The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTI0I1. Pagn 9 to IB. A Paper for Mr Msjrn THE OMAHA DEE Best in. West vol. xxxvn NO. 4. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOIfXIXQ, JUNE 22, 1907. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. i. ) Men's Underwear it&Lrz M ti 1 a Balbrlggani lltn'i nicely finish Underwear, double Jersey ribbed, mm- (rated. perl but- mer weight alilrta tons, 35c Tulue and drawers. 60a tor B5o value, Sat'day, 3o Men'a fine silk fin- Men' Balbrlggan ished Balbrlgfjan tnn Bult' -, . . and al.ow Underwear, In tan . . . , . ... . - Men a short sleeves and blue., the fam- White Lisle and cue Medllcott, Mor- cotton mercerised , . Lnlon SuUa, nicely gan Co. a make fitting garments regular 76o value, and well finl.hrM. Saturday 69o $2.60 and ....91.50 100 dosen Men'a fine Negligee Shirts, aome cuffs attached or detached, plain or pleated, mostly cut coat style, In all the very latest patterns and efTects. $2 60, JC. 11.60 and 91-00 MAIN FLOOR MEN'S STRAW HATS Bought Your Straw Hat Yet? Bee our (rrand line of Men'a Straw Hate? All the correct Bailor and soft roll shapes made of fine split, Jap, Milan, Mack inaw Braids. A collection of Straw Hats sura to Include Just the hat you want. You will llnd prices on the average lower here than elsewhere. Men'a, 60o and up to 3- Boys', 26o, 60o, 76o, $1 and ! 90 doses Una, split Milan braid nraoht- shauoa, unusually well mariu, trlmniA.1 In the latest of the summer's shapes actual $1.60 values, I 29 for tomorrow, only Jhn B. Stetson's Soft and Stiff Hats Soft, $3.60 to 97.50 I made by thla celebrated fac- Stlff, $3 60 and SS.OO I tory. our styles contain nearly every staple and new shape J MAIN FLOOR N, W MILLINERY The prrftlmt line of largo trimmed Sailors In the City. Spiilal display and special prices for Saturday. An extensive line of Willow, Wyo ming, Cloth HaU for Saturday's Belling. These seasonable, sen sible haft are trimmed prettily with Roman bands. Each hat is worth 11.50. Saturday, choice for 50 Children's untrlmmed flats and "fish ing'' hats. Scores to choose from. Kach hat worth $1. Saturday's price 3 Summer sailor In all materials and trimmings. Each worth $3.00. Sat urday for 91.50 anSm ISP' Shoes for Everybody Evrry Otnaba Mother Should Be Interested. Satarday we offer wry ex inSBrtmr ate la tolla ble footwear. Children's b a r e feet snmlnla and strap slipper, regular 7 Be and $1.00 kinds for 49 Misses' and child's bare feet sandals, exten sion soles, made of good tun calfskin, iem!ar tl 10, )S 8m ill t'oyi' tan kid aii'l calf hIioch hroin-n sue. $ 1 RO and $J.O') values nt rkc J3oy' Rivy'ns cutlntr shop with liuthiT solen, Plres lit. to Sixes t-SC V union's white enn vns pumps and Ox f.mN n I H.U'k Klil Oxfords $14 W.iiivn' whlf inn vm mid wrsh.t'i'e white calf Oxfords, with welt wowed sn.g, values to 1..V nt $1.98 M $2.rfl rmu'n bond s' wo 1, tipp"d snd tie vli-l YU oxfords 11.98 $V'i0 li.on'e patent colt pnl Kim metal olf low shots, sewed, no'div toe 12 98 Misses' and Giildren'3 "White Canvas Oxfords, solid leather soles, regular $1.25 kind. . . .98c niPlD CLOTHES for iijliA mfn ami) Rnvs lllsVNI sW Men's and Boys' Suits on sale Satur day at about 1-3 less than regular price. Men's Section Blue Serges, Fine Wor steds. Fancy Mixtures, - Imported Cassimeres, Summer Weight Cheviots $25.00 Worsted and fancy Cassimere Suits " (P I O at .. $IO $20.00 Blue Serge Suits in 3-piece models, Of r at CplD $20.00 Fancy Suits, in 2- or 3-piece models, at $15.00 Plain Grey Suits, in 2- . piece models, $1A at . . vp&U $15.00 Fancy Suits, in 2 or 3- - piece models, CP fl sat ... pgM BOYS SECTION $15.00 Long Pants Suits for boys i...... $10 $8.50 Long Pants Snits for boys $5 $8.50 Short Pants Suits for boys ................. $5 naraSSSSSMeaca .....JtSiHiaf,.:,.:.. ------ --- - - r .1 m : : . . rJt )'.;.?.r.TT. Sf33S9CKSetSsWS5Ss srrC3aKSapaWSSss a JsaaBsaaaasaasw-' T I , sr M " ' Bs .. - $4.00 Short Pants Suits for boys $2.75 $3.50 Wash Suits for boys, at $l.i)S $2.00 Wash Suits for Ixres, .at OSc HOSIERY Ladles' fast 'black lace boot and allover lace hose, special 2So Indies' Imported fast black em broidered hone a So Ladles' Imported fancy lisle hoxe, 50c value 33o Children's linen knee hose, broken sizes, 25c value ,...13o Double Green Trading stamps. 1 a-r- r- - m t GLOVES Ladles' two-clap lisle gloves, 25c value, 150 Ladles' elbow length lisle gloves, 11. 2Z valuo for E9o Ladles' clhow lenpth silk gloves, J1.C0, $l.9S and Doable Green - Trading Stamps. WW HANDKERCHI'FS Ladles' cross bar hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 8 l-3c valuo... 5o ladles' pure linen initial, 12 'Ac value Ladles' very sheer pure linen, 23c value Mens full else pure ltoen. He 1UO value Double Oreen Trading Stamps. rictures for Wedding Gifts Artistic Suggestions "Queen of the Roses," framed in genuine rose wood and gold frame, for -$7.00 "Frieze of the Prophets, " in specially designed frame $5.00 "Landscapes by Corot," a beautiful three-panet picture, genuine carbon, for 812.00 "Coliseum and Forums" pictures $9.75 "Modern Madonna,'' $2.50 and $1.69 "Hanging of the Crane," richly designed mould ing $2.75 Artistic water color heads and landscapes, $1.50 and ..$l.G0ftSS3wS$r Double ureen Trading SUmps on all Purchases Saturday HH Cigars Cigars OUR SATURDAY SPECIALS TOM KEENE CIGAR 8 For 25c Box of 50 $1.50 Alba Flora, Havana Wrapper, Havana Filler, 7 for 25c. Box of 100 - - $3.50 Tobacco Plug Chawing Tobacco Horseshoe, fire 10c cuts, pound 43c Btar, five lOo cuts, per pound 43c Big Four, 4 cuts, lb., 30a Piper Heldslck, 9 cuts," pound 70o Standard Navy, 4 cuts, pound ,...3 So J. T, 4 outs, lb 8 So y ft m W .11. I.I.Wll. !!. I. I ' Tins Smoking Tobacco Tatterson Seal, lb. can 40c II. O., lb. can 46c Tuxedo, lb. can 68a Lticky Strike, lb. can 7ic Bull Durham, 10 1-os. packages 70c Puke's Mixture, 1H packages 40c Tuxedo, 4-os. tins ,...80c Lucky Strike, 4 1-oa. tins Sac Catlln Mixture, 8 1-ox. packages 35c Oceanic, 6 3V-oa. pack- tageaj 44c CH?ar Clippings, f 8-oa. packages 340 Underwear Last Saturday was the biggest day we've had In our Underwear Depart ment this season we ex pect to beat it Saturday, If prices will do It. Ladles' low neck, sleev less Vests, tape arm and neck, 12 c, value, for only . : 7 Ladles' extra size Vests, tape arm and neck, 15c value 10i Ladles' wide knee lace trimmed union suits, 35c value 25? Ladles' wide knee, lace 'trimmed pants 35c value for 25t nmiTiln Hrecn mwvmms Trading Stps. . ..-.--.r-;-r.Tf 1 IB mm Hardware and Housefurnishings Another Big Sale on Door and Window Screens yi; . . i. V.i: .1 Painted Screen Door, complete with hinges 98 And 80 Green Trading Stamps. Hard Oil Finished Screen Door, com plete with hinges $1.25 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Fancy Screen Door, complete with hinge $1.50 And 80 Oreen Trading Stamps. Screen Windows and Poultry Wire at lowest prices. Double Oreen Trading Stamps Sat'day. BIO SALE OX LAWN MOWERS Extra high quality ball-bearing mower, 11 In. wheel, 16 In. knife, regular $7, special Saturday $5.85 Extra good Ice Picks 10t And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Large Olaaa Lemon Squeezer ...10t And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Mailable Lemon Squeezer, extra size for 15t 1 And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Extra quality sad Iron handles for Mrs. Pott's Irons 10? And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Asbestos Stove Mats, 2 for 10 And-10 Green Trading SUmps. PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS Double Stamps on Paints Saturday. CORSETS $2.00 Corsets, a discontin ued style, to close out quickly, will place on sale Saturday, on second floor at 87c RIBBONS 3,000 yard3 of 5-inch, heavy, plain taffeta ribbon in white, black, pink, light blue, red, brown and green, worth up to 35c a yard, at I2V2C Women's Neckwear Clean, up-to-date Lingerie Washable Neckwear at less than one-half the regular price. Values up to 09c each, for 12V2C Beautiful Wash Suits, made of fine lawn, elaborately trimmed in val. laco, medallions, baby tucks and French knot3. White and figured lawns. New chic styles. Reg ular prices $5.95, $0,50, $7.50, Saturday special, SKIRTS $7.50 Panama Skirts for $3.95 Special for Satur day selling. Made of fine chiffon Pan ama. All are new pleated styles. Black and all colors. WAISTS Fine Lingerie Waists for $1.39, worth 2.50. Made of fine sheer lawn and batiste. Daintily trimmed in val. lace and medal lions. Some are all- over em- Ti" broidery. . . . IsaaV Under Muslins 800 Samples at Less ThanHalf P r i c e Drawers, Corset Covers, Gowns and Skirts, trimmed in cluster tucks, lace and em broidery, worth 75e, at 39c. QlsflEBBaOJI Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers, Skirts and Chemise, elaborately trimmed In val lace, lnsertlngs, embroidery and tucks, worth $1.50, at....G9 sasasaca in nq lie rwaffc Sits All Dinnerware at a Discount Nothing Reserved. Children Dept. for Saturday Children's Dresses in Fancy Ginghams French percales, madras and fine chambrays, all colors and good styles, some have been sold as high as $1.95, for 05 Children's dresses. In light and dark colors, worth up to 75c, for fin, Misses' and Jnnlors' tailored skirts, In black, plain colors and fancy checks, $5.00. $6.00 for $2.95 and $3.05 Special Prices on Caps. Bonnetts and Lingerie Hats 10 dozen bonnets, made of all embroideries, lawn trimmed in laces and oth er fine caps, worth up to $1.25, for 49c Second Floor. Haviland. Syracuse. German. Austrian Chinas. English and American Porcelain. Sixty patterns at sixty different prices. All open stocks, buy one piece or a hundred all at a discount Saturday of Japanese decorations. ir.wvsa i the least consumption of gas, complete . S1.25 Five Times Oreen Trading Stamps on all Glass Sales. 800 Oerman China fruit or Ice cream dishes, neatly decor ated and gold traced, 10c val ues, Saturday, each 3 Limit 1 dozen to customer. PaM T inverted uas Lignts, complete in a oox, me greatest iigui iur And 40 Oreen Trading Stamps With Each. mm Dig assortment China Morlge vases, creams, bon bons, trays of. all kinds, choice . . . . 25? And 30 Green Trading Stamps With Each Piece. grSssTag5Z5g 4nr Bennett's Big Grocery II II n K H w .... ,: . r,.,-.,..T...,g.-,l.l...r.r.-rTv-- te-aa-irassg--- 2 - R S.-;r-----T- . ; -r fr t. r- ----g-T--g'gJ-g'J-r-T--?'T'g!g5 r--in wii',ih-.-. v-v--' --------- - -------- - - r - - - n . I if it TOY DEPAHTMENT New Express Wagons. 98c, 89c, 50c, C and Z5C New Teddy Bears, CO 98c, 89c and.... JJC Puss in Boois, ftQ $1.50. $1.25 and JOC A Hand Car is what your boy wants. 20 tyles Z QQ Auomobiles-Se ftQ vpfrom.U our Special at....0 Friday Specials are continued Saturday with many additions. Fleas order early. Pieaao do Bennett's beat CofTxe. J lbs., 11.00 And 76 Green Trading Slumps. Bunnell's Best Curfae. lb 15c And SO Oreen Tradlns 8 lamp. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pkgr. ito And 20 Green Traalng bt.nps. uennetl a Ureakrasl UHm, I-pound can And 10 Urea Bennett's C Tea, splendid fur Iced tea. at 4io " Tr ad'l n fr??vK Corauan Blen.J J I. ,"' 'J And IS Oreen Trading Stp. Teaa, assorted, pound. . . sSo And 40 Oreen Tradina Sips. Anderson'. Soup. can. . , . r.e Faa-O-aea. 4 pkra !So Blood of Orapa Julca. auart bottle ic ' And 19 Oreen Trading" Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, pt. "jot., J5e And SO Oren Trading gt&uips. Diamond S Soap. bars tie P. J. Ilslni Vinegar, qt. bottle, lie . And 10 llreoo Trading btaaupa. Booth Sweet Potatoes, large can or 10o And 10 Oreen Trading stamps. B. C. Baking Powdar. i-lb. can. tl And 100 Breen Trading Stamps. Diamond B Preserves, large Jar tto And 10 Oreen Trading btainps. "Hest We Have" iVtrn fane Tm cans SOo And 10 Oreen Trading Btps. Uneeda Biscuit, 4 kgs.. ISa And 10 Green Trading Stps. Bnlder's Baked Beana. per ran lio And 10 Oreen Trading Stpa. Alvord'a Corn Relish, bnt- Vwi.' tie V&o And 10 Green Trading Stps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottie at ISo And tO Oreen Trading Stamps. N. T. Full Ore in Cheese lOo And 10 Oreen Trading Stamp. Hand Cheesa tici Neufarhetal Cheese 4c Sour Pickles, quart 10c And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, quart 20t And 10 Oreen Trading b lamps. Xeadqoartars for Butte Flneat country Butter, direct from the farm, pound tia And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps with t pounds 4 bo Japan Rice, i pounds 14a And 10 Oreen Trading Stamp. Red Snapper Sauoe Bottle.... tie And tO Oreen Trading blampa. Efff-O-See Toasted Flakes. 4 pkgs. for -'5c Worcester Table Salt, t aacks, 10c And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Ill lbs. Granulated Sugar. ... tl. 00 And Double Green Trading Stamps Pears In syrup, largo can Ho And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Jell-O lea Cream Powder, t pkgs. for iOc And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Diamond S Vegetablea. to close out 10c Batavl Macaroni, lb. pkg...l2ViO And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle, t3o And tO Oreen Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S CANDIES - GROCERY SECTION Chooolate Boa Buns, pound bos , 25 And 10 Oreen Trading Stamp. Raspberry Drop, fl pounds 15 Meats! Meats! 200 palra Legs of Lamb, per lb. . . .HHg SSY1 Boiling Beet. 8 IDs. tor 25 )b'vV3 Armour bnieia cacon, average o to i iub., every strip nice and lean, by the strip for f lOHt And 20 Oreen Trad frig Stamps With Each Strip. Blorrlll's Iowa Pride Bacon (backs) lQtt And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Morrill's high grade Lard, 5-lb. palls And SO Green Trading Stamps. frf 'V n 700 8,009 Lbs. Fresh Dressed fi1 Chickens .lbs .... furniture: Last Opportunity or MvnuT acturer's Samples. Furnitureat23lo 35 Under RegularPriccs Good Assortments and Many Great Bargains. $50.00 Sofa LVd.-U-for $36.75 $00.00 Leather Couches for $38.25 $5.50 Rockers for 3.19 Kitchen Cabinets, every one a bargain up from $3.89 -gnrn J! .' SANITARY COUCH (like cut), for .... . 3.89 sascsSsVi rrmrn ii.iti.'