The Omaha Daily Bee Firm Omz!ia Ilavsbjs TWO CENTS Firm Omaha Hewshys TWO CENTS VOL. XiXVI NO. 302. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOKN'ING, JUNE 5, 1907 TWELVE TAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. r 4 1 ( STATE OPENS CASE lroaeeoa Telli What ft Expect ia Trvrt Against Htj-ooL ternier: K der One of Series cf Crimea cf Circle. C2JXCTIOT TO TEE SXATEYEST ' C-rt Alio i it to Stand and Defense Kotet Exception, ftKVrAT WITXXSSES -a e Mirlw Maa TeettOee ta Peel a- trebnrd a.-t i al Dart Be fee fa Mtrtn-OrrkiH WIU T lfy Teds v. BOIPE. Idaho, Jan C Through Jama H. Haley, elor of .the group of pro ertrtora. tb state of Idaho today tnafl th. opening- statement against Wlillira D. Haywoo. . whom It charge with tbe mur T of Frank Rteunenbe. g. and then began tha presentation of the teetlmoT.y by wbVh it hoyx to prove th Indictment laid against Mm. Th opening stste tent wa. a broad. see. plug erreie-nment of tbe leader, of the Federa km of Minora. a bo were charged wtth plotting wholesale murder and hiring assassins, eTl in a giant eoo piracy of vnfff-anre cprm those a-ho ob trote4 thetr sway, to destroy opposition by teimile , to control tb. political des tlida of the communities o ered by their organi tloa and to perpetuate their own im mtt wlthta the o-ranixatlna. Tt char d a widespread conspiracy, dat ing la Inception from tb north Idaho 8 let urbane fifteen year. a-. reaching cow. t the murder of Frank Steunen- berg. eed whose mui dcred rtrtlmt, by tml M and bomb, tt timbered acoTT. Hairlpy flwland that irVrnw In the mtnlrn aactlcM of the ooat atatM tb fadration had been In control there had bora left a trail of blood to mark 1ta operation. Of the htred aaaamtaa he cried: "T the-B murder became a trade aad aaaaaalnatlcm a meana of llTtog." &vamJ Cmmmptrrr Oatllae4. Am to the funeral ooneplracr Mr. Eur lT said: "I bar-, aatd. grent'emen. ft haa bean part of their object and poller to control the political if the vartooa eectlort where tbf-T bava lived, where they have exta-ted. where tbeir orwanlxatlon, their aobordmate tod gee have had control This oonspirarr. thla ootlaetcm; tbeee Crimea, this uudej atandlnj between tha lfadf i a of thla organization, togetjer with acme that wra aaaoclatad WRh them In a subordinate role, together at other tttnea with otbera that tipon the ataide played Into their hands, who were , neoaaearily brought into their ooefldenoe. ,Lf. as I nave stated before, caused the k vs'h and been the real cause ef the death Jot Ou sus StaatnenbeTfl:. Tt Is well then for us to Inajutre as te the objects of this ooJJusteei and this eoderstandlog and this f oonepiracy. It is wen te gro Into tb objects ' ef these leaders In aocordanoF Tit k the principles that actuated them ta effecting this organisation, so far at least as is necessary to order te enlighten us as to this particular crtms that is charred, and a this, gentlemen, I will say that we . zpect t peeve, and I have been exact la this latter, and wQ call it to your atten tion wtth words that I have considered, that this waa not the only object of this organisation, that although the persons . composing the esecutlve committee so tar as thetr personality was concerned, have changed at various time their objects, the Ideas of tb. leader for tb. body hav. mmrmr changed. By .mutual agreement and wneeretending of these leader at the very Inception ef this ergaalaattam certain objects were aimed at. and tt has always been the object of the Inner circle of this org-antaetloa to accomplish them. In fact, we will prove to you, ceetlemea of th. Jury, that at the Inception of this organisation a conspiracy waa formed by tha member of the Inner circle' the object of which eras to perpetuate thetr own power. In fluence and control both In tha federation Itself and In the governmental matter, of the different seouorUI of the mining country wherein they bad control by employing uesperat crtmlnfcls te commit murder, and other atroctou. Crimea, by unusual and sierra methods against those whs in official positions refused te be influenced by their wishes and those who In prlvat. Uf. raa counter to their interest a Metlv fer Ms-rdee. We will ce further, gi iiMataii of ths Jury, and prove as part ef ear ease and ah. wing who Is responsible for th. murder cf Frank etennecberg, a showing- ths cir cumstances surrounding that murder and who caused tt te be committed, that the leader, of this federation, the men who compose the Inner ctrols. bar. tor soar, than eight year, past made a record of deeds cf violence and that their chosen methods and coarse and custom has left a trail ef blood in ths mining section of thia entire eceet wherein they have had control. We wa show that th. leaders who coro-l firta. this Inner circle' Lave traded ta blood, employed hired assassin, t take life and tea trey property as their Interests aeem- Ingly required, and as part of their gen eral prectlr. of protortloa have raised by aasusaiinait le-ied upon ths members of thetr order a large amount of sooner as an esnerrenry fund, and from it not only squandered large sums for their own per sonal use and criminal methods, but have alas from tt retained th. best legal talent to defend those cf their a umber chargnd with crime." A!tw retelling the story of the Caldwell crime, the arrest and confession of Or chard and part of thi history of the Coeur d Alans trvt-Ue. Mr. Hawley said: "Tha original proposition and theory that the petrs ef this federation, of the Inner circle" at least. tf the federation, could tMt he perttuated by the murder t e she ia official It! or la private aiuiaa. raa counter lo their interests, became ta 'nstaed aeemmgly after these g-esitle asaenied the entire control. The Inner t irele' conrpueed as It was of this def eneant sad bis co-defendants to a great extant, bretu it around there a few choice spirits, and te them suuroer became a trads and aasaaalnatk. a means of bvtng. Ws wilt snow that a scale ef wage, was eeea de vised, USI the amount te be paid for differeat crimes by this innv circle' is jertle. a be ooKimitted thue rrina, aad tilef asuor.g those who were domg the MTtual work that waa planned by the Inner circle" and paid for out ef the bands f Ihe ftrderatk by the members .f tbe ar tircW wa. this man 10 hers I I Cunilxi ued eat SmiMARY OF TEE BEE'RIHOR OF PACKER OS LAKE I 1007 June 1907 j m. mom m wr rse ri a-. f ? T 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 j 24 25 26 27 28 29 Efo 4 rOBtVirr mo vrncini . cr-i lOWA-Falr and warmer Wedneaday d j Irvraday. 1 Temperature at Omaha: 1am ...: 1 pUm .. J f a. ra S3 2 j. m g- a. m I p. m CiM I a. m. ....... m a. m... FT S p. n t p. m...... 7 p. m p. m 10 a tr. 11 a m S U sa. 4 v p. m. .. XKJatxrnc. K Romlier of Nebraakana graduat ifcana graduate St . university, two of ; ers. rars I George Washington them being prise winners. raughter of late P. A FaJkenburg en- Join the Woodmen of the World from erecting a tnonament over the grave of her i-iner, ueging a misappropriation of the I ,a. . . ( rutios nubacTibed for the purpose, raga a . Jury for the trial of Mayor Schmits on charge of extortion was completed yester day. The court dlsouallflea Sheriff CNeil for bias and placed panel In charge of Elisor Blggy. fags 1 Oovemor win fie suit thia month to compel E. H. Harrlmsji to answer ques tions concerning merger of railroad linns. W, J. Bryan !n an lntei lee la BaTU- more aaya he haa always favored a slng-le j term for president and of course cannot ; look with favor upon a third term for Presideot Roosevelt. laffe 1 Korthweatern Is preparing a peesi na-r tariff on Interstate bualn-as to oonforxa to the new lucent fare law. BurJTr.rtoa road files it a list of pasaholders and it Includes many who hare been prominent to poll tJ os Is both parties. rage a City Health Commissioner Connell says j be will consult with dty attorney snd see If they cannot compel City Proeeeutsr rsnlel to do hi duty toward persons ar rested for violating sanitary laws, rage T William H. Taft or Wllllsm J. Bryan will be the orator st the dedication of the Toung Men's Christian association If pres ent I lass are suooeesful. 'are S Nebraska retail liquor dealers ln annual , convention ln Omaha are ounstderlna re- cent law enacted by the Jeglelerurs to determine an attitude. Enmor haa it one of the larks packers Is back of th purchase of Beyroour laks j ana adjoining prupv .rcy ana nuf enswiau another plant there. w a Automobile club offers cash reward for th discovery of persons piscina' barmfal -V-M.U. ft. k. ,tha n.Vrln I ' .a-: - " i cioc.sijr" cvpia UN dtbb fn-wmi miwmr ; J make Wlj . ! tbe advent ef June to laraads Into the society Judge W. H, Munger decides city of ; trmana vrma bk out ' wm-'"' " - ; tbe SS.OOS.eeS appraisement and that the 1 ajipivlsement Is Invalid. Company will l appeal the case. rage t atrOmTm. i Earl O- a long shot, win the . . . . . w m m A sni rv-iv i t-iuii'ui - tes.lts cf the ban games: S Omaha va. Pueblo I 1 Lincoln va. Bious City 1 S Denver vs. Les Moines L 7 Boston vs. "Detroit 1. 7 Washlnston va. Pt. Louis 1. 1 Chicago vs. Philadelphia 4 Cleveli-od va New Tork a. 7 Milwsukee vs. Louisville 1. 5 Kansas City vs. Indianapolis "L rage 4 Live Stock markets. rags t Grain market a. rage Ftoek and bonda. rag's OUTBREAK DISTURBED PLANS Chin e BteheU Were ISe steady at Tlsae ( Attack, rpeat OAelala. AMOT, China. June 4. The leader of the Insurgent Chinese forces has issued an ad dress eahortlng tbe people to support the movement and to confine themselves for tie present to ruerrllla tactics It appears mar. tne u" - w- .i - ""I precii-tsted the outbreak against th. Pot- eminent, the date fixed for the uprising- ( l-f; -.. , , v ; SHANGHAI, China, June A-The viceroy , at Peking that tb. disorder, at Lien Chow ' and Pakhol bar. been -uppreeBed and that all th. missionaries arc safe. EARTHQUAKE WAS DISASTROUS Sen ef Heavy La a ef Life at Hslaar K leave Tkreagh keerat Dte- TICTORIA. B. C. June 4. Tbe steame- Bhsw lut brought news of a disastrous loss of Kf. following an earthquake at Hslng Kiang. A telegram recei-ed from Peking by lh Rhlmbcn at Tokio shortly befor. the Shawm ut sailed, reported that 4.UW' person were crushed to death, a vast num ber of houees destroyed and many per- sons left marvtog. Tbe empress dowager ha telegraphed urgent Instructions to tb. tooal governors te take measures to re- lieva the distresa DETECTIVES KILLED BY B0M3 Tel lets Threw St at Pel-re sal aeldlers Arrl vla( rire late Oesvd. aa Poland, June 4. Twe de- oon,-BO ""th the Joint ref -latum of scter U.ere ought 10 be some ot her repub killed and twe aoldirrs and ' t ' two rtvrenl 1 " of eeisure. , Hcaa Bufficientry identified with him te rep- LODZ. Rust tectlve. were three other persons wounded ia a creel ' hers ttxlsy by a bom. thrown at the police officials ty terrorists. A patrol cf infant-, attracted by the explosion, appeared ea tbe soene soon afterward anal opened fire on rL'J.iurzn return to work with the affair. BADLY BEATEN MISSIONARY Mr. rrilsia, et rtsernia, he-leaely lalnred by k LONDON. June 4 A special dispetcta re- celved her frora Hor.g Kcicg aaya that Mr. Pollard, a MethodiBt B-iaciueary at tiao- Tung-Fa. has been wiser 'iiMfly bvatea by the Cbineae, His lung' was pierced by a .post Ttts sekrlas are flockingr Into I Hong Keb. trsu Uie Irt'r and P-s na in r aa - Certain Basinets Ken Belie Big Dealer Bought Seymour. nrnrx iew fultt hay be built TbtTT LLsttshltahtnc Tmi City ts tiler dtfed k? C. C Ski am at the Real Fstste Ftrsa that Made Ikt Deal. I. Orr-ah. to hare another great pack Ofmcem? .... Wary amor.g tboee a ho have watched the , n.i.M.,. . m m. -. . r'' ft "TaaT ' Ttee - ot la lona Jtiet cloeed by Shimer A Chaae, (whereby that firra aecurcd the title to 1.000 whereby that fine accural the title to 1.000 rP! mour ta "'nu oi eaaxem capiTaHPra. o-n-i-e r- the big Independent packing hoii-?. behind the deal. -A- Tor two montbathe work of -v x the I ..J u'frrfiona to the land haa beer.yVcm and j ... waa coneummated laet v-V.4 Ejt tni I i thoae on the "inaide" , , , . v v,. to rtate to 1 t v rki uif inf una ie put. It 1 one ! pf th. p-ntlct tracts o. land In the stale, but It lrnrporton advantage make it even more valuable ttian The mere beauty j " location ana me rrrr.rr naiu..w : of its ground- j An evening paper rubllbed a statement , tti.t th. t-.i-t tonrht at ftmnnnr l.k a t r : to be used for a for resld-ncea , , ... t and that a grrat manuf acturtng concern to be eetaWlshed at Barpy Mllla The j 1 M lu m mfit f rnm RT-imjr take ' . Mr. Bblmer of Bhlmer A Cb.a Jflntefl out j that thl. statement was unreasonable. Cesi fee Maaafuia-. j "It Is plain the advar.taaes of Seymour I lake as a manufacturing center are une- j celled." said Mr. Shimer. "Here Is the main line of the B. a M, running through It; i there Is the Missouri Pacific and all the other rines are within easy reach. Thla tract 1 Ideally favored sa a site for great J manufacturing concern. While the matter of the establishment of a packing- house la largeby speculatrre, men with a hand on the pulse of affairs nenere an hikh- n'mi ia vi.i ujin-unu. The tract of 1.000 acres would be too large ' (for use for suburban homes, tt Is said, but tf a great concern were established there the acreage would all be required for yards. trackage, buildings and as a site for the town that would spring up around tt. In sport c this are the facts as pointed out by Mr. Stumer ini me tracx nas im- ejDcetled railroad facilities not possessed by several otner aesirauie - wlcinlty and that SSOG.090 will be invested. ur. siuier .cm - ' " " chased. He still owns the lske, which 1 about Brty acres rn rrwrai. ne aieo owns . .t 9 mi i-inlriv alt . TTTU I A th T . AMENDS ITS COTTON REPORT Crt9 m4r9rtmg Beard ef Departs-rat f Acrtowltatre Caauaaree F1- Ac . . .ttwi . TTfc f.,T. A TK f r iTl Porting brd of tb. b of .at !K.ics of j tjjfk ipmTlxomn, VI 4te.Bn-ui i lira, - W" " V , fnl eonldetien ef tt. relies to-uPP- IT,"rtry hK"C,r!' IK,n Prt1 "I vert igs tion agent a or l Bureau m eiaiisuce report of the bureau of the census on cot- ton pi eduction la 1S0S finds that the est I- matt mad. on June 4. 1106. of the acreage planted te cotton ta 18 was too low and , order te brin the figure as near as .... . . . . . poaslbl. to 'ne anuai recta tn. ooaru, an considering an tb. evidence on the subject, haa mad. cartata adjustments and revision. J Im the report cf June 4, 19, which show i that the area planted ln UK was about S2.oOi.00l acres. Th. a f rag-e condition of the growing cotton crop May S5 wa 70.B per cent, as compared with HI and 77S per cent In IsOS and 1S05. respectively; ten-year aver- ag-e. a t per oast; acreage, COM) .M.' NEW ORLEANS. June t The cotton market broke a dollar per bale upon re- j celpt of th. government's condition report, i October Bold down to 12 cents per pound and December went slightly lower than thia Th "neju-k in nrlrie .sjitel abrMTt ir enlfw uim .et. .Hch -n.-irjat -Mpbwi ; quickly up to tbe fttrure. quotsd before the lrr,. ,,f tv,. ew-r Th- .ov.-.t,, . estimate was equal to the best that had been expected ln New Orleans. NEW TORK. June 4.-A very exerted market with a severe decline ln prices was a result cf th. rovernment a-first cotton rma rnnnet for , -i,.r nirkrf j t nervous, with ericea showlnr a net loss of 1K point before the report puMi.t-f. The condition ,f 70S per m&Ji m ,,ule Um indicated by recent privat. report- and exoeeded the ,. --v,.,.. , followed the report and w hich carried CK - tober off to 11. cents and January te 1LTB cents, or 3-- points under test night', finals. There was hoary buying by shoria and bull interests at the decline and the market rallied liilO points before 1 o'clock. BRITISH SEALERS CAPTURED te Cwttes- Stneh Takes Cluve- Setxa 4 Cea In rati rrstker Grenada. OaT Alash. . j congress I endeavored to secure an amend- WABHINGTON, June 4 The secretary of I ment to tbe conrJtution making the presi the treasury lias received a telegram from ! uent inela-lble for a second term end in Captain Alnsworth of the revenue cutter ! both of my catnpagn I alf announced R.ush. atatlrur that he had seised tn Brit- ' thst If I was elected I would not be a can ih seaJiM schooner Cnerkitta 1 r-,.. dirt.te for a second term. 1 woul3 hardly .. fonaa lilerallv r.t-i ir.' j Fir--.u,ar groundt, off AiaaLa. CoI- tt , 4 rjritly WM tajn, .als during tbe closed season within the area of tbe ward tn violation of article of tbe tribunal of arbiuraUoa agreed to by a-aln. It would be a reflection upon the the governments of Greet Britain and th. ' success of his administ ration If, corrilng tn 1'nlted States. It had seventy-seven fur ' by an enormous majority, he had so re eealaklns on board. Th department has ' duoed tbe popularity of bis rarty as to dtrected th commander of tbe Rush te ' make It ImpcfrSible- for any other repuhll dellver the Cox to the British authorities can to tie elte at the nearest port la BrUlak Columbia. ! "If his reform are of a ubstantial char- The Rush aiao reported the presence of . " " mlLa " " ' - vvt. W to ee is -re eutsid. cf territorial waters. 1 Sprleee Tele sheer Men, Wise St reek ; ,k' -' os-seed Beek by t ale . 1 ' -- j yHANCllCO. Cal . June t-Tb ' line en who left tbe eerrne of the Pa- ! cmc Telephone and Tal graph co-r i.ty yesterday flit cf sympathy with the sink- - m girl operate were ordered bark to : work by preaidW-nt Kelly of the distrK-t I oouncfl. who holds that the men in going ea strike violated tbeir agreement with, ' the cunieiil entered tao. Tl-W wo T ' Vi'ILL NOT RECOGNIZE UNION fmU ef e Fraecleee steads le (Dm te Trent wtlk Mri la Any War. PAN FRANCIPfO. Jure I hare re-?-j-r!ed Patrirk Calboun and Ji-Trr T. Swtt to t pree-rt at my ofilre "WecUieeaay afternocn ard meet with the con'T'ation comnrltt organlaed by the CVrlc Varue." aatd Oovernor Gf.lftte yeaterdar. "I ahall be rreeerit at thla meetirg If rty Cutlea. ! wbkh call roe to Sacramento tomorrow. ! wl3 permit tne to return. So drtnlte plan ' j of actios haa bren outlined by thia com- I 1 T jtbe requerrt. bring TltaEy tntereeted ! " ttrt" c)vr- "Kr. Calhoun and Mr. Peott will ih. ,f it dit Calhoun end Mr. Scott will b! ... . , . . . "'a lo ,rT,r !tt tht nra -'T- " w.iu xr.ia oocy oi men . wte the 11,, " ,rT : enorta win oe maoe to erect a meet between the contendiiig part Ira in the -- '- "ju, ir.n rlty- 11 lh Intention of thia committee. t0 ronler arparately tth(af,er p m lh. annual ball givn by th ,rT! 'n control of the corporationa at ,h, maS3, at)(J matron of Sheridan at the th lkVc,' nnlon and the officer . g. rt . r., .llr, fl11 ot the union now out on tr:ke." ' m reju, ii t.i. e.a-.-Tn-nL. fi;n . ai- hound, president cf the Tnlted Railrosda. said: "I have heard nothing- whatever of the .mr,.,,, ,...-i.r nave ana merely wish t state the company post- tion. -Th. l'nl w.r!-.. ;ti - - -. . . fAD mionoiu recej.ion lor mr i to deal with the local car men s union v.a t the con- : 1 and any conferenoe held by anybody with , the view of brtnrlng about recognTtion of ; v.. -tri M .. . . . "I" - vi. 11 hi norm. b- arousing false hope In the mind, of U,e men who hav. left the company service." ------------ I nTTFRY If FN W Flin RMII TY Thtrtr-Twe IssBlteatee la Heaaa -a Case Fiaed Owr Q -artrr If 111 lea Delia ra. MOBIT-E. Ala.. June 4. Thirty-two men who pleaded guilty ln the United State court jesiexday te an indictment charging oon;nrcy io vau-r me iDHmiin of lottery advertisements were senienoed today by Judge Toulman to pay fine amounting to S3S4.000. The aerenaants also agreed to surrender for destruction all lottery books, p'-stes .and other paraphernalia and to Immedl- ; ately dispose of the prtntit establishment . peionclng to trie Honduras National lo- i tery company, located ln wnmlngton. DeL. , ana operated under the parue oi tee JOiin M Rx,re.r. pre, where the lottery ticket. , nave peen pnnwa lor many yeara. , the pleas of gruilty and '.he surrender of all lottery material, the Honduras . i , , .. v., .v. t .v.. . " " " " I oessor of the old Lrfiuisisna Rate Lottery u,. ' v..-.... v....e a mg enaesror oi u.. .eaera. .ul uk: 1 rJSJl James Sea! C W iZJl TP 7otntan Louis C j r ' " " - Graham. Edward L. Plnw, Devi, Hennen . . . Morris. AJuerc Baldwin. sr Chapman John remareat ... n5 l DU rVJ e At U " i rve.marest, all of Xew Orlean; John Mi r,,. 3 K. iayti. srd Lester K. 1 lis ef Wllmlnrton, Pel.; General W. Morrla Bv- L. Cabell of rallas. Tea.; Herman Brunn-r of T, -,, , others residtnr ln ; - .u-j,--, etuea. j -,iij iq aw I ACT BfTIICCn DINAN li Ai LA, I AUUUitU ' tslfl f Fwllee ef lia da Cbargre-d erlth la.eeaelag Its Jt - civ r .ANCISCO. June 4. The grand ! jury yesterday filed with District Attorney, Lnlac.n a general complaint against Chief ! cj police, charging him with willful : and corrupt misconduct ia office, ln that : he subverted the lsw ln endeevoring to V-cnre the acquittal of a defendant with- ou- the knoe'edge of the district sttorney. The defendant m the case waa Mayor gchmlts and tbe investlcation by the grand , ' Jury grew out of the accusation of Assist- ant District Attorney Heney that Chief t ' Dinan had attempted to tamper with ths j U,Uamii itrswe for the lurv which 1 to ' im . rn, sw-timitK Ob the charse of extor- j !on. Chief Dinan wa. accused by Aust- neir, ATtornev Heney of having de - tailed some cf hi officers to interview pros- pecUve Juror, in the favor of Schmita. The chief practlcr-lly sdmltted having detailea men to shadow aome of the men on the ; venire, but declared that he did .3 becau.- h wanted to see that BO improper person M en the Jur'. Another ! for the in- formation bled by tbe grand jury in accusation that tbe chief afforded protec- , tion to a derly resort. Dinan lias ten cava to answer the com- -.laint and must stand trtU ln the superior j court with removal from hia position aa j the penalty If be Is found rutlty. BRYAN AGAINST THIRD TERM wehr Thinks the President Stan Ehoald 5st A gala. BALTIMORE. June 4 William Jennings I Bryan, during an interview todsy with a rei'.resentattve o tt News. said. "When in I w.k favorab'T. therefore, upon a third i term. j "l want that the president will adhere t to the opinion which be ha expressed on . the subject and will not be a candidate rent ttiera as a candidate Ii mould be ' ise 11 "'"' J V. Jtt. ! . . I) .ri.t.WIU. .1., ... !H.I and Jackson and ye w.a net able to de- velop a worthy repuMVcan sucoeesor. PUT DYNAMITE UNDER CAR Xm heriewe Deessae Dsu, be t Few -iac-e Paeeeaaees Are Prlah tewed. sn BAN FRANCISCO, June 4 Dynamite , was exploded under th firm car sent out j over th McAllister street line ".flay. Th ! forward truck of the car was raised from ! tbe tracka and .the paasentrers were badly - fj-iftitesed, but no serious damte was done. The explosion occurred whes th. i car was half way hethseat Pwa atreM and I . " BILLINGS MEETS OMAHA H5H0,iCRS ww boys Early Kortir.f Er-eeption Tendered by Jtontana Hosts. TAKES C5 AUTO TBI? 0TEE CITY Cataaaae rial (Ilk Vitrmtm Claa Haal te Kehraaka Ktea Strata ef Trta Be-gie te Tell t a the Tearlata. (r i a Staff Corr-apondent.) i iff Correaponaent.) i ... June i.-'Speci-J Tele- ; rt.rt wa made here by , r, who arrived at S a. ttt t t.- . i . A rcLi Trie- . J7'-A- the Omaha booatera, entertained at a o clock . the Northern bote, by the E.1- ; i;r.r Commercial club. The eicuraionisia Krriri . ,s, Krttn of the trip, , ,., .,, Mnir-M Aftf, brWLfll vbl, carr!a-ee j automoMlea were provided by the Bil- jj-s, c)ub mrTi ,nd . flrri. of ..veral milea - u takro OV(T lhe residence and business . aerttOT,, of the city. The Omaha visitors mvch jmpree-pd with Billing rrom B mI,OTl standpoint and were royaUy entertained until the train left at S o clock. . . . . , - i i - - "- - elusion of tb sigbtsee'.ng totr and the , Omahana were riven a hearty sendoff when . ... . .L . a... ;xne tra.n jeii lor ine aw.c uuu-.u ' cities and Helena. ! ISP.HMIT7 IIIRY K MMPl FTF . Pa a el fee Trial of "Fviace Mayer ea C'harwe ef E-atertlea Ss PUlee. RAXnUXa3CU;a.--r.:In;,nff. carrier: M. mer. completed thia afternoon for the trial of substitute. Toledo, route 4. John R. Mr- Mayor i-usrot a. ocnmiLs m wilv j the Bve Indictments returned against him . py the Oliver grand Jury, by which he is : aoeused jointly wtui ADrsJiam uei oi nsT- lng extorted from Joseph Malfanti SU71 as tie first Installment of a SS.OOO annual bribe to secure the French restaurant keeper of 6n Francisco their licenses to sell liquor. - i Judge Iune, upon motion of the prose- ; cutlon and over the determined and spirited fjj Sheriff Thomas O'Neil and Coroner , William Walah as unfitted by trsonal bias , to perforn, any court functions is conner- . nrm ,ith u,t trlt: aBfl appointed William J. B!ggT as elisor, to have charge Of the Jury j ; cnUJ . VBr)rt ren., or a dls- ! as-reement i,.pV.i : e-noruy arter adjournment of court Mr. Rwri Jailor, marched the Jury to thte St. , pyanci hotel, where the "twelve tried men nd WlU m5" l0ri "fl key ' a.UrtBC f th U ""r are 'iU m ine inn. juage tranne na oeciaea . thit th(. Juro hal, h,v. no new-paper -to read until all articl. j ' ' v..-.,. .t,.,. i B sneraJ mall nor may they be comrr.unl- i p.4.a aw ea.-.t-. .iti a 1 "iL" "T- wi- Kmi-r or us elisor. . . . . ctj . . vuu in ciw uiaii i , uw ne talesman of tbe venire, was accepted at the afternoon eeeslnn after a brief examin ation. Tbe personnel of tbe trial Jury fol- ' Iswa: L Well, department store buyer . Paul Bancroft, real estate dealer: Cfcarle ; H. Gish. contractor; James Feitelberg. fur- nlture dealer; George De "Trioste. oommls f sion merchant: John O'Mara, blacksmith; J Theodore Periwig-, retired broker; Charle ! B. Capp. real estate broker; James E. P. ! Benson, pressman; Thomas Elrkk, haber- -'usher; Hugh Bums, retired coal mer- cnanx. novel V. . Cua-worth, coal dealer. Th state hopes to put ln al! of !t evi- fleece thl week. Former Police Cimnlj. sloners Hutton. Reagran. "Orlnkhouse, How- ; and Poeheira will likely be the first wit- nesses called. POLITICS IN KANSAS CITY j Twemty-fcevea Men Teted freet Small Batistas' Where Detective Bran, stem Had Steesa. KANSAS CTTT. Mo.. June 4-Tbe Brd 1 cf Police Comm ission-r. tod.y continued tneir investigation into the charges of po- lice corruption and turned up evidence to ; substantiate some of the cherrea ; Detective Bert J. Brannon asked to ex- -.i.m why t,e had maintained two real- dencea. one of whlrh m urn in 1 v.. diatxict. said be kept his down town reel- oence so he could help hi. political frier, da ' u wa. brouErjt OTt one floor of a 1 Y)tlUJ)rir m vhich Brannon rented ; B Him fUmished twenty-seven votes at an1 ., ,. . mM hr abandoned the dwn town residence "when the board put us out of politics." Arul" fiano. a negro. lOlU Or report- lng to the police that he had been robbed of a sum cf money He said ths no'lnr ..rZ tZ v,.? -1 .' aia not aax mm lor his evidence, but m- stead locked him up He never recovered Ms money. HARRIMAN MUST ANSWER Osve a si est te File Salt te Cewiyel Masmate te Steply te Qaeerleai reaeeralsg Merwer. WASHINGTON, June 1 After a confer- enc-e a1th President R-vme-elt ton ght, C m n.iscloner Lane of the Interstste Commerce corcmlKslon snnounced that before Ju'y 1 legal proceeding would be institutes to compel E. H. Harriman to snswer certain questions propounded htm by members of the eomrr.ision at tlie recent beerlng ln , New Tork. wben the merger of the Harri man line wa under Investigation. Pre- , vlous to hi cor.fereri-e e lth the president. Commissioner Lane had- conferred with rvr .t, " oe-cu- Frank T.. Kfllogg, siedal counsel f rovernment in the Standard Oil proe-cu tion. and it aas arrsneed that Mr Kelloeg ahculd repreecr.t tbe grverrrr.ent In the case to be brought against Mr. Harriman WFUX. C GHtAT WtSTtRN rmamt.mmrr Trale Derailed by r 4- ,.w.r h . r...... lac ef Hall, end Five Are ! lelared. PVTVQt la . Jur e 4.A Chicago Great Wcaie-m passer err train, west-tunj, wa x irles west of Dulvucu til JT" ' , ' Free iwrsfis were tt lured- , derailed si ! afternoon ' Rpreadiig rails are uppord to hav raused : tbe mitv p stall a. Fired Cellty. PPRTVCFIELD. Ilu. June 4. Ttie Wlr rina Ferry oerriiary and East Pi Louis O.rnect iny Railrfd convany anfl the Kal limore a tl.e e-ut h weir em p.ailroad crn 1 t.v Hut. iiaoei guilty toay in 1i. 1'r itid State court to two (Ui.M of vl!- i t" tni tsi emmeroe law f hae- t Inj iH.fn eouplirrs en rare and ears Tare Aan the frlee alaarrt at Ciiri e atklatlea t alTeralty. iTVom a Ptkff CorreTpon3ent WAFWKGTPN. June t Pjr-.aJ Tele- gram &.-orR Tl t-tnc umreralty at ' lta ocmmencemfnt emenleea tolay awarded to a Kebraeka Iktt, Frar.k K. Jenal of I i Kartmrtcm. i-j. tnt pria of tm for &t bale. Mr. J.-nai i a graduate of Cre'.:h- j ton unlrerany. with a degree of master ! It c;; ,,; sSu:Zo of arta btrt ha been pureulng hi ("udi , connection n I lniereaimg io noi- f nother Nebraska boy. rredeHrk K j X eMaon cf Inrc,ln. won f rat priae of 'or the beat eaaay in the law claa al.lrh 1" thla connection )t la intereatti.g to note t ""-t another ctiraka ooy, rTeoertra s. . . . . . . . . ! gduted today. Among thoae who aleo rraduated a-ith the degree of bachelor of ' -wtt ine imiowiTig wno ora upiet w from CYeitMon onlvem:ty of Omal-i : Wil- .Ham J Fieber. A R. l,hr-ille la- Joba M. K-nnec.,. A. B Kaneaa City. Mo.; i Tboma F. MKiovern. A. B renTer. Colo: Irrancla R Montrrrmenr. A. M . Omaha. Tb. fr:icwlng wer- graflualed bachelor .f law: William F. Condon. A LI- B Fprt tH,ar,. Crelghton urtvers t Harvard. Nch; Fr former graduate of i cf i y; John G Loo. LL. B., Frederlrk K. Nellson. A. B.. ', LU jj Liner,n ceb thrlr prtTpa,-- de- rrr, ha,ing s,, taKrT1 ln th vnlveralty ;, v. ,-,.. v. The comptroller of the currency has sp- nrove proved the conversion of the Vtica bank. f-UrfL , Neb., into the Flrrt National bank 1 tlm. wtth SSO.dflP capital The Okey- f .... ic.,r-.i .v . r-, i. . . . . II 7T lL Z Vjnn ' , -T business with fapital. A. F Ok-r i president. . C. H, 1 ernoa. vice president : C. E. Okey. caKhler j Rural free eelverv carrier, appointed: Ne- breska. Madison. route S. George 8. Fraser. carrier; Cb.-rle. B. Freeer. substl- tute. Iowa. Garner, route S. JuMu. A. ...i - , rr,, vnarw ... u nam. iud- ,' stltute. . Fred F. Koth haa been appointed post- i master at Ml.ltoa-n. Hutchinson county, South Tkota, vice S IX Meyers, removed. I rr. F. 8. Ashcroft has been appointed pension urreon at IeaSwood. g. D i i RSISJ pilTC CTflP TO nRII I rUli 1 Ur ,U Um Have aert ertth the Baa 4, sebk-h Mast Werk. GLEWOOD, la Jane 4 (Sp-claL) The Erst day of camp passed uneventfully. Even the hospital corps reports no serloua passed off etthout hitch. . ""Eb,y hU' nd ro "ntA nP h "'a reneral tnspectlon of the ir bagrag-e. He ordered the inspect- , ing officer, to confiscate aD blank cart- i '"f 1 ''"-- uin.j.- - ana cannon crscsers. aiut ln - pec - tion Captain Welsh test resembled a ' aman araenai Statistics ahowed that ( about nine-tenths of this stuff. Including a powder mine with riectrtc batteries and wire for setting It off, came from th.'of the appraisers and therefore should not band. On Inquiring- from eon is of th men who had been to camp before. Cap- tain Welsh discovered the band reptta- figure named Invalidated the appraisement, tion for much fun. He thereupon sum-1 while the wter company held to the tbe moned the first lieutenant of the band ; ory of law that tbe sppr else merit was lecal and told him thst hereafter tbe band j and binding since where tb. right, of a must take setting up exercises, police the municipality were involved an unanimous camp practice sad attend the parades ! appraisement was not neceasary. that that with the rest of ths boys. 1 w only necessary shere the Interests of During last night the gentle patter of' Individual were at stake rain wa heard, a loud rattle, tbe sound j The appraiser were Daniel W. Mead. 3. of running feet and then a flow of words. I H. Beaentverg and John W. Alvord. Mr. This brought the corporal of the -ar3 j Alvord a the one who declined te coaV on the run. He discovered that one of cur ,n th sppraisement tbe boy, thinking that It wa not rain-j Text ef the Decision, lrg hard enough, had crept around to the! The decision of Judge Munger la: tent of an enemy and thrown bucket ' This ia an action for the specific per of water, bucket and aD, on the afore-! fc;r,,u-n?e of a contract vbereb, the eora .. . , i iiiiaiit screed to sell and the defendant said enemy. The excitement caused by , reed to -iurehaee tne water works or thi had barely subsided when an up-! the corr.plaln.ct at a price to be liked by .. . . , k . ! spi raisers. one appointed b each of ths roar arose from a a hole row of oompsny TJLU and tie ttird appointed v the two i tents. This throe the corporal found that ; otiiera Ainc.tig the numerou in 1 a bunch of boys, presumably from th terpoeed t- the city it will be sufficieat ta ., ... . . .. . '. notice but one. nana, nsa urpfo tne possessors or co'.s - Th rro-"1 being wet, there were no """""'s "irp. i.P pru-. Th' oth,r anllt ch"dulwJ far e morn - i wrre PtPOD unta afternoon. ,.,,,. . , . . KUROKI VISITS LEAVEJlWORTH ' Japeaeee Party prrM Araay Peet aad Learn for St. Peel aerlal Train. LEAVENWORTH. Kan- June 4. Gen- pT, ,Tbetr -!!! iiOB raDwayTis ev era! Baron Kurokl and party left for Bt. train over the Bur- enlng after a day spent at Fort Leaver. worth. The day here Ir.rlnrti iwr,tlifi tmilmil V.- r c. 3 HtXl. commandant cf tb. fort, and , . . -lhrT offloers; a luncheon; review of all troops at tbe garrison. Including hear tiarieriM fl.lil -tir, 4- hesvy batteries, field artlliery and ln- , fantry and an inspection cf the army ! service schools and the post ln general. ! nn---i v-,h ,,v General Kurokl took especial Interest in the maneuvers Great crcwd. of peopl. . gathered ln the city from nearby pomts and the visitor were cheered wherever. they went. I ! WIND TCPPLES Bllll nitire. KUlLUlNuS . rharehee aad Set 00! Heeee Blewn Over at Btesee. Tn . X)aaaee at Deeetar. ROME. Tex aa, June 4. Four churchea ... - ,., . , . . and one school hojee were blow, from their foundations by a heavy windstorm h-re earrr todav. The p-.:blic school build- . M . . . lng wa lifted from 1- foundation. Much ltirlier was scattered all over the town and several box car were blown t tt their . PALL-S. Texas. June 4 A tornado struck thirty rr.I'.ta south of Decstt , Texas, esrly It.dey. The district covered by the storm e-ks narrow, but much damage waa done to property. No lives were lost Two residences were destroyed and a number t bmfr,, wert t,loe n down. Mail desrroved AMsrlalles Meete. Maaeeie FITTfni LG. June 4 xty deiega:es reptespttn all sect ions of the country , r m '-t ' tt annual meet- "C ff tn American Aas-ktloa ef uin uml c.iK-ned here lodar. Th curven- tu n ia t-ei:..- held in 1 1 lecture hall of ' d'e a arv otter ia ottered so sciences. Carnere irsttt jte ai.o u- eeuiuns 1 aa to afford the et'veute rtf an oiirtun a iil rlos on Thursday eveiiir.g An.orig lty to err-eir tr r d -ontrvert. the prominent s . a1 '.s'.s preeent are It j (teeef-seo lews ea Oiken . Hen -mar, C. Bumpus, of the Amen, an J . . , . . . Museum .f Natural History. New Tork. I The wrr.g t1r.r invalid for t,i rea It Icaard E. M'.rse. d'r-ctor of pesiK.dy ! "r- ':t r"1 'T n museum. Maes; Ir W p. tVi.n complainant t denied As the case .jirert of the Ptusoeli n'm m-urr,. t.r' 1 d "ut-t l-ss be aitajed 1 de not exi.res w r T. McGee, of t l.e i-u'lic rnu; Lou is Ir J E f l he I '--rl ; r-iueeum. Fait Lake Cf. and It W kt Holland. d-reuUC td LU Can. tgm tiUtutc, CITY NEED NOT BUY Decision cf Judre W. H. Kutgrr ia the "Water Worts Case. HOLDS ATFBAISEKEXT IS KTALII) , lvecords Sho-n to Arpraisers and Sot the atfr Board, this rcrsr muso is based CffipiET Will CilTJ it tO . . , WJIUI Ol ijycaia. --.-, TT', n r.-- ; . ;-.; viui tia-iii wi in v-aa.T u v kuiui XEXBTKAL OF THE LAST EESOET Teat ef Uerlsles (Ttr Pet at Which Order Meats as a ghewe realties ef Ceert es te the Ceatrei ersy. The c;tr of Omal.a does not have to bur (the On-iaba Wtler cointny plant for SS.. the price filed by the board of appraisers, and that appraisement ia in-valid-tbi 1 the dTlnton of Judge W. H. Munger ln the I'nUed State cln-ult oourt for the dintrlct of Nebraska, handed dos-a last evening, thu bringing to a culmination tlje proi.iTigod fyht precipitated by the i Orriaha Water board under the provision of ttie compulsory waier plant ownership law enacted by the legislature of 14. It leave ttie pert step to be taken by the water company ln the form of an appeal Ihe elretilt court of appeals, and thl will j l ao' ln Cw of time, i Jude M-nB't dclKlon 1 based upon ' 1 m 'ir,X ln the namely, th ! th hord of pralr erred in receiving rtout TnZ ZZ IZ , ,nton of thf, cit -r t, board. . c c tTrlirht, one of the attorneys for the I ... . .t Va w K K-a A 4 art - JVittlfe j ve 'lw,n t)HJWj cm a number of other point as well. Dire- Reeelts ef eit. The decision waa the direct result of a suit brought by the Omaha Water com pany through Its president to compel th city of a to buy the plant of the water company on the busis of the terms made by the board of appraisere. The case waa argued about two wenks ego before Judre Munper by Attorney- Mansfield cf New Tork and R. 8. Hail of Omaha for the water company and John L Webster and Carl C Wright for the city of Oniaha Judge Munger ruling occasioned no sur prise, it appeared from espresrtcma. te either sid to the controverFy. Consider able interest, however, centers on the sc- i of th. circuit court cf appeal, he. handed ; A( one decision on the contract phaae of the question and It waa adverse to th oity. As no question of the federal ennstU tution ia mvorvea in vne coniroversey. u ; matter will not be taken to the supreme court 1 i The chief content'on of the city ta this miration has been thst the appraisement , was not arrived at by an unanimota vote ! be allowed to stand. It held the fact that j only two of three appraiser voted for th , Th, uVT,TmlT. in firing the value of th Ine viueof iheXnt a. woin. concern ! 1 V' tJ .'TS? j mining Lhe value oi the planu they had a jnjint to con,der It a. a "nf,- , "."J 'aurlnf .grf UThe.r- ; " fore tlie U.ard oi api.raisera the : JM;J ! ,.- tv..i. ; private lnf ormetlon. such booas and papers, however nt to be u ject to inspea j tion by the defendant or ita coonsel, nttw i the content lo te disclosed to them. Tl. I lnptrcti"n by the board of nrnraieers of I the books and reocrd of the comjilaln- nt aaa obv eted to by tbe city. After th . ... .nn it arrumert t ... boerd of apjuwisers reijuested that tbe ; bot-ks of the complainant ne rorwarued to t tlall of ln ..erd. Counsel for tbe city . ..1r.-t :,ch ...-I.Mn. 'Tie board appointed an audttor to ".mine snd audit the liooka 1 think It would have , prfctly oorrpetent and rrcper (or tt.e lK.ard to hsve emr-toyed an au41tor to exomir.e t re TKx-ss ana papers wnic.n were jcr, ue j.. denoe. but I am eicarlr ef the opinion that tt taking sr.d receiving of evirtrnoe.. consisting of thesf- iKKiks. on the part ef the board ef rrr1Brr,, e-nhout Trm1t-ttnc tne same ta l examined by the defendant city waa such aa irregularity aa vitiate, the award, Right te Rely wst Own Skill, It 1 undoubtedly true thst the sppraisers were aeiecled by the parte be.auss of ;l''eir skill, exjierlence and tuts kedee aa to the value of ester work property, and tbey unu.iurx'Ci:y nan a ripm in niuii t.-vs :v'u to rely to a large extent up.n tbe'r own personal Vnne ledge and ,V:1(metil of 1 the value of ik h mattera. But, in th very nature of it it wa necessary for them to take evidence They could n be expected to mane such a personal tn-pHc- ti.m as would enaUe them tn know the ex- f ,lit f !, ara dlirtrlr-rtlr.g plj. their dimension or ciiaracier: evld-noe wouid n.KesMiri:y hve to he takes on tins point. The value of the eater worka plant or ,m, a mr.Utw concern, would largely dinend uiom the ii umber of lioueehoid crn- . iwciion. tneome. -r.tal sr.d so forth Tt. !, a matter el.irh would neeeeartlv, it seem 10 me. 1 largely dtermlned by ev- lovn., and tbe books and records of the r, irejiai.y would ne-sfiarilv have a dire t end irntiortsTit bearrr.g upon thi eiO'Wlon. tVhen nrelee are rewired to take ev idence and rely wholly cprm their o-n knoe-leoee snd tursroent. such ei-idrnce iioj!i1 only b tal.en ehen an opjort unity or examine tae sam. In thia raee. aa etat--d. T 01 or.y a 'be evioenc, rf iv, d by tie atn-steers -ithout tiie city bavin; an e t-povurtt v t enrtw tne same. t;it rlnt tt protest of tn my unies su h xamloaUcin was affcrdd IV T'nflouUeS v ' ' wsier cortijny ea. nrt r-cuired. if they did not -e fit. to offe' th-'.r t sa evifl , or present them to k- ran:lnet V the pprater; tt snouiil have t-ee p, j v:ea- iir.rt tn rier qum.Tii r u.etj - Ii. : srsi't-.! decree etll he entered. c:arci.aii g th r JftieulcUk 1 . 1 1 each Bsd S-w and cost, os oar a eonnt 1 pmalH-r t Continued ea becon PadO