no THE OMAHA. DAILT BEEi FKIDAT, UUNT3 7, 19177. Want - ads AlmtUrmriita for tb want-ad olnnns will be taken wntll 13 an. to the tnalif adltloa aad netll O p. sn. tor the mOrnlnn- and liF edltloa Caah mast accompany all order far na.ili end aa advertisement will be accepted far less then lO cents for tba Best Insertion. Rata applr to cither Tha Dally liidif Brc. Always roiat six wards to a Una. Cnmblnatlaaa of Initials or -nmbera ronnt a one ward. CASH RATF.S FOR TTAHT-An. REOllAR rLASSIFICATIOHS One Imrrllon, per line, lO rents. Two r mora consecutive Insertions, par line, O rents. Each Insertion made oa odd says, lO cents per llaa. fl-BO par llaa per month. SPECIAL CLASSirtCATlOItS 1 - advertisement la laaarted nnder any one of the classifications given below. It will ba charged at tba followiaa; raves i One Insertion, 4 cents per lll three to alx eonseentlva Insertlonn, 8 rent per llaa each laaertloai a s or mora romerotUt faaerttone, a rents per llae eaeh insertion) BO rents per line per month. BARTER AD KTCMAWOB. ni-9IXF:3 CHAUCKI. HELP WAITED-FEMALE. HELP WASTEDMALE. Except Agents, Bolleltora and Salesmen. OFFERED FOR SALEl Cows, Birds, Dosi aad Pets. Horses and Vehicles. Pooltry and Eggs. Farnltnre. Pianos, Orciai aad Maslcnl In- straments, Trpewrlters and Sewing Machines. OFFERED FOR REST! Fnrnlshed Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. Boarding; aad Rooms. WANTED TO BUT. WANTED TO RENT. ITl'ATIONS WANTED. CASH RATE FOR NOTICES. Death and Foueral Notlcea, Cards of Thanks aad Lodge Notices, T cents per line for one edition, moraine; or evenlngi 3 cents a line for each ad dltlonal edition. Snndny, 10 cents a line. No ad taken for less than 80 cents. Want-ads for The Bee mar Ift at aar of the following dm stores one Is "roar corner druggist" they re all branch offices of The Bee and your ad will bo Inserted Inst as promptly and on the same rates aa at the mala office In The Bee BaUdlng, Seventeenth and Farnam atreetsi A loach, W. C, 40tland Farnam. Beranck, 8. A., 1402 8. 10th Bt . - Becht's Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson's Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2814 Sherman Ave. Caughltn, C. K., 6th and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Are. . Conte, J. B., 81st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake, Ormak, Ernll. 1264-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. II., 2Su2 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!. 813 N. 26th St Freytag, John J., 1814 N. 24th St. . Florence Drus; Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough, O. A., 106 8. 10th St. Oreenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, 20 Farnam Bt Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 29tu Are.. , Hoist, John, 624 North 10th 8t. 1 Huff, A. L., 29114 Leavenworth St. Kins. H. 8., 2228 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 10K4 N. 24th 8t. l.athrop. Chaa. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L E., 24th and Leavenwijrth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Bchaeferg Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and , yhicage. Bchaefer, Auarust, 2831 N. 16th St. Schmidt J. H., 24th and Cumins- Bta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta, r Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses hare been issued: Name and Residence. Age. Samuel H. Morris. Omaha...... Mary Binder, Omaha, 2 Thomas Malone, Omaha 46 Fanny Grady, Omaha 85 Bmll R. Fisher, South Omaha...-. 29 Minnie Borenson, South Omaha -..18 Joseph Friedman, Omaha 27 Ueulah Harris, Omaha m ..20 Thomas Howie, Omaha 35 Luemma Clay, Omaha ...... .......1.26 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Henry Gross. 2424 Burt street, girl; E. L. Benson, 1415 South Seventh street, boy; D. C. McDowell, 874 North TwSnirflfth ,reet,- bo: C. Tlmme, 4328 Maple street, boy; James Zajlo. 1413 ..South Fifteenth street, girl. Deaths Sarah M. Seaman. Council Bluffs, aged 68; P. J e (Teres, Bt. Joseph's hospital, aged 60. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends and neigh bors for their kindness during the sickness and death of our baby. MR. and MRS. A. E. KEITH. We desire to thank our many kind friends, who so kindly assisted us In our late bereavement, the sickness and death of our belayed son and brotlier, John H. Klebach 'aluo for the many beautiful flora, offerings. MARTIN 1UEBACH and FAMILY. ANNOUNCEMENTS BUMMER SCHOOL of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 19th and Fartuun Sta., .Opens Monday uiomlng, June 17. Publlo school children admitted. Special classes In Business, Shorthand, Telegraphy, Nor mal and Civil . Service. Send fur special ; circulars. VISITING CARDS FREE. Send six names and addresses of parties wanting a business education and we will , SeuU you six elegantly written cards. , CATALOG (J hi FREE. ' ROURBOUUa ilROd.. Omaha, Neb. ' ' 0 MiH7 IS SUMMER TERM BOYLES CX)LiLEQE NOW OPEN BTCPENTS ADMITTED ANT DAT BOOKKEEPING. t H OKTH AND AND STKPIiWlUriNG, TELEURAPHI, ENQ L18U. ELOCUTION. Read Ivuyles" Ad Next Sunday. Catalogue fr. II. B. BOKLEil, Pre Omaha. Neb. MIIv THE CITT GARBAGE CO., 'office 4th and Lkaveoworth bis. TcL Douglas lfi7. 00104. SIGN PAINTING 8. IC Cole. 1303 Douglas. . , (D loi AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE Four-cylinder touring car, good aa new. C a. Wllklns. . Dewey hotel. ityMl 11W6 BL'ICK. two-cylinder, 23 H. P. tour ing car. overhauled and palmed SuoO 00 I9U. CADILAC. 10 IL P. touring carTtline shape iuiui 16 RAMBLER, 18 H. p.. almost ew. several extras included 3'JnOOO IS KNOX touring car, air cooled.... Su00 la OLItJ. with top. S 11. p ,xuo ll ItKO. IS H. P., used very lUe..t.l.).oo I 'HANKLIN.. with top, four-oyllnder, detarliatila tonaeau Itiifc ni lH KO!U. two-cylinder, detachable ton neau. 14 H. P , IwJOO ISM 8TEVENS-DURTEA. two-cyUrXr, and looks like new, with top ...1&O.00 JtAMHI-EK K., detachable tonneau, lust repainted and Overhauled tdii U Write for full (Vs. rimn H. E. FltilDlUCKBON, lsta asd Cap. Ave tw- K-ND for our list of sennnd-hand automo Uisa, DEKiUllT, ISIS 'arnam. -uT, AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) FOR BALE A Cameron Runabout auto tuohile; a bargain. Olobe Lund and In vestment Co., 1K23 Farnam St. (I 107 BARTER AND EXCHANGE GOOD Income property, clear, for vncant lots; warning distance. Peterson urs. 123 Bee Bldg. (3) 108 TO EXCHANGE. 7.000 seres mod Canada land for rood In come property, 115 per acre. Describe your property or no reply. A rare op portunity. Box 871. Spencer. la. (8J-M428 J10X 120 ACrK3 6 miles from Bchell City, Ver non coanty Mo.; 80 acres undsr cultiva tion: rofid btitlHIna:. Price. tTi0 per acre: Incumbrance $2,000 Will exchange for general merchandise. Globe Land and Investment Co., UU2 Farnam St., Omaha. (S-10 EXCHANGES If roil have city property, stocks of gsods. farm land or property of any kind to exchango, write for our com. plete list. We have properties and lands in an parts or the country to exennnse. Our list Is free. Bend for It at once, Globe Land and Investment Co., 122 Far nam St.. Omaha. Neb. (8) U0 FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex Slayer. What have jrouT Address H-876. ee. (3-108 BLACKSMITH shop, too) - and tock. about ll,6"0, for land of city property. Peterson Bros.. 623 Bee Bldg. (3) M460 3 WANTED to trade complete threshing machine outfit for cheap land or ciky property. Peterson Bros. (3) M4S4 8 HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO TRADE. If so list It with us. We can trade any thing. KELLY INVESTMENT CO., ' KX Neville Block., Omaha. (3) M8D6 I FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex player. What have you7 Address H, 876 Bee. (3) M768 10X LIVERY BTABLE. 80x60, almost new; 6 room dwelling; four big lots; at Berlin, Neb.; will sell at easy terms or exchange for good land or city Income. Address J. G. Vollenwelder. Holyock, Colo. (30 M804 MX FOR EXCHANGE 240-acre farm, wall Improved, 2H miles from good railroad town In northeast Kansas. Will trads for merchandise, smaller farm or small Income property. For' full particulars address E. F. Goodrich, Seneca. Kan. (3) MS34 I TWO 640-acre homesteads near town In Hooker county for sale or trade. Each 8300. Write Gangestad, 403 Bee Bldg. (3)-M9Ce 7 BUSINESS CHANCES LUMBERING IN OREGON Most profit able Industry on American continent. Wealthiest corporations and Individuals Investing there. Men of smaller means fast getting rich there. Group of practical experienced western men have organised a company and are pur chasing well established lumbering busi ness In Oregon, with mill of eighty thousand feet capacity and large amount of valuable standing timber. Cost of production low. Profits very large. Demand enormous. Portion of capital stock for sale constituting a safe, sensi ble and most profitable Investment, in either large or small amounts. Satisfac tory banking references. Write today for Particulars. Ask for Timber Talk. The unset Lumber Co., 206 McKay Bldg., Portland. Ore. (4) M766 Jftx WE INCORPORATE STOCK COMPANIES CHOICE LOCAL BTOCK. MANUFACTURING INVESTMENTS. CHE MERCANTILE INCOR PORATING COMPANY,- 426-421 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. R62. (4) MS17 je26 DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. x. J-iire, omana. (4) lie TO BUY or sell any business or real estate quick write or see tluaretn at lawman, 610 Bee Bldg. (4) M6S0 TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write E. a. Gangestad, 408 Bee Bldg. (4H 117 TOWNSBND REALTY CO., Modale, la. Bell and exenange farms, city property, merchandise and chattels. Try them. (4) M977 Je27x ESTABLISHED abstract . business tn Omaha, a most up-to-date office and doing large business; will take city or farm property as part purchase price. Address A 468, Bee. (4) 336 Je6x GOOD meat market for sale, doing a good ousiness, sales win average 870 a day; good fixtures, horses and wagons and slaughter house; reasons for selling, have other business on hand; price t3,0uv. In quire P. O. Box 4SL Ouray, Colo. (4) M862 12x DRUG BTORB for sale, the best drug proposition in lowa; oniy store in good northwestern Iowa town of 511O people, fine farming country surrounding: 83,500 will swing It; only those with cash con sidered. Address Y 24, care Omaha Bee. (4) MS64 12 AN Al stock of gen. mdse. located In a gooa low town; win invoice 88,000; for sale or trade for land. Globe Land and Inv. Co., 1822 Farnam. (4) M880U WANTED Woman partner In Alaskan hotel; must be good cook and have $1,000; also one for laundry with $600. A. E. Har tay, Box 4 Katalla, Alaska. (4) M867 12x WANTED A party to open a hotel in a Jooa noun. Auaress iocg hox sU, St. oseph. Mo. (4) MS68 12x FOR SALE Millinery business for particu lars write Box 88, Reading, la. (4)-M96 12x FOR SALE Tli e beat paying business In it. m. iNSDrasKa, stock or groceries, qusensware and notions; will be sold cheap. . Answer quick. Address Y HL Bee. (i M878 WANT a second hand automobile: have wim Mini iu mu, Auurow X 243, Heft. (4 118 TOWN LOT SALE at Rosalie, Neb., June 12, 1907, t o'clock: 200 business and resi dence lots will be offered for sale at auction. Special Burlington train leaving Ashland at 8 a. m., returning after sale. Fine opportunity for all kinds of business as well as Investments. For Information write F. L. Cook, manager Rosalie Town site Company. (4 M821 11 GOOD real estate business in Omaha for sale; furniture andUlsts, about $360. Ad dress S Ui. Bee. (4) M902 13 WANTED A partner who has some abil ity as a promoter; must have a few hundred dollars to Invest. I have a good thing and some cash, but cannot swing tliis alone. Please do not answer unless you can put your time against mine and Invest dollar for dollar. For Interview address P 680, care Bee. (4) Mai 1$ FOR BALE Blacksmith shop, with gaso line engine; is first-class shop. For fur ther particulars Inquire of Alien A Bates, Marion, Kan. (4) MStli litx BUSINESS chance; "Miners' Scrap Book," free to you six months. If you write us that you like Square Deal Mining. The C E. MitcheU Co., Spokane, Wash. (4) Ml8 Jyx TWO-CHAIR barber shop, best location In Council Bluffs; good trade; must be sold before the 16th. Act quick. Owner leav ing city. Price, $J60. Gangestad, 408 Bee Bldg. 4 MKS T NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. Buys, sells or exchanges everything, land, city property, merchandise and automobiles. 68 Douglas block. (4) M766 July3 PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing good contract and retail trade; Invoice about $1.50u; a snap; good town of 10uo Address Box 643, Sallda, Colo. (4)-M744 JySx FOR SALE Lease and furniture finest equipped hotel in N. W. Iowa county seat; 4.000 population: only $8 and $2 60 day hotel In city; business to full cacao Ity; full particulars on applicatioiiiR. Mather, Cedar Rapids, la. , (4) M74 T FOR SALE 80-room brkk taotsl, modern and new; steam heat, hot and cold water In county seat of 6.Q1O In HI. oil field; gooi reason for selling. H. C, Coen, Olney. 111. Aw (4-MH6 tx WANTED To trade for stock of goods; Have a good farm. Address Y-145. Be. ( III Advertise - iUSE DEE WANT AT1S. , , Reaches everybody within everybody's reach BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) HASTINGS SNA P 40-room hotel; lease and business, 11,800. Small hotel: lease and furniture, $M0. Two good restaurants, doing good busl ness. Country paper and Job printing office, In gooa town. Confectionery and Ire cream parlor. Wo buy and sell stocks. Steele dt Nance, Hasting, Nb. (4) MSGS 11 X BARBER SHOP FIXTURES for sale; two chairs and bathtub, and all other neces saries; $140. F. A. Nobes, Wadena, Minn. (4) MS22 Ut FOR 8ALB-The best rooming house In the city. 1704 Capitol Ave. (4 M530 8x FOR RALE A business that can be bought for $11. 000 that has an annual Income of xs,ow; object of selling IS to retire ana live in California; an old established busi ness of 21 years; a rare chance for Invest ment. For particulars write to George Bowman, Box 463, Fullerton, Neb. , (4) M537 16x For quick sale results list your property with C. J. Canan, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (4 MS28 Jy4 STEAM LAUNDRY. $0,000 In cash will buy steam laundry plant complete and an established business in a good railroad town of 6,000 population; the only steam laundry in the city; the net earnings of the laundry average over $f00 per month. For particulars address Y 8, care Bee. (4) M&44 8 BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week fcr 26 weeks, or $26 cash, and clear $260; absolute safety guaranteed by all banks. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los An geles, Col. (4) M642 J10X HILDRETH gt LOWMAN can sell your business quick. We have buyers waiting for you with money. 610 Bee UUlg., Omaha. (4) M686 WANTED A party to buy out a first class stock of furniture In the best town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wis ner. Neb. (4) 119 TO GET IN OR OUT OF . BUSINESS, CALL ON WTLLAIM8, 411 McCAGUE . BUILDING. 15TH AND DODGE STS. (4)-638 YOUNG, energetio partner wtnted by ex perienced lawyer wtth established busi ness. Address Y 23, care Bee. (4) M564 16x FOR BALE Dry goods stock. Invoices $18,000; will sell for $10,600 cash; must act at once. Address Y 67, care Omaha Bee. (4) M68 8x Do You Wish to Make a Change T If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOB 13 LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (4-60 jell ROBERT C. DRUSEDOW dc CO., STOCK BROKERS, 809 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) 111 FOR SALE First class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $0 received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tires. Address Y 128, Bee. (4)-112 BUYERS FURNISHED IN 48 HOURS Investment lept. Western Ret. & Bond Ass'n Inc., Suite 721-722 N. Y. Lite Bldg. (4)-114 DOCTOR wanted, at once. Good location. Address Erlck Drug store, Erlck, Okl. (4) 333 24x SALOON for sale. 713 N. 16th St.. Omaha, is en. w Tib sx FOR BALE Rooming house. See Hildreth, liovman, 610 Bee Bldg. (4) M681 FOR BALE Patent right of 8POKH1 TENANT MACHINE, or would sell state rights; price according to population of each state: would even entertain a part ner with $6,000: wagon shops and car repairing shops buy on Bight. P. O. Box I60,Bellwood, Neb. (4) 889 12x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg. ta M8i je la Civil Engineer. L. Q. HICKS, surveying. 423 Board of (6) M314J6 Trade. M'EATHRON & JAMIESON, 808 N. Y. L. (0) ISO Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. t 1505 Farnam St Doug. 8497. (5 ia Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice creamery Co., omaha. (5 123 Carpet Cleaning;, SEND your carpets to N. A. Chrlstenson It Son, -2221 N. 20th Bt. 'Phone Web. 1669. (6)-128 SANITARY Creamery Co., 1919 Farnam. (6)-124 JOHNSON clean carpets, washes windows, noors potisnea. iw. Aougias (5 M9M Je28 ROOMING HOUSES. Bargains: Arst come gets 'em. GanrestadL 403 Bee Bldg. (4) M927 7 Contractors. P. J. CREEDON St SONS, 'general con tractors, omce and factory, 46th and Dodge. 'Phones Har. 2160 and Red I860. (6) 127 AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor. ,11. a " . . a.vaaw wv, U VI U . U V.IIIO I I " (6)-75 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney mus v) 1ZS Dentists. BAILEY A: MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (B)-126 s Eleetrolyala. MISS ALLENDER, 422 N. Y. Life Bldg. (6) M528 J22 Engraving. K OT ERA A CO., 16u6 Jackson. Doug. 2007. (S)-ia Florists. HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (8) 130 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farn. Tel. D. 12S3. (6) 181 J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. S0"0. (6)-132 Fare. FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. G. E. Shukert, 818-316 8. 16th. practical furrier. (5) 672 12 Hairdreaslag. HAIRDRESSINO, 2So and S6c; shampoo, 6o; dry. 76c; egg, 76c; Marcel waving, 76c; Marcel touch, 60c; massage, 60c Scalp treatment special rates per month. F. M. Schadell, 152 Douglas. (& M5B4 23 Hotels. THE BCHLITZ, European, ltb 4V Harney. (6 13J Pbetearrapkera. C B. TRUSS ELL, 116 South 18th St (5) 137 French artistic ptootograpDa. HO S. 14th 8t your business- BBS BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Jewelers aa Watch natters. 1 . N. P. 8TILLINO Watch, clovk. Jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4.167. (6 136 Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. (370. (6) mjw jju Incorporators. MER, Incorporating Co., 428 N. Y. L. (6H-134 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L, Tel. D. 1M. W ue PrlatlnaT. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 5330. (b) 133 BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 dc Cap. Ave. IW ia 600 BUSINESS cards. $1: 10.000 minted en veiopes. gooa stock, tor 810; other work at same rates. Get estimates and 1 our samnles of work. Call t mnm M. U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., or "phone Doug las ama. (b M!Mo J 17 THE ACORN PRESS. Printers of Quality. m rsarney, 'loi. uoug. vi. (5) M747 Jel4 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters ana jod printing; no job too large or smau. Anenor Publishing Co., 1&3 ar- uam 01. i ei Douglas b-Ml. ; (6) M424 Jyl riombina- and Heating;. T. F. BALFE. plumbing, gas and electrio uxiures. iwi Howard, lei. Doug. (6)- M1O0 JU JullO LYNCH BROS Repair work our specialty. uo xn. 10m at. xei. Douglas 1477. (6)-305 Je28 Shoe Repairing;. STANDARD Shoe Renalr Co.. 1H04 Farnam, we ao me work right; 'phone Douglas 7n7 and we will call for your work. We sell poi;sn, laces and shoe specialties. r (6) M286 Jel7 RAPID 8HOB REPAIR CO.. first-class work. 1618H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (5) 244 Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cially 01 nre escapes, shutters, doors and safes. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. (6) 140 School Farnltnre. OMAHA School Supply Co., 1821 Howard. mi nasi ( jeio Stove Storage. RTOVT.K8TORED Hughes, Btove Rop. QAWVUQ Works. Tel. Doug 7165. (6) 141 Tailoring. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladles and gents new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and de livered. 709 8. 27th St. (6) 844 Wall Paper Cleaning. WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas 6589. (5) 142 DON'T fall to call on me at Douglas 870. (bj 143 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAMA BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. parlors lis a. 16 tn bu, upp. Boston store. (16) 128 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED A young lady as cashier, with good references, Rosenberg & Co., 23th and Davenport (7) 843 Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Com (7) 147 pany, 2024 Farnam tit. WANTED Machine girls. City Ste.ira (7) 148 Laundry, 211 8. 11th St. WANTED Girls, whit ir colored. 2209 Cuming St Paper Factory. (7) 791 7 WANTED HAND IRONERS, AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY, 1611 JACKSON ST. ' (7)-M874 WANTED Experienced marker and sorter. Hlnchey Laundry, 409 North 25th St., South Omaha. (7) M876 Monsekeplngr and Domestic. WANTED Girl for gnneral housework. 1683 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. (7) 435 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. A. M. Peterson, 4728 N. 89th St. (7 M908 12 TWO large connecting front rooms, light housekeeping; adults. 416 8. 19th. (16 M906 7x WANTED In July, good cook; two In family: permanent place and good wages. 102 8. 34th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7-M384 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Tolf Hanson, 8402 Lin coln Boulevard. Tel. Harney 1S1C. (7) M929 GERMAN housekeeper;- $20 per mo.: house girls, $7 week. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge. (7) 149 WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; $6 per week. Call at 316 8. 31st St (7) 441 T GIRL for general housework. 8315 Burt St Oh-402 6x GIRL for general housework; small fam ily, good wages. 218 8. 31st Ave. (7 M63J 8x WANTED A girl to do housework, two In family. 1142 8. 81st St. (7-MS08 9x Mtacellaaeoas. M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1823 Far. (7) MS16 J 16 The following positions are now open and must be filled at once: 1 stenographers, $00. 1 stenographer. $70. 1 stenographers. $10. 1 bookkeeper. $06. All applicants (or positions advertised tn this column w ill be Interviewed by our lady manaprer of this department. KEYSTONE SURETY & KEF. AGT. (Inc.) PHONE DOUGLAS !i. SUITE- 4o4 BEE BLDG. (7)-M921 T WANTED At once, experienced girls for alterations. See Miss Ayers, Ladles' Suit Dept.. The Bennett Co. (7) 840 7 PIANIST WANTED Must be good sight reader; good position to right person. In quire at the Muslo Dept. o( J. I.. Hran deir A Son. t7) 847 7 WANTED Ladles and school girls for art painting on sofa pillows; experience un necessary: work taken home. Call fore noons. 2311 S. 13th. (7 J MG&3 8x LADIES to sell "The Manlove Hair Growvr." Dr. Minerva James, 2"24 Dav enport. 'Phone D 4376. (7 MiUi GIRLS WANTED to work by the week at King-Graham Mfg. Co.. 11th and Jack son, Bemls Bag Bldg., second floor. T) 9 WHEN you write to advert'sera remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact tnat yen saw ad la The be. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen-, WANTED Young man to travel In sur rounding states for larae Omaha firm knowledge of our business not necessary, out must be sober. Industrious anil fur nlsh good references. Address 0-397. Bee omce. () as WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perience In selling to farmers; permanent position; good Income.. Address O 347, wee omce. nnj 110 WANTED Two experienced traveling salesmen for territory In surrounding states; position permanent: good income. Must furnish good references. Address W-407, Bee Office, (9) 70 WANTED Traveling salesman capable of earning from 830 to $60 a week; eaay line to handle, but must devote your whole uma to it. areas a-aia. Jtiee omce. (9)-8 WANTED District managers. We want men who ran nroduca reasonable Quan tity desirable business; exclusive terri tory; liberal contract; prompt settlement viauiin; oesi neaitn-acciaeni proposition on the market; $100,000 capital. Write Federal Casualty Co Detroit Mich. (9 M369 13x SOLICITORS wanted; perfer those who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big muney. van at Room two, nee mag. ( 338 AGENTS wanted with rigs to sell our medicines, extracts, etc., to rarmers. Royal Manufacturing Co., 417 E. 18th St., xkaimas v-ity, mo. t) muo Jii AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big firorlt for you. Write today for partlcu ars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 603 uee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. () 634 WANTED Clothing clerk, good salesman sna stocK Keeper. Address p. O. box 3ti, jucuook, NeD., with references. ! (9) MSS6 12x AGENTS wanted to handle 7-seatod 60- horse power automoblle 1908 sample ready in August; liberal terms to pushers, pun man M. V. Co., 603 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. (9) 863 fix Clerical and Office. BIG BALE two-piece suits to order, $23. jvipuartny-w uson Tailoring co., aot a. 16th St (9)-M446 Je21 WANTED clerks In railroad office, men and boys. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9)-M459 8x WANTED Competent assistant bookkeep er, young man witn about two years experience In wholesale Implement busi ness preferred. Address J 610. care Bee. (9) M765 10 WANTED A young man to work In lum per omoe. Apply 608 JS. x. L.ire rung. (9)-M907 t Factory and Trade. GET out of the wet. Jobs won't be so easy to get next year. We can use 600 machinists. Highest wages, steady employment guar anteed. Transportation advanced to machinists havlna- first-class references. We positively make no charge In any way, manner or form, lor securing jobs lor machinists. Address, with references. The National Metal Trades Association, Cincinnati, o. litO-MHiS bx POSITIONS for drug men everywhere, F. v. Kniesi, 707 M. x. l. Omaha. (9) ICO WANTED 1,000 customers for Jarvls' 1877 Dranay. call at any saloon. (9) M469 WANTED A competent Job printer at once; state experience and salary ex pected. Nebraska Newspaper Union, York. Neb. (9) M911 9x WANTED 4 moulders, 2 core makers: union wages; open shop; will sign con tract for one year. Enx & Orr, 1739 Blake St.. Denver. Colo. (91 M917 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or oncKiaying traaes; pays 8a to 8s day; position secured after three months' In' etructlon. Coyne School, St Louis, Mo. Free, catalogue. v (9) M376 WAN-TED Good stalrbullder and 8 first- class cabinet makers; permanent posi tions; work mostly western pine and fir; good wages. Washington Mill Co., Spo kane. Wash. (9) M747 lOx FIRST-CLASS ornamental Iron worker. one who understands all branches; flrst class carriage wood worker, one who can go right ahead with new work; steady position to right parties. J. p. Fowler Cov Salt Lake City, Utah. () M94 WANTED At onoe, cook, $36 per month. uumu aiiu rui.uu, iFcono COOK, fM per month, board and room. Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant Box 163, Red Cloud, Neb. (9) M348 Ux YOUNG MAN with some experience at soda iuuniuin. w. a. xnei, .mm and Farnam. W-M872 8- WANTED A good all around butcher and sausage maer; win pay good wages to the right man. Joseph Straub. Oakes. N. D. (91-M866 12x WANTED Tinners, thorough mechanics. wiiu neuua tn molting pieeea tin ware; must be able to lay out and cut patterns; state age, salary wanted and give references. Superintendent, Flat 8. Ii3 14th St.. Milwaukee, Wis. (9) M865 Ux WANTED Three good first-class com. merclal sign writers. Steady work. Good pay. Address The Curran Co., Denver, Colo. (9)-M710 T Miscellaneous WANTED At Boston Lunch, two young men lur wur. (o M Vu 7 6 EXPERIENCED bookkeepers, $76 to $126; s sienograpiiers, w 10 ew. Men with abil ity placed on short notion. WESTERN REF. & BOND AHB'N., ING, iu-w n. 1. uo juiag. (9) M926 T THE following positions are now open and must be filled at once: I bill clerks; 1 stenographer, $i.00; $ stenographers, $.00: 1 bookkeeper, $80.00; 2 asslstsnt bookkeepers, $70.03, and 1 specialty sales man, salary and exnenses. KEYSTONE SURETY A REF AOY., INC. KEIi UL,Dti. PHONE DOUGLAS 838. () M920 T WANTED Bright, energetic man to sell real estats on commission. Kenny Real Estate and Investment Co., 4M Bee Tilda i (9) M'J82 lo DRIVER for private automobile. State experience. Address W 662, Bee. (9)-M901 I MEN to distribute samples, tack signs; t'-'O wet-my; sieaay; no canvassing. Oliver, Monroe Bldg., Chicago. (9) M914 7x WANTED School teachers and students to travel during vacation months; work pieasant and profitable. Address H 207, Bee office. ( M&49 WANTED An energetic man with small family to do general work on a cattle feeding ranch in Polk county, Nebraska. The wife must be capable and able to board an extra man or two. Good house furnished and steady work at good wages. References required. Address Kent Si Burke, Genoa, Neb. (8) M432 10 U. H. NAVY ENLISTS YOUNG MEN 17 to 26 years old. mechanics 21 to 86 rears. Suitable pay and rating for qualified men and good opportunity for advancement to all deserving men. bpeclal courses of training 4 to ( months, for nearly all re cruits. Only earnest young men of good character and capacity, cltiser.s of the IT. 8.. need apply. Liberal retired pay after to years' service (recently Increased by law). Mavy Recruiting Omce, p. o. build ing. Omaha. 0 471 J 10 I HELP WANTEDMALE Miscellanea ntlnned. STRIKE Ptryker. Men s Shoes. X1t Pth 16th. Board of Trade BUlg. (9) MS ENERGETIC young man. over 25 years old, capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references. 11 Sf care Bee, (9 to W A NT E D 20 men at Johnson Bros, at Clayworks, la., wages $2 per day, steady work year round; houses to rent to mar ried men. () M879 Jeltix WANTED Men for real estate business In Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and splendid opportunity for right kind of men. Apply 316 Neville Blk., 16th and Harney, Omaha. (t M582 WANTED By wholesale house, man to travel and sell goods from wagon; must be hustler; good place for right party. Apply In person, 1308 Leavenworth Bt. (9)-787 X WANTED Energetio young man with lit tle money to mansge branch office In east ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying business. Address 604 Observatory Bldg., Ies Moines, la. (9) M061 Jy5x WANTED POUND YOUNG MEN, aged 18 to sd, i or nremen ana nraxemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary, Firemen earn $100 00 per month, become engineers, earn, $3m.0O; brakeman earn irs.ou, become conductors, earn $150.00, tan or write at once for particulars. Na tlonal Railway Training Ass'n., 630 X, i-axion iiiocK, omana, Neo. (H Jy WANTED Experienced collector. Call Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Dougla DIM. () k3 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. AGENTS Ladies and gentlemen: a house' hold necessity; no trash; once used will always be used. Address Interstate Mer cantile Co., Mollne, 111. O0)-M743 lOx HEAD WAITER or waitress, at Diamond caie, -o per .montn. tiewara. Men. (10) M778 10X WANTED Man and wife to work on farm. Apply 2632 Capitol Ave. (10) 789 10 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. RUNABOUT, price, $50; worth new, $125. iimnger implement co, (11) MD04 Jia ONE TEAM MARES, weighing 2.300 pounds, I1U0; team matched bay horses, weighing x,uo pounds, liiib; team heavy mares, :i one bay horse, weighing 1,250 pounds, $t0 one more weighing l,3fi0 pounds, 96; one bay mare, weighing 1,100 pounds, $t5; one dun horse, $20; one gray mare, $36. Thor ough trial before buying and written guar antee with every horse as represented, Cash or payments. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th Bt. 'Phone Douglas 608L (ID M7C6 SADDLE pony, two cheap mares. Myers, LU4 DOUglOS Bt. Tel. DOUglaS 1032. (ID 731 9x RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at freatly reduced prices. Johnson ft Dan orth Co., S. W. cor. loth and Jones Sts. (11) 151 THREE extra good young, sound, 1. 200- pound single wagon horses; also several drivers. Rear 414 aj. letn. (li) mvud TWO rood, toppy driving horses; also sin gie ana aouoie Harness, runsoouts, top buggies ana surries, tor one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street Stable. (11) 164 WE are not selling out at cost, but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, surries and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklns Co., 714 8. 10th St, Omaha. (111673 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts ana harness see jonnson-Danrortn Co., B.t w. corner lotn ana Jones sts. (11) 301 TWO runabouts, one top buggy, one fam ily carriage, cneap. Myers, 1114 Douglas, Tel. Doug. 1032. (1D-732 9x HARNESS, Baddies, Trunks, traveling bags; some gooa bargains. Alfred Cor nish & Co., 1210 Farnam Bt. (1I)-M537 ONE good bay horse, city broke, $90; one brown driving mare, lib; one cheap horse, ; one roan mare, Ht. zsift N. lbtn Ave, (11) M707 TWO extra well broken single driving horses, one young, sound delivery wagon horse. Apply after Sunday, 2006 Maple Bt Tel. Douglas bObS. (II) MG08 8x HORSES bought and sold; livery and boarding a specialty. Myers' Douglas St Stables. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1114 Douglas et. Tel. D. 1032. (11) 730 Jy2 TWO-SEATED hand-made surrey, In first- class repair, worm twice the price, $60; also harness, $10. Inquire 421 N. 3ft h St. (1D-M802 7x COMBINATION saddle and driving horse for sale, city Drone, Kind and gentle. Just the thing for ladles and children. Apply W Boulh 24th St til) 846 FOR SALE Secondhand rubber tired trap in gooa conaition; two-seatea. Herman Beal, 1082 N. 25th, South Omaha. (11) 880 $x Poaltry and Exn. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2803 inaiana Ave. lei. narney isua. (11) 165 CHOICE S. C. Orpingtons, all 6 varieties. Reduced bargain prices. Boomgaarn's Orpington yards. Humboldt, Neb. (U-Mfi06 Jllx ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; Mr st eastern slock, a good color; eggs, $1.71 per 16. Mrs. James H. Halplne, 4ti02 Center St Tel. Harney 8628. (1D-M616 Jll GOV'T book free. Omaha, Model Squab Co., (11) M 407 Jyl FINE single-comb White Leghorns; eggs, $1 per 16. after June 1. Pullets for sale. Lundstrom, 20th and Caldwell. s (ID M673 8x THEY'RE going fast WhatT Eggs for hatching from prise wlnnlna- White Ply mouth Rooks. If you want something food write me. t, Omaha, R. G. White, 3332 Parker (11) M014 8 POULTRY QUEEN of Iowa, who hatched 1,330 chicks In one day, manufactures In cubators, brooders, Incubator alarms, and has published a book on how to hatch, brood, feed and prevent chicks dying In the shell. Price, $1.00. Send stamp for free remedy for roup and bowel trouble In little chirks. Mrs. D. C. Johnson. Max well, la. No. 11. (11) M746 lOx Cows, Birds, Dogs and Peta. FRESH cows for sale; Jersey bull for ser vice. 49th and Hamilton. (U; 418 J9x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 156 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at Sir-'4 N :Mth St.. Omaha, Neb. (12) M100 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE Rl'P TL'RE CO.. over 8. W. Cor. Hth and Douglas, Omaha. (13 MJS Jyl DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 80 years' practice tn confinements. Otltce, 614 N. 16th; residence, 8421 Charles, Omaha. ais-67 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crclghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by collegs profesaurs. ' Phone Doug. 117. Calls answered day or night- (1S 19 MRS. OARDEI-S, private confinement home; babies oared for. 8734 N (Nth m. TL Red too, (U)-M93 Jtx MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING To Investigate our plan of doing huntnc-na We shall be glad to explain just what a loan of any amount from $10 to $i'io wll cost you for any length of time. I Our rates are the lowest. Our rebate tn largest, fall and see us snd you wll be satisfied that our record of 16 years of square dealing must be right WE AUK THE LOAN HEADQUARTERS j Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Building. (14) MXT? Bowcn, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no rea ipw. iuki-i money same day asxea lor ai smnu ivv4 Open evenings tin 1. (14)-i CHATTEI salary and storage receipt loans. Foley lan VO., lot r arnam ni. 0.4-iJ f-lITtmtTftWtftTTHinTTT MONEY TO LOAN Our special lo rates are still In effect. Bee us before going elsewhere to borrow money. Our terms are eaay and our business Is strictly confidential. We loan on household goods, pianos, warehouse receipts, horses, wagons, salaries, etc RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 30 Paxton nik. 'Phone Dour. 1411 wi$mww$$iwwitmiwi$$wwtmitM$ 04 168 UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKERS, ..,. SMALL LOANS AT LOW RATES. W ill make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without security. Terms to suit 'Phone Douglas 2904. (141784 16 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE! and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-161 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; less than half rates, perfect privacy; immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 2u 8. l&th St. (14)-4tl3 FURNITURE' live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14) 166 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable. e, acoom- itlal. 13017 (14) 164 ' modating; all business confidents Douglas. (14) 164 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. (14) 166 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (161167 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (161-168 ROOM and board. 614 No. 23d. (16)-830 DESIRABLE rooms, with first-class board; i.oui.uiti raiea; Close UU BZU . mm BU (16) 446 7x DESIRABLE front rooms, with board. 121 00. &in Ave. Tel. Douglas 39S2. (15) MS08 Ox BOARD and room, private family, for two genuemen, steeping ana sitting room! modem. 2424 Seward St 'Phone Maple 6780. (1)-M468 Sx MOST convenient and pleasant location: de. sirable rooms. Call before locating. The Pratt, 202-212 So. 25th St. Private ex change Douglas 3138. (16) M58S W-ITH private family, living in Hanscom r district, rurnished rooms, with or without board. 1626 & 26th St. (lo)-M760 1K 637 PARK AVE. Large. Dleasantysl?ih room, for two: choice location humi'ii , : .. ." . : . lawn; everytninK refined and modern, d c.iNuauia yrive; uraKiasts. l (15)-2 10x1 r-nrnisaea Rooms. NICE newly furnished rooms; walKlng dig. J tone Wll M 'H Bt n, a -4f v -a. IVJ Vl NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or man ana wue; also oilier rooms. 21$ N. 19th. (161-922 Jylx EXCELLENT modern furnished room for one or two. inone In house. 2674 Har ney 6t. (15)-M924 t BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms for light iiouwKeeping. iojo . zum. Tel. I'oug- J (15)-M912 9 2308 CAPITOL AVE., one of the prettiest iwbiiuiii ui umaua; large room, quiet, shady street; walking distance. (15)-M769 lOx FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light iiuuacaeeping. ton ISO. asm Bt. (161-M906 9x NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. wiiii or wimoui uoara. us XV. Z3a. (15)-M712 I GENTLEMEN desiring first-class room, ciose in, Duuaing and furniture new and up to date, plenty of hot water at all times, call at 406 8. 24th Ave. (24th Ave. and Harney). Rooms equipped with porcelain lavatories, with hot and cold water $10 up. (15) M803 FOR RENT One large southeast room, ri irio ugni ana an conveniences. Ill S. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 3837. 4J5)-00 FURNISHED rooms for two ladles; light nouseaeeping 11 uesirea. kuj a. 241 n. (16)-t91 tx FOR RENT Nice, large, front room, fur. nisnea. ms onsioi Bt. (lb) 444 7X FRONT room; very desirable. 8105 Lear enwortu bt. (15 891 (X NEAT and clean; price reasonable. 1R1 Doage Bt. (10) M410 7x THREE modern, furnished rooms, con venient to car. tola Caldwell. (16)-M571 lx NEATLY furnished rooms, I blocks from Harney ana ramam car; 10 blocks from post omce; private family. ftj08 Dodge. 'Phone Harney 2223. (16) M694 tx NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or inn uu win, aiso oilier rooms. 216 N. 19th. (15)-Mt98 8x ALCOVE room, suitable for two gentlemenl . . . . j ... uu vj a .. t aa, ov. nin 0,, (1)-M68 8x NICELY furnished front room In new mod ern iiome, private lamilj. 29th, near Leavenworth. 'Phone Harney 715. (16) M6S7 I ELEGANT front room, strictly modern. close In, private family; very reasonable. 2019 Cass Et (15)-784 NICELY furnished front room suitable fori one ur lira lenunncn, reasonable. 646 g.M 24th Ave. (15)-M5a I b r SUITE8, newly papered and furnished. double rooms, with gas lights and stoves. 6o7 S. 13th. Tel. Douglas 6614. (16) 733 26x NICELY furnished front room. 2405 Har ney. Lady preferred. 'Phone Douglas U6)-767 ex FURNISHED room for gentleman. 816 tleman. 816 Kf (18)-M8C6 llxjT ' Y A Din ..a.W a, a jiii iruni room in modern house, close to high school. References required. Address O 632. Bee. (lt)-Ms:7 llx VERY large furnished rooms, also tabls board: $2 50 per week; home cooking. Iu8 8. 14th St. (16) 841 llx THREE furnished rooms keeping. 21 N. 22d St. for light house (15)-M870 12x VafaraleheA If earns. THREE nice rooms upstairs to famlli without children. $10. i) Evans, neafj Dodge cere. Ask 136l. Council Bluffs. Br. (16-Mt7 7 TWO elegant unfurnished rooms. In good neighborhood, close to car; everything nodern ; suitable for man and wife. T$ Harney. 1S M9H 13a THatUEH unfurnished room, ni Ohio M. (UlWtMW t I 4' I ;l 4 ..u VI V