THE OMAHA DAILY BEE? SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1007. 15 L OFFERED FOR RENT H, mil (itwi . wtlaaed. EIGHT ROOMS, strictly modern, new. In Bemis J'srk district, on car line; O'Kfi.fK Hh-AL ESTATE CO. K. Y. Life Klfl. U6)-M4flG 24 FOR RENT 2 new brick houses, 7 rooms, with furnace, atrlctly modern, hardwood finish. Park Ave. and Jackson. Tel. Harney 1US. (lii)-i 143-2i 70 N. 80th St., -room house, molrn, can be occupied by two families, $22.00. 702 K. $oth Kt., d-rrxim house, $Ji.OO. HOHI VSl IV & WOLF, 423 Paxton Block. Douglas 2418. HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Bark-r Hlk. (i5-i7 t per month, 42.18 Charles Bt., 9 rooms, city water, ifwr and gas. $26 per month, 4i Harney St., I rooms, modern. 13 per month, 4217 Harney St., 8 rooms, modern. Ui.bu per month. (03 8. 29th Ava., 7 rooms, modern, newly papered. 130 par month, :(518 Sherman Ave., 6 rooms. modern except furnace. eW per month, tfl Park Ave., I rooms, modern, large cistern, beautiful lawn, very desirable, lease one or two years. UEOROE A CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. (16) 254 23 FOR RENT Peven-ronm cottage, all on pne floor, strictly flrst-clane ; tine porce lain bath, nickel plumbing. varnished floors; on car line; can rent only to family without children. Wm. K. Pot ter, ui Brawn Block. (16) M95 :r CENTRAL 4-room corner flat. 220 North (15)-M20 a HOUSES ln Prt l tlie city. The iiuuoiiOy F Uavla Co.. Bee Bldg. (1..)-- l.ti FOR RENT-To responsible parties, cot tage. S04 N. ICth. 8. Hawver. 1614 Em met. (15) M2il 13 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas l'-5. Schmoller & Mueller Piano .:o Lill-).il3 Furnam. tlil 174 FOR RENT Modern cottage, 6 rooms; good location, $2'..'0. The O. F. Davis Company, in Lee BUlg. 15) M977 22 HOUSES ln "'5 farts of the city. R. (15) 172 CENTRAL, 4-room corner flat. 21d. . (15)- 220 N. -M202 New Brick Houses CLOSE IN We are Just completing some 7-room louses at 2ft h and Dewey Avea., Joining All Saints' church nn the west; hot woter heat, luii'dwood finish, splendid laundry rooms and everything the very best; espe cially light and airy. Considering the neat ness, the In bor-savlhc conveniences, the saving of fuel In ti:e hot water heaters and the saving of car fare because of the rlose In location, tl.ese are very econom ical aa well as elegant houses to live In. Rent, $46 and 147.50. Three. vf these are taken. Apply at once If Interested. Harrison & Morton 013 N. Y. Life. Tel. D. H4. (15) 124 U BEST 8-ROOM HOME 161b Military Ave., built for a home by a man who knows what a home should have to make It complete. This is POSITIVELY AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY, as It was never Intended for rent. Act quick')' If In terested. Posseaalon July 1st. 'Phone Webster U2. - (16) M14 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen a Delivery Co., Tel Doug Ua m. (lo) Mw2 JToR RENT Large atore room, 16th and Vinton Sts. C. M. Bachmaan, 437. Paxtou block. (16) 3tM THE UNION Outfitting company. 1316-17 Farnam St., will furnish 3 rooms cam plete for I6U.60, terms $4 monthly. See us before buying. (16) M53DJe2i A FINELY furnished, strictly modern ( room cottage for rent, 662 8. 27th at. Tel. Webster 704. (la) M(43 WE MOVK PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 14U6. Office, 1713 Webster Bt. (16) 171 FOR RENT T-room house, modern, with furnace. 211 N. 28th Ave., $26. Apply at 607 N. 19th 8t, (16) M6d2 FOR RENT 8-room, all modern house, $28. 427 Harney St. Inquire 107 a 17th St. (16)-571 I860 RUGGLES BT., brand new 6-roora cot tage, all modern 4)20. J. W. HASP CO.. Douglaa 1663. 436 Paxten Blk. (16) 615 l< N. S3 8T. l-room strictly modern, brand 'will ,uivuj nmuc, wiailll SIVW, fOOw O'Keefa Heal Eaiate Co.. U01 N. Y. Life M. mat. (16) M876 NINE-ROOM house with barn, modern. Ill B. 19th Bt, Tel. Douglaa 78J. (16)-U FOR RENT. t-room, all modern house, 810 Worthlngton St., opposite Brownell Hall., atrlctly tlrat- claea neighborhood; splendid house; pus- session any nine ueiore August 1. W. U BELBY. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. (B) 207 21 Bandings. THE entire building formerly occupied by the Dally News. 44x 30 feet, S stories and basement. McCague Investment Co., 15'jO iooge Bt. (16) 171 131$ HARNEY ST. S floors and basement, 88x120 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1508 Dodge St. (15)-178 - ' 1 FOR RENT Hotel, 20 rooms, brick bulH Ing; will sell furniture; always full; good tewn C. A. Voorhetja, Edgar. Neh. x (15)-M974 24 FOR RENT-ON FARNAM STREKT. 1!TH AND 18TH.-4 STORY AND RA9EMENT. 44xl, (FTXCEPT 2ixlM). FREIGHT AND PASSENGER ELEVATOR. GOOD LO CATION, BOTH RETAIL AND WHOLE SALE. TUB PUTNAM CO., 604 N. Y. Life Bldg. (IS) M235 23 BRICK STORE building for rent, Seward, Neb., good location, splendid opening for dry goods atore. or any other business. Address. TATE BANK OF NEBRASKA. Reward, Neb. (16)-5a 2S Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-story and basement brick build ing at 816 Farnam St. Apply at Business office of The Bee. (16J-M3S0 FOR RENT Second floor, 83x104, suitable for lodge rooms or manufacturing "pur poses. Palace Clothing Co.. 14ln and Douglas. 06 MG34 FOR RENT Large ifloor and basement suitable for sample' room, manufacturing ar storage. 1115-17 Farnam St. ' (15) M970 Odree. FOR RENT Desk room In ee offloe. city hail building. 417 N. :.tu bt . South Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 134 DESK room on flrt floor at 1213 Farnam. . (I.))-)-' D FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office use. 1-11 Farnam. (15)- tares. let square feet well llhtel floor space, levator service. Farnam St.. near lth. Frail C. bhlelds. Room U Ramgc Hi. 'Phoa Debglaa its. Oi Ml OFFERED FOR RENT tores Continued. FOR RENT The best located corner store In Omaha, Farnam snd lH'h HM., Roiird cf Trade Bldg. tee r. H. Phllbln. Fchllts Hotel. (15) 181 STORK ROOM. 1103 N. 18th St. $30. UEM1S, 'Phone Douglas &iu. Paxton Blk. (161444 MODERN STOKE. In new block -opposite public library; cen tral; car passes door; reasonable lease to good party. SIMMER & CHASE CO., 1808 Farnam Uiange Front. Douglas SS87. ni (15i .H;2 2 2 OFFERED FOR SALE fencings. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; frc per foot. 2uS N. Lth fc?t. wire tenctng Tel. Red B14. (16)-liii Faraltare, WE carry the highest grades of second hand furniture, bume'ltems worth seeing. Prices right arid also we can save you 40c on the dollar and it would pay you to see us before pou buy. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1113 Dodge. Doug. 4787. 416) 612 J28 .i i once ; woulf suitable for PARTIES leaving town at ell cheap, three large cases curios or books. 4"1H La Fayette Ave (16) ILiW ELEGANT library table, morris chair Mission style; onk buffet, parlor settee, etc., a bargain. iibJO Dewey Ave. Oil) M2H7 27x FOR SALE Furniture 8 rooms, all new, at a sacrifice; party leaving city; buyer can rent house. Address .IS ctre Bee. (16) M37S 2bx OR SALE 1 piano, 1 good oak sideboard, 1 dresser, 1 child's bed. 1328 Ho. 71st St. (16l-l0 25x Pool and Billiard Table. FOR SALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy pavments. Hruns-wlck-Balke-Collendar, 4u7, 3. 10th St. (!6.iUB Plaaos, Organs, Mnaleal Instrnmea t. Matthews' Bargain List of Pianos Recently taken In exchange toward new "Weber." "Mehlln" or 'Henry & 8. O. Lindeinun" pianoa. If luu want a new piano of flue quality It will pay you to in.ipect our etyck before purchasing. "Van Meter" upright piano, 7 octaves, ebony case, used about 15 years, H8.00. V25O.00 "W. W. Kimball" upright piano. seven octaves, medium alze. rosewood case, used about lil years, $92 00. $300.00 "Sterling" upright piano. 7'4 oe- tave.i, dark wood, used naout Hi years, $110.00. , , $325.00 "Kimball" upright piano, full size, used about 12 years, $123.00. $350.00 "Jewett" upright piano, oak case, parloi size, used 7 years, i4Z.uu. $.100.00 "Thurston upright piano, maoganit nnisneu, tun I'm, usro . years, up-10-date style. $155.00. $3T0 Emerson uprlRht, medium slxe. walnut ense, used 2 years, tik'). $3o0.i) "Foster Or Co. upright piano, style "23 walnut case, usud 1 montna, , eio- gnnt tone and action. $221.00. Easy terms arranged to suit Expert piano tuning, repairing or rebuilding nt lowest prices for reliable work. Pianos moved or packed and shipped to any point. Bervtce that saniin or no pay. 'Phone Douglas 7J1. Matthews Piano Company Piano Manufacturers and Dealers, 1513-16 Harney St H. H. -RHODES, Mar (16) M334 VT Clearance Sale OF STANDARD , UPRIGHT PIANOS. Every one a perfect Instrument; Home little used. Kimball, ebony case, $100.00. Checkering, osewood case, $1?5.00. One almost new walnut upright, $14804. One $750 Knabe Parlor Grand, good as new, $350.00. One $700 Hallet & Cumston Parlor Grand only $125.00. Many other uprights, $60.00, $75.00, $90.00 and up. v Square pianos and organs, $10.00 and up. $50o to $1.00 weekly payments. t Schmoller & Mueller 131J Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1626. - (16)-M883 FOR SALE All pianos unsold In Ben nett's since the fire have been removed to 403 8. 15th St., where everyone will be sold regardless of price. Come and get one at your own price. M87D Typewriters and flewlagr Machines. TYPEWRITER SALE AH machines taken In exchange will be closed out at unheard S rices. Typewriter Exchange, 641 Paxton lock (lg)-M371 FOR SALE High-grade Ul-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at vm. Call room Bee Bldg. (16) 871 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, ln good condition, lor sale cueap. i.aii at noe Office. 1 6-x allacellaac-ema. WE CARRY a complete line of all the leading' periodicals published. Foreign publications a specially. Birthday, wed ding and souvenir post cards. Subscrip tions received for all periodicals pub lished. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. SCHUL2E & BLATTERT. Newsdealers and Stationera, 111 S. 15th St. (16)-MS24 Jy4 HALLS S safes, new, id-hand. ISIS Farnnm, (l)-lil FINE upright piano. $11S"0; Blnger sewing machine. KOi'1; large brusac-ls rug. $15.0: lawn niowr, $1.50, etc. Party leaving for Texas. No dealers need apply. 415 N. 23d St. (16j M141 25 FOR 8ALE A bargain If taken at once; steam threthlng outfit comiilete; goodj a new. Address J. H. Todd. Dexter, la. (ii-ns;i 22 GAS STOVE, good rifndltion. 537 S. Ifith Are. Phone Red 7220. (Hi)-M9i8 24x FOR SALE Several handsorue marble mantels, including grates for coal; all ln first-class condition; will le sold at a very lew price. Coll or address W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (161353 ttx FOR SAl.F-Flrst-cluss store flxturess. showcases, etc. Globe Land and Invest ment Co.. W-J Farnam bt., Omaha. Neb. FEW bargain In id nsnd soda fountains, monthly payiiienth. De right, 161S Karnani. (is,:, GAS, ELECTRIC COMBIXATIOX FIXTURES Rpfv'al low prices during June to reduce stuck; order uuw, good d-livtred wl.ea BURGESS & GRANDEN CO.. Teleprwae Dou'asi (13 8 Hth Be. OFFERED FOR SALE j 91 la-el la Ctle SEND us your msll order for drugs; freight paid on 110 lota. Myers-Dtlloo Drug Co., Omaha. (16e-JM SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (H-193 HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE, 10 YEARS OLD. 11 PER GALLON. CACKLKY BROS.. OPPOSITE P. O. 841 Jyi AWN I NO 9 They're not expensive. Call Doug. 8M and our representative will call. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (16) 181 FOR SALE, chep, one Roberts portable three-deck oven. Bahr'a Restaurant. David Cltyf Neb. 16)-Mtio 22x DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders: catalogue free. SHERMAN & M CONNELL DRUG CO., Omaha, Neb. (16)-M41 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. (16I-M417 BIO CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK $50 Tribunes for $38. Davton for $40. V Emblems for .1S. f,5 t.olonlal for i. Bcona.hand ones for 18 and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TU MAKE ROOM -FOB MOTOR CYCLES. LOUIS FLESCnER, 1623 Capitol Ave. (16)-MS9 Jyl BLACK SOIL-Telephone 237L lf)-50fJSx PATENTS LARSON & CO. Book, free. Bee Bldg. (17)-li D O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine dtsigner, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. n-61S JyU PERSONAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Shlrta pressed, not ironed. 2U a. Utb BU Tel. Doug. ii OMAHA Btammerera' Institute. Ramge Bldg. U8 194 tpivivn machines, rented, anr make, 7Ro per week or $2 per month. Second-hand machines for aale, $5 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., lith and Harney. tU) aa WANTED1 Amusements for the Fourth of July celebration. Auaress r. 1. wiaione. Crofton. Nel (1S)-M8 23 RESPONSIBLE party wanted to share car household goods to uenvtr, anoui juiv o. Address C b67. Bee. (18) M409 22x WANTED Concessions for Fourth of July celebration; write at once, giving terms, etc. H. K. Beghtol, Gothenburg, Neb. U) MM 24x 6YRINGES. rubber goods, by mall; out prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers. Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (IS) 197 WANTED Will furnish free attractions of all kinds for fairs and picnics on ahort notice. Prof. WAtiterrioger, Hartlngton, Neb. (18 M129 26x WANTED A correspondent, to be a gen tleman: 40; good looker with a home; I am alone; good looker; good Jiouse keeper. Address Rocky, Okla., box 33. v (18)-M187 x r rTl,",T'T,' treatment and bath. Mme. iVLACIi.'s AJA 6mlth, 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. (18) 196 PLEATING BM2f?.,ifc Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ingonly 6c per yard Sead for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1926. (16) 1S9 . THE SALVATION ARMY eollclts caat-off clothing: in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 K. 11th St.. for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41W and wagon will can. u .mi "Kf joy filV Hair culture, facial and JMADOAtJEj botiy treatment. Youthful po' nd health restored won lerrul suc cess. Mrs. Holman, 1S1C Dodge St. (18) M679 24x JT'LY 4. Olathe. Kas., can use circle swing, ocean wave, merry-go-round, etc. Ad dress at Olathe, J. All. Evans. (18-M234 27z PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 13i0 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. VAX (18) 364 TTITT "FT TTTT! Massage and Bath; inrjLt.U.ij pert lady operator; 1 ex pert lady operator: room 200. Barker Blk., 10th and Farnam Sts. (18)-967 23x WILL anyone knowing the whereabouts of P. J. McGlvern kindly send his ad ' dress to 312 W. Cucharras St., Colorado Springs? (18) M944 23x f A Q A CI V. Swedish movement. Room mam St. (18) M398 IF YOU wish to study a business or pro fession, notify The McCartney Institute, is. r . McCartney, sec., isuz rarnarn Bt. Cis) 619 BENNETT'S plnno department has been removed to 403 8. 16th St., where all fire pianos are being sold for a fraction vi men rem yue. iioj nii REAL ESTATE ItKAL ESTATE! DEALER. RUSSELL A M KITR1CK CO., 432 Ramge (19) 203 W. H. TURRELL. 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. 1129. (1!)) 204 SEARS. 621 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 97. (19-205 PAYNE INV. CO. 1st flr. N. Y. L. Doug, (19) 304 1781. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Bee Bldg. (19) 209 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. MS First Nat'l bank bldg. "Phone Doug. 723. (19) 207 GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756 (19) 208 L W. BUNNELL Dougla 5149. & CO. 822 N. Y. I-lfe. 09 m CITY PROPKRTV FOR SAI.B. BemU Park district, 8 rooms new, modern, $3,G00. W. II. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. (19)-2t 23 CLOSE IN LOTS 29th and Dewey Ave. S. W. Corner 29th and Dewey. S5xt9. cheap at $1.1j0. Lot west of above 85x69, $800. 11. II. Landeryou, TeL Doug. SISL Board of Trade. (19) M4O0 Zi ()N THE BOULEVAHU Lot Six 136, 25o feet of Dodge. Can sell this lot for $900.00 on any terms suitable to purchaser. This Is an elegant location for a building site. Don't delay In look ing at thla lot. I One and One-Half Acres Four blocks from Council Bluffs car line. 4-room house, electric lights and well. House In good condition. This Is a bargain at $1,SjO.00, 1400.00 down, bal. monthly payments. Come ln and let us show, you this. BENJAMIN EEAL INSTATE COMPANY, Phone Doujfc 1X3 2-t Neville Block. (ltr-MM S3 I REAL ESTATE CITY FBOFEnTV KOfl Itl.K. (Continued.) FARNAM. close to 4th. very best situa tion for business and flats, 1 or 2 lota. Need money. Will Sell cheap. Tlione Douglas uM. U)-M3M 1 8-ROOM house for $2.!on, with big barn and tool room; good fruit; located qn street car line; fine, high location; good view; good for home or epe ulntlon ; a bargain. JEFF W. HtPKOlU) SONS. 23u6 Cuming, s (19 M410 22 TWO new 8-room cottages, Just completed, well built, bath, gas. city water, aewer cemented cellars, cemented walks, lame rooms, close to car lln-s. east fronts. On 2Mb St., between Spauldtng and Rugg'.ef Sts. Price, 12.400 each; terms reasonable, C. Battelle. 104 N. lith St. (II) M931 Jy FOR SALE Six-room modern house, fine location, yard fenced, small fruit. 19-V N. 34th St. Tel. Webster l."97. 1 MISS 23x $2,20 Buys an 8-room house on 25th Ave., close to Cuming St house In the best of repair,' nicely papered and painted, outside and ln, and good screens and cistern and gaa. This house is rented for $27.60 month and al ways rented. How Is this for a rental In vestment, ln walking distance? N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (19) 252 22 4EDGEWOOD". ON BEAUTIFUL FLORENCE BOULEVARD. AU who drive out on Florence Boulevard past "Edgewood" admire It. It Is ln a set ting of graVid old forest trees, and from it there I a most lovely and extended view. Diagonally acrosa the street is the $26,000 country residence of Rome Miller; to the Southeast lies Cut-Off lake, white -with sails; to the east Florence lake, the broad Missouri valley and the Iowa bluffs; to the north the blue hills of Florence. The homastead Itself consists of a large 9-room house, built by John Morrison for a home, olid and durable; ground south and east front; large barn ln the rear. Former price $7,000, but Mr. Morrison ha moved away and says soil the property for $5,500. Act quickly if interested. Harrison & Morton. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 314. (19)-Z67 a IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the western Home tsuua ers, rooms 22 and 23, Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. (19) 210 FOR SALE House, t rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2S07 Cuming St. Price, $2,300. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Rank, ltith and Douglas. (19)-211 PATRICK PLACE A new subdivision . at the northwest corner of 24th and Lake streets. Prices from $300 up on easy payments. Ohio and 26th streets run ning; through the subdivision will be graded and city water put In without expense to purchaser. This subdivision was placed on . the market last week and over one-third of the lota are now sold. The prices are very reasonable, and the lots are safe for Investment and good for home building. A repre sentative from our office wlH be on the ground every aft ernoon, and evening thla week. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (19)-M152 22 AKcfrnrta f title; quick service. 'Phone AUfiuui ia tor prit-e,. Guarantee Ab stract Co.. Patterson Blk. 'Plume Red 2947. (19) 7'JS JyS FOR QUICK SALES LIST YOUR PROP ERT V WITH JACOttSON 6c CU., 935 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (19) M867 Z2X DODGE STREET ACRES For profitable investment or suburban home building, we offer the following West Dodge street acre tracts: $6,750.00 for 15 acree with grove, house, barn, etc, with about ' mile Dodge street frontage. $17,000 for 22 acres with flne grove, set good buildings and about 700 feet Dodge street frontage. $27,4o9 for 134 acrea with about 10 acres large trees, two sets buildings, about mile Dodge street frontage. $12,000 for 80 acres, all high and commanding flne view of surrounding country. $14,000 for 40 acres with buildings, flne grove, etc., joining Elmwood park, front ing Leavenworth St., which street Is now being paved to east side of park. George & Co.. 1601 Farnam street. (la)-M153 23 FOR RENT lo-room modern liuuse, 2526 Junes St. telephone owner for keys, v eDster iso (19) -867 BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully situated lots. 40x127 feet each, west front on boulevard, two Clocks to oar, on grade; corner. $S00; Inside. $Iuu. Must be sold by owner at once. Jd't I i tayette Ave. (1D-M306 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern, $4,000. O'Keefe Real Eatate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19-M9n FOR BALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, stumble for planting or tor improvement; an oppor tunlty for some one. Address. G 42V Lie. U)-334x FOR SALE A BARGAIN A NONRESIDENT CLIENT DIRECTS ME TO SELL HI8 FINE 11-ROOM DWELLING, ALL MODERN, AT 70J N. 4UTH ST. CALL AND SEE ME AT ONCE. L. D. HOMES,- 71i N. T. LIFE BLDG. (184-92 a 2728 BURT ST. 7-roona. modem except furnace; good barn. O KE . . RFAL ESTATE CO., ka N. Y. Life Bldg. (19J-M404 24 REAL ESTATE riTY FROPF.nTY ron i.w. 'Continue Patrick Place REMEMBER this new sub-division includes the Pntrick Estate covered by the large, old trees at the Northwest corner of 24th and Lake Sts. It is in the center of a thickly settled part of the city, about lVa miles from the Postoffiee, with a street car service on both East and South sides. It is not surprising that one-half the sub-division should have been sold with in one week when the low prices are considered. Just Think Of south front lots on Lake Street, with sewer, water, gas and sidewalk at $350 each. North and South front lots on Ohio Street, just west of 25th St., at $350 each. , North front lots on Miami at $300 each. The streets will be graded and water put in without expense , to the purchaser. Business Lots fronting East on 24th St., just Nortjh of Lake St., with all special improvements in and paid for in full. Small cash payment re quired, balance on favor able terms at 6. A representative from our office will be on the ground Saturday and Monday af ternoons and evenings. GEORGE & CO. 1601 .Farnam Street. (19)-2S5 2$ LOTS ON PAYMENTS TheVpractlcal man knows tho uncertain ties of business and the folly of spending all of his income as he goes. Why not prepare for adversity by buying a piece of vacant ground and saving a little each month while your ground la Increasing in value. Borne "sure things" are surer than others; real estate can't be stolen. If the power canal project goe through and It seems asaured, real estate ln Omaha Will double ln value. Make up your mind to start NOW it s easy after the start. It costs nothing to "talk It over." Sete our advertisement of vacant lots on easy monthly payments and see our salesman on the ground Saturday. Curtis & Stone's addition, the most beautiful piece of ground on 3oth street car line, across from Miller Park and Collier Place, at 30th and Ames, with all improvements. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam. (19) D6 21 $2,500 Six-room house, modern except heat; good condition; 2 bed rooms and tine bath room with porcelain tub up stairs, and 4 large rooms and reception hall down; large lot. 64xi:SU; beautiful shade; some fruit trees; ' S. 26th St.. near Field club Prop erty in tills neighborhood is advancing In price eveiy day, and 86th St. is the beat through street we have on the west aid'. The owner of this property has also for sale household goods, as they will leave the city as soon as property is sold. Terms $1,250 cauli, balance 6 per cent. B1KKETT& TEBBENS, 423 Bee Building. 'Phons DouRlas 4764. (19) 265 23 THE best 9-room house in the city for the money; clo in; IS minutes' walk from P. O. on Dodge St.; a neat lawn, with plenty of fruit; this Is a bargain; price, V.MjO, $1,600 caah. Call room 21 V. 8. Nat. bank bldg. (19) M249 SO DO YOU WANT NICE COMFORTABLE HOME. ALL MOD ERN, ON PAVED . STREET; HARN, PERMANENT WALKS, IRON FENCE. 15 MINUTES' WALK FROM CITY HALL? IF YOU HAVE $1,300.00 CASH. YOU CAN PAY BALANC7 AT 'J.a5 PER MONTH. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. IN OOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. THE PUTNAM CO.. 604 N. Y. Life Bldg. (1 M23S 23 FARNAM RESIDENCE New 8-room house, nickel plumbing and furnace, combination fixtures, living rooms handsomely papxred, walks and sodded yard. Flnlahod In fir. Price. $3j0, or can give terms. Will take a vacant lot as part payment if priced right. C. P. TR AVER, Phone Red 4721. 1824 Farnam St. (19) 263 $1 $250 49x124. on 26th St.. Just north of Fort. Other lots held at $350 and up. F. C. BEST. h21 N. Y. L. (19)-lfl6 23 "If it's a Bargain, They Have It." 4145 Frsklne, 5 rooms, $1.C50. 3f--'4 Saward. i rooms, $2,150. 714 S. 2Mh St., 7 rooms. $2,800. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Fl., N. Y. L Bldg. (1D-218 28 15 PER CUNT. A brick Mock of tnree siores and 12 rooms on a leading business ttreei, ranted for $:".B a mouth. Price $18.0u0; half cash, balance l"iir year at 6 t -r cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. U) REAL ESTATE TTTLE-TRUBT CO CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. (18) -2i$ LIST your property with the Western Home Builders, rnis. tt-'Jl Keeraska Natl. Bank bldg. , (iij-714 REAL ESTATE city rHoPKitn ron t,K (Continued. 1 Come Qut to Our Saturday Sale of Choice Build ing Lots Curtis & Stone's Addition 30th Street, Across from Mil ler Park Prices $250 to $350 Terms: $10 Cash and $10 a Month The Most Choice Lots in Omaha for the Money Overlooking Miller park, Cut Off and Florence Lakes and the Missouri river. Macadam and paved road all the way downtown, on street car line, 6-cent fare to any part of the city; all lota ln blue gri seed. Buy a lot on the Installment plan; trig profits are often made on the amount ln vested. A lot bought for $300 on terms of $10 down and $10 a month and sold for $400 ln one year makes over 100 per cent profit on amount Invested. Why not buy one or two of these? Salesmen on the ground all day Saturday. Take Florence car and get off at Kansas or Stone Ave. Hastings & heyden 1704 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. 09) 2Q a HOME BARGAINS Where can you get equal values on such easy terms? FINE 8-room, modern dwell ing, good as new; full lot, beuutlful shade trees, perma nent walks a real home bar gain at $3,i0; $160 cash, bal ance In rental payments. Best location, only 11 blocks from high sohool. OOOD lli-room, modern dwe.l lng or boarding and rooming apartment, neat, 18th and Leavenworth $0,600; small cash payments, balance in rental sums. , NEAT 6-room cottage, rartly modern, near 25th and Pierce Sts. $1,600; terms to suit. CHOICE 8-room. modern residence, best condition and v location; full lot, south front, shade, fences, etc., near 29th and Franklin $2,250; small amount down, balance to suit purchaser. ATTRACTIVE, new, modern cottage of 6 rooms, full lot, fine looatlon, beautiful view, near S8th and Grand Ave. 45-ROOM house, good repair, near 24th and Rees tl,2M. TWO 8 and 12-room dwell ings, partly modern, close In and well situated, near 14th and Paul-$5,5oo; rent for $e4 per mo. Offered on very easy terms. . GOOD 4-room cottage, best repair, city water, full corner lot, south front, near Military Ave. and Burdette only $1,260; $50 cash, balance same as rent. NEAT 6-rooin cottage, newly remodeled, city water, full cor ner lut, east front, 25th and Sprague $1,450; $100 cash, bal ance $15 per mo. GOOD 7-room house, full lot, near 14th and Westerfleld Ave. a bargain for someone at $1,100; your own terms of pay ment. TWO good 5 and 7-room cot tages, city water, corner lot, barns, permanent walks, well located for home or Invest ment or both. Live ln one and rent the other and the prop erty will pay for Itself. Price. $.50i. Owner asks for an ff'r on your own terms of payment. See us today and submit of fers. All reasonable proposi tions will be considered. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO. 432-H4 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. (19) 2 il $5,000 That elegant t-room house on the west side of lh Ave., near Poppleton. which was built last year by the owner for his home, Is for sale. You've been looking for such a house as this. We're sure it will suit you. x PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ul Fl.. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. "If It's a bargain, they have It." (!) 21S 22 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT 8 rooms, brand new, strictly modern $4,(00. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. 1 (1)-MW U -ROOM COTTAGE end large lot, with fruit and shade trees; 8 blocks from Ames Ave. car 11ie, near 4.1-1 St.; city water in the house and yard and gas for light snd cooking. Can give pos session at once Price, il,5). Small pay ment down, balance in monthly payments. Harrison Si Morton 13 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 814. (l'j-220 21 FOR BALE s-room cottage, owner leaving city, will sell at a sacrifice, lis) North 4uiu Buuth Omaha, Tel, (1)-M 148 THE KERR AHHTR ACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF Ti l LE are the safest. You are protected by a JlCfO bond against loss by errois. Yeu don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract, lil 4 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (IS) LOOK. AT THIS All modem, (-room cottage 8412 Lafavette Ate. iuas fax. 'kUuu tlarac 8ttx. Wj-el REAL ESTATE city I'KiirKiin Foit Ai.n (Continued.! $.100 Et front lot on rtth south of Shirley; easy terms. FAYNK I N V KSTM F.NT CO.. Flrt Floor, N. Y. L. IUdg. Tel. Poutlas 17M "If It's a bargain, they have ft." Ot-MI0! M T4tTTa veTand haiiney" Very attrnrtlve T-room modern house, hnllt two years. delratly located on pave4 treet. iTice. u '. usr tertna PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 1st Fl . N Y. I. Hldg. Tel Drnig 17M. "If it's a bargain, they have It." . (19)-n7 M BKST new S-room houne, modern with oi without furnace for $.',4ft0; forv-ed to eel) quickly. Tel. after 7 p. nt. Webatel (11 Ml REAL ESTATE FARM AND ItA.MIl LA.MU FOR ML1 Kmaaaa. WANTED Ante to represent us In ttis sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. ' (20) 214 WE HAVE lands. Improved and unlm f roved, in central and eastern Kansas hat we can sell you from $-D to too pi acre. These lands are No. 1. Will con sider good city protertv or merchandise. Write us for full inf (4j mat ton, with de scription of what you have to offer, J. W. 8TINB. A CO., lffit O Bt., Lincoln, Neb. (2O)-0M Jyla ladlaa Territory. TO JAND INVESTORS. P.E3TTUCTION8 COME OFF INDIAN TEHKITORY I.ANPS JCLY 1HT. WB ARE INVESTING SEVERAL TIKHbANU IMLIAKS FOR CLIKNTS. KKASorx AHLY 81 RE TO MORE THAN IKH'HLH Y(H R MONEY NEXT YEAH OR TWO, BEST OF CROPS; L" N ICQ U ALL Eli LANDS AND CLIMATE J CALL AND PEE- 18, OR WK1TIB rvn PARTICULARS; ACT QUICKC. THE PUTNAM CO., 604 N. Y. Life bldg. Omaha, Neb. (W-MW7 IS Nebraska. A OOOD farm, well Improved, miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms, a per cent Interest, If taken ln next 30 days. Addreee Y-244. Boa. (20-Hll FARM FOR SALE. A good Ifio-acre farm, near Sidney, Neb., for sale; well Improved; 75 acres in cul tivation; 47 acres ln crops, fenced and cross-fenced with good well and windmill. Price, $1,800 on good terms, inquire of Herman Springer. Sidney, Neb. The owner will pay railroad and other expenses. ia purchaser: A snap lor uie man wno is ooklniT for a home. First here first served. Herman Sorlnger. Sidney. Neb. Office over First National bank. (20) M41i 2x HAVE you $ii00? Do you want a fruit farm 25 miles from omanaf write nouie , no 1L Arlington, Neb. (30)-M140 Z E. H AND 8. W. M S1-17-M, BANNER COUNTY. 480 acres level land, black soil, underla'd with a clay subsoil; $6.JB per sere; $3.00 per acre down, balance ln nine annual payments. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. ' (20)-64 a IMPROVED farms l eastern Nebraska, Sarpy and Douglas eountles. B. J. Over, ton, Gretna, Neb. ()-SU FTRST-CtASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemla, Omaha. (ii)-Vi7$ oath Dakata. MAKEMONEY Buy a farm In Beadle county, S. TK Another big crop Is daily raisins; values. A fortune ijs yours If you bujr now. Write for map. D. E. McMONIIfe, Huron, S. D. ()-M158 Jyl Texas. 80 0O9 ACRES choice lerei TVras pratrte, $4 50 per acre; $1.50 cash. Well located. Water plentiful. Box 40, Sibley, la. ($0j M227 2t m REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. V2jm PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, JB20 Doug. (22)-lli $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in umana; lowest rates; no delay. . Til rhomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (22) III WANTED City loans and warrants W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1324) Farnam St. (22)-23 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O re tt. to. cu.. lout r. x. Lire rung. (22) 2JI LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block, (22-2J4 $500 TO $50,000 TO IX) AN at lowest rates! no delay. OARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM (223-32$ WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, &r First National Bank Bldg. ' f;2)-3?6 WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 3U S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1121. (36) at FOR CA8H. second hand hand elevstor, rapacity 1.000 llw. Apply J. J. - Davey, 1010 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 2114. (26) M18S g WANTED To buy. second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes an shoes, plsnos, feathers, bed pillows, qdllts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Will buv antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 8971. (2E)-M5 J23 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent a furnished cottage or flat; references exchanged. Address Room K. Her Grand hotel. ()-31 34x COTTAGE at Lake Manawa for few weeks during summer; state terms. 422 Frank lin Ave.. Council Bluffs. (2ii)-M38 23 W ANTED By man, first-class room. Ad dress C 656. Bee. (2S)-M244 3 WANTED SITUATION WANTED Position aa landscaper, to take care of yards, lawns and flowers, by gen tleman who can give b"St of references. Address 4521 Military Ava. Tel. Webster $M5. (2t) 176 lox WANTED Position by young man as book keeper and general office assistant in lumber business. Eight years' experleoca. Address, A. D. CAMERON. . Chester, Neb. co-Mrs r OCEAN STEAMSHIPS SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN UM lS.SaS Tea Twta-Gcrew Passes-er aXisra - Direct te Norway, Sweden acJ Desoitrk Sailing frota N, York at s n. Usli4 kuu July Uoarar II 1 C. y. Tirtia Jul? 4tt,lli (Hit. Au( 14 teas I '4 sn us K,r J,l, 14. 4 sa4 iu; Snund Cb.Q J K,r Jul II. W. A. U. Johaeoa V Ce., 1 Uroadwaf, T. 114 gast Klaiie St.. Ckloasa, OnipilT CLARK'S TENTH AN KlCrl I N'UAL CHITISE Feb. , tC, 70 days, by specially chartered Bel. -Arable," M.oM ions 80 TO U ft 9 Tvi EUROPE, RoUNU THE WOK1.D JfaVaJIK a C2.ABK. Vuaes Bid, U. X