Fhe Omaha Sunday Bee PART II. EDITORIAL SEGTIOil PACES 1.TO e. Advertise In THE OMAHA DEC Best . West ,VOL. XXXVII-NO. 1. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, .TUNE 23, 1007. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. a .M.nn vi i nn Tho Homo Magazine is a beautiful and practical monthly containing splendid stories, good pictures and helpful articles on every department of the home. You should not miss a single number. The usual price is one dol lar a year. When we offer you the w Marion Hiirland Cook Ilook and a year's subscription to The Homo Magazine both for one dollar, we offer you a wonderful bargain. Sale Mon day; see Harney window. PICTURE SALE WEDDING GirTS TOR ALL. PURPOSES pnitrinal Pastels, $20, $15, $12, $10 down to $1.25 Genuine Carbons, $15, $12, $10, $7 to . - . . . .75c Water Colors, $00 to '.....$4.00 Oil Paintings, $250 to $5.00 Photogravures, $20 to .$1.50 At $5, $3, $2.50, $1.50 and $1 we have the fin est and biggcat varieties to soloct from, ricture framing. Throe timos Green Trading Stamps Monday. uiVlli 1 0 for July and August selling. Mon day wo will place on sale 325 of thorn nt $7.48. Every fikirt is worth $10.00 and $12.50. Made of fine chiffon Panama, heavy taffeta, w Aft silk and fancy English skirtings; A O Monday, at WAIQTQ Sample Waists at Half Price. WrileJlO Beautiful Lingerie Waists, dainty t s vjy er w w v a v w ji w a . a v w The Greatest Cook Book In Hi World, Tim Greatest Home ............, ....... $1,UV A Mirtnn II rl a n 1 frrlr Tlnnl hat never before been sold for less than two dollars. Here Is a new edition, 781 pages, bound in washable cloth, and revised by Marlon Harland herself. It contains thousands of receipts by the world's greatest authority more than In any other cook book; nothing la omitted. In addition there are complete chapters on menus, diet for Invalids, entertaining, etc. fabrics and lace effects. Waists that regularly 8old for $4.00 and $5.00. Monday sample sale I AARK oAJUJflft r ;iv m.,r.w,w.r.rr....,!., . , ?,w.r,r... , , , Men's and Young Men's Suits $18 $15 gTrgt .$ J I 1 ' Iff vl" I m leaitifiil Extra Special Attractions for MEN AND WOMEN MONDAY Special Purchase of several hundred suits from two big Eastern Manufacturers I at prices which they j:j woman t have consul- g ered a few weeks ago, enables us to give he Men and Young Men the greatest bargains in stylish ready-to- wear clothing at as mod erate price as they have fj ever seen. Every Suit New. Every Suit Is Stylish. Monday, a day of extra specials in sound, solid barv gain giving; a day that will appeal to every man, woman and child with money-saving; instincts. We invite the attention of the discriminating to our su perb offering in Men's Cloth ing Sections and to the matchless, educational and bargain-giving opportunities offered in women's ready-to wear on our Second Floor especially. lingerie Presses Sale Commences Monday S IIEElt Snowy white lawns, batisto and Persian lawns, daintily trimmed in val lace, h baby Irish and filet net. Two- n ninen nrwl Triiinncc etidno Vrn cannot afford to miss this oppor j tunity.. Hundreds of these dainty creations to select from. V I $15.00 Princess Frocks elaborately trimmed in val lace in- tj f95 inserting for The showing includes three-piece suits with coats full lined with Venetian or serge and two-piece suits with coats quarter , or half lined with fine alpaca. These suits were man ufactured to retail up to $18.00. You take your choice at i S Liiven and White Goods 72-lnch. bleached and cream Table Damask, ail linen, out regular price 85c, special 59 21-ln. bleached aU llnea Kapklns, heavy quality and sood design, 'worth from $1.50 to $2 dozen, ipeclal, dozen $1.25 17-ln. all linen Crash Towollng, rsd border, worth 10c, special, t . p'ancy WaiBtlng, checks, floral de signs and.; spots, also dotted Swiss, worth up to 20c, special, at 10 Checked Lawns and Organdies, dotted and figured Swisses, new and pretty, suitable for waists or entire suit, regular 25c quality, special 17 Special Redaction In Plain Sliwr White Goods 20c Persian Lawns. . . 12 25c Persian Lawns ... 17 35c Persian Lawns . ...19 60c Persian Lawns ....29 75c Persian Lawns ..'50 Sheer Linens for Warm Weather 25c quality 1.7$ 35c quality . . .' 5 50c quality 35 J $25.00 Princess Dresses trimmed if . r i i in many rows 01 vai lace ana baby tucks with short' 1 r795 sleeves for. 65c quality 7 5c quality 50 Others at- worth $35.00 worth $45.00 Chic Silk Suits and Dresses $25, $29.50 and $35 tjQ50 all at one price H I The Popular Princess, I The Chic Pony Coat, The Serviceable Eton The Nobby Jumper Suits, styles black brown, navy tan russet check and stripes. Monday at SPECIALS IN Hardware Dept. Monday A high grade Dangler Di rect Actios Gss Range, regular UU.&0 special Monday $18.00 This Is your last chence. (ilve yoitr ordfr and lisve it de livered when wanted Hard oil fin ish ' Screen Door, com plete with hinges, at, only And 30 Green Trad ing Stamps. Wf k i Rollers, all kinds prices up from 8-4c And 40 Green Trading St am us. SMrs. Tott's rattern Sad Iron, sold elsewhere for 11.10, special Monday G9 Asbestos Stove Mais, regular 8c grade, 2 for in H And 10 Green Trading u btamps. Ice Picks, extra good. " JUf And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Screen Door, painted, extra quality. Com plete with hinges, ' OS And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Special fancy Door,, complete with hinges, p 81.50 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Poultry Wire, best quality, la full roll, per 10 square feet, only 60 Double Green Trading Stamps. Johnson' Floor Wax, per can .... .'. -45r And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Wall Psper Cleaner, cares repaperlng, per can 15 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Garbage Cans, all prices up from 75 Double Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Big Grocery "We lead in fresh, new table products. Our big business warrants that. Joseph Tetley & Co. Tea, special yel7 low brand, pound tin 50 And 50 Green Trading Stamps. Yellow brand. H-lb. tin 25 And 25 Green Trading Stamps. Yellow brand, K-lb. tin 13 And 10 Green Trading Sumps. Grape Juice Special Blood of Orapo Juice, pt. bottla 25V And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, qt. bottle 50C And 40 Green Trading' Stamps. Gold Dust Washing Powder, 10 pack ages Red Snapper Relish, bottle , And 30 Green Trading Stamps, Dunbar's Shrimps, large can . -20 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Alrord's Corn Relish, Jar ....25 And 30 Qreen Trading Stamps. Three Star Salmon, large caQ..20 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Pears in syrup, large can 15 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Egg-O-See, 4 packages 25d Bennett's Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Celery, Cinnamon, Rasp berry, White Rose, bottle . . . .18d . And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Patna Rice, pound 10 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Young Canary Birds, sweet young lnglng Canaries, each . . . .$2.00 PPT it jnfcilt.it J 25 25 Ii GAe Fimiture Section I POSinVELY FOR MONDAY ONLY A CLEAN SWEEP After four big sale days we still have very good assortment of Furniture, are going to close out.' Reliable Clean a We 1 ft ft- h iry i il k nNcw II In AS G,B? Dam" Mill II .1 K 1 K SacrU" 1 1 ' b001 I mccs I III i Corner 0 in. VloCtooffl - Cull F-lojiP 'day 1 Every- 4i ;hl Jl 39 1 I Every- U n J.lhino U I The China and Cut Glass Sections June Brides are receiving fine China and Cut Glass from this de partment; the largest display, the greatest variety and the lowest prices. line English and French China. Beautiful Libbey Out Glass. Handsome Electroliers. Johnson Bros. English Porcelain, Just like China, pretty new shape, handsome decoration, all in open stocks. Buy 5 worth now and get more later on. 116.50 for 100-plece set. Sixty patterns to select from. Beautiful blue decoration on Venon China, new shape, good gold treat ment, a $35 value, on sale Monday, 425 set. N.w half gallon Cut Olaaa Water Jug, extra d.p whirl cutting, good ahai-, a 18 valua; on aalo Monday, each, S3. 00 (Only 18 to aell at this price.) Cut alalia Sugar and C'rram, new ahapea, good alze, a S4.&U value; on .ale Mon day, fair ga.98 Lib lie y Cut Glaaa, ex clusive agent, tee our apecial Bowl Monday aa.sa Oenulne I.lbbey Cutting. On more raa of 71 lairs Sugars knl creams. II to valuea; on sale Monday, pair BOO Pretty Etched Cil&aswarernakes a beautiful present. Handled Sherberta. Wines, Clarets, Palfa Qlasaes, dosen S3. 60 Footed Ice Creams, Champagnes, OolVts. doxen 14.00 ;'.-?" 7 ft Elegant good prices low. - 7, RUGS ' CARPETS FOR MONDAY Every Ru warranteed to be strictly perfect in every detail Room site Brussels Rue, strictly all wool and fast' coloA. 25 patterns to select from, swlla for $15 Monday at, each .....gS.TS Boxbury Brussels Rugs, Sxl2 ft., splendid oolorlnsrs to harmonize with all kinds of furnlahlaga One of the most serviceable rugs on the market. Sella for J22.60 everywhere. Monday at Axmlnater Rugs, 9x12, all perfeot, not mismatched or damaged ruga In all the leading shades, in floral or conventional pattern, sell up to 7.ie Monday at , $82.60 Bruaftelg Carpet with stair to match, strictly all wool and fast colors, In combinations of red, green and tan, sella up to 90c, Monday at. yard. . . , . .SSe Extra hea"y cotton chain carpets in deslrabl pat terns and all colors, sells for (So. Monday at, a yard So Remnants of Mattlxigs. from 2 to S yards In a pleoe, sells up tj 45o, while they laat at, yard. ...... DRAPERY Lace Curtains, Portlerea, Madras Curtains and piece goods of all kinds at cloHing out prices. Sto'k must be reduced at least half In the next few days. Nottingham Laoe Cur tains, aell up to 13.76, big variety of patterns, extra fine quality; apo dal at. pair 91.79 Irish Point Curtains, In neat parlor effects, 15 pattrrna, all aril from 5.7( up; apeclai at, a pair aa es Tapestry Portieres, In all colors, with neat colored borders or long lattice fringe at top and bottom; aell up to $4.75) special at, a pair S3.C8 Figured and Strip e-d Madras, In all colors . and patterns, sella for iOu; special at, yd.. 10 Sobelln ailkollne, In Ori ental and floral pat terns, all colors; sells for 15c; special, yd. White and Colored Swisses and Berlins, la stripes and dots, sells for 13c; special at, a yard Many other bargains In Drapery Srd Floor.