Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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brief an NEWS
eerloej Wonpor Beesle Bts
ptoton hav n.-uroU a drm of divorce from
Jamne RtaplHon on chinm of deeertton
nl nonmippnrt. Bhe la given tba custody
of irwir -ar-o!d boy, BtMte.
"Take vara ef tba pnea, ana the pound
ertll'tek care of triprosclvps, of. better
till, now your pennt until you hare a
dollar- worth and trim open a savlnf
account with the City flavins Bnnk.
TJrrtlt from California Joseph H.
Smith, an evana-rllitt of H'dlanda. Cal.. Will
bold srrkvs at the S?ward Btret Mptho-
dint church on the afternoon and even
Jna-s of Tuesday, Welnes'lay and Thursday.
JTtte hour are end J:30.
Bala Btopa Street Work The rains of
' the part wwk have raused complete cessa
tion of work on the unpaved atreeta of the
ctty. Before the around bona me an soaked
thirteen teams aod thlrty-flve laborers
wr employed, but they are now resting
while waning for the around to dry,
Yenerabla Wetnas Hart Bjr TU Mrs.
Chrls Edsjcrtim, (6 years old, fell down a
stairway at l'4 Cumins atreft, Whera aha
la vtatilri; friends and broke her right
wrlet. (the wax attended by Police Sur
sreon i'ttasitobons. Blie lives at La Platte
Neb., and her huaband was formerly i
constable In Omaha.
Craelty e Animal Charlea Campbell,
WO 8r4!th Twtnty-fourth street, was ar
rest ! .Monday on a warrant sworn out by
Lou i a Betta. charging him with cruelty to
anlmulp The complaint related that Camp
bell had hired ft horse and buggy from
B.te and whipped tt In a manner far be-
fnd humane treatment.
tor Tasea Collected With a tax levy
tit 5.1 mills less than lust year the city and
founty treasurer reports collections within
$a,ono or the sum collected Bt this time last
year, showing a much greater proportion
of total tns. collections. Last year was
record breaker In this regard and this
year's result comes as somewhat of a sur
prise to the treasurer, who did not expect
to beat last year's record.
Postmasters of Two Statas Arrange
ment have about ben completed for the
Interstate meeting of the postmasters of
Nebraska and Iowa to be held In Oman
June 2&-& Among the prominent otltclals
to be present will be K. T. Bushnell, assist
ant superintendent of salaries and allow
anoea, and other officials from tha poet
ofllca department at Washington. Front
present Indications the gathering will be
tha most largely attended meeting of post
masters aver held In the west.
Two Bt Incorporations Two heavily
capitalised real estate companies have filed
articles of Incorporation with the county
clerk. Their combined capital la 1640,000,
The Mag to City Realty company Is a South
Omaha corporation with Thomas J. Nolan,
Thomas 3. O'Nell and John Sautter as la
corporators. The capital la 1300,000. . The
Karbach Realty company Is tha second
corporation. Ita capital Is 1240,000; Victor,
Latira, Clara and Charlea J. Karbach and
Octavla Karbach Kolls and Olga Karbach
'oereter are tha Incorporators.
Tired, of Wife's Temper John M. Smith,
In a petition for divorce from Beesle Smith
filed in district court Monday, declares oue
day in tenvr after a family tiff Mrs.
Smith went to hla deak, took out their mar
riage certificate and tor It te shreds. He
says ah has an ungovernable temper and
has struck him several time because ha
remonstrated with her tor going out at
night and remaining away from home with
out giving htm any explanation. She has
also refused, he says, to cook his break
fasts and lunches and has forced him to
JSOU4TB &l tiers' Memorial and Reunion
Deputy United States Marshal JoaeDb. H.
Proctor?. rVhd ' Wal 'lieutenant 'j Colonel '
Rooseveit's orderly in the First United
Btatea Volunteer cavalry In the war with
Spain, ia In receipt of an Invitation to
attend the unveiling of the monument to
Captain William O. O'Neill and hla com
rades of tha Rough Ridera who died In
the arvlc during the Spanish-American
war, to be held at Prescott, Aria., July J.
President Roosevelt is expected to bo pres
ent .it tha unveiling of the monument to
Celiver the principal address.
Suit for Accident Tolioy Perry N. Allin
has beguu auit in district court agalnst-the
Western Travelers' Accident association fof
tl.SuO. which he claims Is due him on a
Volley for injuries he received in the wreck
near TVarrensburg. Mo., when two Missouri
Pacific trains collided, killing thirty people
and injuring scores of others. The accident
huppened October 10, 1904. He says ha was
carrying a policy In the defendant com
pany which on tilled him to M a week for
fifty-two consecutive weeks. Owing to a
difference of opinion as to his standing the
company refused to pay the amount.
Wo Kew Caaas of Smallpox With tha
lapse of two weeks since the laat Important
case of smallpox, reported In tha city the
health commlaaioner find tha disease well
to' bund. No cases have followed whera
When you have a Bad
Breath Wake up!
rAKE Up I It's time to take a
-When the friend you
speak to turns his face the
ether way.
When your tonpue Is coated.
When you have Heartburn, Belchlnf,
Acid RLsjnjrs In throat.
When Pimple begin td peep out,
. When your Stomach Gnaws or Burns,
Thai's the time to check eomlnsj Con
stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
Ono single Candy Cascarel will do it
if Ukcrfat the right minute. Just when you
first feel the need of It
bo It now!
Cascarets don't Purge, nor Weaken, nor
assta Digestive Juices la Hooding out the
fiowelc, like Salts, CastortOd. "Physics."
But, they act like Exercise on the
Muscles that alirink and expand the Intes
tines, thus pushing the Food on Naturally
to Its Finish
When yr-ir Bowel-Muscles groaf flabb)
they peed Ese to strengthen Ihem
not "Physio" to pamper them.
( Cascarets provide the brsclng; tcne thai
Is needed apuCiflcally by the Bowel-miutcles.
e e e
Then rarry tha tittle ten-cent "Vest
Fockot'' box constantly with you, and take
Cascarel whenever you s aspect you need
It '
Oie Cascaret at a time wtQ promptly
e'euise a loul Breath, or Coated Tongue,
thus proving clearly Its ready, steady, sure.
tj; r.uid and effective acticn.
Have tho little lOo Emergency bos i
Cascarets constantly near you I
AH Drufjlsts se3 them over tea
Itoo bcxes a year, f r six ye-trs past
Be very carefiJ Io get the genuine,
made -only by the Sterling Remedy Corn
pany and r.ever sold In bnlk. Every lab
let stamped "CCC... we
What Ails Tout
Do yon trol weak, tired, despondent,
have frequent headache, coated tongue,
bitter or bvd last In morning, "heart
burn, bflching of gas, acid risings la
throat after eating, stomach gnaw of
burn, foul breath, dizzy i pells, poor or
variable ppeiiV pause at times and
kindred symptom.??
If yoJNtve any contlderable number of
tnasbnveEyBptonis you are suffering
fromNjIllousnasTharpId liver with Indl-
f 4tlonSiJpep PT. Pierct, QoM
M fulfill H!-ovrrv 11 mace up ol l.iC m.
TsinsMe medicinal prmclrl'f Known to
nu-O'cal se'enre for''ie t ermancnt cire A
aucii tl ;onn.l cmi:i'ou It tt a niutl
eihcient liver Invlgorstor. stomach tonic,
bowel rpsnilfttor and nnrve gtrencthener.
The "Oolden Medical Discovery " Is not
ft patent medicine or aeoret nostrum, a
full l!t of Its Inirredtents belmr printed
onU bottltvwrappef and attested under
osth. A (flsnco at Us formula will show
that It contains no alcohol, or harmful
habit-forming drugs. It Is & fluid extract
made with pnrr, triple-refined glycerine,
of proper strength; from the roots of tha
following n.ttlvn American forest pl.tnt,
Tl7., Oolden S:-vl root. Stone root, Itbek
Cherry bark, Q'iocn'8 root, Bloodroot, and
Mnndrako root.
The followlne leading medical authorities;
amerif a hot of others, extol the foregoing
roots fur theenre of Just such ailments as the
afocTes.vmpKm Indicate: I'nrf. It. liartltolow,
Ft. IV, of Jefferson Med. College. Dilla : Prof.
II. C ood. M. IV. of I' Pa t Prof Edwin
I. line, il. I). .of Ualiiiocaann Med. Coilece,
Chlcatfos Prof, John Klui. M. D.. Author of
American IHpenatorr; Prof. Jno M. Prud
der. M. It., Author of f peclBc MleMrlne: Prof.
Laurence Johnson, M. I)., Med. l'cpt. Univ. of
N. Y.: Prof. Flnley F.lKiurwood. M. D.. Author
of Miti-rla Medlca and Prof. In Bennett Medi
cal Collegrv Chlearo. fend name and ad
dress on Postal Card tolr. H. V. Plerie. Buf
falo. N. Y and receive frrt booklet giving
i tracts from wrltlnraof all the above meli
ral aut hors and many others endorsing, in Wis
tronirest pcsilnle t'rms. each and every in
rredlent of which "Ooldc Medical Discov
ery "Is composed.
pr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets rejralate tnd
Invlarorate stomach, liver and Ixiwiils. The
mar Ixi csed In conjunction with "(Vrfrien
Medical Discovery "If rwels are much con
stipated. They're tiny and sugar-coated
vaccination was enforced, and while one
point Is still being watched there la little
fear of an outbreak. Reports from the
grading caryp on Center street are encour
aging, no new case having been sent from
there for two. weeks. Thia condition has
been brought about by the expenditure of
a comparatively large sum from the emer
gency hospital fund and It Is probable that
the fund will be exhausted before the end
of the year, but as this la one of the funds
over which the council has control at any
time It will work no hardship.
Toed by rormsx Wife Joel J. Hurt Is
defendant in a suit for tS,37.70 brought In
district-court by Henrietta H. Schaefer.
his former wife. The amount representa
alimony and support money for their three
minor children, which she says was
awarded her by the court In Laramie
county, Wyoming, which granted their di
vorce decree. The divorce was granted
September 29, 1S9Q, and the court allowed
het WO a month for the support of the
children, who were given to her, 128 a
month alimony and $187.70 attorney fees and
suit money. She asserts he haa paid her
Town; Witness Still Missing Everett
King, the 14-year-old colored boy who la
wanted as a witness In the hearing for a
motion for a new trial in the case of Enoh
En Ix, colored, convicted of manslaughter,
had not been located when court convened
Monday morning and the hearing waa con
tinued again. The o (fleers are scouring the
city for young King, but though they have
found trace of him several places they
have been unable to find him. King mad
an affidavit to the effect hla testimony at
the trial was untrue and! County 'Attorfiey
English Insists on examining him face to
face before arguing tho motion
Job' Gos to Capital Cttr Compauay
foe Seventy Thousand
Dollars. . .
The Capital City Brick and Pipe company
haa secured the contract for erecting the
exchange building for the Independent Tel
ephone company on Harney street, west of
Nineteenth street. The contract waa signed
Monday morning and calls for a structure
56x110 feet thoroughly fireproof throughout
and faced with Roman brick of a dull red
color, trimmed with atone. The lower five
feet of the two-and-a-half-story building
will be entirely of stone.
The contract has been let on the per
centage basis and the Trussed Concrete
Steel company will execute a part of the
work. The estimated cost Is In the neigh
borhood of 170,000.
It Is to be erected In record-breaking
time. The contract calls for the comple
tion of the structure, ready for the Installa
tion of the automatic exchange, within
ninety days from date. The walla are to
be so built that three additional stories
caa be added if desired at some future
There will be a public alley on one side
of the building, a private alley on the
other and thirty-seven feet of open space
behind, thus affording ample light
Manager Stow was In Chicago last week
and bought the automatic exchange, which
cost )3M.ouO. The company gave a fluO,oot
bond to guarantee that the switchboard
will be here at the end of ninety days
and will be Installed -within sixty days
thereafter In the new building. At the
end of that time the new company expects
to be ready for business.
The same building company haa been
awarded contract for the new subpower
house of the street car company at Twenty-seventh
and Lake streets. This building
la to be of brick and concrete and the
price la estimated at t.!00. It ia one of
four substations to be built by the com
pany. Douglas ( Printing Co.. U4-M 8. Uta.
Araslattr Reached ay Machlae Mea
aad Ctty Inspector Peadlaa;
Artloa ( CeasrU,
A truce haa been declared between the
license inspector and the owners of auto
mobiles weed for hire. The owners have
capitulated to a certain extent, off i ring to
pay the license for machines and chauf
feu's, provided by ordinance If they are
allowed time In which to ask the council
to change the amount of the license fee.
They desire to pay tlG tn place of 3, 110
for tha niu nine and to for the driver, while
I they are now asked to pay twice that
amount In each case. Tuesday the council
will tie asked to make the change and If
this I done the llcenau wHI be taken out
If It Is not. tleri wfll be a number of
owners retire from the rental business and
the others will pay the present fee.
Havrik Service, Splradld Seeavry
enrout to Niagara Falla, Mtlskoka and Ka
waitha LakdS, Gvorgica Bay jaud Tenia-
gam! Hesion, Si. Lawrence River and Rap
id Thousand Islands, Algvyiquin National
J'ark, While Mountains and AUantle sea-
coast reaorta, via Grand Trunk Railway
fctem. Double track Chicago to Won
treat and Niagara rails, N. T. Special kiw
round trip fares are In effect to many of
these resorts during summer season.
For copies of tourist publications, farce
a ltd (uaciiptiv pauHhltls apfcly to Gmo.
W. Vans. A. U. F, t T. tS Adams
Arreit Will Washington M Man Who
Killed Kupar.
t heory of Officer- Is Oaa of Colored
Mea Demanded Mosey as Kaepav
Passed and Warder
With the arrest Sunday evening of An
tonio Albany, sn Italian, and Will Wash
ington, colored, Sunday morning, the po
lice believe they now have the mystery of
the murder of - Anton Kasper at Ninth
street and Capitol avenue Friday night
entirely cleared up and the guilty man In)
Jail. The knife, with the long sharp blade,
which was stuck so far Into the victim's
back that the murderer could not take It
out again, and which has been used in
former cuttings. Is the clue left behind
that threw th only ray of light on the
case and led the police to the guilty man,
If It develops that the theories Of the
officers are correct.
According to the theory of Captain Sav
age, chief of detectives. Kaepar passed a
group of colored cocaine fiends drinking
from a can in the alley back of Meadimber
ft Colwelfs saloon and ws accosted hv
one of them and asked him for money
with which to fill the bucket again. Kas-
par refused to donate; words are supposed!
to have passed, the negro to have drawn
a knife, slashed Kaspar In the breast and
then, as he started to run, driven the blade
Into the back to the hilt and could not
take It out again.
Negro Gives the Tt.
So much for police conjecture. An hour
after Kaspar had run into the saloon try
ing io can attention i w. ,
Ing from hla back, and died without telling ,
anyintng aooui nimeeii or ins wuunu, m
Washington, a negro who had been dis
charged from Jail that morning after serv
ing a ten-day sentenco as a cocaine fiend
and vagrant, entered the police station
and said he had seen an Italian, Antonio
Albany, with the knife cleaning his finger
nails at 8 o'clock In the evening.
During the night detectives circulated
among the habitues of the lower world and
Ernest Wilson and Art Walker, both col
,m .v v . ,,w . '
ored. aald they had seen a knife such as
' . ' , , . - vtrti,
the one described In the hand, of Will ,
Washington Furthermore Mrs. Nettle (
liar knife, sent word to the police that be
fore his arrest, Washington had stolen her
knife from her, and she described the
weapon accurately, even to tn missing
name plate on one aide. Bhe said she had
sent word to him to bring back her knife,
but that he had never done so.
With these circumstances coming to light
Washington was locked up at ( o'clock
Sunday morning, but In order to look op I
... , , .
his story regarding Albany hi. arrest was
be found. Detectives located him at I
o'clock Sunday evenlpg and he waa taken
to Jail, but the police do not believe he had
any connection with the murder, Ernest
Wilson was also held In Jail.
Kearchlna for a Clew.
In searching for. a . possible motive for
the .killing it was teamed Kaspar did not
leave the tailor shop where he worked urT
tll after 7 o'clock and ate his supper at a
Thirteenth street restaurant between t and
. It Is thought he must then have gone
directly Into the red light district for at t
o'clock the was dead. The police learned
that a party of colored, fiends were drink
ing beer ln4hr alley from near which the
(rail of blood began and the supposition Is
that Kaspar, being practically a stranger
In Omaha, had wandered down Davenport
street toward Ninth and sought to get out
of the forbidding neighborhood, turning
south and passing near' the can rushers.
Washington has not yet been put through
course of questions, but that will come
soon. The police teei mai unless ne con
fesses there will be small chance of con
victing him. -
Womaa Ha I.oemI Record.
Mrs. Antokal, the woman who claims
ownership to the knife. Is the woman who
was mixed up In the street car robbery
case In which Conductor Flury waa killed,
being the woman to whom one of the ne
groea went with the money. Bhe la also
tha woman who, when living with her hus
band at his rooming house. Twelfth and
Dodge streeta, cut "Clss" woods In the
shoulder, nearly severing his arms last
summer and laying him up In the hospital
for some weeks. The knife used In this
case is said to have been the one which
ended Kaapar's life. Antokal, who is a
Jew, began divorce proceedings against bis
wife, who. though nearly white, la part
negro, a short time ago.
Coroner Brailey will hold the Inquest
over the body at 10 o'clock this morning.
Jack Williams, tha first arrest In the
murder case, whose Innocence of any con
nection with the crime waa established by
the police, haa been given his freedom.
Hick School Coaapaalea Will Have
Competitive Exercises at
Diets Park.
Rivalry among the varloua companlea in
the cadet battrSton at the high school will
reach lta height Tuesday night at Diets
park, when the annual competitive drill
will be held. With fair weather a large
crowd ot high school students and their
friends Is expected to sttend.
The companies will drill for the flag
a Bang-up
Yjtake five cents ' rr
AVX to the grocery
and ask for
WW YouOl hit the mark
V every time.
aaV"1 ?mT jS wTwsasla
which la awarded annually to the company
scartng the hlkhest score from the Judges;
Iaat year Company T was the winner,
t'nder the rula of the competition tha
company winning the flag three successive
years keeps It permanently. Company F
haa two more successive competitions to
win In order to have It permanently, and
the effort of the other companies to secure
tha prise wilt be as keen as that of Com
pany F to keep It. Individual drill for
gold and silver medala will also be held.
Preceding and during the drill the hljch
school band will give a concert. Three
army officers from FVrt Crook, whose
names have not been announced yet, will
act as Judges. The drill begins at i o'clock.
J ad Trleher Derides Against Gov
ernment 1st Charlea Greea
kalabow Case.
United Btatea Platrlct Attorney Oosa re
ceived word from the circuit, court of ap
peals for the Eighth district Monday morn
ing that the court had dtclded It had no
Jurisdiction In the Charlea Green Rainbo
habeas corpus rase on a petition in error.
District Attorney Goes will take the case
up on a formal appeal from the decision
of Judga.Triebef," whl;h overruled the ap
plication for a writ of habeas corpus, and
hopes by this process to have the caae re
versed and remanded to the Nebraska dis
trict. The eu(t' grew out of the arrest of
Charlea Green Rainbow, a Winnebago In
dian policeman, by the state authorities on
the charge of assault for ejecting Thomaa
U. Bloan from the 1clnity of the agency
house, where he had gone to collect a bill
from an Indian. Sloan had the Indian po
liceman arrested for Assault on the ground
that he waa not legally vested with police
authority. The Tnlted Btatea" authorities
then sought to secure Charles Green Rain
bow's release by habeas corpus proceed
ings. Judg-e Trleber refused to grant the
rit and hence the case was carried to
the circuit court of appeala on a petition
. . .
that court.
Arkansas Strawberry Growers Reach
the Limit la Their Doable
Bottom Horn.
The limit has been reached In the eleva
tion of the bottom of strawberry boxes.
according to a grocer who called at the
- ...
office of the mayor Monday morning. He
m.uh nlm 4 number of boxes taken
wore the ordinary "quart box," but the
bottoms bad been raised until a pint cup
would not be filled with the contents.
Emptying one box after another he asked
If there were not some war In which the
Omaha distributer could be protected from
the Innocent truck farmer of Arkansas.
As he emptied the boxes he found the
distance from the top to the bottom grow
ing less and less until- the last tier wa
i ITSUIICU UU lirnr 1 1 1 U null, Itu l,JO
I confuw d placed t.
reached and here the man who packed the
berries hi that part of the box supposed to
be the bottom. The remit was that there
were more berries tn the two boxes last
emptied than In any ef the others.
Not findlnr a city ordinance which fit
the condition the crate' of berries Was tuken
back to the commission house and the
southern shipper may be called upon to
explain before any more of bis goods are
handled hi Omaha.
Board of Eqeallsatloa.,1 Meets aad
Mskei , EretTjieir Poor .
' Beginning Tuesday a,,.sve of hard luck.
financial stringency, and geural Indigency
will engulf ' Omaha and Douglas county
Persons reputed to be wealthy will be seen
battling with poverty barely able to' keep
the wolf, from their respective, doors.
The cause of It all Is the meeting of the
County Board of Equalisation, which will
begin Its session then st the court house.
A considerable Increase has been made by
County Aaaeeaor Reed In the assesament
of several of the larger business concerns.
The board will be ready to hear the hard
luck stories at 10 o'clock'.
The board consists of County Assessor
Harry D. Reed, County Clerk Haverly and
the Ave county commissioners. The ses
sions will be held In the commissioners'
No matter how severe an attack or diar
rhoea may be. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy never falls to give
Have Root print tt.
Playmates of Tno-llfDr Years'
Mergje Portaaee at the
Last evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Spenee. 13PJ Bouth Thirty-first
street, the marriage of Mrs. Mary W. Glea
aon to Ferdinand R. ' Joslln was per
formed. Additional Interest attaches to the
wedding because of the fact that the
bride and groom were playmates together
forty years ago In a little town In Ver
mont, where both were born and reared.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
L. O. Balrd of St. Mary's Avenue Con
gregational church tn the presence of. a
few friend. They will live at BIO South
Forty-third street.
Mr. Joslln Is a coualn of .Oeorge A. Jos
lyn of the Western Newspaper Union and
of Mrs. Bpence.
W. W. Johnson Telli of Great Good
Done by Trip.
City and State Are Praised All Alo
the . I.lne and Eieartlos la
BlfMt Remarkable
W. W Johnson, assistant general freight
apent of the Hurllngton, Is the first Omaha
booster who accompanied the excursion to
the northwest te return. He reached the
portals of tho Gate City 8mday, and he
brinps a story of almost Incredible glory
for Omaha.
"Why, I never saw a city so lauded and
praised lit my lire as Is Omaha throunh
the territory where has passed this great
caravan of commercial Invaders," said Mr.
Johnson Has It been a benefit to Omaha
and Nebraska? Why. the results cannot
be accurately estimated. Money is no
measure for tbe good that will flow out
from this wonderful source. Omaha haa
been advertised on this trip as It nevir
was before, but I was Impressed and I
know others wtre, with the generally Intel
ligent Information which those people al
ready possessed of our ctty and state.
Both occupy a high place with them and
will occupy a stll) higher place from now
on. The excursion haa been one continu
ous round of pleasure, all along the Hue
the people having outdone themselves In
their cordial receptions and the ultimate
success Is assured."
Great Time at Spokane.
Friday's Issue of Spokane papers which
have reached Omaha devote considerable
space to the magnificent reception given by
Bpokane business men to the Omaha trade
boosters Thursday. From 7 o'clock In the
morning until 11:15 the boosters were not
allowed to get lonesome. Something was
doing all the time, and the day closed i
Ith a love feast banquet In which Gover
nor Sheldon of Nebraska, Governor Mead
of Washington and Mayor Moore of
Bpokane took a prominent part.
For the occasion the Bpokane publicity
committee Issued a booklet entitled "The
Tale of a Modern City. Spokane," which Is I
a marvel of the prlnter'a and engraver's
art. The book Is bound In brown with
trimmings of olive green and decorated
with the picture of an Indian chief. The
tital page contains a half tone of the '
souvenir postal card sent out by the boost
ers and bears the words "Ak-Sar-Ben" and
"E-Nak-Ops," the latter being the name of
the Bpokane organlx it'on o d ug with I
the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. It also con
tains the program for the reception, the
menu for the banquet with the tosst list.
. .... n v vfc t.v u i ntuinr t(i auu Ui L 1 1 Q t
reception committee. The remainder of the
sixty pages are devoted to descriptive mat- j
ter about Spokane and Its environs and to
magnificent half tones of Bpokane build- i
ings and bits of scenery. I
Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy Is sure to be needed soon.
Get it today. -
- k Announcements, wedding .tatlonery and
calling cards, blank book and magaslne
binding. 'Fhone Doug. 1004. A. I. Root. Inc.
American and European Plan
Finest Hotel on the Creat Lakes
On the edge of town, this ideal Hotel,
spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks
Late Michigan Beach
on two sides,' while
shaded parks complete
the beautiful surroundings. The
city is put 10 minutes ride from the
nearby station. Many families
make this their permanent home.
There is always a cool breeze in
warmest weather. 450 large outside
rooms. 250 private baths, 1000 feet
of broad veranda. The table la always
the beat. Tonrifttsandtranslentffuesta
find it a delightful place tostopen route
and reit. Address for handsomely
Illustrated Booklet, giving full parties
Ian, Manager, Chicago Beach H itel,
51st Blvd. aod Laks chore, Chicago.
Are You Going to Sf. L6u!s?
The Hotel Hamilton 1 a delightful
place In the Beat. Resident Section
and away from the noise and smoker
yet within easy accens. Transient
Kate: 11.00 Jl.OO per day. Euro
pean Flan. Special Kates by the
week. Walt for Booklet. Address W.
F. WII.MAMSON, Manager.
gAarrx.TOr KOTO., )T. tOTO.
along Continental
Line, but
a Essentially
Typical of
New York
ss il Natae.
One ol the
Show Place of
Mural Decoration
4ytKe '
. A Veritable
ofyScieace and
Art ia every
of Coutrucbo
soil Equipment.
Appoint meet
of Surputina
Elrfince aod
Attendance and
Floor Service
Excelling tbat of
any ol the X-jtdtnj
Hostciries ci
r b
$10 Jumper Suits
' srs
The Only Double Track Line"
The CHICAGO SPECIAL leaves 6KX) p. m., arrives
Cliicago 8 :30 a! m., with dining car a la carte supper and
breakfast Same service and same hoars returning.
The DAYLIGHT LIMITED leaves 7:05 a. m arrives
Chicaga 9 :35 p. m. Sleeper and Parlor Car service. Din
ing car for all meals, j " , .
ITED" and "OVERLAND LIMITED" leave at 9:30 p.
m. and 10:00 p. m. respectively, 'arriving Chicago 11:59
a. m. and 12:30 p. m. ' ;
.- . . i . ...
7:50 a. m. and the TWIN CITY LIMITED at 8:28 p.
remain unchanged. ,'. , !
v;V Low- Rates Now
' $20.00 to Chicago and return.
$18.75 to Deadwood and return.
$12.50 to St. Paul and return. ' "
$35.00 to Jaemstown Exposition and return.
And Many others East, West and North.
City Offices: 1401-03 Farnam Street
Bee Want Ads
Broadway at FortySccoti Street, New York
;- j '' Mk'
,-!- '' -la
.."-r.aT?r, jw,
. ' THE
(Exactly Like Cut)
Will be sold to mail
order customers on.17.
. Here ia a chance for our
snail-order customer to get
one of the most popular gar.
tnents of the season for leas
than the goods would cost.
This Suit i made of an
excellent vrool material, in
beautiful new black and white,
brown and white, and gray
checks. Ha 13 gore plaited
skirt finished with straps.
Would be cheap at $10.00.
Return at ear expense anJ get
montf kK if not latltfoctory.
When you order ask rfc OA
for Special Suit No. I 30.
JUNE 9th
Produce Results
Times Square,
to every -MeUopoUaSj
573 Room
400 Baths
Vacuum Plant.
Canine Francaia
by Gears
tbe rieeat Ctnsia)
ef America.
Tea Room
' Cafe, Grille.
Rar old Vintages
of Wine
. snd Spacious
Win Cellar.
Banquet Hall
and Private
D'-niiif, Room
i . .. - a. r
' . jasetr ---Ji3