THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY C5. 10 4 OFFERED FOR RENT THP.tE nr. f-imsbei Trv.t tT rmise-re-pr.g t .o i. Ire in 'r Im-; fu HfTi hath. IJT p r r rfh. rp St. Ci. ii li F. 4 rlart l.rit h-pit g ftcir. re;.. c-.;-:e ; .-j i w rhci h.idren. Bile? f. ' . -! IweT A' WITH p-"'vt fi-r.i.y. i.ti-g m Ha- (0 par A.trirt J." : e with or .:ht .x board 1L5 c i'''h St. .li -M C If I . CA PITC L Jttr-VM-r pieas.rt far nhd rt" in, tu 1tt f T two. It's closed u-w .y xiered new furniture, s-.utrern exposure. modrr, a'i :- room "1 Mi x . JjrKGT" :ry rv-r-i "T-?'T r til' n. tie-. ligMs. jirti if farri;y. f -:-'. a ioi - m. wa.klng Cftrc. lit S ?'-b Ave. Hi.. '2 r I F"I;r'N7" iti"-.i X l:rM houlteer. ng. 2-'. St Cl'-C"'-. Z NCTXI f'.rr .V.J r'-i: rnt !&( TkMl "-4- loug!a ft-7t bo-ise mc-ifm: fur. T.-K-ie .-i.-xci:. 1.x :HP.r.K nicely fnrr.-.Ned front rc.r:, U m 5f rr. , rent ri '', If tken t 6 6 S.ti St (IT -VK3 fc NEAT1.T furr.i'.ed Tct fert;-ei !n nrm b-vee eie trie l.rtx ni tele phone. tvi't pm-i-te fumiij- Mu.t glv fCi-..-5 refere.rit Wkir.j diitkac-e. Ao-c-et. t' .. 're F-ee.. fire O Oi B&. OEi MJTI r? Nirrt-Y frr.l.-a rvw, ir t Mmn .unei. av.b fcnd IVidge. Tel Lv.flk Ka. r,f Mi. 2m THREE or fcur fi.nt ir"rr,: modern; iuit on!y; refe-enot- re Qjired, no oUht rooaier. J"nj fl iw..n!j Are.. Ui 4C. i FOR F.EXT Cre Urite enjttiefctrt room. eitKtric lsh nd -'l cotvemence Z.T 8. th 8u Tel. Ii.ul.. tKTT. nt LARGE, cck.1 e-rt room. K per -.v rst Citol Ave. fu,,r, at, LARGE front rvTri. r.-.1'.rr. m.iith e pnure. or.e-taU bkKk ciir line. I Tirt Wiid At. f:r.i fw. FC'Ti REN"T ;mled roo.n. fcr r-nt,e-tnen oriJy; rrioerr, tirick hoaK: rlt ;a. eic-ellf-rit b"r3 if nted: ttK.d Iiouh, k rva. I'tic.r llunty 2-?f.. r Iataraibed Row. (THREE room unWe for housekeeping. JSA North it.tb St. r'vntlabed H.aMt mm Flat. EEATTN ROOMS, all r-ioiern and eocp:ete!y f urnr;ed. eieraiit iKAticr.. tia. 4 Pocirrja, city n-ater, fw; t i''.:ly f'jrnlfhefi. ij. Si.:b St.. PR. LLMii, I'axton B;k. Phona FTF.NI5HKD btume, Wert rarnant di trtct, I W'k from tar line. Plion liar ney tM) lor t.rUcuiata. as a zt t(rlke4 Roaama. THREE pinaaant room and bath, mod ern; tutuitiic lor lifLt houaekeepmc. TKi N. Z.tli Bt. Cii EiJ S XICELT fumifhed ulti. or unf urr.i;hea. tn e Mfmum annex, iiih and LKai Tel IouFla 8&. liiw MC2 2x r-' r. A rr,"i. inrnrul . , lierK .tul 1 J . ney. in- e room. iTth and St Mrr Ave. 1 room. Stlj and V Vary- Ae. X. P. IjCIXJE CO, 1714 Frnm Ft ll.t M4SC Z B.eketytM Bmb TWO ntoeljr farrllid room, for Hfht bouaeketplii; jrtvat family. rJ N a FOR REN T Th re-room modern flat, J Douslaa. ground floor: rent raaa:nabi Gkt LAtat knA loreatroect Co.. 10 Far tsts EL (l&--4 T"1' partly furnished btnement room for juaekeepjii. aater IE jt.icnen. oe;r Capital Ave. Of. MT? Sx r. A. li. room, nui, i . . wuin, neu. ; tboio loojition. Ifcc-lxii park, li iiht Pir-kney St. 06 M4 25 POUR mod era room, near park, furnlabed or a t.f ur hi-i. liai 6. 2th ?- ie Htc y. THREE elefrant furnished room, all mod ern; liffl.t iouaekaeplr.(. lilt N. lWh. OXr-Mr.45 3 ft'.R RENT I rite clan modern room a, t t quiet location. I block from cur lme, HO. Tei. Ha.ra7 Eli U fcST a Uaaaea Ovetmea. OMAHA Van Ptora- Ca pack, mora, tor H U. rood?; atoreboua U-X-tt N. lla- Of&o lail Far nam. TeL Zouk. iKk Q-li7 linTTF'Sl Jl paru of th city. R. aau BOUSES, tuauraaoa. Rlns-vaJt. Barker BTk. Ceir-iq tit: rarenport. ixk-m. tS; R th. f rooou, jufdexn, . it Capitol Ave. C rjorr.a. niodern, tJU. F.inTa:t Br'. a . SM & liAh. cll X WE DO expert piano tnovlr.f at loaeat prioea. Tel. Doug la 1&. BchmoUer t Muauar Flaco Co. UU-UJ Farziam. tFB V ween h!pptr booeehod rood. t lajf e d'.le weat. w cm in louncnu. EXPKE&6MEN DEL1VEKT CO, CI N. iXA lu Tat. IxmgiMM Uib. Oi Itt FOR RENT Eigbt-room house. E4 N. 2Sd St : ail modern; with barn: rent reaaoc- aiua. Ajiiy at WT N. Huh Bt. Q& 1UX NEARLY REAIT. " New brick bouar Juat a eat ( f All Saint' enure at auto and liearey Ave. Hot aaier beat. Lard ood fit, .an. hard wx.d. kiod S-Kr ax.d ever jthir - tha very Lml Will dooo.-aie u .u.t ttiuuit. Wurknjaa ar.y week day a ill atiov you Isolde- They are the most vp-to-dat house on the market t rent. W mtk lease to hr-ln Jun 1. llay waikatg distance and lie very rhoii.t location. Brtttr look at them and at u at cnue twa loased this wek. HAKRKiUOJI MOKTOX. Bat K. T. Li.'a. Tel. Lkl 214 GL-iXA S liLJI -room, all modern houa for ES. Pirawm rrk- Re U.1. Key at fo. Hr.u. (1LV-M4U X Ti("lT";TQ port of the cliy. Th a r D.via Co.. fcee B aj ii 11 FOR F.F.!T Larr Store room. lth and Vie ton Et C it. fcaehnifcnn. r? I'd. tun biocA (li W flX RCH. MS niO Burt Pt, 90. P-.X rcK.r a." Pi. I.i-O. 1-our rui't:.. :;J t,er Cunir.. 00. CUIUS bOlEK, and Coanf Bt t Rt.Jiia, n.o.ert. Ji Cbarle. t5: c.wty FVIH RtXiVfc ha.: f.a front tt. rd Coor. lath ar d Nitl.t. ta . i... BEM1S l ax un Eia. Pno' Lv ug. xt f WE MOVE FlANOS - Maggard Van nd Stuig Cj. IvL Iou.aa ,fc. C-thce 1-1 -Vebater Bt ili lj fi.NL-ROjM r-Kj.-m. Hiucon Par district tf-e.r. p. ;i.iMl,n Are rid Wiurt!. Ait, it u; i pit Tele pi. out liem.y Set. ..U rTx SIX RH-.MS-r: Cai;to! Ave. mcern. new s'.rt paving .r?e:ei g.K.i 1.41, iorbood. IA. and water J . ' (ii Vw4 SLx r fyOSIf. rw. ai! nuders. (Su. Ke at S tu. N lb. tlis-J-A KP-COM, high-grade daei'u.g to ka on nr two r Jun i. W L. aELBT. Doard of Trad. L.g. phon It-jug iuia. FX R RENT. ! Emmet, k-rooin a t modern, ham. nna a:i. B-jl :jaM Ave, a-room. city water. Ha. U Khii r. Ki.A i. F-oTATt. Cxi . Iu4 N. Y. Lilc l.idi Ptiwne Ioug.a. 2 L1 laiii Fv'lK itiaaLaa tu baia, r.a N Ml n iiAi-Mo. li OFFERED FOR RENT Ploweee as ftlf Cw tl lH : t RC:.MH, mil modern end c-ir; kteiy f ar r.tsrec. Fame-ii c. strict fcv room , M f-cr pi rrrient, JC. E "or. 1Mb and Niche. aa. la. Sue room, ll-Jl N. lith St, PO. , EEMiS ' Tti'M Doaglat f.4. Put on Ekrk. (lit J.3 THE UNION C'atft.n c.;ny. ir.l-:? l'nm w-ui I rci.-.i corn- 1 1-'. for Hi SO. tern, A ir-orthiv . u ' tf.T buying tii.e-sirar it 3 Bnlaar. ' If,:! HAP. 'HT "T.-l floor and bseTr--t. km: fee- -jlthi tor -ko'(m,( V:-Ca-ue investment Co.. but St. lite M ' FR REVMiwk Jn B-e rflr. eny j Ooiiij t citron. jTHE etMre Lul.fl r.f nrtr cvmpied tT Ui tLi;y New. m 1 rior -tit nd btf , rr.ert. il .-C" r j l3vo:mnt Co.. 1.V lC St. ti TOR F.rXT Por.d flor.r. VT.xVi'' .-jitible f r kc riiom t!ciiinri f -r-!-.- F'kiare Cicthii-c Cti 141 r. r,d OBcet. OFFICES Foi Rent in The Bee Building Boon CI. a re Itiit; baa vauJt. i hoc.m T. me i.x.i. R:.tti t... , ii 22. t P.UMII U", .1. IjlXjI. ' hc"n.i 4 and :i. at occupied at preaent; - - - ' - - -' - . i - ii r uiie of czLcea. Her it an op;.crturJ:) to rert ;: lr a eU appoir.ted '. ffice tuUdir.f Jarjtor aenioe and e.e.irtc itii free. A;.pr Buainta OiS:-e cf Pea. iii t:- rC'R REXT-Late pffje-e room. No. 1. i3 k iji rr ponuti Al'ij.y to Conrua Toiit.j. aetit, Xi-i toej FOR RENT STOKE AND OFFICES IN RAVGB BCTLTiyq APPLY TO W. R HOMAN, ICT FAF.NAM ET. TEL. UuUGLAS H ciitMat FEOCiNT) floor. 7 fet onf. on Farr.air gt, aeU lurtled. Inquir at r.4 S. .'inri Si t FOR RENT Tb beat loraied corner tor in C-mah.a. Farnanj and l-h Sta., Board ff Traue Bld. bee P. H. Fhilhin, Scfcliti H.tei. iCT PC R P.ENT One-hvlf store. Fl-s? floor. Ft . Cxlia. also all second fl Kr, xiy.: beiaen Lth and lrift St Fre.fbt arid pasatngar elevator. The PuUnaa. Co, ila 82 Cone. 4?nr Hamilton St.. Kore"oom. hrirk bailg:a R C PCTERg ACp.(li BfT OFFERED FOR SALE Pesetas. AJJCHOR aad Iron fenelm; rlre fencing fcc par fooc m S. 17ta Bu TaL Red &4, OS 17 raraltare. ELBGAXT. new. large, oolid mahogany dresser nd grxtlerrac tl.eSi.nier; a.o very lrg Quarter aed oak buflet (ooFt emir, very fine. Also dining room chairs and table and good folding bed. Ail good a new and chean. Phone Harney JOT (1 W x SD-HAND furnirura bought and ol3; busl &ea on the ouar. Rosenberg Co.. for merly with Chicago Furniture Co.. 101 g. 14th. D. Ui. u,'-MSl Jelt ANTIQUE Jardiniere, candl Ucka. ma hogany furniture; exrhaxig for ciotbea. &. Knh St. A. Kiser ati-ME4 Jelix WE carry the h'irhest grade of second hand furniture., borne Item worth ageing. Prioe r.ght and also we can tive joj c on tije dollar and It would pay you to see us before you buv. Chlces" Fur niture Co, Itli Dodge. Doug 4TF. Gfc CI 3S rI BtDlarw Taktaa. FOR SALE New and secondhand brniard and pool tablna. Wo lead th world In cnes bar fixture.; eajty payment. Bruna m lck--k-Coiendar, 4iK S. lmb 8. Q Mta Typewriter aaa tewlif Xaeklac. ONE Remington typewrfter. No. 4 tn good condition, for aal cheap. Call at Be Offioa. iMj carx TTPE WRITERS Beat bargains la Omaha, Kaii to ft; call and see our line, C'trtaha TTpeT.ter Exchange, Ml Paxton EJt. Ci iliti Jet Ftaate), Orxasa, Hasteal lastrwaaa'ata. AXNTAL SPRING SALE OF High class piano !n splendid condition. These lr.slrumer.1s ar worth fully double the money we ask for and will be sold on sue to (1 weekly f-aymni. Call or vrfta at one. WaJunt Case fprtght, IU. New Eng-iand t'pright, tVtL Kicct;i Vpr-ght, Rosesood Case, Hi. I Chirkenr.g ..good condition). TJa.'. a: fcuniM, Gait Cas. Nrw Tork baropl piano. (17a. 3. C. Fisher. Burl Walnut Case. UH. lvers At F-ond t largest style). i5. TERMS TO SUTT. Stelnwy, Vos. Emerson and other square pianoa. tJi. X. Mfc and up Mason at Han.lln, Kl:r. tn. Ewtey and otner organ. Vim. Ill, and up. We rent new i..ano from ii upward; a'.so move, store, tune and repair Instrument of 11 make. SCHMOLLER A MT'ELLER PIANO CO, li-1 and U.1 ramam etreet. Tel Douglas 1CX. or mla l.'MC. DISfXJfXT on Knab t prtrtt style F. in ieni conciuon. u4 1 on.y tnrs months ana taken tn trade. MATTHEWS FTA-NO CO.. Ull-ii Harney St, Omaha, Neh. fiii K3 PI AND Square t.. 9 cent weekly, per- tr.J 1-uuiO Co, lull Farcam St il E(4 fX P. SALE Oood Emerson upright plana. ai a aucniica. App.y hj iia-n.-i'.oo. at-in Miaeellaaevaa. Befeley Letter Cabinet afas of walnut and hart-. two lnAe.4 ! rase; aa binamentaj and us tul of- ' no f.xture. at a bargain. Sao 'Vt right, at I The Be ttaaiaeas afloa flie ; GAS, ELECTRIC ' AKD COMBIXATTOX FIXTURES ;c'.a. low price during May and Jun to rrcu. hoc, order i.'W, goooa Ot-.ivered BURGESS & GRAXDEX CO. Ttlephon Douglas fiaL U S.lMh ft OsT M17V BIG SALE two-piece suit t order, M cCinMf-Wiison Tahnr-g Co . aV lS'n 6l Cie-M44t en MILLET SXED-A- W. Wagner. M N. Hx Ofl. FC'R SALaV-Fjwt-ceaa nor 1 1 sr -a. si.wc.t-a. etc Giou Lar,A and Inveai BKti Cu, US Famaia 01, Omaha, Nti. tli.e-MCj FEW bargain la M-ha.nd aoda fountalna; m-jnthiy paymeaia. iM-ngnt. ir.A Farrnv C 'END us y.-i- mail orear for drugs; j freight p ca gjt . klj r- r-..: I Mtug Ca, Cstiana, U-IS Have you The has EHSRtnV VILXiAVS CO. Vet B..ieJ puiit. febermaa Mo?lCih.U Dr. f Cu ut : " HCVE-KAir GRAPE TV7NE. JC TKAHS C't-i'. u ffr gallon cacklci' bl.S. CffOSlTE P. O cs c ia)r:t AWNINGS; tbej-'re not ex; Call It'ug '1 and our rerrter.;k.i:v eta. i. Ci t, Tu; ajd Awt-ing Ccu tlfcl.l Cirr Al:r.:.!.t nrw. Use Exl'xHS 1; " A 1 . Ita. Ml.i '. uc;y Abstract Co, G et a cod, 1. Oi Mit S KJNI IJN3 FC'R PALE at I. ' p"! In-jLire of Mr Jarii.n at ih and 3r'v.?a trett. Gt MHJ HALL' 8 aafea. new. xd-hand. iat Farrnv (1 174 flyp 4 PT T?re f rd tip. E E. Laa uw v-at' rent. Tr Leaven won h &t. Gf 3 M M FOR 5ALB--yr-j; :a ?; crtajn, la growl til.r.ft. . v ahoci.t y cat."; y x tnn-.n ei bocy. Ca:i it f.odre Sc'.h ;: c Ctt Itk I-rug Si an, lith tr.rl T'oucai. Omaha. ()tL-ifA TW'O med UTi s r i fr-r-rat"r foe f.file. Aiarr.;to Samtjiry I-alrj' Co . 1SXS rr.rrarn CC i 4-;f i4 NATIONAL casr r-Fis'er, to-!-! txket pn-ter. cort new fcTL Pr oe Si. N. :Sh Pt nc ''x PATENTS LARSON A CO. F.ook free. Bee Pldg. 17 is D O. BARN ELL. ;.tent attorney and ma chin 6oer. Paxion li.k. Ttl. Fed "3:7 (17.1 171 itJ. PERSONAL CITT STEAM LALNDRT Shirt pressed. Dot lrunea. 1LX A- 11 Ui 6t- 'Xei. l-ojp. 1.4. ii. il ETRINGES. sooda. by mall: cut trices, fcend lor flee catalogue. Myer 'li.on Lluf Co, OniAfc. (ltla. MINERAL WATER BATHS. Turner Ret and Waier Cure, Coliax. la (1 Mil Jekx BRIGHT K.y t.aby for adopt -on. Adcrt-a H ti. car Bee. (It .Mi.: 4 -tx f A r,VT",rrTi""' treatment and t.ath. Mma IVLAUeEAi.V6cjth, 2d ncr. tu-ua RtPTl"RE CrRED No knife, no deten tion from tiamra. QUICK CVhE RCP TX'F.E CO.. over S. W. Cor. j4tb tad Dougiaa. Omaha. 04j MfijkMil PLEATING sSrel?6- Dyeing and cltaniig. fpcncmg and shrink ing on.y i per yard, frend lor price Lat and sam; OCLtMAN PLEATING CO, It Doug.a. Biock, Tel. Doug. as 1X U 1U CAmON ETEINWAT PIANOS. F-ewaro cf b .u Instrurrer.t oStred a genvlne ETEINWAT PIANOS. A fin tock o new and used STE1NWAT pianos at very low pnoes rr.ay be found t the Srhmoller At Mueller Piano Co, U-l Pa mam St , and tliey are the only authorised repreenta LlTfca la Nebraaka. tA MaM OMAHA Stajnmei-era InrUtute. F-amgo Bidg. OiflSa THE SALTATION ARMY solicit c:-o3 CiOthing: la fact, anythuig va ao not need We cohect, repa.i and aeli. at U N. 11th St, for con of cr.iiert-Es. ts th worthy poor. Call 'Phon Doug. 4iS and aragoa will calL Ci SU ANYONE uffrlr.g from canrer will do weil by writing me. After suffering four year from canoer I have tw--ri cured. I am not dcor, but wli) tell you where to get the cure. Eoy Max we. 1. :U-2 N. Vth St, C.maha. Neb. tl-aUr7 2-X FOR anrthlrg tn the sewlr.g mchlre Kn go to P. E. FTodman A Co., Uii Capitol Ave. Gi-t 71 Jel EEWTNO machtnea rented, any make. Tie per week r C per month. Seccnd-hand marh:ct. for sale. ST ard up. Nehrasxa Cycle Co, llb and iitrn-y. tii 1M FRrVATE CCjNFINEMENT HOME Mra. Dr. King. IX N. Sib Si. Ttl. Do-c tik. MASSAGE PwedlFh mon-emert. Rotm X 6ik BrcAdway. Council tluffa. la G T1IJ3 EIJTE. rewry esiahliebed massage and bath parlor, expert Itdy operator ..ilrlt seiect patronage, ISh Fari.a.T St, second four fiie O !i KITE young man want to have a gd ' time and o-ia i.'a iu eta; the o, Cualntanoe of a ref.ned and p.-.-ttv young . girl. Addrasa, G . IK" . (If SM Six 1 A. RETIRED and x;renred merchant. having ac-c-es to eio ks of g.H.i repte- i er.ur.g ml!! era. w:l! purchae f-oe of charge arvthma vc.u im Write f'ir panic lars. Frcxy Purc:.a:ng Co . ?ci ! Docre. Omaha- a? M'.4 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PCALER1 BCBSELL M KITRICS CO, CI Ramge. W H. TX"RRLt li Faxtersn B:k Im-js. EEARS. KL K. T. Ufa TeL Eed f7. (li WJ EERKA A CO.. KS S. T. L TeL Dg 74f7. PAYNE INV. CO, 1st fir. X. Y. L. Doug. 1. U ZHt ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Fir- Ntl back hid. 'Plot Doug 721 Gi ee) GEORGE at COMPANT. 2JQ1 Famam. Te Douglas 75 E, C PETERS A CO, F-ee Bifg. Ot-TA L W EVNNEIX A CO, at: N. T Life Doug.. t.ti. C sJi CITY PBOl'tKTl f On lALa. f-roxim, 1 acre ground, all In fruit, bam; a targain. A..1 tr.1 Fort. $1,000 2 bouse, near th and Cen ter streeta Ri-r."tl vaiue tl jr Hioriti.. Cm i4j.11 if ou w ai.1 U-av C-ROOM MODERN Ejuxpl fumaoe, alm.l r,e-, cemented ur.i.r e: lire house perrTifcijex t a.ka W" N lTtl. Avt. Terms easy. Pr ice l O. C. OLSEX S. E, Cur. lath and Dodge St. Mam Door. le- H IXVESTMEXT W have Just Lshsd a store and four-roors dwelling em a fuil k frortrtg or. car lu.e In South Ornaba. which we are authonsad to offer for a lew dais sTMi. The Itioonie la rCB per year. If you ar locking lor a snap, ter It la. J. IL DUMOXT k SOX, N. Y. Lif faiug ; OFFERED FOR SALE MtBrelta Catlaed. something to DEE'S "For Sale Miscellaneous" Column. brought dollars t thousands of people. REAL ESTATE CITY rROPI HTV I VRtilE (Continued. OWN A HOME OF YOUR OWN ATTEXD OUR SALE CF LOTS LX COLLIER PLACE NONMOUTH PARK AT SOTH AND A11ES AXE. Saturday and Sunday, May 25th-26th PRICES $200 to $500 EACH Lots on SOtli Street and Corners a Trifle Higher. $10 Cash and $5 a Month 5 Per Cent Discount for Cadi. Only 20 Minutes Ride Down Town City water, sewer, cement sidewalks in front of nearly all lot?. Close to Monmoui.h Park These are the best lots in Omaha for the money. Don't fail to see them, AYhit? 6 takes on all corners with numbers on. Only two lots to a rersorL Buildin? limit, Xo lots sold to undoirabIe jeo le. Look at the lots today or to morrow and we will reserve the lot vou want -until Saturday morning. Buy where all the houses will be new, modern and up to date, XOTHIXG LIKE HAVLXG A HOME OF YOUR OAYX. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1704 Fa mam Street, Bee Bidg. on foe tx PROPERTY SJLD IX I)UR HOURS. Having a t g den. and for h;.me frt.ra ' 'c t -e (ni t ;vertf d !r. iact S..rda a ;.t;.cr. :r j.-h !J.,:,dav ijt--lort n..t.n l.'.r J S I-or-e.. ;,'e:ed r..-i.t.; ' tt- ;.t 5 rp rty. N rth Pi. a:.J te-n-r- i ! .i we i;-.m-1 li.e J.a A. " love t -a-. - of bLver ;..! g to huj homes :f fev are ') woi-.h :.t trire. we wart tt oe ar.x l -Uf to sell eU:c to lift ll.cJr l.rL;.-ty fr sale us ILRKA A: CO.. lei. D:.Lg ;!:. U N. T. Life (:! t; 17 :a BENSON HOME ( roor-.. two lr.t etr! frort. electric J'g't. el e t. car line. ;3(. Weir aven-ie, U.S.. Eaty terma TURK ELL A CO, Room li Pa'terv.r. E'k Ci-. i4l 14 LIFT ytir proj4rty with the Wester H rre luiloera. rr..a Stroma Nail Lank I.tig Cf 714 LOOK AT THESE IT.! N 11 b St . l-roc m house lot S Xi4v ft, on the boulevard pnee. Il.m. T1& X. I"th St. s-r n.m house, aewer, c:ty water paiej t t and s.dewt.a; jot iti'i ft Fnoe. U tot: tir V at at t-r..,.-i- m-.A-i-,. ki.i.u I b.i.i: ki xl ft Pru-r. t.iM M CAGUE IXITSIITNT CO, i IcjIjE ST. Cf ml a FC-R SaLE Six-room houaa. No. Jfr Cl.l gj t-h. close to hurt, fcoieje! and Cre.grj tt.ti ot.iitge. naif bi..a from Harney stree car I'm-, Ived street; permanent wa.a. beautiful iaw n; feet frottt. price 4 Aa W. li. CRliFITH. OH Cr.itags Bi. ffflU'iMIMIfi't""-" "Tti sell REAL ESTATE (III tiK.ft.kll cite I41E (Conunued -".U0, $2o.W, S-oAK ?o.(0 WHERE CAN YOL" INVEST THIS SI I IO AS CiOOD ADVAXU'ji' T liert the jian. S ;t o:.e cl t-i.-Pr tHaj..:ui 1..? :; lit,1 t.. :: ti. ig t:e f.nest and nn.n sp-...j K-caiKt) f;.r a : j turt 1 i;,e u. ff:iH ;.t . c r :y to!i sc ,ivh busmt'S (fil ter if and aer,ue car Ire. ;..y li c-.a ar.d tr.e haianct ai or li'. or uch amount a you can s; .re r.ont. ly. end !r, ,. t J c-u v ar. invest r-. r.t tietter titan a hank', fi r -t cant ret aay ironi ion and tie lot if rap) ilv lt. rae'? g It va!j Tou are tierfl r '.n j.s:t'.c to chtain a loa- to !' d a h '?-. or at ar tle s-:: u.t !"t at a g .od ccm A'.', tVp jou car J.-. on a fiT. 1-r.rTi. r "'r l-.'s ki - I'V- tl .-,'jv r.f 'TK'r.e r" c'rts rr., e 1: te - j out to see tre lata at ar y time. RUSSELL & M'KITRICKTO.. r M F'.cg. lf.ts ani Hs -v ?. ci.. -M -. MR. HOMEBUYER li-.ok at the three 7-r:...T! louef t Tf-7-r N St. They are ctrtait .y cV '-ap at C.r.i. each. Pavire and ndewa!k In; fin tree on each lot. PAYXE IXXSTMEXT CO Tim Ftor N. T. L I.lig. Tel. Dour'la 17C1. (!. EEFORE Tor TXT ELj?EV."I3ERE tTfat lot for a horre) IE SURE TO SEE OUR , LAIvE JAMES PARK FIRESTOXE'S SUBDIVISION AXD ELLISTOXE PARK PLACE OUR GUARANTEE: Conf iderlr.r all ad-vart;r-s nenmes to car. t--auty of land fc.rh c'.ass neir Miors nothir e f-fero-d In C'ir aha a j.proi c : e ihope ail:;u.T.s for the lew price and easv terrr-.. We cr'y ask the rhanct t.. SH- -W TOU We liai e a ftv kft on j lan ol no taxe and no li.tert for two years. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., CHAS. E- WILLIAMSON. Preeident. lKa Farriam St. OX CLIFTOX HILL "-room, modern except fur nace, - a- d gkte. on c; r Dt-r lot lac-ir,g south. 1 block from car. Owner fcnys submit best offer. Ihi must be ..ld. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. IBM N. T. Life. Tel. Dour r.Ti. (lie-Milt S 3524 SEWARD ST. Ow-ner reduce price to H.Su. It'g T room, mofrem rxev-pt furnace: south front Jot. tc1i. Fine fruit and shade treat. It certainly a 6a.)' little home. PAYXE INVESTMENT CO, Firrt Foor N. T. L. Eiidg. TeL Douria I7K, Ci S THE KERR AE.STRACT CU'S AB eTRACTB OK TITLES are the a!et. Tou are rrotectec by a ri' , loud againrt )o by error You don , buy a law ult wiien you buy a Kerr"' aostract li4 Harney. Tel. Dougia fc4S7. Cll; - REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CiLAS F- W ILLlA MSON . Pra. CO FOP. SALE Souv. west corner Cf arie and St. lot tPV.xLX with cottage of 7 ro.-r...- ana bain. jrn.anent, paved treet, one block to I4th street car lj,e. Want effer. W. IL GRIFFITH, 2u21 CT.lcag Ft. CJo-Mr.!)S Xlx FCR SALE House t rooma. modem ex ctpt furnace. SM St. Price. U.3.IU. Eary terms. JOHN P. FLACK. Clur Eavint Lu-nk, Ibth aud Dotiglaa Cie-ii 716 So. 28th St We want an tffer cn thl boue. It la the best c.f condition, has 7 room and la rac-dern except furnace; paved street. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. L, Bidg, Tel. Doug. 17tL 0 CO X S2.ia.aT. Suttfiantia.! frarr e hr.-use. new , ir od- trn. fie piun.hing la unary, up to date : in every deta-1 Fix tot.rt.a. fuli buse rr.fM. Easy terrn. If not V'-id by Jjt.e I j w .U 1 rt-r.U-.J at f: ar.d water. r"" ! Capita Ae. C. 6. She;rd. N Y. ; Life. t: Mi Si j BUT -n (& itrtrit a fru t, jK.u'.trr ar.d j : hop fcrrri near C'mai.a or w-.:: trai for I ' cny prt-pc rt y. Aaort-ea Lox 17. tOrnal a. 1 ' -f-13 Six j 1 lictrpr-ta cf ftie; quick servioe 'Phone ! -lit.. IFtttlS ,,jr j,r,ce. Guerarie ao- 1 tract Co, Patieihon L.k. Th -ne P.ed 7. ' ce'j.)-VC7(- MM FCR BALE Five-arre trect cf lr.-d !i Ben- son,, tiiiee bii frorr. car. suitable f'tr i I T 'att.'.g or for Imprcnen t rt; an oppor- tu':t i.r sucj una Aress, j Bet. (li l4i FC R EALE Two modern bouses and larg b-rn, 1 .. block north of lians.-ora iui, jed street, etst frcnt. lot 'ix.ou. L-wi-tra owner wiil sell it a t .rxain. THOMAS BrENNa.N. F.ui.m IN. I L. 1 ki IF YOV are tbinkir at bu.ldltg It win ' pay y. 0 to see the Western 11 :;.e F iul.o- rs. 'Jl and a. Neb Nat Lank ttiug, r 1 price ana tenia. Curr.-rg rtK.Tt.a. I7i0. 'ant. S ii.'h n , i r-e.rr.a i,ew IJ (Kj. In.k f.ats l. rc.vta".. Sk tti. JOHN N. FEENZER. C PP. OTD P O c v.:- r. REAL ESTATE FAstM AID kikCH llllli FOR t ALE Clreia- HOVrSTEArtS Goed fartrtrg lst.d sear rsilroal Beraara 01, 14 Clsvtoa L-k, Denver, CiiA CA) kt,.77 MA ' ' ' J REAL ESTATE FARM AID Mk(H LtiUI FOR SALS Kocbnuedt Caaaata. Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight ser-tjo:. f rat rls winter whoat law, eht nl.e. from tcwa w.tfc tt.ree large r .r t uijot ti tt n per cr. a eKi or i in (.a ta ts 1. 1 )ut be g t r,.t,g to wu.e uj. Laod is b f k )"aa lib ::c-w clay sub 4 . rloe smootn, ietei lani ro rok Ooc4 teri to par 1 tie )o "tn hand, nana Adlra i. H Et ver a. C;.in.K.k, livtt i'e 3t. WESTERN CANAI-A - THE W. P.LI S I hEADF-ASKE.' Thf f'-'ft of it--. I 1" h' t '.T.d ar- in t'.r !.rt i,?ourit in j 1- d ik.l eeHS.-"-. : t..-:e' ; r a re Wt hae r.-id Imh-mi cf at r t .. t '. roug'.'y sa.' 1 nerl -veitk's lie g-m cr..; c-f a Ktt'f at. --r. ts 'fun pn.l !;.( of pur chhe j rrre of a far-n ATitr.g o.;t ci.e est be-. i.!.g ui-eg S. . :.- hx.f s ri.lle la-ft M -rta n iake a t.avrsb kte-r rt.iic i,.t, i-1 u'.a..ltVg 1 -.e:.. 1 t" fctt. rea I. u- P; o.'ici e,: 1" 1 FT). IU it a-. i eu.e e :. b .ar.--in iVree ar.r.uai meta.:irt W'M IE.R. S'..N i.'1. Ltd . a-B Northern Bnhk h ug.. "r. 1. ; g. kita. u Ki asaa. WANTFle-Agents 10 ipres-etit n !n tb e f t tr Kansas lanf. Write for j -.r-tirulaia iii"t- Laud and lnvist- -- .,, Nen. C3 M Mioses, UtrROVEr farrrt: jrairie and t'r-ber U t-d in c r.:-ti M nnrs.ta. rrt f fa 1 v.r k:ir r. . -s-C.i exchange lnd fer .'ter Lroinrtii For :.r cj.r wr-te F-e3 !;.1L Adrian, M-cta. ' .-12,1 Jul Iljy. acrti Irr au,ck Sale. 1 Eighteen settlor., or a S'.'.id townh:r cf lr.d :n astern Montana, mile j frt.rrj Gifnfi ve. I Cr te loam s..'l. with r. gubeM!; I e!l watered hy rreeka. which have i hir!;t and a.lg'.t biufia A!i j 75 per cert arable snd ory two s-ictkitr ! Cat a- not t letst cne-ha'.f arable. Pr.oe It .V- 1 r a - re net to u. Term I: per ir earn. 11 per acre tn ti.irtr cla and l'it-f In three aqual arrva! ;.iyme--r1 at f per cent. 1 V-t ;.e .Id a. a whole. Z:..t wor. t 'u.M ).;.ng. 11 lxjietwted writ to me at once. O W. STONE. 3 Security Par.k Fldr Mmneapol.a. Mir.n. (Iiwmik j;x Nebraska. , IMFFiOVEr farms 'n eaBtem Nebraska; til.ri.j a.-.d I't.ugla Counties. P J. cver Von, Gretna. Neb. iB0.-MI.7t A GOOD furm. we! Improved, 2S mllee west j cf C'tnaha. fcr le on easy torma. 1 cent mttreat, il taken in ntxt " d y Aciarts. T iM. Dee. JCe tie CHEAP NEFRASKA FARM We off. r lor sa.t acres c l.oice farming land in Custer county. Nebraska, about atven rr.lies from Broken I low. trie county seat. Large ...riion k-el plow land, ba.&ric-e xc:ient parturage. K-ch virgin soil. Small .o-jfie bam. weTl and wmd rr.'u.. No hetttr fro land In ti.e state. F'-rt at r;iiirk sale, on-T li'4 per a-e Will soon bnrg I..'. HICKS F.EAL ES TATE CO, Kb Board Traoe J-idg Texaa. THE LAXD OF SUXSHTXE ; Hn'-e some rare bargrnr. In lieautlful R'ato valley; tt cn not be surpasseC; the f:nest tart of Texas Can raise aft fa. com. ccrt'T.. sucar cne and r'oe; fi- fruit cwjr.tey: p!erty c.f water. M offer Is a rap; beH'r lrtetirate It: J.I In 0 per acre, worth d uVie. Cheap raiirc.-.d r' tei. :fi and itrd Tuesdey of each month. For par-fclars ad-es Rt f T C. DP.UESrOW. i 8 N. T. L bidg, Omaha. Neb. ; 3C MKT 1 10,000 Acres in the Pan-Haidle ' ,lo F.air CccntT. Ttxa. ! We g-narartee this enttr tract to b pfnen IE n rT r re,; . mere is n 1. nnw lnd in the Pan-Handle Land adjoining this tract la retailing at r.I to Ii4 per acre, ly fali it will all retail at r.t We will price half cr all cf this tract at a fig-ure which win clear you from li to X per acre by retailing It. Address G. A. Gt man. Oakalooaa, la. lsU.- MKT 4 deli H IseoBslau SNAPS in Polk county, Wla; snap In Im proved fa'TTi; aiso In wild timber lands; lot .f lu-T.bc-r and corkwood For Utuiara w rite Jonn Howe, Amerv. ia u."S a-x RLAL ESTATE L0AJ.S MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca C2j-U PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, lis Doug Ol iK. ti.lOi.tfM TO LOAN on business and res) oenc prorty in omaha; lowest rate; no delay. 7 noma Brenmn. leoom I N Y. Ufa (r iia WANTED City loan and warrant W. Fart am Smith A Co, li Famam St IB . LOANS on Improved Orrab property I O'KEEFE R- h- Co, Uui N. Y. Life E i i C2-M71ii ! sV TO IKip TO LOAM at lowest rates; n dtiay. GAKVJN EROS, lftjt FARNAM. EUILDINO loan on resident propartv; I per cent. W. & Melai. Kamg BiOf.k- C2 Is LOWEST RATES Bemi. Paxton Block, j Ct 1 I WANTED City loans. R C Peters A Ca LOANS on Improved ettr preperty W. H. Thomas. Hi, First National Bank Bidg n -! WANTED TO BOi'.ROW T' ON IMPROVED real e-te, worth It If. Will give first mortgage. Aid-e, I K-iX Fee hi WANTED TO BUY CAEH paid for -.d bocka Crane-Foy Ca. ia S ItLh. 'Phone DougiA 1X CE-1 PARTT with H. cash wnhe to purchase bet cciiage ihi anount wnl bu). A6 dresa J 4. Be. iZ.e Li. Tx WANTED To buy. seoond-hand frrtlture, cook and stoves oa.rpeta. lino leums, c-ff.ce l-rmure, old c.otne ar.d n..ea, plan .s. ftathera. td pi'.lcws. sui.t arid ail t r.a of or w:.l Put the f-rn'tur cf your hots oorrpbi. Wi'j hey ar.n,ue cr mai.ugaiiy lurmiure. Tie L.g.', est f-ric-s t-aid Call t r.glf r-ai.. ". .-L Doug. a iai. r. M il J2 WANTED TO BUY Fire Insurance Agency in Omaha, Give list of corciALjfc rri'reentea. rr.ouot of rTcnuiumg dnrlug ! year ' ALd price kfcked. Audreys V , Vara ! OfutLt Ufcily Bee. (Ti-MCS Fx SIX or en-room hc.ue. cc.cver.ier t to car. about fc.iM, cta.v Addreat fc 4 1 care E-e. i )-4-l r.x WANTED-To buy aboul u goal; s ate ini-e An.iTfB v . ix 1 ho" aa. c are xrazjue. a-tore 'fcea7. ! WANTED TO RENT WANTEIe-I:y lady havir g nice apartment within i:iiif (.if.i t.'-e of Jdth St. would lia u. share s;.T.e wth married eou;ua cr twe- yojrg levies, itferent- given ard ro-u-i'ed. A4lti li iu. cart Dee m x r WAVTE7eTwr nlctly fum.s-.ed rc-r M ' ana n ti bath, cr unl urr .ahed Cat. n "dem. m Hansccm para or Wn ; fi... tj,rs; d.tntt: sill take best care; fami.y c f l u. Andrea 8 ib. Dtw (If . A Ux WANTTD-Kr frst clas r . -n Ad creaa fa-asi. car Be. A, MoiC Hi WaNTEI Fy resjvnait.le party, iK.n.e t i take tare of for the ur..fLier. best of I reference given. Anaver i.m H in., . Dts tJw-M".: x I WANTED SITUATION tXHF.lf . .'!.l' ;tN jl: AI ULI; god re'rT:-- .a.i:-kj r ir,iu l-e. li BVwtt ft, B.urTa. la. (IT S-3 1"s:t:on WAMr:t r- j-'-te- w .r a ! ,.- ii pa.e.r . ir.. n-..u: I t i t ! f years, r .. id hah.ta. Ad V (re Fee. .r-Mi J.t TC''"N' n-,a ; s j-vf o- trin". sVe-ni-. car do l b.n: .. ' A I -A. care 7 i" lx l W1K' WANT A No 1 r.- - c I ano p;ayeir. unoe-rstanu riow I ..' . v r '..1 Ia a-o r. ad n. r.e. A' M:."y j-;.t Eim... jc. x'4.-c :i FCiSITiON a. j ;-"it:e ar' '-.;''a,t t-n-g r ... r . -ar .-'. r. , r--.-v-.-. a Jour g ir.arned r..a: A.urcx 1 .. l.e. ir m;. i WANTEI'-F..!ti'.r an -.-. p r; r c(K k, tit j or counrv Te. Kar- r .! r. -m-4 r.t REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J tin-iD a. l ;a.:. to J. i.n A. Mi iHiinof. tt a. rj... ;i. j,.t L. b.-H x j a. A- fe 1 air.A a -u I 1 I J G Arti.ur a-id w.le to Jar . T. I Foner, i t I i tk a. Line. -Is liar. t : 'la:u Kejgw,.j- at d i:e tj Gtvrg T -tic-run. lot . . A ;:.(.) r I J'.a,t . Jest-e F. Notu t a! to Lj aa Hanr j Fud.aj. ).;a. 11 H and 11. biock l' I.crr.i 1 a-k . 11 I Joi-pti Tjtl.ta and wife tc- Dora 1 Piwtr. rw ivi.vii , F lar.n.: ii 1 -.oa aiJ w ,?e to A. L I'atncK. lot t,, Gu-e 4aJ, !I-u:t! af uettt-r a: d ;f to Ida A. I W ii i 1... b, 1. Jtttr s SttciT.d add. South er.a:.a , Rost y ... i : -. w a rail..-, j H lot I. H f-. u:, wi. it. n-, lot T, bl-x-k t.i (. -1 .. a . ' 0-.:.a !. A Trut Co. to Wf-'.a-i K Potur. lot 1. t.,... a 4. caivu-l HI i E. en C. Dtw-.ier and 1 i!.tr i t j , Ind E Lejq j it . e, f- vl;'7 ft )-t . tit aud 1 cyrii R. Hi-;r.. t. Nettie J'rr-r. J-.t i and ni, kt IK U i :. lian von i Fie-g ill " j Cl-o. r.e I pl-p;,.t..e ,t a. j J -i.n 03 1 US 0 1 1 13 I iU ;ais 7M ..(no .am i 471 Kteun. kl a. t . ( a 4. Sr.rirteR Frar.k E Ix.rkw v. 6 and ";" to Lou-ea Pen. pan e '1 r,. a.t;..i Jarrei S la.r-. i I Sv-iger et ai. lot 6. s' F. I'urt.ri I add . K-E- iv. Hume arid w "r to Os-g M I tier Ut S ;r.r vn 5c John reward Warh et' ai tt. Jr.'me I . Jensen, lot 7. block 4. Mra I IUU Total GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING cjuanermtner, theyenne, Wtoni-g M.y. Ik !.-:. Sealed prcpoaalk. in tr p.i oate. wui If received at office utUl 11 .Wt a in. mountain time June lit. 1K7 at whith time ihey wii t- opened m 1 ut. ic. for construct thg plurr.hir.g !ea n 1 ali-.g eiectnc wiring und 1 -rt..anit.g aid nt-iZ'. lt.g eiectrx. halu.-es u. one hospital t ui.dmg at F. rt D. a. 1;um1 Ww- Biecit..uor. ard blat.k l.ttw of 'i,r pij. Sua cay be ot.;a.,ned at ll-.s office. l-n arid it-lfi.:kiiou f.r the connr-cfon cf the buiidir.r tfecifiei hitf been p,aoed a foiiow-f With c.-.itf u jii.-terrt.aa-ter. Drpartrnern of O'. rad,. Itrver; c'ltf c,;r. D-pa-ur.nt ft ft' M ocu.-i. (w.ii.i Net-ratka. ttd quar termaster. 1'. j.i.rirr.rnt c.f tie Likw Ct.L CJgv. Le.n;..a .it- g. vert. :. r.t reserve the- r.pi.t to ecc;t or r ar.v or t;i biui or pant- cf u.i. Enve..p.- c-nalri'tg irc.;.r,sa'.f ahc.u'.d It irioersed "Pro-iow. J or constructing. :c . tw r..pi:l at Fort I. A Kuss. il. Wv.,ra,,l( li uf. oieseed . K. H-ru ca;tain and gLar-er-master. V. S Amy in charge of ctnuruo Uos, Cheyennt, A yominc M2r-3-S4-S6-J;-Ii. PROPC'SALS FC'R PACKMULESChif Vuartermtster f C-ffre. C'maha. Nehrania. May i, 1H 7. Sea.eo proposal, 'n Ir.i. it ate wui t received at ih.t otTice. untj 1 o'clock p. rri.. centra riarcard Ume, June a. and then in ih- j.resence of attending biduera fcr two hundred .'m rack mules for M Dei.artmtrt. for de livery at Cimaha. Nebraska, or other prom inent railroad j. 1r.:s. The t. con, lomi to BTwcifjcation for mult. United StAte restrte. right to accept cr retect ar. or ai! prop.. or any port there.-f Particular and b'ai.k for r''pcsais will furnished en application Em- ;!.; con taining pro;.osal. tc be .dorsed fT Mules." and addressed to Mjt,r Thoma Cruse. Chief guir-em-iantr. Mil-i3 -l'4-ii-JJ-4 NOTICE TO CONTRA TTOP-NOT1CE IS 1 hereby iit-ri that t-aied t ; . will 1 re. 1 ceired by the R.-.ard of Education of the achte.l district cl tr.e cut- if No-folk V. j braaka. tt ti, office of the ur.uertn'gnwi. I up to and IS m. Jur.e ioii.. 11. .7 lor furr.itlr-ic ;j work and material for the erection aiid c-rr r.let ion ..f a i igtt I school bu.lding in Norfolk. Nebraskn, ln- -' 'F '-" a;. i.-at , ar, i all p!ur. bir.g.'t.g t.. t! e pier tn-i prepcr; cy John Lat.r..r. aj itect., t.f Ntbraeka. n -w on f,ie with the undersigned, r-rm of bid w-1 he furnished b the ur.l.-rs gr.t-d on w t.!i-cat.-.n. A cert-fi-cl check for .. must a-v company each bid. Ti.e board r-s. rv e the ; r.g:,i to r jeci any or a'! hi.;. Ditt-4 iMay a. U. C ifiATP.AU, ae-.-r-tarv j M -:-ui,-;C SEAI.HTi rP.opr.PALS WILL PE RE. ceived et '.f.-t cf treasurer. l'.Htiie Main tain f L.nrsriurri N H 1 1 V. S . H S:-r-.ngs S D, li-.'il 11 o'clock in.. Msy tx 1 ili7. ar.d th'-n op-ned. for furms'.trig and d 1H ery of furn.iure. car- ' ?f. rH.r.a--a. etc, ; m aceor.".r.c-e w i-.h Irisirurtic.r.s and s;.i-cil i fhnar-ons. ccpie f v rut :.. w-.:h blank I r,ropcils f.d other inft rrtnti. n, mm- I i i.Hi upon application to W. A 1 u'r-Ver. .treasufel. rtii. "p. ACCUSED SECONDS MOTION DefeaAaat wpport III Cvansel la Move ta Dismiss tae Case. T eecond the moflon," promptly chlmeS hi William I.w-:n In police court Friday morning, when he heard hi counsel. At torney Irllt, enter a motion to cismls. the esse against Mm lfore Judge Crawford, because no complainant apjwared to tes tify. r-awaon had t-en rharged with a minor by hi ne'.gMur and had ecure4 Attorney Erltt to defend him. He waa acrved with a warrant Wednesiay and thi case was set for Friday. wltne.a being rut-poenaed meat. while.. Eat when th case w t called Friday morning, no witnesses put in an appearance, hence the motion to d'.smiaa. Dawson u also strongly cf the opinion such action would be the most ;.r:.;-r unit r the circ un ttancea. and. probably thinking a second was receary as in a notion put Wfora a house, he tu not long in producing U. He w as discharged. , Balldlnc Permits. F. E. P-ehm. Fot-t-s ith street and Wool, worth avenue f re;r-e dae.img. I. ..., j. w. Lt-omit. bnta aexltt dwt.nng, T! i,,! avenue arid Masn strt-et l.'.uf, W. R. llomtn. brick double 6 we! ing. XtotiV :xth ard l'.-..dire strtwta, f . OCEAN STEAn'SHlPS ALLAH LIKE OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Nr mi.X&r uK.i & Tita-GlNi-lvB. tn,, .4-rtrr tur:.iM K,4 ae. u4 Tl Kir.. C-- ItJV aVJk bVLC J S A. X 1 ti - T U br tt. lata , aISa ha n o r Mm y Iron. M j7 i E 4.1 litsavauif W Ut le: urmtujUm tvt La vrruvm k.f it ca). , AWUIUbwULiiail l:iuns-4. KatLf tktViiaa.1. Imm ( Ut TU sKU'i.C CA1.L HL Ut ai avl4A Ut CMIM tti' trlaAtTinrl (Vl' () tbi U-ra-OBV LI) 4 'I 414 KT. H JhCiAvaH(. iKu. . Oilf. SCArVDrVAnAN-AMLRICA.1 UM ISAM Tea Twna-acrew l ainein m fft mm n.wr KorMtj. Svtedea zni Denmark a,..L( fun. St a tort ml ai.a Hatted tal ... Jci. 4i He! l-f r..ii fuT g C r Tlgrk ,'tlL "t ' Llle- M f U Omar 11 Juaa 9 .: p V.t-i ,i l 2a a-iota. f'ti aai k;warja. c u l-.l, ii. A, A Jukes.. A In, 1 liruiiHi), h. T. akv teat at, caioaga. OfllEMT CT-ARK'S TENTH AX rflElll Nl L tT.llffc. Feu 1 IU day It s i lai.y crr -i . "Arable" It-." t .r s it. l-'iKa TJ hi'kt ! E. I 1.. UN7j THE Wf I LD rm-xjtM. c claax, tuui v. t.