Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    7T, TTv
J Ui
Gix weeks continued cold weather all over America has put eastern manufacturers in a panic;
makers are badly overstocked and will sell for almost any figure. Brandeis' New York buyer
purchased $100,000 worth of new merchandise at 25 to 50 less than prices of a month ago;.
Thousands of dollars worth of new up'tcdate
merchandise from this purchase is brought
forward Monday for the first time.
This is Brandeis biggest bargain event.
Woman's Dainty
Shirt Waists
Women's Silk and Net Waists $2.98
The most charming new styles In s g
taffetas, peau de soles, allover nets rfj
etc. regular $7.60 and $8.50 waist-' v
Thern were thousands of the dain
tiest new shirt waists in this $100,000 pur
chase. All newest models for summer short
and long sleeves exquUite
trimmings they would sell
anywhere else up to $2.00
la this sale ' ' '
r ..... , , : : ! rrrrr- ' : s.
' ' : - " - - , T ' , rii 'i ; ii'iTii "n"'
1 '
Bear this in mind: You save from one
quarter to onchalf on everything offered
in this great purchase. It is a bargain
chance such as Brandeis alone could offer
Every one in the very latest style for summer 1907 daintily
made of fine dimities, lawns, chambrays, ba
tistes and lineus all white or solid colors as
well as the newest fignres jumper styles
lace and embroidery lavishly used in trimming
long and short sleeves
$15 and $20 Tailored
and Silk Suits at. . . .
Our New York buyer secur
ed thousands of new spring
tailored suits. These are all
new, smart and well tailored
latest 1907 styles. We offer them at
an unheard of bargain Monday. Just
think of buying a stylish twenty dol
lar tailored suit for only five JJJ p3
dollars. We suggest you come
early to make your selection . .
all sizes
Black and colors and
wash seersucker and chambray,
also Venetians and sateens
well made, $1.50 quality petti
coats, for Monday.
Fine petticoats in black and colors
Italian cloths, mercerized like cotton also
wash petticoats, Imitation m g
Heatherbiooms. etc 9 1-50 fa Iff! ft ft
and 92.60 values, at . . . . vfeV fJt
iu.ui nm i ii mi, lima iwiiu .nii-a
Women's Tailored Skirts Side
worth up to $6.00, but will sell
, them Monday
and custer pleats.
Women's $25 and $35 JJJl
Silk and Tailored Suits
We make this special offer
for Monday and it will aston
ish eVery woman in Omaha.
In our $100,000.00 purchase were
made some of the very swellest $2?
and $35 tailored suits for women
high grade in every way and very
stylish -all this season's favorite suits
you can select one Morvjfo'
rlnv nnrl cavp trnm :hn
)to $25 by taking one at
2A Ns
Women's Spring Coats All newest
$5.00 and $6.00, but will sell them ,
Monday . .
This Great Purchase Brings Dig
Our Now York buyer was specially fortunate
in getting big price reductions In silks. We offer
specials for Monday four widths In three different
finishes strictly first quality and a beautiful deep
18-lnch, worth 76o at, yard.... 48
27-Inch, worth $1.26 at, yard. . .JOf
86-inch, worth. $1.50 at, yard. $1.05
45-lnch, worth $2.2,5 at, yard. $1.55
(Mall orders filled.)
We are the' only direct agents for C. J. Bonnet et
Cle's Lyons black taffetas. 25 pieces of r (
this celebrated silk for Monday, yard.... JC
Colored Silks Fine . Phoenix mills dress taf-
crash pongee
scarce shades.
worth 75c, yd
In the
fetas, street and even
ing shades,
yard ,
Silks on Bargain Bquares Fancy silks, rough pon
gee, check Loutsienes, etc., positively worth up
Thousands of yards of Embroideries and Laces were bought direct from importers who were disappointed by the
backward season. We pile these fresh new laces and embroideries on bargain squares for the first time tomorrow. j
& llillo rmfwnillmtino The finest of Swisses, Nam-1 T.AAn Fine French and German Vals., French
U UlUL UialUl UiUU iCJ caaTt nA fiHw;n
styles worth
sook and Cambric Skirtings,
Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroideries, in all new designs,
jj eyelet, blind and shadow effects, also - C
M insertions, wide bands and galloons, 1 rOm JrP- -ICP
D worth up to 75c, at lOM'Od
1 W ijaCCa Torchons. Piatt Vals.. Point de Paris and ft
Oriental Laces and Insertions, many to match and worth j
to 25c yard Piled on
bargain square,
Handkerchiefs Ladies' and men's all pure
g linen, plain hemstitched or embroidered
55 handkerchlfs ladles' all initals, some q
O slightly Imperfect, but worth up to it
U 25c. at . V2V
"Women's Elbow Length Lisle Gloves,
black, white and colors, all sizes and"p?-.$!'....39cn'69c
jiiioow j-iengin, linger iippea, ouk uioves
black, tans, browns and evening shades,
many are 119 149 J50 R
Kayser's ............ I -I
Dress Goods
1907 Spring, and Summer Dress Ooods at actually
35 lower than the regular price. Foreign
Dress Goods in the extreme fashionable patterns,
42 to 68 Inches, Including the new browns and
leather shades so much In vogue; positively $1.00
and $1.25 dress goods, at, ' O O ft
per yard... OJC-OJC
Black Dress Good Complete line of Black Dress
Ooods (Lupin's), French serges, silk finished mo-
hairs, etc., worth up to Oft iff
$1.60 a yard, at, per yard 0JC-41
Unmade Shirt Patterns, each containing 5 yards
of 40-inch material, worth 65c yard, 1 O C
entire pattern for lJ3
25c Danish Cloth, yard 12 He,
(Be Black, and Colored Brllliantlnes, yard 35c.
$1.00 Novelty All Wool Suitings, yard 49c.
Special Bargains in
Oneida community silverware, 6
knives and 6 forks O ftK
12 pieces for U
Six classic tea spoons f t r
for l.IU
Six fluer de lux tea spoons j Qg
Oneida Community Co. fluer de
lux hollow handle knives and
forks 12 pieces 6 V5
Oneida Community fluer de lux
berry spoons 26 year QQ
guarantee OC
Oneida Community fluer de lux
table spoons for set O OA
of six .UU
Oneida Community cream Hfl
ladle, fluer de lux OJC
Homan's qusdrunle plate, grape
design baking dishes; aa
special at .UU
Homan's quadruple plate cake
basket, grape design; O Kft
special at w.OU
The Village Blacksmith
The famous $45,000 Painting on free exhibition all this week on 3rd!
floor, New Store. You should see this wonderful work of art.
Summer Lawns, 10c values, here
in dress lengths, per 1
yard JC
Sheer quality India Ilnon f a
long lengths, yard lUC
86-lnch White Dress Lawns. 12 He
values, per i
yard ' OjC
Silk Spot Batiste, 19c 1f
grade, per yard lUC
81x90 Bleached Hemmed Sheets,
made from 80c quality
sheeting, each
72x90 Bleached and Un
bleached Sheets, at. . . .
42x38V4 and 45xS8H 1 11
size Pillow Cases, each. 2.
Utica Sheets and Pillow Cases,
in every size, plain or hemstitched,
at lowest prices in the west.
Very heavy unbleached MuBlln,
same weight as Indian
Head, at, yard O C
Yard-wide Bleached Muslin, 8c
quality remnants, per
yard '.
3x5 American Flag, finished in
fast colors, woven for, ea.59
Unmounted American Silk Flags,
10c, 16c, 25c and 4 Be
Teddy Bears Cute, new ones
at ....60 to 92.50
Special Bargains in
Brandeis' white Ooods and Wash
Goods department stands foremost
in any city of the west, not only
for excellency of designs and qual
ity, but also for prices, which are
the lowest. We mention our line
of Imported goods (exclusive de
signs.) St. Oall Swisses. In dots and all
the latest designs, at 85o, 89c,
45c, 60c and up to $1.00 yard.
French Lawn, 46 Inches wide, 19c,
25c up to 75c yard.
Persian Lawn, 32 Inches wide,
12 He, 15c, 18o up to 60c yard.
Persian Lawn. 46 Inches wide, 2 60
and 35c yard. v
Specials In White Linen Suiting:
SOo quality, plain linen, 36 in., S5o yd.
45c quality, plain linen, 16 In., SOo yd.
850 quality, flaked linen, it In., ic yd.
Sheer - linen, 16 In. wide, yard, 86c,
60c up to St. 60.
Our 86c white madras walatlng at,
yard, 19a '
The Wintry Spring is Responsible for
These Grand Bargains in
There were thousands of hats in this pur
chase that we bought from Overstocked
New York milliners all new shapes, trim
med with flowers, fancy feathers, ribbons,
malines and or
naments, every
hat bearing the
high character of
a $10 hat, blocks
and all new sum
mer shades, also
new Gibson
Model Hats at $5
Midsummer Model hats, some with large
Ostrich. plumes, flowers,
ornaments and
feathers at
Models In (he Big Gibson Girl Sailors
This summer's prettiest and most $1 f
favored style, new arrivals at .... -
Yin all linen bleached pat
tern table cloth. - and
1-10 alsea, worth up to
13.00, each. M and S
10c extra lavge frlnrl And
hematltched linen towvln.
each ls
Be Turklih waah clothe at,
each lo
lto hematltched stamped
dollies, each ....So
10x10 and lx64 hemstitch
ed scarfs and aquarea,
worth 50c, each SSe
5c quality extra iarse
Turkish towels, cach..le
10-yard tleco beat quality
now white cotton diaper,
$1.00 value, bolt a&e
It-loch white dresa linen,
worth 6o yard. yard..lSo
Tapestries for dens,
halls and dining- rooms
roll loo and up
Popular red colorings.
In two tones, florals,
etc at, roll, ase, a So,
ISO, lOo sad bo
Rich browns, the e (Tec
tire prevalent "leath
er" shades, roll, ago,
So, ISO, lOo and. . .So
Other bargains, roll. So,
and SH
Pasta, In packages
at l&o and 8 So
Tl Xanf Wail rape.
J o)
Adjustable Window
Screen Will fit any
size window, hardwood
frame with black
screen cloth, it is worth
35c everywhere, big
special at 15c
American Brand
Beady Mixed
Paints,' dries in
one night ' '
at .98c
tl A .t n i. . ,.
ft T-r
u w V
Go - Carts Just
like cut, folds
and can be eas
ily tarried on
street cars and
occupies - little
space, at 1.70
Brandeis Ready
Mixed House
and floor paint,
g u a ran
teod $1.30
Wilson ToasterWill toast
four slices of bread at one
time, for ga3, oil or gasoline
stoves, especially 23c
Brooms made of selected
broom corn at 15o
Eclipse Carpet Beater like'
the cut for 10c
Lawn Mowers. Saco
A complete show-;
ing of all new
styles at
at $2.75
and up.
2c a
Largest and best line of Carpets and Rugs in
Omaha in our new daylight departmentthird
floor, new store. Monday we will offer some ex
ceptional Inducements.
70c Carpet for 50c Fine
Carpet, new line of colors
all wool filled Ingrain
and patterns, mg
usually sells "fi
Best quality Tapestry
Brussels C a r p e t
makes fine rugs; usu
ally sells at o pa
$1.10 yard.: Ii So
at 70c. yard... w I Monday, yd. VTJv
All of our Extra Axmlnster and Wilton Velvet
Carpet, wltn Doraer to matcn, worth
up to $1.60 yard; Monday,
JI u
First showing of the new fibre matting carpets
and rugs an -excellent bed room fabric sanitary
and moderate In price:
Carpets at. yard 39,4, 49, 59
Rugs, from $1.50 P to 9 12
Ask to see onr $60 Rugs that we are selling
for $37.60. 9x11 in slie.