Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Furnishers of Hotels, Clubs and Restaurant, as Well as Private Homes.
414'16'IS South Sixteenth
Ye offer ns a special for Saturday's selling only, a group of three very necessary little ar
ticles for the kitchen. They are a cake turner, a perforated mixing spoon and a kitchen
fork (just like illustration). They are made of steel, with hard wood handles. Good and
tattled Suits
Young Men
strong, and a splendid bargain at our usual price, 25c. Saturday only, we offer
them, all thro articles attached to a card, for just
A Set.
1 -
3 as
if i
? aXa
r, r nr-iKaKagaa
A Set.
Couch 32 inches wide, G feet 6 inches long,
in high grade imitation leather, ea. $18.75
Refrigerators We've just received a new lot
of Herrick it's the only one we handle. It
has all the good features of a perfect refrig
erator, besides we guarantee it to maintain
a most perfect circulation of dry cold air.
Let us show you. 'White enamel, spruce
and glass lined; up from $14.00
Rocker (Like cut), golden tm-
ish, has Keratol leather seat and
.back; very substantial in con
struction; bent arms, well brac
ed; each .$3.50
Library Table (Like
cut), pretty mission
design, solid oak, wea
thered finish, panel
ends, one large drawer
top is 26x46; special,
each $15.75
Gliding Settee Swing
(Like cut). This swing
is adjustable; a perfect
gliding swing, made of
maple, natural and red
or green finish; 4 pas
senger; each ....$12
Morris Chair (Like cut),
an 0. & W. special that
carries with it the best
character of workman
ship and finish; quarter
sawed golden oak, hand
polished ; adjustable
back; hair filled revers
ible cushions; choice of
colors; special ea.$f).75
I I I, t S
teles of Incorporation changing It princlpul
place of business from South Omaha to
B. O. Dun Will Mot, The R. O. Dun
Mercantile Agency will move Saturday from
Decrole 118 present yuan en 10 me new rooms
Sverr Saturday JUfflxt, beginning at 8 j "Wch were built especially for the company
'clock. Thomas Kllpatrlck & Co. sell t Thirteenth and Harney streets, over the
'toien's BO-cent neckwear for 25 cents.
' Tlx Tain of th convenience of the
'City Savings Bank Is plain to all thrifty
I Singer Manufacturing company.
Man Oveicom by Qa Clinton Dove.
. . ..,1 v, i -
v. u. HUIU1.VI1, .vi..., . pmr iivn nf thn Omnhn Rn rnninnnv was
; i (. . ..a - ' -
'office from 213 South Thirteenth to
building. Makes a specialty of wills and
Too Hungry to Pas TTp Ham Frank t Keonm Arnout and Fltrglbbon
IT!. ........ (1 i r, in n I1A PA mUH f T LI (I V 1
of the city combined. The matter was re
ferred to a committee consisting of Berry,
man, Mills and Watson.
coining soing Yet A meeting of the
executive committee of the Auditorium was
held Friday noon at the Commercial club
with the chairman, F. A. Nash, persidlng,
iur ms purpose or rormulatlng plans for
floating the second mortgage bonds of the
Auditorium company. No definite m-tinn
i 11 lnecnui ana ior v streets.
morning for being so hungry he could not TU-tM11 ,.. BonaaAmon. n,rmlt,
ham from . , . , . ... ........
restrain himself from stealing a
the Hammond l'acklng company.
Petition for Dollar Oas Mnyor Dahl-nan
Is having prepared petitions for the refer
ence of the "dollar gas ordinance" to the
referendum vote of the people. They will
be made public Saturday morning and :
placed where they may be signed by people j
In sympathy with the mayor a Idea on tho
Prom South Omaha to Omaha The
Commercial Mutual Klre Insurance com
pany has filed an amendment to Its arll-
1 -"- '
was raken. as several of the memhars of
ueiLm;u uy tun wnue wonting in ironi 01 i ine committee were unable to attend and
is Liucauo street at 2 o ciocic Tiaay art- a meeting will be held next week, subject
noun, jib whs unenucu uy ron.e our- 10 me call Ot tne r 11 rmin nhun .11
lie uvea at bero can be present.
Wisconsin psopl Organise Citizens of
Omaha who are natives of Wisconsin have
Boy In Misery 12 Years Eczema
Spread Over Body in Rough
Scales, Cracked, Inflamed, and
Swollen Case Pronounced Incur
able, but Completely Cured by
Two Sets of Cuticura Remedies.
his skinTndw fine
and smooth as silk
ieu an urtiunixtiiinn as tno result of a
meeting held Wednesday evening In Ba
riKht's hall. A. 3- Kltchle was elected tem
porary president ponding the election of
permanent officers. The movement was
stuited by A. F. Mayne. Tho charter mem.
birs are as follows: A. S. Ritchie, T. H
Dailey, v. T. Lyons. Mrs. P. C. Hough
rt. utiiknap, wife and mother, Mif
Bertha Lambert, Mrs. Tledeman, A. M.
Fuller, E. A. Chork and E, U Thetro.
Temper and Jsalouny In a petition for
divorco Hied in district court Friday Morri
son Chester charges Grace Chester with
having an ungovernable temper and with
being Insanely Jealous of him. Ho says she
grew so Runplciuus of him sho would
shadow him when he left home at nicht on
the I legitimate business. In 19" 4 he says ho
und asked her to go with him to a western
ranch In order that they mlnht loavo sur
roundinsg that aroused her suspicions, but
she refused. June a, irv. alio abandoned
h!m and has not lived with him since. Ha
asks tho court to give him custody of their
6-year-old boy.
Chimney Emits Too Much Smok Peo
ple living In the houso at 211 South Four-
works who persist In violating the law 111 i teeenth street have filed complaint with
lug Inspector were thirteen to the firm of
Hastings & Hoyden. They call for tho
construction of as many houses In various
parts of tho city. The houses ra to all
be frame builditigs, the cost ranging from
11,500 to 12.5e0.
Mats Transfer Heal Estate The Met
Bros. Brewing company Friday transferred
by deed to the Home Real Estate company
all of the property owned by the brewing
company In Douglas county used for saloon
purposes. The transfer was made under
the provisions of the Gibson law prohibit
ing brewers from owning or operating sa
loon property. The consideration named in
the deed was $73,0 0.
Pay or Quit Peddling At the market
houso Friday morning the clerk of
license Inspector met all peddlers
others holding permits on payment of par
tial license fees. They were Instructed to
pay the balance of the fee Saturday or
retire from business. In each cas tho
men promised to be on hand with the cash
so licenses may be Issued In due form Mon
day morning.
Iter Fireworks Dealers Dealers in flra-
These Coat and Trousers Suits
are not ordinary summer make-shifts loose baggy
things with no fit or style about them: on the con
trary they are the embodiment of style and com
fort. Every line and stitch shows how skillfully
the tailoring has been done.
The fabrics are choice tropical worsteds French
flannels and light-weight cassimeres in many
shades and patterns.
These are not only splendid styles they are
wonderful values at
Hats of Coolest Straw
The Nobbiest
Styles Yu
Ever Saw.
We have them In the newest
shapes, many braids and
straws and the right crown
and brim for every face In
every shape at prices rang
ing from
50c to $7.50
Our Now $1.0? Special Is a
wonderful hat at the price
worth $2.50. It Is made
from silver split straw In
latest shapes. It also
comes with the poncll welt
curl to brim, considered the
proper thing for young fel
lows. A very
strong value,
Summer Shirt Sale
$1.50 SHIRTS FOR 95c
All are splendid shirts,
early you will have a
to select from....
fine quality summer weight madras,
cheviot, etc. A variety of neat patterns
in many colors coat styles, with at
tached or detached cuffs, also some
high grade white shirts, with plain or
pleated fronts.
These shirts are a collection of short
lines bought from manufacturers and
a few that have been used as samples.
All are in good condition and
are the latest 6tyles. These
are superlative values at. . . ,
If you come
larger variety
value Sale
Shoes and Oxfords
for Men
All Men's
50c and 75c
Fancy Hose
3 for $1.00
$3.50, $4.00 C -fol5
be summarily doalt with this year if the
pollto can collect evidence J(Hoient to con-
! vli t them. Serxeant Cook started th .'iim-
iagn FriilHy morning by arresting John
Hempelman of 2414 Cuming street ,who. th
I wtsh to inform you that you.
wonderful Cuticura ha put a stop to
twelve years of misery 1 passed with
my son. A an infant I noticed ou
hi bodv a red spot and treated same
with different remedies for about live
years, but when the spot began to
get larper I put him under the care
of doctor. Under their treatment the
disease spread four difftrent part
of his body. Th longer the doctors
treated him the worse it grew. lurinf
the day it would Ret rough and form
like scales. At night it would be
cracked, inflamed, and badly swollen,
with terrible burning and Itching.
When I think of hi suffering, it nearly
breaks my heart. Hi screams could
be heard down-stairs. The suffering
of my son made me full 'f m'ery. I
bad no amhition to work, to eat, nor
Could 1 sleep.
'One dcur told me that my son'
eczema wus incurable, and gave it up
for a bad job. One evening 1 raw an
article in the paper olx'Ul llie wonderful
Cuticura and decided to give it a trial.
"1 tell you that Cutuura Ointment
la worth its weight, in gold, and hen )
bad used the tirn boi ef Ointment ther
waa u great improvement, and by the
time I Tiad URed the second set of Cuti
cura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, antl Cuti
cura Resolvent mv child was cured. He
Is now twelve years old. and his skin is
as tine and Ktnoothax silk. Michael Stein
man. 7 Numner Avenue. Brooklyu,
N. V.. April 10. 1905."
tne uuuuing inspector protesting against a
chimney which Is attached to the house
at 213 south Fourteenth street
! v,nt.i,u ain-Bi3 uiii in summers past a
motal pipe carried tho smoke about the
New Fronts and Three-Story Addition
on East Planned
Oeorare K. Johnson, President of Penn
Mutual Insarnnee Company, Im
pressed ly Condition of
Omaha Healty Market.
seigt-am says, was selling Diank cartridge j nouse In which they are employed, while
and had sold a revolver to a boy. A coin- this year the metal pipe has been removed
plaint was filed against him and he will be and the smoke rours Into the lvnn,i .a
third-story windows of the h'.jse whenever
tried Baturday morning.
Evangsllsts at Dsllon Chapel The re
ligious meetliiKs which are being held
nightly this week at Dellone chapel, Four
teenth and Capitol avenue, are attracting
crowds. They are In charge of Evangelists
Iluchenan and Cross, men who have had
a long and wide experience In different
parts of the country, preaching and con
ducting meetings of tills nature. The meet
ings are free and are held each evening,
beginning at S o'clock.
Bsvsnty Per Cent Wheat Crop Superin
tendent of Schools Iavlusun reiuineu rn
day morning from Kansas, where he had
been for a week. "Kansas Is In the midst
of Its wheat harvest," said Mr. Davidson,
"and the yield will run about 70 per cent
of the average, while many fields will run !
the windows are opened. They ask that
the chimney cease to smoke or get a longer
pipe. '
Suit to Save Water Supply John
Adulph Benson, 25T8 Pratt street, has ap
pealed to the court to prevent his water
ippy being cut off In the middle of the
hot season. He has started suit against
Herbert A. and Rebecca A. Foster, who
I live at 22 Pratt street, to enjoin them
I from cutting off or removing a water sup
ply pipe running through their yard to his
I house. He says he has a contract with
inriii wmi proviaes ne may use the supply
pipe until mains are laid near enough his
house for him to tap. He says ho paid S25
i as consideration for the contract unrf h..
(iff ..r.i.l . . . n .. . . . .
htKher. Corn Is looking well, havin. u.i. l' " 1 ,,,,a,c lne rent
great progress in ine lasc mree weeks.
Too much srress cannot be placed on
the great value, of Cuticura Hop, Oint
ment, and I ilm in ant iseptio cleansing,
thud affording pure, sweet, and economi
cal local ami ronntitntional treatmenl inrlammntioiut. itchincs. irritations,
relsiations. diK lacvnunts. and vaina. as
well us eueh sympathetie affection a
natinia. chlortwia, hysteria, nervou
Deus. and detnlity.
Bukt tarausbout Uw wots Ton Dpi
Okriu Coil) . S.4S Props . fc U)S Uas
ssrMau4ras. tWe ts Cmx asia Maiaeia,
Kansas will, as usual, be up with the pro-
j cession on farming product this year."
I runeral of Mrs. ZCartn:an Private The
j funeral servk-es of Mr. Sarah E. Hartman,
l who died Tuesday evening, was held at the
residence. Sill Farnam street, Friday after
noon at 2 o clock. In accordance with the
j wisnes or Mrs. Hartman, no one was pre
i ent except member of the family. Rev. T.
I J. Mackay of All Balms' church w the
) officiating clergyman and the pallbearer
j were chosen from among the nearer rela
I tlves. The Interment was made at Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Demand for Kcat Park Aside from the
allowance of claims the only matter to be
brought before the meeting of the Board
of Park Commissioners Friday morning
waa that of "rest parks." or small tracts
of land to be opened In various parte of
th city a play ground for children and
breathing apace for all. Member of the
board expressed sympathy with the Idea,
some railing attention to th fact that more
people take advantage of the ahade at
JoQcrson 4ut than at ail ot tba parka
accordance with th contract, but the
have refused to accept It and are threaten
ing to remove the pipe. A restraining order
good until the case Is heard was Issued
Friday oy Judge Kennedy.
It IVow.
Now la the time to get rid of your rheu
matism. Tou can do so by applying
Chamberlain s Pain Balm. Nine case out
of 'ten are limply muscular rheumatism
due to cold or chronic rheumatism, and
yield to the vigorous application of this
liniment. Try It. Tou ai certain to b
delighted with the quick relief which It
a fiords. For sale by all drugalsts.
I Are Yon In Doe 1.1 Where to Spend
j Yenr Vacation.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
I (double track) offers the choice of many
I delightful resorts. Special low round trip
fare to many of them. If you will advise
j how much you have to pend for railroad
j fare, a publication describing attractive
: route to the section you can reach, to
I gether with fares, will be sent you. Geo,
, W. Yav, A. Q. P, A T. A, US Adam
Plana for remodeling the store fronts of
The com- tne Ramge building and the construction of
ia three-story aaoiuon oi muini
crete on the lot east of the building, are
being prepared by Mlsener A Baker, archi
tects, for O. R. Bhukert. who bought the
Ramge building severul month ago. The
changes will represent an Investment of
about $3S,Kr1. Bids will be opened for the
construction work In about thirty days, and
it Is hoped to begin work on the Improve
ments by Sep'ember 1.
The new three-story addition to the
Ramge building will be built on the lot
abutting the property on the east and will
be 21x133 feet In size. Reinforced concrete
will be used entirely and the building made
thoroughly fireproof, according to the Kahn
system of reinforcement construction,
which Is being used extensively In the con
struction of new buildings In Omaha.
The first floor or the new addition will be
for a store and the two upper floors will
be used by Mr. Bhukert for a factory, as
he will remove from his present location at
S13 South Sixteenth street to the Ramge
building in a few months.
Modern store front will be Installed In
all the stores on the first floor of the Ramge
building, with transoms of Luxford prism
glass, and will extend outward for nearly
two feet.
Investigating- Omaha Heatltr.
George K. Johnson of Philadelphia, presi
dent of the Penn Mutual lAte Insurance
company, has been In Omaha for aeveial
day a the guest of Thomas llrennan of
the Brennan-Iiove company for the purpose
of looking over the commercial conditions
In Omaha. The Insurance company repre
sented by Mr. Johnson has disposed of all
Its real estate holdings In the city, but Mr.
Johnson was so Impressed with the healthy
conditlona prevalent In Omaha that he will
probably take over $2"'.u worth of loans
on Omaha property.
The large modern residence at tXM Lincoln
boulevard, In Bemls Park, has been sold
by Payne. Host wick & Co. for MAO to F. J.
Blrss. wh bought for home purposes and
has occupied the house for the last year.
The residence was built a few years ago
by Rer. H. G. .Williams. a nonxeaUent
client of Payne, Bostwlck & Co., who
formerly relled In Omaha, and is one of
tho most choice and desirable parts ot the
Bemls Park district.
Three small cottages and the large lot
at the soethwest co'ner of Tenth and Cen
ter streets have been sold by Sonimer
liros., tho srocers, through Robinson &
Wolf to J. Oerber. The property was trans
ferred at the reported price of t".3fi0 antl
was bought by Mr. Gerber for Investment
Jap Rose transparent toilet and bath soap
Is made from the whitest, purest and best
vegetable oils oils that you can eat. Made
by Kirk sold by all drug gists and grocers.
Owl Drag Store Opened by Sherman
dt McConnell nt Sixteenth
and Harney.
People passing Sixteenth and Harney
streets today cannot but help noticing the
change that has taken place at this loca
tion. Messrs. Sherman & McConnell have
fitted up the most up-to-date drug store
In the city, If not the finest In the west,
giving It the name of The Owl Drug Store.
The front has a circular show cose reach
ing to the celling of the first floor, having
entrances on each side of the case. On the
south side as you enter you see the cigar
humidor built In the wall to properly keep
cigars, next is the cashier's desk, then glass
show cases surrounding the store until you
arrive at the Onyx King soda fountain
at the front of the store on the east side.
This fountain Is thirty feet long, all onyx,
tho front studded with medallions Imported
from DreBden, from famous paintings.
Onyx pilasters with gold caps !s super
structured with art glass and the wood
work is all hand carved, the column are
cored out and Illuminated. It Is said to be
the handsomejt fountain In the west. The
entire room Is furnished in oak, gun metal
gray color, the celling Is of metal and the
floor 1 tiled In art mosaic tyle. Every
article for sale In the atore is covered
either in glass cases or wooden drawers,
making everything as sanitary a It can
possibly be. The prescription department
la located In the basement and the hew
store employ eighteen people. Today I
opening day for the new store and Mr. Mc
Connell promise souvenirs for the ladle
In the shape of flowers and candy.
Former Assoclatea Adopt Resolutions
Deploring; Death of Stroutf
At the meeting of the Board of Park
Commissioners Friday morning the follow.
Ing resolutions of respect to the memory
of George W. Llntng'T were unanimously
Whereas, George W. IJnlnger, for many
years a member of this board, has died,
and It la titling that a memorial commem
orating his work upon this board should
be made, therefore be It
Resolved, That the bonrd laments the
untimely death of its former member snd
president, George W. Llnlnger. When
serving as a member of the city council
he gave especial attention to the develop
ment work In Hanscom park. When the
department of pnrks was created ho was
appointed a member of the first board of
park commissioners and served four years,
from May 14. lxx!, t May 1, 1SS. being
vice president during all of that time. He
wus reappointed a member of the board
In 1"1, retiring May 1, 1H", being vice pres
ident of the hoard the first four years and
president the last year of his service.
Mr. Llnlnger brought to the service nf
tho city a wide experience and thorough
knowledge of landscape art, gained from
his study In parks In all of the elites ot
the world visited by him In his extensive
travels. The studies of rt In painting sup
plemented his nature; studivi. These, joln.'d
with his tuslness tefu!ng nd experlonce,
mude him an ioral : tk .'im nii-sloner. Ho
wus never intluer.-'eu a.'.y motives other
than those of th p lino's welfare. His
services as a park c(;ii!iisi ner will manl
iest themselves in the roni'.nually KTOWing
beauty of our parks Hud boulevards ss
long as they endure. Be It further
Resolved. That the meiul.ers of the
board remember with pleasure their asso
ciation with Mr. I.lnlngei'. and In his death
lose a friend and valuuhle counsellor;
that the city of Omaha lose tine of lis
most useful and public-spirited citizens. Bo
It further
Resolved, That we sympathise lncerely
with the widow and children of the de
ceased and hope that the many tributes of
love and respect for the departed may
soften their sorrow. He It further
Resolved. That the secretary devote a
memorial pane of the records of this hoard
to this resolution, and that a copy thereof
be presented to the bereaved family of the
New Torkt
July Sth and ?Stb
Good SO Day, at
Jamestown Ks post Hon sleeping- Cars
from Chicago through to Norfolk, over
Pennsylvania Short Une and N. A W. Rv..
via Columbua, dally after July 14. Low
fares. Call or write Rowland, U. 8. Bank
Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
() pair men's t5 and t shoes, sites 5 to
I. tl 39, In the Norrl store. 1517 Douglas
St., Benson 4 Thorn.
llav Root print it.
Chief Qaartermastrr Mlsaoart Depart
ment Hetarns from Long Visit
la the Fast.
Major Thoma Cruse, chief quarter
master, Department of Missouri, returned
Friday morning from an extended leave
of absence In the east and resumed his
duties a chief quartermaster, relieving
Major Thoma Bwobe. who ha been act
ing a such In hi absence. Mr. Cruse
will not return to Omaha for aome weeks
Tha Interesting feature of Major and
Mr. Cruse' eastern visit waa to witneaa
the graduation of their son, Fred Cruse,
from West point Military academy.
Another son of Major and Mr. Cruse,
amea Cru, U a recent graduate Xrtvin
Apply to Ticket Agent or
Irrl BBS sVallway Xxchan-, Chicago.
It make the toilet something to b en
joyed. It removes all stains and roughness '
prevent! prickly beat and chafing, ' am
leave the skin white, toft, healthy. In tht(
bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which
no common toap can equal, imparting the
vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish!
bath lt. CitoCF.RS avd Dfugoists i
lira. Winslow'B SoctMng Eyi-np
?H .? nsed for nm BIITT-KIVE TFAHH
& UiViVffSLf'f'TH KK8 Tf tf .ir rilll l.liy
HI I.I! lEElTIISd. will. VTHWAVr Hf'Cr'Mri It
Sll rktS; I n.ri WIND III. 10, Slid ) t, bent
ivtsftos world be mira snd . f..r "llrs wm
low's Sontbii.r Bjrur." and Uk. no otli7r k' t
. w-m,7.ut miu s 'Hue (tuitrAfitMfl
"4 Sud Irw Art. June sutli it.
tivrlaj Numl
the Nnvnl academy at Annapolis. lie waj
member of the same class of th youngi
mtuslilpinen who lost their live In Hamp-j
ton Roads, near Norfolk, Va , by the sink !
Ing of a naval launch a week or ten iluyri'
ago. Fortunately Midshipman Cruse wit
not on the detail that met With SucU
Wflg death.