I I i T t 12 r'- A A j - i THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1907.' n ncctorn f nn nniv I nrrcnrn rn nrnr 1 j !5TT,"","T???TT?!??!S!5lisr,,? i .. lb wrrtnLu run nc.ni I I ur renew run ncri i ..rtwlw-wini. ,i i'wirB!TaiuiiMi'MMj.ui.ji.juiJuuiMi..iiii.i.iiiMiliii..l - . . I I a ' i i ii i wmmmmm wawiMMMWMMi Infaralshe Be I'cfatlaaeel T S large, first-claas front rooms: walk .g distance, two blocks from Park Av. cr line; ail conveniences; private family; fefereneee. 'phon Harney-3m (16)-M7 Ux t NICE room for light housekeeping. 2V Douglas Bt. U6)-W 22x ll Kooaa. THREF1 room for housekeeping. N. U UJ)-MW2 20x ROOMS. 1129 North 17th St,' (16-442 S EXCErjLFNT. modern, furnished rooms fir light housekeeping. 'Phone In house. sT'74 Harney BL (16)-M4 THRFB large housekeeping roomn. near car line. 342 Hamilton. (ISl-MSM ll'x THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 826 6. 20th Bt. (16 MsfiO fcx FIVE unfurnished rooms; references. V&t Douglas. 1) Mn2S lax It RENT Three-room, modern flat, 2913 'isiaa, ground Poor; rent reasonable. ' ie Land and Investment Co.. 1822 Far- .A et. ' ru)-i:o Itoasra anal Cottages. OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move, tor M. H. goods, aiorahouas UJ0-24 N. ttth. OfTlce luu Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1C6. (U-171 621 PARK AVE., cne of the best homos near the 1 1 aru.com park district, 9 rooms, thoroughly modern; large yard, will lease on reasonable terms to good party. OEOROK A CO., 101 Farnam St. (16) MJi)l 20 FOR RENT Seven room eottoge, all on one Moor, strictly first-claws; ttno porce lain bath, nickel plumbing. varnished floors; on ear line; can rent only to family without children. Win. K. Pjt ter, 101 Brown Block. (16) M6 HOUSES ln Pf f the city. Th (16-176 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (16)-173 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas K26. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., mi-IMS Farnam. ' (16)-174 FOR RENT Modern cottage, 6 rooms; good location, $26.00. The O. F. Davis Company, tut Bea Bldg. (15) M9T7 22 HOUSES ,n " PrU ot thTTity. r, UWUOU3c Peters A Co., Bee Blda, (161172 EIGHT-ROOM modern cottage, walking distance. 221 Bun. (15) MS53 lax -e FLAT, full modern, six rooms beside bath and private hall: newly done up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; beet Tats In north part of city; walking distance; reference required. Call. Investigate this; $. BEMIS, Paxton Block. U5 M664 JIOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight ratea. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel Doug U a. Ui)-Mt2 FOR RENT Large store room, 16th and Vinton St. C. At. Bachmann, 437 1'axton block. (15 360 -ROOM, high-grade dwelling to leas one or two years; possessston June 1. W. JL. SkiLBY, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1510. J UJ M368 THE UNION Outntting company, 1316-17 Famam St., will furnish 3 rooms com plete for t9.60, terms 64 monthly. See us before buying. , U5 M53W22 A FINELY .furnished, strictly modern -room cottage for rent, 662 8. 27th 8t. Tel . Webster 7u4. (16)-M4Ji2 6-ROOM house, modern except furnace. 632.60, 830 . 81st. Tel. Harney 270.".. t O6)-M60B WE MOVE PIANOS Maaaard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas liai. Oltlce, 1716 Webster St. , (1G) ITi FOR RENT 7-room house, modern, with fjirnac. 211 N. 2eUi Av.. $26. Apply at tkMftiMUx St. ?-(14j M62 . FOR RENT -room, all modern house, ;C5. 4227 Harnay St. Inquire u7 8. 17th St. . (16) 671 '2816 LEAVENWORTH ST. All modern except furnace, 625.00, O'Keaf Real ttate Co., 1001 N. Y. L. Bldg. 06)-46 17 S860 RUQOLES BT., brand new 6-room cot tage, all modern, 621. J. W. RASP CO., Doug! a U63. , 436 Paxton Bile (1)-61 1M N. 13D ST. 6-room strictly modern, brand new, 135. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,-luol N. Y. Life 'Bldg. (16)-M7 FOR RENT 6-room house, modern, good . repair. 611 'Phone Douglas 622. 06)- 8 FOR RENT Modem house, I room and bath, good location, walking . distance. Whol house, 832.60 per month, or oould hav all except three back rooms upstairs 130 P" 16 Dewey Are. JHigerald-Dermody Co., 836 N. T. Llf . (15) 37 17 fOR RENT 16 Worthlngton Plac, beau tiful 10-room house, modern, large yard. 160 p.er n1,0."-. APp1' to Conrad Young, agent. 1618 Dodge fit, , (16) 7oO FOH RENT-M6 N. rth Ave., T rooms. mooera, 2I.6o per month. Renson A . My, 18 New york Llf Bldg 1 ' (14)-48 IT r?,R w:tT-Cottag on Okobojl lake, Omaha .leach. Inqulr E. S. Clarke. Gretna, Heb. 06) 706 17x $20 00 An 'I-room strictly modern house, 4237 Burx!et' Bt. Is th number; recently been verbauAod and shingled; key I it the TIT08 ?'. V C' ,,eU Co i 20 B. 17th (Be B.c'g.) (i5)-M867 22 Bli V'TTXr room.' Bw. trlctly mod ..Wl O Keef Real Kstst c'o , Iwn ' Llf Bldg (16 M82 16 NEW, STRICTLY MODERN hmi of I rooms, on car line, near Bemla Park, 636. OKeef. Real Batata Co.. via H. T. Uf Bldg. (16)-M28 18 l-R. NEW HOl'BBL 1616 N. 13d Bt., strictly modern, never oc cupled. O Keef Real Estate Co., 1001 N. T Uf Bldg. . U)-M27 Biltar. To.5 r?V,- building formerly occupied by th Dally News, 44x30 feet. I storle and basement. McCague Investment Co.. Ifrj PKi' St- (16) 171 UM,iF.T.",TTf fl?or n1 ment. 83xl feet; suitable for wholesale. Mo Cagu Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St r. (16) j7 FOR RENT-Hotel. rooms, brick buiH Ing. will sell furniture; always full; good town. c. A. Voorhee. Edgar, Neb. (lt) M974 24 FOR RENT Second fioor. 83x100, suitable for kHipe rooms or manufacturing pur poses Palace Clothing Co., 14th and touK'"- 06)-M635 Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent Th four-story and basement brick build ing t 616 Famam St. Apply at Business oAc of Th Be (16)-MJS0 FOR. KlE:N.TLr';. floor n1 basemsnt . suitable for sample room, manufacturing or storage. lu6-li Faruam St. ' OS) M 870 Omees. FOR RENT Desk room In He office, city hall building. 417 N. 25ih St . Bouth Omaha- Apply to manager. (15) 134 DESK room on first floor gt 1211 p -nanv a woi ID FLOOR well lighted; elegant for offlo Vifc 1211 rvue , v (15 oil lorae 4 Orneee l.'oatlaaed. OFFICES Foi Rent in The Bee Building Ropm 64", site HUjxH. Rooms -M and 2i. This Is fine suite of ornoes. Here Is an opportunity to rent 1-aoe in a well appointed office building. Janitor service and electric lights fre. Apply Business Office of Be. (lb M727 FOR RENT Large ofllce room on lt.th, op J"is1te postnfflce; No. 1 Crounse Blk.. 612 per month. Apply to Conrad Young, agent. 1516 Dodge. (15) M41K Stores. FOR RENT The best loqated corner store In Omaha. Farnam and 16th 8ts., Board of Trade Bldg. See P. II. Philbin, Schllti Hotel. (15)-181 . BTORE ROOM. 1103 N. 18th St., 30. BEM1S, Phone Douglas 686. Paxton Blk. 15 444 MODERN STORE. In new block opposite public library; cen tral; car passes door; reasonable lease to good party. SHIMER & CHASE CO., 1609 Farnam Orange Front. Douglas 857. m (15 M8i"2 22 4.KK) Square feet well lighted floor space, elevator service. Karnam St., near 13th. Fred C. Shields, Room 310 Ramge Blk. 'Phone Douglas 4S9, (16) M891 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 2u5 N. 17th St. Tel. R-d Hit. . (16) lfU Fnrnlture. WE carry the highest -grades of second hand furniture. Borne Items worth seeing. Prices right and also we can save you 40c on the dollar and It would pay you iu aee us Deiore pou ouy. nicago r ur- nlture Co., 1416 Dodge. Doug. 4787. (16) 612 J28 FOR SALE Oak dining table and good gas stove, range; very reasonable. x,'u Doilge St (16) MM80 20 FURNITURE Two . flats connected, 30 rooms, dining room. Doing paying busl- ness. Most central location. Apply 107 South 17th. (16) Mi3S 18x Pool and nilllnrd Tables. FOR BALE New nd secondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brans-wlck-Balk-Collendar, 407, 3. 10th St. 0e-l Pianos, Organs. Musical Instruments. Matthews' Bargain List of Pianos Recently taken in exchange toward new "Weber," "Mohlin" or "Henry S. 1. Llndeman" pianos. If you want a new piano of fine quality It will pay you to Inspect our stock before purchasing. "Van Meter" upright piano, 7 octaves, ebony case, used about 16 years, 648.00. . 6260.00 "W. W.. Kimball" upright piano, seven octaves, medium size rosewood caae, used about 12 years, 692.00. U00 60 "Sterling" upright piano, 7H oc taves, dark wood, used about 10 years, ' . 6110.00. 8326.00 "Kimball" upright plana, ' full size, used about 13 years, 6126.00. 6350.00 "Jewett" upright piano, oak' case, parlor size, used 7 years, $142.00. U6300.00 "Thurston upright piano, mahogany nnianea, run size, usea years, up-to-date style. 8156.00. 1360 Emerson upright, medium sice, walnut case, used 2 years, 1180. 6360.00 "Foster & Co." upright piano, style "23" walnut case, used 7 months, ele gant tone and action, 8221.00. Easy terms arranged to suit. Expert piano tuning, repairing or rebuilding at lowest " prices for reliable work. Pianos moved or peeked and shipped to any point. Service that satisfies or no pay. "Phone Douglas 7S18. Matthews Piano Company Plan Manufacturer and Dealer, 1618-li Harney St. H. H. RHODES, IVWr 0) MS34 30 Clearance Sale OF STANDARD UPRIGHT PIANOS. Every on a perfect Instrument; some little used. , Kimball, ebony case, $100.00. Checkering, rosewood case, $136.00. On almost new walnut upright, $148.00. On $760 Knab Parlor Grand, good as new, $35000. On $700 Hallet & Cumston Parlor Grand only $126.00. Many other uprights, $0X00, $76.00, $80.00 and up. Square pianos and organ, $10.00 and up. $60o to $1.00 weekly payment. Schmoller .Mueller 1311 Farnam Bt Tel. Doug. 1625. (1I)-M$S3 8TX) DICSOUNT on Knab Upright style F, In perfect condition, used only three months and taken ln trad. MATTHEWS PIANO CO., 1616-16 Harney St.. Omaha, Neb. U6 184 FOR SALE All pianos unsold In Ben nett's sine th fir hav been removed to 408 S. 16 lb St.. where everyone will be sold regardless of price. Come snj get one. at your own price. (16) M8 Typewriter and 8ewlag Machines. TYPEWRITER SALE AU machines taken In exchange will be closed out at unheard price. Typewriter Exchange, 641 paxton Block. (1) Mm ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6. In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Bee Offlc. . (14r-28x FOR SALE High-grade Id-hand type, writer; good condition; a bargain at 6u0. Call room 03 Be Bldg. (16) 671 Mlsccllaaa. WE CARRY a complete line of all the leading periodicals published. Foreign Tin hi tf At Imia m ar.M.ti It Birthday, wed. ding and souvenir post cards. Subscrip tions received for all periodicals pub lished. Mail order wHl. recelv prompt attention. 8CHT5L2E BLATTERT. Newsdealers and Blatloners. Ill 8. 16th SL (16)-MS24 Jy4 FOR SALEA bargain If taken at onco; steam threshing outfit complete: good as nes.-. Addrca J. H. Todd. Dexter, la. 0-M7i a ALMOiJT new refrigerator white enamel lining; g-rt. extension table: set dining chairs; elegant bra bed. 'Phone Duug ' . (ie)-M7 m FOR SALE Several handsome marble mantels. Including grates for coal; all In . flrst-clas condition; will b sold at a very lew price. Call or address W. if Bridge, engineer be Bldg. Pl-1 tSx If You Really Want Results OFFERED FOR SALE M Iseellaaeo OAS STOVE, good condition. 687 . Sdth Ave. Phon Bed 722u. (16) MDt.24x FOR SALE-Flrst-class store fixturess. showcases, etc. Globe Land and Invest ment Co., 1822 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. U) 18 BIO SALE two-piece suits to order. I.'S. McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., 804 8. 16th St. (16) M44t Je2l FEW bargain In id-hand soda fountains. monthly payment. Uerlght, 1S18 Farnam. (15) 190 NATIONAL cash register, gold plated, total adder, nearly new, 600. 2i N. 10th. (lti) 23 tOx FOR SALE Cheap, furniture In rooming nouse ana aray line. Aurtress me. Joe JU DuLany, 122 No. F St., Fremont. O6-M(i09 21x HALLS S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnnm. (161-14 OAS, ELECTRIC COMBINATION FIXTURES Special low price during June to reduce stock; order now; good delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO., Telephone Douglas 681. 313 S. 16th St. (1'0-V87 BEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 810 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (lSr-iUl BHKRWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-192 HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE. 10 YEARS OLD. 81 PER GALLON. CACKLEY BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. ) 341 Jyl EDISON phonograph, large size, with re peater attachment; also solid oak 6 ilrawer record cabinet, with 70 records, $40; cost new 8 months ago 6SS. 808 N. ISt h. . (16)-24 20x AWNINGS They're not expensive. Call Doug. 83 and our representative will call. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (16) U3 FOR 8ALE, cheap, one Roberts portable three-deck oven. Bahr'a Restaurant. David City, Neb. (16)-M608 22x DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & M CONNELL DRUQ CO.. Omaha, Neb. 06) M416 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman & Mot'onneU Drug Co. (16) M417 BIG CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK $'fl Tribunes for $38. $9 Dayton for $40. 800 Emblems for $33. $2 Colonial for $20. Second-hand ones for $8 and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES. LOUIS FLESCIIER, 1623 Capitol Ave. (!) M64t Jyl LEAVING city; Universal Encyclopedia, 12 vols., new. Will sell or trade. 2015 Miami. , (16) 26 BOX FOR SALE Tubelcr boiler; 6-6x20; steam dome, mud drum, boiler front, one set Rose shaking grate, bridging all In good condition. Fred Krug brewing Co., 1007 Jackson St. (16) M814 18 WHEN you writ to advertisers, remember It takes but a few scratches of the pea to stnte that you saw the ad. ln The Be. PATENTS IjARSON ft CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. (17)-li D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 613 jyll PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 8hlrt pressed, not Ironed. 211 S. Uth St. Tel. Doug. 261. (18) 1W OMAHA Stammerer' Institute. Ramge bldg. (18) 1S6 SEWING machines, rented, any make, 76c per week or 82 per month. Second-hand machines for sale, $6 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. (18-202 OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturer ure flour paste, 2210 Cuming. Telephone louglas 1621. (18) WANTED Oood, free attractions for carnival to be held Aug. 22-23, '07. Ad dress J. W. Johnson, Carroll, Neb. (18) M686 18 RESPONSIBLE party wanted to shara car household goods to Denver, about July 6. Address C 667 Bee. (18) M99 18 WANTED Concessions for Fourth of July celebration; write at once, giving terms, etc. S. K. Beghtol, Gothenburg, Neb. U8 M972 24X SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. O) 17 IU A ftMPYTTH treatment and bath. Mm. AJAA A 1 . Smith, 118 N. 16th, 2d floor. (18) 108 PI FAT I NO Buttons. Kuchlng. 1 LLnilllVJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing only 6c per yard Send for price list and samples. l,i I.I iM A N PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. U5)-ll PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 356. tl8) 364 TFIE ELTTE Massage and Bath; ex LUtii pert lttdy operator; room S0, Barker Blk., 16th and Farnam 8ts. (18)-Ku7 2Jx WILL anyone knowing th whereabouts of P. J. McGlvern kindly send his ad dress to 812 W. Cucharraa St., Colorado Springs T (18) M944 23x THE SALVATION ARMY aollelta cast-off Clothing; ln faci, anything you do not need. W collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call Phone Doug. 41 and wagon will call. (18) 611 MASSAGE Swedish movement. Room (18)-M32 IF YOU wish to study a business or pro fession, notify The McCartney Institute, E. F. McCartnsy, Sec., 18u2 Farnam St. (18)-6U BENNETT'S plunu department has beu removed to 403 8. 16th St., where ail fir piano are being sold for a fraction of their real valueJ OS) M87I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL M KITR1CK CO.. 422 Ramge (l)-u3 W. H. TURRELU 11 Patterson Blk. Doug. (IS) 204 8 EARS. 621 N. Y. Llf. Tel. Red 87. PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st nr. N. Y. L. Dong. Vbl. (lD-aua ALFRED C. KENNEDY. First Nat l pans; bldg. 'Phoue Loutf. 7U. (I)2u7 Boo REAL ESTATE REAL F.STATU DKAI.EH6. 'Continued.) GEORGE AV COMPANY, 1901 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 75 (1 208 R. C. PETERS CO.. Be Bldg. (1 29 U W. BUNNELL eV CO.. S22 N. T. lAto. Douglas 6149. 0 k6 CITY PROPERTY FOR IALE. SPECLuTliARGAIN New house on Pratt St., ha 4 large rooms with large reception hall and bath room, combination gas and electrto fixture. Extra good furnare, full sited cellar and fine shade. Neighborhood th very best, this must be sold at onoe and we will make a price that will sell It. NO LAND A GRAHAM, 1614 Harney Street (19) 960-17 V. FARNAM INVESTMENT Fin corner lot, room for brick flats on vacant' portion, with two modern cottages; rental yearly $600. Owner ha placed with us for quick sale for $6,000. Sea us about it. O KKLTE RJ3AL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. T. Ufe. Tel. Doug. 2152. (19)-963 19 GRANT PLACE The sale in Grant Place on Saturday re sulted ln sale of 84 out of 104 lots. Th 20 lots remaining Include om of the beat and come of the cheapest. Salesmen will be on the ground Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from ( o'clock to 8 to accommodate those desiring to purchase. Prices on the remaining lots rang from $76 to $176. Terms. $6.00 cash; $140 per week or $4.00 per month. Benson & Carmichael, 642 PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas 1482. 09) MBS1 19 $900 Will buy lot 60x136 on Central Boulevard facing east, 236 feet north of Dodge. This I a Mg snap and owner has reduced price to get quick sal. t $1,000 6-room house, city water, 3646 Ave. A Council Bluffs, $200 down, balance $12 per month. Wa have several house for sale In west part of Council Bluff on and near car line, within ten minutes . ride from 14th and Douglas, at from $600 to $1,600 on small monthly payment" 100 lot In west pactVi of Council Bluffs at from from $109 to Sae each, high ground, fin building;, altes, payments, $5 down, $6 per month. Purchasers of these lots can have house built and pay for the same on monthly, payment. $2,760 buy new house, will be Complete In a few days, modern, In best residence location In Council Bluffs, 6 rooms, $200 down, balance $30; per month. Com ln and see us and you can buy a horn tor what you ara now paying as rent, BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE COMPANY 'Phon Doug. 7332. 825-6 Neville Block. (19)-A989 18 ONLY $1,975 For 22 feet, two blocks west of high chool, this week. linKa, 4 3D Board of Trade Bldg. Office 'phon Douglas 1169 Horn 'phone Harney 1368. (19) M998 20 WORTHY OF CONSIDER ATION. 120,000 Largo frontage on Sixteenth treet; inside Burt, with full lot ln rear. 116,000 Full lot; corner; opposite new Northwestern terminals. $15,000 Desirable trackage, on paved street; all special paid. f 4,000 A very desirable small piece in neari oi wnoiesale dis trict. Would give good re turns If Improved. I 1,600 A compact block of 20 lota, ln Florence, three blocks from car line. f 1,000 Corner Dodge and 3Cth St., 82 feet frontage. $ 200 per acre for five acres and up ward of the best situated land near South Omaha. $ 200 per acre; beautiful tracts, only one mile north of Country club. HENRY F. WYMAN; 1008 New York Life Bldg. (19)-M812 20 FOR SALE A BARGAIN ' A NONRESIDENT CLIENT DIRECTS MB TO SELL HIS FINE 11-ROOM DWELLING. ALL MODERN, AT 7uJ N. 40TH ST. CALL AND SEE ME AT ONCE. L D. HOMES, Til N. Y. LIFE BLDO. (19)-92 a IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to e the Western Home Build ers, rooms !!2 and 22. Neb. Nat. Bank . Bldg., for prices and terms. (11) lo FOR SALE House, ( rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 27 Cuming SU Price, 62... Easy term. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Bank, lillh and Douglas. (1S)-211 FOR RENT lo-room modern bouse, 2628 Jones 6L Telephone owner for key. Webstar UU. OD-947 1 USE Want Ad REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY rOR SALE. (Continued.) FOR QUICK SALES IJf?T YOUR PROP ERTY WITH JACOBSON CO., S6 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. (1S)-MS67 2Jx LIST your property with the Western Horn Guilder, rraa. 22-2 Nbraaka Natl. Bank Bldg. (191714 FOR SALE Flve-acre tract of land in Ben son, thro blocks from oar, suitable for flantlng or for Improvement: an oppor. unity for aona arte. Addreas, G KX Lee. (18) 334x TWO new 6-room cottages. Just completed, well built, bath, gas. cltv watrr. newer cemented cellars, cemented walks, la'rge room, close to car lux, east rronts. On 2Mh St., between Spsuldlng and Rueglea Bts. Price. $2,400 each; term reasonable. C. Battelle, 104 N. 15th St. (19)-M931 Jyl BEMIS PARK DISTRICT t rooms, brand new. strictly modern. $4,000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Uf Bldg. (19-M9n IB PER CENT. A br'.ck block of three stores and 82 rooms on a leading business street; rented for $216 a month. Price $16,000; half cash, balance four years at 6 per cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Llf Bldg. (19)-088 The Most Desirable location In Walnut Hill; roomy, conven , lent house; hardwood fioor downstairs; mantel, grate and gas; modern plumtnng; lot 100x160 feet; beautiful trees; fine lawn; shrubs, flower and garden; all kind berries; apple i d cherry trees. Owner going west; easy terms If desired. Coma and sea. Charles K. Emory, 4018 La fayette Ave. (19) M484 Ahutrnptft title; quick service. 'Phone AUhiraciS for pr)cell .Guarantee Ab stract Co.. Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red 247. 19) 796 JyS FOR BALE A fin two-story brick block, 27 x 66 ft., on a lot 60x190 ft.. In Colorado Springs. Building nearly new. Modern ln every respect. All lighted with eleo trlc lights. Heated with furnace. Water all through. Good location. Flour and feed In first story. 8 finely furnished rooms up stairs. Hot and cold hath. A big bargain for someone who wants to go Into business In a healthy City. Ad dress A. Moore. 332 W. Bijou St.. Colorado Springs. (191-M94S lSx LOOK AT TIIIS All modern, 6-room cottage, 3412 Lafayette Ave. Bemls Park. 'Phon Harney 34416. (19)-846 NEAR THE FIELD CLUB Attractive 8-room all modern house on B5th Ave and Pnnnl.tnn. h.illt 1 .. . , ....... tor a ho.ne. An elegant home in a splendid location. Price $5.0f)0. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug 178L "If It's a bargain tney hav u." (19) 449 17 BEST new 6-room houses modern with or without furnace for $2,460;. forced to sell quickly. Tel. after 7 p. m. Webster I806. (19)-MD82 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE- are the safest. Jou are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstraot. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (19) BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully situated lots. 40x117 feet each, west front on boulevard, two block to oar, on grade; oorner. $S0O; Inside, $.00 Must be sold by owner at once. 8404 1 fayette Av. (19)-M306 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT rooms, brand new, strictly modern (4,000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Llf. (191-MS08 22 A SNAP 8-ROOM, MODERN, HOME. Plastered Attic. I Blocks from 24th St.' Car. South Front. Lot 60x168. Paved Street. 2570 Popnleton Ave. Inquire at 2u6 Poppluton Av. (1)-MJ04 18 DEAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST rr CHAS. fi. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (18)-21 CLOSE IN lMl-W And atrlfttlw tmnrfja . 1 1 fin aith A Vrss na. a-Ja---.. Ti A -1 a. - 1 $, 1VBU girf. and permanent walks. Price, (4,600. $1,600 " Mtaitsmvo xw Biinuaiiy per cent. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. t Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug 17SL " v vraiu iney navo it. (19) 448 17 LOOK AT TIIIS PROPERTY Soilthweat pnm.p 91 K an rv. i c lot Is I'M feet ni e. . i o., . . .u . . , ,iU twin iee.1 on 25th, has cottage of 7 rooma and bath. imi on ioi jor s or i more houses; paved street and permanent walka; one block to 24th street car line; have reduced mvformer price of $6,000 to $4,376 for quick W. H. GRIFFITH, 2621-hlcago Bt. ) (19)-106 18x REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAN CM LAND FOR f ALB Kansas. WANTED Atnts to represent us In th ale of our Kansas lands. Writ for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (20)-214 WE HAVE lands, Improved and unlm proved, In central and eastern Kansas that we can sell you from $-0 to $a0 per acre. These lands are No. 1. Will con sider good city property or merchandise. W rite us for full information, with de scription of what you have to offer. J. W. 8TINH. A CO., 1026 O St.. Lincoln, Neb. (20)-92 Jylx Minnesota. BIG public sal Minnesota state lands, June 19 to July 2; 15 per cent cash, balarc forty years, 4 per cent. Information free. Writ Murray Land Office. Wadena, Minn. (20-M6 21x Mlsaoarl. 880 ACRES of tine timber land; 800 acres fit for cultivation, rest An grass land; $ big. never failing springs; 10 miles from Ruck Island R. R. ; M per acre. W. Ii. Gallaher, Warsaw, Mo. (2o) M!M2 19x Nebraska. FOR SALE $80 acrea. 1 miles from Fnr nam; 160 acres smooth farming land, balance rolling. IS acres alfalfa; $ wells and mllU; Improvements, worth $$.000. Price $13 per acre; this Is all black lonm soil, no sand; this la the best bargain m the state; hav several all level lor 51i per acre, this is choice lands. Address W. Rogers, sarnam. Neb. . (20 M4) 18 A OOOD farm, well Improved. 20 mile west of Omaha, for sale on ay lerms, i per cent Interest, if taken to next !) dav Address Y-244. Bo. (20) 21( IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska. Sarpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over, ton, Grslna, Neb. (JO) tli FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farm and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemls. Omaha, 4ea a REAL ESTATE FARM ASD HAtt ll 1.AMIS FOR ALR Kehraeka rBttaw4. E. H AND S. W. M S1-17-R. BANNER COUNTY. 4W acren level land, Mack soil, underlaid with a clay subsoil; $6.26 per acrs; $800 per cr down, balance to nine annual payments. O KERFB REAL ESTATE CO., loul N. Y. Lit Bldg, Omaha. C20)-6I 3 FOR SALE A fine location for the stock buslnt'ss. only alxmt ffl mll.-e rrom th I nion Stock Yards, Bouth Omnha, Neb ; farm cnaalsts r.f ;) acres, located In Douglas county. Nebraska: DOO acres ln grain and garde seed, balenoe red top and blue grass pasture; all fenced; some timber: new story and half house. 16x4' new barn, Itix.W, and nuthulldlnits; good water. Will sell outright or exchange for Omaha city property. Price, $w an sere. Call on or address J. F. French. Mer chants Hotel. Omaha, Neh., e.r Fred llo feldt, Gretna. Neb. (20 MS19 19x Texas. TEXAS LAND. Tli gulf coast of Texas Is the new Cali fornia: the future early vegetable garden of Amerlra; two or three crops a year; In vestigate While land I ch-ap. Call or ad dress Texss Land and Imm'uratlnn Co.. 644 Bo Bldg. (20) MS70 18 M tseellaneena FOR R A LBA SNAP; 870 acres of fine farm land. frv (5) miles from nty of 1IV000: gently rolling and all tillable; good water at feet; w hnve an option on this for a short time only; will sell at ten (110) dollars per acre; Investigate this Addness Krb TVesterman. E. La Vesraa. -N- M- (?0-Mfi81 ?lx REAL ESTATE LOANS MONET TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co (&0-217 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1620 Doug (22)-21N $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real deuce property In Omaha; loa'est rates no delay. Thomas Brennan. Room 1. N y' Life. (22) 210 WANTED City loans and warrsnts. W. Famam Smith & Co., ISi'O Farnam St. (22) E3 LOAN8 on Improved Omaha propertv. O'Keefe R. E. CO.. jnoi N. Y. Life Hid (22) 221 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Taxton Block. (22)-224 $50 TO t,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. OARVIN BRO8 , 1G04 FARNAM (2J 2t!2 BUILDING loans on residence propertv; 5 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Rlork. ' (22)-2:'3 WANTED City loan. R. C Peters ft Co. C2)-rs LOANS on Improved cltv propertv. W. IT. Thomas. 606 First National Bank PM. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy 8 to 10-room homi", near high school, for cash. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. (23) 904 18 WANTED To buy business block In busi ness district. Must be snap for cash. $16,000 to $50,000. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. urn is WANTED TO BUY WANTED To rent, medium sixed room In modern house, by family of three (ehllo. 6 years), board In house. Private family desired. Address P 672, care of Bee. (25) 9CO 18x CUSTOMER want good second hand surrey ana single narness, must be nrst cibis. Address "B" Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. . (25) M807 X A LADY In rooming house wishes a small lnaiu security and. Interest. Address J aa !. (X)-M97S 20x WANTED To buy a good second hand ciuiHon i xviiary Mimegrapn; must ie In good condition and cheap. Box 417. Norfolk, Neb. (2o)- -M106 19 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foy Co., 81$ S. 14th. 'Phon Douglas 13J1. (25) 277 ROUND dining table; must be bargain for cash. Addrea H. K. Hlllon, 2421 Cuming St. . (261627 20X WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kind of tools; or will buy th furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 8871. (25) MK21 J22 WANTED Second-hand electric fans. Farm Magaxlne, 1412 Farnam. (25) 805 17 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent Wednesday, two clean rooms for housekeeping. Not ln flat. Address J 463, care of Be. (26) 694 17x WANTED To rent a furnished cottage or flat: references exchanged. Address Room H, Her Orand hotel. (201-931 24x WANTED SITUATION GRADUATE optician, with experience as jewelry salesman; desires position; have trial case. Address W 671, csre Bee. (27) M96 20x WANTED Registered pharmacist desires position ln a drug store at once. Address Box 142, Aurora, Neb. (27) M783 19x SITUATION wanted by Scandinavian with some expeiienoe, plaoe to work In general store In good country town. Address J. Tormlng, Decorah, la. (27) MSo2 3)x YOUNG lady cashier of 6 year exper ience desires position in hotel or cafe. Address E 62S, rare Be. (271633 lUx WANTED Position as pharmacist; am 27 years of age; will work for reasonable wagea. In Omaha; have had 7 years' practical experience; married man. Ad dress G 491, care Bee. (27) M'J33 18x BAND or orchestra work wanted even ing by young man. Goon aoio, alto or baritone. Address S G70 care Be. (27)-M93 2x MAN, wife and two children (12 and ) wont ROOMS WITH BOARD vicinity lijth and Locust St. Address L. R. Vorce, 2004 Blnney Bt. 'Phone Web. 180 res.; Web. 6 office. (2ti) M686 21x WANTED By respectable widow, position as housekeeper for widower. AddrebS M 4U6. Bee. (27-01 18x WANTED Position by an attractive young lady with a good education. Fft, care He. (27)-M3M2 20x REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Minnie Morey and husband to Jo seph T. Edwards, lot "D," Morton's sub $ 1,000 Patrick S. Casey to John Casey, lot 14, block I, South Omaha 1 John L. McCague, executor, to R. H. lnderyou, lot 1 and 2, block 8, Omaha View 326 Jehu H. Hungate, trustee, to Millard F. Sears, lot 16, block 17, Bedford Place 400 Julia K. Reese and husband to H. R. Krohn, trustee, lots 42 and 43, block 6, W. L. fct-lby's add 600 Marios Sorensen and wife to Julie R. Zimmerman, a. H lot "A." Bemla Prk 1,400 Davie w. Merrow and wife to Henry and Mary Rotay, lot 21. block 6, atamew sun Ltxsie U. Potter nd husband to Vic 128 toria A. Hlldebrand. s. 78 ft. lot 11 and s. 78 ft. e. ft. lot 11), block If, Corrlgan' add 16,600 John W. McDonald, sheriff, to Mrs. 83 Margaret King, lot 6, Brosnlhan's sub 106 Sam to sam, lot 6, Brosnlhan's sub.. 70 Llliabeth M. Alergen and husband to John M. Cameniind, lots 4, 6, 6, 19 and 20, block 17. Benson Rome Miller snd wife to the Miller Hotel Co., lots 1 7. and s. 8-3 lot 6. block 1. Omaha Bam to same, lots 1, 6, and w. 1-1 lot 7. block l'fl. Omaha " Real Kstat Co., lot 400 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (CouUnued. S. Mock 1IK. Omaha, and other lots.. 1 Frank U McCoy et al. to M. A. It Is nt, lot 8, block 64. Fl urenoe 1 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer. t Josephine H. eidenfelh'r, lots 11 and 12. block 4, tke View 6ame to p. 1 1 Mercer, lots and 6, blo t Walaul Hill, and .Mher Kts. .,. John Fnrrell et al. to Knimellne L Wlnspear. lots bt) and 61, 1'alrmount Place nn N'hrnska Investment Improvement IV to the ft l. Mercer Co., lots 13 and 18, block 17. Walnut Hill fro United Real IVrtate Trust Co. to same, lot , block 2, Walnut Hill.... 160 Bt. John's African Methodist Ktai'o rsl church to same, w. U lot 32, block 21. Walnut Hill t Continental Trust Co. to same, lot 4.1, bJnck t. Saunders & Himehaugh sdd The Cathedral Chapter pf the diocese of Nebrntika to snme, s. M ft. lots 7 and 8. block 12. Wslnat Hill 400 Isabella (1. Meeker to same, lots 40, 41 and 42, Mock 2, ffaunder A lllino baugh'a add KM Fred Hunxlker t al. to Gottlieb Ptorx and wife, lot 12, block 1, Walnut Hill 1 Nelson H. Mercer to same, lots 12 and 18, block 18. Walnut Hill 1 Frank L. McCoy and wife to same, n. loo ft. lots 7 and 8. block 12, Wal nut Hill l Paulina Ielatiey to same, lot 32, block S. Saunders A ITImebaugh' add l,$0O Llidnger Implement Co. to same, lots 1 and 2, block f.. Walnut Hill 1 Susan (1. Martyn ami husband to same, lot i;, block 23, Walnut Hill.. 26 Lury Hoist to same, lot 12. Mock 23. Walnut Hill Anna O. King to Charles L. Smith, lot is. block T. and lot W. block 6, Solomon's add 1 Helen H. Iowell to sam. . H block i3, Bowling Green Jonephlne H. Welilenfeller to Hast ings A Hoyden, lota 11 and 12. block 4, Lake View 1 Ktnory J. Ltpia et al. to Genevieve Tvlee. lot , block 1. South Omaha. iOPO It. M. Mct'lanahan and wife to Hattle Wilson and husband, lots 18 and 19, block 2. Grommercy Park 425 Jame D. Wlnsor Slid wife to George W. Cherrtngtnn and wlfo, a 44 ft. lot 1, block 862, Omaha t,ro James Koutsky to Thomas Donley, lots fi. 7 and 8. block 1. Brown Park. 10,000 Continental Tr.iat Co. to Central West Investment Co., lot 17. block 8, and other lots In Baker Tlace 1 Theodore Vols to Iifavette Randell, lot , block 37, Albright' Choice 1 South Omaha Savings hank to same, lot JO. block Albright's Choice..., 1RJ Benjamin F. Llllls et al. to Jens Han sen, lot 13. block 7. Clifton Hill L500 City of Omaha to Mrs. Catherine R. Naah, part alley adjoining lot 4, Ottawa Place 25 Catherine B. Nash to the C. B. Nash Co., same jg I.srs K Martls to Anna Martls, w. V 7 ft. lot 18. Hnwe add I Hastings A Heyden to Hans C. Frem liilng, lot 8. block 6, Collier I'lac.... 600 Jennie M Curtis and husband to Klienezer W. Anspach, lot IS, r plnt block 5. Bemls Park 4,2oO Susanna Malockl to Jacob Buckel et Hi., lot 7, block tl. Jotters second add ' 1 Hastings A Heyden to John M. Span sail, lot 2, block L Hastings A Hey den's add 360 Bellows Fslls Savings Institute to Franklin J. OrlfTen. lot 15. Clarke's odd 1,250 Franklin J. Griffon to Andrew W. Grlffen end wife, snme 1 Aaron It. Detwcller and wife to Ja cob Hnhn. s. 20 ft. lots 2 and 3, Mock 10, Plnlnvlcw 850 Elizabeth Burgess and huabond to the Byron Reed Co. lot 1 and n. 10 ft. lot 24, block 3, Reed's fifth add.. 1.600 Total IS5.4&1 LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING SEALED proposals for building brick addition ts Institute for Blind will be received until noon of July 1, 1907. Bids will be opened In the office of the architect, A. F. Hen nlnner. at Omaha, Neh., July 2. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, cr any part of any bid. Plans and specifica tion may be seen at the office of the su perintendent of the Institute for the Blind, Nebraska City, Neb. By order of the Board of Trustees. J. T. Morey, Supt. J15DM NOTICE TO BUILDING WRECKERS Rids will be received until June B, 1907, by the Merehnnts' National hank lor tho wrecking nnd removal of the two-story brlrk building known as Nos. 211 and 216 Fouth 1.1th street, Omaha. ' For Mpeoifloa tlons apply to J. E. .Dietrick, 62h Paxton block. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR Q. M. SUPPLIES Depot Quartermaster's Office, Omaha, Nebraska. June 13, 1H07. Sealed proposals In duplicate will be received here until 10 a. m.. July 13. 19n7, and then opened for furnishing lye, mops and sapollo. if. 8. reserves tho right to reject any or all bids, or psrts thereof. Copies of proposals fur nished on application to Major Thomas Swobe, Quartermaster. J14-1&-17-18 Jyll-13 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS BUMMim TOUEl OV LAID MICHIQAW "SSEE- MANITOU for pMSMenger service exclusively, make three trips weekly to Charlevoix, Harbor Springs, Bay Tiew, Fevoskey and Maek Inao Island, connection with all Steamship' Lines for Lake Superior, Eastern and Cana dian points. Inquire about our week-end trip specially arranged for Business and Professional Men. LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS t Hon. 11:30 a. m. Wed. g p. m Prt. 6 130 p. u. MAKITOTJ STEAMSHIP COMPAUTt OFFICE BOCKS. and N. Wslrr Sbk. Cbleaa PIONEER PREACHER AT REST Rev. Joshua Rial la Barled at th Forest Lawn C'euie tery. The funeral of Rev. josmia Rlale, who died Saturday evening at the age of 71 yt-ata. was held Monday afternoon, the serv ices being conducted by Rev. A. S. C. Clark at the residence, atJA Cuming street, at 1:30 p. m. Interment w a at Forest Lawn ceme tery. Rev. Mr. Rlale was born at TJoylestown, Pa., March 18, 181S. going with his parent to Columbus, O., when 7 years of age. He was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan uni versity and Franklin-Marshall college at Lancaster, Pa. He received his theological education at the Megcersburg Theological seminary and entered the ministry ln th German Reformpd church In 1856, coming west to Iowa as home missionary and served In churches at Lisbon, Tipton and Independence, la., establishing sight re formed churches In eastern Iowa. In 1876 he entered the Presbyterian church, serving ln a number of churches In this vicinity, among them Bellevue, Blair, rapllllon And Logan. He came to Omaha six year ago and for two year was pastor of what I now th Church of the Covenant. During the last four years he had not been active In the ministry. He was the oldest man in the Presbytery at the tint of hi death. Rev. Mr. Rlale married Mis Lydla J. Boyd of Haverdegrace, Md., ln 185 and they had four children. Rev. Dr. F ,M. Rlale of the Tenth Presbyterian church. Chicago; Mrs. John Llchtenwalner, wife of Dr. Llchtenwalner, Dunbar, Neb.'; Miss May K. and Grace Rlale, all of whom sur vive except th last named. All the living members of the iamily v. ere present al th funeral. Other from out of the city wr Dr. Llchtenwalner and W. R, Boyd, a nephew, of Cedar Rapids, la., and con nected with the Cedar Rapids Republican. The pallbearers were taken from th membership of the Omaha Ministerial union. Beverldge I Noaesaalttal. OYSTER BAY, N. Y.. June lT.-!enator Bsverldg of Indiana, who called on Presi dent Koonevait last evening, left for New York today. He would neither affirm nor deny the report that he Is to marry Mis Katherln Eddy. He said, however, that no on had any knowledg that would jaa tify th publication of th r sport