Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiie Omaha Daily Per
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Address all complslnts of Irregularities In
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Btnte of Nebraska, Douglas County. s.
Charles C. Rofewater, general manager
Pf The Bee Publishing Company, being
duly sworn, tar that the actual number
of full and complete copies of The Dally.
Morning. Evening and Sunday Bea prtntd
during the month of May, HOT. was as
i tB.eno it 5,To
S 33,610 It 33,800
I B,Q90 ;o 85.37
4 as.iio :i as.eao
5 34,300 21 .... 36,810
36,880 21 38,900
7 35,480 14 .'. . 36,830
I 39,660 it 85,800
88,790 f 34,800
10 39,890 tl 36,480
11 38,390 II 86,810
II 34,660 21 36,010
11 38,43 10 36,030
14 38,380 II.. 86,810
18 36,330
1 36,40 Total. .. 1.098,080
17 36,380
Less unsold and returned copies 9,07
Net total ........... 1.088.P63
Dally average... 30,083
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
betorc m thla list day of May, 1907.
(Seal) M. B. HUNOATB,
Notary Public.
abacrlbers leaving, the city tern
porarlly should kavs The Be
mailed t then. Address will be
chanced as often as reaested.
Colonel Colt has exhibited some,
horse sense by withdrawing from the
senatorial race In Rhode Island.
Senator Dick of Ohio says he has
nothing to say. Senator Dick's refusal
to talk always evokes an encore.
Klug Edward has expressed a desire
to meet Mark Twain. He probably
wants Twain to explain some of his
In the meantime, all the big world
dailies have-assigned their war corre
spondents to rdport the peace confer
ence at The Hague.
Tho republican elephant will view
with alarm the report that Secretary
Taft is going to make no further effort
to reduce his -weight.
The German Ship trust sneers at tb
charge of conspiracy, says a cable Item.
A wi-jU regulated trust knows how to
sneer in all languages.
Mayor Schmlts of San Francisco
says he has an Incurable disease. A
long period of Quarantine at San
Quentln might help him.
Some people are calling Governor
Hughes of New York a ciar,' but h
loes not seem able to get the legislative
duxna at Albany off hla hands.
This occasional talk ; about the
Foraker presidential boom does not
worry the Ohio senator a little bit. He
knows that b can prove an alibi.
The duke of Manchester declares he
bas no us for American railroad work.
The average duke has no use for rail
road work or any other kind of work.
The city health department la about
to start another weed-cutting cam
paign. The weeds that servo to hide
unsightly billboards should be spared
by special dispensation.
Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin
says his election to the United States
senate cost him $3,886.71. The Initia
tion fee to the Millionaires' club Is not
as heavy as It used to be.
Baron Mumm von Schwartiansteln,
who Is to succeed Baron Speck von
Sternberg as German ambassador at
Washington, is said to b one of the
most taciturn men In official life. Extra
dry, eh? . .
Dr. Miller has been re-locating Fort
Kearny, which he located originally
City year ago. This ought to give
Momentum to the prospective move
Bent to bav Fort Kearny preserved
is a national military park.
The county board has completed Its
work as a board of equalization, but
there may be a postscript to the pro
tram If Lincoln repeats Its last year's
performance as a kicker before the
State Board of Equalization.
The three months' trial of the S-cent
(are law expires sooner In Nebraska
:han it will In Missouri because an
tarller start was made here. That
say explain why the railroads want
jo be In position to get the Nebraska
aw Into .the federal court first.
Mrs. Slocum, wife of the colonel of
the Thlrteeuth cavalry, declares the
Japanese are waiting only for a favor
able opportunity to throw 60,000
soldiers into the Philippines and take
possession of the Islands. Well In
formed administration officials (ear
that Mrs. Slocum Is mistaken
Th action of the county board In
ordering tentative plans drawn for a
new court house at least makes a start
toward the erection of a modern
county building in th event the peo
ple of Douglas county give the neces
sary authority by their votes at next
fall's election. There Is general unan
imity of opinion that the county has
already outgrown the accommodations
for Its public offices and courts and the
necessities of the case will be much
more urgent before the two or three
years roll around that would be re
quired as the shortest time in which
to replace the present structure.
While some diversity of opinion ex
ists as to Just what should be done to
solve the court house problem, we be
lieve the great majority of the taxpay
ers favor a substantial fireproof build
ing at once serviceable for Its purposes
and architecturally Imposing and cred
itable to the city, and favor Its erec
tion on the present court house square.
To get a direct popular expression,
however, will require the submission
of a definite proposition and before a
definite proposition to vote court house
bonds can be formulated preliminary
plans must be had and sketches pre
pared of the contemplated new court
house so that the people may have a
comprehensive and Intelligent knowl
edge of what they are being called
upon to approve.
All great building enterprises of
this nature necessarily move slowly
and It Is therefore none too early to
make a start. The architect will
doubtless require all the time at his
disposal to present the drawings and
make the estimates so they may be
carefully examined and closely studied
by every taxpayer and voter before
election day.
The Pullman company has filed
notice of Its Intention to contest the
efforts of the Interstate Commerce
commission to supervise its business
under the reoent rate law. Under a
complaint filed with the commission,
alleging that the company discrimi
nates in Its rates, the Interstate Com
merce commission has cited the sleep
ing car company to answer the charges.
The company has replied that congress
cannot make a company or person a
"common carrier" when that person
or company is not a carrier at all; that
It cannot so classify a person or com
pany that Is not engaged in transpor
tation but merely furnishes accommo
dations or renders special service not
Included In. the transportation. In
other words, the sleeping car company
Is going to make the same plea to the
Interstate Commerce commission that
it has made time and again before the
Nebraska legislature; that it is not en
gaged In the business of transporta
tion, but la simply a hotel on wheels,
no more a part of the transportation
business than is a hotel or an eating
bouse at any station along the line of
a railroad.
There Is no question whatever that
the framers of the rate law of 1906
Intended to Include sleeping car com
panies In its provisions, the first sec
tion of the bill providing that "the
term 'common carrier as used in this
act shall include express .fompanles
and sleeping car companies." The
question raised by the company Is
particularly Interesting. It may be ad
mitted that the sleeping car company
does not sell transportation. That la
done by the railroads. But the attor
neys for the government will contend,
doubtless, that the serving of beds,
meals and drink to persona while be
ing carried from one point to another
Is a necessary part of the transporta
tion, and that the person or concern
rendering this service is necessarily
"engaged In transportation." within
the meaning of the rate law. Either
the railroad, if service is essential,
must be responsible for. providing the
accommodation and the charge made
for It, or else the company performing
the service must be held responsible.
It la a case tn which the traveling
public, the complainant in the case,
cannot be deprived of Its rights by a
shifting or shirking of responsibility,
at least not louger than It will take to
make the law fit the rase.
The thread makers have given a
forceful example of the profits that
follow saving the pennies. A spool of
thread costs so little, or did until the
Thread trust got ready, that It hardly
figured In the domestic expense ac
.ounts, yet the recent advancing of the
price of thread by SO per cent and
adding 1 cent to the cost of each spool,
has served to call attention to the
enormous tax this extortion of the trust
has placed on the consumers of this
commodity. Specific data is not avail
able on the amount of thread used In
the country, but a statistician of the
Department of Commerce and Labor
estimates the production and sale at
40,000,000 spools of thread a month.
An Increase of 1 cent per spool In the
price, produce the snug total of
$400,000 a month or $4,800,000 a
If the Thread trust imagined that
the people of the country, In these
prosperous times, would not kick about
a little matter of a rent In the cost of
a spool of thread. It was mistaken.
The protest has gone up from all sec
tions and It is now announced that the
federal rovernnient will Investigate
the action and ascertain whether the
advance In prlc has been Justified by
any conditions or Is simply, as the peo
ple expect, a petty form of extortion
as exasperating as a larger crime
against Justice and the common wel
fare. The trust, of course, has Its
excuse. It contends that the prlc of
thread has been advanced on account
of the Increase in the cost of all cotton
and material entering Into th manu
facture of thread, and also on account
of the exclusion of child labor from
the thread mills.
Statistics indicate that while there
has been an Increase In the cost of
cotton and materials used In thread
making, the advance bas been slight,
furnishing no warrant whatever for
the increase of twenty per cent in the
cost to the consumer of the finished
product. The increase In the price of
cotton thread Is no light matter for
many consumers, particularly for the
thousands of women of the nation who
support themselves by sewing and to
whom pennies are as precious aa are
fat dividends to trust magnates. The
country will not mourn if the Thread
trust becomes tangled up by Its own
greed and fails to convince the courte
of the Justice of its arbitrary advance
in the price of one of the essential
Under the permissive law, passed
by the last Iowa legislature, Des
Moines has voted to be the first north
ern city to adopt what is generally
known as the Galveston plan of city
government. Thlg provides, in effect,
for wiping out the old ward system
and replacing the rather complicated
machinery of city administration by a
commission, with enlarged powers.
The Des Molnee plan protldes for the
election of five commissioners to take
the place of the present administra
tion. One of these will act as mayor
and the others will have charge of the
different city departments, with full
power to appoint subordinates, regu
late their work and remove them when
deemed advisable. The artificial ward
boundaries will disappear and the en
tire government of the city will, be
in the hands of the five commissioners,
who will be chosen at a general elec
tion. The Galveston plan, which was born
of an emergency, appeals to the public
by Its promise of accomplishing re
forms that have been apparently im
possible under the rather complex
system of municipal government. Des
Moines has not been a much misgov
erned city but has, in fact, had better
administrations than the average
American city of like size; but it has
experienced the same difficulty found
in other and larger cities of getting
capable and efficient work from city
councils. Under the American system
of municipal government, men of high
grade do not seek positions as alder
men. Spasmodic reforms frequently
land capable business men in those
positions, but they usually, retire in
disgust, after a short service, or are
forced. In order to accomplish any of
the purposes for which they were
elected, to Join the aldermantc "com
bine." which may be found In almost
every elective municipal body in the
country. The citizens of Des Moines
apparently have grown weary of thla
system and have welcomed the new
plan, which promises relief from the
divided responsibility Inseparable from
city councils chosen under the ward
organisation plan.
Under the new Iowa law, special
precautions, Involving the Initiative
and referendum In a modified form,
are thrown around the granting of
public franchises and the control and
management of public utilities which
have been the cause of so much evil
legislation by councils in the past. The
new law promises a trial of direct re
sponsibility in municipal government
and the experiment will be watched
with keenest Interest in other cities
where the governmental abuses from
which Des Moines has suffered are not
It has been the universal custom In this
state for the sheriff to make contracts for
the care of all prisoners confined tn his Jail
aside from those of his own county and to
collect for the same. Deputy County At
torney Maguey.
It was once tho "universal custom"
In this state for the state treasurer to
farm out the school funds and pocket
the Interest money collected, but that
did not make it legal to do so, as one
state treasurer who served a term Jn
the penitentiary for embezzlement can
testify. It there Is any doubt about
the "universal custom" of the sheriff
pocketing money collected for the use
ot the county Jail being of the same
species of graft the sooner we get the
answer from the court the better.
The state school fund holds prac
tically all the bonds Issued by Douglas
county and as a consequence Is about
to receive more than $20,000 due as
Interest on the county's outstanding
obligations. Inasmuch as the income
from the school fund is redistributed
among Nebraska school districts in
proportion to the number ot children
of school age, the transaction Is a
profitable one for all concerned. If all
the money In the state school fund
were invested In the bonds of Ne
braska counties the people of this
state would get more benefit out of it
than they do now.
Des Moines has adopted the scheme
for a municipal government by com
mission by a majority of 3,2 4 5 out of
a total rote of 10.592 cast at a special
election called for that purpose. The
total vot of a trifle over 10,000 on an
Issue Involving such an important
matter thoroughly agitated and adver
tised I not over-creditable to Des
Moines and its pretentions of growing
population. Des Moines will have to
show up twice as many votes to get
Into Omaha's class.
Chairman Allen of the democratic
state committee cannot conceal his
dislike of the direct primary law and
of direct primaries generally. The
last democratic state platform de
clared expressly for direct nomina
tions, but the democratic state chair
man was never in harmony with the
democratic state platform.
Prince William of Sweden says, that
whlle'he bas been educated thoroughly
In English, he cannot understand the
American newspaper accounts of the
base ball games. All of which proves
that the prince 1b mistaken when he
says he has been educated In English
Bourke Cockran has been appointed
a member of a Tammany committee,
with instructions to prepare "a definite
and fixed plan of democratic action."
He is the boy for that assignment. He
can fix a new "definite and fixed" plan
every minute of the day.
Delegates to the peace conference
at The Hague will be interested in
reading the specifications for the two
battleships of the United States, which
are to be larger and deadlier than the
British Dreadnaught.
Cattlemen and sheepmen can always
bury their ancient grudge, as shown by
the proceedings of the land convention
at Denver, long enough to combine for
new game that promises profitable
The telegraph companies seem a
little slow in acceding to the demands
of the operators, especially as they
have already made arrangements to
collect the amount from the public.
The Northern Pacific reports net in
creased earnings of $935,000 for May.
It is simply shameful the way the
railway rate bill is operating to the
confiscation of, railway property.
Mrs. Potter Palmer gives as one
reason why she will not marry the earl
of Munster the fact that the earl has
not the pleasure of her acquaintance.
A Ball In th Pasture.
Brooklyn Kngle.
"I never answer newspaper criticisms,"
says Secretary Wilson In tho cotton leak
hearing. He must havo Irish blood In his
veins. Newspaper criticisms are precisely
what he has been compelled to answer In
the testimony above alluded to.
For Future Reference.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Dividends amounting to 24,000,OftO are
to be distributed among the stockholders
of the Adams Express company. We may
aasume that these stockholders are unal
terably opposed to the proposition to have
the government establish a parcels post.
Let the Dead Heat.
Portland Oregonlan.
Mr. Bryan the other day complained that
he could advance no new views wl hout
having Mr. Roosee t p;a ently utter the
same opinions, with greater force of elo
quence. Let Mr. Bryan then hark bac!t
to 16 to 1, and to the crown of thorns and
cross of gold. This It. wan that mod him
a great man, and hi that field he would
still be without a rlvaL ,
States' Rtsrht and Taxation.
Philadelphia Record.
The states of the union are not so
false to their true Interests as to surren
der to the federal government their best
sources of revenue In taxation of Incomes
nd inheritances. Seekers of popular
favor will do well to govern themselves
accordingly. In advocating a federal In
come tax President Roosevelt has strangely
overlooked the consideration that tho
states will have the last word to say on
this subject.
Present Policy One ( the Glories of
the Administration,
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Congressman Mondell of Wyoming, at the
opening session of the land convention In
Denver, spoke strongly against the presi
dent's public land policy.
He denied the "necessity for any radical
departure from the past policy of passing
public lands Into the handa of Individuals.''
He Insisted that any changes In the land
laws "should be In the direction of making
possible the acquisition of larger areas of
land fit only, or principally, for erasing."
Mr. Mondell's difference with the presi
dent Is undoubtedly an honest one. He tells
the truth as ho sees it. TeC that truth is
not necessarily the whole truth.
The whole truth, we believe, is that tho
land policy of the Roosevelt administration.
Its forestry policy, Its Irrigation policy,
will go down In history as one of Its chief
Tha time had come to deal with the pub
lic domain from a broader viewpoint than
the present needs of anybody who la in
position to exploit It at the moment. To do
this has been sometimes unpopular, but
the president has kept at it.
The president has attacked the problem
of the use and control .of public lands
with foresight and courage. He has reul
lied that we no longer have on this con
tinent a frontier to waste. And, whatever
the possible errors of his policy In detail,
none far enough removed from the scene
to view It with calmness can doubt that
the president Is fundamentally right.
Nebraska Belies Favorite Weapon of
the, Railroads.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The application of the attorney-general of
Nebraska for Injunctions to restrain four
leading rallroada from disregarding tha two-cent-fare,
antl-pase and commodity rate
legislation of that state is termed by a
contemporary a new lurm ui wciiimriH
by Injunction. The comment continues that, j
aecoidlng to mis, every law snuuia mi
accompanied by Injunction decrees ad
dressed to the entire community forbidding
people to violate the enactment."
It is difficult to see how the procedure
referred to can be considered a new form,
since It merely turns the theory of the use
of Injunctions to a new object. As to tho
Idea that it Implies that every law should
be accompanied by an Injunction against ;
violations, that has always been the Infer
ence of Injunctions against disorder, tres
passes, destruction of property or other
violence. The peculiarity of the theory Is
that it assumes the Injunction of the courts
to have more power than the statute law; I
which seems to the outside obacrvtr to Ir.i- I
ply either excessive magnitude for the In
junction or a very depreciated force for
the statutes.
Bo far aa the attorney-general of Ne
braska is concerned ha seems to be of Pres
ident Roosev tit's opinion, that If the In
junction process Is available for the
railroads against their employes It ought to
be available for tha slate against the ratl-rvada
Dominant Power of the West la Both
Waahlngton Herald (Ind.).
It la a noteworthy symptom of th cur
rent political drift that the strongest sen
tlment for the renomlnatlon of President
Roosevelt may be found In the middle
west that great region which has
wrested from the east and south dominion
of the destinies of the republic. Governor
Cummins of Iowa but confirmed the ob
servation of many othera when he declared
In his Pittsburg Interview that the people
of tha west are strongly In favor of the
president's re-nomination. For the breesy
and unconventional west the third term
has no terrors; the frightful ogre of Mext-
canlxatlon, conjured up by Colonel Walter
aon falls to scare. So far as ws have been
able to observe there Is comparatively lit
tle overt opposition In th republican press
or In public utterances of republican poli
ticians to the third term Idea. The Chi
cago Tribune's ardent antl-thlrd-terro
propaganda has apparently fallen flat.
Even the democratic press, outside of a
tew strenuously partisan Journals, is luke
warm on this question, and such Roose
veltlan democrats as John Temple Graves
wholly' Ignore It ,as a matter of small con
sequence beside keeping up the Rooso
veltlan warfare on corporate abuses. Of
still more significance Is the western lack
of Interest in the candidacy of Taft, Fair
banks and Cannon, all western men, not
one of whom, with the possible exception
of Taft, has any substantial following out
side of his own state. Taft's strength,
whatever It may be, Is attributable largely
to the president's Initiative. Every Taft
boomer Is at bottom a Roosevelt man.
The middle west will In all human prob
ability dictate th democratic presidential
nomination, aa it will th republican.
An Old-Fashioned Campaign.
Leslie's Weekly (rep.).
The abounding prosperity which the
country has had for several years thus
stands a chance to be interrupted In 1IW7,
and If the Interruption should com it
might have an Influence In politics. The
prosperity has made votea for the repub
licans. Adversity would encourage the
democrats to make a harder canvass In
1908 than they otherwise would put up. It
would also alter the Issues by putting ths
tariff at the front. Should hard times
come there would be a halt In tha program
for additional legislation against railways
and other big corporations, and the tariff
would be revived as an Issue. The tariff
would be assailed by the democrats a an
alleged cause of the set-back In business.
Th republicans would rally round the
tariff as one of the factors In the country's
Industrial expansion. Thus we would hav
n old-fashioned campaign, with the tariff
aa the paramount issue, and all the recent
burning questions would be cast Into the
background. ,
CaniVelgrn of Venator Knox.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican (Ind.).
Those who are keeping watch of the
Knox candidacy Insist that the senator la
personally devoting much time to the pro
motion of his Interests, and that he I
striking In hard at Just the point where
Secretary Taft Is supposed to be weak.
The labor leaders, In short, are receiving
hla special attention In the effort to con
vince them that he Is labor's best friend.
Was It not Attorney General Knox who
Interceded in a certain Johnson suit against
a western railroad for violation of the
safety appliance law, and won a decision
from the supreme court that ha benefited
thousands of trainmen? Senator Knox's
next step. It Is reported, will be to demon
strata that he ha never been one of the
legal minions of the corporations. There
Is at least a summer's work ahead In this
Roosevelt and Bryan.
Louisville Courier-Journal (dem.).
Mr. 'Roosevelt Is an old-time federalist
ot th school of Hamilton. Mr. Bryan Is
a modern humanitarian of the school of
Rousseau. Both are the advocates of
paternal government; the one as a sen
timentalist, the other aa a centrallsatlon
lat. Mr. Rooaevelt haa In his possession
the key to the familiar door of executive
usurpation, and does not lack the disposi
tion to use it. Mr. Bryan Is on the roof
with a long pole awaiting his opportu
nity. Between the two, wa prefer Mr.
Bryan if we could believe In the effi
cacy of Mr. Bryan's long pole to Mr.
Roosevelt, because In Mr. Roosevelt, we
fear the key.
Democracy's Cimpslcn.
Senator Daniel In Harper's Weekly.'
The purpose of getting together the vot
er of the United States to assert th
plain and simple democratic creed that
this Is a government of the people; that !
the highest and plainest duty of govern
ment Is to secure to the people equal rights,
and to oppose all monopolies and special
The tariff, transportation, the trusts, and
centralisation are the subjects of public
Interest and consideration. We need no
new Issues and no new constitution of
strained construction. Those who seek to
invent new Issues and new versions of
the constitution perplex and divert the
mind ef th people from substantial Is
sues and just views that exist. It Is prin
ciples and not "Isms" that democrats stand
fori and If you take the compass of
sound principle It will guide you through
the tangles of contention.
Real Issues are made by the people them
selves, and grow out of their necessities.
Artificial issues are like artificial flow
ers, good for nothing except In th gas
light. As to the tariff, return It for the pur
pose of making It In the Interest of the
peopl Instead of domestic development In
stead of foreign development as It now Is
in many case.
Speaker Cannon to the Fore,
Chicago Inter-Ocean (rep.).
We have Mr. Roosevelt's free and cor
dial testimony that no congresses tn our
history have done better service or en
acted more beneficial legislation than those
which Joseph O. Cannon has guided. We
know that Mr. Roosevelt will not again be
a candidate.
Ry his character, by hla training, by the
knowledge th people have of him, and by
hta service at the post next in Importance
to the highest, the linn. Joseph O. Cannon
is marked for promotion to the presidency.
There Are Other.
Harper's Weekly (Ind.).
The one professing democrat who has
never been overlooked by his party Is Mr.
Bryan, and It la natural enough that to a
very considerable army of democratic vot
ers it should seem that he Is the only
democrat for presidential dimensions that
exists. But there are other presidential
democrats besides Mr. Bryan, and It la
highly desirable that th democratic pub
lic should cultivate their acquaintance.
One of them is Senator Daniel of Virgin,
a man whom iv.ry 'one who has an In
terest at stake In the next prudential
election ought to know all about.
Olv the Poor a knew.
Bal Imoie Sun.
If you are asked. " How wuld you Ilk
to be the Iceman?" keep roil. Remember,
this Is the iceman's first resl op or un t
to flmire prominently t jU seas m. Ma.i
It wss one of his frli-uds who al V
Beatrice Snn: A few months x the rail
roads were advertising their fast trains.
Now they are showing the traveling publlo
how many hour' ride they will give for
a dollar.
Pawnee Press: An exchange Inquires,
"Who psys the railroad penalties?" Well,
we would guess that everyone pay hi
share, from Teddy to a trsmp. who eats,
drink or wear anything that Is carried
by rail.
Falrbury Journal: When the names of all
pass holders are published the people will
know which public men owe a debt of grat
itude to the railroads iid which ones don't.
In selecting men to help regulate the rail
roads this will be valuable Information.
Tekatnah Journal: Nebraska's attorney
general certainly went some when he
asked for an Injunctlcm from the federal
court to prevent attorneys from getting
obt an Injunction relative to the 7-ent
fare. It begins to appear aa though he
had stepped more brlBkly than necessary.
It's a queer thing, to ask a restraining
crder for.
Albion News: Whll th t'nlon Pacific'
law business In Boone county does not re
quire the major portion of even one law
yer's time, Its medical assistance requires
the services of three of our physicians,
vis: Drs. Burgess of Cedar Rapids, Ireland
of St. Edward and J. W. B. Smith of Al
bion. Considering the condition of the track
and rolling stocR on this branch, the offl
clal corp of physicians and surgeon is
liable any day to be wholly Inadequate io
take care of the company's business.
Howell Journal: WTiat's the use of aa
anti-pass law anyway? According to tho
lists recently published the railroads of Ne
braska have Issued some 600 or SO passes
to lawyers, doctor and editors, about 3U9
of th number to the latter. However, all
Colfax county editor are "good Indian"
and pay their 2 cents per mile when they
travel. We bellev In an anti-pass law, on
that does away with passe entirely. Th
present law under th Interpretation placed
upon It by the railroads Is no Improvement
over the old order of things.
Kearney Hub: The attorney general's
proceedings to enjoin the railways In Ne
braska from violating the I-eent and
maximum rate laws is a decidedly novel
one. Naturally It makes a great deal of
difference whose ox la gored. A few
year ago the railways were enjoining
county treasurers to prevent them from
enforcing the tax. collection laws. Now
that the attorney general haa given thorn
an Injunction on the other foot they are
very muoh amazed. But of course this
latter action will not Insure compliance
with the law while there are loopholes
for the railroads to crawl through. Th
end I not yet.
Shelton Clipper: A couple of year ago
the railroads of Nebraska enjoined the va
rious county treasurer from collecting the
taxes assessed against them and took the
matter clear up to the United statea su
preme court, wher It was decided that
they must pay their taxes the same as prl-
-ate Individuals. Now Attorney General
Thompson I giving th railroads a doso
of their own medicine by bringing suit
against them In the supreme court to en
Join them from charging higher rate for
passenger and freight traffic than is pro
vided for In the laws passed by the legis
lature last winter. From the fares tho
railroads are making they don't seem to
relish taking their own medicine, but It
look aa though they will have to.
Central City Nonpareil: It I a
fact that the names of some of the most
rabid fusion editors are found In the list
tiled by the Union Pacific of the news
pnper men to whom transportation has
been Issued. H. C. Richmond, Fred Pratt,
H. M. Davis. C. B. Manuel, John E. Kavu
naugh, Jim Tanner and aevoral othora
who have been busy denouncing rallroai
domination, have accepted advertising con
tracts. It Is a significant fact, also, that
the name of none of th republican
editor who have been aggressive in the
fight on th pass evil are found In the
list. The names of such men an Ross
Hammond, M. A. Brown, A. F. Buechler,
Fred Abbott and A. W. Ldd are missing
. ,t .
irom me recora. an inaicaiion mat tney
.. .
propose to shun even the "very appear
ance of evil."
Columbus Journal: Some newspapers and
some politician seem to think and act as
though tha railroad companies of Nebraska
and their manager and attorneys are the
greatest enemlea w have. Of course the
railroad companies want to pay aa small
a tax aa they can. Don't we all feel about
our taxes Just about the same wsy? The
railroad companies undoubtedly made a
great mistake in contesting their Just taxes
of 1904 and 1905, and they are suffering for It,
but we must all admit that there Is no one
factor In our state that has done more to
develop and tmtld up our great state than
the railroad companies. We should treat
them as our friends and not as onr enemies,
and this feeling should be mutual. It Is
quite as essentia that our entire state
should be developed and that railroads be
built all over and around It, aa that the
Z-cent rate must prevail on every old and
new road.
Holdrege Progress: With the gong Into
effect Sundsy of the new schedule on the
Burlington railroad, a part of the plan of
the road to reduce the expenditures claimed
to be necessary since the reduced passenger
rates were put Into operation teecomes op
erative. From all accounts the Incomes of
th rallroada since the passage of the z-eent
fare have been Increased rather than di
minished, on account of a larger number
of people traveling than formerly, and the
fact that nearly all who travel pay their
fares, while under the old system a large
number rodo free of cbarge. New sched
ule similar to those put Into effect by the
Burlington have been put Into force by the
Union Paclfle and other railroad of the
state simultaneously, but as far a 1
known the change will not work to the
detriment of the patron of the railroad.
The reduction In speed 1 not material, as
the trains still make fairly good time, and
It la possible that the stower schedule will
work to the advantage of both employes
and passengers In giving greater ssfety.
York Times: A larg proportion of the
dissatisfaction with the railroads arises
from tbe prevalent Impressn that they
are contesting with the government for
supremacy. It I aggravating to th law
abiding cltiaen to e other defy th law
and seem to be exempt, from the obllga
tlone that ar binding upon them. What
ever reason there may ba for this Im
pression, and there is some, It Is quite
prevalent and ao long aa there Is a con
test between the government, either state
or national, and any other power the mass
of people are with the government. Aa
we have said, th railroad companies hav
done some thing tht lead to the Infer
ence that they are defying the govern
ment, and a good many lawful efforts on
their part to secure their Just rights
have been misconstrued Into defiance of
law. When the fact is well established
that railroad companies and all other cor
porations are aa amenable to law aa the
humblest individual, when th supremacy
of the government la firmly established,
there will b no objection nor criticism
when the great corporations aM'cal to the
courts to ascertain and obtain their rights.
First of all It must be thoroughly un
derstood that th government Is supreme,
that every interest, individual or cor
porate. Is amenable to the law nd when
tbis Is the recognised status there mill be
no more prejudice against railroads and
hostility to them than to any wilier great
and useful enterprise.
TR A V El. IN (1 TUB DE ATH Pirn,
Motor Crase for Hlh Speed Smells
Mortality 1.1st.
Washington Star.
A Buffalo motor speed maniac paid tt-
final penalty of his aberration. His ir
was being driven at a railroad rate alorg
th public highway behind two other m.i
rhlnes. which. In their passsxe, raised a
cloud of dust. Suddenly a farmer light
wagon was encountered and the chauffeur,
in a futile effort to avoid a collision,
swerved the machine sharply and went Into
the ditch. The owner was Instantly killed.
The wagon was smashed lo splinters. th
horse was killed, th farmer wae seriously
hurt, and a boy mortally Injured.
This motorist had developed a crate for
high speeds, and had been frequently nr
reeted for reckless running. The police
wer even at th time of his death waiting
for a chance to arrest him farther alnmr
th road. He had been named as defend
ant In numerous suit for damages tn. I
dental to his indulgence of thla dangerous
pastime. Yet he was permitted to continue
In the use of the road unUl death c1oJ
hi career. Thl I a reflection upon tin
manner In which th motor car regult
tlons are framed and enforced In this
country. '
In practically every city In th I nlted
State certain motorists are constantly
brought into notoriety through their pro
pensity to disregard th law and to en
danger Ufa. They are fined time after time
and aim they persist In speeding beyond
i . . .. rrun jastwA nAiinnv rnr uin imt'n.
. tn "". ' - ; "".,- ....
, J h h Va ... ntce, ,, with th.
-.,.,,.,.. thoir licenses they would prob-
ably b muoh more -carful. Th loss of
their liberty, and eapaolally of th right to
us the roada with thlr high-speed ma
chines, would hav a much mor detrrent
effect upon them than the mer piling up
of money cot.
Until the municipal authorities reach
the point of regarding this menae to life
and limb in th. proper llht there will
continue to b fatalltfe. on the road, and
streets. Th. extraordinary part of th.
motor craxe Is that It has been so long
tolerated, as a thing that can b.
cured by pereuaalv. measures. 1 he ap
plication of drastic remedle for this evil
would affect only a small percentage ot
the uaera of motor car. It 1 th ex
ceptional motorist who regard the pub
lio highway a a private race course.
Railroads propose to reform th tramp by
making him :rvel afoot, but thl schema
will hardly be favored by th community
In whose midst the tramp happene to be.
The earl of Munater denies that b la en
gaged to marry Mr. Potter Palmer, and
Mrs. Palmer says ah haa no Idea of marry-.
Ing th earl. This ought to settle a que
tlon. The new Alabama senator, John II. Bank
head. 1 self-educated farmer, who wa
wounded three tlmea In th confederate
army, and later served several terms In th
state legislature, and was warden of th
state penitentiary before going to congress.
Dr. Ing. the animal-story writer, who
has been placed first by President Roosevelt
in his clsss of nature fakers, has declared
he will make the president retract tha at
tack upon his vercaclty If Itt takea him ten
years. He had better be careful, or some
day he may be gobbled up bodily by en
raged Teddy bears.
The first original description of America
ever written has Just begn discovered. It
was penned by Dr. Diego Alvares Chanra,
physician to the second fleet of. Columbu
and was dated at tho Port of Isabella,
Santo Domingo, In January. 14M. Dr. Fer
nandex de Ybarra, of the New York
Academy of Sciences, with the Smithsonian
Institution of Washington, aiding and abet
ting, uncovered the document.
Evidently a first-class base ball player
waa lost to fame when Justice Harlan of
the United Statea supreme court, took t
mere law instead of sport. At a shadbake
given by the Washington Bar association
at Marshall Hall. Maryland, recently. . th l.ll"' w- - -
Justice, although 7 years om.
.. in base ball contest and won
auu wwi
-- . ... -j tha
i,. m The score was a tie. ana me
i umpire had called two atrlkes and thve
balls, when Justice Harlan struck the ball
to deep center, arm u,-i.
covered made a home run.
His WifeGeorge. I heard you "J'
Fu 11UD talking about a "chafer" a Httl
while ago. A chaser Is an animal of om
" Mr. some-Yes; If. a kind of-er-water
animal Chicago Tribune.
"If remarkable how often a woman
changea her mind."
"O! not always. There's one idea every
woman gets that all never changes.
"The'Ndeathat she's , pretty." Catholto
Standard and Times.
Blooker Her a French dressmaker
who say that paper dresses will soon be la
Vlngle-3ood gracious! Just think of hav
ing to button up the hack of a tissue paper
waist! Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Mlaa Knox There' a eandaloua atory
about her In this morning Dally Howler.
Miss Goodart But you can't believe any
thing you read In that paper.
Miss Knox I can If I want to. Philadel
phia Press.
"When balloon lets go above the clouds
they ought to find it an easy matter t
kttp healthy."
"Why so?'r
"Because, why, whll they ar there, they
can't be under the weather." Baltimore
"At last," said the manager, "I have a
part for you In which you will be able to
make a hit." '
"Ah," replied the eager aoubrette, "I'm Q
glad. But how can you be sure that I will
make a hit in it?"
"A band marchea ac.ros the stage in on
of the scones, and you are to give the bas
drum a thump with a rolling pin." Chicago
"Re careful what you say about th
servant," cautioned the housewife; "th
walls have ears, you know."
"I think tho doors are more apt to hav
them." replied the husband.
With a ihoughtfnlfiess rare In hla sex
he plugged tike keyhole. Philadelphia
Helen A. Bryan In St. Nicholas.
Grandmother alls In her essy chair.
In the ruddy sunlight's glow;
Her thoughts are wandering (ar away
In the land of Long Ago.
Again she dwells in her father' home.
And before her loving eyes
In the IlKht of a giorlous summer day
The gray old farm house lit.
Bhe hears the hum of the spinning wheat
And the spinner's happy song;
She sees the bundles of llax tkst hang
From the rafters dark and king;
She sees the stinbtsnis slide and dance
Across the sanded floor;
And feels on Iver cheek tbe wandering
That stesls through the open door.
Beyond the flowers nod sleepily
At the well swerp, gaunt and tall;
And up from the glen comes the musical
Of the dlstsnt waterfall.
The cows roam lastly to and fro
Along the shady lane;
The sliouts of Hie reaprrs sound faint and
From the flelda of golden grain.
And K'andma herself, s heppy girl,
Stands walrhlng the setting sun.
While the splmivr rests, and the reaper
And the long day's work Is done;
Then something wakes her the room la
And vanished the s inset glow;
And i'i !i!n;o;her wakea. with a sad ur-prlae
From th dream of long