Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Want - ads
Alrrrliarmrnti far the want-ad
Milam will be taken til tU m.
the talif edition aad antll 0 . a,
for the nornlM aad Snnday edition.
Cash mast (Noapiir all orders for
want-ads aad advertisement will
hm aeeented for less than lO eente for
tho flrst Insertion.
Batoa apply to either Tbo Daily
Saaday Be.
Always coant als words to at lino.
Combinations of Initials or ambers
at aa oas word.
Insertion, per line. 1 eents. Two Jr
mora oonseoatlro Insertions, ner line,
tt cents. Kaeh Insertion
.tars, lO coat, ner lino. "Da
a snoath.
Death and Faaeral notices. Cards of
Thanks and Lodge Hotleeo. T cents
per line for one edition, morning- or
evening S cents a lino for eaeh ad.
dltlonol edition. Sandav, 10 ct! it
line. Mo ad taken tor loss than BO
Want-ads for- Tho Beo ar
at any of tho following- dm stores
no Is yonr corner drastrtst" they
are all branch offices of The Beo and
yoar od will bo Inserted Jnst as
promptly and on tha oasso rataa aa at
tho main ofBca In The Bee Bnlldlna;,
Seventeenth aad Farnant atrootsl
Albaoh. W. C. 40th jd Janjam.
Betanck, 8. A.. 14 8. lh BL
Beoht's Pharmaoy. T20 8. Utn St.
Benson'a Pharmacy. Benson, N;-
Bemls Park Pharmacy, $Sd and Cuming.
Blaks's Pharmacy, 216 Sherman Ave.
taughlln, C. K., th and Pierce Sts.
Clifton HU1 Pharmacy. 2218 Military Are.
Conte, J. B.. 81st Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 4th and Lake.
Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 046 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H., 28o2 Leavenworth.
Foster d Arnoldl. 811 N. 26th Bt
Krevtag, John J., 1914 N. 4th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
Ureon i Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. aad
Greenougb, O. A., 106 S. 10th 8t.
Greenough. O. A., 10th and Hickory.
Hayden, Wm. C, 930 Farnam BU
Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 29to AT.
Hoist, John. 24 North 16th Bt.
Huff, A. L., .'4 Leavenworth St
Kin, H. B., 2238 Farnam Bt.
Kountse Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 84th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1634 N. 24th Bt.
I.athrop, Chas. E 1324 N. 24th Bt.
Peyton. L. K., 24th and Leavenworth.
Cnlwa Drue Co.. H4th and Ames A VS.
Pchacfer's Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and
Bchuefer, August. 2631 N. lfith St.
Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts.
Htorm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, zoth and Grace bis.
Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta.
BARRY Thomas F., Friday morning, June
21, at Ms residence, 2012 North Twenty-
nrst street.
Funeral from residence it I Mil. Sunday.
June 13, to Sacred Heart church, Interment
tu Mary s cemetery.
Attention Elkal
Tou are especially requested to be pres.
ent nt the lnrlge meeting this evening when
a large class of candidates will be Inl-tlsti-d.
Special features will be Introduced.
Refreshments served after the meeting.
FRANK A. FURAY. Secretary.
detention. Locomotive Enxinerral
Division 183, you are requested to at
tend the funeral of Brother Thomas F.
Barry to be held Sunday, 3 p. m., from
residence, 2ol3 North Twenty-first street,
to Sacred Huert church, Twenty-second
and Blnney street. Signed
John GLYNN, Chief Engineer.
Tha following marriage licenses have been
Name and Residence. Age.
William Castleman, Omaha 23
oarah-Hchwartx, Omaha ljj
John M. Ward, Duncumbe, la over 21
KUa Miller, Oinaha over 21
Carl G. Ekstrom, South Omaha B2
Augusta Johnson, South Omaha 53
William H. Schrum. Alton. Ill 27
Ellxubeth Christiansen, South Omaha. ...20
Births Frank Dougherty, 1420 North
Twentieth, boy; George Hobler. 403 Ban
croft, girl; John Berger, 1622 North Thlrty-
lirsi, gin; Artnur jiiiisj south Thlr
irrniu. Bin, n nimm nouinion, guy x5ur
llette, boy; Ernest Bydow, 3CW0 Seward, boy;
Edward Tlmm, 4T60 North Twenty-fourth,
Deaths Peter A. Hansen. 3322 Blondo, 30;
E. E. Proctor, Bt. Joseph's hospital, 46;
Elisabeth Daley, 4010 Parker, 2 days; Oscar
cariiow, ruieenin ana iMcnoia.
Administrator s Sile
Established contracting and building busi
ness of tha lata Sam'l Dresher must be sold
to clear up the estate.
Building is equipped with all machinery
for doing large business and much work la
pn hand. Equipment Includes 10 h. p. elec
trio motor, saws, planer and all machinery
for conducting this kind of business. Build
ing Is wiM ft., 3 stories, and thera la a
l-yeur lease. .
To an one desiring to step Into a good
tstabllshed business here Is a rare oppor
tunity, easy itrms to ntrni party.
1MB Farnam St.. Omaha.
(1)-M806 CT
CHE CITY GARBAGE CO , otTlne 4th and
Leaveuwortli bis. Tel. Douglas 138T.
(i 104.
IF YOU wlsli to study anything from
coaching In one branch to a complete
course In college work, notify The Mo
Curtney Institute, B. F. McCartney, Bc,
itui t arnara ot. (W w
HON PAINTING S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas.
'l ura
but Bl'ICK. two-cyltnder. 23 H. P. tour
ing car, overhauled and painted.... tooo.00
w a . , tvuiui ,.,,, iiii.j
shape 3&.u0
I'M. 1UUKLKK. 15 H. P.. almost new
several extras Included lwu.00
19 KNOX touring car, air cooled tm.00
w4 OLOS, with top, 20 H. P S7uo.uo
ilf HtO, 1 H. P.. used very little.. tfi.OO
U FRANKLIN, with top, four-cyllndsr.
detachable tonneau i; A0
yju rOHO, two-cylinder, detachable ton
mau, 14 II. P , l")U0
ttue STEVKNS-DURTEA. two-cylin-ler
and looks Ilka Dew, with top fcxxiuO K., detachable tonneau. lust
I opalnteil and overhauled tcuO.UO
wriiH ror lull desurtpiion.
U E. FKEDKICKSON. 16 U and Cap. Ave.
14) i
FOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto
mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In
Vvttuient Co., rarnam Bt.
CO 107
VEND for our list of second-hand automo
biles. DEHIGHT, 1811 Tarnam. (ZI-10
riH SALB OR TRADB-Four-cytlnder
touring car, good as new. C E. Wilkin.
Itawty noiei.
ITANLEY steamer, speedy roadster,
. model H-4 runabout, almost new. H K.
Frsderlcksen. O V5 22
VOR SALE Electric automobile. S. B.
Klchmuitd. 1813 Farnam St.
(2-MSCS 21x
C .
EXCHANGES If you have city property,
stocks of g jods. farm land or property of
i.y u na to exchnnga, write fur our com
plots list. Ws have rrnDertles and laoai
In all i-arta of (he country to exdtanre.
our list Is free. Send for It S ones.
Ulobe Land and Invnslmeat Ce litt r
120 A CRTS ( miles from Sohell City, Ver.
non county, Mo.; 0 seres unlsr cultiva
tion; good building. Price, H par acrs;
Incumbrance t2.txu Will exchange for
feneral merchandise. Olobe Land and
nvestment Co., l&a Farnam St., Omaha.
(8 109
FOR EXCHANGE Piano and elmpl
layer. What have you? Address H-;,
GOOD stock of
gen. mrtse. In an Iowa
,'111 trade for clear chest;
town of Soon W
land. (IhAnk Inil m.rA Invest. Co.. 10
Farnam. (S)-M483
Finest brick and tile riant In the state of
Iowa, including W acres of land adjoining
the city of Cherokee, la. Plant cost over
tt U. 8. bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
LAJ pi M
EXCHANOE 3,120-acr ranch. Neb., for
farm or rentals.
9 sections Texas, for flats.
4 sections Kaunas, for hardware.
B0 general stocks for land.
$4,6K) printing plant: must get out The
swapper, haunt, ian. mm
WILL SELL or trade my beautiful homo
In Brackettvlllo. Texas, healtn resorv.
Call 2426 Ersklne or Tel. Wehoter 2?7.
(3) M1M 23
COMPLETE equipment for steam lsundry
of J2fi0 per week capacity, to exenanje mr
touring car, or value. What have youT
Box 7S8. Osawatomle. Kan. (3) M909 22x
WRITF3 Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee,
la. Have farms and wild lands, etc., for
clear town property and merchandise.
(3 M820 JylSx
Nearly new two story modern t-room hones
on car line ror a 6 or e-room ooitage. aa
dress C 640 Bee. u
(8)-M 144-25X
10 ACRES Atchison Co., Mo.; 110 acres
In cultivation, in acres timber, fair house
and barn, fenced . and cross fenced. No
tetter corn, wheat, alfalfa land In N. W.
Mo. Price $76 pr acre. 32,000.
Foom 4. First National Bank Bldg..
Council Bluffs.
(3) M200 22x
RELINQUISHMENTS of homesteads for
sale or trade. Write B. O. Gangestad,
408 Boo Bldg. (3)-M415 22
ROOMING house business to trade for
stock of general mdse. or grocery.
Gangestad, 43 Bee Bldg. (3) M416 22
FOR SALE The best paying business In
N. B. Nebraska, stock of groceries,
queensware and notions; will be sold
cheap. Answer quick. Address Y 211,
Bee. (4)-M873
TO BUT or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. G. Uangestad.
403 Bee Bldg. (41117
426-426 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 662.
(4 M8W Jea
Do You Wish to Make a Change t
If you have a farm, home, business or
properly mat you warn 10 sen or ex
chanse. write us.
urnana, iseo.
04)-MS43 Jyl2
TO BUT or sell any business or real estata
quick write or see miarem dt cowman,
C10 Bea Bldg. (4)-M5M
Sell and exchange farms, cuy property,
merchandise and chattels. Try them.
(4)-M977 Je27x
sells or exenangea everyming, lana, city
Broperty, merchandise and automnblles.
I Douglas block. (4) M66 J ulyl
ENERGETIC partner wanted In live, pay
ing real estate Business. Aaaress x t.
care Bee. (4)-M5 Jy2x
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest, 707 N. . Lite, omana. (t) lift
WANT a second hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address X na. Beo.
FOR SALE The best bakery and confec
tionery business in Yankton; largest soda
fountain In the city; ice cream and small
grocery stock In connection. Address Bog
i05, Yankton, & D. (4)-M387 21
FOR RENT Store building, 90x21, with
basement under or same size; fine, cnance
for furniture or dry goods store, In town
of about 1,000 population In eastern Ne
braska. Address Y 39, cars Bee.
(4 M5S0 Tt
BUSINESS chance; '"Miners Scrap Book."
free to you six months, If you write us
that you like Square Deal Mining. The
C. E. Mitchell Co.. Spokane, Wash.
(4) M918 Jy6x
WANTED Gentleman of means to assist
a middle aged, refined vivacious woman
to place a business that spells fortune If
brought before the public. G 661. care
Bo. (4)-fll4 22x
(4 M8
FOR SALB A cigar and stationery busi
ness, with living rooms, clearing law per
month. Inquire of J. V. Lelthead, 1606
Evans Ave., Pueblo. Colo. (4)-M686 27x
FOR SALE Rooming house, 14 rooms;
good business place; close in. Aaaress
N 667, care Bee. (4)-M975 24x
A WELL established, good paying dry
goods and millinery business in sman
town, southeast Kansas; no competition;
fine thing for business woman; owner
must sell on account of health. Address
box 64. Hallowell, Kan. (4)-M199 2x
FOR BALE Clean hardware stock at a
liberal discount. Address t n, care nee.
(4) M373 2X
FOR SALE Electrlo light plant. In good
rountv seat town in central towa
$3,600.00; part cash; plant paying; good
reason for selling. Inquire 806 Mc-
Cague Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
4) M376 38
SOUTH DAKOTA Now is your oppor
tunlty to buy the only steam laundry
In the best city in South Dakota. Cheap.
If interested call or write, M. C. Felkur,
Chamberlain. 8. D. (4) M413 iwx
ARCADE slot machines, shooting gallery,
electric piano; complete outnt. w . uiei-
R. 6, Box 26, Leavenworth.
(4) M&6 ZHX
FOR SALE Millinery stock, fixtures, fur
niture; stock very low; must sell; town of
I.mju; no competition: fine parlors and lo
cation. Address x 6, care iriee.
(4) M3S6
THREH-chalr barber shop complete for
sale eheap If taknn before July 10. Write
Box 6UL Canton, 8. 1. (4) M33 2x
FURNITURE. 90 rooms and dlnlngroom
complete. Full ot roomers. Paying busi
ness. Apply.
107 South 17th Bt.
(4 M231 23 x
LUMBER YARD for sale. Enquire of N.
Duncan, pawne city, Meo.
(4)-M22S Jy6x
FOR SALE Stock of livery stable and feed
shed, doing good business In live town
of 9.000 Inhabitants; excellent location;
five-year !-; cheap for cash. If taken
at once. John A. Dowdell, De Kalb, 111.
(4-M2 27x
809 New York Life Uldg..
Omaha, Neb. (4) 111
BY THE OWNER A fine 60-roorn hotel,
perfK-tly equipped; I built, own and havu
. always run this hotel; cost t'J.OiQ; will
sell for half on easy terms and without
Interest; might lease; don t reply unless
you have $S.00 cash. H. L. Rice, owner,
Fremont hotel, Florence, Colo.
(O-MWO 34s
WANTED Partner for good paying bus!,
ness. must have $100 to $600. Apnly Room
128, Midland hotel. (4 M183 3x
YOUNG MAN wanted with $1,009 to tnveat In
Specialty Mfg. Co.; good seller; tsko
charge branch omce; salary guaranteed.
A3vUes kli'XX. 8v 83, Las Moines, la.
W-hUM tlx
OROCERT and moat business for sale, do.
lug a good business. Call and see 2J2?
Biosriway, Council Bluffs, lows W. U
Smith. (4 M"JS3 23 x
PAINT and wall pane? store for sale: doing
good contract and retail trade; Invoice
about ll.uOii; a snap; good town ot tl.uuo.
Addroes Box M3, Ballda, Colo.
(4) M744 JrtX
FOR SALE First class blscksmlth and
wagon work business, with touls; 14 to W
received for shoeing and 14 to 3S for set
ting tires. Address L3, Bee. (4-U2
FOR BALE Old established millinery
business In Nebraska: Invoice about
J1.6"0; population Lfmo. Address T. 44, care
Bee. (4) M131 26x
Investment LepU Western Ref. & Bond
Ass n Inc. eulte 721-723 N. T. Life Bldg.
FOB SALB Rooming house. See Hlldreth
aV Lowman, 610 Bea Blag. (41 Mi8l
WANTED To trade for stock of good;
Have a good farm. Address T-246, Bee.
(4) 117
FOR SALB Modern woolen mill, well
equipped, two sets of cards and eleven
looms running full on cssslmercs and
flannels. Third floor fully equipped for
making clothing. A snap for party with
capital and experience. Address D. J.
Hathaway, Sta. A., Topeka, Kns.
(4)-M180 29
A LOWMAN can sell your
business quick. We have buyers waiting
lor you wltb money, eio tsee mag.,
Omaha. (4) M636
ARE YOU looking for a business? See L.
w. Bunnell co. anoui any oi inese:
Grocery stocks, lunch rooms, general mer
chandise, hardware stores, implements,
furniture stock, barber shop, bakery and
confectionery, planing mill, livery and
feedb am, and other kinds of business
chances. 622 N. Y. Life. Douglas R149.
(4) M8SS 12
FOR SALE Millinery stock in good town
of 3,600; good country trade; old estab
lished store; reasons for selling, sickness.
Address Lock Box 785, Madison, S. D.
(4)-06 22x
SAFE Omaha corporation wants an office
man who will invest $1,000 or more In pay
ing business; monev ssfe and secured;
will be returned on' demand; $25 a week
salary for beginning; mut be able to dic
tate correspondence, and make good gen
erally; please do not answer unless you
can qualify. For Interview address In
confidence, B 664. care Bee. (4) M248 27
GOOD, well established mercantile busi
ness; good, well located lumber yard and
section of fine timber land. B. L. Dart,
Yampa, Colo. (4) M246 27x
For quick sale results Hat your property with
C. J. Canan, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha.
(4)-M82& Jy4
DOCTOR wanted, at once. Good location.
Address Erlck Drug store, Erlck, Okl.
(4) JS3 24X
BUSINESS CHANCES Homes, lands, etc.,
bought, sold or traded quickly. Pardee 4
Braum, tha hustlers, 330 Neville Blk.
(4) M644 Jyl
WANTED A party to buy out a
class stock of furniture In the best town
on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons
for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Win
ner, Neb. (4) 119
A PROFITABLE Investment Is offered by
an old established and well known
dermatologlcal Institute to establish
branch In Omaha; a physician is pre-
ierrea, out a man wun gooa general
business experience will be considered.
Do not reply unless able to Invest money
in the business. Address P 66, care Bee.
(4) 111 22x
WANTED Partner In
laundry business and
well established
splendid paying
Addreas a tiJU, care Bee.
(4) 166 tlx
T. E. BRADY, Probate Atfy, 609 Bee Bldg.
(6)-128 Jy-17.
x Architects.
C. L. STAUB, d04Vs'S. Eighteenth street.
(6) M608 Jyltx
Carpet Cleaning.
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
JOHNSON cleana carpets, washes windows.
noora poiisnea. lei, xsougise aw.
(6 Msm Ja23
DR. ROY, R. S. 1606 Farnam Bt Doug. 6497.
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor.
1116 N. Z4th bt. f none iuo. South Omaha.
Civil Engineers.
(6) 120
to Beatrice creamery Co., Oinaha.
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Hamsy
(6) 128
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far.
, (6)-M987 Jyl7
BAILEY MACH, 3d fir. Pax ton. D. 1085.
MISS ALLENDER, 423 N. T. Life Bldg.
KOTERA & CO., 16co Jackson. Doug. M07.
(6) 129
HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farn.
Tsl. D. 1263.
() 131
3. 11. BATH. 1623 Harney. TsL Doug. 304
THE 8CHLITZ. European, 16th & Harnoy.
(6) 133
HA1RDRESSINO. 26c and 86c; ahampoo.
60c; dry, 76c; egg, 76c; Marcel waving,
76o; Marcel tvuch, 60c; massage, 60c. Scalp
treatment special rates per month. F. M.
Bchadell, Douglas. (6 M484 23
MER. Incorporating Co., 428 N. Y. L.
Jewelers and 'Watchmaker.
N. . STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, - 2-3 Faxton Blk. Tel. D. 4.7.
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1661
Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(6) Mtol Jy21
OUAN CAM HI A NO. instructor In Span
Ish and Italian languages. Tel. Douglas
lilt (5)-M964 Jy7x
Safe, Shatter, kit.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of fire escapes, abutters, doors and
safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 103 B. loth Bt.
, (&)-ita
School Sapplie.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1W1 Howard.
Planning- aad Heating.
T. F. ft A I. FTC. plumb'ng. gas snd electrlo
Bxturea. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
(Fo-M7u6 JullO
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty,
lii N. tU AW TeJ. PoufU. 1477.
1A4 JM Jt2t)
C. B. TRUBSELL, 115 South 16th SU
(5) 137
French dt artistic photographs. BOB. 14th BU
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas mo.
(6) 138
BEFORE placing your 19" calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave.
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let-
tere and Job printing; no Job too args or
until. Anchor Publishing Co., U23 Far
ham St. Tel Douglas 6662. ....
(8) M424 Jyl
ACORN Presa. juallt Ptg.. 1213 Harney St.
600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10.000 printed en
velopes, good Stock, for iw; oiner woi
at same rates. Get estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 83
U. S. Nat I Bank Bldg. or phone Doug
las 4608. (5)-961 Jyl6
Office Supplies.
FILING cabinets, films and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures ana sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing
Co., 1823 Farnam St. Tel Doug. 6602.
(5)-Mrl Jyl4
Shoe Repairing. ,
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-olass
work. 16131 Capitol Ave. 'Pbone Red m
(6 244
Storro Storages
, 141
MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for
ladles' and gent's new work; repairing,
cleaning and dying. Called for and de
livered. 709 S. 27th St Tel. Red 6S16.
Violin Making.
ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and
supplies, by C. L. Heskett, r. 647 Kamwe mik.
Wall Paper Cleaning;.
WORK guaranteed.
Call Douglas 6539.
15) 142
DON'T fall to call on me at Douglas 376,
(6 i4
The Leading Palmist of Omaha
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 113 S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store.
Clerical and OOlce.
WANTED Office girl, one with lomt
knowledge of typewriting preferred;
wages $5.Q0 per week to start with. Ad
dress M 666, Bee. (7) 960 28x
Factory and Trade.
pany, 2024 Farnam St.
Shirt Com
(7) 147
BT. (7)-M874
WANTED Machine girls.
Laundry, 211 S. 11th St.
City Steam
(7) 146
WANTED Experienced laundry girls; good
salary; no overtime. Truax Laundry, 706
No. 16th. (7) 163 11
LADIES, our catalogue explains how we
teach halrdresslng, manicuring, facial
massage, etc.. In few weeks, trial li?a free.
Moler College, Chicago, 111.
(7) M88I 27x
lloosekeplna- and Domestlo.
WANTED In July-, ooa cook; two In
family; permanent place and good wagea.
102 S. 84th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7) M384
HOUSEKEEPER for farm bachelor; no
objection to children. Canadian office.
16th and Dodge. (7) 149
WANTED Elderly respectable wman for
housework on farm; small ranilly; per
manent situation. Box 4, F. R. R. No. 1,
Yetter, la. (7)-M387 28x
WANTED Good cook; steady position and
good wages to competent party. Apply
at 3254 Farnam. (7) M372 23x
WANTED Cook and second girl, 2 In
family; reference required. Apply 332 So.
87th SU (7-AIS70 24
GIRL for boarding house: good wages.
Call Doug. 6708. (7)-M2&0 23 x
WANTED A girl for general housework
Mrs. R. B. Tubbs, 64S Willow avenue,
Council Blurrs, la. (7) M228 Z7x
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family. Mrs. M. a. Kennara, 1,1 uoug
las. (7)-Ml 22
WANTED Good lady cook, $40.00. Phoenix
Hotel, Sanborn, lows. (7) M984
WANTED A good oook. Mrs. J. S. Welt
xell. 1240 S. lOtk St. 'Phone Douglas 221.
WANTED Girl for general housework; i
in family, fnone itarney 2113. tool Dav
enport. (7) MSS6 a
WANTED Competent girl, 3 In family;
gooa piace, easy worg. zk r arnam at.
(7)-M208 28
Girl for general housework, good wagos,
Mrs. Robbina, 125 North 88th Ave.
(7) 9M-23x
WANTED A nurse girl. Apply to Mrs. F,
W. Lake, 2207 Dodge 8t. (7 204 22x
WANTED Girl for general housework. 8128
Chicago St. (7) 263 23
WAITRESSES wanted for Omaha Union
station restaurant, $30 per month and
board. Call at restaurant. Union station.
lenin ana Marcy. uj JK zix
WANTED Three waitresses; must be able
to do arm worn; jo per month, room and
board. Apply P. O. Box 1386. Butte,
Mont. (7) M997 30
LADIES and girls to work steady or part
time at home stamping transfers; $1.60 to
$2 doten. Room 6v6 Paxton blk.
(7J-M246 t
4 EXPERIENCED stenographers, 840 to $66.
3 expert bookkeepers, $66 and $80.
And numerous others.
721-8 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(7) M407
GIRLS WANTED to work by the week at
King-Graham Mfg. Co., 11th and Jack
son, Bemis Bag Bldg., second floor.
WANTED Lady to act as assistant In the
house furnishing depsrtment In a hard
ware store in eastern Bouth Dakota; ststs
experience and wages expected. Address
Y-36, care Omaha Bee. (7)-M.I $4X
WANTED To fill positions at once, t
cashiers, $:.
'Phone Doug. 4911. o4-6 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(7 364 21
Agents, Solicitors aad Salramea.
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; bvst selling proposition ever of
fered; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write todsy for particu
lars and territory. E. R. McClellan. 6)3
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (W 834
WANTED A good hustler In every town
to sell our p-rfeet wa'.tr filters, retail
ing from $1 60 to 300; 1a) per cu t prolit
to agents, exclusive territory. fienec
Filter Co., Seneca. Mo. (5)-M73 22x
WANTEI Man to hire and manage a crew
of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex
lrience in selUng to farmers; permanent
ni:iun; good Income. Address O 817,
te office. (91210
bOLlCITORS wanted; perrer those who
hsve had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and blj
Uibuey. Call a(. Room sot,, be Bldg.
Faetorr anal Trade,
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha.
(01 160
WANTED A rood newspaper
and adv.
M'-Conk. Neb.
(8j M4S rax
WANTETS-iMen to learn barber trade at
once; wonderful demand for harpers, top
wages now; few weeks completes; tools
given; can earn some money from start.
Send for particulars, Moler Barber Col
lege, 1116 Farnam St, (9 MJ3 27x
WANTED First-class shoemaker, good
wages and steady employment to good
workman. Address M Dietrich, Mason
City, la, (9J-M3S42SX
WANTED Three barbers; wages while
learning. Orr'i Barber Colleeo. Peoria,
III. . (a-M;W x
WANTED Carpenter for three or four
days. W. 11. Bridges, Engineer Bee Bldg.
, (9) M222 23 X
WANTED 1,000 customers for Jarvls"
1377 brandy. Call at any saloon.
(9) M459
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing
or bricklaying trades; psys $6 to $3 day;
position secured after three mon'hs' in
struction. Coyne School. St. Louis. My,
Fee catalogue. (9J M376
WANTED Good moulder and sash and
door man at once. P. H. Wind's planing
mill, Council Bluffs, la. Best wages to
the right man.
()-M201 2Rx
WANTED 4 moulders, 1 core makers;
union wages; open shop; wll'. sign con
tract for one year. Ens A Orr, 1739 Blake
St., Denver, Colo. (9) M917
to set up and operate No. 6; steady place
and easy work for right man; machine
here June 27. Address Enterprise, Sheri
dan, Wyo. (9)-M782 25x
TAILOR WANTED A young man, a
Scandinavian preferred; steady work and
best of wages. Address J A. Larson,
Sheldon, , la. (9) M778 22x
BI iseellaneon
WANTED School teachers anffl students to
travel during vacation months; work
pleasant and profitable. Address H 207,
Be office. (9)-M549
WANTED Energetic young man with lit
tle money to manage branch omce in east
ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right
man wanting permanent, paying buslnjus.
Address 604 Observatory Bldg., Dei
Moines, la. (9)-Ms61 Jy6x
STRIKE Stryker. Men's Shoes. 312 South
I6tn. Board ot Trade wiag. (w msw
WANTED An experienced soda dispenser.
w. a. ifaiaun, iiaj f arnam at. (nj-nuti
to 35, for firemen and brakemen on lead
ing railroads; experieno unnecessary.
Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become
engineers, earn, $200.00; brakeman earn
$75.00, become conductors, earn $160.00.
Call or write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Assn., 620 X,
Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. (9)-898 JyS
ANYONE out of work can make big money
selling our household specialties. C. F.
Adams Co.. 1619 Howard. (9) M761 Jy6x
WANTED Man wltl some experience In
traveling capable of earning high salary;
bond required. Address, with atamp and
references, S 617 care Be. (9) 947
IF YOU wish to study anything from
coaching In one branch to a complete
course In college work, notify The Mc
Cartney Institute, E. F. McCartney, 8ec,
1802 Farnam Bt. (9) 518
WANTED Three reliable men for work by
real estate company, incorporated in
Iowa and Nebraska; experience unneces
sary, but references and small cash de
posit required; exceptional opportunity
for right kind of men. Apply early, 816
Neville Blk., Omaha. (9) 928
IF YOU wish to study a business or pro
fession, notiry me McCartney institute,
hi. F. McCartney, Beo., 1802 Farnam St.
(9) 621
A CASETAKER wanted to represent our
sanitarium. Lock Box 277, Kansas City,
Kas.; reference given and expected.
(9 MOU 30x
TRUCKERS WANTED Burlington freight
depot, 8th and Howard; 17 cents per hour;
ateady work. (9) 161 21x
WA NTET Drug clerk In small town,
good salary. Address Chappell Drug Co.,
Chappell. Neb. (9) M242 27x
States navy. Self respecting young
Americans are needed to make the United
(states navy the beat for its slxe tn the
world. The laxy and trifling and weak need
not apply. We want the gun pointers of
steady nerves, who can make their shots
count, gun crews that can nre the sixty
ton gun three times per minute or the eight
ton gun ten or twelve times per minutit;
we want the machinists, foremen, electri
cians, blacksmiths, clerks, hospital appren
tices, cooks, bandsmen necessary to keep
our battle ships and their crews of 800 men
In the finest possible condition. The navy's
chief object is to prevent war, but If we
have war we wilt need our best men In
the fleet to match the men of other n
Hons. We must havu trained Americans
of abilty and stout hcHrts behind the gun
and at the throttle. Four to five months
at training stations. Modern ships and
tnathods of training. All recruits now
transferred to Norfolk, Va. Write or apply
to Navy Recruiting Stations, postofflcs
building, umana, Lincoln, Hastings, Sioux
City and News Arcade, Des Moln-s.
(9)-400 36
WANTED Baggage
at Union
MAN or strong boy on fruit farm. Tele
phone Florence 3623. ()-164 21 X
WANTED Two table waiters at once; $25
ner month, board and room. Bon Ton
Bakery and Restaurant. Box 163, Red
Cloud, Neb. (9)-M130 30x
MAN for general work and care of horses
Apply week days only after 6 p. m. r.02
So. 40th St. ()-M398
WANTED At once. Ave cement flnlsherr
capable of handling a crew. Address or
call on P. IT. conneuy, lit w. n ft..
Bloux Falls, B. D. () 387
WANTED Good man wanted for general
work on stock farm; steady work. Kent
Hereford Live Stock Co., Hazard. Neb.
19) M419 24 X
WANTED Chipping clerk; man with
creamery experience preferred. Alamlto
Dairy, 1812 Farnam. (9) M413 24
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $26 to $.10
made weekly distributing circulars, over
seeing out-door advertising: new plan:
no canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Ad
vertising CO.. Chicago. (9) M3.9 2.1x
MARRIED man for farm. A. Hosoe, 1513
Douglas. ($) 170
WANTED By wholesale house, man to
drive and sell goods from wagon to deal
ers; good place to right party; perma
nent. Call 13U8 Leavenworth St.
(9)-206 22x
EXPERT CREDIT MAN, retail store.
Stenographer, out, $u&.
Salesman, fJ. G. and clothing, $76.
Stenographer, $50.
Bookkeeper, fire Insurance, $75.
Also several salesmen and others, at once.
721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9) M406 22
Horses aad Vehicles.
THREE extra good young, sound, 1.200
pound single ws-on horses; also several
drivers. Rear ill N. lull). (11) M:o6
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
greatly reduced prices. Johnson cr Dan
loriu Co., S. W, cor. loth and Joru-s Sts.
(11) 161
ONE roan single wagon horst, weighing
l.lirO lbs., Il; one b'ack single wagon
horse, l.luO lbs., $'.0; one sorrel slns.1
wagon hjrse. 1,100 lbs., $70; one bay sin
gle wagtn horse, H-; one black stnsj
wagon , horse. 1,200 lbs., $a5; team wo'k
horses weighing 1 X) lbs., M6; one work
horse, 1,3W lbs.. $125; one work horse,
1.260 lbs., 05; also several good city broke
drivers. Csh or time; written guarantee
with every horse. Onaha Horse and Sup
ply Co.. rear 414 N- 16th. 'Phone D- fcwl.
FOR SALEv-Two horses, one double
wagon and covered, one single wagon ar.d
cover, two aets harness, d 'Ublo. one set
tiara, alAgU, Call at VU Jone Bt.
Horses and Vehicle
RITHBFR tired road wagon. W. Ai Stone,
203 Lincoln Ave. Council Bluffs.
(10) M 106
TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin
gle and doublo harness, runabouts, top
buggies and surrtes, for one or two
horses, good as new. Harney Street
Stable. ni)-64
FOR pony bugglea, runabouts, trspo, carts
and harness se Johnson-Danforth Co..
B. W. corner 10th and Jones Sta
FOR SALE Yearling Jack and Sphinx
mare, bred to Gregory the Great. Box
1377, L Mars, Iowa. (1D-M224 Jy6x
HARNESS, Saddles. Tninka, traveling
baga; some good bargains. Aiirea vor
Dish As Co., U10 Farnam St,
01) M5S7
ONE good bay horse, city broke, $90; one
brown oriving mare, ie; one cues m nui.
lib: one roan mare, $16. 2816 N. 16th Ave.
HORSES bought and aold; livery end
boarding specialty. jnyers isougias
Bt. Bt shies. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1114
Douglas St. Tel. D. 1032. (1D-730 Jy2
WE are not selling out at cost, but w are
selling driving wagons, ouggies. surries
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holnies-Adklns
Co., 714 8. 10th St Omaha. (U 673
ONE work horse, 1.360 lbs., $100; one work
horse, 1.200 lbs., s&.ou; one laay s anv
lng horse, very handsome and gentle,
$140. 8006 Maple St. (1D-M8&6 22
Buggy and harness. Inquire at Jackson's
Barn, 88tn nna f arnam.
Ponitrr ana Csar.
WHEAT, $1.65 hundred. Wagner. 61 N. 16th.
(11) M I OS
GOV'T book free.
Model Squab Co.,
(1D-M407 Jyl
8 PURE blood Rhode Island Red cocks,
$2.00 each, ir taken at once. Martin,
1802 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1803.
(11) M99 1
LARGEST egg farm, keep White Leghorns.
V - , .WAM.,nKKAa ,1 ...... ,K
balance of season. Lundstrom, 2'th and
Caldwell. (11-M790 22x
LARGEST egg farms keep White Leg
horns. Eggs rrom tnorougnnreds, ii.on
per 16 balance of season. Lundstrom, Mth
and Caldwell. (11) M790 22x
Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets.
FOR SALE A fine family cow. William
BtriDiing, r lorence, nev. iaae cemetery
car. (ID MS16 22
FOR PALE Large eagle, newly mounted,
In fine condition. Address mox at,
Granger, Wyo. (11) M769 22x
FOR SALE cheap, a good Holsteln milk
cow. inquire zzt N. istn Bt. uu a six
PEDIGREED Angora kittens, $5 and $10.
Will Crawford, Knoxvlllo, la.
qi)-M39l ESx
LOST A gold watch, hunting case, with
rob In Dundee; the owner s name is en
graved on Inner case; a liberal reward
will be given for recovery of watch. 4824
iHivenport Bt.; telephone No. Harney
8637. (12) M238 22x
LOST between Lake Manawa and Omaha,
Sunday evening, aiamona stud; return to
1218 Ctss St. $50 reward. (12) 134 21X
LOST On Wednesday a lady's poeketbook
with key. Return to 2603 Caldwell and
receive reward. (12V M371 23x
TWO red heifers, one white face, one
muley. Owner can have same by prov
ing property and paying charges, in
quire J. B. Griffin, 8806 So. 42d.
(12) M39J 84
FOR SALE Fox terrier pun. 871 N. J6th
St. (16) M980 8
LOST Gold filled watch. Ideal movement.
Return to 2119 Grace. Reward. C, C
Kehm. (12) 260 23 x
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray Nervs
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman St
McConneP. Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 166
MRS. . GARDELS, private confinement
home; babies cared for. 8724 N. thth SU
Tel. Web. 14u0. (13)-M922 Jy6x
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
or write to ihe matron of. the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th
St.. Omaha, Neb. (12)-M100
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and
Douglas, Omaha. (13) MO Jyl
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
80 years' practice in confinements. Omce,
614 N. 16th: residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha.
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167.
Calls answered day or night. (18) lit
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horse,
etc., In any amount; less than half ratas,
fierfect privacy; Immediate attention; any
erms wanted; payment suspended when
sick or out ot work. 214 Karbach Blk., 209
B. 16th St. . (14)-163
But Is not rosy with all of us. If you
are suffering with the heat In your last
winter s clothing and haven't got the price
to buy the "coolest In town," don't let that
worry you. Call on us and we will buy
them for you.
NO OTHER WAY Is as simple or cheap
as our way. You get the money the same
day you apply. You get it confidentially.
You get your payments spread out thin
over a whole year If you want it. You
get a largo rebate It you pay up before
that time.
(14) 179
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tapu. You get
money same day asked tor at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14J 160
CHATTEU salary and storage receipt
loans, f oiey i-oan CO., loot rarnam pi.
(14) 162
Vacation time Is here. If you need
money to see you through that good time
you have promised yourself this summer,
come to us. Our special low rates for va
cation money are still In effect; you can
get the money quickly, privately and con
fidentially on your salary, household goods,
planus, itp. Iiw rates; easy terms.
808 Taxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 1411.
(14) Mx80
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loan
Duff Green Loan Co.. room 8. Barker lslk.
(14) 166
and othe-s. without security; easy pay
ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714. New York Life Bldg.
(14) 161
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confldeutlsl. ISol
Doug'.aa. (ll-'64
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phons
Douglas 746. (14-166
Bum rd la and fiooaia.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; eaf
(16) 167
DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam.
06 )-!(
MOST oonvsnlent snd pleasant location; da
slrable rooms. Call before locating. The
Pratt, 3HJ-2.J Bo. 2Uh 844. Private -x-
Board In- and Rooms
ton tinned.
8309 FARNAM. rooms and board.
U6-673 Jyll
FA 3 HI ON ABLE summer home, flrt-clM
board and accommodations. Phono llur
ney 439. lngulre 318 Georgia Ave.
4, 1 6 A M633 32x
FIRST-CLAH8 board In private family; ali
modern conveniences. iM6t) Harney.
(16) M374 23x
EXCELLENT, cool, modern rooms. Board
daily or weekly If desired. Meals 15o.
107, 109 South 17th St.
(16)-M2 23x
Famished Ttoauis.
NICE newTy furnished rooms; walking dla. 4'
tance. 820 N. 23d St. (-614 'I
FOR RENT One large southeast rooiiL
electrlo light and all conveniences. 811
S. 26th St- Tel. Douglas 3t37.
(15) COO
NICE ROOMS Good place for young meq
or man and wife; also other rooms. LI
N. 19th. (15) 9Z3Jylx
SUITES, newly papered and furnished,
double rooms, with gas lights and stoves,
607 S. 13th. Tel. Douglas 6514.
(15)-7,1S 26x
NICELY furnished rooms, 632 8. 17fh Ave,
lei. Jjougias IMt. G M1S1 x
NICELY furnished rooms. 410 So. 94th St.
06)-M417 23
A PLEASANT south front room, for gv
uemen, at ejus uougiaa Bt,
(ir, Mr a
"ESS a speclsltyi nicely furnished.
for gentleman In new modern
room ior gentleman in new modern
house; walking dlstanoe: small family,
adults; rent reasonable. 815 No. V-xh s't.
'Phone Red 6163. (15) M240 23a
NEWLY furnished rooms. 1702 N. J4th Bt.
Tel. Webster !. OS) M853 23x
VERY satisfactory front room: modern
home life; close In; 'phone Doug. 4M"
(16) WM !3X
FURNISHED room, with alcove, hot a-xt
cold wster In room; suitable for two
gentlemen. 634 8. 28th Bt.
(16 MS78 8?x
LARGE south front room with alcove,
suitable for two; also other rooms. 2702
Farnam St. (15) M86 22x
1 LARGE front room, suitable for 2 or 4
young men, ail modern, also other rooms.
8403 St. Mary's ave. (15) Mssj 22x
1708 Cass,
pleasant furnished sleeping
(15)-MS,40 22x
THE wife of a traveling man, living In a
very desirable neighborhood, south part
of town; paveed street, one-half block
from car line; nice shade; has a nicely
furnished room for rent. Tel. Hnrney
2361. (16) 917 23 X
NICELY furnished rooms; private family;
price $15; board next door. 117 S. 26th Avo.
O5)-019 22x
128 SOUTH 25TH ST., alcove room for two
gentlemen, modern, fine locality.
(16) 9?0 24x
ROOMS with breakfast privileges, modern,
walking distance. 116 N. 5th. Gentlemen
preferred. (15) 620 Jyl3
2801 DOUGLAS ST., modern rooms; gen
tlemen. (16) M631 28x
Elegantly furnished rooms In new house.
Finest location In city. Fifteen minutes
walk from postofflce. 'Phone, Douglas
TWO nice cool rooms, also one single
room. 218 No. 19th. (16) M976 24x
LARGE front room for rent; modern. 1(13
Burt. Tel. Douglas 6717.
(16) M637 22x
NICE large front room In new modern
flat. 214 No. 26th St. (15)-M128 5x
f)AY BOARD, $2.60 per week; single meals,
15 cents. Also furnished rooms. 18 S.
14th St. (16)-702 21
PLEASANT rooms with board, 8016 Psclllo
St., Hanscom park cars pass door; 'phone
Harney 1139. (16) 017 25
FOR RENT Handsome suite of furnished
rooms; also single rooms; fine neighbor
hood; south and east exposure; 8 mocks
from postofflce; reasonable; referen-jo.
Address K 664 care Bee. (15) 930 24 x
PLEASANT, modern room, In convenient
location; reasonable. 647 South 24th Ave.
(15) 206 25
TWO large light housekeeping rooms, south
bay window and alcove. 6o6 S. lxt Ave.
(15) 212 22x
Furnished Ilooses.
FURNISHED 9-room house for the sum
mer, cool location, lawn, trees, all mod
ern, 1248 Park Wild Ave. Tel. Douglas
1H6. (16 M233 23
FOR RENT Cheap to right party, fur
nished Hat for summer. Reference. Ad
dress S 6t, Bee. (15) M396 23 X
108 S. 2Dth Ave., 7 rooms, strictly modern
house, almost new; nicely furnished, In
cluding piano. Will lease for about three
months, beginning about June 23. Good
references required.
GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St.'
(16)-26 23
Unfnrnished Rooms.
2 NICE rooms for light housekeeping. 2T06
Douglas St. (16)-699 22x
Housekeeping" Hoouis.
t EXCELLENT, modern, furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. "Phone In housu.
8074 Harney St. (15)-M!M6
ROOMS. 1130 North 17th St.
THREE furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 826 S. 20th St. (16)-M800 22x
FOR RENT Three-room, modern flat, 2912
Douglas, ground loor; rent reasonable.
Olobe Land and investment Co., 1822 Far
nam St. (15)-li0
8 FURNISHED and t unfurnished house,
keeping rooms. 9o9 S. 27th St.
(15) CIO 23x
Apartments and Flats.
FOR RENT 2 modern, T-room brick flats,
good location, 171:4 Charles and 1504 N. 17th
St $30 per month each; must give refer
ences. E. J. Sullivan. 1207 Hsn.
Houses and Cottages.
OMAHA Vsn A Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. H. goods; storehouse 11 JO-24 N.
mh. Office 16u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569.
8322 Harney, a choice house, In a choice
district. Beautiful hall, with seat; parlor
with ga log and mantel; Dutch uiiilng
room, finished In weathered oak; four
lame bedrooms on second floor; tine sani
tary bathroom, with tile floor, medlcino
en- I
Ith I
co- J
cabinet, linen ciosci, nnisni a in wnue en-
inml; maid b room on third floor wit
hot and cold water. Entire house deci
rated with choice patterns and finished
with the tinesl gus and electrlo fixtures.
Shades furnished for entire houne.
Floe, light, cemented basement, vegetable
room, laundry and servants' toll.-T 4 A
HmiH- faces south on paved street and Is CV
exactly as represented above. Call and (
let us take you out.
PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. .601 N. T. Llf.
(16) M377 23
6-ROOM house, modern except fumai., ' '
$at.6u. 830 S. 21st. Tel. Harney 27(6. '
2669 Dodge, 9-r.. strictly modern, first
class: walking distance; $46.
176! Livnworth, 6-r., all modern, ex
cept heat; close In; $26.
PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. ,601 N V. Life.
(16) M2T8 22
NEW s-room all modern home; combina
tion fixtures; sightly, located on car line
In gooa neighborhood, $36.
7-riKim uric nat, close in; modern exce
furnace; large yard: 1.
7-room, all modern; built for home; rort
end of city; $s2.t).
O'KEEFE, lOul N. Y. IJf. Doug
FLAT, full modern, six rooms beside bath
and private hall; newly done up; gas
range, etc.; rmir build. ng being put in
perfect order; hrt-t flats in north part of
city; walking distance; reference required.
Call, Investigate this: I
bUdla, faxton Block.
2 '
k. utuau. Kisn. VV-tu)