"Y 10 .ITTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1907. rl j; - Ci- Want - ads Advertisements for the waat-ed columns evlll be takes aatll IS m. fn the evening edition, aad amtll 0 p. m. for the aaoralaa- and Sander editions. Cash ranst wmtif all orders for want-ads and n ad'rertisement will be accepted for less thaa lO cents for the Brat Insertion. RitM apply- t elthee The Dally of Sunday Bee. Always (ant six words to a Una. Comblaalons of Initial or Bombers roant as one word. CASH RATES FO WAWT-ADS. itEOtLAR CLASSIFICATIONS One Insertion, per llae, lO eents. Two r mora consecutive Insertions, per line, B cents. Each Insertion made oa odd day, 10 eaala per llaa. 1JK P "" per montb. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION!' advertisement la lnrted ander any (in of lb clasalfleatlona below. I will be charged at tba following rateai One laaertloa. 4 cents per l'" thro to eta ooaeeewtlve laaertloaa, 8 oeata per Una each Inaertloai T" r mora eoaaecatlT taaertloas, 9 eeata per Una eaeb. Inaertlom SO cent per llae per month. BARTER AJtD EXCHAHGE. BCSISESS CHAKCF.S. HELP WASTED-rKMLE. HELP WAXTED-MALB. Except Aganta, Bolloltora and Salesmen. OFFERED FOR SALRl Cows, Blrda, Doara and Pet. Horaea and Vehicles. Poaltrr and EC. Furniture. Planoa, Organ aa4 Maalcal In. tramenta, Typewrltera and Sewing- Machlaes. OFFEltEp FOR RETfTl Fnralahed Rooma. Unfurnished Rooma. HooaekeeplnaT Rooms. Board Ins and Rooma. wasted to bct. wanted to re jit. situations wanted. cash rates for notices. Death and Fnneral Notices. Carda ol Thanks and Lodare Notices, 7 cents per line for one edltloa, morning? or evenlnsi 3 cents a Hue for each ad ditional edition. Bandar. 10 cea: iaa. No ad takea for laaa thaa Bo lenta. Want-ads fo- The Bee wir be left at any of the following; dra stores ana Is "roar corner drnaBlat" they are all branch ofllcea of The Bee and yonr ad will be Inaerted Juet aa promptly and on tbe anme ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee Building:, Seventeenth and Farnam streets! Albaoh, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranck, 3. A., 14o2 S. 10th Bt. Jlecht's Pharmacy, 720 S. ltith St. Benson's Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. hernia Park Pharmacy, 8Hd and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2S16 SluTman Ave. Caughlin, C. R., 6th and Pieree'Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Are. Conte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlaaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emll, 1264-8 S. lath Bt. Eastman pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khler, F. H., 2K02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldi. 813 N. 25th St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 2oth and Lake. Green' Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, G. A., 106 8. 10th St. Greenough. G. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, ?920 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Phar., 1501 S. 29th Ave. HolBt, John, 624 North 16th St. Hun. A. L 2924 Leavenworth St King, H. 6., 2238 Farnam St. Kountie Place pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Cliaa. E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. U., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drue Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Sohaefer Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and Chicago. -Schaefer, August. 2831 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, 16lh and Martha Sta.' Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. , Wlrth. O. H.. eHh and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FUNERAL, NOTICES rWnimii niujuai'L'.'s.m.aMM HANSEN Pett-r A., June 19, 1J7. aged 30 years l montiia is daya. Funeral Friday. June 21. 2 D. m.. from the residence, 3322 Blondo street. Inter ment Sprlngwell cemetery. Friends Invited - BWITZER-Royal V. of Antloch, Neb., aged 30 years, at St. Joseph b hosoltal Wednesday morning, June 19th, Lincoln papers please copy. Funeral notice later. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness and sympathy extended to us luring me Dunai or our dear son, husband nd brother, who died In Chicago,, and for mo many norai iriDutea. MR. AND MltS. JOHN STERN. ilKS. A. V. STERN, MK. JESSE 8. STERN AND WIFE. Miss Cora b. stern. We wish to thank the Modern Woodmen of America for the prompt payment of our cjalm in that order. Mrs. Otto Baraoli, 4 iuioiiw, ntsu. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following marriage licenses have been BBuea; isame and Kealdence. Age. vniiam YYiisou, bouth Omaha it ensaoetn King, Bouth Omaha U Julius D. Kendis, Omaha iaa peariman, Omaha it James Davidson, Papilllon 26 Eleanors B. Williams, Omaha. 21 ' BIRTHS AKO DEATHS. Births Anton Frlaka, 2224 South Sixteenth s trout, boy; William Vaaak, l-&4 South Thirteenth street, boy; U A. Uabel, 60w7 North Twenty-second street, girl; Brewster Crlbb, 2Ms North Eighteenth street, boy; J. Brannamann, im South Twenty-nr.it atrent, girl; Louis Kaamusaen, 314 Wool wort li avenue, girl; C. O. Brlce, Ull South Thirteenth street, girl; Paul Philips, ul North Twenty-fourth street, girl; Leonard Plehn, Benson, girl; J. O Detwoller, 3604 Dudge street, boy. Lvatbe William Olnale, 2020 North Nine teenth street, aged mouths; Mary H. Porter, Clarkson hospital, aged 73; Frank Charles, l; Ohio street, aged 1 year and months: May B. Ashler, 7i South Twenty-seventh street, aged 24 days; Jack Heff nur. 1 Ohio street, aged U montha; Mabel Dolaon, St. Bernard a hospital, aged ANNOUNCEMENTS BUMMER TEAK BOYLES COLLEGE NOW OPEN STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY BOOKKEEPING. 8HOKTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, KNO LIoH. ELOCUTION. Read Boyles Ad Next Sunday. Catalogue free. U. U. BOI'U.8, Prea Ouii ba. Nab. Milt Administrator's Sale Established contracting and building bust es of the late Sarn'l Dresner must be sold to clear up the aetata Building la equipped with all machinery for doing large nualneaa and much work la n tutnd. Equipment Includes 10 h. p. elec tric motor, saws, planer and all machinery fur conducting this kind of business. Build ing Is &oxt0 ft., 1 stories, and there la a -year lease. To anyone desiring to Btep Into a good tstablished bualness bare is a rare opyor unity. Easy terms to right party. A. V. DREBHER, Administrator, Ul Farnam St., Omaha. U M0 IT tHE CITY G ARB AO B CO, office 4th and Leaveuworth bis. Tel. Douglas 13s7. ' (1j 104. IF YOU wlah te atudy anything from coaching In one branch te a complete course In college work, notify The Mo Cartney Institute, 10. F. McCartney, bo.. Hut S a roam St. UIMH FAAttTlNa-aV U. Coie, UUS Douglas. AUTOMOBILES FOn, BALEr A Cameron Runabout auto- mcmiF; a pnrgm. uiom i,iaa ana in vestment Co., Farnam St. (D-107 FOR BALK OR TRADE Four-ryllndef touring car, good aa new. C. E. Wllkins, Dewey hotel. (2) X7 STANLEY steamer, apeody roadnter, model H-4 runabout, almost new. H- r Frederickaon. (2) 17& 22 1S06 BUICK. two-cylinder. 22 H. P. tour ing car, overhauled and painted. .. .IdiiO.OO 1E CAJDILAC, 10 H. P. touring car, fine shape $626.00 1. RAMBLER. M H. P., almost new. several extras Included ).ni) 19"6 KNOX touring ear, air cooled fWOOO 1H. OlJjS, with top, 20 H. P rm.J0 lr BKO, 16 H. P., used very tittle.. rsn .09 FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder, detachable tonneau $675 00 196 KURD, two-cylinder, detachable ton neau, 14 If. F SiWf.uu L06 BTF.VEN8-DURTEA, two-cylln.ler, and ooks like new. with too Iw RAMBLER K . detachable tonneau, Jut repainted and overhauled oW.00 Write for full description. H. E. FREDRICKBON. 16th and Cap. Ave. FOR SALE Electric automobile. S. D. Richmond, 118 Farnam St. (2 MR8 23 X SEND for our Hat of second-hand automo- blles. DERIGHT, 18U varnam. iub BARTER AND EXCHANGE 120 ACRF.8 5 miles from Bohell City, Ver non county, Mo.; 80 acres under cultiva tion; good building. Price, '-0 per acre; Incumbrance $2,0'i) Will exchange for teneral merchandise. Globe Land and avestment Co., UU Farnam St, Omaha. (3) 10 EXCHANGES If you have city property. stocks or g3oas, rarm lana or proimri ui any kind to exchange, write for our com. plete list. We have properties and lands In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is fre. Send for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1832 i ar nam St., Omaha, Nob. (3) 110 FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex player. What have youT Address h-.k. Beo. (3)-I08 GOOD stock of ren. mflse. In an Iowa town of 2,500. Will trade for clear cneap land. Globe Land and Invest. Co., 1822 Farnam. C3)-M4S3 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Finest brick and tile plant In the state of Iowa. Including: no acres of land adlolnlnK the city of Cherokee, la. Plant cost over $Hi.0tX. M ATTER-THADEN CO., . 27 U. S. Bank Bldg. Omaha, NeD. CU iu a EXCHANGE 3, 120-acre ranch, Neb., for farm or rentals. 9 sections Texas, for flats. sections Kansas, for hardware. r0 crp ii prnl stocks for land. $4.5 printing plant; must get out. The Swapper, Banna, ivan. ia mi . WILL SELL or trade my beautiful home In Braekettvllle, Texas, neaiin resort. Call 24ifi Erskine or Tel. Webster 297. (31-M193 23 COMPLETE equipment for steam laundry of $250 per week capacity, to exenange mr touring car, or value. What have youT Box 73S, Osawatomle. Kan. (3) M909 22x WrRITE Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee, la. Have farms and wild lands, etc., ror clear town property and merchandise. (3) M820 Jyl6x WANTED TO TRADE Nearly new two story modern 7-room house on car line for a 6 or tt-room cottage, ao dress C 640 Bee. . (8)-M 144-25X WANT TO EXCHANGE FOR MERCHAN DISE, 120 ACRES Atchison Co., Mo.; 110 acres In cultivation, 10 acres timber, rair nouse and barn, fenoed and cross, fenced. No better corn, wheat, alfalfa land In N. W. Mo. Price $76 per acre. Enc. $2,000. . J. R. ADKIN8, Foom 4, First National Bank Bldg., Counoll Bluffs. (3) M200 22X BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE The best paying bualness In N. E. Nebraska, tock of v groceries, queensvvare and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y 211, Bee. (4 M873 TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write u. u. uangeaiaa, 403 Bee Bldg. (4$ 117 WE INCORPORATE STOCK COMPANIES CHOICE LOCAL STOCK. MANUFACTURING INVESTMENTS. L'llE MERCANTILE INCOR PORATING COMPANY, 420-426 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 551 (4J MS17 Je2o Do You Wish to Make a Change? If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLObi; LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (14) M&43 Jyl2 TO BUY or sell any business or real estate quick write or see Hlldreth St Lowman, ' 610 Bee Bldg. (4) M5SU TOWNSEND REALTY CO., Modale. Ia. Bell and exchange farms, city property, merchandise and chattels. Try them. (4)-M977 Je27x NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.-Buys, sells or exchangee everything, land, city property, merchandise and automobllea. 53 Douglas block. (4) M766 JulyS SPLENDID business for sale or trade, con sisting of farm Implements, with general repair shop in connection; fine opportunity lor two men: eastern rteoraana; owner disabled. Address Y S3, care Bee. (4) M46S 21 x ENERGETIC partner wanted In live, paj lng real eatate bualness. Address Y & car Bee. (4) MW6 Jy2x DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V, Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (4) 115 WANT a second hand automobile: have some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee. (4 lis FOR SALE The best bakery and confec tionery business In Yankton; largest soda fountain in the city; Ice cream and small grocery stock In connection. Address Box 2uo, xanaton, a. v. (tyMSgi 23 FOR RENT-Btore building. 80x24. with basement under of same else; fine chance for furniture or dry goods store, In town of about 1.O0O population In eastern Ne braska. Addreas Y 39, care Bee. ) MC80 27 BUSINESS chanc.e; "Miners' Scrap Book," free to you six months, if you write us that you like Square Deal Mining. The C. E. Mitchell Co., Spokane, Wash. (4 M13 Jy6x WANTED Gentleman of means to assist a middle aged, rertned vivacious woman to place a business that spells fortune it brought before the public. G 661, care Bee. (4)-ei4 22x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS, CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M'C AGUE BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE 6T3. (4-63S RESTAURANT and 9-room lodging house, the best business place ever offered In a newspaper; $6A0 takes both places. Charles E. Anderson, 217 6th St., Brain erd, Minn. (4-iM647 21 x BV8INE6S CHANCE Hotel, lease and furniture for aale in thriving Junction point In Iowa, population 2.U00, doing over $1,000 a month business; only $2 hotel; thoroughly modern. Address J. H. Llghlbody, 3J6 Main St., La Crosse, Wla. (4K-M64S tlx FOR BALE A cigar and stationery bual ness, with living rooms, clearing $309 per month. Inquire of J. V. Lelthead, 1A06 Evans Ave.. Pueblo, Colo. (4 Mj 27x FOR SALE Rooming house, 14 rooms; good business place; cloae In. Address N S97. oare Bee. (4) M975 24x . 1 . A WELL established, good paying dry goods sod millinery business In small town, southeast Kansas) no competition; fine thing tor busliwss woman; owner must sell on account of health. Addresa box 64. Hallowell. Kan. (4) Mine 2sx GROCERY and meat bualness for sale, do ing a good business. Call and see 2j27 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa W. U Smith. (4 M283 23x WANTED Partner for good paying busi ness, must have $400 to louO. Apply Hoots lis, JaOdlacd total. ( Mllfi I3x Your "right" man BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) ROBERT C. DRVSEDOW A CO., STOCK BROKERS, 80 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (D-1U FOR BALE First class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $6 received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tires. Address T 129, Bee. (4-112 BT THE OWNER A fine 60-room .hotel, perfectly equipped; I built, own and have always run this hotel; cost $rS. 000; will sell for half on easy terms and without Interest; might lease; don't reply unless you have $0,010 cash. H. L. Rice, owner, Fremont hotel, Florence, Colo. (4 M970 24x FOR BALE Fixtures and location of a good paying, old established Jewelry and optical business, at a bargain. Healthiest city In Colorado. C. L. Van Wert. Colo rado Springs, Colo. (4) M510 20x FOR BALE Old established millinery business In Nebraska; Invoice about tl,&0; population LSOO. Address T. 44, cars Bee. (4) M131 26x BUYERS FURNISHED IN 48 HOURS Investment Dept. Western Ref. & Bond Ass n Inc.. Cults 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4)-U4 FOR BALE Rooming house. Bee Hlldreth Si Lowman, 10 Bee Bldg. (4) M681 WANTED To trade for stock of goods; Have a good farm. Address Y-246, Be. (4) 117 FOR SALE Modern woolen mill, well equipped, two sets of carda and eleven looms running full on casslmeres and flannels. Third floor fully equipped for making clothing. A snap for party with capital and experience. Address D. J. Hathaway, Sta. A., Topeka, Kas. (4) M180 29 HILDRETH LOWMAN can sell your business quick. We have buyers waiting for you with money. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) M636 ARE YOU looking for a business? See I W. Bunnell A Co. ahotit any of the.se: Grocery stocks, lunch rooms, general mer chandise, hardware stores. Implements, furniture stock, barber shop, bakery and confectionery, planing mill, livery and feedb arn, and other kinds of business chances. 822 N. Y. Life. Douglas 5H9. (4)-M80 2 FOR SALE Millinery stock In good town 01 s.ouu; goou country trade; old estao lished atore; reasons for selling, sickness. Address Lock Box 7S5, Madison, S. D. (4) 906 22x PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing gooa contract and retail trade; invoice about $1,600; a snap; good town of 6,000. Address Box t43, Sallda, Colo. (4) M744 Jy3x For quick sale result list your property with v.. anan, vol tl. x. Lite Bldg., umana. (4) M828 Jy4 DOCTOR wanted, at nce. Good location. Address Erlck Drug store, Erick, Okl. (4) 383 24x BUSINESS CHANCES Homes, lands, etc.. oougnt, sold or traded quickly. Pardee k Braum, the hustlers, 330 Neville Blk. (4) M644 Jyl2 WANTED A party to euy out flrst- class stock of furniture In the best town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wi- ner. Neb. (4) 11 A PROFITABLF, Investment Is offered by an old established and well known derrhatologlcal institute to establish a branch In Omahai a physician is pre ferred, but a man with good general business experience will be considered. Do not reply unless able to Invest money in the business. Address P (69, care Bee. (4)-lll 22x WANTED Partner In well established nd snlendld raving laundry business proposition, Address 8 630, care Bee. 4) 166 21x WHEN you write to advertisers, remember It takes but a few scratches of the pen to state that you saw the ad. In The Bee. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg. t 1st jy-17. Architects. C. L. ETAUB, 604 8. Eighteenth street (6)-M60s Jyltx Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY .Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (5)-124 JOHNSON cleans carpets, washes windows, tloors polished. Tel. Douglas 2399. (6-M994 Je28 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 150 Farnam St. Doug. S497 (5J-121 Contractors. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor. 1116 N. 24th St. 'Phone 105, South Omaha. 6j 676 Civil Engineers. M'EATHRON s JAMIESON, 808 N. Y. L. (5) 120 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (6) 122 Dresaaaaklaa;. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 5-128 M'DOWELL Dressmaking Schoo', 1623 Far. (6 i41W7 Jyl7 Dentlata. BAILEY MACH, td fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (6)-126 Electrolysis. MI88 ALLENDER, 422 N. Y. Life Bldg. (6 M526 iU Eacravlag. KOTERA & CO., 16u6 Jackaon. 'Doug. 2007. (0) 129 Florlats. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (6)-130 L. HENDERSON, 1419 Farn. Tel. D. im (6)-131 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3040. !6)-lX' Hotels. THE SCHLITZ. European, 16th & Harney. (6 li3 Halrdreastnar. HAIRDRESSING, 26c and S5c; shampoo, 60c; diy, 76c; egg. 76c; Marcel waving, 76c; Marcel touch. 60c; massage, 60c. tjcaip treatment spclal rates per month. F. ML Bchadell, 1522 Douglas. (6) Mib4 23 Incorporators. MER. Incorporating Co., 426 N. Y. L. (6)-134 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clovk. Jewelry repairing, 2-8 paxton Blk. Tel D. 4.67. (6-U6 stasia aad Laagaaaes. GUAN CAMBIANO, Instructor In Bpan Ish and Italian languages. Tel. Douglas Ull (I)-M354 Jylx Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 164. -lae Dr. Itowaar, ovar UmO Far. Tsl. Doug. 637a ta Ads JA may bo runong tha Epoo's Bubscribrs him unless you advertise in the Dee. BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Office Saaplle. FILING cabinets, films and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup piles of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 1322 Farnam St. Tel Doug. 6662. ) M57I Jyl4 Plantain- aad II eat lag. T, V. BALFT5, plumbing, gas and eleotrlo 'fixtures. 1607 HowanJ. Tel. Doug. 743. (B) MJ05 JullO LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. us r. urn bu Tel. uougias is n. (6 305 Je2 r m 0 1 0 C aTt P Wm C. B. TRUSSELL, 1U South 16th St. (6) 1ST French artistic photographs. 210 B. 14th St (8-iM3 Tailoring. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladies' and gent's new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called fot and de livered. 709 8. 27th St. TeL Red 6918. (&) 844 matin. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 5330. (6) 138 BEFORE placing your 190S calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad Ac Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave. (6-13 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job prlntlnt; no Job too large or small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Far nam St. Tel Douglas 6662. (6)-M424 Jyl ACORN Press, quality Ptg., 1213 Harney St. jo)m iyi 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, good stock, for 110; otner worn at same rates. Get estimates and see our samples -of work. Call at room 32 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. or 'phone Doug las 4603. (fi)-961 Jyl6 Safes, Shnttera, alto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doora and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. (5)-140 Shoe Repairing-. RAPID SHOE REPAIR work. 1618li Capitol Ave. CO., first-class Phone Red 994 (6) 244 Stare Storage. RTnWQSTORED Hughes, Stove Rep. fSXUVXjO works. Tel Doug 7106. to) 11 School Supplies. OMAHA School Supply Co. , 1621 Howard. (6) M988Jyl7 Violin Making;. ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and supplies, by C. L. Heskett. r. 647 Ramge Blk. vv ' (S)074 Jyl2 Wall Paper Cleaning;, WORK guaranteed, Call Douglas 6639. (6) 142 DON'T fat) to call on me At Douglas 876. (6 J3, CLAIB' V0YANTS MADAMA BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. Parlors US 8. Ittth.SU, Opp. Boston Store. tl6 U$ HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED Office girl, one with some knowledge of typewriting preferred; waes $5.00 per week to start with. Ad dress M 666. Bee. (7) 950 28x POSITIONS waiting for experienced sub stitute stenographers. Remington Type writer Co. (7) M992 20x Factory aad Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess pany, 2024 Farnam St. Shirt Com (7) 147 WANTED HAND IRONERS, AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY, 15U JACKSON 6T. (7)-M874 WANTED Machine girls. Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. City Steam (7) 148 WANTED Experienced laundry girls; good salary; no overtime. Truax Laundry, 706 No. 16th. (7) 168 21 Hoaeekeplag; and Domeatte. WANTED In July-, oo cook; two In family; permanent place and good wages. 102 S. SUh. Tel. Harney 1138. (7) M384 HOUSEKEEPER for farm bachelor; no objection to children. Canadian office. 16th and Dodge. (7) 149 WANTED Girl for general housework In family. Mrs. M. B. Kennard, 1718 Doug las. 17) M19 22 WANTED Good lady cook, $40.00. Phoenix Hotel. Sanborn, Iowa. (7) M984 WANTED A good cook. Mrs. J. 8. TVelt- aell, 1240 8. 10th St. 'Phone Douglas 221. (7)-565 WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 In fumlly. Phone Harney 2113. 41 Dav enport. X7) M8S6 22 WANTED Competent girl. 8 In family; good place, easy work. f arnam Bt. (7)-M203 28 Girl for gen.-ral housework, good wages, Mrs. Robblns. 125 North SSth Ave. (7) 9i8-!!3x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; have laundress. Tel. Harney 1516; 34fi2 Lincoln boulevard. (7) 109 20 WANTED An experienced cook; no laun dry work and no second work, only cook ing; make apiolntment by 'phone, Harney 77i. Mrs. A. D. Brandels. 8&th and Dewey Ave. (7 117 20 Mince llaaeuas. WANTKD-Three waitresses; must be able j lii IIO SI 111 wuiit, Iti muiitii, iwiiii niikJ board. .pixy P. O. Box 13X6, Butte, Mont. t7 Ml; 30 WE need several first class stenographers and bookkeepers; also have a number of minor clrrtcal positions to nil at once. Call or write. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASd'N. INC. 721-22 N. Y. L. Bldg (7) M191 X WANTED Experienced .ply Hair Dvpt.. J. I hairdresser. Ap Drandi'ls A Sons. (7) M167 21 LATMES and girls to work steady or part time at home stamping tranxfers; $1.50 to $2.00 doxen. Koom 506 Paxton block. (7 M990 20x GIRLS WANTED to work by the week at King-Graham Mfg. Co., 11th nd Jack son, Bemls Bag Bldg., second lloor. (7)9i WANTED-Lady to act as assistant In tha house furnishing department in a hard ware stori in eastern South Dakota; state experience and wages expected. Addreas f -lS, care Omaha Bee. (7 Mu57 Us GIRL for wrapping bundles, 16 or IT year of age. Nebraska Clothing Co. 7-88 It WANTED AT ONCE. Stenographer $66. 1 Hilling Machine Operator 460. 1 Stenographer $50. CO-OPKRAT1VH REFERENCE CO., 404-6 New York Life bldg. 'Pbona Lougla 4KU. tTr-171 1 - - thn you can't reach Isn't It worth trying? HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Solicitors and Sateamen. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; beat selling proposition ever of fered; Dig value tor your customer, Dig f'rofit for you. Write today for partlcu ars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 6o3 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 834 WANTED-A good hustler In every town to sen our prreci water niters, retail ing from $1.60 to $8.00; ino per cent profit to agents, exclusive territory. Peneia Filter Co., Seneca, Mo. (9)-MfTC 2ix WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perience In selling to farmers; permanent position ; good Income. Address O 347, Bee office. (9) 810 AGENTS wanted with rigs to sell our medicines, extracts, etc, to farmers. Royal Manufacturing Co., 417 E. Hth St., Kansas City, Mo. 19) M436 J21x SOLICITORS wanted; perrer those who have had experience selllnr views, por traits or books; pleasant work end big money. Call at Room 60S, Bee Bldg. (9)-338 WANTED A first class man who can give bond, to take full charge of wagon route In a good city. Grand Union Tea Co., 113 8. With St. (9) 115 20x WANTED Experienced hat salesman. Ap ply Mai Dept., liayden Bros. (9) 167 21 WANTED Man to work on salary and commission; experience unnecessary; no snap hunters or "has beens" need apply. Call 303 Neville Blk. O) 178 19 Clerical and Office. BIO SALE two-piece suits to order, $28. McCarthy-Wilson' Tailoring Co., 804 S. ism BL (g) M445 J e21 Doya. WANTED Strong delivery boy with wheel permanent jod; also one experienced wrapper for Saturday only. Herg Swanson Co. (9) M126 20 Factory and Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. ( 1150 WANTED A good newspaper and adv. compositor, ine iriDune, Mccook, Neb. (9j M948 23x WANTED 1,000 customer for Jarvls' 1877 brandy. Call at any saloon. (9 M469 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trades; paya $6 to $8 day; position secured after three months' In struction. Coyne School. St. Louis, Ma. Free catalogue. (9) M376 WANTED Good moulder and sash and door man at onoe, P. H. Wind's planing mill. Council Bluffs, Ia. Best wages to the right man. (9)-M201 2Sx WANTED 4 moulders, I core makers) union wage; open shop; wll' sign con tract for one year. Ens & Orr, 1739 Blake St., Denver, Colo. (9) M917 FIRST-CLASS ornamental Iron worker one who understands all branches; flrst claas carriage wood worker, one whs can go right ahead with new work; steady position to right parties. J. p. Fowler Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. (9) M94 GET OUT OF THE WET. Jobs won't be so easy to get next year. We can use 600 machinists. Highest wages; steady employment guar anteed. Transportation advanced to machinist Having first class references. We positively make no charge In any way, manner, shape or form For securing Jobs for machinist. Address with references: The National Metal Trade Association, Cincinnati. Ohio. (9K-M221 20x WANTED 2 good plumbers. Leavenworth, Kan. Tholen Bros., ffl M198 21 WE WANT 60 men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; little expense; posi tions for all when through; tools given; wages Saturdays; diplomas grantod; a splendid chance. Particulars mailed free. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9) Mi8 20x BARBER wanted; first-class man; $14 and half over $22; union hours; over money every week. Write or wire W. W. Latta. Brainerd, Minn. (9) M649 21 x LINOTYPE MACHINIST One competent to set up and operate No. 5; steady place and easywork for right man; machine here June 27. Addreas Enterprise, Sheri dan, Wyo. (9) M782 20x TAILOR WANTED A young man, a Scandinavian preferred: steady work and best of wages. Address J A. Larson, Sheldon, Ia. (9)-M778 22x Miscellaneous . Wr ANTED 8rhool teachers and students to travel during vacation months; work p easant and profitably. Address H 207, Bee office. (9) M549 WE have positions at all times for com petent bookkeepers, stenographers, sales men, and othera. Call or write for com plete list. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND AflS'N. INC. 721-22 N. Y. L. Bldg. (9) M192 20 WANTED Energetic young man with lit tle money to manage branch office In east ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying business. Address 604 Observatory IiMff , Des Molues, Ia. (9)-Msfil Jy5x STRIKE Btryker. Men's Shoes. 312 South 16th. Board of Trade Bldg. (9) MSh8 WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN. aged 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100oo per month,-become engineers, earn, $2n0.00; brakeman earn $75.00, become conductors, earn $150.00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 620 X, Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. (9)-898 Jy5 ANYONE but of work can make big money selling our household specialties. C. F. Adam Co.. 1619 Howard. l9 M751 Jyx WANTED Man wltl some experience In traveling capable of earning high salary; bond required. Addreas, with stamp and references, 6 517 care Bee. (9) 947 IF YOU wish to study anything from coaching in one branch to a complete course In college work, notify The Mc Cartney Institute, B. F. McCartney, Si-c, 1802 Farnam St. 9 is WANTED One good dairy hand; must be good milker, strictly sober, able and will ing to work; good wages and hoard and steady Job. Croom & Hodges, Whniton, Tej it) MW8 2"x WANTED Three reliable men for work by real estate company. Incorporated In Iowa and Nebranka; experience unneces. sary, but references and small cash de posit required; exceptional opportunity for right kind of men. Apply early, 816 Neville Blk.. Omaha. t) 928 WANTED-An experienced chauffeur or automobile driver, fwr steamer car. In quire A. D. Brandels, Brandels' store. It)-U6 20 IF YOU wish to study a business or pro fession, notify The McCartney Institute. K. F. McCartney, Sec,, Uui Farnam St. ' 19-521 A MAN of ability, capable of earning big money selling stock for a nrsl-class busi ness enterprise. Address In own hand writing, with references, F. W. Biowu, Wheeling. W. Va. (9)-M669 21x A YOUNG MAN for confectionery stand; must understand running of soda foun tain and make Ice cream. Apply to E G. Storaasll, Northwood, la. tl M64 IKix A CABETAKER wanted to represent our sanitarium. Lock Box 277, Kansas City, Kas.; reference given and expected. (9 M641 30x WANTED Two table waiters at once; tX per month, board and room. Bon Ten Bakery and Iteslauxaut. Box' n. Red Cloud, Nob. t all Ua HELP WANTED MALE MlMC Fd. MEN WANTED FOR TUB UNITED States navy. Self respecting young Americans are needed to make the United States navy the beHt for Its slse In tha world. The lasy and trifling and weak need not apply. We want the gun pointers of steady nerves, who can make their shots coant, gun crems that ran Are the sixty ton gun three times per minute or the eight ton gun ten or twelve times per rnlnuts; we want the machinists, foremen, electri cians, blacksmiths, clerks, hospital appren tices, cooks, bandsmen necemnry to keep our battle ships and their crews of 800 men In the finest possible condition. The navv's chief oh.lect Is to prevent war, but If we have war we will need eur heat men In the fleet to match the men of other na tions. We must have trained Americans of abllty and stout htiirts behind the gun and at the throttle. Four to five months at training stations. Modern ships and methods of training. All recruits now transferred to Norfolk, Va. Write or apply to Navy Recruiting Stations, postoftice building, Omahft, Lincoln, Hastings, Bloux City and News Arcirde, Des Moines. , (9)-4on so WANTED Yard watchman. 801 Farnam. (9) M101 M TWO farm hands. $2S per month, year round. 150S N. 26th, South Omaha. (91-696 21 WANTED Baggage truckmen at Union tatlon. (91-174 MAN or strong boy on fruit farm. Tele phone Florence 3523. (9) 164 21x TRUCKERS WANTED Burlington, freight depot, 8th and Howard; 17 cents per hour; steady work. (91161 21x MARRIED man for farm. A. Hospe, 1K13 Douglas. (9) 170 WANTED First-class porter for saloon and lunch; wanted, first-class bartender for saloon. 723 80. 9th St. (91169 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. THREE extra good young, sound, 1,200 pound single wagon horses; also several drivers. Hear 414 N. 16th. (11) M706 RUNAliOUTS, carriages and harness at greatly teduced prices. Johnson & Dan loi'tli Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts. (11-161 ONE roan single wagon horse weighing 1,150 lbs., $12o; one black single wagon horse, l.lCu lbs., I'M; one sorrel single wagon lorse, 1,100 lbs., $70; one bay sin gle wagon horse, $45; one black slnglo wagon horse, 1.200 lbs., $s6; team wo-k horses weighing 3,200 lbs., $290; one work horse, 1,3M lbs., $125; one work horse, 1,20 lbs., 'Jo; also several good city broke drivers. Cash or time; written g"arantee with every horse. O.-naha Horse and Sup ply Co., rear 411 N. 16th. 'Phone D. 6118L (11) M306 VERY light surrey, good cushion tires, used very little, newly painted; a bar gain. See It at A. J. Simpson A Son Co., 1407 Dodge St. (1) M187 21 X GOOD team, harness and wagon for sale. 922 No. 19th, (11) M127 21x RUBBER tired road wagon. W. A. Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave. Council Bluffs. (10) M10S TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin gle and double harness, runabouts, top buggies and surrles. for one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street Stable. (1D-154 FOR pony buggies, runabout, trap, cart and harness see Johnson-Danforth Co., S. W. corner 10th and Jones Sta (1D-301 HARNESS, Baddies, Trunks, traveling bags; some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish 4 Co., 1210 Farnam Bt. (1D-M537 ONE goad bay horse, city broke, $90; on brown driving mare, $76; one cheap horse, $36; one roan mare, $46. 2816 N. 16th Ave. (11) M707 HOR8E3 bought and sold; livery and boardmg a specialty. Myers" Douglas St. Stables. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1114 Douglas St. Tel. D. 1032. (U 730 Jyl WE are not selling out at cost, but we are aelllng driving wagons, buggies, surrles and stanhope cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adkln Co., 714 8. 10th St., Omaha. (11) 673 I MILK cowa and horse for sale. 2721 R St., South Omaha. (1D-M643 21 ONE work horse, 1,350 lbs., $100; one work horse, 1.200 lbs., $.H5.00; one lady's driv ing horse, very handsome and gentle, $140. 2006 Maple St. (1D-M856 22 FINE FAMILY HORSE. Buggy and harness. Inquire at Jackson' Barn, 28th and Farnam. (1D-465-23 Poaltrr ana ((. WHEA.T, $1.66 hundred. Wagner, Ot N. 16th. (1D-M768 GOV'T book free. Omaha. Model Squab Co., (1D-M407 Jyl $ PURE blood Rhode Island Red cocks, $2.00 each. If taken at once. Martin, 2802 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney lb03. (11) M99I LARGEST egg farm, keep White Leghorns. Eggs from thoroughbreds, $1 per 16, balance of season. Lundstrom, 2'-lh and Caldwell. (1D-M790 22x LARGEST egg farms keep White Leg horns. Eggs from thoroughbreds, $1.00 per 16 balance of season. Lundstrom, 26th and Caldwell. (ID M790 22x Cows, Birds, Doirs and Peta. FOR SALE A fine family cow. William Strlbllng, Florence, Neb. Take cemetery car. (ID M616 22 FOR SALE Large eagle, newly mounted, in fine condition. Address Box 24, Granger. Wyo. (ID M769 22x LOST AND FOUND LOST between Lake Manawa and Omaha, Sunday evening, diamond stud; return to 1218 Ctss St. too reward. (12) 134 21 x LOST Purse, containing money, keys and Jewelry on Bellevue boulevard, Sunday evening. Return to Bee office, South Omaha. Reward. (12) 110 20x LOST Lady's sun burst brooch, pearla, with small diamond center, liberal re ward. M. B. Kendis. 416 North 23d. (12)-M 146-21 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Khcrnisn & McConneU Drug Co., Omaha. (13) lit MRS. GARDEL8. private confinement home; babies cared for. 3724 N. 2Mh St. Tel. Web. 11M. U3 M922 Jy6x ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to iho matron of the rlalvatlon Army Home for Women at 324 N. :Ui St.. Omaha, Neb. (12-.VUn0 RUPTURE CUREU-Ko knife, no reten tion from buslnoss. yUIClv CURE RUP TURE CO.. over S. W. Cor. nth and Doulus, Omaha. (13) M425 Jyl DR. PRIES, specialist, dlHenses of women. 30 years' practice In confinements. Otflco, 514 N 16th; residence. 2421 Charles, Omaha. (13)-157 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport fc'ts. ; special attention-paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised hy college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. . Calls answered ny or nit;!it (13i 1:9 MONEY TO LOAN SALAHY AND I'll A fTEIJ, DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, ptanoa, boraee, etc.. In any amount; leaa than half rates, perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., Art B. 15th St. (14 163 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red t."po. You get money same day aaked for at small coat. Open evenings till 7. (14J 140 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. IJjI Douglas. (14-i4 CHATTEL, sslary and storage receipt Wan. Fuley JUaa Co., 15vt Farnam bt. (WHO MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels tontlnaed. JUNE 18 THE MONTH OF ROPES. f But la not rosy with all of us If yotl " are suffering with the heat In your last winter s clothing and haven t got lh pi ice to buy the "coolest In town." don't let that worry you. ( all on ua and we will buy them for you. NO OTHER WAY I a almple or cheap as our way. You get the money the same day you apply. You got It confidentially. You get your payments spread out thin over a whole year If you want It. You fet a large rebate If you pay up before hat time. WE ARE YOUR BANK FJKS. WE ARE RELIABLE. WE ARE HERE FIFTEEN YEARS. W E HAVE- NO STAIRS TO I'UMli WE ARE ON THE FJUMT FLOOR, OMAHA MOHTUAUK LOAN CO., lit BOARD OF TRADE BLIX1. ft (141-179 A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time is here. If you need money to see you through that good time you have promised ycVrself this mmnwr. oome to us. Our special low rates for va- I cation money are still In effeot; you ran get. tne money quicKiy, pnvaieij- ana con- , flilenttally on your salary, household goods, pianos, etc. Low rates; easv terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 808 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. Ull. 04) MS80 MONEY LOANED 8ALARIED PEOPLS and others, without security; ensy pay ments. Oftlces In 63 principal cities. Tor man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-161 FOR A 8QUARR DEAL GO TO THS PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglaa 745. (14) It FURNITURE, live stock, salary loan. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Hlk, (14l(i6 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooma; cafe, Uo) 167 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnaiu. (161168 MOST convenient and pleasant location; de sirable rooms. Call before locating. The Pratt. 202-212 So. 25th SU Private change Douglas 813S. 115) MM 2209 FARNAM, rooma and board. (15) 673 Jyl2 FIRST class board In private family. 240t Harney. (16) 610 2Ux FASHIONABLE summer home, nrst-cliu, board and accommodations. 'Phone Har ney 439. Inquire 718 Ueorglu Ave. (16) M633 22x Famished rtooms. NICE newly furnished room; walxlng dis tance. 220 N. 23d St. (15) 614 A PLEASANT south front room for gen tlemen at 2208 Djugla St. (16) M692 lOx DESIRABLE room, first-class location, walking distance. 218 S. 26th St. (16) M591 20x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 622 S. 20lh. (16) M690 20x NICE large front room with board for 1 young men In private family. Address F 634 Bee. (16) M593 20x FOR RENT One large southeast room. electric light and all conveniences. 21 B. 25th St. Tel. Douglaa 8b37. (16)-6O0 CLOSE in, nice rooms; $2 upward. 1811 Dodge street. (16) M689 20x NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or man and wife; also other rooms. 211 N. 19th. (15) 822 Jylx SUITES, newly papered and furnished, double rooms, with gas lights and stoves. 607 8. 13th. Tel. Douglas 514. (m-TO Mx NICELY furnished rooms, 632 8. 17th A Tel. uougiaa M. (!&) MJM NEWLY furnished room. 1701 N. 24th Tel. Webster 2f9. (15) M862 23x FURNISHED room, with alcove, hot and cold water In room; suitable for two gentlemen. 684 B. 28th St. (15) MS70 22x LARGE south front room with alcove. suitable for two; also other rooms. 2702 Farnam St. (15) M826 22X 1 LARGE front room, suitable for 2 or 4 young men, all modern, also other rooma 402 St. Mary's ave. (15) M885 22x 1708 Cass, pleasant furnished sleeping room. (15) MSW 22x THE wife of a traveling man, living In a very desirable neighborhood, south nrt of town; paveed street, one-half block from car line; nice shade; has a nicely furnished room for rent. Tel. Harney 2361. (15)-917 23x NICELY furnished rooms; private family; price $16; board next door. 117 S. 25th Ave. (U)-919 22x 128 SOUTH 26TH ST., alcove room for tw gentlemen, modern, fine locality. (16) 920 24x FURNISHED room, modern. 701 S. 16th St., Flat C. (16)-667 19x NICELY furnished rooms; modern; gentle men preferred. 1917 Cass. Douglas U't. (16)-13 2ox DESIRABLE rooms, newly papered, reno vated throughout; modern homelike; close In; reasonable rates; particulars Tel. Red 1909. (16) 612 20x ROOMS with breakfast privileges, modern, walking distance. 116 N. lth. Gentlemen preferred. (15)-4B0 Jyl8 2301 DOUGLAS ST., modern rooms; gen tlemen. (16) M631 28 2308 CAPITOL AVE., large, cool, east room, quiet, shady street. (16) M046 21 x Elegantly furnished room In new house. Finest location In city. Fifteen minute walk from postofflce. 'Phone, Douglaa 6582. - (16)-M102-24 TWO nice cool rooms, also one single room. 218 No. 19t h. (15)-MH7 24j FURNISHED room In modern home to one or two pentlemcn; references ex changed. 2113 Grand Ave. Cl u B (15)-M650 21x BEAUTIFULLY furnished south room, prlvute family, one-half block of Hans com park, block from car. 'Phone Har ney 1348. (15)-M670 21 LARGE front room for rent; modern, lilt Burt. Tel. Douglas 6717. (15) M637 22X NICE large front room In new modert flat. 214 no. am Bt. (15)-MI28 25 X DAY HOARD. $2.50 per week; single meals, 15 cents. Also furnished rooms. 1" 8. 14th St. (16)-702 21 PLEASANT rooms with board, 8016 Paclrlo ht . II unworn park oars pas door: 'phn i no I n I Harney 1139. (16)-B17 25 FOR RENT Handsome suite of furnished rooms; bIko single rooms; fine neighbor hood; south snd east exposure; 8 block fri.in poetolflee; reasonable; reference. Address K 6G4 car Be. (l&)-30 24x Famished Houses.' 103 8. 26th Ave., T rooms, strictly modern house, almost new, nicely furnished. In cluding piano. Will lease for about three ' montbs to good party. George A Co., 1601 Fan. nm street. (16) M161 2u FOR RENT Pleasant furnished home for the summer. 82&.00. 2444 Templeton Bt. (li-163 20 Famished Flats. FOR RENT Furnished six-room up-to-date fats; references. 664 South 26th Avenue. 'Phone Harney 624. (6) 168 Untarnished itooms. THREE or four large unfurnished room modern. 614 N. 22d St. (15 M676 21 2 NICE rooms for light housekeeping. 2M4 Douglas St. (16) 22x Iloaseheeplna; Itoeasa. THREW room for housekeeping. 1618 N. 26th St. . (16 M5S2 20 8 EXCELLENT, modern, furnished room for llsht housekeeping, 'tintat In bouse. . 7t Uaxn bt, yij Aask e r