7nn mrr 4 11 hi OFFERED FOR RENT llnuaes an ( oltnejes--( en tinned. HOUSEHOLD goods parked, forwarded, chfap freight rules. Moving and store its. Expreesmens Delivery Co. Tel. Long- Ina SM. U6)-31 F3 T0 erpert piano moving at loweat trices Tel. Dougias l''-'.r. Schmoller at Mueller Flnna Co., 1311-UU Famsm. (U-.il HOUSES In all paita of the city. R. C. Peters & Co.. Ring. 1611 N ?,D ST. 1-room strictly modern, nranfl new O Keefe Real Estate Co., luul N. . Lift Bldg. (1S)-MM 26H RUGOLES ST., 5 room, brand new. nil modern, I blocks from the Dodge car, only IJnoo. J. w. Rasp Co.. i& Paxton block. Douglas 1. (lt-j,J ROUSES In all parte of the city. The O. F. Davie Co., Bee Bid (1 UO FOR RENT Laro atore room, 16th and Vinton Sts. C. M. Bachmann, 43. Paxton block. (U)-80U WE MOVE Storage Co. Webstar fei. PIANO Maggard Van and Tel. Douglas 14ini. Office, 1711 (1d)-34 ONE 7-room houae. one J-room houee, mod ern except furnace, fi& and 1:2; one 0 room house, city water In kitchen. Chrli Boyer, 21 31 Cunlng Bt. (161363 CHOICE RP.IC'K FLAT at fl HOCTH 17TH AVE eight rooma, nearly new, In excellent repair and mod ern, rent $40. GARVIN DRO,, 1004 FARNAM ST. (15I-1M 7-R. close In, barn, blk to Farnam car, t,YV OKEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y, Life. Tel. loug. 21S3. (lR) 189 15 FOR RENT. !PU Seward St., S-rooma and barn, $16. 2786 Capitol Ave., 6 rooma, modern. lfiiil Vinton Bt., 7 rooma, gas and city water 110. KW N 26th Ave., 7 rooma, all modern, new. $25 THE RTRON REED CO.. 'Phone Doug. 17. 212 .. 14th St. (ID) M321 18 FOR RENT After August 1. thoroughly modern K-rooni house, east front. Well Farnem dlatrlct. Mra. J. A. Hope, Arcade Hotel. 'Phone Douglaa 728. (15) M1H7 1UX AN EIGHT-ROOM house, modern; $.T5 a month and water rent, 2i:i0 Dewey ave. Apply to Allen Koch, 2H33 Harney at. (IB) M477 20 2640 Harney, 7-r. all mod. cloae In, barn, $T. iMfi Sherman Aye.. 6-r. Ant all mod., $:), Si.14 Grand Ave ft-r.. bath, furnace. $-0. 173 Mason Bt.. 6-r.. water, aewer. M. FINE NEW 8-r. all mod. home. See ua ' about It. , O'KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y, Life. Phone Doug. 2162. UM-M497 18 7-ROOM cottage; ahade'.every convenience; 135. 601 B. 24th at. Phone Harney 3419, (16) M603 22 BaUdtnars. THE entire building formerly occupied by the Dally News, 44x30 feet, 1 rtorlws and basement. McCague Investment Co., 1f0( Dodge St. (18) 3o 1112 HARNEY BT. 8 floors and basement. xxxizo reel; suitable lor wnoieeale. Mo Cague Investment Co., 1608 Dodge Bt. (16j-iS7 Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The fonr-atory svnd baaement brick build In at la Farnam St. Apply F. IX Wead, lL2i Douglaa Bt .lay jvibw Ofllea fBK room on first floor at 1211 Farnam, (16) US ID FLOOR, well llghtedj elegant for office use. 1ZU rarnim. (16) 440 FOR RENT Desk room In Be offioa, olty ball building. 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (lb) 134 r FOR RENT Large store room, with good Dasemeni, Z4t bo. mm bi., aid C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. , 16)-M718 BTORS ROOM, 1106 N. 18th Bt. $20, BEM1S, PAXTON BLK. Phone Douglas 688. OR 414 OFFERED FOR SALE Fcmolagr. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6o per foot. sue N. 17tU bt. Tel. Red U4. (14) 42 Farnttr. ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square, dtosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 8. 14th. D. 6KSS. (16) M970 Jv27 POR BA LB Cheap, furniture and. stoves. tul B. 2Mh St. Call evenlrgs. Fl'RNlTL'RE complete for housekeeping, library and dining set In mission, ga4 stove, refrigerator, beds, eto. Leaving city. "No dealers." 2611 Seward St. 'Phone Webster 60. (1 M2H lSx Plaaoa, Or sans, Mastcal lastramaaia. PIANO BARGAINS For cloaa buyers. Your choice of twenty tUffereat oiakea In our bargain room this week. ' Kimball upright $ TO Qera vprlght, reQnlshed like new 133 Ludtmau upright, large slsa 160 Hallelt & Davis, Flemish oak ltk) Ilallett Davis, walnut case 190 SCHMOLLEU & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY" 'Phone Doug. 1626. 1311-1313 Farnam St. U6jM.170 A BhlNT organ (7'4 octave and a grand piano (Emc I, botu Hew, for sale on. up. J party leaving City. Murray. iWfc CuiU4 Ave. w -t iu I'mI aa Billiard Tables. FOR SALE New and secondhand bllll rd and pool tables. e lead me wonu in 1 1, ray La.- futures; easy payments. Ill una- ulck-lcaike-Colleldar, 40i S. loth St. (16J-st Typewriters and Sewta Machine. TYPEWRITER SALE All machines taken in tKohaiiie will be closed out at unheard I'lHis. iypewriter Exchange, 641 Paxton Block. (11) M71 FOR BALE High grade secondhand type, wrileii good condition; a bargain at 14. Call l own n3. Bee Bldg. tlt)-71 ONE Rrinlngton typewriter, No. s. In good condlilun, tor sais cheap. Call at ale t'ttke. (l-ia iJNri No. I Remington typewriter and desk, early new; 1 No. 0 Remington typewriter) Ko. U luliueoKi aph; Halls safe, medium aia. J. U ItarlK-r. Hue Harnry. (!) D2 1st 3J lacrllaaeaaa. PRU03 at cut prices; freight paid on $10 roeis; taialugue free. mu s'ltMAK aV M lONNELL DRUG CO., Xfeitatia. Nek, (lii-Mil OFFERED FOR SALE Mlarel la nenua-i-Cnn tinned. OAS. Kl.iX THtr AND COMBINATION FIXTIHKS. Special low prices during the nimmT to reduce stork. ;oruer now; goods deliverer! when ready. BURGESS k GHANDEN CO, Telephone Douglas Wl. , 211 8, 15th 8t U6-4 BPND us your mall orders for drugs; lots. Myern-Klllon (16)-S60 frelKht paid on $10 Drug Co., Omaha. BHERWIN WH.MAMS CO, beat mixed paint, eherman & McConnell Drug Co. (161192 IOMEOPATHIC medicines, whnleaale and retail. Bhernian McConnell Drug Co. (16)-M417 HOME M AIE ORAPE WINE 10 YBARS C'LD, $1.(0 PFK GALLON. CA KI.EY BHOB. OPPOBITB POSTOFF1CE. (16) 41 It HA I J. 8 safes, new, Id-hand. 181S Farnam. (16)-847 Bankrupt Sale of Hooks. Now on aale In the room formerly occu pied by the Waliaah ticket office, inn Hnd Farnam rUs., cumprlKlng Rlilptli's History of the World. New Intornutlnnal Encyclopedia. New Americanised En cyclopedia Hrltitnnica. Historians' His tory of the World. Appleton'a I'nlvcraal Encyclopedia, timall monthly payments, while they last. H H. H 'l.erts. (18) M501 22 FOR SAI.E Ftn-class store fixtures. sbowcaaes, etc. Globe l.ind and Invest ment Co., 1822 Farnam St., Oinnha. Neb. (1) 850 FINE unrlaht nlano $116; drop head sew Ing machine, $12.50; fine riding saddle ana bridle, $6; act quickly. 415 No. 2M Bt. 16) M.M6 16 8AFE FOR BAT.E Dartre double doors, 7.0TO Kunda; big barpaln for quick dta posal. Hartman Furnltire and Cartiet Co.,, 1410-12-14-16 Douglas Bt. C)mha Nob. (W) 449 17 NEW Harrison oil stoves, different sixes; turns coal oil Into gas. 2540 Capitol ave. (16) M 473 20 FOR SALE One hot wntcr house heating boiler; capacity, 6n0 ft. radiation, one Victor cast Iron steam boiler; capacity. 60 ft. mdlatlon. Both complete and In rood working order. Price on each 20.00. J. C. Hlxbv A Son. 202 Main St., Council Bluffs, Iu. (16) M."ili W PATENTS LARSON CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg, (17) 866 D. O. DARNELL, patfnt attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton bik. Tel. rtea. Tin, (17) 98OAugl0 PERSONAL CITY RTEAM LAUNDRY Shirts Dressed. not ironed, zu a. uin i. xei. uoug. n. (U)-K1 OMAHA Stammerer' Institute. Ramge Bldg. 08) 867 BEWINO machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. Phone Doug, l'jts. (18)-868 Af A (TV 'IT'T'Tp treatment and bath. Mme. (18) 00 FETW bargains In 2d-hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght. 1818 Farnam. (16) ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton wive. a. j. ucannell, agrt, tuu ware hik. OD-mms SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers- Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (IS) SMI PLEATINCl BuuVns.uchln'g, 1 --' I ' V- F.mhrnlderv. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing only 6a per yard. Send for price list aim samples, GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglas Block. TeL Douglas 1993. (16) THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft clothing; In fact, anything you do not - need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call . 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (I8j 611 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th St. Tl. Doug. (18) 8H3 f AnMPTTn Osteology and massage. uIAU1D1Hj Vapor and tub baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnam St.. 2d floor. (18)-M926 Jy?8 YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 1618 Farnam street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. 08) 913 OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturers n re flour paste, 2210 Cuming. Telephone 'ouglas 1621. (18) A FAIR, sweet satin skin secured using Satin skin cream and face powder, ?6c. (18) HANDSOME, refined, young business man wants acquaintance or wealthy young lady. Address, B724. Bee (18) 425 , 16x THE ELITE Massage, baths and salgelldus rub. Room 2U0 Barker Block, 15th and Farnam. (18) 466 16 LADY correspondent wanted by gent, 40; occaalonal vialtor to Omaha. Address, P. O. Box 266, Des Moines, la. (IS) M 488 16x NEAT, well appearing and highly respected young man wishes to meet a young lady of the same description. Address M. 7s7 Ree. (18) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS, RUSSELL & M KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge. (19) ioo W. H. TL'RRELL. 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. 1129. (19) SOti PAYNE INV. 1781. CO., 1st floor N. Y. L. Doug. (19) U(i L. W. BUNNELL CO.. C2 N. Douglas 6149. Y. Life. (19) tiSK) R. C. PETERS & CO., Bee Bldg. (19)-!7 ( ALFRED C. KENNEDY. $09 First Natl Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 723. (19) SSS OEORQE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19 V5 CITk PROPERTY FOta ALB, A OR EAT bargain for sale; the Cun ningham block at the northwest corner of 18th and Jackson; this building is 6tixr'OR SALE 6-room cottage, owner leaving 6b. three stories and basement; stores on first Moor and rooms on two upper floors, was built at a cost of over $75.0u0, and can be made with small cost into a Jobbing house, hntvl or factory; the prop erty belongs to the National Bank nf Commerce and must be sold within the next thirty days; make me an offer. George E. Barker, Barker Block. Omaha. (191-9J4 IS REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST (HAS. E. WILLIAMS. 1'res. CO 09)S9J If looking for a 6, 6 or 7-room cottage on your own terms, 'phone Wejj. l!o (19) 'SO A SNAP. 8-ROOM MODERN HOME. Plastered Attic, t blocks from 24th St. car. South Front. Lot Wxltia, paved street. 2670 Poppleton Ave, Inquire at Sbus' PoppWuw Ave. (19)-M3G2 14 BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully sltused lois, 40x127 feet eaah, west front on boulevard, two block to car, on gra1e; corner. Inside, $7U Must be sold by owner at once. DM La fayette Ave. US)-M3 4 FOR SALE 24 Pratt St., new. 7 rooms, reception hall. strictly modern; hot water htat; fine shade trees; cement walks around tiouse. litauire at t74 1'i.iu UJ-M.U 17 REAL ESTATF CITV PROPERTY FOR 8ALIB. (Continued.! ONE ACHE $700 Equal to six 40-ft. city lota, one block from enr ana pavea rota, j'.isi west oi Miner Park, on Curtis Ave.; fine view; fine Ionics all around It. This Is a good bargain. Price of $700 Is only good for a short time. Bee It at once. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam Bt. (IU) M313 1 DCNDEE. ALL modern 8-rooni house, hardwood fin ish; In good condition; $3.bon; easy terms. 'Phone Harney 2077. (191-M3R7 16x NEW H-room modern house, 8SM 8. 19th Bt , $2,i'; easv terms an aia Hamfre Bldg. Phone Harney r68. (1S M284 lti LIST your property with Chrl Boyer, (19)-S4 22d and Cuming bis READ THIS blx good reasons why Omaha wuge earn ers are seeking homes in west muium Bluffs: 1st. Because building lots can be bought for one-half what they will cost In Omaha the same distance from the bus iness center. 2d. Because they can be bought for a Hin.ill payment down and $4.00 per month till paid. ' Kcciiiise we will build hnuaes on these lots on the Installment plan, monthly payments not to exceed the amount you are "now paying for rent. 4th. Because the street car service Is as good aa In any other direction from the business center, the fare being 6 cents. 5th. Recatise we have over 100 nice lots to choose from, besides sevesal houses already built and for sale on easy terms. 6th. Because we have the goodH and will be glad to show you that these state ments are true. Office open Sundays from 8 to 12:30. Benjamin Real Estate Co., phone Doug. 7332. S2R-6 Neville Blk. US) M0U11 1( NEW HOUSES .. I have Just completed another handsome residence at 33rd and Harnry. 6 rooma, oak finish, fine large living room, at tractive stairs, kitchen finished In birch, with maple floor, nice panlry and re frigerator room, first-class plumbing, laundry In basement, cement walks and Steps. This la an idenl home In the beat residence locality In Omaha. Bee It before you buy. Price $4,600, $1,750 cash ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. L, (19) M488 17 . CHEAPEST CORNER IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT We have sold part of the southeast cor ner of 36th and Dewey ave., and are au thorized to offer the balance, 64x1,12 feet (corner) for a few days at much . less than Its value. This la a beautiful V'ece of ground In the choicest residence dlatrlct of Omaha. Full particulars on request. J. H. DUMONT & SON. 906-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) M5U 18 19TH AND JACKSON , 50-FOOT LOT 6-R00M MODERN HOUSE $4,500. Right down town In section that la In creasing In value very rapidly. Will rent for $426 per year. Thla will DOUBLE In vaiue in two years. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building, (19) M49i 17 KEYSTONE PARK Don't fall to drive out and see this beau tiful suburban tract today. You will be pieasea: a to zo sores at S176 to I37 per acre. or we win taice you out in an automobile. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. T. I. Bldg.. or D. V. SHOLES CO. Board of Trade Bldg. (19; M359 16 IB PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 32 rooms on a leading business street; rented for $215 a month. Price $16,000; halt cash, balance four years at 6 per cent. THOMAS BRBNNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. (l-893 IF YOU are thinking or building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 23 and 23 Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and. terms. (19) 310 ELMWOOD PARK Eighty acres, no waste land, good SPRING. Can be di vided into 6 and 10-acra tracts and aold at a profit. Oood for truck gardening, Dairy or a COUNTRY HOME. Stands high and commands a fine view. Let us take you out In Automobile and show It to you. 0 'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 New York Life Bldg. (19) M376 18 Hanscom Place Lot East front on Georgia Ave., full lot 60x 160 feet, 3 feet above the street. A great" bargain at $1,4U); paving, permanent walks paid for In full. This is really a $.',0U) lot and we do not know of as good a lot on Georgia Ave. that can be bought for $2,000. Harrison & Morton 913 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. TEL. DOUG. 114 (19) -136 14 city, wi.l sell at aaci lnce. 100 North 4tah, South Omaha. Tel. 371. (19)-M14S EVEKY WOMAN WANTS A HOME. SO DOES HER HUSBAND. SO DO THE CHILDREN. Which shall It be! A HOME FOR YOU TO SUPPORT or I HOME THAT WILL SUPPORT YOU BUf A HOME OF 6 TO 10 ACRES IN KEYSTONE PARK and In a few years It will support you. ' Call and see us about It. Take you out In an automobile any day. Plat and folders mailed you, It you drop ua a card. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. X. Life Bldg., or I D V. SHOLES COMPANY. ! 1st Floor Board of Trade Bldg. (191-985 17 2756 CALIFORNIA Just west of Crelghton college, walk lng distance, I rooms, strictly modern rooms on first floor, hot wster beat; good barn. O Keefe Real Estate Co., loul N. Y Life Bldg.. Tel. Douglas 2152. (19) rx It BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rmmi, brand aew, strictly piadern. 34.0OQ. O Keefe Real Extate Co 1001 N. T. UI Bide U9-M77 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPFRTY FOR 4LB. (Continued.) Most Desirable Property House built for a home. Owner going wevl. Newly paiervd and painted, beauti ful yard; fine view; cistern, basement, laundry, hardwood Moor. Easy terms If de sired. Come and see It. 1HS GARDNER, tuli Cuming St. (lf M9I1 $200 TO $600 LOTS in ixrrs west. We were very fortunate to make a good deal for 111 lots In Briggs' Place, as you may have read In the new s Items last week. Cheap lots handy to the Farnam car lino are scarce and we venture the statement that no such bunch of lots wltliln 12 min utes ride of the heart" of Omaha on the Farnam car llnu can ever again be bought at the price we are going to put these on the market at. These lots are scattered, but there are some bunches suitable for people who want two or three lots together. They face on Harney, Farnam, Douglas, Dodge, Capitol Ave. and Davenport 8ts. snd extend from 42d to 4Mh St., near Dun dee. Home are on grade, some high, some low; all kinds. A great many have city water, sewer, gas and permanent walks, and yet we are going to sell them at an average prloe of $200. Our plats giving location of the 1J1 lots, with prices and also every house In the addition will be ready about Wednesday. Don't hurry ua; that Is the best we can do. if you will leave your name and ad dress we will mall you one as soon as they are ready. Harrison & Morton 912 New York Life Dldg. P. 8. We will probably have a salesman on the ground evenings from 8 to 8. (19!iM'l IV BEMIS PARK DISTRICT We have Just sold one of these houses, and If the other Is not sold this week we will lesse It for a year at $35.00 per month. It Is a fine eight room modern house, brand pew, never occupied, complete In every way, from cemented cellar to attic, 42-foot lot, lo cation high, cement walks, on carline. Let us show it to you tomorrow. 0 'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 New York Life Bldg. (19)-M375 16 VACANT LOTS West Farnam 130x136. The best bargain In the district. Chance to double your money. Let ua show them to you. 0 'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (li-M3fil 30 CLOSE TO ELMWOOD PARK Eighty acrea with good spring. Think'' owner would take $150 per acre. No waste land: can be cut in small tracts and aold rapldy at a big profit, for TRUCK FARMS, DAIRY purposes, or It would make a fine COUN TRY HOME. Stands high and sightly. Let us show It to jrou. 0 'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 New York. Life Bldg. (19)-M377 1 FIRST mortgage of $900 secured on 160 acre farm worth $10,000; runs full 6 years; i per cent semi-annual interest. Address A. 669. Bee. (U9)-M937 1 1 TTIT I7"C 3 blocks from high school. $976.00. If you want thlB SNAP, "act quick." WM. E. ROMANO. Douglaa 1169. 439 Board of Trade. (19) Mu02 1 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB- BTRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,iO0 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 64B7. (19) FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, suitable for Planting or for Improvement; an oppor unlty for someone. Address G 423. Bee. (19Wi34x LIST your property with the Western 22-21 Nebraska Natl (19J-714 Home Builders, rms. Bank Bldg. BUY A LOT IN SULPHUR SPRINGS ADDITION JUST EAST OF SHERMAN AVENUE Where so many new homes are now being built. You will be surprised to see how desirable a location this Is. We have Just put down cement walks in front of each i lot. Your choice for any lot left on Lothrop Bt. for $800. On Emmet St., $760. HASTINGS & HEYDEN., 1704 Farnum. St. (19)-4t3 16 REAL ESTATE FARM AND KAMI! I.AINU FOR 141,11 Colorado. MIXED "fAHMING 1,120 acres In Julesburg, Colo., Irrigated district; 200 acres Improved, under ditch; good, easy terms; t lti. 00 an acre. I. L. BARBER, 1108 Harney St.. Omaha, Neb. (20) M470 lJx Kansas. WANTED1 Agents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Lund and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. tXo 887 Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebrasku farms and ranches for liomts or Investment. Uenils. Omaha. ()-M!(7!l FARM of 250 acres; Sarpy county, Ne braska; Jn minutes' ride from Omaha; fit.utO improvements: good system of waterworks; 190 acres under cultivation; balance timber and pasture; for sale, fli per acre; no Incumbrance; part down, balance easy terms. 160-acr farm In Cass county, Nebraska; Vti acres under cultivation; balance tim ber and pastum; small Improvements, UvifTK water, at So6 par acre; this Is a model stock farm and a snsp at this figure. Farm of 133 acres In Sarpy county, Ne braska, at tno per acre; well Improved; H) acres under cultivation; balance pas ture and hay land: this Is a splendid soli and yields 70 bushels ot corn per acre; Investigate this. GRAHAM-WRIGHT RF.ALTTTO., 92i N. Y. Life Bldg. Phono Red &M. (20) 4i1 15 i hontb. Daksls. ARE TOU Interested !nVr5outh Dakota? oi so write to the A- C. Brink Land Co. o Pierre, 8. D., concerning the Z5.i acres of farm lands they own In Hughes and Pully counties. Taey Will answer yoj gUdl U0j-MJ7 Al REAL ESTATE FARM 4 H4.XII t. M)S FOR 9AI.R (Continued.) Wyoming. , THE UNKiN PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. has Just phn cd on the market THOUSANDS OF ACRES Or" GRAZING LAND In Western Wyoming. :i.f lo (ifi,oco acres of fine sheep glaring lands at fl.oo to $1 PER ACRE. TERMS one-tenth down payment and len years' time on the balance If you Intend to invest In cheap lands. Bl'Y NOW. The opportunity will not Isst. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, Orrmha. Neb. Dept. "A," 318 So. 15th St. (3H-4W VI REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-901 PRIVATE MONEY- IT. D. Wcad. 15JI Doug. (22)- "2 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (22) 903 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith AV Co., 1320 Farnam SI. (22)-904 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Kcefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Llie Bldg (22)-9 LOANS on Improved city property. W. IL Thomas, 6"6 First National Bunk Bh)g. (22) i.t $.'00 TO $50,000 TO IIAN nt lowest rates: HO delay. GARVIN BROB, 1104 FARNAM. (22)-90? LOWEST IiATES- Bemls, Taxton Block. (22)-906 WANTED City loans R. C. Peters & Co. (22) 90S REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy E or D-rnom house to move to North Omaha. State cash price Atlrircss. II 7fS, Be (231-134 17 WANTED-TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpeta, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3971. (20)-l3 Jy26 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 313 S. 14th. Phone Douglas 1321. ()-910 CARD CABINET of 15 to 25 drawers for card 8 by 5 Inches; state price; must be cheap. Address L 682, Bee. (25) S19 TWO small. Y. M. C. cash A. registers wanted by the (26) M443 15 GENTLEMAN'S padded saddle. Must be cheap for cash. Afldress first class and FT10, Bee. (26) 186 15x WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN desires well furnished room In small private family. Must he excep tionally clean ana neat. fjoon nam, Modern conveniences. Walking distance, 'Reasonable; state price or not considered. Address Yl.19. Bee, (261 4M 17x WANTED To find a desirable property for rent, within easy reach of rarllne and with modern facilities. Am willing to pay any reasonable monthly rent for same. Address K., 786 Bee. (26) 467 22x WANTED SITUATION CHANGE desired by thorough office man. Ten years' experience. Now on salary of 3100 per nionth and commission. A-l refer ences. Address D 892, Bee. (27) 976 IS WANTED Position by elderly woman aa cook on farm. Apply 324 N. liith St. (i7)-M345 Ifix WANTED Position In store by young lady; unexperlenced; would work cheap. Ad- dress Y 143. Bee. (27) M1S0 24 x SITUATION wanted in telepgraph office to complete learning trade; will accept low wages If given chance for advancement. Address B 690. care Bee. (27) M942 17 EXPERIENCED wholesale hardwareman with road and office experience, desires a position. Address P&Sti care of Bee. ' (27) M9ti4 Kx WANTED Work by the day by experi enced dressmaker. Call on or address 4U30 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harney-hWl. l27) 917 A WANTED By eastern gentleman position where honesty and strict attention to business counts. Road and floor exper ience A No. 1 references. C7:"6, Bee. (27)-424 20x WANTED Small bundles of laundry to take home. Send postal to Mra. Kelley, 2G07 No. 26th St. (27)-447 17 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES, .HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA by th Buyal Mall ftt turner of the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY The faateat tteaoMin to the Oriont. Reoord puitnge by th "Einitreq. of Chlna,"K dnj', R hotini. ttweea Vancouver and Tnknhamtt. The ''Tartar. "Athen ian" and "Montaagl." provide an eift'ttonally cheap trip, car 17 inf ne clasevf oabia peaaeof ur ouly at tks intermediate rate. gulling from Vancouver to Yokohama, Kobe Nusaaukl. tdiansiiat, Hon Kens aud Manila. Tartar Jul? K F.mpreas ot lull, Frpt. I Kmprrae of China, Aug. 6 Mmuaaale S'pt 19 Athenian Am 22 liniprena ol Japan sept. SO From Vancouver to Honolulu and Sydney, Australia. Mlowera Aug. 1 Maona Oct. 11 Aorangl Stpt. 13 Mlexera Nov. i lor ratea. Informatiua and literature ai.ply lo A, O. SHAW, OenT Aft., 332 Clark St., Chicago. . GRIER BOND NOT APPROVED Delay in Malls Results I" Convicted I'ulice Court Clerk Being; Locked lip. Through a delay In transmitting the rec ords of his case to Lincoln, Lee Grter, former police court clerk had to spend Sunday and a part of Monday In the county Jail, Information was received from the clerk of the supreme court Monday noon that the papers had been filed and It Is expected that Xlrier's bond will be ap proved by one of the Judges of the su preme court some time Monday afternoon. As soon as this Is done the three months' sentence will be suspended until the su preme court finally passes on the case. As soon as he was sentenced Saturday forenoon, Orlor's attorney, John O. Yelser, dispatched the necessary papers to Lin coln, and made arrangements with Judge Let ton to examine the bond for approval at 6 o'clock Saturday evening. The letter containing the papers did not arrive Sat urday, as expected, and consequently nothing could be done until Monday. THOUSAND MEMBERS WANTED Commercial flub Com ml t tee Make Aaotber i'anipalga for the . K amber, "One thousand members before summer Is over" Is I he slogan of the membership committee of the Omaha Commercial club. The committee met Monday noon to formu late plans for Increasing the membership, and will meet once a week for the next month or two. There are now between and (HjO members, and Chalimm Beaten will not bo satisfied with less than !,. With that many members he sees no rea son why the club should not go Into larger and more elaborate quarters at the end of a year, when (he present leasa on the quarters In the Hoard of Trade build In; shall have expire NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Sunday Night Attendance at Clubs Wai Not Large. STORM KEPT MANY AWAY AT LAST Severn! f.arae ftnpprrs l.lun Coun try ('lab, thnt of Captain lloaaa ad Mlaa Dona Reins; Largest. The several supper psrties scheduled for club Sunday evening took the Country place 1n spite of the storm snd the pretty club house was none the less attractive for being closed agslnst the rain and wind. Captain Wllllnm (1. Doanc and Miss Doane gave the largcat supper of the d.iy. their gueats Including; Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Ciuou, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Fair field. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Marlln. Captain and Mrs. Leonard Wlldman, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lemls4, Miss Dewey, Miss Curtis. Mr. O. C. Redlck. Mr. Earl Gan net and Mr. Wilson Lowe. Miss Julia Jllgglnson entertained a sup per party In compliment lo Miss Crnnmer Of Denver. Her guests Included: Miss Cranmer. Miss Margaret Wood. Miss Mona Kloke. Miss Marlon Connell, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Moorehead, Mr. Ross Towle, Mr. Mushier Colpetier. Mr. liwrence Blinker, Mr. Harry Tuhey and Mr. Lou Clarke. With Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Klnsler were Mr. and Mrs, William Hlnes and Mr. John Schenck. With Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bancker were Mr. and Mrs. William Ourley, Miss Hoover, of Washington, D. C., Dr. Flckrs. and Dr. Bridges. ' Mr. Junius Brown had six guests. Those giving small suppers were: Mr. Luther Drake, who had three guests; Dr. Frederick W. Lake, four; Mr. E. A. Cudahy, five; Mr. J. M. Raldrlge, live; Mr. T. J. MrShane, three; Mr. and Mra. E. S. Westbrook. five; Mr. Warren, three; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess, four; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye, five; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe, live; Mr. and Mrs. Rem ington, five. At the Field f Inh. Among those having guests at the Field club Saturday evening were: Mr. and Mra. J. H. Conrad, who entertained five; Mr. A. W. Gordan, five; Mr. W. H. Coburn, four; Mr. D. J. Martin, six; Mr. Z. O. Rey nolds, four; Mr. B. C. Rogers, seven and Mr A. O. Monroe, all. Krnae-Caln. Miss Stella M. Cnln, for many ysars a teacher In the Omaha public schools, will be married thla evening to Mr. A. A. Kruse of New York City, nt the home of the bride's aunt, MrB. Eugene Heselfon In Horflellsvllle, N. Y. Miss Cain, with her niother, Mrs. C. W. Cain of Omaha, huve been visiting relatives In New York and Pennsylvania for the past four weeks, j Mr. Kruse was born and raised In Omaha and a graduate of the Nebraska State university. Mr. and Mrs. Kruse will pass their honeymoon In the Adlrondacks and at the Jamestown exposition, returning to their furture home In New York City. Miss Cain's grandmother. Mrs. Stella M. Huntington, widow of the lat.' Rev. E. T. Huntington, will be present at the wedding. Mrs. Cain will prolong her visit In the east lor a couple of weeks before return ing to Omaha. At Lake Manama. Mlsa llcrmlne Blessing and Mlsa Mable Carey gaye a delightful luncheon and stock ing shower for Miss Nell Carey, at the Boat club at Luke Manuwa Monday at 1 o'clock. The table was attractive with pink roses and plate cards to match. Covers were laid for fourteen. For Mrs. Marrnr. Mrs. Thomas Reynolds was hostess, Sat urday, at luncheon given In honor of her sister, Mrs. Frank Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Murray leave soon for Spokane. Was! wiiere they will reside. Mrs. Reynold's, guests were! Mrs. Frank Murray, Mrs Walter Graham, Mrs. James J. Bynum, Mrs. William Hayes, Mrs. George. Swan son, Mrs. D. B. Klmmel, Mrs. Frank Euan, Mrs. Charles Young. Mrs. Ernest Ittner, Mrs. Mary Cummlngs, and Mrs Thomas Reynolds. Harmony Club Picnic, . The Young Ladles' Harmony club gave a picnic at Fairmont park, Sunday, July 14. Various games were played, and tho outing enjoyed by all. Those present wero the Misaes Annetta Gllckman. Sophia Arkln, Dorothy Goldstone, Sadie Cold graber, Dora Green, Llbble Brown, Lena Newman, Hannah Wnxmnn, Mary Slus burg. Esther Brawiroff, Beatrice Pregler, Bcttie NovltsUer, Sarah Kramer, Anna Gross and Ida Frledel. Come and Go Gossip. Mr. Will P. Hosier and Mr. Ed. W Hosier, have returned from a pleasuie trip to New York City and the east, and are located again at their cottage. Snug Har ber, Bungalow City, Lake Na-Ko-Mls. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord and family left Sunday evening for Dixon, III., to attend a family reunion. Mr. Tom .McShane has returned from Excelsior Springs. Miss Merlo Blackmar left Saturday to Join a houae party of ten at Blue Lake, la. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Williams and little son have returned from a fishing trip to Alexandria, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. McWhorter and son Donald are at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Miss Hester Taylor la the guest of her uncle, Mr. Howard Tgylor, and Mrs. Tay lor, In Kankakee, III. Mrs. Elizabeth Rltter and grandson. Bit ter Turtle, left Omaha Tuesday for an in tended trip through the west. They will visit friends In Cheyenne and Denvwr. Mr. and Mrs. Guidon W. Wattles have been enjoying the automobile trips around Springfield, Mass., where their new car met them. Among the places visltd were Hart ford, Boston. Salem, Manchester, Glouces ter and Marblehead. They also visited New York City, Miss Ethel Morrison, who has been the guest of Miss Ella Mae Brown, left for her home Sunday evening. Mrs. William Melsger and children arv guests of Mr. and Mrs. John it. Mancuesicr enrnute to their home In Denver after a visit In Indiana. Russell Harris and Doane Powell will go to I-ake Okrbojl the last of this week for thelr vacation. They will be Joined by Harry Reed of Omaha and Ernest Allen of Chicago, formerly of York, Neb. Harry Jordan has returned from Lake OkoboJI, having left Mrs. Jordan and child ren there. While Mrs. Horace Lravltt waa a gurst In Omaha last week her home In Denvei was entered by burglars and many valuable things stolen. Among these were seme of th souvenirs presented her father, William J. Bryan, by royalty and others during his recent trip abroad These things had been U-ft with Mr. and Mrs. Leavltt for safe keeping YourHair Going? Nothing Lvcr Made To Lqual kiiucs JAP ROSE Transparent Toilet Soap. J Ap?AS'i" It's the best Milir bath soap BATH SOAP knoulu Lathers equally well In hard or soft water never leaves sediment or scum. Grocers and druggists sell II. CATHERS' CASE AGAIN LOST Supreme Court Declines to Revere Itself In the "Taxpay ers" suit. Tho supreme court at Its lust session finally decided the long-drawn-nut suit of John T. Cm hers against Former Mayoi Frank E. Moores and others, by refusing to change Its decision last January dis missing the suit. The case was of Rreat Importance to those Interested lu the eatata of the late Frank E. Moores, as the brunt of tho Judgment, If one had been secuivd against the defendants, wonld have fallen on the estate and would practically have wiped It out. originally tho suit Involved about IIS,0h0, but Interest afld court cost have piled up until now It reprraents about fcSMMH). The suit wna an echo of tho hot mayor-' allty campaign of 1!3. Others claiming to gi t In as a tax payer, brought suit against Mayor Moores, City Treasurer Hennlngs and the members of the city council on their bonds, claiming a number of men had been employed under the department of public works without proper authority and for political purposes. Judge Sears decided amalnst him and he carried the case to the supreme court. Under an opinion of Judge Ames the case was dismissed on tho grounds that irresponsible tax payers cuuld not maintain suits of thla kind In their own name, letter It was reopened nt tho re quest of Mr. Cnthcrs, but after reconsider ation the court reaffirmed Ita first position dismissing the suit. In (he litigation Cath ers was represented by R. O. Burbsnk and the defendants by Weaver & Oilier, II. H. Baldrlge and James H. Adams. FIFTY CENTS JIN THE DOLLAR rt'Dooalioe-ltedniond-Normlle Credl tors Will Get About Half Their ( Inline. A meeting of the creditors of the O'Don-ahoe-H. (Imond-Normlln company, through, their several attorneys, was hold Monday morning before Register In Bankruptcy J. A. C. Kennedy. The amount of claims reprcsentiicd was $17S,flnn, not Including claims of employes and the unexpired leasa of the building. W. J. t'oad was appointed trustee and gave bond In I ho sum of -"V0o. The examination of the bankrupts relative to the number of stockholders and amount of stock held by the principal stockholders was conducted by B. G. McGllton and W. A. DeBord. Only J. T. Normlle of Chicago and T. P. Redmond of Omaha wore ' ex amined. It was developed that the author ized capital stock of the concern wna $200.- 000, all of which bad not yet been paid In. The examination' of Messrs. Normlle and Redmond was very brlf. There yet re mained about IHo.OflO of the stock to be ' subscribed for. The notes of Mr. Redmond for Jl.KOO and 'that of Mr. O'Donohoe for t'.,fty yet remained to be paid. Trustee Coad has now about M6,nno on hand from the sale of the greater portion of the stock, with which to pay the claims against tjic concern, which will permit the payment of about 60 cents on the dollar as the matter at present stinds. The settlement of the affairs of ' the firm will be left In the hands of Trustee W. J. Coad. FOUR HUNDRED GIRLS NEEDED Manufacturing; Concern Wants tbnt JVomber to Start at llrnnch. A large manufacturing company want to hulld a western branch at Omaha, but will do so only on condition It can be s s.ireil that Kit gills may be found, who would work In the plant. This the manager of the company, who Is a personal friend of Mr. Y'etter, has written to Chairman Yetler of tho executive committee of the Ooinmurclnl club. This company wants no bonus and no donated locution. It want a to sell no stock; It Is an old eKtahllshed concern, and has money to expand Its business. It has chosen Omaha as a pluca whera It would like to build a factory. Omaha can satisfy It in all particulars except that of femulo labor. The Commercial club memhi rs are not so sure on that score. The By I no & Hammer Dry Goods com pany located a factory In Council Bluffs, because It could not secure girls enough In Omaha; M. E. Smith. & Co., opened a factory in South Omaha for tho same reuaon. Neither Arm can secure girls It needs In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs combined. "On I find (00 girls to work In my fac tory?" suys the manager of the company. How to answer that question Is a matter that Is liotl.erlng Mr. Y'etter (julte a lot Just now. DEMOCRATS HERE INDIFFERENT Few of Local Lauder Shovr Any terest In Chairman Allen's Conference. Omaha democrats ure apparently taking little Interest In the call Issued by Chair man Allen for a meeting of the stata com mittee at Lincoln. A number of promlnenj democrats have b'H-n Invited to attend the meeting to offer advice, Among them la J. J. O'Connor, who was a member of the state committee for thirty-three years. Mr. O'Connor resigned a year ago last May and Louis J. I'lutll was elected to succeed him. Mr. J'iatti Is not In the city and will not be at Lincoln as far as Is known. I. J. Dunn and Secretary Daniel are the only two prominent men who have fully male up their minds to go, and Mr. Dunn saya that business may prevent him from going. If ho goes he announces that he will oppose any plan to force men upon the democrats of the state as candidates before the pri maries. R P. Berry man snd others who have been looked upon us leaders were apparently for gotten when Invitations were Issuad and they will not lake the trouble to formulate advice on the aubjeet of the coming primary- Slop ic, then. And wby not? railing tisir it a diee, a regular diseaae, and your own doctor will tell you the remedy. He knows that Ayer'a Hair Vigor, new Irnprorad for mula, quickly atops railing bair, cures dan druff, and makes the bair grow, Juai aak him. We sukllah tae formulas ) O liliCl., f all our preparetiooe Leweli. Xfaaa. J