If HIM.W in ju im.li i . jj j V.fcj J N Vs-i UjI . V V"-i .J J xtl Li j . , j r , . f Tiremnieinidloy Women's ash Puirelhas ainty, Mew T e syoT Brandeis has bought $100,000 worth ) cent below prices of a month ago, contin conditions in the New York markets li - i From the -first of April till the middle of May winter weather has prevailed all over rrj weather. The market .was badly overstocked with seasonable new merchandise a ji to sell but merchants were in no position to buy. The merchandise market was' af, !0j fullv $100000 worth of merchandise from hard Dressed manufacturers who sold for s 4 In 25 years of business Brandeis has never offero We secured more than four tiwusand of the prettiest Shirt Waist Suits from makers who were willing to sell big lots at SQQOSSSSQ&OQSnQDpl a loss rather than carry them over another season. Ihere never were so many pretty and dainty Shirt Waist Suits shown by a store in the west, and bargains were never so astonishing as you will find at this sale. YouHl probably never see a chance like this again, pExfraSpecialsO n In Basement p p p n u n p u n ta M 11 m n Corded dimities, the regu lar 10c kind, g light and dark off colors, go at, yd ... tjf If Fine printed lawns in long mill lengths, the ' E usual I2V2C and 15c kind, yd Egyptian tissues and lisle tissues, the usual 25o fab rics, in lengths em from 10 to 20 1-L j1 yards at, yard. . 3 2 Very fine India linons in long mill lengths, that usually sell at 12Mo per yard, go at, per yard. . . . ...... PI Ei n pj P 11 P P P a P p p p p p p n p u p a Every one 0 these suits is in the latest style for summer of 1907. Charming new style features and more than a hundred becoming models. Women's Eleaant and Summery Shirt Waist Suits at 1.50 1 Dainty made pf fino dimities, lawns, chambrays, batistes, and linens made in all white or solid color effects, also newest 1907 printings the new fold skirts, pleated and flounced skirts, etc. many new jumper styles short and long sleeves, lace and embroidery insertions, tailor pleated, tucked. etc. in one great lot n n M P p n p p n P yard, in this sale, per yard. 13 P 1 3 nr i t .-. iuercerizeu ombroiaerea f dotted Swisses and fancy E3 embroidered figures in long mill lengths, usual price 25c per mj 1 M k. - 2 If w 50 li U n a li K Yd. wide skirting sateens, mercerized and hair line j stripes, made to sell for P 25c per yard, in this sale, per yard Tie Immense space on 2nd foor new store -de-vofed to this great sale Prciiy New Shirt Waist Suits at 98c Neatly tailor-pleated and tailor-stitched some lace trimmed and embroidered panel effect all white suits as well as plain colors and printed effects made of percales, lawns. Indian Head muslins, etc., in one lot, at Hare you seen the splendid bargains In the big show win-dons? M M m n a ri It 25c madras shirting, suit- CJ P ing and just the kind of El II cheviots for P boys' wear, in . P this sale. yard. . Yard wide corded madras es and percales, the usual 15c kind, yard . ... lie p Tic I Brandeis Never Offered Such Big Bargains as These Nor Has Any Other House in the West AT iLUERY SALE On account of unseasonable weather conditions which have prevailed in the east, the New "York retailers were all ovor stocked and were compelled to unload regardless of cost. $10,000 Worth of Millinery at a Fraction of Its Value SMART $10 HATS AT $2.50 In this Irm mense purchase you will find 1,000 new up-to-date trimmed hats in all the new shapes, as illustrated below, trimmed with flowers, fancy feathers, ribbons, malinos and orna ments, every hat bearing the high char acter of a $10 hat, come in all the frr C f nfw Biimmnr Rhndps. nlso blacks"" IJWU also the new wide brimmed Gibson Girl Sailor Hat A This Is the New GIBSON SAILOR $1 ready-to-war hata at 10c 5,000 Ueady-to-wear hats trimmed with velvet ribbons, fancy feathers. the Identical styles that sold early In the season at f 1.00 In baaeinent ??9 Untrimmed Hats at 25c All guaranteed this season's styles, in light and dark colors, on salo in Millinery Dept., at .25. Our High Cl.s. MODEL HATS 10c $5 more la only one of a .style, all mid summer hats, many of them trim med with largo ostrich plumes, flowors, orna ment and feathers, in our mlllnery department at : $5.00 I cirruBZV'i nmricB I,EOUOLK HATS 090 Tula la ono of the greatea bargains In child's log horns, trimmed with wreath of flowers, rosotus of . chiffon and ribbons in bastiinent.v'"" born Sati tliui sold eu-jy In the m-aaon at 5oo, In our Economy Millinery 1 'iit main I7 floor at "c In This Immense Purchase We Secured Hundreds of Newest Models WOMEN'S TAILORED SKIRTS They will be 6old at considerably under regular prices Saturday. They are very nicely tailored the new stripes . "jQQ and checks are prominent Jr well worth $6.50, at. .' WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS About 40 brand new ones well made good bloths and good styles fj C ft should be $10.00 at. Children's. Embroidered Dresses These cute and dainty dresses are white and fluffy embroidery trimmed in charming styles agea 1 to 5 years 1$C INFANTS' DEPARTMENT on the second floor everything for baby 'a wear and baby's com-fort Th Cold Wtathar la RaaponslbU For Tho Grand Bargain In Muslin Underwear Thousands of well-made, snowy under muslintj prices are much reduced. Corset covers, skirts, drawers and J chemises cut full. at. JC Finest Nainsook, cambric and long cloth garments, all cut full and well "f C 6ized, at J C Gowns, chemises, skirts, corset covers and drawers, beautifully lace trimmed, embroidered flounces many French 051 effects at JOC White or figured lawns and Swisses, new styles, very pretty in basement at.'....... Women's Spring Jackets Covert, silks and novelty cloths, a bcore of all new and 93 n 3x5 American Flag Sew ed and finished through out, strong canvas head ing, metal . fp"2 grommets, each P u n a n w Ti 1 P Unmounted Silk American Flags, at gQc-l5c-25c-49ci ei n Ladies' Hosiery, black and Q fancy colors, on ra basement bargain ff ti square at, pair. .'. . J f K;l ei H Children's Hose El rnf WnP.lr. nil F, 1 H w r r ' Ha. n SPECIAL IN LlfEI DEPT. Basement 10c-5c All the stamped and tinted acarfa. squares, tray cloths and laundry bags that hare been on display In wlpdow and actually worth 26o and 50c. Saturday, each On lot of hemstitched stamped doi- -Has. worth 10c, at each Balance of tho fine mercerlied tabla damask In mill remnants, worth It. 60c yard, at yard 6o quality twilled cotton toweling- VI. yard Extra large crochet bed spreads, worth 11 00 ach O.ZC 50c W. ra sizes, pair w s am aMsaiHssBSBs a rlLACE CURTAINS nobby styles, worth easily up to $5, at. . Thousands of yurds bought straight from tho manufacturer, who was glad to sell even at this amazing reduction. 50c and 75o Silks and All Silk Chiffon Mous sellnes, 45 inch, at About 25c on the Dollar In order to givo every lady a chance we have limited the amount to 20 yards, and spe cial selling space given in main bilk department. Saturday, as long, as they last yard 4 , 3,500 yards of the new Brown Taffeta Chiffon dress finish this article of fashion will be greatly appreciated. ( Main silk department, yard iiZC .IOC3 'fMllft- BR Never in our history could we buy fine dress goods in New York at such a bargain. The values in this sale will astonish you. SOc DRESS GOODS AT 19o In the new checks and 6tripes, barred effects, plain Melange, white and light colored suitings and fancy embroidered waistings main dress goods dept. limit of 12 t f yards to a customer, yard 59o ftlOHAIRS AT 27c Tho kind that will give hard wear and absolutely fast color comes in navy, brown, hunters' green, modes, blacks, tans and creams, usually retailed at 59c yard Sat- 7 urday only, main dress goods dept., yard t C 63 ti tl r.a This purchase brings ex ceptional bargains in. our Drapery Dept. Cable Net Curtains, worth $G.OO pair, at, 3.B0 .eec u v M U ti u ti T4 U n PS m ti ci ni ii m ri w n u u in M Special Occasion in Kousefurnishing Dept. I;???. ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN Think of this! Wo will Bell as many as you want of this adjustable win r a. -ii.-.-i r- m arc it..: lii.iii 'III IP mm dow screen, hardwood frame with best quality black wire screen cloth t can be adjusted to fit any window 35c value special occasion E5c Towel Rack Solid glass bar, alwayi cluan, iitvcr rusta, worth 20c ut . . . . Galvanlrcd water pall, 10 . 4 mm Poultry Netting 9 flft pair waw Irish Point Curtains, worth $4.50, at, O Qfl pair &f SJ 3 Brussels Net Curtains, m worth $5.00 pair, E&3 at, pair Cable Net, Scotch Lace yj and Novelty Net Curtains, g worth up to $4, ; at, pair tt'Jw Ui Snow Flake Curtains, ia all color;!, at, Oil opaque Window Shades, 3x7 ft., Oft K complete, each 3Jie H Clothes Bars 6-arm hardwood fold ing laundry clothes bars, worth g 25c, at 3C 15c 15c 19c 11 Jlt-lr Nickelluo Tea Kettlea, 6 quarts Food Chopper "UnlTerBal"- cuU Into amall Sid uniform plecea, coarad or flno H-V: 2 Inch mesh, galvanized after woven. 12-Inch width, by the feKmji Screen Wire, double sclrage the roll, 100 square feet foot zmm H M mdeis 1 lYi Vishiii TvDOraDheiWL 100 Latest Stylb C Come aid See the 11- t 8 e TT-rr.-T