A 8 THE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 23, 1907. i mi Niii"" J EXTR AORDIN ARY SILK PURCHASE This Sal of Silks Offers th Rarest Bargain In Year 15,000 yards of the newest dress silks, consisting of spot-proof foulards, fancy taffetas and Loulscnes for the popular Jumper and shirt waist suits, from a Paterson, N. J., silk manufacturer, who closed out to us his entire stock of silks on band at less than 60 cents on the dollar. We have never offered such great values at the time when silks were bo much in demand, not a yard worth less than 69c, some as high as 89c, all go on special bargain squares Monday, yard TAFFETA SILKS Fine black dress taffetas at much less than the regular value. 160 pieces of a special lot high class dress taffetas, the balance of the lot that created such a furore last Monday, at still lower prices to ciose oui me 101. 50 pieces 20-inch oil boiled black taffetas, very lustrous and strong, positively worth 75c a yard, yard SO pieces 27-inch (Unbreakable brand) dressmakers' tf- , fetas, In the natural and dress finish these are posi tively guaranteed and here Is a chance Q mj to bny 11.25 black taffetas Monday at, -f yard.. w 9 CO pieces 86-Inch green edge Brandels' special dress taf fetas. These taffetas are made specially for fine trade and never of ford before at less than $1.60; 110 Monday only, yard Is IV Black and white summer Btlkn. our own direct Importation, IT Inch and it Inch. Blacks are genuine Lyons' dye spot proof; the whites come In the regular Japanese natural finish. 29c value. 160 pieces lot that created te lot. 42ic in mi umiwigM . jn ir i " "- "'" J,";1,"" 11 ,"""" ' as mi iw i uu iim iim, mi hum p i ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES These are fine nainsook, swiss and batiste allover embroideries this season's newest designs, in elegant Japanese effects, also blind and shadow designs, let, etc., positively worth up to $1.28 bargain square, yard did aiiuvoi oiiiuruiuGiics t Japanese f 27 IXCH, WORTH 6fic 39J 86 ISC!!, WORTH $1.00 60 DRESS GOODS srBOIAlA FOR MONDAY. Our entire line of $1.25 and $1.60 44-Inch to 69-lnch Imported and domestic newest suiting, representing; a beautiful col lection of the foremost makers. In llKht and medium color ings; plenty of the scarce leather ana new browns, French grays and new Pekln stripes In sort tans anu gray in main areas guous 87k department; special price, yard. 6&c spring and summer suitings, all new patterns, latest colorings, yard 35 69o cream, black and all colors silk finished Sicilians at, yard 37 60c new and light colored challles, yard 29 $1.00 black silk finished Turkish mohairs, yard. . . .60 $1.76 black Lupin voiles, yard .$1.29 DRKSS GOODS IN ItASEMENT. About 1,200 yards of 36-lnch checked and striped wool suitings, also broken lines of 60c suitings for quick selling, yard mUC Embroideries 18 AND 27 INCHES WIDE SKIRTINGS FLOUNCINGS AND CORSET COVERS, also medium and wide bands and galloons in ex cellent Swiss, nainsook and batiste cloths, . new lot and most elaborate pat terns, yard. . sL- LADIES' SKIRTS From the Dig Skirt Purchase On Sale Monday at ONE HALF PRICE SKIRTS WORTH $4, $1.98 SKIRTS WORTH $5, $2.08 SKIRTS WORTH $8, $3.98 SKIRTS WORTH $12, $4.98 SUMMER. DRESSES A new showing of swell, dainty, summery ef fects In white and colored dresses, pretty colored lawns, batistes, Swisses, etc., In prin cess, lingerie, 2-plece dresses and Jumper suits, at 458-5698-898-$998-$1250 Shirt Waist Suits u E! 15c-25c-39c LACES i Positively the biggest bargain of the year many are in match sets fine French, English and German Vals., all kinds, in 3 great lots, at. . 2C"2C"aC Underwear Sale Children's knitted waists, all sizes, Ql at 02C Ladies' lisle thread, umbrella and close fitting knee union suits, lace trimmed, AJj each J Ladies' lisle thread vests, hand crochet trim med, also fine mercerized vests, in fancy colors, at JK Ladies' extra fine quality cotton and mercerized vests, in pink, blue and white, f P at IDC LONG GLOVES Long gloves in pure silk, Milanese and Tricot' weaves, extra heavy, black and IOC white ls& 16-button length Silk Gloves, in black, white, tan, navy, nankeen and all 50 198 50 the fancy shades Long Lace Mitts, pure silkjjlack, white Q and fancy shades, newest patterns, at. . aOC Long Lace and Net Lisle Gloves, white only, all slaes; bargain if Bought at a Great Sacrifice from a Yonkers, N. Y Manufacturer onday-on urn Third Fl The Biggest Stock, the Biggest Selling Space and the Bluest Bargains Ever Known in a Rug Sale in America Every women in Omaha knows that when Brandeis advertises a big sale there is no chance for dissappointment. It is bound to be a genuine big bargain event. It is bound to save money for every women who attends. We declare this to be greater in point of stock and bargains than any previous sale ever held. It is in giving bargains such as these that has made Brandeis wonderful success. 65 Clerks to Wait oa You Practically Entire 3rd Floor Devoted to this Sale High grade room-siz9 Rugs at Less Money than you have ever been.able to buy them in America. $25 Room-Size Rugs for $12.98 ster Velvet and Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size in the richest coloring and the newest oriental geometrical and floral patterns such elegant rugs as these would be classed as big bargains anywhere else for $2 Monday your choice at Hundreds of the highest class Axmin- We are showing a beautiful new line of these pop ular summer garments in chambrays, ginghams. lawns, etc., white and colors, at $18 and $20 RUGS for $9.98 Fine large Brussels Rugs splendid rugs for parlors, living rooms, etc. in beautiful and very desire- QO able new patterns, would be vLj) excellent values at $18 and J $20, Monday $15 and $16.50 RUGS for $6.98 One lot of high grade Tapestry Brus sels Rugs that should sell up to $16.60. Only a few of these FT QO fine runs, but we will sell ffiei them Monday ior We will sell 9x12 Ingrain .Art Squares your choice on Monday I fnr , ifw We will sell all the $350 Rugs from this purchase, all newest patterns t T) C for. frj at It is because, we buy in such immense quantities it is because we always pay cash it is because no stock is too large nor too fine to be handled by us that such wonderful trade advantages come first to us and .enable us to give you bargains such as no other house in America even attemots to offer. mi sun si iimu mwwiiimj V" i .in, i in mini lj mm minium .m i0 Lingerie Waists These beautiful summer waists are here in profu sion, as we are positively showing the greatest collection of high grade, stylish lingerie waists west of Chicago our big new department on iho 6econd floor is full of them $1 -$2--$3- 7 25 TIMELY SALE ON SUMMER NEGLIGEES Long Kimonos, in pretty figured lawns, with white border trimming very full T JJJ Cut ftt' kW m? Japanese Figured lawn Kimonos, in long full garments, and long Lawn Ki monos, with i collar and belt Swiss and Fine Lawn Negligees, lace trim med, with or with out collar, shirred girdles and yokes some with belts and wide ruffles, dainty summer colors at 1.50, 1.98 up to 4.98 Dainty Lawn Dressing Sacques, belted and loose backs, ruffled trimmed, full short yC sleeves, large collars TrC Japanese figured Nightingales and Shirred Lawn Jackets, with large collars, belts, shirred 7 (? yokes and girdles m DC July 4th Decorations AT STATIONERY DEPT. square. Ladles' Two-Clasp Gloves, lace lisle, all colors and 10c TlBRue Paper, with flag and shield dealgn, roll 16o Tissue Paper Streamers, red white and blue So Paper Garlands, with (lag pendants; red, white and blue, at 85o and 160 Dinner Favors, patriotic de signs So Luni'h Sets, comprising table cloth, napkins and doilies, tng designs, per set SSo PaniT Napkins, patriotic de signs, per dosen 60 Plain, per hundred lOo Waxed Paper for lunches 14 sheets 'for 60 Flag Outfits, comprising t stands and 11 flags, per set SSo Bella, folding style, red, white and blue, 26c, lOo and...7V0 Paper Flags, pr dosnn....loo post Cards, with patriotic and fluff designs, 5c and 8H Chinese Lanterns, all sizes--- at 76c to B Also Tally Cards, Plato Cards, etc EXTRA SPECIALS IN ropery Euffled Muslin Curtains, worth $1.00 a pair regularly, special Monday, Dept. .ii.98 Cluny Curtains, linen edge, mounted or French net; BDpcl&l price, pair Velour Rope Portleree, new styles, worth to $5 PA ' pair; go at, pair. JDf tnow Flake Curtains, big yarletjr to select from, worth fS pair; I QQ Monday, pair l0 Dining Room Table Covers, big line of colors, worth $3.60; to go at, f CO each 9J Best grade of Oil Shades, 3x7 feet, com- Q plete, for JfC Lace Pillow Shams, worth 50c pair; price, C each ,,,,1JC DODDINET SPECIAL B6-inch Bobbinet, full bolts, worth 1 regularly 25c, Monday ; . ..laC PORCfl PILLOW SLIPS 19c ART DEPT.- MAIN FLOOR. Slg lot or Washable Porch PUlow Slips, suit able for porch or hammock use, fast colors, guaranteed ; special price .., 3 SALE DRUMMERS' SAMPLES Fancy Linens IN DA0CNCNT &11 the Italian Filet, eyelet embroidered . and cluny lace pieces, worth Q Q ' up to $8.50, at JJO All the Mexican and Japanese drawn work scarfs and squares, O Q worth up to $4.50, at I.aO All the drawn work scarfs, squares and center pieces, worth to $2.50, Q fl 0 at, each J OK All the scarfs, squares and center pieces worth up to $1.50, CCI each All the scarfs, squares and center pieces worth up to 75c, C r each All the dollies worth up to 16c, C - each All the 8-wheel Tenerlffe dollies, Xt each 2v WALL PAPER Now Located en Third door New Store Tou want wall papert We "now offer you what you want. Paper furnished for room 10x10 for 68c Paper furnished for room 13x11 for 91.04 Paper furnished for room 14x14 for $1.89 These snaps in specialties the papers are new tapestries, two-tones and florals Paper tor room 10x10 will cost you $1.00 Paper for room 11x13 will cost you $2.05 Paper for room 14x14 will cost you $2.60 XWm tarsals speak far ttMJbsclve- GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER A T ftir A n 7 IN El A IV fl J W A tA ff, AND S&?A ' Vajsafcisy HOUSEFURNISHING DEPARTMT DISK BBAIirSB Sets In sink, prevents breuk age, keeps dishes' from resting in water, per fectly sanitary, OC BASEMENT-OLD STORE IVX V r o Oman's Sink strain er, keeps sink clean, highly enam eled, ills, air.TinriTii Tii . . ' I J k cut, family at. . JSfnvfcRrRlfef at -this sale size 49c Water PaUs Our a u itcan Itiil. paint that covers. prepared ready TOWtL-RAGI$ Glass Bar, polished bar hold- ifsSLy 3 .... -".W'Vi I Water SV-J Palls, BASKXT C o v s r e d , m ad of all willow brown stained, han dles, splen did for mar. ketins o r Piculcs at .. 29 15c ? fA.., ..- :-;r for use. 98c GO-CAKT8 AXD KAIIY CAKRIAGKS Most complete line In Omaha Famous Heywood Bpos. and Wakefield Co's makes, from $50.00 down to . . .81,70 SALT HOXE9 In laid hardwood, nickel shield, hinged cover, worth 25c, Monday for 10 EGO BEATER like cut special Q4 CLOTHES BASKET Whole willow, closu wov en, family slse, oval like cut . BQ big value uz EJXC Close woven Imported .whole wil low, wood bot- - OBJ torn XJ . tixb . Only color varn ish that won't mar. Puts new fac on old wood work, Jurnlture, etc. Sasaple rxes WASH FABRICS At Remarkable Low Prices New Basement High grade summer wash fabrics, very specially priced in the New Basement Monday. Persian printed cotton chal lies, in long mill lengths, bar gain square, yd , . . Finest imported wash goods, dotted silk mulls, silk em broidered fine light weight madras, shadow plaid tis sues. A splendid opportu nity to buy these high grade fabrics, right off the bolt, at, yard 10c Very fine sheer Indian linons in dress lengths, an unusual good quality at, yd. . 10c 10c1 Full bolts of bookfold im ported silk mulls; white and cream silk Persian lawns, would be cheap ; at 25c yd., base ment square.... Silk finished dress sateens, gray, brown, red, green and tan shades, regularly Bold at 15c yard, m Monday bar- gain, yard JFs "White, cream and blue, also other shades, in very fine baby flannel, worth 19o a yard, 6old from ff 1 the bolt, at, IJ'S'C "Wliite dotted Swisses for waists ana dresses, one 6mall lot, regular 15c quality, at fro ws1 5c i. 1: V ii i m: it 7