Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Ennsf it Contmed by Union Faoifio to
Keep Rirht-of-Waj Oleaa.
Mr.rhln Cnianei Gasollna 4 Will
-n rrl Ore Twentr-FlTe Miles
a Day Cleaning the
'. .t problem of keeping the rl;ht-of-w7
nr. rnllroad branch lines free from weeds
during the summer months has always
been a difficult one to the operating offi
cials. On many of the branch lines, along
sidings and commercial tracks that are In
frequently used, ' the roadbeds are bal
lasted with dirt, and from early spring
until late In the fall the rank growth of
weeds becomes a source otreat annoy
ance and heary expense, if s a common
sight on ' branch reads throughout the
western prairie country to soe weeds two
or three feet high, and on commercial
tracks where seldom used, sunflowers and
other rank growth as high as seven and
eight feet along both sides of the track.
This forms a great obstruction to the
movement of trains, causes slippery rails,
which makes operation very annoying, and
necessitates considerable reduction In ton
nage with the consequent decrease In rev
enue. It has1 been found absolutely necessary
to get rid Of this growth at any cost. The
pilot of the locomotive has bnen made use
of to some extent by fitting It with knives,
but this has not been of much benefit, and
In the main, it has been necessary for the
track department to engage large gangs of
wen to cut this growth at an enormous
expense Wtth scythes and shovels, and this
cost Is practically continuous throughout
the summer months, as the growth Is as
fast as a reasonable number of men can
cut It The time at which this work has
to be done is at a time when laborers are
In great demand In the fields, and It Is
often almost Impossible to get the men at
any cost during this period. On these
branch lines the truck, generally speaking,
being1 light, operating officials begrudge
this unproductive outlay of labor.
Many Suairestlons Made.
The Union Pacific railroad a year ago set
about to produce some means of handling
this work at a minimum cost. Many sug
gestions were made; namely, cutting the
weeds by machinery, sprinkling the right-of-way
with a saturated solution of salt
v and water, which would tend to kill off the
weeds. But after numerous experiments In
the way of machines for the work the Idea
of a gasoline weed burner was conceived
by A. L. Mohler, vice president and gen
eral manager, and one has been developed
In the shops of the Union Pacific In Omaha,
under the direction of W. R. McKeen, jr.,
superintendent of motive power, which Is
doing the work very successfully and at a
greatly reduced cost.
Ths weed burner as designed consists of
a four-wheel car entirely of steel, with
regulation standard wheels, axlea, boxes
How to Tell Clothes
By A. Frank Taylor
ERIE'S my great test for clothes:
XT Thousands on thousands have
JLX. made this teat for It has paid
them to do so
My teat has enabled Careful Clothes
Buyers to get Full Value for their money
it has prevented them from spending
their Good Money, for which they had to
give Honest Value in the Shape of Work,
for Clothes in which there waa no honest
that had been Improperly and
Carelessly Cut In the first place and had
been Improperly Tailored 'in the Second
Clothes that, wl.u i'ney came up lor
Final Inspection, were not sent back to be
properly corrected as they should have
been although that would Cost a little
but were given over to Old Dr. Goose,
the hot Flat Iron because his work is
Cheap to be merely Pressed and Stretched
and Shrunk Into a Shape Resemblance.
Clothes thut. while they looked Good
In every way except in the one way my
test reveals at the "try on" lost their
Shape a short time after they had oeon
at the Impels Drooped and
Wrinkled at the Shoulders Gaped ut the
Collar and Creased Back and Front.
On the other Hand My Test has enabled
Careful Clothes Buyers to buy the suit
that has been properly and carefully Cut
that has been put together by expert
Nsedle-workers who moulded permanent
Form Into the Very Cloth by means of the
It has enabled Careful Buyers who
want smart and stylish clothes to know
Sincerity" Suits the suits that prove by
actual Wearing that they are made right
from Start to Finish.
The suits in which the Lapels lie Flat
and Shapely In which the shoulders are
Smooth and properly rounded and in
which the Collar lies close VP to the Lack
of the Neck
Just try this Test of mine, Mr. Reader
It doesn't make any dlftuseneo uj.ou
What clothes you try It the next Suit
you buy from your High Priced Custom
Tailor or the one you buy from the Dealer
In ready-to-wears.
Tou can prove for yourself that what I
tell you t true
You'll find that the Suit the Collar of
which Isn't absolutely straight from tip to
tip will pot hold lis Shape
And the one the ColUr of which Is
straight from tip to tip will look stylish
and shapely for a long lime to come and
nine times in tea will be a -Sincerity"
B1lou:U find "SineerUy" SulU at your
high-grade ready-to-wear dealer Look
for the label bf low In the Coat of the next
Suit you buy It insure Style, Serrlce and
and pedestals. At one end of the car Is
a gasoline engine mounted on the floor,
which la used for propelling the car and
pumping air. the air bMng used to force J
gasoline to the burners and to elevate the
aide wings. The propelling mechanism Is
designed With two speeds slow speed used
while burning weeds at three to four mil
per hour and the high speed used in sxli
to and from work at twelve to fifteen mllea
per hour.
Attached to the car are a number of
tanks carrying the supply of gasoline suf
ficient for the day's run on the road. This
gasoline Is forced Into a system of burners
carried on the back of the car, making a
very hot flame close to the ground, which
practically kills the weeds, while by cutting
them the growth Is in no way stopped.
Harnera are Attached.
At the rear of the car, carried close to
the ground, Is a framework earning the
piping, to which Is secured a number of
burners placed in rows across tho track.
The framework is divided Into three sec
tionsthe center section extending a little
beyond the rails, and the side sections be
ing hinged to the center section In order
that they may bo lifted out of the way of
obstructions outside of the track, and to
clear cattleguards along the right-of-way.
They can also he sot at any elevation fn
order to get the burners close to the ground
on any kind of grading. With these three
sections In operation a strip twelve feet
wide is burned, or three and one-half feet
on each side of the rails.
It has been found advisable to make a
first burning early In the year when the
arowth has reached six to eight Inches In
height; then going over It again a few
days Inter, when It has dried somewhat,
and this time the weeds are entirely con
sumed and the roots killed. It Is some
times necessary to repent this performance
three months later.
The machine Is capable of burning from
twenty to twenty-five miles a day, running
about three to four miles an hour. Thre
mon, all told, are required to handle the
car, which they do, the car being handled
on the road under orders as a regular train.
Where the weeds are cut by band It re
quires approximately sixteen men to cut
ono mile of track per day, hence the ma
chine does the equivalent work of about
800 men.
From the foregoing It will be seen that
this Innovation and solution of a difficult
railroad problem has really been a very
simple matter. The gasoline weed burner
is In reality an automobile mounted on
railroad car wheels and equipped with the
weed-burning apparatus. The car carries
the fuel for the burners, as well as for its
own power, and Its operation Is so simple
that It Is a comparatively easy Job for one
man to handle this machine. In fact, In
nice weather a trip through the country
on this weed burner Is a very pleasant ride.
Medical Science Centering- Ita Skill
on Mankind's Worst
A note of approaching triumph over
mankind's enemies Is founded by Dr.
Nicholas Senn, a distinguished member
of the medical profession, In a short article
In the Chicago Tribune. The reasons for
his confidence as well as the lines of the
campaign now in progress are thus out
lined: Victory has followed victory, and many
Of the most dreaded diseases have i.ow be
come powerless In the conquest of pre
ventive medicine. The wonderful results
obtained by Behrlng's serum In the treat
ment of diphtheria is the surest Indication
that In the future . crude drugs must
give way to serotherapy In the successful
treatment of all acute, Belf-llmlted infec
tious diseases. The clientele of the phys
icians Is growing smaller and smaller, but
their glory as humanitarians and scientists
Is rising and will reach the cenlth after
coming generations of more erudite physi
cians have conquered and laid at their
feet the two worst enemies of mankind
tuberculosis and cancer. We are confident
thut tuberculous In all Its forms soon will
be forced to retreat, as we know Its ml
crobic cause and are familiar with Its
methods of warfare. We have learned by
long experience that the most formidable
weapons In fighting this disease are riot
drugs, but pure air, sunshine and nu
tritious, easily . digested food. Prof.
Wright's opsonin treatment, now on trial,
holds out much promise and may prove to
be what we have been seeking for centu
ries a specific against this disease. But
what is vastly more desirable than a spe
cific remedy In the prevention of the dis
ease. We must meet this enemy openly
and boldly, as "surely the best way la to
meet the enemy In the field and not wait
till he plunders us in our bed chamber."
Scientists had good reason t suspect the
mlcroblo origin of cancer, but so far have
failed In proving It. The geographlo llml-"
tations of cancer, Ita microscopic structure,
and behavior in the tissues contravene the
parasitic origin, and no'nt rather to mi
erratlo cell growth of the nature of which
we know little, but future Investigations
from this standpoint ultimately may forge
the key which will unlock the mysteries
of this, the most stubborn and cruel of
all chronic affections. When we once shall
succeed in lifting the curtain which hides
this foe we will make It more vulnerable
to the attacks, of the closed columns of
the followers of the flag of preventive
medicine, and the hand to hand encounter
of Individual physicians and surgeons.
Preventive medicine Is the medicine of
the future, and the final triumph of scien
tific medicine will be the suppression of
disease. In this struggle with the causes
of disease we need not only the earnest
and united support of the medical profes
sion In the front ranks of this movement,
but the encouragement and financial aid
of the governments, general, state, county,
city and village. Sanitation on a large
scale, to be effective. Is costly, but every
dollar spent will bring good returns.
Hygienic Institutes must be established
and maintained where young physicians
can receive the necessary education and
(raining to prepare themselves for the high
im responsiDie omce or sanitary or
health commissioner in the different com
munlties. One such Institution, centrally
located and amply endowed, would be a
greater benefit to the people of the United
Slates than all the Carnegie libraries and
the supernumerary, half starved, lnsig-
nmcani colleges and academies.
Health officers should be above the mire
of politics and should be appointed for their
merit, without any regard to their political
complexion, and should receive a salary
commensurate with their service and social
position, and should hold their office at
long as their work la effective and satis
factory to the community. If these thing
were realised a new and much nueded
specialty in medicine would be created
scientific sanitation. But to accomplish our
final object In public sanitation means must
be provided for popular instruction in
hygiene and sanitation in our schools and
by popular lectures, in order to rnh the
mass of the people, and by so doing enllrt
tneir interest and secure their co-operation,
Nothing would be of more far-reaching
value to the laboring man than to h
taught how to avoid disease and preserve
his health. All gTeat reforms must have
a beginning In the household. If ws can
Interest our governments, our people, our
educators and the public press In this gre t
movement of abolishing preventable d's
eases we continently may expect the
mlllentum In medicine In due time, and It
will b Inaugurated by the final triumph
i or scientino medicine,
Cweet Mixture of Plain Giaft and the
Art:s,io Tempsriment.
Impresario Mho Chanced Check
and the Violinist M ho Clot Kight
Hundred Dollars for Do
lus a Favor.
NEW YORK. May u,-There is never
a seasim thut does not bring forth some
striking exhibitions of tho musical tem
perament, especially when It collides with
finance. It is at this psychological moment
that the exhibition of the musical genius
Is most Interesting.
One of the tules of the season relates to
a pianist who played an engagement Under
the auspices of a former singer who occa
sionally superintends concerts In a neigh
boring town. She came to New York, saw
the manuger of the virtuoso and arranged
to pay t0 fr a concert. There were plenty
of unsold seats when the pianist arrived
In town and a considerable deficit as to the
guarantee. But the manager said nothing
about this and filled the hall with dead
heads. After the concert the pianist got a
check for the amount of his guarantee and
was so well pleased with the evening that
he asked the lady Impresario to coma out
to supper with him. as his train did not
leave for two hours. She accented and In
the grill room of the hotel they enjoyed
some supper and a bottle of champagne.
Tho time passed so pleasantly that It was
the pianist's train time before he noticed it.
Simply rhnna-rd the Checks.
"You will excuse me for running away
so hurriedly." he suid after he had ex
pressed his delight over the success of the
evening, "but I barely have the time to
catch my train. "And will you do me the
favor of mailing this letter for me. It con
tains the check you gave me for my guar
antee. I put It In an envelope to forward
to my manager In New Tork. Will you be
kind enough to mall It for me."
The Impresario's enjoyment of the even
ing had been disturbed only by the
thought of the deficit. She was wondering
how In the world she was going to mako
up the difference between tho 1600 check
she had given the pianist and the $.170 the
concert had netted. It would be neceRSary
to do some hustling before the check got
back from New York.
Then she suddenly realized that it might
not bo necessary for her to worry so after
all. She Could not mall the letter anyhow
until the morning. By the time morning
came she had slept so well with the
thought that the cheok was not hurrying
to New York that she had another Idea.
She took the check out of the envelope,
made out another for the exact amount
of the net takings of the concert and
then enclosed that to the manager In New
York. Then she tore up the first check.
"What if I did?" was the answer of this
lady to the manager when he protested.
"He didn't draw his guarantee and there
fore he did not deserve It. Why should I
have gone down Into my pocket for It?"
As this lady Impresario had been a
pianist herself, she had the musical tem
perament too.
One Little Case of Graft.
One afternoon In the early spring a
group of women sat In the drawing room
of a prima dona who had been engaged
to sing for a charity. They wanted to
know who she would care to have appear
with her to sing some duets. She sug
gested a popular baritone.
Nobody knew his address, and that
question was still under discussion when a
friend of the singer entered the room.
He was not a singer but he knew many
of them.
"You must know M. Wobbcllinl's ad
dress,'" the singer said. "Tell tiicse ladfcs
that they may write to him about' the con
cert next week."
The newcomer obligingly gave the ad
dress and disappeared after a very brief
cull. He did not go home, however. He
was In the telephone booth downstairs
calling up the baritone.
"You will give me 10 per cent then, will
ypu," he was saying, "If I got you a con
cert next week? You will have to sing
only a few duets and you must ask &J0."
Over the telephone came the assent to this
VA11 right," he said, "the ladies will write
to you tonight. I get 10 per cent, remem
ber." The facts of this llttlo arrangement did
not come to light until the middleman who
had thought he was picking up $00 at an
Informal Sunday call had to hire a lawyer
to got It, for the baritone, with fidelity to
his musical temperament bad declined to
pay the promised commission.
Violinist and Ills Pay.
Once a rich grandfather volunteered to
give his grandson a start In life. He had
studied music, appeared In public without
success and thought he would like to be a
musical manager. Grandfather put up the
money and the boy rushed off to Europe to
engage a violinist whom he had always re
garded as the greatest In his profession.
He made a contract with him to come here
for a larger sum than he had ever received
In his life before. It was his Inexperience
and his great admiration for the man that
led him to risk so much of grandfather's
money In Uiat way. The man had precisely
the same experience that he always en
countered In this country. The public man
lfested so little interest in his highly artistic
performances that more than $20,000 was
sunk In the venture. There was still some
more money at home, however, and grand
father advanced enough for a season In
London, where It was thought that some
of the money might be got back.
"You come to my rooms this afternoon
If you have the time," said the youthful Im
presario, "and be Introduced to Lady Lyon
Searcher and the duchess of Graftsby. It
will ' do you good to know them. Then
there will be some other society people
there and they will all help to make you
talked about here."
The impresario had managed to corral a
few society people, and they expressed
great delight over meeting the distinguished
violinist. After a while be was asked to
play for them. His violin was there, but
he protested, looking all the while for ad
vice to his manager. He winked and the
muelo began.
London exhausted all the pile that grand
father had laid aside and there was no
comeback.1 Accounts were settled up and
the violinist, who had received JSOO at each
of his three concerts, was the only one
who had earned a cent. The night before
he left London the violinist sent a letter
to his manager asking why one London
concert had been omitted from the number.
He had not received his $800 for playing In
the manager's rooms for the duchess of
A month after a writ was served on the
manager, and a little later when he wt-nt
to the continent without having settled the
matter he was called back by the efforts
Of the Violinist 'to have him declared
a bankrupt. The final $s00 was raid be
cause the manager had not immediately
repudiated the demand for the money when
it was made first. If he had declared at
the minute that he did not owe It there
might have been some possibility of his
gulling out of the payment.
At the French restaurant en Fifth ve-
nue in which the opera singer gather
during the season the impresario of a
talking machine was discussing with sev
eral guests the propriety of his having
a certain singer make a record. He
finally decided that he would and male
a memorandum to have his secretary
communicate with the singer the next
day. Then the subject was dropped.
Later that day this singer received a
call from one of the guests at the same
table. He wanted to know If the man
would like to sing In the talking ma
chine, what his terms would be and how
much he would give If the caller man
aged It. The singer was delighted and
the caller told him he might arrange it,
although It would be hard.
"I will start right In now,'" h said,
"and maybe you will get a letter from
the company tomorrow. Don't say any
thing about my having been here. They
prefer to do all this sort of a thing them
selves." It was not until he had paid this agent
10 per cent on the amount he received
that the barytone learned how little he
owed him.
Tenor and Condactor Clash.
It was another benefit that supplied the
latest development of the artistic tem
perament under the Influence of business.
A tenor who Is very popular, although he
has never reached the highest place,
volunteered to help a wi'uu friend get
up a concert for charity. She had known
him for some time and he had frequently
been engaged for his maximum fee to
sing at her house. He had been so
friendly this time that She supposed, of
course, he had no financial interest In
the matter. He even got his friend, a
well-known conductor and composer, to
come along and play his accompaniments
at the concert. It was the conductor who
received the day after the concert a fran
tic telephone call asking him to come to
see her immediately. Ha was there that
- "What In the world do you think has
happened?" she began. "Why, Saenger
has asked for his regular fee of $400 for
singing yesterday In our concert. It was
such a small affair, given here In my own
house, that we will have no profit If I have
to pay him that. I have known him for
so long, and to think that after aoting as
if this was all to be done for charity he
now sends me a bill for $400.
The conductor and composer thought for
a while.
"I think I can settle that all right," he
said. "I will see him and let you know
what he says."
Then he sat down and wrote this note to
the singer:
Dear Saenger: Since I learn from our
friend Mrs. X that you are to receive com
pensation for your appearance In her char
ity concert yesterday 1 cannot, of course,
be exptcted to accompany you for nothing.
I spoke to Mr. X about the matter and sha
reminded me that I had been secured solely
by you. I never accompany now, as you
know, and would consont to do such a
thing onlv under very spocial circum
stances. My fee the last time I played ac
companiments was $i. I will not raise
It on you, but let it stand at thu. Mrs X
lulls ma I must look to you for my check,
as she will pay you. So send it along
as soon as she pays up.
Tlita. of course, put the enterprising tenor
$100 to the bad. It had the effect, more
over of opening his eyes to what he had
done. He had never suspected that what
he had done would ever reach any other
ears. He wrote, therefore, to his accom
panist that he had been misinformed, as
he had no Idea of taking any compenaa-
j tlon, and simultaneously dispatched a note
to the woman saying that he had heard
thet his agent had sunt her a bill under a
misapprehension, supposing that the con
cert was an engagement In tre ordinary
course of business.
Consumption of Wood Palp.
WASHINGTON, May 26. A bulletin is
sued by the census bureau today places
the total consumption of wood pulp In the
United States, for the year 1' at (,ft4,69(
cords as compared with 1.191123 cords con
sumed in K6. More than half of the pulp
was made from spruce and of the spruce
pulp, 721,323 cords were imported.
HIS week will be a most opportune time for
Buyers We expect to close out a number of
and slightly used instruments regardless of their real value
All will be sold on the easy payment plan if desired
1 New Upright, Mahogany Case, - $115.00
1 New Upright, Mahogany Case, - 127.00
1 New Upright, Walnut Case, - - 137.50
1 New Upright, Golden Oak Case, - 150.00
I New Upright, Mahogany Piano, - - 165.00
1 New Upright Burl Walnut Case, - 175.00
1 New Upright Sample, New York Make, 185.00
1 New Upright, Dark Mah ogany. - 192.00
We carry a complete line of the world's famous Knabe
Pianos, also the Fischer, Sohmer, Estey, Checkering Bros.,
Schaffer, Franklin, Price & Teeple and RegaL Write us
for prices and terms. New Pianos for Rent.
Packers and Commission Men Criti
cise Post -Mori em Examination
stock Rale.
Packers and commission men of South
Omaha express the belief there is no
ground for concession in the matter of
stock sold subject to the post mortem
examination, the rule concerning which
goes into effect Monday. The packers con
tend they have borne the loss of con
demned stock until It can no longer be
endured. At Armour & Co.'a plant as many
as sixty cows a week have been condemned.
The other plants show corresponding rec
ords. The packers hold this loss should
fall upon the shipper of stock and are
for this reason determined the stock shall
be bought subject to lnspeotlon.
The commission men have signed an
agreement to sell no more cows nor heif
ers until the Inspection Is such that after
passing the scales the packers shall bear
any losses from the post mortem inspec
tion. It was stated by representative men of
each side there was no possible concession
from the rule on the one hand and the
signed agreement of the commission men
on the other. The letters of advice sent
out to the shippers Is they shall hold all
cows and heifers until the matter is set
tled. The commislon men are agreed that
Don't throw your old shoes at the June Bride
Let us repair and make them as good as new
We will call for and deliver free of charge all repair work.
'Phone Douglas 7Bb7 and give us a trial job. Our workmanship
the best. We have the only Goodyear stitcher in the city, used ior
repair work. The very machine your shoes are made with.
Men's Shoes
Half Soles Nailed
Half Boles Sewed
Boys' Half Soles Nailed
Boys' Half Soles Sewed
Men's Leather Heels
Men's Rubber Heels
AH work called
If the government should put on a more
rigid ante-mortem Inspection before the
stock Is weighed out It would relieve all
parties concerned. They believe the pack
ers would concede to such an arrangement.
The commission men declare they do not
care how rigid the inspection may bo,
but they want this separation of suspected
stock made by the government and not
left to men in their employ. Such an ar
rangement would satisfy the shipper re
specting the fair distribution.
Fifth County Commissioner Awaited
Before Court House Matter
Is Acted On.
The move for a new court house Is tem
porarily at a standstill. The commis
sioners prefer to await the return of Com
missioner Ure from Mexico before pro
ceeding any further. At the meeting of
the board Saturday morning all of tho
resolutions relating to the subject were laid
over for another week. Mr. Ure Is expected
back from Mexico early In the week and
until he comes the question of a new build
ing will remain as It Is now.
The failure of the board to take up the
question Indicates there Is a deadlock,
which Ure will have to break. Kennord
and Solomon are both in favor of employ
ing John Latenser as the architect to pre
65d Half Soles Nailed fJOtf
fW) Half Soles Sewed 770
50 Misses' Half Soles Nailed 40
75 Misses' Half Soles Sewed 5c?
35 Ladies' Leather Heels 25e
50 Ladies' Hubber Heels GO
for and delivered FKEE OF
WK SKI.L high grade Silk Mohair and Common Shoe Laces,
Shoe Polish in all sizes and colors, Sboo Brushes, Shoe
Trees and Forms, Shoo Shiners, fancy Shoe Horos, Sho
Lifts and Button Hooks, fancy colored Skins for PUlowi
and Post Cards, Arch and Anklo Supporters, Heel and
Knee Protectors, Electric, Cork, Hair, Felt and Fiber In
soles, Sylvet Cloth, Down and Keuther Dustors Corn
Plasters, Boot Powder and Foot Ease. '
Shoe Repair Co
pare plans for the proposed new structure.
Tralnor wants competitive bidding for the
work and wants the county and city to
go in together on the building. BrunlPK
has a third plan calling for competiul
V I J 1.1. , . 1. . . . v. i ...v. - ...
a resolution which proposes to remodel
the present building instead of erecting a
new one. Under the circumstances the
members of the board decided the only
thing to do was to wait for the return of
Tho county board is about to make an
Investigation of the efficiency and economy
of concrete and steel bridges over streams
which have heretofore been bridged by
wooden structures. At the meeting Sat
urday the county engineer wns directed to
draw up plans for a reinforced concrete
and a steel structure. Bids will ba asked
on both kinds so the board will be in a
position to decide between them.
Under a resolution passed by the board
heads of departments at the court house will
be required to certify In to the auditor the
salary lint of their offices containing the
names and salaries of employes paid by
warrant. Tho payroll will then be made
up by the auditor Instead of by the county
clerk as at present.
Jnry I)litref In Mnrder Case.
KANSAS CITY. My W -Tho Jury lu
tne caso of Thomas W. l'arka, proprietor
of a cleaning and dyeing eHtabllHhment
charged with tho murder of Perry f'orhln,
a plumber, reiorted a disagreement this
morning and was discharged.
Ladies' Shoes
1804 Farnam St.
'Phono Douglas 7567.