T7IE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, JUNE II, 1D0 UMIIA SKINS BEARS EASILY Jolti Walk Over New Pitcher Baden baqjh in Bade Fashion. .BAHAM GETS THEEE OF TEN BITS Mrrly . U Tcickri Ela TtaM Safely, at Ha HrCfa Tkeas Scattered and Has Good Caatrel. Omaha, 8; Dfnvtr 1. McN'flfy wis the stumbling hlocK 111 tha rax of Denver' pennant aspiration at Intnn street park Monday afternoon, lolding them to ona tittla run whlla hla earn mates were lambasting iRodenbaugh, h new twlrler aecured from St. Paul, for oough hlta to make a total of eight runs, ha final score being I to 1. McNeeley iltchsd gllt-edgpd ball, and at no time, wai he gama In any danger for Omaha, and hi In tplte of the fact that It was ladlea' lay and the women and children were out if the hundreds. It waa a magnificent fonday crowd, and tha entire Omaha team lacked up Mo Noel ey In a way that win fell games. Omaha made ten hits to eight for Denver nd each team made two errors, both the enver error assisting In the run getting, nd neither of the Omaha errors doing any njury. McNeeley did not pass a man and Ielded his position In fine form, but the tew youth from 8t Paul waa easy picking or Omaha. Wheeler would not take him ut when Omaha waa lambasting him, but nad him stay and take hla medicine. How Casaa Mart. Do lan fumbled Cassady' grounder In the Irat inning and that youth stole second. Hit the beat Wheeler and 'White could do ill to hit the ball to McNeeley. Franck nad a double in the first Inning for maha, but It waa also wasted. McHala. .he first man up In the second, hit safely, lut he could not get beyond first base. 'Twaa different In the second for Omaha, kfter two men were out Graham hit for ft double and waa driven home by La brand' single. McNeeley walked and Bel den drove both him and Labrand home with a two-aacker. Trannk i flaw out to Cassady. That was three to the good for Omaha, nd It looked like It might be enough, judg ing from the gait which NcNeeley waa rolng. Wheeler hit a double to tha fence In he third, but that was wasted. "Three runs rill never win this game," yelled Pat Bo hannon, the giant twlrler for the Mountain ter. The Rourke family thought It might be so and proceeded to annex some mora. !n the third Welch walked, stole second, rent to third when - Reddlck missed the throw and came home on Dolan's single.. Three lilts In a Row. Denver made a lonely little run In the fifth nnlng and It took three singles and an out ;o do It With one out. Murphy, Cassady nd Wheeler singled and .the bases were tilled. White hit a grounder to Graham, who touched the runner between first and second, but Murphy crossed the plate. Mo rtals' grounder sent them all to the. field.. Omaha let matters run as they were until tha seventh Inning, when ' two more runs aere' made to cinch' the' game. Graham yaened with a hit to "right Held and La brand's aafe bunt left them both on base. McNeeley executed ' a good sacrifice and Belden' hit to the pitcher sent Graham home and Labrand came home on Franck' infield out. , . , , ; Two more were added to : the acore In the eighth Inning, Welch walked and got out on Dolan's attempt to saorlfloe. A tin' grounder the pitcher put Dolan out at second. Graham bunted, -and beat the bunt a mile, but the pitcher seemed rattled and threw so wild to first that both Austin and Graham scored. A fast double play from Franck to Graham to Gondirg ended the game and sent all home happy. The same teams this afternoon: , The score: , OMAHA. I A3, ft. H. PO. A. E. Belden, rf .. Franck, ss .. Autrey, If ., Welch, cf ... Dolan, lb ... Austin, 8b ... Graham, 2b . Labrand, c .. lacNeeiey, p Total .... 81 S 10 27 15 DENVER. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Murphy, rf aafcady, If Wheeler. 8b While, lb ., McHule. if . 4 4 ..... 4 ... 4 McDonough, c ........ 4 Reddlck, 2b 4 Moore, sa 4 Rodenbaugh, p 2 Total Denver Hits- Omaha Denver ...85 8 24 13 0 I 1 M 0 I I M 00001000 0-1 .13101081 -10 .01303001 18 Franck. Graham, belden. Two-base hits First base on balls: Off Rodenbaugh, 8. struck out: By McNeeley, 2; by Koden bau4ih, 3. Left on bases: Omaha, 8: Den ver, 8. Double plays: Franck to Oraham to Dolan, MeloiiouKh to Reddlck. Stolen bost-s: Caxaadr, Weloh. 8 icrlflce hit: Mc Neeley. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Conahan. Attendaitce, X.lfXi. Aota of the Game. Ladles' day was no hoodoo. Graham third hit turned out to b a home run bunt, Dolan was cheated out of a beautiful lilt by a hard sprint and catch by Cas sady In the second Inning. McNeeley grabbed one grounder and would take no chances ou throwing the bull, but ran to first with It himself. Denver has a good first baseman In White. Mi nelds well, although he has not hit much In the umalia game up to date. , Omaha hit the ball hard from the start and It was only a matter of time when some of tbose hit would get to going Bfu. Uondlug waa again sick and did not how up at the grounds, but Labrand waa there all the time and made to hit and two runs. If Oraham can keep up that lick with the stick thU wilt surely be the last There is no other part of our physical system upon which so much depends as upon the blood. The muscles, nerves, bones, 6inews, skin, nd other por tions of the body are sustained, developed and enabled to perform their different duties, because they are aupplied with nourishment and healthful properties through the circulation. In various ways the blood becomes contaminated and polluted, A sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the avenues of bodily waste, will leave the refuse and waste matte of the body to our and form uric and other acids, which are absorbed into the blood and Rheumatism, or some itchinj, disfiguring- skin disease is the resultT ' Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, splotches, pimples, etc.,. all, show that some humor has taken root ia the circulation and rendered it sour and unfit for nour ishing the body. f. There is scarcely any disease which cannot be traced to the blood. Often the disease-tainted blood of parents is handed down to children and their lives are a continual battle against disease in some form, usually ofa scrofulous nature. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, Contagkus Blood Poison, etc, are all deep-seated blood troubles, and until this vital fluid is purified they cannot be cured. For all blood diseases S. S. 8. is ihebest remedy ever put upon the market This great medicine is made ol roots, herbs and barks of recogrJred blood -purifying and building-up properties. It goes down into Uie circulation and removes all poisons, impurities and humors, supplies the blood with th healthful properties it needs and com pletely cures Hood diseases of every kind. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, Contagious Blood Poison, etc, Ucause it purifits the. blood. Book on the blood and medical advice free. . a. ;ycB swift specific co aiuhta, ca. J. COOK! nfj EXTRA DRY f fl It deliahts the taste and afio is 1 exquisite pleasure. It exits but half th price of foreign Champagnes, as there is no duty or ship freitfht to pay on Cook's Imperial Extra Dry. Served Everywhere year Omaha fans will have the pleasure of watching him play. Graham has been hitting some for the last two games. . Three hits Sunday and three Monday Is pretty good for a coun try boy. He also scored threa times Monday. McNeeley was'- steady all the way through and, although they hit safely eight times that was till their waa to It, for not a man was passed, end he kept them close to the sack. McDonough got rattled 'In the seventh Inning. He got It into his head that three men were on bases and when lielden hit to the pitcher and the ball waa thrown home McDonough did not try to touch Graham, but stood ou the plate Instead, thinking that put him out. Williams Outpltchea Jackson. SIOUX CITY, ' la., June 10 In a slow game on a rathur soft tltlil, Williams out pitched Jackson, and the Bioux took the rirslmmona today from the Pueblo Indians, to 1. Drill was the only Indian wbo could hit Williams successfully, and his drives usually came at Inopportune tlmea. Score; BIOUX CITY. . . AB. K. IL PO. A. B. Campbell, If a 1 1 0 0 0 D. Bheehan, 8b NODIlt, ct 3 Wed, 2b J.,... 3 Hart, lb 2 Hupp, rf I Granville, as ........ ..4 J. Sheehan, 0 1 Williams, p a Total .... 27 a ft 27 14 PUEBLO. . AB. R. H. PO. A. 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 0 Ryan,-3b Klwert, Sb ... McUllvray, ct Look, If Belden, lb .... Melcholr, rf ,. Drill, . c Corhan, ss .... Jackson, p ... liender .. 4 .. 8 .. 8 .. 4 .. 2 .. 8 .. 8 .. 4 .. 2 ...1 Totals ....29 1 7 24 10 0 Batted for Melcholr In ninth. Sioux City 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Pueblo ',...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Two-bane hits: Weed. J. Sheehan, D. Sheehan,' Hupp, Drill, Jackson.' Double plays: Hart to Wevd, Weed to Granville to Hart. Left on bases: Sioux City, 7; Pueblo, 5. Sacrifice hits: D. Sheehan, Weed, Hupp, Jackson. First base on balls: Off Jackson, 4; off Williams, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Drill, I.Nobllt. Btruok out: Hy Williams, 8; by Jackson, 4. Time; 1:40. Umpire: - Brennan. Attendance, 1.800, ,, Miller Geta Ills Bnmps. LINCOLN, June 10. Five' successive sin gles, preceded by a base on balls and an error gave Lincoln four runs rn the third Inning of today's game- with De Moines. Four more runs came the next Inning on a pass, a hit by pitcher and three singles. That drove Miller to be bench, Sporer tak ing his place. Clcotte was hit hard at times, . but seldom successfully with men on bates, error figuring largely in the visitors run getting. The batting of David son, Thomas and Hog-rlever were feature. Score: ' LINCOLN. AB. R. H. PO. A- E. A. 0 2 2 0 0 1 8 2 3 13 Ketchem, cf. Fox, 2b Holmes, 8b, . Fenlon, rf. , Davidson, If. Thomas, lb. Oognler. as. , Zanran, c. ,. Clcotte, p. ' ,. Total ...... 8 1 0 2 0 0 88 10 IS 27 DES MOINES. AB. ft. H. PO. A. E. Schlpke, 8b 4 1 0 Hogrlever, rf 6 1 3 Dexter, lb 6 0 1 Cqrkhill, If. 6 0 2 Andreas, 2d 6 11 McLaughlin, cf. 2 10 Oochnaur, as. 8 0 0 Yeager, o. 8 0 2 Miller, p 2 0 0 Sporer, p 2 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 . 1 3 2 1 Total 86 4 10 24 14 Lincoln 0 0 4 4 0 1 1 0 10 i Des Molne 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 04 Earned runs: Lincoln, 4. Two-base hits: i Zlnran, Yeager. Home run: Thomas. Sac I rifles hit: Ketchem. Stolen bases: Holmes ' VI), Thomas, Schipke. Double plays: Fox to Qagnler to Thomas; Oagnler to Thomas; Andreas to Dexter. Struck out: By Cl cotte, t: by Miller, L First base on balls: vicotte, 4; on" Miller, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Clcotte, 1; by Miller, 1. Wild pitch: Clcotte. Left on bases: Lincoln, 8; Des Moines, 1. First base on errors: Lincoln. 2; De Moines, 2. Time: 1,40. Umpire: Haskell and Olfford. Attendance, 1,000. Standing; or the Trans. Played. Won. Ixst- Pet. Dee Molne Omaha Lincoln 41 24 27 17 20 47 43 88 42 46 .674 .608 24 20 IS 18 23 82 . Denver ' ai f-t . . . diuui ,ujr ..... Pueblo to 13 .474 ,2e Games today: Denver at Omaha. Pnahln at Sloua City, Lincoln at De Moines. Cndahys Defeat Roaarala. The Cudahya defeated the Rosgal by a score of 7 to 2 Sunday In a game In which the pitching of Cunningham and the work of Fox at short and Casaldy at catching and baae throwing were the ' features. Score: R. H. B. Cudahya 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 7 6 1 Rosgals 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-3 3 I Batteries: Cudahys, Cunningham and Caa Idy; Rosgals, Corcoran and. Jama. . PURIFIES oTHE BLOOD CLEVELAND DEFEATS BOSTON Napoleoni Shut Out the Book-worms Fire to Nothing;. EEROSS GIVE VISITORS STAUT Vstst ta t nee t tie In the Fifth an He la lilt Hard Thereafter- Score of Other Oamrst BOSTON, Mass.. June 10-Cleveland won again today by 8 to o. Error In the fifth gave the visitor a start and seemed to un settle Young, who waa hit hard thereafter. In the third Inning a foul tip broke the middle finger of Clarke' throwing hand. Scores CLEVELAND. : BOSTON. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B. rilr. rf..., Bradley, Ih Slovall, lb, Lajole. lb.., Clarke., c... 4 110 Hoar, at 4 0 118 8 Pir.nt. It.... 4 11 0 0 1 9 e i i I I tl 0 OVnglaut lb.. 4 0 I 10 4 4 oronaellon. rf. 4 I I 10 4 0 0 Knight. 4b... 4 0 1 I 1 t 4 0 Ferris, tb.i... 10 4 n-mls I 4 Brrangh' erf 4 I 1 0 IWimit, as... 1 t Hlnr-hmsn, it. 4 1 1 0 0 Crlier, e 1 I Turner, M....4 t 1 4 0 Young, b I 1 0 4 1 LelabarfH, . I 0 I I 0 ToUlt 00 4 1 1 Totals 04 It 07 14 0 , CTeveland 0 0 0 6 t 1 0 1 08 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Parent, Congalton, Sto vall. Three-base hit: Birmingham. Stolen bane: Flick. Sacrifice hits: Lajole, leih hardt (2). Double plays: Turner to I-aJole, to Stovall; Wagner to Unglaub to Knight. lft on bases: Boston, 5: Cleveland, 7. Struck out: By Young. 8; by Delbhardt. 2. Time: 1:82. Umpires: Stafford and Evans. White Sox Derrat Senators. WASHINGTON, D. C June 10. Walsh held Washington down to three scattered hits today and Chicago won, 2 to 1. Chi sago bunched their hits In the second In ning and scored all of their runs. The Holding of Charley Jones was the feature. Score: CHICAGO. WASHINGTON. B.H.O.A.B. BR. OAK. Harm, rf 4 1 0 0 0 Oanlar, rf... 0 100 F. Jonas, ct. I I I 0 0C Jnoes, of.. I 110 0 laball, lb 4 0 4 Darla, m 10 0 0 OPorrtne, Ob... 4 1 0 0 1 l Mil. If.. 4140 0 OAlUiar, m.... 4 0 4 1 0 0 Anderson, lb. t 0 T 1 0 t i-halfly, 3b.. I 0 I 0 0 0 Heydon, c. .. t 0 0 0 0 4 OHustass. p .. 110 4 1 Dousbarty, It 4 0 1 Ifonobue, lb. t t 14 Rob, tb 4 10 BulliTin. a... 4 14 Walib, p I 0 I Touts 01 mil I Totals...... 10 t 17 II 1 Washington 0 0000001 0-1 Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hit: . Hughes. Sacrifice hits: C. Jones, F. Jones, Donahue. Stolen bases: Oanley (2), C. Jones, Hughes, Isbell, Sulli van, Walsh. Double play: Davis to Isbell to Donohue. Left on bases: Washington, 4; Chicago, S. First base on balls: Oft Hughes, T; off Walsh, 2. Struck out: By Hughes, 2; by Walsh, 1 lime: 1:50. Umpire: O'Xiougb lln. Re York Win from Detroit, NEW YORK, May 10. After a, aeries of defeats by visiting clubs the local Ameri cans won today from the Detroit team by a score of ft to 3. Ktllian was relieved In the latter part of the second Inning after New York had made four runs. Score:. NBW YORK. : DETROIT. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B. KMlrr, rf.... 110 OJosos, If S 14 0 0 F.lherftld, s. S 1 7 1 lCoihlln, lb. 4 Chus. lb.... 4 I T 4 OCrmwtord, of. t Laporto, lb... 6 10 1 lt'ohb, rf, 1 Wlllluni, ib, 4 I I 1 Romas, lb. 4 Conrnr. If. ...5 I 4 0 0 8rh fer. lb.. S too t 1 0 0 0 111 0 4 0 0 1110 Morlarlty, cf. 4 I 1 0 ODowna, lb... 1 10 0 0 x if mow, e... 4 14 1 oo'Lmrr, 4 114 0 Doris, 0 0 0 4 OSrhmldt, 4 0 119 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 Euhanks, p, . 9 ToUls 10 18 tl It 2Mulllo. 0 1 Totals.. ....0 0 U 10 1 Batted for Eubank In ninth. Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0-8 New York 1 41 0 2 0 1 -9 Two-base hits: Crawford, Morlarlty. Three-base hits: Chase, . Klelnow. Hits: Off Kllllan, 6 In two Innings; off Bubanks, 12 In six innings. Bacrlflce hit: Doyle. Stolen bases: Mullln, Coughlin. Left on bases: .Detroit. 7; New York, 9. First bane On errors:' Detroit, 2; New York, L Hit by pitcher: By Dtoyle, 1; by Bubanks, 3. StmCK out: By Doyle. 8: by Ehibanks. 1. Passed ball: Schmidt, Time: 1:60. Um pire: Sheridan. , , Waddell Too Afach for Browna. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. June 10. Wad dell was at hla best today, holding St. Ixuls to four hit and striking out eleven men. Score: PHILADELPHIA. ST. LOUIS. B. H.O.AC. .B.H.O.A.E. Hartul, If... 10 0 OHartioM. Ib .l t i I I Nlrholla, Ob. 8 3 11 1 Plckarint. rf. 4 3 0 0 8ybol4, rf... I 110 0 Hemphill, cf. 4 1 4 0 0 Darla, lb I 1 I 1 4 Wallace, m. Collins, lb... 4 10 1 OStona. It.... 4 0 110 .10 8 0 0 . 4 tt 1 8 0 .1114 4 .10 4 0 0 .10 0 3 0 .10 0 0 0 H t 14 1 1 Oldrlng, cf. Brhrvck. c. , 4 ' 1 I 0 OTeaor, . 1 0 It 0 OJonaa. lb... . 1 0 0 3 0 O'Connor, 0 .10 11 OGIada, p.,. wlhantr . 0 IT 10 I Croaa, at.... Waddall, . Total,,... Totals.... Batted for O'Connor In the ninth. St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Philadelphia ' 0 0030100-3 Two-base hits: Nlcholls, Jones. Three- base hit: Oldrlng. Sacrifice hit: Seybold. Left on bases: St. Louis, 8; Philadelphia, 6. First base on balls: Off Olade, 3; off Waddell, 3. First base on error: St. Louis. Hit by pitcher: By Waddell, 2. Btru-k out: By Glade, 4; by Waddell, 11. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Connolly and Hurst. Standing; ot the Trams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Chloago Cleveland Detroit Philadelphia ... 46 80 16 .687 44 80 16 .663 41 34 17 .66 44 24 fO .645 41 80 31 - .488 44 18 28 .881 41 14 27 .841 44 14 80 .318 New lork St. Louis Washington ..... Boston , Games today: Chicago at Washington, St. Louis at Philadelphia, Detroit at New York, Cleveland at Boston. GAMES IN THE! NATIONAL LEAGUE) New York Scores Klght Ran In Second and Wins from St. Ioala. 8T. LOUIS. June 10. The sudden Inclina tion of the whole St. Louis team to relaxa tion in the second Inning enabled New York to score eight runs, and gain the victory by a score of e to i. fcineliis pitching was wild and ineffective and Karaer took his plaoe. Score MEW YORK. . ST. Loins. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. Shannon, K..4 I 4 Holly, as I 1 4 1 1 browna, It... 4 111 BannaU. lb.. I 1440 Derlln. lb.... 8 19 1 0 Murray, If... 4 3 0 0 1 Seymour, cf.,4 3 1 0 I Brma, lb.... 4 I 0 0 1 Uraanahaa, a. I 1 4 I a Berkley, lb.. 4101 atouua, lb.. 4 111 0 lUHara, If.... I 110 0 Bhar. aa I 6 1 6 OBurcb. cf 4 1 I 0 0 Corcoran, lb, I I I ) 4 Marahall, e. 4 1 I I 0 Parsuaon, p.. I 1 0 4 0 Shields, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 Haautfan. lb. 8 I I 0 Karaer, p.... 4 130 ritagaraia, I i touus as s n u 4 ToUls 16 11 14 0 St Louis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 New York 0 80000090-4 Two-base hit: Seymour. Hltsi Oft Shields, 8 In one and one-third Inning: off Karger, 8 In seven and two-thirds Innings. Sacrifice hits: Holly, Browne. Stolen bases: Devlin, Breenahan. Double plays: Holly, Bennett to Berkley; Hannlfan to Fltsgerald. Left on bases: 8U Louis, 8; New York, 7. Base on ball: Oft Shields, 3; oft Ferguson, 3; oft Karger, 2. Hit by titcher: Fergvson, 1. Struck out: By Ferguson, 6; by Karger, 4. Wild pitch: Shields. Time: 8:10, Umpires; Johnstone and Carpenter. Plratea Hit the Ball. PITTSBURG. Pa., June 10. The Pltta burgs today engaged In the hardest hitting game Of the settaon, getting eighteen hits for a total of twenty-nine bases. Willi waa strong all the way. The feature waa the batting of Wagner, who hit the ball safely every time tie went to bat. Score: flTTSBlHO BROOKLYN. B.H.O.A.B. , B.H.O.A.B. Hallman, rf.. 4 I 1 0 OAlparmaa, Ml 0 1 t 1 Leach, of I 8 4 4 Hummel, Ib. I I I I t Clarka. cf.... 1 3 8 0 Car. lb,.... I 0 18 0 W.sner. as. .14 14 OLunley, H...4 18 0 Aboaicltlo, Ik 4 I 4 i 1 Batck. If 4001 Nealon, lb.... 4 1 II 4 4 Jordan, lb.... I 1 T 1 4 8!baa. Ik.. 4 1 0 8 0 Ma loner, ci.. 4 0 10 0 OlLaao. 4 6 lit OLawla, as 4 8181 WllUa, P 6 1 Sbuller, a 4 0 4 1 1 Strtcklstt, p. 8 0 0 6 0 ToUls 41 14 17 11 I ToUls U 0 14 ta I Pittsburg t 0 3 0 3 8 3 3 14 Brooklyn H M I I I -l Two-base hits: Hallman, Wagner, Ab batlchlo, Nealon. Jordan. Three-base bits: Wagner, Sheehan, Hummel. Home run: GUaon. Sacrifice hits: Abhatlohio, Jordan. Stolen bears: Leach, Slieehan. Ikjubls playi Casey to Hummel to Jordan. First base on balls: Off Will la, 1; off fcHrkk lett. 3. Struck out: By Willis, 3: by Sirlrk lett. 1 loft on baeea: Pittsburg, T; Brook lyn. 6. Wild pitch: atrkcklett. Time: 1 60. Umpire: Klem. Oasias "etpwaed. . At Chicago Chicago-Philadelphia gam poatponrd: wwt grounda A I Ctunlaaavll t tu.'U.iutl-teatos f J,-n poe4ponl, on ecronnt of the Lwtonla derby. Standing; f the Teams. flayed. Won. J-rt. Pot. Chicago 44 tn .TBS New lork 44 80 14 .61 Philadelphia 43 M 17 . Itttslmrg 40 32 18 .60 Boeton 43 17 28 : .396 (Inolnnatl 44 1" 3' .80 iTooklyn 44 15 M .Ml St. Louts ............ 48 13 86 .371 Oe.m ttxIsTi New' York at St Ixrtrta. Brooklyn at Mttnhrg, Philadelphia at Chi cago, Boston at Cincinnati. (JAMES in A.MKPICAN ASSOCIATION Milwaukee Benches Hits ssl Wlai from ladlanapolla. INTUANAPOLIS. Ind.. June 10. Milwau kee bunched hits on Cromley In the first, and third Innings and defeated the locals 4 to 1 today. During practice Williams was struck on the head by a thrown ball and knocked unconscious, but managed to re cuperate and played a rrt of the game, when he retired In favor of Armstrong. Score: MILWAfKEB. rNPIANAPOWH. B H .0 A C Rnhlnaos, sa. 4 I I OWIIIIama. a own,- rf 4 0 0 0 fColt,r. If... OelrT. ct. I 14 0 CCarr, lb h'Tlllo, o.... 4 1 11 4 Hlm, Tt... MrCormH, lb I 0 0 Kmc. Ih.... M'Chnnsr, If I 0 0 . 0 fSlcatlo. cf.... Prmra. lb... 4 1 1 OH.wl.y. o... rihT, lb.... 4 I l'.Hnpk. 3b..., h H OA 3 10 ,10 1 4 i S 4 11 ,401 , 4 0 T til 0 4 1 0 WllaoS, p.... 4 0 0 0 1 Crnmlor. P Armitmnc aa 1 0 I 0 Totals. .St 1 XI I lUTlngaloa . 1 0 0 0 0 Total! 33 7 27 II I Batted for Armstrong In ninth. Tndiannpolla 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Milwaukee 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Two-base hits: Oder, Bevllle. Sncrlflce hit: Green. Stolen bases: Williams, Himes, Krug, Robinson. Double piny: Byrnes to Robinson. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 6; Milwaukee, 7. First base on balls: Off Wil son, 4; off Cromley. f iflt by pitcher: Mo Chesney. Struck out: By Cromly, 8; by Wilson, 11. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Sullivan. Toledo Wins from St. Past. TOLEDO, O., June 10.-Toledo won from St. Paul today by superior all around work with timely hitting. Score: TOLEDO. ' ST. PAtll,.' B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B. Parhnu. aa.. a t 1 Dunlaary, rf .. I 10 0 0 J. Clarka, If. 4 1 I 0 4 Koehlar, cf.. 4 4 1 0 0 0 OFrt.k. If 4 3 1 0 0 0 Nordyke, lb., t 1 t 0 0 1 i Pndilrn, lb... I 0 I 3 1 4 1 Williams, as.. 4 0 111 2 I Tlomeyer, lb. 4 1 1 1 0 t Irwin, c 4 0 1 I 1 1 Fnrrls. B 4 0 0 8 .0 Artnhruat'r, rf 6 0 I Smoot. cf...H 4 0 0 Roaratt, tb. .. 4 S I Parrtns, 4b... 4 3 0 W. Clarka, lb I 0 Abbott, o 4 10 allien, p 10 1 Crlas 1 0 0 0 14 10 17 II 4 ' Totals., Totals U 0 14 11 4 Batted for William In ninth. Toledo 0 1 3 0 0 0 2 2 8 St. Paul 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 34 Two-base hits: Perrlng, Barbeau, Regan (2) Tlemeyer. Sacrifice hits: W. Clarko, Glllen, Padden. First base on balls: Oft Farrls, 4; oft Oillen, 6. Struck out: By Farrls, 1; by Glllen, 6. Stolen bases: J. Clarke (2), Perrlng, Padden, Barbeau (2) Hit by pitcher: Padden, Barbeau, Smoot. Passed ball: Irwin. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Kerin. Kansas City Bnnches Kits. LOUISVILT.E, Ky., May 10 Kansas City batted Puttmann at opportune time today and had no-trouble In winning nn easy victory. Kerwln waa hit on the Jaw wlttt a pitched ball, and knocked uncon scious. Frant took hi place in right field. Score: , " Kansas rrrr. Louisviu.e. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. Kerwln, rf... 8 110 ORtovall, rf.... 4 0 0 0 0 Lladaar. lb.. 4 10 4 eCouloy, If.... 4 1110 Hill, cf 4 110 0 braahnar, lb. 1 114 0 10 0 OBulllraa, as.. 4 0 t 0 0 0 t I OPeltt, lb I 1 0 1 8 0 10 OHughfs. o.... I 18 4 0 14 1 0 Stanley, cf... 4 1 I 0 0 1 4 0 0 Woodruff, 8b. 4 0 1 10 2 0 1 OPuttaiaon, p. 4 1 0 1 0 1000 Totals SI 4 24 14 H'laman, lf-rf I Kruoser, lb.. 4 Burka, lb.... I McHMda, si.. 4 J. BulllTan, a I E(au,-p 8 Frauua, If... 1 . Totala SO 10 17 It 0 Louisville .....v. 0002 01 00 03 Kansas City 30002 2 00 4 Two base hits: Hills, Puttmann. Three base hits: Huelsman, Oooley, Brashear. Sacrifice hit: Lindsay. Double play: Hughes and Braahaar. Stolen base: Bras, bear. Lelt on bases: Louisville, 4, Kan sas City, 7. Hit by pitcher: Kerwln, Burke. Bases on Imll, by Puttmann, 4; Egan, 8. -Wild pltxjtt: Puttmann. Passed ball: Hughes. . Time: 1:63. Umpire: Warden. ' '. i ; Millers Dcfrfjt Champions. ; COLUMBUS, 0.,bMay 10. Timely hit ting aided by. the locals' . errors gave Minneapolis a victory xJVer .Columbus to day. Score: M1NNBAPOU8. COJA'MBl'S. - B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. p-Nalll, If.... 4 0 10 OJuda, rf . 4 110 1 Dundon. tb... 6 0 4 8 0 Prlal, Ib 6 1 0 0 0 liarus, sf.... I 110 Ollulawltt. as. 6 1 4 4 8 J.Prarman. rf I I 0 0 OOeaaiar. cf... 1 1 I 0 a 'jrtnninawr, IDS I a-j , Klhm. lb.... 4 JrPrtwtnan, lb 4 8 10 1 0 Wrlslay, lb., I Orler, aa 4 114 4flsillr, If I Fhannon. e... 4 0 8 1 1 Blue, Muaka, pi.. 8 1 1 1 , 1 Rohartallla, pi Kohl 1 1 II 10 13 3 0 1 1 0 0 4 4 2 1 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 i ota is n 10 21 it . Totals. .....14 I 87 14 I Columbus .,. . 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 1 3 Minneapolis 00021001 1 S Batted for Robertallle in ninth. Stolen base: Mertes. Sacrifice hits: Wrlgley, J. Freeman, Gremlnger. Bases on balls: off Robertallle, 1,. off Manske. 6. Two base hits: Hulswltt, J. Freeman, Jy. Freeman, 3. Two bats hit: Rellly. Double ploy: Dundon to Jy. Freeman. Hit by pitched ball: O'Neill. Time: 2:10. Impires: Egan and Kane. Standing of the Teams. Played. Columbus 46 Won. Lost. Pet 28 17 M Minneapolis 43 24 19 .664 Kansaa City 42 as ai k-ia Toledo 46 23 23 . 611 Indlanapoll 60 26- 26 .600 Milwaukee 4r 22 24 ,478 Louisville 43 18 26 . 419 St. Paul 4H 18 20 .ZM Games today; Kansas City at Louisville, Bt. Paul at Toledo. Mlnneannlle- at rvilum. bus, Milwaukee at Indianapolis. SOME AMATEUR GAMES SUNDAY Few Spirits Too Arduous (or Erea 4he Rain to Wet. , The Jolly Tars defeated the RtarnWd Eagles by the 'score of 12 to 7. i ne Hrodegaard Crowns took an eaav victory from, the Eclipse Social club' team Dy tne score ot 11 to 6. lierg Clothing company shut out Gretna, 16 to 0. Batteries: Frankfort and Wal .brldge; Mllea, Donohue and Dutslnger. Bergs made fifteen hit and Gretna 2. Floreaee Wlai from Rambler. The Florence Athletics beat the fast Rambler team in an exciting game of ball at Florence Sunday. Store: R. H. E. Florence 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 7 11 3 Ramblers 8 000000026 7 3 Batteries: Florence, Gustln and Curley: Ramblers, Benson and Thomas. Earned runs: Ramblers, 2; Florence 6. Two-base hits: Swarts, Hughes. Three-base lilt: NVstlebush. Struck out: By O us tin, 4; by Benson, 2. Hit by pitcher: By Gustln, . lime: 1:46. Umpire: Shlelda. Cswr Goes (or Games. "Brick" Casey, manager of the Union Pacific ahopa baae ball team No. f, left Saturday on the Colorado apeclal for Den ver and other points west to arrange for a series ot games to be played In July, when they expect to be gone two weeka White Sox Want Games. The White Sox of Florence would like to have a game with any Junior ball team In the state. For dates call 'phone Florence fThortofi V Boysl Known It for 50 Years In all that J i same good vl' I s-iiri"ir onrl r mA I CTctott oJii never varied u Since I857n It hai been pure whiiker every drop whiskey. A. CDCXIAHITm t HM. Wsffllera, nUovsk. r. . 17a or write Thomas Oraham, manager, Klorenca - 1IAGF.E AND TUB OlaNTS 8N 2.K.4.D Qaaker and JVrw Yerk Top National l.eaaae Batting. Magee rf Philadelphia t-vvda the regular In the Nwflnnal leaanie with the bo. Only elaht men are hitting .3ot or over. Bower- j man, who led for some time, Is one of them. Steinfeldt of Chicago, who led for most of last season. Is second. Many of the "rl slugger are still way down the 11st. The Cubs and Giants are battling for first place In team batting and the Giants are ahead. This Is the complete showing up to Sunday! Name and Club. "-t-Smith. Pittsburg -J,13 Vfua-eo VhliA1e1nhla - 1 Steinfeldt, Chicago .. Bates, Boston Hofman. Chicago .... Fromme, St. IxiuIji Bowermnn. New York Boultes, Boston Beaumont, Boston .... Mitchell, Cincinnati .. Pahlen, New York ... Wngner. Pittsburg ... Tinker. Chicago Odwell, Cincinnati ... Schlel, Cincinnati I.umley, Brooklyn .... Browne, New York ... Devlin. New York ... Ieach. Pittsburg Murray, St. Ixuls .... fievmour, New York . Pchulte, Chicago Strang, New York .... ITiiKglns. Cincinnati . Titus. Philadelphia ... Corcoran, New York Flaherty. Boston 83 .81 811 BIS .SKI 90 :8 5"6 JH1 i 291 25 2S6 2S2 an 20 2sn , rso 2W 37S "75 rs , .278 273 , 270 27 2ns Thomas. Philadelphia . Hosttetler. St. Lnul - 6 O'Hara, St. Louis .2-3 Howard, Boston ... Slngel, Chicago Chance, Chicago ... Shannon, New York .9 3 .22 ,2!2 .2;2 .22 .2il .2-10 .2K0 .W .2f9 .268 .2. .3M .?SI .250 .2." .248 .248 .244 .243 .341 .241 .240 .2T!9 .S8 .237 .236 .236 .KI5 .232 .KiS .227 Clarke. Pittsburg Gibson. Pittsburg Courtney, Philadelphia ... Kllng, Chicago Holly, St. Louis Bresnahan, New York ... PfefTer, Boston Abbatlchlo, Pittsburg Byrne, St. Ixnils Iobert, Cincinnati McGann, New York Knabe, Philadelphia Gansel. Cincinnati Tenney, Boston ............ Bockley, St. Louis MoOlnnlty, New York .... Lewis. Brooklyn McCarty, Brooklyn Jordan, Brooklyn Rltchey, Boston Brown, Chicago ............ Bheckard. Chicago Brown, Boston Burke, Boston McLean, Cincinnati Hallman, Pittsburg Moran, Chicago Brain. Boston Mclnfyre, Brooklyn . SheehanPlttsburg ..'..'.'...""!"!!!!!!!!" .222 .227 violin, r-nnaneipnia , Kelly, St. Louis Jacklitsch, Philadelphia Casey, Brooklyn Bransflald, Philadelphia '. Overall, Chicago Clymer, Pittsburg Taylor, New York '" McOlynn, Bt. Ixiuls Rltter, Brooklyn , Bennett, Bt. Loul " Burch, St. Loul ".' Nelson, Pittsburg Evera, Chicago Ames, New York , Lush, Philadelphia "" Davis, Cincinnati Alperman, Brooklyn Noonan, Bt. Louis ;.. Kane, Cincinnati '" Mason, Cincinnati Pastnrlus, Brooklyn t Randall. Chicago " " Beebe, St. Ixiuls Maloney, Brooklyn Young, Boston " " Arndt. St. Iouls .' Hummel, Brooklyn Rucker, Brooklyn .,...., Lundgren, Chicago Marshall. St. Louis Matbewson, New York Btorke. Pittsburg Kruger, Cincinnati " Batch, Brooklyn "" Llndaman, Boston ....,..,.... '" '' Bell. Brooklyn . Brown. St. Louis ..., ..e...I.J Needham, Boston . Strlcklett. Brooklyn '......' ""K"'' Dontn. Phlladelnhla , Lelfleld. Pittsburg Brldwell, Boston Phllllppl. Pittsburg Ewlng, Cincinnati Butler, Brooklyn , ,"" Moren, Philadelphia " Phelps, Pittsburg Fraser, Chicago Corrldon, Phllarlelnhta " Plttlnger. Philadelphia Dorner, Boston SnsrV, Philadelphia ' Willi. Pfttshorg Coakler. Cincinnati .v ' Karger, St. Louis m CLUB BATTINO. Clube. ' New York M Chicago ...r, Boston Pittsburg Philadelphia ' " St. Loui Cincinnati " Brooklyn , ,. .221 .221 , .219 .218 .218 .217 .217 .214 .214 .211 .M6 .2"6 .ax .a2 .200 ,2iO .1!9 .197 .m .198 .192 .189 .1S4 .1H4 1K3 ,1S2 .W2 .im .174 .174 .173 .173 .173 .13 .1(52 ,1 .158 i .IAS ...1?8 .ISO .149 .147 .141 .138 .129 .1?7 .15 .126 .11 .107 .100 .m .m .041 .000 Pet. .2H6 .267 .?H9 .2H9 .2o XT .2i7 .213 TOWN SEND GUN TEAM WINS Underwood, la., Team Defeated la Fast, Snappy Game. VNTJTCRWOOD, la., June 9. (8pecial.) The Townsend Gun company' team de feated the Underwood team Sunday The frame wa the closest, snappiest and most nterestlng played here this year. The Townsends surprised themselves by playinar an errorless game. Eastman pitched an excellent game. Neno's work at short was of the phenomenal kind. Wlnslow played a euperb game on the lnltal sack, in the outfield Shestak and Ryan carried off the honor, nailing everything that came their way. Score: TOWNSKXDS. UNDERWOOD. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H OAK Esatnwn. p.. 4 18 1 4 Brrrwn .. . a V . . . , Aw A m m i . - - . . '-- , " .... vneitneoy, a,, , Neno, aa 1 8 8 4 0 Rren, if 4 Wlnslow, lb. 4 I 0 0 OTallman, cf.. 4 Toxins, lb.... 4 10 1 OWillmont, lb 4 Qnlsler, a... 4 13 1 0 Bennett, lb.. 4 Sheeuik, If... 4 14 0 Ohairelt, lb... 4 Baundara Of.. 4 1 0 0 0 Read, rf 4 Blnnax, rf.... 4 10 0 OColbum, p... 4 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 ToUls 14 11 87 11 0 ToUls IT 0 87 11 Townsends 4300010007 Underwood 8 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 06 Two-base hits: Wlnslow, Neno. Wlllmont Bennett. Bacrlflce hits: Kennedy, Young First base on balls: Off Eaftman. 1; off Co burn. 3. Hit with pitched ball: Rv Colburn. t Struck out: By Eastman. 7: 1 WW.WH.U. V. Game la Three-! Leaaruo A! P;tur-Deratur, 4: Cedar Rapids, 3. At Dubuque Springfield. 8; Dubuoue ft, At Clinton Bloomlngton, 3; Clinton, a Fight Postponed. The Bngllsh-Bleloff boxing match did not came off at Seltser' Island yesterday aa scheduled owing to some Irregularity. Yawl Llla Wlna Rave. NEW YORK. June la-Late dispatches rrom Hamilton, Bermuda, reported the ar r,v?1 .til.p ?' th rwl Ul". three hours and thirty-four minutes after the yawl Hyperion, both contestant for the Throe time it has been the old whiskey. Its ISatSnnO fljTrre V urie clubs cttp for the smaller boats In the New York-Bermuda ocean yarbt race As the Hyperion showed the LI la six hours and I forty-five minutes, the latter wins ths ; Three clubs' cliv I'd to a late hour last nlsht the Deverlah and the Ftmmrock were the only schooners thst had finished. j ... W'aaaoo Defeats Kremont. FREMONT. Neh., June in.-(Spec1al Tele gram.) Wahoo defeated Fremont here to day In a mud ball gnme, both side chasing the ball In boats. Score: It U.K. Wahoo 00001004(V-66 Fremont 00000010 8 3 74 Batterlest Fremont, Bradley and Shea; Wahoo, Richmond and Bolinn. Struck out: By Bradley, by Richmond, 1 1-eft on bases; Fremont, t; Wahoo, 10. Umpire: Hansen. Dervish Wins Yacht Race HAMILTON. Bermuda, June 10. Tho schooner yacht Dervish, owned by H. A. Morse or the Corinthian Yacht club, Mar bli'hesd, Mass., one of the yachts which starte,! In the ocen race from New York to Rermudn, June 6, reached the stakehont at St. David's head at 6:26 o'clock this morn ing. The yawl Hyperion, owned by Resr Commodore Frank Maler, New RochVlle Yacht club, crossed the line at 3:30 o'clock thla afternoon. La uses Beat Drenhere. The Langs Grocery team easily defeated the Dreshers Sunday at Twenty-second and Charles streets. The features of the game were the pitching of Mully, the batting of M. Kaplan and a one-handed catch by Rnhlnnwiti for the Lapgea, and the catching of Bell for the Dresher. The Tjinge team put up a fast Adding game, the grounds being In a poor condition, and held their TRAD 8 LUCKY STRIKE WITH the fragrance of " LUCKY STRIKE " you and your pipe will be welcome, boating, riding, tuning, golfing, on the veranda anywhere. The thin, even alicei are easily handled ; look good, smell good, are good. You can reckon on the tame quality, tame strength always. LUCKY STRIKE PM?, The curing procet t is secret and valuable. That and our selection of choice leaf ha mads "LUCKY STRIKE" the larjrert elling- brand of sliced cut tobacco in the world. A cool smoke with bo waste. Pocket slse, tin box, 10c Don't wait until your whole system Is polluted with disease, or until your ner vous system 1 tottering under the strain and you become a physical and mental wreck. Incapacitated for work, bualnes. eto. Don't experiment with uncertain, Im proper, dangerous or half-way treatment. The least expense. Is always Incurred through the early employment of genuine professional skill. Start right, and start at once and avoid suffering, anxiety and remorse. W treat man only and ear promptly, afely and thoroughly, 8&02TCKXTIS, CATA.KKX, XXXVOUS DEB II. ITT, BZ.OOD POIflOir, BKXH DISEASES, KH. WET and BEu8JDr38 SISSASXI and U peolal Disease and taelr complications. Consult Free STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE DOeTORS F0R.!TJ.Er Call and Be Examined Free or Write Office Hours 8 A, M. to 8 P. M. Sunday 10 to 1 Only 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Permanently Establixhed In Omaha, Nebraska. ' w Sieii to Read The Bee . N For itle tvt the following news itvitls: BROADWAY THEATER NEWS STAND IMPERIAL HOTEL NEWS STAND KNICKERBOCKER HOTEL NEWS STAND HOFFMAN HOUSE NEWS STAND GRAND UNION HOTEL NEWS STAND HOLLAND HOTEL NEWS STAND 1 WALDORF-ASTORIA HOTEL NEWS STAND NEW PLAZA HOTEL NEWS STAND BELMONT HOTEL NEWS STAND MURRAY HILL HOTEL NEWS STAND MANHATTAN HOTEL NEWS STAND ASTOR HOUSE NEWS STAND opponents afe ir through the gtme. S. ore: tt. H. B. Lang" 0 IIMM1 -12 14 8 Dresners .....0 08011003 6 t Hfitteiiis: l.snges. Multy. Rnhlnnwiti and A. Haitian Dreehere. Rone, Williams and Hell Umpires: Mardls and Courtney. The Ingo team would like to arrange a game with solus team out of the city. Ad dress A. Kaplan, car Lunge Grocery com pel ny. Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets, Omaha llamholdt wins frarm Vrrdon. HUMBOLDT, Neh., June li (Special.) lltniiltol.il and Verdon plnyed a twelve Inning game yesterday st Verdon, resulting In a victory for Humboldt. Score: Humboldt 00430001000 1-8 Verdon 60000080000 0 7 lilts: Humboldt, 10; Verdon, 10. Home run: Pnlect. Three-base hit: DeLalr. Two-baso hlta: DeLalr. Power, Buy lor. Old Detnentrevllle hna been signed by Harry VnuKhn of Hlrinlnghnm. Hooters for the Chicago White Sox team In Omaha are beginning to get a little nervous. Omaha still upholds Its reputation as the best baso bail town for Ita slse In the country. That Saturday crowd was a Corker. The Diet management has secured the Bloomer Girls for the chief attraction at the park next Sunday. Harry Arndt of the St. Louis Nationals, the man who lives In holy dread when play ing a bane of getting spiked, haa bought hi release and Joined Wilmington, Del. Clark GrllTHh has cracked another joke. He wants the season to begin June 1 and end November 1. w WJOC4 TU& J3 Tha RH!bU peelallst at tha lew York F7 ft) c f S s i v. y ) ' Ve ' X y ' 'A. '.'1"t: - i MEN CUHED StfMg FOR. W WE CUKE, THEN VOU PAY US OCR FCB EbtabllBued la Omaha 15 Tear. pnCC Conaultatlon . 1 l a S l-a. and Examination. Wrlta for Symptom Blank for Homa Treatment. Dr. Scarlcs Q Soarlos ILL Corner Uh isd Oonalas Si.. CUABA Nl r