12 THE OMAHA! DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1907. 74 5 8 ti fPSBXm flV i UJ Friday You'll Find the Biggest Bargains ot the Year in This Great Special ffillMMT SALE The bargains we have prepared for this eale are out of the ordinary. Vou can care money on every yard or every piece you buy at Brandels' Friday. Don't miss a rare chance like this one. Odd Lots and Remnants of Bress Goods 75c to $1.00, all wool dross goods consisting of Panamas, Serges, Wool Taffetas, Cheviots, fancy suitings, Plaids, jm g r mmj Melanges, Casstmeres.etc, In lengths from 2 J ) Wr4 yards to 8 yards on two bargain squares, as i 21 H ."itll . long as they last, yard M.VJ W HEMNANTS OF SILKS Hundreds of yards of all kinds of Bilks, suitable for all purposos, fancy taffetas, Louisenes, pretty Foulards, white and black Japanese silks, etc., all go at reduced prices, worth p , m up to $1.50 yd. yard . JDC 10 OlC Travelers' samples of silks, a great many match up from to 1 yards, for trimmings, fancy work, pillow tops and etc., according to Blze on bargain square, values up to p 1 A "I f? $1.00, each JC-IUC-ZjC Black Taffetas at $1.10 Finest dress taffeta ever put on special sale at the time when silks are so much In favor. This taffeta is absolutely strong with the pro per mellow finish and Is worth I 1 A $1.50 yard, at yard I. Ill EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY 75c Silk finished Mohairs, "ir , an colors, yard J fM C 9c Novelty dress goods f yard 10 pieces 56 inch Black Panamas, Herringbone stripes, French Serges from our regular $1.50 goods, yard Odd Lots of Wash Laces All new patterns of fine Vals. and torchons in edgings and insertings desirable new s 1 m patterns on bargain square, 2'C'C Remnants of Embroideries New lots of fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries piled lugli on bargain square bands, galloons, and insert ings, m narrow and medium widths specials Friday at, yard Remnants of IN OUR NEW Very finest yard wide percale light grounds With black and colored dots, checks, strips, figures, circles and Dress lengths light and dark lawns Including, all the large dots, rings and lloral de shadow plaid designs, signs that ail aesir ublo lengths, at yard 10c yard, so at yard 86 In. white llngotio batiste, highly nior cerled suitable fur waists and summer dresses, regularly sells at 22o yard, C to 10 Finest Zephyr gin, hams In every Imagin able style suitable for Waists. dresses ami children's u to IU 12!c yard lengths, at yard jtaju guaran teed abso lutely fast color, yard.. JO and 86 Inch sheer India Ltnon, manu factured from Kgyp- Just received Scotch and ginghams, iian comDea yarn, 18o values 10c mui wasnea wears well, at yard at yard .... AT lc A YARD One big bargain square all kinds of cot ton goods, including 10c percales,, dress and apron gingham, lawns, etc, in bhort mill lengths 11 per yard. II LINEN SPECIALS Extra heavy table pod Turkish Towels, ding, the 40c f r kind, yard ...IDC Fringed table cloths. Ibc kind, each . .' . . Ct quality diaper, the kind, bolt the $1.00 kind '49c each .... tine lot ox mercerized table damask, mill remnants, in 1 to 5 yards lengths, worth tip to 76c, yard . Watch Douglas Street Windows Weiv York Buyers' Sale Begins Saturday, May 25th nn THE RBUABLB STORB Many Thousand Dollars Worth of Women's Keady-to-Wear Garments and Men's Furnishing Goods will be offered at most wonderful bargain prices. Our New York Resident Pnyer Will Personally Condnct This Great Sale. Watch Friday Eve. Paptrs for Particulars Many Weddings q la Jum. Ax you Invited f If you are our store is the first plao la which, to spend a few mlnut. We have a handsoms line of al)r. cut class and clocks sultubl. f e OS P R 8 y t'. i ' sa B P $1.25, 44 Inch imported 69c 49c 89c suitings, yard 75o and $1.00 New Spring dross goods, yard FN s . . 5c-S0c Wash Goods BASEMENT Remnants light and dark percale In waist and drees styles. kA at yard. O j Big bargain square fill ed with plain and generally ueruuy 31c inncy BiiKoiine rem nants, the 10c kind at yard . . 3Jc wear, every lit, vwry 12!c 1 1 40 inch wide fine sheer batiste In very pretty 5 cosew Chanibray designs, on basement the quality quality 6!c ami bargain square at. yard.. 121c FOR. FRIDAY 3welB, the ....7ic Drummers pieces, fine amp re 5e oleached table cotton J 1.00 r CdC Quilt corners cut from Marseilles bed spreads, suitable for children's bibs, wash f clotha, ta 25c Watch Dooglas Street Windows i B5 mi OVER ALL Hot Weather Comfort In alwayi and In any place found when your feet are enclosed In OMMOD SHOES... The beat shoes that are ottered for men's wear In tba world. Hand built Onlmods are for smart dressers, SS and $6. Bench-made Onlmods are far men who wish to dress well, $4. Other Cmlmods are for economical dressers, (2. SO and $3.60. We are Sole Agents (or Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes S.3-ST. IP- 8 VTTEJa POOD CSKTSJI g Friday is Fish Day SWe have an Unusually large and fine variety of Fresh Caught Fish for Fri day's Sale. For Friday's Specials We Offer 1,000 lb. Fresh Caught Halibut FS (Baby Fish) at per lb HHo Wall Eyed Pike, at per lb. . . Ill Ho Fresh Ground Bones (The Beat Chicken Feed) at per lb IcA Week-End Liquor Sale j-aui j ones wisKoy, Keguiar ii.uu siie esc Pi Monogram Maryland Wlakey (Full qts) eoo California Wine, Port or Sherry, per Gal. ; 11.60 The 1st of the Month will soon be here. Start the Month right, by M opening an account at Courtney's, as R he who trades here, may be aura of hi N live iijings. n S First Courteous Treatment. l) U Socond Full Weights and Measures gS it. IK Third Prompt Service. 1 K fis nolutclv oura and wholranma. TI1K That Kr .ny4n. Um.. make a dally Bavins to the family R r ittu x tjj vi UU1115 iici. ivu l W puree. 1 2 i I goartney'Q R 17th and Douglas Sts. 3 Private Exchange connects all Depts. tj If You would have your wife come in contact constantly with an Institution that will give her good ad vice, at a critical time, on investing her money lot her open an account In the Women's Banking Room First National Bank Bhe will always have the advice of the heads of a strong, conservative, finan clal institution. Any woman may open an account for any amount First National Bank OMAHA, NEB. ' Every Saturday Especially Tomorrow We shall cell ntca, fresh Saturday Candy (Utt's for 8o Kemt-mber, this Is a 60o assortment of Chooolutes, Nuts and Fruits, sold Hutur day only and In One Store Only tn every city in the United Slates. Look out for Imitations, for the market is full of them but there's only one Llggett's Sat urday Candy whloh is the ganulne and delicious kind, the kind that's sold In every olty baturday only, freah, tc Sherman & McConnsIl Mi Co Corner Slxteanth isd Dodjf Sti Omibi The saperlor ejaallry el marerials Msd. Ns W ' 1 1 M a a wn mi m i OMAHA WKATHKU FOKKCAST Krlday: Fnlr. n Silk Suit'"'1 Silk 250 Silk Skirt Patterns, consist ing of the best Colored Taf fetas, especially desirable for ' petticoats each skirt pattern msasuree 8 yards; some more; worth $6; each skirt pattern . . . , 2.48 00 BEAUTIFUL SILK SUIT PATTERNS All new colorings, navy blues, greens, reds, etc.; elegant checks of Louislnes that sell for yard; each consists of 14 yards to 16 yards; some swell browns; worth $16, Friday at $0.05 30 Elegant Brown Silk Suit Patterns Consisting ot 15 yards very best Colored Taffeta Silk changeable color combinations of brown, blue and green; worth $10.75, at $4.05 Dress Goods C 2 Skirt lengths, best all wool suitings In beautiful novelty ef fects, 6 yds. in each pattern; worth $4; Friday at ..$1.48 Kiniona Patterns of 2 Mi yds., fine all wool tancy AiDatross ChallU, either em broidered or check effects, each worth $2, Friday at.70 Domestics 36-ln. Percales, light colors, "Worth 15c yard, at 10c Men's Shirting, dark colors, yd. 5 8c Apron Gingham, good styles, yd. 4 American Best Prints, light or dark, yd.2 SHOES irsto$M0 $1.98 Women's low and high cut Shoes and serviceable samples from grade shoe manufacturer; broken dependable shoes from our own Btock Oxfords. PumDS. Gibson black and brown vlcl kid not a pair worth less than $3 and many worth $ 4 every site, but not all sizes AO in every lot, lilo pair And 60 Green Trading Bargain Friday on 2d Floor $29.50 Women's Tailored Suits $16.75 $6.50 Women's Fine Dress Skirt3 $3.95 $39.50 Women's Silk Princess Dresses for $19.50 $3.00 Lawn Waists for $1.48 75c Children's Gingham Dresses for.48c SILK DRESS SKIRT SALE SATUR DAY See 16th St. Window. Sample Hosiery Balance of Big Lot of Sample Hosiery In 4 Lots: Lot 1 Ladies' Hose, worth to 36xs pair, at 13 Lot 2 Ladles' Hose, worth to 75c pair, t 27 Lot 3 Ladies' Hose, worth to $1.00 pair, 30 Lot 4 Ladles' Hose, worth to $1.25 pair, tor .v 40 Linen and White Goods Section Hand Hemstitched Dres ser Scarfs, worth 45c and COc; and 12x54, special, each 12H 36-ln. Linen Finish Suit ing; Just right for Wash Dresses; worth 15c yard, Bargain Fri day, yard 0 18-inch Red Star Birds eye Diaper. 10-yard pieces; worth 65c, Bar gain Friday, pc.JJO B.yt' $2.00 Trousers Knickerbocker, made of very Serviceable all wool material, 6 to 10 years; worth $2 98c Mcn't Furnishings Men's Wash Four-in-Handa. 0 dif ferent colors and effects; special for Friday, each 15c Two for ....25 2c an Inch Corset Selling zc Inch Extraordinary Size 18 at.. 36 Size 19 at . and so on up to size 33. $2.00"$1.50 and $1.00 Corseta at Two Cents a.n Inch. Over 200 dozen salesman's samples and mill ends. Warner's, Royal, Worces ter, Kabo, W. B. and others. Second Floor, Hardware H Housefu'isK'gs 6KB DEMONSTRATION OF GAS RANGES HAVE 80 GAS BILL SPKCLIL PRICES BAR GAIN FRIDAY: Regular $23.60 Gas Range, with high broiler. .$18.75 Regular $20.60 Gas Range, oven and broiler. . . SI 8.50 Regular $14.60 Gas Range, with oven and broiler for ia.oo Mrs. Potts' Pattern Sad Irons, regular 98c value, set Uc GalvanUedXlarbage Cans, with covers, regular J8c value ,.75c Galvanised Garbage Cana, with covers. $1.26 value c Galvanized Ash Can, with cover prices up from $23.75 Cementico Special Cold Water Wall Paint especially good for finishing bed rooms, regular prioe 85c pkg . at 2a Bcrean Doors All sizes, ai rCYS ,l.60.$1.25and . ?o Tfl Ana Tnirxj ureen Stamps. Screen Door Spring Hinges, steel, regular 16c pair at ...too Skirt Patterns 100 Skirt Patterns of black Taf feta Silk; every yard guaran teed; same Bilk soils for $1.25; we offer Cyd. Skirt Patterns ' (some pieces are longer); each pattern worth $7. GO; Friday at 84.30 Wa.sh Goods 75 full pieces of the best Silk Mulls, In all col ors, with em broidered dots, no plain, finest quaJity; every yard worth 29c; on saleyd.plS stylish a high lines of regular Tina. Stamps Gloves Lot of Ladles' SUk and Lisle Long Gloves, with Blight Im perfections; worth to $2.25; while supply lasts, pair 79c Handkerchiefs 200 dozen ladles' Cross Bar Swiss Handkerchiefs; 8 V4 value, 'or 5 180 dozen ladles' very sheor pure linen, 25c value 'or 15 125 dozen men's pure linen Handkerchiefs; 12V4o value each ....7tti sizes 12x45 Notions Shell Hair .Fins. doa., put up in box, ea:h, box.. 5 White Duiich Tape, four as worth 6c per bunch, three bunches for 5 Shoe Laces, all sizes, dz.lO Pearl Buttons, 2 cards. 5 Fancy Frilled Garter Elastic, all colors, worth 12 He yd., at .....5 Black Darning, 1 dot. spools to box, worth 25c, at. 10 Sampson Linen FlnlBh Thread, 100 yards to spool, 3 spools for 5 Black Spool Silk, doz.15 Belt Pin Books, assorted sizes. In sciid black and black and white; worth 10c book. Friday 2 books. 5 Light Weight Drees Shields, tn numbers 3 and 4, worth 16o pair, at 5 an 38 Bennett's Dig Grocery HMdqnartars foi tba TIdmi Talua In rr(h kouul Oofles. Dennett's Beat C'oflee, I puunilH. f 1.60 . And 76 Ureen Trading: BtiiniDB. TEAS B. F. Japan, Oolonir, Gunpowder, KnslUtl Break fast, pound Sic And 60 Grn Trading Btamps. Bennett's Capitol Flour, aatk at II. SO And 75 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Pow der, 6-lb. can (1.00 And TS Green Trading Stamps. aaVATS UIGB BPBClAXr tieveral hundred bottles new aeuson Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle 23o And SO Green Trading Btatiips. Blood of Grape Juice, qt. bottle, 60o And 40 Grtten Trading biamps. Ht. Charles Cream, can lOo And 10 Green Trading Slumps. Wlgk-le Btlrk Bluing. 3 stt-ks . .2&0 And 10 Green Trading 1 1 lamps. Balud Mustard. Jar , 10o And 10 Green Trading tamps. Matsliall'a Klppervd Herring, can. 20c And 10 Green Trading titamps. Three Htar Salmon, can 20a And I'O Green Trading Stamps. Toasted Corn Flakes, t pkgs. . , , . . 35u And 10 Green Trading rl tamps. Batavla Corn Btarch, lb-pkg 8a And 10 Green Trading ritamps. New York Full Cream Cheese, lb.20o And 10 Green Trading titamps. SJPSOIAI, BITBAOT OrfEK lien ueU's Capitol V'unila, Lmn. Ba nana, flneapple, Kasplierry, Bed Rose, strawberry, Whits Hose, Wiuturgreen, Almond, bottle ISo And 0 Green Trading btainpe. Granulated tiuirar, HI ltis.fl.u0 And 24 Grien Trading Stumps. BENNETT'S OAfcDIStl Butler txouh, delicious, per glass Jar ...10a Wanted Merchandise Friday Specials of Unusual Bargain Merit (Will THB RELUBLB S7RB J 1 J Great Clean-Up Sale of Silks Over 6.000 yards of rlnln and fancy Silk RomnanU loft from the past season of unprecedented soiling; almost every color and weave Imaginable in the lot; regular 50c and 76c values; on eale Friday in one great lot in DomostKK, Room, om, at, yard Beautiful Chiffon Poplins, in choice line of colors; specially priced else where at 39c to 60c yard; on sule Friday, in main silk aisle at, yd.29? 29c White Jap Wash Silks 20-ln. wide, on sale at 17 Splendid lot of Dress Silks, In new shades of brown, checks, stripes and plain colors; greatest snap of season at 39c Furnishing Goods Specials In Our Great Domestic ltoohi Sample of broken line of all kinds of Knit Underwear, Men's Shirts, Mis lln Undergarments, etc., at less than half regular retail price. Ladles' Gauze Vests, low neck, sleeve less or with short sleeves; values to 19c, at 10c, 7c and 5 Men's, Ladles' an'd Children's Hose, In all ''zes and colors, regular values up to 25c, at 10c and 5? Drapery Section Specials Compare our prices before buying elsewhere. We carry everything in this line at prices bound to please. $9 00 American Point Lace Curtains at $0.50 $6.50 American Point Lace Curtains at 85.00 $5.00 American Point Lace Curtains at $3.08 $6.60 Italian Fillet Curtains at.3.98 $4.60 Corded Arabian Curtalns.2.08 $4.00 Barnett Curtains at..'. . 81.98 $3.60 Two-tone Cable Net.... 81.98 $3.00 Cable Net $1.98 Ruffled Net Curtains for bed rooms, worth $3.00, at $1.98 Remnant Day In the Great Domestic Room Another carload of new remnants from the mill Just arrived, consisting oC Ginghams, Wash Goods, Dress Goods, Linens, White Goods, etc. 5 cases ot short lengths, In various v kinds of Wash Goods, worth from 6c to 16o yard, will be on sale at, yd.l 6 cases of short lengths of Dress Oing hams; one case of A. F. C.'s; one case of Tolle du Nords and one case of Red Seals and one caso of Lan caster Dress Gingham, all fast col ors and sell for about 12 He a yard, as long as they last they will go at, yard 4 Various grades of Batiste, Printed Dimities, Printed Organdies and other Wash Goods, ranging in price from lOo to 16c, will be on sale at, yd., 7Hc, 6c and 2 2 cases of Indian Head Shrunk Mus lin, looks llwe linen and washes liko linen 5 sold everywhere from 16c to 18o a yard, full pieces, Friday, yard 7 4 6 cases of Unbleached Muslin, in rem nants from 6 to 15 yards, Buck Head and Indian Head; sells everywhere at 8 V4c, Friday, only, yard . . . .4 $ 3 cases of Bleached Muslin, in lengths from 6 to 20 yards, Zodiac, Hope Lonsdale and Fruit, in three lots, at 5c, 64o and Remnants of Sheeting, In both bleached and unbleached, in 2 yards, 2 Mi and 2 yards wide; eells from 22c to 35o a yard; on sale at, yd.... 15 SPECIAL SALE OF Poultry Netting AND WIRE SCREENS Positively the last sale of those goods at the present price. We did not raise our prices when wire goods advanced, but the stock we had on hand is now low and we cannot buy to sell at these prices: Poultry Wire (by the roll), per square foot '. Poultry Wire, in small quantities, per sq. ft Screen Wire, black or green, in Fri day's sale, at, aq. yard 1Mi $1.00 Ironing Boards, solid wire frame, sale price . , G9 Garden Hose, ft., 7V4o, 9o, lOo up. Hose Reels, each 75 100-lb. keg nails, price $2.00 Garment Bargain Friday IX fillEAT DOMESTIC BOOM Women's 60c Kimonos 12 H Women' $1.25 Wrappers 790 I Read These Tfcy Dlsooont All Competition. 11 Kar. liVat I,sundry Soap 35c llroniaiigelon. Jellycon or Jello, per fSg. only 1-lu. Jars Pure Fruit Preserves ..... .JV,c 1-lb. cans aborted Soups, Campbell s.T He l-ll. plg Cold Wnter riiarrh v 1-1. pkg- C,rn titarrh l5 OU or Mustard Sardines, per can .,..3 Vic Gallon Cans peaches. Plums. Orupts or fears , 1 pint bottle Iurs Tomato Catsup L..nni niit,.e iiAf tflr l.lb. cans Fancy Wax. String or Lima Beans yc -lb. cans Fancy Swet Sugar Coro....4Vac Malta Vita, per pkg iVc gg-o-ree. per pkg JHc Corn Flakes, per pkg ViC Fancy California prunes, per lb 4c Fancy Cleaned Currants, per IU tc Fancy Muscatel lumlns, per lb. so Fancy Lvaporuted Apples, per lb,.....c Fancy Sexdless P.alblns, per lb 7Vc Fancy potted Piunis, Sliver Prunes or liartlett Pears, per pound l&c Greatly Underpriced Not a Disappoint menf in the Entire Lot For Yon Xnfff IIKADQVA UT1CHS for BLACK SILKS No plate In the country will you find our special offerings equaled. $1.25 C. J. Ronnet Ulack Taffetas, 27 in. wide, special 75fr $1.00 Black Dress Taffetas, 27-ln, wide, special, at, yard 75c Black Dress Silks, 20-in. wide, special at, yard 39 $1.50 Black wl8B Taffetas, 86-ln. wide, gunrantvd 91.00 $1.39 Blnck Drtss Taffetas, guaran teed, at, yard '. . 89S Men's Underwear, in summer welghta, plain or fancy colors, worth regular ly to 98c garment, at 49c, 39c. Men's Madras Shirts, n-gulur value up to $1.00, with or without collars at tached; on sale at 49c ond . . . -30 Knit and Cambric Underwear for misses and children, with taped but tons, 25c values', on Bale at . . . . 10 Boys' Blouse and Shirt Waists, worth to 50c, in blue, chambrays, striped madras or light percales, on sale at 23i $2.60 values at $1.50 $1.76 values at $1.00 Swiss Curtains, with lace and Inser tion, at, pair 75 500 pairs Swiss at, pair 50c and.25) Lace Curtains, In full size, Friday at $1.50 Laco Curtains, 64-in. wide, 3V4 long, at $1.25 15 differont patterns Friday at, pair only 98 Drapery Silk, 32-in. wide, Friday only, at, yard 39f Rope Portieres, in all colors, at m great reduction. Remnants of Bleached and Unbleached Pillow Casing, worth from 15c to 25c; as long as they last will go at. yard 10 250 Bed Spreads that sell at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, will be placed In three piles, each, 59c, 69c and 70J 25 dozen Turkish Towela that sell at 7Mc each, will go at, each. . . .2tt 25c dozen of 8c TowelB will go at, each 4 25 dozen of 15c Towels will go at. each -'7ttt 10 cases of ahort lengths of Prints. from 2V4 to 16 yards In a piece; rt ular 7c goods, will go at, yd 3 6 cases of full standard Prints fro: the bolt, regular 64c goods; will go at, yard ...2 2 cases of light Shirting Prints, full piocea, will go by the yard, at. 2 2 cases of Gorman 32-lnch Blue Cali co, regular 12 c goods, will go at. yard 5 One case of Wash Raga, worth 6c each, will go at, each X) UEMJf ANTS OF HI Gil GRADU WOOIi DRESS GOODS 8,000 yards of high grade Dress Gooda In all colors and black, soils from 75o to $3.60 per yard; will go in four lota, at, yurd, 25c, 8 9o, 49c and.59 No dealers or peddlers sold in this room. Be sure and look at our bulle tin or extra specials, outside the dooj on Sixteenth btroet side. , Unmatchable Millinery Bargains g An Immense purchase of charming Trimmed Hat, surplus stock of ono of the best known - mlllluerjg bouses. Greatest bargains ever shown in Omaha. $3 to $5.00 values, all newest Ideas at, choice $1,50 $5.50 to $7.60 values, most delightful style concep tions, at $2.50 Look where yon please, when you please, youll never find values surpassing our Friday Trimmed Hal specials. Come early. Oxford Sale Friday Women's White Canvas Gibson ULhhorj Ties. Women's vlcl kid Newport Ties, Ox ford and Juliets, worth up to $1.7I on sale 034 Hulskamp'B Union Made white canvas Olbson Ties, the same shoes aa are specially priced at $1.49 at the other stores $1.25 Child's Shoes, worth up to $1.00. at 76c and 496 Shtnola Combination Polish, dauber and brush 15 Child's and 8 2-11 patent "trap Sandals, worth $1.00 Are you a Grover customer? Easiest Shoes and Oxfords ever put on ft woman's foot. ' Women's Black Sateen Underskirts) for 404 Children's $1.00 Wash Dresses. ,Llg Grocery Prices Batter and Chess s Sals PrlcM Choice lmlry Mutter, per lb ll Fancy l'uiry Butter, per pound 0o Choice Separator Creamery iiutter, per pound ,.2io The best Creamery flutter, per pound. H&o Fancy Full Creaia Cheese, per pound 180 rresb Vcjrstablsi and rrults Tua Bm Only at ths Lowest Vrloss. 2 bunches Fresh Asparagus ......... So Fret.h Spinach, per pnk .(0 Fre.h Onions, t bundles for ...to Fresh Wax lieuns. per pound ....... to Fresh Peas, per uuart to Fresh Pie Plant. 6 bunches for to Fresh Kadtshes. S bunches for ..to Egg Plant, each 10o Large Cucumbers each ...,,to Fancy Florida Pineapples, each TUo fttj sise Highland Navel Urunfil, ths kIm that retails fur 6uc per doxon; our prtc Ver dnten Ho 'e deliver to Benson, iHindne, CUftJii Hill. lrjld Hill and to the rlty limit north dally. Florence and Fast Omaha, Wednesday mornings. Fort Cr.Hk, Delia vue und Avery every Friday. 0 r;' for wedding gift. LOOK VOU TUB HAilO Se W. LINDSAY, Jeweler Apt iu urwi t ran in