Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    Want ads
A drert laemea ta fee tfte wnat-ad
rnlatnne will fee (akra til 11 a. far
the Tenia edit lest aad antll a. at.
for the noralaff aai Sara day edition.
axa mast aeeonapaay all erdera for
ntnt-i4i u4 a advertisement will
tie arretted for leaa taaa lO ceata for
the first laaertloa.
Hatea apply to either Tee Dally
Sunday Bee.
Aiwa ye eoaat six irarli ta a line.
Combinations of iaitiala ar a a at We ra
ronit aa one word.
nruti AR classification oe
Insertion, per liae, lO eeata. Twa or
ore eonseee,ttre laaertloaa, aer llae,
6 rente. Each Insertion made oa odd
days, lO eeata per llae. fl.OO per llae
er month.
Death and Fnneral JTotleee, Carda of
Thnnki and Loder Tfotleea, T eeata
evening 3 centa a line for each nd
dlt.uaal edition. Bandar. 10 eeata a
line. No ad takea for leaa thaa SO
one of the claaaiflrattone artTen below,
It will be rhred at the following
rateat On Insertion, 4 eeata per llnei
three to alx roaaerative Inaertiona, 8
trail per line each Inaertloai eeven
or more coaaecattra laaertloaa, 3
centa per lino each Inaertloai 50
eenta per line per month.
Except Areata, Solicitor and
Cowa, Blrda, Dfi aad Peta.
Horaea aad Vekleles.
Poultry aad Kgge.
Typewriters and Sewing Mackiaea.
Planoa, Organi aad Maalcal Inetrn
Fnrniaked Rooma.
Unfurnished Rooma.
Housekeeping; Rooma.
Boarding and Rooma.
Want-ada for The Bee mar be left
it air of tbe following drag atorea
at la "roar coraer dragglat" tkey
ire all broach olneea of The Bee aad
roar ad will ba Inserted Jnat aa
promptly and oa the aame ratea aa at
he main office la The Bee Ballding,
lerenteeath aad Faraam avreetai
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Heranek, 8. A., 1402 8. 10th St.
Becht. Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th Bt
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Remls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumin
Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Avi.
Caughlln, C. K., 6th and Pierce Bta.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military TW
Conte, J. B., Slant Ave. and Farnam,
Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Cermak, Emil, 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton,
lihler, F. H., 2802 Ieavenworth.
Foster Arnold!, 113 N. t5th St
Dreytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. ,
Florence Irug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lekei
Green's Pharroary, corner Park, Aye. aad
Oreenough. G. A- 106 8. 10th St.
Oreenough, O. AT, loth nd Hickory.
Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St.
Hanscom Park Phar. 1501 S. 28th At
Hoist, John, 624 North lftth St. '
Huff, A. L., 2924 leaven worth St.
King. H. S., 2238 Farnam Bt.
. Kountae Placa Pharmaoy, 8304 N. I4tt,
Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St.
Lathrop, Chas. E., 13t4 N. Hth Bt.
Peyton, 1 B.. !4th and Leavenworth.
v Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Are.
Sohaefer's Cut Pries Drug Store, 16th and
Schaefer, August. KSt N. Wth St.
Fchmldt, J. H., 4th and Cumins; gts.
Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, Joth and Grace Sta,
WlrtK O. H.. oth and Hamilton Bts.
JTYETT Mrs. John, at her late reeMenoe,
1401 No. 20th St. She Is survived, by one
daughter, Mrs. Harry Bmytna, vTtn
nnrt Ta and four erandsona. C E.
Foley of Chlcaro, 111.; Frank PL, tJarl
J., and James m. i"oiey oi rtnanav
Funeral services will be held frona snoly
Family church, Wednesday. I i. nt, Pto
resnlon leaves residence at 3:30 a xa. aharp.
Interment at Holy Sepulchre.
Attention, IV. O. O. P.
All members of Holy Family ootrrt are
requested to be present at Holy Family
church Wednesday morning, a. m., to
attend the funeral of Mrs. John Hnyett
of 1401 North Twentieth street. Signed,
Births H, Boulton, Kt North Twenty
Sixth street, girl: Dave Zlwottnaky, Kit
North PeTenteenth street, boy; Lawrence
Eden, 2210 North Twenty-seventh avenue,
Jlrl; E. O. Hamilton, 4ME Davenport, girl;
osaph Novak, 421 South Nineteenth street,
girl; Clarence Walroth 110 South Thlrty
.hlrd street, girl; John Shea, 14U Sherman
avenue, girl; George MoCarty, 441 North
Thlrty-flrBt avenue, boy; T. H. Hitch,
tU Hlmeliaugh avenue, girl; Win feed Blue,
4116 North Thirty-third aventie. girl.
Death-Gladls Vlokman, tHH North Thir
teenth street, aged 4 menthst Fannie
Ztotaky, i North Thirtieth, agad B years;
Ham Pao. 1308 Douglas, aged 49 years;
Michael Mortarty. St. Joseph's hoapltal,
aged (0 years; Baby Chester, 1806 Ohio
street, John Goune, St. James Orphanage,
aged X year.
Tbe I following marriage lloanaas hay
been issued: . .
Julius H. Wicker. Omaha. It
, Fannie Wegworth, Omaha 82
1 William Henry Heall. Omaha.. 81
Tulia Rose Schiller, Omaha n SI
Lock W. Sturgeon. Omaha 35
Sllsabeth Moore, Omaha. .. . ..... M
THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office th and
Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas 137.
U) 106
SIGN PAINTING B. H. Cola, 1301 Douglas
iD ti
FOR. BALE A Cameron Runabout auto
mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In
vestment to., isii f arnam oi. u (
SEND for our list of second-hand automo
biles. UEK1UHT, 1811 Farnam. (1 1W
l!Xifc BUICK. two-cylinder. 22 H. P. tour
lug car, overhauled and painted 5o0.00
I t ,AVliA. - WUMa Ml. Ml.V
shape .t&(t.
iw RAMBLER, is h. p.. almost new.
several extras included ..;. 00
lHo KNOX touring car, air cooled.. u0.M
1 (il.l'ti. with ton. 20 H. P J eiSO
lwxi KKO. 16 H. P., used vary little.. f.SMO
16 FRANKLIN, with top, lour-cy Under
detachable tonneau $KtO
19u6 FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton
noau. 14 H. P $400.wt
IM bTEVENB-DURYEA. two-cylinder
and looks like new. with top ...$utt0
RAMBLER K.. detachable tonneau. Just
repainted and overhauled $
Write (or full descprltlon.
H. E. FREDRICKSON, 16th and Cap. Aye.
- w an
&XCHANUES If you have city pre party
stocks of tioods, farm land ST property of
eviy kind to exxhahga, write for our com
ploLe list. We Lave properties and lands
In all parts of the country to exchange.
Our list is free. Bend for It at onc-e.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 121 Far
aauk fU OiMiaV
GOOD stock of general merchandise In an
Iowa town of 2,600. Will trade for clear,
cheap land. Globe Land and Investment
Co., VC2 Farnam. (3) 759
120 ACRES $ miles from Bchell City, Ver
non county. Mo.; 30 acree under cultiva
tion; good buildings. Price, $ per acre;
Incumbrance, :!,0"0. Will exchange for
f'eneral merchandise. Olohe Land and
nrestment Co., 1822 Farnam St., Omaha.
EXCHANGE One almost new upright
piano, with player attachment for any
thing T ran use; will pay difference, Ad
dress G696. Bee, (3) M107 18x
EXCHANGE 170 acres In Washington
county, Arkansas, 80 acres In cultivation,
balance In timber, will trade for stock
of goods, good reason for selling. E. fci.
Knerr. Shelby, Neb. (3) M240 16x
A QUARTER of good lsnd for sHle or
trade for Omaha property. 2414 Cuming
8t. (3)-M:9 18
INCOME property In Lincoln, S-story brick
for land, $16,000.00.
Section of Improved land In Boone county
at $20.00 for Income property.
Income property In Omaha for land or mer-
chnndfsc. $15,000.00.
North Dakota ranch for city Income prop
erty, $.'(6,000.00
Many other snaps.
Phone Douiflas 1616. 609 Bee Bide.
(8) M.TM 1
Right party with $7, BOO cash can ikijv
join positively ground floor syndicate
organizing for the purpose of buying- a
large tract of very desirable land in the
southwest for Immediate colonization.
Plans for the reselling- of this land are
already made, and the sale will be In
charge of men of eKpcrlence and ability,
who will handle It successfully. A buio
profit of 100 per cent In the next year.
This Is a substantial proposition and a
thorough investigation Is desired, trip
of Inspection will be made In the next
30 days. This Is your opportunity
Parties meaning business will be given
complete Information on request.
A. A, CARPENTER, Mt. PlesxHnt. la.
(4) M4S5 16x
FOR BALIS Drug stock and fixtures;
growing West Side suburb; good prescrip
tion business; best reasons for selling.
Address Lock Box 1. Melrose Park. 111.
(4) M9il 18x
LIST your property with us, we have buy
ers; nave property tor exenange aiso.
JACOBUON & CO.. 936 N. Y. Life Rldg.
(4) M442 Ala
SFoR SALE First class meat market;
reason for selling, bad health, (or par
ticulars address F. JohnBon, Jefferson, la.
(4 M172 lx
THE soda and candy department In the H.
Jierpolsheimer department store, Lincoln,
Neb., will Invoice about $600; owner de
sires to leave city; write or Inquire Candy
dept.. Herpolalieltner's, Lincoln, Neb.
(4) M17 16x
FOR SALE The best bargain In the west
In a smal hotel can be had oi me lr taken
at once. Box 665, Longmont, Colo.
(4) M127 lSx
with machinery for dry cleaning clothes
and carpets; doing a good business; town
of 12.0U0, wlU sell cheap If taken at once.
J. A. Adams, 210 North 4th St., Moberly,
Mo. (4) M3Z7 20X
DO YOU want to get Into the stock busi
ness? 1,800 acres. 480 of It deeded. 30
school lease, balance filed on. Good
ranch Improvements. Ten miles fence,
frame barn 40x40; frame cattle shed 20x60;
(-room house, fine grove, 15 acres, splen
did hog pasture. All of ranch good
pasture and hay land. 100 head oc good
cattle; ( head of good horses and colts.
All machinery, harness and eta Ranch
fully equipped. Everything $9,000 cash If
taken at once One of the best stock
ranches In Garffeld county. For full par
ticulars write, C. D. Long, Blake, Nob.,
Garfield county. (4) M36 llx
WANTED Young man to take whole or
half Interest In good paying theatrical
business; will clear $1,000 in eight months.
Address G 711, Bee, (4) M284 16x
Furnished rooming house for sale. 10 rooms,
full of roomers, wlt4iln 4 blocks of 16th
and Farnam $400 cash. Address K 579,
care Bee. (4 871
ROOMING houses for sale,
Ganges tad, 403 Bee Bldg.
all sizes.
(4) M363
Are You Looking for a Farm,
Ilome, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif
ference whether you want $100 building
lot or a $o0o.0u0 tract of coal or timber
land, you should not buy or trade before
seeing a copy of the Real Estate World,
It contains a large list of property and
merchandise stocks for sale and exchange,
and reaches several thousand readers each
Issue, and Is the best advertising medium
to reach the real estate buyers, hoineseek
ers and traders that you can advertise In.
Write ypur name and address on a postal
card, mall It today, and we will send you
the Journal for two months on trial free.
Address the Real Estate World, Suit 64
Good Block, Des Molnea. I a. (4)-4U
FOR SALE The best paying business In
northeastern .Nebraska, aioca oi gro
ceries, queensware and notions; will ba
sold cheap. Answer quick- Address Y
211. Bee. 4 M878
WANTED A party to buy out a flrst-
ciass siock or rurniiure in me Dest. in
on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons
for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co.. Wie
ner. Neb. (4)-7l
TO BUT or sell any business or real es
tate, call oa or write a. u. ixangesraq,
403 Bee Bldg. (4)-766
FOR SALE First class stock of millinery
and notions In one of the best towns in
the state, having 2,000 population, on the
main line of the Union Pacific R. R.
Only exclusive millinery In town; stock Is
new and In good condition; no old truck;
will Invoice close to $1,300. Will sell
cheap If sold at once. Buyers address
Inquiries to A. C. Mayer, Grand Island,
Nab. (41-MS83 23
FOR BALE A drug stock and fixtures In
one of the best towns in lowa. tasy pay
ments. Address Y1S4 Bee,
(4) M897 18
809 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, a very nice
clean drug store and fixtures, the only
drug store in the village; fine location;
gooa trade and reasonable rent; Inven
tories under $J0.(iu; a Bnap for anyone
who wishes to get Into business. W. K.
Webster, Hudson. Wis. (4) M482 -Jx
FOR BALE Newly equipped bottling plant,
best territory In 1 exits, A railroads; no
competition; poor health necessitates
change. Address W. M. Dyson, Wichita
Falls, Tex. 4 M481 22 x
COME to Hlldreth A Lowman. with or for.
business chances. Farms or city prop
erty. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha. 4)-Mj4
A SNAP In a print shop, half enough bus.
Iness on hand to pay for plant. Mercan
tile Incorporating Co., 4L'ti N. Y. Life
Bldg., Omaha. ) M508 21
MEAT market In best location In Omaha
lor sale or rent. Address L 786. care Hoe.
(D-M4H0 18
HALF Interest and help manage townslte
and waterworks proposition; over 3)0
lots and fine artesian well; new town on
R. R., 700 population; write for par-
itL-uiari. rfuiin n. noages. Artesta, P.. M.
(4 MW) auglKx
FOR BALE At a bargain; a nice, clean
coal business, sheds on I. C. & G. N.
railway; near Sioux City; storage 20 cars.
Addreas L. E. V., Bloux City, Ia.
4 M479 2Sx
FOR SALE General merchandise stock In
new town; reason for selling, poor health;
Investigation Invited. Address Rav Esry,
Leshara. Neb. (4) M9&4 111
city property, farms, merchandise or
chattels. Write Tewneend Realty Co..
Medal la, mMii A-lgU
Bee Want
FOR 8AI,rc-Flrst-rlass blarksmlth and
wagon worn business, wun ioois; 10 n
received for shoeing and $4 to for set
ting tirts. Address Y LS. Bee.
DRUG STORF) for sale, the best drig
proposition in lowa; oniy store in jroou
northwestern Iowa town of 500 people,
fine farming country surrounding; $3,5(i0
will swing It; only those with ensh con
sidered. Address Y 135, care Omaha Bee.
(4-21 1
FOR BALK Bowling alley.
Box 87, Sibley. Ia.
Write P. O.
(4) M960 17x
FVRNISHED hotel of 14 rooms for rent to
party who can take possession at once;
country town of 800. Address Y fiS, care
Bee, (4)-H8 17x
NEWSPAPER and Job office, doing good
business, for sale In northwest Iowa.
Price 600 cash. This Is a snap. Guy D.
Savage. Alyord. Ia. (4-MM5 Six
In an Omaha business; will pay 8 per cent
quarterly. For particulars address D
care Beo (4) M169 lx
FOR 6AL.K First class ionI hall In Yank
ton, S. 1).. at a bargain for cash; all new
tables; doing a good business. J. C.
Necker, Yankton, S. D. (4) M99 17
FOR SALR A patent on a steering and
propelling device for balloon or airship.
A. Mallory, 4H6 N. 10th St., Lincoln. Neb.
(4) M327 20x
FOR SALE All or interest In established
law practice. Southern Iowa county seat.
Trials and commercial collections. Ad
dress. N118, Bee. (4) M381 lGx
M1DIVLB aged attorney, office and forum
experience; good library, desires partner
ship in Omaha or Council Bluffs, es
tablished practice. Address. 0719, Bee.
(4) M380 16x
A STOCK of millinery for sale In a good,
prosperous town and surrounding coun
try; going out of business on account of
111' health; must be sold by 10th of July.
Address 2124 Miami St. 'Phone Webster
2550. (4J M333 20x
FOR PALE One-man paper plant; my
price, $275; must sell. Write L.. Westcott,
Rutledge, Mo. (4) M171 1SX
FOR SALE My abstract, real estate and
Insurance business In Armour, S. D. ;
complete set of abstract books; doing a
good business; good reason for selling.
For further particulars write P. Hospors,
Armour, a D. (4) M158 20x
COME to Hlldreth & Lowman with or for
business chances, farms or city prop
,$3,400. (4) M331
FOR BALE Good, ctean stocK merchan
dise of about $15,000 In splendid country
town of 900: large territory to draw from;
doing a good business. Part cash, part
time II desired. Address x ai, care Hee.
rOR BALE Eight-room rooming house,
five blocks from postofflce. Address A
723, care nee. y) au iox
cheap, If taken soon; town 8o0. Geo. L.
Mowers, Colon, Neb. (4) M145 19x
FOR SALE $8,000 stock of clothing, fur
nishings and shoes: good fixtures: good
reasons for selling; In an eastern Colo
rado town Of 8,0o0. Drawer P, Fort Mor
gan, Colo. (4) M123 18X
26-ROOM HOTEL, close to good business;
$4,000 will take; part cash, or consider a
trade, ii. A. Firth. Broken now, NeD.
(4) M992 18x
CASH for bad accounts, bills, notes or
any other claims. For particulars address
E 780, Bee. (4 M44U iWX
WANTED Partner for best paying laundry
business in Omaha. Address H, tk.i. Hee
(41460 17
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V,
Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) 771
sells or exchanges everything, land, city
property, merchandise and automobiles.
53 Douglas block. (4) 457 Aug. 14.
DEWITT HOTEL for sale. Will sell
building and furniture, or sell furniture
and rent building. This Is one of the best
paying hotels In the state: I can prove
It by what I have made. J. H. I'uckett,
JJeWltt. NeO. (4 M514JHX
T. E BRADY, Probate Att y. 609 Bee Bldg.
(5) li jyw
Carpet Cleaalaa;.
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
DR. ROT, R. I, 150S Farnam 8L Doug. 6497,
to) M.11J
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor.
10U3 N Zlst St.. South Omaha. (fa 7.4
Civil Eaatlaeera.
t6) 7(
to Beatrice Creamery Co., omana.
() 776
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
18. (b) 777
M LOWELL Dressmaking School. iffiS Far.
De art lata.
BAILE& ft MACH, 3d fir. Psxton. D inss.
KOTERA & CO., 1505 Jackson.
Doug, trr!
(5 779
HESS 0WOBODA, 141a Farnam.
L HENDERSON, 1519 Far.
Tel. D. 1253.
(5j 7M
Jewelers aad Watchmaker.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, i-i raxion tim. lei. u. 4 Jo..
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 164.
(5 7W
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far.
Tel. Doug. 6370.
(oj-AMOl Jj :i
C. B. TRUSSELl 115 South 16th Bt.
French V artistic photographs. 210 8. ltth St,
" it; '90
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order.
don't fall to eeo our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad 4 Jurve, prinlars, 16 at Cap. Ave.
tb .87
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let
ters and Job printing; no Job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1x22 Far
nam at. Tel. Doug. UML. (5) Mb6 AuglO
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa
ACORN Prers. quslity I'tg., 1211 Harney St.
ti "siJ Jyl
600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10.000 printed en
velopes, good stock, lor no; other work
at same ratea. uet estimutcs and cee
our samples of work. Call at room Jt
U. B. Nat 1 Bank Bid, or prion- Doug
las M vwil J'
THE SCHLITZ. European, ltth and Harney
(6) 133
ekool Supplies.
OMAHA School Supply Co., lt3 Howard.
() MBSHJrli
Safes, Scatters. Etc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty or nre escapes, shutters, doors and
ares. u. Andreen, Prop., 102 B. 10th Bt,
Shoe Repairing.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first - class
work. 1818 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red !4.
MORRIS Chtcsgo Practical Tailor for
ladles and gents new work: renalrlnc.
cleaning and dying. Called for and de
livered. V ut( a. z.tli Bt. Tel. Red will.
& 7Bt
THE Oliver Typewriter Co., 116 8. ISth fct..
will rent you an Oliver typewriter, with
oak stand, and keep you In rlhhons for $3
per month; will earn more than $3 per
month In time saved. Get the habit.
(51822 augT
Violin Making.
VIOLIN repairing.
L. Heskett. 647
t5)-M156 Aug12
Hamge H!k
The J.eftding Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
parlors lia b. ibtn Bt., upp. oston estore.
Clerical and Office.
YOUNG lady bookkeeper In wholesale
house; must be quick and accurate; state
experience; good salary. B 703, Hee office,
ST. , (7)-799
WANTED Cook for small railroad hotel;
wages $1.50 per day. Write or wire Mrs. J.
Conway, Running Water, S. D.
(7) M996 18x
GIRL for office work.
Apply G782, Bee.
(7) 448 17x
WANTED Office girt
Garrett laundry,
(7)-459 1S
1154 North 16th St.
Factory and Trades.
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Bhirt Co., J034
Farnam Bt. 17) TYl
WANTED Machine girls. City Steam
Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. D 79S
WANTED Experienced hairdresser. Ap
ply J. Li Branmis & Sons. (7) Mt7B in
Housekeeping; and Domestic
WANTED In July, good cook; two In
family; permanent place and good waif
Wi a. Min. Tel. Harney uas. (.u ew
WANTED Good lady cook.
$40. Phoenix:
Hotel. Sanborn, lowa.
(7) M984
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
rour in lamuy. 0l uavenporu tei. nr
ney 2113. f . (7)-M110
AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor:
lamuy cook, FJ weeK. canauian umce,
16th and Dodge. (7) 14J
WANTED Girl for general housework;
references required. 3611 Harney Bt. lei,
Harney 2390. (7 M964
WANTED A first class cook to do cook
ing and short order work. Widow witn
girl of 16 or 18 to act as waitress preferred.
Will pay $36 per month to start without
lodging. Call or write at once. HtHyard
& Mohr. Plalnvlew, Neb. (7) M718 20
BTS. (7) 461 16
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family; srood wages. 602 8. 40th St.
Phone Harney 2807. . (7) 19 15
WANTED Competent girl to work In small
lamuy, beat wages, call phone Harney
WANTED At once, girl waiters at the
Phoenix restaurant. 643 Broadway. Coun
cli Bluffs, la. Call and see. T. J. Myers,
Mngr. (7) M881 16x
WANTED Girl or woman
for general
housework. 2010 N. 20th St.
(7) 916 lx
GIRL for general housework; laundress In
one day. 1012 N. 39th St (7) 91 17
GIRL wanted for general housework. Ap
ply szou Harney. to M17 l
WANTED Experienced waitresses St ths
Lnlon station restaurant.
(7) 187 19x
WANTED Good cook, $40. Phoenix Hotel,
Ban born, la. (7 M ajx
WANTED To know of some one that will
do washing at home for small family,
Address or call. ZW0 Capitol Ave.
(7 M352 16x
WANTED Girl for general housework.
tout 2'arK Ave. (ij-Miai ie
WANTED at once table waiter, $36 per
month. Board and room. 1'hnne answer
Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant. Box 163,
Red Cloud. Neb. to M-M six
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Three In family, 1623 Jackson St. Phone
Douglas 47UL (7) 162 17 X
WANTED Oood girl for general house
work, good wages IOT1 competent Help.
4t,42 Dodge St. f (7) 451 17
WANTED First class second girl. Apply
3.3 6o. 7th Bt. (7) 446 17
WANTED A girl to do housework In a
family of two; good wanes. 1142 So.
81st St. (7)-446 21 X
WANTED Housekeeper on farm; middle
aged preferred; good homo to right party;
small family. Address Mrs. D. Burnett,
Struble, Ia. (7I-M4W 22 x
WANTED-Lady to demonstrate the Man
love hair grower; liberal salary to right
party. Dr. Minerva James, 2o24 Daven
port. Tel. Douglaa 66H6 (1) Mt32
ANY student drslrlng employment or any.
one desiring to enter bUKlness honorably
and profitably may reg'.ster free of charge
at McCarenty Institute, 1802 Farnam St.
- (7-M30o
WANTED A nurse at 1916 So. 22d Ave.;
must have references. Tel. Harney 31.
7 419
WANTED Marker and sorter. Garrett
laundry, 1154 North 16th St.
(9) 4ra 16X
WANTED Graduate trained nurse of
experience to act as trained nurse in
a sma41 general hospital of 20 beds; 12
to 15 patients; 4 student nurses; salary,
$35 to $40 per month, room and board.
Fend photo and references. Address
Box 113, Jamestown, N. D.
(7) M4I7 !9x
TWENTY girls to fold papers; easy
wort: 75c a day. Wednesday morning. 8
rami Magssine, 1411 rarnam
(7) M49 17
LADIE8 and girls to stamp transfers at
home days or evenings, $1.60 to $.' per
dozen, quickly learned. Room 5ti paxton
Block, C) Alio 12.
iegin I
t t t x
Agents, solicitors and nlrraea.
AGENTS wanted to drive throunh the
country; best selling proposition ever o -
fered; big value lor your customer, big
rrof1t for you. Write today for partlcu
ars and territory. E. R. McClellan, tiuj
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . () S34
WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew
of solicitors; prerer one who has had ex
perience In selling to farmers; permanent
position; good Income. Address O 347,
Bee office. (9) $10
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room OuS, Bee Bldg
AGENTS Palette photo holder and per
petual calendar. Address interstate
Mercantile Co., Mollne, 111.
9 MSJ3 17
WANTED At once In every town an agent
to sen high classed goods, which every
housewife buys; salary t'fO per month
and commission. For particulars address
with references, Mrs. Chelow. 2212 N.
Proctor, Tacoma, Wash. (9) M362 30x
A BRIGHT, active, experienced man,
with references, wanted In this territory
to secure orders for advertising and sub
scriptions for New York's oldest flnanc'al
daily paper; liberal commission. Address
Manager, CO New St., New York City.
Room 33. (9) M471 18
WANTED Ambitious hustlers of neat ap
pearance Tor road position. To accepted
applicants this Is an opportunity to make
from $.i5 to $f.O per week. We demon
strate tills to you before starting. Call
irom 4 to 6 and 6:30 to 8 p. m
xior j
manager. 1914 Farnum St. (9) Mti'5 17x
WANTED Boy to learn pattern making
trade. Apply pax ton & VlerltnK iron
Works, Union Pacific Railroad and S. 17th
St. (9 M394 18
BOY8 and young men wanted at once.
WANTED Experienced office boy; perma
nent position. Apply loth and farnam,
Beebe & Runyon Furniture Co.
19J-M474 17
Clerical aad once.
WANTED Clerks, both men and boys, for
railroad office. Address f. B. Southard,
A. P. A. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
(9 872 lox
WANTED Bookkeeper for general work
with manufacturing concern; good posi
tion to right party; state experience, age,
reference and salary expected. Address
P 720, care Bee. (9) Mlto 16
Factory aad Trade,
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. x. L.. Omaha.
WANTED All-round butcher; single; Ger
man preferred; at once. George weiier,
Seward, Neb, (9)-M124 18x
WANTED At once a good butcher, wages
$15 per week; no hooter nor crank. E. A.
Crockett, Plalnvlew, Neb. ()-M444 22x
WANTED First-class barber; $16 per week,
half over $25; steady Job. Lyster & Car
ruthers, P. O. Box 193, Grafton, N. D.
(9) M949 17x
STRIKE Stryker. Men's Shoes. S12 South
16th. Board of Trade Bldg. (9)-
WANTED At once a good all around
blacksmith. Address lock box 725, Villisca,
la. - (9)-874
WANTED Man with soms experience In
traveling capable of earning hlch salary:
bond required. Address, with stamp and
references, 8 617, care Bee (9) 806
FIRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per week; ten
hours. Luzon Cafe, Billings. Mont.
(9) M446 A2x
WANTED All worklngmen to know sev
eral strikes on In San Francisco; citizen
Alliance employers trying to crush union
Ism; stay away until settlement Is
reached. (9) M4S6 16x
WANTED A first class blacksmith and
horseshoer; steady Job; no boozor need
apply. John t. Plnne, Rockwell city, lu.
(9)-M4S4 21X
WANTED Twelve carpenters for railroad
worn. Apply J4tn and Harney r"ts.
(91-M492 18
WANTED Baker, with three or four
years experience; married man preferred;
pay ili per week. Address, with full par
ticulars, G. E. Roby. box 41, Tllden. Neb.
(9J-M853 17x
WANTED Ten bricklayers at once at Fort
Russell, Cheyenne, W yo., i6c per hour.
AiKinson Brothers, Contractors
(9) -863 16x
WANTED Ten bricklayers at Tort Rus
sell, Cheyenne, Wyo.; 6 cents per hour.
Atkinson Bros., Contractors, Cheyenne,
wyo. () MG07 22X
WANTED A good sausage maker, and one
i that understands running an engine;
German preferred. Address Y 204, care
Bee. (9) M560 18
One first class all-around nalnter and
paperhanper. No cigarette or booze fighter
need apply. Hteady Job; good wages. J
E. Dain, Casper. Wyo. (9) M170 22x
BARBER Must be first class: $12 rer week:
no boozer, student or cigarette fiend. Write
E. K. Shorett, Woodbine, Ia., at once for
aieaay job. (9) M173 17x
BOOK BINDER A first-class bookbinder on
loose-leaf devices; permanent employ
ment. Address T. II. Watts, Supt., At
chison, Kan. (9) M299 16
WANTED Good, all-round pattern maker.
accustomed to building and machinery
work, etc.; state age, experience and
wages wunted. Address Puxton & Vler
ling Iron Works, Omaha. (9 M393 16
WANTED Watchmaker, state age, ex
perience and salary wanted, give refer
ences. Address J, 784, Bee.
l (9) 465 17X
WANTED An experienced pants presser;
also overall cutter. Apply at once to
Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co., factory 9th
ana iiowaru bis. () 4i2 It
Stenographer, railroad, $70.
Stenographer, commercial. $75.
D. G. Clerk and assistant manager for
denart ment. Wvominsr. 176.
Assistant manager, grocery department,
Wyoming. $75.
Three office clerka, $50 to $75, according to
Traveling salesman, leather goods. $160.
Traveling salesmafHTiardware specialties.
The above positions, together with many
others are open for Immediate considera
tion. If you are on the market for a good
position you should see us at once as we
can place you In touch with the best posi
tions open.
721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9)-M491 16
WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod;
make $2.50 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink. Nlckerson. Neb. (9) 628
WANTED Sound young men, aged 18 to
25, for firemen and brakemen on leading
railroads; ezperlence unecessary. lire
men earn $10i' per month, become engi
neers, earn, $20; brakemen earn $76. be
come conductors, earn $150. Call or write
at once for particulars. National Railway
Training Assn.. 6J0 X. Paxton Block.
Omaha. Neb. (9i 928 Aug
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. No canvasnlng. National List. Bu
reau. Chicago. Ill ' (6) M943 17
ANY atudent desiring employment or any
one desiring to consult aa to best method
of entering business honorably and
profitably may register free of charge
at McCarenty Institute, 12 Farnam St.
i'ANTEl Several good farm hands
inlto Sanitary Dairy w., iu rm-
nam St. (91-M3.1 l
BAGGAGE truckmen wanted St the Omaha
Uulon station. 9 46
WANTED Intelligent, capable couple; man
for general ranch work, wife as house,
keener; small family: wages good, ac
cording to ahilltv and experience. Ad
dress with pnrtlculnrs E. T. l'ayton, Ata
poolsh, Big Horn county. Wyo.
(10)M56 Ex
EXPERIENCED driver for furniture,
wagon; permanent position. Apply 10th
and Farnam, Beebe & Runyon Furniture
Co. (9 M473 17
WANTETV-A reliable middle-aged man for
Janitor In Bee Huil.lltiK; must come well
recommended. Applv to R. W. l:a'er,
Supt., 418 Bee Building. (9) M475 2i
WE MVST have several good male stenog
raphers to work at once; we want two
hrlsrht boys for wholesale house; must
live at home and be able to give good
references; verv bright future for them.
(INC.) Suite 404 Bee Building. T'h inrs.
Doug. 3S6. , (9)-M4G9 16
WANTED Teams. C. B. Havens A Co.,
yards, 14th and Webster St.; teams now
making from $5 to $8.60 per day. (9 M510
Horses aad Veklclea.
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrlea
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklns
Co., 714 S. loth St.. Omana. (11)-11
RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A.
Stone. 306 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs.
(10) MloJ
HARNESS, Saddles, Trunks, Traveling
Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor
nish & Co.. 1210 Farnam St. tlU 10
GOOD wagons for sale cheap at 1314 N.
24th St. (U-M114Augll
FOR R A 1. 171 Tliihher tired nhaeton at Jones'
barn. 2bth and U. boutli omana.
(11) 132 18x
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons.
traps, carts and harness, see jonnson
Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones
Sts. (ll)-8v9
FOR SALE Nice gentle driving marn.
2709 N. th Ave. ui Man
WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson Danforth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and
Jones Sts. (111-775
1 1,1,700' team and harness.
1 8 -spring wagon, new.
1 delivery buggy, rubber tires.
1 Concord buggy, rubber tires.
1 small roller top desk.
OSCAR HARTE-, 29th and Farnam.
11 191
GOOD Family mare, t years old, very gen
tle, not afraid of anything; new set of
surry harness and two-seated buggy,
$190. C. H. Eckery, 2229 Locust St.
(11) M309 16
FOR SALE Fine Mack coach bred harness
horse; young and sound. Inquire, 620 So.
19th St. OU-MHSS lx
WORK team for sale.
Peter Klewrx, 3721
(11) 438 16
N. 22d St.
GOOD family mare, 9 years old. very gen
tle, not arrald or anything; new set or
surrey harness and two-seated buggy,
$190. C H. Eckery, 2229 Looust St.
(11) M309 20x
ronltry and Easts.
WHEAT. $1.65 hundred. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab
Co., Omaha, (11) M386 Augl
NEWLY 'hatched chicks cheap, Dustln's
white Wyandotte's, pure bred, laying pul
lets. Forest Lawn Wyandotte yard,
Florence, Neb., Tel. Florence 1082.
(11) 181 19
Cows, Blrda, Dosra.and Pets.
GOOD cow for sale. 232 lHlckory St.
(IV M319 20X
FOR BALE Very pretty fox terrier pup,
8 months old. 2022 Charles.
(ID M38fi 20x
FOR BALE Pointer bitches (two). Princess
99t9, 4 years old; Madge B , 10 months old;
must sell; a bargain. John Ling, Har
vard. Neb. (11 ) 430 15x
FOUND J. Hanson, the urholsterer and
furniture repairer, 1512 N. Hth. 'Phone
Webster 8296. (12)-M583 22
LOST Gentleman's open face gold watch,
' with leather fob, In toilet room. 6th tloor
of Bee Bldg. Reward for return to 610
Bee Bldg. (12-M472 16x
LOST Gold nose glasses with chain at
Hanscom park Sunday; reward. 624 So.
18th St. (12)-M494 16x
LOST Monday morning, card case, passed
and $55. Return room 6, Burlington head,
quarters; reward. (12) M493 16x
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Fond Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
(1) S13
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th
6t., Omaha. Neb. (12) M10I
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women,
80 years practice in confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles,
Omaha. (13) 814
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Da-e-enport
Sts.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. 'Phons
Douglas-1167. Calls snswered day or
night. (18) 120
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RLP
TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th and
Douglaa. Omaha. 03-926 Au
lALAHt AND tlltlUU.
and others, wltnout security; easy pay
menU. Offices In 63 prlnclpa cities. Tol
nrnn, room 714. New York Life Vg
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, norees.
etc in any aniotmt; less than half rates,
perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payment suspended when
s?ck or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk.. 2o9
B. 16th St. (14)-S
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost
Open evenings till 7. (14) 816
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1694 Farnam tit.
(14) 817
bave Increased their capital, and during the
month of July will make a special rate on
collateral loans, personal property, mort
gages and individual notea without acur
lty; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglss 29i4 or
call at 310 Bee Bldg. (14-M426 AugJ
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 131
Douglaa (14-832
Vacation time la here. If you need money
to see you through that good lime you have
promised yourself this summer, tuna to us.
Our special low rates for vacation money
are still In effKi-t; you can get tne money
quickly, privately and conll'ientlally on
your salary, household gooda, pianos, ate.
Low rates; easy terms.
lot Paxton Block. Phons Loug 141 L
114) JUS
ITURNITURE. llvs stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., room 8. barker Blk.
(14; -830
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. lor chattel or
salary limns. 6-3 Paxtoa "lk. 'Phone
Douglas 746 (14-2s
salary and 4 battel
We will give you s run of one month or
twelve on your contract if ypu nor row
money of us and you pay for only the time
you are using our money.
We make no chnrwes In advance, you
get the full amount In cash. We will losn
you nnv amount you may wsnt. .
Don't . forget that we have been ners
fifteen years.
Come to the "Old Reliable."
Omahn MortgaA Loan Co.,
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
(!) 464
Board Inst and noenaa.
MOST convenient and pleasant location! de-
Is- J
he f
r, h m rooms. V Kll ituhc iu' m utim .
i, .. nrw-in Bn -.1,1 h Bt. Private
change Douglas 8138. (16-2
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
ELEGANT room for summer; has outside
entrance, soutn irrrni, i one ui mv wr
locations In city; large, beautiful lawn;
private family. 627 Park Ave.
(IE) MT31
LARGE, cool front parlor for rent to right
rarty, desiring board In good location,
.arge closet with hot and cold water. ' .
Address B68 Bee. (16)-M93 17
SUMMER resort In a private boarding'
house, shady lawn, large, cool ver
anda: good home table, everything mod
ern; strictly private: every room a front
one. One floor devoted to bachelors;
aood location. Address E727 Bee.
(IS) M93S 17x
FOR RENT Furnished room with board,
in a perfect summer residence. 718 Soi
29th St. (15)-867 lSx
DESIRABLE room; first-class board; fins
location. 218 S. 25th St. 115) M8M 16s
Famished Rooms.
LARGE, light newly furnished room In all
modern house. 2406 Capitol Aye. (15) 6.10
FURNISHED room for gentleman. 816 No,
18th St (15) M9.T 17
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new,
modern house; bnth on every floor; all
conveniences; walking distance. 2474 Har
ney St. Tel. Douglas 4L94. (16) M977
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 19IR Capi
tol Ave. (15) 983 Jy27
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all
conveniences. 1919 Burt St.
(151870 Jv26x
06 8. 24TH AVE.: s(". new. up-to-date
gentlemen only; references.
(15)-M430 Auif2x
NEWLY furnished front rooms. 507 B.
13th St., near Howard St.
(16 M427 16x
THREE rooms. 1120 N. I7th St. (15) 40s
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 842 S.
19th. (151-M589 Aug6x
FURNISHED ROOMS-2n08 Capitol Avs.
large room, quiet, shady street; walk
Ing distance. (16) M 903 16x
DESIRABLE rooms; fine location; walking
distance. 218 So. 26th St. 06) 861 15x
FOR RENT Large east front room, nicely
furnished, good location, near two car
lines. Call at once. Tel. H. 485. 606 a
29th Bt (15) 922
ONE small front room, modem. 2635 Day
enport. (15) 919 16x
HANDSOMELY furnished suite of rooms;
also large single room. N. 22d St.
Reasonable. (15) 131 l$x
CLEAN rooms In modern house, roomy
porches; large, shady lawn; attractive
surroundings. 128 S. 25th St.
(15) M150 19x
BEAUTIFUL, large front room; otherj
rooms; south; modern; 614 N. 23d Sul
'phone Red 4ST.4. 05) M144 19
ELEGANT front room, all modern. 576
N. 23d. Doug. 736. (15) M162 16x
PLEASANT south room, new house, pri
vate family. Tel. Doug. 3632. 15193 19
NICELY furnished rooms; rent reasonable,
2313 Douglas St. (15) 188 11
ROOM, strictly modern. 410 S. 24th Bt.
(16) M357 20
ELEGENT large front room In private
family for 1 or 2. Call at 2606 Dewey a vs..
or tel. Red 7090, after 6 p.m. (16) MSW ltix
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; rea
sonable; quiet street; modern; 'phone; 647
S 24th Ave. (16) M406 20
FOR RENT Two rooms In strictly mod
ern new house; ten minutes' walk front
postofflce. Address W 722. care Bee.
(15) 431 l&x
LARGE, cool front room, modern through,
out; central location; preferable for a
gentleman. 'Phone Doug. 4061.
(It) 484 20x
LARGE south-front room, with alcove; also
other rooms, 2702 Farnam St.
00-421 x
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, single
or en suite, for gentlemen. 2221 Douglas.
06) M496 22x
NICELY furnished room, south exposure;
references. 117 So. 26th Ave. (lb) Mill
Cnf uniahed Reenaa.
LARGE unfurnished, front room with al
cove. Modern, references, 120 So. 94th
Ave. (16) MK98 16x
TWO or four rooms, entire floor, cheap,
modern. 2582 Harney. (161923 ltix
FOR RENT New, nicely furnished roomej
best location in the city; cool and pleas
ant. Near car line. 109 B. 94th.
U-m 16
TWO unfurnished rooms; bath, waterj
pleasant, shady surroundings; $8 month.
977 No. 27th ave. (15 M48 22
Henselce-eplaar Rooana.
FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, 2JU
Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable
Globe Land and Investment Co., 1S21
Farnam 6L (16) 82t
SUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
strictly modern home; heat and light fur
nished; best boarding house In city
across the street. 248 Cass fit.
TWO upstairs front rooms for light house
keeping, modsrn. 2019 St. Mary's Ave
(!- 4 17
FOUR elerant rooms, modern. No. KIT
North v,lith fSU, first house south of
Corby. (15) Mt 20x
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor; gas, hath. tel. '..hone; $22.00.
2936 Charles St. Tel. Webster 3M6.
(15) 437 15x
Faralahed Hoaaes.
117 N. 40th St., 7-room liouss. finely fuiw
nished. Will rent for the summer.
213 A. Mill St.
(15) M322 IS
FOR RENT 8-room flat, all modern.
Mart Is Blk., IMl and Webster.
(16 M31 Sm
TWO 7-room modern flats, 1724 Charles and
lfc04 No. 17th. $3o.C0 each. Apply E. J.
Sullivan, WI Harney bt. (16 677
Hoaaea aad Cettasrea.
OMAHA Van Storage Co. pack, more,
store 11. II goods; slurehoutm U 20-24 N
mn. Olllce ltA9 FurUMni. Tel. Doug. 1569.
(U) Z9
HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
(li) fe&
-ROOM ho-eje, modern in every respect.
2727 CuinliiK St. (15) HW
FLAT, full modern, ( rooms, beside bath
and private hall; newly done up; ga
range, etc.; entire building being put in
perfect order; best flats hi north part of
city; walking distance; reference reuulred.
Cali. Investigate this; VJ5.
BEMIS. Paxton Block.
t-BOOM cottage, all modern, barn. M0 t St U6 A4U4