Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 18, Image 18

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Want - ads
Ad rrrtUrmrntii for the nanl'iil
vnluron will be Inkrn ontll 12 m. for
evening edition and unlll II n. in.
for the mornlnar anil Hindnr edition.
Cash must nrrnmpit) nil orders for
wint-ad anil no advertisement will
be accepted for less Ilia a lO rents for
the first lnertlon.
Hates npply to either Tha Dally ar
Sunday lire.
Almji c-nnnt six words to a line.
Combinations of Initials or numbers
eount as one word.
'ASH ft 4 T F! , FOR w ."T-r.
Insertion, per line. IQ rents. Two r
more eonsecntlve Insertion, per line.
6 rents. I'nrli Insertion mnde on odd
days. lO rents irr line. tt.M per lln
per month.
PF.CIAL ri,AMFirtTin If rgt
ad vertlaemeat Is Inserted nnder any
one of the rlasslflratlons Riven below.
It will he rhnrered at the following
ratest One Insertion. 4 rents per llnef
three to sis eonserntlre Insertions.
3 rents per line eneh Insertloni seven
or more ronarrnllrt Insertions, 2
cents per line enrh Insertion. no
eents per line per month.
HAm Kit AMI KX! H lXtiU.
tirfpt Agents, Sollrltors ( ami
Cows, Birds, Doss and Pets.
Horses and Vehicles.
Poultry and Fkk.
For n It n re.
Pianos, (Iron and Mnslral In-
Typewriters and Sewing Ms-
rhlsies. l-'.n FOB nESTl
FnrtiUhed Rooms.
I'nfnrnlahed Rooms,
llnaaekeeplnnr Rooms.
Ilonrrilnsr and Rooms.
wm:n to iikxt.
Death and Funeral Notices, Cards of
Thanks and I.odate Notices, T rents
per line for one edition, morning or
iTrnliiKi .'I rents a line for enrh ad
ditional edition. Sonduy, 10 cents a
line. No ad taken for leas than 30
Want-ads for The llee mar be left
f any of the following drnar stores
one Is ")oor rorner drairslat" they
re all branch offices of The llee and
yonr ad will be Inserted Just as
promptly and on the same rates as at
the main ofllee In The Dec Unlldliuv,
Seventeenth and Farnaiu strretsi
Albach, W. C, 4oth and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A., 1402 K ICth St.
Bechts Pharmncy, 720 S. 16lh St.
Benson's Pharmacy, Benen, Neb.
Hemls Park Pharmacy, 3Hd and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, :81t Sherman Ava.
Coughlln, C. H.. Cth and Pierce St.
Clifton Jim I'hurmacy, 2213 Military Avs.
Ctvnte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey phnrmacy. IMth and Lake.
Cernink, Etnll, 12t4-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
Khler, F. H., 22 Leavenworth.
Foster St. Arnoldl, 813 N. 25th St.
Frcytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th 8L
Florenco 1 'rug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Phitrmney, 20th and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave, ani
Greenouith, G. A., 106 8. 10th St.
Grernough, G. A., loth and Hickory.
Haydon. Wm. C., 2fi20 Furnam St.
HaiiMCom Park I'har., 1501 S. 29th Av.
Ilolst, John, 624 North lfith 8t.
Huff, A. L., 29.'4 Leavenworth St
King, H. S , 2!8 Farnam St.
Kouutte Place Pharmacy, 3.T04 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1S24 N. 24th St.
Lathrop, Chas. K 13?4 N. 24th St.
Peyton, L. E., 24h and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave.
Bchaefer'a Cut Prh.e Drug Store, 16th an!
Behaefer, August, 2i31 N. 16th St.
Schmidt, J. H 24th and Cuming Sts.
Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 20th nnd Grace Sts.
Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bts.
HODDER-R. W., May 23, 1907, aged 48
years, at Ills late residence, 2431 Culdwell
Funeral' from Seward Street Methodist
church, Twenty-second and Seward streets
Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Friends Invited. In
terment Forest Lawn Cemetery.
O'KKEFE John A., aged 62 years, Thurs
day, Muy 23.
Funeral at St. Cecilia's church, Monday.
May 1T7. 10 a. m. Interment, Holy Sepuleher
A. O. 1!. W. Fuuerul Notice.
Tha members of North Omaha lodge No
150 aro requested to attend tho funeral of
Brother Richard W. Hodder Sunday at 2:30
p. a., fiyiu tiio bewuru atreei Metnodist
Lptscopal church. Interment Forest Lawn
jleiuoeie of sister lodges and uniform
Uams invited. L. W. Litton, Master Work
anaui; T. M. McCullouifii. Itecorder.
Funeral Notice.
To the members of Mecca court No 13.
Tribe of lien Hur: You are reciuested to
attend the funeral of Brother Richard W
Hodder from tlio Seward Street Methodist
church at 2 p. m. Sunday. May 26. F. U.
White, Scribe; William A. Hosteller. CUM.
tJSbdT'a have
Name and Hecldence. a
Reuben Gross, IJneolu 2t
Liiiina Sleeta, Uniuha w
Max Shamls, Omaha " n
Belle Waldman, Omaha 18
Charles E. Talt. Omaha 21
Margaret M. Heed. Council Bluffs.;;'.'.".'."', jg
John Kasparec, South Omaha ""23
Joaoph Jira, South Omaha ", sa
Harry Marks, Omaha 7
Eather M. Levlu, Omaha !!III!!i!; 21
Births and Deaths.
Births-Vtiu Bwanson, 403 Bancroft street,
THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leawsuwortu bu. Tel. Douglas latr.
U 101
61GN PA1NT1NO-S. H, Cole, 130X Douglas.
mi Howard.
ni am w
6END for our list of second-hand automo
iOU bALE A Cameron Runabout auto
mobile; a bargain. Globe ijind and In
Vestment Co., 1M& Farnam bU
WRITE for lUt of bargains In second-hand
automobiles. Fredricksou, 16m2 Cap. Ave
t2)-Wb Jel7 '
WF. have land to trade for touring car
also runabout Call or write. Seller A
Runlon, lKnkelmun, Neb. (2 Mbi4 hfi
FOR EXCHANOE-6ome Omaha Income
property to exchange for merchandise.
Olobe LauiJ and Investment Co., Omaha.
WILL EXCHANGE one year's mustc lea
sons oa ar.y lnsirumeut for Job prlntlnar
or aderlalii la any locality. Adcires;
A awe, Uee. 'Ht-Uifi
ueains-j. Gardner Knight, Irvlngton,
aged ,9 years; Jerry Callahan. County hos!
vital, aged 45 years; Baby Madsen, Fif
teenth and Brown streets, aged day.
FOR SALE OR TRADE one large show
case front refrlgrtor. suitable for fancy
arrocer. ice capacity fcX) pound, and one
CiTtl frlot mschlne; above good as new.
hfit hnve you to swap? i'ererson Hi
Went, WlKner, Neb. (8 346 Ki
60.ME g.X)d Omaha property to trade for
land or merchandise. Ho 8 17th bt.
(3)-M3o7 Je6
F"iR EXCTIANGE 160 acres 614 miles from
(nliaid. Antelope Co., Neb. Goml land.
I'rlee. Ii tcr acre. Will exchange for
merchandise or hardware. Globe Land
and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb.
tS) M639 31
TO E.XCH ANGF What have you to trade
for North Dakota lands? E. A. Amund
son, Leunberger lildg., Dickinson. N. 1).
(3 MMB 2'jx
) ACRES. 6 miles from Pcliell City, Ver
non county. Mo.; M acres under cultlva
tlun; good bu.MIng; price. ffiO per acrej
lni uinlrance l.mi; will exchange for gen
eral merchandise. Globe Itnd and Invest'
nient Co., KJi Furnam St., Omaha.
(3) 108
EXCHANGES If you have city property,
stocks of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete lint. We have properties and lands
In r 11 parts of the country to exchange.
Our list ll free. Send for It at once.
Olobe Land and Investment Co., 1S22 Fur
nam St.. Omaha. Neb. (3) 108
GOOD Income property, clear, for vacant
lots; walking distance. Peterson Hn s.,
f,23 Bee Bldg. (3)-MS9L
FOR EXCHANOE-Plnno and simplex
player. What have you? Addres H 375,
Beo. (3) M246 25x
7,0-0 acres good Canada land for good In
come property; $15 per acre; describe
your property or no reply; a rare oppor
tunity. Box 871, Spencer, la.
(S) M428 JlO-r
itenm laundry, paying IS per cent on In
vestment; located In a good eastern Kan
sas town of 3.7:00 populntlon; for a farm
or city property. Address Olander A
Rnpp, Osage City, Kan. (3) 345 26x
FOR TRADE 200 ncres of choice raw land;
plenty of good hay and farm land; fins
coll; will take. 1:1.000 stock of merchan
dise; bal. cash; only JLTi.oo per acre. Ad
dress Lock Bat Zi, i.ynch, Neb.
(3)-M4SS 29
BLACK JACK, with white point, grey
Percheron stallion, both good individuals;
exchange for Nebraska land: will assume
some. Address C. H. Reed, Mndlson. Neb.
(3)-M615 27x
FOR EXCHANGE A good stock of gen
eral merchandlsn located In good Iowa
town of 2G,ui0 Inhabitants. Will exrVmnpe
for good farm land. Globe Land and
Investment Co., ihnaha, Neb.
(3)-M640 31
Do You Wish to Make a Change!
If you have a farm, home, uusinesg) or
property that you want to sell or ex
change, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
(41-60 J12
m New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; (4 to 36
received for shoeing and M to JS for set
ting tires. Address Y 12), Bee. 4)-109
FOR SALE One of the best meat markets
In Council Bluffs. Investigate. C. W.
Letchford, C07 South Main street.
Resident agents for foreign
and local companies, furnishing
them with advance information
RULINGS, for $10.00 per year.
425-426 N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 52.
E. M. SEARLE, JR., President.
ED. L. CULVER, Manager.
G. E. McCltEEUY. Asst. Manager.
W M947
General Merchandise
Stock for Sale
In a coming northeast Nebraska town; will
invoice about Jo.Ouo;- doing Ilii.OOO per year
business. Owner will give good, clean in
voice and assist buyer hold trade. Other
business demands time. Address Burt
Kroesen, Bouth Sioux City, Neb.
ID Mii20 26
FOR SALE Newspaper and Job office,
only plant in new, growing town In good
farming district, eastern Nebraska, A
splendid opportunity for hustling printer
to start in business for himself. Price,
$600; 3o0 cash, time on balance. Address
Y 21, Bee. (4) M4&5 2sx
PROMOTERS or Investors desiring expert
or secret investigations, estimates and
reports concerning power development,
steam and electric railroads, irrigation
projects, etc., can secure services of com
petent engineer at reasonable figure.
If, Omaha Bee, 15 Scott St., Council
Bluffs. la, (4J M4il 24
WANTED, to sell, either whole or half
interest in firsl-class Hour and feed mill;
water power. Address Fall River Roller
Mills, Marysvllle, Idaho, 4j M4S7 Jit
I WANT a partner of some ability In new
proposition In which 1 can see enormous
protlts; about Jiwu riulred for the whole
thing. 1 can furnisa my half of tha
cash and will put my ability against
the best of them. If you have f4tx and
sensa enough to know a good thing when
you see it, let's get together and investi
gate this. For interview address D 3J,
care Bee. (4) -43 24
MUSIC teachers' local locations bought,
sold. Periield Piano Co., lull Farnam,
Omaha. (4)-Mltt
Investment Dept. Western Ref. aV Bond
Ass n, inc., ouiie izi-izi is. x. Life Bldg.
4-CHAIR barber shop fur sale. J. W.
Vogel. Rich Hill, Mo. (4J-M372 27x
DRUG stores for sals everywhere. F. V.
Kniest, 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (4) 1U
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. U. Uaugestad,
4o3 Bee Bldg. (4j-oU
WANTED To trade for stock of goods;
have good term. Address X 7 baV
t4) 4i
MEAT market for sale, or would take a
good honest man tis partner. Address
A. H. H., Box 173, Central City, Neb.
U) MUtl 25x
ONE-HALF INTEREST in the poetofflce
book store at Ripley, Okl., to party who
can give it attention; this is a rare chance
for a small Investment; will bear closo
scrutiny. Address W. H. Bowdlear, P. M.,
Ripley, Okl. (4) M5ts Sox
FOR SALE Harness shop in eastern Ne
braska, no competition, god cash trade,
Invoice 1.2v0. Can reduce stock If
wanted. Address Y 8, Omaha Bae.
WMj61 Six
WANT TO BUY Furniture of a modern 3
per day hotel; population not lues than
l.L'oo; experienced people. Address Y 2i
Bee. H)-M4S Jx
TO BUY or sell any business or real estate
quick write or sea Hildreth St Lowman,
610 Bee Bldg. (4j M60
Partner wanted to taae plaoe of retiring
. partner In well equipped bottling- works
In Iowa; Immense profits; 3,0uo required
for half Interest: references exchanged
machinery of latest type; house, three
lots and works all Included. Address
Y 8. care Boo ofhee. G M572 fix
WANTED Young man with 200 cash to
manage branch ofnee of Incorporated real
etaie company ; oPrortauUy'
Addles fe. L care oroaUa Bee.
No trouble
I he Bee -I here s targe assortment and
classification arranged alphabetically.
FOR BALE Rooming house. Bee Htldreth
& Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. (4) M..M
BEATS New Jersey charters cheap for
mining, lnaiiuiaciunnK. railroads or other
Industrial pursuits; laws, blanks free.
Philip Lawrence, lormer atixt. sec. state
Uept 9, JIjiuii, 8. D. .) Mo48 Six
WANTEJJA man with money who Is look
log' for a place to invest It and double it,
and treble 11; strictly a business proposi
tion, ground Moor position for rignt man.
Address olu Good block, Des Moines.
(4 M'JJi Julx
SALESMEN and others looking for a
proven money getter nr.d willing to In
vest 4-Ai can gel In by quick action, li.
Charters, 610 Lee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
G M6U 26X
HILDKET1I & LOWMAN can sell your
business quick. We have buyers waiting
for you With money. 610 Beo Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) MWb
VOl'll OPPORTUNITY An established
mall order business that will pay 6j0 per
cent proHt, abundance of up-to-date ad
vertising matter and II, Ml worth of stock
on hand, togthcr with firm name and all
rights, can be purchased for less than
fl.ouO. I-ocatlon can be changed without
loss of business. Present owner has other
Interests and expects to leave Omaha
within a short time. For full pirtlculars,
address P. O. Box 1034 B, Omaha, Neb.
(4J M614 27x
WANT a second-hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee.
H 17
BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week
for 26 weeks or J2.) cash nnd clear $250;
absolute safety guaranteed hy nil bonks.
Btoreheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
(4) M642 JlOx
FOR BALE General fctnek of merchandise,
all new within one year; good trade; fins
country, In southern Nebraska: a snap.
Address Y 3, care of Bee. (4) 108 20x
SMALL amount money to protect and put
on market good article. Address N 413,
care tiee. (4) 473 Z4X
show you how to mnke It earn you an In
come of $5,000 a year, without much of
your time. Address 8 3S2, caro Bee.
(4)Ma3 26x
FOR SALE-J3rug store In southern Ne
braska; good trade, good clenn stock,
cheap rent; one of the biggest snaps in
the state. For particulars, address Y 2,
care Bee. (4) M107 29x
FOR SALE In good, live town, a good
printing office, with cylinder press; good
reasons for selling. Address T Omven
J Upland, Neb. I (4) 344 2t!x
FOR SALE Harness shop; doing a good
business In central Illinois corn belt. Ad
dress Thomas Fenton, New Holland, 111,
(4) 412 27x
TO GET IN or out of business, call on
Williams. 411 McCague Bldg., 15th and
Dodge Sts. ) M5'J8
WANTED A party to buy oat a first-class
stock of furniture In the best town on
the Elkhorn valley; liest of reasons for
selling. Wlsner Furniture Co.. Wisner,
Neb. (4 MK50
FOR SALE Best paying business In Wash
ington, D. C. ; owner has other interests;
cash offers only recognized. Address
Chas. J. Gillette, Bond Building, Wash
ington, D. C. (4) M374 27x
A BARGAIN If taken soon. Interest in a
drug and Jewelry business, with permit.
Box- 231, Traer, la. (4) M228 2x
FOR SALE Drug store, in Buhl, Ida
Good location; cash business; cause of
selling, dissolution of partnership; terms
cash; Invoice 11,800. For particulars write
or call on Harris & Allen, Buhl, Ida.
14)-M375 27x
FOR BALE The electric light and city
water works plant at Kennewick, Wash.,
a town of about 2,000 population, on navi
gable river nnd two railroads. Town is
growing rapidly and business Is on a pay
ing basis. 26-year franchise and contract
with city for street lights and hydrants,
which will pay interest on price of plant.
Address C. A. Cochran, Kennewick, Wash.
(4) M379 27X
BUSINESS CHANCE The best location In
jN'orth Dakota for a veterinary surgeon
who understands his business. For par
ticulars, write the Crowley Drug Co.,
Wimbledon, N. D. (4) M507 29x
FOR SALE Two-chair barber Shop, in
town of 3,0f0, northern Utah; electric
lights and city water. Address H. B.
McCabe, Pleasant Grove, Utah.
(4)-M4S9 Je4x
A NICE clean millinery stock for sale, rea
sonable; good location; only exclusive
millinery store in town; good trade; must
retire from business on account of health.
Address Boa &j, Kuawell, N. M.
(4)-M501 29X
FOR SALE Harness stock In good town;
good business; reason for selling, poor
health. Henry Blahr, Henderson, Neb.
(4-A1504 28x
FOR SALE High class patent. Just being
Introduced; sells good, because has great
merit; large money can be made by a
party who has money to invest. Will
Lear the very closest Investigation. I,
Omaha Bee, 16 Scott St., Council Bluffs.
(4) M546 20
FOR SALE A nlco clean stock of groceries
and fixtures; cheap if taken at once. Ad
dress, Lee Baldwin, Wellington. Colo.
(4-d65 23x
: azu
T. E. BRADY. Probate Att'y, S0 Bee Bldg.
(5)-MSU Jela
Civil Engineers.
L. O. HICKS, surveying.
423 Board of
(E M314 J8
DR. ROY, R. 2, 1JS Farnam St Doug. 6437
&; is
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha,
Carpet Cleaning,
BEND your carpets to N A. Chrlstenson A
Son. til N. 20th St. 'Phone WtbitL
. iia
Is, Sanitary Cleaning Co., li Farnam.
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works Mak
ing over and relaying carpets. Also rui
wettvlcg. 16lh and Lea v. Tel. Doug. 6&
BAILEY St MACH. 3d fl. Paxton. D. 1085
P. J. CREEDON TSON8. general con.
tractors. Office and factory, 4iih and
Dodge. 'Phones. Har. 21U) and Red 10
AUGUST KROFFT, building coi'tr..ct.,r
1116 N. 341U 6u Plone loi, Bouih Omaha!
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. TeL Harney
!- (6-8M
Electros) sis.
MISS ALLENDER. 423 N. Y. Life Bldg
(5jM-5a J 22
KOTERA CO., 15u6 Jackson. Doug. 7.
& 11
to find what
HESS SWOBODA, 1413 Farnam.
Ik HENDERSON. 1S1 Farn. Tel. D. 1251
J. H. BATH, 13 Harney. TeL Doug. S00O.
(6 433
HAIRDRESS, 28c and JSc; shampoo, 60c;
dry, 7ic; egg, 75c; marcel waving, 7oc;
marcel touch, 60c; massnge, 5oc. Scalp
treatment special rates per mo. F. M.
Bchadell, 1622 Douglas. (5) M5S4 Je23
THE Schllts. European, 16th and Harney,
(6) M370
FURS cleaned, stored and r-;'red. O. Ht
Shukert, 313-315 8. 16th, practical furrlei.
t5)-4172 J13
Flonse Cleaning.
JOHNSON cleans carpet washes window
floors polished. TeL Douglas 2339.
(5 486 Ml
MER. Incorporating Co., ,426 N. Y. L.
' (B)-12S
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelrr
repairing, 3 & I Paxton Blk, Tel. D. ml
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 1M
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 631 .
(6) M380 Je20
C. B. TRUSSELU 118 South 16th 8t
(6) 687
JENNINGS Printing Co. TeL Douglas KJl
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported lint.
Lyngstad & Jorvo, printers, 16 & Cap. aw.
HIG GRADE Imitation typewritten letters
and Job printing; no job too large ir
small. Anchor Publishing Co.. 1822 Far
nam St. Tel. Douglas &C2.
(B)-M746 Jel4
THE ACORN PRESS, Printers of Qualitr.
121S Harney. TeL Doug. 891.
(5)-M747 JeW
600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en
velopes, goMl stock, for 310; other work
at game rates. Get estimates and ee
our samples of work. Call at room 12,
XT. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., or 'phone Doug
las 4503. (5)-M946 Jelj
Plumbing and Heating.
T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electtio
fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 741.
(6)-M705 JU110
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
118 N 16th Si. Tel. Douglas 1477.
(5.1-676 M2f
Safes, Shatters, Eto.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 103 S. 10th St
School Furniture.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1821 Howajid
(6)-M817 Jeli
Shoe Repairing.
STANDARD Shoe Repair Co.. 1804 Farnam.
We do the work right; phone Douglas 767
and we will call for your work. We s.ell
polish, laces and shoe specialties.
(5)-M86 JeU
Stove Storage.
STOV"F!RBT0RBD Hughes, Stove R.ip.
OAWVlO Work8, Tel. Douglas n55.
Wall Paper Cleaning.
WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas 6539.
DON'T fall to call ma at Douglas 876.
5) M4C
The Leading Palmist of Omnha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 113 S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store.
(16) 123
Catalogue free. H. B. BOYLES, Pres.
Omaha, Neb M170
Clerical and Ofllee.
GIRL to learn, office work, IS to IT years
old; prefer one who can add well and
wilts plain. Address J 245. care Bee.
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Girls to work in candy factory.
The Voegele St Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company,
2024 Farnam Bt. 7) 12
WANTED Machine girls. City Steam
Laundry, 211 S. 11th Bt. 07) WO
DRESSMAKERS wanted at 1213 Chicago
St.; good wages if satisfactory.
(7) 406 27X
GIRLS wanted to work by the day; steady
wuik and good pay. King-urah&m Mfg.
Co., Hth and Jackson Sis. Apply on id
floor. 0) 403 27x
WANTED All kinds of laundry help: good
wages and steady work. Model steam
Laundry Co. (7 656 2ux
Housekeeping and Domestic.
GIRL for general housework; family of
two; good wugea. 'Phone Harney 1284.
(7 J 890 MX
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1533
Park Ave. (7 435
WANTED In July, good cook, two In
family, permanent place and good wages.
102 So. 34th. Tel. Harney 1 13-1.
SWEDISH housekeeper, 320 per mo.; house
gins f week. L-anaaiau omce. 15m and
Dodge. (T)-M753
WANTED A cook. Mr.". A. L. Reed. TeL
Benson 178. (7 473
WANTED A woman to keep house on a
farm; must be neat and clean. Address
Arthur Witt, Neola, la. (7) M5tiu M
WANTED A cook. 3U2 Farnam. (?;-M
GIRL for general housework. 4167 Daven
port St (7 868
GIRL for general housework. 3316 Burt St.
(7)-476 2x
WANTED an experienced girl far general
housework; In small family Apply 2102
Douglas 81. Tel. Douglas (7 477 26
GIRL for general housework. S0o3 Pierce
61. Small family; good wanes.
t7)-Wl 26
:WANTEI-Glrl for general housework,
uai a luiUx alt 7I-M jJ3 gg
you w&ni in 1
Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'n'd
WANTED Nurse girl; references required.
'Phone Harney 2Km liMi Georgia Ave.
t7-M6J 27
GIHL for general housework wanted. Ap
ply at u4o S. 25th Ave. (") Miitl 27x
WANTEIv-OIrl for general housework;
.J6 per mouth. 1017 N. 34th St.
p (7) M47 V,
GIRL for general housework; small family.
Sood wages. 204 Oakland Ave., Council
Huffs. i7 Mtli2 31
Wanted at once. 25 experi
enced salesladies for ready-to-Wear
department. Must be
ready for work on the Berger
stock, which goes on sale
Monday morning.
Sea Mr. A. L. Bchuntz, Main Floor,
The Bennett Company.
(7) M8C.0 25
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 r.r.
(7)-Mi15 Jeli
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience soiling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money, can a nootu au, lies uiug.
Must be experienced, good salesman and
active, as assistant; German speaking
preferred. S. N. Walbach & Son, Grand
Island, Neb. (9) M5",0 27
WANTED Men for real estate business In
Nebraska: salary: expenses advanced, and
rplendld opportunity for right kind of
men. Apply 316 Neville Blk., 16th and
Harney, Oinaha. W M760 Jel
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; best selling proposition ever of
ferred; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write today for particu
lars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 603
Bee Bldg., omaba, Neb. () 831
1 MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay
weekly. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard.
tw 771 junei
WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew
of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex
perlence in selling to farmers; permanent
position; good Income. Address O 347,
Bee office. 9310
WANTED A solicitor for high-class com
mercial printing. Salary and liberal com
mission. Anchor Pub. Co., 1822 Farnam.
AGENTS wanted with rigs to sell our
medicines, extracts, etc.. to farmers.
Royal Manufnctiirlng Co., 417 E. 18th St.,
Kansas City, Mo. () M435 jax
WANTED By Omaha firm, widewake
?oung men as traveling salesmen; post
Ion permanent, with good prospects for
advancement; givo past experience ana
references. Address M ill, iJee omce.
WANTED Traveling salesmen to handle
an easy selling line in surrounding states;
must be sober and industrious and fur
nish good references. Address S 849. Bee
omce. w m
WANTED X)lstrict managers: we want
men who can produce reasonable quan
tity deslrablo business; exclusive terri
tory; liberal contract; prompt settlement
Claims best health-accident proposition
on the market; 1100.000 capital. Write Fed
eral casualty company, Detroit, Mien.
() M309 13x
SOMETHING NEW Our "Rider's" Accl
dent Policy, covering all accidents of
travel and -otherwise, and all occupations;
Issued- to both men and women, giving
33,0tO death and 314 weekly benefits; cost
ing Dut 5 per annum, over X325.000 al
ready paid in benefits. Agents wanted.
Extra largo commissions and exclusive
territory given. Address National Acci
dent society, 320 Broadway, New York.
(9)-M618 26X
SALESMAN wanted to sell postcard in
Omaha and surrounding territory; must
represent us exclusively. For particulars
address S. P. C. Co., 47 Mercer St., New
xork City. (9) M626 26x
BOY 16 to 18 for bowling alley work; good
wages. Appiy at once, i&ia Harney Ht.
GOOD wages and chance for advancement
Omaha Box Co.. E. Omaha.
(9f-M673 MySl
WANTED Bright boy, about 18 years old,
to work In office. Alamlto Sanitary
uairy io., ibiz f arnam. ( , 24
WANTED Experienced office boy; perma
nent position. Apply 10th and Farnam,
Beebe St Runyon Co. (9 M513 26
Clerical and Office.
BIG SALE two-piece suits to order, $23.
McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.. 304 B.
16th St. (9)-M445 Je21
Factory and Trade.
MEN and boys wanted to. learn plumbing
or bricklaying trade; pays 35 to 38 day;
great demand for grauduates; position
guaranteed; 3 months completes prac
tical instruction; no books used. Free
catalogue, coyne Plumbing et Brickliiy
log .school, Bt. Louis, Mo. (9) M376
TWO Turkish bath men; good wages.
Equitable Turkish Bath House, Des
' Moines. Ia. (0) M573 Six
BLACKSMITH and all around handy-man
for ranch, 440 and board. Apply to E V.
Morgan, Herman, Neb. (9) M890
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (9-133
FIRST CLASS oranmental iron worker.
one who understands all branches; first
class carriage worker, one who can go
right ahead with new work. Steady po
sition 10 nam parties. J. c. owier Co.,
Bait Lake City, Utah. () M946
WANTED 1,000 customers for Jarvls' 1877
brandy. Call st any saloon. (9) M469
BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 103 Far
nam, best service, ten chnlrs. no long
waiting; shaving, 10c; haircut ting, 26c.
permanent position. Ralph H. Viola
Abilene, Kan. M197 26x
GOOD sausagemaker and meatcutter. Ad
dress A, Omaha Bee, 15 Scott St., Council
Bluffs, la, it)
WANTED Good coat maker; steady Job
veur Hruunii, uuu hi ices, octlliv ,v INew-
dauer, Waverly, Ia. 19) M436 tlx
WANTED Painters, paper hangers and
aecoraiors, sieauy employment, minimum
wages. 34. (Ical union.) Brotherhood
men not wanted. Apply to C. E. Wright
1U Bt. Helen s Ave., Taconia. Wash. '
(9)-M512 29x
WANTED Two Jewelers; also diamond
mounter and setter. E. Marlts Jewelry
Manufacturing Co., 217 N. tith Bt, tit
Louis, Mo. (9)-M497 Je5x
WANTED First-class barber: steady Job;
twelve and half; over twenty or fifteen
iter week. J. F. Foster, Aberdeen, S D.
Lock Box tiOO. 9J M502 X
WANTKIV-Man for farm work by season
or year; consideration IM per month.
W1.1l Prism, Bt. Ansgar, Minn.
1 19-M5o8 x
BARBER H. P. Banford, Harley, Is.
9)-M5o6 2I
WANTED Your man about 18 for night
fireman srd to learn cold storage re
frigeration; only those wlahlng to learn
the trade nerd apply. Cull daytime and
ask for chief engineer. 13oM Leavenworth
Bt. tll-.M29 2t!x
WANTED First-class barber. Grand hotel
barber shop, Council Bluffs, la.
U M69 XI
Factory and Trades Continued.
WANTFX-ien to learn the barber trade;
will equip and place you In your own
shop or In good position In few weeks;
dent overlook t'.ls chance: Investigate.
Moler Barber College, 1118 Fnrnnni P:
()-M;LJ 30X
COMMON laborers wanted: good wages;
steady enipoynieht; apply at works;
don't write The lola i'or'l-in.t '"neni
Co.. lola. Kan. (D-MISt So
WANTKli A good all around farm band
bv the year. Box 70, Route 2. Janesv'Me,
Minn. !)M5. 2!K
Brard of Trade Barber shop, loos Farnam,
betit service, nine chnlrs, no long waiting,
shaving, 10c; halt-cutting, 26c (SO--2S2
WANTED Man of all work; small place In
city; apply at noon. W. II. Clarke, Mgr.,
Millard hotel., 13th and Douglas Sts.
(S'l MM 2
WANTED At once, severs! men as Jnn
Iters. Pee Mr. Harvey, Main floor, The
Bennett Company. (3) M;k,1 20
BOY, Jap., colored or American, for house
work at 1903 Capitol Ave.
(9) M504 2fix
WANTED Pipe coverers nnd pipe coverers'
helpers. Keasbey & Mattlson Co., 1113
Harney St. (9) M:X1 26x
to 36, for firemen and brakemen on lend
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Firemen earn ttoO.OO per month, become
engineers, earn $200.00; brakemen earn
$76.00, become conductors, earn $160.00.
Call or write st once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Ass n. 6it X,
Pax tou Block, Omaha. Neb.
t9J-M306 Je8
WANTED 20 men at Johnston Bros, at
Clayworks. Ia., wages $2 per day, steady
work year round; houses to rent to mar
ried men. (9) M879 Jel6x
ENERGETIC young man. over 25 years
old, capebie of earning high snlary; bond
required. Address In own hnndwrltlng.
with stamp and references. H ?'.0, cars
Bee. ()-689
COLLECTOR for city work; permanent po
sition, good salary, opportunity for ad
vancement. Apply Thomas Grady, Omaha
Clothing and Furniture Co., 1H16-18 Fur
nam Bt. I9j 474 24x
WANTED School teachers and students to
travel during vacation months; work
plessant and profitable. Address II 207,
Bee office. (9) M649
to 26 years old, mechanics 21 to S5 years.
Suitable pay and rating for qualified men
and good; opportunity for advancement to
all deserving men. Special courses of
training, 4 to 6 months, for nearly all re
cruits. Only earnest young men of good
character and capacity, citizens of the U.
B., need apply. Liberal retired pay after
30 yearB' service (recently Increased by
law). Navy Recruiting Office, P. O build
ing, Omaha. (9) 471 J10
EXPERIENCED man to deliver portraits;
sell frames; county. Salary end ex
penses, also solicitors. The Walsh Art
Co., 620 Paxton Blk. (9) 414 27x
WANTED Three experienced men to
travel. For particulars address, with ref
erences. Drawer 356. Beatrice, Neb.
(9) M648 28
WANTED Shipping clerk for wholesale
house, ono familiar with express chipping
preierrea; must tie accurate, good pen
man, sober, stead v. wllllnar worker! rw-r-
manent place for right party. Address in
own handwriting, stating a?e, exprience j
anil salary wantod. Address A 401, care j
BfcO. (9)-MB17 26x
WANTED By wholesale house, laborer to
help In shipping and packing room; must
be hustler and willing to work hard. Call
and ask for foreman. 1308 Leavenworth
St, (9) MG21 2tix
Horses and Vehicles.
ONE TEAM MARES, weighing 2,300 pounds,
$100; team matched bay horses, weighing
2,900 pounds, $276; team heavy mares,
one bay horse, weighing 1,260 pounds, $90;
one more, weighing 1,350 pounds, $&; one
bay mare, weighing 1.1 00 pounds, $06; one
dun horse, $2u; one gray mare, $35. Thor
ough trial before buying and written guar
antee with every horse as represented.
Cash or payments. Omaha Horse and
Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th Bt. 'Phone
Douglas 608L (1D-M705
FOR SALE Brown bay mare, 1,000 lbs.i
gentle family horse; also stanhope buggy
with brass mounted harness, almost new.
Will sell reasonable. Address D 404, Bee.
(11) M595 26
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
greatly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan
forth Co., s. w. cor. 10th and Jonss sts.
LARGE and small horses for sale. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt, 1223 Nicholas.
THREE extra good young, sound, 1,300-
p-mna single wagon horses; also several
drivers. Rear 414 N. ltith. 01 M70tt
HAT, $9 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. lth.
TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin
gle and rtonlils harness, runabouts, top
buggies and suirles, for one or two horses,
good as new. Harney Street Stablen.
BROOD mare, Hambletonlan, MncOregor
stock, weight about 1100; speedy and
city broke. J. F. McLane, 8upt. of
Schools, Florence, Neb. (11) 653
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrle
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adkins
Co., 714 S. 10th St., Omaha, (11) 673
ONE good bay horse, city broke, $90; one
brown driving mare, i5; ono cheap horse,
$25; one roan mare, (46. 2816 N. inth Ave.
HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and
work norses. oougnt. sola ana exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1114-16 Douglas.
Tel. Douglas 1032. (1D-M79X J2
RUNABOUT, price, $.7); worth new, $125.
Llnlnger Implement Co. (11) M2t4 Jls
Avery Manufacturing to, n.tve several
sets of separator trucks, with wood or
rnetul wheels nnd 4 or 6-lnch tires, which
can be bought at a very reasonable price
ask to see mem ai iwi ieavenwrrth Bt
(lD-MiaO 25
FOR SALE One of the finest Trap or
ourry nurses in me cuy; weight, 1.300.
Also some fine saddlers, will take other
horses in exchange. Tel. Harney 2j
J. S. Iman, (U)-MZio 27x
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts
ana nurnese see jonnson-l anfot th Co.,
S. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sis.
GOOD young surrey or buggy horse; city
uroae; can oe seen between 0 and a
p. m., 33d and Center. It. E Rogers.
(111-410 27
HARNESS. Saddles, Trunks, traveling
rags; some gooa Dnrgains. Aitred Cor
nish at Co., 1210 Farnam St.
Poultry and EataTS.
RHODE ISLAND RED eggs Martin, J80I
1 ...,(.. - . IT.1 Hum.. 1BOU
OUR handsome illustrated poultry book Is
free to ail who win write and ask for It,
telling where they saw this ad. A valu
able book for every poultryman; So 000
printed Address Harris Poultry Co., clay
Center, Kb. (11) 8(3 May&x
DUSTON'S White Wyandottes, pure bred.
etttis ioo ior is, tu rur nw. forest Lawn
Wandotte Yards. Florence, Neb. Ttl
uhotie Florence lue3 GD M3u2 June
CHOICE S. C. Orpingtons, all 6 varieties.
Reduced bargain price Uooiiiguwo a
Oiplngion yards, llumboldt, Nel.
(Il)-iloo5 Jllx
CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed Is
tha only original dry chick feed. Use this
only and save all young chickens. Ones
used always used. Stewart s beed Store,
lit N. ICth St., sole agents fur the city.
FOR SALE Eggs that will hatch; pii
n.nttngs; Ataried A'lymoutn K'HkS or
Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 per sol ting; non
bettor at any price. J. C. Donahue, 8217
15th Ave. S, Minneapolis, Minn.
UD-M136 26x
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best
eastern stock, a good color; egg. $1 71 per
15. Mis. James It. Halplne. tO'i Center
St Tel. Harney U. OJJ-M51 fix
Poultry and K.aas Continued.
BUY EGO a for 10 rents, noil for 4 0c.
Sond one dollar und loam how to
preserve summer etjgs for winter use.
costs one cent dozen; no drills; no
fake. Holandor & Manning, Spring
field, Mo.
(ID M544 30x
EkJUAH raising bents chickens; less work,
time, room; big protlts; small Investment;
gov t book fret". Model Squnb Co. Onislnl.
(ID M91S MJ1
From inv prize winning Barred Plymouth
Rocks, '$2.00 per 15. F. C. Ahlqulst, :;;,3
Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. 'Phono
Red 6470. (11)-M:5 .11
THICRE'S money In Flnple Comb Whit
lj-horns. F.gKS from thoroughbreds, fl.hjt
per 15. Few pullets for sale. Lundstroin,
N. W. Cor. 26th und Caldwell.
(11) MH79 25x
Cowa. Birds, Dogs (tad rets.
FRESH cows for sale; Jersey hull for ser.
vice. 4!th nnd Hamilton. (11) 41S JSx
BLACK WALLET, with money nnd checks.
Name C. H. H.inther m wallet. A suit
able reward will be paid for the rtturn,
of amo to Itce office, 16 Scott street.
Council Bluffs. (12) M399
LOST A package containing white waist,
Return to Iti-gers' Cigar Store, 5o6 Far
nam and receive reward.
(12)-4jQ2 24
LOST-On n 13th street car, a silk umbrella
with red bone handle with gold bands
around. The same had tho owners name
on and the parties he received it -from.
I'lenno return to Bee ofllee and receive re
ward. (12)-M13 27x
SIX-YEAR-OLD bay mare, welgl'flnj
lbs., branded and wire ut In left hind
foot. Five- dollars reward for return to
A. K Patrick, 41st and Dodge.
(12)-M42 27X
AMETHYST set out of ring In N. 24th raf
or Bennett's store. Return to 2!C4 N. 2utj
St. Rewurd. (121 MtBl 2i
BK8T nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerva
Food Fills' $1 box, postpaid. Sherman St
McConnull Drug Co., Omaha
03) 133
MRS. GARDELS, private confinement
home; babies cared for. 3724 N. 28th St.
Tel. Red 2210. (18) M2S6 JGx
ANY poor girl in need of a friend call
or write to tho matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 324 N. Z4tti
St.. Omaha, Neb. (12) M100
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
30 years' practice in confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Oinaha.
U3 140
FREE medical and surgical treatment al
Crelghton Medical college. Hth and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con.
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by coIIcro processors. 'Phone Doug. 1167.
C.11S answered day or night. (13) 129
1 WiWJW$'fJ$$JJlW;J$$fJji$i mutUiiii
MONEY TO LOAN Our apeclal low
rates ure still In effect. See us hefura
going elsewhere to borrow money. Our
terms are easy and our business is
strictly conlldential. We loan on
household goods, pianos, warehouse
receipts, horses, wagons, salaries, etc.
ncuAULCi utcuir CO.,
$ 808 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 1411.
$ (14) M654 $
That is what we are. If you can use any
amount from $10 to $2o0 and want It
VATE, let us handle your business. We
Bivo us ncnuiiuibw ka j. n; as
ment Otfl
T TCIIPn ST T7"T T A TIT i em . . Zl TZ.
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
Will make a special rate on collateral
loans, mortgages on personal property
and notes, without security. Terms ta
suit, 'Phone Douglas 29u4.
(14) 784 15
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to gel; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 147
and others, without security; easy pa
ments. Offices in 03 principal cities. Tol.
man, room 714. New York Ufe Bldg.
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loaned on funuiuie, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., In any amount; less than halt
rates; perfect privacy; immediate atten
tion; any terms wanted; payment bus.
pended when sick o- out of work. 214
Karbach Blk, 309 8. ICth St (14) 148
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 1301
Douglas. (14) 160
FURNITURE, live stock, salary iosns!
Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
(14) 149 .
PHOENIX CItKDIT C4). for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phns
Douglas 745 (14) 145
Iloardlnif and Hoouis.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; eafaj
DEWEY Europeaa Hotel, 13th and Farnanv
(16) 154
ONE south room, with bourd. 'Phonal
Harney 2420. C5) M968 JuneJx
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board. Ogden hotel. Council
Bluffs, I.i.
(16 M000 My29x
FURNISHED outside rooms; board; rea
sonable. Lunge hotel, 13th and Jackson.
(16 793 Oil
ROOM and board. 614 No. 23d.
(16)-830 Jel
WANTED To gentlemen who desire a nice
quiet, home-llko room and board- use ol
purlors, piano und 'phone, lisifl ' Caiiltol
Ave. (16)-M5ti2 2t,x
NICELY furnished rooms, go
rates reasonable. The Rose 20
2 LARGE and 1 small room, all modern,
with breakfast privileges. 116 N. 25tli St
(15) M073 26
- iiaj ' . v
(15)-Md 27x k,
with first-class hon:T
; everything strictly
COtJL south rooms, wl
table: laruA vet-unHu.
up-to-date; special rates to gentlemen oc'
cupying same room. 23i4 Harney.
(15 4titi 2x
FurnUhed Hoouis.
MODERN furnished rocms. f222 Farnam.
(i6)-634 M7x
NICE front room. 2033 Hurney St.
, (1b)-M2oO
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern; te
phone. 6-16 b. 24th Ave. (15-4i7 J
EXCEIXENT furnished rooms, modern
throughrut; near pontomce; transient
i-u.ionaisu suuciiea. i ne .ston." p7 a.
17th St.
If, I Mr.hl 'Aw ' K
NICE, nulet sleeping rooms for gentlemen.
6iJ So. toth St. (16 MCWi iox
COMPLETE for housekeepliig. 1303 Imui.
oetier contracts tnan nome and we vtt.T
BATE In town when paying before eSV
No red tape. Courteous treatment rMtiii
- mm wiSa