"to rr-mrAi nr-ri;m,i -nLr.1:"""! L'hkitav, " .ilia ' lur'i.KiT: Third Day of the Great Sale O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile Stock Fur OMAHA WF.ATHFIl FOI'.FCAST Tnedny S!oier. Em mm TUESDAY ALL THE WILL BE CHILDREN'S DAY ft CHILDREN'S h w at FROM THE GREAT STOCK OF O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile At Extrxordiisxry Bdirga.iis Every mother in Omaha should attend tliis sale of chil- as. i . -t s j 1 1 i m i (iron s shoes and Take advantage oi tne mg bargains mes fj day. O'PunaliocRedmond-Normile carried a splendid btock of children's shoes, all new and up-to-date. BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon Shoes z $ Child '8 vici kid high shoes and jj patent leaiuer oxiorus, uuster lirown Blue Kibbon T) r.KxamsssTgxnmn 98c brand, sizes 5 to 8, at Child's $1.75 patent colt, vici kid, velour 5 1 1' 1 1 T L M f T can, nice or nuuou uusier Brown Blue Kibbon Shoes, at Misses' $2.00 laco or button Shoes or Oxfords, Uuster Brovrn Blue t5 Ribbon brand, jl at Infiint m ou-ct-nt soft sole hlh o r low HhOHH, KlZl'B 1 to 4 Ixmement 15c Infant's, bIzbh 2 to BOc fancy top and patent leather hum! sewed soles base ment, at 25c Hoys' and Youth's $2. BO Hunter Itrown Hlue Ribbon Shoes patent colt, vici kid, box calf and velour calf, at $1.98 Child's & Misses' 98c white, blue and red canvas and vlcl kid oxfords, at Child's 7 5c Don Kola kid put en t Iilh and low sixes i to 5, at- 39c Misses' J1.2 pat ent leather vlcl kid ox fords, at 79c Tho $1.50 "Walton shoes" In misses 12 to 2; little Rents 9 to 13; boys shoes 2 to 6; and youth's 1 to 2, at $1 Misses' Jl.oO vlcl k 1 d oxfords, '98c All tho $2.00 boys' and youth's high and low shoes at. C A only; 1. W Yon Are Called M Not the call of the wild but a rail for conn on sense In shoes and oxfords. Nowhere as at the Drexel can you secure that comfort In shoes so necessary to one's feelings these dog days. We fit the foot. We do not con form that foot to fit the shoes. A cmpetent corps of expert shoe fit ters always at your service. We've still many pairs of those $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00 women's kid and tan oxfords left, at, per Pair $1.00 o) 2nd Floor Clean n Swcot M f Crisp UlI AT S OVER A I 2nd I if Floor Li n nishing Goods and Hats Every Dollar's Worth of Goods Must be Sold This Week 111 IY Oils TMB RELIABLE STRS Thousands of Dollars Worth of Merchandise Marked Re gardless of Original Cost HALF PRIC Drexel Shoe Co. I 1419 Far n a in St. Clearing Sa.lc of Very Fine- EMBROIDERIES Beautiful batiste embroideries in richest and most elabor ate patterns ever imported all are elegant new effects, in all widths and worth as high as $1.50 a yard on big bar gain square, at 25 c, 49c and 69c 27-Inch Embroidery Skirtings Exquisite patterns, many trimmed with finest Val laces and should be worth regularly up to $2.50 a yard, at, per yard m PC These values are not exaggerated! These sensational price reduc tions represent the biggest bargain opportunity In ladies' waists ever offered in Omaha. These waists are not seconds or Job lots; they are perfect in material, workmanship and styles. It's because of the occa sion the closing days of our great. July Clearance Sale that we throw them in at these Incredible-looking price savings. $1.00 Lawn and Embroidery Trimmed Waists 49c $2.00 Lawn, Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Waists. .800 a $3.50 Lingerie Waists, dainty lace and embroidery trimmed, p at $1.69 I HAND MADE LINGERIE LACE AND NET WAISTS $5.00 Waists for... $2.95 fcj $7.50 Waists for $4.48 fi $10.00 Waists for $6.45 $12.50 Waists for. $7.95 1 $15.00 Waists for. $8.95 Ll $5.00 Zephyr Gingham Jumper Suits jjl Made of plain colored and checked ginghams, strap- I ped in same, skirts cut extra full, Tuesday j Tremendous Bargain Offerings on Saturday and Monday at tracted great crowds of enthusiastic buyers, and Tuesday's are, if possible, even moro attractive. Don't fail to profit by these uJr matchable offerings. Tuesday Furnishing Goods Bargains Away for the summer don't carry a roll of bills with which to pay your expenses It Isn't SAFE. Arrange with us for travel ers checks, drafts on Kountze Bros.' foreign circular letters of crediit, payable to you on ly If lost, no one else can get cash upon them, and they're good in any quarter of the globe. For this and all other safe, banking this bank, national ized in 1863, is at your 6ervlce.. OUR RESOURCES $13,088,714.39. First National Bank OMAHA, NEB. HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS 1.25 A DIG CLEARING SALE SPECIAL For TUESDAY iUITENGS - 4 19c r and 25c W Cotton voile suiting, mohair lustre suiting, mercerized sumnas and white materials u j grar.a clearing sale for Tuesday; 42 at yard ) suitm 4' i Imported Madras (or Waists and Shirts, 121c Fine woven English madras, white grounds with dots, stripes, figures, rings and jacquard effects, sold A fal regularly at o5c yai'd grand clearing sale of I ,2 all our 3, 5, 7 and 10 yard lengths, at, j'ard v it!? Grand Sale of French Renaissance and CLUNY LACE PIECES Bought from U. S. Customs House st Just cl Fraction of Their VsJue Cluny luce tumbler Dol lies, worth 50c, at. . . I9c Cluny lace plate Dollies, worth 9Sc, at 49o Cluny Centerpieces, round and square, fQ yfOQ 1 QQ worth up to $15.00, at V.JO-lf.JO-.JO 20x54-ln. Cluny Scarfs, OD I 45-in. Cluny Table Cov Q f A U.O I er. worth $20.00, at. U.JU worth $15.00, at a Deautiful Renaissance Lace Pieces Centerpieces, round and aquare, worth up to Vfl. 98c each, at. . ,JCJ ,C 98c 6x9 loth Doilies, worth up to 16c each, at .5c-7ic Exqulslt Renaissance Scarfs, worth up to $2.00 each, at Hotel Cumberland Broadway and 64th Street, NKW YORK CITY. Crmnlent to Subway and "L" P tattoo. Shof eIds IMatrlct, Theater. intrl hirk. New. Mndem. Plrrprouf. uu of the nneat (urnlabed hotels on Broadway. Hatss with Bath, S3.50 up. Cooleat bumioer Hotel In New York. Bpaolal Bummar Katea. Htiadquarter for Southern people. Superb Hi-eieuraat. Moderate Price. Muelo. S-nA for booklet. MANAGEMKNT; BB1V P. ST1MSON pi hornirl) Prea AmerUao Nation! bank.' Fi Kaoaa City; lately wltn Hotel imperial. C B. J. BIN(,KJ. E formerly with Hotxl Woodwaril. 1,000 Fine Chiffon Panama Skirts Regular $G.50 and $7.50 values, eight styles, made in plain color and fancy panaraa, Tuesday $3.95 Men' Straw Hats To bring our popular men's hat section into line with this extraordinary July Clearance Sale, we have determined on a relentless bargain giving experi ment. Accordingly all our straw hats, none reserved, will be put on sale Tuesday at such price slashes as these. Values up to $3.00, clear andc sale price. . gl.Qg Values up to $2.00, clear ance sale price. .ffl.K) Values up to $1.25, clear ance sale price. 79 Values up to 75c, clear ance ear- price. 49t Only up-to-date styles, Includ ing the new soft roll, brims and yacht shapes figure In our stock and In this sale. Men's High Grade Shirts A brand new lot for Tuesday morning. A manufacturer's left over stock of high grade shirts. The price we-paid was far below market value. We offer the lot at a FKACTIOX OVKIl HAftF MUCK. These shirts are made (a great many of them at least) In the popular coat style, with or with out cuffs, plain and pleated, fronts, in a variety of colors and fabrics. Values up to $2.50 each. at $1.10 Values up to $1.50 each. at Values up to 79c ench, at 49 MAIN FLOOR N. W. From O'Donahoc-Krdmond-Noriiillc stock. New lot- brought Hi eater bargains than those offered Sutiirda) nml Monday. forward over) Men's Hose that sold up to 25c, blucks, tans, and fancies, In three lots, 5c, 10c and 12 H Men's Neckties, worth to 50c, choice Tuesday 19(T Men's Suspenders, In great variety, worth to 75c, Tuesday in three lots, at 12V4c. 19c and 25t Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, worth to 39c, sale price, 10c, 12 Vic and 15 15c fine cambric Handkerchiefs, plain or fancy borders, on sale Tuesday, at 5 Ladies' Gowns $2.00 values, laco aud embroidery trimmed, made extra full and long 9S Ladies' I nder Vests, In lisle or cotton, worth double, at 5c, 10c, 12 Vic 15c and 19 Men's Shirt, worth to $2.00, Griffon, Monarch and other well known brands, 39c, 69c and 08) 1'nderwenr, in plHin and fancy colors, worm io ai.vv garment, lisle or shkv at 25c. 3o7 finished balbrlggana and i9y 9l.no I'n I on Knits, fine mercerized gar ments, choice, Tuesday 75 Inlon Suits, worth to $2.50, in two lots, 98c and $1.50 Mht Shirts, in fin cambric, 75c and $1.00 values, Tuesday 1J) Pyjamas, worth to $8.00 set 9S Ladies' (Vret Covers Daintily trimmed, values to 75c, sale prlco 49c, 39c and 25C Laces, Embroideries, Notions At less than half actual cost In thi9 great sale, to secure your supply: All kinds of fine Val. and Torchon Laces, worth to 3c yard, on sale All fancy Torchon and fine Val. Lace, worth Ec and 7c yard, on sale, at 2Ji All 10c Laces at 3H All 15c and 20c Laces, at 5 Fancy Allover Laces an exceptionly fine line, worth $2 to $3 per yard, all go, at 89 All soiled Embroideries and InsertlngB, worth 5c to 10c yard, at i All 15c Embroideries, at 7V, All Z5c Embroideries at lUC All 30c Embroideies at 12H1 All 35c Embroideries, at 15t An Immense line of Corset Cover Em broideries, at, yard 15 Gold eye Needles, full count, pkg. 1 25c Needle Books, at 3 Black Darning Cotton, at 1 CO-lnch Tape Measures, each Aluminum Thimbles 11 Shoe Laces, per pair 1 The opportunity of a lifetime. Manufacturer's Stock of Ladies' Suits 400 new ones just received, on sale Tuesday at Less thun Cost of Ma terials. Silk and Wool Suits, worth to $25, a magnificent assortment of very newest style ideas, grandest bargains ever offered, at $8 Fine Walking Skirts, in panamas, voiles and silks, pleated and trimmed with bands of taffeta, up to $10 val ues, choice $4.95 $0.00 Skirt, in all newest styles, 300 to select from, at $2.98 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Second to None Handling the Finest Table Products Pea Special About seventy-five dozen cans extra sifted early June Peas, usual price 17 Vic, to close out, can 12H RAKED BEAN SPECIAL "Best we have" brand, small can 9 And 5 green trading stamps Medium can- 12 H And 10 green trading stamps Large can 18 And 20 green trading stamps BEAGd HOTEL American and European Plan Finest Hotel on the Great Lakes On the edge of town, tbls ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks 1 air M..hir,QH Y4-...h jyMiiiriiiri' on two sides, wbila shaded parka complete the beautiful surrounding. Tho city is tut 10 minutes ride from the nearby station. Many families make this their permanent borne. There is always a cool breeze in Warmest weather. 45Jlargeoutside eooms, 250 private baths, 1000 feet vl broad veranda. The table is always the beat. TotirinlsaDdtrauilentirueatS (rod it a delightful place tostop en route and rait. Address for handsomely Illustrated Booklet, giving full particu lar. Manager, Chicago Beach Hotel, Mat Blvd. and Lake bhore, Chicago. TTMMEB TOTmS OV t.rB MTOHIGA1 tHB.lM.i MANITOU for utimtT service exclusive)), makes three trip weekly to Charlevoix, Barboi fsprlnjs, Bay vtew, retosaey ana mci lnaa Island, connection with ull bletu.mll p l.lnaa for Lake Bunerlor. Eastern and Carte sian points. Inquire about our week-end trips specially arranjred tor liualneea and Prof sional Mn. fiBATEl CXICAOO AB TOLLOWIl Hon. llitJO a. m. Wed. p. m FH. 6:30 p. in. MAnlTOu BTElnBnir vuarssi fills A SACaS. aeeaas N. Water ku caicaes ,-- e" per- Are You Going to St. Louis? The Hotel Hamilton Is a delightful place in the Hast Resident Unction and away trom the noise and smoke; yet wuhm easy access. Tranalaiit Slate: $1 0 tc J.0u per tlay. Kuru pean PI a a Spr-cial liates by the week. WMts far Booklet. Address W y. Wll.f.lAMrioN. Man.Kor. aTAMBLTOir BOTH., 8T. A-Ogia. The Finest Fishing ne Outlnf In Wisconsin. Lota and cottages ror sale on tne nneat ink lr Wlaconsln. Address iQM W, XOaAJI 40 dozen cans-Dunbar's Shrimps, t ! large can 20 la And 10 green trading stamps 9 Seventy-five dozen large cans, f Pears In syrup 15 1 Ana 20 green trading stamps ? Twenty dozen bottles Lemon Extract, each Six bottles 25t? And 10 green trading stamps Diamond S. Vegetables, worth up to 20c, can, to close out, can 10c m Cut put the salaries of engin eers and firemen by usin Elec tric Power-the motor will start your machinery with that sim ple switch. Investigate. Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. Tel. Douglas 1062. Y. M. O. A. Bldg. J Jamestown All Sumifter Resorts, Rates, Booklets, all information, , call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam. HARRY E. MOORES, Q. A. P. D. OMAHA, at 15c Dressing Combs, If) Rule of Fxtrn Kl.cd Skirt, bands to 38 inches, length 39 to 46 tn.i fine voiles, panamas and serges, un matched values in this sale, at $9.90, $C95. $4.95 and 83.95 $3.00 Wash Skirts, in sack and union linens, choice $1.50 Domestic Room-Extra Specials for Tuesday :SO A. M. Cambric linings, all col ors, yard 2H Forenoon Only Apron Checks, 7V4c quality.... 29t Amoskeag Checks G? Simpson's black and white prints 3H America Indigo Blue fabrics... 3H 25c Towels 12 H 4 19c Towels JO 15c Towels 7 10c Towels Kg Afternoon Only One case Highland C unbleached mus lin, 6c goods, ou sale at... 34, 39c Mercerized Table Damask. 19 50c Damask 2." 10c fine bleached Muslin 5 15c Towels 7)h $1.00 Extra size and weight Monarch Sheets, at, each t 49t $1.00 Bleached Sheets, each 58t All Wash Fabrics at Less than Half Price. Talro nr1vp.rtt.ntre nf nnr mparinfr Kalfi. Earfrains in Furniture MHkV WV vwv a. v e wsvh . " ' O a and Rugs. Our Credit System provides for payment to suit pur- chaser. m HFLYDENS' SM t)R. BRADBURY, Dontict. am loatlen 18M PAR NAM ST., OMAHA. rno hoiim Crown. $2JJ0P (TY$i$tt&in& Faiulema work la Bridge Work. 2.60 up N YVVY V " P""00"' wor rlAte. sj2.no no -JL-J I T raaranted 10 rearm. YOU WILL NEED IT We mean a Fountain Pen to use while on your vaca tion A necennary article these days. We have a good guaranteed ptm for 1'.&. Waterman Pens 2.M. UXK FOR THK NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1614 Douglas Street. Now is the Time to Apply for Office "While there ia practically no vacant offices in the building today, changes among tenants are being made from time to time; give us an idea of what you want and as soon as we can accommodate you, we will notify you. Put in your application now. Tho... Bee Building is the best known office location in Omaha; every ono knows where the Bee Building is. The building is al ways in perfect repair; it lias been kept so and you can count ou it being the same as long as it stands. R. W. BAKER, Supt. Room 418 Bee Bldg. Tame ., wu.