THE OMAITA DAILY PEE: SUNDAY, JULY 2, 190b. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Volum of Balling hj Looal Eonui Sig- geiu General Proaperitj. WEEK'S BUSINESS PLEASES JOBBERS Cains Orr Corresponding? Period of st War and Collections An Good Kaner (iroerrlf Active Advance In Cottons. fUIT',," ln a11 ,In" hv. had a tor th. trek- mucn b"'"- for th corresponding week of lam year. th. .Cnr7nLl,m lh rUl " through n'u?ni?,er n5',n?!,th". ",n1 lhu far l tnrtV. Jt, ' an."i V'e ,dealt'r take It as a sura .VP- .i " th'M the I'I'le In general all Th.v .C.'"ln ry ar" "J"lnir prosperity. o,X . b"y",Bi a mu,'h bvlt, r ''' " goods, too, than In previous years; In fact, ti'.H- I'M never prevailed such a strong H2 ntf l. gvt Ul" b'"t- TMIh is noted especially In dry good and shoos, which are higher In coinpHrlson than groceries. Collections In general have hern good, ine volume of hank clearings Indicates P""Prlty. Stocks are not verv heavy over the country, and with the increased de mand the Jobbers look for an unusually PPerous i'"nier ami fall season. The trade for the entire week with the f:rocery people tins been very satisfactory or this time of year, iind the whole force around tho Jobbing houses has been kept extremely busy. Collections are reported excellent. Sugar la Steady. In raw sugar there have been no changes during tho week and consequently rellued ugar maintains practically the same prices. Keftnrrs report that prospects are considerably better In every way and the demand has materially increased. No change ln the price Is expected for at least a week or two. The volume, or business done In this line Is picking up, although of course it Is not so great as In some years, owing to the scarcity or fruit this season. The coffee market remains practically un changed. Receipts at New York have ahowed up extra, light and holders are still confident that higher prices will rule. Cheese remains unchanged In price. There Is yet, a speculation by the heavy buyers In tho June make and the future market depends largely on this specula tion. The heavy demand, which still pre vails, and the fact that the speculators will hold their cheese over in cold storage for fall delivery, makes tho local Jobbers confident that cheese will not be lower for some time. As hot weather advances the trade ln fancy groceries Bhows a gratifying In crease. All lines of fancy goods In glass and tin are covered by the demand. There Is an enormous demand for French sar dines Olives and olive oil are enjoying a big demand. What Is called the Fourth of July trade In these articles, which of course la now past, has been the best In years. alls; Sale of Lemons, Lemonada seems to bo Increasing In pop ularity as a summer drink, to Judge Irom Hie Quantity of lemons whleli have been old during the week. Oranges have also had a large sale. There Is still a remarkable demand for Holland herring, family whilellsh and mackerel, and other cund tin li are having a moderate sale. The market is strong at lust week s prices. Canned salmon Is steady. The pack this year on the north West coast is said to be of a very good quality, the fish being In good condition. There Is a talr demand lor woodenware, With no ci...ngu ln prices. H) rups show no cniirigu and, of course, there is but a light demand. Cereals ate. In practically the name position us last week. The tendency ln rice Is for an advance, thouith there has been but little leal change. Mo lower prices are expected un til the appearance of the new crop, which Is said to be small in comparison with the crops of other years. There Is no ten dency on the part of holders to dispose of their stocks. Fruit merchants are having a good trade. There is a big demand for canteloupes. Watermelons and California fruits. Texas watermelons are of a good ijualily and are quoted at prices which make ttiein easy sellers. Advance- In Cottons. Dry goods Jobbers have begun the ship ping of their fall orders, which are very satisfactory In volume. Outing flannels and blankets are taking the lead In tho shipments. Collections ure good. The nor mal house trade has been enjoyed for the week and orders from salesmen have been good. , , , Prices have advanced In some lines of cotton goods and the tendency la yet up ward. Jobbers say that prices will be higher before the close of the season. Woolen goods remain unchanged. Prices are high, and. on account of the scarcity of wool, there is no assurance thai they will not advance further. Just now builders hardware, building hardware. Indoor linings and furnishings are leading oil other lines In the local and city tradu tnd ln tho trade that Is going out to other towns and cities round about Omaha. The building boom, that seemed at Its crest six weeks ago, bus gone even higher and the volume of the local busi ness ln omaha surpasses even what was anticipated, with the heaviest contracts yet to be let. The work now being done Is the construction and tilling of small houses and homes for rent or for owners' occu- nnnulstlon of the cltv must be In creasing at an unusual rate, says a wholo ....... ...i r riiiv.A thtM Hrlds to the de mand. One merchant estimates that thurs le nearly I.ikm artisans in me uij now ,n have been hrniischt here to do the work that Is on. Thes men are keeping the stores busy and with the native work man ji re all aood customers. There is no change In prices for the last week worthy of note. . , California canned goods are moving fre'dy and ths demand covers tho whole line. 1 he scarcity of cherries and pears makes the canners uneasy and they have not yet fully denned their position. The jobbers are strongly Interested In all lines of California canned goods on account of the threats of the packers .o withdraw contracts or to advance prices. . . Corn and tomatoes, spot and futures are 'radically unchanged. There is a good de mand In both lines, ana particularly bo hi corn. . . . , There is evidence or a oeiirr oenmou m Vied fruits, now that the strawberries are iirani i nt i iv tint in tnr wnv. i 1 1 3 incr m . t.,u,( l not beavv. but all that Is expected at this time of the year. Pried peaches and apricots sre practically the same, but there Is a strong undertone In peaches, with a probability of little higher prices. Kansas City (train and Provisions. The range of prices paid In Kansas City, as repotted by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Hoard ot Trade, was: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Clos. Yes jr. fair to good, 9Htjl0c; domestic Swiss, 11J lev: sa mil Wheat July.. Sept.. Deo.. Corn July.. ne'l..i Onts Bept.. Poi k Julv . Sent. . l-ard- July.. Sept.. Ribs Juty.. Sept.. RYF Stesdv, KlfiiWc. HAY Steady; cliche timothy, $9,505 liVu); Choice prairie, S7.7.'hi8.iX F.GCS Btearlv : Missouri and Kansas, new No. I whltwood cases Included, 13c; case count, l'-V: esses returned. iv less. yi'TTlCn Steady; creamery. liVj,filS,?; packing. 14c. EGGS Steady; fresh, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 44 .) 19 Corn, bu 44.imi 81.2oO Oats, bu 3.1MJ louui Minneapolis firalu Market. MINNKAPOl.IS. July 1 -WHEAT-July. II 031.4.1 U: B. ptemtier. 94c; December, JOtuo; No. 1 hard $l.l'.'i: No. 1 northern, IL.l'Vi: No. 1 northern, $1 07i. k'lrt.lU'H-Fli st patents, lit MVtiiiBV second ..tents, $.1. first clears, $4.0iiU0; Second clears, J'.' 7Mi I 6. BRAN In bulk. J12.7W13.W. Milwaukee Grain Market. MIt.WACKFK. July 1 W H K AT Firm : No. 1 northern. UIi: No. 1 northern, $1.04 4Ij 1 It's; September, kUljC bid. RYF. No. 1. 8Cc. BARLEY Firm; Vi. 2 B2o; sample. 4'Kir Wc. CORN- Firmer: No, S. itKtKiTc; Septem ber. r4TtiMC asked. 1'hlladrlnhlii I'rodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. July l.-RPTTER- hilct: extra western creamery. I'.'V; extrj henrbv prints. 2Co KOOS Firm: nearby fresh, K4 loss off; tetirbv fresh, ltie, at mark; western fresh, 7iiTi..r. nt nisrk. CHEF.8B-Flnn; New York full creams, Istitfi new, lu'tc; New York full creams, llllCAt.O UHAI AND rROVIIO9 Featares ( tba Trading and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. July 1 Eleventh hour proflt taKlng preliminary to the holidays caused a weakening In the market today. Final quotations on July were oft c. Hep tember, however, was down only a shade, lorn is up Uki-Sc Oats show a gain of Vie. Provisions are unchanged lo IWa higher. . influenced by Improved weather condi tions In the northwest sentiment ln the win-at pit had a rather bearish cast at the start. Initial quotations on July were off 4Hc at 9i'GWV:. September was up a to VdSe ioner at SHac For a short time there was considerable selling by small holders, but offerings soon be came less free and a firm tone developed. Later the market gained fresh strength from an exceedingly bullish report by a Minneapolis crop expert estimating the total crop In Minnesota and the Dakota at ltJ3,ini,t) bu. To attain these figures, the report stated that It would be neces sary la have perfect weather during the remaining period of crop growth. The de mand became so aggressive as to force the price of July up to Mc. Meantime Sep tember advanced to 9(7c. During the last fifteen minutes of trading the market was subjected to general liquidation, which was started by a break In prices at Minne apolis, following heavy profit-taking there by a prominent long. Many traders here were unxlous to reallit; profits, the ex change being closed for the next three days. As a result the market was weak the remainder of the session. The main pressure was on July, which sold oft to the closing figures. Final quotations In September were at 89c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to SS.OuO bu. Primary receipts were 3k8,6n0 bu., ugalnst a holiday a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 219 curs, compared with 144 cars last week. Sentiment In the corn nit was nulte bull ish on a moderate amount of business. Scarcity of offerings rather than any great volume of demand was responsible for the firmness. Strength of wheat early gave the bulls additional encouragement. The market closed firm, with rilces near the highest point of the day. September opened u shade lower to Vfi-V: higher at BPtfeMHi'. sold up to 647tj(i5c and closed at 64V-V Local receipts were 6S9 cars, with 1!H0 of contract grade. Damage reports from the northwest Im parted firmness to the oats market. Trad ing was fairly active. September opened unchanged to V(i'c higher at 31,c to 31H fn'Mr, sold up to 82c and closed at 81Hc Local receipts were 149 curs. Provisions were firm, in sympathy with a Re advance In the price of live hogs. The volume of business was very small. At the close September pork was up 7'jc at J1.1.W. I.ard and libs were each un changed at J7.474 and $7.96'uT 97H respec tively. lis'lmated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 13 cars; corn, 8S5 cars; oats, 174 cars; hogs, 35,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. CIose. Yes-y! NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Ball Demonstration on Arrival of Half Tear Forces Valuei Up. MOVEMENT IS LARGELY SENTIMENTAL specie from the port of New York for the we. k ending today were lioH.4H silver and H.S.i7ifJ gold. Realising; gales Make tbe Closing; Irregular, bnt (iond Shorr InaT of Gains Hr-naalns. NEW YORK, July l.-JThere was a rather thin representation at tne Stock exchange today, as was to be expected In view ot the exodus yesterday, nut tne bulls made rather an effective demonstration in honor of tne arrival of July 1, which Is the date of the distribution of the hall year s ac crued profits upon which they have counted to develop an Investment demand tor se curities. The movement was largely sentimental, as the expected demand did not make us .actual inlluence felt yesterday. loans made on the 6tock exchange on Friday carry over until Monday, so that there is no loan market on Sunday. The prompt itude with which the money market will relax from the tlvhmea Hiw, t,t tho tnlu l disbursements therefore remains to be seen. Stock market operators, however, were evidently diso.sed to demonstrate their confidence that accumulated funds Will rrohahlv return to lhu mminv niurUat and the Investment demand for stock make Itself felt. Speculative Interest cen tered specially In the Fles and In Brook lyn Transit and dividend rumors continued the potent Influence to move prlis. Tho bank statement was rnther less un favorable than had been anticipated. In stead nf a decline In cash reserves there WHS fltscloReil U ir.iln r.f tl 'J-?,kl .. A , V, 1 llN.Ohn.nm) loan exfutnslon was no surprise in iew oi i iib weeK s preparations to meet requirements. The decline of I3,37S,SC ln the surplus was viewed with entire equa nimity on account of the relaxing ten dency which always follows the turn of the half year. Outside events had no influence on the day's market. Some realizing at the end made the closing Irregular, but a good showing of gains remained. Total sales of bonds, pat value, $l,Blu,uo0. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: naies.iugn.jow. Close. 2U Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, July l.-MONET-On call, nominal; no loans; time loans, dull and steady; sixty and ninety days, 233 per cent; six months, 3U per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE I'APKR-SVtMV J per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE (steady, with actual business In bankers' bit's at $4.78 4 K7'6 for demand nnd at ! for ft)-day bills; posted rates, 14 8;ti4 SS, com mercial bills, 4 S4&4 S5. SILVER Bar, 5V; Mexican dollars, 5ie. BONDS Government and railroads, steady. closing quotations on bonds were: tj S nt U. rf....li4 Jrn . r iooh rto enuron l'v dn ft. M pt V. S In. re 10SV do 4it, rttf t d.i rniipon 104 t. N unl. 1054 I.'. B. nrw 4. rr 1.42 Manhattan r. 4...l"4w do coupon lftiH Mv central 4 79 V. S old 4a, reg tl'4 i do 1st Inc 14 cln coupon Psl Minn 4 St I. 4i ... Mttj Am. Tobacro 4a. ctb). 7S M . K A T. 4 101V, do . ctta US I do 2a 17 Ab-hlaon sen. 4a N. R It. of M c. 4a. H1H do ad). 4i HH N. T. C. g. SH V0 Atlantic 0. L. 4s 1024 J C. it Hfi Hal. A Ohio 4a 10M No. raclttc 4a 1V do S4 T do 3 7i, Or.tral of Ga. 4a 114 N. AY W. c. 4a in?v, do tat Inc M O. 8 L. rfds 4a do 2d Inc M Penn. conv la lot Chaa. A nhto 4',a Hcadln sen. la I03S ('hlcaso & A. SVs.. (lt St. U & 1. M c t-a .116 l'., B. A Q. n. 4a 1"1 St. L. & S F tj 4a e'i C, R. I. & P. 4a.... MH Pt. L. S W. c. 4a ... t do col. 5a 94 Seaboard A. b. 4a.... ri C. A "t. L. k. 4a..in3'4 "So. Pacific 4a MVi Phlcaso Tcr. 4a Po Rallwajr ta US folnrado Mid. 4a... T6 Tciaa A P. la 1211, Colo. A So. 4a t4t, T. ft. L A W. 4a. M'4, Colo. Ind. Tia, act A.. 72 fnlon Paclfto 4a !f do act n 71 do conv. i 12TH Cubs 5a, ctta If)" t'. g. Steel 2d 5a 4, !. A R. O 4a loot, Wabaah la 117V Distillers' Pec. Ss.... do deb R TJI Krle prior flan 4a. loi, Western Md 4a US do sen. 4a 85 W. A U E. 4a KJ't f W. A I). C. ls...n4 Wis. Central 4a N tlotklns Val. 4H 111 Offered. Ex-Interest. Wheat Julv Sept. Dec. tJuly July ISept. tpt. tDec. . .'ih July Sept. Dec. Po.k July Sept. Oct. Lard July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept. Oct. 94 92T4, 9"7! M 93 93 HS4iflDhifi B6T.1? 66V I 4VI 49HI 82HI 33 31VHHI 32 321, 32VU' I 12 67, 12 75 I 12 97H 13 02H 65 60 64SI 49 I S2-H,j 12 65 12 7V,! 65 ES 6M. b'Wa 65 64H'fl, E44j u4Va"i 494I 494 7 27 7 47W1 7 52H! 7 70 7 95 S DC 7 r?m 7 47H 7 B2WI I 7 75 7 97,l 8 00 7 27V4J 7 47ij 7 bii, 7 70 7 95 8 00 I 32' 31S 3 12 76 13 13 06 I 7 27U 7 474! 7 52Va! t 7 75 I 7 974 8 00 S2-H 313h 32",; 12 R24 12 95 13 00 7 274 7 471? 7 62V, 7 70 7 97 00 No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash nuo nlo.ia , ere as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, J4.30 (64.40; straights, $4.0V(84.20; spring patents, Vi.'K'; Hiruiglits, iobu.Ui: oaKeis, j.40 ti).30. WHEAT No. t spring. 11.1061.15; No. 3,; No. 2 red, 9Sc?j$1.04. CORN-No. 2, DtlWaSti-V; No. 2 yellow, 64 tf57e. OAT8-N0. 2. 3c; No. 2 white, 33V4'S34'4c; No. 3 white, 32 340. RYE No. 2, 7S$o0c. DA RLE -it.... Ung, 42Q44c; fair to cholco malting, 47049c. SEEPS No. 1 flax, $1.25; No. 1 northwest ern. J1.43; prime timothy, $3.25423.85; clover, contract grade, $12.2nrti.;.oO. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.75?D 12 SO. Lnrd. per Ks) lbs., 7.2r.frf7.274. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.7o'(j7.74. Short clear sides (boxed), 7.7TiM7.R7H. Receipts and siilpinai.t of grain and flout were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.700 13.300 Wheat, bu 4,000 8,800 Corn, bu 6oti,i) 89.1.3k) Oats, bu 124.70D 1L4.3HO Rye, bu l.OOi) 7(0 Ilarley, bu 25,300 2,6uO on inc Produce exchange i.mav the Hot ter market was steady; creameries. Irtff20c; dairies, l.VfflRc. Eggs, weak; at mark, cases Included, 13c; firsts, 14c; prime firsts, l&4c; extras, 17ViC Cheese, firm, 91jlOHc. KEW YORK .EERL MARKET Arlama TTvrtcAaa Amalgamated Copper 6,in6 American C. & F 300 do pfd American Cotton Oil .... do pfd American Express Amer. H. & L. pfd.. 400 American Ice sec. American Linseed Oil .... do pfd Amer. Locomotive.... 900 do pfd do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln... Amer. Tobacco, p. c. Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton .... do pfd Chicago G. W Chicago N. W C. M. & St. P Chicago T. A. T do pfd C, C, C. & St. L.... Colorado F. & I Colorado & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Qns Corn Products do pfd 9,7ml 27.00) 2,000 ao 100 1.M0 3 JO 700 200 700 iOO re aware & Hudson. 1,100 liW 18. IgoH Delawnre T. A. v Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Distillers- Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do pfd International Pump. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern ao pfd 600 '300 63.9(i0 9.SU0 9,) 200 Louisville & Nash"!! l,tW) 149 149 149 Met. Securities KSH M', 83 83 M14 81;la o"' fS Sof- SOS S14 Si;S. hu 80 50 60 49S 44 4S4 4S 4S 4H 4U 4:1 43 4:i1 411 3lH,i ' )V S'V SOWi 12 51 12 C2 1? 51 12 63 11 65 12 C2 12 92 12 c2 12 U 86 7 22 7 23 7 ?2 7 22 7 22 7 42 7 42 " 40 7 42 7 40 7 70 7 70 7 (?7 7 67 7 5 7 90 7 95 7 S0 7lK) 790 Quotntlons of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, July l.-FLOUR Receipts, 14.723 bbls.; exports. 1S,&9 bbls.; market Urn) but oulet: winter natents, 4.9u86.25; winter straights, S4.tHVji4.80; Minnesota pat ents. ta.aufgi.S: winter extras, S3. 103.65; Minnesota bakers, S3.75tM.15; winter low grades, S&Oni'u'fl &n. Rye flour, steady; fair Osgood, (.Zil.tj0; choice to fancy, Si. CORNMEAI Firm ; fine white and yel low. S1.25rul.30; coarse,; kiln dried. S2.9or?(3.iin. BARLEY Slow: feeding. 46c, c. I. f., New York; malting. 4i'gri2c. p. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 81 08, ln store, and 81(94, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. Dnltith, S1.24S. f. o. b., afic at; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, $1.12, f. o. b., afloat. From a steady opening, due to cables, wheat sagged oft a little, but later de veloped positive strength on a bullish north west crop estimate and heavy covering of shorts, the closing showing Vtflo net ad vance. July, 9vSfi99Vc, closed at 99S; September. 93 7-16t(9lc, closed at 944c; De cember, M'-i'dlMV.c, closed at 944c . CORN Receipts, 12,000 bu.; exports, 74.111 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2, 62c, elevator, and 62SiC, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 634c; No. 2 white. 63c. There were no trans actions In the local market, which closed unchanged to He higher. July closed at 614c and September at 61c. OATS Receipts, 4S.fiiX) bu.; export "15 bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats, 26 to 82 lbs, 3i'3364c; natural white, SO to 82 lbs., ,').; clipped white, 34 to 40 lbs I74"fr4c. HAY Dull; spring, ftjj66c; good to choice, 75.'u 80c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1904 crop, 23'rj27c: 1U03 crop, 2("22c; olds, lOfolSc; Pacific coast, 19"4 crop, 23fr26c; I9ti3 crop. IBfiClc; olds, 10fil2c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California. 21 to 25 lhs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to Do lbs , l4c. LEATHER-Quiet: acid, 2426c. PROVISIONS Reef, steadv; family. SIS 50 fi 14.00; mess. SU "('ll 50; beef hams, S21.0n"$ 22.50; packet. $12.5otai3.0(): city extra India mess. 22 tft-" 50. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, $K.2f)'8'10.CO; pickled shoulders, Sj.eotif 6 00: pickled hams, $10.25$ 10.10. Lard, tlrm; western steamed, $7,124-40; refined, steady; continent. S715; South America, $.1.00; compound. $5 S74'6.621v Pork, oulet; family. $15. 13 75; short clear, $13.('io 15 00; mess. $13 374r 13.75. TALLOW Steady ; olty, 4c; country, 44tl-c. RICE Cnset tied ; domestic, fair to extra, 84'ipl'c; Japan, nominal. ItcTTER Easy ; receipts, 11.451 packages; street prices, extra creamery. 204fj20e; western factory, common to extra, 14gibo. CHEESE Quiet; skims, full lo light, 1Q 8c. EOGS Steady: state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 21622c; choice, 194c; mixed extra, l'"ifl94c; western firsts, i4rfil7Ue: southerns. lftjlSc. Itll'I.TRY Alive, quiet: western spring chickens. 2.V: fowls. 124c; turkeys. ljej. Dressed firm; western broilers. 221223c; fowls, W61e; turkeys. 13fil7c. gngnr and Molasses. NEW YORK. July 1. 81'OAR-Uaw. nom inal; fair refining. S4c; centrifugal. 96 test, 4V: molasses sugar. 8c. Refined, steady: No. 6. 4 Sec; No. 7. 4 75c; No. 8. 4 tec; No. 9. 4 lice; No. 10. 4.W; No. 11, 4 45c: No. 12, 4 40e; No 13 4 30c: No 14, 4.26c; confectioners' A. 6 26c; mould A. 5.75c; cutloal'. 6.10c; crushed, 6.P.V: powdered, &VX-; gmtiulated, 5 40c; cubes, 1.65c. M( iLAt-SES Quiet ; New Orleans, open kettle good to choice. 2!'035c. NEW ORLEANS. July 1.8COAR Quiet; open kettle, centrifugal. 44fi47c; centri fugal whites. 4 15-!i-(5 l-16c; yellows, 4'atf 4Vc; seconds. 24''7i". MOI.AFSES-Nc initial; open kettle. 13fl2i; rentrifuKal, 6iil4c. SYRCP Nominal. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Julv 1 -SEED Clover, cash, $7 40; October. $6 80. Prime timothy, 1.56; prim ulsikc. $7.40. 1I SOO 700 200 3,H) 4,7oj 200 700 Metropolitan St. Ry. 7,9i0 K8 .nrAiutui central .... Minneapolis & St. L M., St. P. & S. St. M do pfd Missouri PnclflA ' Missouri, K. & T...7 I do pfd ' National Iad ! N. R. R. of M. pfd.. incw iorg Central... N. Y O. & W Norfolk & Western.. do TtA North American..... Pacific Mail Pennsylvania Peoples Gas P., C.. C. & St. L.... Pressed Steel Car... do pfd Pllllmnn Pllana r.. . - v , V I I Reading 00 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern do pfd Southern laclflc do pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Tennessee C. A I Texas A Pacific T., 6t. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific ao pfd 824 344 844 3S" 87 484 474 lis' mii 1)9 119 13UH 18S7 106 10t'i 81. 83 102 102 lo34 1'3 114 1134 71 704 151 150 53'i 534 364 35 784 78's 20's 20 208 207 177 177 304 89" ' 44 44" i7 27 ii"' ii" 48 48 190 18 80- 29 44" ' 48 46 44 82 82 72 714 176 176 1664 1G04 784 78' " 654 554 149 149 84" 834 K8 1274 21 214 99 99 29 2.S4 45 45 14o" 1444 53 58 86 844 434 434 141 1404 1044 104 89 894 314 90 m 374 4 18 40 484 112 117 1194 1384 9i 1064 63 1014 1634 113 97 71 1514 200 534 3.s 774 19 :os 177 18 39 95 444 27 674 86 190 H 48 363 2U 86 434 46 82 90 1M 19 74 174 79 26 60 254 1.04 1644 834 214 64 122 1604 99'. 29 624 46 35 1444 63 8, 92 IOO 434 1407, 1044 13,900 10-ii Dim 2 394 93 2XS 994 91 914 19 74 80 7r 334 102 674 61 4 64 117 324 974 834 34 88 28,'406 1284 1274 12? OHO 1ml 2,700 300 100 100 5.300 8,5fiO 100 9n0 914 194 784 3.1 754 24 61 4 64 82 91 83 194 91 914 19 74 :9 (54 24 61 4 64 324 98 83 lr. 8. Leather do pfd V. S. Realty lT. S. Rubber do pfd L 8 Steel do pfd Vii.-Caro. Chemical, rln nH Wabash ;";;'.;;;;;!;" do pfd Wells-Fargo Express meetinghouse Elec. Western Union Wheeling L. E Wisconsin Central.... do nfri Northern Pacific 1224 nj 100 108 108 114 600 40 600 108 S7,(iil 32 40 39 im 1US 18,700 800 10 100 99 ii 194 404 31 'i P 35 194 404 100 93 93 100 63' lnO 188 TcVii ' a, 'nc 1"0 188 jkg 1874 Total sales for the day. 332,400 shares Boston rtocks and Dosda. n?3TON. July l-call loans, per cent; time loans, 3tH4 per cent omcial quotations on stock, anil bonSs were a Advanttira !2lt 994 35 106 19 40 235 165 93 16 23 Atchlaos adj. 4s 00 4a tin. (antral 4a. Atchlaon do pfd Boston A Albany Boaton k Mama, boatun ttlevatad Filchburs p(4 ... Maxlcan Central N Y.. N. H. A ri!'.!l Pera Maruetta Lnton Pacidc Amer. Ar. ('ham do pfd Amer Pnau. Tub. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T AT Amer. Woolan do pld Dominion I. An.. Kdlaos Elec. I!lu.. Oenaral Elartrlc .. Maaa. Blactric .... da pfd afasa. Uaa I Blied Krult I'nited Shoo Macs. do pfd V. 8. Steal do p(d WaatlDt. oommoe 104 Allmie. " 1 Amalgamated .-, Amarxan Zlno , 1"' Atlantic J .tuna-ham 17$ 'Cal A Heels.., Centennial 14' Topper Rang .. laly Weat 1'ominlnn Coal franlt lln iJ'tv uranbr ti lata Koyala .... ft M.s. Mining .. Michis.n U U6i Mont. V. r IS Old Homisioo .; J1 Oaceols IM Parrot 22 Qulnty 245 'Shannon 175 Tamarack U Trlnliy . 41 j l ulled Topper 44 V. ft Mini,,..., 1"4 I' S. (Hi .I'tah , 11 I Victoria . S3 Winona ' . .Wolverlna '4 . K . f.24 . I . 134 . H Hi . 174 . 4 . 1:4 . 79 0 . II 7 . It . tV a . Ill . .24 . s '4 117 "4 . ti t . 104 . 4S, . I . 10 .lot New York Mlaltg Storks. NEW YORK. July l.-CIoslng quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Con $0 jLlltUi Cbiaf 4 Alice piruni 400 Brea. 10 Klphlr 400 Hrunawlck Cos I FhonU '. I Comatock Tunnal .... Putoal a Cos. Cal. A V UO 8at(a i0 Horn Sllaar 171 jsierra Nevada '. t Iron Sllw Ill 'Small Hop,, ,' Jo Laadtllle Coo I iBlandard 'l-i Offered. Esports and Imports. NEW YORK, July l.-Total Imports of merchandise snd dry goods at the port of New York were valued st $10,1(96. 5n7. Total Imports of specie st t he port of New Yorg for the week ending todav were $.'7 0oi nlvsr and T,4V gold. Total exjporu ' ut London Stock Market. LONDON, July 1. Closing quotations cn ere: K4 N. T. Central 14'4 C4 Norfolk A W 4' do pfd IS lb Onurlo A W. 64'4 104 PennaylTanta 72 1164 Rand Mlnea lbb Reading 61 4 64V,' do 1st pfd 47 34i do td pfd 47 1st Southern Hallway ... SI 1W! do pfd 100 80V Southern Pacific 66(4 Union Paoltlo 1.10H do ptd 100 II. 8. Steel J J 4, dn pfd 1014 Wabaah jo',, do pfd 414 Stocks Conaola, money ... do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Paltlmoro A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chea. A Ohio Chlcaso (It. W C, M. A ot. P... PcBeera Denrer A R, O.... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 8d pfd Illinois Central ... Louisville A Nash. M., K. A T SILVER Har, ..hi . 46 . 84 . 74 .170 its . I0 firm. 26T4d tier mince .Hi i.r, 1 i'a'"i per cent. The rate ot discount in the open market for short bills Is lir2 per cent; for three months' bills, IVS'2 per cent. Foreign Financial. IONDON, July 1 Money with the month turn was abundant ln the market tod; y. ThouKli It was estimated that -over $.V),0oO, 000 was owing to the Bank of England It was realized that the dividends due would meet the requirements. Discounts were steady. Trading on the Stock exchange opened dull after yesterday's failures and there was much uncertainty In some quar ters regarding the Immediate future. The tone Improved later on the cessation of forced liquidation, but later was inactive. Consols were easy. Home rails were Ir regular. Americans opened irregular and nuianrcii iouBiiy 10 nuove parity, notaniy Erie. The edalings were narrow, owing to the holiday tone ln New York. Prices closed firm. Foreigners were dull. Rus sians were little changed despite the Rlack sea troubles. Jnpanese receded somewhat. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at PARIS, July 1. Prices on the Rourse to day were firm throughout and strengthened upon a report that France intends to give an early acceptance of the proposed Moroc can conference. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 86.70 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 497. BERLIN, July 1. On the Bourse today prices were somewhat higher. but the usual Saturday stillness prevailed. C'lenrln House Avernsres. NEW YORK, July 1. Tho statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for tho week shows; Loans, $1.120.869.UOO; Increase, $18,056,300. Deposits. $1,166,038,900; Increase, $19,246,000. Circulation, $48,536,800; Increase, $476,luO. I gal tenders. Sl8. 424.500; Increase, $1,001,220. Specie, $214,744,100; Increase, $374. 500. Re serve, $3u3,168.600; Increase, $1,375,700. Ro serve required. $2H1.6''9.726; Increase. $4,811. 5"0. Surplus. $11,658,875; decrease, $3,435,800. Ex-United States deposits, $14,755,725; de crease, $3,499,800. Rank OMAHA, July 1. dn y were $1,537,388. spondlng date last Monday Tuesday Wednesday .., Thursday Friday Saturday Total $9,197,827.68 Increase, $1, 881, 406. 41. Clenrlnsfs. -Bank clearings for to 31, and for tiie corre- year H.ix.xi.u.oS. 1905. ..$1. "'.-78. 94 .. 1.560.201 ; . . l,4R".S5rt.59 .. 1,50- .. 1.436 644.91) .. 1.637.388.31 1904. SI 246.369.67 1.17,49l 44 1.197.991.10 1.2I9.3IM 39 1.296.434.99 1,218,826.58 $7,316,421.17 OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET Beef Steers Ten to Hfteen Centi Higher for tbe Week. HOGS SELL HIGHER, WITH TRADING SLOW Receipts of Sheep and Lamb show "light Increase liver I.ant Week, with Market Haling Much Higher and Vradlnw Active. SOUTH OMAHA, July X. 1905. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I'tiidal Monday 6 twi Olhdul 'l'...l.,,- .... t Ww.V OlIlLial Wednesday 3,17 14.4oS 960 so cial inursu.iy Z.wl h,,v.a I4J 4 )Mii l.-i I tct.-l.... ... -s c .. , , 1 ."..j a.v,io I4,.ci o.v. Olilclal Satuiday 8 8.750 819 Total this week 13.147 Total last week 2o,a7 Total W,'lr h.l',,r. 1.1 Same three weeks sgolS.aTi uitj iour weeas ago Z2,il'o Same wctk last year.... 9,861 lll.l I 1' I W J . 1, ! . . .. V . . L - . u . v. . , . 1 tic 1 r,.n t'A , 1.. Ihe following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep ut South Omaiia for the year to dale, compared with last jest ; 1 .r in,,, i..M li.n V"t 432.649 4M.IS1 KI.032 L1''" l,3'i.45o 1. 3io,321 iX.,8til st"''P 740,5od U96,i09 44,Out 'I'h. en , ..... - .w AwoKwingT tuoie snows (.lie aveiugi price ot hogs at ooutu Omaha tor tiie huit several days, with comparisons: Dato. j li6. 104. 11903. 19u2. jiaol.19u0.;is9. Juno lo. June it.. June ii. June 18.. June in. Juno iu. June 21. June tl. June Juno X6., June 26. June 27. June 28.. June 29. June 30. July 1.., 71.916 19.17i 66,;f9 18.576 63.14 8,446 15.769 15.0.9 60,5t.J 17.8SIJ ( 60,362 17,2411 1 111 I . I 1 L. 5 iv-; 6 22 6 2U i 187, I o 14. ,i 5 lti 1 I t 127t o : 5 271,1 5 6 S9 5 21 I 5 18 I 4 81j 4 871 4 81, 4 V2 5 ULi, 5 tl, S 06 5 12 6 lb, 514 6 10! 6 U4 5 08, 5 13, 5 8 6 Oil 5 94 6 Hi 6 94 u 00 6 83 6 5 5 57 5 70 5 j5, 5 .--6 6 66) 6 6U, t SGI 7 24 I 7 23; 5 83, 7 tJi i tH 7 33, 5 92, ( 41, o 911, 7 4.1. 0 In, I t 8 7 69. o 9,)i 7 67 1 fi 7 bl 6 93; V 62; 5 9b .7 5oi 5 87, j 5 (to 7 6l I 7 64. 6 89, 4 89, 3 64 4 90 1 3 63 I 3 UJ 6 03, 0 tsj, 3 64 4 J, 3 il 4 '.1.1 u j 5 00 3 65 iu 5 17i 6 10, 3 63 s (3 .1 i4 5 Hi 3 66 4 9!'. 3 61 5 01, 3 68 1 3 73 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Road. Cattle. Hogs. Sho p. U's's. C. M. & St. P 1 Wabush 2 .. Missouri Pacific 4 Union Pacific. System. 29 I 3 O. c N. W 2 F., E. 4 M. V 42 1 C St. P., M. & O.. .. B. oi M. R 16 C. B. & Q t 2 C, R. I. A P., east... .. 12 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ureal West.. .. Wool Market. LONDON. July 1. WOOI-The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of auction sales amount to 4.929 bales, including 4.000 for warded direct to spinners. The Imports this week were: Victoria. 112 bales; New Zea land, 8.585; Cape of Good Hope and Nntal, 3.592; Rremen. 842; various, 1.046. The fourth series will bo opened on Tuesday, Julv 4. During the first five days 69,060 bales will be offered. BOSTON. July I.-WOOTThe Boston Commercial Bulletin says of the wool mar ket; A stendv business Is being done by the smaller mills, the larger ones having bought sufficient supplies for some time. Thus tho market is comparatively quiet, but still strong. New territory wools, as well as foreign, have moved, while pulled have hfen Innctive, owing to lack of stocks. Prices In the fleece states remain on their high basis. The markets abroad are strong and rising, with everything In favor of higher values at tho London sales, which open July 4. EnKllsh wools are at extreme prices, and growers are determined ln their demand. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 29, 1904, according to the same authority are 121,176.642 pounds against 1H2.11.'1.35 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts are 169.767.134 pounds against 165.103,844 pounds for the snme period last vear. ST I.OIMS. Julv 1 WOOT Steady medium grades, combing and clothing. '26 I ((I'Slc; light fine. 2l(a27c; heavy fine, Wui22c; tub washed, 32tj42c. Total receipts 8 120 4 S The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the nu n ber of head indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. a i'42 .... Swift and Company ...... 1 2,j) Cudahy Packing Co 2 2,o99 737 Armour & Co 3 2,574 83 Cudahy, from K. C 175 Squires Packing Co.... t .... 191 .... Other buyers 1 Total 182 8,196 820 CATTLE Cattle receipts were so small today that they were not enough here to test the market. Receipts for the week show 11 decrease as compared with last ween of about 7, LSD head, but show a gain as compared with the corresponding week ot last year of about 3, 01.0 head. The general quality of the ottering this week has been good. The market on beef steers for the week held up In good shape and there was a general Improvement noted. With lighter receipts the situation was somewhat re lieved and the tone of the trading was stronger. Prices showed an advance for the week of lU'u15c, as compared with the close of last week. Buyers were more anxious for supplies than they were last week and there was a fair activity to the trade. The advance noted above was made mostly on Monday, Bince when tho market has held Just about steady. The trade was dull and draggy when It camo to the ordinary run of short fed and partly fatted cattle, but there was a good demand for the well finished, desirable grades. The market on cows and heifers is In very satisfactory shape as viewed from the sellers' standpoint, and all the week there was an urgent demand and a good deul of activity to the trade. (lood fat cows were wanted and buyers picked up these kinds quickly. The market on de sirable grades Is fully lotfi2Bc higher for the week. Common, grassy kinds, how ever,' have been slow to move and prices show nc improvement over the close of 1 L 6 fl sC There was a fair demand for good bulls all the week, although prices on these kinds, together with veal calves and stags are In about the same notches as at the close of last week. The supply of Blockers and feeders was very light all this week and there was a fair demand for the cattle. Buyers picked up the good kinds readily at an advance of 104315c, as compared with the close of last week, and common kinds at about stendv prices. HOOS There was practically a S5.221), market today, that being the popular price. With a moderate run and encouraging re ports from eastern points, buyers picked ut the receipts at an advance of about a nlckle as compared with yesterdays gen eral market. Trading op the opening was rather slow, but after buyers and sellers aot together the market became more active and a clearance was made ln good season. Good light weight hogs weie still ln the best demand and some good loads old at S6 -5. The bulk of the hogs sold St $5 2(VU5.25; with Ops reaching $5.27V. Representative sales: St. I.ouls General Market. ST. LOUIS. Julv 1. WHEAT Higher for futures, lower for cash new; No. t red, cash, elevator, 93c; track, 92'4'f(94c new, $102 old; July, 86ic; September, 86Vkc; No. 2 hard $1 Hfi, old. CORN Firm; No. 2 cash. SUc; track, 66c; Julv, 54ae; December, 4614c. OATH Higher; No. 2 cash, 32c; track, 32V'i33c: July, 31 Vic; September, 30Hc; No. 2 white, 34'4jO. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4 90 47-5.10; extra fancy and straight, $4.76S49o; clear. $3 Ssifi-4 ir. HEED -Timothy, steady: $2.00(92.40. CORNMEAI Steady; $2.50. t BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track, 733) 74c. HAY Dull; timothy, S8.0tVai3.OO; prairie $6 tscaO 50. IRON COTTON TIES-99C. RACOINU-R'uc. HEMP TVINE-V4,c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; jobbing, $12.95. Lard, steadv; prime steam, $6.70, Dry sail merits, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7. 62'; clear ribs. $7 70; short clears. $8. Bacon, stendv: boxed extra shorts, $8. 37V,; clesr ribs. $s.2'; short clear, SVK7V,. POI'LTRY- Quiet; chickens, 9,c. springs, 14'15c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9Vil0o; geese, fj"i 9c. Bl'TTER Quiet; creamery, lfrj21o; dairy, 15'ot7t EGGS Lower; lCVac, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4,ni0 g,(io Wheat, bu K:.(s) 36,iQ Corn, bu 62,tifl 42.(iO Oats, bu 20,ui) 30,000 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. July 1 -EVAPORATED APPLES Market firm at recent figures; common tr good are quoted at 4V?iric; prime, tc; choice. rViiC.'c; fancy. 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRlITS-Prunes show no fresh feature and quotations still range from 'ic to 6c, according to grade. Apricots also are unchanged, with choice quoted at liKgillr; extra choice, lie; fancy, 11(1 12o. Peaches are firm, with choice footed at PKuluVac; extra choice, PtVo'l'c. latslns are in light supply on spot, with loose muscatel quoted at 4V'I6V; seeded raisins, 6",i)Vo; London layers, $10iKj,'.15. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 1. METALS The metal market were generally quiet and un changed. Spot tin Is quoted ot $. 4ioj 30 62',. Copper remains unchanged, with lake and electrolytic quoted at $15 00 and ralli'7 at fl4 Ti. Lead as firm at $4.rui 4 6e. Spelter was easy at ST. 30. Iron was quiet at recent prices, but still rather easy ani unsettled In tone. ST LOUIS. July I. -METALS-14, tlrm at SI 47',,. Spelter, tulet at $i 6T',s . - 8- Pt u 10 ;,1 :LU ... I 7... US ... 10 a J22 I to l Jll 40 I W (4 .115 do 1 0 Jl .tll Stl ft !40 IX UO ft so m -i use $e is... m ft so 74 242 UiO 4 JO (U Sj It 111 II 147 12 I a 14 Zix til I Ml 7u ...X . I 22 V, U Xi-0 4U I 1 J.I. 41) t U a i. .AI7 ti'l a it ... ft U all) 10 4 2; 73 2X 111 I U- It ....227 .... I UP, 10 -H0 440 I 22SI 12 il7 to I 12', tl XL) 10 I 22V, U M ... I 12 74 -241 ... I 12 12. JJ1 .... I 22', 42- -2.0 10 I 22', 11 -211 10 ft 12, ta. Ait 120 I 12', 41 . 220 10 I 2-1-1 10 Jill .... 112', II 244 W I 22, 1 240 JJ0 I 22V, W 211 ... I 22 II Ill W I 22s, M I.'l DO ft 2J' 12 212 Ml I 2:v, 70 2:t 40 ft 22, ' ! 10 ft 21 T7 Ian lu ft 22va 15 2 40 b 21', W 2.. ... ft 22v tl ! U ft 22 U I I UO ft IIS, 70 lis Mo I 12 ., 121 40 I 22 14 2.10 tuO ft 22 4 2-1 21 t 22 '.0 222 200 22 74 227 110 ft 22 ' 262 10 I 22 1 21 ... I 22 71 217 M ft 22 II 224 40 I 22 10 2,2 ftau ft 22 , 11 Hi 220 22 44 Lll 10 ft 22 SHEEP Receipts No. 71. 73. C8., 6. 11. A. FX. Pr. 121 160 ft 22 146 120 6 12 80 I 22 40 B 22 .141 .2411 .22ft 140 ft 21 ... 200 140 ft 12 ...110 120 II 22 ... 221 120 ft 21 ....111 10 ft 22 ... 111 10 ft 21 . . . 2f.4 100 ft 12 ....Ui 40 I 21 .2 SO I 21 74 223 120 I 82 71 247 120 ft 22, 0 102 10 ft 22 9 144 1'XI ft 22 17 151 ... 4 22 71... M... 71... II... 70... 82... 10... bl... 70 UN ... I 22 10 124 110 I 22 15 1.1 ... I 12 70 2.U' tO I 12 (ft 115 110 ft 22 '1 2(1 ... ft 22 13 171 10 ft 21 71 237 KO ft 22 62 2t6 160 ft 21 61 254 laO ft 22 HI 237 ... ft 22 1 17 80 I 22 1 121 ... ft 12 76 af.4 40 I 22 13 122 120 ft 22 14 18 SO ti 22 77 Ill 160 6 22 7H 218 160 tl 22 74. ..... . 23S n f, 2; U4 II 120 b 22 78 218 120 b 12 74 2a ... ft a 0...1....ti 120 I 25 . .. 2ii4 ao ft 25 ... 2I ... ft M 236 80 ft 25 ....1S6 ei I ;'5 ...1 au t 2 ...111 . . 6 14 122 80 ft lh 15... !... 75... I... M... 72 .. 78... 72... fcl... t!. .. 40.... 74 ... 84 ... . l . . . . 77. .182 . . . ltu ...270 ...2'4 . . . 2"i ...111 20U ft 2S " ft 25 40 I 26 . . I 26 40 ft 25 0 6 25 . ..2c 160 ft 25 l'Jl 40 I 25 . ..2"6 160 6 25 ...)( 120 I 25 ...Ml 40 I 26 . . li 320 ft 27 week, some day having liberal supplies and other days very light. n market for the week Is in a very satisfactory con dition from sellers' point of view and shows great Improvement over last, week The Week opened with a liberal run for this time of year and tho maiket ruled higher than the close of last week. From then on there was a steady advance und conditions all In fuvor of the Helling in terests. On Friday, wth a fair run of good western grussers, the market took a big Jump skyward. Buyers went right after the stuff and there wu a good active demand for all desirable kinds The market for the week on lambs and year lings, which were In best demand was fully 5na76c higher, while prices on old sheep showed an advance of 25'duuc as com pared with values ln force at the close of last week. There were only three car on sale today, the receipt consisting of Idaho grassers. Rovers picked up tho stuff early at prices fully steady with the late advance. A double of Idaho wether brought SidO, while two car of Idaho ewe sold for $4 75. Ooo'stions: (lood to choice spring lambs 7 ri8 (1; fair to good spring lambs. $7 ft 'A 7.50; good to choice yearlings (, fair to aood yeariins-s. M T.VM'lp good to choice "wethers S4.7V.jl 21; fair ' to good wethers, S4tiofi4.75; good to choice . $4iH); fair to gooi ewes, l Oor4.40. Representative sales: Nu- Av. Pr. western ewes 103 4 75 U4 western wcthets Hi 6 00 36 western culls 6 8 00 9 western caej, wethers and yearlings 41 25 37 western ewes, wetheis and yearlings 68 25 CHICAGO 1,4 K "TO K MARKET Cattle anal Sheep gtendyllogs Meaar to Ten Cents lllabcr. CHICAGO, July 1. -CATTLE-Receipts. J head; market steady; goinl to prime steers, $6 2.r'tj6.2f; poor to medium, $.V78tf 6'iO; stockers 111. d feeders, $2.4(14.40; co, $2503460; heifers. $2 6'ii4 75; canners, $1.4iv 2 3"; bulls. $.4r.Yi4i, calves, $3.5oui6.iS; Texas fed steers, $3 6(,j4 7S. 10 M.S Receipts. M.imi head: estimated Monday, 2S.() head; market steady to 5c higher; mixed and butchers. $5 26.i6fi; good to choice heavy, $5 e,i8 55; rough heavy, JI oiv,,,-, 30; HBht. $5.2ii)M;, bulk of sales. Si 3o'(6.4o. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts. 1.5O0 headS sheep steady, lambs 10e higher; good to choice wethers, $fl.(lf.V5(; fair to choice mixed. $4 26y4.76; western sheep. $4.75ij5 40; native lambs, Including spring lambs, $6 504 8 60; western lambs, $6.0oi.85. "Ions City l ive Mtnck Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Julv l.-(8peelal Tele gram.) CATTLE - Receipts, HX) head; mar ket, steady; beeves, $3 7Va5 25; cows, bulls and mixed, $2 "6414.50 ; stockers and feeders, $3.nff4 OH; calves nnd venrllngs. $2.7Tvi3S.i. I IOCS-Receipts, 4.500 head; market, 2(y,Ji 6c higher: selling at $5,1555.20; bulk of sales, S5.1o(h6.17V. Kansas City Lire (Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 1 CATTLE Receipts, 600 head. Including 250 southerns. Market unchanged. Choice export and dressed la'cf steers, $5.0O(it.7i"; fair to pood. $4 2in5.00; western fed steers, $4 IW,(6 26; stockers nnd feeders. $2.75(i 4o0; southern steers, $2. 7rVi4.7S: southern cows. S2.26Q3 50: native cows, $2.26.4460; native heifers. $3.23 iti.(; bulls, t2.2nat3.76; calves, SS.n uu.2u; 10 ccltits for week, 36,700 head. lit )(1S- Receipts, 7,6i hend. Market steady. Top. So 40. bulk of sales, $S.32', 6.371,; heavy. $0 3iv,(i.35; packers, $.'.3:V,J 6.37Vs. Pigs and lights, $6.30-116.40. Receipts for week. 49.800 hend SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 60" head. Market nominally steady. Native lambs, $.5i-(i7.26; western lambs. $6.7(Vd7.0H: fed ewes and yearlings. $4 85176 5tj; Texas clipped yearlings, J4.7fni5.50; Texas clipped sheep, $4 .V(i4 ,5; stockers nnd feeders, SJ.&Vtfd.bO. Receipts for week. 2:1,800 head. St. Lonls Live gtock Mnrltpt. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. July l.CATTf.E Re ceipts, 3(J head, including 260 Texans. Mar ket steady. Native shipping and export steers, $4.tii6.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, Sl.itvu6.10; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3 26u4.70; stockers and feeders, $2.2frfi4.C,i; cows ami hellers, $7.(Moj5.oii; canners, 1 hOu? 2.1); bulls, $2.5oq3.oo; calves, $2,004)6.75; Texas and Indian steers, $2.60it4i6; cows and heifers, $2.tTu3.60. HOGS Receipts, 3,(0 lieod. Market bfl 10c higher. Pigs and lights, $.1.mj76. 11; packers, tl.tW.bO; butchers and best heavy, $5. 4Cy6.56. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 400 head. Market steady. Native muttons, $4.(rt6 m); lambs, $6.i(Kin.70; culls and bucks, $2.i6'.i 5.00; stockers, $3.00'ii3.50; Texans, S3.75aj4.7b. St. Joseph l.le stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 1. CATTLE Re celtits 91 head; market steady. Natives, $3 7.11(6.00; cows and heifers. $1.504.50; stockers nnd feeders, t2"51i4.&o. HOGS Receipts, 6,'.34 head. Market weak to 6c lower. light, to. 3i 110. 35; medium and heavy, $.".'V7v5..'t21,. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 267 head. Market steady. Mock In Mah, Receipts of live stock nt the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 8 S,,!0 819 Sioux City 100 4.&H0 Kansas City 601) 7.5(H) 600 St. Joseph 91 6,734 267 St. Louis 800 S.OK) 4nO Chicago 400 14,000 1,500 Totals ...1,399 44,484 8,586 OMAIIA WlrOI.ESALK MARKET. Condition of Trade nnd Quotations on Maple and Fancy Produce. EGG 9 Receipts, fair; market quiet; candled stock, 12'.,o. LIVE P0LLTR1' Hens, 8Vi39o; roosters, 6c; turkeys, 12fl6c; ducks, 8c; spring claickens, IVi to 2 lb., 17(BIc. BUTTER-Murket firm; packing stock. 13c; choice lo fancy dairy, lTtalSc; creamery, 240 21c; prints, 22c. SUGAR Standard granulated, $6.21 per cwt.; cubes, $7.00 per cwt.; cut loaf, $i.45 per cwt.; No. 6 e?.tra C, 10 per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, $5 95 per cwt.; No. 16 yel low, 6.75 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $6.90 per cwt.; bur powdcreu, $.40 per cwt.; euglo tablets, $7.96 per cwt. FRESH FISH Trout. c; ballbut, llo; buffalo tdressed), 8c; plckeral (dressed), 6u; white bass (dressed), 12c; sunflsh, be; percn (scaled und dressed), 8c; pike. Inc; catfish, 16c; red tmappei, 10c; salmon, I be; ci apples, i2c; eei. itc; uuuneaas, 11c; piack pass, wc; Manitoba whltellsh (dressed), 10c; Lake Su perior whltetiBh tdressed), 12c; frog legs, per doz., 36c; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters, 30c; shad roe, 45c; bluellsh, 8c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice, $7.00: No. 1, $6.60; No. 2, $6.00; coarse, $6.00. Uhea prices are for buy of good color and qual ity. BRAN Per ton, $18.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORAJS'GES St. Michaels, all sizes, $4.25: extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sixes, $3.75; seedlings, all sizes, $3.b0; Valen cia, all sixes, 14.26. LEMONS Irtiuoniora, extra fancy, 270, $00 and 300 size lb. .;. fancy, 2 its, J and 360 Bites, 4.26; 270 six U.&O; 800 and 360 sizes, 4. 6u; 210 size, $2.75; 4u size, $J 2u. aJATES I'er box of 30 1-lb pkgs., IJO; Halloween, 'n 7o-lb. boxes, per lb, sc. FIGS California, per lu lu. carton, 'iit 86c; Imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; flvo crow 11, 12c BANANAS Per medium-sized buncb, $1.7$ fJ2 -; jumbos, $2.60'd3.(X). PINEAPPLES--Florida, per erate of 24, 80 and 36 nlzes. S3. 25; il size, $1.00. FRLl'lB Anil alt.LuN8. APRICo IB Callloiiila, per 4-Casket crate, $1.10. PL.U MS California, per l-batket crate, $1.10. PEACHES Texas clings, per 4-baskot crate, soc; Texas freestones, $1.00; Callfol-i 111a, uer M-10. uox, sue. Oi Eiawi-.o ( ublui mi. ulttck, per 8-lb. box, $1.6o; white, per s-in. bos, ii.60; Mis souri, box of 24 qt., $2,0112.26. S 1'RA W BERRIES Home grown, per 24 ut. case, Sl.i6(u2.tA); Denver, per case ot ;.-ql., 2.60. CRANiiERRlES Jersey, per crate, SI. 50. GOOSEBERRIES Box of .4 qt., $2.uu. CANTALOUPES Texas, per crate, $3.00 fliMi; Cm morula, per crate, S5.0u'u6.u0. WATERMELONS Alabama Sweets, 30c each; crated, IVic per lb. RASPBERRIES Red. box of 24 pts, $2.60; black, box of 24 pta., $2.00. BLACKBERRIES Case of 24 Qt , $2.00. TURNIPS Nw, pei au.!., $60. CARROTS New, per out., 260. PARSNIPS O'O, per bu., 4uo. WAX BEANS-per V,-bu. box, 75c; string beans, per V-bu box, 7&u; bu. box was or siting, 12.004-2.26. 1'oTAi'ot.s- nouiL-grown, In sacks, per bu., 36c; Col-ir.iou. ,'i bu., 45u; new pota toes, per bu., 6fic. BEANS--. i , '. I. ,1.1 $2.00. CAl l.ll'Lo 1.. ni jh, per orats of 1 doz., f'Jc. Cl'l L .Miit-llt'.-l'ei ... 5c. 1'EAS New. per bu bo. I.OO. iOjlAToE.S - lexu.. .-oasket crate, $1.10. SriNACH-Per bu.. 6O0. CABBAGE Home grown, It. crate, per lb., 2',,o. ONioNS - New, per dox. bunches, 15;; Bermuda, per crate of about bo lbs., $1.25. RADISHES Hot liouaa or Southern, per doz , LETT JCE Hot house, per dos., 3.7lOc; head kttuce, per doz.. Tic. BEETS New , per doz.. 30c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin brkk, 14c; Wisconsin lliiiberger, 16c; twin. I.111IH'; oung Ameilcas, 14c. NUTS Walnut, No. 1 oft shells, new crop, per lb., lie; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No 2 Soft shells, per lb , 12c; No. 2 hard sheds, er lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c: le-inuls, per 1L., Jc; roasted peanuts, per lb. , to, Chill walnuts, per lb., 12'(ll.t',c, almonds, soli shell, par lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; shelibarg hickory nut, per bu., $1.76; Inge hickory nuts, uer bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 2 green, 7c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted. 80; No. 1 veal calf, pie; No. 2 veal calf, lo; dry salted, 7tTI4e; sheep pelts, 2Cc4j$L.O0j burs hide. $1.6eij'3.flO. Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK, July 1. COFFEE Futures (qietied steady at unchanged price In re sponse to featureless cables offering Were verv light and a little demand In the late session closed the market firm net un changed to 10 points higher. Sales were re ported of only 6.260 bag. Including Julv ut .4oo, August at 6 46c. September at '', December at 45o, May ut 7.10c. Spot, steady; No. T Rio, 7c. Oils and Hoaln. NEW YORK. July 1 OII,-Cottonserd. steady; prime crude, nominal; pi line yel low. 2'j'. .'-r petroleum, quiet; refined. New Voik, $6 Philadelphia und Balti more. 0 "j; Philadelphia und Baltimore, to bulk, $3.96. Turpentine, quiet, dry 59'.c. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARRhl Wheat btrong Most of 8Miion, Declines at Close, bv LONGS NULOAD ICK ThE HOLIDAY) Kebrnskn llaneM l)elard h llalns torn laaclltr, with giualler lie lunnd Data Are stronger on Light Deliver). OMAHA. July 1. 19i. aiCIir y."y. ?.,ro" i'it matket ths S o fi I r,a.t,r ,,he "l'l"n J''ly eased oil d e l', TL" lb"'"- .-ter.luy' l,s a ,'M;L!',h,l"! ho.uers bring afraid to risK .1 .. lln': ""til Weui.esdav. x .b" rei,'l1"' Wednesday in. rvl iZl L ,:i"l'- July's high poliu was stood t m 'i,rUyn-.M,Pr 11 "'liock, when It ui 10 .t i W; 11'" ""-eiigth of tne market ma I i. 'l.""C wJ'4i' WPt barvest t,J ?i ni L:'i,'W . 1,'K,r", f"'" NebrasK.4 mvS.i hi Z ""lt1 ,,,t! o'tl'ig has Uen do. ii.,, W an1 I'tember .111J isvoii T "; ",'y liguies. so and ""Valitscvjc, respectively. Hv. 'II. . . I'ren inn last lew uas. 1 lie iletnu.1,1 im i,..t ,.,.1... u.. 1 The close was a ttiflo lower on the old contracts and ulsmt the same oil the new - . .. v,. , is.-c, out juiy at SjVo, Sep. tember at 64V, old S. ptenus r at c. Do ceiuber at 491,0 and 0U1 December ul W.o. 01 t4'c of ycsLcida). II.1IH 1. 1, . r . - liu I,. 1 r. -""" on iinr aemand ana light delivery. July closed at 3V, Sep tember at 31V and December ut SJ'.c. I.ivtrtlllll .-l..a.,.l 1.x. .L . V hi i.Von ".T.'v..,i" " i :,n. .."!'. t. , , " ' " ini'T-i nuvt 411 lUKIir fill Deceniber. c,n was l,d above yesterday' New wheat was picked up freely In the southwest, two lot. of 2f,,u(sj bu. 'each of i,?U,. .1 1":,'K b,,1(fl" in Missouri for shipment by July if, jv ,.,rn being paid Jn'lTnrRa: "."".U' , l'''" ' Tiffin ..,.,, ' ne same ons s. Obi Wi.est 0 ,1. "'""" "l Sl-17. t,.r 7.1,, 1 iniyers who are ;r." ""n,", .rr'':."' ?. '-. of pi'niK.rn POHl M, Kl fii Th.Cr,.l'1.y""r,1!,' Hn'' M-m mi. of oats ksns,.," "V" "r. ."' .'hat at eineeteH 1 . ,,M'l. r " r,'',lPts are V.-''"1 . "ednesday. The cash orlce .1 for K V" '.n!l for No- red. n:.o for vV, 1 ".' , u" r"r 'NO- hard. SI 20 be'e'n'rnn IVXS in'Lr T" has rhes,w exnecte.1 .hV .i... ' ,".'".,,-" no one cn"..!:,'l;p,Vr, .''-re In June. It be- were o "l, ' "nv." "K" "hat estlmglra trretrnte,! ii iii ""o receipts nave ag- f sT e.1 e" Mu r.":. ',r . . "'ore l,Tn , ' 1,1 "s ooeii so isininar with the boars that It Is oversold. It has bee t wi2, h"'; l'""1 r.''ri".-es' ;ntC " noru,'.1 west and in other places. For two davs the shorts have been covering, and t 'l! that it will sell over 8"HrmheV."T,',,IUUn Omaha Cnsh Males. CORN No grade, 1 car, 47'4.o. Omnliu Cuali 1'rloea. IV 1 1 V A T V. 1 1 n--,.. .. hold. 9iV.i!)7c: No a h,. a-.,.v,,o..'. I spring, uric. ' ,'U-")L' .2J19 v.' 2 rnl'xed 2Pfl2!iHc; No. 3 mixed, S.-h,?! No- mixed. 27i 28c; No. 2 white a( ae-Tju, Cttrlot llecelpta. iicui-. ,urn. un(a. Chicago 8 9 ,49 lvansas City 64 21 S Minneapolis us P'li'ihn, 6 36 ij Duluth IK Minneapolis (iraln Market. aPk r,llilf. , , f ti.Ua. l.iii 1m III-...- . . e ' ' " ,X 1 1 1 ' i'. 1J 1 1 S, as reported by tho Edwards-Wood coin. .. ni. .11 ... 'I-.... .... Artlcles.l Open. I High. I Iw. Close. Yea'y. Wheat I I i ' July... 1 08H 1 (ViV, 1 CSV 1 orixI J.0KK1 Sept... S4T 9i4 84H 44j fi.VT Dec... 91 92VI 9oy DOV,! 911 Liverpool fSrnln Market. LIVERPOOL. July l.WH EAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet; July, 6s 1V1; Sep tember, 7s H4d; Decemlier. 6s lid CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 5s Id; futures, quiet; Ju'v, 4s lod; September. 4s !d. FLOUR 8t. Louis, fancy winter, steady at Ks Od. HOPS-In London (Pacific coast), quiet at Jl6 6S&6 6a. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III., July 1 -CORN-Hlgher; No. 3 yellow, 66c; No. 3, 56V; No. 4, 64c; no grade. 6.H40. OATS Higher; No. 3 white, 324c; No. 4 white. S2CU32VC. WHISKY on the basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. Dnlnth Grnln Market. TVI'T .TTTtr T 1 1 1 ,r 1 WUP.iT m ...... No. 1 northern. SlllV,; on track. No. i northern, si.iit: no. 2 northern, si.os'i: July. ll.llH; September, new, 8c; Septem- tier. 01a, i)C. OATS To arrive and on track, $2ltjC. Camgriainf s majority ol th swmbera ol th late 6rm at VERMILYE & CO. DONALD MACKAY Mrmbet New Voik and Boa too Stock ExcKanse. LATHAM A. FISH CEO. D. MACKAY Membar New York Stork ExchanfS C. TROWBRIDGE HOLUSTER and F. W. KENDRICX Mackay & Co. Bankers Nassau and Pine Streets, New York 1 3 Congress Street, Boston Dealers in U.S. Government Bondi and other Investment Securities. ChicaQ Repreacautive, W. Edwin Sunlry, Th Roakar Measra. Verwi fit Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Meiers. Time. Branch 61 Co.. KH-runond.y. Cotreapondenla. Connected by private wirea W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, 10 to 50 filiares of I'nloti Slock Yorda, Houth Omnlm, nt lon'. Suhjoct to gale. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064. Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated 1 na Olllcs! l iltb gad Roberts ttrssti T. fAUU niMN. DIALIRS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your (irn.ti to Us Ilranrh OfflF. Ills-Ill Board f Trad DlrtsT.. Oniaha, Neb. Telephons 8614. :i-2M Kxthang Uldg.. South Omaha. Uer? I'hon Independent 'Phons $ 120 POINTS FOR INVESTORS Int. lilted to aa. war queallona ask nd or that akal t aakerl h. any praaenl or .p,,, uv, l..alnr In MIMISU, Oil. OH I M1 1H4. S1H kl for (he i.r,itM.-Tt,in of Iriiilr orn lr.tera.ia. VCVIaru I ISITIOK alll U mailed (.. o reouasl. l'rul.. tA rV 0.. Ha.k.ea, f Sraa4a 4 It Near airset, Nest lark City. BISCl IT Storkliolder of the National Biscuit com pany will receive Important Information by addressing NATIONAL STOCK IIOLI)Kt-4 ASSik IM'lU.N, so. Garden City lilocg, Chicago.