Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 17, Image 17

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rrcmply with tb emphatic fl -mantle of his '
mi a
t -
ftrresun n OiJy .7 Out of Ke
Ifw i i Xtrete3
C lata Cwwrt eea Stark
!- ni Art
f tit Betereasssa
t'ar.lmaa pnt the Jfmou, but grives Iiunn
lb Julc.
Ignatius Jehovah Dnmi hacked down
front hie attack on th initiative end rrfi-i-endum
law when the flr nmrilihg rue
Trt ef lirrrant fw ( Hmt
fas hfcaltlH fer nasi
An agreement between the city of Bouth
Omaha, the Burlington railr-fied and th
CTuMy of Dougrlaa for th building of tb
West Q street viadurt wa submitted 1o
tbe county board at ris meeting Friday
morning and referred t the bridge
te and th county attorney with lnrr ruc
tion to see that 11 r m proper form. The
term of th contract already have tiMi
agreed upon by tb nan h concerned.
Cnder the contract iHmgla ootmty la to
build the went approach to the viaduct,
Bouth Omaha ta to build the, fart approach
cam np before Juflge futtrm Friday morn- j nd tb railroad th main tmdj- of th
Itif and Judge Fulton announced h mould ; structure. Th railroad la to be prcitected
. Issue a jrniiait Injunction to prevent from Aimntc claim by property ewners.
tha operation of Mayor Iiat.lman's Th rout of tb county' pert of the tarl
proclamation. Is making thia ruling Judge will be about pt.WO and of the city a about
utton held the referendum good and that Cat.
It had been lea-ally adopted by th voter A request from IV-poty Sheriff James
tf tb city. Allan that the county allow htm t a
The lr.JuDrt.inn la baaed on the fart the month for borae blr e-as referred to the
referendum law prevent ordinance from committee of trie whole after a mild acrap.
going Into effect within thirty oars of j Brunmr wanted some provision mailt
their jiare tinles paswd by a unanl- 1 Immediately to provide th aheriff with a
tnaus rote.. Two rouncilmen voted against I conveyance He aald many complaint bad
the dog ordinance. The thirty oars ate up ' com In from the country flis-rirt that men
June i, and after that time the Injunction ' would conrreate around the road bona
'1U not prevent Mayor lahlman from ' nd create dirt urbane and even ro ao
; laaurna- a new prK:lamaticrn if condition ! fr a to bold -up farmer for amaTl auma.
arrant tL
tunn bearan bi argrument with rIerenr
t th ory that Mayor Ial:lmtn had
called blm off from 11 attuck on the refer
endum law. He called the atory an trterrpt
t make political capital and ae.lpnaied It
cheap lying-' and then trnmediately nro
cweded to teU the court be l lleed all the
ttme th referenclum law wa gfind, but all
antd aa a teat tn the aupreme
court. Aa the thirty day 1 up June I. he
aid. It would be uaelca to try to make a
teat out of thia caae. "When the caae wa
up before be announced be would fiKht It
through In order to teat the validity of
th law. But that waa before the jnayot
bad called bim down.
Twra Hurrlr ArwaaA.
Friday momiiit, however, be admitted
frankly bia belief Ui&t Ue law la gaud
nd took bla on an enUrely different
propoatlion. He argmid tliat even If the law
la ajciod Uie dug migiit not oumc
uodvr th beading Ord.luajicea for the
roverninent of tne clu." which are pro
hibited by th law from going Into effort
within thirty day of tlmir paeauge except
by ttn&nlmoua vote. He aaid th ordlnano
waa tor a apeciflc purjKe and was baeod
oa a contingency which lie thouph mlarlit
xoeyt it from the gtneraJ claaa of ordi Before Iunn made hi art-ument John o.
Teiaer, who appear for M. 1. Greevey. the
Jilairtlff argued for the validity of the refer
endum law. He aaid a jwtition aaking for
the KubmiaRin of the law to ie people had
been filed and later the iiet.liion waa pro
duced to court. Even If lb ietition bad
riot been filed, lie contended the council
could bave aubmltted the quention on it
vj initiative, the petition lieing only for
tb purjoae of forcing an unwUiing council
to act. He aiao held the mayor and council
were estopped from attacking th law after
having approved It,
Judge Button la' announcing hla doclnlon
fceld th rcferrndum law ia In force and that
while tb thirty-day clause might not apply
to certain ordinance auch a thoae relating
to atreet Improve men tc where the coat vu
paid by property owner. b held Jt would
apply 1o tbi caae and that tb mayor could
not leigally laeoe lit proclamation until th
vty-day period waa up.
S wither a sew tiroclamatlon can be la
after June I Judge Sutton aald would
, matter Tor a Tuture oedaion.
Dablamaa Pre Haa44.
Tbe surrender of Imrm, not only cinchea
tb defeat of Uahlman In the dug tiglit
and obriatea tb soceaslty of a recapitu
lation by th mayor on the dog rouzslo
propoaition, but loaves the mayor free la
tb e&erciae of the referendum in hla fight
for dollar gaa." remarked a city hall t
tacbe. "Since Jim bad decided to employ
tha referendum as his weapon of war to
th gas ght his plans of rampaign were
simply annihilated by the blundering of
China In Jumping into court with a state
ment for the mayor that the referendum
was cull and void. It wa tb btgrt
mess I ever saw made of anything and the
mayor waa dead right in calling Dunn te
time ana making him the fall guy. It'
He wanted a deputy sent out neat Sunday ;
tn a proper conveyance to break up the ;
practice. Tralnor sded with him. but th j
other three memlxr voted to refer the
matter te the committee of the whole.
E. C. Foster submitted tn tt bnard elab- j
orte plan for the be nt I Tying of tbe ;
county hospital ground with tret, vine
and shrubbery. Tb communication wa
referred to the county hospital committee., i
f. tbe
t ' j
raassiBltr ef Ee 0rrs la j
Arestaed Over Threatened lava j
atsa ef Avsrtsaeat Hnw. ,
Bern I park reaiderrta are aroused and !
tndiFnant houaeholdera met last night !
at the home of C. C. Beldem to take such (
actKin a cool conference and unshaken
determination may warrant.
Tbe -flat" threaten to invade the sacred
precincts of tbe park and in tbe languatre
of one interested resident, "when the flat
arrive all bom comforts cease.
Borne time ago Irregular shaped lot was
bought by a man who wanted tb land
for an Investment and be forthwith built
two cottagea facing on the most attractiv
streets in the park. Home owners in that
locality are not anctoua to welcome i
bouse for rental purposes, buta the j
cottage generally conformed to the other
struct ure in the neighborhood little serlou !
complaint wa made, although some of the '
neighbor said they had hoped th lot j
would have been used by a home owner, j
Tbe two c-ottagea did not entirely fill the
lot and the owner baa now made plan
for th construction of two 'Bt Louis
flat" on tbe remaining ground, which will
place tbe building near one of the boule
vard at a corner, where th natural sweep
of the grade and the contour of the streets
Indicate an open space as an adjunct of
It Is suggested by Interested parties that
the owner cf the ground b urged to drop
bia plan for flats and that tf this one
not prevail th householders raise a fund
to buy tb ground and dedicate Jt ts tbe
public ao It may always remain an open
feature of the park.
by the Backw&jrd Season
nJ . A ; i J IV. L
a?7 (
have sold us a large number
. Men's
At prices that enable us to save you money. See what you can save
Commencing Saturday
SAVE S5.25
S15.00 SUITS
f l JUJ SI J
veSours and worsteds in light and
3ark cLecks, Ptrijes and over-plaids.
Lined with serpe and farmer's
satin. Guaranteed to "wear well.
These are thoroughlr good suits.
Suitable to wear on all occasions.
SAVE S7.25
high grade foreign and domestic
caseimeres Trorteds, velours, etc.
There are many pattens and a vari
ety of colorings. These suits are
hand tailored and are guaranteed
to keep their shape permanently.
These are styin rsxmeutg that vill
pleaxe Ute rt itarticsilar man.
CmU ta DeaeraalM t Fatrec
Bawlalera ta nteswM- wf
efas Pi eserly.
Dr. Connell, dty health commissioner, is
deeply mterested in th fate of th or
dtnanc governing the car and disposal of
ashes which will come before tb council
Tuesday night for action.
This ordinance ia on of tb moat Im
portant of those designed for the purpose
if making Omaha a better plane for homes
An Inspection of strr!a, alley and vacant
lota, not only m the suburb, but In some
of th most thickly settled parts of town.
i proves that the average resident of Omaha
an wen enough for Dunn t yelp stout this j ."V taKW Wh1 flo h-
not being true at this stage of the game
He baa mad a mees and surrendered ab
aci! utely In order ta get out of It and
Extended Over Entire Body Wouti
Covered Wiih Crusts as Thick Which Would Bleed and
Suppurate Disease Ate Large
Holes in Cheeks Hands Pinned .
- Dowa to Stop Agonized Scratch
ingThree Doctors' Best Effort.
Failed ta Give Relief.
"TThen litti be wai gig TDonth
old be bad csomua. Tbe aorcs ertemaed
so quiuki. otw the wboie body that .
w at cnoa cabled in tbe oocsjor. Vi
them went to another dooWir. but sis
could tic help bun, and m oar om.pajr
w went to a third one. Matter be
smBie ao bad that he Lad ref luar holes ta
ius check, large enoua to put a utft
Into. The fixd Lad to be given wiJa
a spooa. for his mouth was corered
wiU cruse as liiM-k as a tinker, and a hen
aver ha ofMbad the mouth they ix-aa
to baaed aud auripur, as did also lua
t weea. Hands, arm, cbaa, and back, la
' ' short th hvAe body waa covered over
and over. U'a Lad no rest by day or
gufhu 'VVbeiMreer tts was Wd in bis
bed, v bad to pia b hancu dowa,
oum-wi4 he would hcrau-b. Li face au4
anak an o;en ara. 1 think 1j laoa
aauet Lse uabed moat fearf oily.
V tmaLy thonrht awl liitig could
belrv. and 1 bad mu it suy mad ao
.send my wjf with Lb (:id to t-mripe,
If Losing that th ana air micht cur
oumrs ta h wa to b iui unckr rood
aoacioal car liteca. but. Lord bo
tnwi. (nauers came dierentJv, and
w Kjoa saw a miracile. A frwcid of
urs spoks about titn-ura. msa
truu with Cuuoura Smo. OintmenL.
and iiesolrent, and wiuan ten davs r
tw waruts w skjUusd a deoiood im-
ql, Just a eukaJy as Lb
1 apaard it also begs t
Owappear. and wiUua lea weks tb
child u absolutely well, arid bis akia
was smooth said ehlt as never befura.
F. Hobrata, freiuaent of th C L.
H ibrstn Campauy. Manufacturer of
ruk babboua. 4 ao 20 kink Alley, bouth
boi tunlanm, Pa, Juna a, lava.1
OiwyiMt CirwrMi art lawraal ar
mmm m Cumm Mf vUAc i 4 r"nin urn 11 tni
l u &:.iim iSut.i iit u. u4
kw4 auiS narwmWji 11m wmtm fau iMm inai aa a result be throws than
the first vacant spot he can find, where
they are blown about by tbe breeses or
lie a spot of dirt upon the landscape.
Tnder tbe pending ordinance the people
will not only be showa bow to car for
their ashes, but be compelled to 00 so In
tbe best manner known to roe. It 1
practically th plan In fore in Denver,
w here It is said te work wxh success. Th
fine Is not intended so much as a penalty
as a reminder, but that provision fixing
a iwwalty of tl a day for each day th
ordlnanc Is disregarded after the service
of notice Is Intended for those people who
ar in the habit of attempting te erad
their duty after they know what it ia.
"By providing ninety days shall elapse
arte th adoption of th ordinance before
It becomes effective every householder will
bav an opportunity te comply with "t
law without trouble."
to asm fenl frwss tta
- adorer r K.k XmT
embers f tb manufacturers associa
tion and tb local union of machinist bar
failed thus far to come t any agreement
rerardlngr th new was seal demanded by
tbe union. Xfunanda were mad by tbe
union for aa increase of t cents per hour
and an ight-hsur day in plae "T the pres
ent nine-hour day at K cents per hour.
Conferences bsv beea beld between th
officers of tb union and Th manufactur
ers' association, which employ about f.fty
skilled machinists, but M decision has been
reached, aa tb assoriatioa refuses t grant
tb demand of tn unloa and tn sufss
bas not decided ts anforc tts demands by
catling a strike.
It is restarted a meeting f lb nnloa
Neckwea.r SpeciaLl
For Men
50c and 75c Silk Neckwear. 29c
175 DOZEN Men's latest out, full French
and &ilk lined four-in-hand ties in strikingly
beautiful light plaida and checks, blue and
white polka dot Eumchunda silks, choice netr
Ftripes an3 figures, all regular 50c and 75c
silks 212 inches 'ride, full silk lined; some
reversible silk 46 inches long;
Saturday, at
A, Great Hat Special
for MEN
Hats Worth S2.50 and
S3.00 for SL35
"We have demonstrated
that -we offer very un
usual hat values. We kno'w that you have found them all
right, because you have bought hundreds of them.
We place on sale another splendid bargain Saturday.
These hats are all shapes and shades. They vrill give you
perfect satisfaction, they are alout S 3 35
half price, at H
Shirt Special
SI.00 and SL25 Shirts. 75c
Men's sample line of high grade fancy per
cale, madras and cheviot shirts, light, fluffy
bosoms and pleated fronts, separate and
attached cuffs, light and dark colors. Pat
terns made to sell at $1.00 and
$1.25 each, Saturday, at
Men's Underwear Special
50c Quality 35e
Men's fine quality, two thread,
French BaTbriggan Underwear in pink,
blue and ecru French neck shirts,
sateen faced and double seated drawers.
Regular 50c quality,
Saturday, at
Oxfords for Men
THESE OXFORDS are swell enough for the nattiest
dresser in town. .They look well and wear welL
Tbey re made on fasti ian&ble lasts In all leathers. Hare
Groodye-ar ireit sewed sole and are in every respect a
Epleridld shoe. Equal to Oxfords Bold eleeubere at
$4. Oil and 14.50. Ton cant' xnatrn them at other
stores at
Hose Speciai for Men
" 15c Qa-Ji tj 9e
Men's fine quality, fast color, seam
less Maeo cotton hose in plain black, blue,
red and fancy effects. Eegnlar 15c qual
ity, all sizes,
Saturday, at ,
J( I 35c - 45c
TalaM oi Tbesli for ( mtsa Eo.-n Un
atr rroMM f rqnitirent.
Operarlaa; OsBeial mt Eark aalliac
Traierar lv Ikr Einnln 111
.ta wllk ik rasBser
rial laaarra.
FalaUal cars for Ui "Cnest train on
slinela." which will trrj- th 14 Omana
trade expansionist en the ficiirmnn te tin
Pacific coast status mat Sundar. are belnx
rwielrid at the railroad yard and Quliid
with all iKissitile cozivmH-not. Tti tia
taff and compartnient cara of the train
wir tranfTTe.d Friday hj- the Viimn i'a
cific l the Eurliiicton and art being wirei
for a complete private telephone system by
the Ketiraska Telephone company. Thre I
win be sateen ttjejihoti station on the
train, witta on la eat h drawinc room.
Tb first car ot tbe excursion train will
be a barac-c oar sixty fet In lenrth, both
and ef which win be em-eired with sta-ns
i six feet hi beijrrit advertwlnc "Tti O-reat
j Northwest Trad Excursion of Omaha, th
Market Town. and wal carry the com-
t ar Pmmm sser taars.
Gru.d Tniak-Lhlrc V alley. Aevbt trark
reutc. Cbicaaw t New Tors, via Kiaswra
Fails; Oran4 Trank-Central Tersnoal-Btw.
na A Mala roat front Chioaaw t BeaS-oa
aa ta Grans TnirJi Xtallway Ijira t
Montreal. Quebec and Portland Iknubss
bmrk rrcua CbleasT ta- alaatreaX
For perliruers of apecnal tow rouna trip
far, deacripuv llteratur. :c apply ta
W. Vans. A- G. JT. T. A, IS AOams
soeset. Chloaa-a.
1 jrtTBHTniT
meanoers was neld rvonnuy t vnrt upon 1 mlaaary euiplia. which will be loaded Sat-
tne auesttoa or nllltif a strike, but tt was
adjouraoa wlthost taktns; actioa. as tb
sestnneiit for and aralnat a striae waa
equally rldd and a Iws-tftlrd vol is
reQnirtd t Aerlar a stria.
Tn mniop asked for tn new soal ts go
1st ftvc Saturday. Jun 1. but ttothinc
Aeriate will be done, eoonrdHur te Georr
K. Lama, president of tbs union, and tha
Den rU oantlau workins; uncer th old
srliedals far the present.
A. B Hubermana. u years lit & Ob.
lk and tieualaa, M years airec antond
tmporter. aald at Import price.
We w
Rest Natural
r Laxative
Mineral Water i
. Taksj kaJf a
tflasaft la
tk saaralaj
i WeaJecka,
trpl4 llr
si MfteclaDy
urday under the direction ef th special
The larc-e banners cm th bactraf car
will tie th only one carried and. In order
to maintain the train Intact. It ha been
expressly stipulated that all private car
must be attached te the train directly be
hind th encine and not on the rear of the
observation car.
b)mmUi Clt Keea.
Th aeoond car of the train win be the
composite car, containint accommodations
for ItacTcape and aflvertiKinc. two barber t
clialra, a hath room, the stnoxti.r and
buffet oompartmenta. The dininx car,
"It urlilde, Inch has a seatlnx capacity
of forty person and Is th larct car
built, will follow the eorijiart merit car and
will be followed by th ten-oompartment
car In which Governor g eel don will oocufy
the aafest state-room in th center of the
car, this car heme plsd tn th center
of the train.
Two standard sleeping cars of fourteen
sectione each, tha Greenfield" and th
'Utchfieid,"' will be " behind th
compartment car, "6axony," and will b
followed by the ten-section otiserratlon
car, tlie "Cvaloe." which has a rooaiy
rear platform cirhly decorated with bras
H bas tieen arransed to hve a klfh of
ficial of the operat ,g department of each
railroad. wtKise line is traversed to accom
pany the excursion train In order to facili
tate tta movement and th maintenance of
the excursion schedule.
Tb train will be made up Saturday at
the Burllnirton depot and all part id pant
tn the excursion ar urged to have all baT
rape and adverttstnc matter taken t tn
depot by BsLurday evenins.
maim) rr
f RaptaitUaai Oa
sWiast tseai
ta rrtfcC
If a4vertlsinsT aeniua cosnbtned with
printer s art can make a suooeasful trade
exrursitiB, then Omaha's commercial ii'i a
Ion of th crest northwest eaa her and
now be reoorOed as a triumphant conquest.
Asia froni th eufbt y-iiar is
sued by tn Commercial club tor distribu
tion t th extent of 21 eopies. another,
arualler. thousrh not less artistic, volume
emtltied BVuvenir of itnaha," bas beea
published and sent on it suissioa of s
pkorUiij the Interests and resources ef tb
Oat City Of the wect-
Tb moat etfertiv blr s-ey view of
Omaba. pertiapa, ever published a pr
aewted. It arts off a reniarkabls tndrap
of Ui fr9iuf oi'f, th otbUai Ttwpout
belli tbe liierh school srounfl. By thi
means the great retail and wholesale dis
tricts down te tii river front are thrown
out in broad and vivid expanse, portrayiuc
a thickly woven web of industry and en
terprise that cannot belp but arrest the
tboucrbtf ul attention of tt si ran per.
Tbe Bee building snd dty hall and other
prominent- edifices are given their proper
places and the best view ef Vnlon station
which baa yet been committed to paper la
Pregnant with stern and useful fact and
figures, tbe volume fairly bristles with it
eplgrammatica! ststements. "From a mud
hole In Omaha has become one of the
most progressive cltie of the west," it
truthfully says. It has tbe mTit of brevity
to commend tt from first to last
In tli production of thi book th Com
mercial club secured tbe benefit of the tal
ent and. exuerteno of Alfred liar low. th
veteran advertising manager of th Tnlen
Pacific. He directed its makeup and publication.
Tbla Meaa
Ideatlfy Ass
Defectives Hep
kflaat ? Tewavsj
Tli man Who attacked and severely
bruised Mis Mary K resale., near Thir
teenth and Itotnmtrm streets. Wednesday
night 1 still at large, and whll the police
have followed every lead they could find
without result thus far, they are by no
means without bone that th fellow will
yet be caught. Tetectrve working on the
case liave learned the names of all th
passengers mho alighted from tb car
within four block f iKncmion street and
have satlsosd themselves tb man rh as
saulted Miss K resale had not been aboard
the ear.
Mis K resale went over th details of
Ui struggle at greater length with th
detective Thurndy, and tt is possible her
desperate efforts t free herself may bava
left mark of identification whereby the
man may be known Miss Kressl said she
remembers having bitten bia right hsnd to
tb terrible battle, and tliat ah scratched
his face with her finger particularly tti
left cheek. Her nail were Just long enough
to b abk to Inflict a rut, and el is posi
tive sh suoceeond la marking him ao hi
oould easily 1 singled out.
Tb polio will now look carefully tor a
maa with a wounded right hand and
scratches on his faoe. and unless h re
main ta hiding among people h would
protect him until the wounds heal, they
believe there is good ground Tor bop that
fa will b suspected by
parted to Ui pailuaj
Twisty Per Oest Eed action to Itort Cti
tamen AttonnDsd bj Ft-L
rresldeet ef Cesapsay Takes Oeraslea
ta say Tattrty-Dellar Prepesttlea
VeJd Bet Help Lox-al
fewer SltmatleaL.
Announcement Is made by T. A. Xash,
preajdsnt or the Cmaha Electric Lifrht and
Ppeer iotr.paty, of a reduction of apin't xJ
mately X per cent in the cost of electric
lltht current, which 1 effective geptemlier
1 Circulara announcing thi fact will b
Issued by th electric llpht company Satur
day morning. Tla is the cvlnimathm of
th long-in-oinlsed reduction In rates for
electric current for lighting purpose No
rhaug-e will be made In the price on elec
tricity for power purpose, but the reduc-
fion for lighting purposes wrfl be nearly or
over iter cent to all consumer.
"Of course, ail consumers will not ret tha
fun reduction In price of Xi jier cent, but
th general reduction will amount ta about
that figure." says Mr. Nash.
Small consumers with extensive Insula
tion wires probably sin not get th full re
duction of per cent, but all la-ge con
sumer m receive such reduction. With,
this reduction voluntarily given by our
company price have been reduced to tha
lowest pfieslble figure. ,
"In this connection I want te any a few
word on the cost of power In Omaha,
which is naturally correlated with th cost
ef tlectric current. Andrew Rusewater. our
city engineer, stated recently In a speech
at the Commercial club that e-lth the devel
opment of water power schemes on the ris
ers the cost r.r power m Omaha oould ha
reduced to S30 per horse power jier year.
Our company is now furnii.htng power at
the rat of U7 ier horse power, whit waa
the averace prite paid for power last year,
and I fall te see ho a- KH power could help
the situation any."
Chamtierlain's Colic, Cholera and IMar
rhoes P.emedy la equally valuable fur
dren and adults.
m iir
" x e are
" , stock of
I itv O
m v m ' bb i sa am
constantly worn by our leadint citi-
igo demonstratfd that
unsurpassed for t
d comfort. p
wav "fy 4sV f 1 j laM
King Qual-xfords
If i S"2 f '"
ffl V'
me7""crT requirement of Style, Rt. Rnish, Comfort
and DunbiLty. Always give perfect sariafaaiaa.
dealer !. not carry emt qba1jty-. aa4 for Prue Catalog
ARNOLD SHOE CO., No. Mnglo!), Mass.