THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1907. ij ........ ...rrprirTrTiT....!" rrT CLOTIIIIIG VALUES WORTH WHILE Ov n n t j " U I L J JO, Newest Greatest Assortment 20 1 (Will COB Styles ii n u n ii n ii n 1 1 3 1 M 14 n n I Bound to Make Saturday - THE BIGGEST BARGAIN DAY fj In Western History H SEE DRANDEIS' DOUBLE PAGE AD f j ON PAGES 6 and 7 SJ It is Filled With the Ccsl Bargain I NEWS EVER ANNOUNCED l n Hundreds ot Extra Special Event j For Saturday a n n n n p n n p u Saturday is ttio Last Day to See THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH" $45,000 Painting n Free Exhibition DRANDEIS 3rd Floor-New Store NEW BANI IN SOUTH OMAHA Institution Will Be Opentd bjL.M. Lord of Glenwocd, la. SITE AT TWtNTY-f OURTH AND N STREETS Preeldeat of M11U Commtr JBaalc Se etrci Te-Ye" Leu eNa Prop erty Omct by 81 Bocae Plmnkett. The McDonald block, a Ciree-etory brick tore and office building at the nortbweat corner of Twenty -fourth and N streets, 6outh Omaha, has been leased by L. IS. Lord, president, of the Mills County bank, at Olenwood, la, who will establish a new bank, in the corner store after extensive improvements bave been made to the build ing:. The building is situated on the most prominent corner In Boi'th Omaha and is pow occupied by Bchaefer's dpig store and the offices of many physicians and lawyers. It is owned by Sir Horace Plunk ett of London, whose rul estate interests in Omaba and South Omaha are extensive and are under the care of Conrad Young, who executed the lease on behalf ot Sir Horace. Howard Baldrlge and Conrad Toung, rep resenting the property owners, leased the building for ten years to Mr. Lord, ' who will Install a steam heating plant In the building and put in an entire new-front to the building after the store on the first floor has been completely re modeled for banking purposes. It is not definitely decided whether the new bank will be a state,' savings or na tional bank, but It will be established as soon as possession Is given of the corner store by the proprietor (of the drug store. Excavating for Warehouse. Excavating for the new warehouse for the Paxton 4 Gallagher company at Ninth and Jones streets on the site of the build ing which collapsed about two weeks ago will be begun Monday morning by the con tractors, the Capital City Brick and Pipe company, and the work of rasing the old four-story building adjoining the lot on the west will also be begun at that time. The five-story brick building which was practically ruined by the collapse has been entirely removed from the site, but the type of the foundations for the new warehouse has not been determined. The site is on marshy, boggy ground and it may prove ( necessary to build the new eight-story warehouse on piles. Plans for the new warehouse, which will be of mill construction similar to that of the new building of the Byrne-Hammer company, are being prepared by Thomas R. Kimball, architect. The Capital City Brick and Pipe com pany also will begin excavating Monday morning for the new Ave -story addition to the Henahaw hotel on the site at 1SU Far Bam street, from which the old frame buildings have been removed. The new hotel addition will be five stories of solid concrete construction, and a one-story ad dition will be added to the present hotel building. The new building will be so con structed as to admit of the later addition of three more stories. Poor Blocks Sold to Doodoo. Four blocks of vacant property in West Dundee have been placed on the market by the Dundee Realty company through Geore-e A Co. for Immediate sale. The tract contains about fifty full else lots from Cass to Burt streets, between Fifty-first and Fifty-second streets, and Is only one or two blocks from the West Farnam street car line. The lots have all been graded to the established grade, cement sidewalks have been laid, many shade trees 'planted and sewer, water and gas pipes are now being installed. The lota are to be sold on the easy payment plan after one-fourth of the purchase price has been paid, and many Inquiries for the new tract bavo been received already. Many Improvements are being made on the West Dodge street road and a number - of fine country residences are projected for Immediate construction. E. M. Gibson has , let contracts for the construction of a 15,000 reeidence; contractors have laid the foundations and drilled the well for a flue residence for C. B. Hayward, and other homes will be built in the vicinity this summer by L. O. P.rley and others. winding boulevard from the Dodge street road to Benson ls( being completed. Coatraet for Hew Float. Contracts have been let by the Omaha Electric Light it Power company to Thomas Hurd. contractor, for the erection of a small building for a transformation . plant bear Benson. The new building will coet about 18.000," being constructed one story In height of pressed brick, and a basement Of cement, on a site near the northeast corner of the grounds of the Omaha Country club. The new plant win be used to supply lighting current to the cIMsens of Benson and vicinity, , The contract for the ejection of a new car banr at Twenty-seventh - and Laks treats for the Omaha . Council Bluffs ffertet .Railway ouabain hag been let to I Saturday Candy Specials lJ Fresh dally Salted Almonds and Pea- U hj nuts. Try a box of our Assorted S3 'A Candy, at. per pound Boo 'J j Fresh Burnt Peanuts, per lb 10c ft Mixed Candy, per lb lOo M A cheaper kind, at, pound THo eartney & Go , il id k ST.K - Y., 1 ..- C JB Tel. BoaglM MT M Private Bxooaage connects all Depts. B the Capital City Brick and Pipe company on a percentage basis, and construction will be begun within the next week. Tho new car barn will be two stories in height, of 'pressed brick exterior and supported by beams of reinforced concrete,, which will be installed under the Kahn system of reinforcement REBUKE TO EVENING PINKLET John It. Webster Denooncee Its Per ver.loa of Words Uttered by Dr. Miller. "It Is an outrage that so estimable a cltl sen as Dr. George L. Miller should be ex posed to the poisoned arrows of a publica tion called a newspaper," declared John R. Webster, general manager of the Omaha Bridge St Terminal railway. He referred to an article published In the Evening Pinklet Tuesday evening re garding the doctor's speech before the city council Monday afternoon. The Pinklet said: "Dr. Miller told the city, council ho wouldn't give one self-respecting dog for a thousand children reared In poverty and hardship." "Of course, any one with an ounce of intellect would know that a man like Dr. Miller wouldn't think of making auch a statement." said Mr. Webster. '1 heard apeech myself. What he did say was that a St. Bernard dog, for example, was of more advantage to the world than any number of degenerate children born In the midst of crime and doomed to grow tip a burden to themselves and to the com munity. When he made the statement he referred to such degenerates as the man In tho Douglas county Jail now who mur dered Mr. and Mrs. Copple; such men as murdered the street car conductor In Omaha, and such wretches as are lynched In the south from time to time for the crimes to which their degenerate natures have driven thera. "The damage which may bave been done to a leading cltlaen by the silly publication in the paper referred to la tempered by the fact that everything in that paper la taken with several ounces 'of salt by any Intelligent reader who might see It." Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy Is sure to be needed soon. Get it today. CHILDREN'S OXFORDS There's a floe variety of children's Oxfords here. Boys' and Girls' sixes In Oxfords, Gibson Ties, etc. Our Oxfords will Bt the child's foot prop erly. Most Oxfords don't. BRING IN THE CHILDREN Kid or Patent Leather, or Canvas with low' or spring heel - $1.25 to $2.00 according to sum. i The children's feet we fit with Ox ford, will be fitted comfortably. See our children's window. FRY SHOE CO. til IIOI1I 16th and Douglas Streets. : trills V V (KM t V. v -NesVWMM so kw ine On account of the BACKWARD SEASON MEN'S SUITS WORTH ELEGANTLY TAILORED FINELY TRIMMED LIGHT SHADES DARK SHADES , FANCY OR PLAIN , OF THEM DOUBLE ...BREASTED... Blue Sorgo QJ-J (m It includes YOUR .. CHOICE.. All Wool Black Clay GUABAN SUSIE! nnn 1519.1521 DOUGLAS STREET. in Best Quality Lowest Price 1 $12.50 TO $18.00 MEN'S SUITS $7.50 AND $10 About 500 Suits the surplus of one of New York's best known ready-to-wear clothes manufac turers. Coino in all latest double and single breasted styles and . great range of materials and colors, not a suit in the lot worth less than $12.50 up to $18.00 sale prices r -t n i urtj a Meal Boy j That is a boy full of "Gin ger" and "Go," should have the BEST shoes. No other kind will stand the tramping and kicking he'll give them. We want parents to examine our ' Boys "Steel Shod' Shoes Note the quality of the stock and the way they are put together. Boys' sizes, Z to 6, t 32.50 Youths' sizes, 1 to 2, t $2.25 Little Gents' sizes, 10 to 13 H. at 92.00 It takes two pairs of the ordinary boys' shoes to out wear one pair of these. DrexelShoe Company 1419 Faraam St. Summer Excursion Rates via Illinois Central Railroad Chicago, III $20.00 Minneapolis, Minn. ........ 12.50 Milwaukee, Wis 20.00 Detroit, Mich 81.00 Buffalo, N. T 89.50 Madiaon, Wi3 ,. . 18.75 Mackinac Island 28.83 Pittsburg, Pa .836.00 Toronto, Ont., (30 day)... 27.15 Montreal, P. Q., (30 day) . . 82.75 Quebec, Que.. (30 day) . , . 86.75 Duluth, Minn. 18.60 Okobojl Lake, la , . 9.05 Waterloo, la.... 11.85 Rates to many other points In Minnesota, Wisconsin. Michigan Canada and New York. , . Fifteen-day, sirty-day and season ticket on sale daily to Norfolk, Va., account Jamestown Exposition, diverse routes and stop-overs at certain points permitted. Routes, rates and detailed information gladly furnished upon ap plication at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St. or write. Samuel North. District Passenger Agent, Omilia, Nab- HOTELS. CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL Am.rioan and Plan Finest Hotel on tho Great Lakes On th. tdgo of town, this ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks y 1 A-ano Micmgan Beach W tmm oa two sides, while If I ili,I.Hn..l,.....i... th. beautiful surroundinirs. The city is bat 10 minutes ride from the nearby station. Many families make this their permanent borne. There is always a cool breeze f t warmest weather. 501argeoutsido rooms, 230 private baths, 1000 feet of broad veranda. The table Is always thebe.t. TouHut, an trnu. , - "flndU a delightful place en route " '. vaaress lor B.nasomely Illustrated Booklet, giving full particu lar.. Manag-er, Chicago Beach Hotel, il.t Blvd. and Lake Shore, Chicago. $22.50'' to Texas A On June 4th round-trip tickets will be sold from Oma ha, via the M. K, p. T. Ry. as follows: To Dallas, Ft Worth, Waco, Houston, Galves - ton, San Antonio, Corpus ChrisU, Brownsville. Laredo and Intermediate 1 1 C It - points , ...,Jm.0fJ To El Paso and intermediate 111 Aft points ....zy.ou To Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Northern Texas points, one fare pi lis $2.00, C( but no rate higher than Tickets Good Thirty Days) with Liberal Stopovers For Comfort and Convenience travel by GEO. A. McNUTT District Passenger' Agent, uo wauuit Bt., Kansas City, Mo. ' SOUTHWEST tils iwiEarwirxTwTisiBis Stratford Hotel (European Plan) Chicago, Ills. Mil. P OSera Too refload. qtdet and elaeant ao- Coaraodatioo. Located coraet of city's two 6nt boulevard. It It convenient to entire butlncx center and to beet tkeatrae aud ahovptnc dUtriet. 25 tueice. UOprivaiabathailuxuriout wnt fc'S and reoeptloo rooms; woodwork uaboranr tfare.shouti braas beds and mil bo odors) euufortei teWpbonoia every room, beeutiful dinins room the beet at every thing at taoUoi ate prices. Mlftljis and o&ckaoa filvda, Cklcojo JAPANESE MATTING CASES One Hundred Special CASES. In a light handsome 24-ln. site, with binding and corners steel. An attractive and servicabl. case, just the thing to take on your vacation trip. A regular $3.00 value. Special M f while they last at eCrU 1 .. We carry a complete stock of Trunks. Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Sample Cases. Repair work a specialty. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Street. Arc Yoa Going to St. Louis? The Hotel Hamilton le a delightful place to the Beet Resident 6octlon and away from the noise and smoke; ?et wlthta easy access. Transient late: 11.00 Jl 00 per day. Euro pean Ilea. Special Kates by the week. Watt, for Booklet. Address W. F. WTItlAMflON. Manager. IlMHTOIf BOTt, ST. sOTIs. S7.50S10 Youths' Suits All styles, spe ciaf Saturday $6.50 and $7.50 Children's Wash Suits, to Men's Suits, worth regularly to $20, at $12.50 and ... .$15.00 375 strictly hand tailored suits, every garment a model of artis tic tailoring, all of them in new est styles and fabrics, our own regular stock, yours Saturday, $12.50 and $15.00 Two-Piece Outing Suits, .greatest variety of latest styles and ma terials at $7.50 to $18.00 Boys' Knee Pante Suit", every Imagin able color, style and material, special at 12.95, $2.50 and $1.05 greatly underpriced at $2.50 down .35c M HRYDENS' mI Eiew BigEi& Train TO L!iE) This train is equipped with Buffet, Smoking and Library Cars, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Tour ist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and ' Dining Cars meals a la Carte. ''(' ; Lv. Omaha ...... ...... .11:55P.M. Ar. Denver 4:25P.M. VIA Union Pacific For Sleeping Car reservations and all informa tion inquire at It ' CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 334. 3 Ca.n You Afford To invite your client Into an office which la not apace with the present tbnesf You know your own feelings wtien , obliged to go in an office building where you have to wait, for the elevator and then crowd in wlthmore people than the elevator car can accommodate, to be let off In a dark, unkempt . -... allwer and have to hunt around la the dark for the party vented. The Bee Building Offers you space which la tn every way desirable. The hell are endleea and well lighted, and the rooms axe all plainly numbered, the even numbers outside and odd numbers on the court. The elevators are roomy and run with regularity. If yoa are considering locating a new office or contem plate a move we would be pleased to have you call and letnt show you around the building. We make no extra charge tor electric light nor Janitor service, y The Bee Building Co. Apply Business Office Bee. , JO. OUR 60c SMART SET CHOCOLATES on Saturday only for 29 Cents Myers-DillonDrugCo. 16th send Farnam. III ;AlW ma keTtificiel Teeth III 3 IIth at 100 ,lt'tur"al. fit your J ll V mo u 1 n Pr'ctly, feel i w com forte b I y. We extreet teeth Palnleesly with VITLAIZED AIH. SET OF TEETH.... $3.CO and up TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS HIT Pouelaa Street. Bee Want Ads Produce Respite Retiring From Millinery Business ONE-HALF OFF ON ENTIRE STOCK Must Be Closed Out by July 1st Pennell Millinery Co. 322 North Sixteenth Street DOWN IN AFRICA IB wiiero 1 1. o uLiuuiiu. t-wiuo , i uim. i uvj si. cut ana 1 ; polished In Amsterdam, then sent to us and we aell IIIOIII. V novo m u.w o.v..wu. a. . c w uituuieS In our store. LOOK tOn THE NAME. S. W. UNDSW, Jeweler T .. V