Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Omaha and Pueblo Play Seventeen
Indecisive Inningi.
Hall and Mf((rrof Hook I p for Hard
Fight and Cult with Honor
Well Divided at the
Omaha, 1; Pueblo, L
For seventeen exciting Innings Omaha
and Pueblo fought out a hull game nt Vin
ton street park Monday af i noon, and It
ail count fur naught, fur the pme ended
In a tie, 1 to L Umpire Haskell called
time at tho end of the sevententli Inning
because of darkness. Manager rrt1l pre
sented the liest ho had fur the lntl1-f' !ay
parade and trotted out MOregor, til" new
recruit from Sett tie, where no has made a
tiioKt enviable record To say l'C pitched
good ball would be putting the faet too
mildly, for ho nllowed but eight hits Iti
those seventen Innings, nlmont two rntlre
games, and ho passed but two of the
Hourke family. Hall wan Just as fine,
except for Ht'le wlldnejs at times as he
allowed but nine hits, passed six, hit two
nd struck out ten, while Mac struck out
but four.
On tha first day of this month Mr. Hall
engaged In another notuble contest, lasting
sixteen Innings, which he lost to the Ducky
Hohnea bunch. Ho did not propone to lose
the game yesterday and pitched tho game
Of bis Ufa. Pueblo made Uie first run In
the fourth Inning ar.d Omaha tied the score
In the sixth, and then for eleven Innings
the battle waa fought out with nelthor side
able to take an advantage.
How the Hons Were Ilullt.
Bader opened the fourth with a single
and was sacrificed to second by Hyan.
There be stayed until Mr. Llwert came
along and soaked out a single, whlcK sent
him acroes the plate with the first run of
the game.
Omaha made Its run In the sixth inning
after Hall had boen retired. Jielden lined
4)ne through Mr. McGregor, which that
esteemed gentleman did not choose to
handle, and went to second on Franck's
infield out. Aulrey saved the day by hit
ting a double to left field.
From the sixth to tho seventeenth Inning,
Omaha made but one hit off Sir Hubert,
While JAieblo was managing to get a hit
very other Inning; or so. Each team had
aeveral splendid chances to win the game,
but the "hit they longed for never came."
Pueblo had a man on third In tho seventh
Inning, but Corhnn could not hit out the
ball. Autrey reached" third In the ninth
Inning on a hit, a sacrifice and nn Infield
out, but Oruham could not connect safely
Just at that time, rlthough he made two
hlta during the game. In the fl'fteenth
Inning Melcholr opened with a hit and
tola second, and still tho hitters following
blm could send him along no further.
Tough Lurk of the Game.
The real tough luck story came for
Omaha In the ninth, when two singles
were mado and still the coveted goal
could not be crossed. Tho "game ball" was
hit by Graham In the fifteenth Inning. He
landed on one of those kind you like to
read about and It looked to be surely safe
for three sacks. It would havo been If
one speedy Orand .Island boy, named Hyan,
waa not perched out In left field and being
jealous of Orand Iisland Graham's prowess,
thought be would take some of the honors
hlmsolf. Ho sprinted and then soared In
the air and when be straightened up, after
turning several sommersaults, It was dis
covered be had the bull In his bund. That
Waa not the only phenom pluy Mr. Ryan
made. In the gume, either. He made one
bard sprint to near third base, which
brought forth applause from the women,
for It was ladles' day and they were out
In abundance, and he captured another
ball from close to the bleacher fence, after
a bard run.
Although badly crippled and black and
blue from hoof to cocoa, Jack Haskell um
pired a splendid game, and the only kick
either side made In the seventeen long
Innings, was when Qondlng stood In the
way when Ryan and Elwert were trying
to negotiate a double steal In the last In
ning. The Pueblo bunch did not seem to
realise that (londing Is paid to stand In tho
road and protect that plate. Ryan had
walked and Elwert hit' for a single, with
two out, when a double steal was at
tempted. Qondlng lined the bull to Franck,
Who returned tt to the plute In time to
run Ryan down between bases.
The same teams this afternoon.
Alt R. H. PO. A. E.
Jtelden, rf 7 1 1 1 1 0
Franck. hh 7 0 0 3 8 0
Autrey, If 7 0 2 6 0
Played. Won. Lost.
Omaha 83 49 34
Drs Moines. ...... ,T4 43 21
Lincoln 78 M 86
Denver 70 87 88
Hloux City 78 S3 41
l'ueMo 75 28 47
Chicago G7 20 . 740 Chicago M 36
New York. .46 Z7 .6 Cleveland.. .47 3
Pittsburg. ..44 M6 Ietroit 41 30
I'hlla 41 S3 .677 Phila 42
Boston S3 40 .v.2 New York. .84 SS
Brooklyn... 32 45 .41 Bt. Louis.. ..Xi 47
1 in innatl. .31 41 . IK. "ton 29 46
Ht. Ixiuls....!) f.2 .Zi5 Wa'hlngt'n .23 47
.S3 8
Toledo M -.12 .14 Owkaloosa .37 1:4 .6f'7
Minneapl's.47 1 .Ma Waterloo. . .36 25 ..XI
I olumlius . io 35 .fra Jacks'nvlle.33 27 .EkV)
Milwaukee.. 43 41 .612 Burlington. .14 23 . 540
Kan. City. ..41 41 Marshalt n.32 2 .52r
Ini!avllle...36 4i .4.19 ( it t um wa. . .IB 35 .4f3
Indlanap la.fw .SI .4"7 Qulncy 3"l Si ,4.V
Bt. Paul 34 5i) ,4"6 Keokuk 20 44 .313
Western league Pueblo at Omaha, Den
ver nt Lincoln. Ies Moines at Hloux City.
National League Pittsburg at New York,
Cincinnati at'lphla, Chicago at Bos
ton. St. Louis at Brooklyn.
Amertcan League Washington at Detroit,
Philadelphia nt Cleveland. New York at
Chicago. Boston at St. Iuls.
American Association Columbus at Mil
waukee. Toledo at Minneapolis, Ind anapolis
at Kansas City, Imlsvllle at St. Paul.
Chicago National! Win PitcherV
Battle at Philadelphia.
Lone nan of the Game Is Made
by ftheckard on Two Singles
ad an Error mt the
battle here today Chicago shut out Phila
delphia, 1 to 0. The visitors scored their
only run on two singles and an error at
the plate. Pitcher Dugglcby of the local
team baa been released to PHtBburg.
There never would
have been occasion
for the Pure Food Law
if all products had
been as pure as
Good oh
Bottled In Bond "
It has always been and
always will be pure
We have never varied
its fine, distinct flavor
or smoothness. It has
been every drop
whiskey u Since 1857s
A. Ccckeclielmtr k Bros.
aMatUar. PltteSMmrsh. I.
Welch, cf 6 0 2 4 0 0
Dolan, lb 7 0 0 18 1 0
Graham, 2b 6 0 S 1 0
Austin, 3b 6 0 0 4 4 0
Gnndlng, c 6 0 1 12 6 0
Hall, p ( 0 0 0 60
Totals 68 1 t 61 26 0
AB. H. H. PO. A. E
McGllvray, cf 6 0 1 8 0 0
Hader L'b 6 1 8 8 6 1
Ryan, If 6 0 0 6 0 0
Melcholr, rf 6 0 110 0
Klwcrt, 3b 5 0 2 3 7 0
I. Uelden. lb 6 0 0 28 2 0
Corhan, ss 6 0 13 3 0
Drill, c 6 0 0 4 0 0
McGregor, p 6 0 1 1 11 0
Totals 60 1 . 9 61 28 1
SlirU, rf. . . 4 0 0
Fbf knj. It. 4 1 4
Frhiiltc, rf... 4 2 1
Hofman. lb . I 0 13
H-lnleldt. ah 4 0 1
Tinker, ra.... 4 1 2
Kvrrp. lb... 10 0
Morpn, c 2 0 6
Lundsreot p. 2 0 0
AIJ. H O. A E.
2 3
0 1
1 0
0 0
.. 0000010000000000 0-1
.. 0001000000000000 01
.0011120010000000 2-8
.0012100100100011 18
Two-base hits; Autrev. McOreaor. Ba-scs
on balls: Off Hall, 6; off McGregor, 2. Hit
ny pitcned tiail: uy Hall, 2. Struck out:
Hy Hall, 10; by McGregor, 4. Left on
iBRes: Omaha. H: l'uebln. 7. Aarrincn liltn-
Welch. Ryan. Drill. Stolen bases: Ao.tln
McGilvray, Melcholr. Double plays: Hall
to Franck to Dolan; Franck to Dolan; El
wert to Hidden to Elwert. Time: 2:60.
Umpire: Haskell. Attendance: l.WO.
Notes of Itae Game.
Three fast doubles helped to enliven the
The. hit and run game worked the nnlv
time It was tried.
In the thirteenth lnnlna all three outs
were mode on files to Autrey.
Graham made his first hit hv sheer
speed. He bit toward third and heat It
out clean.
Drill hit the ball so bard nnee ha hrnlia
his bat and that waa the nearest he came
to making a hit.
Donald McGregor was credited with a
peculiar assist. He pushed the ball over
to Belden with his foot.
Captain Franck also nulled off a flne
stunt. Ho ran clear to second to raDture
grounder, Juggled the ball and then
was able to nail the runner at first.
Magnificent fleldlns: wos done nil thi.
way through the game. The only sign of
a wabble was when Rader miscued on
Hall s grounder. He nearly caught tho
lengthy pitcher, at that.
In the eighth Innlnr. with Mcfiiivrmr nn
second, Rader singled, tho ball going to
Helden. Mao tried to sprint fori home,
but he forgot who was In right field and
Rclden got the ball back In plenty of time
for Gondlng to make tho put-out.
Grand Island Graham milleri down nit a
flv in the sixth that was a corker. Rader
hit the ball toward Helden and Graham
sprinted toward right. When he saw
Mnlrten was not aolni; to be stile to nun.
ture the ball he simply flapped his wings
and flow up and got It.
Plieblo had a chalice to acore In lha
third Inning, but did not know It. Corhan
was on third when McGregor hit his to-
rscker. Corhan did not dare to leave
the sack for fear Autrey would capture
the ball, and when be saw It una a-nlno-
safe he could make but third. One base
on a two-sacker.
Mloax i'aur tor Champs.
SIOUX CITY. Jlllv IT). DCS Mntnea tr.r,U
many liberties with Eddio Smith this ait.
ernoon, hammering out a 4 to 1 victory off
Sioux City. Clarke pitched a steady game
ami aside from the sixth Inning, when
Nobllt cracked him for a double and Weed
followed with a long single, the Sioux were
seldom within sight of the scoring rubber.
Pheles, an outfielder, Joined the champions
in Sioux City today. Score:
Nance, If
D. Sheehan. 3b
Nobllt, of
Weed, 2b
Hart, lb
Granville, es ...
Muni), rf
J. hheehan, c ..
Smith, p
0 0 Thom. cf... 4 0 2
0 OKnphr. 2ti.... 4 0 1
1 Otiiup. rf 2 0 2
0 0 Mlfl. It ... 3 0
0 0 ( ourlnry. lb. 2 1 5
OCmnt. 3b 2 2 0
1 0 P.hjI'ii. pp.... 2 0 1
1 0 li.x.ln. c 3 0 4
J 0 St'PrKp. p.... 1 0 1
'Optoma 1 0 0
Totalp 22 4 27 15 0
Total! 21 2 tt t 3
Rutted for Bparka In ninth.
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Philadelphia 00000000 0-0
Two-base hit: Grant. Sacrifice hits: Hof
man. Double plays: Magee. Doolln to
Knabe. Left on bases: Chicago, 5; Phila
delphia, 2. Bases on balls: Off Lundpren.
1. First base on errors: Chicago, 1. Struck
out: Ry Lundgren, 5; by Sparks, 2. Time:
1:25. Umpires: O'Day and Kleni.
ROSTON. July 15. Boston and St. Louis
divided today's two games evenly, St. Louis
winning the first, 1 to 0, and Ronton the
second, 4 to 2. The first game was marked
by excellent fielding by Hoston, the sup
port given Young making the game look
like a pitcher's battle. Heebes only base
on balls was Intentionally given to Beau
mont. The masterly pitching of Roujtes
gave Boston the second game. Kcore, first
AB.H.O.A.FJ. AU.H.n.A.E.
Byrne, 2h.... 4 0
Barry, rf 3 13
Kimrtrhy, lb 2 11
Purnrtt, cf... 4 0 1
Holly, aa 4 0 1
Murray. If... 4 1 2
llnstrttar, 2b. 4 I 0
Koonan, o. ... 4 1 t
Breba, p 40 0
7 OHrlnwrll, pp.. 4
0 0 Tnnry, lb. .. 4
0 0 Hraln. Sb 4
1 0 Iti atimont, cf 3
1 0 I' lahrrtv, If.. 4
0 0 Kurka. rf 2
1 0 UUrhoy, 2b. . 3
0 0 Nei-dham, c. 8
1 0 Young, p 1
112 0
0 2 10
12 0 6
14 0 0
Passed ball: Leahy. Left on
Kansas City, 2; lhdianapoils, 9.
1.4j. Umpire: Wetdeiu
Iran d red Fifty to Compete In TtsnP
mlaalaalppt Toprnamrut.
DAVKNIt iRT. la , July 15 -(Special Tele
gram.) Related entries have tin. leaned the
number of entries for the Trausmlf slsslppl
golf tournament to about l. and of these
about forty visiting players are alriady
here and commenced practice play on the
arsenal course this morning.
Among the Inte entries was thst of Jar
frav of Minneapolis, winner of last year's
tourney. Walter (' 4o-hole") Fairbanks of
lunviT, "Dun" Gulnand and Warren Dick
inson of Lws Moines and many other well
known golfers are among the early ar
rivals here.
mond yesterday nfternoon. Brndley was
pitching a shut-nut game and was given
perfect support. Rain stopped the game
after the first half of the fourth waa
played. Spore: O'Neill. 6; Stuart, 0. Hits:
O'Neill. 4; Stuart, 1. Struck out: By Hunt,
4; by Bradley, 6. Krrors: Stuart, 3 Bat
teries: O'Neill. Bradley and Wilson;
Stuart, Hunt and IKire. Umpire: Crunin.
Chicago Shuts Out New York Fifteen
to Nothing;,
CHICAGO, July 15. Chicago batted
Orth and Moore hard today and shut
out New York, 15 to 0. Score:
Hahn, rf
Jonra, cf 6
Ihinohua, lb. 6
Rnhr. 2b i
Drain, 8b I
Beaumont, cf 4
Flaherty, If.. 4
DurkB. rf 3
Hltchey, lb.. 1
Nreriham, 0.. 4
Boll Ilea. P.... 4
Total! 24 11 27 12 6 Totals 31 4 27 12 0
8t. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Boston 0 00000000-0
Two-base bill Holly. Thr -e-bnso : It: H )S-
tetter. Sacrifice hit: Uniry. Stolen nases:
Murray, Byrne. Double plays: Noedhatn
end Brldwell, RItchey and Tenny; Brld
well; RItchey and Tenney. Left on bases:
St. Louis, 9; Boston, 6. Bases on balls: Off
Young, 2; Beebe, 1. 8truck out: By Young,
6; by Beobo. 7. Time: 1:38. Umpire: Kigier.
AB.H.O.A.E. . AB.H.O.A.K.
Brtdwall. ps.. 2 110 IByrns. lb....l 1 1 0 0
Trnney. lb... 1 111 1 0 Barry, If... 4 1 1 0 1
I i a i ivnnrirny, iu v , v
12 0 Otlumrtt. cf... 1 0 S 0 0
II 6 0 Hollv. aa 1 0 1 8 0
10 1 0 Murray. If.... 4 110 0
18 0 H.litr, 2b 4 1 1 0 1
1 4 1 OMamhall, 0.. 8 0 10 1 0
0 14 tl.uah. p 10 0 10
Promina, p... 1 0 0 o
Totals 827 16 3 "
, Totals 27 4 24 10 3
Boston 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 4
St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02
Hits: OtT Lush, 8 In three Innings; off
Fromme, 6 in five Innings. Sacrifice hits:
Konetcky, Holly, Ritchie, Brain. Double
plavs: Marshall to Holly; Brain to
Ritchie to Tenney. Left on bases: Bos
ton. ; St. Louis, 6. Bases on balls: OT
Luah, 2; off Fromme, 4; off Boultes, i.
Hit by Pitcher: By Boultes, Byrne. Struck
out: By Lush, 8; by Frommo, 4; by
Boultes, 6. Passed balls: Marshall,
Needham. Time: 2:02. Umpire: Rlgler.
lleds Win from Giants.
NEW YORK, July 15. Ewing proved
too much of a puzzle for New York In
today'a game and Cincinnati won by a
store of a to 2. The local team hod to
resort to a change of pitchers, Ame.8 re
placing McOlnnity In the pinth. Score:
a i a a Douahcrty, If 4
1 nn a
Sullivan, c... 2
Hart, c 2
Qulllln. 3b... 4
While, p 4
Altroi k, p. . . . 1
0 4 6 0
0 6 0 0
0 0 8 0
Aa n. ii. po. a. a
...4 0 1 2 0 0
... 4 0 1 0 4 0
...4 0 1 16 0 0
...3 0 0 1 7 0
... 4 0 1 1 0 0
... 2 0 0 8 0 1
... 3 0 0 0 4 0
.. sa i i n ii 1
All. R. H. PO. A. E.
... 3 1 2 2 0 0
...6 1 - 3 3 0 0
... 3 0 2 2 6 0
...3 0 0 14 1 1
...4 0 0 2 0 0
... 4 0 0 1 3 1
...35 4 11 27 J8 1
.00000100 01
.01100001 14
Husglns, 2b
Mitchell, rf
bchlpl, 0....
(lanial, lb..
Mowray, lb,
krucr, at..
Kana. aa ...
Odwell, If..,
Kwlng, p..
10 18 Shannon, If.. 4 1 0 0 0
.610 0 llrowna, rf... 4 1 0.0 1
.61(1 OlMTlln. 3b... Ill
.6 13 0 0 Siymour, cf.. 4 110
.4118 OiUnnldn, lb. 4 0 1& 1
.til OOahlan, sa... 4 0411
I 0 1 1 1 Hliav. !b 8 V 2 1 0
.4310 Bovi. rnian. o 4 2 3 I 0 I
.3 1 0 0 0 McOlnnity, p 2 0 0 ( t
'Strang 0 0 0 0 0
.14 18 27 11 lAmra. p 0 0 0 1
Urenn.hau . 1 0 0 0 0
4 3 0 0 Chase, lb.... 4 1 8 1
0 8 0 0 EltwrMd. a 4 1 1 3
1 11 1 0 Wlllmma, 2b. 4 0 1 2
13 0 Otaporla. rf... 4 2 0 0
2 0 0 0 Mnrlarlty, Jb. 4 1 0 1
1 1 8 Oi'onroy, If.... 4 1 8 0
0 1 t OKlrlnow, c... 1 0 1 1
18 0 OThnmaa, c... I 1 8 0
1 1 1 lOrth. p 1 1 0 0
8 10 Mnor. p 2 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 Hoffman, cf..8 0 3 0
Wright and Rehr Take Double from
Brooke and Wilding.
LONDON. Julv 15. After having lost his
i single match In the contest of Saturday for
I the Davis cud. the lawn tennis trophy,
(Reals C. Wright and Karl H. Rehr, Ameri
cans, turned the tarjles touay on me Aus
tralian team, composed of Norman F,.
Brooke and A. F. Wilding, and. playing
together In the doubleH, won one of tho
hardest contested matches ever witnessed
on the Wimbledon courts. The scores wero
3-6, 12-PI, 4-tt, 6-2, 6-3.
Tho Australians took tho first set with
comparative case, and It was only after tho
most strenuous play that the Americans
Were able to place the second to their
credit. The Australians won the third set,
and It looked as though the match cup was
out of tho reach of the Americans. Wright
and Bdir, however, then mado a great
effort, and, tiring out their competitors,
bad all the best of it in the concluding
To win the Davis cup the Americans must
take both of their matches in the singles
Base Ball Commission Hands Down
Decision In Mt. Louis Case.
CINCINNATI, July 16. The case of Play
ing Manager M. J. Kelly, whose experi
ences during the last two or three years
have Included a resort to the federal courts
and numerous appeals to the national com
mission, was again passed on by that
ball supreme court In a decision given
out today. Kelly recited tho facts ot bis
removal from a game in the American
Totals 43 16 27 10 3 Totals 8S 8 84 10 4
Chicago 1 4 0 0 6 0 0 4 15
New York 00000000 0 0
Two-base hits: Rohe, Altrock, Orth.
Three-base bit: Halm.' Hits: Oft White,
6 In seven Innings; off Altrock, 2 In two
Innings; off Orth, 8 In two Innings; oft
Moore, 13 In six Innings. Sacrifice hit:
Jones. Stolen bases: Hahn, Dougherty.
Double plays: Davis to Donohue; Qulllln
to Donohue. Left on baffit: Chicago, 8;
New York, 6. Struck out: By White.
8; by Altrock, 2; by Mire. 1. Tlmy
1:G2. Umpires: Hurst and Connolly.
1 I 1..,..,.... I ,M,:.,.m IV,. ,l.n..l.A Brttlnff
a iranui; ill ui. u,1'. ,iiijjii7 tinp v,
0 ! orders from ITesldent Ban Johnson, w ho
a claimed that Kelly had been rolcasod by
the St. Louis Americans and that he was
1 I further disqualified by the American as-
1 Boclatlon In December, Km.
St. IaiUIs falling to have Included Keny a
name In the list of reserved players, the
commission by majority vote, holds that
Kelly is a free agent Insofar as tho St.
Louis claim Is concerned. As to the other
claim of the player the commission an
nounces that It has no jurisdiction at this
time and could only have Jurisdiction on
an appeal by the player from the action
of the American association. ITesldent
Johnson of tho American league tiled a mi
nority finding In which he maintains that
the national commission cannot under any
circumstances have Jurisdiction In the case.
BSKR Our Nation's Ba aei s has mane of the
ButrttlTa proaaruaa of milk aad iesa alcohol taea cider
For Health's Sake
Try any of these brands whether on draught'
or in bottles wherever you can
Thtat) Bttri arc rammta for their
pronounced character. Tht) ntMirishinf prop
rtiet of malt aa) the tonic qualities of hops
predominate ami a distinct BlaU flaror is
accomplished fcy origintU methods.
Omaha Branrh 84)2-10 DotiglaA 8t, Cor. 8th St
Phoae Douglas 1081.
v r Sr- v.
liuunhrrtjr, Ml I 1
Cnnnorp, lb. . ft f
n-vllli. r 4 8 4
Mi-fnrm'k. 2b 3 4
Wlliian, p.... 1 9
noilwla, p.. 1 t
Rnlh 1
LH.yla 1
McLear, Sb ....
McLaughlin, cf
Hogrlever, rf ..
Dexter, c
Andreas, 2b ....
Oochnauer, ss ..
Kelly. 11
1'heles, If
Clarke, p
Sioux City
Des Moines ....
Two-base hits: Nobllt. Hurl Mel. en r
McLaughlin, Hogrlever, Dexter (2). Left i
on bases: Hloux t'lty, 6; Des Moines, V).
Stolen Oochnaur. Sacrtilca hits:
IJranvllln, McLaughlin. Hogrlever, Ooch
raur. First base on balls: off Smith, S;
off Clarke, 1. Struck out: Hy Smith 3; b,
Clarke, 2. Wild pitch: Smith. passed
bails: Uy Sheeusn, 2; by Dexter 1. Time:
1 :. Umpires: Sporer and Corbett. At
tendance, 2.OU0.
Denver ghat Oat Again.
LINCOLN, Neb., July 15-Llncoln shut
out Denver In one of the best games
played on the Lincoln grounds this year.
With McKay In tha box the visitors never
bad a chance to win. They got one man
to third and two men to second. Lincoln
won the game in the first Inning, and added
one score In tho eighth. Olmstead also
pitched a flno game after the first. Mc
Kay's work was steady ond he waa n
complete puzzle to the Teddy Hears. The
same was a line exhibition of base ball.
Denver playing without an error uu to lha
eighth inning. Score:
An. R. II. PO. A. E.
6 110 0 0
. Totals SS 1 27 )J 1
Batted for McOlnnity In tho eighth.
Batted for Antes In the ninth.
Cincinnati O2O1U002 06
New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 hlf Mitchell. Three-base
hit: Mitchell. Hits: tiff McOlnnity, 1 1 M. chpnry, cf 2 0
in eight Innings. Sacrifice hits: Devlin, 'Jar. Sb ... 8 0
ii.ur,. u K,,, rewinif. liuirmiia. Stolen Mrl n.
base: Seymour. Left on buiies: New
York, 7; Cincinnati, 13. Hit by pitcher:
Uy McOlnnity. 1. Struck out: Hy Lwlng.
1; hy McOlnnity. 1; by Ames, 1. Time:
1:68. Umpire: Carpenter.
Huston Wlua In Mlsteenth.
BT. LOUIS, Mo.. July 15. Boston battled
to a slxleen-lnnlng victory over St. Lulls
toduy, 6 to 2. Taunehlll and Pelty pitched
the entire game, Pelty weakening toward
the end. Snore:
All II. O A E. All. H O. A. K. If... 7 3 1 Nllep, 2b I I 8 ft
Sullivan, cf.. 3 3 0 l liimphlll. cf. 1 8 0 0
1 hton. It 4 Z V 1
1 OtM( krrlng. rf. 7 2 8 0
8 1 Walla.e, aa.. 8 0 7 6 0
8 1 Vraaer. Sb.... 7 8 1 I
3 1 Jonra, lb.... I I 21 ( I
8 0-:irvrna, c... 7 2 4 2 4
7 OPeltr. P 1 8
Ctmgalton, rf 7 1 6
t nrluuli. lb. 7 2 1
Kvrrla. 3b. ... 7 3 7
Ortmrhaw. aa 7 1 8
Kntglit, 3b... 4 0 3
t rlanr. o f 1 T
Taunshill, p. ft 0 ft
Ketchem, cf ...
Fox, ib a 0 1
Holmes, 3b 4 I 1 1
Oagnler, as J 0 1 1
Davidson. If 1 0 0 2
Ki nlon, rf 4 1 i s
Thomas, lb 4 0 0 11
Sullivan, c J 0 0 S
McKay, p i 0 0 0
Totalp M 12 4 22 4 Tnlala .41 17 48 28 3
St. IXHils 0 0000001000 0 000 12
Boston 1 000000OOO 00000 46
Two-baee hits: Nlles, Urlmshaw. Threo
hase hit: Hemphill. Sacrlllce hits: Sulll-
..... 1...... .1. C.I.... I.rnl.,l,l Q,.,.,
VUII, JUiir. t.. ou'i'.ii ,uB.-o. .xioisi.v, , . ,
Yeager. Jones. Double plays: Taiinelilll, r,;. rf 4
Crlger to l ngiauu. i-eri on liases: mi. r.rr, jb s i io
Louis 19, Boston 9. First base on b:ills: . l ,i d'nay Jb. . . ft 1 2
(iff Peltv 3, off rannehiu 6. 1 1 it ny p'uner:
Bv Tannehlll. Hemphill. Struck out: By
Pelty 3, by Tannehlll S. Time, 8:07. Um
pire, O'Loughlln.
I'll I iliuru Uefeota Ilrooklyll.
BROOKLYN, July 15. Loach's hit for !
three bases when the 1ms. h were filled In 1
the sixth won today's game for Pittsburg, i
Minneapolis Wlna from Toledo bp
Score of Two to One.
MINNEAPOLIS, July 15. John Free
man's home run In the seventh with a man
on first won the game for Minneapolis from
Toledo today. Score:
Batted for Keels in ninth.
O'Nnlll. cf...l 0 2 0 OBarbaau, as.. 6 18 8 0
Imnrton. 2b.. 2 ft 1 OJ.C'larka.
Merlna. II I I I 0 OArmnrUPt-r, Rl 1 I I I
J.Froaman, rf 3 1 I 0 0 Hniool, cf..,. ft 0(00
(irrmlnrrr. 8b 8 0 1 3 Pokomey, 2b 4 8 3
JyFrroman. lb 8 13 1 0 Prrrtns. 8b.. 8 10 8
Pxirlna, as.. 8 0 1 ft W. narks, lb 4 0 0 0
Oraham, 0...I 0 4 0 OAtiboct, 0 1 4 4 8 0
Ford, p 8 0 0 8 0 Kola, p 1 0 0 1 0
LpjwI 1 0 0 0 0
Totals 27 487 11 0
I total.., ...81 8 34 10 1
Minneapolis 00000080 -3
Toledo 0 0000000 11
Two-base hit: Perring. Home run: John
Freeman. Sacrifice hit: Perring. Stolon
buses: Mertes, J. Clarke, Pokomey. Left
onhoses: Minneapolis, 1: Toledo, 12. Bases
on balls: off Ford, . Hit by pitched ball:
Kels, 2; Ford, 1. Struck out: By Ford, 4;
Eels, 6. Time: :H0. 'Umpires: Kerin and
Hayes. :
Ilrewera Win In Tenth.
MILWAUKEE!. July 15. With two out
in the tenth, two' singles and Friers error
followed by a long tlfree-bagger by Bevllla
scored three runs for the home team which
gave It the game by a score of 6 to 4. Wil
son was wild und was relieved by Ooodwln
In the sixth. Score:
AB.H.O.A.E!. AB.H.O.A.B.
Rol.ln.on, pa. 4 1 8 3 8 Prlel, 3b ft 101
1 Judo, rf I
3 1 Hulawltt, as. 4
1 OOruler. cf... 4
1 OKIhm. lb.... ft 1 14
8 0 0 snrvatlua. If 4 1 3
4 I 0 writ-lay, 2b.. S
fM, o 4
1 1 UIp. p 8
0 0
0 0 Totals. 8 82 17 8
- I
Totala S3 SO 10 t
Hutted for Wilson In fifth.
Hatted for Ooodwln in tenth.
Two out when winning run scored.
Milwaukee 110000000 86
Columbus 00101 0000 84
Two-base hit: Opssler. Three-base hit:
Bevllle. Sacrifice hits: Judo, .Upp, HuLswIt.
Clark. Stolen bases: Dougherty, Klhm.
Double play: Upp, Hulswlt to Kihm. Left
on bases: Milwaukee, A; Columbus, 9.
Bases on balls: OIT Wilson, 4; off Upp, 5.
Hit by pitcher: Robinson. Struck out: By
WIlHon, 4; by Ooodwln, 1; by Upp, 4. Passed
bulls: Bevllle. 2. 'lime: 2:00. Umpire:
Iloiisirrs Defeat Batchers.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 15. 31ngle
allowed Kansas City but three hits today
and he was given faultless support.
Score: ,
Cook, cf 4 1 6 0 OMrrirldn. .. I 0 I I I
0 OMH-urthy, If. 4
0 OKivwIn. rf... 3
1 0 lirrklrr. lb. . 8
1 li Hualnuian, rf 8
0 OKrumr 2b. . 8
4 0 llurko, Sb.... 2
4 Ol'iiit, c 3
2 OCnitrhur, p... 8
Fast Game of Ball Settled by a Ran
In the Ninth.
HOOTER Neb., July 15. (Special.) The
Townsend Gun Company team of Omaha
filuyeil here yesterday and was defeated
n one of the fastest ball games ever pulled
ofT In this olty. For eight consecutive In
nings neither team could get a man across
the plate. In the last -nuif of the nlntU
limning with no one out Bulger sent out
a two-bagger to center Held. He stole third
and after the next two were cut out Hmker
I came to bat and drove a fast arrounder to
If. 8 0 3 0 0 i Baker at short, who threw wild to home,
iiuiger scoring the winning and only run
of the game. Bulger for the home team
pitched a good game, allowing but five bits
and striking out ten. Morearty also pitched
a masterly game, he striking out seven
men and allowing but four hits. Both teams
played brilliant ball in the field. The fea
ture of the game was a-freak atch In cen
ter field by Atkins, the ball going to Barr,
who missed It, and Atkins nailing It before
It hit the ground. The game was played in
fifty-five minutes, which Is also another
record. Attendance, 600. Score:
W. Zler,lb 4 0(0 lEastmaa. 8k.. 4 0110
R. Zelk.rp.3b 4 0 8 8 0 riakar, aa 4 1 1 I t
Buliiar, p.... 4 8 0 8 OYuung, If 4 4 10 0
Jotippn, c 4 4 4 8 1 Hflaatur, tb.. 4 0 8 4 1
Hacker, 2b.... 4 0(3 OAtkllia, rf.... 4 1 1 4 0
Harrla. pp.... 4 3 8 3 1 Wlnalow, lb.. 4 1 11 0 4
Park. I, rf 800 OQul.lrr. c... 41(10
Buohali, cf.. 8 0 3 0 Onarr, cf 8 0 0 1 0
Juoat. II ( 0 1 0 0 Morearty, p.. 8 1 4 ft 0
the part of home players. Delalr pitched
his fourth game for the week, and out of
these he won three, one each from Sterling
and Tecumseh, aside from the above. The
coming week will witness a series of five
games on the home grounds, opening with
Tecumseh on Monday and Tuesday. Inas
much as tho teams now stand even, an in-
lere.iung contest: is looked for.
Doth of tha Leaders Win anal Tie for
First nemalna.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., July 15. (Special
Telegram. j Both the leaders In the Iowa
league won today. Results:
At Marnhalltown RILE.
Marshalltown .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 3 3
Waterloo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 K) 1
Butteries: Glffcn and Forney; Harmon
and IJzette.
At Qulncy- R.H.E.
Qulney 0 1 0 0 6 2 0 0 - 11 8
Jacksonville ...0 0100000 01 7 5
Batteries: Farrell and Walsh; McCurty
and Belt.
At Oakaloosa R. 11.13.
Oskaloosa 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 16 8 2
Oltumwa 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 04 8 1
Batteries: Steele and Mltze; Coykendall
and Welgart.
At Burlington First game: R.H.E.
Burlington 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 7 1
Keokuk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4 0
Batteries: Els and Bruggetnan; Huron,
and Ryan.
Second game: R.H.B.
Burlington 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 9 i
Keokuk 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6 10 1
Batteries: Els, Wilt and Bruggeman;
Cummlugs and Ryan.
1 I
1 8
8 3
0 1
1 1
HoKlry. c... I
Willlama. pa. 4
Hoi'ka. 8b.... 3
Slagla, p 8
0 1
1 4
1 2
1 0
0 0
1 0
o a
0 I
2 1
4 4
Loath, rf 8
(VarkP. If . . 4
Wiii.r, aa. . 4
Ab'alrhlo. tb 4
Ntaloii, lb... 4
tltnrki'. 2b... 4
Oltiann, c. . . . 1
Phll!lil. p.. 8
Tola la.
I 8
3 3
1 8
0 15
0 I
0 8
Totals Sfi 7 27 14 0 ToUla 2 8 27 (
Indianapolis 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 26
Kansas City 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Struck out: By Slagle, &; by Crutcher.
I. Bases on balls: off Crutcher, 6; off
Single, . Wild pitch: Crutcher. Stolen
buses: Cook, McBrlde. Two-base hit:
tprlngflrlal Take Gaame.
SPRINOFIEIJD. Neb.. July 16 Special
Telegram.) Springfield won from Its old
rival, Gretna, Saturday In the opening
game of the season, by a score of 8 to
6. Both teams are newly organized out
of local talent, some of which were of
uncertain quality before the game, but
made good before the contest was over.
Thomas Kelly, a Springfield lad, carrying
off the honors In his brilliant deportment
at short. The score:
R H E.
'Springfield 01182000 1 661
Uretna 0 o 0 0 1 O 0 0 3 7 3
Batteries Springfield, Stilts and Bates;
Gretna, Stutienneger and Burk. Tlmo, 1:40.
Umpire, Nicholson.
Paart Game at Hooner.
HOOPER, Neb., July 15. (Special.) The
Hooper ball team defeated the Townsend
Gun Company team of Omaha In a very
fast gume here yesterday. The winning
score was made when there was one man
out In the ninth Inning. The teams were
ToUls 13 4 27 12 8 Total SS ft 26 14 8
Hooper 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 11
Townsends 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Bases on balls: Oft Bulger, 4; Morearty,
7. Stolen bases: Hooper, 2; Townsends, 8.
Two-base hit: Bulger.
Rally In Eighth Saves the Association
from Biting; tho Mad.
In a game In which both pitchers de
served to win, Dleta Association won from
the Highland Park by a score of 6 to 4.
Poor support behind Matthews In the
eighth gave the Association four runs. The
Council Bluffs boys made one In the ninth,
but at this time Bennett relieved Schlndle.
striking out the next three men.
Huntar. If.... 3 11 lciliult. Jb.... (118 1
1 8 211. brwla, o.. 6 0 4 0
1 14 1 Owilaon. lb... (110
( (Plata, 3b..... 4 18 1
( 0 liV. Lnrwlp, If. 4 8 1 0 1
1 4 ( tllolat, aa 6 ( 8 1 8
13 1 OMatihowa, p.. 1 ( 1 T
( 0 0 Of. bra la. cf.. 4 0 ( ( (
( ( 4 lAlllaun, rf ... 4 0 4 ( (
evenly matched and put up a very pretty
contest. Tlie score:
Townsend Gun Co..O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Hooper ..00000000 11
Batteries: Morearty and Qulgloy; Bulger
and Jcnson. Hits: Townsend, 4; Hooper,
4. Two-base hit: Bulger. Earned run:
Hooper, 1. Errors: Townsond. 3; Hooper,
6. Struck out: By Morearty, t; Bulger. 4.
Bases on balls: Off Morearty, 1 oil Bul
ger, 1. Time: 1:15. Umpirei Basler.
Atlantlo Piles Up Score.
ATLANTIC. Ia., July 15. (Special.) Tho
Merchunts' Orays of this place played an
other pobr game of ball at the park yeater
daly when they crossed bats with the
Wuick Brothers' team of McClelland. Tim
game was poorly played throughout, many
errors being made by both clubs. It re
sulted In a victory for tha Orays by a
score of 21 to 6. About 300 people witnessed
the game. Sergeant pitched for Atlantic
and was up to his usual good form until
the sixth, when they fell onto his delivery
hard, and White waa substituted. Lynch
and Parish pitched for the visitors.
Reenter Defeats Scrlbner.
BEEMER, Neb.. July 16.-(Spoclal.)
Tho Beemer base ball team went to Scrlb
ner Sunday and defeated their fast team
by a score of 8 to 1, Kcrlber getting their
only score on a wild pitched bail. Although
tho diamond was quite muddy an errorless
game was played. Batteries: Beemer. At
chlnsnn and Fehllnian; Bcribnor: Obrlne
and Drier.
Iloaklns Defeats Norfolk.
IIOSKINS, Neb.. July 15.-(Spoclnl.)
I fosk Ins and Norfolk played at Hosklns
Sunday, the latter being defeated by a
score of 6 to 0. Batteries: Hosklns, Phillips
and Zlemer; Norfolk, Hank and Ollssman.
Struck out: Hy Phillips, 8; by Haak, 3.
Hits: Hosklns, 6; Norfolk, 3.
Codabrs Win Two.
The Cudahy's won a double header by
defeating the Royals and tho Omaha club
team. The first game was Won by the
score of 7 to 0, and was void of feature.
Tho Royals were unable to connect with
Cunninghum's delivery. Tho second gams
was played with the Omaha club, u fast
colorod team, the Cud.ihy'a winning by tho
score of 4 to 1. It waa a fast, clean and
well played game.
Batteries, tlrst game: Engllsh-Mlnngrr-son;
Cunnlngham-Cassady. Second game:
Whitney-Johnson; Golden-Cnssldy.
To Prevent Shoes front Cracking
use Quick Shine Shoe Polish, It oils,
polishes and gives a patent leather finish
and is water-proof. Ask your dealer for IL
Bee Want. Ads always bring results.
Andrrnoo. lb. 8
rpellm&Q, o.. 4
Waaamaa, lb.. 4
Laffertr, cf. .. 4
W. Plainer, rf 3
B.nnelt, aa-p. 4
Traojr. Sb 8
Bcbroder, p.. (
Totals 81 4 87 ( 4 Totala (7 ft 84 U 4
Dteti 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6
Highland Park 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 14
Struck out: By Schlndle, 10; Bennett, 3;
Matthews, 6. Bases on balls: By Schlndle,
1. Matthews, 8.
Drrahrr Juniors Take Another.
The Dresher Juniors defeated the Illinois
Central Juniors Sunday by the score of 11
to 4. Batteries: Dresher Juniors, I Felt
man and Williamson. The Dresher Juniors
would like to hear from the Orchard Hills
for some Saturday or Sunday game, and
will ass 'j re them a fast game, since the team
has strengthened. Call at U.15 Farnuui
street, or 'phone Douglas 1S57.
Humboldt Wins Slow Game.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. July 15 Humboldt
yesterday afternoon defeated Verdon In a
slow game of base ball on the homo
grounds, the score standing 8 to 2, The
visitors securi'd both their runa In the
first innings as the result of an error on
the visitors scoring four runs In that In
nlng. The home team wuh only able to
get in a single tally. Score:
AU.H.O.A.E Ah. HO. AH.
Annpraon, rf. 3 0 0 0 OAlpannan, 2b 6 0 4 2 0
0 npoy, 8b ( 1 S ( t
( 0 llummal. rf
4 0 Batch, if..
ft (Joroan, lb.
0 0 Malim.y, cf
1 OU'wIa. aa...
8 4 Hargan, c . . .
8 (Sraiilun, p.
2( ( 27 18 ( for scan.on ..rninthi15 ' " ' ! A grreat many blood medicines contain Mercury, Potash, Arsenic or some
Pittsburg o 0000400 0-4 other strong mineral. These ingredients acc unpieasanuy ana ouea aanger-
Brookiyn ............ .o ooo oool 0-1 ; ousiy on the 6vsteni by affecting the stomach, and upsetting the digestion, and
Threa-baso bits: Leach. Hummel. Sacrl- . ' , ' a...: . ..Un,i. 1i.,'n ljcE,... A ),.
flee bit: Hummel. Stolen base: Hummel
aaiaaaaajuaaisua '""JIV, '''1" ' iL L, i? - ' "r 'Y'T"w1w'''' " '"" '''"'Saa.
K - ' i?!'riJNiak'' . ,
Double pluys: Alperman and Jordan;
Casey, Alperman and Jordan. Lift on
I bases: Brooklyn 9, I'ittst urn 3. Bas.s on
balls: Off Scanlon 6, ofT Phl'lppi 1. Struck
out: By Scanlon 5. by Phllhppl 3. Time,
1:40. Umpire. Johnstone.
'- 8
ah it
6 27 1 4
H. PO.
1 8
Murphy, rf 4 0
Cnssady, If 4 0 11
heeler, 8b 4 0 0 I
White. It 8 0 17
I-aulerbol n, 2b 2 0 0 0
Hohannun, cf 3 0 0 0
Kluiieally. ss 8 0 0 1
McDonough, c 8 0 0 10
Olmstead, p 8 0 0 1
Totals 2 0 8 24 8 2
Lincoln 10000001 J
Denver 00000000 00
Karned runs: Lincoln, S. Three-base hits:
Knulirjn, Holmes. Bucrltice hit: David
son. Lauterborn. Stolen baaes: Fox, Dav
idson. Feiilon. Sullivan iii. McKay. Struck
out: By McKay. 6; Olmstrad, . Bases on
balls: Onnsiead, i. Hit by pitched bail;
McKay, 1, olmatead. 1. Wild pitch: Olm
stead. 1. Left on bases: Lincoln, 10; Den
ver, 3. Time; l:3u. Umpires: Zackert of
Lincoln. It. Adams of Denver. Attend
ance: taX
sometimes do great damage by eating out the delicate lining and tissues of the
body. No such results ever come from the use of S. S. S. This great medicine
enjoys the distinction of being the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood
remedy ou the market. It is made entirely from the extracts and juicca of
healing, cleansing roots, herbs and barks of the forests and fields gathered
under our own suoervision. In the treatment of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores
craxd island KAii.s to scouR and Ulcer9. Scrofula. Skin diseases. Blood Poison, and all blood diseases anxl
disorders S. S. S. is a safe and emcient remedy, it removes irotn me Diooq
all impurities, humors or poisons, and safely a9 well as 6urely cures all iHi
and ailments due to a bad condition of the blood. For more than forty
years S. S. S. has been recognized as the best Blood Purifier and the Greatest
of all Tonics. We have books on the different blood and 6kin diseases
which we will be glad to Bend free to all who desire them, and will also
furnish any medical advice wanted without charge.
tagfflJtWHBKiaiTTrirt r-m BWI IlikaapatJippJ
Hs4r Takes Another.
PKNPER, Neb.. July IS-(f fecial. 1-Pender
won a fast game from Waketleld o
the home grounds by a score of i to 4
Haltwrtes: Pender, Ltppold and Kelso;
Wkaaiald. Ituabv and Hsndrtekann. Iiriu b
iUfiA i ti
In the Meantime Kearney Piles li
KEARNEY, Neb.. July IB -(Special Tele
gram.) Orand Island and Kearney played
today and Orand Island waa shut out,
11 to 0. Score:
Murphy, el ...I ( 4 ( (Mllla. aa I 10 11
Plara. rf 4 ( 0 1 ( llnhtn. c 4 0 4 8 0
Xanilprp. lb . 4 1 2 0 rnclhaln. rf J 1 0 4 1
Kllpalrlok. aa ft 2 8 1 4 Mull. ex. lb... 2 1 2 ( (
Barom. lb ... 4 3 I 1 C Uynrh. If 3 ( S ( 0
rarpntar. If. 4 ( 8 ( ( :i4. It, I 1 1 I
Miiraaa. 8t..( 3 11 M -liowell. tb 3 8 ( ( a ( 1(8 (rward. cf...S 1100
rugala. p.... 4 2(1 (Millrr. p 3 0 ( ft (
Totals .8 II 7 3 ( Totals 27 ( Ti ( (
Earned runs: Kearr.ey, 8. Two-base hits:
Pacoin. Morgan, Kugate. Three-base hit:
Morgan. Home run: Santera. Double
play: Iucaa to Bacorn to Xanders. Klrst
base on balls: Off rugate, 2: off Miller. 8.
Hit with pitched ball: Bv Pugate, t
Passed ball: Rob-n. Wild p'tch: Miller.
Ieft on bkes: Kearney. 9: lirand Island,
8. Struck out: By Fjgute, 10; bv Miller, 1.
Time: 1.&0. Umpire: Pnndergrnft.
ffi . tr . v ;.-" , i 7-.i
t' -T;' f . ' .viir'
I 3'l, - - . " '
Rain Save, tito.rt.
O-NBII.L, Neb.. July lft (Speilal Tele-(rraio.r-Hatn
saved the Stuart ball team
i ' .-ry (f I
EbUblUhed In Omaha 16 Tear.
E7DETfr Conaultatlon
aP ItCaLpB and Examination.
(vrlto for Symptom Blank for Home Treatment
Dr. Scarlcs &ScarIcs
i 5. t.Cerntr 1U ud Du.!u M.tMAH NEB
If you are menaced with diseases or
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procrastinate and postpone treatment'
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Dlaeaaea aad Weaknesses aad their oeiuBlloatloaa.
Consult Free bpeclaiUsU of Ui
Call and D Examined Froe or Write
Office Honre 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. buudayt 10 to 1 Ouly
1308 Farn&m St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Fertuanrntly Estatllatitxl la Ooiaba, Nebraaaa.
- s-ass mm sMa.anM 3SMSZ8aG3mBBga