I TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 10. 1007. SOCIETY ON PARIS STREETS uditoriam Ftlr (laimi Pint A'Untoi from fmirt Cet Ibii Wetk. FASHIONABLES TO TAKE PART IN CARNIVAL SMaaaaSSBSSW Matroa ill Maid t Maeqaermdai aad Preside at Booths for Ben t of Charltr Cfcarrh. Fato. It had to b. Wn had to meet. It U too late. You can't rtrcat. You had to amlle. I had 10 bow. It u moat strans;, you mnat allow. You had to atop. I had to apeak. No eiplanatlon need we seek 'l'wi Fata! Tou had to bluah. I had to talk. You had to nod. We had to walk. You had to hear. I hod to till. 'Tla thua the Ooddeas weaves her spell. And than, at laat It had to bo. 'Tla very simple now to see Twaa Fate I Ws have to lovs unto tha end. A single path we have to wend. You cannot go another way. The scheme ordained you must obey; Wt muat conform with the design, I muat b yours. You must be mine. 'Tla Fatal Ths Lover. The Social Calendar. irNDAY-CaptaJn and Mrs, Leonard Wild man, supper at Port Omnha for Mr. Russell Lamtst. MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Conklln. Orchard Hill Whist club; Mrs. K. Champ. Northslde Whist club; Mrs Charles Voorheea, Wghurn club. TU&siDAY Mrs. J. E. Shaffer, evening meeting of Florodora club; Rosn-Kell.v wedding. WEDNESDAY Wnugh-Moyer wedding; Klopp-Loyd wedding; table d lioto dinner and dance at Omaha Field club; Mlaa Nina Crlss, luncheon for the Mlaees Dannett. THUR8DAY Mrs. Oaorge R Rathbun. Harmony Kensington club; Mrs. W. C. Fwiwlck. Central Whist club; Captain and Mrs. Leonard Wlldman, dinner at Fort Omaha; Mrs. Louis Rase, Old Time club, FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, evening whist party for Dr. and Mrs. H. M. McClanahan. SATURDAY Dinner and dance at Country club ar.d Omaha Field club. Abova everything elfe the "Streets of Paris" will occupy the time and attention of local society women for the next ten days. Other things havs been planned, to ba sure, but they will be secondary to the big carnival at ths Auditorium. A score of local churches, hospitals and various charitable and philanthropic enterprises will profit by the affair as well as the Au ditorium, and it Is to these that society women will lend their presence and their help. Bcore-s of attractive booths have been planned and will be presided over by parties of young women. One of the booths that promises to be conspicuous la In charge of a committee of women having a display for the benefit of the Clarkson Memorial Hospital aa.'oclatlon. Those In this booth will be In Japanese costume and a different party of young women will be In charge each evening. On Monday even Ing Mrs, Albert Noe will preside and will havs as assistants Madams Borghim, Mrs. C. C. Cope, Jr., Mrs. J. B. Scannell, Mrs. Joseph' Clarkson, Miss Mary Shackelford, Miss Bertha Shackelford. Miss Alice Bu chanan, Mies Ruth Dahlman, Miss McPher on and Mrs. Paul Wernher. Tuesday evening Mrs. W. B. Melkls and Mrs. John Williams will be In charge and assisted by Mrs. George C. Smith, Miss Maria Crounse, Mlfs LIda Bowen, Miss Richardson, Miss Nason, Miss Mary RJng walt, Mir Carmellta Chaae and Mlas Mary Alice Rogers. Wednesday Mrs. T. H. Davis will be In charge, assisted by Mrs. J. C. French, Mrs. Philip Potter, Mrs. Morrell, Mrs. Zanner, Miss Faith Potter, Miss Bessie Brady, Miss Ada Klrkendall, Miss Mary Lee McShane, Miss Mona Kloke. Miss Gertrude Moore head, Miss Isabel French. Mis Helen Davis, Miss Marlon Connell and Miss Mary Alice Rogera Thursdsy Mrs. Charles B. Keller will be In charge and will be assisted by Miss Julia Hlfgtnaon, Miss Margnret Wood. Miss Bdna Keellne, . Miss Mary Ie McShane, Mrs. Harley O. Moorehead, Mrs. Edwin Swobe, Mrs. E. S. Westbrook and Miss Ella Mao Brown. Friday Mrs. Philip Potter In charge,, as sisted by Mrs. George Peck, Mrs. Clark Powell, Miss Mnrie Crounse, Miss Phoebe; Smith, Miss Laura Ongdon, Miss Marion Connell, Miss Julia Hlgglnson. Miss FoJth Potter, Miss Carolyn Congdon, Mlas Dor othy Morgon, Miss Carmellta Chase, Mlsa Louis Perk, Miss Mona Kloke and Miss Helen Davis. Saturday Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall, assisted by Miss Mary Ie McShane. Miss Helen Davis, Miss Mona Kloke, Miss Mildred Lomax, Mlas Bessie Brady, Mrs. Ben Cot- . ton and Miss Ada Klrkendall. Mrs. Flake's performance at Council Bluffs Saturday evening proved a strong attraction for the fashionable set from this side and the Field and Country clubs suf fered accordingly. The attendance at tha Country club was noticeably smaller. Among those who gave dinners there were: Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. T. Lamlst, who entertained In honor of Russell Lemlst of Kansas City. Their guests Included Russell Lenilst, Cap tain and Mrs. Leonard Wtldham. Mrs. Jacobs, Miss Lynn Curtis, MIfs Daisy Doane, Miss Mablo Balcombe, K. M. Fair field, Frank Hamilton, Earl Gannett, Cap tain Doana and Mr. and Mrs. Lemlst. With Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter, Mrs. Fair Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page, Mrs. Campbell Fair and Miss Ware. Elmer Copo had one of the largest din Effa Ellis Illustrated Music School 57 Teachers Everyone an Artist .t?u'ii':!J7J:'- WANTED 100 First Class Music Teachers for demon strating the Effa Ellis Illustrated Course for Music Teach ers. Open your own school. System can he taught successful ly anywhere in the country. Teachers from a distance must write or telegraph for appointments. . Agents will be coached in the work all day Wednesday, May 22, at the store of the Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. WRITE Effa Ellis Illustrated Music School 1611 Farnam or 2424 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 701. P. S. Special beginners' class for adults Tuesday night at lfill Farnam street. ners of ths. evening, his guests Including Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cottcv. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Harley G. Moorehead. Mies Julia Hlgglnson, Miss Frances Weswls, Miss Helen Davis. Miss Gertrurt Moorehead, Miss Marlon Connell. Miss Marg-rt Wood. Mr. Redlrk, Frank Haskell, Arthur Lewis, Mr. Colpetser and Ross Towle. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Low had a their guests Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cum mlngs. Luther Drake and Harry McCor mirk. Miss Helen Millard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrlge, Mrs. Rebba Morgan, Senator Millard and Dr. Bridges were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keller. Miss Mildred Merrlam entertained Dr. and Mrs. Lemere, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Coie ana Nathan Merrlam. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McRhan had as their jrusts Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colpetier. Mr. snd Mrs. W. B. Meikle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Qerrlt Fort. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lewis entertained Mrs. Cushlng of Brooklyn. N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Bhuhan, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love, Mr. Buckingham and Miss Florence Lewis. With Mr. and Mrs. J. C. French were Mr. and Mra. Oeorg Coupland of Elgin, Neb., and Miss Isabel French. The dinners at the Field club Saturday evening were numerous, but all of them small. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McGllton had flvo guests; H. A. Terklns, four; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bryson, four; Mr. and Mrs. F. R. McConnell. four; J. A. Kuhn, eight; Mr. Eldrlgf, four; H. E. Pagg, four; 6. S. Knott, five; O. W. West, four; Mrs. A. English, eight; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kennard, four; J. T. Frederick, six; W. D. Williams, four; Dr. Van Camp, four; C. B. Bogue, four, and E. B. Carrlgan, two guests. Come and Go Giesalp. Mrs. T. J. McKay Is at Excelsior Springs. Mr. Stewart Hunter has returned horns from Princeton. Mr. S. R. Rush returned home Satur day from Cheyenne. Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Smyths have gone to the Jamestown exposition. Lewis Reed Is In New York, having re turned last week from Europe. Mrs. Arthur Whltworth and small son are visiting Mrs. F. E. Axtell. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Glfford will leave June 1 for a trip to California. Mrs. George P. Moora of Chicago Is the guest of Mrs. O. D. Klpllnger. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers are spend ing a short time at Excelsior Springs. Mrs. Snnford Murphy of Denver Is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. House Mr. Leonard B. Hartson, nephew of Mr. D. L. Johnson, of New York is in the city. Mrs. R. F. Kloke and Mrs. Walters re turned Friday from a few days' visit In Fremont. David Kennard of St. Joseph, Mo., is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mra. Frank B. Kennard. Mrs. Henry Van Gleson and Mrs. Jain;s W. Hamilton are spending Several weeks in New York. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Rustln are moving from their house on Harney street to 410S Farnnm street. Miss Marlon Hill of Galveston, Tex., who has been the guest of Miss Nellie Clabaugh, has returned to her home. Rusxeli Lemlst of Kansas City arrived Saturday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lemlst over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Hammond and daugh ter. Miss Olive Hammond, will leave about June 1 for a trip to Europe. Miss Ioratne Comstock has returned from a visit In Denver, where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Leavltt. Mrs. Thomas Orr." who attended the whist tournament in New York, will return home the latter part of this week. -, Mr. William Colfax of Bassett,' Neb., who . has been visiting his sister, Mra. W. L. Selby, has returned home. Mrs. Edwin Swobe was called to Chicago last week on account of the serious illness of her mother, who Is much better now. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Diets are expected to arrive home Tuesday or Wednesday from their wedding trip In Europe and Egypt Mrs. Nelson A. Buck leaves next woek with her two children for Toledo, O., where she will make her future home. Mrs. Joseph P. Southard of Denver Is j the truest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Southnrd at 13nJ North Seventeenth street. Mrs. David Prentke and son of Clovo- I land. O., are the gueats of Mr. and Mra. , S. Heyn at 645 South Twenty-seventh . street. ' Mr. J. I. Tamlnoslan and family will . move this week Into their new houio, . which has Just been completed on Chicago street. ! Mrs. M. N. Thompson, who' has. ben I spending some time In Colorado, arrived Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. D. L. Johnson. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Frank B. Kennard. who were called to Knlghtstown, Ind., by the death of Mrs. Kennard's father, will return home thla evening. Mrs. W. S. Carson and daughter, Edith, and son, Wler, will leave Sunday evening for an eastern trip. They will be gone about two months. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neef left Friday evening for an extended trip which will include Chicago, Pittsburg. Philadelphia, New York and St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Miller returned home Monday from Des Moines, where they had been visiting Mr. Miller's par ents for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Seeley and small son of Fremont have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.' A. B. Currle for the last week at 566 South Twenty-sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. L, F, Crofont and Mlsa Frances Nash have gone to New York City, where Mr. ar.d Mrs. Crofoot will remain OR CALL two weeks. Mtsa Nash will remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Diets, who will re turn the early part of the week Trom their wedding Journey, have taken the residence of Mrs. J. J. Dickey on Wert Harney street for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. E." Balrh have moved to "Alnha," Benson, where they will spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed. Mr. David Dodds and family have moved Into a house on Capitol avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly expect to lesve the latter part of next week for New York, from where they will sail for Eu rope. They wl spend some time In Ireland and will not return home until the middle ef September. Pleasures Past. The 8. P. M. club met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Paul Griffith, Bl Spencer atreet. The guests were Mrs. W. Hammill and Mrs. L. Thoeleke. The members present were: Mmes. Newell, Chamberlain, Hendee, McMlllcn, Fradenburg, Lucas, Burgess, Hettfeld, Lohnes, Devalnn, Ensel, Beaton, Johnson, Rock and Griffith. Complimentary to Miss Bertha Klopp, whose wedding will take place Wednesday, Mies B. Marie McArdle gave a handker chief shower Saturday afternoon, only the members of the La Domains club being present. The club Includes Miss Klopp, Miss Sue Redfleld, Miss Bertha Redfleld, Miss Maud Bonne!, Miss Ines Bonnell, Miss Nell Winn, Miss Leila Shaw, Miss Joe Lyman, Miss Fay Lyman, Mlas Edith Marley and Miss McArdle. Maater Sheldon Colgrove celebrated his seventh birthday Saturday aiternoon at his home, 1117 Pacific street. A birthday cake with seven candles was placed In the center of the table and lunch served to Myrtle McBrlde, Leona Robinson, JTary Clay Gll lan, Mabel Stevens, Gertrude Stevens, Ralph Richardson, Willie Saunders, Frank Boardwell, Archie McBrlde, Walter Glllan, Forest Henderson and Sheldon Colgrove. Mrs. E. Ooddall was hostess Thursday afternoon at the meeting of the Fourchette club. Preceding the game of cards the hostess had her gueats at luncheon at Bal duff's, after which they went to her home. The prices for the afternoon were won by Mrs. H. W. Howell and Mrs. B. L, Ban forth. Those present were Mrs. John Hussle, Mrs. H. W. Howell, Mrs. W. A. Challls, Mrs. Roy P. Dodge, Mrs. Joseph B. Fradenburg. Mrs. F. W. Thome and Mrs. B. L. Banforth. The next meeting of the club will be held In two weeks at the home of Mrs. H. W. Howell. Miss Bennett and Miss Edith Bennett of Toronto, Canada, who are visiting Miss Maude Marriott, were honor guests at a charming 6 o'clock tea, given by their hos tess. The rooms were charmlnly decorated for the occasion with a profusion of sweet peas, except In the dining room, where red was the predominating color, and was carried out in red roses and red shaded candles. Assisting Miss Marriott were: Miss Holland, Miss Fannie Holland, Miss Daisy Rogers, Miss Tress Keys, Miss Nina Crlss, Miss Alice Buchanan, Mlas Alice Snell, Mrs. George Morton and Mrs. H. H. Roberts. Miss Golda Murphy entertained at cards Saturday afternoon In honor of Miss Lil lian Bushman. Six tables were placed for the game. Those present were: Miss Bushman, Miss Nettie Bushman, Miss Ma honey, Miss O'Connor, Miss Mary Murphy, Miss Margaret McShane, Miss Mary Mc Shane, Miss Schall, Miss Sullivan, Miss Mae Sullivan, Miss Rush, Miss Loretta Ruth, Miss Naughton, Miss Mary Furay, Miss Little, Miss Hickey of Chicago, Miss Baldwin of Elkhorn, Neb., Mrs. William Bushman. Mrs. J. J. O'Connor, Mrs. R. J. Bourke, Mrs. Bert Blanchard, Mrs. F. A. Gallagher of Council Bluffs, Mrs. J.' M. Wallace, Mrs. E. J. McAdams and Mrs. W. A. Wilson. Miss Gwendoline White and Miss Gladys Peters entertained the members of the senior class of Brownell hall at luncheon Saturday at the Omaha club, after which the party enjoyed the play at Boyd's when Viola Allen was the attraction. The table for luncheon was very attractive with an Immense boquet of American Beauties used as a centerpiece. Those present were: Miss Macrae, Miss Stewart, Mrs. B. T. White, Mrs. M. C. Peters, Miss Dorothy Morgan, Miss Elisabeth Pickens, Miss Margaret Guthrie, Miss Evangallne Homan, Mlsa Leila Galloway, Miss Ruth Ralney, Miss Alice Troxell, Miss Lena Mellck, Miss Elizabeth McMullen, Miss Charlotte .Slke, Miss Alice Fry, Miss Gladys Peters and Miss Gwendoline White. Weddings and Bnvasements. Mr. and Mrs. William Graham Stutman announce the engagement of their daugh ter. Miss Eva Alison, to Mr. Harry Peters of Bellevue, Neb. The Wedding will take place in June. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mr. C. W. Haney to Miss May Kuhney of Plattsmouth. Neb. The wed ding took place May 14 at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Haney are now at home to tholr friends at 2215 Miami' street The wedding of Miss Ruth Dahlman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dahl man, and Mr. Austin Collett will be sol emnited June 6 at All Saints' church Rev. T. J. Mackay will read the marriage lines. Mrs. Paul Wernher will be matron of honor. The bridesmaids will be MUs Loralne Comstock and Miss Laura Dale of Omaha, Miss Conklln of Guthrie, Ok , and Miss Becler of Washington. Mlis Dorothy Dahlman," sister of the bride, and Miss Harriett Copley will be flower girls. Mr. Harry Crandall of New Tork. form erly of Omaha, will serve as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Collett will bo at home after September 15 at the Barnard. The wedding of Miss Clara Mary Hervey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hervey, and Mr. James Nye MucAllster will be demnlzied Wednesday evening, June 5, at 9 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, 110 North Fortieth street. The marriage lines will be read hy Rev. A. 3, C. Clarke. . Miss Iola Hervey, sister of the bride, will act as maid of honor. Tho bridesmaid will be Miss Tress Keys. Mr. Bruce MacAllster will be beet man and Mr. Earl Hervey will be groomsman. Little Misses Katherlne and Dewlnta Conrad will stretch the ribbons, rnd Miss Sara Smeaton will carry tha ring. Miss Henrietta Rs will play the wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. MacAllster will be at home to their friends after September 15 In Chlcato. Invitations have been Issued for the weddlag of Miss Bessie Harte Townsend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Tcn. send, to Mr. Charles Bothwell, which will bs solemnized June 12. The bride's only attendant will be Miss Grace Pray of Portland, Ore., who will arrive Sunday with her mother. Miss Townsend Is to be guest of honor at a large number of affairs within the next two weeks. Tho first will be a shower on Wednesday, May tt. by Mrs. H. C. Townsend -and Mrs. Homer Shearer at the home of Mrs. Town send. Friday, May 14, Miss Townsend will entsrtaln Informally for members of her bridal party. Tuesday, May 28. Mrs. William Whittaker, C550 Jones street, will give a luncheon. The same wei-k on Fri day Mlsa Lltta Rohrbough will entertain Informally. Tuesday, June 4. Mra. Jos-'ph Polcar will give a stocking shower, and on Thursday, June (, Mrs. D. C. Bothwell and Mrs. H. 8. Trumble will give an evening party at the home of Mrs Bothwell on Twenty-fifth avenue. A very quiet church wedding waa sol emnised Saturday afternoon at 5.30 o'clock at the First I resby terlan churcn when Miss Mary Alice Craig, daughter i Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Craig, became the wife of Dr. J. C. Cratn of Norfolk. Neb. Dv t An W a m.,1 (ha marrlav.t Iln.-a I No attempts were made at decorating the church with flowers, but quantities of palms were used, which made an effec tive background for the bridal party. Miss Nelllo Craig, sister of the bride, .vas maid of honor and was gowned In gray hlfTon broadcloth, trimmed with Irish point laoe. A large gray picture hat with gray plumes completed this attractive cos tume. The bride wore her go-awsy gown of cresm chiffon velvet and a black hat trimmed with lilacs. Mr. John T. Ereen, uncle of the bride, acted as best man. No reception followed the ceremony as Dr. and Mrs. Craln left Immediately for a wedding trip which will Include Minne apolis, St. Paul and other northern points. On returning from their wedding trip, they will make their home in Noriolk. Prospective bveats. The Central Whist oiub will meet Thurs day with Mrs. W. C. Fenwick. The Wghum club will be entertained Mon day by Mrs. Charles Voorhecs. The Old-Time club will be entertained Thursday at the home of Mrs. Louis Rase. Mrs. E. Champ wl.l be hostess Monduy at the meeting of the North Side Whist club, Mrs. George R. Rathbun will entertain the Harmony Kensington club Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shaffer wl'l entertain the evening meeting of the Florodora club Tuesday evening. Captain and Mrs. Leonard Wlldman will entertain at a largo dinner Thursday even ing at their home at Fort Omaha. Miss Nina Crlss will give a luncheon Wednesday In honor of the Misres Bennett, who are the guests of Miss Maude Mar riott. Miss Edith Anderson will entertain Sat urday afternoon In honor of two of the June brides, Miss Clara Hervey and Miss Maud Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Hervey will enter tain Tuesday evening at dinner compll- ... T .1 W U T T . i ' f. ,-ri ii 1 ban and daughter, who will leave soon for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Conklln will enter tain at whist Monday evening, their guests to be members of tho Orchard Hill Whist club, which has abandoned Its regular meet ings for thla season. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell have Issued invitations for a whist party to be given In honor of Dr. and Mrs. H. M. McClana han, who will leave the early part of next month for a trip to Europe. Captain and Mrs. Leonard Wlldman will entertain at supper Sunday evening at their j home at Fort Omaha i.i honor of Rus- ! sell Lemlst of Denver. Their guests will be: Mr. Lemlst, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lemlst, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Stewart of Coun cil Bluffs, Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Gulon, Mrs. Jacobs. Miss Daisy Doane, Mias Lynn Cur tis. Captain Doane and Mr. Warren. Miss Edith Anderson will entertain at cards Saturday In honor of Miss Clara Hervey, who Is to be one of the June brides. PRICE OF BREAD GOES UP One) of the First KfTects of Scare tWer the Wbt Crop. The great common people will now pro ceed to pay for the rumored failure of the wheat crop. The firBt number on the pro gram is an advance in the price of bread In Omaha beginning Monday, May 30. The price to grocers will be raised from the old price of twenty-eight loaves for $1 to the now price of twenty-five loaves for $1. "This has been decided upon by tbe bak ers of the city because of the advance In the price of flour." said P. F. Petersen, manajer of the U. P. Steam Baking com pany. "Flour has advanced from M to $5 within the last two weeks-M per cent. We will advance the price of bread at wholesale only 12 per cent." It Is said this wilt not make any dif ference In the price which the grocers will charge for bread at retail. It will be sold at the old figure of 8 cents a loaf. But there will be no more six-for-a-quarter deals. The city ordinance compels the bakers to make the loaves a full pound weight and therefore the advanced price of flour cannot be met by the bakers through the medium of smaller loaves. The rumored advance m the price of bread caused some anxious Inquiries re garding the price of pies. It is stated on good authority that the price of the great American pie remains the same in spite of the advance In wheat, flour and bread. The pie is the friend of the com mon people and does not Intend to desert them at the present crisis. "We know of no advance In the prlco of pies," said Manager Lochboeler of the Connecticut Pie company. "We ahall hold the price down and within the reach of the people as long as we can possibly do It in the face of the sharp advance In flour." If you have anything to trade advertise it in the For Exchange columns of The Bee Want Ad page. SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSIVE HAIR STORE For Everything In AIR GOODS AIR ORNAMENTS AIR DRESSING AIR WORK Marcel Wavlne a rpe- rlalty. Scalp, Faci.il, Manicure and Chiropody treatment. Call nous;. ?SS3. for an appointment. MOIIHEIT'S Wl',.' 1411 TA.BXA.M ST. EBQEEBS Baca PURITY AT HOME In cooking should be the motto of every household. We make a fpe cialtyof Maltese Spices and Olive Oil. The Maltese brand Is reoRiUed by the s-overnment as the best on the market and received the hlqlwst re emendations from the i"ta Koort board. The spices are put up in 10u lealed tin boxes In tne follow-in: Mace, White IVpper. muck I'ejer. Rtd Pepper, Cinnamon. NutmeT. All spice, Ginger, etc. BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam P. S. Government seal of purity on every lor bos. Phono your orders 3 phones Douglas si, Douglas M, Douglas tS. PATENTS that PROTtCT Our 3 immi i i at a skaM m i .1. i'-imm I . lrE ftaift'nrton D C Eitati 18t V S;.' j ' if Vl&UKBBCKSSSZ I Formerly Jl-ffSCOFIELD IXaOAX&SUITCq All Our Tailored Suits - Radical Reductions WITH an immense stock of high class suits on our hands and unfavorable weather conditions, we are compelled to make radical reductions in order to carry out our policy never to carry over a single garment from season to season. . All our beautiful Tailored Suits are. Included in this extraordinary sale. $50.00 and $55.00 French Voile Suits, beauti fully made and tailored in j'lain or elaborate styles, m all colors, no two alike. reduced to 442.50 and $45.00 Suits Panama, tferge and imported black and all spring shades, also of fine imported materials, reduced to For JUNE WEDDINGS Invitations and Announcements. Correct Formulas and Lettering. Qualities faultless. Unequaled facilities for rapid work. Remember our new location. 1616 Farnam St. The Moyer Stationery Co. THE NEXT TWO WEEKS May 20 to June 1 A GREAT MAY FESTIVAL The Streets of AT THE AUDITORIUM For the Auditorium See the Latin Quarter Continuous Vaudeville See the Eiffel Tower Exaot Reproduction See the Column Vendome Perfeot Copy IOc - ADMISSION - lOc OMAHA'S POLITE RESORT 1 p KOW A m CONCERTS DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. BY FINN'S OMAHA BAND Better Than Ever. 30 Bandmen. 10 Soloists. 9:15 to 10:45 P. M. New Animated Pictures Specially im ported. Change each evening. "The Passion Play," "Parsifal," "Joseph Sold by his Brethren," "The Prodigal Son," "Life of Moses," "fhanatopsis," and others. The Circle Swing (New), Roller Coaster, Wonderland, etc., etc. Table D'llote dinner, 2 to 8 P. M., 50 cents. ADMISSION Afternoons, 10 cents, children free to 7:30 P. M. Evenings, 25 cents, children under 10 accompanied by parents, free after 7:30 P. M. COMING May 27, Duss and his Band. June 2. Canadian Jubilee Singers. -v- fit i - : jtTirJL fV: MBUMMMfriHll"-"'f ' 15 lO DOUGIAS ST. gy. fk f flB BUU two alike, made of finest all wool materials, in all colors, reduced to made of Chiffon worsteds, in 2522 worsted and fancy materials, all correct new styles reduced to Paris "S II ffi) i OPEN ( IIOOLS A.XD COLLEGE!!!. Drownell Elal! A Home School for Yountr Women and Girls, rftudenta holding cerilfU'Si cover ing In full the entrance riviuli'ineuts ot lire ailmllti'd without vxiuiiliiation to Jtin- lor yvar or lUvmica course. ( ernn. a:e tn cllogo i repniaiorj" couise ndnittH to Vmsar, Wellenli-y. Smith, Mt. Holyoke. Vniver.lty 'f N"hrska, Inlversliy of WUconkiii fc"d University of Clilaj 1 aJvaiUSKca In Music. Art and 1 I'lome'llc Bclence W-!1 eciu'l'J" d y.iin. . sli.ni and outdoor portn. Student moth- ' ei-d syrr.patnelior y y wumoii m mm i i,r irtk'Hl exrici .e with Kiris In tl.at t ml ly Imt.ortant formative i criod I etween fourtun and twenty-urn- year, of as, jend for illustrated Tear boon. Formerly OK; r.SCOFlELD LCLOAM$lJIT e s e ee $32.50 and $35.00 Suits, nearly two hundred to select from, all beautiful styles and hardly 350 $25.C0 and $30.00 Suits made of nil wool materials, in all colors, panamas, serges, 1 1522 SOR0SIS OXFORDS Now being shown in the very latest shapes and styles. They fit the feet and hold their shape perfsctly. A Sorosis Wearer is our best advertise ment. All regular Sorosis $3.50 Specials, at $4.00. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 So. 15th Street. I FRANK WILCOX. Mgr. Superfluous Hair Removed diimnnnlnr Unlr Dresslns' and Ma3R ing. Hair kept in wave with Hawley'i Unique Curlene. Manicuring for both Ladles and Gentlemen MRS. M. S. PIERCE 436 Bee Building-. Table d'llote Dinner AT.... "'Chesapeake Cafe SUNDAY: 11:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. 1508-10 Howard Street Music by Monitors Orchestra. WROTH'S New Bar and Chili Parlor MEXICAXT CIU.I cow oabi ajt XTAUAJT SPAGHETTI A SPECIALTY psclal Attention Is Gives, to Ordsrs Bent Oat VTB aVAXAZTTEsl FBOMFT A 0 Z.ITB BETIOr OPES AX.L MIOHT OlS B. 14th St. DOBilsji 444B Ladies' OnlU Parlor Upstair 1316 Dodge St Table d'llote Dinner, 40c and 50c. Sunday The Paxton Cafe ZJl&aZST AJTD MOST ZI.ABOB ATE IH OMAHA Will Bsrre Table d'llote Sunday -WOOsT AD BTXsrura ALLREADY-T0 SERVE YOU AT AWT TIMS With The Kent The Market Affords Bhe CALUMET r