The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION Pzrps 13 ta 20 Frcm Crnsha l.ewsfcsys TWO CENTO VOL. XXXVI NO. 299. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1907. crrv-n r t vnv mrrt rrTo VI Lt , 1 1 I 1)1 IJ lO. ii T At ' Jk ' ? i 'A i " PICTURE MEN'S HATS iy i i d f't4 r lepartment ia exclusive, not only in wins snowm the new styles, but showing them FOR THE JUNE BRIDE T first. We're leaders in this line and cater to Vi - 1 ii a . joung, miaaie aged or elderly men alike. We're 6ole agents for the fol lowing nats ana carry them in all the latest styles in stiff and soft: La Crosse . .' $1.50 Lamont ... ... ...$2.00 Kingston $2.50 The MWi Hadmraa," every body's favorite subject, otir reg ular $2.50 Ml crlrc. for day's price, la artistic oval jrold at 81.05 Original Pastel Landscapes, new ornamented gold frames this ale, at 11.18 and $1.23 UISS CiMOn-IYraM ta qunr-tr-wtwrfl oak reuriaiucrtlnne f ...... ua. . . aa.oo . j ?. V wm;m. . - . HW ............ roroeiaia nN of qmd J-e wleoaera,- etc In h..i,.. ik Suia frames, a li nit price: BeturdiT1 U Join the Tabard Inn Library W mm k m m - Lixe nemoership Book 59c Saturday la the last day of this sale; then the price goes back to $1.18. Byvbein a member, yos can secure all the late books for w oc eacn. - - Hundreds of new copyright books from which to make your first selection. Be sure and loin Saturday. MAIX FLOOR. The Bennett Special at $3.00 Largest variety of John B. stetson's Hats 8 tiff . . . .S3.30 to $5.CO Soft . . . M M Us $7JM Hosiery Ladles' Imported lisle Hose, hand em brold. 60c nlue Saturday, pair 33c Underwear Ladles' imported split foot Hose. 3&c val ue, for 25c Boys' extra heavy bi cycle hose. 17c val ue, fos Uc Double Green Trad ing Stamps. 5 -'ZflJ s Ladles' low neck sleeveless Vests. UHe value, for 3C : Ladies' low neck sleeveless Vests. 25c value 8 15( Ladles' fine lisle sleeveless Vesta, 35c value 25c Double Green Trad ing Stamps. Women's Neckwear, 00 dozen Ptauen Lace Stock Collars, la whlta and butter, 25c value for. each..... Ta ' Fancy Beaded Stock Collars, ail dainty corobissUtonV'reg- ular Sac value., for ju, Flauen Lax-e Shorter Collars and Chemlsettes'w'tth col- lara attached, worth up to 8c each, at .... . SSa 1.000 dozen Swiss Embroidered Turnover Collars, worth up to 10c each, at - Dianerware and - -r Dinner Sets at a SpedaLDiscscntFer Satarday. Beautiful new designs and decorations at prices ranging from 1100 set dowa to $038 Close out of toe Initial Sets (initials I and H only), pretty white and gold os finest Ameri can Porcelain. $11.00 value $TM Watte a Oold Au trtaa Chtu Set, full 100 pieces, sood shape, marked te aell at 2. Sawhrday. set...$lCM Caaldoa CUna Ban platae, hunting scenes, fancy decorated plates 11.2$ values, at T3c ; jmarleaa Co Olasa Wa- tear Set. star cutting, tumblers and Jug t match, set at....3.TS And 100 Green Trading Stampa With Each. ISO sosea rtaa china JTrnlt Saacera, pretty oeeoratlnns ( 1 dozen te customer, no deai ers supplied) each .So The may bai, beat light slver made, com plete with white ahada. at S1T And 0 Oreea Trading Stamsa, A preavnt for the June bride ia eaaily secured la our Cfeuia Cat Slaea So Uoaa. An aaart bient aal equalled elaewhere jid prices always the lowest. ssss Room $ ize Rugs Kade tram Bemniids ol Carpets a! Eemaaat Prices Third Floor. HUtoa Velvet, size 8-S zlO-C. worth $25. Sat orUy 5 1615 Savoneire Axminster, 10-6xll-. worth $29.75. for $19.73 Extra Axminater, 10-g X13-6. worth $35.00, for 524.75 Wiltoa Velvet, 10-6x1 J worth $33.60. 'or 821.75 AVilton Velvet, 8-3x11- 6. worth $2s.S0. tor 517.75 Extra heavy Brussels, 10-6x11, worth $25, Saturday.. $10.75 Many Other Odd Stsea at Big SadnctloBa Gas , ' Ranges See demoastratiosi of tins luutgrs. laclatllag the Oae Minute Daa-fcl-r Dlnwt Action -twe tbem bake . and yow'U be eoBvlnred Save SO of your gas biU, prtree up from $8.50 Set of Gramitwarw free with each stove. BOY'S SUITS All the new spring styles for boys. urge or small. ap to 16 years fine serges, dressy Thibet s, tjl- au woraieas, in rich plain or uncy patterns and made in the styles boys like, for.... sr " vg 5.00 SalisOedaolhcs You Are Buyino? Our idea of this department is that it shall be a place where a man can get what he wants at the right price. TouH find plenty of places where you can get what you don't want at most enticing figures. Men's Smlta of Splendid Qaailty at (10 end SIS A splendid line of men aulta In aa ex cellent selection of patterns, in both dark, medium and llht shade., and some very ttraclTe tvle in blrie serges and black Thlbeta. Choice of quarter lined half Uned or full lin ed coats and trousers, with plain or turnup bottoms, suits that are w o r t h from $12.50 to $18. In this lot at $15 and $10 took at Out Ken's alts at gig to fas Newest fah-ri-a. popular shades, latest models, new lapels. Km dtp vest, splendid fitting trousers, hand tallorod. you can t nuke tit miatake on these, for they're worth from S3 to SS more. BOYS' SUITS AT S2.98 Blrset and best bargain In Omaha at the price, Be cause they are regular 14 Values Btyiisn Beit t out suita. wttn Bloomer trou- n n sera, sues 7 to 1 i lHX Dressy Double Breasted Knee Trouser I w wmt Pulls, sizes I to 1 f fm Kobhy Sailor Collar Blouse and Russian I Mm Suita. sixes I to 10.. with bloomer trou- l -1 V, ,f: MEN'S FURNISHINGS Our Men's Funiishirg Department is gaining in popularity, because we are first to show the newest styles Saturday we place on sale the latest styles in four-in-hand Ties. inbrown. tan. porn. etc., plain and polka dot, at 50c Beautiful new line of Bat Wings, at 75c aad 50C Xew shades in English squares at $1.50 and r $1.00 Men's Shirts, plain and pleated, some cut coat style, some cuffs attached or detatched. latest colorings and effects, at $2.50. $2.00, 'X 50 "4 81.00 Beautiful line of Men's Howl hlack and fancy, in lisle, gauze, drop stitch, lace, etc.. special price 50g BOY'S SUITS UOVS LONG TROUSER SOTS New patterns In fancy wool mix tures and dressy worsteds, single and double breasted styl at $10.00, $7.50, $6.50 and iucu si j ire 5.00 M I Russia HI Call Og- 7 Ik $5 Ask th For a Name Shooman Tans ami Oxfords for Women Oxfords, pumDs ami ki.. . . . J..XI amponxi The Snappiest and most alert bargain event Omaha ever knew. Everybody knew Berger's Stock, knew it to be high grade and his prices to be close. Here's an Omaha Bankrupt Stock, a genuine Omaha Affair. Prices 1-3 te 1-2 Berber's Prices. Proceed PETTICOATS ni E frii rP E frw1 SILK SUITS BergeVe Price. Onr Price. I3i SO Tailored flllk Suits and Prlneesa Dresses for $19.78 $: - ed rtilk Suits and Princess Dresses for 1 13.46 SKIRTS Berger's Price. Onr Price. $120 and $15 Women's Taffeta " Silk Skirts for,. . . . . . . .-$7.48 $10 Women's Chiffon Panama Skirts, for $4.95 $7.50 Women's Chiffon Panama Skirts, for..... ..... $3.95 $5.00 Women's Panama Walking Skirts, for $2.48 Misses' and Children's Coats and Dresses Berger's Price. Our Price. $5.00 Misses' Skirts, all styles for $2.95 $7.50 Children's and Misses' Coats and Jackets, for v. $3.95 $400 Children's Coats for $1.95 $10.00 Misses' Junior Suits for $6.95 $1.00 Children's Drosses far 48c Tailor Made Suits Hundreds of this season's most stylish Suits Berger's Price. Our Price. $50 WOMEN'S HAND-TAILORED SUITS for $23.75 $40 Women's Man-Tailored Suits, for $18.75 $35 Women's Hand-Tailored Suits, n for' ".: $10.75 $25 Women's Hand-Tailored Suits, for $13.75 $20 Women's Hand-Tailored Suits, for $8.75 Berger Furs Berger had High Grade Fan All Are on Sale, at Less Than FLTTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Mink, Ermine, Sable, Persian ' Broadtail, Fox and Martina at Less Than Half Price. Berger's Price. Our Price. $2.50 Heatherblom Petticoata for $1.39 $6.50 Taffeta Silk Petticoats for $3.95 WAISTS Berger's Price. . Our Price. $1.50 Lawn Waists for . .T59C K $2.50 Lingerie Waists for. . . .95c jjj $3.00 Linen Waists for. . . $1.69 $5.00 Lace and Xet Waists cj for R2-18 R resswv a.e $10 Lace and Filet Net Waists for $4.95 Berger Coats Berger's Price- Our Price. $15 Taffeta Silk and Pongee Coats for $7.95 $10 Taffeta and Silk Pongee Coats for '. $5.95 $7.50 Covert and English, Cheviot Coats for S3.95 Silk lOmoivas $2.50 Short Swiss Kimonaw for $3J)5 Short Silk Kimnnas for $555 Short Silk Kimonas for $5.00 Covert Coats for S2.95 After Berger had "busted," a big lot of fine Kimonas arrived in Omaha consigned to him. We made an offer to the consignor. His loss and it's a heavy one is your gain, and it's great. See them in the window. $7.50 Long Silk Kimonas for $4.48 $10 Long Silk Kimonas for..... $5.95 $15 Long Silk Kimonas for $8.75 $1.39 ..... $2.39 $3.95 ci 25ZS2S2SZSZSZ52SESZSZ5ZS2aS25ZE2SZSZS2SHSZS2S25H SPECIALS IN MEN'S OXFORDS Saturday only our Knox shoes I5 for men, regularly priced $4, for. .."J Handkerchiefs Ladles' Hemstitched, fine cambric, fie rain, for 3c Ladles' Yery sheer pure linen, X5c Tal us, for 15c Men's fine colored ) Border. 10a Talus, for 6c Hen's Fancy Silk and Linen, SS value, for 15c Double Green Trad Ins Stamps. Gloves ' Ladles' 1 (-button fine Kid GloTes, $3. 7a TsJue S2.69 Ladies' 12-button fine Kid , Gloves, $3.23 value SL93 Ladles' 8-button fine Kid Cloves, $3.50 value, for SL69 Double Green Trad ing Stamps. Fine Ribbons. 7.000 yards Blark Velvet Ribbons, plain taffeta ribbon and fancy warp print rrtbbon at leas than half. 1-inch plain Taffeta Ribbon, worth iio yard at ISHs tt and 5-lach. fancy warp print Ribbon, worth 25c yard, at UHo 1H and S-tneh Black Satin Velvet Ribbon, worth 26c and Sac yard, at - la He Hardware UTI ni, best quality, up troaa ta.73 Oraes Catcher Free With Each. Lawn Sprinklers, dsln best made, worth 15c. Saturday 4oo "Beet on Frth" Sail Irons, worth $1.1$ for Mo Mrs. Pott's Pattern Sad Irons, regular hie. for Me Kxtra food Ioe Picks for XOo ad 10 Greea Tradlns Stamp. Extra Good Carpet Beat er for lee ad 10 Green Tradlns Stamps Children's Garden Iseta, at lie, lo and 104 ud 20 Greea Tradlns Stamps. Good painted Screen Door, complete with hinsea. at SSe ad 00 Green Tradlns Stamps. Natural eolor wood, hard eU finish, com pute with klnsee, S1JU 14 10 Greea Tradlns Stamps. K-alr Tsnlsaed rsjaey ereea Itoea. eompaete with bin see, at $I-eO ad 10 Green Tradui Staatpa. d Instable Screen Win dow FTame Na to, Saturday las K necked Dowa Screen rramea. tsxts. natxir dajr only Ue Beat quality Dnuble Sel ves Bereea Wire, per square foot Se Poultry Wire, beet anal Ity. In full rolls, per leS suuare feet ,..We Wall Paper Cleaner, best emaflty, eaa ..Ue ad. 10 Green Tradlns Stamps. BIQ GRAXTTEWABK SALE SATrRDAY. Curtains and Draperies $$,000 worth of slight ly damaged Lace Cur tains. Portieres. SUk ollnes, Madras, etc, to be sold at 33 H on the dollar. (00 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, many worth up to $1. all slightly soiled or damaged, each, 21 300 pairs Madras Cur tains in all colors, the new curtains for. summer draperies. Mil for $1, Saturday, ch 20 Rope Portieres In all colors for single and double doors, all lightly damaged, sell regularly up to $6.50 Saturday at 79 IS pieces Sllkollne in all shades and de signs, seU for 16c Saturday, a yard,, H Striped Madras In all colon, ' new material for summer draperies sens for 60c yard, Saturday at ...14s One, two and three pair lots of curtains la Brussels Net, Irish Point. Arabian and fine Nottingham, to be closed out $6.10 kind for $2.50 $3.50 kind for 83.75 $13.75 kind at $5.00 Oriental India Prints tn curtains and couch covers at 684 oft Kaay Other Barfataa em the Third TUxrt. In Our SodaL Parlors GROCERIES The only exclusive SODA PAR LORS in the city. Airy, roomy and sanitary. Seating capacity for over 10O people without crowding. At tractive service. Popular prices. Special ior Saturday Only ICQ Pounds High Grade Choco lates, strictly fresh, regular C0o chocolates TIO pound, at. C Try Our Combination Lunch at .....ZDC They Will Please You. Remember, every glass of Soda Water is. served in polished glasses at Ben nett's Inovation Soda Parlors. North Balocny. 22 f 1 at 1 u a ' T Please Leave Your Orders Early Please Do! PrUa el Bennett' a Hour. nd Fifty Greea T null 11 Stamps. Bennett's Beat Coffee. lbs. ILN ad One Hundred Green Tradlns Stamua. Twenty-two pounds Granulated 8tigr..BUM And Twenty GrMa Trad'.ns Uumpt. Beanelt'a Capitol Coffe, lb. pks Ms inirty oreeu 1 ruuif etampa. , SanLoa roffee. lb ..Ue nd .Is Preah Hoasted eanLoa "offee, lb. nd Ten Greea Tratlins Stamps. lower and Veetsble beeda. pks en pounos navy oos Teas. M r. Japan. Ooiuns. Guapewder. Bnslon Breakfast, per lb.. Ma And jae Hundred Green Tradlns Stamps. , Uaeeda Biscuit. 4 pkia fnr las And Ten Green Tradlns 6tampe. Diamond S Vegetable, worth up to lie eaa, Sat urday IAS Three Star Salmon, can Me And Taeaty Green Tradlns Stamps. Peanut Butter, medium Jar Me Aa4 Tea Green Tradins Stamps. Barles' Turn Yam Ptcklea. buttle ....Me And Twenty Uieen Tradlns btamps Ptcklea. aaaoned, I bottle tor Ms And Tea Greea Tradlns" StamDS. Worcester Table tieit, eak ..lO-J And Ten Gseen Tradlns Stampa. Liptoa'a Tea. Cay lea No. 1. pound tin....STe ureea xrauins atampa. And i ifty ""JaaaaVssaksasMaw scBASQtramTwma rom BOT-raja Lats e.uaautiee traeh Country Muiter amvins daiir oireri from the farsn, lb up treat ITe New Tork full Cream Cheese, per lb. SO And Tea Green Tradlns otamvaJ NeufrheJel Cb.nen, eaA e auav Free los Cr gtrasrberriee Jell-O lee Cream Pow der, S pkga aOe And 10 Oreea Trading gum pa , OTMffi All Day Sitsrday, mi Saturday Nigfct! ' Prtew eal right ana left CTJIFFOSIERS d from 5.75 DR8SEJt3 p from 8.75 SiDEBOARDH p from 11.95 COCCHE8 Bjp from 7i5 BRASS BEDS from 14.95 flu u I PARLOB SUITS, S pieces, at fac tory . prices, up frot 14.95 Kitchen Cabueta, 15 styles, every handsomely fin lbhed. One with 1 flow bin. bread board, knife 'drawer . sice sine for r 1 fsmflT 2.98 f OAK PARLOR TABLE (like cat), top S0x20-iau f (A 11 p nicely fiAlahd la gold, oak. a retrain SI .25 val- 111 p IV w s Satwrday, duria special sale A.U J GROCERIES Tradlns Stampa. (CO! Vlrflna Swiss Cheese, lb for And Twenty Greea Tradli Royal Lunckeoa Chases. Jar And Ten Green Tradlns Btsmpa Bennett's Capitol Baklns Powder, lb. ean. for Ms nd Thirty Greea Tradlns Stamps. Corn, can w Peas, eaa Potted Meat, eaa Plum Pudding, eaa '. Safety Matches, dosn boxes Se H. J. Hetns Cider or Malt Vinegar, quart bet- tie for nd Twenty Greea Tradlns Stamps. Jell-O, assorted. I pii for nd Tea Greea Tradlns Stamps. 0100a er irrmpe juicek, pint iwu. ........... And Twenty Greea Tradms Stampa. Bleod of Grace Juice, quart some .And Forty Green Trading Stampa. Bennett1 e Capitol Kxtrerta, bottle Ike And Thirty Greea Tredtas Stampa Japan lure, worth ise pouiwl. Sour Pick lea. ouart And Ten Green Tradlns Stamps. Chow Chow Ptcklea, quart And Ten Green Tradlns Stamps. Sweet Ptcklea, quart And Tea Greea Tradlns Etampa. Try FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Big Supply Daily of Fresh Goods New Potatoes, peck for 30c EEftTiFrrs CANDLES fresh Burnt Peanuts, per pound 10 Chocolate Boa Bona, per pound box ........ 23 ad Ten Oreea Tradlns Stamps. - . t MEATS It keeps step with our great grocery. It's first in qualities, values and enor mity of sales. Every chunck of meat purchased is inspected by our buyer with even a keener scrutiny than XJ. S. inspectors are capable of. Chickens, fresh dressed hens, per pound 12VxC Pig Pork Loins, lb Dc Boiling Beef, 8 lbs. for 23c Lamb Boast, lb Ttec Lamb Stew, lb... 5c Uorrell's High Grade Lard. S lb. Palis at 40c 5-Ib. pails at 65c 10 lb. palls at SI .23 MorreU's Iowa Prids Bacon (backs) by the strip, per lb. at 199 And Twenty Green Trad-Stamps. .V i