Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Want - ads
- Advertisement far tn wna-ad
(olinii will no token antll IS aa. (or
the roli( edition and ontll n. Ba
tor the nlif aad tiiiar edltlene.
(Mk an sat aeeaaikaar all arlrn for
waat-ala .aa a a-ertlenent will
be accepted for lea laaa 10 eeata for
fee Brat Insert lea.
Rates apply to either Tat Daily
Saaday Bra.
Always eoaat alx worda to llaa.
Combinations of taltlala or numbers
eonnt aa on Word.
Insertion, per llaa, It) cent. Two or
mora conaernttve Insertion, per line.
rent. Eark Insertion nande aa odd
aara. 10 pent per llaa. f 1.SO per llaa
per moata,
Death and FWnernl Notice, Carda of
Thank aad Lodge Notice, T eeata
per llae for aa edition, morning or
erenlna;! 0 oeato a llaa for eack ad
ditional edition. Bandar. 10 eeata a
llae. So ad taken for leaa tkaa 80
advertisement la laaerted aader any
na of tke rlaastfleatloa erlven below.
It will be ' rharareaV at tke following
rateai Oat lneertlon, 4 eeata per line)
tkree to six consecutive Ineertlona, 3
eenta per line enak Insertion i seven
r more . consecutive Insertions, 3
eenta per Una eark lneertlon SO
eenta per Una per month.
Except Areata, 1 Solicitor and
Cowa, Bird a, Dot) aa. rata.
lloraea aad Vehicle.
Poultry aad Egg.
Typewriter aad Sewing- Marklnea.
Pianos, Organ aad Muslcul Inatrn
nrali. 1
KomUhed Heoana.
tTnfarnlaked Room a.
Honaekeeplna; Booma.
Boarding aad Room.
Watit-ada for Tke Baa mar left
at any of the following dm atorea
na la "your corner drncstst" they
re all branch elllcee of Tke Bee aad
poor ad' will be laaerted Just aa
promptly and on tke aame ratea aa at
tke mala office la Tke Bee Bnlldlns,
Seventeen tk aad Farnam atreetai
1 Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A., 1402 8. 10th 8t.
Becht, Pharmacy, .20 S. lth St.
' Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
' Bemls Park Pharmacy, 8 ad and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave.
Caughlln, 'C. R., 6th And Pierce Bta.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 223 Military At.
Conte, I. B., Slset Ave. and Farnam.
C'rlBw.y Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
C'ermak. Ernll, 1264-8 8. 13th 8t.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton.
. Khler, F. H., 202 Leavenworth.
Foster ft Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St.
: Dreytag, John J.. 1914 N. 24th 8t.
Florence Druif Co., Florence. Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and I-ake.
Greene Pharnfftry, corner Park Ave. and
Orecnough, O. A., 106 8. 10th St.
Greenough. Q. A., loth and Hickory.
Havden, Wm. C. 2520 Farnam St.
Hanacom Park Phar. 1601 8. 20th At.
JInlst, John, 624 North 16th St.
Huff, A. L.. 2934 Iavenworth St.
King, H. 8., 2233 Farnam St.
Knuntxe Place Pharmacy, 8S04 N. 24th.
. Patrick Drug Co., 124 N. 24th St.
I.athrop, CViaa. E.. ISM N. Mth St.
; Peyton, L. K., 94th and Leavenworth.
.. Saratoga Drug: Co., 24th and Amea Ava.
ftchaefer'a Cut Price Drue; Store, 16th and
Brhaefer. August, KSl N. lftth 8t.
Schmidt,. 'J. H., Mth and Cuming Sts.
. Ptorrn Pharmacy, 16th and Martha fits.
Wnlnut Hill Pharmacv, 40th and Cumin:.
Walton "Pharmacy, loth and Oraca Bta.
Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta.
' ' ' -
' We wish to' thank our many friends and
neighbors, especially Royal Arcanum, Union
Pacific council. No. 1,063, for their kind
offerings and 'Sympathy shown us during
our late nereavement in the death or our
pelowed father.
Attention, A? O. V. W.
The members of Omaha Lodge No. 18
and sister lodges are requested to attend
the funeral of. Brother Seth Orower which
will take place from the family residence,
$433 South Fifteenth street, Tuesday, July
a, at i: B..m. J. a. xut in kin,
, Master Workman.
Births James Burns, )03 Ohio street,
Ctrl; John Donnelly, 617. North Eighteenth
street, boy; Henry Johnson, 514 South Thir
tieth street, girl; John Johnson, 2104 North
Twenty-ninth avenue, girl; Charles Meldlin-
Cr, 10.16 Atlus street, boy; William D.
athla, H'37 Evans street, twin boys;
George Osborne, 61HH California street, boy;
Henry R, Pulney, 3M4 Brown street, boy;
John Pollvka, 1220 South Second street,
girl; E. D. Simpson, 2 Bristol street, boy.
Deaths Joseph Garland, St. James Or
phanage; Claim J. Etickson, IKK) South
Twentieth street, aged 56 years; William G.
JRlggs, 2MB North Twenty-fourth street,
aged 2 months.
The following licenses to wed have been
Issued :
Name, and Residence. ' Age.
k-'itrlok J. Doyle, South Omaha 17
May Kennedy, South Omaha 21
William H. Henderson. Ralston, Wyo 30
Ctella Oreen, Brayton. la 1
Joseph Kaiser, Omaha 21
Carrie Prachal, Omaha 20
tllE CITY CARBAGE CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth Bta. TeL Douglas 111.
U)-104 -
HON PAINTINQ-8. IL Cole, 1301 Douglas.
U 106
VOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto
nu.bll; a bargain. Ulobe Land and In
veatnienl Co., ihJi Farnam ou w 107
(END for our Hat of second-hand automo
, kales. LtEKlGHT, imj Farnam. C lu
1Mb BUICK. two-cylinder, 22 H. P. tour
ing car, overhauling and painted ltjuO.G6
luft CADILAC 1) H. P. touring car. fine
shape $526-00
lx RAMBLER. 11 H. P.. almoat new,
several extras Included IsoO.OO
1 KNOX touring car, air cooled.... $nOu 00
OLDS, altn top, A H. P ...7u0 00
J KhO, It H. P., used very little $750.00
1 FRANKLIN, with top,, four-cylinder,
detachable tooneau lo;.M
i r OKI', two-cylinder, detachable ton-
neau, 14 H. P ItuO.OO
8TEVEN8-DURYEA, two-cylinder.
and looks like new, with top $6lu0
RAMOLEK K., detachable tonneau. just
repainted ajid overhauled IU0.00
Write for full description.
XI. E. FKXKlCKSON. 15th and Cap. Ara,
. ; ti aa
120 ACRES t miles from 8che) City, Ver
non county, Mo.; 80 acres under cultiva
tion; good building. Price, $bu per acre;
Incumbrance, t-'.iv Will exohange for
feiieial merchandise. Olobe Land and
oveatmeut Co., lai Farnam St.. Omaha.
. i tl .14
p ,, ,
EXCHANGES If you have city property
stocka of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete list. We have properties and lands
In all parts of the country to exchange,
t Our Hat la free. Send (or It at orvee.
Globe I And and Investment Co., U21 Far
nam Bt.. Omaha, Neb. lis
CKKD stock of- general merohandtae In aa
Lra town of f.JuO Will trade (or clear,
cheap land. Globe Land aad Iaveatmnt
U, JTaraaiu.
FOR EXCFtANOfJ-M acres rolling land In
Sully county Houtb. Dakota, on creek.
Price, $6,000. Clear. Might conalder good
hotel or store If clear and well rented. Da
scribe fully. Boa 122, Avon, 8. D.
(3-M4 10
I NEED a man to go Into a development
proposition In which we will need to put
some money each month for about a
year; It will not take over $uJ0 altogether
and ran be put In aa required; I will put
In dollar for dollar with you, and It
means an absolute fortune for both of
us; If you can spare $60 a month let ma
put you next to a good thing; strictly
legitimate, and you can handle your
money yourself; I have nothing to sell
and I don't want your money; It's good,
but you'll have to burry; no schemes or
fakes; bona fide, ground-floor chance. For
particulars addreaa D 675, care Bee.
(4) M744 I
Do You Wish to Make a Change
If you have a farm, home, business of
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
(14)-MS43 Jyll
FOR SALE Lease and furniture 1n a first
class, modern, 3-story brick hotel, hiria
IL Bweneon, Clay Center, Kan.
(,4-M7S 14x
Circulation 3M; town 400 population; only
paper In town; good bualness: must be
sold on account of poor health of wife.
Price, $660. Deal with owner, no agent.
P. F. Root, Agra, Kan. (4) M664 Ul
Furnished rooming house for sale, 10 rooma,
full of roomera, within 4 blocks of 16th
and Farnam $400 cash. Addreaa K 57,
care Bee. (4)-71
FOR BALE At a bargain, up-to-date mil
linery stock; best business In town; terms
to suit purchaser. Mena Tank, Schuyler,
Neb. 4)-M79 JylOx
Are You Looking for a Farm,
Home, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere? It make no dif
ference whether you want $1U0 building
lot or a $600,000 tract of coal or timber
land, you should not buy or trade before
Seeing a copy of the Real Estate World.
It contains a large list of property and
merchandise stocks for sale and exchange,
and reaches several thousand readers each
issue, and la the best advertising medium
to reach the real estate buyers, homrteek
ars and traders that you can advertise In.
Write your name and addreaa on a postal
card, mall It today, and we will send you
the journal for two mqnths on trial free.
Address the Real Estate World, Suit 63)
Good Block, Des Moines, la. (0-431
WHITE Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee,
la.' Have farms and wild lands, etc., for
clear town property and merchandise.
C3) M820 JylEx
FOR BALE OR RENT Hotel business In
lovely county seat town; the beat house;
26 rooms; $3 rate. This business clears $100
per month and a little money will put
you in possession. Address Box 453, Clay
Center. Neb. (4-75 8
FOR SALE The best paying business In
northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro
ceries, queensware and notions; will be
sold cheap. Answer quick. Address T
811, Bee. (4) M873
WANTED A party to buy out a first
class stork of furniture In the best town
on the Elkhorn valley; best of reason
for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wie
ner, Neb. (4)-60
The best millinery and fancy goods busi
ness In a northwest Iowa county aeat town
of 2,500 population; stock amounts to $1,500;
very little competition; liberal discount for
cash. Address Y 63, Bee. (4) M851 10
WANTED Manager branch salesroom; re
sponsible man with first class references
and $10,000 cash to manage branch sales
room for - large manufacturing company,
whose products are sold in carload lots
to railroad and other large companies;
position pays $6,000 per year; highest bank
ana commercial references lurnisnen.
Addresa Box 154, , Freeport, . IU.
, , 4-:
FOR SALE A good paying Jewelry store
In one of northeast Nebraska's best
towns; stock clean, rent cheap Addresa
T 240, car Omaha Bee. (4 MS38 R
PARTNER wanted to take H Interest
or all of established merchandise bus
iness; will Invoice stork about $8,000;
particulars. J. T. Rafferty, Erie. Kan.
(4) M83H15
TO BUT or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. O. Gangentad,
403 Bee Bldg. (4) 766
809 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
SALOON for sale, 713 N. 16th St., Omaha,
Neb. W 7 Jyx
14-ROOM hotel, well furnished, good busi
ness, close to depot, lot 22x88, good out
buildings, a bargain.' Robert McMullen,
412 N. Glenn SU, Grand. Island, Neb. .
(4) M470 lOx
FOR SALE Long established shorthand
and typewriting business tn Denver; best
location; terms, practically $1,000 cash.
Address Work," care John P. GlbonS,
743 Equitable Bldg.. Denver, Col.
(4) M491 13X
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop. 80s N. 24th
St., South Omaha. (4 M463-10X
FOR SALE Small stock of goods, about
$6U0 wtfrth of shoes, $150 worth of under
wear, (225 worth of fixtures; fixtures In
clude a Halwood cash register; must sell;
big discount. Address D. A. MUUken,
Pocahontas. Ia. (4) M46 lux
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. V. V,
Knlest, 707 N. T, Life, Omaha. (4) 771
Old established, 26 years old, city of 1,500;
gooa joo ana aa patronage. Addresa
Herald, Golden City, Mo. (4) M417 tx
17-ROOM hotel, newly fitted out, rent $20,
close to lour aepots, good trade; must
be sold, only $3U0. Mrs. W. H. Uttell.
Hastings, Neb. (4) M4U ix
(4 768
FOR BALE Fine stock general merchan
dise; county seat town; southeastern
Nebraska; invoice about $16,000; can
be had at a bargain for spot cash. Ad
drees Y 214, care Omaha Bee.
(41 M544 fx
AN ELEGANT cafe In Excelsior Springs
Mo.; owner leaving city; bargain If sold
at once. Addreaa Box 185, Excelsior
Springe, Mo. (4 MM7 12x
city property, farms, merchandise or
chattels. Write Townsend Realty Co..
Modale, la. (4) M560 Ataj-lx
FOR SALE First -class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; $4 to 14
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting tires. Addresa Y 129. Bee.
(4) 111
BOME capital wanted for the moi
ted for the moving
picture business, ' big returns. Add
P636 care of Bee. (41 M558 1
re as
LAUNDRY for sale or. rent. Jaa. Hairs,
Albion, Neb. 4 M717 14
I AM offering my bakery and confection
ery bualneas for sale If taken now; will
Invoice about $6u0. If Interested write to
day. J. F. Parker, Knoxvllle. Ia.
14-M661 lSx
FOR BALE Restaurant and fixtures; do
ing good bualneas; in good town of an
inhabitants. Addresa J. F. Pearcy,
Pomona, Kan. - (4) M&M llx
IT-ROOM hotef. fine basement 42 by 14. lot
49 by 150, close to depot; city water;
line trade; S2,5ue. Mrs. Carl Korth, Litch
field. Neb. (4 177 lt
WB dealre the service of a promoter of
wide experience, large, personal ac
quaintance, and with good financial back
ing, capable of handling large propo
sitions. Addresa GHTi Bee
(4 MTbl llx
HAVE desirable residence lot 0xl0; close
In; value $1.ukX to exohaag (or paying
bualneas In Omaha, State kind of bual
neas and locaUuo, . Addreaa H (79, rare
ia ra w
Do You Want Good Help?
FOR SALE Newspaper and printing
office In western Iowa, Jacohson & Co.,
$86 N. Y. Lie Bldg. (4) M74I llx
TWO pool tables and fixtures for sale
cheap; a business of $K to $100 per month;
going to leave. Address Box 100. Bivans,
Colo. (4) 797 14
(650 BUYS bakery and restaurant; only
one In town; reason for selling, sick
ness. Address W. B. Haasett, Axtell.
Neb. (4; M5o9 12x
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity, $1,000 will
purchase a half Interest In a lucrative
business If taken at once. Address N-616,
care Bee. 4) 453 (x
GROCERY store and meat market for sale
at Invoice. Smith, 2227 Went Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la. (4) M796 14xx
FOR BALE! Good, clean stock merchan
dise of about $15,000 In splendid country
town of tut; large territory to draw from;
doing a good business. Part cash, part
time If desired. Address Y 237, care Bee.
44) M695
FOR SALE One of the very best hotel
propositions In the state of Eouth Dakota;
a money maker. Will bear the closest
Investigation. Shows large profits. Best
of reasons for selling. Address Lock Box
17, Parker, 8. D. (O M965 Jyllx
HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or traded
qtilrKiy. rardee & Braum, the nustinrs,
830 Neville block. (4) M544 Jyll
WA NTBD Large or amall manufacturing
planta to locate In one of the largest
and most prosperous cities of the new
state of Oklahoma. Unsurpassed ship
ping facilities. Free factory site, guar
anteed unlimited 8 cent, per 1,000 feet,
natural gas for manufacturing and cash
bonus. City has grown In throe years
from 16.000 to 17.000 and In five years will
be 50,000. Get In on the ground floor and
grow rich. Address all Inquiries to
MENT CO., B, A. Long Bldg.. Kansaa
City, Mo. 4)-628 8x
$600 CASH
and rooming house valued at $300 for
grocery store In city. Act quick If you
want It.
(4) 818 8
MOVING picture shows pay enormous prof
its. Omaha would support five more
shows. For Information on this subject
write G. Klnkoad, general delivery,
Omaha, at once. (4 M 858 ll
T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 09 Bee Bldg.
(5 123 Jyl7
, Ai-ckitecta.
C. L. BTAUB. 604H S. Eighteenth St.
(., MOue Jylsi
Carpet Cleaalna:.
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 191$ Farnam.
DR. ROY, R. 1, 1506 Famam St. Doug. 6497.
(5) M773
AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor,
10U1 N. 21st BL, South Omaha. (5 774
,m - Civil Ena-ineera,
(5) 775
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
(5) 778
IN FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1368. (5J-77J
M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School. 1628 Far.
(5) M987 Jyl7
BAILEA MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085.
KOTERA CO., 1506 Jackson. Doug. 2007.
THE 8CHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney
HESS SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Far. Tel. D. 1253.
Jewelers aad Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry
repairing, 1-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367.
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 164.
(5J 7H6
Dr. Bowser, ever 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(5 M401 Jy21 Supplies.
FTLINO cabinets,' films and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and oflice fixtures and sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.,
Inn Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 55'32.
4i)-M; Jyl4 "
PlamhlnaT and lieatlae;.
T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electric
fixtures, 1G07 Howard. Tel. Douglaa 741.
5)-M70i JylO
C. a TRUSS ELL, 115 South 16th Bt.
(i 79
French at artlstlo photographs. HO 8. 14th St.
o 79ii
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad at Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave.
(6) 787
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 63J0.
to 1
ACORN Press, quality Ptg., 1218 Harney St.
(6 M2 Jyltf
600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10.000 printed en
velopes, good stock, for $10; other work
at same ratea Get estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 22.
IT. 8. Nat l Bank Bids'- or 'phone Doug
laa 450a. (6) sal Jyis
School Sappllea.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard.
6 M9S8jyl7
Safe, Shatter. Etc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a spe
cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and
safe. Q. Andreen, Prop., hci B. 10th Bt.
(5) 792
hoe Hepalrlaa-.
RAPID 6 HOE REPAIR CO . first - class
work, lalfcft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 964.
. (6-l44
MOP R IS Chicago Practical Tailor for
ladlea' and gents' new work: repairing,
cleaning- and dying. Called for and de
llveredj 3uw 8. 17th Bt, TeL Bed 14
THE Oliver Typewriter Co., 116 8. 15th ft.,
will r"ht you an Oliver typewriter, with
onk stand, and keep you In ribbons for 13
per month: will earn more than $3 per
month in time saved. Get the habit.
(5)-23 atig7
Violin Maklni
ARTISTIC violin maklnar, repairing and
Blk. (B)-674 Jyl2
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of psst and future described.
Parlors 113 B. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store.
MRS. O'NEIL, colored, palmist, life
reader; advises on all affairs. 30ol
Plnkney. 'Phone Webster 664.
1 6 ) M7 4 7 JO
Aaents aad Salesladies.
DURING the vacation months we want
indies or young men to solicit orders;
will pay siilary or commission. Call at
art store, 1724 No. 34th, or 2410 Seward.
(9) 780 9
Clerical and Office.
WANTED A lady stenographer. Apply at
office of Ionard Everett, 18 Pearl St.,
Council Bluffs, Ia. (7) M7S3 9x
WANTED Three girls who can write
plum, tu marK Rouui; none employed un
der 14 years. Nebraska Clothing Co.
(7) M 840
YOUNG lady bookkeeper in wholesale
house; must be quick and accurate; state
experience; good salary. B 703, Bee office.
Factory anal Trade.
GIRLS WA NTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2024
farnam Bt. (7) 7S7
ST. (7) 799
WANTED Machine girls. City Steam
Laundry, Mi S. 11th SU (7) 79S
Housekeeping; and Domeatlo.
WANTED In July, good cook; two In
miniiy; permanent place ana gooa waKes.
102 8. 34th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7)-8J0
WANTED Good lady cook, $10. Phoenix
Hotel. Sanborn, Iowa. (7) M9&4
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Friedman, .2010 North Twenthleth.
(7) M5S7 It
AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor;
family conk, $9 week. Canadian Office,
15th and Dodge. '. , (7)-149
WANTED Girl for general housework,
also nurse girl, 2601 Dewey Ave. Tel.
Douglas 6042. , . 7)-3tfl
WANTED Girl for areneral housework.
Three in family. 1528 Jackson street.
'Phone Douglaa 478L (7)M482 lOx
WANTED Experienced waitresses at the
Union Station Restaurant.
v (7)-M448 9x
WANTED Good girl for general houso-
lauuiy ok tares, xuo d. ew.n bi.
WANTED Good girl for general house
Work. 2605 St. MagrVg Ave. Tel. T. 8273.
(7) 669 lx
WANTED A girl fof general housework;
good wages. 3324 Myrtle Ave.
(7) M725 lit
WANTED A first class cook to do oook
Ing and short order work. Widow with
plrl of 16 or 18 to act aa waitress preferred.
Will pay $35 per month to start without
lodging. Call or write at once. Hlllyard
A Mohr, Plalnview, Neb. (7) M718 20
WAITRESSES wanted for Union Pacific
eating houses; $20.00 per month, room and
board; no office fees and free transporta
tion from Omaha. Call or write 715 South
8th St., Omaha. (7 M697 llx
AN EXPERIENCED girl for general
housework; good wages; nice room. Mrs.
J. P. O'Keefe. 4150 bavMinort. Tel. Viae.
ney 2842. (7)-M742 9
GIRL for general housework; good home,
small family; one girl stayed four years.
Mrs. F. D. Wead, 601 South 40th. Tele
phone Harney 2iJ7. (7) 768
WANTED Experienced girl to do general
housework; small family; no washing.
Apply 2102 Douglaa. (7) 784 13
WANTED Young glxl to assist with house
work small family. 1122 South 2Mh St.
(7)-6H 14
WANTED Cook, 8510 Farnam Bt.
(7)-815 14
GIRL wanted for housework; two In fam
ily. 1142 8. list St. - (7)-804 14
WANTED Mess cook at Genoa, Neb., In
dian school club; $40 per month; room
furnished; board rated same as members
of club of 25; must be able to bake bread.
Apply T. D. Eager, Genoa, Neb. . ,
(T) MS34 U
STUDENTS, any school, dsslrlng employ
ment, register McCartney Institute, 1802
Farnam". (7 M62K
LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at
home days or evenings; 81.50 to 2.00 per
doton; quickly learned. Room (06 Paxton
block. (7) MS45 16x
WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man
love hair grower; liberal salary to right
party. Dr. Minerva James, 2024 Dnven
port. Tel. Douglas KM (l)-M!Oi
Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen.
AO ENT8 wanted to drive through the
country; best selling proposition ever of
fered; bis value for your customer, big
firoflt for you. Write today for particu
ms and territory. E. K. McClellan, 608
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ( 834
WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew
of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex
perience in selling to farmers; permanent
position; good income. Address O 347,
Bee oflice. (9 310
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, pur
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 6X0, Bee Bldg
I AN OLD-LINE eastern life Insurance com
pany of the highest standing desires a
manager for Nebraska. Applicants who
are good personal writers and have been
successful In agencies and handling sub
agents will please address, with refer
ences, N 66, care Omaha Bee. Omaha,
Nab. 9)-6U 9x
CIGAR Salesman wanted: In your lo
cality to represent us. Experience un
necessary. Write for particular. $00 per
month and expenaea.
MONROE CIGAR CO., Toledo, Ohio.
(9) M648 12x
WANTED By an old, established elgar
manufacturer, a competent traveling man
to rover Nebraska, paying a good aalary
and Insuring a permanent poaitlon for a
satisfactory man. Addresa, 11 611, Omaha
Bo. (9 34 8x
A NO. 1 city aalesman wanted Immediately.
1M Farnam St. t9 M741 9x
AGENTS Palette photo holder and per
petual calendar. Address Interstate
Mercantile Co.. Mollne, 111.
(9) Mill 17s
FREE catalogue self-threading needles;
can't bend 'em tlna and agents' latest
specialties. Address) Chas. E. Marshall,
LwckjMtrt. M.. X. ,liJJ 16a
THE DEE t: ts
Areata and Salesmen-Contlnned.
WANTED General agents to handle new
7-seated 45 H. P. automobiles; exclusive
territory; 100 per cent profit; splendid
opportunity. Pullman M. V". Co., 508
Fisher Bldg., Chicago. () MS38 9
WANTED Boy to learn pattern making
trade. Apply Paxton A Vlerllng Iron
works. Union Paclfio railroad and 8. 17th
Bt. 9)-Mtl 9
WANTED Boy about 18, accustomed to
cows, to help with milking machine.
Apply Alamlto Dairy Co., 1M1 Irnatn.
() M841 11
Clerical aad Oflice,
WANTED Experienced stenographer. 801
Farnam St. (9) 696 I
Factory and Trade.
MOLER Barber college, 1116 Famam St.,
teaches the trade by free cllnlo and care
ful Instructions in few weeks, positions
waiting for all who will learn. Write
for particulars.
(9) M646 O X
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere, F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha.
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing
or bricklaying trades; pays $5 to $8 day;
position secured after three month' in
struction. Coyne School, St. Louis. Mo.
Free catalogue. t9-A
WANTED Two good painters and paper
hangers, at once; bring tools; ready for
work. E. E. Weldon, Tarklo, Mo.
(9) MKB llx
WANTED Four Rlvlt Heaters Immedi
ately. Stacy Mfg. Co., 20th and Center.
WANTED Reliable shoemaker. Must be
sober and good at all kinds of repair
work. Sheldon Shoe Co., Sheldon, Ia.
(9)-M467 10X
WANTED Good all round pattern maker
accustomed to building and machinery
-work, etc. State age, experience ana
wages wanted. Address Paxton & Vler
llng Iron Worka, Omaha. (9) M000 9
TINNER experienced in furnace and gen
eral shop work; steady Job; good wage.
Hartman A Pullock, York Neb
() M76S 18
WANTED School teachers and students to
travel during vacation months; work
pleasant and profitable. Address H 207,
Bee office. (9) M849
STRIKE Stryker. Men's Shoes. 312 South
- 16th. Board of Trade Bldg. (9) 816
WANTED Man with some experience in
traveling capable of earning high salary:
bond required. Address, with stamp and
references, S 617, care Bee. (9) 806
WANTED At once, five cement finishers,
capable of handling a crew. Addreas or
call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9th St.,
Sioux Falls, 8. D. (9) 897
FIRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per week; ten
hours. Luzon Cafe, Billings, Mont.
(9 M446 A2x
WANTED All worklngmen to know sev
eral atrlla. r, r. Con Ihan.taw. , . I . I
. .... ., ... .,. i. , , a i o i . i nw,. v. 1 1 1 1 1
Alliance employes trying to crush unloa
ism. Stay away until aettlement is
reached. . . (9) M837 !
WANTED Baker, with three or four
years' experience; married man preferred;
pay $12 per week. Address, with full par
ticulars, G. E. Roby, box 41, Tilclen, Neb.
4 (9) M853 17X
WANTED A shoemaker; good wages.
Frank E. Davenport, Norfolk, Neb.
. (9)-M850
STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ
ment, register McCartney Institute. 102
Farnam. (9) M072
WANTED An experienced, competent
. man to set up furniture. Apply Peoples
Store, 16th and Farnnm. ' (9) 884
WANTED Man for real estate business;
good wages; experience unnecessary.
Apply 316 Ramge Bldg. (9)
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. No canvasHing. National Dist.
Bureau, Chicago, 111. (9 M403 lOx
WANTHD Experienced tile ditchers to
work by the rod; $2.60 to $3.60 per day;
good digging. Address J. W. Ten Brink,
Nickerson, Neb. (9) 616 llx
WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod;
make $2.50 to $3.50 a dav. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink, Nickerson, Neb. (9) 528
WANTED Soda fountain dspenser. Sara-
luea urui v.u., .in ana Ames Ave.
(9) 671
WANTED Check clerks, callers and
truckers at Webster street freight station.
Monday morning. IL 8. Jaynes, Agent.
9-726 9x
MAN wanted for general work and around
barn and premises. Apply on week days
ONLY after 6 p. m. at 602 8. 40th Bt.
(J) 769 9
BOTTLER at.d all around; must be
temperate. 724 West Broadway, Council
Bluffs. (9) 810 lOx
WANTED Two lumber men to unload and
innjr .uiiiuBr; sieaay worn; gooa wages to
good men; married preferred. Omaha Box
Co., East Omaha. (9) 821 10
BERRY pickers, take wagon, 49th and
image, 7:so a. m., for orchard. A. Hospe.
Tel. Harney 3016.
(9) M828 12
WANTED Two men to work in whole
sale furniture house, good wages, ex-
pi-riem-e unnecessary. Appiv at once, MH
(9) M&43 9
WANTED At once, first-class barber.
Grand hotel barber shop. Council Bluffs.
f! M854 llx
WANTED Honest young man. able to
work, learn good business: opportunity
for advancement soon. W. A. Kerr.
N. Y. Life Bldg. (!)-M848
Horses and Vehicle.
A GENTLE family horse, buggy and har
ness; horse perfectly aound, a woman can
ride or drive. Inquire at Jackson's barn,
on 2Sth St., between Farnam and Harney
Bta. OD-M712 1$
Are you looking fur drivers, work horses,
laundry horses, grocery horses, In fact, any
kind of horse? We have one bay team
geldings 6 years old, city broke, single or
double, fancy drivers; one brown team
mares 4 and 6 years old, very handsome,
broke double, must be seen to be appre
ciated; one 6-year-old brown gelding pacer,
very speedy; one extra fine single driver;
one bay ract-r, good single driver or saddler;
one very large team good work horses, and
several good laundry and grocery horses
from $j0 up. We give a written guarantee
that all horses must be as we represent.
Cash or time.
Rear 414 N. 16th 8t.
(1D-M794 11
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harneas at
greatly reduced prices. Johnson A Dan
forth Co., B. W. Cor. 101 h and Jones hi a.
HAVING bought au automobile will sell
my new stanhope, horse and harness at
a great sacrifice. Dr. Morsman. 616 N.
Y. Life Bldg. (11) M541 Ux
WE are not aelllng out at coat, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrir
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adk Ins
Co., 714 B. 10th PL. Omaha. (11)-U
RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A.
Btone, 8u3 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs.
HARNESS. Saddles. Trunks. Traveling
Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor
lah ak I--, tint Aiaan 14. mj-ls
lloreea aad Veniclee Contlnned.
FOR pony buggies, runaboute, wagone,
traps, carts ana narneja. see jonneon
: l'anforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones
I Bta. tilt 8v
HAVE two fine driving horses for sale;
little high priced, but extra good ones;
city broke, one weighs 1.100, the other
1.2fO; also got a ball bearing runabout,
good speed wagon, price, $50. Also a one
man speed wagon, cost $300, good aa
new; will take $m0 for It. J. S I man,
'Phone Harney 2f. (ID Mr! x
FOR SALE Nice gentle driving mre.
1709 N. 88th Ava (U) M3t
FOR SALl-Two good work horses, weight
L100 and 1.3H) pounds; two driving hnrsos.
Inquire N. E. Corner, Twentieth and Lake
Sta. Coal office, Tel. Webster Vol.
WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harneas
chesper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson Danforth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and
Jonea Bta. (ID 776
FOR SALE Oood team, wagon and har
ness. Tel. Douglas 6398.
(ID 784 llx
Ponltry and Km mm.
WHEAT, $1.66 hundred. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
(ID 812
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab
Co.. Omaha. (U)-M86 Augl
Cowa, Blrda, Dos and Pete,
PEDIGREE fox terrier pups, cheap. 971
N. 26th Bt. (11) M411 9
FOR BALE Fox terrier puppies. 1909 Web
ster SI (16)-563 12x
FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and
furniture repairer, 1612 N. 24th. 'Phone
Webster 8296. (12)-M581 22
LOST On 24th St. car from South Omaha,
a purse with name of bank on cover con
taining $12. Liberal reward or return to
Bee office. (110-811 8x
LOST Lad y' gold watch, with black silk
fob, Sunday afternoon at Holy Sepulcher
cemetery. Return to J. Horalek, 1918 Cap
itol Ave. Reward. (12)-14 9
LOST Package of letters and traveling
card In electrical workers In name of J. 3.
Sullivan. Return to 2608 Bouth 13th and
receive reward. 02) i
LOST Saturday, 4 p. m., small brown
urse, containing money. Return to 1617
odge Bt, (12)-824 8X
LOST between I.eke Manawa and Omaha
diamond and pearl crescent brooch. Re
turn and get reward. Address Y 64, Bee.
(12)-M 806 11
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
(11) 813
ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th
St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M10I
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
80 years practice in confinements. Oflice,
614 N. 16th; residence, 24T1 Charles,
Omaha. (ID 814
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14 th and Dav
enport 8ts.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vlrVd by college professors. "Phone
Dougla-1167. Call answered day or
night. 1D 129
$10.00 TO $200.00 FOR THE
to meet the wants of those who have no
real estate and are entitled to the same
consideration when It comes to borrowing
WB LOAN money on securities, no bank
or real estate company would accept your
household goods, piano, horses, wagons, etc
It is a quick way to get money, no red
tape, no delay, no publicity. YOU KEEP
both the money and security as long as
you like and pay us for the actual time
you are using It whether it is one month,
six months or a year. Remember you pay
for the time you have the money not a day
lit Board of Trade Building.
I (14) 407
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., In any amount; less than half rales,
perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payment suspended when
sick or out o work. 21.4 Kai Daon Blk., 3uv
8. 15th BU (14)-818
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or aal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at amall cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 816
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam ctu
(14) all
have Increased their capital, and during the
month of July will make a special rata on
collateral loana, personal property, mort
gagee and individual notes without secur
ity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas iM or
call at 810 Bee Bldg. (14) M4J6 Aug2 .
EAGLE LOAN OFFJCE Reliable, accom
modating; all bualneas confidential. H1
Douglaa. (14 832
Vacation time Is here. If you need money
to see you through that good time you have
promised yourself this summer, come to us.
Our special low rates for vacation money
are still in effect; you can get the money
quickly, privately and comuientlally on
your salary, household goods, pianos, eta
Low rates; easy terms.
108 Paxton Block. 'phone Doug. 1411.
(14) 819
and othera, without aecurlty; catty pay
menta. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man. room 714. New York Lit Bldg.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
aalary loans. 6Z3 Paxtun Blk. 'Phone
Dpuglas746. 4)--24
Voardlaa: aad Rooms.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(15) Z4
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
(15) 86
MOST convenient and pleasant location; de-
slrable rooms. Call belore locating. Th
Pratt, 802-212 Bo. 26th St. Private ex
change Douglaa 8138. (15) 824
2209 FARNAM, rooms and board.
Ui)-67S Jyll
ROOMS with breakfast privileges, modern,
walking distance. 116 N. lh. Gentlemen
preferred. (16 Ju 13
DESIRABLE room; first-class board; fine
location. 218 B. th til. (15) M 418 9x
ELEGANT room for sumtnar; has outside
entrance, south front, in one of the best
locations In city; large, beautiful lawn;
private family. 627 Park Ave.
LARGE front rooms, with board; desirable
location; large lawn. 123 B. Z5th Ave.
U5) M6at 13x
Famished Moona.
I ELEGANT furnished rooms to good
parties; all modern. 2JU N. lid.
(15) 651
LARGE, light newly furnished room in all
modern house. 24u6 Capitol Ave. (16) 630
IM BOUTH 25th Bt. Modern east and
aorta front rooma.
fla.-MM U
Famished Itoome -Coatlaned.
EEAUTIFUU Urge fiont ?""!
rooms; south; modern; SI 4 No. M -U
'phone Red S6f.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1915 Capl
tol Ave. (IS) Pel Jy27
VERY pleasant well furnished east front
rooms, enaulte or single; modern. Pri
vets family, close In reasonable 80S N.
22.1 St., near Davenport. (16)-M4S310x
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new.
modern house; hath on every floor; alt
conveniences; walking distance. 2474 Har
ney St. Tel. Douglas 4294. (16 M977
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all
conveniences. 1911 Burt St..
(1O-870 Jy25x
THREE nicely furnished rooms, modern.
In private family. 610 N. Od St.
LARGE front room, modern, osl Hafnsy
8t, (KV 401
LARGE, cool room. The Hillside, 18th
and Dodge Sts.; also day board.
, (16)-M447 fx
406 8. 14TH AVE. ; at. new, up-to-datel
gentlemen only; references.
(16) M4AuglX
NEWLY furnished front rooms. 607 8.
13th St., near Howard Bt.
(IB) M2T lx
i large ool room;
family. 2624 N. 19th Bt.
' (IS) 534 11X
modern; private
FOR RENT Front parlor room, cool and
airy; strictly modern; also other rooma.
2311 Douglas St. (16) 631 llx
NEWLY furnished room tn strictly mod
ern, private home; walking dlstanoe.
Price reasonable. 719 8. ttth Ava 'Phone
Red 4485. - (15) M723 9x
FOR gentlemen, a coo! south front room.
Tel. Red 497. 2208 Douglas St.
(1)-M699 llx
LARGE south-front room, with alcove; else
other rooma 2702 Farnam St.
(15) M717 13x
FINE front room, reasonable, 8106 Leav
enworth Bt. 06) 809 14
NICELY-FURNISHED, large, coot south
front room. 1812 Dodge Bt. (IS) M740 9x
FIVE large rooms, light housekeeping.
1826 8. 32d Bt All modern. (IS) 772 9x
FURNISHED1 or unfurnished rooms. 841 8.
19th. (15) M6S9 Augflx
FURNISHED sleeping rooma at 111 8. 17th
St. (16) M671 13X
EXCELLENT cool modern outside room si
for gentlemen. Dining room board by
day or week; meals 15c. The Boston, 107
South 17th. (15) 776 9
NEWLY furnished rooms with board If (la
sired. 14H Sherwood Ave., H block south
of Lake. Sherman ave. car. ' Tel. Web
ster 1452. (15 M689 18x
4 ELEGANT rooms, modern except heat.
2617 North 18th St., first house south of
Corby. (16) M78S 13x
FOR RENT Iarge furnished room at 1911
Woolworth Ave., half block from Hans
corn Park and car line. (16) M676 x
COOL furnished front rooma 1708 Casa
(15) 778 14
Untarnished Hftomt.
THREE rooms, 1120 N. 17th St, 05
FIVE large rooms, all modern. 211 8. 11th.
- (15)-398 Sx
FOUR large rooms, with alcove and
closets; clean and cool; free tele-
N phone; close to car; modern house; rent
$16 per month. Telephone Harney 404.
(15) M5I9 12a
FLAT of 4 unfurnished rooms, modern con
veniences, good location, walking distance.
rem reasonable. 2tGb BU Mary's Ave.
'Phone Douglas 4432. (15) 666 11
FOR RENT Five rooms, , ground floor;
water ana gas. a7o Hurt. .!) is gf
TWO unfurnished room; good location. &,i
FOUR unfurnished room for light 'house
keeping. 8151 Farnam. (15) 774
BIX rooms with city water; suitable for
light housekeeping. 1611 Cass Bt.
(16) 781 9x
Housekeeping Rooma.
FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, 2911
Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 1821
Farham St. (16) 826
ELEGANTLY furnished or unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping, $16. 218 N.
23d St, (15 M392 10
FOR RENT Basement; private, entranoe)
Convenient for housekeeping. 8167 Far
nam. (16) 618 llx
BUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooma
strictly modern home; heat and light fur
nlahed; best boarding house In city
across the street, 2408 Casa St.
(15) 639
FOR RENT Two light housekeeping
rooms, nicely furnished. 715 8. 17th Bt,
Call after 6 p. m. 16) 623 lOx
THREE handsomely furnished rooma
Complete for housekeeping, to refine
couple; responsible parties only need ap
ply. Address C-674, care Bee.
(IS) M786 9
Famished Hooaea aad Flats,
10 room, all modern and completely fur
nlahed, 1 block from car, for 1 or 1 months,
$40 per month.
Phone Douglaa 686. Paxtoa Block.
LOWER 4-room flat In private house for
rent; new furniture foe sale at bargain!
leaving city. 821 Bo. 20th Bt.
(16) M50J llx
T-ROOM, nicely furnished house, modern;
walking distance; will rent to reliable
party only. Address J 611, care Bee. .
FOR RENT for two months, 6-room, strictly
modern, nicely furnished cottage In Stan
ford circle. 3618 8. 13th. Tel. Red 6780.
(15) M796 10X
FURNISHED 6-room cottage, 621 N. VA St.,
near Harney car line. (16) M722 Ix
TWO T-room modern flats, 1714 Charles and
1T04 No. 17th. $80.00 each. Apply E. J.
Sullivan, YSfl Harney Ht. (16) 677
FOR RENT 2963 Pacific St., 9-room brick
modern flat, In flrst-class condition;
Hauscom park district. Apply George 4b
Co. (16)-M6l 81
9-ROOM flat, furnace heat, servants
rooms, bath, 1 toilet rooms, combina
tion lights, ahade, oak finish, oak floors.
West t'arnam district. $56.
1704 Farnam Bt.
(16) M?T '
Houses and Cottagea.
OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. H. goods; storehouse 11D-14 N.
11 h Office ItfeV Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569.
lirtTTCVVJ in all parts of th city. The
UUUoriO 0, jr. Davl Co., Bea Bldg.
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. u.,..v,i,i
Mueller Piauo Co., 1311-1311 Farnam.
Iir.PSCVQ ,n Prts of th city. R.
liUu&l-'O c. Peters at Co., Bee Bldg!
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded,
cheap freight rales. Moving and storage.
Lxpieaaiueu's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug
las 394. US)-I
1619 N. 83D BT.
6-room strictly modern, brand new 13S.
O Keefe Real Estate Co., luul N. y, in,
Bids' (16)-MM
2m0 Kl'GGLKB ST., I rooms, brsnd new, all
iiuiiwii,, ifiin.,, iruni inf. fa. nn ,
Douglas 165$. (16) l.'l
ItOUBES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, barker Blk.
t (to),
6-ROOM house, modoia Is) every respect.