HIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, KMT 24, 1907. 10 Want - ads Ad vertlaernente for the wnt-ad rnlimni tt 1 11 be taken until 12 m. tot the evening; edition and nntll A p. n. for the morning nnd Sunday edition. (nab. maat accompany nil order for want-ad nnd no ndrertlaement will be nc-repted for leaa than lO cent for the flrat Inaertlon. Ilntea apply to either The Dally f Sunday Dee. Always eonnt six word to line. romblnatlon of Initial or number ronnt na one word. CAH RUK1 FOR WA1T-4T19. RF.nri.4R Cl.aSMFlCATIO. One Inaertlon, per line, lO renta. two ' more eonaeontlve Inarrtlons, per Hn. a eenta. Kaeh Inaertlon made on odtl day a. lO rent per line. $l.BO per Hn per month. PRCIAl, CLAaSIFICATIO1 y oot ndrertlaement la Inaerted nnder any one of the rlasalfleatlona arlven below, It will be charged at the following: mini One Inaertlon, 4 eenta per llnei three to at conevrotlve Insertion. B cents per line each Insertion! aeven or more conaeentlve Inaertlona, 8 cents per line each Insertion. BO cen per line per montb. nHTi:il AM EX C IIAJIGB. nrniiM chasce-. HKI.P WATKD-FKMAIE. HELP WANTED MAI.I3. Except Agente, Solicitors and alearaen. OFFERED FOR SALE I fowl, Birds, Dors and Peta. Ilorsas and Vehlcre. Ponltry and Eva;. Fornltnre. Plnnoa, Organ and Mnalral In' atrnmenta. Typewriter and Sewing; Ma rlianes. OFFERED FOR REWTt I'nrnlslied Hooros. 1'nfnrnlahed Itoonts. Housekeeping; Rooma. Hoard In a; and Rooma. WASTED TO IH'Y. WAITPED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. ' CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death and Fnneral Notlcea, Cnrda of Thanks nnd Lodie Notices, ? cents per line for one edition, morning; or e-renlna: 8 cents a line for each ad ditional edition, Sunday, 10 eenta a line. No ad -taken for less than 30 eenta. Want-ads for The flee may he left as any of the following- dros; stores one Is "roof corner drnsrglat" 4bey are all branch offices of The Ree and your nd will be Inserted Jnat as promptly and on tbe same rates as at the main office In Tbe Bee BnlldlnR, Seventeenth and Farnnm atreetai Albach, W. C, loth and Farnam. i. Beranck.B. A., 140! 8. Ifith St liecht'e Pharmacy, 720 B. ltflh Bt. Benson's Pharmaoy, Benson, Neb. Burnt Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R., Gth and Pierce St. Clifton 21111 Pharmacy, 1213 Military Ava. Cronte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Lmll, 12ii4-6 S. 13th St Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2802 Leavenworth. Poster & Arnoldl, 813 N. 26th St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. , Goldman Phnrinupv. 90th and Thalia. Green's Pharmacy) corner Park Ava. and racine, Oreonotigh. O. A., 106 B. 10th St. Greenough, O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, ?!'20 Farnam St HaiiBCom Park Phar.. 1601 8 9th Ava. Hoist John, 624 North 16th Bt. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King, H. S., 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., K.24 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Cliaa. E.t 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Rnrntoira. Druf Co.. 24th nnd Amps Ave fichaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schaefer, August. 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm I'hnrmacy, 16th and Martha St. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th nnd Grace St. Wlrth, O. H.. 4oth and Hamilton St. DEATH AND FINER A L NOTICES. WILLIS Mr. Jane a., widow of Thotnaa K. Willis. May 23. 19o7. aged 69 yeara. Funeral private. Interment at Forest Luwn cemetery. MAItniAUU LICENSES. The following marriage license havo Deen isaueu: Name and Realdtmce. Frank Vocaaek, South Omaha Annu Sumurul, South Omaha Frank'Mylnr, South Otrtaha , Grace Warron, South Omaha John KaHparec, South Omaha...., JoHuph Jiia, South Omaha llurry Marks, Omaha , leather M. Levin, Omaha Age. ... 50 ... 62 ... 22 ... IT ... 23 ... a ... 27 21 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Matt J. Grtndel, 2436 South Sev enteenth street, boy; Ji. K. English, W61 x Koutli Thirteenth blreet. t)ov: Peter Kckas 10u7 Atla street, boy; Ed Hush, 261S Kee ireui, uoy: j. a. Biiea, 42-M Patrick ave nue, ooy; w. Malison, 1M3 Bouth Thirty tlrst street, girl: Robert liulden, 2u3 Ban.' croft street, girl. Deaths Arabella T. Lathrop, 417 South rnjtieieenin hi reel, agea 76; L.uca Blaxek. - aged 4; Mollle Wilson, 1 montli. ANNQUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and i ieaveuworm bik. let. Douglas ami. U 103 BIGN PAINTING 8. II. Cola, 1302 Douglas. SEEDS THAT GROW. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. CITT 6ALESROOM, 161J HuWAUD. cn-r jo AUT0M03ILES 6KNL) for our list of second-hand automo- oiiea. DERIGHT. 181S FARNAM. (2)-S4J FOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a baigaln. Glob Land and In- vaauueiii u., liui rarnam Bt (2 M&25 WRITE for list of bargains in second-hand automobile. Fredrickson, lin'i Cap. Ave. t2)-M Jel7 BARTER AND EXCHANGE HAVE an A-No. 1 stock of merchandise; want good farm. Don't offer only gllt- 4d la ml. W. A. Utldreth, i.10 Bae bldg.,' Omaha. U;-Mjc7 24 TO EXCHANGE. ' 7,000 acre good Canada land for good In come property; (15 per acre; describe your property or iio reply; a rare oppor tunity. Box 671, Spencer, la. (J M428 JlOx tX)R BALE OR TRADB-On large show case front refrigerator, suitable for fancy grocer, iuo oatacity 600 pounds, and on c.trd slot ' machine; above good a new. What have you to swap? Peterson A West WlaneT, Neb. () Sai 2Ux A ILL EXCHANGE on year's inuato les sons on any Instrument for Job printing or advertising In any locality. Ad.iress A Bee. (X M162 TO EXCHANGE What have you to trade for Norih Dakota lands? E. A. Amund aon, Leouberger Bldg., Dickinson. N. 1 . (3 Ikl'MM 2 1JU ACRES. S miles from Bcnell City, Ver n.in county. Mo.; SO acrea under oultlva tiuii; guut buiitling; price, taO per acre; Incumbrance ?-.tM; will exchange for gen era! u.ercl.an.i.'e. Glob l.ud and Invast meat Co., 1 Faruaut St, Omaha. U lot EXCHANGES If vou have city property, stock of good, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com plete list We hiVa properties and land In all part of tnuntry to exchange. Our Hal la free. Vnd for It at once. Globe haaii and In-rnenl Co.. U21 Far nam St.. Oiual.a. N (3 1' COOD Income propertA VclearTfor vacant p.ts: wclking dUlauA l'aifon Hroa-- Be dBMieb - ((u-JOAaj, BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex player. What have you? Address H 875, lie. (3 M248 26k SOME good Omaha property to trade for land or merchandise. 110 B. 17th St. (3)-M307 Je FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE A flr-rt-class j atPAm laundrv. paylna 15 vr cer.t on in- i vestment; locatd In a good eastern Kan sas town of 3.LO0 population; for a farm or city property. Address Olander A llnpp, Osage City, Kan. (3 345 2Gx Lot for 'Horse and Busrffy Will exchnnae Bond lot one-half block from car line near Amei Ave., worth $275 for small driving horse and buggy. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bid?. (3) 428 23 FOR TRADB-3W acres of choice raw land; plenty of good hav and farm lano; nno oil: will take t.l.iiOO stock of merchan dise; bal. cah; only tCS.no per acre. Ad- uress l-oca lion i, Lorncn, i-o-o. (81 M4S8 29 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You "Wish to Make a Chance? H you have a farm, home, Business or property mat you whiii w en v - - cnaiiKe, wrtio u. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., ROBERT C. DRtTSEPOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS. 809 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE First-class blackamlth ana wagon work business, witn ioois; i received for shoeing and M to W for sot ting tlre3. Address Y 128. Bee. (4)-li FOR BALE One of the bet meat market in Council Bluffs. Investigate. C. W. Letchford, 607 South Main street. t4) 153 WE INCORPORATE STOCK COMPANIES AND START YOU RIGHT. Resident agents for foreign and local companies, furnishing them with advance information regarding ADVERSE LEGIS LATIONS, DECISIONS and RULINGS, for $10.00 per year. THE MERCANTILE INCOR PORATING COMPANY. 425-426 N. Y. L. Bldg, "Phone Doug. 662. E. M. BEAKLE, JR., P resident ED. L. CL'LVER, Manager. U. E. McCREERY, Asst. Manager. (4) M947 FOR SALE Meat market In a town of S.onO population, can on or nnaress j. j. Johnson, Wahoo, Neb. () MK38 24x BUSINESS chance, hotel property for sale, onlv hotel in good town on ooo une: good fishing and hunting grounds; will sell for cash. Frank Stlcka, Sr., Carlos, Minn. (4J-M939 24x FOR SALE Newspaper ana Job offlce. only plant in new, growing town in goou fermlng" district, eastern Nebraska, A splendid opportunity for hustling printer to start In business for himself. Price, $j)0: WOO cash, time on balance. Address Y 21, Bee. (4)-M4Si 2SX PROMOTERS or Investor desiring expert or secret Investigations, estimates and reports concerning power development atram and electric railroads, Irrigation projects, etc., can socure services of com petent engineer at reasonable figure. H, timaha Bee, 16 Scott St., Council Bluffs, la. (4)-M461 2S WANTED, to sell, either whole or half Interest in nrst-ciaas nour ana ieea nun; water power. Address Fall River Roller Mills, Marysvllle, Idaho. - (4) M437 J2x I WANT a partner of om ability In new proposition in wnicn i can see enormous profits; about J900 required for the whole thing. I can furnish my half of the rash and will put my ability against the best of them. It you have $40 and sense enough to know a good thing when you see It, let' get together and Investi gate this. For Interview address D 820, care Bee. (4)-43 24 MUSIC teachers' local locations bought sold. - Perlleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam, Omaha. " (4 M163 BUYERS FURNISHED IN 48 HOURS Investment Dept Western Ref. & Bond Ass'n, Inc., Suite 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4-6S4 4-CHAIR barber shop for sale. J. W. (4)-M373 27x Vogel, Rlcb Hill, Mo. DRUG store for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. U. Omaha. (4) 111 TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or writ E. U. Uunccst ui. 4u3 Bee Bldaj (4)- WANTED To trade for stock of goods; have a good farm. Addrea Y K5 Beaa . (4) tW MEAT market for sale, or would take a good honest men a partner. Address A. IL H., Box 173, Central City. Neb. (I)-M12li 25x ONE-HALF INTEREST In the postofflca Ixjok store at Ripley. Okl., to party who can give It attention; this Is a rare chance fur a small Investment; will boar close scrutiny. Address W. H. Bowdlear, P. M., Ripley. Okl. (i) M668 30x FOR SALE Harness shop In eastern Ne braska, no competition, god casn traae, invoice i,ziO. Can reduce stock If wanted. Address Y 8, Omaha Bee. , (4) Mii)7 SIX . 1 TO BUY or sell any business or real estate quick write or see Hudretn & Lowman, 610 Boa Bldg. . (4 M6M) FOR SALE Rooming house. & Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. See Hlldretn (4 MOa GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Partner wanted to take place of retiring partner ill well equipped Dialling work In Iowa; Immense profits; 3,ouo required for half Interest; references exchanged; machinery of latest typo; house, tbreo lots and works, all Included. Address Y 6, care Bee office. (4) M572 30x WANTED Young man with 1200 cash" U manage branch office of Incorporated real estate company; exceptional opportunity Adores E 47. care Omaha Bee. (4)-M71T WANT a econd-hand automobile; have some land to trade. Address Y 243 Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week for 26 weeks or io cash and clear 20o; sbsolute FPfety guaranteed by all bank. Storeheat Mfg Co., Los Angeles. Cal. ) M842 JlOx FOR SALE General stock of merchandise all new within one year; good trade; fln9 country, In aouthern Nebraska; a snap. , Address Y t, care of Bee. (4) 108 28x SMALL amount money to protect and put on market good article.' Address N 413, "" t) 1.3 MX liTjuninAir, xjoiir.aa. iju.iuo iet me how you how to make It earn you an In nntiaiti a rrai w v-i-m come of 5,uoo a year, without much of your ume. Aaareas o sx. care Bee. (4)-iM2S3 26x FOR 8ALF--rrug store In southern Ne braska: good trade, good clean atock. chean rent; one of the biggest snap In mo imie, ror parucuiar, eaaresa Y X, care Bee. (4)-M107 29x FOR BALK In good, live town, a good printing office, with cylinder press: good reasons ior sewing. Address w. T. Graves, Upland, Neb. (4) M 2fix FOR 8ALE Harness hop; doing a good business In central Illinois corn belt. Ad drwtts Thomas Fenlon, New Holland, III. T . . . (41-412 27x TO GET IN or out of buslm-as. call on Williams. 411 McCague LlUg., 15th and Dodge Sts. ) M5J8 WANTED A. party to buy oat a flrat-clas stock of furnitur In the beat town on the Elkhorn valley: best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furnitur Co., Wlsner. Nan. 4-MiMi FOR BALE Best paying business la Wash ington, D. C.J owner ha other lntervsta; cash offers only recognised. Address Cha. J. Gillette?. Bond building, Wash ington. D. C. (4-M371 27 X A BARGAIN If taken soon. Intareat In a drug and Jewelry buslneaa, with permit Hot, in. Truer, la, su Bee Want WILL IN A BUSINESS CHANCES tContlnueJ.j FOR SALE Drug store. In Buhl, Ida O od location; cash business; cause ot selling, dissolution of partnership; terms caah; Invoice $1,900. For particular write or call on Harris St Allen, Buhl, Ma. (4) M376 27x FOR BALE The electric light and city water works plant at Kennewlck, Wash., a town of about 2.000 population, on navi gable river and two railroads. Town la fxowlng rarldly and bunlness Is on a pay ng basis, 25-year franchise and contract with city for street lights and hydrants, which will pay Interest on price of plant. Address C A. Cochran, Kennewlck. Wash. v (4) M379 27X BT'SINESS CHANCE The best location In North Dakot for a veterinary surgeon who understands his business. For par ticulars, write the Crowley Drmr Co., Wimbledon, N. D. (4) M507 2x FOR BALB Two-chair barber shop. In town of 8.000, northern Utah; electric lights and city water. Addrea H. B. McCabe, Pleasant Grove, Utah. (4 M4S9 Je4x FOR BALK Harness stock In good town; good business; reason for selling, poor health. Henry Btahr, Henderson, Neb. (4)-iMu04 29X. A NICE clean millinery ntoek for sale, rea sonable: good location; only exclusive millinery store In town; good trade; must retire from business on account of health. Address Box 3US, Roswell, N. M. (4) M501 29x FOR slE High class patent. Just being Introduced; sells good, because has great merit; large money can be made by a party who ha money to Invest. Will bear the very closest Investigation. I, Omaha Bee, 15 Scott St., Council Bluff's. (4) M546 29 FOR SALE A nice clear stock of erocer!s and fixtures; cheap If taken at once. Ad dress, Lee Baldwin, Wellington, Colo 4)-56S29x TO GET IN" OR OUT OF BUSINESS. CALL ON WILLIAMS, 4H MoCAOUE BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE 8T9. (4)-658 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. B. BRADY, Probate Atfy, 608 Bee Bldg. (6) MS1S Jel6 Civil Engineers. M'EATHRON A JAMJESON. 0 N. Y. Ik (5)-118 L. O. HICKS, Trade. surveying. 423 Board of 15) M314 J Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R- t, 16JC Farnam Bt Doug. 4S7. (6 1st Creameries. to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (M-117 Carpet Cleaning. SEND your carpets to N A. Chrtotenson A Bon, 2221 N. 20th St. 'Phone Web. 16&. (6) 113 la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1918 Farnam. (6)-ll4 CHAMPION Caroet Cleaning Work. Mk lug over and relaying carpets. Also rug weaving. ioiu auu ijget, xei. xjoug. Quo, (6-116 Dentlata. BAILEY & MACH. M fl. Pax ton. D. JOSS. Contractor. P. J. CREEDON SONS, general con tractor. Oflloe and laotory, 46th and Dodge. -rnones, xiar. ziw ana Red 10. (6 U&M AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, 1116 N. 24th St. Pbone iu6. South Omaha. (6)-7 Dreaanutklns;. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 15. . t Electroayeis, MISS ALLENDER, 422 N, Y. Life Bldg. - (5M-626 J2J Cngravlng. KOTERA & CO., 1606 Jackson. Doug. 8007. to lis Florlata. HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (6)-120 L. HENDERSON. 1618 Farn. Tel. D. 1251 (6)-121 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. t& 133 Halrdreaalna;. HAIRDRES3. 2o and S6c; shampoo, EOc; ary snampoo, dc; egg snampoo, Voc marcel waving, 76o; marcel touch, 6uo; massage, ooc. ecaip rates per month. F. Douglas. treatment special M. Bchadell, 1522 (6) M5M Je23 Hotel. THE Bchllta. European, 10th and Harney, Fan, FTTRS cleaned, stored and re.:jtred! O. B. Bnuaerc, iid-iua o. letn, practical rurrter, (5)- JU Itenae Cleanloux, JOHNSON clean carpets, washes windows. noor ponsnea. lei. ivougia sw (6 iS6 MIS Incorporators. MER. Incorporating Co., 42VK. Y. L. (6-128 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, & 8 Paxtoa Blk. Tel. D. 4347. (5)-lJ4 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. !, (6) ia Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 8370. (5) M3S0 Je20 Photographer. C. B. TRUSSELL.' 116 South 18th Bt (S-887 Printing. JENNINGS PrlnUng Ca Tet Douglas 8M0. (5)-llt BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad at Jorve, printer. 14 it Cap. av. fr) 127 HIG GRADE Imitation typewritten letter and Job printing; no Job too large or small. Anchor Publishing Co., ltd Far nam Bt Tel. Douglas biiZ (5)-M7M Jell THE ACORN PRESS, Printers of Quality, iiaruey. Tel. Doug. 3l. (6 M747 Jel4 600 BUSINESS card. $1; 10.000 printed n velopea, go-d atock, for $10; other work at sajiia rates. Get estimate and ee our samples of work Call at room 82, U. S. Nat I Bank Bldg., or 'phone Doug Us 4508- (6)-M46 Jell FlaaablaaT and Heating. T. F. BALFT5. plumbing, gas and eleetrls fixtures. 10W Howard. Tel. Doug. 143. (6)-M,00 JullO LYNCH BROS.-Repalr work our specialty. UM .U JSU k. XeJ. Douglas UTI. 4vJ A12 Ad; MAKE IT EASY FOR SMALL WAY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY (.Continued.) -t- Safe, Shatter. Eto. OMAT7A Bafe and Iron Work make a spe cialty of tire escape, shutter, door ana eafe. O. Andreen, Prop.. 103 B. 10th St f6t-r School Fornltnre. OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard. ID) M(UI 419 Shoe Repairing. STANDARD Bhoe Repair Co.. 1P04 Farnam. we ao the work right; phone uougin jot and we will call for your work. We sell polish, laces and shoe specialties. (5)-M86 Jel7 Stove Storace. RTrtVT?CJSTORED Hughe. Stove Rep. U-J 1 1JIJ Worka T.l fooffla T1RR. (5) M752 Wall Paper Cleaning;, WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas fiW9. tr-M407 DON'T fall to call me at Douglas 87. (D) MfOB CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. rnnor 113 S. 16tn Bt, upp. uoaion eiore. US1-128 EDUCATIONAL FIRST SUMMER TERM. JUNE 8. 130YLES COLLEGE BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY, ENG LISH. ELOCUTION. Catalogue free. II. B. BOYLES, Pre., Omalia, Net). HiitV HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. GIRt, to learn office work, 16 to 17 year old; prefer one who can add well and write plain. Address J 246, care Bee. (7) 361 Factory and Trades. WANTED Girl to work in candy factory. Tbe Voegele & Dinning Co., 1216 Jones St (7)-M823 GIRLS WANTED Burges Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam St (7) 128 WANTED - Machine girl. City Steam Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. (7)-U0 " DRESSMAKERS wanted at 1213 Chicago St.; good wage If "satisfactory. (7) 406 27X GIRLS wanted to work by the day; steady work and good pay. King-uraham Mfg. Co., Uth and Jackson Sta. Apply on 24 - floor. (7) 408 27x WANTED All kind of laundry help; good wages and steady work. Model Steam Laundry Co. (7) 656 20x Housekeeping and Domeatlc. GIRLV' for general housework; family of two; good wages. 'Phone Harney 1284. (7.1 890 30x WANTED Girl for general housework. 1638 Park Ave. (7 436 WANTED Competent middle-aged woman to do housework In family with three children. Addrea Mrs. W. A. Dodda, Gillette, Wyo. (7) M&S6 24x WANTED In July, good cook, two In family, permanent place and good wages, 102 So. 34th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7-M384 SWEDISH housekeeper, 120 per mo.; house glrlB 37 week. Canadian Office, 16th and Lodge. (7) M7&8 WANTED A cook. Benson 178. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Tel. (7) 473 WANTED A woman to keep house on a farm; must be neat and clean. Addrea Arthur Witt, Neola, la. (7) M60 80 WANTED A cook. 3612 Farnam. (7) S GIRL for general housework. 4167 Daven port St (7) S6H WANTED Competent cook, also girl for general housework; good wages. Apply at 3403 Harney St. (7) 407 23 WANTED a competent girl for general housework; good, wages. 112 N. 31st Ave, (7) 411 28 WANTED A good cook; $20 a month; washing and ironing furnished. Tii Creche, 19th and Harney. u 427 23x r WANTEJ-Glrl for general housework; family 01 in ree. Appiy snu unrnam hi. x (7) M4t 24 GIRL for general housework. 8316 Burt St C7 475 2Sx WANTED en experienced girl for general housework; In small family Apply 2102 Douglas bt. xai. uougiaa sm. (,) 1,7 ;x, GIRL for general housework. 2603 Pierce St Small family; good wage. (7)-651 25 tlacellaneon. M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 123 For, (7)-M816 Jel5 8TENOGR A PH ERS, bookkeepers, cashier, salesladiea and office clerks. Bee us at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., INC, 1 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) MSS2 it HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen. SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have had experience selling views, por trait or books; pleasant work and big money. (au a nwun mm, nee vidg. 9)-3SS WANTED High grade salesmen to carry Rotograph post cards as a side line on a commission basis; hotels drug stores all handle post cards. Address Graeff Miller. care Rotograph Co., 6h4 Broadway, New .York. (9-Mo78 84x BHOE SALESMAN WANTED. Must be Experienced, good salesman and active, xi assistant; lierman speaking preforrott. a N. Walbach & Bon, Grand island. I Neb. (8 ME70 tt WANTED Men for real eatate buslneaa In (Vebracka; salary ; expense advanced, and, spienaia opportunity tor riant kind or men. Apply 316 Neville Blk.. lilth and Harney. Omaha. ( M760 Jel AGENTS wanted to drive through the country: best selling cronosltlon ever of. f erred; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan. 40$ Be Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (9 884 WANTED Experienced grocery salesman. State age and give references. J, Omaha Bee, 15 Scott St., Council Bluffs. (9)-M560 84 WANTED Salesman who I calling on th lumber trade In Nebraska and Kansas to handle ladder on commission. Daven port Ladder Co., Davenport la. (9)-M942 84 t MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay weekly. C F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard. ) 771 Junel WANTED Man to hire and manage a erw of rollcltors; prefer one who has had ex I Hence In selling to farmers; permanent loltlon; good Income. Address O 347, Deo offlce. 8810 WANTED A solicitor for hlgh-claas com mercial printing. Salary and Ulieral com mission. Anchor Pub. Co., 1822 Farnam. It 1-790 AGENTS wanted with rigs to sell our medicine, extracta, etc., to farmer. Royal Manufacturing: Co,, 417 H. lath St, Kansas City, M.4 . M-MiX ftU YOU TO BEGIN DUILD UP i " ' i HELP WANTEDMALE Agent and Saleamea Condoned. WANTED By Omaha firm, wldwak young men a traveling salesman: posi tion permanent, with good prospect for advancement; give pact experience and references. Address M 111, Bee otTlee. (9)-MS60 WANTED Traveling salesman to handle an easy selling line In surrounding states; must be sober and Industrious and fur nish good reference. Address S 849, Be Office. (). WANTED District manager; we want men who can produce reasonable quan tity desirable business; exclusive terri tory; liberal contract; prompt aettlement claims best health-accident proposition on the market; 1100,000 capital. Write Fed eral Casually Company, Detroit, Mloh. (9 M368 18x 00 y a WANTED ftereral gooe. ftoys. first -class pay. A. D. T., ZU S. 18th. (9)-M931 M24 BOY 16 to 18 for bowling alley work; good wage. Apply at onoe. 1813 Harney St. ()-M100 GOOD wage and chance for advancement. umana box Co. E. Omaha. - (fl M671 MySl WANTED Bright boy, about 18 years old. to work in omce. Alamlto sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam. (9) W7 24 WANTED Experienced office-boy; perma nent position. Apply 10th and Farnam, Beebe & Runyon Co. () M518 26 Clerical and OIBe. BIG SALE two-piece suit to order, 823. MeCarthy-Wllson Tailoring Co., 804 S. ICth St (9 M445 Je21 Factory and Trade. MEN and boy wanted to learn plumbing or Dricaiaying iraae; pay o to w day; great demand for grauduates; position guaranteed; 3 niontha completes prac tical Instruction; no books used. Free catalogue. Coyne Plumbing & Bricklay ing ichool. Bt Loula, Mo. (9) M378 TWO Turkish bath men; good wagea. Equitable Turkish Bath House, Des Moines, la. () M673 tlx BLACKSMITH and all around handy-man for ranch, 340 and noara. Apply to E. v. Morgan, Herman, Neb. (S) M890 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F V. Knlest, 707 xs. x. 1. umana. () 133 FIRST CLASS oranmental Iron worker, on who understands all branches; first class carriage worker, one who can go light ahead with new work. Steady po sition to right parties. J. P. Fowler Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. (9) M948 WANTED Compositor and linotype oper ators, stnaoy worx; open snop; nine hours; wage 818 and up. Master Printers' Asnn, 803 Montgomery Bldg, Milwaukee, Wla. (9) M578 24 -I WANTED A first class carpet fitter and layer to leave the city. Good opening and steady position for right man. Apply In confidence, stating age, giving refer ences and salary expected. Address Y 7, Boe. (9 M5G9 24 WANTED 1,000 customer for J arris" 1877 brandy. Call at any saloon. (9) M469 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1608 Far nam, beat service, ten chairs, no loDg waiting; shaving, lOo; balrouttlng, 26c. (9)-283 WANTED Blacksmith, Immediately; pre vailing wages paid. A. W. Sweet. Scot land, S. D. (9)-M932 24 WANTED Good barber at once: steady Job. Address B. W. Bouvla, Jefferson, la, (9) M938 ltx WANTED ftierulo make 810 to $20 dally, cleaning monumental business every where; experience unnecessary. Address Hetzler, Box 666, Angola, Ind. (9) M988 24x SHOEMAKER WANTED Will guarantee permanent position. Ralph H. Viola, Abilene Kan. (9) M197 26x GOOD sausagemaker and meateutter. Ad dress A. Omaha Bee, 16 Scott Bt, Council Bluffs. Ia. (9)-23 one who understands reflnlshlng and touching up. Orchard & Wilhelm Car pet Co. (9) 409 23 WANTED Good coat maker; steady Job year around; good prices. Scully A New bauer, Waverly, I a. 9 M436 2Sx WANTED At once, first class barber; Grand Hotel Barber Bhop, Council Bluffs, Ia. . (4) M4G0 24 WANTED Painter, papor hanger and decorators, steady employment, minimum wages, $4. (Local union.) Brotherhood men not wanted. Apply to C. E. Wright, 724 Bt Helen's Ave., Tacoma, Wash. (9)-M513 29x WANTED Two Jewelere: also diamond mounter and setter. E. Marlts Jewelry Manufacturing 1,0., ill in. bin at, st. Louis. Mo. (9 M497 JeSx w" AN 1 Ei Firat-ciaaa barDer; steady Job; twelve and half; over twenty cr fifteen per week. J. F. Foster, Aberdeen; 8. D, Lock Box 600. (9) M602 2x WANTED Man for farm work by season or year; consideration $30 per month. Wm. Priam. Bt Anagar, Minn. (9) M608 29x BARBER H. P. Banford, Harley, Ia. (9) M606 T3X " Mlacellaneooa. COMMON laborers wanted: good wages; steady employment: apply at works: don't write. The lola Portland Cement Co.. I Ola, Kan. CD MaW sta TWO FIRST CLASS stenographers, $76 to $90: two bookkeepers, $76; several office clerks, salesmen, etc. Call or write, WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N.. INC., Ta-ra . x. Lire uidg. 9 M582 24 WANTED A good alt around farm hand by the year, box to, itouie z, janesvuie, Minn. (9)-MD06 29x Beard of Trade Barber shop, IStS Farnam, best service, nine chairs, no long waiting; shavlnc. 10c; halrcutUng, 26c. (9 2&J WANTED Man of all work; small place In city; apply at noon. W. B. Clarke, Mgr., x Millard hotel., 13th and Douglas Sts. (B) MW6 26 WANTED At once, several men as Jan itors. See Mr. Harvey, Main floor, The Bennett Company. (9) MM1 26 4 BOY, Jap., colored or American, for house work at 1903 capltol Ave. (9 M5G4 2x WANTED Pip coverers and pipe coverers" helpers. Keasbey tt Matllaon Co., 1113 Harney St. y t8-Mi87 2tix WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN. ages It to 86, for firemen and brakeinen on lead ing railroads; experience unneceaaary. Firemen earn $100.00 per month, beoom englnaei-a, earn lauO.Oo; brakeraen earn $75. (iO. become conductors, earn $16000. Call Ow write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Asa n, 44 X. Paxton Block, Omaha, Nab. ijj MS04 Jet WANTED SO men at Johnston Bros, at Clayworka. Ia., wagea $2 per day, steady work year round; houees to rent to mar ried men. () M879 Jel6x ENERGETIC young man, over 18 year old, eapaAil of earning high salary; bond required. Addreaa In own handwriting, with stsiatr and references, 11 890, care Be. l)-s COLLECTOR for city work; permanent po altlon, good aalary, opportunity for ad vancement Apply Thomas Grady, Omaha Clothing and Furniture Co.. 1314-14 Far nam Bt. (8 474 8ix WANTED School teacher and students to travel during vaoatloa months; work plMaant and proa table. Addrea H M, ia oifio - - - -aVt6w HELP WANTED MALE a Contlnaed. V. B. NAVY ENLISTS YOUNG MEN IT to B years old, mechanics 81 to 85 years. Suitable pay and rating for qualified men and good opportunity for advancement to all deserving men. Special course of training, 4 to 6 months, fur nearly all re cruits. Only earnest young men of good character and capacity, cltlsen of the U. S., need apply. Liberal retired pay after 80 year' service (recently Increased by law). Navy Recruiting Office, P. O build ing, Omaha, (9 471 J10 EXPERIENCED man to deliver portrait; ell frames; county. Salary and ex penses, also solicitor. The Walsh Art Co., 620 Isxton Blk. (9) 414 27x WANTED Three experienced men to travel. For particulars address, with ref erences, Drawer 346. Beatrice, Nob. , 19 MMS 29 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horae a ad Vehicle. ONE TEAM MARKS, weighing 2,900 pounds, $100; team matched bay horses, weighing 2,900 pounds, $276; team heavy mares, t, one bay horse, weighing l,2fxi pounds, Hn; one more, weighing l.Soci pounds, J, one bay mare, weighing 1.100 pounds, u&; one dun horse, $J0; one gray mare, $35. Thor ough trial before buying and written guar antee with every horse us represented. Cush or payments. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th St. 'Phone Douglas 6081. UD M.05 FOR BALE Brown bay mare 1.O0O lbs.; gentle family horse; also stanhope buggy with brass mounted harness, almost new. Will sell reasonable. Address D 404, Bee. (11) M6 2t RUNABOUTS, carrlngea and harness at r really reduced prices. Johnson As Dan orth Co., . w. cor. loth and Jones t. (U)-U4 LARGE and small horae for sale. AIM wagons. Rosenblatt 1228 Nicholas. OU-134 PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive single or double and ride. 43d and Center. (11) ltd THREE extra good young, sound, 1.200 pound single wagon horses; also several drivers. Rear 414 N. 16th. (11) M706 HAY, $8 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. TWO good, toppy driving horses; also In gle and double harness, runabouts, top buggies and aurrles, for one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street Stables. UD-M637 BROOD mare, Hambletonlan, MacOregor stock, weight about 1100; speedy and city broke. J. F. McLane, Supt of Schools, Florence, Neb, (1D-6M WE are not selling out at coat, but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, aurrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmea-Adklna Co., 714 S. 10th Bt, Omaha. (1D-673 ONE good bay horse, city broke, $90; one brown driving mare, $76; one cheap horse, $36; one roan mare, $46. 1 281.6 N. Uth Ave. OD-M707 HORSE& Roadsters, general purpose, and work horses, bought, sold and exchanged on commission. Myers, 1114-16 Douglas. Tel. Douglas 1032. (11)-M79S J2 RUNABOUT, price, $50; worth new, $126. Llninger Implement Co. (11) M204 J18 CONTRACTORS AND TEAMSTERS The Avery Manufacturing Co have several sets of separator trucks, with wood or metal wheels and 4 or 6-lnch tires, which can be bought at a very reasonable price. Ask to see them at 1007 Leavenworth St. (ID M180 25 FOR BALE One of the finest Trap or uurry norses in me ciiy; weignt 1,300. Also some fine saddlers, will take other horses in exchange. Tel. Harney 2508, J. B. Iman. Cll M200 27x FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts and harness see Johnsjn-Danforth Co., B. W. cor. 10th and Jones fits. a)-8oi GOOD young surrey or buggy horse; city broke; can be seen between 6 and 6 p. m., 83d and Center. R. E. Rogers. OD 410 27 HARNESS, Saddlos, Trunks, traveling bags; some good bargains. Alfred Cor-, nlali & Co., mo Farnam St. (ID M 537 Ponltry and Egrgra. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2808 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1303. OD-601 OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book is free to ail who will write and ask for it telling where they saw this ad. A valu able book for every poultry man; 80 000 printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., Cr Center, Neb. (1D-663 May2Sx DUBTON'B White Wyandottes, pure bred, eggs $1 60 for 16, $5 for 100. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tele uhone Florence 1083 OD M802 June CHOICE 8. C. Orpingtons, all 6 varieties. Reduced bargain prices, Boomgaarn's Orpington yards. Humboldt, Neb. (11J-M606 JUx CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed I the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and save all young chicken. Once Used always used. Stewart's Seed Store, 119 N. 10th St., sole agent for the city. (ll-74 BUV EOG8 tor 10 cents, soil for 40c. Send one dollar and learn how to preserve summer eggs for winter use. costs one cent dozen; no drugs; no fake. Bolander & Manning, Spring field, Mo. (11) ME44 aox FOR BALE Eggs that will hatch; prise mating ; Barred Plymouth Rocks or Rhode Island Reds, $1.60 per sotting; none better at any price. J. C. Donahue, 8217 16th Ave. S, Minneapolis, Minn. (11) M188 26x ROSE COMB Rhode Island Red; best eastern stock, a good color; eggs, $1.76 per 16. Mrs. James H. Halptne, 4602 Center Bt Tel. Harney $628. (ID M816 Jll SQUAB raising beat a chickens; less work, time, room; big profits; small Investment; gov't book free. Model Squab Co. Omaha. 01) M948 M31 EGOS! EGGS! EGOS! From my prise winning Barred Plymouth Rock, $2.00 per 15. F. C. Ahlqulst, 3752 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red 6470. (U)-M9S5 Jl THERE'S money In Single Comb White Leghorns. Egg from thoroughbreds, $1.60 per 16. Few pullets for sale. Lundstrom, N. W. Cor. 26th and CaldwelL (ID M978 26x Cow, Birds, Dog and Pet. FRESH cow for sale; Jersey bull for er vlce. 49th and Hamilton. (11) 418 J9x LOST AND FOUND LOST An envelope containing valuable papers, belonging to the Women's Chris tain association. Will finder please notify the Old People's Home or Mis. George Tllden. 124 19th St BI.ACK WALLET, with money and checks. Nome C. H. Danther In wallet. A suit able reward will be paid for the return of same to Bee oflloe, 15 Scott street, Council Bluffs. 1121-M399 TjOST Ladles' gold handled umbrella In money ordor department at postofflce Thursday noon. Liberal reward on re turn to Mrs. J. J. Peterson, 4Xil Deoatur. 02 Mi.97 24X MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray" Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Bherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha (181131 MRS. OARDEL8. private confinement home; babies cared for. 8724 N. Win Bt Tel. Red 3210. 18)-Mfc4 JOx ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or writs to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 324 N. tit a St. Omaha. , Neb. (12) M1W DR. PBIE8. specialist, disease of women. 80 yaare' practice in confinement. Omce, 814 N. ldth; realdenc. 8421 Charles, Omaha. (!. 440 FREE medical and surgical treatment St Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement cuu: all treatment euporvlaed by colleg profaeaoew. 'Phmi Doug. 11X7. Calla) aUWKl 4 0 gUaitt. (MU MtDNEY TO LOAN SALARY Ann CHATTELS. HC13H.WWIlllHlli!Ut MONEY TO LOAN Our special low ratea are still In effect. Pee us before going eluewhere to borrow money. Our terms are easy and our businesa I strictly confidential. We loan on household goods, plnnoa, warehouse receipts, horses, wagons, salaries, eto. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 808 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 1411. 8 (14) U()( 1 LOAN HEADQUARTERS That la what we are. If you can use any amount from $10 to y0 and wnnt it uUICK, CONFIDENTIAL and PR. V ATE. let us handle your business. We rive as REASONABLE RATE as any, better contracts than some and we off"r you the LARGEST GUARANTEED RRV PATE In town when paying before t'vjf No red tape. Courteous treatment. OUlT REFERENCE IS 15 TEARS ESTAB LI SHED. RELIABLE A8 ANT BANK. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 119 Board ot Trade Bldg. Uj Jwaa UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKERS, Bw, SMALL LOANS AT LOW RATES. Will make a special rate on collateral loana. mortgagee on personal property and notea, without security. Terms ta ult 'Phon Douglas 2904. (14) 784 IB MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB nd others, without security; easy pay ments. Ofllces In 63 principal cities. ToW man, room 714, New York 1-lfe Bldg. (14)-144 CHATTEL, alary and storage receipt . - tt xamam Ol. (14) lit , DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc,, in any amount; less than half rate; perfect privacy; Immediate atten tion; any term wanted; payment sua. K'nrled when sick cr out of work 114 albach Blk. 809 B. 16th St (14) 149 EAGLE LOAN OFFICB Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential 1301 Douglas. (14) 150 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bid., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost Open evenings till 1. (14) 147 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loan. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. , 04)--149 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THIS PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 628 Paxton Block. 'Phon DougIa746: (14) 146 "OTFERED FOP RENT Board. ng and Rooma. VIENNA hotel: private dining rooms; cafe, (16) 153 DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Farnam (16)-IM ONE south room, Harney 2420. with board. 'Phon (16)-M968 June3x ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board. Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs, Ia. 06) MtJOO My29x FURNISHED outside rooms; board: res. sonable. Lange hotel, 13th and Jackson. (16) 793 031 ROOM and board. 614 No. 23d (16)-830 Jet WANTED To gentlemen who desire a nlea, quiet, home-like room and board; use of parlors, piano and 'phone. ln8 Oarltol Ave- 05)-M562 2Cx NICELY furnished rooms, good board! rates reasonable. Th Rose, 2020 Harney. (16)-219 MyJox t LARGE and 1 small room, all modern. " uiiim privileges, uo N. 26th St (16)-M978 ; EXCELLENT board and nice rooma 2621 Harney. (15)-M401 37x COOL south room, with first-class home table; large veranda; everything strictly up-to-date; special rates to gentlemen oc cupying same room. 2324 Harney. iio) tea zsx Furnished Room. MODERN furnished rooms. 2202 Farnam. (16)-634 M27X NICE front room. 2033 Harney St. (16) M200 TWO nicely fumtshod rooms, modern; tele phone. 646 S. 24th Ave. (16-617 J2 EXCELLENT furnished rooms, modern throughout; near postofflce; transient vntronage solicited. "The Boston," 107 8. 7th Bt (16) M694 Mt NICE, quiet sleeping rooms for gentlemen. 623 Bo. 20th Bt. (16) MG65 80x THREE Una furnished rooms for house- nciriiiijci , uiwa irum car line; piano, gas stove, bath; $26 por month. S210 Cass St U6)-(Mi9 28 2 OR 4 pleasant light housekeeping room to respectable people without children. Call after 6 p. m., 2821 Dewey Ave. (IB) M339 2Bx WITH private family, living In Hanscom park district, furnished rooms, with or without board, 1626 S. 26th St. (T6)-M983 26x 2404 CAPITOL AVE-Very pleasant fur. nlshed room, suitable for two, largs closet, newly paporvd, new furniture, southern exposure, modern;' also single room. (15) Ml 78 26x COMPLETE for housekeeping. 1902 Doug. Tel. 8233. 06) 408 27x LARGE, airy room, trictly modern, el go. trio lights, private family, first-class loca tion, walking diatanoe, $9. 649 Bo. ;th Ave. (15) 428 27x NEATLY furnished room for gentlemen In a new house, bath, electrlo light and tele phone, strictly private family. Must give good reference. Walking distance. Ad dress O 430, care Bee. dresa O 430, care Bee. 08 M378 27 . NICELY furnished room In the Merrlam annex, 25th and Dodge. Tel. lfcmclas 85. (16) M430 28X NEWLY furnished front room, In modern house, on Park Ave., with private family. Phone 1201 Harney. (16)-M429 24 THREE or four pleasant rooms; modern; gas range; adult only; reference re quired; no other roomer. 2701 Woolworth Ave, 06 466 2hx I'nfornlahed Rooma. THREE rooma suitable for housekeeping. 1518 North 2M.h St Rent reason a Me. (16-M563 26 Fnrnlahed lionsce and triaia. SEVEN ROOMS, all modern and ebmpteterf furnished. legant location. $56. 4 rooma, city water, completely fumiahed, 1S19 N. 35th St., 111. BliMIB, Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 6S& (IS) M704 I'nfornlahed Rooma. THREE pleasant room and bath, mod ern; auituhle for light housekeeping. 224 N. 25th 6t. (16-813 26 NICELY furnished suites, or unfurnished. In the Merrlam annex, 25th and Dodsre. Tel. Douglas e6. (UVM4.H 2hx 8&.0O-4 rooms, second floor, 18th and Har ney. rooms, 27th and St. Mary' Ave. tSOO 1 room. 27th and 8t. Mary Ave. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam Ht. (15) M4D6 26 Iloaaelceenlaa; Room. TWO nicely furnished room for light housekeeping; private family. 416 N. id (15)-M04 FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, 29 1 Douglas ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe LAtal and Investment Co.. ISU Far nam St. (li)-Mii TWO partly furnished basement rooms for housekeeping, water in aiicnen, newiy papered, good light reasonable. 24U4 Capitol Ave. (16) M179 25x THREE rooma, bath, large closet, hall; choice location, lacing park, 1 16 luo? Plnkney St (15)-M443 U FOUR modem rooma. near park, furnlaiiad -uufurnlaha,!. Ua) 44. JU St.