The Omaha Sunday Bee PART II. Alway, Read: THE OMAHA HIE. Best West. EDITORIAL SECTION PACES 1 TO 12. VOL. XXXVI NO. 40. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 2tf, 1007. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. OimIsi laiifererof: knowW' we If An -k Stock e i tf0 Jf" CTll3 " f 'in""." 1 1 Miwiiiif,'iMii ' . ...(T1T . . n,,, ,,, 1 1 - JK 'I T ':? ' " " J 1 The entire bankrupt stock of ladies' high grade suits, cloaks, skirls, petticoats, waists and furs, yvhich composed the S. Frederick Berger stock, and valued by the receiver at $50,000, will be put on sale at less than half Berger's prices Monday at 8:30 a. m. S. Frederick Berger & Co. during their short business career, earned a reputation for handling only high grade garments and for being "authorities on style." We bought the entire bankrupt stock for cash and will close out every item of it at less than fifty cents on the dollar. Every available space at our command will be utilized for the proper display and quick sale of every garment. Our entire cloak and waist sections on second floor will be given over to Berger cloaks and suits; bargain tables on main aisle, main floor, will be loaded down with Berger skirts, waists and petticoats. Everything will go at your own price. Thousands of dollars worth of fine ready-to-wear merchan- dise-all strictly in season, will be sacrificed at fifty cents on the dollar and less. This extraordinary sale will begin Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock. Cn Great Lot of r. I 11 It Win ' : Embroidery Flouncings French and English eyelet effects nnd the stylish filet, CTuny and Japanese designs, worth up to 75c yd, at. .25c Swiss Embroideries. 20 in; Aide, for waists, dresses, yokes, lin gerie hats and children's hats, worth up to 75c, at.-.-.;;. :;230 Oriental All overs, In white and butter, 18 In wide, worth C9c yd., at 23c 18-Inch Corset Cot or Embroid eries, beautiful assortment of patterns, worth 85c to BOc yd., t 19o Yiilenclennes, Kclgcs and Inser tions, values up to 10c yd., at 4 Great Sale of Imported Batiste Robes These beautiful embroidered robes are direct from the leading designers of Paris. They are made of a silky quality of French Batiste, charmingly embroidered In many exclusive pat terns Worth 115.00 at SO 08 Worth $19.50 at... 812.50 Worth $25.00 at... 815.00 L GLOVES 10-Button Kid Gloves, broken sizes and colors, worth $2.50 pair at 83c 16-Button Fine Kid Gloves, $3.50 value, pair ..$51.69 saseMsssss Dress Goods Monday we offer our entire collection of Elegant Novelties, 44-in.. 4G-in. and 50-in. wide goods that have never sold less than $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 every style and color, full pieces to choose from, yard 35c Another Rousing Sale of Silks Begins Monday Many Thousand Dollars' worth of Silks will be offered f Bonnet, Haskel and Cleola Taffetas. r . tii o:n tt i t . . . - - . . ww ou. vaiues ljess man actual cost Black or aboull, or less than, Half Regular Values. Black Bonnet Taffeta Silk, 10 pieces, that sell for 85c yard; CJ Monday. 02 27-in. Black Silk Taffeta, very good quality splen did for skirts, or Oft waists, regular $1.25 Ml grade, yard 27-in. Black Cleola Taffeta Silk, positively the best for weaf, lus trous, very heavy and line, you'll f appreciate this silk , every yard "Jp guaranteed, special price, yard... V 36-in. Black Cleola Taffeta Silk, a quality of silk that 95c cannot be made better, best for wear, rich, deep lus trous taffeta, worth ft. 69 yard; Monday Linens and .White Goods Reduced White Goods of Every Description, at Prices That Defy All Competition. Swiss Mulls for Graduation and Summer Wear: , 25c quality, yard 17 35c quality, yard 25 15c quality, yard 20 50c quality, yard 32c C5c quality, yard 42 Sheer Linens for Warm Weather. 35c quality, yard 2T 45c quality, yard IJO 50c quality, yard 3ff C5c quality, yard 45 75c quality,, yard $1 quality, yard 75 Big Table of Waistings Cheek Organdy, Check Lawn, Dotted Swiss, Embroidered Swiss, worth up to 30c a yard; Monday spec ial, at, yard 17c w ash Goods Thousands ol Pieces of few Wash Goods will be Uered Monday al a won derful Ssvina. till! WASH GOODS EVERYWHERE BOc Pure Linen White (Milting, in em broidered dots of contrasting colors black, navy blue, red, green, light blue, plnl etc., fine for suits this quality of linen is woven open, like voile Just right for .summer wear Monday, yard 15 50c Silk and Cotton Fabrics, Silk Mulls, Foulards, with large dots, etc., grandest collection of thin materials, styles are exquisite, new brown de signs on silky fabrics, worth up to 60c yard, Monday 12 I - ; l,titiu yards I.le jant Sheer Ba t lutes und Swiss es, worth 15c, in polka dots, rings, floral de signs, etc., yd., 8 cents 3G In. plain Ging ham Chambray, In blue and tan, worth 18c, Mon day, yard 7 cents DISCOl'NT OX ALL COLOKED LIXEXS Just received, new, fancy linens checked or striped, latest for linen . coat suits, every color light blue, pink, nile, brown, tan, natural, etc. about 75 pieces, all at one-fourth regular prices 25c Linens at . . . 18c 35c Linens at. . .26c 50c Linens at. .Z7l2c iUc Hilk MulU In plain colors with polka dots of self color, all pretty shades, any , color, yard, at 12W Boys $1 Blouses White and fancy mater ials, sizes 7 tr 16 'years, re gular $1 val ue, a Monday, W each ....... LOT 1 Silks worth ' 4 Q sp to 75c . Xtls LOT 2 SUIti worth np to 85c. 28c LOT 3 Silks worth QQ np to $1. .. ttL LOT 4 Silks worth $1.00 and S1.25 59c T5 LinoleumsCarpets and Rugs Room Size Remnants of Linoleums Best grades, all C-ft. wide, in every desirable color and pattern, sell up to 85c, Monday, a yard, 47c and. 39c Carpets and Rugs at Big Reductions Heavy Brus sel Carpets'at G9c Cotton Chain Ingrain Carpets at 45(i Koom size Brussel Kugs at . .' '.$9.75 ... Third Floor. TOY SECTION New Coaster Wagons, at $4. $2.98 and 81.03 New Stttel Express Wagons at $1.25. $1.10 and OO New Hand Cars at $5.75. $4.88, $4.50 and $3 95 fecuu.uo diicu, imported direct, eacn, sc,, $2 and up to 810 Crockery Head quarters for Dinnerware Over CO patterns, every one good, prices, a set, from $100 down to $0.93 Monday. 12 only, 50-pleca sets, $C value at 83.08 Five Times (Jreen Trading Stumps on Dinnerware kales Monday. ' 105" pieces of Bridesmaid tlon, only 4 sets to' sell, worth $2 2 a set, Monday at . ..$15 .New Japaue.ce received this special footed and creams, $1.50 values, a set at 08 Satsuma red decoration salts and peppers, new shape, very pretty, 19c value, Monday, . each, 12 c two for. . -25c All Cut Glass, hundred! to choose from, at One Third Off. All Vases, up from $1.25, at One Third Off. Five times Green Trading Bumps on all Cut Glass sales Monday. China. week; sugars Metal Picture Frames Two Immense Bargains 19c and 39c Lot 1 Metal Picture Frames, oval aad Bquare, card, Victoria, oblong oval, oblong square, cabinet, etc., an extraordinary value, Monday ; , iQfk Lot 8 Finest plated Metal Frames, all popular sizes, as above for photographs, metal backs and convex glasses, an un equalled bargain, Monday 39 GIRDLES 50c Tape and boned girdles, .white, pink & blue, jusi the thing for hot weather, epecial Jr Monday.. FURNITURE asl Week ol the Binges! Fnrnl. hire Clearance Sale ol the Season (3r i his Shapely Roman Seat yj Li 20 in. long, WVi in. wide and ill fit tn- high, upholstered In 111 I'M various colors of velours, cordu- 1 i f roys, etc., nicely fin- e f m lshed and well worth II f l Jf pre0:..0.".... OOL U All Drasa Bed A beauty, within the reach of all at our price of........ 14.98 Boston Leather C o a c h - nicely tufted, oak frame, full length and width, on goo J casters, at only. , 9.98 Hardware and House Fur'sh'gs Demonstration of Gas Halites Continues The One Minute Gas Range Hill save 80 of your gas bill Stoves all prices up from 8.50 Set of Granite Ware Free with enrh Stove. Lawn Mowers, all prices P from 82.75 Grass Catcher Free wirh each Mower. Regular 40c Lawn Rake, 24-tooth at. 20 Scrwn Doors, co tn n In t c with hinges, ' at $1.50, 1.25! and ...08( Apd 30 Green Trading St'ps. j Screen Wire Cloth, dou ble selvage, per square foot 2 Double Green Trading Stamps. Poultry Wire, Just re ceived a full supply, In full rolls, per 100 sq. feet GO Pouhle grpsn trading stamps Extra pood pair lie stre-n door lilnges for lOo Lawn sprinklers, extra good, for 45o Rppular VSc garbaso pill with cov.r 75o Regular $1 25 Oarbag;e pall and cover BBo Mrs. Potts pattern sad Irons regular dSc vain? fur 6"o Badr mlasd paints, Issda and oils. Iowit prioss and donblo gTa trading tamps. mm mm Monday Morning we begin a week of great Bargain Giving. 1; it ti Best American Prints, in all colors navy blue, grey, red, Calcutta, etc., at, yard 5c The best 80c Bleached EhGctn, 81x00, large size, extra hawvy, great bargain Monday, each 50 3C-in Unbleached MuBlin, one of the beat qualities, yard 51 Amoskeag Apron Gingham 6l2c 25c German Ticking, on sale 14c Mosquito Netting, all colors, 5c Best Oilcloth, 5-4, In colors, on Mle -12 Great display of fancy Deniuia, Tickings, Silkollnes, oto., best assortment In the city. The best 124c and 15c Percales, In light colors, noat styles for drt'a&es, yard O r TABARD INN BOOKS Including all the new $1.50 C () n and $1.25 copyright fiction 3 0 By special ariangfnient with The Tuhard Inn Ubrary of Philadelphia, we are able to place oil salo alMmt 2, (KM) of the latest copyrlulit boiks In Tabard Inn wises, and sell them at the above price. v These membership books have never before sold lens than $1.18. They are exchangeable at any tlmo at any of the three thousand Tabard Inn stations, for the fee of 5c. Enter your membership Monday and get your supply of summer reading for 69c, and 5c for each additional book. All books new. Th oalawao, by Jtmxa Ball Naylor. Ths Call of taa Blood, by Kohert HUhens, Til Avng-rs, by lli-iidon Hill, 9. P. Damliar, by Wm. C. liudson, Tb Court of PUata, by Itoe It. Hobbs, Tns Bangs Dwvllars, by li. M. liower, Hew Chronlclss of Kaboooa, by Kattt Douglas WIliKUl, Tba riysra, by Qo. Barr McCutchaon, Boas of a Thousand Caudles, by Meredith Kii'liolson, Ths Jujjyls, by Upton Sinclair, Tha Klssoartaa, by Kuteno V. Lyle. Jr. Ths Claasmaa, by Tbomas Llxun. Jr Unci William, by Jennet t Iee, Positively no books sold out of Tabard Inn Cases. Bes books dUplayod In Harney Street Window.