Tin7: OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 2P. 1P07. TEX.BFBOHB 618 BEACIII AX.X. BIAIM1T EXTRA Noto These Special Dress Goods Prices 29c, 39c, 50c Yard j " As the end of the month approaches, we gather the broken lines, odd lots, for a quick clearing sale. Don't miss 'seeing these, and very important see them early. Now displayed in our corner show window. The new Oxford Gray Panama in two shades, pretty Novelty Checked Pan ama, in the new gray green, and silver gray. They have been great favorites this season. New Cream ground in the new check. Great values at the price. NOTE All on sale now. Women's Gloves Wo hava Just received another large shipment of Kayser's long silk sfloves. In Mack, whits and all the desirable shades. The name "Kayser" carries with It the assurance of all that's beat In Bilk gloves. We carry nothing else. Kiyncr'i elhow length silk gloved, black or white, f I SO. $1.75, $2.00 to 12.60 per pair. . . . MAIN Bargain Square Remnants of JMnch wide Percales, light or dark effects, regular 12 He qual ity, on sale Wednesday, per yard 5o Tlis Osnnins Indian Head Shrank Bleached Muslin for Bolts bears the "Indian Head Mills" label on every piece. Beware of fraudulent misrepresentations, 36 Inches wide, 15a yard 45 Inches wide, yard BOo Boward, Oor. 16th St. Bee. G - JACK FROST IS STILL fi Cold Wtb Extendi from Rooty Mauntaini ta Atlantio Ocait. WEATHER MAN UNABLE TO EXPLAIN .fays ft Is Dot to Areas of High Pressure, bat Does Not Know What Prodaeea These) Phenomena. WASHINGTON, May Remarkably inseasonable weather, with a cold wave . extending throughout the country east of the Rocky mountains, thermometers In soma sections registering the lowest tem , perature for the season In many years, Is reported by the weather bureau. To-night the bureau Issued, the following spe cial forecast: v Frost warnings have been Issued for the middle Atlantic states and the eastern lower lake region, western Colorado, east -Wyoming, I'tah and northern Arliona and , Warnings of freezing temperature for west ;em Wyoming. Added to this, flood warnings have been ' Issued for the lower Rio Orande river val j ley and supplementary warnings for the ' Red river valley In Arkansas. Weather bureau officials say there Is ao Immediate Indications of summer weather t anywhere. Heavy frosts are reported to f.the bureau from Michigan and other states of the lake region. The cold wave Is par ticularly severe In the southwest and Is due, according to the weather experts, to the heavy rains In that part of the coun try. . Forecaster Harry C. Frankenflcld of the weather bureau tonight said: , "The reason for the cold weather we have - had during the lust two or three months Old Dutch Cleans Large Sifting-top Can Scrubs The swiftest, easiest and most economical cleaner ever devised. Sent FREE on request, the handsome booklet 41 Hints for Housewives' a valuable aid to all home makers. Ad dress The Cudahy Packing Co., 0. D. 0., Dept., So. Omaha, Neb. A. On these Soundness of Principle The Oldest, Kayeer's elbow length utile gloves, a large re nice of colora, 11.60, $1.76, $2 to $3.0o per pair. FECIAL, 40 Alt the broken lines of silk net, silk and fine Hales In Kayser's make, worth up to $1.00 for 46c per pair. SPECIAL, 890 Three-quarter length lisle gloves, with soft suede finish. In gray only, 29o per pair. FLOOR in Basement Zt'07 Open Saturday Evenings Is that the areas of high pressure have moved eastward from the northern portion of the country almost continuously and these have caused cold north winds. That Is the only reason I can give for the cold weather areas. As to what makes these, high areas keep up all this season Is more than I can tell." Not since 1S82 has the abnormal weather been approached in this part of the coun try. It Is 7 degrees below the normal tem perature for this month. A temperature of 44 degrees was recorded at the weather bureau early today and 39 degrees at ft o'clock tonight and the mercury Is expected to drop considerably tonight. Bee the Latin quarter, "Streets of Paris, tonight and tomorrow afternoon. Admis sion 10 cents. FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Showers In Nebraska and Iowa Today Partly Cloudy Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. May fev-Forecast of ths weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska Showers Wednesday; Thursday partly cloudy. For Iowa Local showers Wednesday; Thursday, purtly cloudy tnl showers In sust portion. For South Dakota Showers Wednesday and cooler In east and central portions; Thursday, partly cloudy. For Kansas Showers and warmer Wednesday; Thursday partly cloudy. For Colorado Partly cloudy Wednesday; showers In east and south portions; Thurs day fair, warmer In east portion. For Wyoming Showers Wednesday; Thursday, fair and warmer In southeast portion. For Missouri Showers Wednesday and warmer In west portion; Thursday, partly cloudy and showers in cast portion. Cleanser Scours At All Grocers 10c Polishes lines ha.ve we succeeded CITY SAVINGS BANK 16th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb. Deposit Your Money With U Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska CUMMINS OCT FOR SENATOR Governor Announce Himself a Candidate f:rth Allison Cucceiiion. TALK ABOUT DELEGATES IS STARTED Carl I.. Spencer Seateneed to Five Years In Prison for Theft of Parkusr of Money from Des Moines flank. r (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES. May 8. (Special. -The announcement was made today that Oov ernor Cummins would be a candidate for fnlted States- senator to succeed Senator Allison, subject to the derision of the voters at the primary election. Already there Is some disposition on the, part of republicans to look about and find who Is most available for delegates to the next republican national convention. It Is assumed that the national convention will be held somewhat early because the campaign appears to haw opened earlier than usual and the stale convention will be held as early as in March or April. On one occasion Iowa held a state convention in February to name delegates to a na tional convention. One of the first names brought out for delegate-at-largo Is that of ex-Senator A. B. Funk of Spirit Iake, whose candidacy Is suggested from the Eleventh district. Funk has been a very 111 man and has been in California for six months, but it Is stated that he has suffi ciently recovered so that he will return to Iowa next month and resume buslneKS. He was a candidate for delegate-at-large at the opening of the last campaign, but with drew In the Interest of harmony and his withdrawal made it possible to send a delegation to the national convention with out any fight at all. It Is believed now that Funk can be selected delegate-at-large to the convention without opposition. Others suggested as possible candidates with him are Thomas P. Healy, Fort Dodge; Harvey Inghram, Des Moines, and Joe R. Lane, Davenport, It Is not known whether Funk has given the matter any consideration, but In the Eleventh district where he has been for many years recognized as a leader among the republicans there lsx said to bo much sentiment In favor of his selection for the place. It Is expected that before many weeks there will be many other candidates announced and much discussion of names. Rebate on Commission Plnn. This evening there was commenced a series of meetings where the voters of Des Moines will be addressed by public speakers on the commission plan of city government, which will be voted on at a special election next month. A meeting wna held at Scandla hall, addressed by prom inent persons advocating the new system. Tomorrow evening a Joint debate will he held -at Labor Assembly hall between C. O. Tlolly and Walt Butler on the same sub ject. Both are prominent democrats, the former being opposed to the plan and ths tatter for It. It Is expected there will he a number of similar discussions In different parts of the city and a good many meetings. Spencer Case nisnnacrt Of. In the federal court today Judge Mc Tlierson finally disposed of tho case of Carl N. Spencer, found guilty last week of em besxloinent from the Des Moines National bank, sentencing him to Ave yeare. Spencer made only a technical defense to the accusation, claiming that as the money was money collected by the bank for others and It waa riot the property of the bank di rectly, he was not guilty of embezzlement from the bank. Tie had previously con fessed to the taking of the money. The case was pushed by the bonding company, which had made good to the bank. There has been much sympathy for Spencer from the . fact that personally he was a clean and upright man In other respects and thot he lived frugally and the money taken was for the purpose of trying to secure relief for a son who was 111 and had long been a burden upon him. The case will be appealed on technical grounds. In reading the sentence Judge McPherson said that Spencer was to 'be commended I for the fact that he did not add perjury to his crime and that he aided the officers of the bank In finding the exact state of the conditions of the bank's books. Judge McPherson said that were it In his power he would give Spencer a shorter sentence than he did, but that as the lnw fixed the minimum sentence, he was powerless to do anything else. RAILROAD OFFICIALS IX WRECK Special of President Harris Collides nllK accommodation. YORK. Neb.. May 88. (Special Tele gram.) Through a misunderstanding of orders the local Kansas City & Omaha accommodation train from the north ran into a special passenger on the main track of the Burlington near the rear of the j depot In the yards here. I The private car of President Harris of I the Burlington was attached to the train, ! and with him In tne car were Second Vis President Wlllard of the Burlington; James N. Hill, vice president of the Northern Pa cific, and Chief Engineer Calvert of the Burlington. These, together with the reg ular passengers, suffered nothing worse than a shaking up. Ths efigl fieer and fireman on the special tried to bring the train to a full stop and just before ths collision both Jumped and were unhurt. The englnnor and fireman on the Kansas City & Omaha were switch- Safety of Investment The foremost temperance workers agree that the use of a mild stimulant like beer, does not create an apatite for strong drink, and is actually healthful. Pahst Blue Ribbon Beer f . v aa the lowest percent Bpeof alcohol of any beer, and the highest percent a r - ile of real, nounahine food. The Tabst Brewing Pro cess is based on practical, healthful principles, and gives to Blue Ribbon Beer qualities most desired from a temperance standpoint. Pabat Brewing Co., 1307 Leavenworth St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 71). "E-Z" Walkers for Hard Workers All Solid Ererywhere-Ne Shoddy Anywhere. Adequately represents the quality of our "E-Z" WALKER SHOES for Fsrtnert and Mechanics. This line of shoes has proven a remarkable teller with us and the demand steadily increases. "E-Z" WALKERS srs made In both plain and tip toe and in widths from C to Double E, thus enabling the foot to be perfectly fitted. "E-Z" WALKER shoes are so evenly balanced at to wear out completely before giving away. Made for hard knocks, wear and service. Tell your dealer yon want "E-Z" WALKERS. If he has none, write us. We'll learn why and tell you where to get them. You can't "go wrong" in these shoes. F. P. Kirkendall & Co. Omaha, Nebraska. Western Made tor Western Trade lng and as both were looking bark for signals neither saw the approaching train. Both were caught In the cab and wreck age. The engineer was hurt quite badly and the fireman received several Injuries about the head and body. It was a Read end collision. Both engines are badly broken. The Kansas City & Omaha engine Is ready for the scrap pile. Engineer Render and Fireman Young were the ones injured. no motive: mows for mikokh It amor There Was Trouble Between Wives of Dead Men. NORFOLK, Neb., May 28.-(Special.)-No motive has yet been brought out for the tragedy northeast of here which resulted In the slaying of his brother and himself at the hands of Henry Kneis. It is gener-i ally believed that the wife of the murderer and suicide knows more about the motive than she has told. It is believed that trouble has existed between the two wives. When Conrad Knels, the sturdy old father of the two, dead men, drove Into the farm yard whijre the tragedy occurred, he was ignorant of what had taken place. He found one son lying dead with two bullots In his body, on the bare ground awaiting the coroner and was told that his other on had Just been carried home to die from self-inflicted wounds. The old father fell backward in a faint at the news. There are stories of trouble months ago over geese, over hayland, over a horse out in the barbed wlra, over a dog fight and of trouble between the two men's wives. But no fresh motive was developed by the cor. oner's Inquest. i German Lutheran Appointments. SEWARD. Neb., May 28. (Special.) The Nebraska district conference of the Ger man Evangelical Synod of North America held Its eighteenth annual conference at the Oerman Evangelical church of Seward from last Thursday morning until Sunday noon. There were present about forty mem bers. Services were held Thursday morn ins by Rev. Koehler of Falls City; Friday evening by Rev. Kraujhaar of Platte Cen ter, Saturday evening by Rev. Aleck of Lorton, Neb., Sunday afternoon by Rev. Krueger of Stelnaner and In the afternoon by Rev. Matzner of Wayne, Neb., and Rev. Abbele from Osage. The next conference will be held at Gladstone, Neb. The officers for the next year are: Rev. Krueger, pres ident; Rev. Abbele, vice president; Rev. Tester, secretary; Rev. A. Woth, treasurer. Girl Commits Snlclde. ASHLAND, Neb., May 28. (Special.) Sylvia Stubbs, a 17-year-old high school girl, whose parents live on a farm a few miles west of Ashland, committed suicide last evening by taking chloroform at the home of; Mrs. 8. Mclntyre, where she was boarding. It Is thought she had become despondent over a love affair, as she had been keeping company steadily with a young man of Ashland. She spent Sunday with her parents, west of Ashland and re turned to the city yesterday morning. It was noticed that she bad been weeping, and during the day her teacher asked her if she was feeling 111. She replied In the negative and no more was thought of -the matter. Fireman Loses a Foot. ALLIANCE. Neb., May 28. (Special Tel egram. ) John Melnts. a Burlington fire man, had his foot so badly crushed under the wheels of the switch engine here this morning that the leg part way to the knee was amputated later. The engine was being taken to the house and Melnts was on ths rear footboard and had Just given a signal when for some unaccountable reason he fell from the board. The young man I single and his parents reside at York, Neb. HASTINGS. Neb., May t (Special Tele gram.) The Nebraska State Sunday School association will hold its fortieth annual convention in this city June 18, 1 and ). Programs for the meeting are being dis tributed by the local committee, of which J. W. Hogue Is chairman. About l.fliO vis. tort are expected. This will be one of the largest conventions ever held In Hastings. Killed by Switch Kas-lne. TLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. May 28 (SpeMal.) While returning to his home last even ing about 11:30 o'clock Frsnk Lhona. aged 26 years, was run over and Instantly killed by a switch engine In the Huriington yards. The body was burled this afternoon. Postmaster Accidentally Shot. BEWARD, Neb.. Msy 28 (Special.) L. 8. Alexander, postmaster at Tamora, acci dentally shot himself In the calf of bis Sni Hi mWlm:J 5 an 17-. NPVrN. Teddy Dears, 75c and Up. lOth Our Sensational May Sale Now in lis Prime A few mors days like Monday and Tnesday will tell heavily, so don t f r. 11 nn:ler any circumstance to get your shars of ths matchless bargains iuat ars cjw cu sale tho ce rsw spHa; and summer mrichnndiss at a quarter snd half its Talus. Lay in a supply for immsdiats use and later needs. Ths tremendous saving is worth coming a long ways for. We Close Thursday Afternoon, Decoration Day Shirt Waist Sale Every table loaded with specials Wednesday nnolher Invoice of those elegant wash silk waists neatly trimmed and ate very dressy regular value $3.50 for Wednesday, only $1.69 Lingerie Waists Fine white waists, lace and 'em broidery trimmed, solid tucked front, long and short sleeves, open front and bact, sold up to $1.25, for Wednesday's selling 79c Basement Souvenir China A wonderful assortment of fancy china articles, all marked "Sou venir of Omaha." These are ex ceptionally fine pieces and are splendid values at the price each. FLAGS FOR One of the best assortments in Dainty Apparel for Decoration Day Dress LOXQ GLOVES A new lot of "Llfl's" extra fine woven Ellk gloves. 16 button lengths browns, tans, navys, black and white, double finger tips, two wrist clasps Wednes day's price, pair $2.50 Special Lot Clack and white silk finished lisle gloves, 16 button lengths, $1.50 value, for $l.f25 KKAI1V TO WKAH VEILS Fine imported chiffon veils, 1 V and 3 yards long, Chantilly lace veils, pretty scroll patterns, 1 Vt yard lengths. In' all the most pop ular spring shades -$ 1.00 and $1.25 values special, at 98c and T5 You Share in Our Proliis in Any Cash Purchase The Daylight Sanitary Grocery offers lots of new, clean, fresh goods for Thursday's picnic par ties. Boiled ham, potted chicken, ham, beef, tongueetc. Graham Crackers, 3 pkgs. for25? OHANGES.X BANANAS, LEMONS Oatmeal crackers, three packages for 250 Potato Chips, per lb.' 200 Dress Decoration D&.y RIDGLRY'S EX.MXB BESDEO, Manager Store Open Wednesday Returns of the Schreck-Hart HEAVYWEIGHT riNISH XGHT for the Championship. Heeeivtd by V Ire at ED ROTHERY'S BUFFET 111 South Tourtaentb Street, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAT 30 G. A. Lindquist MXRCBAJTT TAIX.OB, 835 Faston Bis Mike fc-uou l lolliei, ami lie win- you to eall ana srive nun your uiwr, t'rloes ana quality are num. T- f - (Ve&k and nervous men OOCL IOrW,o And their power to wj work and youthful viKor iXClVtSS tone as a result of over work or mental exertion shoud take GHAT'S NKRVK FOol) Y L8. They will vmi ..ut nnri nlt.en unit he a man airain. i Ion a faomaa S.2.S0 by Mail. ' Shermtn & McCnnell Drug Co 16th and Bodf St Omasa. Bab. leg- this morning. He carried a grip with the money belonging to the postofflca from his home and In taking a revolver of S2-callber from his grip dropped It on the floor, which caused It to be discharged. Drs. Williams and Pickett probed for the bullet, but desisted, as It waa embedded la the mujtclea of th le ' Arf iS-TATT. tvT ITS AND 1 CLOTHING "Tho man who knows, wears Princeton Clothes." Saturday and Monday'B great sales dbiifon strntod our saying, "the man who knows, etc." You will have to Rive our clothes but one glance. Take that man, and you will appre ciate what truly great values wo are giving at this. sale. We have just 147- suits left from the broken lot sale and will con tinue the sale Wed nesday and Thurs day to close the re mainder and will glvo you an oppor tunity to save MM : v .. i clothes money Cothlng cheap about i H T"j hem but the price. V f 1 ' T.j.1 rhe former, price of $ ,V"f t Th these suits were $12.50, $15 and $18 and extra good val ues at that Wed nesday and Thurs day $11.75 And 9.75 i DECORATION DAY AND BUNTING Omaha. riafl from $10 down to 5c ft doteri ladies' li;i:kik neckweak Embrojdered pique and batiste "Peter Pan" collars, new em broidered linen collars, pretty washable linen lawn and wing ties, soft lace and embroidery trimmed linen collars. The very latest effects in lingerie neck wear, worth to 50c each, special price 25 SAMPLE LOT NEW WHITE PAHASOI.S Ladies' and misses' washable linen parasols, fancy hand embroidered lace and embroidery insertion, plain hemstitched and mercer ized figured linen, white en ameled frames, rust proof. These Plain and stuffed olives, per bot tle 100 Sweet, sour and dill pickles, per dozen ,. . . 100 Armour's Baked Beans, can.. 40 Beech nut Preserves, jar, 17V4C and 200 Old Virginia Corn Relish, Jar 250 Unfermented Grape Juice, bottle, 25c, 15c and. 100 4 8 lbs. Daylight Peerless Flour, at 81.30 Up for YOU CAN 13UY 1IKRE ON CREDIT with the absolute guarantee thut you pay no more than you would by paying cas.i elsewhere. ' WE MAKE THE TERMS TO PLEASE TOU Our stork of Clothln for Men Women and Children Is only the bent quality, t ie hiKheHt standard of workmannhip and (lo in-west Hyi-iiiR and Kummer stylus. MEN'S CLOTHIHO W.-n's Suits 7.B0 to $20.03 Men!! italnc-oats J''S Men'. rSHoe. J-?-fio Men's Hats 1-50 to J B0 boyV Suits W.00 to ,8.00 Z.ADIES' ClOTHINt Ladles' Suits 7-60 to 825.00 La. lies' Coais 5.00 to S18.G0 Ladles' Skirts ffXCO to fl'.JO I allies' Waists f 1-60 to 88.60 Ladles' Hats 1.B0 to 7.S0 1417 DOUGLAS 8TBEET Evening Before Decoration Day. Don't experiment use riuu. only ENAMELS "Thm kind thmt don't war off Traoepareut Hoor-Shlae" for Hardwood Floorg. Linoleums, and Furniture. 'I 1 !, t f , ENAMELS For Old or New Floor, Furniture and Woodwork. Wears tike Cement Dries over night with Brilliant Olosa, Contains no japan or sneiiac. for Free Booklet, Write at ouue Color Card aaid List of IHMtlers. Trial Can Free (send 1e to par postage). Enough for a Chelr, Table or Kitchen Cabinet. AAdresai nooB-miii" co at. iuia, bco. tola la Omaha fey Orchard at U llhclm Carpet Co. I i . ih, m i ft imm& I f "-J I 1 1 I ( m. l' hone 981 Douglas For Quick Returns HOWARD Wonderful $5 Silk Suit Sale From point of valno giving this will bo the greatest sale attempted by Hny house in the west. Jackets and shirt waUt suits are both in cluded in this phenomenal sale. Jacket stilts in checks, two tone effects, plain blue, brown, tans and greens, in Hon and tight fitting styles. Shirt waist suits In blive'k mid whites. Not a suit In the lot sold for les than $17.50 and some as high as $35.00 your chance while they last, Weduesday for, each Basement Fancy Glassware A beautiful collection of fancy glass table ware. Numberless pieces of bowls, pitchers, covered butter dishes, trays, vases, tum blers, etc. Perfect imitation ot cut glass. Soma plain and others with gold bands fMW a magnificent se- jT lection and at only (j each are worth up to $4.95 our prleo from $3.50 down to S1.00 LADIES' Kl'MMEK I NDEIIWEAH Hand finished gauze lisle vests, low neck and no sleeves, um brella knee nants. lace trimmed. French band excellent 35c value, Wednesday, each... CHILDKEX'S WHITE HOSE One great lot of children's vhite lisle hose, fine ribbed, worth 25c pair Wednesday, special, pair, at 150 LADIES' HOSE Fancy embroidered lace and gauze lisle hnse, fancy and plain black, 60c values, all at one price Wednesday, pair 250 FUEE KKEE FItEE 1 Jar Hartley's London Mar malade free to every lady com ing to our grocery and leaving an order. 1 lb. Blue Kibbon Cheese... 25c fame quality as our Colossal C'ht"ei.' 2 10c pkgs. Ice Cream Powder. :20c 12 lbs. best granulated sugar '50c 1 pkg. Tooth Picks. 6c " $1.00 Chocolates, Bon Bona, Creams, etc., at reduced prices. And hundred! of other nice things too numerous to mention. Proctor and White's Washington Chocolates AT BEATON'S, ARE THE BEST AVo have the exclusive agency for the famous "Washington ( 'hocolatea which we sell at New fork prices 80c a pound. Put up in V&i 1, 2, 3 and 5 pound joxes. BEATON DRUG CO. 15 th and Far nam S. Manawa tickets now on !e. AIIKK.MKST. BOYD'S TSSrT..4. Mgra.B THE BEQOAB ruisuu vrtittM. CO. tI This afternoon. TonlKht 25c-35c-i0c H THE Thur., bal. era J lie Bohemian Girl Monday and Tu'-"lay. June 8 and 4 ETHEL B1UTHOBI. klurwood TOVIOHT AJ.Ii WEEK EVA LANG cod COMPANY in ZIRA Beat week I A BOY AX, FA1UZ.T. DBal Frlcea. 10-ao-aso. Matins Today, lOo-aOcj Tonight, 8:15 KLMOUK HTOCK CO., In XHK KLKYKXTJI HOI H. Thursday An Orphan's Prayer. 10c AUDITORIUM III- SIKLETB OF TAItlS MAV FKHT1VAL Atternaona aud evenings until Juna 1st. Everybody invited. OM ABA'S rOLXTB BE80BT, KRUG PARK HOW OPEN rUB'S OMAHA BAVD ABB a?EC1AJfe ATTBACTlOSsi rff f S5.00 ! f. J - 1 I I r .A