has received Us new equipment of uniforms, guns and other supplies. 8. A. MoClure flled an Information In the court of Justice Oreene yesterday charging Elliott JelTers, a neighbor, with damming up the Pettlbona dltcb In the vicinity of Avenue H. Judge Smith McPherson was In the city yesterday for a short time to enter soma orders In the McPherson bankruptcy case relative to the new bond required of Wil liam Arts of Carroll. Owing to delay In preparing the base, the dedication of the new fountain presented by the National Humane alliance, to be placed at Broadway and Fourth street, haa been tiostponed until some day next week. It had been proposed to have It tonight. Before getting your upholstering, mat tress making, repairing and reflnlshtng done get the prices of the Morgan 1'p holstarlng company, S31 Broadway, neat to Alexander's art store. Telephone for quick orders. Bell, 393; Independent, 270 red. Mrs. Thomas Maloney and two daugh ters. Mr. and Mrn. Charles Hammel and daughter, Mrs. Painter Knox, Miss Hattle Groneweg and Herman Oroneweg formed Jolly party which left yesterday for a solaurn of several weeks at -Jefferson lake, Minnesota. Several adjusters are In the city engaged In settling the loss on the Bluff City laun dry, which was seriously damaged bv Are Inst Saturday morning, following the blow ing of the safe by burglars. It Is ex pected that It will take two or three days before the adjustment Is completed. I. N. Fllcklnper. lured by the tales of Mg catches of bass, gathered his piscatorial Impedimenta together yesterday morning and hied himself toward Shell Lake, Minn., to Join Judge Wheeler of the district court, who, according to all accounts received here, Is rapidly decimating the finny tribe there. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to L. Q. Jones, aged 24. and Julia Stein, aged 23. both of Denver, Colo. They were married by Rev. Henry DeLong at his of fice In thi court house and were very anxious to keep the fart out of the news papers. It was the bride's second mar riage. I R. Bloedel. one of the ealoonmen at Cut-Off lake, charged with lifting the lid last Sunday, was fined $26 and coeta In roltee court yesterday morning. Larson, ha other saloon keeper charged with a similar offense, failed to put In an appear ance, but the police will see to It that he Is on hand this morning. At a Joint meeting yesterday afternoon of the officers of the Street Fair and Carni val comnany and the executive committee of the Commercial club, all arrangements for the good roads convention to be held during carnival week were left with tlje executive committee of the Commercial eluh and Congressman W. I Smith and Colonel W. F. Baker of the Board of Su pervisors. Closing Oat All Hot Weather Goods. Hammocks, lawn swings, croquet sets. Ice cream freeaers, lawn mowers, gasoline stoves, ovens, grass hooks, screen doors, poultry netting, etc. J. Zoller Mer. Co., lob, 102. 104 and 10( Broadway. Three 'phones; call $20. Petersen & Schoenlng sell matting. Full line of refrigerators. Petersen & Schoenlng. PICNIC PROVES TO BE A PLEASURE First Methodist Sunday School Has an Ideal Gotta. The annual picnic of the Sunday school and congregation of Broadway Methodist church In Falrmount park waa attended by over 300 members, young and old and a genuine old-fashioned outing was the result. The races and other sports proved th big feature of the outing, although the supper spread under the trees at the close was much enjoyed by all. The following ta the summary or sports ana winners or tne vari ous' events! Ple-eatlng- contest: Silver medal won by Robert Daniels, donated by Rev. O'May. Fifty-yard dash for girls under 15: Won by Grace Saunders; hatpin donated by John Bene company. Hundred-yard dash for boys: Silk necktie, donated by Joe Smith A Co., won by Early Ilsker. Fifty-yard dash for girls over I! Rug do nated by F. H. Orcutt A Son, won by Mrs. H. D. Howard. Potato race: Gold cuff buttons, donated by jacquemin o.. won ny Kdwln Perry. Kjte race for girls: Won by Addle Howe; bonbons, donated by M. L Alllshouse com pany. Sack rare for men and boys: Cutlery, do nated by Charles Swalne, won by Robert Dnnlels, Thre -legged rare for bovn' Soda checks, donated by Clark Drug company, won by brubert and Boyne. Orange hob for boys and girls: The or anges donated by the Sunday school. Won by several. Hundred-yard dash for church officials: Potted fem. donated by J. F. Wilcox, won by Dr. J. H. Gasaon. Fox and hounds, open to all: Two pounds of bonbons, donated by John O. Woodward, won by Cloy Countryman and Bertha Kis sel Children's race, ages 1 to (: Bead chain, donated by A. E. Hunter, and soda checks, donated by Brunson Drug company; won by Benjamin Johnson and Lueile Wortman. Measuring race for boys: Won by Robert Daniels; Jackknlfe, donated by Charles Swalne. Washlac Machlaa Specials. From $3.50 to $17.60. Ask to see the On Minute. Price, $10.00, delivered to your beuse or trial. J. 'Zoller Mar. Co., 100, 103. 104 and 106 Broadway. 'Phone $30. Lt oa make your glasses and take care of your eyes for on year without extra chars.. Dr. W. W. Magarrell, Optometrist, 10 Pearl street MIS8 MARGARETS) MORKHOUBB. teauhsr of piano and accompaniment M0 Frank street. Ind., 10M; Ball, K Clrv Scavengers. I doraM and cattle hau'ad trea of ahavg. IVJBrifS. mmitwm, mwwmi-w wm mn tWW but.; clean vaults and ceaspoola. AU work don Is guaranteed, f'.lla voniDtlf attaa4a4 aa. ltd. Phone IMS T Bell Red 1111 BUtLHLOCK. A (ilfiSO. ! ssSBMBMsawtw nam n i mi mui u smjiM.it 1 1 siwbt BLUFFS 8t. Tal. 4. BODY FOUND UNDER TREES Boyi Discover Dead Man and Report it to the Police. EVIDENTLY CASE OF SUICIDE Nothing; on His Person Which t.ivcs a Cine to His Identity evidently IIa4 Been Where Found (or Several Days. The body of an unidentified man waa dis covered yesterday afternoon under a tree near the bank Of the. Missouri river about fifty yards north of the street railway com pany's bridge in Council Bluffs. Everythlns Indicates the man committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid. One flask which still contained a small quantity of the acid was found on the ground beside the body and another bottle such as used by drug gists half full of the deadly poison was In a pocket of the coat. The man la believed to have been dead four or five days. The body was first noticed by Walter Short, 121 Palmer avenue, and Max Wheeler, 1701 Second avenue, two boys who were playing near the river bank. They were afraid to approach close to the body to ascertain whether the man was asleep or dead, but hastened back to town and re ported the matter to the police. Detectives Callaghan and Wilson were sent to Investigate and they discovered the body at the place drsrrlbed by the hoys. The man was lying on his left side under a tree, with copies of an Omaha evening paper of last Friday and Saturday spread under him. Near the body were two pint flasks, one of which had contained whisky and was empty, while the other which had contained carbolic acid had a few drops left In It. That the body had been there several days, probably since Saturday flight, the date of the latest of the two papers on which he was lying, waa evi denced by the condition of the body. The body was taken to Cutler's under taking rooms by order of Coroner Trey nor. The dead man evidently waa a la borer, but there was nothing by which he could be Identified. There were no papers or marks of any kind on the clothing. In the pockets wera found $1.(6 In money, some tobacco, a Jack knife and two email packets which apparently contained medi cine of some kind. The man appears to have been about 46 years of age, snd Is about 5 foot 10 In helghth, haa reddish hair with eyebrows and heavy moustache of the same color. The clothing: was that of a working man. Including a black satteen shirt, and was much bedraggled from having been out in the heavy 'rains of the last few days. IIS 1-3 Per Cent Having; on Hammocks. A late shipment received. At our marked prices you will save 33 V per cent from regular values. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 100, 102, 104 and 106 Broadway. 'Phone 320. i C. Hafer of Council Bluffs. Ia., sells direct to the farmer and stockman. Ice cream flavored with pure vanilla; something1 that will please you. Purity Candy Kitchen, W Broadway. Three Railroads Sard. The Great Northern, the Illinois Central, the Union Pacific and the Chicago & North western Railway companies are made de fendants In suits brought yesterday in the federal court In this city In the name of the United 8tates of America, claiming of each of the four railroads $500 as penalty for holding live stock In ahlpment over their lines on cars more than twenty-eight hours without being unloaded for rest and feed, contrary to the statute governing the ship ment and transportation of live stock. The suits, the allegations In each being the same, are based upon the complaint of Fred Boterman, a shipper of live stock. He charges that stock loaded at Davis, S. D., for shipment to Chicago was kept on the cars for thirty and one-half hours before being unloaded for rest and feed. Attorney Oeneral Charles J. Bonaparte and Marcellus L. Temple, United States at torney for the southern district of Iowa, appear for the United States In the four cases. Upholstering-. George W. Klein. 19 South Main street 'Phones: Ind., 710 Black; Bell, 648. CARRIAGES ALWAYS READY. CALL $71. BOTH 'PHONES, GRAND LIVERY, J. W. AND ELJKEB E. MINNICK, PRO PRIETORS. Real Batata Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee July II by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Henry Sperling and wife to N. C. I Thompson, sVs lot , block 4, Myn- ster s ana., w. a xi.ow Mary Schmidt and husband to Trevnor Savings bank, lots 25. 26, 27. 28 and 2. block 1. Trevnor. w. d 916 Henry Holtzfastar et al to John D. ; Harmon, lot 8, Judson's Grand View add., Neola, W. d 850 F. T. True and wife to Harry M. Miller, lot 3 In subdlv. of oullot C, John Johnson's add., w. d 450 Psul I. Van Order to Otto Jt. Voll- ; stedt, lots K and . block (, Higli- 1 land Place, w. d 126 , Elisa L. Neas to Otto E. Vollstedt, lot 12. block 33. Ferry add., w. d 110 J. M. Matthews and wife to William Arna, 101 zz ana a, diock zs. umana add., . w. d 40 Je"-lca J. Sledentopf and husband and Ellen M. 8. Haas and husband to Carlyon E. Alexander, lot S in old filat lot 171 and lot 1 In old plat lot It, q. e. d 1 Eight transfers, total $3,491 Office ?ar tor Rent. Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, en ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone building, 1( Soott street; central location; only one-half block from Broadway. Ev erything new, electric light; for $8 a month. Omaha Bee., 16 Scott street. Nela-hhara Object to Saloon. Martin Mortensen, who was granted by the city council at its last session a permit to conduct a saloon at Sixteenth avenue and Eighth street, already has trouble on his shoulder. A few days ago It was an nounced that certain property owners In that "neighborhood objected to the opening of a saloon there and yesterdsy suit was brought In the district court to enjoin Mor tensen and Ms wife, Marie Mortanaen, from selling liquor at the place named. Matilda Hansen appears as plaintiff. Job lot gasoline stoves slightly shop worn; must b ' cleaned out; your own price. Petersen A Schoenlng. N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. SO- Night. L 60S. Seortaa; for Wlf Beater. When M. L Nixon waa "brought before Judge Snyder In pollc court yesterday morning charged with beating his wife the recital of th woman's woes caused the court to remark to th defendant, "There ought to be a whipping pot for fellows like you. Th only thing that would deter maa like you from beating his wtfii would be th disgrace of a public whip ping." Th evidence showed that Wednes- day night Nixon on returning home some what the worse for liquor proceeded to break up the furniture and after klrklng his mother-in-law out of the house vented his rage upon his unfortunate wife. OTHER PEOPLE IDKXTIFV STEVENS Feeltna A an Inst II I in Strong, tint No Violence la Feared. R. W. Stevens, the linotype mschlnlst charged with attempted assault on Alma Dohse, the 11-year-old daughter of Henry Dohse, Wednesday evening In Falrmount park, where he had forced the child to accompany him, was arraigned before Judge Snyder in police court yesterday and lils preliminary hearing set for thla morning. His bond was fixed at $1,600. hut no attempt was made by Stevens to furnish It. Stevejis took his arrest very coolly Wednesday night and declined to say any thing except to deny the charge. When taken Into custody at his room by De tective Weir, Stevens merely remarked, "In the tolls again." Not only waa Stevens fully Identified by the little girl, but also by several who saw him leading the child from the alley back of the Kiel hotel. The child's story, as told yesterday morning to Judge Snyder, left no doubt of the man's in tentions, and but for the child's frantic screams, which frightened him oft, h probably would have accomplished his purpose. The child stated that '25 cents which her fsther had given her and which she was carrying In her hand waa taken by Stevens. She also stated that when she first commenced to scream Stevens slapped her In the face. Feeling against Stevens was strong yes terday morning and a large number of men gathered at police headquarters prior to his arraignment, but It Is not thought ony attempt will be made to Interfere with the low taking Its course. It was on June IT that Stevens was arrested charged with the assault on little Chris tine Chrlstensen and a month later to tho day he Is again arrested on a similar charge, his Intended victim, as It la al leged, being also but 11 years of age. Counsel for Stevens stated yesterday that It would' be shown that Stevens was not In the vicinity of Willow avenue and Main street at the time alleged. The police, however, say they have evidence to the effect that Stevens waa seen there Just prior to the yime Dohse hitched his team, leaving his little daughter In the wagon while he and a friend went Into a nearby saloon to take a drink. Stevens was arrested on the description given of her assailant by the child. Bourlclus carries the best asaortment of strings for sll musical Instruments, vio lins, etc., 335 Broadway. Garden hose from 7c per foot to 22He foot Petersen & Schoenlng Co. Trains Block Crossing-. The crossing at Main street and Six teenth avenue, according to a report by police officers, was blocked last night at about 8 o'clock for twenty-seven minutes by a Rock Island freight train. The Sixth street crossing was similarly blocked at the same time. Cars to and from Manawa were block, seriously Interfering with the running schedule and vehicles, and several automobiles were stalled In consequence. Detective Weir Was dispatched to the scene and he succeeded In having the train cut and the two crossings opened, after somw parleying. The name cf the engineer, 11 Is said, was secured by the officer, and a member of the city council stated last night that at the meeting of the city council next Monday he would move for the prose cution Of the persons responsible for tho blockade. Under the city ordinance rail roads are not permitted to block the cross ing for over five minutes at a time. Prisoner Taken to See the Town. SIOUX CITY, la., July 18.-Matt Klein, held for robbery of the Winnebago, Neb., bank, and denied ball by the Iowa su preme court, was taken by his Jailer, Hugh McDougall, for a tour of the red light district during the early hours thla morn ing. After calling on the colored woman who was with him when arrested for burglary, Klein went elsewhere, stirring the Jealousy of the first woman, who went Into the street and wept loudly over his perfidy. This gave the snap away and Klein was hustled back to Jail. The affair has created a sensation about the court house. Iowa New Note. FORT DODGE Because the Fort Dodge Light and Power company Insisted on charging the maximum rates for gas and lectrlcity the city council at a meeting Wednesday instructed the city attorney to begin ouster proceedings against the com pany for the violation of Its franchise. LOGAN Rev. E. Bodenham, who for several years has been pastor of the Logan Baptist church has resigned, his resigna tion taking effect about .the first of Oc tober. Bodenham came to .Logan from Fremont and has given the best satisfac tion. He Is undecided where he will next locate. ATLANTIC The body of Willis Wske fleld, a former resident of this county, will arrive In this city from Denver, where he died of pneumonia, and Interment will take place in the Atlantic cemetery at once. Mr. Wakefield was formerly u prominent farmer of thla county, but seventeen years ago moved west, ATLANTIC In line with their policy of Improvement, that has been In vogue here for the last year, the Rock Island road haa commenced the erection of a new coal chute here on the aite of the old, one. It will be an automatic device, run bv a gasoline engine, and will have a capacity of 170 tons of coal. It will require but three men to operate It. LOGAN Charles H. Coleman, owner of one of the principal restaurants, and the only bakery in Logan, has sold th estab lishment to Henry A. Helm, who will take Immediate charge and consolidate with his own restaurant. Lynn J. Irwin of Logan, win open a new arug atore in woodbine. O. A. Belknap will have his new china and crockery atore open In Logan In a few days. It will occupy the lower story of the Oil Fellows' hall. William Brown has sold his ligun livery stable to James O'Neill. IOWA CITY Two well known boot ball stars mourn the loss of a mother today. Mis. David Griffith, whose son has been prominent In 1'nlverslty of Iowa athletics for several years, died Iset nlt'ht after a short Illness. A few hours later Mrs. M. W. Raiuiey, widow of Dr. Ranni-y, the ptoneei superintendent of the aavlum for the Insane at Mt. Pleasant, died her dnmlse occurring 'ihursday morning. Young Han ney is on the foot bsll eleven, and. like Griffith, ia prominent in the college. ATLANTIC A prominent business man went to Avoca yesterday, where he n I niarrl.il to one of the popular young women ; of Atlantic by Rev. Mr. Btlllngsley of this I place. The marriage waa strictly private and was performed at tne hotel in Avoca. ii came as a great surprise to their many friends In this plate. The brldo and gro:u were lxu Neff, a popular cloth I m man of this place, and Miss Allc Llndemsn. Jhe same day Dr. C. U. Clark, a prominent youns physician of thla place, was married to Mis Anna Thompson at Wlota. Both ar prominent In Atlantic society and business circles and will make their future homes her. ATLANTIC Several suits have been set tled out of court and stricken from the docket. Among the more important rases settled were two against the Burlington railroad for delay In shipment of stock from Missouri points to I.wls. started by B. J. twserr and W. E. Whipple, and an other for loss In the delsy of a shipment of peaches shipped to D. C. Msrlottl of this plac. The case of A. C. Day and his wife agulnst the city of Atlantic for $7.mi for injuries sustained by Mrs. lay In fall ing from a defective sidewalk waa acttled for $luu. If yon. hav anything to trade advertise It In th For Rxchang columns of Th Be Want Ad (age .'EARS SPENT IN COURTSHIP When Man Marries Another the Fir$t j Lover Sue for Damages. I . ! StJNDAY SCHOOLS ON PARADE j Ten Thonaand 1 embers March Throna-h Streets of T)ra Moines and Then Participate In, a Picnic. (From a Starr Correspondent.) DES MOINES. July 19.-(Special.) Miss Winifred McKcnxle. a prominent young school teacher of Hampton, la., filed In the district court here today a suit for :B.fii0 against J. B. Gray of this city for breach of promise of marriage. The filing of the suit discloses the fact that Gray has been married for over a year to Miss Marie Levtke of 1J06 East Walker street. In this city, without his friends knowing anything of It. Miss McKehzle charges In her suit that she and Gray began going together In IRK), seventeen years ago. He Is now 00 years old and she JO. She charges that with promises and protestations of marriage he put off the day and she was waiting patiently till she learned of his elopement to Chicago last summer and marriage there to Miss Leveke, a school teacher of this city. Then she started action to recover $26,000 for her wounded feelings. The suit la enhanced m Interest because of the fact that Gray Is but lately fallen heir to a considerable fortune left by his father, who died recently worth about $300,000. Gray la estimated to be worth at least $100,000. Further Interest attaches to the suit because Gray la an unele of Harry Gray of this city, who recently set tled a breach of promise suit by paying Dr. Georgia Stewart of this city $1,800. Miss McKenxle has taught for some years In the schools of Hampton, la., and for the last three years taught at Charter Oak, la. Sanday School Parade. Ten thousand Polk county Sunday school children formed In a gigantic parade here today and marched through the streets led by a number of bands. The parade was forty-five minutes In passing. It marched from the church district at Eighth and High to east Sixth and Walnut through both the west and eastslde business dis tricts and then took street cars to the State fair grounds for a big county picnic. Men, women and children of all ages par ticipated. Aa they marched they sang reli gious songs. Old people, strong In faith but weak with the Infirmities of age, and little children of tender years rode in car riages and automobiles. Appropriate ban ners proclaimed the object of the parade and the organizations composing It. Where ta ri,OOOt Jesse Burrlght, an employe In the office of the Iowa Homestead, was burled today In Woodland cemetery, having died at one of the city hospitals. To friends recently he confided to having saved $5,000. Neither the money nor any of his relatives can b located. Wants Swedes to Retnrn. It develops that the visit of Mr. Lager erantz, the Swedish minister to the United States, to Des Moines, which he will make In a few days Is for the purpose of Induc ing the Swedes of America to return to the fatherland. He Is endeavoring to learn' the first cause of their having moved to Amer ica In the hope of the home government remedying the matter. Circulars from King Oscar have been received by prominent Swedes of this city and they are asked to aid Mr. Lagercrantz all they possible can. They have thus far taken no action. Dubuque Tree Dylngr. The oak trees In the parks of Dubuque are dying. Leaves from the trees In var ious stages of decay and death have been sent to Wesley Greene, state horticultur ist, for microscopic examination to learn. If possible, the cause. Bacteria has been found In them of a fungus nature, but this Is thought to follow the death of the leaves rather than to be the result of their dying. The real cause cannot be learned from the leaves, and Mr. Greene will ask that branchs of the trees be sent to hjm. Cattle Take Their Crops. ' Miss Edith Wragg and Miss Alta Owen, two Des Moines girls, who took up claims In Wyoming and are there proving up on them, have written their friends that In one day In the apace of a few minutes a herd of thousands of head of cattle swooped down on their claims and at up their entire crop of flax. Minister Called Hera. Rev. J. F. Norbom, president of the Swedish Lutheran conference of Iowa and pastor of th church at Sioux City, was today tendered a call to th Swedish Luth eran church of thla city. Sheriffs Elect Officials. CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., July 18.-Th Iowa Stat Sheriff's association at Its annual ses sion today elected officers aa follows: President A. C. Coqulllette, Unn county. Vic President Henry Kruse, Jackson county-. Secretary-Treasurer George Corliss, Bu chanan county. A resolution was unanlmoualy adopted favoring 'he Installation of the Bertlllon System of measurement for criminals In every county In Iowa. Th meetings are largely attended and some splendid papers have been read. Shoots Husband Irons Jealousy. WEB6TEJI CITY. Ia., July 18.-Spclal Telegram.) Jealouo because her husband puld attention to another dusky bell in a coontown show at the carnival here, Mrs. Dick Wllllaios shot and probably fatally woundad her husband, manager of the show last night. The bullet entered his abdomau. FOUR ITALIANS CONVICTED Kldnancra Who Killed New Orleans Boy Escapa Capital Sentence. HAHNEVILLE, La.. July lfc-Two com. panlea of militia were tonight ordered here to protect from threatened lynching the four Italians convicted "without capital punishment'' of complicity In the murder of the little Lamana boy of New Orleans, who was kidnaped and strangled about a month aso. Those convicted were Mr. and Mrs. Cam I plnsciano, Collagero Gendusa and Tony Costa. The verdict waa reached after the Jury had been out forty-five mlnutea and at the close of a four days' trial. An hour after wards It waa reported that preparations for a lynching tonight were under wsy, as the failure to Inflict capital punishment on the men was regarded as undue leni ency. A physician of local prominence gave out a statement declaring "that the good people of St. Charles repudiate th verdict," and call It a "prostitution of Justice." Th verdict, however, was generally ac cepted In th woman's cas. NEW ORLEANS. July ll.-A poas I forming at Oretna, across th liver from New Orleana. with the avowed purpose of making an attempt to reach Hahnevllle. That 1 little prospect that this pose can get to Hahnevllle by trajn nnd attempt have been nnde to secure a tuahoat, aa Hihnevllle Is on the river. Meanwhile a company of militia from New Orleans nnd one from Gretna have stnrtcd for Mahnevllle and will reach there by special train ahead of anyone else. McFngrs from the Jail where the Italians arc confined say that a crowd headed by lending men of the parish, who early In tho evening gathered about the Jail and discussed whether or not the prisoners should bo lynched, have been dispersed, and that It Is agreed among these men that they would neither hang the Italians or permit any one else in their parish to do so. RAIPE MAKES CONFESSION Man Implicated In Conspiracy to Steal Coal Lands Gives Detail of Plat. DENVER, Colo., July lfl.-W. W. Ralpe, a mining man of Milwaukee, who was ar rested on a federal grand Jury Indictment, charging him and five others In connec tion with the Federal Coal Mining com pany with alleged fraudulent acquisition of Routt county, Colorado, coal lands, has given a signed statement to United States District Attorney Cranston, In which- he goes Into the details of the whole con spiracy to defraud the government. Ralpe was today taken before United States Commissioner Hinsdale and released on his own recognizance after agreeing lo appear at the trial as a witness for the government. The W. W. Ralpe of Milwaukee, who con fessed to complicity In the conspiracy to de fraud the government of a large tract of coal lands In Routt county, Colorado, was Indicted for this conspiracy through the efforts of Assistant Attorney Oeneral S. R. Rush of Omaha. Kalpe was Indicted with five others connected with the Federal Coal Mining company of Denver. Their names are John McMillan, C. Xt. Jones, Ellas Arnold, Daniel Stukey and I. J. Rosenberg. The trial of these men will begin upon the completion of the coal land trials now on at Cheyenne, In which Mr. Rush Is engaged. The Denver trials will be conducted by Mr. Rush. INTERSTATE RATE IN EFFECT Reduced Schedule (or Kale of Passen ger Tickets Operates In Seven State. CHICAGO. July 19. New Interstate pas senger rates between all points In Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and North and South Dakota were made effec tive at midnight last night. This reduces Interstate passenger rates to the basis of 2 cents a mile except in -Wisconsin and the Dakotas, where the rates are based on 2 cents a mile. The law recently passed In Wisconsin, making the rate 2 cents a mile will be come effective August U and ratea to points In that state then will be further reduced. Friday waa the date agreed upon by tho railroads for the establishment of the In terstate ratea between the states In which the legislatures had enacted the S-cent pas senger laws. This agreement Included all the points except Nebraska, although it did Include the Missouri river points In Nebraaka. The railroads Friday were selling tickets from Omaha to all points In Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota and Illinois at 2 cents a mile and from points In those states to Omaha at $ cents a mile, but the tickets were not being sold from those states to points within Nebraska at 2 cents a mile. Through tickets could be bought at the Interstate rat to Omaha plus the local to the desired station. HOT WAVE ALONG ATLANTIC Three Deaths and Fifty Prostrations from Heat and Humidity in Nvr York. NEW YORK, July 19. The crest of the hot wave that reached town yesterday touched this summer's record mark of 89 at noon today. Then the temperature dropped to 75 this evening, where It stood at midnight. Three deaths were reported to the police as having been due directly or Indirectly to the heat and humidity, while some fifty cases of prostrations were treated at the hospitals. WASHINGTON, July 19. Washington sweltered today with the mercury In the downtown thermometers reaching 98 de grees at 1 p. m., and remaining at this point for more than two hours. A number of heat prostrations were reported. Tho official record shows 79 at 8 p. m., after a storm which ended In a heavy rain In tho southeast section of the city. BOSTON, July 18. Three deaths and a dozen prostrations from heat was the record In this city and suburbs today. COAL MEN ARE ON TRIAL Evidence that Wyoming Operator Secured Title to Land by Irrea-nlar Methods. CHEYENNE. Wyo., July 19. A number of witnesses were examined today In the rasa of E. E. Longabaugh, E. M. Holbrook and Robert McPhlllamy, on trial In the United States district court on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the government of coal lands in Sheridan county, Wyo. Th principal witness was Mrs. Anna McGee of Sheridan, mother of Longabaugh. She testified that she had filed on sixty acres of coal land and had transferred the land to the Wyoming Coal Mining company, which la owned, by the defendants. She RATES REDUCED VIA S ILLM0I EFFECTIVE JULY !9th $10.00 -Will be the Rate o.... 'ChlCagO No. 4 "Chicago Day Express' leaves 7:20 A. M. No. 2 "Chicago Limited" leaves..., 6:00 P. M. $7.00 ..Will b th Xo. 4 "Minneapolis Day Express" leaves 7:20 A. M. Xo. 32 "Minneapolis Limited" leaves "8:30 P. M. Tickets at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., of at Union Station. refused to ssy what ray she received for filing on and transferring Ihe lend until conipell.d to by the court, when she stated that her compensation did not exceed &ori. PeuJamln D. Chase testified that MrPhll lamy had supplied him with money for making entry upon a homestead and that he transferred the land lo the Wyoming Coal Mining company for the sum of $fi60. Th government probably will rest It caso tomorrow. WORK OF THE WOMEN'S CLUBS Warm Weather Activity la rl a Part of the Country. Undaunted by the southern heat, the Era club of New Orleans has derided to con tinue Its meetings during th summer, w ith two object In view, to secure the appoint ment of women on the New Orleans Ttoard Of Education and to Increase the member Ship of the club to 1.00ft. The club's civic committee Is conducting campaign for th screening of all public markets and all cisterns. Another committee Klyea Its constant attention to the Juvenile court. At Its last meeting the club voted to give ten minutes of each session to a discussion of woman suffrage and authorized the use of funds to organise suffrage clubs through out the state. Miss Kate Gordon Is to have charge of this organisation. How. to present club reports in a more attractive manner to the biennial conven tion of the General Federation of Women's Clubs has long been one of the perplexing problems of th program committee and that It promised solution at the Boston biennial next June. In th past an after noon or evening has been devoted to re ports from the forty-seven tata federa tions and this has been tedious. At Boston three or four reports will be given each day at the Opening of the program, and In this way vary the monotony. Mrs. Fred Patterson of Oinaha will go to Beatrice today to speak before the Chau tauqua Saturday, under the auspices of the State Woman's Christian Temperance union, which, 1 contributing to each day's pro gram. Mra. Patterson, who Is recording secretary of the state organisation, will speak on "Heredity." Mrs. Frances Iteve rldge Heald, president of the state organiza tion, and other prominent state temperance workers are also on the program. Recent resolutions of the Kentucky Fed eration of Women's Clubs advocating school suffrage for women of that state have had one Immediate result In the offer of th republican city committee of Pa ducah to permit the ' women's clubs and High School Alumnae association to name the ten candidates for school trustees to be elected In the autumn, without regard to th party affiliations of the candidates. The City Federation of Women's Clubs of Topeka, Kan., has decided to follow the plan of several other large western clubs and open a lace station. The plan origi nated In Los Angeles, where a wealthy Russian woman has had sent to her largo quantities of laces made by Russian wo men. These are aold by the various lace stations established by the club women. REAL ESTATE MEN'S PICNIC Members nnd Friend of Real Estate Exchange Spend Day at Bellevae. The Omaha real estate men, with their wives and children and friends, forgot about lota and houses Thursday and played all day in the shade at Bellevue. It was the annual picnic of the Omaha Real Gstate exchange the thirteenth annual picnic, says Secretary Harry Tukey, who, though h has no record of so many picnics. Is determined not to let Ak-Sar-Bon monopolise th mys tic number "18." The picnic was held on the Bellevue as sembly grounds, which are grassy and well shaded. At :0 the first detachment of merrymakers left Omaha, and small parties went at Intervals until the middle of the afternoon. Two barrels of lemonade wet the throat of the thirsty and at dinner and supper big baskets poured their plenty on the plcnlo tables. For those who neglected to bring anything to eat there was the din ing room of the college dormitory. Dr. W. H. Betz welcomed the picnickers In the name of the town of Bellevue, and President 8. P. Bostwlck of the exchange responded. It was too wet to play ball In the morning, so the afternoon was given to th sports. There were two games of ball, the most amusing being between W. O. Shrlver's "Kids" and F. D. Weed's "Fast Boys." The batteries were Stoltenberg and Wallace for the "Kids" and G. Benson and Bostwlck for th "Fast Boys." Th features of this game were the barn running of "Shorty" Frenzer and the batting of Captain Wead. The Shiivers won by a score of 6 to $. There was a program of race. In which E. A. Benson ran a better race than he did for the mayoralty, In which the spec tators saw fifteen women toeing the scratch and panting for the tape, and In which two of Omaha's best sprinters, Hugh Wal lace and Grant Benson, showed which was best man. The events, with firsts and seconds, wer aa follows: Boys' race: Arthur Patten, Paul Bostwlck. Fat men's race: E. A. Benson, S. A. Croseman. Women's rsee: Miss Dorothy Hansen, Miss Beulah Bhtmer. Girls' race: Mary Spauldlng. Stella Evera. Tan men's race: Hugh Wallace, Grant Benaon. Isles' tack race: Miss Madeline Hillls, twenty-four tacks a minute: Miss Chapman, twenty-thre tacks a minute. CENT ML Ra,;" Minneapolis SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Where fo Find The Bee When You Travel Atlantic City, N. J. Maaa k Taylor, 10 OooawUl At, Boston, Mass. Yendom Hotel. Tourstns Hotel Hew Stand, Touog- s Hotel Xews Btaaa. Buffalo, N. Y. Oan Hotel. Hotel Iroquois Mews StaaA. Hotel Iukfytt Itws Stand. Samuel Conn, 136 mi loot St. Jas. X O'Xasf, Mala ana Oourt. Chicago, 111. Anditorlnm Jrews Stand. Aadltorlam aim Mwa Stand. Jo. Heron, Mw Staao, Jaoaaoa IMaxnorn. Qreat northern Hotel Hrwa Stand. Vost Office Mews Stand. 17. Smi Grand Faolflo Hotel Hews Stand. Stratford Hotel Hw Stand. Valvar Hons Sm Stand. Cincinnati, Ohio. Sinton Hotel Vwa Stand. Hovlln Hotel Hw Stand St. Mloholas Hotel Maw Stand. Cleveland, Ohio. Colorado Springs, Colo. Antlef Hews Stauu. A. O. Wris-h. K. K. Hll Co. Denver, Colo. S. Hie. Krndrtok Book and Stat. Co , 14 ITtt Cltreet. H. V. Hansen, Itrown faiao Hot). Des Moines, Iowa. Mom Xonn, SIS H. Bad St. Hotel Ohambeilain Kws StaS4 Kirk wood Hotel Hews Stand. STry Hotel Haw Stand. Mose Jaoobs, 30 eta St. 1 Paso, Texas. a. ac rorbaa. Excelsior Springs, Mo. T, M. Applerat. Slak and Clnjrr. Tort Worth, Texaa rt. Worth Haws Co. Goldfield, Nev. X.ouis Folia, Hot Springs, Ark. T. T. Marks, 830 Central At. X. H. Wyatt, 680 Central AT C H. Wearer Co. Hot Springs, S. D. 29 mil Kaxfens. Kansas City, Mo. Union At. Mews Co OpposM Ualoaj Station. Toma Hw Oo 9th aad Main. Hlcksecker Clrar Co, th and Walaa Kicks ok r oi ar Oo , lata aad Wain at Bald' Hew Arnoy, 818 Wall St. Jenkins Cla" Co., ttth and Wain ok. Baltimore Hotl Hw Stand. Midland Hotel Mews Stand. Hotel Hupyer. Los Angeles, CaL H. H. Amos. Ana-lna Hotel Hews Stand. Alsaandrla Hotel Haws Btan4 I, ankers him Hotel Hws Stand. Westminster Hotel Hw swand Memphis, Tenn. World Haws Co. Milwaukee, Wis. Hotel mtr Hews Stand. Vrank Mulkaro, Brand AT, and S BSa St. Minneapolis, Minn. Oentnry Hew Oo, S S, Srd . MlanaapoUa Stationary Oa, 839 rrt pin At. M. J. HaTanang-n, 48 S. Srd St Wast Hotel Haw Stand. Hotel Opera Hw Stand, 881 1st ATa- South. Mt. Clements, Mich, b. h. laohtir Co. New York City, N. Y. Breadway Theater Hews Stand. Imp rial Hotel Haw Stand. Knickerbocker Hotel Sews StaU Hoffman Kouso Haw Stand. Orand Union XoUi Hews Stand, ktouand House jnws Stand. M array Hull Hw Stand. Belmont Hotel Htr Stand. Waldorf-Astoria Hw Stand. Manhattan Hotel Hews Stand. Aator Hons Mew Stand. New Orleans, La, St. OharlM Kol Hews Stand. Norfolk, Va. Votts ll Boeder. J Sohaldr Ii C Oakland, Cal. Amos Haw Co. Hal Haw Co, SM Tta St. Ogden, Utah. W. A. Taylor, 04SS Grant Eft, X. X.. Boyle, 110 BOta St. Gray Mews Oo, Depot Hew BtsaV Goddard Bros , aea aatfc s. Philadelphia, Pa. Fnn Hws Co. BellsTU Stratford Hotel Hwws sTtiad. Walton Hotel Hew stand. Pittsburg, Pa. H. A. S chafer Haers Co.. SOT trd Ar ft. ntt Hots Hew Stand. Hotel Henry am Btaaa. Portland, Ore. Carl Jones, 875 WhL, oss Howuaa w Co. Oregon Hews Co 147 8th St. St. Joseph, Mo. J. Brfr, 818 Sdmand St. St. Louis, Mo. Southern Hotel Hww Stand. Plantar Hotel Hews Stand. Hotel Jllia Hew Staad. B. T. Jett O. T. Graham, St. Paul, Minn. H. St. Maria. O. I.. Miller. Byaa Hotel Hw Staad Sacramento, CaL Amos Hews Oa, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hosenell et Hansen. Hotel B-aBUford Jlww Staad. San Diego, CaL B. H. Aanoa. San Francisco, Cal. H. Wheatley Kews Stand. United w Auts, 11 V Bddy. Aino Hw Co. Hotel St. frauds Hews Stand. Mew Faiaoe Hol Hews StaaA lalrmout Hotel Hww Stead. Seattle, Wash. 4ohn Jefferson. International Hew Oa, 1388H Sad At Aotn Hw Co. rrsna H. Wilson. 907 nil St. Valuer Hotel Mw Stand. Bauer Hotel Mews Stand. Sioux City, Iowa. Weart Hotel Hews Staad. Moadonila Hotel Mew Staad. Gerald ritsarlBBaa Mews Staad Spokane, Wash. Jeka W. Graham. Wla Wrld Mew Os, ltTVi Taooxna, Wash. Ieople Mew Co Washington, D. 0. falrfaa Hotal Hews Btevnd. K-ew Wlllard Hotel Mews StaaA. Hew Balalra Hotet Hew tries axun-tn jso?et siewa srsai waai Mr 8ivad )