Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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2 i . 1
O -"
Y Opening it Decidedly Weak at Betolt
of Cables.
Waeat Opens' Losve fade
Hmt Depression, with the Halle
l'a lead lag aad Beyers Bream
Scarce Article at Laet.
OMAHA. June 1 1WI.
The market ntiened decidedly weak today.
The depression was due practically to the
decidedly weak foreign cables and report
oi me Improved weather conomons in Eu
rope Kansas Is otlll suffering, but gener
vll jr the conditions throughout the stats
hays shown (Treat advancement.
Wheat opened lower and vsrjr depressed
with bulls unloading. Long wheat came
out all around and buyers are getting
scarce, July option opened at flc asked
and eloaed at 9vVo asked.
Corn opened weaker In sympathy with
wheat. Trade was dull with very little
demand. There was some country buying
by receiving houses. July opened at 4vo
bid, and closed al WHO bid
Oats opened weaker and sympathised
with the weakness In wheat and corn. Trade
was dull with little scattered selling by
local and outside longs. July oats opened
at Hc asked and closed at 49e asked.
Primary wheat receipts were 64,000 bush
els and shipments 631,000 bushels, against
receipts last year of 7B4.0HO bushels and
shipments of 171,000 bushels. Corn receipts
were 1.1M.0OO hus'.iels snd shipments R06.&0
bushels, against receipts last year of 1,!,000
bushels and shipments of 9Ml,fl00 bushels.
Clearances were 271,0(10 bushels of corn,
and wheat and flour equal to 468,000 bush
els.. Seaboard reported 80,00 bushels of wheat
and 80,000 bushels of corn for export.
Liverpool closed lHd lower on wheat and
unchanged to Hd lower on com,
Bradstreet's estimate world's stipply of
wheat decrease 6,16(1.000 bushels; corn In
crease log 000 bushels, and oats decrease
9SA.00O bushels.
Local sange of options:
Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Tee y.
91 .JOH SOH 91A
92 91 1 2A
4M4.R 4PHB 4W4.T1 4MB
4fH4B 48ftB 48HB 48',4B
40 4R4 45B
7b 7. rm rrB
Corn I
ked. B Bid.
Oat aba Cask Prices.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago n 963 m
Minneapolis ..........351 ... ...
Omaha ............ 84 181 IT
Duluth 96
Featares of tho Trading; and Cloalnsr
Prloes em Board of Trass.
CHICAGO, June 4. Wheat prices In the
market broke lo per bushel today because
of general liquidation due to favorable
weatner for the crop both In Europe and
America. The Beptember delivery was down
lo, while the July option showed a net
loss of HMHo. July corn was up HS"V4o
Oats were off HS'Ho. Provisions were Pfcit
7H higher.
The feature of trading In the wheat pit
was ths unloading of large lines held by
soveral of the leading bulls, their total
sales for the day being estimated between
t. 000,000 bu. and 4,000,000 bu. These longs
had apparently become discouraged by the
continued favorable weather and decided
to throw overboard their lines of wheat.
Belling from this source was In evidence
when trading began and the Initial quota
tions showed losses ranging from SU'Vc to
1'HlVko compared with the closing price
of yesterday. Commission houses were
loaded, up with stop-loss orders, many of
which were reported on the opening decline.
The execution of these orders sent prices
down still further. In addition to the
weather conditions a decline of more than
d at Liverpool depressed the market bare,
'he weskness of the English market was
caused by crop conditions In eastern Eu
rope. During the last nour prices ruuea 10
from the low point of the day. The close
was fairly steady. July opened Ho to
V(o lower at HS6e, sold off to WA.
and closed at tba. Beptember opened at
to S6Hc and oloeed at S7Vi6c. Clearances'
or wheat ana nour were equal to uhmmj du.
Primary receipts were 6M.000 bu. against
764.tyw bu. compared with the same dsy last
year. Minneapolis, Duluih and Chicago re
ported receipts of 474 cars, against 421 cars
last week and SM oars one year ago.
The slump la wheat weakened the corn
market early In the day, but later It devel
oped strength on buying by leading bulls.
Most of this demand was the result of
small acoeptanoes from the country. The
market oloeed strong. July opened a shade
to WiSKv lower, at 63VjjW,fco, sold off to
bitVfen and closed at b4Vo. Local receipts
were 663 cars, with 60S of contract grade.
Oats were weak beoause of better
weather and the break In wheat. Local and
outside longs were the chief sellers, but
ths volume of trading was small. July
opened H6Ho lower, at 4fr249o, sold be
tween 4n and 4Sa and oloeed at WnOia.
Local receipts , were 111 ears. -
Provisions were easier at the opening be
acuse of the weakness of grain, but rallied
later on moderate buying by local packers.
At the cloee July pork was up 7tta at
ll.27W Lard was up IHo at t02Vs. Ribs
were SHo higher, at 68.77V4.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
T cars; corn, 674 cars; oats, M cars; bogs,
. 19,000 head. .
Leading futures ranged as follows:
. Artlclea, Open. Rlgh. Low. Cloee.Tsry.
. "Wheat
. Corn
July Sept.
, July
' &upt.
' 1
io4fc 1 oo m
tSKi u 68H
6Sfi 64)4(6 63V,
U4 60
VXfri&l 494, 49
40 4UV4i
16 17 1 88 1 17
18 85 16 60 U U
S 12H 9 9 12
nm S&J t2
S 70 8 KfJ I.W
S 86 t S7U S 86
WSl 1 0o
' 41
M 46
16 87H
S 10
S 7
I 12
No. 1
' Cash quotations were, as follows I
FLOUR Market steady; winter patents,
M.rUi4.2u; straights,,; spring pat
ents. 64 76tj6.0; straights, U.60S4.46; bakers'.
$1 T&.
WHEAT No. S spring, S7wg1.01: N"o 8,
6't,4i (u ; No. I red, 9iStc.
Ci)iKN No. 2. 64 Vic; No yellow, 64
Ha. - k
OATS-No. S, 49o; No, I white, eSH.
RYK-No. 2, 86c ,
- BARLEY Fair to choice, malting, . 70
74c. i
SHBDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 81.81
Timothy, rrime, $4.76. Clover, contract
grades. $16 .
PROVISIONS Short ribs i sides floose),
H tl'itit 75. Mesa pork, per'bbl., $1.1XS(9
lrt !8. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.03. Short clear
slW (boxed), JSOkue 26.
Following were the receipts and shipments
of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 29.T00 24.4(4
Wheat, bu ... 41.2O0, 29.HO0
Corn, bu 646.7110' 800, 7
Oats, bu S44.600 16,800
Rye. bu .0n0
Barley, bu 48.9u0 - n.scs)
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries. lfcgSHc;
dairies, 17,T2Hic. LVks. steady; at mark,
eases included. 14H; firsts 14c; prime firsts
lec C.ieese, weak at 12S5jl4c
MQwaakee Grata Market.
Wet lower; No. 1 northern. $1 Gii1.K; No
northern, Vicri 00; July, 86Hi(oC bid.
RYK-Ateady; No. 1 rvic . .
RAKLKY Ktrin; Nc t 7oHpi7Hs: sample.
C( RN-Steady; No. $ cash, 644Hc; July.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, June 4 -CORN-Lower; No 8
yellow and No. 8. 6Sc; No grade, 4l8olVc.
OATS Kary; No. I white, 47SMi4o: No.
wl.lte. 47V; No. 4 white, 4tia47c .
HTK Nominal; No. 8, 84lhs5Wc I
WHISK. T-8181 1
Dalatk Grata Market.
PrUTH, June 1-WHEAT-No. 1 north-
Jrn, Wirto; No 2 northern, 84c; July, 8ko
lt ember, tw4C '
OAT8-On Uack. 44Hc; June, 44c
- i
t.lverpol erala Market.
I.IVFRPOOL, June 4.-WHE AT-Spot,
Tlra; No. $ red westoin, Ts; No. I California,
Ti Id Futures, steady: July. 7tHd; Sep
tember, 7'1; I lev-ember, nominal.
CORN Spot, stesdy; Hs dried, 4s lid;
eld northern, 6s mid. Future, steady;
July, 4sU"d; September, 4s lOSd.
Qantatloaa of the Day Varlo-s
NEW YORK. June 4 -FIOUR Receipts,
Z3.V.4 this.; exports, 1,116 bbls.; sales, 2. '60
bbls. ; market dull and lower; Min
nesota patents, JR.1ik56.6S; winter stralghta,
t4..1&ii4.60; Minnesota bakers, 13 .TrV'a 26; win
ter extras, t3.Ovtr3.0O; winter patents. M--'f
8.00; winter low grades, i.('u3.40. Rye flour,
hi in; lair to good, H.7bft6.t4; choice to
fancy, 4f M5.40.
CORN MEAL Firm; fine white snd yel
low ,tl-30; coarse, tL171.19; kiln dried, U.13
RYE Steady; No. x western, S3Hc c t
f. Piiffaln.
WH FiAT Receipts. 172.700 bu. Bpot mar
ket easv; No. 1 red, KVc, elevator, and
1.H4, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Du
luth, $1,101, f, D afloat; No. 1 hard
winter, 11.06 f. o. b.. afloat. Prices for
wneat broke over Jo a bushel today, re
flecting Improved weather west, weak ca
bles, bearish Ohio state report and liberal
northwestern receipts After selling under
61. OJ for July, however, the market rallied
over 10 on less favorable Kansas cro,
news, closing Vyc net lower. July, tl-OlH
ti'l.te'i, closed at l.0H; Beptember, il.Ot-4
1.04H. closed at ll.03v; December,
frl.OCV closed at (1.06V.
CORN Receipts, 22,tf0 bu. sales, 60,000
bu. futures and 16.000 bu. spot. Bpot mar
ket firm; No, 3. (He, elevator, and 63c, f.
o. to., afloat; No. t white, 63Hc and No,
S yellow, 63c, f. o. b., afloat. Option mar
ket was more active and firmer on favor
able weather news, closing o net higher.
July, 62Vo: September, 61&S2o, closed
at 62Mc; lcember, Mc.
OATS Receipts, 87,000 bu. Spot market
firm; mixed oats, M to 62 pounds, 60Hc;
natural whits, 80 to SJ pounds, (Wutoc;
clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 62tt1i67c.
HAY mesily ; shipping, HOiac; good to
Choice, tl.2mhl.86.
HOP8-julet : state, common to choice,
10 crop. 14ftfl8c; 1905 orop, Paclflo
coast, lk crop, 8nic; 116 crop. 6'rrHc.
HIDBH Quint ; Central America, J3e,
LEATHER Steady ; acid, 26H2!e.
PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, 114. 00
?i14 60; mess, $9,60110.00; beef hams, 2.0fti
26.00; packet. "$11.00016,60; city extra India
mess. 622.OOtf23.0O. Cut meats. firm:
pickled bellies, llUHc; pickled hams. 12-3
124C Lard, steady; western prime, 69.1&J
t.2S; refined, steady; continent, $9.90; South
American, iio.tio; compound, w.owi 5.
Pork, steady; family, $18.00: short clear,
$17.26(518.76; mess, $if.754?n8.50.
TALLOW Dull; city ($2 per pkg.), ttc;
country (pkga free), 6Hi&a
RICEV-Bteady; dnmestlo, fair to extra,. SH
7o; Japan, homlnal.
BUTTER Steady; street prices easy;
creamery, myjyibc; oRlolal prices: Cream
ery, onmmon to extra, lWTMc; renovated,
common to extra, ltk&?2c; western factory,
common to firsts, WURo; western Imitation
creamery, firsts, 21iaf21VC.
CHEESE Steady: new state, full
cream, white and colored, large and small,
best, into: fair to good, lOtit&lltto; In
feriors, 7iHMlo.
BGGS tiaaler; - state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white, lc; -choice,
18o; brown and mixed extras, 17H$18c; first
to extra firsts, HJViQ'lTo; western firsts, 16o;
official price, 16c; seconds, 16?fl6Ho.
POULTRF Live, steady; spring chickens,
60o ; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 12c. Dressed, firm;
turkeys, 10314c; fowls, 12pl&Ha.
8t. Loots General Market.
ST. LOUI8, June 4. WHEAT- Lower;
track. No. i red cash, VTWQ,y,. No. 2
hardL9&(t97Ho; July. MHo; September, 86MTo.
CORN-Hlgher; track No. 2 cash, (&&
684o; July 62c; Beptember, 68c; No. 1
white, MyffUVio.
OATS Firm; track. No. I cash, 47c j July,
f'loUR Dull; red winter patent's. $4.60
Vtm; extra tancy ana straight, i3.tftXg4.S0;
SEED Timothy, S3.00B4.00. '
BRAN fitrong; sacked east track. CIO
IIAT-Rteady; timothy, tl6.S02,a.60: nral-
rle, 10.OCWi48.00.
ikon ctjrroN tie ii.oa.
BAOOINfl lite , ,
HEMP TWINE lOo. . - .
PUOVI8ION8 Pork, steady: iobblns-.
$16.20. Lard, steady; prime steam. $8.80. Pry
salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.60;
clear libs, $9.60; short clears, $9.S7H. Bacon,
steady: boxed extra shorts, $10.37).; elear
ribs, 110. 87H; short clears, $1076.
POULTRY" Qtiiet; chickens; UH
springs, JO26c: turkeys. lOoi ducks. 9c:
geese. 6c. . ; j.
Bu n tK Hteaay; creamery, ziizrac. -i
ESOOS Lower; 12Ho. .,
Receipts and shipments of arralri and flour
were as follows: . . . .
Reoetpts. Shipments
Floor, bbls. ........ S.ono . ll.ono
Wheat, bu., o,ono 81.000
Corn, bu 137,000 m.Ono
OatS, bis....... 42s 000 86,000
Kaiaai City Grain and Provisions.
04ic; September, Slot December, VPfas; cash,
No. S hard, 4c-jhl.o6; No. 3, 696o; No. 2.
rea, wnw.w no. . wvama.
ember, 46o; cash. No. S mixed, 61 o; No.
s, dio: no. x wnue, cito; imo. s. ua.
OATS No. 1 white. 47o: No. I mixed. 4SU
4J460. ,
KIB-Steady, 74M770.
HAT Firm; choice timothy, $l.5O(glT.O0;
choice prairie, $11.60ia'lS.OO.
BUTTED Creamery, 2So; packing, 16Hc
BGOS Firm; extra fancy, lSVie; current
receipts, caees Included, new cases, 18c;
second-hand cases, lZo; southern, cases
Included, 12c
Receipts and shipments of grain were as
follow: Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bw 47,fl0 M,Ono
Corn, bu ... 87.000 $7,0n0
Oats, bu 10,000 13,000
Range of options at Kansas City:
Open. High. Low. Close
July 8epL....
, Sept.
B Bid.
Visible Sapply of Grata
NEW TORK, June 4. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
Bradstreet's show the following changes
In available supplies as compared with pre
vious account:
Wheat, United States, east Rockies, de
creased, 830,000 bushels; Canada, decreased,
8,336,000 bushels. Totals, United States and
Canada, decreased, 4,136,000 bushels. Afloat
for and In Europe, decreased, 1,000,000 bush
els. Total American and European sup
ply, decreased, 6,160,000 bushels.
Corn, United States and Canada, In
creased, 760.000 bushels.
Oats, United States and Canada, de
creased, 968,000 bushels.
The leading decreases and Increases re
ported this week follow:
Manitoba, 4.446.000 bushels; Port Huron,
200.000 bushels: Lincoln and vicinity, 178.000
bushels; Ooderlch, 100,000 bUBhels; Kings
ton, 61,000 bushels.
Chicago private elevators, 676,000 bushels;
Portland. Me., 196,000 bushels.
Mlaaeapolla Grain Market.
9K"4c; Beptember. 9h''8SV4c; No. 1 hard.
$1.01 : No. 1 northern, $1.(0'4; No. t north
ern. SAMMac; No. 8 northern, 96?Wc.
FLOUR First patents,,' $6. 0Mt6.l6; second
patents, $4.WiJ6 06; first clears, $3.6&4j3.;
second clears, $2.7&(92.W.
BRAN In bulk, $17.267.60.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. O., June SEEDS Clover,
cash, $9.16; October, 83.27H; December,
$ ; March, $8.20. Alslke, li.00, Timothy,
Wool Market.
BOSTON. June -WOOL Although prloes
in ths wool market rumalo steady, dealings
continue restricted to foreign wools and
quarter-blood fleeces, tho supply of desira
ble domestic stock having bnen cleaned out.
The finer grades of Australians sell stead
ily and there have been a lew large trans
actions. One large sale of quarter-Wood
flocccs Is reported, and several others are
said to be pending. A more liberal move
ment Is reported lo Idaho clip,' and there
is quite a .struggle amoug several buyers.
Local dealers fear a shrtage In staple wool
this year. The leading domestic Quotations
follow: r Texas 'scoured basis), fine, II
months, 72.a7.ic; fine, to 6 months, 4fca'70c;
fine fall clean, i6c. California (scoured
basis), northern, choice, S7iotfcc; northern,
good, W7c; middle county, ib-udic: south
ern. lSc; fall free, 8;fefc$o; fall defective,
4wa-46o. Oregon (scoured basis), eastern No.
1 staple, Xxuiac; eastern No- 1 clothing, tty
70o; valley No. 1, 4vS:c. Territory staple
(soured basis), fine, .OTSc: fine medium, 68
tj'JUc; medium, iatWc. Territory ordinary
(scured basis), fine, S7C7ix:; fine medium, tfS
fii7c; medium, 2(ti4c. Colorado and New
Mexico spring (scoured), X. 670c; No. 1,
6a';tifc. Pulled wools .scoured basis) extra
hjrii-; fine A. 67'c; A supers. 6it7o; B
supers. 4.;?N7o.
ST. IJOI 18, June 4.-WOOL-teadr ; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, titc;
light line rSlfcc; heavy fine, 1617c; tub
washed, $vj7c
90 90T4 lH
siw n
49 4
49' 4 49
Slarket Advances on Light Baying
by Uncovered Shorts.
Five Point Ills, la American Smelt
Ins Is Coaaected wltk Dividend
Meetlagr to Be field Today
Close la Strong.
NEW TORK, June 4. There was a better
sentiment In stock market circles today
and prices showed some improvement. Yes
terday's fall was attributed to the al
most entire Rlisenre nf snv hnvlnv HAmnn
so that light Belling forced .rices down- i
warns, loony me converse was true, the
selling having subsided almost completely
snd rrlces advanced, with very little buying
ss a motive force. Whatever forced liquida
tion was In evidence. It seemed to have
been completed. A short Interest was left
uncovered and the buying from this source
furnished the principal demand. With the
rise In prices there was also Improvement
In Speculative sentiment. More seasonable
weather In Wall street Itself wss given
Its share of influence In cheering the spirits
of the room trader. This also gave them
more confidence In the reports of better
weather in the crop regions. The crop
news was, in fact, the most substantial
factor lying back of the rise In stock. Pres
ent and promised wenthei eondltlons wero
regarded as putting a bettei face on the
crop outlook, Ths wheat market moved
accordingly. The Ohio state condition re
port was accepted as indicating a similar
Improvement in the coming government re
port. The weekly bulletin of the weather
bureau, however, reported a continuance i
oi lavornnie conditions during the last week
and the upward movement In stocks showed
most hesitation after Its appearance. The
monthly condition estimate of cotton, how
ever, was given first Importance In the
day'g crop news. The confused and ex
cited movement of prices which followed
upon Its publication made It dlfllcult to
construo the traders' views on the report.
This was partly due to the extended posi
tion on the long side in cotton, which In
duced heavy profit taking, and partly to the
misunderstanding of the acreage compari
son owing to the revision of last year's
figures. The showing of the report, how
ever, served to confirm the conviction of
the present low condition of the crop and
Its dependence on good weather for a fa
vorable outcome.
Paris took more gold from London to
day and discounts at that center rose
sharply. Discount rate was firm also at
Paris and there was every indication that
a considerable additional sum of gold
would be taken here tomorrow for shipment
to Paris. A good deal of discussion was
aroused by the contention of the National
City bank In Its monthly circular that
this country was tending towards some
thing like bank note Inflation, with the
effect of stimulating the export of gold.
The large expansion of the note Issues at
a time when the ordinary need for cir
culation Is smallest and when the rata for
call loans is 2 per cent Is cited as evidence
to support the contention. The same au
thority asserts that the small redemptions
of bank notes In spite of the diminishing
needs of the circulation are explained by
a growing practice amongst national hanks
to count bank notes In their reserves, which
they have no legal right to do. Erie's in
crease of net earnings for April was con
firmatory of the better conditions of rail
road earnings. Borne of the buying of
Union Pacific was attributed to the pub
lished assertions that it WAS lntfnrtrH tn
abandon the government measures against
the Harrtman railroad combination. The
Ave-paint rise In American Smelting was
connected with the dividend meeting to be
held tomorrow aiM hum Afrtiva t., .... n..
lug the list from a late reaction and mak
ing a strong closing.
Bonds wero Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $1,090,000. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Numbor of sales and range of quota
tions on the New York Stock exchange:
' Bslw. High. Low. Close.
Adams Txpress juu
Amslmmated Copper , 84 Vt S 84 u
Am. C. r 10,4( 41 3t 40
Am. C. a- F. p(4 JijO Sen mA sv
Am. Col loo Oil , JoO ID It) lo
Am. Cotton Oil pfd 5
AmorlosJi Express Jot)
Am. H AL, pfd 100 19 It )
American Ice ......i...., -. .. . 8
Am. LIm4 oil jii
Am. LloaMd Oil p(4.. ,. .. ., u
Am. IxMXAiotlvs 1.100 68 74 MlU
Am. LeoomoUra pfd 100 i,a 10) 10i
Am. 1. R 89. U 111 111 118',,
Am. S. A B. pfd joo li 1(15(4 ye
Am. Sugar Rannlng 60 111 M m
Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa UK) 93 tiV 91V
Anaconda Mining Co. 4,7'W t 14 BbiJ
Atohlaoa T.ono MS 871 9cs
Atchison pfd , S'Kl ii fi ku
Atlantic Coast Line loo 94 95 94 .
Baltimore A Ohio l.tJO 94 u mix uu
bal. ft Ohio ptd 100 94 96
Brooklyn Rapid Tr 4.700 61 4ST4 (ivu
Canadian Pacini (.too j(n jMai 1014
Cantral of N. J ., llM
Chaaapeaks A Ohio 1,400 S4 994 4u
Chisago ot. W h 10 10
Chicago A N. W 1,(I0 lit 140 4
C, 14. ft 81. P t,r) 12CU, 114 12)
Chioago T. ft T (
Chicago T. ft T. ptd 16
C, C. C. ft 81. L 100 3 4.1 i
Colorado F. ft I., 1,10 Ixu 24
Colorado ft Bo 1,200 21 M U
Colo, ft Bo. lat pfd . ..... 67
Colo, ft Bo. 94 ptd 1) 41 41 41
Conaolldatad Oaa L0 190 119 ' 11U
Corn ProducU 7i0 16 14 lb
Corn ProducU P4 Joo 11 Tl 11
Delaware ft Hudson L9u0 16t1 10 lei
P.I.. L. ft W 444
tj.nrar ft R. o 400 14 94 94
D. ft R. O. ptd u
Dtitlliars' Rocurltles &0 llu uu i,J
Kris 1.1100 ' 91 91 21
Krl. let pfd S00 67 6 64
Brie Id pfd 1,9j0 9S m, 14
Oanaral Blectrio laa
Illinois Cantral , 114
International Papar 1,200 19 a 12V
Int. Paper pld , 71
Int. Pump $00 99 99 99
Int. Pump pfd 78
lows Central 17
Iowa Contral ptd 9ii0 404 40 40
Kansas City 80 80 ln 94 94
K. C. Bo. pfd 10O 6 6u j
LoulSTllla ft N L4UO 111 ion 111
Mexican Central v luO 90 JO 90
Minn, ft Bt. Louts....... 47
St., Bt. P. ft B. B. M 1,900 100 97 100
M.. 81. P. ft 8. g. 14. pfd 199
Missouri Paella 9.000 74 72 7!
iv. m 1 s.ew wfe siu
H. K. ft T. pfd .'. ... 7 ..... j
National Lead 600 to 61 40
N. R. R. of M. pfd 60
Naw York Central .. 4,900 flO 10 110
N. T , O. ft W 600 93 82 93
Norfolk ft W tuO 79 79 72
Norfolk ft W. ptd '. JO
North American 900 S 47 4
Paclflo Mall lo 11 8a 29
Pennerlvaola 9J.CC0 190 119 119
People's Oal X) 99 89
P., C. C. ft St. L. 80
Praaaed steel Car ,. 904 92 91 91
Preaeed B. C. pfd 900 M 97 fct'i
Pullman Palaos Car V0 Kit lit lei
Reading 14L lul 99 101
Reading lat pfd 7b i
Readlug 9d pfd , 76
Hevnblla Bteel X 96 14 84
Republic llael pfd ., 94u
Rock Iiland Co 1,200 90 19 90
Rock Island Co. pfd 43
81. L. ft B. t. 9d pfd 80 91 II 81
Bt. Loula B. W lv
8t. U 8. W. pfd ' 1
Bouthera Paclflo . 14.800 79 74 76
80. Paalflo pfd l.i0 lit 110 U0
Bo. Hallwar 1,900 19 18 19
Bo. Ratlwar pfd 900 88 68 l
Tenneaara O. ft I ... 181
TtMl ft Pad 6c 6)0 94 9f it
T, 8t. U ft W l.H) r If, 97
T , 6t. L. ft W. pfd. i0 if 4 4a
t'nlon Pari no 191.100 Ilk llv Hi
t nloo Pactue pfd. 91
U. B. Eapreaa 94
V. g. kealtf J00 f ! 10 09
V. 8. Rublxtr ' 1.4 96 94 In
U. I. Rubbw ptd 9" 100 9'v t
U. B. Steel I 9" 94 94' 91
V. U. Steal pfd 4.800 97 94 97
Va.-Cara. Chemical a
Va.-Car. Cbem. pfd 1 lot
Wabaek , ? O 11 19 It
Wabaak pfd JOO tl 9. 2.'
Welle-rerso Eipreas , 9M
Wastlnghuuaa Clectrta 141
Wuaiers t'nlon In
Wlealtng ft U B 100 11 11 lo
Wleconeln Central UK) IT It 14
Wla. Central ptd '. 84
Northern Panne 10,iy lit l U2
Cantral Leather J0 13 19 91
Central Lrather pfd. 91
Blona-ahrfflrld Bteel .., 9l V M 64
Oreat Nurtharn pfd 14 126 129 114
Int. Metropolitan 9,7-0 17 Ki 1
Int. Met. pfd t,tO 44 46 44
Total sales lor ths dar, 197.000 aharaa.
Foreign Flaaaelal.
LONDON. June . Money was In good
demand and fair supply in the market to
day. Discounts were strong. Prices on the
Stock exchange continued to feel the ef
fect of the recent liquidation .further de
clines being recorded In British securities,
consols touching a new low record. Wc,
but closing considerably firmer. Foreigners
Jenerally were quiet. Japanese imperial
1 of 1904 iiiused at 102. Klo Ttntos Im
proved. Americans opened at about iarlty.
but weakened in the forenoon. Canadian
Paclflo and Grand Trunk sere supportt-d
on the good earnings. Later the receipt
of the New Tork opening quotations caused
a slight hardening, after which they sagged
owing to lack of support. They picked up
near the cloee and finished stnady at the
best figures of the day. Kaffirs were
HA HIS. June 4. On the Bourse today
the Improvement continued firm on pros
pects of an early termination, ot the sea-
men's strike. Russlnn Imperial 4a closed
at 74 10 and Russian bonds of 1x04 at 4K7.
P E HI .IN. June 4. Prices on the Bourse
today weie oppressed on the tone of the
foreign bourses.
Kew lark tlsser Market.
NKW TORK. June l-MPNST-On call,
stesdy Ht i er cent; closing Md snd offerel,
2 per cent; time loans, haroer: sixty days,
SH per cent; ninety days, l per cent;
six months, 4u8 per cent.
per cpi 1
B TICK EXCHANGE-Firm, with sc.
ttial bust in bankers' hills at $4.R'v((
4 for t 4 and at $4.36(f)4.S3 for
sixty-day V ted rates, $4.84Vi and
$4 7',4: comn. "lis, $4 83.
8II.V1JK 1. -; Mexican dollars,
I10ND8 Govt. 'Jy; railroad, lr-
Closing quotatlo ynds to'y were
ss follows:
V. B. n-f. 4a, rg....l4rN4ipait s. td srrla,.. 9
do coupon 1-4 do 4a ctfs 94
V. 8. rer. 9s, rag... ) '9 do 4 ti ctla. 99
do couron trt do Id serlve tl
V. g. eld 4a, reg.-... 99 U ft N. unl. 4s....l'0
do coupon I""- Man. . g 4s 94
U. B. n. 4s, rrl .129 MX. Crntral 4s 79
do coupon ti9 ado 1st tne 109
Am. Tobacco 4s ! Mlnn. ft St. U 4s.. 94
do 4s 10 M., K. A T. 4s...... 94
At-Maon svn. 4s. du do 9s 89
do ul. 4a 9oaeN r R. of M. 4s 91
Atlanllo C. L. 4a.... 9A N T. C. f 9 99
Hal ft Ohio 4a 99 . J. C. g. 6a 123
do 9a 91-No. PaolDo 4s. luc
Rrk. R. T. a. 4a II do 9 11
Crntral of Os. Is. ...103 N. ft W. e 4a....... 94
do 1st Ino 60. 8. L. rfdg. 4a 84
. do 21 Ino 70 Penn. eonv 9a 93
do 9d ins 64 Rradlng fro. 4s 91
Chit Ik Ohio 4a...loo . L. ft I. M. c. la . 110
Chicago ft A. Is.. tiBt. U ft B. r. fg. 4s 10
C, B. ft VI. n. 4a... 91 St. U 8. W. e. 4a... 79
C, R. I. ft P. 4a.... 4s Rnatvwrd A. U 4a.... 71
do col. 6s 99 So. Pacific 4s. 46
(CC ft 8. L. g. 4s.. 9k do lat 4a ctfa 90
Colo. Ind. 6a, ear. A. 64 Bo. Rallvajr 6a. 107
Colo, ft Bo. 4s 6V Txae ft P. Is 119
i-uba 6a ...luJT., Bt. h. ft W. 4a 71
D. ft R. O. 4a 94 t'nlon Pacific 4a 101
IM-llUcnf Sec. 6a.... 99 V. 8. Steel td as.... 9S
Kris p. 1. 4a 94Wahaeh 1 101
do gan. 4a 80 W tarn Md. 4l 74
Hocking Val. 4S....101 W. ft L. K 4s 80
Japan 4a 9a Wis. Oentral 4s.... 84
Hnatos Stocks anal Bonds.
BOSTON, June 4. Call loans, Ity'fffi per
cent; time loans, iWQ&hb per cent. Official
closing 011 stocks ana bonds:
AtrhlBon adj. 4a..... 99 Bingham
do 4a 97 'Ctl. ft Heels,
Met. Central 4s 7A Ontonnlal ...
Ati hlaon 68 Copper ' Range
do pfd 4lalr West ....
Pnnrnn ft Albany 116 Pranklln
Hniton ft Maine 180 Granhr
. 16
. 79
,. 96
. 79
. 18
. 14
,. 14
. 4
.. 11
. II
Poeton Elevated
Klti.hburg pfd
Mexican Central
.11 Iila Rorals ...
.129 Maaa. Mining
80 Michigan
N. T., N. H. ft H..140
t'nlon Paf.iac
Am. Pneu. Tube..,
Am fir. Sugar
do pfd
Am. T. ft T
Am. Woolen
do pfd ,
Kaon Elec niU
Maaa. Electrlo ...
do pfd .,
Mass. Oaa
United Fruit .....
United a. M
do pfd
V. 8. Steel ,
do pfd
Allouat .,
Amalgamated .....
. 'Asked.
184 Mont. C. ft 0 1
7 Old Dominion 44
V0 Oeorola 120
..111 Parrot
..107 Qulncr
.. 34 Shannon
.. 91 Tamarack
..9P9 Vnltfd copper ...
.. II V. 8. Mining.....
.. 64 U. S. Oil
.. 67 Utah
..104 Victoria
., 66 Winona
. . 19 Wolverine
.. 91 North Butte
.. 97 Mtutte Coalition .
.. 2 Nevada
.. 44 Cal. ft Arliona..
.. 44 Arisona Com
.. 11
.. II
.. 49
.. 9
.. $7
.. 4
1 .
.. I J
... M
.. 11
.. 10
London Closing; Stocks.
LONDON, June 4. Closing quotations on
storks were, as follows:
Consols, Montr .. 13 11-14 N. T. Central Ill
do aoaouut ..... 41 18-14 Norfolk ft W 79
Anaconda 11 do pfd 46
Atchlron 99 Ontario ft W II
do ptd 94 Pennsylvania 61
Baltimore ft Ohio.... 96 Hand Mines 4
Canadian Pacific 179 Reading 61
Chr-tiapeaka ft Ohio... 34 Southern Railway ... la
Chicago Ot. W 10 do pfd 69
C, M. ft 8t. P. .....184 Southern Paclflo ....74
Pa Ueers I nlon Paclflo 13J
D. ft R. 0 14 do pfd 91
do pfd 71 V. 8. Steal IK
Erie "..II Bo pfd 99
do lat pfd 67 Wanaah 19
do 21 pfd 94 do pfd 19
Illinois Central 11 Spanish 4s 94V
Louisville ft N 119 Grand Trunk 17
M., K. T 91
SILVER Bar, steady, $ld per ounce.
MUNLY-SfeoH per cent
The rnfe of discount In the open market
for short bills is 3M"!T8 per cent; for three
months' bills, SV4S3';i per cent.
If ew York Mlnlnsr Stocks.
. NEW TORK, June 4. Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Ad.ima Con 10 Little Chief ......... 4
Alice 4--S Ontario 100
Ilreecs '. 90 Ophlr ...169
Brunawlrk Con 89 Potoal 18
Comitock Tunnel .... 25 bavage , 49
Con. Cal. ft Vs 48 Sierra Nevada 14
Horn Silver 144 Small Hopes U
Iron Sliver 141 Standard 124
Leadvllla Con 9
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, June t.-Todays state
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
$38.066. gold coin and bullion, $90, 797,504;
gold certificates, $o2,uG6,800.
Bank Clenrlnae.
OMAHA, June 4. Bank clearings for to
day were $J,0o9,4S3.6o and for the corre
sponding date last year, $1,777,512.83. '
Cotton Market.
NEW TORK, June 4.-COTTON-8pot
closed steady; middling uplands, 12.0c; mid
dling gulf, 13. Uc; sulos, 107 bales.
New York cotton quotations furnished by
Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade build
ing: I Opcti. I High. I Low. Close.
11R3 11m I lino I 1150
lln8 1170 111B 1156
mi UOO j 1166 11S0
market quiet; prices 4 points higher; Amer
ican middling lair, 8.60d; good middling,; middling, 7.42d; low middling, 7.0od;
good ordinary, 6.42d; ordinary, t.CMd. 'The
sales of the day were 6,0O bales, of which
600 bales were for speculation and .export
and Included 4.700 bales American.
Spot market closed firm; sales, 1.42S bales;
low ordinary, 7 9-loc, nominal; ordinary,
8 t-16c, nominal; good ordinary, 9 "4c; 1V
middling, UVc; middling, 12 -16c: good
middling, 18 7-16c; middling fair, 14 7-18c,
nominal; fair, 16 l-16c; receipts, 946 bales;
stock, 90,939 bales.
Steady; middling, 12c; sales, SOS bales;
receipts, 9 hales; shipments, 711 bales;
slock, 2S.449 bales.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, June 4. M ETAL8 There
was a further decline In the London tin
market, which closed 1 os lower at 185
15s for spot and about 1 lower at 182 10s
for futures. Locally the market was weak,
with spot quoted at $41.0041.80. Copper was
unchanged at 9K lis for spot and 6s lower,
at 94 10s for futures In the London mar
ket. Locally the market was nominally un
changed, with lake quoted at $24.00i?',4.75;
electrolytic $23.6ui Z3.K0; casting, $2.00622.26.
Lead was dull at $6.7t&C.g6. In the local
market and unchanged at 20 In London.
Spelter declined 2s 6d to 24 12s In London,
but was unchanged at $6 645.45 locally. Iron
was lower In the English market, with
standard foundry quoted at 69s td and
Cleveland warrants at fe. Locally the mar.
ket was reported Arm and unchanged, with
No. -1 fmndry northern quoted at t?56f9
26 Ti; No. 2 foundry northern. tSS.OOtj'M.ilS:
No. 1 foundry southern, $'J6 OOSAW; No, I
foundry southern, $J8 WiM.00.
BT. I.OUIS, June 4. M BT ALS Lead, dull,
$&.8i. Speller, firm; $8.40,
Oils anal Rosin.
NEW TORK. June 4 OILS-Cottonseed,
firm; crude, f. o. b. mills, 49lOc: yellow,
lc. Petroleum, steady; refined, New
York, $8.20; Philadelphia and Baltimore,
$8 15; In bulk, $4.70. Turpentine, firm, $20
K PIN Firm; strained, common to good,
$4 P"K.T4.90.
OIL CITT, Pa June 4. -OIL Cderlt bal
ances. $1.78; runs, 1 6627 bbls.; average, 64,
876 bbls.; shipments, 177,9S bbls.; average,
162.3S9 bbls.
SAVANNAH. Ga., June 4. OIL Turpenr
tine, firm, 69c.
ROSIN-juote: A. II and C, $4 (WfiM;
D. $l.3ffi.Mi; E. $4 60; F. $4.74.76; O.
U.TMW.80: H $4 85; I, sS.flfViS S6; K, $8 Sii
5 60; M. 5.70.-!I6.75; N, $5.76.0O; WO, $6.80
43.06; WW. $6.80.
Evnifinrwted Apples and Dried Frails.
APl'LF.R-Steady: fancy. 8Sc: choice. 7 2
;7tc; 1 rime, 6VaSHc; poor to fair, SSflvJu.
1 for prunes firm ; California, 4'Mc; Oregon,
6Wi10c. Apricots, Arm; choice, UHtIsc;
, eiCira choice, 19ijlc; fancy, H'frfa.
rt si-'iies iirm; cnoice, iij'iic; extra eno'ce
l'.'??12'.c; fancy, U'VitinSc; extra fancy. lSflji
lie. Raisins firm; loose muscatel, Bi5:0e;
seeded raisins, T''S'llTjc; London layers,
Whisky Market.
PEORIA, June .-WHISKT-teady at
ST. TXUIS. June i.-WHI3KT-Steady
at 41 9K
J at $1.31.
Beef Eteeri oi Ml Kinds Slow to Ten
Centt Lower.
keea aad Lam be la Good Dersssd
si Trade Active ea All Kinds
at Steady ta trong
v SOUTH OMAHA, June 1 1907.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oftlclal Monday 6,a 6.4TS I.R.S
Ofnclal Tueeday 1.900 1S.KJ0 $.400
Two days this week....l4 18.47$ .48
Same days last week..,. 6 2"1 15.740 7.S15
Same davs 1 weeks ago! .10.431 20.327 11.M8
Same days $ weeks ago.. 18,841 18.744 11.401
Same days 4 weeks ago.. 9,150 14.730 16.316
Same days last yesr .... ,Ci9 16.U1 (.968
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with isst
yean 1907. Inc. Dec.
lfctf. l!ni. Inc. Doc.
Cattle 4S9.769 41J.9"0 78.869
Hog 1.087.884 1,171.122 .... 83,888
Sheep 778,627 724.805 60.723
flood to choloe oorn-fed steers., $6.76iW.20
Uood to fair corn-fed steers 6 .$iift 76
Common to fair steers 4.6oa6.30
Oood to choice fed cows 4Hti;4 W
Fair to good cows and heifers 86"U4ao
Good to choice stockers and feeders 4 .'6..00
Fair to good Blockers and feeders.. I.9ttf4 40
Common to fair stockers S.Ooa3.90
Bulls, stags, etc t. 24Vn-4 .75
Veal calves 4.006.76
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha l2.tMtfe.00 $6.92VW 10
Kansas City 2 2ti 60 6.76 ii&-t
Chicago 1.767.25 6.78 fe6K.'H
St. Louis 1.. 1.90v). 690 fe 85
Sioux City 2.00ii.00 (.90 tj.06
The ofnclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C M. & St. P
Wabash 4 I .. ..
Missouri Pacific 14 t ..
Union Pacltlc system. 69 ' 60 4 ..
C. & N. W., east 8 4 t ..
C. & N. W , west 68 68 t
C, St. P.. M. ft 0 87 $ I
C, B. & Q., east I 4
C, B. oV Q., west 84 82 I 1
C, R- I. A P., east.... 2 8 1..
C, R. I. P., west.... 39 t
Illinois Central t i .. ..
Chicago G. Wh... ...... 7 ., .. ..
Total receipts 818
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
.... 17
.... 1.GZ3
.... 891
Armour & Co
Crmaha Co.. from Bt. Joe
Cudahy, from K. C...... 162
Swift, from St. Joe
Vansant & Co....: 13
Iihman A Co . 149
Hill Son 22
F. P. Lewis 81
Huston Co 29
J. 1L Bulla 1
Mike Haggerty 39
J. B. Root & Co 19
T. B. lnghram 22
Sullivan Bros 20
United Dressed Beef Co.. 115
Other buyers 267
Totals 6,571 13,081 3.3G8
CATTLE Receipts ot cattle were large
this morning, but out of the number re
ported In thirty-eight cars were through
stuff, only halted for feed, which reduced
very materially the number of cattle act
ually on sale. As has been the case for
some days back, the receipts consisted
very largely of fed steers.
The market was very slow and late In
opening this morning. Packers seemed to
feel that the market has been advancing
most too rapidly of late and were, without
exception, disposed to bear prices today.
As a result they started out generally
bidding lOfQloc lower at least. Sellers were
unwilling to make the concession and their
refusal to accept bids made the trade slow.
However, they were forced to take off
some, making the general market slow to
luc lower. Among the offerings were some
very good cattle, which sold largely at $6.00
The cow market was very slow and more
or less demoralised. The offerings were
somewhat larger than on most days of
late, while the demand was very Indiffer
ent, making It hard work for holders to
clean up their supplies. 60 long as the con
test with packers is continued and so long
as they are out of the market the trade
In cow stuff must naturally be very lim
ited and the country would do well to hold
back all she stuff.
Stockers and feeders were In very light
stipply, but what few cattle there were
commanded good prices.
Representative sales:
Ne. At. Pr. Ho. At. Pr.
40 934 4 94 19 981 t 14
94 4V4 4 94 14 1909 I 4
10 939 4 94 19 1119 I 40
4 HI IN 40 1199 ( 44
14 947 I 00 44 1219 I 70
94 MI 100 17 1927 6 TO
4 914 $ 00 99 mt I 70
17 979 I 10 99 1241 i 71
14 999 I 10 19 1419 $ 71
II 1017 I 10 14 1944 I 74
10 984 6 10 99 1(99 6 74
1 1090 I It 67 190 6 74
14 1070 I II 99 1419 I 90
94 1MI $ 19 97 1349 ( 90
40 1094 190 19 '....1979 $90
II 1019 I M (9 14 ( 94
90 1129 I 9V 90 1&14 I 94
19 677 ( 14 17 1919 9 94
11 1194 6 44 14 1411 I 90
90 1177 I 44 49 14i t 90
4 1977 I 49 14... 1417 4 94
14 104 4 49 IT 1961 4 96
40 1 I 46 11 1419 4 94
14 1964 I 44 11 1991 4 00
19 1114 I 10 14 1224 4 00
99 1047 6 60 11 im 4 9S
1 790 I 40 4 4X9 4 14
1 1100 9 90 . 1 1240 4 14
1 910 9 90 1 910 4 94
4 970 9 74 4 1147 4 94
4 1111 I 48 8 965 4 94
1 1090 4 00 1 1900 4 44
1 1114 4 00 1 l'.'f.O 4 45
4 1197 4 00 1 1014 4 46
1 94 4 00 1 1910 4 44
4 1091 4 00 1 1080 4 76
1 490 4 14 1 70 4 40
i eo 4 94 i 1044 4 to
1 190 4 94 : 1 910 4 43
1 640 4 96 4 9C7 4 M
1 490 4 40
1 1070 t 71 1 1990 4 H
1 11 IN 1 1190 4 40
1 lfKK) 4 90 1 1460 4 44
1 1910 4 94 1 1470 4 70
1 1HO 4 96 1 440 4 70
8 1446 4 64 1 1490 4 76
1 9010 4 44 1 1970 4 If
1 140 I 60 9 124 8 Tl
1 120 I 60 I M0 6 16
1 1M 4 74 1 147 6 74
1 170 6 74
8 400 I 40 1 149 4 40
I 4rt) I 16 8 TOO 4 40
I n 19) 1 160 4 60
1 464 4 II 4 461 4 40
6 U 4 96 4....M 407 4 44
1 940 4 94 i 779 4 It
I , 794 4 90 1 477 4 75
9 944 4 40 1 910 4 74
HOGS Receipts were large this morning.
188 cars being reported in. At the same
time advices from other selling points were
not reassuring, with the result that hogs
at this point sold Wc, and In soma cases
as much as 10c lower than yesterday. As
usual on a down market the trade was not
very active, but still ths hog kept moving
and the big end of the receipts changed
hand. In fair season. The bulk of the hogs
sold at 86.9Cx8t.00. as against 88 00f8.10 yes
terday, gome good light hogs sold up to
$6.10, whereas yesterday the top was So. 20.
Ma v. 8a. Tr. Is a. At. 8b. Pr.
Tl 99 40 6 99 14 941 ... 109
14 M 94 4 9M 49 947 190 4 00
41 4a ISO I lu 64 l 80 I 04
44 944 100 6 94 11 9 4 ... 4 00
44 94 ... I 94 41 Ul 90 I 04
44... 94 90 6 94 44 ...969 90 I 00
44 401 14 I 94 9s4 ... 4 04
41 97 ... 6 96 4 LI H 1(4
70 904 44 6 94 40 9il ... 4 00
44 99 ... 6 94 19, 947 ... 4 00
11 tit 40 I 94 97 t ... I OS
41 944 94 I 94 99 944 ... $ 4
99 .960 ... 6 94 tl ta ... 4
44 91 40 I 94 64 991 ... 4
44 14 99 I 91 74 917 198 4 04
44 969 ... 1 97 99 t0 ... 4 40
T7 941 40 4 97 40 9A4 90 4 00
74 U S) I 97s u 964 ... 4 00
19 29 40 6 47 91 944 44 4 00
79 9M 90 I 97 16 414 110 4 00
64 .l!4 90 4 97 44 211 94 4 III
64 .'91.4 ... 4 47 14 9.4 ... 4 01
94 911 44 4 47 'ul 40 4 09
41 t:t lo 67 10 t'.t 40 4 01
... 6 91 II J4 4 4 09
79 ti 90 I uu ta Ill ... I OX
14 114 ... 6 04 49 947 ... 4 09
44 990 4 4 04 14 441 844 I VI
74 241 40 4 W 79 1)4 40 I 02
79 9tl 140 4 00 79 9 94 I 0k
47 .444 44 4 04 44 ti ... 4 V
49 944 ... $ 00 69 9J4 94 4 Of
47 94 84 4 00 14 til 40 $ 46
14 444 ... 4 40 94 Iv4 84 4 44
4 ta ... 144 tl 9116 ... 104
71 94 ... 4 04 14 9u4 ... 4 04
44 9M 9 1st 41 917' 90 4 04
74 9ll 44 I 04 90 114 . . 4 04
10 934 194 4 00 94 904 4 6 44
Tl 949 44 4 SO 64 9"! ... 4 4
11 114 ... 4 00 14 lit ... 44
44 84 ... 6 44 84 JIA ... 68
...19 40 4 14
47 .... HT . . 4 00
BH EBl There were only about a doten
loads of sheep reported In today, and four
csrs out of thst number were consigned
direct to packers, having been shipped from
other market points. Kverythlng on sale
moved off very readily at good stesdy to
strong prices. Spring lambs sold at $ OOitf'
8 60, with shearlings as high as $. 11 There
were several hunches of ewes good enough
to hrlng $rt lf4jl 25. with old wethers up to
$150. All these prices were very satis
factory to sellers and an early clearance
wss f fleeted.
Quotations on shorn stock: Oood to
hole lambs. $;.14j1I.10; fair to good Imiihs,
ri6"4t'7.76i common to cull la'ol'S, g.ViV'f'
00; good to choloe yearlings, light, $H .40'i
$75 good to choloe yearlings, hesvy, ttl ifij
6 50; fair to good yenrllngs, $5 85u6.5; good
to choloe wethers. $8.26.40; fair to good
wethers, $3.8ot8.20; good to choice ewes.
$5.86434.40; fair to good ewes. $47566.1;
culls, bucks and stsgs, $3.2?.4.25.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
13 western feeder ewes M 4 13
60 western cull wethers 1"1 6 00
10 western ewes 11 6 50
22 western ewes 87 5 50
4 western ewes and lambs M t W
41 western ewes 101 6 00
I'll western ewrs S i;14
72 western ewes 108 8 28
800 western yearlings A wethers loi 6 51
8 western cull lambs n 6 76
11 western ewes 104 7 00
8 western wnoled lambs 64 8 60
22 spring lambs 42 8 CO
101 western spring lambs 47 8 50
23,4 western ewes IlM 6 15
148 western ewes 92 6 40
171 western lambs (W 8 10
80 western lambs 1"6 8 00
92 western lambs 77 8 Oil
68 western lambs, spring 76 8 25
78 western lambs, springs 60 t 26
Cattle Steady to Btmngr Ilogra shade
CHICAOO, June 4. -CATTLE Receipts, J
about 3,500 head; market steady to strong;
common to prime steers, $4. 6ii6. 65; cows,
13 264,6.00; heifers, $3.00476.60; bulls, ,
48; calves, $3.00a7.W; stockers ana feeders,
HOGS (Receipts, about 18,000 head; mar
ket a shade lower: choice to prime heavy
H.2ry8.27H; medium to good heavy, Itt.&Wp '
6.26; butcher weights, $6.2621.36; good to '
prime mixed, $.2ivt'6.27H: light mixed,
fa.2o4j8.80; packing, $5.50ri6.20; pigs, $5,509
6.30: selected, $t;.27VuJ.3&; bulk of sales,
$6 22V4ffl 27.
SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.000 !
head; .market strong; sheep, $5.60.86; i
yearlings. $7.00377.60; lambs, $6.6(3.5u.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS, June 4. CATTLE Receipts,
8.60O head, including 2,0 Texns; market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
$6.4(&r).2&; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$4.601516. 85; steers under 1.000 lbs., $4.0ufoG. 8t.:
stockers and feeders. $3.30t4.16: cows and
helfors, $2.6t76.40; canners, $2.Oi3.70; bulls, ;
$2.65&4.76; calves, $5.0S11.00; Texas and In
dian steers, $3.6&&6.36; cows and heifers,
$2.7biiT3.ti6. j
HOGS Receipts, 11,600 head; market So
lower; pigs and light, $o.90u.35; packers, 1
$5.90ii6.16; butchers and best heavy, $6.26
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ' 6.000
head: market steady; native muttons, $6.25tf
8.86; lambs,'i'J.W; culls ana bucks, o.uu;
stockers, $3.2&f4.90.
Kansas City Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, 11.8U0 head. Including 1,000 southerns;
market steady; choice export and dressed
beef steers, $6.75&.26; fair to good, $4.75
6.76: western fed steers, $4.50ft5.90; stockers
and feeders, 3.tlf)4i5.15; southern steers, $3.50 I
4(6.50; southern cows, $2.50'u3 80; native cows, i
3.003?4.Sft; native heifers, $3.065.60; bulls, j
$H.2'iH.86; calves, $5.0rmi5.75. I
HOGS Receipts, 19,000 head; market 6c I
lower; top, $ft.l6; bulk of sales, $i.Vr.lo; 1
heavy, $5.9fir&6.06: packers, $6.00'.12H; 1
lights, $6.0515; pigs, $5.5Xi.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000
head; market 10c higher; lambs, $7.25fS.Ui; '
range wethers, $S.6t)4ii.75; . Texas clipped
yearlings, $C.3.Vg7.10; Texas clipped sheep.
so.duwo.Oi; stackers ana ieeaers, lo.ouiau.a.
New York Lire Stork Market.
ceipts, 1,028 head; no trading, market feel
ing steady; dressed beef active and firm,
at fuy'c per pound for native aides. Ex
ports today, 3,600 quarters of beef; tomor
row, 900 cattle and 6,150 quarters Of beef.
tALV U.B Keceipis none; reeling nomi
nally steady for all grades. City drcssod
veals steady, 10jj:l3o per pound; country
dressed, 8i12o.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.2T5
head; sheep and yearlings Steady; lambs
active and firm. our cars ot soutnern
lambs sold at $10.50 per 100 pounds; year
lings from $7.60 to $9.00. No sheep offered.
HOGS Receipts, 2.143 head; all direct to
slaughterers. Feeling nominally steady.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. June 4. CATTLEV Receipts,
3,260 head. Market strong to log-Sue lower;
natives. 84.Ma.2b: cows and heifers. I.fxiC
6.26; stockers and feeders. 83.o0it-4.60.
HOGS Receipts, 10,210 head. Market V(V
10c lower; top, $6.15; bulk of sales, $6.0mQ.lO.
SHE UP AJiD LAMBS Receipts. 3,546
head. Market 1530o higher. Wooled lambs,
89.00; clipped lambs, 1 7 .6XuS.16; yearlings,
86 7607.26;, wethers, $6.8&(u4.85; ewes, $5.6ut(i
Slonx Cltv Live Hack Market.
SIOUX CITY. Is.. June 4.-(8neclal.
CATTLE Receipts, 1,700 head; steers weak;
stockers steady; beeves, $4. ifti.oo; cows,
bulls end -mixed, $3.006.00; stockers a.nd
feeders, $4.00fc4.60: calves and yearlings.
HOGS Receipts. ,6iio head: market 041100
lower, selling at $6. 904.06; bulk of sales,
Stock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
South Omaha 7.&00 ia,ooo 8,400
Sioux City 1.700 6,000
Kansas City 11,80) 19 OUJ 12,000
St. Joseph 8.260 10,210 3,646
Bt. Louis oV5"0 ll,6ii0 6.0UO-
Chicago v. 3,600 16,000 10,900
Total receipts 31,650 74,710 83.945
Conditio of Trade aad teaotatloas on
Staple and Fancy Prodaoo.
EGGS Per dos., I5o.
BUTTER Packing stock. 16c: choice
to fancy dairy, iVuiuc; creamery, 212ao.
LIVE POULTRX Hens, loc; old roost
ers, bic; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 10c; young
roosters, tuilc; geese, So.
about 8 lbs.. $2 26.
PINEAPPLES Florida, 48 slse. $2.75 per
crate; 43 size, $3.00 per crate; 3d sice, $4.00
per crate; 30 size, $4.50 per crate.
STRAWBERRIES Missouri, 24-qt case,
LEMONS Llmonlera. 80s srre. 88.28: IBS
size, $6 75; other brands. 600 less.
BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch,
$2.00U2.2fi; Jumboes, $2,6013.60.
ORANGES Medlterianean Sweets, ISO
176, 200, 16 and 260 sizes, $3.60; 96, 128, 283
sizes, $3.00- California Navels, extra fancy.
1,1, xuu, tin, zau sizes, 4.ou; ianoy, 12a size,
$3.75; 150 size, $3.60; choice, large sizes, per
pox, iz.vugs.uu.
FIGS California, bulk. 6Uc: 8 -crown
Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, lie; 8 -crown
Turkish, 9c
DATES Kadaway, 6c; sayers. 60; hal
lowls, fc; nsw stuffed walnut dates, 8-16.
box, $1.04-
POTATOES Table stoek. per bu.. 30c i)
$100; seed nook, 90ej41.00.
NAVZ BEANO Per bu., NO. 1, $1.90; No.
8, 1 W.
POTATOES $1.16 per bu.
ASPARAGUS 4646oo per dox. bunches.
LEANS New wax and string, per ham
per, $400.
dos. bunches, 4fXtfC0c
PIE PLANT Per lb.. C
CUCUMHERS-Per dos.. COO. 1
TOMATOES Florida., fancy. 10-lb crate.
$3.(Ku82e: choice. t2.6oei7f.
CAUHAUJi canrornia, so.
CELERY Florida, 3126 per dos.
ONIONS Red or yellow. CoLwradp. per
bu 81.00: Texas stiver skin, per crate,
about 46 lbs., $2.26; yellow Texas, per crate,
94 t7 49 $ A
Room 100 Hee Building. Tel. Donolas 2473
Members of All Principal Grain Exchanges
Your Business Solicited
bout 48 lbs., $2. CO. Qreea onions, per dos.
LKAF ' LFTTUCE Hothouse, per dos.
heads, 460.
1'AHSLEY II t house, per dot. bunches,
RADIPHES per dos. bunches, home
grown, 2oc; extra large bunches, per
No 1 loin, 17,c; No. $ loin. 1.7c; No.
loin, ⁣ No, 1 rib, tic; No. 2 til. 10c; No.
8 rib, 9V; No. 1 round, fV! No. 2 round.
8e; No. 3 round 8c; Nn. 1 chuck, Sc; No.
2 chuck. c; No. 8 chuck. 6c; No. 1 plate,
8H0; No. 2 piste, Sc; No. 8 piste. 3o.
SUGAR Granulated csne, 111 sacks, $551;
grsnulstcd beet. In sacks, $641.
COFFEE- Roasted, No. .IS, 2V per ih.t
No. t' 21c pT ih ; No. 2T, 19c per lb.; No.
20. 14tyc per lb.; No. 21. I2V40 per Ih.
Cll EK8K It lock Swiss, istcj Umberger,
14c; Young Americas, lie.
NUTS California walnut. No 2. soft
Sliell. 12c; No 1. aft shell. Me; Fvraslls,
ir.',ilJc; pecans. 19(0; filberts. 124jc: pen.
nuts, raw. 7Hc; roasted, SVrc; California al
monds, 17HC1 coconnutn, $5 1) per li"0,
Hll'EH ANl TAl LOW Green Ia4td,
No. 1, 9c; No. 2, 8c; bull hides. 8c; greer.
hides. No. 1, 7Uo; Nn. 2, 64c; horse, $1.80i
8.00; sheep pel's, SOclitl.rR. Tnllow, No. t
4Vc; No 2. 8WC. Wool. l(.?2c.
CANNF.U GOODS Corn, standard, west,
ern, 5"4ic; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, fsncy,
3-pound cans, $1 45; standard, 8-pound csne,
81 20. Pineapples, grated, 2-pound, $L'.30f
ISO; sliced, $1.7V4i2-8i; fancy Hnvtalian. l'l
lbs.. $1.78. Gallon apples, $l6iKuS0a Cali
fornia apricots, $2.00. Pears, $1.7562 Si',
peaches. $1.76ii'2 40; L C. peaches. $10iV,j
2 60. Alaska salmon, red, $1.16; fanoy
Chinook, flat, $2.1o; fancy okeye, fiat.
$1 1. Sardines quarter oil $3.25; three
quarters mustard, $2.76. Sweet potatoes.
$1 linyi 25. Bauer kraut. 90c, Pumpkins. 8"a
tiJ1.H0. Wax beans, 2-lb., WViSJl.OO. Lima
beans, 2-lb.. 7ic'trl 38. Soaked neas, t-lb.,
6oc; earlv June, 9Vk(u$l.l5; fancy, $l.ifl.45.
are somewhat unsettled by freer offering)
from second hands, who secri desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo
tations range from 8c to 8c for California
fruit and from 3Vc to 6c for Oregon. Peach
are slightly easier, with fanoy yellows
quoted at 121,jo. Rntslns are firm; loose
Muscatels are quoted at 83 o; seedod
rnl.lns, V.4illc.
FISH l'ickerel, dressed, 8c; pike,
dressed, 12c; white fish, dressed, winter
caught, i;Vgl5c; trout, lalSo; halibut, l;tcj
salmon, 15c; catfish, 15c; herring, dressed,
8c; crappies, round, fVu9cj crapples, large,
fancy, loc: black bass, 26c; smelts, sweet
and fine, 13c; eel, 18c! blue fish, 15c; red
snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 40frfi0c;
frog legs, SOtfHPc; lobsters, green, p"r lb.,
37c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 80c; mackerel,
poanlsh, per lh., 16c: mackerel, native, 18J9
2iic p"1" fresh green turtle meat, 25c lb.
CURED FIPH-Famlly white fish, per
quarter bbl., 100 lbs., $4.00: Norway mack
erel. No. 1. $35.00; No. 2, $28 00; herring, In
bbla, 200 lbs. each; Norwav, 4k, $11.00.
Coffee Market.
market for coffee futures opened steady at
a decline of 6 points on one month, but
generally unchanged to 6 points higher
on fslrly stoady cables and a continued
demand through scattering buyers, which
was credited chiefly to leading trade In
terests. Prices ruled steady during tha
mtddfe session, and while offerings In
creased slightly In the afternoon they were
well absorbed. The close was steady, 'net
unchanged to 6 points higher. Bales, 33.000
bags. Including June, 6.50c; July, 6.46c; Sep
tember, 5.40c; December, E.2fu.46c; March,
6.60c; April, 6.60c; May, 6.60c. Spot coffee,
quiet; No. 7 Rio. 6Vc; No. 4 Santos, 7V,o.
Mild cofTee, dull; Cordova, 9tST244o.
Saernr and Molasses.
NEW YORK, June 4. SUGAR Raw,
steady; fair reltning, 3.86c; centrifugal, 98
test, 3.86c . Molasses sugar, 8.11c. Refined,
stesdy; No. 6, 4.80c; No. 7. 4. 660; No. 8,
4.60c; No. 9, 4.45c; No. 10, 4.35c; No. 11,
4.30c; No. 12, 4.t5o; No. 18, 4.20c; No. 14,
4.15c; confectioners' A. 4.80c; mould A,
6.16c; cut loaf, 6.70c; crushed, 5.70c; pow
dred, 5.10c; granulated, 6.00c; cubes,
6.25c. v
MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 87480.
Stesdy; open Kettle, centrifugal, SMrWic;
centrlfulgal whites, none; centrifugal yel
low, 2'iitr; seconds, 2S'3a4o.
MOLASSES Quiet; new syrup, 30S340.
Philadelphia Produce Market.'
good demand; western, firsts, free cases,
17',4c, at mark. - '
CH Kr.SErEasler; New York full creams,
Moist are la Opportune on Wymorw
Division of Burlington, su9
Ground Was Dry.
The Burlington crop and soil reports for
Nebraska for the week ending June 1, show
rainfall mas general over the state during
the week and It rained most In the territory
where It had rained least In ths previous
week. The rainfall on the Wymore division
came at an opportune time as some of that
territory was beginning to suffer for
The rains during the last two weeks' have
improved the conditions and prospect for
winter wheat crop. Wheat Is heading In
some places and rather short straw will be
the rule. Since the recent rains, talk of
the "green bug" bogey has about subsided.
As matter of fact if sufficient influence
can be brought to bear upon the weather
god, no particular .attention need be paid
to bugs In this territory. The estimate
of last week that unfavorable weather had
damaged the prospects for winter wheat
crop 10 to 25 per cent still holds good.
The condition of spring grain has very
materially Improved by more favorable
weather conditions, that Is, rain and some
warmer weather, but oats, especially will
at best be a light cro-.
Corn Is practically planted and most of
it Is out of the ground and growing well.
There ts always a small number of farmers
who plant corn In June, but that part of
the acreage does not count for much at ths
end of the season. The prospects for corn
are exceedingly good. In fact, about as good
as they could be at the beginning of tha
season. The acreage will be somewhat
larger than last year.
As the weather becomes warmer tha
potatoes are beginning to grow and though
rather late are looking well. Sugar beets
are backward, but doing well. .
Preliminaries of Hlgglas Will Blot Bo
Held Until Feellagr la
Milder. .
Sheriff Young of Thurston county ws
In Omaha Monday afternoon and called at
the county Jail to see L. R. Hlggtns, tha
Copple murderer. He said no arrangements
had been made so far to take Hlgglns back
to Thurston c6unty for his preliminary ex
amination and It Is the opinion of those
who talked to Mm, it will not be done for ft
month or two. Sheriff Young says tha feel
ing is not as strong as It was but as there
is no reason for haste the preliminary will
be delayed until danger Is entirely over.
It has been decided definitely not to hold
the preliminary until after the fight over
ths county attorneyship Is settled. The case
has been submitted to Judge Sutton, but
he has not announced when he will hand
down decision.
Bank of Germany Statement.
BERLIN, June 8. The weekly statement
of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows
the following changes: Cash In hand, de
creased $1.660. 000m.; Treasury notes. In
creased 660.000m ; other securities, in
creased 68,640,000m; note's In circulation.
Increased 67,920,000m.