TIIB OMAHA DAILY It EE: FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1907. 1MB AXD PRODUCE MARKET r nn Weather and Steady Cablea aire Stronjtr Tones. WESTEB WHEAT CEOP DJTBOYES f Ofas nightly Lower 9t at BIm la Teemerr frl CmtlawM ta B (mciikit Balllsh. OMAHA, Jun , 1907. steady cable) the market opened with a stronger ton. The mm tor wheat crop also If proved during U.a lurt weak la U.s cen ration. Jryhs wheat market opened with stronger ton Th crowd con tin una bullish and com mission houaaa ara buying hwny on all de clines. A big amount of wheat waa put on the market at the opening; Cables came steadier and weather conditions are lm- rrroTlrf July option opened at o bid and ' closed at tie bid. Com opened slightly lower on prospects were on both aides of the market, but very little was done on the whole. July corn opened at 60c bid and cloaed at 60c bid. Oats opened firm owing to continued re ports of failure and cold, unseasonable weather. Buying waa first-class, with moat of the selling being done by locals. July oats opened at 46a aaked and closed at 4 aaked. laverpool cloaed WiHd lower on wheat and fed lower on corn. Seaboard reported ftO.ffiA bu. of wheat, M. V bu. of corn and 61,009 bu. of ry for export. Primary wheat receipts were 421,000 bush els and ahlpmenta 153,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 646.008 bushels and shipments of 116.000 bushel a Corn receipts were 1.014.(100 buahela and shipments 7P2.u irusneia, tftum receipts last year or two.ouo bushels and ahlpmenta of 661,000 bushels. Clearance were DO, 000 bushels of corn and 48,000 bushels of oata and wheat and flour equal to KSt,S47 bushels. . Lioca) range ot options: Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Cloa. Tea'y. Wheat July.. Corn July... Sept,..! ut Jul. Sept., ot b hhb ri b' 61 B PI B M .Bj 92B MB MB MB BO'BI fHB MB 60 B MB 48Bj 4SfcB 4&B Sa V 4TA VK ifA rAj rfeA r vJ - rA it ha A-CAsked. B Bid. Omaha tmtk Prices. ". wheat-no. t hard. fhs no. I hard. 'sc; No. 4 hard, Ttta&c; No. 8 sprtn jr , "c CORN .No. 8. 4Sit$4SHc; No. I yellow, 4SHc: No. t white. !t4.i. OATS No. t mixed. tiV-c; No. t whit. No. 4 white, 4tft4o. Kl'E-rNo. 8. 7Bc; No. 8. Tso. Carlet Henelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chioago SS 14 67 Kansaa City .... Omaha 18 U 11 Duluth CHICAGO GRAIN AHD PROVISIONS Teateree of the Traalng and Closlag Price oa Board ef Trade. CHICAGO, June ' I. Reports that the wheat crop of Kansas has been severely damaged by front again formed the dom inating Influence In the wheat market to aay and caused an advance or more than 8c from the low point In the price of all deliveries. At the close the July option waa up IWjISc. The September delivery showed a net gain of lVaHaC. July oorn was a shade higher. Oats were down X 61c. Provisions were a shade lower to 10c higher. - . The wheat market opened lower because Of the favorable weather conditions In this country and Canada for the new crop. Lower prices at European grain cent en also encouraged local selling. About the end of the first hour the damage reports Which were coming in from Kansaa altered the sentiment In the pit and sharp buying commenced. The great majority of these reports were to the effect that serious damage had been done by the recent cod weather In that state. - Reports were received of the presence of the green hjr In the wheat fields of Illinois, Indiana ' efid Iowa. ruriner the' lAaar half r the ral, commission houses leading In the Hiring. Prices responded to tha urgent demand, advanced steadily during the re mainder of the day and the market closed strong, with prices close to the high nolnt of the day. July opened t&4e lower, at Hifc, sold off to MHc and then ad vanced to JTVic Final quotations were at 7SV7HC. September opened HlfHe to e lower, at ITQeTSc, declined to Sr.o and then sold up to KTc, where It closed. Clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to W.l bushels. Prtmsry receipts were 443.000 bushels, against 46.000 buahela for the same day last year. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 278 cars, against a holiday last week and 126 cars a year ago. Favorable weather and tha weakness of whr-at depreased prices In tha corn market early In the day, but later sentiment be came slightly bullish because ot damage rr ports. The Iowa crop report declared that because of the oold weather the stand of corn is very uneven and more than the usual amount of replanting will be neces sary. Cash houses were the chief buy ers, but demand was not urgent. Small acceptances from the country bad a strengthening effect on the market. The Close waa firm. July opened a shade to fcfa'Vc lower, at MBf- uM eT in u&ie and then advanced to 64c, The close was ai mo. iocai receipts were 614 cars, with Zbe cars of contract grade. a nreag ot mo in the price of the July delivery waa the feature of the oata mar ket. The decline waa caused by the sell ing of lesding bulla. The deferred futures were steady because of green bug reports and cold weather. July opened a shade to !do lower, at 4"Jc sold off to 47Ho and cloaed at 47Ho. Local receipt were H7 cars., ... .. , . Buying of pork and rTbe by local pack- California. 7s 11: future, steady; July, Ts 1; September, 7s ld. OORN-Rpct. firm; Hm dried. 4s HHd; old northern, 6s M; futurea, steady) July, 4 HSd; Peptember. to i'"A. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qeotatleae f ta Dsy oa Yarleas Comaaodltlea. NF7W TORK, June 1-FU5UR Receipts, 15.V4 bu.; exports, 4.f30 bu.; market was stesdy, but quiet; Minnesota patents, $f.Hij7C.B; winter straights, U3!-ijM; Minnesota bakers, t.7fii4.2&; winter ex tras, MOCiiJS; winter patents, Kt.il 6.w; wlnu-r low grades, L(a J.40. Rye flour, tirm; flr to (xl. H)l(iM, cholc to iMnrv. 1''.7f (. CORNMEA-lr-Steady, but quiet; fine white and yellow, coarse, ILITS-W; kiln dried. t.lfr5-25. Kit-l'uli; .-so. $ western, nominal, tSVt, c. 1 f.. Puffalo. WHEAT Receipt a 14.W bu.; exports, lll.ri bu. Spot market firm; No. 6 red, &.01V elevator; No. 1 red. tl.OCV f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, SI. U. f. o. b., afloat; No I hard winter, 6107". f. o. b., afloat. Heavy liquidation and lo break In wheat after the opening today was fol lowed by a atrong advance of So per bushel. Everybody was buying It on pesalmlstlo crop reports from the south west and a belief that tha July liquidation was over. Final prices represented lo net advance. July, ILO! T-Jvg1.o, closed at tl.H; September, fLOTWl-OV. closed at SLOP; December, l."4T&1.0tT,4, closed at H.07. CORN Receipts, AffiO bu.; exports, 54, 600 bu. Ppot market firm; No. t, HV, elevator, and 63c, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 white, 63o and No. I yellow, 6So. f. o. b.. 'afloat. Option market was without transactions, closing net unchanged. July and Septem ber closed at 6TSo. OATS Receipts, 111.000 bu.; exports. 4S. 1S1 bu. Spot market easy; mixed. It to 62 pounds, 6tV; natural white, 60 to 61 pounds, Slftttr; clipped whit. 66 to 40 pounds, 61HVS6C HAT Uiead j ; shipping, 80c; good to Choice. OXun-K. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, l crop 14(glc; 1W6 crop, 4VJ7c; Pacific const. 1I6 crcp, Slc; crop, f(SO, HIDES Dull: Central America, t3c LKATHKH-Quiet; acid. 2g'a,c. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, 614 00 4914 60; mesa, o'TKM); beef hams. (24 0"ft 26 00; packet, 61l wi1660; city extra India mees. 1'2 ,fvj'23.0':. Cut tcests. steady; rl'kled bellies, n.0(vl4O0; pickled hama, HOOQllSa iJU-d, steady; western prime, 6!-uMjfc.l6; refined, steady; continent, 6865; South American. 610.60; compound,. S.26. Pork, steady; family, 6l.'; short clear, S17.flii.26; mess, 7.761060. TALLOW-Steady; city U per pkg.), Ifcc; country (pkg. free). 6'8ic. RICI-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, SH 67c; Japan, nominal. BUTTKK Easy t western, common to firsts, lraaic CHEESE Steady; new state. full cream, white and colored, large and small, beet, inc: fair to good, 10lSdlttc; In feriors. 7V.c- EXKJS Easy; state, Pennsylvania ' and nearby fancy selected - white, lSySl9c; choice, lTHSlf: firsts to extra firsts, ltyci 17c; western firsts. 16c; official price, 1M3 16c; seconds, lf.f15c. POUL.TRT Live, steady; spring chickens, ISc; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 12c; dressed, firm; western broilers, S0tfo; turkeys, lCKfflic; fowls, UHlMic- . , St. LOBis Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. June . WHEAT Higher; track. No. I red, cash, 8fJc: No. 1 hard, 6A4)6c; July, fr4ti64Vc; September, 90 96c. CORN Higher; track. No. t cash, tXQ 64c; July, f.f'&Mc; September, 63c; No. 2 white. MH-Sfioc. OATS Firm; track. No. S cash, 4RJT4SHC; July, 4lt34c; September, S7ic; No. 6 -white, 50tc . FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. 64.50 64.80; extra fancy and straight, 63 8O34.30; clear. 6tii3.8li. S EETJ Timothy, 6J.0OS4.0o. CfR'M E AL 62. 70. BRAN IBtrong; sacked east track, tl 10 LL2. HAT-Btesdy; timothy, H6.S092L60; prai rie. 610 0Oi7lS 00. IRON COTTON TIEB-61 08. BAOOINO llViC HEMP TWINE TV?. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing I1S SX Lard, unchanged; prime steam, 6S . I)rv salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 69.37H; clear ribs. H.37H: short clears, 69 .75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, 610.26; clear ribs, 610.25; short cleara, $10.624, POULTRY Weak; chlckena, Uc; springs, Kk; turkeys, 10c; ducks, c; geese, 6c , BUTTER Dull; creamery, fii&3c, EGG 3 Steady, 12fec, , Recntpta. Shipments Flour. bb1s. 6.000 7.000 Wheat bu 18.000 I8.0O0 Corn, bu 17.000 S6.000 Oats, bu, t2,0u0 ' 27.000 . Kansaa City Onli u Provisions. ' KANSAS CITT, June 6. WHEAT July. 61 V: Beptember, Kc: December, tttc. Cash: No t hard, 4c61.00; No. 6, 86 9Sc; No. 6 red, 9c&4101: No. 6. 940Wc. CORN July, 4tc: September, 4KHc; December, 4Vkc. Cash: No. 1 mixed, 4S-S3 6tAc; No. 6, 430 ; No. I white, tuc; No. " OATS No. I white, 47i7Hc; No. t mixed, (RTE-Pteady; IVcfTia. HAT 8teady ; choice timothy, H6.5O017.OO; choice rralrle, 61160ai6.00. BUTTER Creamery, 22c; packing, 16c. EOG8 Extra fancy, Uo, case count; current receipts, new cases Included, 16c; second-hand fases, Ctyc; southern, cases Included. 13c Kecetma. Bmpmems. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.'... 71 too 76.0T 6,000 81,000 T8.000 90,000 Rang of options at Kansas City: Open. High. Low. Close Wheat July ... Sept .. Corre July .. Sept ... 60 oV I 49H1 4tt 62 SSS 4fH;4W,fiH! 49! , 4a 1H 2U 4t 4S A asked. B bid. Philadelphia Prsisee Market. . PHILADELPHIA. June 1 BUTTER Steady and in fair demand; extra westrrn ramerv r. tT. r u I nrlce Tlw' aTreer nnnA. iuni uioa uruiQfn in mese proaucts. ZbHc. but lard was easier. Trad Lag waa quiet. EOOS Weak and Uc lower: western . I 'ne close July pork was up 10c. at firsts, free canes. 17c at mark. 6!.rv. Lard was a shade lower, st I CHEESE Steady but quiet; New Tork ).02Wa4.06. Ribs were 6c burher. at K V Ejitlmated recvlpta for tomorrow:. Wheat! a ftS""!!"1 " Cr"' tJ 1U cra; hogs. the leading futurea ranged1 as follows: Articles ! Open.) Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y. Vt I leM, nht I WSJ 4TU4t 6nS!3S4.it;l 1 I Tat mi v I is Wheat July (w;-6, rr Sept, STHtiSl ' MS Deo. Wvew, xocri Com I 1 . July kyt4W . 64U Sept. &34 64 i July l4TflJ 49 I f S-i T4f Tu7 3 Se,4. 1 14 66 I Julv S 10 f 6 1IH Sept, St 6 60 Rll-s July STJ 6 n tirpt. 6(7Vki Sift 6SVJ 47U IT4 8H 60 SOfH! I re s 20 i s so I etp, tih' in I im rVsl I KfW,!. 8 87H f J t No. 1 Cash quotations wars as follows- -KLOUR-Market ateady winter paUnta, IS.4.; straights. 66.od.M; spring rt llril :i ''bta, Ii.fcj4ji.46; bikers'. 5 W H EA T No. I spring. SScfltl ot; No. j5rlnx. 02; No. 1 red, wiiic CORN-No. 6. U-aUUsc; No. I yellow. OATS-Nc 6. 7Hc; No. t whit 4S No. 6 whit. tMfttUu, H V K No. t. fcoc. ?I'ET-Falr to cholc malting, rgcse. t-EE.De Flax. No. 1 northwestern ti nu Timothy, prims. 6175. Clov.r. contract rudsa 616 . PR i)V IAH .NS-hort rib. side. (loose). .6ti.i0. iiesa pork, Mr hhl him t-V' ITItvJ ui" 8hort 0n.i. Followuig were the receipts and ahlpmenta cf flour and grain: ... Receipt. Shipment. yimir. Mt.. 4"U e n 7.0 Wlieat, bu...... U tsona Corn, tx 477 Oata. bu 116 171 SO Rye, bu t,(tx 1 Barley, b.,.. t.?uo Oa the Produce exchange today the but ter market wa steady; creaiueriea. IS S-; dtrl. ITiuWV- Es, steady; t ark. came In- lu ied, 14Ac; firsts. Uc; brlrae rats. Utoc i."heee. ay, Uhk'iiTtkO- Irrla klavrket. PECPI. J r,o -."ORN-Steady: No. yellow 0 -' N .. S. 6c, Nu. 4. LV; BO gra I" t u f ! ;C 1ATRK-: W- J while. 471-c: No, I 'te. 4.y4"Si ; No. 4 wr.lt. 494440. RV E Nominal; No. t, 8i:56c Llvernl Grata - Market. LIVFRPOOL, June 6.-WH EAT-Spot cUuii 6H. I fad wostni wluiac, w, No. 1 full creams, choice, new. 12Hc; New Tork full creams, fair to good, new, UVSIic. MlaaeapolU Crala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 6 -WHEAT July. tl.OlStl 014; Beptember, 61 nm: No. 1 hard, tl OSW, No. 1 northern. 61'02; No. 1 north ern. 610yI No. 6 northern. 610(1.004,. , FLOUR First patents. 66.064ift.16; second patenta, 64 (!(?.; first Clears. 63.5birO.66; second clears. tlTSJ.W. BRAN In bulk. 6l6.6ta16 76. Mllwaake Crala Market. MTLWAUKPE, Wla.. June 6 -WHEAT Steady; No. 6 northern. WcQfLOl; Juty, re bid. RYE Steady: No. t 87THo. PARLEY Higher; No. 3, sOSsc; sample, 64fi'7'c. CORN-Steady; July, t4wa, bid; No. 6 caab, 64ipC6c Dalaik Grata Market. DULUTH. June 1-WHKAT-Nc 1 norta ern. 61(ni; July. 61t; September, 61.01. OAT-On track. June. 44c NEW YORK STOCKS AND B JXD5 Prices Adrance Slightly on Buying by Frofes6ionals. HABEDIAH ISSUES ABE STEOXGEH Flaal Valae Held oa Selling lo Tako Progt and Cloelaat Toae Is Heavy Bonds Are Irregnlar. r-.-.4 a c. ' I'ji.mia Pll( tar.... Hne,iiri Iiel'ii lt '4 U'I'il 11 pfd l.'i'QKltr Htl , Kei itb ic S'e-I s'4 ftt l.in (' K.-lt lalend t a. p'A .. Ft. I, (. T. M pit. (it lni'. a w ft. Louia W. pit... njtbTB Tarlflc ?i. ParlV I1 So. Hiilvar ... s., Knilvay pfd..t TlTfM' r. a I Tti.l tt r-acitlr T , Si. L W T.. 6t. 1. W. r'4... t'loa rac!fto tn:on rnr pft vi m n '.'.'.lM.im i'S ieiii V. B. Kirr V. 8. HrtUj , V t. Kofter V. . Rubtv pfi t'. . Siael V. 8. Sterl p'4 Va. -faro, ("bfmlrmi ...... Va -aro. Cheim. pfd Wara'h Watah pli a.i.a-rario Exnreaa ...... wtincbniM tlertiie ... Virtra l'nlfn WherlM A L E Wlnr. Central Wm. t'eir-al pt6 ... Northern Pacific OntraJ Leather Cautral lrathr pM Sloaa-ghefllelil Steal Great Northern sfd Int. Metropolitan lot. UfX. pli Toial aa lea for the 6T, i .. t w . a t .. 6. I -1 .. I.S") T" .. 7' 1K to luo -'' ! 4 !) 7TS ! !4 MS rs H 14 7 N Co !J ti in 44 ivv 7S llf 1" k4 'it. i rs 4fi l-' M 100 6 lv, NEW TORK. June 1 The trfnractlor wMch carried the prices ol stock upwards in today's market were limited In amount and were believed to be from professional sources almost entirely. Evidently the pro fessionals find the best Inspiration fur tries movements In rumors from Washington re- farding the Intended policy tf the ft 11 horltie towards corporate ns. Ttnlay's rse was due In large pnrt to the positive asser tions contsined In Washington advices that a determination had been reached, aft?r cons'iltatlon among the memlers of the ad ministration, to refrain from an active pur suit of the Harrtman railroad combination, because of a fear fhst the general situation might be Imperiled by such a course. This was ths same report that emnnated from Washington on Tuesdsy, with the effect of putting up price. Yesterday stocks fell on the announcement from Washington that It waa Intended to proceed against Mr. Harrlman to compel, answer to questions which he refused to snswer before the Interstate Commerce commission. The dif ference might be that operators In stocks attribute great Importance to the govern ment's coursA. but the Inference Is equally strong tliet correct information at to whit the course would be Is far from being generally known. Nothing occurred during the day to change the conditions flxiDg values. The retirement from the Chicago Alton directorate of a friend of the Harrlman Interests revived some dlscunslon of the supposition long hld in the financial dis trict of severe friction between that Interest and the present control of the Alton. This discussion, however, did not interfere with the strength of the Harrlman and Rock Island stocks. The admission of the ab sorption of a dominant interest in the Boston AV Maine by the New York. New Hat-en A Hartford was confirmatory of what has been generally believed for some time past, but the ln4dent had some stimu lating effect -on speculative sentiment ss an evidence of a stirring from the lethargy into which all orrntione of the kind have sunk since the dearth of capital resources has put a cbeck to enterprise. Much was heard of the sound condition In the Iron and steel trade and the large earnings of some of the leading corpora tions in those industries. Reports of rail road earnings were satisfactory as a ruin, the heavy additions to Southern Pacific's operating expenses for April having a special explanation on congestion of traffic and Interruption by storms. The .Great Northern reported an expansion of gross earnings or May of over 2S per cent. The average Increase of net earnlnss for April f the railroads thus far reporting shows A percentage of more than 30 per cent, com pared with last year. The declaration of the regular quarterly dividend on Inter-borough-Metropolltan preferred relieved some fear of the passing of the dividend and the New Tork utilities moved upwards in spite f the final act In the enactment of the public utilities law at Albany. An other drop In the London price of copper did not preclude the copper stocks from sharing In the day's rise here. Foreign exchange made a further advance and discounts and money rose In London. Ftirther outgo of gold by Saturday's steam ers was accepted aa a certainty. When the traders came to attempt to tak-i Profits rjrtce vlelded rather eaniU- th.li own buying had been principally responsl- ! Boaton Elarated '. mo mr Kumng prices up. ine closing tone was heavy. Honds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 64.0i. United States old 4s regis tered advanoed 1 per cent and the new-4s declined H per cent on call. Number of sales and range of quota- w iu r,cw aura oiock exenanae .mo 7 e 6H avs r 104 llWVt l'.IH 6.Jn it "'iiio 1.4-1!) 1.1 ne l.PKi lf4t 14 'sr.it ir. 4 471. t0 antra 1!4 6JH '" 14 4 1- m S as , 44 s II IS 114 4 l.-t 44 K M "4 SI" f-j i ! rw lit r it lf4 WH 2 u ii New Tork Money Market. NEW YORK. June t-MONET-On call, easy; 1H62 P" cent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; closing bid, 1H per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Time loans dull, but steady.; sixty dss, SH'Si-IS Pr cent; nlenty days, PRIMlS MERCANTILE PAPER 6H per cent TERLIVO EXCHANGE Ptrong, with actual business In bankers hills at 4 4fi!S for demand and at M.SatTg.SiTO for sixty-day bills: posted rate. ttMV3ASfl; commercial bllia, 64 MVS-t.K'H. EILVER Bar, 6tSc, Mexican dollars, lHc HONPa Government, Irregular; railroad. Irregular. Closin quotations on bonds tot" y were as follows: C. 6. ref. la. r....in4H Japan s 4o coupon 1"44 Japan 4a. M serte.. J11 C. a. rat. la. rag. ...It io 4a etfa 4' "4 4o coupon lot do 4 Va ctfa 934 t. 8. ola 4a, m (Jo l& a-rtet fn 00 coupon . vv U A N. nnl. 4a.... N C. 6. new 4a. r. . . .I i Man. a. f 4a H .m- Max. ( antral 4a Tl . T: io 1st lec 10 .10i.n "Minn. A St. 1 a . M . M M.. K. A T. 4a 94H . S do ta 9 . K N. R. R. of M. e. 4s n . N. T. C. S lHa . 41 !. J. C. g. (a IS . U No. Pacific 4a loot Ontral of Oa. (a.. 104 do. ta 71 1o lat lne (."It K A W. e. 4a as, do VI lor 7 O. 6. L Mr. 4a M d Id tna M penn. eonr. 4l4 fbaa. A Ohio 4Sa.. t Reading (an. 4a 17 "illan A A. Sa.. 44411. L. at 1. 14. & 6a.. 1.' 4 C, B Q n. 4a ... ti St. L A 1 P. t(. 4a Uk c, K. 1. r. 4.... mrt '91. I,. b. w. e. 4a.. TI eo coupon . Am. Tubaoco 4a do a Atchlaoa (an. 44 do adj. 4a.. 'Atlantic C. L Bal. A Ohio 4a do IHa Prk. R. T. do col. 6s. 94 Seaboard A. TL. 4a. OX), A S U I 4a . K4V4 go. pacific 4a roki Ind. , arr. A tl 4o 1st 4a ctfa... Colo. Mid. 4a S So. Ravllvar U... Colo. A So. 4a ti4Texaa A P. la... itbt 6a h T., St. TL. A W. D. A R. O. to H t'nlon Pacific 4a... Plttlllera Em. 6a.... fa I S. Steel M ta.. Brla a. I. 4a R4 Wahaih la do (an. 4a Waalarn Md. 4s.. Hocking Val. 4a....l0S Via. Central to.... Bid. Offered. ,.. 71H ... (T4 .. t ...107 ..lltH to ta ,..li4 ... 4a ... 74 .. 4i4 DoatoB Stocks and Doada. BOSTON. June Call loana, 46 per cent; time loans, 4$54 prr cent. Official closing on stuck ana bonds: Atchison Hex. Cantral to.. Atrhiaon do pfd Boston A Albany tioato a Malna Adams Gxpreaa Aml(aenat4 Cop par Am. O. A F Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton OH pfd A marl can Ersreaa Am. H. A U pns AmorioaB to Am. Unsaad Oil Am. Linaaed Oil pfd Ana. LooomotlTo ,-, A m. Uoooaotlrs pfd. Am. B. a R Am. 6. A R. pfd Am. . S'lgar Reining , Am. Tobaoco pfd rtfa Aaaveonda Mlniag CO. AUblso Atchlaoa pfd AUantla Coast Una Baltlmora A Ohio Bal. Ohio pfd Braoklrn Rapid Tr Oanadlaa Pact He C antral of New Jersey Cfaaaapaaka A Ohio Chioago Ot W Chicago A N. W C . M. A St. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd ft, &, C. A St. L Coloeads r. A I Colorado A Bo Colo. A Bo. lat pfd Colo. A to. M pfd Consolidated Oaa Cor Product Corn Prodoru pfd Ixlaware A Hudaua Il., L. A W lanTr A Rio Grande D. A R. O. pfd Distiller AacurHIa Ert Kna tat ptd . Erie Id pfd Oeoaral Biortric ........... Illlaola Central Intaraatlonal Paper Int. Paper pfd.. ............. Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas Cltr Bo. K. C. So. p(d Lontaniie A N atesioan Central . Mli.a. A St Loata at., St. P. A 6. S. M at.. St. p. a 6. A at. pfd. Mlaaourt Pacln St., K. A T St.. K. A T. pfd Nation) Lul N. R. R. of II. ptd Near Tork Central. hi T , O. A W Norfolk A W North America ; Paciac Mall PennarWania Poopla'a Gaa r . c, C. A at L. Prasaod Btacl Car Balsa. High. Low. Cloaa Il 40.400 f UH M 4.400 42 V, 414, 4)V 4oo rw 7 !. x io toi tui li aw 44 ...... . 1 14 klr t0 it tH 106 104 I-4 1U4 tt.tOO 118S4 114 117 M log 10f liaj 71 in mit iu W M tt 4l 4,4) Mi 9;j- aJei to 614 17 !a ::::: 1 H0 HM Ki WV4 ti 6400 ( 5V, iia. t.60 164V, 1474a 1S7V 1 too U K ar 100 tt "4 10 1 40 Hi HI 14054 1.SJ0 127 1.4 lt t 161 4(S 4 too n tt t- l.o Ms t! t:4 M0 674 c7 4T too 44 4J 41 i5i in iio f 14 14S i4 71 71V 71 1.700 1U 162 142 445 4o n an ! it 71 1(0 4 t ts l,7 u ' tin rn too MH it too tH ti aft bO0 J40 140 1! US 600 1S44 1"m 14 71 U 70 17 lm 4o 404 40 6U0 14Vt 14V( 24 - tnu 1.600 . 11244 111 in 47 o 14 i2 l.MO 14 Tt nu tft r 12V4 12 too fj afv, M art, (0 44 4 Vl4 ll'-S H'"4 too mi, :s to.) 71 Tt' 7 '' rt J 14 JP t4 U.I" 1?'S 11"S l:t to u tvs 45 TO tl 42 t1 e-4 Cal. A Hacl. . 74 Centennial . t?Ti Copper Rang . Hair Weet .tl Franklin AM Oranbr .1SI lute Ro-cala F.tchburg pfd K Maaa. Mining ... Meiloan Central 14 KlcLlRan N. T., N. H. A H...lo Wnhaak Cnloa Paclftc 1124, Mont. C. A C... Am. Pne. Tab... IS Old Dominion .. 11S Oarenla .121 Parrot 107 Qutncy Amcr. Suar do pfd Am. T A T Am. Woolen do pfd Edlaon Klec. Ills.... Maaa Blactfic do pfd Maaa. Gaa Inlted Fruit t'nlted B. M do pfd , Tj. 6. Steel do pfd Adrrntur Altouea Amalgamatod . , . . Atlantic Bingham Hid. Asked. 14S Shannon . t1 Tamarack .M Trlnltr . 1 t'nlted Copper ... . tS V. 8. Mining.... . M t. 8. Oil , .lot t'tah . 6 Victoria . tH Winona . t"S Wolrerln ....... . 74 North Bntte . 1 Butte Coalition . . 47 Nerada , 14 Cal. A Arlaotia. . 11 Anion Com. ... .1S1 .... t .... 77 .... 14 .... It ....1W .... It .... 4S .... 1! .... I4'l .... J .... 4 ....m .... it ....ins .... 17 ....100 .... It .... t4 .... 49 .... 10 .... 61 .... 4 7 14S .... 11 1S 11 ....VI .... an, Lnadfll Clealng Storks. LONDON, June 6 Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: Conaola. noner .. 61 11-14 N. T. Central. do arcoout Anaconda Atrhiaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific . 111. Norfolk A W.. . lis do pfd . t" Ontario A W . 17 PennarlTanl . M Rand Mine .171 Reading Chesapeake A Ohio... I5S southern Railway Chicago Ot. W 10 do pfd C. M. A BC P It" Southern Part Bo IwBeer ZJ L'alon Pacific .. Denrer A R. O K do pfd do pfd II r. 8. Steel Erie M do pfd do lat pfd 67 Wabaah do 2d pfd IC do prd Illlnola Central 141 Bpanlah 4a Loulrrllle A N 11 IS Grand Trunk ... M . K. A T US eiLVER Psr, quiet, 301S-1M per ounce, MONET 863 per cent. 1 he rate of clisr-onr't In the open market for short bills Is SS per cent; for three months' bills, S per cent. .ins . 71 . tt . 14 4144 . t . 4114 . !a . 40 . ns .lii . 91 t4'4 .1004 . 11 . 64 . 4 .. at Srw York Mlnlnai Stocks. NEW TORK. June 6. CTosIng quotations on mining stocks were: 10 ..too .. as .. 40 .. 25 ,.178 .144 liO . Little Chief .. Ontario Ophtr Potoal SaTag Sierra Kerada Small Hope .. Standard ... 6 ...KS0 ...uo ... 11 ... 41 ... to ... t ...ta A dame Con. Alice Preeoa Brunewlck Oon. . Comatock Tunnel Con. CV1. A Va.. Horn Sllrcr Iro Sliver ....... Lcadrllle Con. ... Bank af Fraacc Btatemeat. PARIS, June 6. The weekly statement of the bunk of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decreased 6 K75.of ; treasury deposits, decreased 24. 775.CKXf; general deposit, decreased t.06O. Cif; gold in hand. Increast-d aK.676,0V'f ; sil ver In hand, increased lOoo.OOOf; Tllls dis counted, derreased lW.8X.O0uf ; advancea, In creased 2S,2iio,Umf. Bank Clearing. OMAHA, June 6 Bank clearings for to day were II. 169.603. II and for the corre sponding date last year 61.666,667 47. Duns Report on Bank Clearings Metal Market. NEW TORK. Jane METALS Thar was a slightly lower market for tin la Itnrlnn tmlav. with suot Quoted at 187 16a and futurea at 11 6a. Locally the mar ket wa quiet, with spot quoted at 641.26 41.74L Coi.ner had a ahara break in the lnloo markeA, with spot closing 4T1 12s 6d lower at 1 10a and futurea tt Zs sd lower at &4. Ixtcally the market waa dull and nominal, with lake quoted at 624 la 64 76; electrolytic. 63 0W3 26-bt): casting. 6:300 4J'ii 36. Lead was unchanged at 6!. 7hu6.8 locally and at J6 in London. Bpelter was unchanged at 34 Ka In the London market and at 66 4j o6 locally. Iron was lower In the rkigUsh market, with standard foun dry closing at 6m 4d and Clevelaad war rants at tOs 7d- Locally tb market was unchanged: No 1 foundry northern is Suoted at 35 6"4ia T6; No. I northern foun ry. Zi 00j J6-36; No. 1 foundry southern, tX ooiuJti.Su, No. I foundry southern, J3.tAay J4.t. BT. LOTJI3. June 6 METALS Leavd. weak at 6Vitu6.67s,. B palter, firm at 66. 4U CaasTea Market. NEW TORK, June 6 COFTKR-Market opened quiet at unchanged pricaa, which waa about la lln with th European mar keta. Trading waa vary quiet all Ihrougtt tb aeasloa and the market closed quiet, but unchanged Pale. 16.6M bags, includ ing Baptamber. 6 (ib 46c: LtecemtHnT, 6 4fcc; klarv'h, 6auc; May, 6 660. Spot ooffee, jtjulet: No I Rio. 6S0; No. 4 Pinlua, 7-10. Atlld coffee, dull; Cordova. 6vtiir-o. Tswaaary taleaaaat. " , WASHINGTON. June .Today's st a te nant of th trur' balarur In th 4'en et ai fund, exclusive ef trie . '... tM Mld reaw-rva shoais: Avallat.le rah'r.l.nc, 6 UK.lW.JTi: gold coin ami huiuu0, 6j;,eV,aa; gw.J tMUli&vAlS, Ibl.kA.lUk Bank clearlac for May, as reported by K. O. Dux A Co., show furtaer npuaioa la trade, aped ally la th West, though is all sections there Is an laeraaae over bota jmeediog years. Total sack axahaage for th month at all cltJe la the Called Stats outaod of New Tork City an 65,038,644407, aa lnoreaas of 13 6 par cent, over last year ad 26.6 psr eat var May, 1905. Now Tork City still reports smaller bask clearing bee us f tha awaajler volume of stock market operatios aad lower securltr valnea, and taers la a tt msass st PhOadalphia, In part daa to th sata saate, BoMaa reports s aaaall gain aa4 Chieaaro a Urg la or, oarrng ta part to higher grain price and greater aotJrtty ta the (rata asar keta. At Pittsburg taers Is a tars laereaee, aad whU BaJ lienor reports a ggaafj gala, thr is still boom irregularity at Booth Atlaatle potnta, but sa lna prove saot ta ths MM ill South, with larger ainhango at 8t Louis aad Nw Orleana. Thar ar hu-g rata ta ta p, Wast, sad heavy faacraases at soma aifle Coast pelsU testify to tha actlvaty tW. Coov parlaoo tt nad helow of bask szeaaage by snrd ta Mtwrlsg tanas yrg aaa tk svarags dally Crure for tM year t daXa: ISO. afar, Kaw CaglaaA.. lakMIe Mia AUaaua (toulatarn . . ....... reaaral Waat W eater rUa0 Taaal Mav yrk CHy aaltsal SSaaaa AvaxgaUri Ms April V urk . r-Ormrj Jaaaary . 190T. tTSJJ7.t4 l.lrtl 4U8 V.-'t S47.7 a6 67H.llSlT 177Cta4 47.7.l ."4 Sf.I WI g 407 TM4A6S.IM6 fiaA7S.lv a475.tll.noo 45 ji'ia taiO lxi6.v-.teo 6a6.2Ki.lhK 677.MluO t7ea7(TTra6 1.INM.446 7z4 4 4.77 SI6 M4W.7 LSl4?3.il 44M.W7n.Wl S4.4H6 vr7 Ola a,7M8JJj78 61ASM4,6iaMT gCOS.SSOAOO mj'iitifO 4V-l..tUA.NiO 60S - T.O. Ul 1 6 J6 1 77? 114 -14 6 S-t - 66 - 66 -H76 - 6 6 - ai Fl. TM IMllia 44 rrt SW4.744SW4 4 14 j i 7a 1.21 eat 111.174 - 8TA7UJ 4.1S7.0f 1X4 7JV4T17 16.BTrUaw.6os 4e4.r76.004) 6i'J 0t"0 rt.li .!) 4S4.fmrl.lM 47tluu f 14 a -ttl 4 T10A 4614 - . At Weatera ttn baak cloarliigi stUl testify 6 ths rapid dveJopaaat 4? that seetlea aad ta grwarU of trail at ths aaadlng etmtnrs there. Higher Agar for grata ta slay ar reflected ta stneh hawriar baak sxehaogw at Mtnneapola, St, Paul aad Kaaaa City. Other laportaat eiUaa raeori good galas. avecaUy Oraaaa, St Jusopk, Llnooia aad Waraata. Ths ngan ta fists u ar glvea Matt compared for thre years 1 MAT. aftoaaaaeila. ch. rii..... laa atoioaa.. 04oa Otr -wmm IjateaiMr . ... COac hootda kati.oa iais.H Bk. JU W knew Tt aa ...m Lcairar , , f .4 Spnas ... Farajo , 4Maa !!. aw4 . 197. 10.-4ljlM6 40 lit 176 liM4 F?4 6ltS 4.1SHI .174 17a (til i..4tB.: 4Ba.l0 1 J.V4l 4 lm l 6 aittlit atoit m a."auiT . 1.UUUOX4) I.li7j 1 k2SJ76 si.;ia4 14XM. 74.leMiJMl 112 J-M.Vli 14 u4 Ku4 1A ij.il 4 la7 9.t.M14.'.l 100 u4.tfd y-i a 4J.OM j 1.177J-0 4.i"tfi 4t,3 4(. Ji v4 t l"H 67.x5 ! a.--SK.a S.C1,0 7t l.7t(la Ij.il. tu 4i4ia r. a m fo4 4S 4l I 4114 f 46 42 0 v f t 4ai - 6.6 fVi'i r4 ISO. TOMUl.lia ;7.i4 11 '7IJ)4 ro.0 6 4-7 7" S.XO 446 61iM-.aK l.ltU7 64.11 414 laaoAat "47 S 61 44')Ji!4 1 O s.17 li.Tl J 444 .1467 LI0& ab WaW HaSr 474 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Brff Cattle Slow to Lower, with leedeis Tullj Stetvdj. E0G3 FAIRLY ACTT7E AND STEADY ' aad Free sjellera at Highest Prle an Reetral at This Patat. SOUTH OMAHA, June 1 1907. Rjcelpts were: Ca'.tle. Hogs. Bheep. ntT'Ciul Mndsy 6.& 6.473 IMS Official Tuesday 7.6.11 IJ.tl 6 .i-4 t'ftirial Wednesday 'Oil n.m i,lS Official Thursday t.KuU U. 6.1XJ Four dsys this week..... Bsme days last week . ...10..n Same days t weeks ago..tl.l76 tame days 6 weeks ago. .21.;o Pame days 4 weeks ago. .17, W Sam day last year 16.146 The following tabl shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last 44.670 13.1S HfSM 11..10S 6O.1V.I 17. M4 42.51S li.7;4 6l.4 M.ZM fi.47: 11.674 year: Cattle Hogs . Bheep Dec, 1T7. lirat Inc. 60tl09 4?0.47t n.eso 1.114.036 l.iei K6 7SZJ16 ItXm 60.6Z7 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good lo choice corn-fed steers 66.7SS-60 uooa 10 talr corn -fed steers.. Common to fair steers , Good to choice fed cows.... Fair to good cows and heifers Oood to choice stockers and feeders 4 4f&6 00 Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 6 fi 4 40 Common to fair stockers 8tfft0 Bulls, stags, etc t 254 76 Veal calves 4. 005 5 76 The following table snows the average price of hogs at South Omaha (or the last several days, with comparisons: T7,8a 6 6"o6 75 ... 4.y6-60 4-UI. Data. I 1907. 1M. !1905. 1604. 11906. (UOI.iiaOl. May ... May 63... May 64... May 65... May ... May r... Mav 28... May ... May 60... May 61... 1 - . auiio June June June June June 1... Z... 6... 4... I... 6... a if 4 11V 6 04A, 6 I 6 26' 6 SO! I 191 T mi 6 64 4 16: 6 261 4 fTJ 6 lll 7 Ofcl 6 61 6 B 6 171 4 SS 7 OSI 6 tl 62 16 16 4 64 6 04 I 6 61 6 XT 6 19 4 IS 6 93 6 W I nS j 6 II 4 47 6 77 4 6T 6 M 6 IB I 4 4 6 7? T 02 $ 63 6 n I 1 6 70 T 10 6 SI a 01m a tr 1 hi 4 ss t a t 10 6 S 4 621 6 IS 4 60j 7 111 6 6 6 OT! 6 t 6 06! 4 RSi t 93 6 TO m 1 w1 I K ICl al atOl at IV NT aV i 1 ' 1' I V I 4 ; 6 16 4 491 6 991 T 141 I 70 a rn 4 r 5 sl t i 6 ti a U 6 fl 6 TSI T 601 6 70 6 60l 6 63 4 64 t 78 T 16 1 71 a o 4 S 681 Sunday. RANQE OF PRICEa Cattle. ....62 g-15 .... 6-fJ'j45O0 .... 1.7i'.!u7.ii0 .... VVifo.iO ... 6-7E8 00 Hogs. 65'616 o-7"o6 t5 6.90U6 Io 6 t4, of of stock Omaha Kansas City ., Chicago Ft. Louts Sioux City The official number of cars brought In today bv each road Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hr's. C, M. St. P 16 I Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 6 Union Pacific system. 64 C. A N. W., east 6 C. A N. W.. west 40 C. BL P.. M. A o.... rr C, B. A Q., east 13 C, B. A Q . west 64 C, R. L & P., east.. 6 C R. I. A P., west.. 64 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. Western 7 Total receipts EX The disposition of the Oar's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: 1 .. 1 64 I t 22 a. 64 I 4 80 I 4 s 5 as 4 187 U T Omaha Packing Co.., Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour tt Co Cudahy, from K. C Cudahy, from Sioux City Swift, from 6t Joseph... Vansant A Co Lubman A Co Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co J. H. Bulla Sam Werthelmer Mike Haggertv J. H. Kool .a o S. A B W . T. U. Inghram Kingman , Held over Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 71 i.a7 9nl 634 Ve- IO 114 79 119 8 1 SS 66 14 64 Z58 1.707 S.34 6. !27 6,901 L4S2 Si4 m "sia 69 40 Totals 6620 16.S40 1,844 CAT1 LE Receipts of cattle this morn ing numbered 636 cans. There was. how ever, a string consigned through, so that there were only about 600 cars actually on on sale. The market on fat cattle has shown a good deal of sameness this week. Under the Influence of liberal receipts buyers start out every morning with tha evident deter mination of breaking prices and still for the first thre days of the week they hava not been abl to fore very much decline, owing to the fact that there haa been a good demand, both local and shipping. This morning, with liberal receipts and tha weak drawing bearer to a close, buyers were more determined to break the market. They opened the sesaton by bidding 10c lower. Seller were very slow to tak off, so that th trad waa a decided drag. Some of the best cattle did not sell very much lower possibly, but the general tendency was lower ell along the line. Cows and heifers were In limited supply, as usual of late, only eight or nine cars being reported In. This wss sufficient to keep the shippers snd speculatora supplied packers continuing out of the market. Btockers and feeders were In light supply, with the market fully stesdy. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 444U lo. 6 6 , a 17 64 t Kt 14 14 17 14 11 IS 17 62 S 4 14 11 l II t n it it .... it 14 tt 4 s ai 17 14 a l t a a 6 Ar. Pr. 4 4 at TS4 7 7.n T14 !U44 ttl 71,1 117 1061 lOJfJ 1-154 MM , all lilt 430 ...mi ltttt 1041 Hit 1141 l'-44 1(4 1"H n lirt it JO 1011 IKrf 1170 ..1141 4 t 4 Tl 4 M 4 0 6 06 4 It I It 6 It 6 to t 10 I 15 6 4 tti 4 at 4 at 4 to 6 It I 15 I II I IS I it t it I It I 4 6 44 4 & I M I to I to 1 1 ..mi l it ..iuX 6 44 .. T a i ..III IK Ka 10... 17... 41.., It... It... 14... II... 44... II... ta... 17... 16... I... . . SO... 46... 41... It... W... to... to... 40... It... H... a... 4... tt... tt... 14... 1... II... tl... Av. Pr. ..imi 4 tt ..1KI 6 U ,.1311 4 40 4 40 4 6 .! ...UN ...lait ...114 4 TO ...129 I 70 ...1 171 ...1'4 ...1065 ...1041 ...1100 ...11.10 ...1117 6 76 6 Tt 4 71 4 44 4 to 4 to .11) 4 10 ..1141 4 44 ..1120 4 IS .1145 I II ..1B4I ..12S0 4 44 4 M .ltng t 10 ..im t to .tin ..1171 ..1110 ..14S1 ..1171 . .111 I to 6 M 4 44 4 4 44 4 It COWS 1 1 1 ... 404 I IS t ...10T1 I 74 1 ...1066 I to H EIFTTRS. ... 44 4 40 It) ... KW 4 Si 1 4 40 1 , Bum. i. .10 4 OS .1141 I rO .1161 4 16 .1018 4 W .1190 4 I 4 44 Til ,im i to 1H 4 It s 111 U4 CALVES. 4 40 1 4 44 1 4 44 6a 4 71 .1414 4 44 .1170 4 St .liie 4 70 1M 4 TO law) 4 74 ..ua 4 64 IS IN 14 4 00 14 IN IN It) 1077 4 44 1 tao I at 1 Ill 4 t 4 4:1 4 40 1 IflhS 4 to U 1 1 1H 4 It 1. 4 1M1 4 14 1., 4... . ...... .1M I IS 1., 1 114 4 10 1., 1 1410 4 44 1. 6 1 a 4 BTOCKKR8 AND FEEDERS. at 444 I la t IM 4 n T 4T t 40 a 4M 4 44 It 414 t 74 4 44 4 40 tt tMt 4 4 It 1 IN 4 64 1 4 ST 4 II 1 4T 4 71 4 110 4 It 44 471 4 44 HOGS Tha trad opened with Urge re ceipts in sight and with buyers on the bear side. First bids were in a great many rases fully 6c lower and quite a good many of the first hogs sold a little lower than yesterday. In spite of the large receipts, however. It became apparent that packers really wanted the hogs, and as the trade progressed prices strengthened until they were shout on a par with yesterday where the bulk of the trading was done. This mesne that the most of the hogs sold at 65 00 the same as yesterday. The light hog sold up to 64 16, which was ss high aa anything brought yesterday. Consider ing the larg receipts the market was rea sonably active when once under way. at least active enough to cause the most of th hog to sell In very fair scsason, Representative sales: No. A. 4a. t. 44 ."..a ... t r ' .Ut 40 4 4 .141 4 4 40 .&4 4 4 M .ta 111 I w a tat io to 17... 1st 44 4 4 1 Ut 4U 4 M Tl tti ..44 T4 tut HIM tl. .14 IS) t SO 41 Il K la) tt 7l ... 4 4 41 kt ... 4 OS 4...JI1 ... 4 14 fa Aa. lea. v. 64 sat 0 I K 1 let 4 K 44 tb lie) go S4 7H 1M IM 44 t4 a I tH a 17 a iio, 44 toil 40 t ta 17 11 t i H it r.t go i h 71 4 40 4 It II lo 4 4 ', li H7 4 tt 11 147 4v I M 4t ISO M 4 tt 44 6a4 W Is 71.. Tl.. Tl., ... n ... IS ... 4t .... ... MS ....Ut ... ft ... o ... 1 ... t ...II ... M ... 146 ... Il ....11 170 ... tM ... I T ... Ul ...141 17 I 14 I I 44 li I 14 I M 4 tt I 7i 6IT'a 4 4 I I IS I tlaj 4 S7l I .7, t 47,, I trv. I i , I IT, 66. . 61.. 77.. 74.. 7.. 71 14 . a 14.. ... M. t: it 4 . 11 M. ri l7 IJ i.a .IW I 114 .tl t' .734 :jj t-'t 1K4 lfT tit tj 14 ! H4 .1.4 4 on 4 00 4 m a 'V 4 4 4 4 Cf 4 4 : 4 ; 4 i1. 4 4 OS 4 4 re 4 ' 4 07V 4 14 4 10 4 14 PHKhl The Slieen trane at the nraapfit time is practically devoid ot nms; every tiy Is like every othr ly. Kec--; ts ri liKht in the fare of Kotxi ci-rnHnd. making the trade active at good steady or strong prices. This has b-en ithe situation f ir some time hack and promts. to cont'nu fr soru time to come This morning tliere were about a doxen cars retx.rted in. prac tically everything being sold long before the middle of the forenoon. There Is one feature of trade thst It would be well for shippers to thoroughly understand and that is that Southern fits" sheep, which sre t-lng shipped to pack' rs from other market points, take the pia e of common to medium grades of led stoi k. This mesns that the medium grauVs ot fed abe p and lambs are not so much sought sftt-r aa the cholc gradea. Quotations on shorn stock: Good to choice lambs, f 60; fgjr to goo.ls laTiilk. 7.0og7.6; coinnion or cull Isnhs, V r v 4. 00;. good to choice yearlings, llKht, ts.'.u 7.16; good to choice yemlings, heavy, 6t 'U 6.90; fair to good yearlings. 66.66'tT.; good to choice wether 6S.otrxni.il; fair to good wethers. f6.oifi.iu; good to tliolce ets. 68 &( h0; fair to good ewi s. 6.7tij6 .W, culls, bucks snd at an a, 6i-X.u6.00. Kepreeenlatlve sales: No. AV. dlum grdrs. combing snd rlotMnr, p.d-'c; ua.il fine. 'c , heavy tine, 11 7c, tuo washrd, 6iil"c. OM AII4 1IOL4.4 l.K M IRKRT). 26 western culls 6 western bucks 1 western ewe Sf. western ewes 110 western ewes ft western culls 63 western ewes 1 western ewe , 1() western ewes 1 western ewe 1 western ewe 1 western yearling tiff western lambs 12ft western lsmbs 30 western lambs 274 western lambs 6 western lambs 128 western lambs 40 Western ewes, culls 66 western ewes, culls 14 spring lamb 9 western culls 66 western ewes ti western yearling M western ewe 19 spring lambs 16 western wethers S8 western lambs and wethers. 10 spring lambs 130 110 76 M 97 90 NU t o0 9) 6 6 M ir w 1 101 li lOT eo 105 47 114 92 42 Pr. 5 M 6 4 6 76 6 6 6 to 6 Oo 6 66 6 4) a w 70 7 50 8 Ot ft 00 8 25 8 2a 8 SO 6 2i 8 an 4 75 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 !5 C 50 fir, 7 8 00 CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady ta Lower Hogs Five Cents . Lower. CHICAGO. June 6. CATTLE Receipt s, 10.000 head; eteadv to oc lower; steers, 6S.0lgG6; cows. 63. 3f?i-G.0o ; heifers. 3.'? 6 60: bulls, 63.5040: calves. 6S.005j7.OO; stocker snd feeders. 63 00fi6.15. HOGS Receipt. 2.0n0 hed : 6c lower; medium to ehr.lre hevy, 6'"' 16fc4 25; butcher weight, 86. a US. 26; Hirht to good mixed. tM17Hftd.2S; packing, 6a.&0C.17H; pigs, F--50 tj SO. SHEEP AND IaAMBS Receipts. 14 000 head; market steadr; lambs. 65,5Ori.60; sheep, 63.J06J6; yearlings, ll.0g"M. Kaastva Cltr l.lve Stable Market. I KANSAS CITT, June 8 CATTLTA Re ceipts. 8.0fK head. Including 1.900 aoutherns: market steady to lower: choice export and dressed beef steers, 67.75ii.1E; fair to good, 64.866.76; western fed steers. $4.T'rr.tO; stockers and feeders. 63 7MiS,60: southern steers, 64 0i'4iS !0: southern cows, 62 7!1H 00; native cows, 62.755.75; native heifers. 63.50 5.2fi: bulls. Kt5.00: calves. 84 00rf7.76. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady to weak; top. 8 20; bulk of sales, 607HiaS 17H; heavy, 6.IV5.10; packers. t6.6 t5r4j.l7H: irVhts, K12V5l 20: pigs. SS.TMrt.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000 head: market trong: lambs. 67.2f5i.o: we and yearllnffs. $5 .607.25; Texas clipped yearlings, 66.60fi-7.26: Texss clipped sheep, 86.60&6.&0; stockers, 6S.6Oii6.e0. St. Loals Live Btaclc Market. ST. LOUIS, June 8. CATTLERecelpts 1500 head. Including 1,000 Trxana; market steady; native shipping and export steers. 84.(6e.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, 84.8S.16; steers under l.ooo lbs.. 3.5fsi.80; stockers and feeders, 83.00(7fj.OO; cows and heifers, 6i&Oi83.2r; canners. 62 (Ji 70; bulls, 62.6604.75; calves, 64 0tiJ11.00: Texas and In dian steers, 84.154jC.16; cows snd heifers, 82.5o&4 60. HOGS Receipts, 7,600 hesd; steady; pip snd light. 6DXa7.SO: packers. 81.1&6.25; butchers and best heavy. $.iXKg SO. SHEEP AND LAM FT? Receipt s. S.nnn head; market steadv; native mutton. 66 25 C145: lambs, 65 5fi9 f culls and bucks, 64.75tS6.00; stockers. 64.0MH.3. New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. June . BEE'ES Re ceipts. 1,171 head: market feeling firm; no trading todays dressed beef. Arm at $Vrft 9Hc per lb. CALVES Receipts. 45S head; market steady; veals. S6.0O&r.26; btittermllka, 65 56; dressed calves, steady at Wrl?c per lb. for city dressed veala and 8$ 12c for country dressed. HOGS Receipts. 1.470 head: market feeling firm; quoted at $G.&ofc0.80; choice light, $100. SHEEP ANT) LAMBS Recelpta, i.SOJ head; market for sh'ep higher, for year lings and lambs firm on light supply: sheep, 6.K7j7.25; yearlings, S1) 65(gfl.76; lambs, tlO.&O. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 6. CATTLERecelpts, 2.640 head; market steady: natives. 4.&"? 416: cows and heifers, 6i-XiC15; stockers snd feeders, 83.5W54.60. HOGS Receipts, 7.SSB head: market Steady: top, 66.20; bulk of sains, 6f 05l&'6.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.M6 bead; market steady: clipped lambs, t".rXtf 6.16; yearllnga. 6G 76Jj'7.S5. Bloax Cltr l ive Mockc Market. SIOUX CITT, la.. June A-(Ppecial.-CATTLE Receipts. 600 head; market weak; stockers. slow; beeve. 65.0tuCOo; cows, bulls and mixed, 63.756.00; stockers and feeders. 64.00U4.6u; calves and yearllnga, ts-TTyfittm HOGS Receipts, 8,800 head; market weak to 6o lower, selling at 65.86ut-; bulk of sales. 6a.87H476.9a Stock la fight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal Western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha E lS.io 8,ao Sioux City 64j a.S.O Kansaa City 8 0, li.(4) B,i0 St. Joseph 6 640 7,SS St. Louis ! 7.5 S.t1 Chicago lO.tXM 26,0X1 14.tJ0 Total recelpU S9.M0 R.1S6 29.566 Wool Market. BOSTON, June 6. WOOL Although prices In the wool market remain steady, dealings continue restricted to foreign wools and quarter-blood tleeoea, the supply of desira ble domestic stock having been cleaned out. The finer gradea of Australians sell stead ily and there hav been a few large trans action. One larg sal of quarter-blood fit-ecea is reported, snd several others are aavld to be pending. A mora liberal move ment 1 reported In Idaho clip, and there I quit a struggle among several buyers. Local dealers fear a shrtage In staple wool this year. The leading domestic quotations follow: Texas (scoured basis), fine, 16 months, 72ti76c; fine, 4 to 8 months, tu7(c; fine fall clean, t7&ac. California (scoured basis), northern, choice, 67ytc; northern, good, eHttiTc; middle county, aMrrific; south ern. 6i7jc; fall free, mnt(Ac; fall defective. 44i4ic. Oregon (scoured l asts), eastern No. 1 staple, 7ly72c; eastern No 1 clothing, ova 70c; valley No. 1, ftxtj-iJc. Territory stsple (soured basis), fine. 7ot72c; fine medium. 6 feTOc; medium, tVii60c. Territory ordinary soured basis), fine. 47j70c; fine medium. 06 ri7c; medium, oVU'ritTtf!. Colorado and New Mexico spring (scoured), X. 8o70c; No. 1, aai6c. Pulled wools .scoured basis), extia. tfi'ic: fine A, 67tj63c; A supers. &SjC7c; B iu-ri. 4V" 7c. ST. LOUIS. Juno 8- WOOL Steady; me- reetdltlea of Trade e4 Qanlatloa oa ftale and Kaaey rrodara. FOOit-IVr do.. 14l,c. ITTTf It- I'ncklns at-x-k. Iflc: choice ta fancv ilsirv, l'i'tc; crcsmcrv. 2!'7i:-.tc. LIVE PtULtHT-Hi-ns. lc: roosters, I 0"c; turkeys, L'c: di.-ck. loc; geese. Sc. KKI I I S CALIFtiRNIA (.'111 'KKJLS-Per box ol sNi'it S ihs . J-' T 1 1NEAI 1'l.KH- Florida. 4S s!e. K 76 per crste; 42 sin , 1! 7o ter crnte; . sine. 6.t 7 ! r crate; 30 sit 44 tf per crate. Cuban plni'ftri ,rs 'Jl'r li a nil around. ST K A WRhRRIKH Missouri. 24-qt cases, TBOriCAL FRUITS. I.F.M'NS-l.lm,ml.r. 3i.i site. 5; S6J slie, TT ; other lrands. 6c less. BANANAS Per meiliiim-slged bunch. S? f f2 ST; .limt ics. 82 5"ul 50. 1 'It ANtirS M-Mlltrrrsnesn Sweeta. IFfl 17. 2i". ,; nmt i sites. 1 3 60; 9. U. t sites. 6S''; t "allfornia Navels, extra fancy, US X J16, 2. six.s. 84.5"; fancy, 126 sign. 6.7 75; IV1 ai.-.-. 84 Zj, choice, large sites, per box ..1 FH13 California, bulk. 6V: -crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, lie; crown Turkish 9c I)ATK3-Ksdawav. 6c: sayers. 6c; hsl lowis. tr; new stuffed walnut dates. 9-1 b. box, 81. w). BEEF CUTS. No I loin. 17V: No 8 loin. lXtao; No. I loin. S'yc: No. 1 rib. lSe: No. 1 rib, loo; No. 8 rib. Iitc; No. 1 round, IV; No. 8 round, 8V; No. S round V; No. 1 rhark. G'c: No. t chuck. So; No. 8 chuck. r.r; No. 1 plate, S'-4c; No. 2 t'a'e. !r; Vo a tlste. Sc. OI.D VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Table stock, per bu.. f NAVY BEANS-Per bu , No. 1. : 00; No. 2. tl K. NEW VEGETABLES. 1V)TAT(KS-Ter t'U., 81. o. ASrARAt5l'S-iri(iti"C per riot, bunchew. llKAN.s-.Nfw wax and string, prr Lain pr. 81 1". BEETS. TURNIPS and CARROTS Per dot. bunches, 4.V:ifc. PIEPLANT Per doz.. 10c. Cl'i-l'MBEKS-Por tlox., 81.00. TOMATOES Texas, fancy, 3u-Ib. crata, li.C. CABBAGE California, 8e. CELERY Flui Ida. 81.26 per dox. ONIONS Texas silver skin, per crste, about 45 lbs., Can; yellow Tetas, per Clulo, 6-'--5; ftreen onions, per dot., 2"C. LEAF LETTUCE Hut-liouse. per doa. hesas. 4"c. PA ltSL.ET1 lot-house, Jer dot. bunches, 4"C. RADISHES Per ds. bunches, horn grown, 20c; extra large bunches, 40c per dox. MISCELLANEOUS SUGAR Granulated cane, in sacks, 83 51(4 grnntilated beet. In sacks, 65.41. COFFEE-Roasted, No. SS. tc per lh. No. 8'i. 2lc per lb ; No. 15. 19c per lb.; No. 20, 14V per lb.; No. 21. 12V per lb. CHEKbE Block Salsa, 19c; llmberger, 14c; Young Amerlcaa, lie. NUTS California walnuts. No. I. nf shell, lie; No. 1, soft shell, 16c; Bra lis. 141 f'e. pecans. 19'-c: filberts. 12V; pea nuts, raw. 7V: roaaied, V; ("allfornia al monds. 17V; cocouiiuts. K tM per 11. HII1E8 AND TALLOW Green laltafl. No. 1, 9c; No. t, fic; bull hMes, 6c; green hldea. No. 1. 7V: No. 2, 6c: horse, tl.005 850; sheep pelts, 5oc)S1.25. Tallow, No. f. 4V: 3U,C- V'J'' lt28c. CANNE1' GOODS Corn, standard, west ern, 6100; Maine, 61.15. Tomatoes, fancy. B-pouna cans, sl.3, wianuniu, e-ioiuia cans 7. 41. 10. t'lnerrpiee. Riairu, -ouunu, .Jt'tJ sliced, 81.752.i; fancy Hawaiian, lbs., 8175. Gallon apples, I J VaZ.OO. Cali fornia apricots, . i"). Peara. 81.7582 So. if I Peaches. 61.75(u2 40; L. C. peaches, t: tXi-a 2 50. Alaska aalmon, red, 8tl5; fanoy Chinook, llat, 6 10; fancy sex key e, fiat. 81 . Sardines quarter oil 63.25: tLree quarters mustard. 82.76. Sweet potatoes, 8II016I26 Bauer kraut, 90c. Pumpkins. k till im. Wax beans. 2-lb., WV-iStl.OO. Lima heana, S-lb., 75cv11.35. Soaked Mas. 8-lb.. 60c; early June, 95CQS1.15; fancy, 81 2tfl.4S. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune sre somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who eeern desirous uf moving supplies of Immediate graflea. Quo tations range from 8V to Kc for California fruit and from IV to 6c for Oregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yellows quoted at 12V- Raisins are firm; loose Muscatels are quoted St 6S9c; seeded raisins. 9U6UC. FISH Pickerel, dressed, c; pike, dressed. 12c: white fish, dressed, winter caught, 13iol5c; trout, 12ijri5c; halibut. 13c; salmon, 15c; catfish, 15c; herring, dressed, 6c; crappies, round, eVfrDc; crapples, large, fancy, 15c; black bass, 25c; smelts, sweet and fine, 13c; eel, Pic; blue fish, 15c; red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 40Qf0c; frog legs, SOSI'ie: lobsters, green, per lb., S7c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 30c; mackerel, Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel, native, 18i) 25c per lb.; fresh green turtle meat. 26c lb. CURED FISH Family white fish, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs. 64 00; Norway mack erel. No. 1. $35.00; No. 8, 82600; herring, in bhis., 200 lbs. each; Norwav 4k, 811.00. HAT Choice upland, per ton. 871.50: me dium. 810.60: No. 1 bottom, 89.00; off grades, 64.tXa5.50. Rye straw. 67. Cotton Market. ' NEW TORK. June 4. COTTON Spot, closed steady, 10 points higher; middling uplands. 13.00c; middling gulf, 13.25c; sales, 4:9 bales. New York cotton quotation furnished by Logan A Bryan, 1 Board of Trade building: 1179 I 1179 1155 ri5 11W) 1 11K2 1K-4 llfi4 1207 I 1207 1195 1186 I Open. I High.) Low. Close. July... Spt... Dec... NEW ORLEANS, La., June 6.-COTTON Spot market closed firm; sales. S.S25 bales; low ordinary. TV. nominal; ordinary, tVc, nominal; good ordinary, 10 l-lc; low mid dling. 11 5-16c: middling. 12V; good mid dling, 13V; middling fair, HHc, nominal; fair. 15V, nominal; receipts. 1,047 bales; stock, 99.10 hales. BT. LOUIS. Mo., June 6. COTTON Steady; middling. 12V; sales, R9 bales; receipts. 64 .bales; shipments, 427 bale; stock. 27.785 bales. ' ' LIVERPOOL. June . COTTON Quiet and prices 17 points higher; American mid dling fair. 8.60d; good middling, 8.0M; mid dling, 7.52d; low middling. 7.1Sd; good or dinary, 6.52d; ordinary. 6 14d. Ths sales of the day were &,OiO bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation snd export and Included 4,H"0 balea American. Re celpts, 4,1)00 bales. Including 8,7oO balea American. - fl a era r aad Meluwa, ' NEW TORK, June SUGAR Rsw, toady: fair refining, 8.34c; centrifugal. 96 test. S.Mc Molasses sugar, 8.09c. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.60c; No. 7, 4.5c; No. 6, 4.60c; No. 9, 4.46c; No. 10, 4 5r; No. 11, 4 80c; No. II. 4.26c; No. 18, 4.20c; No. 14, 4fc; confectioners' A. 4.80c; mould A, I 15c; cut loaf, 6.70c; crushed. 5.70c; pow dered, 6.10c; granulated, 6.00c; cubes, 6.25c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open ke'tle good to rholce. 8748c. NEW ORLEANS. La . June 8 SUGARA Steady; open kettle, centrifugal. SVli'V: centr'.fulgal whites, none; centrifugal yel low, S'tfMV; eeoonds, 2tf3,ic. MOLAeSES-iaUlet; new syrup, 80340. ' Baak af Eaglasd Statesseat. LONDON. June 6 The weeklv statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, decreased tM3,0t circulation. Increased 2-4 i0; bullion, de creased 4'.2.743; other securltle. decreased A47.es; other depoaits, decroased 70t,0ii0; public deposits, decreased 744.(10; notes reserve, decreased 71S.0 government se curities, decreased 47lV7,jtO. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week Is 46 90 pear cent, as compared with 46.61 per cent last week Oils and Rails, NEW TORK. June 6 OILS-Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, f. o. b., mills, 60c; prime yellow. Soxitllc. Petroleum, nnn; re fined. New York. 8315; Philadelphia snd Baltimore. 8i 4; refined. In bulk, 4.at. Tur pantlne. steady, 61iiUHc. KuelN 8ieady; strained, common ta giool, 64 tie4.tu. Wklakr Market. PEORIA, June 6 WHISKY Steady at 11.81. ST. LOUIS. June A WHISKY-Steady at CHICAGO. Juns 6.-WHISKT-8teady at 61.61. TTtJ vmvvm nr ittat inn irnrii n Trr l UfUlLkL lilCM tUlVlfAWK Room 103 Bee Building. TeL Douglas 2473 Members of All Principal Grain Exchanges Your Business Solicited vraa i ii n i if i aia i i rriiianBaiawaBaaaiaaaiwaaa)iiiiaija aaaa tai aaeaaaananiaa aaaaaiaaaia - 'lil . v r , r i i , t I ! ; t . if t 1 1 H ,nj tOi t . t if i'l J. I rarhaV Ua w akrr rt.-MiJ ear ulfTT'rtT "TCJr-J. fjll'ii. r70;"sHarai