X) TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNERDAT, .U?Ir 10. 1P07. I ( ( GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Price Faded Away on Weaker Cablei aad BeporU. LOCAL BULLS DUMTDJQ WHEAT of For Tins Wkul Ikanet alga Rally, bat It Did Nat De velop Cora BkoOTCd VmIuim OMAHA. July 9. 1907. Market generally weaker this morning. After early firmness prices faded away on weaker cable and weakness tn northwest markets. Local bulla ihow signs of dis couragement and dump wheat on ail breaks. Thrashing reporta from Missouri nut run ning ao good. Wheat allowed sign of a rally at open ing, but on aelllng. cauaed by fean of a bearisa government report and wean cable, price (lumped and market showed Utile of the flrmnrsa which baa till now been so evident. September option opened at 880 bid and closed at 80 bid. Corn was weak with wheat and a general rush to sell at opening, owing to cables and favorable weather, tkiina good buying later rallied tha market above yesterday a close. September corn opened at 490 bid and closed at 49o bid. Oats wers sort on selling by commission houses and considerable green bug reporta from Wisconsin and the northwest. The crowd backed away from all offerings and trade was light. September oat opened at 38o bid and closed at 8X0 bid. Clearance were 8.8.0U0 bushels of com, 4,000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 1KS,KK) boshels. . Liverpool closed WaHid lower on wheat nd d lower on corn. Seaboard reported 616.000 bushels of wheat and 80.000 bushels of corn for export. Local range of options: articles. I Open. High.) Low. Close, Bafy. Wheat- Jill July...! 86 B 8RB 88 B fBl 86 B Sept... 8kB 88R f 874B Leo... W B W2 B 83 ii ti iij Com- III July.,. I 4RHBI 48HS1 4RB1 tSBl 48 B ,8ept;.. 4DHB ' 4H '49B 49B 47HB Dec... 47B 7B 47BJ 47H Oats- I.I I ( July...! 41 B 4H4B 41 B 41B 41 Sept... 88 B MB MB 88 B 86 LXC... 88B 68H 88B 3nB B bid. Omsk Cask Prleea. WHKAT-No. t hard, 870900; N. t hard. 83fro; No. 4 hard, 88So; No. 8 spring, 87tj0e COBLN-No. J, 49er No. 8, 4K'849cj no grade, tic; No. a yellow, 44c; No. I White, 49G49C, OATS No. 8 mixed, 41(fNHc: No. 8 white, 4242Vsc; No. 4 white, 4l&42c; standard, 40. , UYB-NO. J, 75c: No. I TSio, tferlot Reeelpts. Wheat. Corn, Chicago 46 489 Minneapolis ...... 199 Omaha 14 Duluth 147 ... Oats. .107 'ri CHICAGO GRAIX AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trsvdlnsr and Closlnsr Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July I. A large decrease In the world's visible supply of wheat and crop damage reports from the northwest caused strength today In tne local wneai market, tha September delivery closing at a net gain of Corn was off do, Oats were up Wtc.' Provisions were JSo to 17o lilgher.. The market opened week because of a decline of more than Id at Liverpool, said to be due to better weather con ditions and the continued favorable weather In this country. At the end of the first ' half hour commission houses oommeneed to buy freely and tha market became firm. Numerous reports were received from Mln ' neapolls regarding damage by the green ' bug In the northwest. . In addition to this, Bradstreet's weekly report showed a de crease of 6,160,000 bu. In the world's visible supply. Under these Influences the market 'closed strong and near the highest point the day. September opened ffo to wrc lower at 860 to 860, sold off to advanced to 860 ana ciosea at mw ..ttiHc ..Clearances of, wheat and flour were quai 10 Jdb,uuu uu. rnirmrj emiyi wm. '427,000 bu., against 666,000 bu. for the same "day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 891 caxs, against 668 last week and 892 a year ago, ' The oorn market was weak early in tha day In sympathy with wheat and because of favorable woatber conditions. Later the market rallied on reporta that corn In the southwest Is "firing" because of the Intense heat. The close was steady. Sep tember opened VkffS4o to VrfSc -lower at 540 to MTeO, sold off to 4(34o and then advanced to 66c. Final quotations were at MTo. Local receipts were 494 cars, with 64 of contract grade. With the exception of moderate weak ness early In the day the oat market was strong. Active buying by bulls and an Improved demand for cash oats were the strengthening features. September opened unchanged to 6b lower at SNVifflDc to 8t"4c, sold at 8bo and then advanced to 89o, where It closed. Local receipts were 107 cars. old northern, 6a 2d; futures quiet; July, 4s 111; tj.pteml.er. 4s lld. FLOL It Winter patents quiet, 27s 6d. NKW VOHK UK KHAL MARKET qaofalloss of the Itay on Vortoos Commodities, NEW YORK, July . FLOUR Receipts, 13.046 barrels; exports, 1.660 barrels; Market dull and partly lower; Mlnne nla patents, $06t6 4o; winter straights, 4.4iii4.ji; Minnesota bakers, $3,7544 16; win ter extras. U HU3.70; winter patents, $4 '(i4 9u; winter low grades, $3.00418. m. Rye Hour, steady; fair to good, $4.7641! 6.00; choice to fancy, $5. ID'S 6.40. CUH.VMIiAL, Steady; fine white and yel low, 81 arv&i.so; coarse, $l.im1.18; kiln dried, 8a."r,a.3o. RYE Dull; No. 1 western, 880, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 81,109 bushels; ex ports, 10,787 bushels. Spot market firm; No. 2 red,' mv. elevator, and $1.00. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Lulutn, 81.12, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, tl 03 S. f o. b.. ailoat. lptlons opened lower under cables and generally good weather, rallied sharpty on reporta of In sect damage In the northwest and closed Sale net blither. Julv- IwVclfJLOL closed at 11.01; September, 31.01 01. 08 closed at 81.024; December,. 81.04 8-14 id l.OoH. closed at II. 04". CORN Receipts, 235.427 ' bushels; ex ports, 86,461 bushels. Spot market steady; No. 2, 63 He, elevator, and lljta f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white, 48 c, and No. 8 yel low, 63 He, f. o. b., afloat. Option mar ket was dull and without ' transactions. The close was at net unchanged prices. July closed at 66S0; September, i!c; December, 63c; May, 42c. OATS Receipts, 78.100 bushels: exports, 3,900 bushels. Spot market steady; mlxel oats, 24 to 82 pounds, 49c; natural white, 80 to 88 pounds, 60 0 61c; clipped white, 86 to 40 pounds, 60464 FEED Irrea-ular: spring bran, $21.40; mid dlings, 823.10, city tXl.W. HAY-Bteady; shipping, 7W5o; good to choice. 81.1:Vu1.a). HOPS Lull; stats, common, to choice, 1!W, 14ialic; mo, Faclflc coast, 1906, Sftj'llc; I005. rtfrKc. HIDES Lull;. Central America, 22V4c; Bogota, 22c. LRATHElt Steady; acid. ZITHo. PROVISIONS-Peef, steady; family, 814.00 U 16.00; mess, 89 &nu 10.00; beef hams, 824.00 26.00; packet. 811.0012.00; city extra India mens, 322.00'$ 23.00. Put meats, steady; Pickled bellies, 411.26fil3.50; pickled hams, ll(iil2.7a. I-ard, steady; wnotern prime, IH.TOM.SO; reflned, steady; continent, 39.16; South America, $10.15: compound, $fl.B714'3 9.12V4. Pork, quiet; family, 1 1 S.r06 19.00; short clear, 8n.0Of(fl8.00; mess, 818.00I&48.50. TALLOW Steady; city (J2 per pkge.), 6H.c; country (pkge. free), 6f?iH4c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3 7c; Japanese, nominal. BUTTER Frrm street prices, extra creamery, iaVUVc ofnelal prices, creamery, common to extra, 13 25c; renovated, com mon to extra, 17(i22c; western factory com mon to firsts, 17aH4c CHEEBE-Steady to firm; new state full cream, colored and white, small, beet, 12Hc; large, 12 Vc; fair to good, llHle; Inferior, 81&IOC. EOOS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, JOHflllc; choice and mixed extra, 1919Hc; flrst to extra first, 174fl8Hc; western firsts, 1616Hc. Offlclal price, lc; seconds, 14H'Til6Hc. POULTRY Live steady; western spring chickens, 18c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, 11c. Dressed steady; western broilers, 2024c; turkeys, lOi&l'lc; fowls, HSUc NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Indication of Reactionary Tendency in Market ii Marked. FLTJBBY IN ' MONEY PE0BABLE Daak Reserves A re Low aod La rare Wlthdrawals Are I m m I n en t Deelloes In Valaes Are General. today were weaker en New York sdvlces snrl the fall In Japanese bonds reported from 1ondon. In this market Japanese were sharply depressed, PARIS, July V Prices on the Rouree today were lower rn the weakness of cop per shares. Russian Imperial 4a were not quoted. NEW YORK, July . The reactionary tendency became rather marked In today a stock market, although there was sums show of resistance to the decline and efforts to support were evident at some polhts. The principal ground for the re action was the banking position, which is the cause for some anxiety, based on the public accounting of the banks themselves, although the rates charged for money to day showed no symptoms of a coming Stringency. In view of the special require ments Impending this tranquility of the monev msrket looks back for explanation to the estimates of the known movements of money last week which Indicated again i""11" a. i ffC ) 94 V. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT IIIs;h Tera per tore and I.lgrht Rains la Central Valley. OMAHA. July 9, 1907. High temperatures continue throughout the central valleys, and much warmer weather prevailed in the east during Mon day. The weather is slightly cooler this morning In the lake region, central val leys and west to the Paclilo coast. Rain Is falling In eastern Iowa a'-d east over the Ohio valloy and lower latiu region, and heavy falls have occurred at points In northern Iowa and northern Illinois. Tha weather. 1 fair west of the Mississippi river and will be fair In this vicinity to night and Wednesday, with slightly cooler tonight. Omaha record of temperature and precip itation compared with the corresponding day of tha last three years: 1807 1906 1906 1904 Minimum temperature.... 76 43 64 69 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 76 de grees. Deficiency in precelptatlon sines March 1. 7.18 Inches. . , corresponding period in 190B, , Deficiency 8.64 inches. . Deficiency 6.91 inches. by the banks of six to eight millions of dollars, although the bank statement re ported a decrease In cash of five millions. This discrepancy In the statement was the main cause of the low surplus, which was stated at below 8900,000. If this had been lh. ACtunl nnnillMfin ct Kew Tnrk'l bank ing surplus on Saturday It would be dim- cult to explain how the withdrawal of 81.750.0uu gold for export and the obligation to be faced of a return of government de posits tomorrow, amounting to 33Ml0.O00 for the whole country and about 812.000,000 for the New York City banks, could fall to pre clj'e a disturbance In the local money ma. .. t. The New York banks have turned In only about $2,000,000 of the $12,(.. 0"0 of government deposits which they will be required to surrender tomorrow. On the other hand, only 3,248,760 of government 4 per cent bonds have been presented at the New York sub-treasury since July 1. The seemingly total Indifference of the financial community to the apparent Inevlt ablenesa of a money flurry under these cir cumstances gave rise to conjectures that some relieving Influence not generally known was In the background. Rumors suggested that the secretary of the treas ury might postpone the return of part of the government deposits In view of the small amount of bonds redeemed. No authority for this rumor could be learned. The maturity tomorrow of Installments of subscriptions amounting to 816.000.OHO for Union Paclflo convertible bonds and 87,500, 000 for ' Atchison convertible bonds, are complicating factors In the situation. July 10 Is thus seen to be, to some extent, a critical period In the money market and Its passage without disturbance will be felt as presenting a clear field behind. Foreign exchange rates declined during the day and the chance of further Imme diate exports of gold was averted. For eign subscriptions for the Union Paclfle and Atchison bonds may have helped to affect the exchange market. Rates on time loans were Inollned to advance here. The weekly statement of the Imperial hank of Germany showed a recovery of only 32,816. 000 of the 834,266,000 cash loss of the pre vious week, but over half of the previous week's prodigious loans expansion .of 379,036.000 was reduced and the private rate of discount In Berlin was lower today. Reporta of various new phases of govern ment activity against corporations were an adverse influence to attempts to ad vance prices, Including the federal govern ment's plan to apply for receivers for offending corporations, a Judicial expres sion of the view that the New York trac tion control represented a monopoly and proceedings against the telegraph com panies on charges of combination by the New York state authorities. The marking down of the price of copper seemed to be of unfavorable effect, - although copper stocks were advanced yesterday In expecta tion of this action. St. Paul offered the only point of active resistance to the de cline, efforts at support centering on that stock, which closed at a gain of over a point. Otherwise declines are general, Union Paclflo being most conspicuous. Bonds were weak. Total sales par value, $1,424,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. The range of price on the New York Stock exchange was as follows: Bale. Hlfh. Low. CloM. Adams 2BiDras I" Amalgamated enppar ...... Jt.Boa New York Moaer Market. NEW TORK. July 9. MONEY On call, firm at 4tf- per cent; ruling rate 4it per cent; closing bid, 41 per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, firmer; sixty days, 4V44 per cent; ninety days, 8 per cent; six months, f per cent. PRIMB MERCANTILE PAPER-6y3 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 StRO 4 tW5 for demand and at 84 W7"H4.RIT5 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, 34.84V and 34.88; commercial bills, 84. W4. SILVER Bar, mc; Mexican dollars, 62Vc. H NDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. Closing quotations on bonds today as follows: .11 Jar-as 4Hs. ctfa.... . .H do M aulas to 4a ..! L. A N. unl. 4a.... .A2t "Minhit 0. a. 4a. ..1WS4M. Oanlral 4a.... .. " do lit Inc ,.1IW Mlnn. A St. L. . H M., K A T. 4a.... .. M da Ma .. o N. R. at It. a. i .. MH N. Y.' C. fn. IHa.. HO N. J. C. am. ta.. V. 8. raf. ta, rag.' do coupon V. S. la. rag do ooupoa V. 8. new 4a. re(. do rouscn Am. Too. 4a do 4a Atrbtaon gaa. 4a... do adj. 4a.. 4a.. do ! Brk. R. T. c. Cantral of Oa. do id Inc do d Inc Chea A Ohio 4fea... u. a a. sa. P. 4i. B. A . C. K. I. A do col. fta... fee. St. u Colo. Ind. 6a. I ( olo. Mid. 4a rolo. a 60. 4a.,.. 1iba 5a t). A R. O. 4a 7ltt. 8oa. ta Krlo prior Man 4a.. ! do can. 4i Hock. Valler Japan 4a do Id aarlaa Bid. . 7'4 N Paclflo .101 do U . T9 Ora t. U rf. 4 . 64 Pann. CT. IHa.... .101 Baadlng in. 4a.. . 471 St. L 4 I. M. . It 81. U A 8. F. fa. were .. "4 .. Mia .. 4 .. M .. nvi .. 81 .. 21 .. 87 .. .. If. ... M .. ..111 ....! ... 4 I... M ... W .... 16 aa 110 4a. Tt 4s... 70 Baaboard A. L. 4a.. ...I do l.t 4a ctfa II ... Southern Rr (a 106 A. 41 Tai. A P. lata 118 ... IT T., Bt. L. A W. 4a.. 74 ... 18 Valoa Parlfle 4a t ...ins V. 8. Steal Id 6a.... ... tt Wahaidi lata 107 14 ao dan. B 11 1 Wratern Md. 4a 74 10 W. A U E. 4a 80 4a..l01 Wli. Ostral 4a 44 S I M I Offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. July . Call loans. 64 cent; time loans, &tiH per cent. closing prices on bonds were Atralaon adj. 4a., do 4a Mai. ('antral 4a.l.. Atrhlion do pfd , Boston A A Button A Mulna.. Bontnn Elevated .. Fltchbura; pfd .... Max. Ontral N. V.. N. H. A H llnloa Pacific Am. Pnau. Tuba... Am. Sugar do pfd Am. Tl. A Tel... Am. Woolen do pfd Ed Hon Elec. Ill !14 . Electrla do pfd Maaa. On United rrult t'nltad 8hoe Mack... do pfd V. S. Steal do pfd Adventure ! Allouas Amalgamated Atlantlo Asked. Bld. l7Blngham . Ml'al. A Hacla . 77 'Centennial . . 81 Copper Range . i IHilT West .. .114 Franklin , .180 "Granny 4,. .1.18 I.le Rorala ...... .1 Maaa. Mining . llMlrhlpran .184 MobawK .Ill Mont. Coal A C... . 4 Old Dominion .122Oaceola .171 qulncy .ion Parrot . 21 Shannon 41 'Tamarack Trlnttr 14 Vnlted Cnppar .... tw V. B. Mining IV. 8. Oil 110l'tah to victoria M Winona 37 Wolverine 100 North Butte I Butte Coalmen ... 44 Nevada IIHCal. A Arliona.... 144 Aria. Commercial.. per Official follows: H 11 , 11 l ii ...1M .. II .. I .. 10 .. I .. 1 .. 47 ..111 ..12t .. 31 .. 18 ..111 14 OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET 13 Beef Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Lower, Otheri Steady. M.. ST.. r.4., M . 7'L, HOGS CONTINUE ON DOWN GRADE keep la Good Draiiad, bat l,ae Ar rival of Trains Makes Market low Prices Heraala A boat steady. 6.4.3 8,22 4.S21 8.1.-4 13. :i..'4 J6.1H7 14. :i7 II, vw III, ! 24.U3 4...I0 ! 4.3W f-t. S., 14.. . 47.. LA SOUTH OMAHA. Jtily , 1907. Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep umciai Monday .o7 Official Tuesday 8) i-wo aaya this week 7.6; Same days last week.... 6.212 Same days 8 weess ago.. 8.241 pame days 8 weeks ago. Same days 4 weeks ago. Same days last year.... The following table ahow.i the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dite, compared with last year: 1W7. 1P06. Iuc. Dec. Cattle 676.648 4S5.358 91.180 Hogs 1.871.872 L490.619 119,147 Sheep 646,417 779.433 68.964 The following table shows the average price of hogs at toutn Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons: v .47 6.362 4.6 7,049 Data. 1907. 1909.llu6.19O4. 1102. ll-ilSOl. June 26.. June 5f7. . June 28.. June 29.. June 80.. July I... July 2... July 8... July 4... July 6... July 6... July 7... July 8... July ... I 834,1 ! 6 ' J 6 701 1 611 6 88 6 62al U t Sihi 44 K-Vhl 47 6 94 6 WS 7&SI I 6 721 6 78 , 73-H 46 48 4H) 6 48! 8 6 M 6 6 17 6 23 e 6 2M 6 26 6 42) 6 2t 48 6 26 6 29; 6 621 6 14 6 11 6 06 6 08 6 13 6 19 6 26 6 27 6 1 6 171 6 16 a 6 8 I W 6 ft) 1 641 6 91 7 66! 6 87 7 62 a 7 641 6 6i 7 64 6 61 ea a 6 64 6 4H 6 89 6 46! 7 61 ee 7 64 a 7 76l 7 831 7 8tl 6 91 t 80 6 83 6 72 ee 6 78 6 79 a 6 83 6 48 77. ri -i rt ri n :o .i .! , r . ?t ,.T ,.IS4 1M IM . 1 ..S ..77 ..(S3 . 144 . 144 . !J . ro . rsi .Ml . r ,.!7 .I. ..JCO ..747 . J'l . m M ao K o i 8"S 40 40 ian 4 i'i n 1M to to ) IM tan 1A0 lai I 44 t as I as I 44 I M 4 I .S I I w I t u I n I 4". ( 47 I 47 I (7 I 47 4 6 17 I 17 I 47 I 47 I 47 I 47 4 47 I 47 I 47 I 47 I 17 4 47 4 47 5 17 I 70 I 70 6 70 4.1.. 71 . 74 . I'M. 4e . 74 . . 75... 4... ... ... 74 .. 44 .. M .. 11... 14. . . 7S... 7V.. -41... 40... 45. . 7 . . Tl . 4.. 44.. 77 .. 74 . . 7.. 7.. 74. . 71.. Id.. . tfl ..: .947 ..131 . I . ..us . 3l ..744 . IM .. . !4 . Ill ..1 . 7 4 ..111 . m ..141 ..! ..rs .in . ,M . 14 . 147 ...111 .. 1M ..tt ...111 ..M ...17? ..II .. 14 ..! I 40 I 70 I 70 I 70 I 70 I 70 I 70 I 70 I 74 70 I 7 I 74 I TO I 74 I lo I It I 71 111 I 77 I 77 7? I 71 I 77 I 71 I Tl I 77 I n I 74 I TS I TS 4 74 4 74 I 7i I 77 I 77 Sunday. Holiday, lianas of Prices. Cattle ..I1.76W6.80 .. 1.7Srj7.30 .. 8.26'fj.80 .. 1.6001.16 .. 3.00t6.10 ot oars Hogs. tS.nByfi.hO 6.2fiUii.i:H 8.8f.'lji.OO 5.4&ii06 6.6VU6.70 of stock . 44 . . 10 . 61 . 744 . I .144 . t . l . W .170 . 84 London Closing; Stocks. LONDON, July 9. Closing quotations on stocks were aa Conaola, money, do account ... Anaconda Atchlaon ....... do pfd follows: .. 84 M ., K. A Texas... ,. 44 N. T. Central...., .. 12 Norfolk A W .. 14 do pfd 4 Onu A Weetern... Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louig Sioux City The offlclal number broua-ht In todav bv each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses C M. 6V St. P. 4 Wabash 8 Missouri Pacific 7 Union Pacific 22 C. & N. W., east 1 C. A N. W., west 44 C, St. P., M. & O SO C, H. A Q., east 22 C, B. & (J., west.... 41 C, R. I. A P., east.... 4 C, R. I. A P., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago Q. W 8 Total receipts . 181 The disposition of the day's receipts was calves, 83.orj37.X; as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num- , is.uodi&.oo. bor of head Indicated: Hogs. Sheep. Bilt-cr ueru was another wry fair run of aueep this morning, and as vta.4 m enso yesteruay tne arrivals consisted almost tlieiy oi range stoca, must of It irom luano, Otfcou and Utah. About hail of tne receipts were late 111 reaching the yards, which naiuiahy tie.ayeu the niaraet very lualeriaily, as buyeis wore In no uuriy about hlllng uraers so long as thera were several trains still buck I rum which selections could bo made. Largely hun this account the market was slow, out still prices were Just about siealy wlui yesterday. In fart soma of the same weth ers here yesterday brought the same prices loaay. Aside trom the slowness of the trade the market, an a whole, was In fairly satisfactory condition. (Quotations on rangn sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, it.Wiil.ti; fair to good lambs, tt.(yri7.u0; cull lambs, 8t &0(l' 6.60; good to choice yearling wethers, 6 ao (&.16; fair to good ycarlln wethers, $6 25 'U,-76; good to choice wethers, 8T.J6'(jv.t0, fair to good wethers, I4.75'(i6.25; good to choice ewes, 84.36Ci6.26; fair to Kood ewus, 84.2f'ii4.75; culls and bucks, 82.fXKU 4.00. When the Inter trains arrived the market livened up and became both strong and active. The same ewes that brought 8o.2o yesterday sold up to 86.86 today, or loo rilgher. Qood range wethers brought 86.66, with yearlings at 8A.90. Henresentntlve sales: ISO. ?4 7s fid In the linsnn n'arket. but iV. rilncd about l' imlnls .cally to t !Mf4 ao. Iron wns lniitier in the Knghsh market with slamlsnl loumliy gutet at 67s and Cleve lsml warrants si .V7s 3i. locally the market wna uncliongcd. No 1 fenndrv northern la nimted at 8?4 6m i 2. 7n; No. 2 fotimiry. northern at 824.0tj?6 iX Southern Iron noiMlnal. ST. UH'IS. July -l.RAD-Dull at 8P.17H. FlwlliT. lower at )' l'-'H. , 4 1 4 46 13 8 63 .. 8 9 IS . 1 22 6 11 8 4 203 19 8 3 western bucks 8 western ewes 32 western wethers 1 western buck 6 spring lambs 260 Oregon wethers 2M Oregon wethers 6H5 western wethers 215 western wethers 498 Oregon wethers , LO native ewes and wethers. 1 native wether Av. .... 140 177 1J8 238 S 98 97 Ill 109 97 102 170 Pr, 6 25 8 76 t 4 60 8 00 t 50 6 60 6 60 6 K 6 60 6 26 8 60 CHICAGO LIVE STUCK MAHKI'T Cattle steady Hosts Steady to Slow Sheep Steady to Stroma;. CHICAGO, July 9.-CATTUS-Recelpts about 4.000 head; market steady; common to prime steers, Koo'HW.OI; bulls, 83.3046.00; Blockers and feodcrs, Baltimore A Ohio.. .100 Pennaylranla Canadian Pacific 179 Rand Mines . corresponding: period In 1906, L. A. WELSH,' Local Forecaster. Corn aad Wheat IlesTton Balletln For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 m., 75th meridian time, Tuesday, July 1907: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- statlons. Max. Mln Ashland, Neb 91 Auburn, Neb 96 Columbus,' Neb... 87 Falrbury, Neb... .100 Fairmont, Neb..'. 98 Or. Island, Nob.. 93 Hartlngton, Neb. 88 Hastings. Neb.... 97 Oakdale, Neb., timaha. Neb.. Tekamah, Neb Alta, la Articles.) Open. Hlsh. lyrw. Closs.Tesd'y Wheat I " July 91UrT4 83 8174 K Sept 96'(ttf 96S 944, Wi V Deo 96t to 7-ktSVl Corn July - 64 .64 64 64 Sept 64H 64 64VTH 64T. Doc 6riu63 ' to b2 64 May 64dit4 Ufa 6S(&'i 6JS Oats July 4SH 4S iS 43H Sept 88H-9 897 38Te''a3! 8! Deo 89 40 &9 40V, May 41Tu-t2 43 4142U Pork July 16 IS 16 15 IS 16 16 16 Sept . 16 17 14 S 14 ID 3o Lard,, i i i . July TTi 8 80 8 TIV, 8 80 Sept 8 92, 8 97H 8 9J 8 97H . Ov t 1 00 8 02 8 00 9 02 RIIms- July ItT I 47Vi 8 47 8 47 Bept 8 J 8 67V 8 62 8 67 Out . 860 860 866 860 824 64H I&6Q66 63 64ii 43H 89 4 t-H 16 00 ' 14 7t4 8 T7H 8 96 8 97 8 474 8 66 . 8 66 : la. Trading In provisions was quiet and h !ar'' lB'-" market in snersi was steady. Pork dls- l.TiJ ; played some firmness on covering by shorts, the September delivery closing at a net gain of 17o at 814.86. Lard was up 20 at 88 974. Ribs were tc higher at tX.bT. ' Estimated receipts for tomorrow Wheat, t9 cars; corn, 178 oars; oats, 41 oars; hogs, I8,floo head. The leading- futarsa ranged as follows: 70 71 63 63 70 76 66 64 68 63 66 fall. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 T .00 .00 .07 .00 .00 .10 T for Sky. Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy ' Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy twelve-hour IS 44 100 81 11 100 70 TO 400 54 (I 110 IT 118 ri 144 81 8 M 4 5 17414 It 11 H 14 li Temp. Rain. Max. Mln. Inches. 86 ' 6 .21 90 4 ,Jo 88 66 .72 90 70 .28 94 70 T 96 70 loo 78 64 .01 90 68 . 01 - 96 71 .00 No. 1 Cash quotations were aa follows: FIX)CK Steady; winter patents, 84.18U 4 jO: stralethta, 4J.4Un)-4 w; soring patent., 14 6&6.00; straights. 3.26d4.l0; bakurs. 82.60 4j360. W HEAT No. 1 spr1ns 81 OfKfl.oi; No. 8. 94c(81.UO; No. I red, 91'J24ao. CORN No. X 64Q64-itC; No. 8 yellow, 64fo64c OATS No. 8, 4 I white, 4fi0c. RVI'-No. 8. 86c. HA h LEY Fair to choice malting, onfffic. SliUDS-Klax, No. 1 northwestern, 8i. '26. Prtoie timothy, 84.75. Clover, contract graue, $16.25. r'KO VISIONS Short ribs, ikln tlooaei, $M.86u8.(S.. Mess pork, tier bbl., $I6.1itfl6 26. I.ard, per 1"0 lbs., $8.80. Short clear siuas tboxed), 88.7669.00. Receipts and shipments ot flour ad ici'aJn wars as follows: Kecelpfs. Bntprjents u.ra 24.0oO 4S5.(M) Itr7.4k 80o 80.8J0 On the Produce exchange today ter market was firm; creameries, dairies. 174)21C Kags, steady; at mark, cases Included, lSjL3o; frsts. l:ic; prime firsts. 14c. Cheese, steady, 113J. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. ,,, Oats, bu. ., Rye. bu. .... barley, bu. Sibley. la,. Sioux City, Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. tNot Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES, No. of Central. Stations Chicago, 111 26 Columbus, 0 17 Irs Moines, la.... 13 Indianapolis, Ind.. 18 Kansas City. Mo.. 20 I Iulsvflle, Ky 18 Minneapolis. Minn. 80 Omaha, Neb 16 St. Louis, Mo 11 Warmer weather continues throughout the corn and wheat region. Heavy rains have fallen In northern Iowa and northern Illinois and lighter rains occurred In all other portions of the corn belt, except the Louisville and St. Louis districts. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. St. Loals General Market. BT. LOUIS, July 8. WHEAT Higher ; No. $ red, cash, 91c for new, 9921: for old; No. 8 hard, 1bD2c i-September.. l&w.93c ; DecemlMT, 9uo. CORN Weak; track, No. 1 cash, 64c; Sep, teniber, 63Vt4c; December, 614j61c; No, a wiiuw, inyevau. OATS Firm; track. No. 8 oash, 4446c; September,, 3ac; No. 8 white, tie. FLOl'K Firm; jred winter patents, 84.40rj 4.66; extra fancy and straights, 63. UU4j4.au; clear, $2.9)10.36. 8KK1 Timothy firm; $3.ttS4.25. CORN MEAL. Weak; $2.70. BRAN yulet; sacked, esst track, t)QM,. HAY Quiet; timothy, $16.6"$Ai.0U; pralrla, $10iii3.6H IRO.S' COTTON TIF.S $109. BAOirlNOlise. HKMP TWiNrt lHc. PROVISIONS Pork higher; jobbing, $1630. Lard hig'iKr; prime steam. $a.42. l'ry sail meats lower ; boxed extra shorts, eW.ab; clear ribs, U -6, short clears. If .17. liucon lower; boxo1 exfa short, $10.12; clear ribs, $10.11'; snoit olcers, $10.26. POULTRY Steady; r.'nickens, 10cj Hrrlng, 16c; turkeys, LLV-i tucks, 8c; (eesa, Bt.'TTF.R Higher; crnery, ll2c. tiGb-ciieady at 12c l.o-oli s. Hitlpments. i.000 9.000 :.ooo 83,ooo ... , .. ' Hi6,0ii0 :7.0m) 67,000 49 12 26 171 is cf,' R 4i14 45 IM 14" Flour, bb!s. Wheat bu. Corn, bu. . ObU, bu, . 47.0i 4 .4) ISA'.) ' Kansas City C I KANSAS CITY. ,10'85Sc; Hupiember. the Lot- i cash, No. 2 limit l'a-! its M lira a mate Grata Market, MILWAUKEE. July i-FLOUR Stoady. WHEAT Steady: No. 1 northern. Sl.mri 1 04; No. $ northern, 81.0myl.u3; September, 96c bid. RYK-I.ower; No. 1. 8tj7o. H A RLE Y Weak; No. 8, 71c; sample, U 670c. COHN-Dull; No. 8 cash, 64i.64c; Septem ber, 64o bid. Minneapolis tlrala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 8.-WH rUT-September, $1014,; December, 81 No. 1 hard. $1 U3; No. 8 northern, $10o; No. $ northern. taVnic. FUJI'R-Ftrst patents, 86KX1I6 .80; second patents, I6.10ifi6.90; first clears, $3.66'ji66; secoud clears. $2.76iir: J. JirtAN-jn bulk. $15 ijn5.26. ' -i LIveriMMtl 4rala Market. LIVEitPOOL. July . WHEAT Spot, si.'iidy; No. $ rvd western, winter, 7s .2.1; futures av; July. 7 2d; Septembi-r, 7s 8S..1; 1 --einbt-r. 7a 6Sd. CcOy iw4, unlet; a4 dried. 6a $di sad frovlslous. July i- WHEAT July, aKil Leoember. 91a: 2 re,!. 8"ijo: No. i!, t47o. ,'tiS- July. fpOc; tcinnbfr, 50o; De- camoer, 4ic; taaii, rn, I mixed, uc; Ko, 8. 61c; No. i while, Kv; No. 8, 610. ' OATS-No. 8 wl.l.e, l46c; No. 1 mixed. HAY-teady: ?'ioice tlraotby, $16,609 '; prairie, t.i'.yu.ui HYB-Slescfv , 7l4; . KtKlS Hi.'! r. Fancy, 16o ; firsts, 15c; Seconds, 14., BUT Tflv Creamery, nc; packing, 17o. Keceipts. IUL,inenl. Wheal, ,a- , 8S.00U 18, UO Cijrn, oc s.uu) s.o-O Oats, bu 17,0u0 U.0U) Kansas City cash prices: Amer. Car aad Pouodry.... 1,10ft do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd Amer. Rxpreaa 1 . . . . Amer. Hide A Leather pfd. Amer. Ice Amer. Llnaeed Oil do pfd Amer. Uocomotlra do pfd Amer. Smelting A Ref do pfd Amer. Sugar Reflnlnt; Amer. Tobacco pfd ctfa.... Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon do pfd Atlantlo Coaat Line Baltimore A Ohio do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.... Canadian Pacldo Central of New Jersey Cheaapeake A Ohio Chicago Great Weetern.... Chicago A Northweatern... . C. M. A Bt. Paul Chicago Term. A Trana.... do pfd C. C, C. A Bt Uoula.... Colorado Fuel and Iron.... Colorado A Southern do let pfd , do M pfd Consolidated del Corn Products 4u0 II do pfd Pe'r.aara A fludeon Del., Lack. A Weetern Denver A Rio Orande do pfd Dletlllera' Becurltlea , Erie do let pfd do sd pfd Oeneral Blectrie Illlnole Central Inter. Paper . do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern..... do pfd Louteville A NaahTllla.... Mexloan Central Minn. A Bt. Louie M., Bt. P. A Sault Sta. M. do pfd Ifteaourt Paclflo 14.. Kanaaa A Texas....... do pfd National bead N. R. R. of Mollro pfd ... New Turk Central N. T.. Ontario a Weetern.. Norfolk A Weetoni do pfd No-la, American PeelSc Mall PennerlTanta People' a Uaa Pitta, C, C a Bt. L FYeaeed Btael Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading do let prd da Id pfd Republlo Steel o Ud Hock l.lind Ce da pfd Bt. L. A Saa Pran. Id pfd Bt. Louie Southwaaura.... do pfd cwtfcere PaotBo do pfd Southern Railway do pfd esneaare Coal an4 Iron... Txaa A PaciAe Tol., Bt. L A Weatera.... do pfd Co loo Paolflo 60 pfd r. Bxpreas V. t. Realty 0. S. Rubber ( , do pfd U. S. sual da afd Vlrglula-Carollna Chemical do pfS Wabaab do pfd Wella-rargo Eipreaa , Weallnghoues Electrie .... Weetern Vnloa Wheeling A bake Erte.... Wlacwoaln Central, da pfd Northern Facile Ill Central Leather da pld loo Sloes-Bhefleld Uraat Hen Hern pfd 14, Interhereuah Metropolltaa. . 4 do pfd 8,4. Total sales lor the day. 171,700 Articles. . Open. HIgh. Low. Close. Wheat j September.... 87J H I 86 88Hn, Iecember 9o 91 I 90 914)H CoLn . I Septomber..".. 47U 60 16fW 60S Daciibr 4S( lt4 4, 4,B A Asked. B Bid. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. July 8. -43KED Clover. $6.26; alarcu. ia..ia; aisiae, aw; tiuioiny. iijd. to.ino lno no 4i ll.nfn) t.l'O 3110 100 8.400 100 .ooo 1.100 lioi KO 1.6. M.1V0 lno 1 10 l.OOO 600 '406 l.Too 4.I0S 400 400 TOO 'iOO 'ioi too too ' 0 'JX TOO l!utio l.eo loo TOO i'ioo 4iM 100 "io6 TllO I1.40 100 80. 100 100 l!io 100 I, Tito 400 11,10 1.1U4 l" tin in. 1 im 10T 1I2 ms 66H II a 8 7 4 S7 173 15' UH 1474 IM 47 12 14 18 1T0" ii" 45 14 40 4t 117 ii" 22 4 48 t II 84 tin 144 48 11 13 lm 11H iOR 11 10 6 1 :i 7 84 o7 173 176 tf 11 14714 16 6 18 17 31 40 4t 111 II 71 170 468 V 27 -J 70 4'H 40 117 J 141 14 Tl 21 Chea. A Ohio 16V Reading Chicago Ot. W 1144 Southern Rf .... C. M A St. P 118 do pfd UaKeera 14 Southern Paclflo D. A R. 0 21 Colon Paolflc .. do pfd , T4 do pfd Erie 14 V. S. Steal ..... do lit pfd 41 do pfd do td pfd 45 to'etiaah , Grand Trunk J do pfd Illinois Central 144 Spanish 4s L A Naehrllla Ill SILVER Bar. steady: 81d oer ounce. MONEY 152 per cent. The rate of discount on the open market for short bills Is 83 per cent; for three months' bills Is 8 7-16afoVt par cent. t . 15 .111 . T . 14 . S . 41 . 6 4 . WT . T 214 .144 . 44 . SI .104 . 14 I Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 354 Swift and Company 836 Cudahy Packing Co 688 Armour & Co 6M Omaha 'P. Co., from Mo. ISO Cudahy P. Co., fm K. C. 160 Swift A Co., from K. C. 60 Armour Co., fm K. C. 118 Hill & Son SO F. P. Lewis 22 I Sam Werthelmer 103 I J. B. Root A Co 17 S. & 8 T. B. . Inghram S Lehmer Bros ' 17 N. W. A O. Co 85 Other buyers 336 OM4.II4 W IIOI.K. A I.K MARKETS. Condition of Trade and C note t Ions staple aad Fancy I'rodnre. jroc.s-rer doi. i4c. Hl'TTKR -I'aeklns stock, 17ifi17Hc; choice to fancy dairy ll'u.tV; creamery, 21t23a 1.1 NIC I'll I LTUY-Spring chickens, 18UtVi; hens. 9Htitit'; roosters. 6c; turkeys, 12o; d'Jtks, lee: geese, 6c FRI ITS AND MRLONS. CALIFORNIA I'EACHKS Par bo, $1.60; yellow freestones. $1 66. CALIFORNIA I'Ll MS-ler crate, $126. f'AI IFORNIA CHLRRIFS-Per box of about 8 lbs , black of white. $2.00. TEXAS WATERMELONS Lach, 85c, 41c ml ftV. CA NTF.I .Ot "PK California, 46 to crate, standard. $n jo; 64 to crate, pony, 83.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS- Llmonlera, 80O slse $7.60; 800 sire. $7.;:,, other brands. 60c less. BANANAS Per mcilltim-slsed bunoh, $2.li2 2f; .ltimboes, $2 6Uti3.6u. OKANtlF.H Mediterranean Sweets, fancy, 160 size, $4.00; 176. 200, $18 and tM sites, $4.m; W. 126 and 2S4 slses. $1.75: extra fancy,' 26c more per bo; Pt, Michaels. 176. 200, 216 and 260 slses, 84.76; 128 snd 160 slses. 4 0; Valencies, 80. and 112 slses, $4.26; 186. 160, 178, 200 and 216 sixes. $4.7G(S.OO. PATFS-Kauaway. 6c; sayera, 6e; hal. lowls, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, Mb. box, fi.vv. OIJJ VEOKTABLBa. ' POTATOKH Per bu , 90o. ; NAVY BEANS Per bu., No. 1. $8,609 M0; No. 2. II HOWt.OO P1TATOKH Per bu.. 81.85. NEW PEPPERS-Per 6-bssket crate, $3.00 to $;t.f.O; per busbsl boa:, $l.0a ASPARAGUS 85c per ''os. bunehes. BEANS New kii and string, per V4 bu txix or basket, 75o. BEETS, TCHN1P8 and CARROTB-Pt di'? Ivtinclie; .liWiaic. PIEPLANT Per do. bunches, 200. Cl Cl'MHKKS Por dos., 60i76o. TOMATOES Texas, fancy, 20-lb, crata, $1.16. . ONIONS Oreen ohions, per dos,, 860. C A BR AGE California, 80. LEAF LETTUCE Hot-nouse. psr do licmis. 20c. , PARSLET-Hot-liouse, psr dos. bunohsa, 40c RADISHES Per dos. bunobes. horns grown, 20a FEJCF CUTS. No. 1 rib, 14c; No. ) nn. He; No. I rib, 10c; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. I loin, 12st No. 8 loin, 12c; No. 1 chuck. 7o; No. t cnuck. c; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No. 1 round. : No i round. 8c; No. 8 round, 8c; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 2 olate. 80: No. 8 plats. 80. MISoKLLAK EOUS COFFKB Moastee. tdo. 86, 80 per Ib.J No. 80. 2lc per lb.; No. 86. ISO per lb. J No. If. 140 per lb.; No. a. 12o per lb. CHEESE Block rwtss, lc: llmberrer, 14c; Young Americas, lfic NITS California walnuts. No. 8, soft shell. 12c; Braslls. lllc; pecans, lifj:2C filberts, 12c; peanuts, raw, 7c; roasted. California aimonas. i(ric; ooconnuis. 2,026 S.90J 8,896 4,124 2.113 1,837 47 800 218 ninta rteceipts BDOut is.iav ncsa: mar- , 1,1 get, best steady, others slow; good to prima raLIFORNIA DRIED FRITITS Prunes heavy, $6.&0it6.!i6; medium to a-ood heavy. iri ,OIT1ewhat unsettled by freer offerings $6,8046 90; butcher weights, $S.8oi(i"i6; good rom second hantis, who seem desirous ot to prime mixed, $6.SMffi.i0; llrht mixed, : ,novlns supplies of Immediate grades. Quo $6.0f&6.07H; packlna-. 8f..ta-o6.RO; plsrs, $6.603 iioni T rans Tom 6 to 0 for California B.CO; selected. $.07(&6.17; bulk of sales, I fruit and fiorr 6Hc for Oregon. Peaches $5.tjCir..86. .r slltchtly easier, with fancy yellows SHEEP Receipts about 14. (TO head: mar- minted at 13,kc. Rslslns are nrm; tnree ket steady to strong; sheep. $3 7fi'&6.00: cn,wn loose Muscatels are quoted at Bo yearlings, $6.604(.26; lambs, 86.5Oii6.00. four-crown, 10c; seeded raisins, Wllo. hfll'ES A kf iAit.0" viin wn"", No t, 8c; No. 2, 7c; bull hides, 60; green hides. No. 1. 7c; No. 2, 6c; horse, $l.ioJ 8,60; sheep pelts. pVetl . Tallow, No. L ic; NO. isau. wool, tw New Yorlx Xialasr (tocka. NETW TORK, July At-Qoslng quotations on raining siocks were: Adama Con.. Alice Ilr-cce Prunawlck Con Comatock Tunnel . Con. Cat. and Vs. Horn Btlaer Iron Bllrer Leadvllla Con. ... 10 ..400 .. .. II .. 89 . 40 ,.14S ..160 .. I Little Chief ... Ontarls Ouhlr Potoal Sa-rasa Sierra Nevada Small Hopes Standard ..... , T 460 174 14 44 , 40 16 160 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, July 9. Today's state, ment of the treasury balances in ths gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balances, $256,1416,613; gold coin and bullion, $66,644. 022; gold certificates, $76,642,46 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, July . Bank clearings for to day were $1,dc9,128.98, and for the corres ponding lete last year $1,489,056.64. Cotton Market. GALVESTON, July 9. COTTON-Steady at 13c. New York cotton quotations, furnished by Ixigan & Bryan, 118 Board of Trade building: Opening. High. Low. Close. September 1183 11H6 1161 1192 October 1196 1213 1196 1211 December 12o0 1217 1199 1216 BT. LOUIS. July fc-COTTONi-eteady: middling, 13c; sales, 80 bales; receipts, 60 shipments, 394 bales; stock, 14,968 339 Total 3,614 14.076 4,607 CATTLB There was a very sizeable run of cattle today aa compared wlUi recent days. The most of the arrivals were corn fed steers and there were some right good killers among the offerings. Oood kinds of fat cattle did not show much change, the desirable grades being Just about steady with yesterday. On the other hand the market was very slow and weak on the general run of common to seemed to Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,000 head. Including 1,600 southerns. Market steady to strong. Choice exports ' and beef steers, $6.20i6.N6; fair to good, I $6.0tV(i.2o; western fed steers, $4-60(.26; stockers and feeders, t3.3fif(j4.76; southern steers, $S.2ut.i4.90; southern cows, 12.2ow3 5o; ' nstlve cows, $2 50ft4.75; native heifers, $3.8) 66.80; bulls, 2.7Hy4.76; calves, $4.006.45. ! HOGS Receipts, 13,800 head; market 6fj 1 7e lower; top, $5.96; bulk of sales, ISOOI 6.92; heavy, 36. 804(6.87; packers, $0.8641) 1 6.90; plrs and lights, .hf.o.96. I SHEEP Receipts, 8.400 head; market, strong; lumbs, $0.O04f7.4o; ewes snd year lings, $6.26ifr.00; western fed yearlings, $6.6ix'a6.0O; western fed sheep, $4.75 i 6.40; stockers and feeders, $3,264(0.00. nrettv decent kinds. Packers have made, up their minds to buy their It. LanU Lire stock Market, supplies lower and they were bidding; as ST. LOfJIS. Mo.. Julv . CATTLB Re- 10c lower pretty general y. ine,cHp,. bm head including 2.700 Texana. 8 14 114 tl 41 107 74 4 44 41 lis 17 74 48 t K4 II 5 14 116 21 41 104 v-s 13 44 It 112 IT T4 4Me II 1W 1 107 71 ii" 4 II 47 40 11 So 2 II Ml 140 104 Tl 14 2IH 44 111 10 Ii 17 4114 1)7 600 Mioo 4.44 lul io 100 10O iovt 27 ii' c JOu IS IV 17 mi fc 404 r tt in n ? 44 194 17 44 ahares. 1 13 2 47 1 17 4SI4 114 IV 41 104 134 75 IS 60 44 50 ,,, 75 TO 61 tt 12J VI 48 M 0 10 lud 74 Tl Kl 44 8i 44 17 11 II Tt 111 to 47 141 17 ll 41 104 U 17 100 17 104 r7 V1 1J 141 77 IT 40 u tl 12 M 111 17 4H good 14 1 bales; bales. NEW ORLEANS, July 8.-CXTTON-8pot closed Quiet; sales, 600 bales; low ordinary, 81o nominal; ordinary, 90, nominal; good ordinary, 10 7-16c, nominal; low middling, 11 ll-loe; middling, 13c; good middling, 14c, nominal; middling fair, 15c, nominal; fair, U1U. .... I .... 1 . . . n . . I .. E.I. 1 t Ji I 26"2 bales. si I LIVERPOOL, July .-TTON Spot 25 1 quiet; prices 12 points lower: American e 1 midtiiing rair, B.z.a; goon miaanng, 7.73d 1 . ..... rr ,.. - . . o UIJ. iiiiuuuiiK, 1. 011; low iiiiuuiina, v.niu; ordinary, $.13d; ordinary, 6.63d. The sales of ths day were 6,000 bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export and Included 4,600 bales of American, Receipts, 7,tJ0 bales, Including 4.DU0 bales of Ameri can. Futures opened quiet and closed Very steady. asrar and Molasses. NEW YORK, July .-8UOAR-Raw. steady; fair refining. 3.33c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.830; molasses sugar, 8.060; refined, unsettled; No. 6. 4.60c; No. 7, 4.46c; No. 8, 4 40c; No. 8, 4.35c; No. 10, 4.26c; No, 1L 4.20c; No. 12, 4.16c; No. 13, 4. loo; No. 14. 4.00c; con fectioner's A, 4.70c; mould A, $.26c; cut loaf, 6.60c; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 6.00c; granu lated, 4.911c- cubes, 6.15c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, H74v48c NEW ORLEANS, July Sj-BUQAR-Steady; open kettle centrifugal, SVaTi'ao; centrifugal yellow, 30 4c; seconds, i3 3p. MOLASSES Quiet; nsw syrup, 8034a Available Sapnltee ot Grata. NEW YORK, July 8. Special cable and telegraphic advlcea received by Bradstreet's show the following changes tn available supplies as compared with- previous ao- 00 tints: Bushels. Wheat, I'nlted States, east Rookies, Increased 608,000 Canada, decreased 1.16,000 Total United States snd Canada, de creased 460,000 Afloat for and In Europe, decreased. (.ooo.uu Total American and European sup ply, decreased 6 610.000 Corn. United States and Canada, deoreased 81,000 Oats. I nlted states and (.snaaa, de creased 1,24,000 The leading decreases and Increases re. ported only this week follow: 1 decreases : Manitoba , 'Omaha I Increases: I Chicago private elevators. much as result was a slow market with sales any where from steady to 10c lower. Cows and heifers were in moderate supply but, as the proposed agreement between packers and sellers was not yet signed and agreed to by both parties, packers were still out of the market. The result was that sellers were entirely dependent upon outside buyers, so that the market was In practically the same condition that it has been In for the last five or six weeks. It Is expected that the controversy will be definitely settled Inside of twenty-four hours, but until such Is the case shippers had best be very cautious. There was no change in the stocker and feeder market. There was a very fair de mand and the few cattle In sight gen erally commanded steady prices. Representative sales: BEV.V STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 10 1114 4 75 II 1101 I 00 1 1110 4 50 26 1064 4 Ml ( 441 4 40 40 IKS 4 OS 1 420 4 75 T 1041 I II . II...., 140 4 Tfi 10 1250 4 16 1 400 4 46 20 1105 4 84) 1 740 t 00 M 1IT I 19 I 0 I 00 24 1141 4 15 1 826 I 00 II 1211 I K 21 lnll I 00 II 1111 I It t 1L70 I 00 II 1261 4 II 2) 4U4 ( 10 10 l:4 I X II 741 6 10 17 121J I 40 M 1010 I 15 HI 1211 I 44 II I 16 M 1.VP7 I 40 1 1WI4 I II 47 1JSS I 45 10 HOT I II 1171 4 to 1071 I GO U tt I 60 T94 I f 14 HOC 4 44 44 1001 6 60 T5 14SS 4 50 1 140 40 1 1270 4 60 14 101T I T 14 1214 4 54 1 1IK4 ( Tl 10 1S2I I 64 1$ 1140 6 in IS 1211 I 65 40 1030 I 40 It 1466 I 40 II llfl 4 40 II 1440 I 10 1 107T I 40 14 HIS I 44 it 1101 4 71 13M 4 40 IS) ,..1111 6 15 1 1540 I T5 .1250 I IS 1440 I 74 .1240 4 to 16 I 75 .1111 6 40 II 1501 I 40 ..1248 10 Market steady. Native shipping and ex port steers. tR.ftxSil .W: dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.10$6. 90; steers under 1.000 pounds, $4.0ryn4.6fi; stockers and feeders, $3.0iu4.2; cows and heifers, $3.0iV(6.25; can ners, $1.50iii2.26; bulls, $3.orw.60; calves, $40tjl0.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.6040 6.76; cows and heifers, $1.6o4jfl.75. HOGS Rwelpts, 9,000 head; market 64? lOo lower. Pigs and lights, $5.4uir(i.06. pack ers, $f. 604(6.96; butchers and best heavy, $5.fHVfi6.(. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.500; market higher. Native muttons, $3.50tfi'5.75; lambs, $4.0noV7.W: culls and bucks, $2.Kn3.00; stockers, $3.'.5'(j6.2S. St. Joseph Lire Stork Market. ST. JOSEJH, Mo., July . CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,790 head; market steady. Natives, $4.60447.00; cows and holfers, $2.5txuo.b0; stockers and feeders, $3,504(4.50. HOGS Receipts, 1D.210 head; market, 7c lower. Top, $5.96; bulk, $5.82(5.87. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.427 head: market steady to 10c higher. Iambs, $S.OO"(i7.00; yearlings, $fi 5tX&;.00; wethers, $S2iu6.7t; ewea, $4,754(6.60. Rloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., July . (Bpeclal.) CATTLK Receipts, 700 head; market 10c higher; beeves, $4.50i4.sT; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.:&ft5.10; stockers and feeders, $3.7$ 66.00; calves and yearlings, $3,0044 26. HOGS Receipts, 7,500 head: market weak to 5c lower, selling at $6.6035.70; bulk of sales 6.ro3.'t SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; market weak. U 11 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 4 , 1 8 1 1 , 1 I T I I 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 1.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 I .... 1 1 1 1 1 1 COWS. rerrlsa Flnnnelnl. LONDON, July $. Money waa In good demand and aupply In ths market today. Discounts were firm. On the Stock ex change tha recent advance pointed to a satisfactory arrangement of ths settlement, ut the markets developed Irregularity under realisations from various directions. Consols and Japanese bonds, as a rule, were steady, but foreigners were easier; Ja pa ne Imperial 6s of 1904 closed st le-". Copper shares declined. In sympathy with the other metals. Money waa steady. The volume of business during the afternoon was small. The market closed weak. f-fc'iH lAsj Jul s.-Prlos oa Lbs Uoursuj Market. ...877 0OO bu. ... 81.000 bu, ...162,000 bu. Peoria PEORIA. July 8 CORN Inactive; No. 8 yellow, 63o: No. 8, 63 c bid; No. 4, 62c; no grade, 46ti61c. OATS Lower; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 8 white, 44Ci-44e; No. 4 white. 43c. RYE Nominal; No. 8. 8o-&4(6c. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 8. EOQS Firm. good demand; western firsts, free cases, 13c at mark . CHEESE Firm demand; New Tork full creams choice, 13K;lSc. Ualath Grnla Market. DULUTH, Minn., July .-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, $1.08; No. I northern. $1.02; Julv, $1.024; September, $108; December, H.00V UATa-Ou track, 2c; July, 12a r , too 110 SN4 1010 11M 1110 IIHIO r?5 10K) 1240 lafO 440 441 444 T14 Til 120 IM 440 410 11 410 ISM luao 1140 itao 1410 110 170 120 170 ud 170 120 ) , no ...... !W 140 1 T5 3 00 . 40 I 40 I 74 8 Tt I 00 I 00 I 15 I 21 t 60 I 60 I 5o ' HEIFERS. a 40 ....1420 ,...100 ....12U0 ....1170 ....1014 ...uao ....1134 ....12S5 ....1044 ....1077 ... 4 ...11) ....1144 I ITS 8 46 I 0 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 10 4 SO 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 45 Stock la Slht. Receipts of live stock at ths six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle, nogs. Biiecp. 8.910 .. 700 ..10,000 .. 3,790 .. 5.5O0 .. 4.(00 13.6") 7,300 13,(V0 10.210 9,0tfl ls.ooo 4,1"0 400 3,400 4,47 T,50f 14.000 ..2,W 71,810 83,827 I 16 I 00 I 00 I 60 I 60 4 00 4 m 4 40 10 I t I I I BULLS. .. 15 .. 4l .. 120 . WD . Til .. 4S . TS1 .MHO 4 40 4 60 4 40 4 44 4 71 4 76 4 Tt 4 40 8 04 I 10 I II 3 40 I 50 4 04 4 l ...1640 ...1440 ...U.70 ...lf.60 ...1700 ...1740 4 41 4 76 4 76 4 40 4 46 I 00 South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City St. Joseph .... St. Louis .... Chicago Total Metal Market. NEW YORK, July 8. MBTAL8 There waa a sensational decline in tne price of spot tin in the London market, which was supposed to reflect a break In the speculative corner. Spot tin was quoted st 192 or 457 net lower, while futures were 10 lower at 181. Locally the market was lower, with spot quoted at 841.4(4l.oO. Copper was weak and lower as well ss tin and leading producers of this country announced a reduction in their selling prices. In the London market spot copper WUS ail IOS lower nt jl&v mm imui uw- rllned 2 10s to SJ. Ically lake Is now quoted st 322.&Ot(2S 50; electrolytic at $21.60 622.00; casting. $20,604(21.00; casting, $20.6of 21.00. Lead was weak at $5.iyy6.26 In the local market, but was uncnangea att.t) ids In London. Spelter was zs a ntgner at CALVES. I 00 I 40 I 44 4 40 4 14 4 64 4 71 4 76 I T6 I Tl I 00 1. , 1T4 I LO . 110 110 , 124) 220 !() . W6 . no . 140 1 00 6 00 4 09 04 4 40 4 0 4 26 4 tl I 10 44 I.... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 110 I T6 1 141 I 4 4S4 I 50 1 671 I 40 440 I 40 HOGS Light and medium weight hogs were In fair demand at a decline of 6c, aa compared with yesterday's market. Hogs of that description were the most sought after and were ths first to sell. On the other hand the heavy and mixed packers were 64 luc lower than yesterday morning or not very much different from yesterday's xtrems close. The trade on this kind waa less active, but as a matter of fact mm everything sold In good season. Taking ths rnurket as a whole it inlKht be summed up as lust about 60 lower than yesterday s av erage market. The bulk of all the hogs sold at $6.6706.70. with a top of $S.T7. Representative sales: he. 61... tl... 51... el... it... 14... 41... At. ta. Pr. ' No. At. Ik. Pr. 4ll ... 6 44 64 S44 an I 74 ,UI ... 6 15 74 l:l IOO I 74 .111 10 I 40 41 IhO 120 6 TO SIT 44 1 40 71....... 14 40 I TO 14 ... I 40 47 144 ... I 7 M4 140 I SI 4 141 ... I TO tM iae 6 44 Tl 14 84 6 TO XW 10 I 41 4T. IM ... I 74 Kl IM 6 44 44 lei 40 I 70 .444 ... I 44 77 ..tai ... $ 7 71 to 14 T4 lit mo I TO .M) 44 t 44 64 M KM $ 74 Wool Market. BOSTON, July 9. Despite Interruptions ta business caused by th holiday last week and by the vacation given to employes by leading nianufseturers, ths volums of sales In the wool msrkot during the pest week has been surprisingly large. Several million pounds have been transferred; nearly all Is domestlo wools. Foreign wool Is quiet. There Is more general Interest among buvers, and rates are Increasing. Fine wools are selling well. The leading quotations are as follows: Kentucky, In diana and Missouri, three-eighths blood, 3tc:ilc; Texas (scoured), fine twelve months, 727c; fine six to eight months, 6&4tWo; fine fall, 676)io. . California (scoured) northern. 6Vcic; middle county, fJVfJWo; southern, 62!c; fall free, 674t6So. Oregon (scoured), eastern No. 1 staple, niPThal eastern No. 1 clothing, 7W720; eastern average, l&T"c; valley No. 1. 0U4T62. Ter ritory, scoured basis, fine staple, 724T7Sc fine medium staple, flWfO: fine clothing, 6S471; line medium clothing) 6T4j9!c. Pulled wool, extra, C4(f72c; fine. A, 6H4S3o; A supers, 624(i8c; 11 supers, 437; C supers, 3ij :iro. LONDON, July 8. WOOL A large num ber of buyers attended the opening of tha fourth series of wool auction sales here todny. The offerings amounted to 14.9H6 hales, principally cross-breds. Home snd French spinners were the principal buyers. Americans took a few lota of Victorian greasy combings at Is 8d, and fine half bred New Zealand at full rates. Merinos and tine cross-breds sold at unchanged prices, but medium and coarse cross-breds declined 5 per cent. Puntas Arenas offer ings brought lower prices and si I pes wars generally a penny below the May average. Following am the sales in detail: New South Wales, none. Queensland, 1.100 bales: scoured, Is ld; gressy, Is. Victoria. I.Chk) bales; scoured. Is tdt&Hs; greasy, MSfls Sd. West Australia, bales; greasy, 7rtiftlld. Punta Arenas. 4,200 bales; greasy, 8d'a1ld. Falkland Islands, 1.2O0 bals; greasy. Bi1'cp lid. River Platte, 600 bales; gressy. SdWlSd. ST. LOUIS. Mo., July WOOT-WeaH. Medium grades combing and clothing, TMt 2o; Unfit fine, 23fi23c; heavy fine, 154T17c; tub washed, 30t(36c. Oils and Itoaln. NETW YORK, July 9.-OIL tTOttonseei. steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, f'ic. Petroleum, firm; Txew York, t.4o: Philadelphia and Baltimore, 84 40; Philadelphia and Baltimore. In bulk, $195. Turpentine, easy. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $4 SifM.eo. OIL CITY. July 8 -OIL Credit balances, $1.78; runs, S6li6 bbls; average, 142.061 bbls.i shipments, 140,463 bbls; average, 163,111 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., July 9. OIL Turpen tine firm; f.Co. ROHIN-Flrm. Quote ABC. $3 f6ifiH.fTH: D. $4.2oiH.25: E, 34 66fj4.8(: F. 84 66M.II6; O. $4 70(fi4 86; H. $4.M7'4.90; I. 86 10; K, 85 .80; M. $6.66; N, $5.65; W.U.. $o.8&; W.W., $6,863 6.0G. Co tTee Market. NEW YORK. July 8.1-OFFEPJ-Ths market for cuffee futures opened steady at a decline of 6if710 points In response to lower Europesn cables and selling by Wall street longs. Braslllan markets were higher and receipts at Interior Braslllan points ran rather light, Imparting a steady tone to the market at the decline, while thera was enough scattering demand to absorb offer ings around ths Initial figures. Ths msrket closed steady at a net decline of fWfi'10 points. Sales, 10,600 bags, Including July, $5.45; September, $6.40rr.4; March, 84.60; May. 35 65; spot, steady; Rio, No. T, 6c; Santos, No. 4, 7c; mild coffee, quiet; Cor dova, W2c. OPPOB TOMES i are many for the investment of money but none bo safe as the purchase of Bonds. We are offering for sale a block of First Consolidated Mortgage Bonds of the OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. yielding the investor 5 per cent. Operating the Street Railway Systems of Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Florence, Dundee and Benson. . For further information, address, . . SAMUEL BURNS, JR. 614 New York Life Building. OMAHA, NEBR.