12 THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 5, 1007. n 1 LSFa AMirnrrnn mwumm Women's Dainty Summery uifsand Dresses Beautifully Made of Fine Wash Fabrics n it Brandeis' is the recognized authority of style in women's ft wear and the summer apparel here is the prettiest that I Omaha women have ever seen. ;i. I j nr. n m, r v. j 1 It in IK Ld nil HIIU nei uresszS iucbu ne, uew espies if are specially suited for graduation, for weddings, for mid- IF summer oar ties, etc. the ran ere of nr'ans is 5 down to 114. White Linen and Rip Jacket Suits Practical, serviceable and very stylish for this coming season the newest ponies, jumpers and Eton styles, white and colors and the prices are $25 down to $9.98-$6 98 and $4.95 Summer Suits and Dresses Colored Lawns, dimities and checked jumper suits and the new, fetching white lingerie' two-piece dresses all the styles are new this (p "QQ season, at ; PO Silk Dress Trimming Braid i These dress braids come in black, white and colors pull braids, mohair braids and bands all are good styles worth as high as 25c a yard for Wednesday, at, yard a I ouu'i rm food cmwtmm h Bakery Department COVBTHBT'B BPECIAX. sCAMITAjr DAUTTOS ItaAa from Almond rut. A moat dsllclous Mid dainty assortmsnt of ttkH, In 1 lb. boiaa BOo Glazed Square, per dos 30c Our dellcloua t-layer cakea (all flavors) 30o EclsJres, per dot BOo Peanut Cookies, per dos 10o Napoleon Bars, lb Oo Almond Macaroons, per lb. ....... 40o Anise Drops, per lb 40o Imperial Macaroons, per lb 40o Kisses, per lb Oo Cocoa-nut Sticks, (very fine) lb. . .40o Butter Wafers, per lb. ; . . .40o Lunch Cakes, per box ...lOo Ba-Ba Cakes, larce 860. Small ' lBo Nut Cakes, each lBo Jelly Rolls, each lOo Princess Fruit Cake (black) lb. ..BOo Also special orders for Brown Stone Front Cakes, Pound Fruit Cakea and special stsed Cakes of every kind. Our Bakery Ooods .are not like the or dinary. They must be tried to be appreciated. Absolute purity with the highest grade of Ingredient. . to gether with akllled workmanship, make our Bakery Oooda above par. WUDJflSDAT'S SFXCXAXS. Pork Chops, per lb lOo Canteloupes. each ............... BOo Tomatoes, per lb 30o Cauliflower 8O0 String Beans, per qt lBo Artichokes .....BOo Plnapples, each 7o per dox....80o per crate ta.73 Prunes, according to size, per lb 60, 7o and 80 4f! Infants' Vests Infants' Lisle and Cotton Me rino Vests, long or short sleeves, on bargain square, pair . . . 12ic Infants' Silk Hose Infants' all Pure Silk Hose, In white and favorite colons they come In all sizes bar gain square, jjp pair. OC Wc Embroidered Turn-Over Collars, in Neat, New Patterns, Each 3C Immense Shipment From Our New York Buyer WASH FABRICS You should see the Douglas Here are a few of the many special street window display. Very fine sheer 40 Inch wide white lawns, g. yard IvC Finest grade, largest assort ment neat striped and checks, so' much In de mand, at yard . . . . k Persian pattern Wiwh Challies 6.000 yards to sell for yard , 12Ic Challies 3Ic 1 a- 2k Thousands of yards finest Qual ity wash Silkollnes yard wide, at, yard Yard wide side band challies for smults, kimonos, etc., special .yard at New lot Imported madras cloths xor waists and suits, fast col ors, desirable pat- m terns, 35c grade I at, yard Jv sr r n l 3 31 Brooks' Ma chine .hread, 15c dos at Cube Pins. 100 assorted colors. h for aC Back Combs regular 25c 15c Big Sale of NOTIONS Klelnert's 25c Dress i Shields, at, 1 pair IM2V Regular 12 Ho box hair say T:?.x: jc Metal skirt and g stocking lllr dryers . So Hooks and Ic Eyes, card. Safety Pins Towel Racks, worth ICo each... JC Watch Our Douglas Street Windows.- OMAHA Watch Our 1 f Dgla 1 1 Street 1 1 Windows J I 8 rs- jjj cartney Ct Go W 17Ui and Douglas SU. n TL XXroglas 4T U private Bzchang connects all Depts, rS ' " J5 fsaW' tA'a 'vw3 Barefoot Sandals Barefoot Sandals are just the thing for the children's summer pleasure and comfort. THKT DELIGHT THE LITTLE FOLKS. We've a good assortment of all the best styles in the extension sole foot protecting kind. gys' and Girls' Sandals $1.10 TO $2.00 According to sice. 5c 11 FRY SHOE CO. TBI IKOllI 16th and Douglas Streets. BAILEY (SI MACH DENTISTS TmRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner lath and Far nam Street. Best equipped Dental office in the middle west. Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. Bee Want Ads Produce Results BLOOD POISON viitr o4 MrmMBUr mn by INDIAN SALVE, . lh siMKwt rvly aw siacanrvd fur BLOUO INDIAN BALVB U prf u.Ukl, soB-am- s iuot uiimaiif m M md Sit4 uttruUr ita wurtiiiM InlUUoa. Tear maaa, II o sot cffxit ci. . ' Os sml ml all tnmnT.t. or wiu W mi alatn rapDr t,ea rolt $1 a ' FREE A Muk '"tio, ' Vlli seat U ysa Ira upua nn.lp of 10a whlck Pt t taa aoat at nailio Wa will alaa a.a yv ear aocklat aa saaaral Himm. aaa - - aula INI-IAH iALVh Raatauias CX). iZT HI Gataa -. Brook , a. N. T 1 ;Schafr Cut Pric Druggist, XSa aa Xglaa gK, Oioak.ak. re the purest In the market. G. A. Lindquiat Maaes go4 Clotiies7and hTvJT.hei you to call and givs him your order. - yuKuiy are rignt. Ve Make a Specialty of Refrigerators We have the sole agency for Mr. Hurd's the great refrigerator builder's latest in ventlon, the CoM Storage We sell them at cot prices for cash or on easy payments. The following features hare made Mr. Hurd funous as a refrigerator builder: Packing of the walls, circulating system, white enamel, and glass trap. Some of meae reaiuree are not round tn other re frigerators at alt Those that are found, are found to be vastly Inferior by practi cal comparison. TheStoetzel Stove Co. 714 G. 1Gth Ot. f -PATE NTS that PROTECT Oar , wlimun .WHiil,a.iua I R t t A.I CCt ..i..rl B C. t.(,l l.oS: j Ofnee hours, M to l:M a. m.. lz-00 u 1:10 p. m. Teleohone Harney fst. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL SNIO Mas Street. Oaaaka, Web. H. L. Ramacciottl, D. V. B . Deputy Slats ano vpt.nn.riBn, r ooa inspector diittf Burseon. U. C. bcott. L. V. b Xios-' Hi Lai Burseon. . OMAHA WKATHKK I-XRKCAST Wednesday: Fair and warmer. Transfer System Ask first clerk for a transfer it's the only sat isfactory way to shop when trad ing in more than one department. PIANOS! Wednesday Morning, 9 O'clock, Every Piano on Onr Floor at Time of Fire Must Be Sold. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. s. a ii.- Green Trading Stamps Headquarters for Omaha hare been mored to 411 S. 16th St, directly opposite main door, Orpheum Theater. Wednesday in Domestic Room 2d Floor erger s Skirts A Few' of Many Wednesday Bargains THE RELIABLE TW8 Every Item of . Most Universal Bargain Merit Grand Notion Sale Wednesday 2d Floor Wednesday and Thursday Special Skirt Days in the Great Berger Sale PANAMA, TAFFETA, SILK, ENGLISH MIXTURES AND 8T1UPES, LINEN AND LINEN DUCK. $19.60 Taffeta Silk Walking Skirts for 310.95 S 2 2.60 French Voile. Taf feta drop, for ..$12.05 $16.00 French Voile Walk ing Skirt for $8.05 $10.00 Chiffon Panama, scores of styles, for.$4.95 $7.60 Chiffon Panama, many styles, for $3.05 $6.00 Pure Irish Linen, pleated styles for. .$2.95 $2.60 Linen Duck for. 95 NOTION SALE Dressmakers Findings and Useful Small Articles Light Weight Dress Shields in sizes 2, 3 and 4", worth 12 He a fair, at 5 Lenox Dressmakers' "Pins, solid heads and fine needle points, suit able for light and heavy material, put up In ft -lb. boxes, box 25 Black Spool Silk, 1 doz. to a box, per box of 1 dot 15 Bonnie Patent Hooks, all sizes, in black or white, 2 cards for. . . .5 Superfine Bunch Tape, English make, 4 assorted widths to bunch, worth 6c each, 2 bunches for 5 'Belt Hose Supporters, straight front. Military effect, in white, black, light blue, pink and red, worth 26c each, at 10 Black Darning Cotton, 46 yard spools, 1 doz. to a box, worth 16c, per box, at ., Premier Safety Pins, all sizes, 2 dozen for .' . 5 Sampson Thread, black only, 8 spools for 5 Fancy Frilled Garter Elastic, in white, light blue, pink and red, worth 12 He a. yard, at 5 Shell Hair Pins, In primped and plain, shell and amber color, per dozen, at 51 Newest and Choicest Silks of All Kinds Black Taffetas. Peaa de Soles, Foulards, Pongees, Fancy Silks, Colored Taffetas, etc. pieces BAJAK 8 ELKS, newest styles tan stripes on white grounds, checks, etc; this silk has sold In Omaha for $1.50 ACkn Wednesday, yard 41IC 1 Pieces choicest collection of Fanoy Bilk Shirt Waist Suitings, in neat checks, blue, green, black; also stripes, eta, on Qp. sals Wednesday, yard , lJC 81 pieces of the best Colored Taffetas, Grand mother Silk that sells for 86c; many shades; elegant browns, changeables, eto.. An now, yard v II pieces Colored Taffetas Silk, in many hand some color combinations, worth up to )Un 76c; every yard pure silk, yard fiiOC IS places Printed Jap Silks, In dots of all sines and colorings; sell for 48c; wash Oln fine; now, yard M'-k.Kj 11 pieces of the very choicest Silks, best quali ties that were offered at $1, 11.26 and ll.SO; swell browns, blues, tans, etc, checked or striped lxmlslnes, 21-ln. or 17-ln. wide, Kfkf every yard new and perfect, yard....''-' It pieces Silk Grenadines. In beautiful striped effects,. all widths, worth up to Orr- $1.60; on sale, yard OC Black Silks 14 pieces of the. best 17-ln. Black Taffeta that sells usualy for $1.25; every yard guaran-rrry, teed to wear, Wednesday, yard t Kj pleoes 17-ln. Black French Taffeta,' very lus trous: has the ru.tl. l...nt .r.H.' a-. worth up to $1.60, now, yard fOC 11 pleoes Black Waterproof Silks, 17 and 14-ln. wide; some qualities worth $1.26 and A An $l; la one lot, yard T Pieces Black Peau de Cygne or Liberty Patln. that sells for $1,00, now, 40O THE VERY BEST WASH GOODS OFFER FOR THE SUMMER SEASON OF 1907. ' Hundreds of pieces offered for this sale. Every piece on sale prices reduced in ev ery Instance from 26 to 60. 62 pieces of the choic est Wash Fabrics that sell for 76c, $1, $1.26. $1.60. etc.. most beautifnl styles, mostly 46 lnches wide, all at HALF OFF. 169 pieces of the very newest high class Wash Fabrics that sell for 39c, 50c, 59c and 66c regularly; all newest designs; swell floral effects, dots the size of a silver dollar; every shade, Wednesday, ONE . QUARTER OFF. Only High Class, New, Up-to-Date Fabrics on sale. enneirs Big Grocery It's refreshing to trade in grocery that's always busy, that givoa practical, lively proof that there Is nothing stale or old or second hand. There are Bennett grocery buyers In every block In our me tropolis. Ask any of them why they trade at Bennett's. It's because they like Bennett's. First for quality, first for new things to eat; first supremely first In value giving. .18c Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound pkg And Twenty Green Trading Stamps, B. F. Japan Tea. pound ......18c nn 1 niriy oreen 1 raomg JStampa. Bennett's CaDitol BnV lug Powder, pound can : ... 1 4c 'OTsit'Wy New Tork Full Cream 8 ZrlLTTrr.ll,C Cheese, lb iOc . And Ten Oreen . Trading StamDa. Orape-Nuts, pkg IOc Kjrg-o-See. 4 pkgs ito Polled Meats, can 0 uoeraraem s coooa, pound 0c jiiiu gni ureen 1 racing Btampa. unararaeiirs coooa, M, -pound can tbc wwiiijr ureen i raaing biamps. Tbre Star Corn, I cans f(,e And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. arMAA-M And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. Tape aUoa BpadaV Several hundred pounds Rice, worth 10c lb Wcanen day only, pound 6c Red Cross Cream, ran 10c And Tea Orea Trading Stamps. Navy Beaaa. hand picked. 19 pounda.l6o a" I'm SO ll J . u Potato Sale OLD POTA TOES Splendid stock, as long as supply lasts, peck BERGER'S SUIIS BENNETT'S SUITS ' choice here for $10.00 S15.00 IN OUR GREAT IK)MESTIC ROOM Over 600 different Staple Notions on sale at one-half to one-fifth regular prices. Only a few of the items can be here mentioned. Hundreds of others will be sold at equally low prices. 6c Gold Eye Needles, sale price, per Pkg 1, 3c Darning Cotton, ail colors, per spool ijt 6c Pearl Buttons, sale price, per di.J 25c Needle Books, on sale each.44 6c Storking Darners 2H 5c Curling Irons at 12 6c Spool Cotton at 1 15c Corset Shields, pair 4HksJ 15c Pearl Buttons, per dot.... 44 16c Hose Supporters, pair 4Hr 15c pkgs. Hair Pins at 4V," 10c Tooth BniBliPB at 4H 10c Hook and Eyes, on sale at, per card 4H Of all the Notion Sales of the season this Is certainly the crowning event, You can't afford to miss it. Furnishing Goods Hour Specials Wednesday In Our Domestic Room You'll never find greater bargains in a lifetime: From 9 Till 10 a. m. Men's and Boys' Shirts, worth 50c, at. choice.. 1J) From 10 Till 11 a. m. Men's and boys' Underwear, worth up to 60c, at 150 From 11 a. m. Till 12 m. Ladles' Vests, regular and extra sizes, many silk taped; worth to 25c, choice7tt From 2 Till 3 p. m. Corset Covers, la line cambric, daintly trimmed, with lace and embroideries, worth to 60c, . at 100 From 8 Till 4 p. m. Ladies' Skirts. Gowns and Chemise, broken lots from me past lew flays' great selling; val ues up 10 11.0O, choice 400 From 4 Till 6 p. m. Corsets and Girdles, worth to $1.00; some with two sett of hose supporters, choica for 300 Extra Specials for Wednesday AFTERNOON ONLY From 2 to 3 p. m. Shirting Prints, I cases, only fast colors; regular price 7c yard; 12 yards to customer, at, yri 20 16c Turkish Bath Towels 70 12V4c Huck Linen J?0 69c extra heavy Unbleached Sheets for 300 $1.25 Bed Spread! .... 7D6 No dealers sold In this room. In Our Great Domestic Room From 9 to 10 a. m. 100 pieces of Simpson's Vlolete Lawn, strictly fast colors; regular price, 7c yard, 12 yards to customer at, a yd. . . - 20 FORENOON ONLY 8c Apron Gingham 40 10c Bleached Muslin 60 8V4c Unbleached Muslin 5! Simpson's Prints, 7V4c goods . . . 4 ft 36-in. Wool Suitings, regular price 60c, md t Interesting Grocery Prices for the People The greatest msnrT.iavina atnr in .v.. city. The freshest goods, highest Quality, largest stock and lowest prices: 11 bars Best Family Laundry Soap .... The best Hand-Picked Navy Beana. lb. iij urm nuuru uaimrai, pound The best White or Yellow Corn Meal. sack Toasted Corn Flakes, per pkg'.!..'' Malta Vita, per pkg.. ...... ... ..... Kgg-o-See, per pkg Washing Crystal, Gillette, pkg The best Soda Crackers, per pound... The best Crisp Utnger Snaps, per lb... Oallon cans Peaches, Plums, Orapea Pears, per can ' Oallon cans Apples or Pumpkin Choice Dairy Butter, per pound Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, pountl ..25o .2"o .2Hc per ..10c ...Go .7Ho 7Ho ...lo ...o ...60 or ..85o ..25c ..16c per ..2Bc PINEAPPLES PINEAPPLES Buy now, as they are bound to be higher owing to the scarcity of other Fruits. The balance of car goes on sale Wednesday at the following prices: Car of Fancy Florida Pineapples on sale at. 'ac,n 4o. 6c, 7Ho and 8S0 LdS'".1 750 n 9 No limit, all you want. Take our advica and buy now; you may not have another opportunity , at these prices. FRESH .VEOBTABLES AT THE FOL- TilUTV(l DDTrtM ' . . . 1 j im -rjh Fresh ffpinach, per peck ....., 6 bundles Radishes , ft hnnr'liii. TTS.ABK I .. " iron UlllUII. Fresh Cucumbers, each . Asparagus, per bunch Ft htlnph.. Ta Plan 3 bunches Fresh Turnips' Lrre. Juicy Lemons, er 'do'i en" .60 .60 ..6a .60 .So .5o ,.5q ..154. W HAYDENS' st R3B SPECIAL LOW RATES C 1 7 ? ft To Co,opd 1 Return, vptf . Every day to September 30, 1907. $ TO fl To 8den o" Salt Lake City and Return. Every day to September 30, 1907. $4-? Sll To Spokane and Return. H J June 20 to July 12. 1907. $5000 To Portland' SatUe, Tacoma, Everett, BeUlngharn, VaW V anCOUVer. Victoria or New IVHitmlnataa .1 f turn. June 20 to July 12. To San Francisco or Los Angeles and Return. June 1 to it and 22 to July 6. To Yellowstone Park and Return. Including rail and stage, June 7 to September It. To Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego and Return. Daily to September 16, 1907. Circuit Tour via San Francisco. Los Anirelea and Portland. June 8 to IK Anil 9ft tn Tulv 10 1 A AT Circuit Tour via San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland. Daily to SeDteniber ifL 1007 $7500 T VeUowstone rrk and Rrturn. Including rait, vp a.UU stage and hotels in park for regular tour. Juna 7 to Sept. 12. Also very low round-trip rates daily to September. 16 to many other Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho and British Columbia Pointa. VIA St $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $62.50 $73.50 Union Pacific Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARXAM STREET pnone Douglas 334 I 11 Omaha and Council Bluffs Gtrt Railway Company ight Seeing Car will start June Ord, making two trips dally (weekdays only) at 0:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. from lBth and Far. nam streets. Three hours pleasant ride, with competent lecturer on board pointing out and giving en tertaining and instructive talk on places of interest. Fare 50 Cents BEAUTIFY VOIR LAW.N WITH OIK IKOJf AND WIRE FENCE. ireiiises ana a r Dors ior vines, flower guard, chair, setees, aes, Iron guards, hitching posts, wludow guards, baru futures and chkkea fence. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY. S1T-1S Sooth 16ta Strsat. ' TsO. IXm-Us lBa Bsmt fox Oaialora. f