rsr TnR " OM AH A DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1907. . - . id- M f ! wicn 1 1 Dong i i las I Win 1 1 dows. n n n H n n n rs R n n p n p B P P Rein: m crtor i t Bt. P men; p More, i P P P P P P P n n As a clearing sale extra spec . ial we offer about 1,000 p . . . . .. . ti new up-to-aate, stynsn n summer waists never'sold R GRAND CLEARING SALE jj EI1TIRE SUMMER STOCK SACRIFICED Zftill Waists -50c' for less than r"""1 $1 or $l.BO each, short or 1T long sleeves, '"M daintily made rJ j and trimmed, p p c Clearance of Our Women's Fine Shirtwaist Suits 98c P P P P P P P New jumper effects and other favorite new P P etwloc in thic nrmtn. nl n i n whit nnH nlnin ri m - -1 . it ?TS M j colors as wen as new paiicnib Mjiy u smartly maae 01 line wasn ian- j P rics at, each i P P P n p p p n M p n p H la n w u p p p p El P 11 P P P P P P Genuine American Wash Fabrics 5c Yd. We have been appointed to display and sell the Amer ican Wash Fabrics in Omaha. These fabrics are sun-proof and soap-proof the styles resemble wool woven materials f"""M 'J I in wool and silk that I C" retail up to $1.50 per I ,-"V v-k w a in new isase- I Ss.-ss-wit'- yard- ment &t per yard OMAHA WEATHER rXHIEOANT WXlnrwlnj partly cloudy. OUR OXFORDS ARE COOLER Cooler to the feet the mind and the purse. The new stylet are ready and there never was a better time to choose. You mtr be able to pull through the summer without a hat or a pair of trousers, but Oxfords you must have. Patent colt or kid. vlcl, gun metal calf or tan leathers. Conservative prices , $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOIII 16th and Douglas Streets. $2 LonjT Silk Gloves at $1.25 a. Pair Good heavy quality of all silk gloves in elbow length ; white, black and grey. m iOC SvP OH eluding Kayser 's with double finger tips worth to $2, at, pair. . 35c EMBROIDERIES at 15c jl Yard Very fine hand 'loom Swiss and nainsook embroideries in dainty eyeletvwork, blind, shadow and French handwork effects; also 18-in. corset cover embroideries; these are broken ends of lots, all high grade, many worth up to 35c a yard; your choice at, yard. . . . BRANDEIS BOSTON STORE &p p p p p p ra Pj P P P P P P P P Ice Cream art Your Office a r?3 1.1 t- JRa, I I "T1B1 p; P! p, THE MAN'S TOILET Tou hear a treat deal about "My lady's toilet table," but precious little abootiere man." We not only please fhe lady but here the man will find bta amallest want taken care of. And further than that. If the busy man Ean't come to the store, a telephone message will bring the store to him. THE BELL, DRUG COMPANY OMiiA, bwasu. iai rwm unvTT. BAILEY . MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR . PAXTON BLOCK Corner 16tb and Farnam Streets. Best equipped Dental office In the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, Just like the tooth. HUNT. FOR HOUSES IN OMAHA New Game that ii Taking- Up Much Time at Present. BCAECITY FITEQUAILED BEFOEE Areata Their LUts Were) Never . Bw Low Ner Diaul ate Great aa It la Jumt mt tae Pre at Time. "I'm aorry to say we have not a single bouse oa our rental list this morning," said a rental agent Tuesday morning to a man who came In. The man moved on to another office. "Our list la small today," said the seeond agent. "We can show yon only two houses. one renting for V and the other for 12150." This house hunter went from office to office ontU his collar was wilted and his patlenca exhausted. He was looking for a five er sla-room cottage, but at neon he de cided ha would take rooms In a flat or any plaoa ha eouM get them. Bren had he been loektcg for a larger house he would have found a small number from which to select. For two years or mors the real estate and rental men have eoraplam4 of a scarcity f house ta rent, but they say the situation la more serious this summer than they have ever known It. It frequently happens that for a day or two some of them haven't a single boose on their list, and for a week at a ttena they have only three or four to iter. 1 Twtstr Calls fa Twe Haaees. "I have had twenty calls this morning for houses to rent.' said ah agent, "and I have- two houses on the list "A few years ago w sometimes had as high as IS. Of sourae we soa't wast as large a number m that, as ft wouldn't look good for the tore. bat we do wish w could have ten to twenty for rent all the time. Every olty oagfet ta have a certain amount of slack In ta way C vacant houses and svery agent aght to have a few of them for rent If tie hasn't It Is a sura thing the Vnllfltng growth la sot kasyiog pace with the lrv creaa is nopulatloft.' Tbta oonafttoa errlsta not because there la any lack ef Vofldlaa; aotrrtty In Omaha, but Teeauae tt la dally attraetthf mors pee pie. t"fea onfldmjr goes aoerrCy ea In all pans , ft iltis4 wflWfss seoC!bo. (he realty men are advocating the erection of more small cottages. The big demand Is for nonces of flv and six rooms, with er wtthout modern conveniences, It makes no difference In what part of the city they are built, they are almost certain to be rented before they are finished. "Houses costing 11,000 to 11,900 to build rent easily at $1J to 115," said Iew Bholes of the D. V. Bholes oorapany. "An Investor can get a larger Income by building two small houses than by using the same amount of money to erect one larger on. Three four the of the calls ars for houses ranting from HI to t& Yet so many people insist on building houses to rent at 13 or $40." BIDS ON SCHOOLS SUPPLIES Saucers and Spoons Free ' With Each Barrel. Wouldn't a little barrel of Balduff's Ice Cream be refreshing at wour office these hot days? We furnish paper saucers and spoons free with , each barrel so that it will be convenient to serve. There are three flavors of ice cream in each barrel and it la packed so that it will stay hard for a long time on a hot day. Quart Size 40 Pint Size 20 The Store roRDfLicAciF5,- 1518-20 Farnam Htreet. 'Phone Douglas 711. SHOE DRESSING FR.EE Wednesday only, we will give free with each repair job a 25c bottle of Blue Ribbon Shoe Dressing. 'Phone us and we will call for and deliver your work. MEN'S HALF SOLES Sewed 90c Nailed 66c Men's heels 85c LADIES' HALF SOLES Sewed 75c Nailed 60c Ladies' heels 26c RUBBER HEELS Ladles' or gents' 60c Shoe Laces, Polishes, Shoe Trees, etc., always in stock. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 Farnam St.. Tel. Douglas 7067. 3 0 0 0 a a o G 0 0 a a o a G a G G a G G a G G a G G G a rG JULY CLEARANCE SALE The Instant response by Omaha's thrifty to our sensatloniil clearance announcements Is a two-fold gratification It Indicates that our ails are read and believed, and it proves the purchao dlRcrlmlnatlng senae of the Omaha buyer. Tuesday we closed out 160 Five Dollar English Cheviot Skirts for $1.95 apiece. Wednesday we ll sell $2.60 and $6.00 Snniple Waists for 89c and $1.69 respectively. These are mere instances of the red hot bargains In this great July Clearance Sale. Our need of room for Fall Goods Is clamant. We are anxious, almost nervous about It. WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM. All summer goods must be disposed of. What a chance Is yours. Grand inventory Sale rm'TTMMTf? rf)iyl Ivl Baud at Bwettoa O . an Refers All for TaaalAtlosi a CaBBrlosk. . At an adjourned meetln of the Board nit Education Tuesday morning bid ware opened for school supplies . for . the next school year. Because of the large nirmber of articles mentioned In the bids results will not be known on the majority ef Items until after all bids have been tabulated for oomparUon. There were Ave trida for adet uniform, ranging In price from HIM to IU.7S, Pettl bone Bros, offering the lower figures. Five firms bid on coal, prices ranging from UN to t.a for screened not W.0 to M T for soreened lamp, StSs to till for steam eoal and from SJ.70 to 110.64 for an thracite. Iw bidders on various ualltlee were:. C. B. Havens c Co., screannd nut; Coal Hill Coal company, lamp; C. B. Havens Co., and Sunderland. Bros., tied on steam ooal. and C. B. Haven d (V, on anthracite. Bids for printing supplies were numerous. The largest Item Is exercise books aat on this Item the Omaha School Supply com pany was loweet on faoe. of the bids; on the, largest Item on the list of jentte-i supplies bidders were tied, quality being the earn. On the largest Item of the sta tioners supplies there Is a tie between the Btott Stationery company and the Mover tattonery company. HR4 per cent dlacooat bey and young mn' fin suits durinat this week's Clear. aao Bala. Bensoa dc Theme, Ulf Dougla. The Photographer 15 Years From Now every member of your family will highly prise a picture of the FAMILY AS IT IS TODAT all alive and well. Lt us pose your family group and make a picture that you will be proud of An ex quisite remembrance of a happy period. WW XM TVa BXST TXXJs. aia-aiT o. 18th St. Oraait Ha ok. BLOOD POISON Mi atlel :u44 Sm41If ul ptrmeeeetlr eane er IMDULM SALVB. U inilm nmtii ever eiaTf4 lr MloD ruisoN. GANuasNB, roisoMous anas, can csk. riHPLJta, m. INDIAN SALW le nlr MfMakle, m pitate u. u4 u ke Usee iBteraellr a wU u a. tiii ttrullv. Daa'l vtn rear time sbS net itk wentiM lailuiwu. Teur momt U we eot ffet re. Oe eai x en (niriiti, er wtll ee emt aaea Sinn Mel4 wrarrer area rwatpt ef tl.Ot. fare A euarle tn, J oat nnit to aoaTtnae 1 ntt roe el the rnti " INDIAN IALVS. will ke e( to ree tre cpoa rolp ( Ita. wkiak re rr A torn ef awning. W will o t you ear keoklat ee eeavrel 4fMe, eaS taetlne. elite. INDIAN SALVB SIMIDIBi CO. Isc Ml OetM Ae., Breeklra. N. T. Sohaafar CutPric Druggist, loth and Bonglaa Its. Oaaaas, are. Tba ztensiv sal ! SAMPLE WAISTS The Famous Royal and Perfection "Waists, worth up to $5.00 at two prices, ("Wednesday morning 8:30) $ $20 and $15 Wool and Silk Tailor made suits. Only 48 of these bargains WEDNESDAY 0:80 PICTURE CLEARANCES 20 per cent discount on pic ture framing, paints, pyro graphy, eto. Extra Specials Wednesday 100 framed Pictures display in Harney streeet windows values up to $1.50, sale price now on 79c A Great July Bargain Sale in Crockery A raging China Sen sation on for Thurs day. See Harney Windows. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Wednesday List of Money Savers Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs $1.00 uurrBs fboxaZi N Twenty-five hundred pounds of fresh roasted Santos Coffee, lb. lto And '10 gren trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Pepper, pure, i4 pound can' lOo And 10 tnen trading stamps. LEMON1 SPECIAL, One-thousand dosen nloe Juicy fresh Lemons, worth 26o, only dos. 18o Kgff-U-tiee, 4 packages 25c And 10 green trading stamps. Lemon Extract, bottle Be Potted Meat, can 4c OH Sardines, can So Baked Beans, can 4o Castile Toilet Soap, large cakes 2Se And 10 rreen trading stamps. Japan Rice, lbs Ho till I yi I uneeaa Biscuit, packages i6o And 10 green trading stamps. Tea Sifting., lb Jos. Tetley A Co.. Ceylon and India leas, green label, lb. tin..... ,60o And 60 green trading stamps. Green Label. lb. tin ..0o And 26 green trading stamps. Green Label, lb. tin 1..I60 And 10 green trading staVnps. tshrlmps, can ..10o Salad Mustard, Jnr. 10c And 10 green trading stamps. Pickles, assorted, S bot- ties 28o And 10 green trading stamps. Batavla Macaroni, lb package 12Hc And 10 green trading stamps. Do you know that your failure to instruct your wives, daughters, sisters and mothers in the correct way to step off a car exposes them to danger? "Take hold of hand-hold with left hand and faco direction the car is moving." Assist us in preventing accidents. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. V Announcement, wadding stationary and alltag oards. blaak book sasd magastn i lading. Tboa sa kt& A, i, BafVao, Benolee. la awing to thair portact parity. ITrtnel fat R " nervous mea c oot iwri,, nt)0 tn-ir pw.r xo MA vvr s work and youthful vigor rerVfJE OM as a result ef over work or" mental exertion aboud take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PILS. They will Snake you eat and sleep and be a man again, 1 Best hexes baAd by feteO. nmatAJT MeOOaTMSI.r. BBOO 00, 1 Oeraer 1st aaa 0eoe at. ' OYk tBVOr COatrABTr. p, lata and HW iihlwjjkj BOS TON $53.75 VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Tickets on sale July 13, 22, 23; August 6, 10, 20, 24; Sept. 10, 14, 24, 28. Return limit, 30 days. New England Old Home Week Sale dates July 25th to 28th. Return limit August 5th, with privileges of extending to August 3l6t, upon payment of extension fee. ' Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., or write SAMUEL NORTH. District Passngr Agent. OMAHA. NEB. BOYS' AND MEN'S SUMMER CLOTHING. (Will THE RCLIftBLB Td)RE J MUSLIN ( : ANP KNIT GOODS. ( In J H 14 1 GRAND SUIT SPECIALS From our great stock of women's garments we are offering Wednesday Suit Bargains superior to any ever known. Correct styles ill wool wanted fabrics at less than actual cost of material. ELEGANT TAILORED SUITS that sold at $30 to $35 in Panamas and English Suitings, Cutaway, Eton and Pony Styles, plain colors and fancy mixtures, most de lightful bargains at $14.95 $20.00 TAILOR SUITS in great assort ment of material, styles and color, 75 handsome garments to select from. Sale price WedneRday i .$8.90 A MAGNIFICENT SHOWING OF WASH SUITS Princess, Jumper and all popu lar styles and materials greatly under priced Wednesday at $15.00, '$12.50, $10.00, $7.50 and $4.95. See Our Special Offerings in Children's Dresses Laces and Embroideries Wednesday To quickly reduce the stork we placed our Embroideries on sale Monday and Laces Tuesday at less than half regular prices, but wer unprepared for the tremendous demand at these sales, so will offer our customers Another oppor tunity Wednesday on both Laces and Embroideries. The Greatest Ever Held In Omaha. LOT 2 LACES, EMBROIDERIES and 1ES on sale at, yard lg LOT 8. LACES AXI 1NSERTINGS on sale at yard, 16c, 12Vc, 10c, 7Vo and 5 Worth from 2 to 5 times sale prices. LOT 2. LACES, EMBROIDIE9 AN1 IXSKRTINGS at yard 3 LOT 4. EMBROIDERIES AND IN KERTIXGS on sale at 16c, 12 Ho, 10c, 7 He and 5f Worth from 2 to 5 times Sale Price. MANY OTHER 6PECIAL OFFERINGS AT LESS THAN HAI.F PRICE. Extra Specials for Wednesday AT 9:80 A. M. 2 cases of Standard Prints, 7 He grade, at yard 2 ALL DAY Apron Checks, yard 2 94 12 V4 Dress Ginghams 5 10c Draw Ginghams 3 16c Towels 7Ht AT 2:30 P.M. 2 cases of Bleached MtiBlln, regular 10c Roods, on sale at 5 15c Batistes .8 12c Datives , 7H 10c Batistes 5 10c Towels 5 Shirting PrlnU... 3K Good Things to Eat During the Hot Weather Malta Vita, per pkg.. Egg-O-Bee Corn Flakes, per pkg..5 The Best Soda Crackers, per lb...6 The Best Crisp Ginger Snaps, lb. 5g Fig Newton Cookies, per lb. . . .8 "8 Oil or Mustard Sardines, can,.3H 1 lb. can Fancy Red Alaska Salmon 12t Jell-O, Bromangelon, per pkg.. 7W 3 lb. can Boston Baked Beans. . .7H Fresh Herring, can 12tt Mackeral, per can 12 Fancy Stuffed or Plain Olives, per bottle -.-O Clam Bullion, per bottle 10 3 pound cans Grated Plnapple 10 Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb 15 Neutchutel Cheese, each 3 Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese per lb 15 Strictly No. 1 Fresh Eggs, doi.. .15g FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRLITS 6 Bunches Fresh Raddlslies 5 Fancy Wax or String Beans, lb.. 5 2 Quarts Fresh Peas.. 50 A RnnrhAi WARh On Inn a 4 Bunches Fresh Beets 6 Bunches Fresh Turnips 5 6 Bunches Fresh Carrots ? Large heads Fresh Cabbage. .... . 5 4 Heads Fresh LenJt Lettuce 5 Large Cucumbers, each.. 5 Large Heads Fresh Cauliflower Large Juicy Lemons, per doz. . . .25 Freeh Raspberries, Gooseberries, Cher ries, blackberries, strawberries, blue berries, etc., at lowest prices. Crockery Department Specials WEDNESDAY Jelly Glasses, with covers, per dozen 15 1 pint Mason Jars, with covers, per dozen 45 1 Quart Mason Jars, with covers, per dozen 55t 2 quart Mason Jars, with covers, per dozen 65d No Limit, all you want. IM HAYDENS' SML LwiayjBifjewaieai 1 ELKS ipecial Train CHICAGO TO PHILADELPHIA JULY 14 Via Detroit. Niagara Falls, the Cool Northern Route Inquire Wabash City !. 1601 fa mam 51 HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D. V - fiTJA.HA. wssrssiswi We sell desks'not to dealcrsbut to you-'at prices dealers themselves pay. We sell ten times more desks than any other western dealer. All tha advantage o you In variety style economy. A batter deak for less money than anywhere else. avarytalad' Beaded low tae afftas OMAHA PRINTING CO.. Farnam and lOth dta Omaha Taleplione Douglas 141. ' adaU atdars tiled. lead tea aaaaloaraa. 1