TIIB OMAnA 'DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1007. AFFAIRS AI SOUTH OMAHA Coroner'i Jury Returns Noneommital Verdict in Caraher Killing:. O'COMOB ADMITS ITREJO SHOT K.aior la Cart-rat That ettleaaeat Is tn Slsrht of Differ'" Wit Psrkrn Orer Post-Morteaa Exaaalnatloa of Stock. The coroner Judy last night brought In a verdict on the causes of the death of Frank Caraher. finding that he came to hla death from the effecta of a gunshot wound fired from a ahotgun held by an unknown person and from a position un determined. The poll"" withheld a great deal of evidence In the .caae. preferring to kep It until the preliminary trial of J. O'Connor, who la held aa a suspect. Thla preliminary trial will be held Friday morn ing. The evidence at the coroner inqueet was that five young men were anting on a bench at the north end of an Incloaure went of Morrle Degan's saloon, drinking beer and Blrglng. They were all facing south and Caraher woe turned allghtly .to the east. None of the young men aaw the shot fired, but they heard It and aaw Caraher fall to the ground. The young man alttlng on the bench next to Cara her was Stacy Lloyd, He -was hit on the top of the ahoulder by the wad from the charge and the angle waa such that the hot atruck Carraher In tf-e groin. There were thirty or more ahot holes In hit body. The doctore stltchod up twenty even holea tn the Intealinea. The bladder waa alao perforated, aa well a aomo of the auperflclal velna. The gun waa found In J. O'Connor' room under the sheet of hie bed. When flrat questioned he denied that he had a gun In the room. It waa found by Cap tain TurnqulsU There Is a tree In the back yard and It apparently atood between the boya and the window from which the ahot waa fired, and for tbla reason thoy did not ee the flash of the gun. The shot tore aome of the leaves of the tree, accord ing to one officer, and gave the general direction of the ahot. O'Connor la aald to have made a full confeaalon of the shooting to . the police efflcera. He did not have 'any particular aim, and It Is likely - that manslaughter or a second degree murder charge will be filed against him. He will In all prob ability waive the preliminary examination and may confess before the court. , Mar Settle With Packers. It Is currently rumored about the South Omaha exchange that a final adjuatment of the post-mortem Inspection may be af fected by the end of the week. The of ficial aald they had no such Information to give out, but that the prospects were at present a little brighter. Chicago Is looked to as the center of the negotiations, and there the settlement will be reached If anywhere. Jt lias been suggested that It would be welt that the packers consider that If, the settlement be not satisfactory between them and the shippers that tn all probability - stringent legislation will be adopted at the next session of congress. It I anticipated that considerable legisla tion will follow, as It la i. The exchange men here are of the opinion that If the matter were merely a local one there would have been a settlement long ago at this point. ' The packers and com mission men here have alwaya got along In an amicable way. All mention especially the attitude of the Cudahy Packing com pany, which ha shown, the most liberal plrlt. Condition of School Foods. The city treasurer made his monthly re port of the condition of the school funds yesterday. The report show a net bal ance of 11481.01 July 1. The June balance was 53,937.S1. The following are that de tails of the month: j . COLLECTIONS. June balance ...I52.W7.I1 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer. a,fcrt.40 P. J. King, fines J. A. McLean H.18 J. A. McLean, miscellaneous 66.01 Total I74.7W.70 . . DISBURSEMENTS. Teachers' aalarles f .015.OT Janitors' salaries tM!6!?? Expenses .. 1.434.7a Saml-annual Interest 1608. 15 toy balance M.4M.01 ....I74.7W.70 .... 6J.4lrt.70 "wwyar.' ry. --. 'a wr we .'"'av BMP." WW.' gJrV iHFAIJSK. K3E-. X. 6 Clearing Hale . Saturday Watch for Clearing Sale Saturday Exceptional Bargains FRIDAY IN OUlt BIG it? ILiiD WASH FABRICS IN TIIE BASEMENT M EJtPOSBTIOM- The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY, On account of the Jamestown Exposition afford one of the finest opportunities to visit the Atlantic Seaboard that has been offered the traveling public in, many years. Special routings and side trips provide for visits to Greatest Remnant Dayoi (he Year GREATEST CLEARANCE MEN'S SUITS THB RZLIABLR TRB 1 J IX SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S SHOES All broken lots, odd garments and remnants brought to light by pur just completed inventory will be priced Friiay without re gard to real worth. Only a small part of the bargains can be men tioned here. A greater bargain day was never known. Remnant Day Domestic Rootfc Imported wash dress fabrics over 100 choice styles to choose from, finest imported plaid batistes, dotted silk j mulls, embroidered tissues, fine 6wisses, great A midsummer bargain, at, yard. IUC 10c dress lawns at 5o yard a fortunate purchase of 300 jg bolts pretty, dress lawns floral, polkadot, 6pray, ring and neat figured styles the same quality that are sold elsewhere at 10c and 12Vfec, will go at, " per yard. Factory lengths, regular 15c summer lawns all new desirable patterns, at, yard 3c One lot plain silk mull i lq various lengths and craves, as long as they last, ; . )A.m at. yard ;...;2C We'wlll sell 5,000 yds. fine sheer India , Llnons, equal to the 2 Be grade long fac tory lengths, ,. A at. yard .IUC More than 200 full bolts mobalr lustre suiting, for summer suits the mill's price , is 12 He yard, our price, yard One lot figured brown dress sateens, in rem- nants, at, per yard . . 5c 3ic 36-lnch wide Bide band challls for Jumper suits ask to see this special bargain, P at, yard C Accumulated lot of percales, ginghams, muslins, etc., not enough of any one lot for separate sales all in one lot, at, yard .... 2ic Friday's Linen Remnants New lot of. mercerized table damask mill remnants nice m . a . long lengths and nearly ail perfect worth up to JP . ....-twu 75c yard Friday, yard Drummer's samples openwork Im ported Swiss scarfs and f squares, 50c values, each.aC Niagara Falls Lake Champlaln x The St. Lawrpnce Hudson River Trip Adirondack Tha Catskills Berkshire Hills Chautauqua Atlantic City Hew York City Boston Philadelphia Washington Baltimore and various seaside and mountain resorts Direct connections are made in Chicago by the Chicago & North-Western Ry. with trains of all lines east. For rates, tickets and full information apply to TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnsm Street OMAHA, NEB. Unbleached cotton twilled toweling, per yard..... 1c Mill pieces of hemmed huck towels, 2 for , 1c Drummer's sample pieces of .' bleached table linen, each .................... 1C 0 Remnants of . Embroiderie s I V Tig Bargain Square of all kinds of Embroideries in rem- ! 'Sf nants narrow, medium and wide edgings also corset $ covet widths values up to X1 f A f & 30c yard. at yard. J 2C-1UC-1 DQ MENS Do you know that your failure to instruct your .wives, daughters, sisters and mothers in the correct way to step off a car exposes them to danger? ' - "Take hold of hand-hold with left hand and face direction the car is moving." Assist us in preventing accidents. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. I Remnants of Lace s Total Net balance, Jyly 1 ' Maato Cttr GomI. ' Olynn Transtsr Co. Tei. Bo. Omaha tt. Ths Hot-tors will play at Papllllon today. Beveral pic nice will pa held at Seymour lak today. The hospital association held its regular monthly lueetlns last night. I Miss Myrtle Keefer haa gone on a vaca 1 tlon of two weeks to Hot Kprlnf a. Mlai Ira Harris of Central City, Is vis Itlng this week with Mies Bessie Abel. Alphonse Moore baa returned from -Chicago, where be has been for several months. Mine Tina Fuahraan la spending a two weeks vacation from nursing at the South Omaha hoapltal. - Ruth and Edith Miller, daughter of C. W. Miller, are spending their vacation at tUoux City ana vicinity. Fine. French and German, Vals, Piatt Vals, Point de Paris and Torchon Laces and insertions many to match val-, nes up to 12V2c ' 11 e-4 Co bargain square, yard aW 2v O-IVU. ,JC Remnants of Allover Laces Remnants of Allover Laces all kinds of to 1 yard f P length pieces clearing price, each ......IJC Friday's Specials in Silks Rudnlnh Diets haa aone to Nebraska City for the Fourth, and it la rumored that he snay be married on hla return. Oaoar. F. Undburf. Tti North Eghteeath treut, is recovering nicely from the effects , T an operation ior appenaicuia. The rival teama ot John Flynn and C. . Bcarr will hold a tug-of-war at the bouth Omaha Country club today. Captain Troutan arreated Malachl Maaon jreaterday aa a auapect In the recent robbery ot the safe of Swaa lareon's aaloon. Mr. and Mra. A. L. Searle and Mrs. Slmona of Lincoln are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Fleharty for the Fourtu The Bouth Omaha Independents will play double-header at Duffy s park this after noon. They will play the Merchants and the Byrne-liamiuera. W. B. Tagg and Jack Watklna will play "a maiden game" of golf for the bennt ot the veterana thla afternoon. Neither baa ever played a game, before. Celebrate the Fourth by purchasing a kt In Mahoney 4 Ulnnlhan'a addition, Sbth and V etreeta. Price, payments, 14 per month, f. C. Caldwell, agent. 2,750 yards of all kinds of plain and fancy silks, broken lines of pretty Foulards, fancy checks and . stripes and taffetas and Louisennes, black and white summer silks, worth from 69c yard, at. ....... - 25c Newest patterns in fancy ' Burmahs and Rajahs in light and medium shades, sell ing regularly at 11.25 yard, yard...... 49c Black Dress Taffetas we recommend for strong wear worth 86e yard. .c fj yard. JJt Importer's silk samples over 1,000 different styles and patterns, regular travellers' samples, go accord ing to size, each 5c, 10c and 25c It Is common report that Omaha la try- IK to secure the.il00.0UO flour mill which oit-red to come to bouth Omaha it a suit a4e conceeslon could be obtained from the city council. . . Miss Elisabeth Tombrlnk and Mtas llaael Harder left yeelerday morning on an au toSioLille tour to Cooper, la. They expect to enend two months at the bom of Miaa Ifrerders grandparents. Dress Goods Remnants . Strictly new spring and summer dress goods, checks, broken plaids Pekln stripes. Melanges. Monalrs, Henriettas, etc, thirty- sew six Inches to forty-two Inches, worth 50c to -f 5c a yard, at, per yard White Mulls, twenty-seven inches wide, in fancy stripes. m .small figures, checks, etc., have been selling I f at, 89c, at. yard JkJ rm. Mas Bussett entertained In honor efl liar aister, Mra. Oeorge Fisher of Chl-C.U--0, last evening. A Urge number of fifanda were present. Mra. Fischer and haT son will be In the city a month 'fhe following blrtha wore reported da. Joseph Krecrntincu, Tliu-ty-nlnth 11. a boy; Martin Siethmach, Thirty. . . . X. ... . lt ... tj .. . , aecond and K, a boy; William Martin, M liellevwe. a girl. . Je r.nol uamier ana hiss Lxmise Lliww were Berried Tuesday evening at the home f Mra. Otto Ueutin, iei South Twenty-fourth atreet. key. Kalph - W. 1.1 vers performed the ceremony. They will mieVe their home in this city. ' I'm.. k .-. .l.r. WaM IrtirhlMI Mill n town yej trrday morning by the activity W vt Uoritjii' Heafey. They tmpereuiialed X isters ol eharity. They were lissng for eriliens. Mr. lieafey esxed them for their l.iiar of reconunnUatiun from the blahop. '1 hey had none and hurried out at town on las null! Wig the police. The Chamt-loa Iron Works are far behind In their couttact for putting In the ceil work of the new city ail. Nothing has Ixmu dune, lt is said that the contract waa alu-rrd after lt was M-nvl by the city C-CU04111 tn atne luyeterioua manner; but uk a 4mwwr wns rt-)e of the altera tj'it ar4 I mltAy -couule fur the r vo "H te t' OMAHA CC0ECS3BOSCCSi rail SEE TIIE FINE WINDOW DISPLAY I ' EOBBMET and Summer Curtains m J.V3UO j) OOVDIHD 5 W5T Busiiveao Boosters Try the Want AM Columns of The Bsv H0TELS AND SUMMER RESORTS 2 ravr tmm Hotel Kuppcr lit and HoGea, KANSAS CITY, M0. ta Ska atnopplnf Dlrkrtaa, Meat aa the Tneatcea. too bcaaUTol Eooma, 00 yrtvate batna, ate and cxtid water la an rwoma. vaaleaa llssy, wwlora. welevboaa la every roouu IbeauUfal Oafe, Perfect Oniataa, $1 to $2.50 Per Day Saropeaa snaa. HCPPIX BEVSON HOTEL CO. F. A. BXaTBOV, MgT. THAT WILL GO ON S FECIAL SALE ij Next Monday JULY 8TII ft AT UOiiDERFUL 0ARGAIHS ftnrMEH TOUtl OaT 1.1X1 BflCKiaa MANITOU for paenrr eervlca exclulvel, make three tripe weekly to Chaileeola, BLarbu Kpstags, stay Wlew, Ittoikiy ss( Mack. Uae Xalasa, connection with all bieain&tiia Unea for UUe Superior, Eastern and Uu. Ilan points. Inquire about our week-end trips specially arranged (or Uuslnees and frof eeioial rfn. X.ZATCS OaiOAOO as TOH)Wg Sloa. 11 :30 a. am. We. 8 . Trl. V . MAMITOtT T A MS art J1 twiuan irtta a HSfkS. taakaad a. wtlcrate taicn epv Tie.ut !NeVnre nd Outing In sid Wteoonaln. Lou and ewUagea Bor ami an tT e rvwst lake la Wleooiuiin. AAHrmM . 10O.M W. HOUA. 10,000 mill ends of ginghams, prints, percales, . white goods, etc.. all grounds, from 6c to 16c values aome long pieces and some Bhort pieces; all at one price, yard It 6,000 yards ot A. F. C. Toll du Nord and Red Seal ginghams, all l2ttc goods, 6 to 10 yard lengths; all at, a yard .v. ... ... Two cases of 36-lnch percale, in mill ends, 11 c Yalues at, a yard. 474 Aprdn checks, 1c ralues 2 Kg 16.000 yards of white goods 12 He 40-lnch lawns, l&c long cloths, 19c India llnons, 19c Persian lawns, 25c .fancies and other goods In remnants from 2 to 12 yards all at 5 EXTRA SPECIALS TO CLOSE. 16c batiste 2ls 10c white goods ...24 Eight dosen towels that sell at 12 Vic, for ........54 One case of 10c bleached muslin.. 5 One case of 8 Vic unbleached mus lin ,. 444 Five cases ot fine American, prints remnants, from 6 to 10 yards at, yard .... -3W One large bunch of napkins, slightly mussed, will go at, doten 502 Remnants of tatye oil cloth, yd. .8Ht Remnants of 80c . bleached sheeting, at .' ...14W Remnants ot 2 Be unbleached sheeting, t : ...i2H WOOL DRESS GOOrtft. 10,000 yards of wool dress goods that Bold from 60c to (3.60 yard in four lots, at, yard, 49c, 39c, 26c and 15 g No dealers sold at this sale. Great July Silk Clearance Four Tremendous Silk Bargains IN DOMESTIC ROOJI. From 8 Till 0 A. M. Over 1,000 yards of fancy silks in short lengths, from V4 to yard, val ires up to $1.60 yard will be offered in one great lot, at choice each 1 (Just the thing for fancy work.) Remnants of High Grade Silks, includ ing Cheney Bros.' foulards, fancy Loulsenes, taffetas, etc. 19 to 24 inches wide; waist and dress lengths great snap at, yard 19 MAIN SILK DEPARTMENT. Remnants of finest novelties,. 27, and 86 inches wide, choice styles, regular values up to $2.00 yard over 7,000 yards to select 'from at, choice : . .29 nd 394 20-inch natural Jap wash silks at. yard-... 17H 27-inch black dress taffeta, tremendoua bargain, at ......58 Black French dress taffetas, 36 inches wide, at V.;.. -;..05 SEE OUR DISPLAY IN SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOW. Friday' s Furnish' g Goods Specials Sample lota and broken lines in both men's and ladles' furnishing, brought together after Inventory and priced for quick clearance Friday. Ladles' Corset Covers and Drawers Worth to 75c, made of fine cambrics and Nainsooks, trimmed with laces, embroideries and wash ribbons choice . ; . . u. 25 Skirts and Gowns Regular $1.60 values, cut very full and long, well made, nicely trimmed great snap, t 75 Ladies' Tape Girdles In white or fancies, hose supporters attached. 60c values, at 25f 10c Hose For men or women, choice Friday for 10s Ladies' Gauae Vesta Worth to 25c; on sale at 12 He, 10c and 5 Misses' and Children's Lace Hos Black or white, l&o values; Friday, 100 Men's Balbrlggaa Underwear Worth to $1.00 garment. In plain or fancy colors In three lots at. 49c, 89a and 254r Men's Combination Suits Worth to $2.76, all sizes and most remarkably bargains, at $1.60, 98c and. . .25jr t Men's ShlrU In almost unlimited as sortment of new citterns, with soft collars or collar bands, regular values to $1.00; in Friday's, sale, at.. 49 U.n. mwA Ittri1 En.twinfl.M P.ml.. &5c Qualities; on sale Friday at 10 f 1.00 LACE YELLS, at. 59c 85c BOX FANCY RUCH 1 GSf &t 19c I Grand Notion Sale Friday, In Our Domestic Room ONLY A PARTIAL LIST OF PRICES CAN BE QUOTED HERE. uoia eye neeaies, per pug i Pearl buttons, dozen If Darning cotton, fast black, ball...! 10c metal back horn combs, at... 5 2 pkgs. pins for 5 Linen thread, Friday, per spool . 2 H 500-yard spool cotton, spool.. .2H Hundreds of other staple notions at less than half. jra f 1.00 HAMMOCKS Fri day, at 69c EMJ1KOIDKKY SALE, Yard, 2H 5a 7 10 3 IF YOU ARE Hard to Please We are Waiting for You 0N1M0D SHOES . ALWAYS PLEASE s You get more wear out of tbem; they are more stylish; they always fit, thereby in suring comfort and grace in walking. Interesting Curtain and Portiere Specials Friday Remarkable values In dependable merchandise. " You can't dupli cate them. Ruffled Swiss bed room curtains, with hemstitched ruffle, worth $1.00 Friday, pair 59 Red and green applique Irish point lace curtains, for ball and library at. pair $2.98 Rope portieres in all colors in the new festooned effects, at 20 Pr cent loss than last year's prices. Examine our line. Red, green, yellow and pink striped snowflake curtains; Friday, pair. $1.25 Novelty net curtains, with Battenberg edge and in Bert ton, in white or eon. at. pair $1.49 Odd lace curtains, worth from $1.60 pair to $5.00. at. each. . . .49 and 25 Grenadine, 30 inches wide, regular prloe 28c; Friday at, yard V&i See Oar Display 37 Varieties Wash Machines Large, medium and small galvanised wash tubs, at ec, oc ana. . . .4 Screen door spring hinges, worth 10c pair, each 2H 6c coat and skirt bangers, S for. .10 Adjustable-screens, up from.... 25 Screen doors, each 95 Garden hose, per foot -7H Ice picks, ice scoops. Ice shaves, ste al! worth 10c to 15 one day. only, t 5 6c package tacks .2H Towel arms, worth 30o, now.... 10 Parlor brooms, worth 20o, nowy.lQ Picnic wooden plates, per dot. ,. . .Q 1 Great Grocery Invoice Sale We Are Overstocked In Certain Lines and Will Close Them Out at Less Than Regular Cost. Built Onlmods, Frioee SS and M, combine all he qualltlea that go to make the beet shoe In Uie(Woria. Tie Beaefc stag Oalmoda are made of the beat material and by thorough shoemakers; price. Be. Our regular 13 SO and II. Bo Onlmods retain their kos of wearers and glee every one of them a pleaaea ana com fortable expression. We Are Sola Agents fa Sr. Bead's Cushion Kola Shoe. 1 pounds Beat rase Cane Granulated 12 .ra best Family 'Laundry' ap ..2o Lrge aacaa white or yellow Cornmeal OalTon "ca'ne'Pe'ach'eV 'pesii'or'piuma!s5o Gallon c-aApplea........ ....... 2&o Jellyoon. jeno or - The best soda crackers, per lb. The best Crisp Ginger "naps, lb ...... o 1 lb. Jars Pine Fruit Preserve s ... I 1 - So fl 1 or Musiara or""""' J'"1 f lb can rancr Alaska Halmon ...ll lb. package dorn rch 4 The beet i;oia Th. h.t Tea eiftlnaa. per lb Fancy Hantoa Coffee, lb .IHc no .40 .44 ...lIHo 1 to Ho per Fancy FtilV Cre'am'DomestiV Swise Chef se Ir pounu r , - Pfrlctly No. 1 Fresh Egs. ner dos...He No. I Craamery Butter, pound iio s-.,.w s-i,il rrm Cheeae. per lb. i',.. V'ull Cream Brick Cheeae, No. 1 Creamery Dutter, per lb rnlM Knit V.vat&htM w Ik. ronnn. Pincr larare 210 siae retail for l&c snil 40o thla sale. Dor rt -zfn nweel. juicy oranxea, per aoaen . . Fresh Roasted J'ennuta, per 4aiT,MH Fancy California Plume, per dozen. . .jf.l Fancy California Aprlcor pr doel, 14 tn, Juicy Lemeeta ,fl I Oo aosen uv e if w, 1 per doaep ' Fancy California Bartlett Fears, frm. aoaea Large ripe Bananas, per dozn ... Fancy ripe' Tomtoa per pound . . I bunohea freeh Laf Lettuca I bunohr-a fresh Heeta I bunchea freh ( arrota J quarts frneh peaa. ............ . bunohea freah Paxaley ....... .', Ir Cucumbers, each 4 bunrhrs fresh. Unions I iunches frh Turnips 6 bunches free'i Pieplant ,., Home groa n; Cabbage, each 1 a .5o . r,o .so 6o loo lo .ho .5o ;Sv